8 t h
a n n u a l
BUILDEX is about designing, building and managing real estate March 18 & 19, 2014
Edmonton E xpo Centre, Northl ands
Show hours:
Tuesday 10:00AM – 4:00PM Wednesday 10:00AM – 3:00PM
SHO W G U I DE Platinum Sponsor
Industry Partner Sponsor
Gold SPonsor
Major Sponsors
PARTNER. PERFECT. COLLABORATION IS THE LEDCOR WAY. Since 1947, we have been doing it right. Always. We believe every project—your project—is about more than concrete and steel. It’s about people and the power of partnerships.
Welcome to the 8th Annual BUILDEX Edmonton Thank you for joining us at Edmonton’s largest industry event with 2500+ professional attendees from the Property Management, Architecture & Interior Design, and Construction & Renovation industries. New for 2014 we have expanded into a second exhibit hall and welcome you to explore our revised tradeshow layout. There are hundreds of new technologies and services on display for your everyday use now and in the future. Be sure to take a couple hours to visit the exhibits to discover tomorrow’s trends, today. It has been a great year for industry collaboration. We are proud to welcome Mayor Don Iveson. He previously joined us as a speaker (and City Councilor) in 2010 and returns to continue the BOMA luncheon tradition of hosting the current Mayor. We also welcome back participation from the IDA and IDC on the Interior Design Keynote Panel and the AAA continue to work with us on seminar content and CEU credits for the industry. Thank you to all of the other industry associations for their support as well. Another exciting addition this year is expanded collaboration with both the Edmonton Construction Association and the Merit Contractors Association. We are opening BUILDEX with the inaugural Construction Breakfast and welcoming Ron Magnus to speak on leadership. As this breakfast grows each year, we see it becoming another can’t miss part of BUILDEX.
www.buildexedmonton.com Show Director
Paul Maryschak
conference director
Jennie Biltek
Event Manager
Hailey Chan
Exhibit / Sponsorship Sales
Wolfgang Ortner Ben Carson
And, the BUILDEX seminar program continues to provide the highest standard of industry educational content with 30+ dynamic and informative sessions. We are confident there is something of value for everyone looking to Network, Educate and Discover.
Gillian Wright
Finally, we would like to extend a big THANK YOU to our exhibitors, sponsors, industry partners, speakers and
Kate James
event coordinator
everyone else who help make this event possible. We hope you enjoy your time at BUILDEX 2014.
BUILDEX Edmonton is about designing, building and managing real estate.
Will Morris President, Informa Canada
Sincerely, Paul Maryschak Show Director
Mark Stephenson Vice-President, Informa Canada
Table of Contents
Tel: 780.423.5911 Fax: 780.423.5912
Edmonton OFFICE
Seminar Schedule..............................................................................................................................................................................................4 Featured Panels...................................................................................................................................................................................................5
Tel: 604.739.2112 Fax: 604.739.2124
Featured Speakers.............................................................................................................................................................................................6 Exhibitor List – By Category.......................................................................................................................................................................10
Follow us on Twitter
@BUILDEXshows #buildexedmonton
Exhibitor List – Alphabetical.....................................................................................................................................................................12 New / Green Product Showcase............................................................................................................................................................18 Special Events.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Thank You to our Sponsors....................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Ot h e r I n f o r m a C a n a da e v e n t s t h at mig h t i n t e r e s t yo u NEW ! November 5 & 6, 2014 • buildexcalgary.com
December 3–5, 2014 • Toronto • pmexpo.com
BUILDEX Edmonton • March 18 & 19, 2014
February 25 & 26, 2015 • buildexvancouver.com
Year-round events across Canada • realestateforums.com
October 8, 2014 • Vancouver • buildexexpress.com
In addition to BUILDEX, Informa Canada produces other dynamic & highly successful events across North America including the Real Estate Forums, PM Expo, Construct Canada, IIDEX, IDS & IDSwest, One of a Kind, ART Toronto and numerous others. Visit informacanada.com for more details.
September 25–28, 2014 • Vancouver • idswest.com
seminar Schedule
Seminar Streams: PM Property Management AD Architecture & Design CO Construction & Renovation PD Professional Development GR Green
T u e s d ay, M a r c h 18
ROOM 107
ROOM 108
T01 – Contract Management 8:00 AM Planning and Implementation
8:30 AM
8:00am – 11:00am
ROOM 109
Tradeshow Hours 10:00AM – 4:00PM
ROOM 104
ROOM 102
ROOM 103
T02 – Interior Design Keynote Panel: Design Wisdom 8:00am – 9:30am
T03 – Real Estate Market Outlook Panel
Construction Industry Breakfast 8:30am – 10:00am Registration 8:00am
8:30am – 10:00am
9:00 AM
T04 – Creating Sustainable, High Density Communities
T05 – Recent Developments in Construction Law for Industry Participants
8:30am – 10:00am
8:30am – 10:00am
9:30 AM
10:00 AM 10:30 AM
11:00 AM
T06 – A Review of the 2014 Construction Labour Market 10:30am – 12:00pm
T09 – The Rise of the Human Factor 11:00am – 12:30pm
11:30 AM
ROOM 105/106
T08 – A New Approach to Energy Management 11:00am – 12:30pm
T07 – Building Developments: Strategies to Prevent Additional Costs by Efficient Use of the Building Code 11:00am – 12:30pm
BOMA Lunch
12:00 PM
T10 – Negotiating Effectively
12:30 PM 12:30pm – 3:30pm
12:00pm – 1:30pm Registration 11:15am
Over 150 exhibits on the tradeshow floor
1:00 PM T11 – Women and Leadership 1:30pm – 3:00pm
1:30 PM 2:00 PM 2:30 PM
3:00 PM
T12 – HVAC and the Building Envelope: The Key to Building Harmony 2:00pm – 3:30pm
T15 – Using the Civil Enforcement Act of Alberta to Recover Outstanding Debts/Liens 2:00pm – 3:30pm
3:30 PM 4:00pm – 5:00pm
4:30 PM
W e d n e s d ay, M a r c h 19
ROOM 107
T14 – Guided Tour of LED and OLED Technology 2:00pm – 3:30pm
Continuing Education Credits: Credits are available from AAA, BOMI Canada, IDA and IDCEC. Please visit www.buildexedmonton.com for information regarding the number and type of credits available for each seminar.
Meet & Greet Reception
4:00 PM
ROOM 108
ROOM 109
Tradeshow Hours 10:00AM – 3:00PM
ROOM 102
ROOM 103
8:00 AM W01 – How to Get What You
8:30 AM Want: Powerful Persuasion and Negotiation Tactics
9:00 AM 8:30am – 10:30am
W02 – New Development Projects in Edmonton Area
W04 – From RFP to Contract and Beyond!
8:30am – 10:00am
8:30am – 10:00am
W05 – Mould, The Fun-Gi
W06 – Global Trends for Professionals 2014
8:30am – 10:00am
8:30am – 10:00am
8:30am – 10:00am
9:30 AM
10:00 AM
W03 – Construction Contracts and Insurance: Understanding the Implications of Defence and Indemnity Provisions
10:30 AM W07 – Understanding National Building Changes & Adoption of Energy Efficiency – Changes to Part 9
11:00 AM 11:30 AM
W08 – Modular Construction – Past, Present & Future 11:00am – 12:00pm CO
11:00am – 12:30pm
12:00 PM
W09 – Acoustic Ceilings in the Modern Office 11:00am – 12:00pm
W10 – Colour Tips & Tricks for Design Professionals 11:00am – 12:30pm AD
W11 – Managing Multiple
12:30 PM Priorities, Projects and Deadlines 1:00 PM
12:30pm – 2:30pm
W12 – Perspectives on Green Roofs for the Prairies 1:00pm – 2:30pm
1:30 PM 2:00 PM 2:30 PM 3:00 PM
W13 – The Impact of the New Window and Door Standard on Residential Construction
W14 – Specifying Successful Concrete Floors
W15 – Housing for Everyone 2:00pm – 3:30pm
2:00pm – 3:30pm
2:00pm – 3:30pm
3:30 PM
To register for seminars and for further show information, visit buildexedmonton.com. 4
Featured Panels
Seminar Streams: PM Property Management AD Architecture & Design CO Construction & Renovation PD Professional Development GR Green
Tuesday, MARCH 18 // 8:00am – 9:30am • ROOM 108 [ AAA=1.5 Structured; BOMI=1.5CPDs; IDCEC= 0.1CEU ] T02 • Interior Design Keynote Panel: Design Wisdom AD
Supported by
Most interior designers work on a wide range of projects. Hear from a panel of four specialists in hospitality, residential, retail and workplace design share their insights about what is unique designing and working in this area, and how it is changing and evolving. They will discuss what influences their designs and any cross-over from another area of design, like a workplace environment inspired by elements from hospitality, retail or residential design. These experts will share tips and describe what’s new in that specialty.
Supported by
Tuesday, MARCH 18 // 1:30pm – 3:00pm • ROOM 108 [ AAA=1.5 Structured; BOMI=1.5CPDs; IDCEC= 0.1CEU] T11 • Women and Leadership CO
Women in the construction industry are growing in numbers and playing a greater role in forming the core management and organizational structure of Edmonton companies. This changing face of a traditionally male dominated industry has its benefits. A panel of women in construction shares their experiences of these benefits while leading a round table discussion about stepping up to positions such as CEOs, Presidents, Directors and Project Managers. MODERATOR
Sue Pekonen Donna Assaly
Inger Bartlett
Jacquie Jacobi
Andrea Raimondi
Robert Ruscio
Moderator: Donna Assaly, Past President, Interior Designers of Canada Panel: Workplace: Inger Bartlett, President, Bartlett & Associates Ltd. Residential: Jacquie Jacobi, Principal, Field Interior Design, Inc. Hospitality: Andrea Raimondi, President, Ingenium Design Group Inc. Retail: Robert Ruscio, President, Principal Designer, Ruscio Studio
Farah Benjamin
Jutta Cyrynowski
Jamie Fleese
Wednesday, March 19 // 8:30am – 10:00am • ROOM 108 [ AAA=1.5 Structured; BOMI=1.5CPDs; IDCEC= 0.1CEU ] W02 • New Development Projects in Edmonton Area
Sponsored By
Tuesday, MARCH 18 // 8:30am – 10:00am • ROOM 109 [ AAA=1.5 Structured; BOMI=1.5CPDs; IDCEC= 0.1CEU ] T03 • Real Estate Market Outlook Panel PM
JudyLynn Archer
Moderator: Sue Pekonen, Director of Operations, Edmonton Construction Association Panel: JudyLynn Archer, President & CEO, Women Building Futures Farah Benjamin, Project Manager, Clark Builders Jutta Cyrynowski, Director of Procurement, Project Services Branch, Alberta Infrastructure Jamie Fleese, Senior Sales Representative, Hi Signs The Fath Group
Supported by
What can we expect in the Edmonton and Alberta real estate market over the next 2 years? Get an inside look at Edmonton’s real estate market sectors — office, industrial, retail and multi-unit residential properties. Hear from industry experts as they explore what opportunities and threats face the Edmonton real estate market and gain insight into the trends and issues you need to understand.
Sponsored By
This session will offer an examination of significant current or recent development projects and their impact on the Edmonton market. The discussion will focus on the Arena project, NW Upgrader, Blatchford project as well as the development at Edmonton International airport. In addition, this session will discuss how the LRT expansion is playing a role with these various projects. What insights can the owners/developers/users of these projects offer? MODERATOR
Scott Mackie Shaun Wuschke
Christopher Kamphius
Jesse Rudge
Cory Wosnack
Angela Wu
Moderator: Shaun Wuschke, Vice President, Edmonton, Bentall Kennedy (Canada) LP Panel: Multi-Unit Residential: Christopher Kamphius, Partner, Multi-Family Sales, Cushman & Wakefield Edmonton Retail: Jesse Rudge, Vice President | Property Development Division, Melcor Developments Ltd. Office: Cory Wosnack, Principal, Avison Young Industrial: Angela Wu, Associate, Industrial | Brokerage, Colliers International
Tuesday, March 18 // 10:30am – 12:00pm • ROOM 108 [ AAA=1.5 Structured; BOMI=1.5CPDs ] T06 • A Review of the 2014 Construction Labour Market
Darrell Halliwell
Myron Keehn
Simon O’Byrne
Moderator: Scott Mackie, Manager of Current Planning, City of Edmonton Planning & Development Panel: Mark Hall, Executive Director, Blatchford Redevelopment Darrell Halliwell, Principal, Dialog Myron Keehn, VP of Commercial Development, Edmonton International Airport Simon O’Byrne, Vice President, Planning, Stantec Consulting
Supported by
A panel of senior HR professionals will review the labour needs over the next 12 months, recruitment tactics being deployed (that have worked and haven’t worked), and any other strategies being contemplated designed to help meet your overall labour force needs. MODERATOR
Brad Wright
Mark Hall
Continuing Education Credits
Credits are available from AAA, BOMI Canada, IDA and IDCEC. Please visit www.buildexedmonton.com for information regarding the number and type of credits available for each seminar. Gerald Clark
Doug Elniski
Moderator: Brad Wright, Vice President Members Services, Merit Contractors Association Panel: Gerald Clark, Senior Human Resources Manager, Clark Builders Doug Elniski, Director, Human Resources, Forbes Brothers Powerline Construction
BUILDEX Edmonton • March 18 & 19, 2014
featured speakers
Seminar Streams: PM Property Management AD Architecture & Design CO Construction & Renovation PD Professional Development GR Green
Court Stevens
Fawn Chang
Principal, Stevens Consulting Group Inc.
Interior Designer, Colour & Feng Shui Expert, National Colour & Design Consultant, PPG Pittsburgh Paints
Tuesday, March 18 // 8:00am – 11:00am • ROOM 107 [ AAA=3.0 Structured; BOMI=3.0CPDs; IDCEC= 0.3CEUs ] T01 • Contract Management Planning and Implementation PD CO PM This presentation will provide an overview of the best practices in Contract Management Planning and Implementation. This involves the understanding of specific planning and procurement activities including Project Scope Definition, Solicitation Planning and Process, Vendor Evaluation and Selection, Contract Award, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation.
Tuesday, March 18 // 12:30pm – 3:30pm • ROOM 107 [ AAA=3.0 Structured; BOMI=3.0CPDs; IDCEC= 0.3CEUs ] T10 • Negotiating Effectively PD CO PM Most business transactions, including contract and project management and monitoring issues, building working relationships, mediating disputes and conflicts and making deals are determined and resolved through effective negotiations. How can you improve your ability to make collaborative deals, influence decisions, build better working relationships and resolve problems? This presentation will include an overview of the following topics: • Distinguishing interest-based from positional-based negotiations. • Common behavioural and communication styles. • Types and styles of negotiations – win-win versus win-lose.
Wednesday, march 19 // 8:30am – 10:00am • ROOM 103 [ AAA=1.5 Structured; BOMI=1.5CPDs; IDCEC= 0.1CEU ] W06 • Global Trends for Professionals 2014 AD SponsorED BY
Understanding the colours and design drivers that fuel the market helps us position ourselves to better serve our clients. This presentation addresses the core themes impacting design trends across multiple industries. Core ideas are expressed in 5 main themes…every trend explored in this presentation begins with identifying a complementary character and colour palette, and then offers design details that can be interpreted in home furnishings, automotives, tech products, architecture, and more.
Wednesday, March 19 // 11:00am – 12:30pm • ROOM 103 [ AAA=1.5 Structured; BOMI=1.5CPDs; IDCEC= 0.1CEU ] W10 • Colour Tips & Tricks for Design Professionals AD
SponsorED BY
Colour is one of two things we notice first about a space. These tips and tricks often take years of experimentation to discover, and are not often taught in formal design education. Learn the language of colour and how colour influences our perception and our behavior. Learn how to use colour, how to develop a colour palette and how to engage the power of colour to make a room feel bigger, smaller, safer, richer and more engaging
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Seminar Streams: PM Property Management AD Architecture & Design CO Construction & Renovation PD Professional Development GR Green
Kevin Lust
featured speakers
Murray Frank
Founder, Lust Development Group Inc.
Senior Building Science Specialist, Constructive Home Solutions Inc.
Wednesday, march 19 // 8:30am – 10:30am • ROOM 107 [ AAA=2.0 Structured; BOMI=2.0CPDs; IDCEC= 0.2CEUs ] W01 • How to Get What You Want: Powerful Persuasion and Negotiation Tactics PD AD CO PM There is one key to mastering any personal or professional situation: the ability to get others to see things your way. Look SponsorED BY around. True leaders in all walks of life are people who have the ability to persuade others. Whether in sales, management, customer service, professional services, or even parenting, the most successful people are the ones who can relate easily to everyone, present their ideas with charisma and conviction, and get the deal done.
Wednesday, march 19 // 12:30pm – 2:30pm • ROOM 107 [ AAA=2.0 Structured; BOMI=2.0CPDs; IDCEC= 0.2CEUs ] W11 • Managing Multiple Priorities, Projects and Deadlines
This is the program for the busy business owner, manager, and staff person who try to juggle multiple demands, deadlines, and daily pressures. With the information contained in this fast-pace seminar, you’ll get more accomplished and with better results than ever before. SponsorED BY You’ll gain control of your workday when you learn: • A simple process for effectively managing competing priorities. • How to decide what to delegate and what to do yourself. • How to find the hidden time-wasters that are jeopardizing your success. • The one question to ask yourself daily to make sure your top priorities don’t fall to the bottom of the pile. • How project management pros build the momentum that completes their mission. • and more.
Wednesday, March 19 // 11:00am – 12:30pm • ROOM 108 [ AAA=1.5 Structured; BOMI=1.5CPDs ] W07 • Understanding National Building Changes & Adoption of Energy Efficiency — Changes to Part 9 CO PM GR This seminar will outline National Building Code Changes to Part 9. This seminar is specific to National Code and will apply if Alberta Provincial Code adopts the National Changes. Examples of how these changes may impact homebuilders will be discussed. This seminar will also examine the Energy Efficiency Component of the National Building Code. A review of what is being proposed and how those proposed additions could be interpreted. This seminar will explore how these changes could affect Homebuilders and what Homebuilders need to know to ensure compliance.
Wednesday, MARCH 19 // 2:00pm – 3:30pm • ROOM 108 [ AAA=1.5 Structured; BOMI=1.5CPDs ] W13 • The Impact of the New Window and Door Standard on Residential Construction CO PM GR The new NAFS standard provides window, door and skylight manufacturers with the new requirements for the fabrication and testing of these assemblies, and provides the builder and building official with direction on how to select the correct assemblies for a particular location. The seminar will outline the impact of the new standard on the window and door industry, how to understand the labels, how to choose the correct assembly and will outline some of the key requirements in the building code relating to the installation of windows, doors and skylights.
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BUILDEX Edmonton • March 18 & 19, 2014
ARTISTRY OF STONE Specializing in: Harristone (manufactured stone) Natural Stone Veneers International (Natural Stone) Merrillstone (Natural Stone) A variety of masonry mortars, tools, lathe, pigments and accessories
Working closely with: Contractors, Homebuilders, Masons, Architects, Interior and Exterior Designers & Home Owners
TUESDAY SESSIONS Tuesday, March 18 // 8:30am – 10:00am • ROOM 102 [ AAA=1.5 Structured; BOMI=1.5CPDs; IDCEC= 0.1CEU ] T04 • Creating Sustainable, High Density Communities
Seminar Streams: PM Property Management AD Architecture & Design CO Construction & Renovation PD Professional Development GR Green
The creation of sustainable, high-density smart communities starts with comprehensive master planning that strategically leverages the scale of the site. “Creating Sustainable, High Density Communities,” will address how designers, Braden Kurczak Richard Witt developers and city planners can create Sponsored By sustainable community hubs within and outside urban centres by establishing blocks to address pedestrian and transited oriented streetscapes, implementing integrated storm water management systems, creating urban heat island solutions, connecting green spaces which encourages wildlife which ultimately provide increased desirability and value for development projects. This presentation will make reference among others to the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) Neighbourhood Development LEED® rating system and use specific Quadrangle & Enermodal projects such as Downtown Markham, Currie Barracks, Strathearn Heights and the Dubai Canal District to discuss the opportunities associated with the development of sustainable communities and how such developments could potentially benefit the Alberta real estate market. Presenters: Braden Kurczak, Manager, Sustainability, Enermodal Engineering Richard Witt, Principal, Quadrangle Architects
Tuesday, March 18 // 8:30am – 10:00am • ROOM 103 [ AAA=1.5 Structured; BOMI=1.5CPDs ] T05 • Recent Developments in Construction Law for Industry Participants CO Across industry sectors, all partic ipants should know the latest legal developments arising from and affecting the construction context. This seminar will cover a range of legal subject matter from legislative and policy initiatives on green building, best practices in contracting, approaches to risk management and intellectual property reform. This is the legal tool kit for construction industry professionals. Presenter: Samantha Kernahan, Legal Counsel, McLennan Ross LLP
Tuesday, March 18 // 11:00am – 12:30pm • ROOM 103 [ AAA=1.5 Structured; BOMI=1.5CPDs ] T07 • Building Developments: Strategies to Prevent Additional Costs by Efficient Use of the Building Code
Samantha Kernahan
The Alberta Building Code is a comprehensive and complex document. Misinterpretation or unfamiliarity with the Code can lead to additional project costs and impact the schedule. This seminar includes case study examples of commercial and multi-family residential projects Sandy Mackenzie Kim Karn (ABC Part 3). Case studies will focus on accurate application of the Code which will in turn prevent additional costs for common and complex architectural design issues. The case studies will also include “hot topic” Building Code interpretation issues, such as combustible construction, change of use and renovation considerations. Presenters: Kim Karn, Code, Fire & Life Safety Specialist, Riddell Kurczaba Architecture Engineering Interior Design Ltd. Sandy Mackenzie, Managing Director Fire & Building Code Solutions, Riddell Kurczaba Architecture Engineering Interior Design Ltd.
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Seminar Streams: PM Property Management AD Architecture & Design CO Construction & Renovation PD Professional Development GR Green
Tuesday, March 18 // 11:00am – 12:30pm • ROOM 102 [ AAA=1.5 Structured; BOMI=1.5CPDs ] T08 • A New Approach to Energy Management PM GR
Tuesday, March 18 // 11:00am – 12:30pm • ROOM 109 [ AAA=1.5 Structured; BOMI=1.5CPDs; IDCEC= 0.1CEU ] T09 • The Rise of the Human Factor AD
In the past, energy management in non-residential buildings has been implemented using a standard methodology based on energy audits. These audits, often bundled into a Performance Contract, typically looked at a building’s operation using monthly Tim Hobson Alan Jenke utility bills with analysis based on weather, square footage, occupancy, and type of facility. This method has resulted in operational strategies and equipment retrofits that reduced energy consumption in many facilities. However, it has become evident that maintaining the initial savings has proved difficult. In many cases, “energy creep” occurs that will eventually result in the building operation and energy consumption moving back to the pre-retrofit conditions. Because of these real and perceived problems with energy management, organizations have been looking at better ways to accomplish significant reductions in the energy usage of buildings. What alternatives are there to traditional energy audits and large scale energy retrofits that can provide sustainable energy usage reductions in facilities? This presentation will examine the past issues with energy retrofit projects and the alternatives that have been developed. It will discuss how to incorporate such strategies as real time energy metering, re-commissioning and system evaluation into an overall energy management plan. The result being a clear and accurate understanding of how the building is currently operating, what it needs to operate optimally and developing a plan to get there.
The past four years we have been so focused on reducing cost, the impact of technology and making our buildings sustainable that we are forgetting who we are designing for…people. Many office-based workers are not living healthy lives today. True, greener buildings are healthier for the occupant but that’s not enough. Sitting stagnantly at a desk staring at a computer all day Kay Sargent is killing us faster than anything else. Distractions, the constant “pinging” of technology, and the lack of privacy are negatively impacting productivity. We need to refocus on the worker, and getting them engaged and empowering them to move business forward today. Hence, a new movement is a foot to do just that. Participants will learn about the state of well-being today and the impact our behaviors have on us. We will address how to design spaces to get us moving and more engaged; and improve our well-being. And we will discuss the opportunities and challenges in providing healthier spaces today. By the end of the session, participants will understand the issues impacting us today and how to design to improve them. We will identify the opportunities to increase mobility, both internally and externally, to empower the worker and improve the work environment by giving them choices. By the end of the session participants will understand the issues surrounding when, how, and where we work. Participants will also learn the key elements of working in a matter that creates balance successfully. We will discuss ways to get technology in check so that we are running it, instead of it running us. We will be looking at the impact technology has on us, how it effects our work, and how we can work with it to be smarter while still being in control and have some balance. By the end of the session, participants will have action items on how to rethink the use of technology.
Presenters: Tim Hobson, Energy Efficiency Specialist, Convergint Technologies Alan Jenke, Senior Energy Engineer, Convergint Technologies
BUILDEX Edmonton • March 18 & 19, 2014
Presenter: Kay Sargent, Vice President Architecture, Design and Workplace Strategies, Teknion
Exhibitor List – By Category Access Control Systems / Security Services Morse Canada Inc...............................................919 Telsco Security Systems.......................................21 Vault Security Solutions.....................................424
Accomodation Ramada Conference Centre................................022
Acoustical Materials & Panels Acrytec Panel Industries....................................710 Western Louiseville Fiberboard.........................801
Animal / Pest Control Active Pest Solutions..........................................911
Architectural Hardware or Metals ALLMAR..............................................................605 Bailey Metal Products Ltd..................................725 Comsign Architectural Signage Inc....................205 Innova Fences.....................................................214
Asphalt Smart Fix Asphalt...............................................705
Association Alberta Masonry Council....................................803 BOMA Edmonton................................................403
Firestone Building Products Canada..................216 I-XL Masonry Supplies Ltd..................................105 James Hardie Building Products........................321
Doors Durabuilt Windows & Doors Inc.........................520
MAPEI INC...........................................................006
HERR window & door.........................................101
Poly-Mor Canada Inc..........................................916
ROXUL Inc...........................................................712 Spraysulate.........................................................220 Structural Panels................................................007
Alberta Wood WORKS!.......................................802
Insurance / Risk Management
PROTECTO WRAP COMPANY...............................505
Okanagan College..............................................326
Morse Canada Inc...............................................919
ROXUL Inc...........................................................712
Power-House Building Solutions.......................425 Profast 1996 Ltd.................................................301
Soldan Fence......................................................322 Western Louiseville Fiberboard.........................801
Coating / Sealants / Finishes ADFAST...............................................................200 Cadillac Coatings Canada Inc..............................913 DURABOND PRODUCTS LIMITED.........................405
STELPRO.............................................................501 Thomas & Betts..................................................430
Energy Conservation / Management LightCo Solar Systems..........................................23
Venger Electrostatic Coatings..............................20
Priority Submetering Solutions.........................422
SUPERGREEN SOLUTIONS....................................914
TigerTel, A Stericycle Communication Solutions, ULC, Business..................................704
Equipment Rental & Sales
Skyfire Energy....................................................300
4-Way Equipment Rentals.................................721
BLACKTOP Paving Inc.........................................400
Driving Force Vehicle Rentals, Sales & Leasing................................................500
Canam - Hambro Floor Systems.........................621
The CAT Rental Store..........................................800
Ischebeck Can Ltd...............................................626
event management
Precision Concrete Cutting Inc...........................221 Westcon Precast.................................................715
DoubleTree by Hilton West Edmonton ..............905
Construction Equipment
Construction Specifications Canada Edmonton Chapter..........................................906
Brandt Tractor Ltd..................................................A
Edgewood Matting............................................014
Ischebeck Can Ltd...............................................626
Green Ambient Solutions Inc.............................102
Edmonton Construction Association..................013
IFMA: Northern Alberta......................................805
PFSI, a Division of Demilec Inc............................431
JULIAN TILE.........................................................600 NEOGARD Construction Coatings.......................714
Interior Design Services Design by Brown................................................012
Janitorial / Cleaning Products & Services OneSource Facility Services................................215 SCA Tissue North America..................................401 Staples Advantage Canada................................900
Landscape & Garden Accessories Amico Stone Supply.............................................11 Eagle Lake Landscape Supply............................702 Innova Fences.....................................................214 Westcon Precast.................................................715
Life Safety / Safety Equipment Alberta Safety & Environmental Services..........902 DDL Group..........................................................625 Fire Protection Inc..............................................624 Gasonic Instuments Inc......................................910 Innovative Fall Protection Inc............................609 Levitt-Safety Ltd................................................305 Safety Codes Council..........................................018
Interior Designers of Alberta..............................807
Business Improvement Group, Inc.....................201
Payless Wholesale Flooring & Lighting..............730
Merit Contractors Association- Edmonton........809
Contractor or Developer
Advanced Remediation Solutions......................700
Citizenship and Immigration Canada.................623
EllisDon Construction Services Inc.....................303
Consolidated Civil Enforcement Inc...................903
Cool Fin LED........................................................627
Precision Concrete Cutting Inc...........................221
Public Works and Government Services Canada...............................................811
LightCo Solar Systems..........................................23
Real Estate Institute of Canada..........................904 Thermal Insulation Association of Alberta........908
Boilers Vets Air Services.................................................527
Building Envelope Acrytec Panel Industries....................................710 BASF Canada Inc. - WALLTITE Eco.......................701
Countertops PF Custom Countertops......................................720
De-icing / Anti-icing
Graphic Design ARC Canada........................................................630 West Canadian Digital Imaging.........................222
Smart Choice Fire Protection.............................804
Lighting LED Innovations Ltd............................................204 Mission LED........................................................613 Payless Wholesale Flooring & Lighting..............730 SUPERGREEN SOLUTIONS....................................914
DURABOND PRODUCTS LIMITED.........................405
Tiger Calcium Services Inc..................................820
Garland Canada Inc............................................416
Gasonic Instuments Inc......................................910
MAGpro Building Systems Inc................................8
David Morris Fine Cars........................................209
NextEnergy West Technologies.........................727
VaproShield, LLC.................................................525
Derrick Dodge.....................................................822
Driving Force Vehicle Rentals, Sales & Leasing.. 500
Thomas & Betts..................................................430
Delton Cabinets Mfg. Ltd...................................713
Koch Ford Lincoln Sales......................................521
Vets Air Services.................................................527
Prairie Toyota.....................................................530
Modular Building & Pre-Fab
Lenmak Exterior Innovations Inc.......................907
Building Materials / Supplies ALLMAR..............................................................605 Brock White Canada...........................................617 Chinook Scaffold................................................709 Custom Building Products Canada.....................601
Sherwood Nissan................................................813
Decking Trex.....................................................................217
HVAC Products & Services
BASF Canada Inc. - WALLTITE Eco.......................701 Can-Cell Industries Inc.......................................421 K & F Rollshutter.................................................912
DoubleTree by Hilton West Edmonton...............905
Millwork / Cabinetry / Mouldings
MAGpro Building Systems Inc................................8
Mould Remediation Advanced Remediation Solutions......................700 www.buildexedmonton.com
Online Party Materials Supplier
Rain Screens
West Canadian Digital Imaging.........................222
Lenmak Exterior Innovations Inc.......................907
Site Furnishings
Priority Submetering Solutions.........................422
Whish Enterprises Ltd........................................726
Waste Management
Paints & Finishes
Black Cat Disposal Ltd........................................915
Benjamin Moore & Co. Limited..........................604
Renovation & Restoration
Solar / Environmental Equipment
CertaPro Painters...............................................812
Ceiling Centre/Lightco Solar Systems..................23
DuRock Alfacing International Ltd.....................716
Black Cat Disposal Ltd........................................915
Venger Electrostatic Coatings..............................20
Westmount Store Fixtures.................................302
Steel Building Systems
Plumbing & Hydronics
Roofing Products / Services
Wolseley Inc.......................................................324
Garland Canada Inc............................................416 IKO Industries Ltd...............................................009
Canam - Hambro Floor Systems.........................621
Stone - Brick / Granite / Marble / tile
Property / Asset Management
Skyfire Energy....................................................300
Amico Stone Supply.............................................11
VaproShield, LLC.................................................525
Atlas Granite Inc.................................................814
Consolidated Civil Enforcement Inc...................903
Publishing - Magazines or Web & Data
Western Construction Products.........................901
Alberta Construction Magazine
PM Signs.............................................................917
Premium Stone Supply.......................................208
(June Warren Publishing)................................010
Sign-A-Rama (Edmonton)..................................019
NEOGARD Construction Coatings.......................714 PROTECTO WRAP COMPANY...............................505
Windows / Glass / Mirrors All Weather Windows Ltd..................................314 Durabuilt Windows & Doors Inc.........................520
Rockwood Creations...........................................524
HERR window & door.........................................101
Western Construction Products.........................901
Wood Products
Western Marble Craft Ltd...................................203
4-Way Equipment Rentals.................................721
Technology / Software Spatial Technologies Inc.....................................320
Mira Timber Frame.............................................708 Rockwood Creations...........................................524 Trex.....................................................................217
SALES | SERVICE | RENTALS Chinook Scaffold Systems Ltd provides versatile scaffolding systems that are designed for a wide range of uses including residential, general construction and large industrial projects such as: Petrochemical Pulp/paper
Hydroelectric Forestry
Oil/Gas/Smelters Construction
New to our service fleet is the Mast Climber. This tool gives us even greater versatility for projects within these industries and beyond.
BUILDEX Edmonton • March 18 & 19, 2014
Floorplan & Exhibitor List Company
310-Dump 4-Way Equipment Rental Acrytec Panel Industries Active Pest Solutions Adfast Advanced Remediation Solutions Alberta Construction Magazine (June Warren Publishing) Alberta Masonry Council Alberta Safety & Environmental Services Alberta Wood-Works All Weather Windows Ltd. Allmar / Waco Amico Stone Supply Ltd. ARC Canada Areaworks Atlas Granite Inc. Bailey Metal Products BASF Canada Benjamin Moore & Co. Limited Black Cat Disposal Blacktop Paving Inc BOMA Edmonton Brandt Tractor Ltd. Brock White Canada Business Improvement Group Inc. Cadillac Coatings Canada Inc. CANAM Can-Cell Industries Inc. Ceiling Centre/Lightco Solar Systems CertaPro Painters Chinook Scaffold Citizenship & Immigration Canada Comsign Architectural Signage Inc. Consolidated Civil Enforcement Construction Specifications Canada Edmonton Chapter Cool Fin LED Custom Building Products Canada David Morris Fine Cars DDL Group Delton Cabinets Derrick Dodge Design by Brown Doubletree by Hilton West Edmonton Driving Force Vehicle Rentals, Sales & Leasing Durabond Products Limited Durabuilt Windows & Doors DuRock Alfacing International Ltd. Eagle Lake Landscape Supply Edgewood Matting Edmonton Construction Association EllisDon Construction Services Inc. Fire Protection Inc. Firestone Building Products Canada Garland Canada Inc.
1 = New / Green Product Showcase Participant (see page 20 for details)
BOOTH# Website
108 721 710 911 200 700
www.310dump.com www.4-way.com www.acrytecpanel.com www.activepest.ca www.adfastcorp.com www.mouldsolutions.ca
010 www.albertaconstructionmagazine.com 803 www.albertamasonrycouncil.ca 902 www.aseservices.ca 802 www.wood-works.ca 314 www.allweatherwindows.com 605 www.allmar.com 011 www.amicostonesupply.com 630 www.e-arc.com 100 www.areaworks.ca 814 www.atlasgranite.com 725 www.bmp-group.com 701 www.walltiteeco.com 604 www.benjaminmoore.ca 915 www.blackcatdisposal.com 400 www.blacktoppavinginc.ca 403 www.bomaedmonton.org A www.brandt.ca 617 www.BrockWhite.ca 201 www.busimpgroup.ca 913 www.cadillaccoatings.ca 621 www.canam-construction.com 421 www.can-cell.com 023 www.lightcosolar.com 812 www.certapro.com 709 www.chinookscafold.ca 623 www.cic.gc.ca 205 www.comsign.ca 903 www.ccebailiff.ca 906 edmonton.csc-dcc.ca 627 www.coolfinled.ca 601 www.custombuildingproducts.com 209 www.dmfc.ca 625 www.ddlgroup.net 713 www.deltoncabinets.com 822 www.derrickdodge.com 012 www.designbybrown.ca 905 www.westedmonton.doubletree.com 500 405 520 716 702 014 013 303 624 216 615
www.drivingforce.ca www.durabond.com www.durabuiltwindows.com www.durock.com www.eaglelaketurf.com www.edgewoodmatting.com www.edmca.com www.ellisdon.com www.fireprotectioninc.com www.firestonebpco.ca www.garlandcanada.com
230 231
330 331
430 431
WINE BAR & B sponsored by
JOB Company
BOOTH# Website
Gasonic Instuments Inc. 910 www.gasonic.com Green Ambient Solutions Inc. 102 www.warmandcoolfloorsystems.com Herr Door 101 www.replacemywindows.ca I-XL Industries Ltd. 105 www.ixlgroup.com IFMA: Northern Alberta 805 www.ifma-nac.org IKO Industries Ltd 009 www.iko.com Innova Fences 214 www.innovafences.com EDMONTON EXPO CENTRE, NORTHLANDS Innovative Fall Protection 609 www.innovativefallprotection.com Interior Designers of Alberta 807 www.idalberta.ca Ischebeck Can Ltd. 626 www.ischebeck.ca James Hardie Building Products 321 www.jameshardie.com Julian Tile 600 www.juliantile.com K & F Rollshutter 912 www.rollshutter.ca Koch Ford Lincoln Sales 403.241.1088 or521 www.kochfordlincoln.com Direct: 780.423.5911 ext. 62061 Direct: 604.73 LED Innovations 204 www.ledinnovations.ca
MARCH 18 & 19, 2014 A–L: Wolfgang Ortner
M–Z: Ben Carson
Toll-free: 1.877.739.2112 ext. 62061 Toll-free: 1.87 Fax: 403.241.1097 Fax: 604.730.2 www.buildexedmonton.com Email: wolfgang.ortner@informacanada.com Email: ben.car
Tradeshow HOURS:
Tuesday 10:00AM – 4:00PM Wednesday 10:00AM – 3:00PM 630 631
730 731
WINE BAR & BISTRO (additional seating)
715 814 713 812
BOOTH# Website
Lenmak Exterior Innovations Levitt-Safety Ltd. MAGpro Building Systems Inc. MAPEI INC. Merit Contractors Association - Edmonton Mira Timber Frame Mission LED Morse Canada Systems Inc. Neogard NextEnergy West Technologies Okanagan College OneSource Facility Services Payless Wholesale Flooring & Lighting PF Custom Countertops PFSI, a Division of Demilec Inc.
907 www.lenmak.com 305 www.levitt-safety.com 008 www.mag-pro.com 006 www.mapei.com 809 www.meritalberta.com 708 www.miratimberframe.com 613 www.missionled.com 919 www.morsecanada.com 714 www.neogard.com 727 www.nextenergywest.ca 326 www.okanagan.bc.ca/scmt 215 www.onesourcecanada.com 730 www.paylessfloors.ca 720 www.pfcustomcountertops.com 431 www.polyurethanefoamsystems.com
10 x 10 – $1950 10 x 20 – $3900 20 x 20 – $7800 Custom Size – please contact us for info *$100 additional per corner
30.2032 77.739.2112 ext. 62032 2042 BUILDEX Edmonton • March 18 & 19, 2014 rson@informacanada.com
PM Signs
BOOTH# Website
Poly-Mor Canada Inc.
Power-House Building Solutions
425 www.powerhousebuildingsolutions.com
Prairie Toyota
Precision Concrete Cutting Inc.
Premium Stone Supply
Priority Submetering Solutions Inc.
Profast 1996 Ltd
Protecto Wrap Company
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Ramada Conference Centre
Real Estate Institute of Canada
Rockwood Creations
Roxul Inc.
Safety Codes Council
SCA Tissue North America
Sherwood Nissan
Sign-A-Rama (Edmonton)
Skyfire Energy
Smart Choice Fire Protection
Smart Fix Asphalt
Soldan Fence
Spatial Technologies Inc.
Staples Advantage Canada
Stelpro Design
Structural Panels
SuperGreen Solutions edmonton-ca-south/
Telsco Security Systems Inc.
The CAT Rental Store
Thermal Insulation Association of Alberta
Thomas & Betts
Thugga Ltd.
www.tiaa.cc www.tnb.ca www.thugga.net
Tiger Calcium Services Inc.
Tigertel Communications Inc.
VaproShield Canada
Vault Security Solutions
Venger Electrostatic Coatings
Vets Air Services
West Canadian Digital Imaging
Westcon Precast Inc.
Western Construction Products
Western Louiseville Fiberboard
Western Marble Craft Ltd.
Westmount Store Fixtures
Whish Enterprises Ltd.
Wolseley Inc.
Tuesday/WEDNESDAY Sessions
Seminar Streams: PM Property Management AD Architecture & Design CO Construction & Renovation PD Professional Development GR Green
Tuesday, March 18 // 2:00pm – 3:30pm • ROOM 109 [ AAA=1.5 Structured; BOMI=1.5CPDs ] T12 • HVAC and the Building Envelope: The Key to Building Harmony
A building’s HVAC system and envelope are intimately linked: typically the better the building envelope is at preventing heat, air, and moisture flow, the less work the HVAC has to do to condition the space. For this reason, it is important that the HVAC and building envelope designers get involved in an integrated design process at the beginning of a project so that Billy Huet the impact – positive or negative – of design decisions from one system on the other can be understood. Real-world problems such as poor indoor thermal comfort or interior condensation should be avoided in today’s new and retrofitted buildings, and we have the understanding to do so. Examples of buildings will be discussed in terms of their “expected” and “real” performance, and the effect on comfort and the user experience. Presenter: Billy Huet, Department Manager – Building Science, Morrison Hershfield Limited
Tuesday, March 18 // 2:00pm – 3:30pm • ROOM 103 [ AAA=1.5 Structured; BOMI=1.5CPDs; IDCEC= 0.1CEU ] T14 • Guided Tour of LED and OLED Technology AD PM How do you know who to believe? This session will be an indepth review of Solid State lighting sources and how they are impacting lighting products today and in the future. Starting with a basic overview of how the technology works and the challenges of designing products to use it we will go through how LED technology is changing the lighting industry. We will Maarten Mulder look at the promise of LED, the promises of manufacturers, and why they are not always the same. We will also look at OLED technology and where this exciting new technology may lead. Participants will leave with the right questions to ask when evaluating LED products. Presenter: Maarten Mulder, Solutions Sales Manager, Acuity Brands Lighting
Tuesday, March 18 • 2:00pm – 3:30pm • ROOM 102 [ AAA=1.5 Structured; BOMI=1.5CPDs ] T15 • Using the Civil Enforcement Act of Alberta to Recover Outstanding Debts/Liens PM
Presenter: Patricia Wilson, Director, Civil Enforcement, Consolidated Civil Enforcement Inc.
Wednesday, March 19 // 8:30am – 10:00am • ROOM 109A [ AAA=1.5 Structured; BOMI=1.5CPDs ] W03 • Construction Contracts and Insurance: Understanding the Implications of Defence and Indemnity Provisions CO PM
Presenters: Peter Gibson, Partner, Field Law Michael Johnson, Vice President, Aon Reed Stenhouse Inc.
Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC)’s Real Property Branch manages one of the largest and most diverse portfolios of real estate in the country and is the Government of Canada’s real property expert. The presentation will provide an insight into PWGSC’s RFP process to procure Design, Construction Facility Management and P3 Services. The presentation will focus on three key areas:
Gene Dejneka
• How PWGSC engages the industry to respond, using https:// buyandsell.gc.ca • The fundamental principles of the RFP – the components of the RFP and the critical elements of the evaluation criteria. • Successful elements of responding proposals and how you can prepare a successful proposal. At the end of this presentation, participants will know where to find procurement opportunities, how to respond to a Request for Proposal, and learn how to prepare a successful bid. Presenter: Gene Dejneka, Architect & Senior Technical Advisor, Public Works and Government Services Canada
Wednesday, March 19 // 8:30am – 10:00am • ROOM 102 [ AAA=1.5 Structured; BOMI=1.5CPDs ] W05 • Mould, The Fun-Gi CO PM Recent water pipe broke? Slow drip beneath the sink? Flooded?
This presentation is for commercial landlords, residential landlords, property managers, renovation companies, builders and suppliers who would like to learn more about their collection options under the Civil Enforcement Act of Alberta. Topics of discussion: What can be seized and sold in the Patricia Wilson Province of Alberta to pay outstanding rent, a builder’s lien or a judgment for unpaid services? If you have ever found yourself with a client who is not paying your invoice or a problem tenant who is not paying their rent– this presentation is for you.
Whether your role is an owner, property manager, general contractor, third party contractor or supplier on a construction project it is important to understand the interaction between contractual provisions and insurance policies affecting the project. This session will cover the difference between defence and indemnity obligations. The session will also review the most common types of coverage on construction projects and exclusions and what to keep in mind to ensure that your interests are protected.
Wednesday, March 19 • 8:30am – 10:00am • ROOM 109 [ AAA=1.5 Structured; BOMI=1.5CPDs ] W04 • From RFP to Contract and Beyond! AD CO
Peter Gibson
Michael Johnson
Mould is naturally occurring and is found outside every day. Given the right conditions, it thrives in our infrastructure causing millions in damage and health effects each year if not controlled.
John MacDonald
This seminar will look at the common species, testing, health effects, legal issues and how to deal with the remediation of mould contamination. Presenter: John MacDonald, Principal, Alberta Safety & Environmental Services Ltd.
Wednesday, March 19 // 11:00am – 12:00pm • ROOM 109 [ AAA=1.0 Structured; BOMI=1.0CPD ] W08 • Modular Construction – Past, Present & Future
The presentation will start with the history of modular construction in Canada. We will then examine innovative modular building methods currently in use by Modus and other modular construction companies and the inherent advantages. As well, we will look at advanced modular Cal Harvey construction practices being developed in Europe and elsewhere. The presentation will wrap up with a question and answer session. Presenter: Cal Harvey, Director of Operations, Modus Inc.
Seminar Streams: PM Property Management AD Architecture & Design CO Construction & Renovation PD Professional Development GR Green
Wednesday, March 19 // 11:00am – 12:00pm • ROOM 102 [ AAA=1.0 Structured; BOMI=1.0CPD ] W09 • Acoustic Ceilings in the Modern Office AD Supported by This session initially examines several acoustic metrics necessary to evaluate products for closed and open office environments. It then evaluates how acoustic ceilings assist in environmental design touching on the newly released LEED Darlene Helfrich v4 green building program. The presentation concludes with a brief examination of some academic research and the implications it offers with regard to improved acoustic design in the office workplace.
Presenter: Darlene Helfrich, Architectural Sales Manager, CertainTeed Ceilings
Wednesday, March 19 // 1:00pm – 2:30pm • ROOM 109 [ AAA=1.5 Structured; BOMI=1.5CPDs; IDCEC= 0.1CEU ] W12 • Perspectives on Green Roofs for the Prairies
Supported By
Green roofs are popping up in many Alberta locations. This is no surprise to practitioners who Xiangfei Li Gord Rajewski Carole Dobson know the benefits that these living wonders provide. From reducing heating and cooling costs, improving acoustics, and extending the life expectancy of roofing membranes, to attenuating stormwater-runoff and heat-island impacts, green roofs work hard to improve our lives. In addition, they provide ecological benefits and contribute to the well-being and delight of people who are able to view or access them.
In this presentation you will hear the perspectives, insights and aspirations of municipal and industry leaders who are involved in the planning, design, construction, approval, and ownership of green roofs. Local examples of installations demonstrating a variety of design objectives will be shared, emphasizing commercial and institutional work. Cold-climate modifications will be discussed. The City of Edmonton’s Low Impact Development (LID) Design Guide, which provides stormwater management guidance on mimicking pre-development hydrology to conserve water and improve water quality, will be presented. Aside from green roofs, a couple other types of LID features being implemented in Edmonton, such as bioretention (rain gardens) and bioswales, will also be introduced. An overview of engineering considerations, for both new construction and retrofits, will include structural capacity and stability, roof assembly and maintenance, wind and fire protection, access and accident prevention, drainage and irrigation, harvesting of energy and water, and coordination with other elements and usage for the roof space. A simple analysis of the microclimatic conditions and site contexts, and an assessment of engineering objectives as well as constraints, can help to ensure that a green roof project will not only identify and capture, but also safely and costeffectively deliver, its high-priority benefits, which could be stormwater flow attenuation, irrigation water detention, energy and thermal performance, and/or biophilic and environmental benefits. This presentation will assist designers and building owners in making informed decisions when planning a long-lasting, safe and fit-for-purpose green roof. Presenters: Carole Dobson, Green Roof Advisor, Western Canada, Soprema Canada Inc. Xiangfei Li, Senior Environmental Engineer, City of Edmonton Gord Rajewski, Regional Director, Northern Alberta, Williams Engineering Canada Inc.
R eta i l
register online at www.realestateforums.com 16
Seminar Streams: PM Property Management AD Architecture & Design CO Construction & Renovation PD Professional Development GR Green
Wednesday, March 19 // 2:00pm – 3:30pm • ROOM 102 [ AAA=1.5 Structured; BOMI=1.5CPDs ] W14 • Specifying Successful Concrete Floors AD CO
Wednesday, March 19 // 2:00pm – 3:30pm • ROOM 103 [ AAA=1.5 Structured; BOMI=1.5CPDs; IDCEC= 0.1CEU ] W15 • Housing for Everyone AD
This comprehensive presentation will include a complete review of specifying concrete floors including a review of CSA concrete standard requirements, preconstruction planning, concrete mixes, reinforcing, architectural floor finishes, F Number tolerances, jointing details and problem avoidance strategies.
This presentation identifies alternative forms of housing to larger senior’s apartment buildings, senior citizens villages, and assisted living housing projects. Projects highlighted are designed to be flexible enough to easily adapt to a family’s future needs, thus affording a family the choice to grow old in the same home and in the same community; moving to a larger senior’s complex does not need to happen.
Geoff Kinney
The presentation will be made by Geoff Kinney, executive director of the Concrete Floor Contractors Association of Canada, CSA A23.1 technical committee chairman for concrete placing, finishing and curing. Presenter: Geoff Kinney, Executive Director, Concrete Floor Contractors Association of Canada
Ron Wickman
The conclusion here is that good housing is designed in the beginning to allow for easier future changes, additions, and adaptations. Designing a dwelling with the needs of more persons in mind is not just a technical issue that we can deal with in the future; it is a creative act we consider now, so the future is better for everyone. Presenter: Ron Wickman, Principal, Ron Wickman Architect
See you again in 2015
March 17 & 18, 2015 Edmonton Expo Centre, Northlands
For exhibit info: Wolfgang Ortner 403.241.1088 wolfgang.ortner@informacanada.com or Ben Carson 604.730.2032 ben.carson@informacanada.com
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Toll Free: 1 • 800 • 936 • 9353 www.drivingforce.ca
BUILDEX Edmonton • March 18 & 19, 2014
Consolidated Civil Enforcement Inc. is an Alberta based company providing comprehensive civil enforcement services, including, personal property recovery/seizure, sale of land, landlord evictions, landlord distress, enforcement of court orders and document service. Consolidated provides unmatched expertise, service and dedication in an effort to recover your money, assets or to enforce your rights. Please visit us at BOOTH 903 to discuss how we can assist you with your civil enforcement needs. www.ccebailiff.ca
New / Green Product Showcase David Morris Fine Cars – Booth 209 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter
The Mercedes-Benz Diesel Sprinter utilizes the latest Green Technology available; The BlueTEC Engine. Without sacrificing power or increasing engine noise, BlueTEC transforms pollutant nitrogen oxides into harmless nitrogen and water. With its innovative BlueTEC SCR clean diesel technology, the Sprinter complies with the strict emissions limits of the EPA / CARB 2013 standards. Going Green Made Easy!
MAGpro Building Systems Inc. – Booth 008 Structural Insulated Panel System MGO panel system MAGpro Building Systems Inc. offers a complete building envelope for residential, commercial, agricultural and much more. Our system consists of MGO Sips which offer a highly energy efficient, fire safety, structurally superior, mold and mildew resistant alternative to conventional building systems. Much of the sub-trade labor is integrated within the panel, this allows for rapid construction and minimal waste. Our engineer approved system will be the future of construction in Canada and around the world. www.mag-pro.com
SCA/Tork – Booth 401 Xpress Countertop
Western Construction Products – Booth 901 Harristone Harristone is our fabricated stone line with a wide variety of styles and colors. Harristone was designed with one goal: to be design affordable and it’s an attractive precast stone that brings together the best of the future and the past. It simply offers a genuine look and feel of natural stone that installs quickly and easily for interior and exterior design.
The new Tork High End hand towels meet customer expectations for Class A office buildings, fine dining restaurants and other top-tier establishments through its superior softness, strength and commitment to sustainability. The Xpress Countertop dispensers offer finger-proof technology, anti-slip pads and one-at-a-time dispensing backed by Tork’s guarantee of a 25 percent reduction in paper use. They’re available in Black, White, and Stainless colors.
Westmount Facility Solutions – Booth 302 Iron Furniture
Whish Enterprises Ltd. – Booth 726 Custom Gift Baskets
We at Westmount Facility Solutions are proud to introduce an exciting new line of furniture that will be highlighted at Buildex Booth #302. Our recent partnership with Iron Furniture allows us to be your one-stop furniture solution experts. Covering your group seating and table needs, this locally-owned and operated furniture manufacturer enables us to offer exceptional quality, at a reasonable price. With standard and customizable options, we are confident that we have your facility’s solution!
Custom Gift Baskets, many of which feature carefully selected local products, are the perfect way to say thank you to a valued client, recognize a life event or the special contribution of an employee or reinforce a positive customer experience.
Whish.ca is a locally owned and operated company providing a wide range of custom gift solutions. Talk to our creative team today about your corporate gifting, client appreciation and employee recognition needs. Call us at: 780-701-8669 or 1-855-55-WHISH (1-855-559-4474)
Next Stop is Calgary
November 5 & 6, 2014 • BMO Centre, Calgary www.buildexcalgary.com For exhibit info: Wolfgang Ortner 403.241.1088 – wolfgang.ortner@informacanada.com or Ben Carson 604.730.2032 ext. 62032 ben.carson@informacanada.com
BUILDEX Edmonton • March 18 & 19, 2014
Special Events Construction Industry Breakfast Opens Day 1
Tuesday, March 18 8:00AM – Registration 8:30AM – 10:00AM – Breakfast Ballroom 104 New for 2014: The Edmonton Construction Ron Magnus Association, Merit Contractors and BUILDEX are joining together to produce the inaugural Construction Industry Breakfast. Kick off the first day of BUILDEX with breakfast, networking and a presentation by Ron Magnus, Managing Director of FMI’s Center for Strategic Leadership. For full details and to register, please visit www. buildexedmonton.com and click on ‘Special Events/Features’.
The Bistro & Wine Bar is a place to sit down with colleagues and clients to enjoy lunch or other refreshments during the show.
BOMA Lunch Tuesday, March 18 11:15AM – Registration 12:00PM – 1:30PM Ballroom 105/106 BUILDEX Edmonton is proud to welcome Mayor Don Iveson as the guest speaker of BOMA Edmonton’s luncheon. This luncheon is for BOMA members and guests only.
HOURS: Tuesday – 11:00AM – 3:00PM Wednesday – 11:00AM – 2:00PM
sponsored by
media sponsor
Hays Job Board Returns for 2014 The HAYS On-Site Job Board caters to JOB POSTERS and JOB SEEKERS within the Construction, Property Management and Design industries. The HAYS On-Site Job Board is located at the lobby/entrance area of the tradeshow floor.
New / Green Product Showcase Mayor Don Iveson
Meet & Greet Networking Reception The annual Meet & Greet Networking Reception will round out the first day of the show, Tuesday, March 18. Come and network with over 250 industry professionals and enjoy hors d’oeuvres and a glass of wine or beer.
Visit buildexedmonton.com and click on the New/ Green Showcase to preview featured products/services to be displayed at the show. Plan your visit by identifying products of interest to you!
Join the Conversation Connect with BUILDEX Edmonton! Tweet us at @ BUILDEXshows or use hashtag #buildexedmonton. Join us on LinkedIn under group “BUILDEX”.
’S G ! IN AR V E I 4 L Y 1 0 N E R 2 H E T , T 1 F L ES O I W ER R P E B GN A s I D e L E S e n t ri U D e for O C T dlin X U ea E O D N Y EN
Meet the 2014 JUDGES
Olson Kundig Architecture
Crate and Barrel Furniture
Hudson’s Bay Company Fashion
Barbara Barry Furniture
Alessi Industrial
Designers Guild Furniture
PLUS Bjarke Ingels, Patricia Patkau, Alda Pereira, Paul Lavoie, Geoff Lilge, John Fluevog, Beverly Gorenstein, Michael Green, Peter Busby, Brent Comber, Paul Sangha
Thank You to our Sponsors Platinum Sponsor
Industry Partner Sponsor
Major Sponsors
Gold Sponsor
Wine Bar Sponsor
Job Board Sponsor
Media Partners
Furnishings Sponsor
Supporting Associations
Alberta Masonry Council
BUILDING ON YOUR INDUSTRY KNOWLEDGE! STAY INFORMED ABOUT THE LATEST MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES. Alberta Construction Magazine is your construction connection— taking the pulse of the market, monitoring trends, celebrating the industry’s movers and shakers. As Alberta’s only business magazine exclusively covering the construction industry, we deliver high-quality, timely information that reflects the diversity of interests of construction professionals.
Become a member today at albertaconstructionmagazine.com
Visit us at booth 10 to pick up your complimentary copy today! ALBERTACONSTRUCTIONMAGAZINE.COM
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