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Plaza life.

explore, enjoy, cherish Athens



The NJV Athens Plaza is the first Certified “We do local” Hotel in Athens! We d o l o c a l i s a p h i l o s o p hy u n d e r w h i c h a c o m p a ny o p e r a t e s: • By spreading the local customs & traditions • By introducing local cuisine • By supporting local producers • With respect to the environment and sustainability • By supporting the local workforce

We are thrilled to announce that Preferred Hotels & Resorts have honored us with The GIFTTS 2016 Pineapple Award for our Excellence in Community Service!

The NJV Athens Plaza was awarded the GOLD AWARD for Best Greek Business City Hotel at the Greek Hospitality Awards 2017


Welcome A

luxury hotel, ideally located at Syntagma Square, in the heart of the business and shopping districts and within walking distance from the Acropolis and the Old City of Plaka. Modern style and elegance in a most relaxing atmosphere of casual chic. Just as atmospheric and comfortable are the rooms and suites tastefully decorated in earthy tones with a number of suites benefitting from a breathtaking and scintillating view of the Acropolis and Stadiou Street. Its prominent location gives one the chance to hop on any bus, metro, trolley, tram, or hire a taxi and within minutes get to one of the major Museums, such as the Acropolis Museum, archaeological sites and tourist attractions that this great city has to offer. Discover the charming boutiques, patisseries, art galleries and cafés in the area, return for a delicious lunch or dinner at “The Parliament” restaurant and enjoy amazing cocktails at the most unique Explorer's Bar.

Corporate Social Responsibility The commitment of our Hotel, NJV Athens Plaza is to continuously acknowledge CSR, through our business ethics and social diligence, in accordance with the principles of sustainability for the society and the environment.

A Leading Business Hotel

O u r values •


Business Ethics

Human Rights

Qualitative Hospitality

Consideration and Caring for each employee

Contributing to the Society

Respecting the Environment

Promoting Culture


(or Burnt Thursday) F E BRUA RY 8 T H

Tsiknopempti ([Τσικνοπέμπτη] literally Smelly Thursday, or even Charred, Smoky, or Barbeque Thursday "because of the smell of the grilled meat in the air", is part of the traditional celebrations for Carnival (in Greek: Αποκριά -Apokria) season in Greece. source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsiknopempti

At the Explorer’s Bar & at the Plaza Café A meat platter for 2 & a glass of house-wine / person 25 € / person At the Parliament Restaurant A meat platter for 2 along with salads, baby potatoes and other Greek traditional delicacies, dessert & a glass of house-wine / person 39 € / person

Each year on February 14th, many people exchange cards, candy, gifts or flowers with their special “valentine.” The day of romance we call Valentine’s Day is named for a Christian martyr and dates back to the 5th century, but has origins in the Roman holiday Lupercalia. source: history.com/topics/valentines-day

At the Parliament Restaurant A delicious dining experience with live music! Welcome with a glass of Sparkling wine Va l e n tin e’s M e n u • Entrée – Main Course – Dessert • A bottle of House-wine • Piano music - Famous Greek singer Dakis

At the Explorer’s Bar • A glass of Moscato D’ Asti / person • Sushi - Finger food - Assortment of pastries

At the Plaza Café • A glass of Moscato D’ Asti / person • Sushi - Finger food - Assortment of pastries

80 € / couple

80 € / couple

80 € / person

At the Plaza Café A platter for 2 with seafood & Greek traditional delicacies A glass of house-wine or a small bottle of ouzo / tsipouro / person

Ash Monday F E BRUA RY 19 T H

50€ / couple

Ash Monday (Greek: Καθαρή Δευτέρα), also known as Pure Monday,

-50% to children -12 years old

Clean, Monday of Lent or Green Monday, is the first day of Great Lent

At the Parliament Restaurant A variety of delicious Lenten-Menu choices

throughout Eastern Christianity and is a moveable feast, falling on the 7th Monday before Pascha.

Lent Season Great Lent, or the Great Fast, (Greek: Μεγάλη Τεσσαρακοστή or Μεγάλη Νηστεία, meaning “Great 40 Days,” and “Great Fast,” respectively) is the most important fasting season in the church year in the Byzantine Rite of the Eastern Orthodox Church (including Western Rite Orthodoxy) and the Eastern Catholic Churches, which prepares Christians for the greatest feast of the church year, Pascha (Easter). source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Lent

Menu at the Parliament Restaurant

Women’s Day M A RC H 8 T H

International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated on March 8 every year.It commemorates the movement for women’s rights. While the first observance of a Women’s Day was held on February 28, 1909 in New York, March 8 was suggested by the 1910 International Woman’s Conference to become an “International Woman’s Day.” source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Women%27s_Day

19/2 – 6/4/18 During the season of Lent, a delicious Lenten Menu will be served at the Parliament Restaurant. At the Explorer’s Bar

March 25th Greeks celebrate the 25th March with a double holiday: a historical and a religious one. Greeks celebrate the War of Independence against the Ottoman Empire. The “Greek Revolution” was a successful war of independence waged by the Greek revolutionaries between 1821 and 1830. Religious Holiday. Greek Orthodox Church celebrates the Annunciation by archangel Gabriel to Virgin Mary that she would become the mother of Jesus Christ the Son of God. The country marks the double holiday of 25th March with a Military Parade and Bakaliaros (Cod fish). A custom across the country on this day is to eat crispy, fried Cod fish with garlic sauce (Bakaliaros skordalia)! This has to do with the Lent before Easter, where no meat or meat products should be eaten. However the Orthodox Church allowed an exception for the celebration of the Annunciation and that is the consumption of Cod fish! source: keeptalkinggreece.com/2011/03/25/what-is-the-25thmarch-national-holiday-in-greece-about/

At the Parliament Restaurant

At the Plaza Café

March 25th Buffet with cod fish and a variety of Greek traditional Lenten choices.

Traditional March 25th Menu A glass of house-wine / person

29 € / person -50% to children -12 years old

33 € / person

A combination of cold and hot finger food pastries & a glass of house-wine / person Piano Music - Famous Greek singer Dakis 30 € / person

Easter Season

2/4 – 9/4

At the Parliament Restaurant

Holy Monday 2/4 - Good Friday 6/4 Lenten Menu Choices Holy Saturday Dinner at the Parliament Restaurant 8/4

Greek Traditional Holy Saturday Menu A basket of traditional Easter cookies (koulouria) & red dyed eggs A bottle of house-wine /2 persons 50 € / person • -50% to children -12 years old Easter Sunday at the Parliament Restaurant 9/4

A rich variety of Greek traditional, Easter Sunday Buffet choices A bottle of house-wine / 2 persons 60 € / person • -50% to children -12 years old

EASTER IN ATHENS Greek Orthodox Easter is a wonderful time to visit Athens. One of the greatest celebrations of Christianity is Easter. Orthodox Christians all over Greece follow the Holy Week ritual devoutly, rejoicing in His Resurrection.

Renovated Venue Plaza Café, your favorite spot in the heart of Athens, has enjoyed a total renovation! Enjoy its unique new ambiance! O p e r a ti n g H o u r s: 0 8: 0 0 – 01: 0 0

On Good Friday, the Epitaph is decorated with flowers and, in the evening, it is carried out from the church in a procession. Athenians join it on its way through the streets, carrying candles in a mystic atmosphere of devout concentration. On Great Saturday morning, “maghiritsa” (a rich, thick lamb and herbs soup) is cooked at homes and restaurants. Before midnight, people gather in church holding white candles, which they light with the “Holy Light”. When “Christos Anesti” is proclaimed at 12.00 sharp, an impressive display of fireworks light up the night sky. After the Resurrection ceremony, they all gather around the festively laid table, they crack red eggs and feast on the traditional “maghiritsa”. On Easter Sunday morning, lamb is prepared on the spit or roasted in the oven. The Easter tables are set and people merrily rejoice, eat and drink until late at night. On Sunday, enjoy a traditional meal of roasted Lamb and red eggs, kokoretsi, kontosouvli and other greek Easter delicacies along with good Greek wine at THE PARLIAMENT RESTAURANT!

Mitropoli (Metropolitan Cathedral)

The Metochion of the Holy Sepulchre, Agioi Anargyroi (Metoxi Aigiou Tafou) church

If you wish to experience the orthodox Holy week, especially Good Friday & Holy Saturday, attend the ceremonies in one of the following churches situated close to our Hotel. Mitropoli (Metropolitan Cathedral), the largest church in Athens. Plateia Mitropoleos, Monastiraki. St Katherine’s church, the best place to listen to “Eggomia” the Hymns of Holy Friday, be there at around 19:30 the latest. Chairefontos Street, Plaka. The Metochion of the Holy Sepulchre, Agioi Anargyroi (Metoxi Aigiou Tafou) church, receives first the Holy Fire (Agion Fos) from Jerusalem. Be there on Holy Saturday night at 22:00 to experience the ceremony of receiving the Holy Fire. Anafiotika Plaka. Panagia (Holy Virgin) Kapnikarea, though small, it is one of the prime choices for celebrating the Resurrection in Athens. It dates back to the 11th century and do not forget to look at the impressive murals painted by Fotis Kondoglou, which enhance the feeling of reverence that these solemn days bring. Ermou Street.

St Katherine’s church

The two faces of Athens

Athens has two faces. The one is what you probably have expected; with the ruins, the ancient past and the local character. But Athens is also a modern city with art, facilities, and life not different than any other metropolis of the Western Civilization.


THE HISTORIC CENTRE The so-called, historical centre of Athens is Îą pedestrianised zone surrounded by the triangle between Plaka, Dionysiou Areopagitou street and Keramikos and includes almost all the magnificent sights of Athens. The new Acropolis museum, the Ancient theatre of Dionysus, the Herodes Atticus Odeon, hill of Filopappou and Pnyx are situated here as well as the ancient Agora, the temple of Hephestus, the oldest neighbourhoods of Athens Plaka, Anafiotika and Monastiraki on the north-west slopes of the sacred rock. History and tradition are definitely the most well-known characteristics of Athens' face.

Ermou street

Petraki street

Panagia (Holy Virgin) Kapnikarea

T he N at i on al M u s e u m o f C o n te mpo rary A rt, A th e n s (E M ST ) be g an i t s op e r ati o n i n 2000. Permanent home of the Museum is the former Fix brewery on Syngrou Ave., the reconstruction of which was completed in February 2014. The building occupies 18.142 sqm. on a 3.123 sqm surface. From September 30th, 2008, EMST was hosted in sections of the building of the Athens Conservatory, while from 2003 until 2008 it was hosted in the Athens Concert Hall. It had also presented exhibitions and events at the Athens School of Fine Arts and in the public space. The Museum’s collection is formed around a very important nucleus of works by Greek and foreign artists, such as Stephen Antonakos, Constantin (Dikos) Byzantios, Vlassis Caniaris, Chryssa, Mona Hatoun, Gary Hill, Emily Jacir, Ilya and Emilia Kabakov, Nikos Kessanlis, Jannis Kounellis, Shirin Neshat, Lucas Samaras, Costas Tsoclis, Bill Viola, a.o, which is constantly enriched. emst.gr

Stavros Niarchos Photo by Stephie Grape

Park and Foundation Cultural Center Education and culture are the backbone of any advanced society. In funding the SNFCC, the Foundation’s vision is to provide the country and the city with the new institutional foundations it needs to move forward and with a framework for the future. Education, culture and sustainability, the SNFCC’s three main elements, are essential requirements in enhancing the potential of the city and its people and placing them within a twenty first century global context. snfcc.org

T h e On assi s C ultural C e n tre Athens is a cultural space which hosts events and actions across the whole spectrum of the arts from theatre, dance, music, cinema and the visual arts to digital and hybrid art and the written word. It showcases contemporary cultural expression, supports Greek artists, cultivates international collaborations, explores the boundaries between science, art and society, and promotes lifelong learning for people of all ages. sgt.gr

MODERN ATHENS Athenians love their heritage but they don't stick to it. You' ll find them enjoying art, performances, exhibitions provided by new institutions like Onassis Cultural Centre, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Stavros Niarchos Park and Foundation Cultural Center and more. You will be amazed at how much they enjoy Greek Gastronomy in small fashionable restaurants and bistros! They also love brands and Greek designers!

Panepistimiou-Stadiou-Amerikis Those of you, who seek luxury in the heart of the town, search no more! The so-called golden square of the city centre buzzes with life.

Valaoritou street

Haritos street Tsakalof street

Voukourestiou street

Kolonaki-Voukourestiou For brand names Kolonaki shopping area is the one you are looking for! All the great fashion brands, the best jewelries and all the designer trends of each season gathered together in a small area in the center of Athens, near Syntagma Square.Kolonaki is the ideal shopping area for you. Voukourestiou, Skoufa, Patriarchou Ioakeim, and Tsakalof are streets lined with boutiques full of designer products of top quality and high aesthetics.

Voukourestiou street

Anagnostopoulou street

Tatoi, Mount Parnitha Historical walk in Tatoi Estate Tatoi (Greek: Τατόι) was the summer palace, a 10,000-acre estate of the former Greek Royal Family. The area is a densely wooded southeastfacing slope of Mount Parnitha, and its ancient and current official name is Dekeleia. It is located 27 km from the city centre of Athens. Although today the palace lies abandoned, it is visitable and makes the perfect scenery for your fairy tales.

Little Tree Books & Coffee

Koukaki is Athens’ newest hot neighbourhood A low-profile neighborhood at the foot of the Acropolis, Koukaki has evolved over the last years into the hottest fun spot of the city, as new hangouts with an alternative character open one after the other. You can find shops with handmade jewelry and other decorative items & funky clothes. Visit the “State of Concept”, a nonprofit gallery found at No. 19, Tousa Botsari Str. Blessed with pedestrian streets, and thanks to Filopappou Hill next door, Koukaki is a neighborhood where wandering is perfectly adequate. After you’ve visited the busiest streets close to Syggrou, go up towards the hill and admire the environment. Do not miss the chance to walk through Tsami Karatasou Street, taking in the beauty of the neoclassical mansions. Take a relaxing walk in nearby Filopappou Hill. The pine-covered slopes rising at about 150 meters above sea level offer a refreshing break from the heat in the summer and is mainly frequented by dog walkers and joggers. The hill is home to the Filopappos Monument, the Socrates Prison, the ancient Koilis Street, two picturesque churches, as well as the old National Observatory and the Dora Stratou Theater.

e r o l p x e

a n i g e A

Aegina...so near, so close! Aegina is a lovely island in close distance to Athens. This is why it gets very popular as a weekend destination for the Athenians. A place with rich history, Aegina island was a great naval power in the ancient times and a capital of Greece for a short time in 1828. The most popular tourist places is Agia Marina, Souvala and Marathon with relaxing beaches, while very nice is also the seaside village of Perdika. The Town, with the elegant Neoclassical buildings, is a lovely place to stroll along the port promenade and the narrow streets. The most important sight in Aegina Greece is the Ancient Temple of Athena Aphaia, constructed in the 6th century BC. This island is also famous for the large production of pistachios. Source: greeka.com

Jewelry made with Passion In Giouzenis Jewelry you will discover the world of high end jewelry design, using top quality gemstones. A wide range of watches and gifts are also offered by brands such as Longines, Corum, Montblanc, Dupont, Perrelet, Artya, Titoni and Montegrappa.

2, Voukourestiou str. Athens 10564 T. +30 210 3228 688 www.giouzenis.com

Giouzenis Jewelry, designing and handcrafting jewelry since 1955!



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1. National Garden, Botanological Museum and Zappion Gardens 2. Psirri 3. Monastiraki - Avyssinias Square 4. Ancient Agora 5. Anafiotika 6. Acropolis Museum

7. Benaki Museum 8. Byzantine Museum 9. Cycladic Museum 10. Museum Herakleidon 11. Ermou Street 12. Giouzenis Jewelry

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