MIRROR | Jamadil Awwal/ Jamadil Akhir - issue #09

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Jamadil Awwal/Jamadil Akhir 1435 Issue #09: READ

Al-Quran "Read in the name of your Lord who created -"

Al-Quran, Al-'Alaq 96:1

“ The believer is the mirror of his brother. The believer is the brother of a believer: he protects him from ruin and guards his back.” – Rasulullah s.a.w. (Narrated by Abu Hurairah r.a)


Assalamu'alaikum. Bismillahir rahmanir rahim. Alhamdulillahi Rabbil 'alamin. Allahumma Solli 'ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa 'ala alihi wa sohbihi ajma'in. In the name of Allah, Most Beneficient, Most Merciful. All Praise and Thanks be to Allah, Lord of the worlds. We ask Allah to send His peace and blessings upon Sayyidina Muhammad s.a.w, as well as to his family and companions. Alhamdulillah. The 9th issue. Are

you READy?

READ. The first revelation revealed to Prophet Muhammad saw and the theme for this issue, as we share with you the third Article of Faith, Believing in the Kitab (Revealed Books). From the word "Ready" itself, although we made it a pun, you can see that it has the word "READ" in it. Which means to say when you are prepared, you must have already read. Read something to know. From knowing is where you find. And when you have found, is when you truly believe that you are indeed READy. May this issue be of beneficial knowledge to everyone reading. May Allah be pleased with all our efforts, Amin. We'd also like to announce that the Ask Ustaz segment is not available for this issue. InsyaAllah the segment will continue in the issue to come. Once again, thank you everyone for all the support and du'as. If you have any feedback, please feel free to send them to our email at contact@mirror-mag.com. Jazakumullah khair. (May Allah bless all of you with goodness).



On The Cover: Striving to make Al-Quran our companion wherever we go.

Editor/Religious Consultant Ustaz Firdaus Ahmad firdaus@mirror-mag.com



Ustaz Achmed Fahdly achmed@mirror-mag.com

Fadhuli Taufek Nisa' Tuzzakirah Nur Khairunnisa Nurie Arba'ah Nur Khalisah Nur Syazreema

The Poets' Coffee: Faiz Johari, Hazrul Fitri, Irfan, Nurnina Syazwani

Creative Director


Strictly Shawlz

Nafisah Abu Bakar Fadilah Halim

Desa Melati

Religious Consultant

Syaiful Sam'an syaiful@mirror-mag.com

Ask Ustaz

The Good Gang Productions

Marketing Manager Muhammad Ayyub Bin Abdul Kadir ayyub@mirror-mag.com

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content 06 Learning Arabic 08 The Revealed Books 14 The Miracle of Al-Quran 18 Seeking knowledge 20 Beneficial Knowledge



22 Knowledge and Action 26 Did You Know? 32 Meet - Desa Melati 34 Food 36 Health 42 Reading Culture 46 Hidden Beauty 48 Men's Style



50 Arts - KHAT by nzakrh 54 The Poets' Coffee 56 Travelogue 58 Musollah 60 Events

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Muharram Safar Rabi’ul Awwal Rabi’ul Akhir Jamadil Awwal Jamadil Akhir Rajab Sya’ban Ramadhan Syawwal Dhul Qa'dah Dhul Hijjah

THE MONTH OF JAMADIL AWWAL AND JAMADIL AKHIR Jamadil Awwal denotes the first month of parched land and Jamadil Akhir means the last month of parched land. Jamadil Akhir is also known as Jamadil Thani and it is during these two months that summer is being experienced. Did anything happen in the month of Jamadil Awwal? The Battle of Mu’tah took place in this month during the 8th year of Hijrah. Mu’tah is a village that lies on the borders of geographical Syria, east of the Jordan River. It was the first battle between the Romans and the Muslims. Khalid Ibn al-Walid took over after Zayd ibn Haritha, then Jafar ibn Abi Talib, then Abdullah ibn Rawahah were killed in the battle, making Khalid Ibn al-Walid the fourth General. How about in the month of Jamadil Akhir? Caliph Saiyidina Abu Bakar As-Siddiq, Prophet Muhammad's saw best companion and the first khalifah of Islam after Prophet’s death, passed away during this month and was buried beside Rasulullah saw. Saiyidina `Umar Al-Khattab was then selected to be the second Khalifah on the same month of the same year. While there are no significant events or acts of worship that has been prescribed in accordance to the syari’ah for both of these months, let us bring forward what we have learn in the previous issue of MIRROR: Fasting every Mondays and Thursdays Aishah RA narrated: "The Prophet saw used to try to fast on Mondays and Thursdays." (Sahih) Reference: Jami’ at-Tirmidhi 745 In-Book Reference: Book 8, Hadith 64

Once you have achieved it this month, let’s do it next month and keep it consistent! 5

learning arabic 99 Names of Allah (the last 33)

“And to Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them. And leave [the company of] those who practice deviation concerning His names. They will be recompensed for what they have been doing.� (Al-Quran, Al-A'raf 7:180)


67 . Al-Ahad The One

78. Al-Muta’ali The Supreme One

89. Al-Mughni The Enricher

68. As-Samad The Satisfier of All Needs

79. Al-Barr The Doer of Good

90. Al-Mani’ The Preventer of Harm

69. Al-Qadir The All Powerful

80. At-Tawwab The Guide to Repentance

91. Ad-Darr The Creator of The Harmful

70. Al-Muqtadir The Creator of All Power

81. Al-Muntaqim The Avenger

92. An-Nafi The Creator of Good

71. Al-Muqaddim The Expediter

82. Al-Afu The Forgiver

93. An-Nur The Light

72. Al-Mu’akhkhir The Delayer

83. Ar-Ra’uf The Clement

94. Al-Hadi The Guide

73. Al-Awwal The First

84. Malik al-Mulk The Owner of All

95. Al-Badi The Originator

74. Al-Akhir The Last

85. Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram The Lord of Majesty and Bounty

96. Al-Baqi The Everlasting One

75. Az-Zahir The Manifest One

86. Al-Muqsit The Equitable One

97. Al-Warith The Inheritor of All

76. Al-Batin The Hidden One

87. Al-Jami The Gatherer

98. Ar-Rashid The Righteous Teacher

77. Al-Walí The Protecting Friend

88. Al-Ghani The Rich One

99. As-Sabur The Patient One 7



“Class, do not forget to finish up your project on The Revealed Books, alright? The due date is in two weeks time, insyaAllah.” 12.30am and I was still infront of my computer screen. Why is there even a need for us to know the stories behind the other three revealed books? Is the Quran not enough? As if I did not have enough work on my hands. Sipping on what is left of my coffee, I continued scrolling down the page, hoping for something - anything to catch my attention so that I would be able to get this over and done with. At long last, I found a video on the very topic. I clicked on it, and while waiting for it to load, I plugged in my earpiece. Do not want to wake the whole family up, do we?

“Bismillahirrahmaan-nirraheem. All praise be to Allah”

No one knows of the exact number of books that were revealed. It is possible that Allah may have sent hundreds of revelations that were lost over time. But no matter how many prophets, revelations, and books Allah sent, we know the message was always the same - there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah. Sadly, most of Allah’s revelations have been lost, tampered with, or altered. They have been combined with legend, folklore, and personal desires to create something that is completely different, and most of the time contradict, what Allah originally revealed. There are four revelations, however, that up till this day are still being used for references and research, and these Books were mentioned in the Quran. Tawrat – This is the revelation that Allah sent to Musa (Moses), peace be upon him. Zabur – This is the revelation that Allah sent to Daud (David), peace be upon him.

I skipped to the 3rd minute of the video. I do not have all night. As Muslims, accepting and believing in all of the Books of Allah is a required part of our faith. We cannot accept the book revealed to Prophet Muhammad saw and reject the book of Prophet Musa (peace be upon them both). When we speak of Allah’s books, we are really talking about His revelations. These revelations were sent by Allah to his messengers as guidance for mankind. And as Muslims, we are obliged to believe in them all.

Injeel – This is the revelation that Allah sent to Isa (Jesus), peace be upon him. Quran – This is the revelation that Allah sent to Muhammad, peace be upon him.


the revealed books

The Tawrat The Tawrat is usually referred to as the “Law� in the Quran. Specifically, the Law of Prophet Musa as. Many people equate the Tawrat with the Torah of the Jewish faith, or the Old Testament of the Christian faith. In some ways this is true, as the Torah does contain some of the truths revealed to Prophet Musa as. However, it is not completely accurate because the Torah consists of much more than just the law revealed to Prophet Musa. No one really knows the full history of the Torah, and there are several different versions of it. For instance, the Catholic Old Testament is different from the Protestant Old Testament. And scholars have long since concluded the Torah was not written by one person, and certainly not by Moses directly (or indirectly). The Tawrat that Muslims accept as the true commands of Allah is that which was directly revealed to Prophet Musa. While that message is still alive today in the message of the Quran, the actual text has been lost.


the revealed books


The Zabur The Zabur is the book of Allah that was revealed to Daud as. Zabur means “songs� in Arabic, as this revelation came to David in the form of a series of songs or chants. But like the Tawrat, the original text is no longer with us. The modern Psalms that are present in the Bible today are not the same songs revealed to David. Many scholars believe that the Psalms of today were written by several authors from different times. The psalms of today are important to both the Jewish and Christian faiths. However, they have very little relevance in Islamic life. Since Prophet Daud (David, peace be upon him) preached Tawheed (monotheism), his original message is still preserved in the Quran.


the revealed books

The Injeel The Injeel is the book of Allah revealed to Prophet Eesa as (Jesus, peace be upon him). Injeel means evangelion, or Gospel Book. It is often just translated as The Gospel. Like the Tawrat, many people make the mistake of stating the Injeel is the New Testament of the Bible. But that is far from the truth. The New Testament consists of written work attributed to some of Jesus’ disciples. And a good portion of the New Testament was written by Paul, who was not a disciple at all. Most modern scholars have concluded it is highly unlikely that Jesus’ actual disciples wrote any part of the New Testament. Even if they had written it (which they did not) They were not the prophets of Allah. While there may be some truth in the writings popularly known as the Gospels of Mark, Luke, John, and Matt, Muslims are not obliged to follow or even read them. The only Gospel we are concerned with, is the Gospel of Jesus. But like many other Books of Allah, the actual text is no longer available. And like all of the other Books of Allah, the message of the Injeel is preserved in the message of the Quran.


the revealed books

The Qu’ran The Quran is the final Book of Allah. It was revealed through Prophet Muhammad saw. It is primary message is the message of Tawheed, or Islamic monotheism. The Qur’an is the only one of Allah’s books that is still available in the original text. Allah has promised in the Quran that His message will be preserved forever, and 1400 years later, that is still true. The preservation of the Quran was done in a magnificent and foolproof manner. Since the time of Prophet Muhammad saw, Muslims have made it a practice to memorize all or parts of the Quran. During the time of Prophet Muhammad saw, there were several Muslims that memorized the Qur’an in its entirety. The Quran was put in full written form just a few years after Prophet Muhammad saw died. Not centuries later like the Bible. If anyone had made a mistake, then there were hundreds of others to correct them.

Even if every single Quran in print today were destroyed, and every computer disk holding the Quran were destroyed, and every audio tape, CD, DVD, or film with the Quran were destroyed, it could be reproduced in a matter of hours. The Quran is the final Book of Allah, and its core message envelopes the message of all of Allah’s Books: Strict monotheism.

There was a few minutes left to the video, but I paused it instead of watching it to the end. SubhaanAllah, such wisdom is there behind every single revelation, and I’ve never even bothered to look any of this up. I walked to my bed, slowly, deciding to finish the project up the next day instead. There were so many thoughts rushing through this small mind. May Allah grant all of us vast understanding in His Deen. Ameen.

The tradition of memorizing the Quran still holds true. You can visit any Muslim country (and many non-Muslim ones also) and meet any number of Hafeezhul-Quran (Keepers of the Quran). These are people who have memorized the entire Quran. The Quran that we use today, is exactly the same as the one used over a thousand years ago. And since the Quran is in Arabic, we always have one, standardized version. 13



MiracleS of the Quran Some gifts might last a day or two, like chocolates, for example. But others, they last for a really long time- sometimes even, till the end of time. WORDS NISA’ TUZZAKIRAH FIND NZAKRH.BLOGSPOT.SG

Some gifts might last a day or two, like chocolates, for example. But others, they last for a really long time- sometimes even, till the end of time. To every Prophet, Allah bestowed upon them miracles, but as time passes by, gone are the Prophets and their miracles. However, to Prophet Muhammad saw, Allah gave him a timeless miracle, and that miracle is undoubtedly the Holy Quran. The Quran is the Word of Allah swt as revealed to His Prophet, Muhammad saw for the guidance of men. The Quran comprehends the complete code from the Almighty Creator, for the human beings to live a good, chaste, abundant and rewarding life in obedience to the commandments of Allah, in this life and to gain salvation in the next. It is indeed the "chart of life" for every man, and it is the "constitution" of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. The Holy Quran is indeed a miracle in many aspects, some of which are described here below: • The Exclusive Eloquence of the Quran • The Inimitable Quality of the Quran • The Scientific Miracle of the Quran • The Accuracy of the Historical Records in the Quran • The Predictions in the Quran • The Challenge of the Quran Quran is for mankind, a "compass" in the turbulent voyage of life, as it has explained itself in Surah Al-Maaidah, verses 15-16: Indeed, there has come to you light and a clear book from Allah; With it Allah guides those who follow His pleasure into the ways of safety and brings them out of utter darkness into light by His will and guides them to the right path. 16

Historically, it is Quran which transformed the simple shepherds and wandering Bedouins of Arabia into the founders of empires, builders of cities and collectors of libraries. If a system of religious teachings is evaluated by the changes which it introduces into the way of life, the customs and beliefs of its follower, then Quran as a code of life is second to none. It is not strange then, that more studies on Quranic topics, translations and more commentaries of the Holy Quran have been published, than that of any other book claimed to be the Divine Revelation. Being complete true revelation, the Quran is itself a miracle. As it is authentically known and also was mentioned in the above, at the time of the Quran's revelation the literary talent and eloquence of Arabs were at their peak, yet the miraculousness of the Qur'an is not confined to its inimitable literary excellence and eloquence. It stands on its own different merits, some of which are beyond the reach of the complete conception of the literary geniuses of the Arab world. It has such a rhetorical capacity and linguistic excellence that is able to express different views and knowledge in a manner that is understood and appreciated by every rational human being of any standard and accomplishment of all the ages. Then everybody in any time, once provided with the opportunity to become acquainted with the Holy Quran, which offers information by which all of his/her arguments will be completed, he/she can find himself or herself convinced by it. Such extensive knowledge and such power of expression is beyond the limitations of human ability. Even of the literate Arab people, as were previously referred to, especially at the time of the Quran's revelation when the literature of the Arabic language had reached its climax, none dared to bring a Surah similar to even its shortest one. This very single point is the smallest miraculous aspect of the Quran. There is no doubt that if the Quran were the word of a human and the Prophet himself, who was known to the world as an illiterate one, had

produced it, they would bring many Qurans like it and would prove that this is not the word of Allah revealed to him. In that condition, the enemies of Islam would maintain their works which would be available everywhere and in any ages so that they could publish and distribute them, even now, to defame the one genuine Quran, but there is none. Apart from its inimitable literary excellence, the Holy Quran with its other names such as 'Furqan' and 'Tibyan' referring to the abilities it has, presents to the human world definite prophecies fulfilled and yet to be fulfilled, and long after. It contains some facts about endowments in nature which the human knowledge of science as it progresses will have to understand, for its further advancement. The perfectness of such nature, naturally, will be the last word with regards to the ideas, religious and social laws, sciences, and many other things that it contains and will remain forever, until the Hereafter. This universality of the truth expressed in the idea and beauty and the attractive force of the language is so divine that, as we said before, it is beyond the reach of the expressive power of any limited being. It is in this regard that the Holy Quran claims to be not only the word of Allah, inimitable, but the Final Word in respect to truth and justice the better or even the like of it is impossible to be produced by any one. However, it is true to say simply and shortly that the Holy Quran is a miracle with respect to its contents which is the source of all knowledge and science, as Allah has mentioned in Surah Al-Kahf, verse 109; Say : If the sea were ink (wherewith to write out) for the words of my Lord, the sea would surely be consumed before the words of my Lord are exhausted, though We were to bring the like of that (sea) to add thereto for its aid.

set in the Holy Quran. For Muslims, Islam is a belief system with moral and practical laws that are inculcated in the Quran for all human beings. Allah says in the Quran in Surah Al-Israa' verse 9: Indeed this Quran guides to the path which is clearer and straighter than any other. Most surely this verse strengthens the fact that mankind is in a loss if he/she does not heed the advise given to us in the Holy Quran. In Surah Al-Qalam, verse 52, Allah says, “It (The Quran) is nothing but a reminder to the world.” Surely the world is inhabited by all creeds and race and so the book remains the source of guidance to all the people of the world. The word ‘mankind’ has been mentioned at least six times in the Qur’an. In light of this, Islam has embraced by a number of leading members of other religions, including idol worshippers of Makkah, Jews, Christians, and people from other communities, such as Salman of Persia, Suhayb from Rome, and Bilal from Ethiopia. The Quran uses the word ‘people’ to address the universal message of Islam. There are 513 times that the Quran uses the word people in various verses. The terminology that the Quran uses clearly indicates that the Quran is not for Muslims but to the whole mankind. This gift and miracle of the Quran might last to the end of time, for every single person on Earth. But whether we choose to open it up to experience His love, knitted close to every miraculous verse.. is entirely up to us. Allah is talking to you. Are you going to respond?

The religion of Islam is superior to any other in that it guarantees happiness in a man’s life hereafter, if he/she abides by the universal law 17



My back hurt from carrying my heavy backpack. The soles of my feet were cracked from walking too much. My eyes – so heavy with fatigue, accompanied with eye bags that no sleep could cure. I felt like a walking zombie – no soul, no heart, just a vessel going through a routine that goes on and on without halt. It was just another long day in school, having to go through hours and hours of listening to the drones of different professors. Ever since school got more tiring and busy, there was a growing feeling of dislike for it in my heart. Day by day, it grew bigger and bigger – a lump of black in my heart.

was the backbone - always holding my back whenever everyone is gone, always pushing me to be the best in whatever I do, always supportive of my dreams and aspirations. I took her hand in mine – gosh! How frail it was… My mother has aged so much and I have not even noticed. Slowly her sobbing came to a stop.

“You father taught you a special supplication to recite before you started studying. Remember?” my mother continued. “And the final one, is your intention, my dear. Why are you studying so hard? Who are you doing it for? Isn’t it all because of Him? The knowledge you possess is to benefit the ummah in the end, all for His sake. Ahh… Isn’t it such a beautiful advice?”

“I worked so hard to make sure you will enjoy your life…but now I feel I have failed. I am so sorry,” my mother said feebly. “Did you need more money to spend on food and books? Are your teachers okay? We could change schools – I can work extra hours and get more cash.”

I drowned myself in muffled sobs, feeling secured in my mother’s warm embrace. It was an awakening call. How could I be so stupid? Do not we all have a purpose in everything that we do? How could I forget my initial intentions? When did it change? What have I been doing? Wake up, self!

Whenever I was given an assignment, I will look at the bare minimum in the deliverables and put in effort to achieve only up till the passing grade. When exam period came by, I was enslaved to my textbooks for days, cramming knowledge into my head. During the exam, I vomited it on paper, writing my memory out. A few days after the exams, I wouldn’t even remember much about what I have studied. It was like studying just for the sake of exams, and nothing more.

I was in disbelief! My mother, the one who takes care of every aspect of my life, every single milestone, every single day, is blaming herself for not providing enough?

“There, there, everything will be fine,” my mother wiped my tears. “Put your trust in Him and ask Him for strength to face this difficulty. Only He can ease our affairs.”

“Mom, no! I just do not know why I am going to school, why I am putting in so much effort to finish my assignments and projects. I am so exhausted…” I cried. “Please do not blame yourself! You have done everything for me! But what should I do now? I don’t even know…”

When studies get too difficult, I recoiled – turning into someone I was not. I began to skip classes, being sarcastic to my lecturers, taking little care about my textbooks and notebooks. I thought it was just a phase but it got worse each week.

“My child, have you forgotten the golden rules from your late father? When you were still a kid, your father told you this before you started your homework,” my mother placed her hand on my head and said softly. “When seeking knowledge, listen and accept, try to digest and understand, and then make sure you practice it in your life. Respect your teachers and books – without them you are just an empty vessel; you owe them for filling your soul with knowledge. And the last two most important things, do you still remember?”

I hugged my mother for a while more, and went inside my room. It took me some time to finally gain the courage to call my lecturers. The following week, I found myself sitting by my lecturers who agreed upon my request for extra lessons to replace the ones I have missed. I caught up with the rest of my classmates, and I can’t thank Him enough for easing my affairs when I thought nothing could change for the better.

One day, I heard my mother crying in her room. I went inside and found her holding onto a letter. It was for me, a warning letter of debarment. I have not been attending school for almost two weeks. I could not care less about the letter, but the sound of my mother sobbing literally broke my heart. Oh, my mother, she has grown old. In the years of pursuing knowledge, I have forgotten that she

I shook my head, numb with sobs. My mother tucked me into a hug.


The most important thing is to have a purpose, an intention in all that you do. Especially us, as Muslims, is not it just beautiful to be doing everything for His sake? That way, everything becomes an ibadah because we are doing it solely for Him, and not to please anyone else. Making use of the Dunya to help us in the Akhirah – if this is not the best investment, then I don’t know what else is. 19


beneficial knowledge Say believe in it (the Quran) or do not believe. Verily! Those who were given knowledge before it, when it is recited to them, fall down on their faces in humble prostration. [Al-Quran 17:107-109] WORDS FADHULI TAUFEK FIND FADHULITAUFEK.WORDPRESS.COM

Knowledge is something that we learn either through experience and/or education. It is a broad definition and not surprisingly so. The ocean of knowledge is vast. Even if we were to devote our entire lifetime to a particular field of study, even then it would still only be but a drop of water in that ocean. As Muslims, our pursuit of knowledge is a journey where the ultimate destination is to get closer to Allah swt. By closer, I do not mean physical distance but an emotional and spiritual one. This journey begins when we first step into this world and ends when we draw our last breath. It is a humbling experience where the more we learn, the more we realize how little we truly know and the majesty of Allah swt. In order to achieve this, what we learn should be things that are beneficial. In this context, what is considered to be beneficial are what improves or add value not only to an individual but also to those around him/her. This can include but is not limited to the environment and community. The issue with this however, is the subjectivity of what we perceive to be “good” and “bad” fields of knowledge. Let us take learning chemistry as an example. It seems to be a good field where one could learn how to create many useful things such as medicine or stronger, more flexible materials than what is currently available.

Let us look at Walter White from the “Breaking Bad” TV series. He was a proficient chemist who went on to become one of the founders of a multi billion dollar company before he chose to become a high school chemistry teacher but then ultimately used his knowledge to produce drugs. Though fictitious, one thing that we can learn from this in relation to the topic is that what determines whether a particular field of knowledge is beneficial or not lies in its application. Even learning something that is seemingly negative CAN be a good IF it is used positively. Learning how to hack into computer systems for example, can be good if the knowledge is used to create better online security measures to prevent cyber crimes and not used to commit them instead. Learn whatever that interests you. Go ahead and even learn something that is obscure or unpopular just as long as it is not Shirk, is contrary to our Islamic values, makes us neglect our obligations and makes us commit harm. We were put on this earth not only to serve Allah swt but also to be in service of others and as long as what we’re learning satisfies these two criteria then InshaAllah it is beneficial.



Knowledge and Action Without knowledge, action is useless, and knowledge without action is futile. WORDS NURIE ARBA'AH

“Knowledge is power. Knowledge is everything, without it, you will be nothing. Duh!! KNOW-ledge. Once you do an action, you can’t undo it and you must do actions carefully with knowledge. If not, you’ll regret it. Actions are how you move and everything you do. You read, write, walk and run with action. Everything will be frozen without action. ACTIONS must be CAREFUL.” - Nur Wafeeqah, 10 years old

soccer is! But just knowing that 1+1 equals to 2, chocolates are a great invention and soccer is well, soccer - is not enough. We have to understand the concept behind a calculation, the recipe behind chocolates and how a soccer game is being played. Inculcate in yourself to know what is up, the desire to genuinely know will make you a better knowledge-seeker.

Knowledge is power. The first three words I received from the young

Anas reported: The Messenger of Allah saw said, "He who goes

lady when I asked for her thoughts on knowledge (’ilm) and actions (’amal) caught me by surprise. I was also reminded of Uncle Ben’s advice to Peter Parker (Spiderman): “Remember, with great power, comes great responsibility.”

forth in search of knowledge is considered as struggling in the Cause of Allah until he returns." - At-Tirmidhi (Book 13,

Hadith 10) Once you do an action, you cannot undo it.

Some of us fail to realise how powerful knowledge is because we are jaded by it; the result of associating knowledge with hours of studying, calculations and theories. Now, let us think simply: with the knowledge on how to use your devices, you are able to read this current issue of MIRROR. I seek for you to think of knowledge in a wider perspective. Now, please continue reading. “Read with the name of your Lord who created (everything),

Remember what Uncle Ben said? The responsibility here is to seek the right knowledge and ensure that our actions complements it for ‘ilm and ‘amal are intrinsically tied together. In the words of Abu Bakr, “Without knowledge, action is useless and knowledge without action is futile.” This is why the best among people are those whom Allah guides to successfully bring together knowledge and action in their lives. Let us strive to be among those.

He created man from a clot of blood. Read, and your Lord is the most gracious, Who imparted knowledge by means of the pen. He taught man what he did not know.” - Al-Quran, 1-5.

Four things come not back - the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity. - Arabic Proverb

Knowledge is everything, without it, you will be nothing.


Just imagine how it feels like not knowing what 1+1 would be equal to? Or imagine that you have no knowledge on the existence of chocolates in this world. Or imagine that you have no idea what

There is one thing that needs to be emphasised – intellectual humility (Abang Nouman Ali Khan has been nagging on this one!). Whilst acquiring knowledge will indubitably lead to greater good, humans 23

Knowledge and Action


Knowledge and Action

tend to err. Remind ourselves not to spread false knowledge, motivate ourselves not to engage in half-baked learning and ensure that with more ‘ilm we embrace, the more humble we get. Save ourselves from intellect arrogance. Be mindful of our actions. Sometimes we say things we do not mean, or we may tell the young ones that 1+1 equals to 3, or we allow ourselves to do things before thinking through it thoroughly, not knowing the consequence of our actions. Who do we blame for the wrong deeds we may have done in the past? “And Satan will say when the matter has been concluded, "Indeed, Allah had promised you the promise of truth. And I promised you, but I betrayed you. But I had no authority over you except that I invited you, and you responded to me. So do not blame me; but blame yourselves. I cannot be called to your aid, nor can you be called to my aid. Indeed, I deny your association of me [with Allah] before. Indeed, for the wrongdoers is a painful punishment." - Al-Quran, 14:22

No one, but ourselves. The world is vast and there is an endless knowledge from which we could seek upon. When the purpose of seeking knowledge is first, for Allah, the knowledge we chase after shall be in His path in which He will be pleased with. The knowledge gained will guide us to understand why a particular action is displeasing to Allah, how it affects us in this life and the hereafter, what is its impact on the society etc. Consequently, we will be better Muslims Insya Allah. Dr. Maszlee Malik advised for us to dig deeper into the essence of knowledge - into

ihsan. With that, strive for excellence when seeking knowledge. We are all in this journey together. “And others have confessed their faults, they have mingled a good deed and an evil one; may be Allah will turn to them (mercifully); surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.” - Al-Quran, 9:102. There are so many things we can learn just by scrutinizing the thoughts of a 10 year old. It comes to no surprise why Rasulullah saw adored the young ones, for wisdom (hikmah) is to be found in the young people. While we are in the 6th month of the Islamic Calendar, here are 6 etiquettes of learning that you may take away: There are six stages to knowledge: 1. Asking questions in a good manner. 2. Remaining quiet and listen attentively 3. Understanding well 4. Memorising 5. Teaching 6, and it is its fruit. Acting upon the knowledge and keeping to its limits - Ibn al Qayyim; Miftaah Daarus-Sa’aadah (p.283) The young lady mentioned that everything will be frozen without action, May Allah guide us in this pursuit to have our hearts close to Him so that we will be able to seek beneficial knowledge and act upon it righteously - freezing away bad deeds and practicing the deeds that Allah will be pleased with. 25


DID YOU kNOW? The Book of Guidance

“Alif, Lam, Mim. This is the Book in which there is no doubt, a guidance to Al-Muttaqûn Who believe in the Ghaib and perform As-Salât, and spend out of what we have provided for them. And who believe in what has been sent down to you and in what was sent down before you, and they believe with certainty in the Hereafter. They are on guidance from their Lord, and they are the successful.” Here is sharing some interesting facts about The Quran.


DId you know: THE book of guidance


The Holy Quran has 30 parts. It contains 114 Surahs (Chapters) and 6,226 Ayahs (verses), containing 99,464 words made up of 330, 113 letters.


DId you know: THE book of guidance


Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim is repeated 114 times. All except Surah At-Taubah starts with Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. It is repeated 114 times as in Surah An-Naml verse 27 contains Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.


DId you know: THE book of guidance


The longest surah is Al-Baqarah. The shortest surah is Al-Kauthar.


DId you know: THE book of guidance


Al Quran was revealed over 23 years: 13 in Makkah and 10 in Madinah. Whoever reads ONE letter from the Quran will get 10 Rewards. What are we waiting for? READ!



DESA MELATI Started only early this year in 2014, Desa Melati is paving its way into the fashion scene. With the vision of trendsetting brooch fashion amongst the youth, Desa Melati offers quality hand made products. MIRROR had a wonderful opportunity to meet brother Yusuf, the spokesperson and sales manager for Desa Melati.


The name is very much heartwarming and welcoming. Why the name Desa Melati? The name Desa Melati came from Mdm Kamisah herself. My mother grew up in a town where she was always surrounded by ethnic Malays, and the people she has served, interacted and made business with were Malays. It was only natural for her to choose a Malay name for the brand. Also inspired by the song Puteri Dusun, by an Indonesian singer Emilia Contessa, the words desa and melati can be found in the lyrics of that song. Very traditional indeed. It is not every day that you come across a brand name so rich in its traditional value, so we believe it is unique in that sense. If you also take the meaning literally, you will think of nice place, a place that is serene and beautiful. Our brooches are pieces of that serenity and beauty. We believe that people of other ethnicity will not have a hard time remembering if not pronouncing the name. So, why not? Tell us more about Desa Melati as a brand. As a brand, Desa Melati serves to provide if not broaden the choices of today’s fashion adornment for the Muslimah, specifically the youth. They have been very receptive to current trends especially the new hijab styles that are making their appearance very prominently these days. Right now, we only produce brooches for hijab, but they can certainly be donned anywhere and on anyone, for everyday wear and special occasions alike.

Yusuf Isak, spokesperson & sales manager of Desa Melati Alhamdulillah, in this issue, MIRROR had the opportunity to have a session with another of our collaborator for our Hidden Beauty segment, Desa Melati. First and foremost, we would like to thank brother Yusuf for this wonderful opportunity to share with us a little bit about Desa Melati. To start off, maybe you’d like to share with us the beginning of Desa Melati. Desa Melati is a brand of hand-made brooches. We offer a wide range of designs and colours, and our journey only started in the beginning of this year, in 2014. Our crafter, my mother Mdm Kamisah Mohammad, is an enthusiast of hand-made fashion accessories and ceremonial decorations and has been making hand-made crafts since she was young. She has since been recognised by her circle of friends and relatives as the person to approach for creating and designing wedding gifts. The idea of such brooches came about when she became intrigued after coming across the beauty of the Kanzashi, a Japanese handmade fashion accessory for ladies. That inspired her to learn the craft and turn it into a fashion accessory for Muslimah.

We aim to be the trendsetter, making such brooches to be the in-trend look for fellow hijabis. We believe that our brooches compliment the latest hijab styles, and we would like to participate in that innovation. Where can our readers find Desa Melati? Desa Melati operates as a make-to-order business. You may find out about our latest collections on Facebook and Instagram. Alhamdulillah, we are also now available at the newly opened MIRROR Store. So readers may check out our products there as well. Feel free to leave your feedbacks on our social media platforms. We will upload new collections occasionally so do keep a look out for them. Future plans for Desa Melati? Hijab fashion is blooming in most parts of the world, especially in this region, where we find many innovative hijab designers. To be a part of this epidemic fashion trend is what we would like to accomplish. We are also very fortunate to have the support from MIRROR, who has brought us even further towards this goal. Thank You brother Yusuf for your time. May Allah grant Desa Melati success, Amin.


food HONEY

And your Lord inspired to the bee, “Take for yourself among the mountains, houses, and among the trees and [in] that which they construct. Then eat from all the fruits and follow the ways of your Lord laid down [for you].� There emerges from their bellies a drink, varying in colors, in which there is healing for people. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who give thought. Al Quran, an-Nahl 16:68-69


food: honey

The Prophet saw said (which means), "Make use of the two remedies: honey and the Quran." [Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and Baihaqi] HONEY CORNFLAKES CUPS Who says remedies are always bitter? Here’s sharing with you a recipe using the ever sweet remedy, Honey. INGREDIENTS 4 cups Corn Flakes 1 tablespoon honey 1/3 cup sugar 90g butter DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 150°C. 2. Melt butter, sugar and honey together in a saucepan until frothy. 3. Add Corn Flakes and mix well. 4. Working quickly spoon into paper cups. 5. Bake in a slow oven 150°C for 10 minutes. 6. Once out of the oven, leave them to cool.



In his Hadith, the Prophet saw commands us with: “Teach your children swimming, archery and horse-riding.” This direct call to practice sports shows the great importance Islam places on sports in training us Muslims and making our bodies healthy and sound. It is no wonder also to hear the saying: “A sound mind is in a sound body.” Now, just look at how perfect and concrete Islam is. It teaches us almost everything under the sun, even narrowing down to the tiniest bit of it. WORDS NUR SYAZREEMA FIND CHERIEMORE.BLOGSPOT.SG


health: sports & islam



Swimming is one of the sunnah-sports that were mentioned in the Hadith above. It is practically good and has a dozen of health benefits. To list one, swimming helps burn lots of calories, anywhere from 500-650 per hour depending on how efficiently you swim and how buoyant you are. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “Once, Umar ibn AlKhattab say to me, “Let’s compete in water and see who can hold his breath underwater longer than the other.””


health: sports & islam



The next sunnah-sport is something pretty much well-known as an Islamic sport, which looks easy to attempt till you get your hands on them! Yes, it is none other than archery. Though archery is often perceived as a stationary sport, archers actually require a significant amount of strength, endurance and focus to perform well. It helps improve the upper body strength, balance and also coordination. But above all, the key to this game is to be focused mentally which can help you overcome procrastination and distraction. It has been narrated on the authority of Ibn Amir who said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah say - and he was delivering a sermon from the pulpit: Prepare to meet them with as much strength as you can afford. Beware, strength consist in archery. Beware, strength consist in archery. Beware, strength consist in archery.�


health: sports & islam



Last but not least, its horse riding. To the casual observer it may look like all the rider need to do is just sit there while the horse does all the work. But oh, you do not know how wrong that is. Horse riding allows you to gain physical and mental fitness, other than giving you an unexplainable excitement. Similar to archery, horse riding develops balance and improves coordination and motor function. It also strengthens the muscles, prevents muscle cramps, increase joint mobility and improves blood circulation. Interestingly, apart from all the health benefits, horse riding teaches you the development of responsibility, patience, self-discipline and help to boost your self-confidence! Unfortunately, we are not living at the countryside; hence, horse riding may not be that practical as compared to the previous two sports mentioned. But fret not, you can always try riding a horse when you are overseas! “A strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than a weak one.� (Reported by Muslim)


health: sports & islam

In Islam, we see that many Islamic rituals contain sports that help the body attain physical fitness once they are practiced properly. The rituals of pilgrimage, paying visits to Muslim brothers, visiting the sick, going to and fro the mosque and participating in many social activities very much contain a certain amount of physical exertion. The fact that Islam encourages the practicing of sports makes one realise how great, flexible and comprehensive this course of Allah given to mankind is. In this context, Islam stresses the importance of spiritual and moral training that should accompany physical training so that the latter yield its desired effects. Therefore brothers and sisters, there are no more excuses to not participate in sports. As fellow Muslims, we need to stay fit and healthy not only for ourselves, but of course, in Allah’s cause! Apart from that, we are actually reviving the sunnah. Here ‘s sharing with you, places in this sunny island where you may give these sunnah sports a try:

Swimming THAYA They provide swim wears and lessons, separated between Muslimin & Muslimah. Head over to their website: http://www.thaya.sg

Archery ARCHERY ASSOCIATION OF SINGAPORE With clubs all over Singapore, you’ll definitely find one that is reasonably near you. http://www.archerysingapore.com

Horse Riding GALLOP STABLE With branches in Bukit Timah, Pasir Ris and Punggol, Gallop Stable offers classes for kids aged 7, all the to the classes for the elderly. In addition to your regular horse riding techniques, they offer horseback archery! Look them up: http://www.gallopstable.com



facebook: fb.com/askustaz website: ask-ustaz.com


Muslims & the reading culture: The benefits of reading

In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful. Alhamdulillah, for letting me the opportunity to continue this series, and as a continuation of the first part of the series (Muslims and the reading culture: Leaving a legacy), I will share with you, Insha Allah, the benefits that you can gain from reading. Point to note though, that reading can be defined in many ways, but in this article I will focus on reading a ‘book’, or a written word, or anything that falls under the category of reading words. Of course, before I begin, credibility will and shall always go to authors whose books I have read and appreciated, for they have tirelessly compiled and summarized words of the pious predecessors and bring them into light, in order that we may benefit. My attempt to write these benefits are only of a gesture of appreciation, for Allah, Glorified and Exalted be He, has bestowed upon his servants wisdom, and whosoever is granted wisdom, has the upper hand in the religion. "He gives wisdom to whom He wills, and whoever has been given wisdom has certainly been given much good. And none will remember except those of understanding." -Surah Al-

Baqarah: 269. Indeed, the attitude of servitude leads to gratitude. I love how the pious predecessors and the scholars of today have carefully put much care into preserving books, and at the same time giving us benefits that which we can ponder and reflect upon. Regarding the special qualities of books, a book is, “The best companion and equipment, and the best thing that provides solace

during timed of solitude. It is the best way to come to know of strange countries, and is the best fellow and foreigner. It is the best delegate and guest. If you wish, you could laugh at its rare anecdotes, be amazed by its amazing benefits, be distracted by its exquisites, and be saddened by its admonishments that gather the first, last, hidden, and apparent. It speaks on behalf of the dead, and informs of the living. It keeps a secret better than the most trustworthy people. It does not treat you with plotting, trickery, or hypocrisy. It does not trick you through lies. A book is something that if you look in it, it prolongs your joy, enriches your nature, makes your tongue eloquent (in speaking), improves your foundation and makes your words loftier. Through books, you can learn more in a month than you could in a lifetime from the mouths of men. A book gives you at night just as it yields to you during the day. It gives you in travel, just as it yields to you when at home. It does not become sick in sleep, and is not affected by fatigue of travel.” Of the benefits that I have much gained from reading, and this is through my own experience too, is the fact that you get to lower your gaze. Lowering our gaze is a major problem that I believe every Muslim is facing in his life, and the effects of not lowering the gaze can be fatal; our eyes are the windows to our hearts, and through this, is where our desires and lusts are formed. Beware O muslims. Always have a book with you once you step out of your house, and never be fooled by the whispers of the devil, when he tells you to put your books back at the bookshelf, due to its heaviness and it being bulky. Technology is here to ‘modernize’ our life, thus make use of e-books and apps that endorse the individual to read.


Of the benefits that I have found and gained are as follows: • Improved mental stimulation, for when you read more, you create a mental strength that enables you to read more, and thus the have better stamina when reading a book. • An increase in knowledge, for when you read more, you gain more knowledge, and knowledge is only as good when it is applied. • You expand your vocabulary range, for as you reach the middle pages of books, more words will pop up, words that make you go, "err…what does this mean?” This, an opportunity for you to take out you handy dandy dictionary! • Stronger Analytical Thinking skills. If you have not started reading, until then you would realize how gullible you will be when a news reaches you regarding certain matter. Read, for it makes you think, and it makes you question of the things that surround you, and that is all the more for your benefit, for those who seek the truth will always have questions lingering in their minds, and for every question there will surely be an answer. • Better writing skills. No doubt that reading more makes you more proficient in writing, for when you read you create a mental imagery that will help you and guide you to articulate your thoughts, which would lead you to penning them down to paper. You will find your writing cleaner and easier to read, and that is what we should all aim to do: To convey the message of Islam in the simplest yet most effective way.

the points that are close to my heart, thus the need to share my own experiences as well. Here are a few books whose authors talk about the benefits of reading: • Do Not Be Sad by Dr. Aid Al-Qarni • How To Read A Book? by Sheikh Salih Al-Munajjid • How To Read A Book by Mortimer J. Adler and Charles Van Doren Last but not least, is something I feel every muslim should take note of. As muslims, we should always try to verify the truth, and to have the ability to discern between the truth and falsehood is of the greatest wisdom we can ever receive from Allah, Glorified and Exalted be He. Read books that would benefit your worldly pursuits, and also your hereafter. You should prioritize reading books that help you get closer to you Deen, because at the end of the day, we are returning back to Allah, Glorified and Exalted be He. Thus it is of great concern that you should busy yourself with books that help your preparation in meeting your Lord Almighty Allah, Glorified and Exalted be He. Put the Quran on top of your reading list, for it is the greatest of books and nothing can give you more wisdom and lessons than the Noble Quran. Books that bring you closer to Allah, Glorified and Exalted be He, are the ones that bring the most benefit to a muslim, and books that pertain the worldly matters should be of second priority.

There are many more benefits, but I feel these are the ones that we should take note of, for building the foundation is more important than everything else. With the points stated, I hope you would gain a benefit or two, and that it would motivate you to read more, and at the end of the day, act upon what you read.

At the end of the day, you would rejoice in reading books that give you benefit, and as muslims we should learn how to prioritize what we read. Of course, whatever that you learn, e.g, sociology, try your best to connect it back to the deen, for indeed Islam has all the solutions to all the problems in the world!

The points I have mentioned can be found on this link, but I have taken the important ones and make my own notes instead for these are

May it benefit you and may Allah forgive me for the shortcomings that I have in writing this article.

JOIN US. Join us in this cause. We welcome any form of donations and sponsorhips. Drop us an email at contact@mirror-mag.com.



Islamic Chic


In Collaboration with:


FOLLOW @Uhnisa ON INSTAGRAM FIND flickr.com/hafidz_muhd

You will need: 1 shawl by Strictly Shawlz, 4 pins and a Desa Melati brooch.

1 Place shawl with one end shorter than the other.

2 Take both sides of shawl and pin it at the back of the inner scarf.

3 Take the shorter end, bring it across your chest and secure it with another pin.

4 Bring across the longer end and wrap it around your head.

5 Secure both sides with a pin.

6 End it with a small colourful brooch by the side.

MEN'S STyle Matching the pants with the shoes

As a continuation from the topic in the previous issue, we now move on to the pants section. Finding the right colour combination can be a hassle for some of us, especially when it comes to matching the pants with shoes. So to make things easier, here's a simple colour guide to help lift that burden. The colour combinations work regardless if you're dressing up or not.

Pants Colour

Shoe Colour


black, tan, oxblood


black, camel, oxblood


any shade of brown, black, camel


black, camel, tan, oxblood

Earth Tones

any shade of brown, camel, black




The arts

khaT by nzakrh We introduce to you KHAT by nzakrh. A brand by a young lady at the age of only 18, what started out as a hobby turns out to be something more meaningful. She shares with the world the traditional Islamic Art of calligraphy (khat), focussing on the Diwani khat style.



"I never intended to start a business, never thought I ever would, never crossed my mind at all. However, I do make some art pieces for a few friends and family since I was in sec4 just for fun, and they have always urged me to start selling the pieces. In my head, the idea of it is a drag: having to go and buy the items, finding time in between school to finish up the orders, dealing and meeting up with customers. But towards the end of year 1 of pre-U in 2013, I felt like giving it a try when one of my friends pointed out that I only have around two years left before leaving for Uni, insyaAllah, so what do I have to lose? And so, with my parents, family and friends' support, and only $30 in my pocket, I started with my baby steps. I bought frames, papers and markers, opened an instashop and started taking orders. I didn't realise that some of the best things that has ever happened to me in my life were about to take place.

really, seeing the smiles on their faces, happy with the artworks. It makes me feel like the time and effort I have invested was all worth it. Alhamdulillah. I can never put it into words, how thankful I am for every support that I have been getting and for how things turned out to be- just, alhamdulillah thumma alhamdulillah."

How to order: Ig: @bynzakrh Text/whatsapp: 90916652 Email: littlelike4@live.com.sg

It has since become a big part of me: no longer just one of my sources of income, but a source of joy. It brought me closer to my parents when they point out things that I can improve on and pushes me forward with their words and love when I am at the verge of giving up, with my siblings when they help me stack up the frames or tear the plastic wrappings so that it's easier for me to insert the pieces, with friends when they motivate and accompany me to buy the materials no matter how far it might be, with my Lord when I feel like it's getting really hard and that I can't push on. Some of the customers became some of the most supportive friends, too- turning up at my doorstep with gifts and letters. The feeling is unexplainable, 51







The True Guidance In Your name I craft this form of speech As a remembrance Of Your Perfect Words I beseech You have made The Book a guide From You to your creation But you see them burn the light Don’t they realise it’s a futile action Allah make my looking and listening A form of worship Let The Book be my love Let it sink so deep Make my reciting A deep pondering Then let me recite what I pondered So it stays a lesson, a hope I can bring Do not seal my ears Or curtain my sight Let it cancel my fears Grant my heart calmness and that form of light Do not make me heedless Or recitation a waste Be gentle on me, have mercy on me Guide me on this world These tests In most beautiful of ways.



I searched for love and peace. I found Islam, and I found a curious traveller in myself through it. With Allah’s will, I seem to thrive in solitude and the observance of strangers, and in no better place could I find solace and wisdom through it other than in mosques. Every mosque has its own serenity and tranquility to it. At least, just at least a congregational prayer with humility and sincerity of the heart, being submissive, with understanding and purpose; only Allah (Glorified and Exalted Be He) understands the wonders He brings with it, filling me each day. Hence this is my journey to each and every mosques there is in Singapore InsyaAllah. May Allah (Glorified and Exalted Be He) guide me in this lonesome yet purposeful journey with my ever-faithful Vespa.


An-nur Mosque Getting There/Contact Nearest Bus Stop: Bus 178, 856, 903 and NR2. Walking 3 mins from bus stop B46111 Nearest MRT station: Marsiling MRT (NS8). Walking 13 mins from Exit A to here 6, Admiralty Road, Singapore 739983 | Tel: 6363 1383 | Fax: 6365 4449

That purity and pain in you that you portray Values people notice only after one’s death Ignorance and pride drifting ourselves astray And all other voids with lust and hate, so what is left? Hence these moments I capture May you be of remembrance to me Hoping one day we’ll see that bigger picture May we reflect and we ponder, and not just see We seek qualities what we ourselves don’t give We sell our morals for that ‘wealth’ we crave At the end of the day, how are you remembered when you leave Is it that wealth and fame and that hatred you save? If words are meant to speak the truth Then I write this note to rant in subtlety What is left of us, the old and the youth Don’t hide the candle that’s meant for clarity

And so I pen down my thoughts to be of remembrance to self And may it be of benefit to another after the days I am left. “Every soul shall taste death. And only on the Day of resurrection shall you be paid your wages in full. And whoever is removed away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise, he indeed is successful. The life of this world is only enjoyment of deception.” (Ali-‘Imraan 3:185) “Say, (O Muhammad),’ Shall We tell you of the greatest losers in respect of (their) deeds? (They are) those whose efforts have been wasted in this life while they thought that they were acquiring good deeds.’” (Al-Kahf 18:103-104) “There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and (who) remembers Allah often.” Surah Al-Ahzab 33:21 57

MUSOLLAH Guard strictly the (five obligatory) prayers, especially the middle Salaat (Asar). And stand before Allah with obedience. - Surah al-Baqarah 2:238

Swissotel The Stamford Hotel 2 Stamford Road, Singapore 178882 Location Walk straight from entrance of hotel. Take the escalator to 2nd floor of Raffles City Shopping Centre. Walk past aisle between G2000 and Warehouse Stores. Details For ablution, use toilet opposite Asian Market Cafe. Prayer mats, telekongs and Qurans provided. Marina Bay Sands Convention Center 10 Bayfront Avenue, Singapore 018956 Location Dedicated convention room at level 3 of convention floor. Ask the staff for assistance. *Not open for public. Details For ablution, use nearby toilet. Best done at the handicap toilet. Only prayer mats provided. Furama Riverfront Hotel 405 Havelock Road, Singapore 169633 Location Level 3 of Venus Ballroom (at the end of the corridor). Details For ablution, a small wash facility is available. Prayer mats, telekongs and Qurans provided.

Location Located at the car park, next to the entrance from the carpark. *Not open for public. Details For ablution, use nearby toilet. Goodwood Park Hotel 22 Scotts Road, Singapore 228221 Location Basement 1, Carpentry & Engineering Workshop. Go towards the valet parking booth and there is a door leading to Basement 1. Details For ablution, go upstairs near the vehicle washing bay / rear entrance of Gordon Grill kitchen. Ask any Muslim staff for assistance. Concorde Hotel 100 Orchard Road, Singapore 238840 Location Basement 2 (a small room with a white door at the end) Details For ablution, use toilet in the main building. Four Seasons Hotel Singapore 190 Orchard Boulevard, Singapore 248646 Location Basement 1, (carpark on the left of the lift lobby).

Orchard Parade Hotel 1 Tanglin Road, Singapore 247905

Details For ablution, use toilet behind the lift lobby. Prayer mats, telekongs and Qurans provided.

Location Level 5, opposite Orchard Hotel. Turn right after carpark (you will see a black door).

Orchard Hotel (Arcade Shopping Centre) 442 Orchard Road, Singapore 238879

Details For ablution, use nearby toilet. Prayer mats, telekongs and Qurans provided.

Location Take the lift from Orchard Hotel (Arcade Shopping Centre) to Basement 2. Turn RIGHT and go down the carpark ramp to Basement 3. You will see a washing area and next to it is the musollah.

Royal Plaza On Scotts (Formerly Royal Crowne Plaza) 25 Scotts Road, Singapore 228220

Details For ablution, use nearby toilet. Prayer mats, telekongs and Qurans provided.

Location Level 2 (from the hotel entrance, turn right towards the toilet). Details For ablution, use toilet next to surau for Muslimin, and for Muslimah, turn left outside the prayer area. Prayer mats, telekongs and Qurans provided. Grand Hyatt Singapore 10 Scotts Road, Singapore 228211

Sheraton Towers Hotel 39 Scotts Road, Singapore 228230 Location Carpark basement 4 (use the carpark lift from the lobby). Details For ablution, use nearby toilet. Prayer mats, telekongs and Qurans provided.

WHAT'S GOING ON? Listing courtesy of IslamicEvents.sg

Wisdoms Behind Surah Al-Fatihah Date: Saturday, 19 April 2014 Time: 5pm to 7pm Venue: Singapore Post Theatrette 10 Eunos Road 8. Level 5 Theatrette Singapore Post Centre. Singapore 408600 Organised by: Yameen Talk by: Ustaz Adi Ho Fees: S$30

Registration: www.Yameen.sg/register-1 Wisdoms Behind Surah Al-Fatihah Everyone is familiar with this daily recited Surah. Whether it is in our prayers, before beginning meetings or before starting lessons.

Learn Arabic and Shine With The Light of The Al Quran Date: Every Monday, starting 21 April 2014 Time: 7:45pm to 9:45pm Duration: 10 weeks Venue: Wisma Indah 450 Changi Road. Singapore 419877 Organised by: Daniyah Mercy Lecture by: Certified instructor and native speaker of Arabic. Aleppo Syria graduate. Fees: Monthly: S$80. Full payment: S$210 (After 10th April: S$250) Registration: +65 9863 3857 or daniyahmercy@gmail.com

*Course materials are included.

But, have we ever wonder why or what are the gems underneath this surah that is simply amazing? Why is it considered as the greatest chapter of the Quran to the extend that it is also known as 'The Mother of The Quran'?

Learn Arabic and Shine with the Light of the Quran. Do you like to re-connect with your fitrah, that natural disposition to do Good? Why not Pick up a new language? Find out the Secrets of Life in the Quran from Your Creator.

In this 2-hours session, we will; 1. Discover the gems and treasures hidden beneath this Amazing Surah

How do you gain and increase the Love and Mercy of Allah? Do you like to enhance your understanding of the Quran without resorting to translation, being a non-native speaker of Arabic?

2. Uncover the reasons behind the name "Sab'ul Mathaani" - Oft Repeated verses 3. Learn the reasons why this first chapter of the Quran is recited 17 times daily in our Solaah

If your answer is yes to the above, Register to Learn Arabic with DANIYAH MERCY today.

4. Understanding in-depth of each verse and each word

Tafsir Al-Quran

5. Find ways in Achieving Khushoo' or presence of the heart in prayers

Date: Every Tuesday Time: 8:30pm Venue: Hajar Consultancy Services Centre

Tremendous Three Date: Every Monday Time: 8pm Venue: Hajar Consultancy Services Centre Block 2 Joo Chiat Complex #04-1139 Lecture by: Ustaz Noor Deros Fees: No fee charges Registration: +65 8700 0143

*Class is conducted in English.

Block 2 Joo Chiat Complex #04-1139 Lecture by: Ustaz Noor Deros Fees: No fee charges Registration: +65 8700 0143

*Class is conducted in English.

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