One Love is for everyone who is aware of life, who is 'awake' That may have to do with understanding how our world works and knowing that living from the heart is the solution to a brighter future I believe we are using our co-collective consciousness to manifest This magazine is my upload to our cosmic internet for all souls to download for free!
During the last three years you may have lost people close to you because you have a different attitude to life. The differences have become more apparent since 2020 and so you may not resonate with each other anymore. People come and go in your life, that's part of it.
Still, it's nice if you can connect with others who may also have this experience.
We Are All One One Love magazine is mainly about sharing stories so you can remember who you are and can activate all your Super Powers! Let's feed the collective mind and help humanity rise during The Great Awakening
Eva van Zeeland5D NEW EARTH
Collectively we are moving at full speed from the third dimension (3D) through the fourth (birth canal), to the fifth dimension (5D)
Do you believe that there is a soulmate walking around here on earth who you are sure to meet or maybe even have already met?
15 30
Meet Your New Tribe
We are the crazy ones
Yes, you must be crazy, when you see things that no one else is seeing. We all had the experience of waking up and lifting the veiL
Do you often see repeating numbers and wonder what do they mean? Is there a hidden message for you to discover?
Our first meeting was on August 8, the day of the Lion's gate portal, one of the happiest days of the year
Having a fair amount of conversations with people, I found the hardest part of each conversation to keep an open dialogue
Everything in the universe is made up of vibrations. All organs also have different vibrations relative to each other
Together we are on the ascension express train. Collectively we are moving at full speed from the third dimension (3D) through the fourth (birth canal), to the fifth dimension (5D).
Our vibrations and those of the earth are being raised to those of light. You remember again who you really are, what your unique gifts are and what your mission on earth is
It can feel like you are being shaken Everything that no longer serves you comes to the surface and may be transformed In waves, the frequency raises come into your system, further cleansing and purifying. And then and there begins the journey that goes at high speed. The journey to your true self and divine spark. The express train is increasing in vibration and speed every day and is being felt by more and more people.
Together we will be brought into the light. Eventually we will find out that we are not human, but a higher consciousness in a human experience. But before then we may work on ourselves and heal each other.
By no means will everyone come along with these high energy frequencies You go along when you are ready for it and have chosen it yourself That is why at this time it is important to come together and with a high energy tribe like the 5Ddating community with brothers and sisters who are going through the same thing.
It is incredible what we get to experience. So much is happening behind the earthly scenes and in our bodies. We are being "rewired" at our DNA level and the bodies becoming lighter and lighter. Each one who is ready is ascending to another state of being. The pure light core remains and you can hear your higher self again. Access to ancient stored multidimensional wisdom and spiritual gifts open up
Mayan for I AM. The unity consciousness that we are all connected. A great time to bring all the love you have within you as a cosmic being to yourself and others around you. We can transform dark in light, but we must work together. Therefore, continue to meet with your vibe tribe and reconnect with all your cosmic brothers and sisters! To share love and experiences.
The Collective Consciousness Meditative State-of-Mind Determines Positive or Negative Timeline. Be Loving & Peaceful. Dimensional Veil Thins.
Full Disclousure: Extraterrestrials, Free Energy, Knowledge & Healing. Reptilians & Draco Expelledfrom Solar System.
Spontaneous Light Body DNA Full Activation. Global Financial Slavery Ends. Sealed Indictments Tribunals. Inner Earth Civilizations Reveal Themselves.
Visitation Inner Earth & Beyond Solar System. Ascended Abilities Develop: Telepathy, Telekinesis, Levitation and Psychic Healing. Mother Earth is Healed
Eva: I always felt 'different' and not completely at home and was looking for likeminded people. I found all my people in 2020: We are the crazy ones!
Who you can talk to about death, extraterrestrials, relationships, sex, government, the meaning of life and why we are here.
Someone who can embrace your weirdness! Who is consciousness and into self-development.
At 5Ddating.com you can be yourself completely and show your unique light to the world.
Yes, you must be crazy, when you see things that no one else is seeing. We all had the experience of waking up, lifting the veil, and thinking: Am I the only one seeing this? Am I going nuts? I must be losing my head?!?
You begin to doubt yourself, this can't be true? All family and friends you tell about the disturbing things you see, look at you like you are from another planet. You must be crazy!
But then, may be after a long period of loneliness and insecurity, you meet other people who have the same vision and remembrance.
You're not getting crazy, you're just waking up to your true nature. You start remembering who you are, where you came from and what your mission is on this beautiful planet.
What is weird and what is normal? Who want's to be normal anyway? Maybe being weird is the true new normal! Living from your heart, following your passions, do all the crazy stuff you always wanted to do but didn't because you were afraid what others would think and say? Now is the time to fully be YOU!
These are the people with whom we create a beautiful new world together: from 3D to 5D. From thinking human to inner knowing human. We see what’s really going on in the world.
We want to live outside the created matrix (that film is a documentary by the way). Where we believe in abundance, knowing that there is enough for everyone. The earth is increased in frequency and we humans transform with this vibration: from low density to high density.
We are convinced that we have the inner power to live a beautiful new world as a free, sovereign human being. Discover how you can raise your vibration by being positive and daily doing the thinks that makes you happy!
Please keep on speaking your truth and don't be afraid of criticism by expressing a different opinion. We need people who speak out against injustice, who embrace their weirdness and exclude no one.
Rule 1 of the constitution is at the top of our list: Discrimination on the grounds of religion, belief, political affiliation, race, sex or on any other grounds is not permitted. We are non-political. We think for ourselves and will not be framed by the mainstream media.
Welcome to the fifth dimension, welcome to ONE LOVE magazine.
Watch all the documentaries of Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter at www.fallcabal.com
They sometimes say: love, it is written in the stars. Do you believe that there is a soulmate walking around here on earth who you are sure to meet or maybe even have already met? Or is there even that eternal love from a past life that also crosses your path in this lifetime?
Maybe you will meet the same kind of partners over and over again (the karmic relationship) and it is time for you to learn your life lessons from this in order to attract the love of your life.
ONE LOVE is looking for Love Stories! Share your most beautiful Love Story via love@5Ddating.com and win a free Love Story reading of 30 min worth €25,- in which I will give you more insight into your love life
Curious about your love life? Send me a personal message for more information about a personal reading
Eva van ZeelandFind your High Vibe Energy Tribe in the Fiftht Dimension at www 5Ddating com and connect with like-minded souls All our members are manually approved (we try our best to keep out the dating scammers and other demons) and are conscious at each there own level. In ONE LOVE magazine you can meet some of them.
My biggest lesson in love was SELF-love! I was in relationships most of my life from the age of 15
I couldn't be alone! Funny enough I ended up with my first love after 22 years and separated again to learn this lesson.
I started this community at the time I was married to my soulmate, the love of my life Unfortunately we had to let each other go from love to be able to grow as souls The datingsite had to be different from all the other platforms I knew, with better questions that describe what conscious souls are looking for. I also use these questions to filter out anyone who isn't awake or has bad intentions
I made the agreement with myself to stay single for one year at least. To be comfortable alone by myself. That doesn't mean I don't have fun! I am really glad to have my own datingsite in this time we live in.... we are in such a niche (15%) that finding like-minded souls on regular datingsites and apps is as rare as trying to raise your vibration by watching the news!
Born in Hoalland
A spontaneous soul who loves to travel and meet up. She wants to connect with others and share stories. Preferably with people who are awaken and likeminded Friends who she can count on to get her out of her comfort zone and have deeper conversations about anything Nothing is too crazy!
Most important to Zoë is the matching of energy. Because for her that is what builds a good friendship and helps make a connection from within. With love being the driven force of all!
Want to meet more like-minded people? And find your high vibe energy tribe? Join 5Ddating to find Dee, Eva, Brian, Zoë and many more beautiful souls!
Do you want to contribute to ONE LOVE magazine?
Then tell us your story! Please let us know how you want to contribute! You can send all your super powers and what you want to do to love@5Ddating.com
She’s a curious soul with a big heart for others, animals and the New Earth. Dee’s following of her own bliss takes her to many adventurous places She loves to write and coach All used to create a contribution to this time of great change an transition.
She has a deep connection with source Dee wants to share her wisdom and be inspired by others. So we can manifest it on this beautiful planet. Ideally doing all this together with her soulmate.
He is a true manifestor and traveler Currently he is in Bolivia for two months to live amongst the Inca's. Brian seeks to have an impact; not only for himself but also for others. From a deeper knowledge (such as about the New Earth), he wants to connect with others Brian is his happiest when surrounded by like-minded friends, food and when he reaches his goals Because essentially that is what love is about; being there for each other.
Welcome new beginning! Whatever it may be, love or another job, welcome with open arms.
The universe and your spirit guides are helping you. Be open to receive the guidance they love to support you with
No worries, the universe has amazing plans for you. The constant in life is change!
You are perfectly aligned Connect with your own inner guidance.
Remember that you are always taken care of and that everthing is okay. Whatever you do
Pay attention to your thoughts What you tink about is put into the universe; so are they positive or negative?
Maarten: "Last summer I unsuspectingly created an account on 5Ddating And within a few days, cupid had a direct hit! Our first meeting was on August 8, the day of the Lion's gate portal, one of the happiest days of the year
From the moment we saw each other we felt a deep recognition, a fascination, our souls had found each other again. We experienced a feeling of joy and familiarity. And we actually didn’t know each other at all! We know: we belong together and we stay together What we started in a past life, we build up in this life and finish together in the next life!
So thank you so much for setting up 5Ddating, a beautiful love portal that we can recommend to everyone"
Having a fair amount of conversations with people that have each their own beliefs, lifestyle or religion, I found the hardest part of each conversation to keep an open dialogue. I feel that the real meaning and practice of a dialogue is misunderstood most of the time Conversations become more like discussions or disputes I noticed how quick an opinion is regarded as an assault or something that has to be corrected right away.
People trying to convince each other and pushing their believes instead of listening In this article I share my views on this
A tiny bit of my history
I have had conversations with a swami, some bishops, several priests, many witches, energyworkers, "lightworkers", druids, shamans, pagans, jews, christians, buddhists, atheists, Hindu, people who have mixed beliefs and people with their own beliefs and closed community. So all kinds of people and from different standards in life These conversations took place during my life since I was about 18 Even when I was 13 years old I could not resist to talk about esothery and philosophy (I was not aware of these words profoundly at that time) with several adults who were known to my family.
Since childhood I have been trying to understand people and life in general Because I listened in silence, people would start to talking to me. Kids from my age and older people. They approached me and just started talking. Somethimes I heard them say:"Why am I telling you this?" and walk away
During my adolescence this happened more often and even strangers would talk to me and start about their ways of life and their troubles Something in me was triggering them to tell me their problems At about the age of 18 I followed my first education in Social Care and would proceed with a second one three years later Over time I grew more curious ad started asking questions in what people would feel, think and do. I got interested in psychology and philosophy and would visit the Library often I could listen very well but I had to learn to ask questions that would be helpful and sensible I finished my Study in Social Care in 2001 with a Bachelor degree. I worked in various healthcare settings for elderly people, children and youth After that and during my studies I have done a lot of other things that kept me busy and evolving
For me personally it does not matter -at all- what belief, religion or lifestyle a person has It does matter to me what intention a person has and actually does and show in behaviour
A person can talk, plead or preach a lot, but the actions speak more truth. Also, the body does not lie. I remember vividly situations during my childhood with a catholic based group I grew up in There was no room for my early childhood life experiences with multidimensional beings and spirits. Yes, like a particular movie; I have seen dead people too. But that is not the interesting part here I want to focus on the way people can deny someone the freedom to talk about a subject that has meaning and value
I have seen demon-like figures, experienced loving and caring beings that guided and protected me. I have had poltergeist-like experiences too in a house I grew up in And "touched on shoulder" feelings in old monestaries I have met suïcided persons in houses. Even walked through a 'ghost' on the stairs outside to my front door. Felt and heard a cat-spirit jumping of my bed and running down the stairs I have visited different realms, received visions and lessons This and more but hey! It is just part of the Universe and Life
But as I wrote above, these experiences were absolutely not welcome in the groups I was partially raised in during my childhood And honestly my parents did not actually know how to deal with my experiences either. Sometimes my father knew something to say but most of the time I was on my own in this matter
At this catholic group, called The Focolare, I wanted to talk about my experiences because they were part of my daily life Sadly I was told by an elder not to speak about this in the group And secondly - very contradicting - I had to share my experience of the past week(s). The group was formed to talk about good deeds and about struggeling we encountered in doing good deeds and being a good brother, son, friend, person in general Love eachother as if they were your borther or sister in the name of God or Jesus. Etcetera.
My stories frightened the other children So I had to shut my mouth even though I still had to participate in the group I call these sessions: "My first Contradictions". It was very confrontational because the group was so called "open for other beliefs and religions" But in fact, they were not (and stil are not able to open up)
So when I became older and went into adulthood I said a definitly goodbye forever to this 'community'. For this and for more reasons So this is an example of a dilemma I encountered at a young age when having a conversation with others about matters they do not understand or do not experience And it made me very clear that if something does not "exist" for a person, it is very hard to be heard and accepted.
As humanity we are able to co-operate on the base of loving and caring for each other and with each other and other lifeforms that are able and willing to do so.
We organise events and meet-ups and the possibility to share your multidimensional experiences.
So now its time that you share your story! Have you had a multidimensional experience yourself? Do you have a remembrance of your past life’s?
Did you see a UFO or other exceptional phenomenon? Let us know!
Share your story!
Déjà vu’ literally means ‘already seen’ A weird sensation that you get like you've already experienced a particular situation.
Walking into a new place yet you have a strong feeling that you've been there before Or you are talking to someone and they mention something, which gives you a déjà vu sensation
Overall you can view this as a 'glitch in te matrix'. You have seen it or experienced this before; this is your conformation
Don't confuse it with déjà vu! This is when something happens to you over and over again. For example; you stub the same toe every day Or when you hear the same song everyday at 11 am.
This is a crystal clar sign from the universe to keep an eye out The universe wants you to notice them so you stop living on autopilot and start consciously living
We love our possessions with some having special memories Losing something dear to your heart sometimes hurts, but it also acts as a sign.
Losing or breaking something you are attached to, is the universe telling you that you need to leave something behind to create space for the new And when you do so, perhaps it might find it's way back.
Items handpicked with love to give to dear ones including yourself. To not only raise your vibration but also expand your consciousness. But mostly; to feel better!
Activate your cosmic energy and awaken the whispers of your soul through the lost lands, energy portals and ancient sites of this beautiful 53-card oracle
Have you always had a longing for home without really knowing what that meant? If so, you could be a Starseed Soul - one who has incarnated elsewhere in the cosmos before your time on Earth.
Copper drinking bottles (tamba) have been produced and used in India for over 200 years. According to the ancient Indian Ayurveda, drinking water from a copper bottle helps balance the three energies that circulate in the human body; they are called the Doshas (Vata- air element, Kapha- water element and Pitta- fire element).
These bottles are only suitable for water. Not suitable for milk, citrus and sour liquids. The copper water bottles are handmade in India, which means that every bottle is unique and may differ somewhat from the picture.
Time Bender" describes the journey of discovery of a young man who is drawn into a Galactic battle that is unprecedented Humanity he discovers - is in a key position to resolve the Cosmic conflicts nce and for all The only question is: Will we wake up in time? Time ender is a fast-paced page-turner, revealing our hidden past and ossible future Will we wake up in time to reclaim our sovereignty, ecognize ourselves and become Time Benders?
Everything in the universe is made up of vibrations. All organs also have different vibrations relative to each other The Biotensor captures each vibration and observes the differences between them
With the Biotensor, your body is examined for physical and/or emotional disturbances In this way it becomes clear on all levels which organ, or which part of the body is damaged, inflamed, sick or disturbed.
Designed by German philosopher Dr J Oberach It may look a little weird, but the Biotensor is amazing at examining bodies. From physical to emotional disturbances, aura leaks or igniting medicine damage.
Essentially a Biotensor reverberates any vibration
Everything in the universe is made up of vibrations, so a sensitive measuring instrument like this one, will pick up any vibration. It will add or release energy blocks or storage, which makes it a healing-process
Start by holding the tensor in front of you, with your dominant hand. Make the connection and ask if you are connected to the biosensor Your unconsciousness will respond with yes (nodding of tensor) or no (left-right shaking of tensor) Now you are ready to start examining and healing!
Since the tensor is in connection with your unconsciousness, in your head words or areas that you need to heal will come up Think about that area and watch the biotensor starting to heal. Clockwise turning is adding energy. Counter clockwise turning is releasing energy
The most important thing to keep in mind is that the Biotensor will do the work. Don't think about it; just let it flow and happen! Your unconsciousness is super strong and will connect to the tensor almost immediately
So, turn off your brain and listen to your inner voice.
N O T H I N G C A N S T O P A G O O D M E M E !
A m e m e i s a v i r a l l y t r a n s m i t t e d i m a g e e m b e l l i s h e d w i t h t e x t , u s u a l l y s h a r i n g p o i n t e d c o m m e n t a r y o n c u l t u r a l s y m b o l s , s o c i a l i d e a s , o r c u r r e n t e v e n t s . A m e m e i s t y p i c a l l y a p h o t o o r v i d e o , a l t h o u g h s o m e t i m e s i t c a n b e a b l o c k o f t e x t . W h e n a m e m e r e s o n a t e s w i t h m a n y p e o p l e , i t ' s s p r e a d s l i k e w i l d f i r e v i a s o c i a l p l a t f o r m s .
W h a t d o y o u m e m e ?
€ 2 8 , 9 5
@ f i t h d i m e n s i o n d a t i n g
P l a y t h e G a m e : W h a t D o Y o u M e m e ?
W h a t D o Y o u M e m e i s t h e a d u l t p a r t y g a m e t a k i n g t h e i n t e r n e t b y s t o r m . F i n d o u t w h o w i l l b e c r o w n e d M e m e Q u e e n / K i n g b y c o m p e t i n g w i t h f r i e n d s ( o r f a m i l y w i t h t h e s p e c i a l F a m i l y E d i t i o n ) t o m a t c h p h o t o c a r d s w i t h c a p t i o n c a r d s , c r e a t i n g y o u r o w n o u t r a g e o u s l y f u n n y m e m e c o m b i n a t i o n s
G e t i n t o u c h w i t h o t h e r c o n s c i o u s s o u l s . W h e t h e r y o u a r e l o o k i n g f o r f r i e n d s h i p o r l o v e E v e r y o n e i s w e l c o m e !
S o u l S u n d a y , e v e r y o t h e r S u n d a y o n l i n e w i t h Z o o m