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THE COMPANIONSHIP ISSUE Issue #16 • Muharram/Safar 1437 • Third Anniversary Issue

“ The believer is the mirror of his brother. The believer is the brother of a believer. He protects him against loss & defends him behind his back.� (Al-Adab Al-Mufrad Hadith 239)


With the name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful. All Praise and Thanks be to Allah, Lord of the worlds. We ask Allah to send His peace and blessings upon Sayyidina Muhammad (peace be upon him), as well as to his family and companions. Salam Ma’al Hijrah dear readers! Alhamdulillah, we are three! It is amazing how time flies. It is even more amazing how far the magazine has come, MasyaAllah. Three years ago, three guys with the sole intention of spreading the message of the deen, started MIRROR. We had no clue where we will go or how long will the magazine run. Along the way we met pious people, introduced to successful muslims and made valuable friendships. We are very much grateful for the experience. Ofcourse, we could not be where we are today without your continuous support; our readers. We thank you and we hope that our magazine has been beneficial as a reading companion. So here we are now – issue #16. It is said that one of the most valuable blessings after Iman and Islam is the blessing of a righteous companion. Thus, in our third anniversary issue, we celebrate the blessing of companionship. At MIRROR, every single aspect of our magazine has meaning. To share with you the concept of our cover, we did not just randomly choose a photo. The three men represent the three friends who started the magazine as well as to symbolise our third year anniversary. As for them hiking up, that represents hijrah and the journey of MIRROR. From all of us at MIRROR, we pray for this year to be better than the previous. May this issue be of benefit for you and may we not take for granted the blessings that we have in our lives, amin. May Allah bless all of you with goodness. Wassalam,










syaiful@mirror-mag.com OPERATIONS MANAGER










CONTENT 05 The Rightly-Guided Caliphs 18 Did You Know? 20 Feature: The Power of Words 25 Meet: The Spink Studio 28 Food: With Luv


30 Fashion: Lookbook for Men & Women 32 What’s Going On?



Sayyidina Abu Bakr Sayyidina Abu Bakr's real name was Abdul Ka'abah (Slave of Ka'abah), which Rasulullah (peace be upon him) later changed to Abdullah (Slave of Allah). The Prophet (peace be upon him) also gave him the title of 'Siddiq' – The Testifier to the Truth. Although he was a wealthy merchant, he was mild mannered, obliging and upright in nature. Even during the times of Jahiliyyah, he maintained a high degree of conduct, and he was loved and respected by his community.




Early Life His real name was Abdullah ibn Abi Quhafa. He was a wealthy merchant, mild mannered, obliging and upright in nature. Even during the times of Jahiliyyah (ignorance), he maintained a high degree of conduct, and he was loved and respected by his community. He was of Quraish ancestry, and born around two years after the birth of the Prophet (peace be upon him). During this time, like most Makkans, his parents were idol worshippers and he was also raised as such. However, he felt sad and disturbed when he saw people circling, praying and kneeling before idols. He often wondered how people with faculties of sight, hearing and thought could prostrate before inanimate idols which could neither see, nor hear nor think. He kept wondering about this and one line from a poem was always in his mind:“(Is it better for me) to believe in one god or in one thousand gods in regards to the different affairs (of the universe)?” He then started being in the company of good men who believed in the Lord of Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and whenever he heard them talk, he was inspired on the truthfulness of their statements – that idols were not and could not be gods. He had a premonition that Allah would be sending down a Prophet in the near future, and this was proven true after Muhammad (peace be upon him) received his first revelation. Embracing Islam Abu Bakr was one of the first people to respond to the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) call to Islam. Ironically, it was Abu Jahl, who later proved to be an arch enemy of Islam, who told Abu Bakr news of the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) first revelation. Abu Bakr’s heart quickened at this piece of information, and upon hearing full details of it, verbally affirmed what he had suspected all along. He declared that “If he [Muhammad (peace be upon him)] really said so, then, he has said the truth.” It was not blind faith, but rather his long term friendship and intimate knowledge of Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) pure

and honest characteristics that made Abu Bakr believe the truth of the divine revelation without question. Without wasting any time, Abu Bakr rushed to the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) house and upon entry asked whether the news that had reached him from the people was true. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “What did you answer them O Atiq?” He said, “I said: If he said so, then he has told the truth.” The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) embraced Abu Bakr and kissed his forehead. Then he narrated to him how the revelation came to him which he was in the cave of Hira. Abu Bakr listened to the famous first words of the revelation, after which he testified, “I bear testimony that you are a truthful honest. I testify that there is no god but Allah and I testify that you are the Messenger of Allah”. Abu Bakr was the first person outside of the family of the Prophet (peace be upon him) who embraced Islam. He entered into the religion quietly and strongly with certainty of belief. From that day until his death, he preferred the love of Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) above all else. As-Siddiq: The Truthful The steadfastness of Abu Bakr’s character and faith in Islam was demonstrated when the Prophet (peace be upon him) made a night journey from Makkah to Jerusalem and then ascended to Heaven and returned (Isra’ & Mi’raj). People had come to Abu Bakr to mock about the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) journey, asserting that these events could not have taken place within one night. Abu Bakr was steadfast and he understood that with Allah, anything is possible. His faith was strong and unshaken. He reaffirmed the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) statements and said that “If he [the Prophet (peace be upon him)] said so, then he has told the truth. I have believed him in what is more distant (to reason) than that, of divine information.” It was this incident that gave him the title of As-Siddiq (the truthful).



Abu Bakr as Caliph The appointment of Abu Bakr as the first Caliph was already hinted by the Prophet (peace be upon him), who, on his illness prior to his death, had appointed Abu Bakr to lead the people in congregational prayer. The beginning of Abu Bakr’s Caliphate rule started with one critical problem. Part of the Muslim community began to refuse to pay zakat (the obligatory charity) after the death of the Prophet (peace be upon him). It was a civil rebellion but was fast changing in becoming an armed rebellion. There was also a widespread threat of apostasy, initiated by the hypocrites. There were two opposing views with regards to this matter. Some was with the opinion that the people who refused to pay zakat should not be fought so long as they committed nothing more than the refusal to pay the zakat. The other view, the one which Abu Bakr adopted, was that the payment of zakat is a pillar of Islam and the Caliph has no right to allow this rejection. If he did, that would be the beginning of many forms of rebellion on the religion. The view held by Abu Bakr showed the certainty of his faith and the depth of his insight as caliph and a caller to Islam. Compilation of the Quran During the lifetime of the Prophet (peace be upon him), the revelation was a constant process and there was no occasion to


compile the verses in the form of a book. After the death of the Prophet (peace be upon him), the process of revelation ended and there arose the need to preserve the verses in a physical form. Many of the “Huffaz” were martyred in the battle of Yamanah, and it occurred to Umar that there was a danger that no one could be depended upon as a reliable custodian of the Quran. Hence, he suggested to Abu Bakr that all the revelations of the Quran should be collected and compiled into a systematic book. Abu Bakr was initially reluctant for the fear of committing innovation, but Umar eventually convinced him otherwise. It was a laborious process, undertook by Zaid bin Thabit with the help and counsel of various companions. The final version was scrutinised, amended and approved by Abu Bakr, who was a Hafiz himself. Thus, Umar and Abu Bakr were instrumental in the preservation of the most holy book that we have on earth today. His Death The circumstances of his death are unclear. There are two accounts. One, he was poisoned and it took a year for the poison to be effective and the other, from an illness. He died a man in submission to Allah, in piety to Allah, humble before Allah, in humility to Allah, in service of the ummah, the first successor to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him).

Sayyidina Umar ibn Al-Khattab Sayyidina Umar's family was known for its extensive knowledge of genealogy. When he grew up, Sayyidina Umar was proficient in this branch of knowledge as well as in swordsmanship, wrestling and the art of speaking. Sayyidina 'Umar's personality was dynamic, self-assertive, frank and straight forward. He always spoke whatever was right even if it displeased others. He was given the title of ‘Al-Faruq’ (Distinguisher between the truth and falsehood).




Early Life Umar Al-Khattab was born in Makkah to the Bani Adi clan, which was responsible for arbitration among the tribes. His fullname is Umar ibn Al-Khattab ibn Nufail ibn ‘Abdul ‘Uzza ibn Riyah ibn Qart ibn Razah ibn ‘Adi ibn Ka’b ibn Lu’ayy. He is said to have belonged to a middle-class family and used to tend to his father’s camels during his youth days. Umar loved poetry and literature and learnt martial arts, horse riding and wrestling during his teenage years. Embracing Islam The verses from Surah Taha had melted Umar Al-Khattab’s heart before he finally admits that he could no longer stay away from the path of truth i.e. Islam. This happened on the day when he was set out to kill Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). On his way to fulfill his plan, he had bumped into his friend, Nuaim ibn Abdullah and was asked what he was up to. Umar said that he was going to slay Muhammad (peace be upon him), and thus vindicate the gods of Ka’abah. Little did he know that Nuaim ibn Abdullah had reverted to Islam. Nuaim ibn Abdullah then said: “Beware if you harm Muhammad (peace be upon him) you will not be safe from the fury of Banu Hashim. Desist from such a course in your own interest.” Umar ejaculated angrily: "It appears you have also become a Muslim." Nuaim said, "Umar, do not bother about me, but take care of your sister and brother-in-law who have been converted to Islam, and who may be reading the Quran at this very moment." Upon hearing that, Umar redirected himself to his sister’s house instead, Fatima whom was married to Saeed ibn Zaid. Umar had never thought that his sister and brother-in-law would have the audacity to accept Islam. Hence, it is advisable for him to meet them and verify the facts. The first thing he heard upon stepping into Fatima’s house was verses of the Quran that was recited by both Fatima and Saeed from a leaf. Seeing Umar, Fatima immediately hid the leaf and rose to welcome his brother with a smile. With a dark frown on his face, Umar thundered: “What were you reading?” Fatima replied: “Nothing.” Umar then caught Saeed ibn Zaid by the throat and said, “So you have apostatised from the faith of your forefathers”. Saeed retorted, “Rather we have abandoned falsehood for truth.” Thereupon Umar was about to strike Saeed when Fatima intervened saying, “Hands off from my husband. If you have anything to say, say it to me, but do not touch my husband.” Umar said, “Is it a fact that you have become Muslims?” Fatima replied,


“Yes. We have become Muslims. You may kill us if you like, but we will not waver in our faith.” Umar then desired for the leaf to be shown to him but Fatima said that he could not touch the sacred leaf until he had cleaned his hands. Umar washed his hands and the leaf was handed over to him. Written were verses from Surah Taha. He felt as if the verses were addressed to him in person and read the verses over and over again. Umar then realized that he had been staying away from the path of truth and resolved that he would lose no time in following the right path. “I came to you as an enemy of Islam; I go from you as a friend of Islam. I had buckled this sword to slay the Prophet of Islam; I now go to him to offer him allegiance.” said Umar to his sister and brother-in-law. Fatima and Saeed cried with happiness upon hearing Umar’s words – Allahu Akbar! Umar as Caliph One particularly interesting story occurred during the reign of Umar ibn Al-Khattab as the Caliph. During his ruling period, he never failed to walk around the city at night to see if everything and everyone was fine. He would then try to solve problems and fix things so that everything will be fine. One night, he disguised himself as not to be recognized by the citizens and started roaming around. With him was his good friend, Ibn Abbas. They made their way to parts of the city and ended up in a neighbourhood where very poor people lived. When he was walking by a very small house, he heard a mother telling her daughter to put water in the milk to sell it so that they would get more money. The daughter, however, told her mom that they should not be doing that as they are now Muslims. The daughter said, “No. The Caliph (Umar Al-Khattab) said that we should not add things to the milk.” “We are too poor. It is the only way we can get money for even some bread. The Caliph has forgotten us, and he won’t know what we did.” The mother insisted. “But it is against the law, and I won’t break the Khalifah’s rules and fool other Muslims.” said the daughter, still holding on firm to the ethics. The daughter refused to let her mother put water in the milk as she knew that Allah is watching and she fears that. In the end, the mother did not say anything and they both went to sleep without


knowing that their conversation was overheard by Umar. The next day, Umar sent a man to buy milk for the girl. The milk did not have water added to it just the way the girl would want it to be. “The girl stayed strong even when her mother wanted her to do something wrong. She deserves a reward. What reward should I give her?” asked Umar to Ibn Abbas. “She should be paid some money”, said lbn Abbas. Umar said, “A girl like her would be a great mother. She doesn’t stop doing what’s right and avoid the wrong even when they are in need of money. Since she is so good, she should be given the greatest gift in the nation because everyone in the nation should learn how to be good like her.” Umar asked both the girl and her mother to come to his court. The mother shivered as she was afraid to face the ruler, unlike her daughter. She just remained calm. In front of everyone, Umar admitted that he had overheard the conversation of the duo talking about adding water to the milk – and how the girl was being so honest and truthful even when her mother told her the otherwise. Someone said that the mother should be punished, but Umar said that he had forgiven her because her daughter was good. Umar turned to the girl and said, “Islam needs daughters like you and as a Khalifah of Islam, it is my job to reward you, and I would like to reward you by having you as my daughter.” Umar called his sons and said to them, “Here is a wonderful girl who would make a great mother. I want one of you to take this girl as a wife. I don’t know a better bride than this girl who is so good.” The oldest sons of Umar, Abdullah and Abdur Rahman were already married then. Therefore, his third son, Asim, offered to marry the kind girl. When the girl and her mother agreed, both Asim and the milkmaid got married and she became the daughterin-law of Umar. Creation of Government Umar created a unitary government to rule the entire empire. For each province, a governor was appointed by Umar. He organised a group with responsibilities for revenue, military, security, treasury, his office and the chief judge.

Al-Faruq: Distinguisher Between The Truth & Falsehood Umar Al-Khattab is also known by the name ‘Al-Faruq’, which means ‘distinguisher between the truth and false.’ He was very particular about honesty, as his name describes. Umar was also one of the most influential men alive. His brilliant leadership was responsible for the expansion of the Islamic territory. Umar is a pioneering figure in the Islamic world. He was a leader, a statesman and a pious Muslim who showed respect for all individuals including the non-Muslims. He even ordered the Muslims to treat non-Muslims with respect. He also showed us how to apply the Quranic injunction “there is no compulsion in religion”. Apart from that, Islam had spread widely under the leadership of Umar ibn Al-Khattab. Subhanallah. His Death Umar was violently stabbed six times at the time of the morning prayer by a Persian slave named Firoz. Unconscious and bleeding profusely, he was then carried home. When he regained consciousness, he asked who his murderer was. When told, he said “Praise be to God that I have not been murdered by a Muslim.” Knowing that his death was imminent, he asked his son Abdullah to ask for Aishah’s permission for his burial by the side of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and Abu Bakr. Aishah wept as she came to know that Umar was on his deathbed. She said “I had reserved this place for my own burial but I give Umar precedence over myself. Let him be buried there.” When Umar was told of this, he said, “God bless Aishah. She has fulfilled my greatest wish. Now I can die in peace.” Even in the final leg of his life, he was still concerned about the Ummah. Here was a man who had beaten a slave girl for her acceptance of Islam only to become a Caliph and one of the greatest Muslims that ever lived. He is a shining example of how Allah is the owner of the hearts, for the same man who set out with sword in hand to kill the Prophet (peace be upon him), now lays buried beside him in Madinah. Narrated by Aslam: Ibn Umar asked me about some matters concerning Umar. He said, “Since Allah’s Apostle died, I have never seen anybody more serious, hardworking and generous than Umar bin Al−Khattab (till the end of his life).” (Sahih Al-Bukhari – Book 57 Hadith 36)


Sayyidina Uthman ibn Affan Sayyidina Uthman had the high privilege of having two daughters of the Prophet (peace be upon him) as wives. He was known as 'The Owner of Two Lights'. Sayyidina Uthman was came to be known as 'Ghani', which means ‘Generous’. Sayyidina Uthman is known to be unassuming, honest, mild, generous and a very kind man, noted especially for his modesty and his piety.




The third out of the four Caliphs, Uthman ibn Affan definitely made his own mark in the Islamic history and civilisation, especially during his time as the Caliph. His character is one of the most beautiful the world has ever heard of, and among his contributions for Islam, there is one thing he did that has been benefiting Muslims worldwide, even till this day. Early Life Uthman bin Affan was born in Taif, near Makkah approximately six years after the Year of the Elephant. Uthman’s birthright was the wealthy Umayyad Clan of the Quraish tribe in Makkah. Uthman was a renowned and successful trader who reaped his profits by giving to the needy. After his father’s passing at an early age, Uthman continued to run the family business at a marked profit thereby affording an increase in his charitable works. Uthman’s wealth grew and by virtue of being so, he was regarded as one of the men of the Umayyad clan who were held in high esteem by all of Quraish. At that time, men were respected by their wealth and for the number of children and brothers they had. Uthman was regarded as being of high status among his people, and he was loved dearly. Beautiful character Uthman ibn Affan ibn Abul-‘As ibn Umaiyah was known as a pious, modest, generous, kind and gentle man. He was admired for his humility that even Rasulullah (peace be upon him) was shy with him! Aishah reported that once, the Prophet (peace be upon him) was lying down in his house with his thighs or his calves exposed. Abu Bakr asked permission to enter and was permitted while the Prophet (peace be upon him) was in that position and he came in and spoke with him (peace be upon him). Then, Umar asked permission to enter. He was granted permission and came in and spoke with him (peace be upon him) while in that position. Then, Uthman asked permission and the Prophet (peace be upon him) sat up and straightened his clothing. He was then permitted and came in and spoke with the Prophet (peace be upon him). After he had gone, Aishah said: “Abu Bakr entered and you did not get up for him or worry about him and Umar came in and you did not get up for him nor worry about him but when Uthman came in, you straightened out your clothing!” The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Should I not be shy of a man around whom the angels are shy?” [Muslim]

Coming from the strongest and wealthiest clan in the Quraysh tribe, Uthman had always been charitable, giving away his wealth in the name of Islam. During the battle of Tabuk, Uthman gave away 950 camels, 50 horses and a thousand dinars to help fund for the needs of the Muslim warriors in the battle. Even before he embraced Islam, he would give away money to help those in need. Embracing Islam At the age of 34, the first Caliph Abu Bakr As-Siddiq called Uthman to Islam and Uthman embraced Islam without a single hesitation. He was the fourth person to embrace Islam. In al Seerah alNabawiyyah by ibn Hisham, ibn Ishaq said, “The first person to become Muslim after Abu Bakr, Ali and Zayd ibn Harithah was Uthman.” Uthman called others to Islam in a very friendly and patient manner. He was kind, generous, compassionate, forgiving, and he helped the weak and oppressed until Islam became strong. Zun-Nurain: The Owner of Two Lights Uthman’s relationship with Rasulullah (peace be upon him) was strengthened when Rasulullah (peace be upon him) married one of his daughters, Ruqaiyah, to Uthman. However, Ruqaiyah passed away during the battle of Badr. Uthman and Ruqaiyah had a son but he died two years after the passing of his mother. Rasulullah (peace be upon him) married another of his daughters, Umm Kalthum, to Uthman, thus granting him the name ‘Zun-Nurain’, the owner of two lights, for he has married two of the prophet’s (peace be upon him) daughters. However, Umm Kalthum died six years after her marriage with Uthman. Rasulullah (peace be upon him) said, “…if I had a third daughter I would have married him (to her) and I have only married him to my daughters through divine revelation (wahy). [Al Mu’jamul Kabir, Hadith: 490, vol. 11] In all, Uthman had 8 wives, 9 sons and 7 daughters. The Holy Quran Uthman ibn Affan and all the other sahabah had been educated by the means of the Holy Quran, which was revealed by Allah the Almighty. Uthman, in particular, was deeply attached to the Quran. He was a hafiz of the Quran, and when he died, the mushaf he had



in his hands were so worn out from all the readings he had done. He once said, “I would not like a day to come when I do not look in the Covenant of Allah (i.e. the mushaf).” [al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah, 7/225] Rasulullah (peace be upon him) taught his companions the Holy Quran and these companions came back to their villages and communities and taught their people how to recite the Quran. Various dialects and scripts of the Quran began to sprout from the different communities. Huzaifah bin al-Yaman, a companion of the Messenger (peace be upon him) and also Uthman, witnessed an argument between the people of Syam and Iraq, regarding the recitation of the Quran. Huzaifah immediately went to Uthman, who was the Caliph at that time, and told him about the incident. Huzaifah suggested to Uthman to create a standardised mushaf to eliminate any other confusion in the recitation of the Quran. Uthman gathered a few of his trusted companions to form a committee to settle the problem. The committee was tasked to put the Quran into the form of a book by rewriting the pages from the only original copy, safely kept by Hafsah, one of Rasulullah’s (peace be upon him) wives. A few copies of the Quran mushaf, which was put together by the committee, were made and sent to the greatest cities of the Muslim Caliphate at that time. Each of the mushafs was sent along with someone who was knowledgeable, to teach its recitation to the people in the respective cities. All the other unoriginal copies of the Quran were ordered by Uthman to be destroyed. Thus, till this day, we have in our hands the collated mushaf of the Quran, a standardised procedure by Uthman, preserving the revelation that was being revealed in stages to Rasulullah (peace be upon him) for a period of 23 years. Uthman as Caliph Uthman’s role as Caliph began when Umar Al-Khattab, the second Caliph, elected six men to go through a process of careful consultation to pick the next leader. At that point of time, there were a lot of confusion and insecurities among the Muslims, to the point that even small disagreements became such challenging situations for them. Some people wanted Ali ibn Abu Talib to become the next Caliph after Umar because he was from the family of Rasulullah (peace be upon him), but some others wanted Uthman because he came from one of the greatest tribes in Makkah. In the end, Abdul Rahman ibn Auf stepped up to decide between the two. Uthman was selected to become Caliph over Ali because he was older, and he had softer characteristics than Ali. After Umar’s firm and strong ruling, the Muslim community wanted someone who was softer and less harsh as compared to Umar. Uthman was 70 years of age when he began his role as the leader of the Muslims.


Uthman achieved great things for the Muslim community during his role as the Caliph. He expanded Islam to more countries across the sea, especially after the battle of Zatis-Sawari, one of the most important and crucial battles in the sea in the Islamic history. Despite the disadvantage of lesser war-boats in the sea as compared to the Romans during the battle, Muslims won the battle, enabling them to conquer more cities and countries across the sea. Uthman relied a lot on his family to help him in his role of the Caliph, solely because he trusted them with his heart. However, as time went by, the way Uthman had involved his family into his work was not well received by the Muslim community – they felt that Uthman was unjust. Coming into the final years of his Caliph role, things began to worsen. Seeds of rebellion were sown and it grew along with the years. People started to love the luxurious life that Uthman had warned against, and the economy was worsening year by year. Around the age of 80, some people even told him to resign from the role of Caliph because he was too old, but he remembered the words of Rasulullah (peace be upon him): “Perhaps God will clothe you with a shirt, Uthman, and if the people want you to take it off, do not take it off for them.” Thus, he refused. Uthman’s death There were a lot of propaganda being spread around about Uthman, and the number of people who left him increased with time. Uthman remained firm and steadfast to his role, till the point where a siege was held upon him. During that time, only his family and a couple of people who still had their trust in him stayed, while the rest of his community had fled. Rebels loitered outside his home, and his trusted companions guarded outside his home loyally. On the last day of the siege, Uthman was fasting. He fell asleep and when he awoke, he knew that he was going to be killed on that day. He said, “I saw Rasulullah (peace be upon him) in my dream. Abu Bakr and Umar were with him and Rasulullah (peace be upon him) said: Oh Uthman, break your fast with us.” On that day, after a long siege, the rebels broke into the house and murdered Uthman. At that point of time, Uthman was reciting the Quran. It was said that the last ayat he recited was verse 137 from surah al-Baqarah, “So God will suffice for you against them. And He is the All Hearer and the All Knower.” Such is the tragic end of a man who placed his whole life to carry out a responsibility that has been trusted upon him. A character so beautiful, Uthman brought humility to a level that no one till this day could ever reach, and he would remain as the only man in the world to ever own two lights: Zun-Nurain. Indeed Allah is the All Hearer and All Knower.

Sayyidina Ali ibn Abi Talib The Prophet (peace be upon him) loved Sayyidina Ali dearly and called him by many fond names. Once the Prophet (peace be upon him) found him sleeping in the dust. He brushed off Sayyidina Ali's clothes and said fondly, "Wake up, Abu Turab (Father of Dust)." The Prophet also gave him the title of 'Asadullah' (Lion of Allah). Sayyidina Ali's humility, austerity, piety, deep knowledge of the Quran and his sagacity gave him great distinction among the Prophet's Companions. Sayyidina Abu Bakr, Sayyidina Umar and Sayyidina Uthman consulted him frequently during their caliphates.




Ali Ibn Abi Talib was the fourth of the “Khulafa ar-Rasyidin” or The Rightly Guided Caliphs. They were men who had succeeded Rasulullah (peace be upon him) in leading the Muslims after his death. Each one had learned directly from Rasulullah (peace be upon him), lived amongst him, shared the same level of devotion and best exemplified the qualities which Rasulullah (peace be upon him) himself had. Early Life & Embracing Islam His full name was Ali ibn Abi Talib ibn Abdul Mutalib. Ali Ibn Abi Talib was related to Rasulullah (peace be upon him) by blood as his cousin and later on as his son-in law. He was born ten years before Rasulullah (peace be upon him) received the revelation. Growing up and living in the same household with Rasulullah (peace be upon him) himself, Ali Ibn Abi Talib took after the same virtues and morals or akhlaq. Ali was the first child to become a Muslim when Rasulullah (peace be upon him) had begun spreading the message of Islam. Unlike many others in Makkah at the time, Ali was never an idolater, his forehead had never touched the ground in prostration to worship anything/ anyone else besides Allah (Most High and Exalted). Asadullah: Lion of Allah Ali was a brave man on and off the battlefield. As a warrior, he had participated in almost all the campaigns against the musyrikin thus becoming someone dependable in defending Islam. He has risked his life several times, acting as a decoy during an attempt to assassinate Rasulullah (peace be upon him) and secretly returning items that were entrusted to Rasulullah (peace be upon him) back to their proper owners before the hijrah; migration to Madinah.


Noble Characteristics He was married to Rasulullah’s (peace be upon him) daughter, Fatimah, about two months after the battle of Badr and helped out with the household chores. Though they were so poor to not have food to eat for days on end, they still gave charity to help those who needed it. He was a wise man as shown when he was able to discern that Rasulullah (peace be upon him) was nearing his end when Rasulullah (peace be upon him) gave his last khutbah. He had also served as an advisor to the previous caliphs. After the murder of third caliph, Uthman Ibn ‘Affan, the Muslims were disoriented and divided but found that Ali Ibn Abi Talib was the most suitable person to assume the role. Ali was known to be a just man. Even when in battle and having overpowered his enemies, never did Ali ill-treat them. Once when he was about to kill his victim, the desperate man spat on his face. Ali spared his life and released him, saying that if were to kill the man then, his intention will not remain purely for the sake of Allah but due to personal anger. After that Ali ran away from the man that he had just overpowered, afraid that he would be influenced by his personal anger and act upon it. Upon seeing this, the man who was about to be killed by Ali, took the shahadah and embraced Islam. The Hijrah (Migration) And After Due to the oppression and tyranny endured by the Muslims in Makkah, the Prophet (peace be upon him) requested his companions and the Muslims to seek refuge by migrating. First, he directed a group to Abyssinia, where the ruler was known to be just in allowing the freedom of religion. The Prophet (peace be upon him) remained in Makkah and Ali did not leave his side and tried his best to defend him.


Then the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions decided to migrate to Yathrib (now known as Madinah) to seek protection and help and more importantly spread the word of Islam. Nearly all the Muslims in Makkah had migrated in secret with the exception of some, namely the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his close companions Abu Bakr, Ali, Suhayb and Zaid bin Haritha. Meanwhile the Quraish chiefs were beginning to despair of the failed attempts at hindering the Prophet (peace be upon him) in continuing his call to Islam and spreading the word of Allah.

Captured by them, Ali was tortured but released after some time. Soon after, he delivered all properties that had been kept with the Prophet (peace be upon him) on trust to their owners and left for Yathrib. The Prophet (peace be upon him) had then taken in Ali and had made it known that whoever loved the Prophet (peace be upon him) would love Ali and whoever hurt Ali would hurt the Prophet (peace be upon him).

When the Prophet (peace be upon him) was decreed by Allah to migrate to Yathrib, he left with Abu Bakr secretly. Ali was ordered to remain in Makkah as he, known for his honesty and trustworthiness, was entrusted with the precious belongings of some non-believers in Makkah. One night, forty young men from various clans of the Quraish were called upon to surround the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) home to have a share in killing him. However, angel Jibril brought him news of this and conveyed the order made by Allah to migrate to Yathrib. At midnight, the Prophet (peace be upon him) left his home with Abu Bakr. He requested Ali to sleep in his bed, covering himself with the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) blanket. By the grace of Allah, the Prophet (peace be upon him) had escaped without the young men realizing that he had left. When the men decided to enter the house to kill the Prophet (peace be upon him), they removed the blanket to discover Ali instead. Ali was willing to sacrifice himself for the life of the Prophet (peace be upon him).

When offered the role, Ali Ibn Abi Talib along with all the other candidates refused. There was a discussion within the community and it was found that Ali ibn Abi Talib was the most suitable person to be the next caliph due to his contributions in aiding Rasulullah’s (peace be upon him) cause.

Ali as Khalifah

After much persuasion, Ali ibn Abi Talib accepted the role even though he had preferred to remain in a supportive capacity. Under his leadership and with much effort throughout the five to six years of his service, corrupt people were removed from office and he managed to bring stability back to the state. His Death He was stabbed with a sword laced with poison on the nineteenth day of Ramadhan and died two days after. With his death, came the end of Islamic leadership under the “Khulafa ar-Rasyidin”.




Narrated ‘Abdur-Rahman bin Auf: that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Abu Bakr is in Paradise, Umar is in Paradise, Uthman is in Paradise, Ali is in Paradise, Talhah is in Paradise, Az-Zubair is in Paradise, Abdur-Rahman bin ‘Awf is in Paradise, Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas is in Paradise, and Abu ‘Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah is in Paradise.” (Jami’ At-Tirmidhi, Book 49, Hadith 4112)



Offering solutions to your design and editorial needs. Visit www.mirror-mag.com/studio for details.


The words we read, hear and speak everyday come with layers of meaning. But we exchange them with people, fill our heads up with them and toss them around - thinking and taking for granted that these abstract sounds and letters hold no major consequence to our lives. But we were wrong. “One of you may speak a word that pleases Allah, and not know how far it reaches, but Allah will record for him as pleasure until the Day of Resurrection due to that word. And one of you may speak a word that angers Allah, and not know how far it reaches, but Allah will record against him His anger until the Day he meets Him due to that word.” (Ibn Majah) MIRROR was honoured to be the media partner for Safinah Talks 25: The Power of Words, alongside our long time collaborator, The Poets’ Coffee. In this feature, we share with you some of the learning points from all of the three speakers.



Stop Toxic Talks In Surah Al-Ahzab, verse 70, which means, “O you who have believed, fear Allah and speak words of appropriate justice.” From this, we understand that to be guided in our speech, we need to fear Allah – to develop a form of taqwa. Only with the remembrance of Allah will hearts find rest. “And speak words of appropriate justice”. Your words are your prayers, thus, be mindful of what you speak to yourself. In Surah Ibrahim verse 24, Allah Most High and Exalted says, which means, “Have you not considered how Allah presents an example, (making) a good word like a good tree, whose root is firmly fixed and its branches (high) in the sky?” Why a tree? When you want to grow a tree, it would take a long time after you have planted the seed to see it become a full-grown tree. Likewise for words – they may not have an immediate effect but in the future. Words are like swords Words are not much different from swords. The powerful nature of words is that it either inspires you or destroys you. The Wisdom to Transform “He gives wisdom to whom He wills, and whoever has been given wisdom has certainly been given much good.” (Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 269)

Wisdom gives you the ability to construct the direction of your life, to become the beacon of your success. Therefore, you need guidance from Allah to attain wisdom. The Reasons That Cause Negativity 1. Dwelling over the past and anxious about the future 2. Comparing your life with the life of others 3. Rejecting your own destiny and giving up before the race ends In essence, we should look at life as a gift from Allah, not a burden. The Ways to Attain Peace Within 1. Strengthen relationship with Allah - Only in the remembrance of Allah will hearts find rest. 2. Acceptance and contemplation - Sometimes you have to lose whom you were to find out who you are. 3. Positive self-talk leading to increased self-worth - Self-talk is an action, self-worth is psychological. Positive action leads to positive outcome. 4. Harness the power to forgive others - Everyone makes mistakes. Holding grudges will only affect you negatively. Why suffer when you can let go? “That is because Allah would not change a favour, which He had bestowed upon a people until they change what is within them. And indeed, Allah is Hearing and Knowing.” (Surah Al-Anfal, verse 53)




“O you who believe! Keep your duty to Allah and fear Him, and speak (always) the truth.” (Surah Al-Ahzab, verse 70) Islam recognises the power of words. In fact we came into being with words. Allah Himself said “Be! And so it was.” (kun fayakun) In a hadith narrated by Imam Muslim: Sufyan bin ‘Abdullah reported: I said, “O Rasulullah, tell me something of Islam, which I will not ask anyone else about it.” He (peace be upon him) said, “Say, ‘I believe in Allah’ and then be steadfast”. The Prophet (peace be upon him) did not just say be steadfast in Islam but rather he said, “Say, ‘I believe in Allah’ and then be steadfast”. It has to be proclaimed first and then be steadfast. That is why in the definition of Iman (faith), there are three components: 1. Set of beliefs in the heart

2. Professed

3. Act upon

Words have consequences Words elicit a reaction. Whatever we say to another produces some kind of effect in that person. We are constantly creating something, either positive or negative with our words. Therefore, each and every one of us shoulder a responsibility to think and reflect on the consequences before uttering a word. Allah made mention in the Quran, in Surah Qaaf verse 18, which means, “Not a word does he (or she) utter but there is a watcher by him ready (to record it).” Words have a ripple effect in our lives and those around us. As the saying goes, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words


can heal my soul.” A single word is capable of change. It is able to make us react and behave differently. Power of Words “Keep your words positive, because your words become your actions. Keep your actions positive, because your actions become your habits. Keep your habits positive, because your habits become your lifestyle. Keep your lifestyle positive, because your lifestyle becomes your destiny.” “Have you not considered how Allah presents an example, (making) a good word like a good tree, whose root is firmly fixed and its branches (high) in the sky?” (Surah Ibrahim, verse 24) “And the parable of an evil word is that of an evil tree uprooted from the surface of earth, having no stability.” (Surah Ibrahim, verse 26) Perils of the Tongue 1. Lie “Woe to him who speak and lie so that he can makes people laugh - woe to him, woe to him.” (Hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad) “And follow not that of which you have no knowledge. Verily! The hearing, and the sight, and the heart, of each of those one will be questioned (by Allah).” (Surah Al-Isra’, verse 36) “Indeed a lie upon me is not like a lie upon anyone else, for whoever lies upon me intentionally, then he shall take his seat in the Fire.” (Hadith narrated by Imam Muslim)


2. Mockery, Sarcasm & Debasing

7. Excessive Questions

“O you who believe! Let not a group scoff at another group, it may be that the latter are better than the former. Nor let (some) women scoff at other women, it may be that the latter are better than the former. Nor defame one another, nor insult one another by nicknames. How bad is it to insult one’s brother after having Faith. And whosoever does not repent, then such are indeed wrongdoers.” (Surah Al-Hujurat, verse 11)

“What I have forbidden for you, avoid. What I have ordered you, do as much of it as you can. For verily, it was only the excessive questioning and their disagreeing with their Prophets that destroyed the nations who were before you.” (Hadith narrated by Imam Muslim)

3. Vulgar

1. Mind Your Own Business

“The believer does not insult the honor of others, nor curse, nor commit evil, nor is he foul.” (Hadith narrated by Imam Tirmidzi)

“Part of a person’s goodness in Islam is his leaving alone that which does not concern him.” (Hadith narrated by Ibn Majah)

4. Boasting

2. Speak No Evil

“Allah, the Most High has revealed to me that you (people) should be humble, so that no one transgresses another, or boasts to the other.” (Hadith narrated by Imam Muslim)

“Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day speak good, or keep silent; and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his neighbour; and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his guest.” (Hadith narrated by Imam Muslim)

5. Reminding others of one’s own generosity “Kind words and forgiving of faults are better than charity followed by injury. And Allah is Rich and He is Most-Forbearing.” (Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 263) 6. Backbiting & Slandering Rasulullah (peace be upon him) said, “Do you know what is backbiting? They (the Companions) said: Allah and His Messenger know best. Thereupon he said: Backbiting implies your talking about your brother in a manner which he does not like. It was said to him: What is your opinion about this that if I actually find (that failing) in my brother which I made a mention of? He said: If (that failing) is actually found (in him) what you assert, you in fact backbite him, and if that is not in him it is a slander. (Hadith narrated by Imam Muslim)


3. Gentle “And the (faithful) slaves of the Most Gracious (Allah) are those who walk on the earth in humility and sedateness, and when the foolish address them (with bad words) they reply back with mild words of gentleness.” (Surah Al-Furqan, verse 63) Conclusion - Words are powerful. They are seeds that yield either a good or bad harvest. - Do not let our mouths get in the way of life’s blessings. - As we begin to be mindful of our speech, we take control of what we are allowing into our lives, how we affect our surroundings, and the things that would influence our thinking and speech.




How People Respond to Words An interesting aspect about praise is the chemical reaction it causes in us. Researchers show that when we hear something we like, a burst of dopamine is released in our brains. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, that’s associated with feelings of joy, pride, satisfaction, and well-being. The bottom line is? Learn to give more compliments, words of encouragement, and more ”thank you”. One of the meaning of Zakat is to promote growth; the more you give the more you get. Thus, to put it into this context, the more positivity we give, the more we will get. Words Have the Power to Build

Words to Bless With 1. Ability 4. Work 7. Appreciation

2. Character 5. Potential 8. Abundance

3. Appearance 6. Belief

The Cycle of Words 1. The words arise in your mind. 2. The words are said. 3. The words are heard. 4. The words are interpreted. 5. The words are felt. 6. The words invoke a response. Words Are Contagious

Along the way, as we study, as we work, as we interact with others, there begins to be a silent need that develops from deep within. This need, is called recognition. There are people who do not mind volunteering, or working with a low salary, as long as they feel that they are valued as a person.

Like begets like, hate breeds more hatred. Saying a nice word to someone would result in a chain reaction of praises and kind words. The person receiving your words would be inspired with what was said to him and speaks to another with another kind word. This goes on from one person to the next and so on.

The words you received as a child, may still be lingering in your head till this very day. They may have been the words that have kept you going, Or they may be the words which have been holding you back.

There are so many people that we can bless our words with. Our friends, colleagues, spouse, neighbours and so on. Let’s bless somebody today!



Launched in October 2013, The Spink Studio is made up of two sisters obsessed with the printing, packaging and designing world. Their biggest wish is to translate their first love affair into something tangible, something that everyone can truly enjoy. Having no proper education in designing, the team comprises mere devotees to the graphic design industry and owners of countless doodlebooks with horrible scribbles as drawings. The sisters main fuel is obsession, an obsession with paper albeit the fact that they cannot cut anything straight. MIRROR had the privilege of collaborating with The Spink Studio, alongside The Poets’ Coffee and The Write Series, for our Ramadhan Project, 29 Days of Blessings. These two sisters are definitely fun to work with and their artworks will definitely amaze you. With the theme of companionship for this issue, we thought who would be better to feature than our friends, Kaiyisah & Saiyidah, the sisters that make up The Spink Studio.


To start off, could you share with us, the story of The Spink Studio, how did it all started? The SPINK Studio was born from two imperative needs. Firstly, as cliché as this may sound, we have been deliberating to start a business as an avenue from the usual humdrum of the nine-tofive world , to move away from the collective trance of the rat race in hope that we are able to find the time within ourselves to fully seek the true meaning of our purpose and existence in this Dunya. Besides, Islam has taught us the significance of business and trading with one another. The Prophet himself was a trader. Many of his sahabahs were traders too! It comes naturally for us as Muslims to emulate the path of the Prophet (pbuh) and his Companions. The second need is to give back to the community; in any means or forms possible. At the end of the day, we reaffirm to ourselves that the rezqi is from Him alone and the knowledge that has been bestowed upon us is solely from Him and not for us to hoard. Why the name The Spink Studio? Haha! We get this question very often! It really happened on a random lazy morning; in between coffee and pancakes, when we shared our business ideas to the table with our siblings. We were looking at something that combines paperies with ink. The word ‘spink’ grew on us almost immediately! I understand that the founders of The Spink Studio do not have design background. So how did the interest in design started? S: Back in 2005, I showed an interest in learning Photoshop to quench my increasing thirst for photography. Over time, it evolved 26

from editing photos to exploring typography on Photoshop. As a photographer, colours have a very special place in my heart or eyes for that matter. Take a look outside or just head to the Gardens by the Bay and you see the majestic beauty that He has created in the flowers, the trees and even in the tiniest insects. There are so many colours that complement each other and I wanted that to be a part of the designing process that we do. That’s why our prints are very colourful but don’t worry, we also have some minimalist ones to suit our light and breezy days! N: My interest in design was pique back in my uni days when I found myself collecting pretty packaging from some of the retail stores and purchasing things on impulse simply because of the way it was designed and packaged. In months to come, I saw myself being drawn into the print and pattern world, visiting the art store, picking out sketchbook and art materials to start doodling away. But it wasn’t until Saiyidah made a typography print for my birthday in 2011 that I fell in love with the lettering world. What were your professions before running The Spink Studio? What was the key factor that made the both you decide to proceed with the transition? S: I was still pursuing a degree in Information Technology pretending to listen to the lecturers about Java++ when I am actually just itching to get back to my sketchbook. N: I on the other hand, was busy number crunching during my stay in the banking and financial sector to a point that it really drained me out due to the very long hours and tight datelines. Coincidentally, Saiyidah and myself happened to be on a spiritual journey finding for our true purpose in life. Reconnecting and


renewing our faith was one of the major reason that made us leave our comfort zone and went for the plunge. People around us said we were crazy. But sometimes crazy is good ;) What are the range of products that The Spink Studio have to offer? We are actually in the process of expanding our product lines. We hope to launch them in staggering stages but they are now all under wraps, so keep your eyes peeled! For now, you can purchase our Islamic prints, typography prints and doodlebooks which are readily available in our store - thespinkstudio.com. Periodically, we release special edition(s) of ‘Quotes-In-A-box’, like the ones we did for the Ramadhan special. We also do customized typography artprints for our clients. If you prefer a more personalized artprint from the ones you see in our store, you can always email us contactus@thespinkstudio.com. As with all customization work, it requires a longer turnaround time. Who are your main customers? Alhamdulilah, we now have a fair share of local and international customers. When we first started out, our customers were mainly from the West since they always love the idea of hanging wall art in their homes. But Alhamdulilah this concept is now slowly picking up here in Singapore. What are your views on ‘Design and Islam’? With at least 40% of our customers as non-Muslims, it serves as a platform for us to do da’wah. The purpose is to allow them to get to know about this beautiful religion and not how the mainstream media has made to perceive. Many love Rumi as a poet but not many are aware of him as a Sufi mystic. Making prints of his poems became an ice breaker for us. As we go from one location to another in our flea market circuit, we have had many inquisitive, like minded individuals who are genuinely interested in the Islamic quotes that we do. One of our best sellers is still the ‘Sabr’ print. It teaches a lot about patience and we can all learn a thing or two about being patient in this fast-paced world. :) How do you think the relationship between graphic design and religion has changed throughout the recent years? The path to Allah is as many as human breaths and graphic designing is just one of them. Alhamdulilah, we are seeing more Muslims graphic designers leveraging on the platform to spread Islam. In fact, Australia has an amazing pool of creative Muslim designers! At the end of the day, we as a community need to generate more ideas. Be bold about it in executing them. Be the game changer to enrich and illuminate the lives of the Ummah. Doodlebooks for a cause, such a noble project. Could you share with us the a little bit on the project? The “Doodlebooks-For-A-Cause” was actually born from the very belief that every individual is born creative as creativity brings with it, its own set of endless ideas and possibilities. Ideas are merely mental phenomena which drift into the mind, wander through and often vanish into obscurity, never to be recalled again unless they are written down or drawn out. That was exactly what we hoped to accomplish - to reach out to every underprivileged child to unleash their inner raw creativity through drawings or writings. To inspire them that no idea is a simple idea because every idea has the potential to breed innovation! We ran this cause for the very first time for the underprivileged children in Yogyakarta. For every doodlebook purchased, another doodlebook together with a stationery set will be given to the kids at the panti asuhan.

Alhamdulilah, to see so many happy and smiley faces on that day make our hearts full. Upcoming plans for The Spink Studio? We have quite a lot on our plate for now so we are really streamlining the processes and hoping to expand the team in the future, insha Allah. Any messages for the readers? S: Always always work hard towards your dream. No dream is small enough to be chucked aside and no dream is too overwhelming to tackle on. Take one step at a time; a day at a time. Passion is a necessity but alone, it is not enough to fuel it. It needs hard work and dedication. If you have one of the two, half of the battle has been won. Just be consistent. Never be afraid to ask for help. When starting, it is only natural to mimic others. You are in between finding more about yourself and what you can offer to the world. Stay for the ride, it’ll be an interesting journey! :) N: In starting out any businesses for the first time, its only natural that one tends to get overzealous and see the need to get it perfect the first time round. But always remember that perfection is not ours. Its His. Do not get too upbeat over the smallest thing until it become a stumbling block to your entrepreneurial journey. Be easy on yourself, just roll with the punches and learn from mistakes. We understand striking out on your own can get too overwhelming at times but we always seek comfort in the words of Imam Ibn al-Qayyim (rahimahullah)- “Do not carry the worries of this life because this is for Allah. And do not carry the worries of sustenance because it is from Allah. And do not carry the anxiety for the future because it is in the Hands of Allah”. 27


Serving waffles with luv, an interior designer by training, brother Sheik Abdul Kader who also happens to be our Operations Manager’s friend from national service, started off his café out of (well you guessed it) love, dedicated to his fiancé and family. MIRROR caught up with him recently, as he shared with us his luv story. So tell us, what inspired you to start this café? What initially started off as a humble freelance business later led to the grand opening of our physical store. During our courtship days, my fiancée, Malikka had hosted a habit of requesting for ice cream at all the eateries we frequented. This tendency of hers laid the foundation for With Luv Café. I decided to open up the dessert café with the help of my family that now serves delectable flavours of ice cream to satisfy Malikka’s sweet tooth as well as lay a pedestal for all couples to enjoy our sweet treats.

Address: 511 Grand Link Square, #01-52 Singapore 399849

Opening Hours: Sunday - Monday: 2pm - 10pm Friday - Saturday: 3pm - 12am Closed on Tuesdays

Telephone: 65 8161 9487

FOOD: WITH LUV Why the name With Luv? While people see me as the person responsible for the concoction of the dessert recipes, my mother who works alongside with me is always actively creating new savoury items. Malikka aids by managing the social media pages of With Luv and my father and sisters also tend to the customers who patronize the café whenever they are able to. All in all, this is an establishment thriving on the unconditional support from my entire family. Now it makes perfect sense that the café is named ‘With Luv, doesn’t’ it? What were you doing before setting up this café? I am in the interior design line. The café doubles as my interior design office as every aspect of With Luv Café is a product of my design ideas. What makes With Luv different from the other cafes? With Luv, a love-inspired café, is the first place that started the idea of wafflescakes and flavoured waffles in Singapore. With Luv is not your usual ice cream parlour/café; it is a modern café that focuses on converting desserts into waffles! Wafflecake is the creation which effortlessly steals the limelight on the With Luv menu. You may have heard of waffles and cakes as separate entities, but to merge these baked goods together is a different thing altogether. Share with us briefly, what does With Luv have to offer? Dessert tables – Customized and unique dessert buffets for corporate parties, weddings, birthdays and special events. Wedding live stations – live dessert station of freshly made and piping hot waffles with ice cream and mini cheesecakes. Venue to host shows – we’ve worked with Mediacorp artistes and we host shows, events, parties for the public. What are the must try dishes or signature dishes of the café? Could you give a brief explanation on each of them? Wafflecakes – made by stacking freshly baked waffles one top of another, with generous fillings in between each layer. Some of our innovative and highly palatable flavours include; red velvet, pandan, ovaltine, blue velvet, rainbow and milo nuggets! Sambal waffger – an Asian take on waffles. Thick sliced waffles with juicy, peppered chicken dressed in homemade chicken sambal. A melted slice of cheese and fresh crunchy lettuce. Egg omelette with equal amounts of cheese, chili, mayonnaise and cold cut salad dressing. As some would describe it, it’s not just mouth-watering, it’s eye-watering too. Cheesecakes – creamy, comforting with just a hint of crunch, our cheesecakes are our usual crowd pleasers. Locally-infused flavours are our speciality with Ondeh-Ondeh and Mango Sticky Rice cheesecake often stealing the limelight. What make them the signature dishes? They identify me as a designing chef. These dishes are part of how I express taste and flavours in my own style. Any offers that With Luv is having currently or if there are any on-going offers? We’ll have a special offer every last weekend of the month, follow us on Facebook ‘With Luv’ or on Instagram @withluvcafe to find out more. From all of us at MIRROR, we wish With Luv all the best and may Allah bless With Luv with continuous success, Amin. 29



BY KHAIRUNNISA & SYAZREEMA In this issue, we share with you some fashion inspirations for both men and women. In addition to fashion, we have alongside Quranic verses, reminding us to stay modest while being trendy at the same time.

MODESTY “Tell the believing men to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things) & to protect their private parts. That is purer for them. Verily, Allah is All-Aware of what they do.” (Surah An-Nur, verse 30) 30



MODESTY “…And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display of their adornment only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils over their bosoms, and not to reveal their adornment save to their own husbands…” (Surah An-Nur verse 30) 31


28 October 2015 32



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ALHAMDULILLAH, WE ARE 3. Dear readers, thank you.







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