Learn more about the voting process for the upcoming election. Electronic voting begins May 1 and on-site voting at the Downtown Clubhouse begins May 4.
Golf season is in full swing! Learn how to join the MAC Golf Club and put play dates, weekend trips and volunteer opportunities on your schedule.
The MAC Swim & Dive season is just around the corner! Read more about MAC swim and dive team offerings.
Learn more about upcoming MAC Speaker Series events. The Women Business Owners Roundtable welcomes Maxine Clark, Dr. Mary Mason and Jillian Tedesco on April 4. Author and co-founder of Block Jim McKelvey will visit the Downtown Clubhouse on May 24.
As the Missouri Athletic Club prepares for the 2023 Board of Governors Election, look back at the history of one of the most longstanding and respected traditions of the Club.
APRIL 2023
Cherry Diamond Staff
Publisher – Brent Beumer
Director of Communications – Jim Wilson
Content Marketing Manager – Caitlin Demaree-Dyer
Communication Coordinator – Caitlin Brenner
Communication Strategist – Monica Ryan
Graphic Design – Lilyann Rice
General Manager – Wallace L. Smith
To advertise, contact Caitlin Demaree-Dyer at 314-539-4447 or cdemaree@mac-stl.org.
The Cherry Diamond Vol. 117/No. 4 (USPS: 102-560) is published monthly by the Missouri Athletic Club, 405 Washington Ave., St. Louis, MO 63102, (314) 231-7220.
Subscription - $50 per year, subject to sales tax.
PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT ST. LOUIS, MO. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Cherry Diamond, 405 Washington Ave., St. Louis, MO 63102
Board of Governors
Brent Beumer – President
Tracy Beckette – Vice President
Justin Fowler – Second Vice President
Chris Swank – Secretary
Steve Albart – Treasurer
Class of 2023
Steve Albart, Tracy Beckette, Brent Beumer, Justin Fowler, Chris Swank
Class of 2024
Mark McClanahan, Cheri McLaughlin, Mark Niemeyer, Neal Perryman
Class of 2025
Tom Dankenbring, Tim Maynard, Jodi Petersen, Gary Sextro, Jeff Wehmer
Sponsored by the Women Business Owners Roundtable
The Women Business Owners Roundtable welcomes guest speakers Maxine Clark, Dr. Mary Mason and Jillian Tedesco. The panel will share pearls of wisdom along with their struggles, triumphs and lessons learned along the way.
11:30 a.m. | Reception and luncheon
12 p.m. | Program
$40 per person
Enjoy a special egg hunt at the West Clubhouse! There will be an appearance by the Easter Bunny, prizes and more. Members are encouraged to bring their own cameras for photos with the bunny. Rain or shine! To join the waitlist, register online.
8-9:45 a.m. | Breakfast buffet
10 a.m. | Egg hunt
Enjoy a delicious Easter brunch with the family at the West and Downtown Clubhouses. To join either waitlist, register online.
Downtown Clubhouse: 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Easter Bunny and petting zoo – 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
West Clubhouse: 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Join the MAC in celebrating the biggest names in college basketball! Three-time Oscar Robertson
Trophy winner and basketball legend Bill Walton will be the featured speaker.
5:30 p.m. | Cocktail reception
7 p.m. | Dinner
8 p.m. | Awards presentation
Members only event. All MAC Members are invited to meet and mix at the 2023 Election Rooftop Happy Hour! Event includes live entertainment, hors d’oeuvres and signature bar. Members are encouraged to bring their spouses. Rain or shine!
6-8:30 p.m.
No charge to attend.
Enjoy the Apollos Spring Show in the Art Lounge, featuring TV show songs like “The Love Boat,” “Gilligan’s Island” and the theme from “M.A.S.H.”!
6:30 p.m. | Cocktails
7 p.m. | Program
$10 per person
Wear your Kentucky Derby best for a viewing party! Enjoy hors d’oeuvres, games, race viewing and live entertainment by singer Riley Holtz.
3 p.m. | Cocktails (signature bar)
5:30 p.m. | Race viewing
$30 per person
Celebrate Mother’s Day with a delicious brunch at either Clubhouse. Registration for both brunches opens on April 18 at 10 a.m. Registration will close on May 7 at 10 a.m.
Downtown Clubhouse: 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Registration is online only.
West Clubhouse: 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
No online registration. To register, call 314-539-4490 or email epranger@mac-stl.org.
For both:
Adults: $39.95, plus Club Charge Children (5-12): $16.95, plus Club charge
Children 4 and under: Gratis
Enjoy father-daughter time at the annual banquet with dinner, music, dancing, photos, balloon artists and carriage rides. Business attire is required.
5-6:15 p.m. | Reception in Art Lounge
6:30-7:30 p.m. | Dinner in Missouri Ballroom
7:30-9 p.m. | Dancing in Missouri Ballroom
Adults & Children (12 and up): $41.95, plus Club charge Children (11 and under): $29.95, plus Club charge
Reservations for carriage rides are required, the cost is $10 per person. Email downtownevents@mac-stl.org or call 314-539-4470.
Hear from Jim McKelvey on the future of technology in St. Louis. The co-founder of Block, Inc. (formerly known as Square) and St. Louis native is the author of The Innovation Stack. The book delves into McKelvey’s first-hand experience launching Square, defining entrepreneurship and how to create your own innovation stack for your business.
5:30 p.m. | Cocktail reception
6:30 p.m. | Dinner
7:30 p.m. | Program
$95 for Adults
$75 for Associates
$35 for Students
DT 314-539-4470 F W 314-539-4490
Members must cancel reservations 72 hours prior to the event to avoid a charge of 33% of applicable price. No-shows will be charged in full. Cancellations must be made online or by contacting the MAC Catering Department. All events held in the Missouri Room require business attire unless otherwise specified.
Twelve decades ago, the MAC was founded on a commitment to excellence, dedication to the greater St. Louis community and a belief in the power of sport to unite people. A commitment to those founding principles has certainly been on display this spring. The Club was buzzing with activity throughout March. The debut of St. Louis City SC and the start of the Battlehawks season Downtown has energized our city, and the MAC has been in the middle of it all. The fun will grow in April, as the start of the Cardinals season kicks off a great long-time St. Louis tradition. Baseball fans will be filling the Jack Buck Grille before games and riding the shuttle to Busch Stadium hopefully well into late October.
The Missouri Athletic Club has been a vital part of shaping the sports landscape in the region since 1903. As the MAC celebrates its 120th Anniversary, a sense of nostalgia is in the air. This is an opportunity to reminisce about the Club’s storied past and to honor the athletes who have made it the institution it is today. But the celebration is not just about looking back – it’s also about weaving the past and present together to create something special.
In the lobby of the MAC, a timeline in photographs guides you down the main entrance. From the early days of the 1904 Olympics to the present day, the timeline tells the story of the Club’s evolution and growth. It’s a reminder of the rich legacy you are a part of.
The Annual Gala kicked off our 120th-year celebration earlier this year. A nod to the MAC legacy was also acknowledged at the wildly popular Annual Boxing Championships and the historic Good Fellowship Day. In fact, many of the Club’s activities are paying homage to this momentous year in various ways. At both Club Pro Shops, Members will find limited edition merchandise available for purchase to honor our 120th year and soon a signature cocktail and keepsake glass will be available at the MAC restaurants. There’s something for everyone in recognition of this milestone.
The MAC election, another longstanding tradition is beginning to ramp up. It is always an exciting time at the Club, and it is an honor to be involved in the process as President. The 2023 Board of Governor Candidates will be announced on April 4. The freshman campaigns begin on April 24. A few days later, on April 27, is the Associates’ Election Rooftop Happy Hour. This is an excellent opportunity for our younger Members to experience MAC camaraderie by mingling with fellow Members and meeting the candidates.
Growing up in the Club, and having my father serve as a governor, I’ve seen many Club elections over the years. Aside from electronic voting going live on May 1, not much
has changed. The event is still as lively as ever. It is a day when the MAC spirit shines.
I encourage all Members to make a point of meeting at the Downtown Clubhouse on May 4 to experience in-person voting and especially the gauntlet, which will be set up from 3-6 p.m. While the votes are being counted, Members are invited to enjoy a delicious complimentary dinner buffet from 5-8 p.m. Those that stick around will not be disappointed! Everyone in the Missouri Room will get to hear the live announcement of the new 2023 Board of Governors. The announcement is made between 7 and 7:30 p.m.
O n March 9, I was privileged to attend the MAC Employee Service Awards Dinner. I’m continuously proud to be a part of a Club that values its exceptional staff. Dedicating an evening to honoring longtime staff members is just one of the many reasons the MAC is so special.
The evening was filled with good spirits as employees were honored for their time working at the Club. From staff members celebrating their first year to those being honored for their decades of service, each MAC employee more than deserves recognition for their hard work.
I’m honored to have been a part of such a celebratory evening. Along with current staff members, retired MAC employees were also in attendance for the festivities. The many generations of outstanding staff and exceptional Members have kept the Club flourishing for 120 years.
Throughout my time on the Board and later as President, I’ve grown to appreciate the staff at the MAC even more. The employees keep the MAC going strong and make this Club feel like a family. It is impressive how many employees the Club has who have been here for 20-plus years. Their passion and commitment have helped make this place special.
There are numerous employees deserving of a spotlight, but I want to give a special shout-out to our Maintenance Supervisor Ricki McIntosh. He was honored at the Employee Service Awards Dinner for working at the MAC for 40 years! This is an incredible feat! He does so much behind the scenes to keep the historic Downtown Clubhouse running and ensure that it remains the extraordinary venue that we all enjoy so much. Thank you, Ricki! Your hard work and dedication to the MAC have not gone unnoticed!
Have a great April, and I look forward to seeing you at the Club!
Brent Beumer, President Missouri Athletic ClubNaming the MAC in your Will, Trust or as a Beneficiary on an investment account are excellent ways to establish your family’s legacy at the MAC!
You may also name the MAC Sports Foundation, a 501c3 entity, especially if you anticipate needing an estate tax deduction.
Your planned gift will help ensure the Future of the MAC as a Thriving Club!
Golf season is here and our Members have a golden opportunity to take full advantage of our Dual Membership Program with Glen Echo Country Club. This has been a great partnership from the start and just keeps getting better!
When I first arrived at the Club, I was hosted at the GECC’s golf course, and as a guy that managed country clubs for 25+ years, a student of the game and someone who studied golf course architecture, I instantly fell in love with the traditional course there. With TLC from a core group of Members who love the course, it has really come a long way over the years.
We put this dual membership together in 2016, and since then it has become more formalized and inclusive. It has been a great benefit and partnership for both clubs as GECC members get full access to the Downtown Clubhouse and the two clubs continue to blend together. Our main reason for brokering this deal was so the MAC membership department would be able to promote a golf offering to potential new Members. When looking at MAC dues and then looking at the dual membership costs, the total of those two is less or on par with what a person would pay at a single country club. The dual program is the greatest value someone will find in St. Louis. Members get the Downtown Clubhouse, the West Clubhouse and full access to GECC.
I encourage all MAC Members to visit Glen Echo. MAC Members can play ten rounds per year there by just paying a guest fee and utilize the dining facilities anytime. Anyone who has golf in their future should really test this partnership out. I guarantee you’ll see fellow MAC Members out there and as you get plugged into that environment, you’ll find that not only do you get to see them, but you’ll make a whole bunch of new friends with the Glen Echo members themselves. You may even see me there, as I plan to play Glen Echo as much as I can before I depart St. Louis at the end of August.
The MAC and GECC’s relationship continue to get stronger and stronger as time goes on. It’s a great deal and there are more details on page 9 if interested.
It’s always an interesting time at the Club when we
have a change of leadership on our Board of Governors. I want to shout out our outgoing Board Members whom I have had the opportunity to work with for the last few years. I want to thank Governor Justin Fowler as he completes his second term on the Board. Nobody loves the MAC more than him. I also want to thank the dynamic duo of Chris Swank and Steven Albart who are the creators and facilitators of our very successful Speaker Series. We were on our Board retreat in Milwaukee when the idea was born, and Governor Swank and Governor Albart took the bull by the horns and made it happen. The Speaker Series is now a key part of our Membership Committee so it will live on past their time on the Board. I want to give a special thanks to General Tracy Beckette. He joined the Board for his first three terms shortly after I got to the Club and he and I have worked hand-inhand for the last 9 years with him serving as Chairman of the Planning Committee for most of those. With his leadership, we have implemented our very successful 4 A’s planning process and have been able to put the Club in a much better position as a result. Finally, I want to give a huge shoutout to President Brent Beumer. It always seems you get the right person at the right time for the right situations and this year is no different. Since there haven’t been any major setbacks like COVID in the last couple of years, we were able to get our businesses, staffing and programs going successfully again. President Beumer is a class act and has also led our big events like the Jack Buck Awards, MAC Hermann Trophy and 120th Anniversary Gala with class and style.
Now we prepare to welcome the 2026 class of Governors to the Board. Good luck to all the candidates who are stepping up and putting their names in the hat to be the future leaders of the Club. Enjoy this spring and all your Club has to offer.
See you at the Club!
Wally Smith, General Manager Missouri Athletic ClubThe first half of the Club’s 2023 fiscal year ended Feb. 28, 2023. Year-to-date the Club has experienced strong performance in the following areas:
F Member headcount reached 2,550 which was 17 better than budget and 71 ahead of last February.
F D ues revenue was $4,887,000 which was $38,000 ahead of plan and $539,000 better than last year.
F Initiation fees were nearly $218,000, beating budget by $30,000.
F O vernight Rooms revenue came in at $589,000, which was $54,000 ahead of last year.
F The D owntown Food & Beverage department experienced strong revenues, coming in at $2,753,000, which was $152,000 better than plan and $646,000 greater than last year; profit was also strong, registering $145,000, which was $56,000 better than plan and $129,000 better than last year.
F West’s Food & Beverage revenues also came in strong at $1,928,000 which was nearly $300,000 ahead of plan and $467,000 better than last year.
F Tennis has been a bright star with revenue in excess of $500,000 and profits coming in $12,000 ahead of plan.
F Operating revenue totaled $7,063,000, which was $443,000 better than plan and $1,313,000 more than last year.
Other benchmarks include:
F Net Operating Cash Flow (net income before depreciation) for the period totaling $818,000, which was $72,000 less than budget, and $197,000 less than last year.
F Line of credit balance of $822,000.
F Long-term bank debt of $8,367,000.
F Capital expenditures total $627,000.
While revenues remain strong, expenses throughout the Club continue to increase, most notably food, beverage, operational costs, labor and benefits. Management is diligent in its efforts to minimize the effect of inflation on the bottom line while continuing to provide extraordinary experiences for our Members such as the newly renovated 1903 Dining Room.
Your continued support of the MAC is key to our continued financial success. Thank you!
If you have any questions regarding the Club’s finances, please contact the Club’s Chief Financial Officer Pam Roth at 314-539-4400 or proth@mac-stl.org.
blessed to
so many new friends, entertainment, delicious meals, and caring staff. I couldn’t be happier!
The Missouri Athletic Club and Glen Echo Country Club have great histories that date back to the 1904 Olympics in St. Louis. Over the years, the two clubs have developed a partnership and share reciprocal club benefits. Now, MAC Members have the unique opportunity to enjoy full membership benefits at two legendary clubs and three clubhouses.
The MAC is pleased to offer an opportunity for Members to apply for the Glen Echo Full Membership Program. For $368 per month plus tax in addition to current MAC dues, MAC Members will receive full membership benefits at Glen Echo, which include:
F Unlimited rounds of golf for the entire family, which includes Member, spouse and children under 25 years of age.
F Full access to the Online Tee Sheet, which allows reservations seven days in advance.
F Unlimited utilization of the pool and clubhouse facilities plus events for the entire family.
F Member, spouse and children may play in applicable men’s/women’s/kid’s golf events at normal member fees.
F Personal locker available and utilization of locker room amenities at the member rate of $100 per locker per year.
F Golf club storage in Golf Pro Shop available for primary member and spousal member at the member rate of $125 per bag per year.
F Participation in the Men’s Golf Association is optional at an additional $350 per year. This program is not offered on a seasonal
or short-term basis. For more information on Glen Echo membership opportunities, visit mac-stl.org and navigate to Membership > New Member Info.
M. Bruce Bader of Havco Wood Products and Donna Bader of Missouri Pipe Fittings
Joseph Bealmear of Polsinelli PC and Rebecca Bealmear of Bettisworth & Associates, LLC
Kimberly Colt of Decide Technologies Inc. and Alexander Platipodis of Centene
Matt Kruszynski of National Rarities and Kristi Kruszynski of Boss Brows
Howard Magill of Road Map Technologies and Kara Magill of Wunderman
Michael Malpartida of Ameren and Brandon Reinkensmeyer of Spire
Dennis McCaffrey of National Rarities and Meaghan McCaffrey of Burns and McDonell
Tomea Mersmann of Washington University and Kenneth Mersmann of Mersmann Group, LLC
Michelle K. Moersch of Emerson and Jason Moersch of Transwestern
Nicholas Perryman of Rep. Ann Wagner
Randall Pickens of Dieterich Bank and Tina Pickens
Clayton Scanlon of Retina Associates of St. Louis and Emily Scanlon of Emily Scanlon Design, LLC
Alexandra Skae of Square, Inc and John Skae of Enterprise Bank & Trust
Spencer Snodsmith of PLM Companies and Annie Snodsmith of Racquel Aesthetics
Referrals from Members are the best way to grow our Membership. The Missouri Athletic Club will open its doors to those interested in joining the Club! Members are invited to bring a new, prospective Member to tour the Club, meet other Members, sample our cuisine and learn more about the benefits of joining the only Platinum City Club in St. Louis. The Missouri Athletic Club Prospective Member Open House occurs on the second Thursday of every month from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Downtown Clubhouse.
April 13 | Downtown Clubhouse
May 11 | Downtown Clubhouse
Club Members can register online or RSVP to Will Johnston at wjohnston@mac-stl.org.
Curtis Steyers of BJC Medical Group and Elizabeth Vanderah of Mercy Clinics
Jonathan Tipping of CIBC Bank USA
Robert Tracy of SLMPD and Brenda Tracy of St. Mary Magdalen
Kathleen Walsh of Washington University in St. Louis
Nicholas Walsh of Zurich Insurance Company and Ashlee Walsh of Danforth Center
Sarah Walsh of Cutaneous Pathology and Joseph Sonderman
Jeffrey Wolf of Exclusive Concepts, LLC and Amanda Wolf of Pfizer, Inc
First Mid Bank & Trust (First Mid) made a $25,000 donation to the Youth & Family Center contributing to the replacement of the organization’s aging gymnasium floor.
First Mid’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Joe Dively presented the donation to YFC on Thursday, March 16. Youth & Family Center Executive Director Dr. LaChrisa Crenshaw said the donation will help YFC provide a safe, welcoming space where kids of all ages can enjoy more opportunities to achieve their full potential and see a brighter future. The current gymnasium is a multi-functional and recreational space. However, the concrete and urethane-coated floor was failing and unsafe, limiting YFC’s ability to offer quality programs in a safe environment.
“We are thrilled to support the YFC and impact the lives of local youth and families in the St. Louis community,” said Dively. “This great opportunity shows our unwavering commitment to our communities by supporting a safe and inviting space for St. Louis
youth to enjoy positive experiences through sports and teamwork.”
First Mid learned of the need through The Missouri Athletic Club (MAC) Sports Foundation, which is facilitating renovations at the YFC addressing the gym floor and main entrance security. In the fall of 2022, the MAC Sports Foundation kicked off the fundraising efforts by pledging $50,000, which inspired a $50,000 donation from the American Hellenic Foundation and generous financial and in-kind contributions from MAC Members.
“First Mid really came through and provided the momentum to get this project done,” MAC Sports Foundation Chairman Greg Beekman said. “We couldn’t be more thankful to them for their gesture and their investment in the community.”
To learn more about the ongoing fundraising campaign, visit mac-sportsfoundation.org.
The Gatesworth provides the perfect canvas to enjoy life your way. Living in an exquisitely appointed apartment surrounded by beautiful, lush grounds, you’ll feel inspired to pursue new interests, expand your knowledge, build friendships and embrace your independence.
We invite you to discover The Gatesworth and experience exceptional senior living today. Call 314-993-0111.
The Gatesworth is all-encompassing to me. It is a beautiful place for anybody and everybody.
The podcast Missouri Athletic Club Connections has been upgraded in the past few months. The studio has moved to 1M and new cameras have also been added. The Communications team has recently released multiple podcast episodes including an interview with Taylor Twellman attached to the full Speaker Series event he hosted. Other recent episodes include a conversation with 75-year Member Don Nies, a history of women at the Club and a conversation with Past Governor Peter Dunne on the history of elections at the Club and information on the upcoming election.
Those interested in sponsoring the podcast can contact Content Marketing Manager Caitlin Demaree-Dyer at cdemaree@mac-stl.org.
F CSC co-chairs Jarid King and Nat Walsh
F College Basketball Awards
F Youth & Family Center Executive Director Dr. LaChrisa Crenshaw with Past Governor Jeff Moore
F Battlehawks Vice President of Business and Event Operations
Brandon Williams
Thursday, April 13 F 5:30 p.m. F TBD
Thursday, May 11 F 5:30 p.m. F West Clubhouse
The location of the April meeting will depend on the West Clubhouse’s construction progress. The May meeting will be held in the refurbished meeting rooms at the West Clubhouse. Stay tuned for updates.
On April 13, the Book Club welcomes Patrick Fleming, author of Gaia’s Revenge who, with Helen McGlynn, will lead the discussion of his debut novel.
Gaia, Mother Nature herself, is secretly waging war on humanity. Her desire for revenge will not relent until we listen to her warnings. The world’s press reports a series of mysterious, deadly disasters. Four unlikely heroes, a Catholic nun, a Hindu priestess, a gay Protestant minister and a Tlingit Indian woman marine biologist receive a shocking vision and message for humanity.
Gaia’s Revenge is a Book of Revelation for the 21st century, an apocalyptic fantasy based on the very real crisis of global warming and its threat to the future of humanity.
On May 11, the Book Club shifts focus to historical fiction as Janet Mug guides a discussion of The Rose Code: A Novel by Kate Quinn.
As 1940s England prepares to fight the Nazis, three different women answer the call to the mysterious country estate Bletchley Park, where the best minds in Britain train to break German military codes. War, loss and the impossible pressure of secrecy tear the three apart. As the royal wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip in 1947 whips postwar Britain into a fever, the three friends-turned-enemies are reunited by a mysterious encrypted letter – the key to which lies buried in the long-ago betrayal that destroyed their friendship.
For monthly MAC Book Club meetings, reservations are made with Dr. Genie McKee, Book Club Chair, at evmckee@gmail.com.
Tuesday, April 25 F 11:30 a.m. F West Clubhouse
The Military History Club shifts its attention to the War of 1812 as it welcomes Professor Donald Hickey for an in-person talk about What We Know That Ain’t So: Myths of the War of 1812. Hickey is an awardwinning author and former professor of history at Wayne State College in Nebraska, where he taught for 44 years. Named “the dean of 1812 scholarship” by The New Yorker, Hickey has written 12 books and nearly a hundred articles, mainly on the War of 1812 and its causes and legacy. Join the MHC to learn about this often-forgotten war.
Visit mac-stl.org/Social/CWCs or contact Katie Maurer, Director of Special Events, at kmaurer@mac-stl.org with questions.
Thursday, April 20 F 6:30 p.m. Downtown Clubhouse
Visit the West Clubhouse and meet the three local charities being supported by the CSC this year! Learn more about how each is making a difference in our community and how you can help. This meeting is only for informational purposes and is complimentary to attend. Club casual attire is requested. For more information, contact Kara Kelpe at kkelpe@mac-stl.org.
The MAC offers a variety of Clubs within the Club (CWCs) to bring together Members with common interests.
Mondays, 7 p.m., Downtown
Book Club
Second Thursday of the month, 5:30 p.m., West
Business Development Group
Third Thursday of the month
Alternating meetings and happy hours
Meeting: 7:15 a.m., Downtown Happy Hour: 4:30-7 p.m., alternating locations
Forever Young Club
Third Friday of the month, 11:30 a.m., West
Military History Club
Fourth Tuesday of the month, 11:30 a.m., Downtown
First and third Wednesday of the month, 5:30 p.m., West
For more information, visit mac-stl.org/GetInvolved or call
DT: 314-539-4470
WE: 314-539-4490
The Mark Twain Society and the Women’s Initiative Group hosted an Irish Whiskey tasting, along with cigars, hors d’oeuvres and raffle prizes on March 8. Members and guests mingled in the Missouri Room while enjoying the festivities.
Attendees could taste Keeper’s Heart & Missouri Athletic Club Single Barrel Edition. It is available for $65 at the Downtown Clubhouse’s front desk. It is a unique collaboration between worldrenowned Master Distiller Brian Nation and the MAC.
Tuesday, April 25 Downtown Clubhouse
11:30 a.m. | Registration
12:15 p.m. | Lunch and program
The MAC Lawyers’ Group welcomes Rachelle Crowe and Sayler Fleming, the United States Attorneys for Southern Illinois and Eastern Missouri respectively. Enjoy lunch and hear the top federal prosecutors in our region discuss their offices.
Register online at mac-stl.org/ events. Reservations close on April 24 at 5 p.m.
April 4: Announcement of 2023 Board of Governor Candidates — Watch for candidate and election notices in Club emails. The candidate posting will take place at 12 p.m.
April 24: The Board of Governors campaign begins. Candidates and their committee members will lobby for your support.
April 27: Election Rooftop Happy Hour — Meet your candidates for the Board of Governors.
May 1: Electronic voting goes live.
May 4: Club Election — Downtown Clubhouse. In-person voting from 7 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Gauntlet hours from 3-6 p.m. Dinner buffet and election announcement from 7-7:30 p.m.
Balloting for the election of five (5) Members to serve the regular term of three (3) years on the Board of Governors will begin electronically on Monday, May 1, by logging into the MAC website any time after 8 a.m. On-site voting will be available at the Downtown Clubhouse on Thursday, May 4, between the hours of 7 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Gauntlet hours are from 3-6 p.m. where you will meet the candidates and their campaign committees in a fun setting along with your fellow Members. If you are unable to vote electronically or in person, you may request a mail-in absentee ballot after Friday, April 14. Mail-in ballots must be received at the Downtown Clubhouse no later than 5 p.m. on May 4. Only Resident, Fellowship, Emeritus Life and Associate Members in
good standing and not in arrears are permitted to vote. Absentee ballot votes and paper ballot votes must be cast on the Official Ballot. No ballot will be counted that is marked with more or less than five (5) names. The five candidates receiving the most votes will be elected.
The D owntown Clubhouse will serve a complimentary buffet dinner on Election Day from 5-8 p.m. for all voting Members in the Eads Room and the Missouri Room. The cost of the Election Day buffet is $40 inclusive for everyone other than voting MAC Members. Election winners will be announced in the Missouri Room as soon as results become available.
Missouri Athletic Club elections have been lively affairs for over a century. The earliest published description of a Club election is that of the March 17, 1909 election:
“The Clubhouse looked like a beehive in action, with election officials guarding the ballot box and counting the ballots as they were deposited by everyone that escaped alive [from] the cordon of enthusiasts working for their candidates or vouchsafing a bit of friendly advice to some of their less enlightened fellow voters. The polls closed with a rush at 6:30 p.m., and the royal guards went up to count the ballots, while we waited patiently for the returns. Each successful candidate named stepped onto the stage and amidst cheers made a speech with the usual promises and enthusiasm of a newly elected
statesman. The vaudeville finished the evening with everyone in good spirits — the election forgotten — and several carefully selected numbers taken from the best talent playing at the local theaters and aided by the Glee Club, made a very short but lively conclusion to the big day at the Club.”
Election day traditionally includes the gauntlet that funnels Members through a corridor lined with handshakes, campaign promises and pleas for votes. After the election, the evening features dinner and lively entertainment. Elections continue to be rowdy and raucous affairs. Today, election day at the MAC is one of the most longstanding and respected traditions at the Club.
The latest Club Connections podcast highlights the longstanding tradition of MAC elections. Past Governor Peter Dunne shared his expertise on the subject with Membership Director Rodney Stoyer. Below is just some of their conversation. Scan the QR code to listen to the full podcast.
The big change is the availability of electronic voting. That has been great from the perspective of increasing participation in the election. More people are voting now than ever before because it’s made so easy for them. All they have to do is get online, but in fairness – some of our Members aren’t comfortable getting online. The corresponding result means that a person can vote and therefore doesn’t have to come downtown for the actual election night.
What are some of the steps in the MAC’s election process?
What has your role been with MAC elections?
For the last dozen years, I have been involved in the election, and it started with my gradual interest and then participation in the election as a candidate. I served on the Board for the three years that the Board term encompasses. After that, and I think this is inevitable once you’ve been on the Board, you get involved with the election in assisting other people to get elected. After a couple of years, I was approached by then-President John Bugh to ask whether I’d be interested in participating in the election as a member of the Inspection and Policing Committee. So, I joined that committee and for the last few years, I’ve been a head of that helping administer the election.
What about MAC elections has stayed the same and what has changed?
Now today, we don’t ask the newly elected governors to give a speech after the election, but of course, the governor candidates do give speeches in the lead-up to the election. So, there’s certainly an opportunity for both the prospective governors to be heard and the electorate to hear from them.
The gauntlet is a great tradition. It is an opportunity for the supporters of each of the individual candidates to engage with the voters immediately before they’re going to cast their votes. So, it really is a unique and great thing.
Prospective candidates have to make their interest in running for the Board known, and that comes mostly through the Nominating Committee. So, a group of former MAC Presidents and other people who have had leadership positions among the Members of the Club will actively recruit Club Members who have either shown an interest or should show an interest in Club operations and Club governance. Once a person decides to become a candidate, a series of procedures happen to allow that person to get their name on the ballot, to get their thoughts and ideas about what they would do if they were elected governor out there in front of the Members.
How would you describe election night?
It’s a great, great night! It’s just an exciting time, a fun time. The membership is engaged and excited. The candidates are nervous. The atmosphere in the Club is very, very exciting. Then there’s the free dinner and I use the word “free” advisedly, and then the selection, the actual announcement of the five people who have succeeded in election to the Board. So that’s an exciting moment. Very, very honest, very disappointing for the ones who have striven for election and not succeeded, but even for them, it’s a great opportunity to meet more Members, to become known at the Club. Many failed candidates try again and then get elected the second time.
The MAC is opening its vault of treasures to commemorate the Club’s 120th Anniversary, where Members will discover rarely seen original images, artifacts, and storytelling.
Golf season for Missouri Athletic Club Members started on March 29 with Golf Season Kickoff: Masters at the MAC. The MAC Golf Club hosted the event and KMOX’s Tom Ackerman was the emcee.
The MAC Golf Club offers great opportunities for Members to hit the links at some of the top courses in the country. Special events at MAC’s partnered clubs will be announced throughout the season. For more information about the MAC Golf Club, contact Chair Tim Powers at 314-922-8958 or trpowers7@yahoo.com.
To sign up for the MAC Golf Club, contact Katie Maurer at 314-539-4402 or kmaurer@mac-stl.org.
Birds and Bogies
Strathalbyn Farms and Glen Echo Country Club (GECC), 9:30 a.m.
Dalhousie Play Day
All Members
Persimmon Woods
1 p.m.
Ryder Cup
Glen Echo Country Club
2 p.m. shotgun start
AUG. 10-11
Porto Cima Weekend
Lake of the Ozarks
(Cabins on the 18th fairway, limited availability)
Bogey Hills Country Club
1 p.m.
MAC Sports Foundation Golf Tournament
GECC, 10:30 a.m.
SEPT. 5-10
PGA Champions Tour –Ascension Charity Classic (Volunteer opportunity with GECC members for hole 17 at Norwood Hills Country Club)
MAC Golf Club Championship
GECC, 12:30 p.m.
St. Albans Country Club
1 p.m.
St. Clair Country Club
1 p.m.
Celebrate the 120th anniversary of the Missouri Athletic Club with exclusive merchandise in the Pro Shop!
Exclusive 120th anniversaryembroidered Nike Golf shirts, water bottles and hats are an excellent way for Members to support the Club and fashionably celebrate its long history. Whether you’re a longtime Member or a new addition to the MAC family, these items are a must-have for anyone who loves this iconic St. Louis institution. Don’t miss out on this limited-edition collection. Visit the Downtown and West Pro Shops today!
At McKnight Place, we cater to our beloved residents and their families by providing the very best in senior living, each and every day. Our commitment to a higher standard of care and personal attention remains steadfast. We are always here to help our vibrant residents continue to thrive and pursue their interests.
I joined the MAC in 2018. I have a background in yoga and have my 200-hour RYS Yoga Alliance through Vinyasa-style teaching. My focus is always on alignment, building strength and finding a practice that is attainable for life. I enjoy strength training, working on flexibility, balance and cardio. I’ve been doing yoga for over 20 years and guiding classes since 2017. My personal training certification is through ISSA (International Sports Sciences Association), and I am also certified through Stages as a spinning instructor. My focus with clients is always on improving the quality of life and making subtle changes and improvements every day.
To reserve a spot in one of Natalie’s classes, visit mac-stl.org/WestFitnessCalendar or contact Paul Helfrich at phelfrich@mac-stl.org.
Don Rushing is the shoeshine expert at the Downtown Clubhouse and Melvin Clark at the West Clubhouse. Shoeshines are available at the Downtown Clubhouse Monday through Friday, 5 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Shoeshines are available at the West Clubhouse Monday through Friday, 6 a.m.2:30 p.m. Contact Rushing (Downtown) at 314-539-4482 or drop them off at the Athletic Desk on the fifth floor. Contact Clark (West) at 314-539-4444 or drop them off at the West Pro Shop or West Hair Care.
Shoes, boots and golf shoes all need regular cleaning, so see the shoeshine experts today!
The Downtown and West Clubhouses’ Athletic Departments will be closed on Sunday, April 9 in observance of Easter. They will reopen on Monday, April 10 with regular hours.
MAY 30-AUG. 27
Register online by navigating to Athletics > Tennis > Tennis Class Registration
F Session 1 (4 Weeks): June 5-26, $80
F Session 2 (5 Weeks): July 3-31, $100
F Session 3 (3 Weeks): Aug. 7-21, $60
F Wednesday 7-8:30 p.m.
F $25 per time
F Thursday 7-8:30 p.m.
F $25 per time
JUNE 5-AUG. 11
Register online by navigating to Athletics > Junior Tennis > Junior Tennis Class Registration. Camps will run weekly Monday-Friday, excluding July 3-4.
F Monday-Friday 9-11 a.m.
F $180 per MAC Member player per week
F 45 per MAC Member player per day
F $225 per guest per week
F $55 per guest per day
F Monday-Friday 1-4 p.m.
F $295 per MAC Member player per week
JUNE 5-AUG. 27
Register online by navigating to Athletics > Pickleball > Pickleball Class Registration
F No League on July 3
F 7-9 p.m.
F $120
F Tuesday 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
F $22 per time
F Tuesday 12:30-2 p.m.
F $22 per time
F Wednesday 7-8:30 p.m.
F $22 per time
F Thursday 1-2:30 p.m.
F $17 Member, $22 guest per time
F Saturday 6-8 p.m. June 10, June 24, July 8, July 19, Aug. 12, Aug. 26
F $17 per time
(guests to be registered by Member, $22)
F Monday-Wednesday 12-1 p.m.
F Thursday 12:30-1:30 p.m.
F Friday 10-11 a.m.
F Saturday 8-9 a.m.
F $20 per time
F Wednesday 2:30-4 p.m.
F $25 per time
F Women’s 2.5: Wednesday 9:30-11 a.m.
F Women’s 3.0: Thursday 9:30-11 a.m.
F Women’s 3.5: Tuesday 9:30-11 a.m.
F Women’s Gold: Wednesday 9:30-11 a.m.
F $32 per time
F $340 per guest player per week
Full week commitment required. Those interested in attending certain days should contact Conner Stevenson at cstevenson@ mac-stl.org.
F Monday-Friday 9:30-10:30 a.m. and 4-5 p.m.
F $110 per player per week
Players who sign up for a week must stay with one specific time slot. If a player is unable to attend a full week but would still like to participate on certain days, please contact Conner Stevenson at cstevenson@ mac-stl.org.
Groups are now forming. Contact Dave Fuhrig at dfuhrig@mac-stl.org for details.
The MAC will send four teams to the NACAD National Basketball Tournament the weekend of April 27-30. This year’s tournament is being held in Los Angeles and hosted by the Los Angeles Athletic Club. Our teams will compete in the A, AA 35+, 45+ Masters, & 60+ Platinum Masters divisions this year.
NACAD (North American Association of Club Athletic Directors) is an organization made up of private club Athletic Directors. MAC Athletic Director Jeff Tuhro is part of this organization that puts on these tournaments.
Mike Crawford Capt.
Luke Bumgarner Capt.
Jamie Hudson Capt.
Alex Tilley
Alec Bausch
Joey Lodes
Jimmy Barton
Brent Smith
Kyle Downey
Mike Simon
AA 35+
Matthew Morris Capt.
Ross Knutson Capt.
Luke Hornof Capt.
Larry Drury
Mike Grinnon
Brian Westre
Lucas Poelker
Eric Paradoski
Mike Mileusnic
Christian Rohlfing
Troy Robertson Capt.
Ryan Luechtefeld Capt.
Greg Beekman Capt.
Brent Kaniecki Capt.
Brad Mills
Tom Sehy
Aaron Pawlitz
Brian Albert
Anthony Clarkson
Tim Van Rhein
Al Meitl Capt.
Dan Meckes Capt.
Dave Wenzel Capt.
Mike York
Dave Ludwig
Tim Slater
Nat Walsh
Gary Clark
Gary Sextro
Michael Lofton is coaching all the teams.
May 29-June 2, June 19-23, July 17-21, Aug. 7-11, Aug. 14-18
Beginner Junior (ages 7-10)
F 8:30-9:30 a.m.
F Member $150
F Guest $200
Intermediate (ages 10-15)
F 9:30-11 a.m.
F Member $300
F Guest $400
Advanced (ages 14+)
F 12:30-3:30 p.m.
F Member $425
F Guest $525
To register, please contact Alex Ingham at aingham@mac-stl.org.
Thank you to everyone who participated in Good Fellowship Day on Feb. 25, and congratulations to the winners of our friendly competitions!
Congratulations to the Missouri Athletic Club’s 2022 Swimmer of the Year Sheila Hunsicker. The Member who logs the most miles at either Clubhouse’s pool throughout the year becomes the award recipient. Hunsicker swam 144 miles in 2022.
Ed Gilkerson and Karl Holderle were 2022’s Honorary Swimmers. They swam 20+ days each month in 2022.
F January – Ed Gilkerson 40.8 miles
F February – Megan Heinsz 35.4 miles
F March – Sheila Hunsicker 35.8 miles
F April – Tom Hilton 37.5 miles
F May – Gabe Gore 33 miles
F June – Michelle Haley 14.9 miles
F July – Karl Holderle 13 miles
F August – Dave Nester 18.5 miles
F September – Tom Cohen 15 miles
F October – Gayle Hantak 10.5 miles
F November – Jonathan Doss 14.5 miles
F December – Rick Lodewyck 23 miles
Throwing, pitching, swimming, volleyball — each of these activities put stress on the shoulder and elbow, specifically on the area
that stabilizes and centers the shoulder within the socket. As a result, shoulder and elbow injuries can occur abruptly, or may develop over time in athletes who train with high intensity.
Studies have shown that 58 percent of high school baseball players will experience shoulder or elbow pain during their athletic careers. Other sports that involve these overhead-throwing motions have a similar risk of injury.
Whether you play tennis, lacrosse, compete in gymnastics or take jump shots for fun, the skilled team of sports medicine therapists at SSM Health Physical Therapy can treat:
• Adhesive capsulitis
• Bursitis
• Contusions
• Fractures
• Post-operative rehabilitation
• Rotator cuff injuries
• Shoulder impingement
• Tendonitis
SSM Health Physical Therapy’s approach to prevention and rehabilitative care maximizes function and promotes well-being by:
• Increasing flexibility and range of motion
• D ecreasing joint strain
• Reducing muscle spasms
• Strengthening and toning muscles
Combining injury management, strength training and conditioning, our SSM Health Physical Therapy sports therapists will design a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs which may include:
• Exercise programs
• Instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM)
• Manual therapy techniques
• Proper posture education
• Stretching and strengthening muscles
• Athletic Movement Index (AMI™)
FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: SSM Health Physical Therapy - MAC West Clubhouse. Call 314.822.3205 or stop by the clinic for assistance scheduling. We look forward to serving the needs of you and your family!
Eating a healthy snack in between meals can help prevent overeating, help sustain energy levels and help to keep blood sugar levels stable. These seven snacks contain fiber, protein and healthy fats, all of which help satiety.
5.3 oz. Greek Yogurt, Small Apple and 1-2 Tablespoons Natural Peanut Butter
Apples are high in fiber and packed with nutrients. Greek yogurt is a complete protein, and the all-natural peanut butter adds a slow-digesting, heart-healthy monounsaturated fat to keep your belly satiated until your next meal.
Five Whole Wheat Crackers and 4 oz. Low Sodium Tuna in Water
Triscuit’s Baked Whole Grain Crackers are made with just three ingredients, of which fiber-rich whole-grain wheat is the most abundant. Tuna is rich in protein and is an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids.
Cinnamon Raisin Sprouted Whole Grain Bread and 1 Tablespoon Natural Peanut Butter
The raisins in the Ezekiel bread provide natural sweetness, which helps with sugar cravings, while the vitamin B6 and manganese-rich whole grains help boost your mood, making it great for an afternoon snack.
1/2-Cup Cooked Steel Cut Oats, 1/2-cup Blueberries and 15 Chopped Nuts
Oatmeal isn’t just for breakfast; it makes a great morning or afternoon snack. Oats provide fiber, protein, iron and several other essential vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin E, folate, zinc and selenium. Oatmeal digests and is absorbed slowly, which helps keep blood sugar levels stable during digestion.
3/4-Cup Plain 2% Greek Yogurt, 1/2-Cup Blueberries and 15 Chopped Nuts
Greek yogurt provides calcium and protein, blueberries contain dietary fiber, which helps with a healthy digestive system, and are a good source of Vitamin C and Vitamin K. Almonds, pistachios, and walnuts can boost your immune system with vitamins and zinc.
Hard-Boiled Egg, 1 oz. Low Fat Cheese and Five Whole Grain Crackers
Hard-boiled eggs are perfect for anyone looking for an extra dose of protein. Eggs offer a variety of nutrients, including choline, selenium, riboflavin, vitamin D, phosphorus, vitamin B12, folate, iron, and vitamin A. Cheese is an excellent source of calcium, protein, phosphorus, Vitamin A and zinc. These three items together complete a healthy, fulfilling snack.
Pick up the challenge of the day card from the Fitness front desk between April 3-7. Once completed, leave your name and email on the back of the challenge card and leave the card with the Fitness Desk Attendant. The following morning, look for an email with clues about where to find the GOLDEN EGG. Two eggs per day will be hidden, each with prizes inside. Contact the Fitness Desk with any questions.
At the beginning of the year, the MAC Athletic Department challenged Members to the Commit to Fit 60-day workout program. The following individuals completed all 60 days of workouts: Katie McFarland, Amy Eakle, David Molamphy, Rissa Rutherford, Jim Poinsett, Steve Albart, Nichole Cook and Matt Cook
Female Division – Katie McFarland, with a total body weight percentage loss of 6.4%
Male Division – Jim Poinsett, with a total body weight percentage loss of 7.6%
Katie McFarland –Commit to Fit Female Division Weight-Loss Winner
When I joined the challenge in January, all I knew was that I needed something to push me to be more consistent in focusing on my own health. I know if I paid the money, I would commit to getting the most out of that investment. The structure of the program was just enough without being overbearing — perfect for what I needed.
Jim Poinsett –Commit to Fit Male Division
Weight-Loss Winner
Each year I look forward to the 60-Day Challenge. It sets the tone for the new year, and I enjoy being pushed to try new things while making fresh discoveries about myself. This year I wanted to make a real run at winning the weight loss challenge. I’m so thrilled to have increased my fitness and accomplished my goal. I feel as good about myself as I have in years. Special thanks to Courtney Hutt for coaching me through daily workouts that fit my schedule, which included a Caribbean vacation. I’m also grateful for the nutritional support provided by Maggie Dickinson, who taught me to eat smarter rather than eating less.
Congratulations to everyone who participated in the Commit to Fit challenge!
The MAC Athletic Department offers several fitness classes to help Members meet their fitness goals. For Members looking for a more intense workout, there are various HIIT-style classes to choose from each week!
Mondays | 11:30 a.m. | Basketball Court
Instructed by Courtney Hutt
This 30-minute cardio-based class offers a high-intensity total body workout.
Mondays | 11:30 a.m. | 11th Floor Group Exercise Room
Instructed by Courtney Hutt
This 30-minute class combines strength training and cardio for a high-intensity total body workout.
Mondays | 5 p.m. | 11th Floor Group Exercise Room
Instructed by Amy Taylor
This Orange Theory meets CrossFit-style class will incorporate a high volume of lifting, mixed with functional movement exercises and TRX, with bursts of cardio on a treadmill, assault bike or rower.
Fridays | 12 p.m. | 11th Floor Group Exercise Room
Instructed by Megan Mahley
This class focuses on improving and building muscular and core strength, endurance, balance, stability and coordination. Members should expect to be pushed in this class.
*Preschool campers must be 3-5 and fully potty trained. Themes of the week are listed. Members only.
*Aventure camps are Member only.
** For more information about Etiquette Boot Camp, hosted by Etiquette St. Louis, visit mac-stl.org and navigate to Youth Programs > Summer Camp. To register for Etiquette Boot Camp, visit etiquettesaintlouis.com.
30% camp deposit will be charged to Member statements at the time of registration. The remainder will be charged the week of camp.d
F Deposits only refundable if canceled before May 15
F All deposits non-refundable after May 15
F Guest registration will be accepted beginning May 1
F All Guests must be sponsored by a Member and registered by the Member sponsor
The 2023 Swim and Dive season is around the corner and we couldn’t be more excited!
Penguin Swim Team
The Penguin Swim Team is fun for children ages 5-18. Practice is offered five days a week and weekly meets are held on Monday nights.
Puffin Swim Team
The Puffin program is for swimmers ages 3-5 who cannot yet swim the full length of the pool. The six-week Puffin season offers practice two or three days a week. They will have one end-of-season meet.
The MAC Dive Program is for children ages 5-18. Practices are Monday-Friday mornings. Meets occur on Saturday mornings starting at 9 a.m. There are typically three dive meets and one dive conference meet.
For all participants returning from the 2022 program, registration opens Tuesday, April 4. For new families, registration opens Tuesday, April 11. Registration will close on Sunday, April 30. For questions about registration, contact Youth Programs Director Joy Holdmeier at 314-539-4468 or jholdmeier@mac-stl.org.
Presented by the Women Business Owners Roundtable
Downtown Clubhouse
11:30 a.m. | Reception and luncheon
12 p.m. | Program
On Tuesday, April 4, the Women Business Owners
Roundtable will welcome Maxine Clark, Dr. Mary Mason and Jillian Tedesco for a panel discussion. The panelists will share pearls of wisdom, along with their struggles, triumphs and lessons learned along the way. This discussion will motivate, educate and inspire other women business owners and entrepreneurs.
$40 per person
Business attire is required. Register online at mac-stl.org/events.
Presented by Enterprise Bank & Trust
Downtown Clubhouse
5:30 p.m. | Cocktail reception
6:30 p.m. | Dinner
7:30 p.m. | Program
On May 24, hear from Jim McKelvey on the future of technology in St. Louis. The co-founder of Block, Inc. (formerly known as Square) and St. Louis native is the author of The Innovation Stack. The book details McKelvey’s first-hand experience launching Square alongside Jack Dorsey. The book also delves into what entrepreneurship truly is, how to identify and articulate meaningful problems and how to create a differentiated business model through your own innovation stack – a series of interlocking solutions that serve to create defensibility for your business.
$95 for Adults; $75 for Associates; $35 for Students
Register online at mac-stl.org/events.
Since 2011, the Missouri Athletic Club has annually honored six women from the St. Louis region who demonstrate tremendous vision in business, civic engagement, philanthropic programs and mentorship. The honorees have made a significant impact in many ways, but mostly through demonstrating excellence, growth, grit and empathy. This year, the MAC continues the tradition of honoring six women and one Rising Star. The Rising Star is someone 35 years of age or younger who is leading the next
generation of professional women to new heights.
The WIG is now accepting nominations for the 2023 Women of Distinction. The nomination form can be found at mac-stl.org/WOD.
The submission deadline is Thursday, June 1. Submit nomination forms to Katie Maurer at kmaurer@mac-stl.org or by mail to the Downtown Clubhouse.
Downtown was a sea of green on Saturday, March 11. The 54th Annual St. Patrick’s Day parade was a festive and colorful event that attracted thousands of people from all over the city. The MAC float again held a prominent place in the legendary parade down Market. Thanks to the MAC Members, past Governors and their families, who made the atmosphere even more lively and celebratory as they passed out beads along the parade route to cheering attendees!
The USBWA will honor the top players and coaches in college basketball. The much-anticipated U.S. Basketball Writers Association College Basketball Awards will be hosted at the Downtown Clubhouse in just a few weeks. Basketball legend Bill Walton will return to St. Louis as the event’s featured speaker. Fifty years ago in St. Louis, Bill Walton delivered what is considered the greatest game in NCAA Tournament finals history when he scored 44 points, making 21 of 22 shot attempts to lead UCLA to the national championship. The three-time Oscar Robertson Trophy winner is a member of the Basketball Hall of Fame and is currently one of the most colorful commentators in the game with his coverage on ESPN.
Some of the biggest names in college basketball have visited the MAC for the banquet, including Trae Young, Rick Barnes, Megan Gustafson, Zion Williamson, Aliyah Boston, Tommy Lloyd, Jabari Smith, and Oscar Tshiebwe. This year’s banquet will recognize the male and female freshman of the year, coach of the year and player of the year. For those who cannot attend in-person, the event will be livestreamed in full. Be sure to check MAC social media and emails for livestream links as the event approaches. You can follow all the latest news regarding the banquet and the lineup of honorees at @MACbballawards on Twitter.
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For more information or to schedule a tour, call (314) 993-2221
2 McKnight Place - St. Louis, Missouri - 63124 mcknightplace.com
The much-anticipated 18th annual Boxing Championship, sponsored by Midwest Regional Bank, took place in the Missouri Room on Thursday, Feb. 23. Members were ecstatic when tickets went on sale, selling out the event just minutes after registration opened.
The evening began with cocktails and cigars in the Downtown Clubhouse lobby and Art Lounge. Members and guests then
entered the Missouri Room and enjoyed a steak dinner ringside. The Apollos kicked off the festivities at 8 p.m. with the National Anthem. Governor Justin Fowler emceed the event. Boxers from around the St. Louis metro area squared off against ranked opponents in exciting bouts in various weight divisions.
The spirit of the MAC has been transferring to those in the boxing ring
since the beginning. The MAC hosted its first bout just two months after opening its doors and became known as a premier institution in the boxing world shortly after. Boxing at the MAC continues to thrive, and the Boxing Championships takes its place alongside the other distinguished sports events hosted at the Club.
Mark your calendars for the upcoming MAC Happy Hours. In addition to serving up great drink specials, these events are a great opportunity to meet new members and introduce friends and colleagues to the Club. No reservations are required.
Wednesday, June 25
Wednesday, July 23
Thursday, Aug. 14 5-8 p.m.
West (Poolside)
Saturday, June 14
Saturday, July 12
Saturday, Aug. 23 1:30-4:30 p.m.
William K. Berthold President Principal Land SurveyorYour partner in Insurance and Risk Management
Promote your business, products or services and connect with fellow members with a Business Directory ad in the annual MAC roster. Because Club members refer to it throughout the year, advertising in the Roster offers your business great exposure.
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Tim Powers Agent/BrokerAds start at just $60 – contact Becky Rasmussen at 314-539-4447 or brasmussen@mac-stl.org.
Past Governor FORE!
The Falls @ the 2-mile marker, 2.5 bdms, 2 bath, plus 27’ Pursuit Danali cruiser, dock & lift, garage, pools. Top deck, easy access, GREAT VIEW!