Cecilia and Jacinta from Mount Morgan Central State School were “eggs-cited” to be a part of the 2023 Easter Egg Hunt held at the school on Thursday, 30 April. The children were also excited about the up coming holidays which started on Monday, 3 April, 2023.
A Mount Morgan community information session held in November last year provided Council with key feedback to help determine the final design of the new Mount Morgan pool.
The community had the opportunity to complete a survey and have input on different design elements of the pool.
Rockhampton Region Mayor Tony Williams said he was pleased that the design will incorporate feedback from the survey.
“We will be giving the Mount Morgan community what they want,” Mayor Williams said.
“Every option that we are going with is the most preferred option by the community which is a fantastic outcome.
“The community voted to have a mining/gold rush theme in keeping with Mount Morgan’s history which I am really looking forward to seeing come to life.
“We will also be going with the roof style that the community voted for as well as keeping the timber from the eastern grandstand and using it in the restoration of the western grandstand.
“We can appreciate the importance of the old grand-
stands to the community so it was great to receive feedback through this survey that has allowed us to incorporate it into the new pool design.”
Divisional Councillor Cherie Rutherford and Councillor for Parks, Sport and Public Spaces is thankful for the community’s participation in the process.
“It was really interesting receiving the survey results and seeing the community input in this key project for Mount Morgan’s future,” Cr Rutherford said.
“It goes to show how important it is to have your say when we give these opportunities because we have taken all of this feedback on board and the community’s say has now determined the future of the pool.
“The old pool had reached its end of life and was experiencing significant leaking problems. This, in addition to the water restrictions, meant that the pool needed to be closed.
“We know the community will be thrilled once the new pool is open for all to enjoy!”
The Mount Morgan pool is funded by the Queensland Government’s Resources Community Infrastructure Fund and Rockhampton Regional Council.
Mount Morgan Argus is published by Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc, 1 Railway Parade, Mount Morgan. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the publishers. MMPAD reserves the discretionary right to alter, omit, reclassify or postpone publication of articles, photographs or advertisements in the Mount Morgan Argus. MMPAD takes all possible care with the publication of news, names and other information sourced by MMPAD representatives. It does not, however, take responsibility for erroneous information or spelling supplied by external sources. Please take care and ensure that information is correct and names are spelt correctly before submitting any items to this publication.
On behalf of the President, Mr David McKenzie and members of Returned Services League of Australia (Queensland Branch), Mount Morgan Sub Branch Inc, we cordially invite the Mount Morgan community to the Anzac Day services.
There will be a Dawn Service and a main service at Mount Morgan Anzac Park in West Street.
The Dawn Service will start at 5.30 am and will be dedicated to those who served in the Boer War, World War 1 and the 1919 Russian conflict. There will be an opportunity to place a wreath towards the end of the service.
The Gunfire Breakfast, will be held at Footbridge
Corner in Cornes Street at 7.00 am by the RSL Sub Branch.
The Sub Branch would also like to invite interested community groups and members to participate in the Anzac Day Parade.
This year’s parade will form up at the Mount Morgan School of Arts in Morgan Street at 10.30 am.
The route will follow that of previous years. It is planned for the parade to step off at 10.45 am, moving eastward along Morgan Street before turning westward at Morgan Lane and head back towards Anzac Park in West Street.
The parade should take about 15 minutes to complete and arrive at Anzac Park shortly before the start of the main service at 11 am.
The parade will have traffic controllers manning positioned barricaded road blocks along the route where necessary.
The service will be dedicated to those who served in World War 2, Korean, Borneo and Vietnam wars and all theatres and Peace Keeping roles.
There will be several guest speakers this year and an opportunity for community members to place a wreath towards the end of the service. It is expected that the main services will be completed by 12.15 pm. Please advise the Sub Branch of your intention to actively participate on the day.
Gavin McKenzieSub Branch Secretary - 0477 893 610
Excitement is building for the annual Golden Mount Festival to be held on 28, 29 and 30 April 2023.
This year the Association has chosen the theme of “Fantasy and Magic”.
The opening event on Friday night will be a family BBQ and movie night with How to Train Your Dragon: Hidden World. Movie is sponsored by Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc.
The Mount Morgan State High School Cross Country went off without a hitch! We had over 50 participants running the entire course! The Students did really well walking laps and hunting for Easter Eggs to collect points for their team. In third Place was Kendall (Red House) on 453 Points, closely following Gordon (Blue House) with 494 points. In first place, Smashing it out of the park, was Paterson (Green House) with 722 points. Thank you to all Community members and parents that came to support the students running.
This will be followed by a gala fireworks display sponsored by Mount Morgan’s very own Rainbow Cafe. Saturday, as usual will be the biggest day of the Festival with the Gold Dig sponsored by Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc, the “Fantasy and Magic” themed procession and the Heritage Minerals Junior and Senior Running the Cutter, all taking place in Morgan Street.
The final event for the Association will be the Big Dam Breakfast at the No. 7 Dam.
A full write up and program will be in the next issue of the Mount Morgan Argus.
The Festival has received assistance under the Rockhampton Regional Council’s Community Assistance Program.
So looking at where to have our first social craft day we decided to hold it at the green shed where we could showcase our crafts and we could enjoy the morning. Also on display was a table of items showcasing the Q.C.W.A. healthy eating programme called Country Kitchens. This programme showcases simple and easy ways to enjoy your food and it has 5 steps that are the key messages of the programme.
The ladies came along and had a really relaxed day. Donna Anderson Mount Morgan Q.C.W.A. Branch Vice President had fun knitting and talking to other ladies. Raelene Hayes the Mount Morgan Branch Craft Convenor continued working on a crochet rug that is a branch project. Savannah Alden the branch treasurer is very talented in crocheting and enjoys making small toys. Tammy Alden the branch International Officer had advice and ideas to share. Gille Major the branch Secretary was happy to create a list of future events and talked about cooking. I was happy to take part in discussions, talk about Country Kitchens and catering along with talking about crafts. Barbara Thompson spoke about her skills in knitting. So as you can see we are all skilled in different crafts and cooking. These days are going to be held on the 4th Monday of each month at 10 am at the Green Shed. Yes we have a small raffle for extra fun just for the day. These craft and cooking days are a social function to bring ladies together. You can bring your own craft projects with you or we can provide some craft materials.
In 1942 handcrafts were started in Q.C.W.A. with the first state organiser being a lady by the name of Miss Scholefield. It was around 1949 when the first Capricornia Division Handcraft Chairman was announced and that was Mrs Scafe who held the chairman’s position from 1949-1950. These ladies travelled hundreds of miles in those days to attend handcraft classes. Some teachers even travelled to branches to teach ladies. Their dedication to show the skills they had learnt took them over dirt roads, across creeks and dirt tracks in buggies, on horseback and in the back of trucks. It did not matter as they had promised to teach ladies in branches and that is what they did. These classes were held in many locations including Stanwell, Nursing homes, Mount Morgan, Q.C.W.A. Halls, Y.W.C.A. Buildings and other locations. In later times the members would attend classes in the Archer Street Hall in Rockhampton. Mount Morgan had sewing machine demonstrations in the early years. So as you can see craft and cooking have always been a part of Q.C.W.A.
We would like to invite any lady to come along and meet the members and enjoy the social aspect of just having a common interest and meeting other ladies. Our next social craft day will be on the Monday, 24
April at 10 am at the green shed.
On Saturday, 29 April we will be holding a stall at the Golden Mount Festival. We will be showcasing all aspects of Q.C.W.A. along with our cookbooks which will be on sale. This will include our new branch cookbook which is on jams and preserves. We are also holding a stall at the Mount Morgan Rodeo this year on Sunday, 30 April.
On the Saturday, 13 May we will be catering for ‘’Ride4LifeSuicide Prevention’’ at the Mount Morgan Railway station. There will be 300 riders and support cars. Road bikes, Dirt Bikes and much more.
Ladies we have been a part of our community for 73 years and members have come along and moved away but many have stayed. Yes we are a small branch but we are growing. The one thing we do have is a big heart. We are proud of what we do and as Q.C.W.A. Members we are proud of the association and what it can do to help others.
We often have discussions on community issues and we lobbied to get a permanent town water supply through our state conference. We advocate to improve living conditions, health care, education, better roads, better communication systems, we put together domestic violence packs and we reach out with the hand of friendship. We recently donated funds to our Q.C.W.A. State Disaster Fund to help members and branches and the communities who are affected by floods in the Gulf. We have a state wide public rural crisis fund to help in times of disaster.
Our branch provides local bursaries at the state school and state wide there are bursaries for different areas of education. So the list is endless.
So come along and meet with the members and see what Q.C.W.A. is all about. We meet on the 3rd Monday of every month at 10 am at the green shed. The door is open to any women so come along. If you would like to find out more, please contact me on 0428 457 461 Arlene Roberts Branch President.
Hope to see you at our April Meeting on Tuesday, 18 April 2023 starting at 2 pm and our April Morning Tea is on Wednesday, 26 April 2023 starting at 10 am. The cost is $5. Both are held in Saint Mary's Hall, Gordon Street, Mount Morgan (Behind the Anglican Church). The guest speaker is Mal Holmes from Rockhampton Food Bank. Raffle and lucky door prizes on the day. Catching up with family and friends and making precious memories is what life is all about.
Wishing all our members a very Happy Easter. Stay safe and keep healthy.
Submitted by The Steering Committee
Carol Glover 4938 1995 or Colleen Constable 0427 161 131.
Our March Morning Tea had a good roll up of members. Sing Australia entertained us on the day with a good range of songs. Megan Scott from Carers Qld called in and gave the members some info to think about. There were lots of winners on the day with the multi draw raffle.
New members aged over 50 years old are welcome to join us. There is no cost to become a member.
28 Morgan St, Mount Morgan
Beds: 9 Baths: 3 Cars: 2
41 Dee St, Mount Morgan
Beds: 3 Baths: 1 Cars: 1
1a Cooks Lane, Mount Morgan
Serenity and Nature on 5.33 ha
11 Caroline St, Wowan
Land with shed, ready to build.
7 James St, Mount Morgan
Beds: 2 Baths: 2 Car: 3
4 Coronation Dr, Mount Morgan
Beds: 2 Baths: 1 Cars: 3
74 East St Ex, Mount Morgan
Beds: 3 Baths: 1 Car: 1
6 Pheasant Creek Rd, Wowan
Beds: 3 Baths: 1 Cars: 2
Please call me if you are looking at buying or selling a property!
FERN’S MINER’S RESt under new management
Call Lizzy on 0408 262 505
DINE IN - TAKEAWAY OPEN 7 DAYS phone 4938 2758
Mark Humphreys’ Electrical
8 Baldwin Street
Mount Morgan 4714
Electrical Lic. No. 74711
Phone: 0439 727 609
FAX: 4938 2885
Domestic, Rural, Commercial Installation and Repairs, Promptly Servicing
Mount Morgan & Wowan Districts
Meeting your needs with Quality & Compassion
ABN: 54 894 799 119
Servicing Mount Morgan Region
Phone 4921 2673
ABN: 24 757 904 038
Dawson Green - Mount Morgan Local NO JOB TOO SMALL!
CALL DAWSON ON 0413 825 787
Email -
Most Home Repairs - Doors, Windows, Walls, Gates, Patch & Paint
I will not accept jobs over $3,300.00
New Homes Extensions
Restumping Car Ports
Decks Driveways
Tony Harney Plumbing
Available for all domestic and commercial work.
Septic to Sewer Connections Blocked drains, leaking taps or any other maintenance issues
Phone Tony 0429 669 499
Servicing Mount Morgan
Home Haircuts
Mobile Hairdresser Over 30 years experience
Please call to make an appointment 0438 861 319
TELEPHONE: 0417 006 591
Firearm Accessories – Militaria- Fishing – Bait
- Archery – Ammo – Gifts – Television Antenna
Sales & Installation - Metal Detectors and Prospecting Gear - Camping Gear!
ABN 86 894 469 085
Eric J Stevenson. DNRME License to Sell Explosives 1300622
69 Morgan Street, Mount Morgan
Firearm Sales / PTA’s still from 11 Glen Gordon Street by appointment
Firearm Dealer License No. 50001499 Mount Morgan Guns
Phone: 4928 3511
Deslea’s Cutz for Mutz
Mobile Dog Clipping
Phone Des: 0447 275 402
Finlayson & McKenzie Funerals
Sandi Wood (nee Inslay) from Mount Morgan was born and raised within the Mount and is well aware of the needs of the Mount Morgan community.
Sandi is Mount Morgan’s funeral consultant and is available for all funeral advice.
Tilt Truck Service, Excavator
Slashing, Mowing, Tractor and Poison Spraying
Licenced Poisons Contractor
GRANT SUCCESS Mount Morgan Soldiers Rooms would like to acknowledge The Foundation For Regional Renewal for approving a Strengthening Rural Communities grant for $10000 to put towards stainless steel countertops in the Soldiers Rooms kitchen and servery.
This will bring up to code our facilities, enabling preparation of food for catering, workshops and kitchen hire. We are extremely grateful to continue our work improving/restoring the Soldiers Rooms, and providing opportunities to improve our community.
GRAND STAIRCASE People driving past may have noticed some new decorative balustrade beginning to emerge on the staircase out front of The Soldiers Rooms.
Many thanks to the amazing Mount Morgan Mens Shed for taking on this project! Our intention is to reinstate all of the fretwork as well, and really let the old building shine, making her a beautiful backdrop for photos and events.
DANCE After a fabulous night was had by all at our last dance, our wonderful organisers have planned for another Bush Dance at 7 pm on Saturday evening, 15 April. Incorporating some of our favourite moves, there will also be line dancing and old time. Raffles and bar/refreshments available. $10 entry for adults, and $3 for children. Funds raised go towards Mount Morgan Citizens Club’s restoration efforts of the Soldiers Rooms, and community services.
THE MANSE We are certainly making progress on the house, with fresh paint, tile and floors on the inside. Mid April this four bedroom house will come up for rent at $330/week.
Please email an expression of interest, or call for info. Once rented, incoming funds will be injected into the restoration of St Enoch’s and the Upper Dee Hall.
Please continue to donate to the cute miniature church donation box located at the counter of Wattle Bee Next NewsXpress or online donations at
HIRE- The Soldiers Rooms is available for events, and we have chairs and trestle tables available for events elsewhere. For Bookings call 0419605662 for availability. Members receive discounted rates.
NEXT MEETING Sunday, April 30 at 10:30am at the Soldiers Rooms. New Members welcome. To get in touch, email mountmorgansoldiersrooms@ Like and follow “Mount Morgan Soldiers Rooms” and “Mount Morgan Arts Precinct” on Face book to keep up to date.
Submitted by Kirra Swain - Secretary
MEDICAL STAFF: Our facility is happy to announce that Dr Tayla Matthews has commenced work with us as a Senior Medical Officer. Dr Matthews works at the Hospital half time and the remaining time at Mount Morgan Medical Centre where she is being supported to complete her ACRM studies (Rural Generalist Training). Dr Matthews is no stranger to our facility, having worked here previously as both an AIN and Registered Nurse. Welcome back Tayla.
Covid 19: Recently there have been several cases of Covid 19 in our Community. In order to protect our Clients, Staff and Inpatients (both Residential and Acute), we ask that you not enter our facility if you are feeling unwell. It would be very much appreciated if clients who are unwell, could phone ahead to receive advice on where to present. Free Covid tests are available, during business hours, for those able to present a Centrelink Card. We respectfully request all visitors to wear a mask if at all possible. For those who do not have their own mask, we can provide one.
FLU VAX: Flu Vax season is on our doorstep. A free flu vax is available for people aged 65 years and over, 55 years and over (indigenous only), indigenous children and those people with chronic illnesses (eg asthma, COPD, diabetes, etc). Those who wish to have their name added to the Flu Vax list are asked to phone 4912 5100 during business hours. A date for the clinic is not yet available.
SERVICES: The following services are available at our facility:-
Woundcare / Dressing Clinic: Monday to Friday from 8:30am; Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays from 10am. Appointments are required, please phone 4912 5100.
Pathology: Monday to Friday only from 8:30am. Appointments are required, please phone 4912 5100.
Telehealth: Emergency Dept Telehealth is able to be facilitated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, as required. Specialist Telehealth appointments are available Monday to Friday by pre-arrangement only. The Provider service (often Royal Brisbane Hospital, Prince Charles Hospital, Princess Alexandra Hospital or Rockhampton Hospital) will contact our Administration Team to request a booking and the client is advised from there.
Dental Clinic: The Dental Clinic is currently open on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. All appointments are booked through Oral Health, Rockhampton Hospital. Please phone 4920 6212 (general enquiries) or 1300 782 413 (emergencies only).
Ante Natal Clinic: ANC is usually held once a week on a Wednesday. Appointments are required, please phone 4912 5100.
Continued on Page 11
Child Health: The Child Health Nurse visits each week on a Wednesday. Please phone 4920 6900 to make an appointment.
Diabetic Clinic: The Diabetic Clinic is held on the first and third Fridays each month. A referral is required for new patients. Appointments are required, please phone 4912 5100.
Dietitian: The Dietitian visits once a month on the third Monday. To access this clinic clients will require a referral from their Doctor. The clinic books out quickly. Appointments are required, please phone 4912 5100.
Immunisation Clinic: Immunisation Clinic is held on the first and third Tuesdays each month. Appointments are required, please phone 4912 5100.
Mobile Women’s Health Clinic: These clinics are held once every 4-6 weeks. No referral is required. Appointments are required, please phone 4912 5100.
Podiatry: Podiatry clinic is held on the first and third Thursdays each month. A referral from a Doctor is required for these. Appointments are required, please phone 4912 5100.
Cardiac Rehabilitation: Cardiac Rehab is held on Mondays and Wednesdays each week. Clients may self refer, however additional information is often sought from the GP. Appointments will be offered once the Cardiac Rehab staff have assessed the referral.
Respiratory Clinic: The Respiratory Clinic Clinical Nurse conducts a clinic in Mount Morgan once a month. Referrals are needed for this service. For more information please phone SACCR (at CQU) on 4930 9009.
• Lawn Mowing and hedge trimming
• Yard cleanups and rubbish removal
• Wood chipping and dump runs
• House move out assistance
• Public Liability Insurance No job too big or too small! Call Jason on 0432 448 530
Easter jokes that will “crack” you up!
1. What do rabbits say before they eat? A. Lettuce pray.
2. Why couldn’t the rabbit fly home for Easter? A. He didn’t have the “hare” fare.
3. What do you call an Easter Egg from outer space? A. an egg-straterrestrial!
4. Why don’t you see dinosaurs at Easter? A. Because they are eggs-tinct!
5. What should you do to prepare for Easter treats? Eggs-ercise!
as that of T. T. Cornes. One can consult him about the design of a house; about its erection, and get him to furnish it after the most-approved style. He is a contractor, as well as a builder, an ironworker as well as house furnisher, and he is also a timber merchant who does extensive business. He is known to be well up in all that concerns a house, and he goes in for just the class of building most suitable to the climate’ (‘Among our advertisers’, The Catholic Press (Sydney, NSW: 1895-1942), 16 November 1916).
‘T. T. Cornes, Undertakers and Embalmers, Morgan Street (opposite Calliungal Hotel [corner of Morgan and East Streets]), Mount Morgan. Telephone No. 48 [short telephone numbers in those days!]’ (‘Advertising’, Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld: 18781954), 24 June 1915).
Committed to public service, Tom was also an alderman of Mount Morgan Council – later elected as mayor. The caricaturist depicts a moustachioed Alderman Cornes with a receding hairline wearing a suit. The accompanying verse reflects his many important roles within the community and provides us with a glimpse into his character:
Above: Alderman T. T. Cornes by Pets MM [Mount Morgan] (‘Pretty Pets’, Truth (Brisbane, Qld. : 1900-1954), 28 February 1915).
Born in the gold mining town of Thames, New Zealand, Thomas Thompson (‘Tom’) Cornes (1872-1933) was the eldest son of Mount Morgan pioneer, Scottish-born Thomas Glen Cornes (1842-1903). His father built many of Mount Morgan’s original buildings, such as the General Office Building on the mine site and Saint Mary’s Anglican Church (both now heritage-listed).
Tom started out as an apprentice at the Mount Morgan Gold Mining Company Limited under the instruction of his father in the late 1880s and worked his way up to chief patternmaker. In 1911, he bought a local mixed business, offering architectural, building and undertaking services (to name just a few). He advertised his business regularly in newspapers. Here are a couple of examples:
‘T. T. Cornes, Morgan Street, Mount Morgan.
It is not often that a firm has such a number of outside departments
Contractor, builder, undertaker –(House-for-dead-and-living-maker) –An alderman of good repute Not "ingloriously mute” [i.e. talkative!].
He plays his part with zeal and zest, And for the people, does his best, "Whate'er he touches he adorns" –
Mount Morgan ne'er will "cut" its “Cornes”!
Continued on Page 13
As far as I can tell, at least twenty Mount Morgan ‘Pretty Pets’ appeared in the historical weekly tabloid, Truth (Brisbane, Qld. : 1900-1954). The first ‘Pretty Pet’ was Leichhardt Hotel publican, James Stack, in 1912, and the final one was Alderman Cornes in 1915.
To date, twelve ‘Pretty Pets’ have been published in this series of caricatures of local identities. Here are three more:
Above left: J. J. Walsh (prominent member of the Mount Morgan School of Arts) (1914).
Above middle: Charles Williams (ironmonger; plumber; timber merchant; contractor) (1914).
Above right: Sidney Gray (tailor; fabric merchant; haberdasher) (1914).
This author has made best efforts to provide accurate information for this publication of ‘Mount Morgan in Pictures’.
Left: Mount Morgan’s Kindy Care children met their Kindergarten “Adopta Cop” Miss Anne on 8 March 2023.
The children had an opportunity to turn the police vehicle’s lights and sirens on as well as sit in the police car.
Miss Anne brought some awesome colouring-in sheets along for the children to colour.
She also taught the children to remember to call “000” in an emergency and to memorise their home address.
The children loved this experience which hopefully will lead to them viewing police as friendly and approachable.
1. The Easter Bunny legend began in Germany.
2. The holiday was named after the Angloc-Saxon Goddess, Eostre.
3. The act of painting eggs originates from a Ukrainian tradition.
4. More than 1.5 million Cadbury Creme Eggs are produced every day!
International Children’s Book Day
Sunday, 2 April was International Children’s Book Day and to celebrate Rockhampton Regional Libraries gave away hundreds of free books to children aged 0-5 years! All libraries were open on Saturday,1 April for the giveaway of books purchased with First 5 Forever funding from State Library of Queensland. To find out more about First 5 Forever and activities for under 5’s please ask library staff.
School holiday activities
Are you looking for fun things to do these school holidays? Your library has many fun activities for all ages. Come and experience the wonders of the Great Barrier Reef in a free Virtual Reef Adventure or learn about sustainability with the Waste Warrior Workshops.
Take home craft packs will also be available at the Mount Morgan Library so pop in and grab a kit. Please call the library admin on 4936 8043 to find out more information or to book into activities.
Easter closures
Please be aware that all Rockhampton Regional Libraries will be closed Friday 07 – Monday 10 April for the Easter public holidays.
While the library buildings may be closed, don’t forget that all online services are still available 24/7 for access from your own device.
Pop online and grab yourself an eBook, eAudiobook, eMagazine or check out one of the other great online services.
Rockhampton Regional Libraries are located in Mount Morgan, Gracemere, South Rockhampton and North Rockhampton.
It is free to become a library member. For more information please call the Mount Morgan Library on 4936 8169 or the Rockhampton Regional Library Administration Office on 4936 8043.
will affect Australians now and into the future.
As the proposed question has reference to the Executive of government, this makes the body more powerful than any Cabinet Minister.
No Cabinet Minister can apply to the High Court to have legislation struck out because they were not properly consulted. Yet the proposed Voice body will have that power.
More worrying, interpretation of that power will be determined by the High Court, not the Parliament.
The proposed change to the Constitution, will define the rights of Australians based on race.
Recognition of indigenous Australians in the constitutions is one thing. However, for an unelected body to have potential power over all legislation, is something entirely different.
The question remains: as the body will be selected not elected to be the Voice, precisely who will be doing the selection, and could it be against the majority view of indigenous Australians in an area?
This unelected body will have a purview over any legislation that may affect indigenous people, which in Australia is virtually all legislation.
I have consulted widely with both the ‘yes’ and ‘no’ campaigns in a respectful way and have made the decision to vote no.
I have contacted indigenous leaders from communities all across the Flynn electorate. Almost all indicated they knew very little or nothing about the Albanese Government’s Voice proposal.
I believe the Voice will not advance the primary aim of Closing the Gap and dealing with real issues. It will not economically empower Indigenous people.
It will be a Voice for Redfern, not Indigenous communities in rural areas such as Woorabinda.
In the 47th Parliament of Australia, there are 11 Indigenous MPs who have been duly and democratically elected by the people, while currently there is an Indigenous Minister for Indigenous Australians who is responsible for overseeing a federal government department that is worth more than $1 billion.
My view remains the same: we are one people, we are one country, we are all equal.
The Prime Minister has finally revealed what the Australian people will be asked in the referendum on the Indigenous Voice to Parliament later this year.
I wanted to explain to the Mount Morgan community what the Voice proposal is and if successful, how this
I will be voting no at the referendum and encourage you to have your say.
Meet 9 am - 12 noon Wednesdays Phone John on 0429 055 165
Mount Morgan Promotion and Development has been advised that the Community Noticeboard in Morgan Street will be removed from 23 March 2023.The new shop owner has requested that it be removed.
MMPAD will have all items currently on the noticeboard at the Mount Morgan Railway Museum. Council has advised that a new location is being sourced.
Advises that the Mount Morgan Explore Centre and Railway Museum will be closed on
Open Saturday, 8 April 2023 - 9 am - 4pm
Sunday, 9 April 2023 - 9 am - 4 pm
On behalf of Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc
have a Safe and Happy Easter.
If you are travelling over the break, please take care.
Easter Trading hours
The Golden Festival Association, Mount Morgan Incorporated, advises that the following event will be held on Friday, 28 April 2023 at the No 7 Dam:
Event Set up time – From 3 pm
Event time: 5- 7.45 pm
Movie: 6.15 – 7.50 pm - Fireworks: 8 pm approx. Pack up time – 8 – 9 pm
Traffic to the area will be greater than normal during this time.
The Golden Mount Festival Association, Mount Morgan Incorporate also advises that the following event will be held on Sunday, 30 April 2023 at the No 7. Dam:
Event Set up time – From 6 am – 8 am
Event time: 8 am – 11 am and
Pack Up – 11 am – 12.30 pm
Traffic to the area will be greater than normal during this time.
Eve-lyn Rogers - Treasurer Golden Mount Festival Association, Mount Morgan Inc
Meets on the last Sunday of each month at 10.30 am. Soldiers’ Rooms, 18 Morgan Street, Phone - John Tuxworth 0429 055 165
Meets every third Monday at the Green Shed - Thompson Ave 9.30 am meet for 10 am start.
DINNER MEETING - THURSDAY - GRAND HOTEL 6.00 for 6.30. Interested people are encouraged to attend or send an Expression of Interest to PO Box 2, Mount Morgan
APRIL 8: Baree Markets. Baree School of Arts, Creek Street Baree. From 8 am until 12 noon.
APRIL 15: Old Time - Line Dancing, live entertainment. Adults $10. Children $3. Lucky Door, raffles, br operating. Light refeshments at bar. Free tea/coffee.
APRIL 18: Dee River Oldies Group - Monthly Meeting starting at 2 pm to be held in St Mary’s Hall, Gordon Street, Mount Morgan. (Behind the Anglican Church).
APRIL 25: Anzac Day Dawn Service, 5.30 am and Main Service 11 am - Anzac Park - West Street, Mount Morgan.
APRIL 25: Anzac Day Parade - form up 10.30 amMount Morgan School of Arts, Morgan Street. Step off at 10.45 am.
APRIL 26: Dee River Oldies Group - Morning Tea starting at 10 am to be held in St Mary’s Hall, Gordon Street, Mount Morgan. (Behind the Anglican Church). Cost is $5. The guest speaker will be Mal Holmes from Rockhampton Food Bank. Raffle and lucky door prizes.
APRIL 28: True Outreach Clinic - sexual and reproductive health. Phone 4912 5100 for appointment.
APRIL 28: Golden Mount Festival Family Movie Night, BBQ and Fireworks at No .7 Dam. From 6.30 pm.
APRIL 29: Golden Mount Festival Markets in Morgan Street from 8 am. Applications for market stalls, Procession and Running the Cutter available from
APRIL 30: Golden Mount Festival “Big Dam Breakfast” from 8 am at No.7 Dam.
APRIL 30: Mount Morgan Rodeo - Gates open 11 am - 10 pm. Rodeo starts at 2 pm. Canteen and bar operating. ATM available onsite at Showgrounds.
MAY 13: Baree Markets. Baree School of Arts, Creek Street Baree. From 8 am until 12 noon.
MAY 26: Mobile Women’s Health Clinic. Phone 4912 5100 for an appointment.
JUNE 10: Baree Markets. Baree School of Arts, Creek Street Baree. From 8 am until 12 noon.
JULY 8: Baree Markets. Baree School of Arts, Creek Street Baree. From 8 am until 12 noon.
JULY 18: Mobile Women’s Health Clinic. Phone 4912 5100 for an appointment.
JULY 22: Karaoke competition, open to all ages. Special Guest MC, prizes and much more. To be be held in the Soldiers’ Rooms for Mount Morgan Citizens Club.
AUG 12: Mount Morgan Show. Mount Morgan Showgrounds.
SEPT 2: Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc - Wattle Day Festival from 9.30 am until 2.30 pm. Live entertainment and more.
SEPT 9: Baree Markets. Baree School of Arts, Creek Street Baree. From 8 am until 12 noon.
SEPT 12: Mobile Women’s Health Clinic. Phone 4912 5100 for an appointment.
OCT 14: Baree Markets. Baree School of Arts, Creek Street Baree. From 8 am until 12 noon.
For Sale:Laptop computers from $100 up. All in good working condition. Phone Travis 0478 110 714.
Camper Cub 2016. Excellent condition, Reg, battery and electrics, hardfloor, $2800 ono.
Guitar, acoustic $120 good condition with case. Phone Wayne - 0422 588 341.
The following Mount Morgan roads will be closed on Saturday, 29 April 2023 for the Annual Golden Mount Festival. These streets will be closed for street markets and street procession.
Morgan Street, between Central and East Streets
Morgan Street, between Central and West Streets
Morgan Lane, between Central and Morgan Streets, Cutter Lane, between Central and West Streets, Dee Street, between Central and East Streets and East Street, between Dee and Morgan Streets.
SUPERINTENDENT OF TRAFFIC (Christopher Cronin, SGT OC, 4028467)