NAF HRO Office
Tori Building 656 | Room 1460 0176-77-3108 |
Preference Q&A
What is Military Spouse Preference? T Th Thee sp sspouse ouse ou se ooff an aactive ctiv ct ivee du duty ty m member embe em berr of tthee Mi th Mili Military lilita tary ta r S ry Services, ervi er vice ces, s, w who ho rrelocates eloc el ocat ates es vvia ia a p pe permanent rman rm anen an entt ch chan change ange ge ooff st stat station atio ion n (P (PCS (PCS) CS)) mo move ve a a ssponsored as pons po nssor ored ed dd dependent, epen ep ende dent nt, to tthe hee m military ililit itar aryy spon sp sponsor’s onso on sor’ so r’ss ne r’ n new w pe perm permanent rman anen entt du duty ty sstation t ti ta tion on iiss eentitled en t tl ti tled ed tto o mi mili lilita tary ta ry sspouse poous u e pr ref efer eren ence cee ((MSP) M P) MS military preference for fo or al aalll positions posi po s ti si t on onss in tthe he ccommuting ommu om muti tiing n aarea r a of re o tthe h he neew duty du utyy sstation t ti ta t on nb eing ei ng fifilllled led le d un ndeer co omp mpet e it et itiv ivee new being under competitive pr p procedures. roc oced ed durress. Make Makee sure sur uree to u upload p oa pl o d your your u PCS PCS CS orde or deerss w heen yo h you u ap appl p y fo pl fforr a po posi s ti si tion on n. orders when apply position. When do you lose your Military Spouse Preference? You lose MSP when you accept or decline a Regular category position with NAF (Nonappropriated funds), Appropriated funds (GS positions), or AAFES (BX). You also lose your MSP if you decline an invitation to the interview for regular category positions. However you DO NOT LOSE the Military Spouse Preference if you accept or decline FLEX positions.
How many times can you use the Military Spouse Preference? You can apply with Military Spouse Preference without limit. Military Spouses will be referred using Military Spouse Preference until such time as they accept acce c pt p or decline decl de clin inee a Re Regu Regular gula larr category cateego ca gory om aint ai ntai a n el eeligibility, ig gib ibililit ity, y, oorr ar are no n position, or fail to maintain longer interested inter eres este ted d in b being eing ei ng referred. ref efer erre red. d.
June 2022
Who qualifies for Family Member Preference? Family members are the spouse, or unmarried dependent children, including stepchildren, adopted children, and foster children not more than 23 years of age, residing with a member of the U.S. Armed Forces or a U.S. citizen civilian employee of a U.S. Government Agency (APF employee, AAFES employees.)
Daycare Service Dogs D ogs $15/day
28 ⅼ
Do I still have Military Spouse Preference if I got married after my spouse was already stationed in Misawa? No. To be entitled for Military Spouse Preference the spouse must: • Have married the military sponsor prior to the date of the military sponsor’s orders authorizing a permanent change of station. • When applying for position, submit a copy of the Permanent Change of Station (PCS) order identifying a dependents-authorized move and the sponsor’s reporting date to the new duty location.
Drrop-off Drop-off Moonda M nd day ay–Friday | 8-8:30 a.m. ay– Monday–Friday Pi ick-up Pick-up Monday–Friday M ond day ay–Friday | Anytime–6 p.m..