Mocca Magazine May 2013

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Mocca 7 Editor’s Note 13 Meet the Men of Lamont Pierre’s Hit Webseries: FreeFall 27 When Should Your Truth Cost Someone Else Their Career 35 The Lack of Masculine Gay

In This Issue


45 Intimacy 49 National HIV/AIDS Resources 55 Ask Aunt Pearl 58 Pride Guide Calendar 62 Horoscopes 69 National Club Listings

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Editor’s Note Here we are in 2013 and just had our first professional athlete come out as a gay male. And he also happens to be a black man. Jason Collins of the Washington Wizards decided that is was time for him to step out of the closet and live his life as a out and proud gay man. This issue of Mocca Magazine is dedicated to Jason Collins. We at Mocca are so proud of him becoming the first athlete to come out will still playing a professional sport. We understand the courage that it take to open yourself up publicly for the world to judge you not on your skills on the court but for actions in your private life. We really appreciate your willingness to put a face to a reality that so many young men are experiencing themselves. we are so proud of you and your family for allowing the world to see your solidarity. My hope is that many your gay males especially gay males of color can look to you for inspiration and hope to know that they are not alone and that they can be free to triumph in sports and also live their lives freely as we can see from your experience in coming out, someone will always have a negative comment to say but now there is a positive side that they can see to know that everything will be alright so from the bottom of our hearts we wish you nothing but happiness throughout the rest of your NBA career and lots of love throughout the rest of your life. And please feel free to send me any comments or suggestions to Rodney L. Berry 7






Fr e eFa ll

The hit web series


FreeFall, a new webseries from Award-Winning Writer/Director Lammont Pierre ( He brought you the series My Brothers Keeper as well as films like Talking With the Taxman About Poetry and The Night Reign Fell to New Orleans. In his latest work, FreeFall, Xavier, Cameron and Nico continue to navigate a messy living situation when one by one the roommates get pulled into the dark side of Atlanta life. Watch as they fight to stay afloat and keep their personal relationships from taking them under...before the streets do. For these guys, their lives are enhanced, not defined, by their sexuality. Follow them as they share a living situation that becomes complicated both in and outside of their beds. New characters are being introduce in this first full season. We have Chad, Tyson, Tony Ray and Oliver. This expanded cast should provide for more substance to be seen with each new episode. Here we will take some time to talk with each characters to give you a more intimate look at each character and the person that is playing that role. Check out each new episode at: You-Tube - Twitter - Facebook - Website -


Fr e eFa ll

The hit web series

Xavier (Shamon Glasby) Where are you from originally? Benton Harbor, Michigan, Where do you currently reside? I just recently moved to Atlanta from Tallahassee. I’m from a military family (stepfather was in the Navy) moved around a lot . Once we moved to Pensacola, FL; My mother was tired of moving and decided that Pensacola was the last move. I ran track in High school, received a track scholarship to attended FAMU as a theater major with a minor in communications. I graduated last December and decided it was time to move on. I was offered a job in Atlanta, so I moved here. How did you get into acting? Back in my junior year of high school, I started taking acting classes because I needed an elective. My teacher told me that I was a natural. So I continued with it. When I got to college I couldn't figure out my major so I placed modeling and acting on my application and that’s how I became a theater major. And I fell in love with it and haven’t looked back since Who are your acting role models? My Number One inspiration would be Johnny Depp. I aspire to be just like him. Number two would be Will Smith, Number three would be Meryl Streep. And last but not least would be Angelina Jolie. Even my teacher/ professor Marcia Stringer (used to be Marsha Duncan). She is definitely one of my mentors. Everyone that has worked with her just loves her. Tell me a little bit about your Character? As many of you know Xavier is a character from My Brothers Keeper and he started off very confused about his sexuality. He started off with one guy and that didn't work. Then started talking to this girl but she ended up cheating on him. So he returned to dating men and met this other guy and tried to date him while pledging a fraternity, but his secret got out. So he ended up moving to Atlanta with the new guy. He began to be physically and mentally abused in that relationship. The guy was bisexual and he slept with other men and women while he was with Xavier He even forced Xavier to have threesomes with him with other people. So freefall begins with him removing himself from that relationship and starting all over again. He is in a very fragile state Because he ‘s trying to pick up the pieces and begin his life anew. Are you into anything else besides acting? Currently, I’m in the Medical field and I’m trying to get out of that. I also write an Anime cartoon I have about 16 episodes of that but I’m not ready to present that to the world just yet. Lamont has Now made an associate producer of the show, so that is taking up most of my free time. But my primary focus is on acting and getting into the industry. I spent a great deal of time studying acting and now is the time for me to apply everything that I learned. What are your Hobbies? Drawing and animation. I’ve been working on this animation project off and on since the eighth grade. Other than that, PS#3, Workout, Train my friends, Cooking And I’m also a big movie buff. I have like 250 + DVDs. Sports. I like to do anything as long as its fun. How can your fans reach you? or search for Shamon Glasby.


Fr e eFa ll

The hit web series

Cameron (Jody Fulton) Mocca: Where are you originally? Los Angeles, CA


Where do you currently reside? I live in Atlanta, GA Moved here for work and have resided here for the last five years. How did you get into acting? I started acting at a very young age, Start off doing a few commercials and began acting in plays and theater in middle school thru college. After college, I took a break from acting to focus on corporate America and got back into acting about 3 years ago Who inspired you to get into acting? Who are your acting role models? I really love Will Smith. He started of with his music career and evolved into acting. With music being a passion of mine as well I like the way he was able to transition for being a rapper to being the well respected actor that he is today. Love Idris Elba as well, I’m currently working on an English accent for a project that I’m working on. Tell me a little bit about your Character? Cameron is very complex. He has a lot of layers. For someone looking at him from the outside, he can come off like a jerk, but a nice jerk, the kind that you would want to be friends with. As you delve into his character and begin to pull the layers back, you can see the Cameron is coming from a place of hurt and he has many trust issues. He is trying to adjust to life without his ex. He is also adjusting to life with this new guy that he doesn’t know a whole lot about. The dynamic of his progression through this season will be crazy. What are your Hobbies? I enjoy outdoor activities Hiking, Biking, Jogging, whitewater rafting. I also music and writing. How can your fans reach you? Instagram: iamjody Twitter: @iammisterordinary Facebook: Jodyfulton


Fr e eFa ll Nico (Deandre Lemans II) Mocca: Where are you from originally? I’m born and raised in Atlanta, GA How did you get into acting? I’ve always had a curiosity for acting. Who are your acting role models? I love comedies so Will Smith because he started of on the comedy side of acting but has evolved to fluidly into the more serious side of acting, Martin Lawrence, Denzel Washington I would love to get to the point of being a household name like Denzel. Tell me a little bit about your Character? My Character is Nico. He’s 28 years old. He works for a bank He’s at a point in his life where he’s ready to act on his goals. He’s a brainiac in a sense. He is at this time trying to find himself and piece his life together. He’s at the point where he realizes that its time to get serious and focused. You have been casted as on of the three main characters and your character was not part of the preseason. Do you feel any challenges taking on that role? My character is a new character being introduced to the series. You will see how that transition takes place. My hope is that I can live up to level of the original character. I feel that my character will provide a different feel and energy to the series. I bring a comedic element to the series with my character. Do you have any other interests besides acting? I really enjoy music. It has been one of my biggest passions. Growing up I played instruments. I sung a little bit as a child. But recently, I have this renewed passion for singing. If I could combine singing with my acting, maybe in the theater, that would make me very happy. What are your Hobbies? photography.

I’m really into computers and I also enjoy

How can your fans reach you? Twitter @ deandrelemans Website


Fr e eFa ll

The hit web series

Tyson( Dante Simmons) Where are you from originally? Statesboro, GA, Moved to Atlanta in 2005 to attend School. How did you get into acting? It was always a passion of mine. I would like to make it a career. I got school out of the way (for Momma), I started taking Acting classes and now I’m ready to devote myself to this and see where it takes me. Who are your acting role models? Denzel Washington and Will Smith. Tell me a little bit about your Character? Tyson is a very good guy but makes bad decisions. In the environment that he was raised in, he had to develop this hard exterior and he took on the responsibility to watch after his god-brother Nico and sometimes pulls Nico into his shenanigans at times. He only lets his guard down and shows his true feelings to Nico. So Nico is one of the only people to see his softer side. Everyone else sees the tough side . He doesn’t trust people. So many people don’t get to see how good of a guy he really is. Are you into anything else besides acting? I’m not really trying to get into anything else besides acting. I see myself producing way into the future, but I’m focused on acting at this point. People say that I should try out comedy because I have a knack for making people laugh. What are your Hobbies? I find myself now watching more TV and movies. That has never been something that I’ve been into until recently. My best friend is the REDBOX. I love watching movies and studying how things are done. Since I’m still honing my craft I feel that it is important for me to study other actors and learn as much as I can from them. I’m also in the gym consistently Try to keep it Right and tight. I enjoy traveling as well. I also love my dog. I have a 7 month old pitbull puppy named Nyla. How can your fans reach you? Currently I’m working to create a social presence, so the best way to reach me is by sending a message addressed to me to the FreeFall email account.


Fr e eFa ll

The hit web series

Chad (Jovanni Colon) Where are you from originally? Born in Atlanta raised in Jacksonville Florida, Moved to back to Atlanta because I want to be in a city with a with a faster pace. How did you get into acting? I have been modeling for a while now. Some of the modeling job afforded me speaking parts and I found that to be quite enjoyable So my interest in acting was peaked at that point. I really enjoy scripted acting. Being able to take on a role and become that character. I have no interest in reality roles because they expose too much of your private life. I’m a very private person and I’d like to keep it that way. Who inspired you to get into acting? Who are your acting role models? People who started off young. Will Smith, Shemar Moore, Tyson Beckford, Jaime Foxx. People who started of small, made it big, became icons in their fields. Tell me a little bit about your Character? Chandler He goes by Chad. He’s kind of a mother’s boy. In the series he has to deal with his father a lot so you see the tensions in that relationship. Chad is trying to find himself as an adult and be his own man instead of who his family wants him to be. But he does like to have fun, as you will see in the series. Are you into anything else besides acting? I‘m an artist. I have a degree in architecture but I’ve been so busy with life that I haven’t had time to focus on that. When I begin to have more free time I plan on getting back into the artsy side of me. What are your Hobbies? Traveling, Basketball, Swimming, Rollerblading, Tennis and Biking. I love being outdoors. How can your fans reach you? I can be reached at:!/pages/Jovanni-Colon/439388606142039 Instagram: Flawlessflyguy Email:


Fr e eFa ll

The hit web series

Tony (Alonzo Fri’zon) Where are you from originally? Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, Moved to Atlanta I had always enjoyed visiting Atlanta. I seemed like a place that would never get boring. Someone told me (back in 2000) Atlanta was like a Black “New York” with many opportunities for black people. So when the opportunity came for me to move, I jumped on it. Atlanta is perfect for me because it’s close enough to home for me to get there if I need to but far enough away where I was free to live my life, taking on different personalities. How did you get into acting? I been acting since I was a little guy, In elementary school, I was in some of the school plays and it just progressed from there. I college I was in the drama society. I have always love stepping outside of myself and portraying someone else. I actually starred in an independent film titled “One Day Late”. It premiered in local theaters in South Florida. That role just showed me that this is something I want to continue doing so when this opportunity was presented to me I was all in. Who inspired you to get into acting? Who are your acting role models? Will Smith, Because he very versatile in his roles. Being the goofy kid that we saw in the Fresh Prince of BelAir and being part of Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince to being the A-list actor that he is today. He has played some very heavy roles where he was quite believable in the characters. I also admired Sandra Bullock. She is not type cast at all in her roles, we’ve seen here in comedies, dramas and action films. I really admire her versatility. Tell me a little bit about your Character? Tony was introduced in the preseason episodes in a memory sequence for Cameron. It was the scene were the audience found out Cameron’s sexuality. I played his ex-lover. Tony is a charmer. He is very mysterious He will say whatever it takes to get what he wants. He comes off as a user. But as you get more into the series , you begin to see who Tony really is. And it becomes clear that he does love Cameron. But the situations that will witness will have you question that. Is it love or just opportunity. Are you into anything else besides acting? I have a deep respect for music. As a kid, music was my release and my therapy. I’ve written many songs. Haven’t done anything with them, kept them personal. I have a respect for all types of music. As a music lover, I feel you should have an appreciation for every type of music and not be limiting. My other passion is counseling. I have a degree in psychology for Morgan State University. My goal is to return to school in hopes of receiving a masters in clinical psychology to working in a clinical institution or opening up my own practice. I love to deal with peoples issues, I’m very analytical. And I feel that they go hand-in-hand because music was my therapy. What are your Hobbies? I love video games. I’m and Xbox and PS3 junkie. I love movies. I love computers and I‘m really into interior design. I have lots of design software. I’m constantly redecorating my home and friends have asked for my help in decorating their homes. I like sport especially basketball. I’m more into playing rather than watching. I’ve been told that I can be the life of the party. Love music, dancing and having a good time. I feel that I’m very free spirited. How can your fans reach you? I have a fanpage on Facebook I can be reached at:


Fr e eFa ll Ray (Toni Bernard) Where are you from originally? Originally from Atlanta, GA Born and Raised, Moved to Los Angeles to attend School and began pursuing acting. I Moved back to Atlanta For two reasons one, because family is here but also because Atlanta is a very happening city when it comes to acting. A lot of shows and movies are filmed here and there is a lot of work to be found here .for actors of color. How did you get into acting? I’ve been acting since I was a child In middle school, the drama department would let me perform and I would be a part of the black history plays I got the chance to play Stevie Wonder and I really got into that character and caught the acting bug. I really enjoyed the way the audience responded to me and that was the start. Who inspired you to get into acting? Who are your acting role models? My favorite Actor would have to be Jamie Foxx. Jamie is one of those actors that can make you cry and laugh all at the same time and feel all types of things. He just has great range And he motivates me because those are the things that I would love to do I feel that being able to present something g that allows people to forget about their worries and give them hope for a while and enjoy themselves is a ministry in itself. Tell me a little bit about your Character? Ray is very mellow and soft-spoken . He has a street mentality. He doesn’t have major goals in his life He plays opposite Nico and I feel that he is learning about himself from being with Nico. He is just trying to find his path and I feel many people will relate to his story. He is just trying to figure out who he is. Are you into anything else besides acting? I love comedy. I did some standup in LA at the Laff Factory and the Improv. I worked with an improvisation troupe. Last year I was on an episode of Lets Stay Together . What are your Hobbies? I m a simple Guy. I like playing spades I definitely have skills on that side, I enjoy bowling, I like sports I run track and enjoy soccer I’m a family man as well so I Love to spend quality time with my family. How can your fans reach you? tonibernard Tonibernardacts Instagram/ actortonibernard


Fr e eFa ll

The hit web series

Oliver (J. Troy Richardson) Where are you from originally? I’m from a small town. Moncks Corner, South Carolina Where do you currently reside? Atlanta, GA What prompted your move to Atlanta? Actually moved to Atlanta from New York. Live in New York for 5 years. Decided that I needed a change of environment. I’ve lived all over the US for work and for schooling. I lived in California a few times, Louisiana, Nashville, Virginia, South Carolina (where I was born), New York, New Jersey. Brief stints in Alaska and Missouri. I also attended high school in Germany. How did you get into acting? Actually it was just by chance, I know Shamon and he stated they needed someone for the character of Oliver. They wanted someone older to play the character. My mom used to do USO tours and she did some acting in college. I was introduced to it by my mom’s acting. So I decided to give it a try. I’ve acted in church plays in elementary school, I always played on of the three wise men What is your inspiration for taking on this role? My inspiration is to not disappoint other peoples belief that I can do it. To test myself and see if I’m capable of doing it. I’ve found it so far to be an interesting and a fun experience I now want to see where it leads. Who are your acting role models? There are a whole plethora of people who inspire me but just picking a male and a female. Brad Pitt, Because he has done a lot of very diverse characters. Love him in 12 Monkeys. The female would be Diana Ross. See did a TV Movie (Out of Darkness) where she play a woman with schizophrenia. She was just beyond amazing. She was also great in Mahogany and Lady Sings the Blues. I feel she’s an even better actor than she is a singer and she's an amazing singer. Tell me a little bit about your Character? Oliver is a local crime leader. He’s not from a world that one should aspire to join, but many do aspire and join. He is a pretty base, rather nefarious individual. He has his hands in many business enterprises -- both legal and illegal. He is a master manipulator though extremely charming, high-class and suave. He usually never gets his hands dirty. The people he is involved with must find a smart way to navigate him and his dangerous tactics. I think some people will love him, others will hate him and some will love to hate him. What are your Hobbies? Biking, Traveling (Europe, Spain Brazil, All throughout Central America South America, Canada, Australia and The UK. Love the Arts, Love modern museums, Love hanging with My godsons every Sunday. I also enjoy cooking. How can your fans reach you? I can be reached by sending a message to me at a



Cameron (Jody Fulton)






When Should Your Truth Cost someone Else Their Career The title of this article came to me after pondering over the situation with Kerry Rhodes and Russell “Hollywood” Simpson. Throughout the rest of this article is will refer to them by just their first names. In late March, the gossip blogs started buzzing about some photos that had surfaced of Kerry in very intimate settings with a certain male. That male turned out to be Russell. Shortly after that, Kerry did an interview where he stated that he was not gay and that the pictures were just of him and his former assistant goofing around. When Russell l found out

about this interview, he became upset that he was being referred to as an ‘assistant’ and decided to do an interview himself to set the record straight(no pun intended) . The interview was with Bossip, and in that interview Russell explains that he was never Kerry’s assistant. He was Kerry’s lover. He provided them with more Picture of him and Kerry in various intimate settings. They had been together more than a year, but are no longer a couple. He tells of the fancy vacations and wonderful things that Kerry bought for him. He stated that they lived together in Kerry’s home in Arizona and even goes into detail of their sex life. Russell did a second interview with BallerAlert, where he explained the situation again. Kerry again went to the press to state that he was straight and now engaged to be married this summer. 27

When should you’re your truth cost someone else their career Supposedly Russell and Kerry met at an Arizona Cardinals training camp when Russell was there with a friend who was trying to get a job as an assistant with one of the players. Russell met Kerry and they spoke briefly and exchanged contact information. After Russell returned home to North Carolina, he began communicating with Kerry. Kerry invited him to return to Arizona. That was how they began dating. Russell ended up moving into Kerry’s home and eventually took over the management of Kerry’s assistants and staff. Russell states that Kerry made sure that he had everything that he could want. Russell stated that he acted as if he was Kerry’s wife and never hid anything from the people that he came in contact with. Kerry’s friends, other players and even the other player’s wives. To me this relationship was doomed from the start. You have a closeted NFL player deciding to go into some kinda relationship with an out and proud gay man. Sometimes it’s not about the good times; it’s about what happens in the bad times. And what happened in these bad times is Kerry is being thrown under the bus by the person that stated that he loved Kerry for his own dreams of fame and fortune. The majority of the interview he speaks of all of the monetary aspects of their relationship. He doesn’t focus on the love he said he felt for Kerry. He states that he is doing this because Kerry denied their relationship to the press. Well, what else would a closeted man in the NFL going up 28

When should you’re your truth cost someone else their career . In the press, Kerry had girls that he was linked with to maintain his cover. Why was that not an issue for Russell? As long as he was financially taken care of, he was cool. Now all of a sudden, Kerry is the worst person ever. I don’t buy it. Russell has never said who he is, what he does for a living, what lifestyle he had before meeting Kerry. Wendy Williams on her show referred to Russell as a “Stunt Queen”. I tend to agree with her. I don’t believe for a moment that he is not milking this story for free exposure and the chance for his 15 minutes of fame. But who pays the cost for his fame. How many endorsement deals could Kerry lose or miss out on because of Russell’s actions. There is the chance that Kerry might not get picked up this season. And while that might not have everything to do with this situation it could be a factor in that decision. Many of us will never have to go thru this situation in the public the way Kerry and Russell have but we know of or have experienced similar situations in our lives. The ex who threatens to tell your family. The ex threatening to out you on your job. The ex spreading your business to your neighbors. Many of us live in glass houses where one bad breakup with the wrong person could see everything come crashing down. And in these cases most will state” I would have never thought he would do something like this to me”. But in these same situations, your friends will see things completely different. They can completely see the ex acting out in this fashion. The actions that you were blind to throughout your relationship are the same things your friends saw as 29

When Should Your Truth Cost Someone Else Their Career We really need to become better judges of character when we choose a mate. Look at their actions and think about the bad times (because there will be bad times). Will this person have your back or will they look out for themselves? What is their motivation for being in the relationship? How are they benefiting from the relationship? What do you think will happen when that is taken away? Many people are saying that Russell has a right to tell his story. And I do agree with that. But what do you do when your truth will cause someone else pain. The decision is sometimes easy for you when you don’t have to deal with that pain. But would you feel the same way if it was the other way around? If someone telling their truth will cause you to lose to your job? Or be shunned by your friends and family? Would you want them to think about how this will affect you before telling their truth? So many times people get so caught up in themselves that they don’t think about how their actions affect the people around them. Every action has a cause and effect. By Russell telling his truth, he completely disregarded how this would affect Kerry. It was his only concern to get his side of the story out to the public. He will be the first one to say that his actions didn’t damage any part of Kerry’s life. He will take no responsibility for the things that his actions have caused. So many people deflect the blame for things that occur instead of accepting their part of why a situation happened. We all need to take the time to reflect on how our actions affect other people and also how other people’s actions affect our lives. When we are able to make that connection, hopefully we all will make smarter and more informed decisions. Join the conversation Click here or go to www.moccamag .com to leave your comments about this article.


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The Lack of Masculine Gay Characters in TV and Film One of the hottest topics about gay male characters in tv and film has been why do you not see more masculine characters representing us. Shows like Noah’s Arc and films like The Skinny and Ski Trip are always used as examples where black gay men are being portrayed as effeminate. I disagree with the statement that these show and films did not have Masculine gay characters. Too many times people don’t focus on the whole picture. Let’s look at Noah’s Arc. You had characters like Wade. A successfully Black gay man coming into his sexuality. I would say he was pretty masculine. You also had Alex’s partner Trey. A successful nurse and a voice of reason for Alex. There was also Eddie, A successful single father who entered into a committed relationship with Chance. And we cannot forget Ricky. I would dare say that Ricky was pretty masculine. Sure, he dressed in drag as a backup singer for Alex, but that was one instance within the whole two seasons of the show. And in Patrik Ian Polk’s ‘The Skinny, while the characters Sebastian, and Joey might be considered by some as less masculine, characters like Mangus, Kyle and Ryan, by many would be called masculine. So with more characters seen as masculine, why is this movie brought up as a case study in effeminate characters? Why are we so fixated on people looking the way we want them to look? Why can’t we just accept the characters as they are and just enjoy the show? As black people, we have a tendency to look at people with a special filter and expect them to act a certain way based on the way we want others to see them. We need to learn to just accept people as they are and quit expecting them to conform to your set of ideals and beliefs. People are individuals and will never do things the way we want them to. Their lives are comprised of different experiences than yours, so they will never do everything the same way that you would. 35

The Lack of Masculine Gay Characters in TV and Film It is also very important to recognize that there are effeminate men in the gay community. When you go out to a club or to a house party or to your local mall you will see men that have to guts to express themselves the way that best suits them. They should not be laughed at or ridiculed. They are actually very courageous. They have the conviction to allow people to see them on their term wither that it is with a funky hairstyle, a manpurse or high heel shoes. You don’t have to like it but you should respect their freedom of expression Are you strong enough to open yourself up to ridicule and disrespect from people in and out of your community. In a recent panel discussion, it was mentioned that casting directors, when they are casting a gay character, want the character to instantly be recognized as gay. And the easiest way to achieve that is to have the character be over the top. Some have requested that the characters be portrayed as “more gay”. The same way many black actors are asked to be “more black”. These casting directors have an idea in mind of how that character should be viewed and that is how they end up casting for it. The black gay character is at the beginning stages of being accepted and seen as multifaceted and complex. We have to ride this out and put our money and support behind productions where black gay characters are seen as more diverse. When Hollywood discovers that there is money to be made in diversifying black gay characters, you will see the roles begin to change. In the world today, gay black men cross the entire spectrum in every way possible. From the most effeminate of men to the hyper-masculine. And everything in between. What you might consider effeminate, the next person might see as masculine and vice versa.


The Lack of Masculine Gay Characters in TV and Film Everyone has the right to feel the way that they feel. But no one has the right to tell someone how they should live or how they should convey a story and what their characters should act or look like. There are many effeminate men within the gay community and every one of those men is valuable. Just as there are plenty of masculine men in our community and their value is just as great. We all should strive to be more accepting in our beliefs as we expect the heterosexual world to be accepting of us. The masculine/feminine debate reminds me so much of the light skin/dark skin debates of past. Everyone is beautiful and everyone has value. Strive to make a difference and be a help to the situation and not a hindrance. I ask any of the people that want to see what they consider to be more masculine gay characters, find and support people who can make that happen. But don’t forget about the rest of the community. Our community is as great as it is because of all of the people in the community. Strive to see the value that everyone provides.

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The Back of the Closet

Intimacy By Rafael Solece

Has anyone but me noticed that lately it seems that the world is consumed with thoughts of sexual relations? Can you ever remember a time when something more existed between two people than the friction of naked bodies pressed up against one another? All anyone seems to care about now a days is getting their freak on and meaningless NSA hookups: as if nothing else could exist between two people other than sex. Whatever happened to intimacy? Does is even exist anymore? Do people even know what the word means? The dictionary describes INTIMACY as a close connection between two people; familiarity, or friendship. It is the ability for two people to discover the inner workings of soul. Yes, that was deep but it is true. Genuine intimacy is not just erotic. It is stimulating physically as



emotionally; honest,











Real intimacy is charismatic, and silly; and nothing about it feels the way it should, but it feels perfectly right. Most of us who have experienced it at one time or another and know exactly what I am describing. A real connection that goes beyond the physical body. It fills up the soul in a way that it leaves us breathless, anticipating, and wanting. Real intimacy is accompanied by a different type of passion. Think about the last time that you got so deep in conversation with someone that you lost track of the time. Do you remember the last time you end up revealing some of your most intimate secrets to someone? Or the last time that you shared something so deep that it brought emotions to the surface that reduce you to tears or caused you to laugh so hard that it echoed off of the walls? Did you feel embarrassed for having let yourself go? Of course not, because for some reason being around that person made you feel that it is perfectly safe and secure.


The Back of the Closet

Intimacy By Rafael Solece Think about those quiet conversations on the floor of your living room while the television watches the both of you. Lazy days in the middle of the bed as the rain falls gently against your window pane and not once even saying a word. What I am describing is soft tender kisses on the forehead at night. Long walks to nowhere in the middle of the day. Laughing and playing as the both of you make dinner. I am talking about, those long hot baths that grow cold because the both of you have sat in the tub for far too long, just enjoying the idea of being with each other. Long phone calls in bed that linger long into the morning hours and you wake up with the phone strapped to your ear, because you just weren't willing to hang up. I am talking about hot passionate lovemaking, from three in the afternoon til four in the morning. There are so many types of intimacy and it’s so rare when they come together. But that thing called intimacy has faded away like the practice of safe sex; no one does it anymore. Much like condoms people think of intimacy as something that just gets in the way of the sex. The contrary is true for both. In my opinion how can one truly have good (great) sex without intimacy or a condom for that matter? It's an oxymoron isn't it? You can have some good dirty emotionless debauchery, but it will never be as good or as satisfying as the kind of sex that comes along with a deep down to my soul connection. When a person knows you, down to your spirit, they can satisfy you with the touch of their hand. They know how to touch you, how to hold you, how to kiss you, how to talk to you; they call it a mental orgasm. But how can we ever learn to connect with each other if we are jumping into bed with one another before we even know one another’s name. That is what this whole dating thing is all about; finding that complete connection that allows you to continuously discover new things about someone. But who dates anymore, right? I once heard someone call intimacy the art of being in-to-me: that is a perfect explanation. Isn't that what we want; someone who is actually interested in us? At least that is what I want!


The Back of the Closet

Intimacy by Rafael Solece Someone who is really into me, and not just trying to get in me. I keep stressing the word intimacy because somehow I think it got left behind somewhere in history like the eight track, VCR,

and cassette player, we dropped it

somewhere and kept the fuck on. Yet somehow we have been magically getting along fine without it. Especially us gay men: We seem to run from the possibility of a real connection with someone. Which makes no sense to me at all, when the truth is we are all searching for that connection that exceeds gender restrictions, we act like animals sometimes biting and clawing at one another, but honestly we're just men who are looking for another man that we can completely be ourselves around. Someone who makes us laugh, that we can cry with, and scream with, play ball with, drink with, lay with, and just be completely and utterly vulnerable with. Funny thing about intimacy though, most of us, all of us; men and women think that the only way to achieve it; is through sex. Because for some odd reason we associate that pleasure connection or the ability to let go and lose yourself in that moment of sexual satisfaction as true intimacy. That is not true though. The definition of Intimacy is the art of being intimate. The definition of intimate is to communicate delicately and indirectly. Which in my opinion means that conversation, mental stimulation, eye contact, physical touch, an emotional connection are all major players in this game. Sex is only a very small piece of an extremely huge puzzle. There are so many nuances, so many levels, and so many little moments that make up what we crave. The moment that we understand those simple little facts; well then, real intimacy may be a whole lot easier to come by. So I pose this question to you: When are you going to allow yourself to be open, to talk delicately and indirectly with someone? When are you going to allow yourself to get close to someone and let them bring you joy? When are you going to allow someone to be In-to-me?

Join the conversation Click here or go to www.moccamag .com to leave your comments about this article.



National Resources for HIV and AIDS awareness. Herwe is a listing of HIV and AIDS resource information National HIV Hotlines

HIV/AIDS Info 1-800-448-0440 National AIDS Hotline (24 hours a day, daily): (800) 232-4636 AIDS Action Hotline 1-800-235-2331

State HIV/AIDS Hotlines Below is a State by State breakdown of Information resources dealing with HIV and AIDS Alabama AIDS Hotline In Alabama: (800) 228-0469 Alaska AIDS Hotline In Alaska: (800) 478-2437 If Calling Out of State: (907) 269-8000 Arizona AIDS Hotline In Arizona: (800) 232-4636 If Calling Out of State: (602) 364-3610 Arkansas AIDS Hotline In Arkansas: (800) 232-4636 Arkansas AIDS Foundation: (501) 376 -6299 California HIV/AIDS Hotline If Calling Out of State: (800) 367-AIDS In San Francisco (415) 863-2437


Information available in English, Spanish and Filipino TDD for the deaf: 1-888-225-AIDS. Colorado STD/HIV Hotline Denver only: (303) 692-2777 In Colorado (toll free): (877) 478-3448 If Calling Out of State: 303) 692-2783 Connecticut Health Department National (860) 692-2783 Delaware AIDS Hotline In Delaware: (800) 422-0429

The Night Reign Fell to New Orleans


State HIV/Aids Hotlines District of Columbia AIDS Information Line

In Louisiana: (800) 992-4379 In Louisiana: (504) 821-6050

(202) 332-2437 HIV/AIDS Administration Dept.

In Louisiana TDD: (877) 566-9448

National (202) 671-4900

Hours of service: Monday - Friday 10 am - 8 pm, Saturday 10 am - 4 pm.

In metro DC. & VA: (800) 322-7432 Georgia AIDS Information Line In Georgia: (800) 551-2728 AID Atlanta In Atlanta: (404) 870-7700 If Calling Out of State: (404) 876-9944 Hawaii STD/AIDS Hotlines

Maine AIDS Hotline In Maine: (800) 851-2437 If Calling Out of State: (800) 775-1267 Maryland AIDS Hotline If Calling Out of State: (800) 358-9001 In Maryland, (Bilingual) 800-638-6252 In Metro DC. & VA: (800) 322-7432

In Hawaii: (800) 321-1555

Hispanic AIDS Hotline: (301) 949If Calling Out of State: (808) 922-1313 0945 Illinois AIDS Hotline In Illinois: (800) 243-2437 In Illinois TTY/TDD: (800) 782-0423 Indiana HIV Medical Services Office In Indiana: (866) 588-4948

Baltimore only TTY area: (410) 3332437 Massachusetts AIDS Hotline In Massachusetts: (800) 235-2331 If Calling Out of State: (617) 536-7733

TTY/TDD: (617) 437-1672 Call National AIDS Hotline (24 hours a TTY: (617) 450-1427 day, daily): (800) 232-4636 Iowa AIDS Hotline In Iowa: (800) 445-2437 If Calling Out of State: (319) 338-2135 Kansas Health Department In Kansas (785) 296-6174 National (877) 526-2437 x2 Kentucky Health Department In Kentucky: (502) 564-6539 x2 Louisiana AIDS Hotline


Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. Spanish spoken. Se habla Espa単ol. Michigan AIDS Hotline In Michigan: (800) 872-2437 TTY/TDD: (800) 332-0849 Spanish: (800) 826-SIDA Health Care Workers: (800) 522

State HIV/Aids Hotlines Minnesota AIDS Line

New Mexico AIDS Hotline

In Minnesota: (800) 248-2437

In New Mexico: (800) 545-2437

If Calling Out of State: (612) 373-2437

If Calling Out of State: (505) 476-3612

Mississippi AIDS Hotline

New York State HIV Counseling Hotline

In Mississippi: (800) 826-2961 National (AIDS Administration): (601) 576-7723 Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services If Calling Out of State: (866) 628-9891

(800) 872-2777 (M-F 2-8, S & S 10-6) Deaf and Hearing Impaired: (800) 3692437 TDD Spanish Hotline: (800) 233-SIDA New York State Information Hotline

In Montana: (800) 233-6668

(800) 541-2437 (info tapes 24 hrs; counselors Mon.-Fri. 8-8, Sat. & Sun. 10-6)

Eastern Montana AIDS Hotline: (800) 675-2437

NYC Department of Health AIDS Helpline

Western Montana AIDS Hotline: (800) 663-9002

1-800-TALK-HIV (counseling, recorded information, and testing information) AIDS Institute Experimental Treatment Info Line

Montana AIDS Program

If Calling Out of State:(406) 444-3565 Nebraska AIDS Hotline If Calling Out of State: (800) 782-2437 Nevada AIDS Information Line In Nevada: (800) 842-2437 If Calling Out of State: (775) 684-5900 New Hampshire AIDS Hotline In New Hampshire: (800) 752-2437 If Calling Out of State: (603) 271-4502 New Jersey AIDS Hotline

(800) 633-7444 GMHC AIDS Hotline (212) 807-6655 (M-F 10-9, Sat 12-3) GMHC TDD: (212) 645-7470 Body Positive Helpline 800-566-6599 (2-6pm Mon-Fri) Long Island AIDS Hotline (516) 385-AIDS (M-F 9-9, tape after hours) AIDS Council of Northeastern NY AIDS Information Hotline (518) 445-2437 (800) 201-AIDS

In New Jersey: (800) 624-2377 (24 hrs, 7 days) If Calling Out of State: (609) 984-5874 TTY/TDD: (201) 926-8008


State HIV/Aids Hotlines North Carolina AIDS Hotline

South Carolina AIDS Hotline

In North Carolina: (800) 232-4636

In South Carolina: (800) 322-2437

National, Health Info: (919) 733-3039

If Calling Out of State: (803) 898-0749

North Dakota AIDS Hotline

South Dakota AIDS Hotline

In North Dakota: (800) 782-2437

In South Dakota: (800) 592-1861

If Calling Out of State: (701) 328-2378

Health Department: (605) 773-3737

Ohio AIDS Hotline

Tennessee AIDS Hotline

In Ohio: (800) 332-2437

In Tennessee: (800) 525-AIDS

In Ohio TTY/TDD: (800) 332-3889

If Calling Out of State: (615) 741-7500

If Calling Out of State: (614) 466-0265

Texas AIDS Hotline

Oklahoma AIDS Hotline

In Texas: (800) 299-2437

In Oklahoma: (800) 535-2437

Health Department: (615) 490-2505

Oregon AIDS Hotline

Utah AIDS Information Line

Area codes 503, 206 and 208: (800) 777-2437

In Utah: (800) 366-2437

Voice & TTY: (503) 223-2437

Vermont AIDS Hotline

Oregon Health Department

In Vermont: (800) 882-2437

(503) 223-2437

Virgin Islands AIDS Hotline

Pennsylvania AIDS Hotline

(809) 773-2437

In Pennsylvania: (800) 662-6080

Virginia STD/AIDS Hotline

Health Department: (717) 783-0572

In Virginia: (800) 533-4148

Puerto Rico Linea de Infor SIDA y Enfermedades de Transmision Sexual

In Virginia Hispanic line: (800) 3227432

In Puerto Rico: (800) 981-5721 If Calling Out of State: (809) 765-1010 Rhode Island AIDS Hotline If Calling Out of State: (800) 726-3010 Health Department (401) 831-5522


If Calling Out of State: (801) 487-2100

Virginia Health Department (804) 3717455

Washington HIV Client Services In Washington: (877) 376-9316 Washington HIV Client Services If Calling Out of State: (360) 236-3426 West Virginia AIDS Hotline In West Virginia: (800) 642-8244 If Calling Out of State: (304) 558-2950 Wisconsin AIDS Hotline In Wisconsin: (800) 334-2437 If Calling Out of State: (414) 273-2437 Wyoming AIDS Hotline In Wyoming: (800) 675-2698 If Calling Out of State: (307) 237-7833

HIV/AIDS Websites


Ask Aunt Pearl Dear Aunt Pearl

I met and have been talking with this guy for about 8 months and I felt that things were going pretty good. Last weekend, we went to the movies and when I dropped him off, he left his phone in my car. The phone was locked but I saw a message that came through that said “Are you still coming over tonight”. It was from a someone named “Leslie”. Well about 15 minutes later, the phone rang and I saw that it was “Leslie” calling. So I answered it. She stated “Wassup Baby. You still coming by?” I didn’t say anything, making her think we had a bad connection. She hung up and called back so I sent her to voicemail. My boyfriend came over about an hour later to pick up his phone. I confronted him and first asked him if he was messing around with anyone else. He told me no so I asked him about who Leslie was . He told me that was a male friend from work. I left it alone but what should I do. I really like this guy and I thought we was getting serious, but if he’s lying to me and messing around with women, I don’t think I can handle that. Also he has never said anything about being bisexual. What should I do?

Dear Nosy:

First of all, you know that you’re wrong for snooping thru that man’s phone. When you go looking for trouble you will find it. If it did happen the way you say it did (side eye), You already know that he’s lying and cheating on you. You need to decide for yourself can you handle being with him if he’s messing around with someone else (male of female). If you can keep your mouth shut because you have the upper hand, knowing the information that you know. If you can’t you need to let him know that you know the whole deal and let him go. Because he’s already lying and cheating. This is not starting off good and it will probably only get worse.


Ask Aunt Pearl Dear Aunt Pearl I recently went to a sex party here and met this really cool guy. We had sex at the party and exchanged numbers. We talked and hooked up again at my place the next day and spent the following day together. I find him to be really interesting and I feel that he feels the same way. We hooked up two more times the next week and talked on the phone at least once a day. The following Friday we talked around noon and I told him I had plans to have dinner with some friends I finished with my friends around midnight and sent him a text. He didn’t reply. I decided to head over to the sex party and see if he was there and there was his car in the parking lot. I know it was his car because he has a personalized plate. Now I’m not sure if I’m trying to turn a hoe into a housewife. What should I do? I don’t have a problem with meeting him in that setting, but I wonder if he’s ready to leave it behind. What should I do? Dear Sex Party Husband: To be honest, I think you are rushing to judgment. This guy has known you a week and you already want him to change his sex life. While there is a chance that he is a hoe and will spent his weekends at the sex party; it is also possible that he didn’t have anything to do and decided what the hell, I might as well go and have some fun. Time will tell. The next time you hookup with him you might want to talk with him about the party and how often he goes there, what he’s looking for and if the sex party is only temporary. You can’t expect him to change his habits now that you’re having sex with him. Find out what is going on and then make your decision. He might just be a good guy who at this time is enjoying his sexual freedom, or he could be a hoe. You should be able to understand him more after you get to know him better. Besides he might be wondering the same thing about you…...

If you have a question or situation that you would like Aunt Pearl to help you with, send your letter to or you can submit the letter from the comments page at 56


Black LBGT Pride Calendar Tempted to Touch

DC Black Pride

Las Vegas, NV

Washington, DC

March 23-27

May 24-26, 2013 Sizzle Magic City– Miami Big Boy Pride


Orlando, FL

April 4-8, 2013

May 23-28 Inferno Puerto Rico Philadelphia Black Pride, Inc

San Juan, PR

Philadelphia, PA

May 23-27, 2013

April 21, 25-28 , 2013 Say it Loud: black and Latino Pride Blatino Oasis

Albany, NY

Palm Strings, CA

May 30-June 1, 2013

May 3-5, 2013 Portland Black Pride Houston Splash

Portland, OR



May 23-26, 2013 58

Black LBGT Pride Calendar DC Latino Pride

Washington, DC June 6-9,2013

Windy City Black LGBT-SGL Pride

Chicago, Il

Memphis Black Pride

June 28– July 4, 2013


Pride and Promote Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA July 4-7, 2013

Harlem Pride Harlem, NY June28-30, 2013

Portland Latino Pride Portland,OR TBA

South Carolina Black Pride Columbia, SC Sept 28, 2013

Charlotte Black Gay Pride Charlotte, NC TBA

Little Rock Black Pride Little Rock, AR TBA 59

Black LBGT Pride Calendar Newark Pride

Mocha Weekend Black Pride

Newark, NJ

Buffalo, NY

July 12,2013


Detroit’s Hotter Than July

Emerald City Black Pride

Detroit, MI

Seattle, WA

July 23-28,2013


Triangle Black Pride

Kentucky Black Pride

Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill, NC

Louisville, KY TBA

July 25-28, 2013 Jacksonville Florida Black Pride Oakland Black Pride Oakland, CA August 5-7, 2013

Jacksonville, FL August 9-12, 2013

Hhtp:// Indianapolis Black Pride Mocha Weekend Black Pride Rochester, NY

Indianapolis, IN TBA TBA


Black LBGT Pride Schedule UK Black Pride

Oklahoma Black Gay Pride

London, England

Oklahoma City, OK

June 29,2013


Fire Island Blackout

Nashville Black Pride

Nashville, TN

August 9-11, 2013 Oct 25-27, 2013

In the Life Atlanta Atlanta, GA

Gainesville Black Pride

Gainesville, Florida

August 30-September 2,2013 TBA

Inferno DR Punta Cana, DR

Jackson Black Pride


August 29-September 2, 2013


Dallas Black Pride

Nola Masquerade

Dallas, TX

New Orleans, LA

November 29-December 1, 2013

October 3-7, 2013


Horoscopes Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19)

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20)

Love & Feelings — An Aries represents the beginning point of when a person becomes aware of his or herself. Arians can be self -absorbed and innocently unaware of others’ feelings. They easily gain others’ interest and respect with their enthusiasm, but to be able to garner and maintain their support will require diplomacy, flexibility, tolerance, prudence, compassion and consideration. They endear themselves to others with their ability to make them laugh. As lovers, they can be passionate, warmhearted, ardent and generous with their affections. They enjoy the chase, finding the contest exciting, but after making a conquest, they may cool very quickly. Their best relationship will be with someone independent and self-assured, glamorous, charming, warm and dramatic, who thrives on the energy of love and excitement. Sexual Behaviors & Performance — Sexually, Aries tend to be tops. Aries Tops With Aries that sexually tend to be tops is like playing croquet with live bombs — never knowing what is going to happen! Never expect Aries who are tops to wait for you to be ready, as your clothes will be ripped off when they are ready to go. Never tease a top Aries or you better be ready to deliver. Fond of slave master games top Aries likes it rough and they like to explore, so be ready to go where no one has gone before! Their favorite sex position is missionary, fast and furious. Aries Bottoms Aries bottoms are wildly sensual, passionate and adventurous. They will have sex anywhere. They know what they want — intense and frequent sex! Bottom Aries have a need for complete control, but they also fall in love with love. As a mate, they are ardent, loyal, sentimental, and earthly. Bottom Aries biggest thrill is to tickle and their favorite sex position is on their knees with their sexual partner standing in front of them.

Love & Feelings — They are normally sincere, genuinely sympathetic, charming, easygoing and amusing with a comforting, earthy sense of humor. They create an aura of relaxation around them that others respond to with warmth, but their initial response to love is reserved and cautious. Taureans need to know where they stand before letting their guard down. They respond to someone who’s attractive, neat, health conscious, modest, reliable, discreet, efficient, affectionate, loyal, helpful and thrifty. They could meet their type in cafés, restaurants, public gardens, libraries or at crafts fairs, produce markets, dairy farms. Sexual Behaviors & Performance — Sexually, Taureans tend to be tops. Taurean Tops They prefer it slow and easy. They will not be a guide to the exotic unknown, but what they do sexually they do it beautifully. Taurean tops are great partners to have around for long and luxurious oral sex, but they may tend to wander if their needs are not substantially fulfilled. Their erogenous zone: gently and slowly kiss and bite the back of their neck. Taurean Bottoms They expect their sexual partner to be kind and patient and to make love to them by the book. They like to be pleased by sex, but don’t look for unusual approaches. They are demanding lovers and leave their sexual partners breathless. They also have a need for oral gratification. Their most likely kink biting and sucking on toes, one by one.


Horoscopes Gemini (May 20-Jun 21)

Cancer (Jun 22-Jul 22)

Love & Feelings — Their nature is to be enthusiastically sociable, and it is easy to mix with people, because of their inherent proclivity for light conversation and humor. Gemini initial attraction toward others is based on mental compatibility. Romance, affection and sexual expression come after they’ve found intellectual sympathy and satisfaction. They love romance, but approach it mentally, not emotionally. They’re fond of exchanging verbal expressions of love and, in addition to enjoying passionate phone calls, they may write poetry or send frequent greeting cards. Gemini would do best with someone of good social standing who is diplomatic, cooperative, affectionate, charming, artistic and well balanced

Love & Feelings — On good days, they’re naturally inclined toward fun and leisure, and attract others with their dry wit and pronounced sense of humor. They have a knack for making others feel right at home, because they enjoy nurturing and catering to their needs. Their ideal relationship is based on mutual needs and strong values. Cancers require loyalty, devotion, trust and sympathy, and want someone who’s passionate, intense, energetic, soulful and positive. Timid by nature, they are not aggressive in their approach to love. They send out vibrations of feelings to attract their intended, who they prefer is receptive on a psychic level.

Sexual Behaviors & Performance — Sexually, Geminis tend to be versatile. Top Geminis They like it with the light on in front of the mirror. They can work any sexual partner into the mood because they know exactly how to evoke the right responses. Oral sex may not be their favorite pastime, but they will take their time with other preliminaries. Top Geminis tend to be fast and furious, more concerned with satisfying themselves than their partner, but they are more adequate in area of sex that are often neglected by others. Top Geminis can tell their partner exactly what they want to hear. Their erogenous zone: is getting licked up the arm. Bottom Geminis Often the aggressors, they are never embarrassed by their behavior because the never adhere to any standards except their own main requirement: a partner that knows how not to rush. Geminis are good bottoms, but even in a sexual encounter they look for a combination of practicality and romance. They will want to talk to their partner and tumble with them! Bottom Geminis are not overly fond of oral sex, but their favorite gadget is a vibrating dildo.


Sexual Behaviors & Performance — Sexually, Cancers tend to be bottoms. Top Cancers Their most surprising technique: is doing it with no hands. Top Cancers have a need for constant encouragement and if gotten, they will be even better tops. Both patient and aggressive, they will often begin somewhere other than the bed. Top Cancers like to be in command, and they are masters at foreplay using their fingers to satisfy. Top Cancers may give their partners one of the best orgasms they have ever had. Their favorite position: if it’s sexual, it’s their favorite! Bottom Cancers They will never make the first move, but they can be great sexual partners because they are capable of intense sexuality. They will reciprocate passion with fervor and stimulate their partners to their best performance. On their own time, they have a fondness for masturbation. Their favorite position is on all fours with a partner behind. They may become slaves to sexual pleasure!

Horoscopes Leo (Jul 23-Aug 22)

Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22)

Love & Feelings — When they’re truly their `Highness,’ they’re noble, generous, caring, open, loving and sympathetic. They can inspire others with their wit and humor and offer wise counsel based on their experiences. The romantic personified, they’re intent on exploring every facet of love. Leos like romantic novels and dream of honeymoons, meeting a distant lover, or engaging someone of foreign birth, but it’s hard for them to focus on one person. Someone generous, optimistic, philosophical, versatile, sporty, romantic, and open-minded could capture their undivided attention. Sexual Behaviors & Performance — Sexually, Leos tend to be tops. Top Leos They simply brush aside rules and conventions. One important rule to remember about top Leos is: Never tease! Their endurance as tops is remarkable and they have a great appetite for sex. They like their partners to be submissive and oral sex is acceptable as long as they are on the receiving end. Top Leos thrive knowing how much they are satisfying their sexual partners. Their favorite sexual position is being on top with their partner facing away so they can watch all the action. Bottom Leos Sleek, enticing and lazy! Whatever bottom Leos want, they will get! Intensively responsive and there are bed partners who have scars to prove it. Their need to show off leads them to prefer the top, but a Leos who are sexually bottoms would rather be pleased with someone on top doing all the work, so they can look up and admire their partner’s beauty. Bottom Leos adopt the attitude of: Get me off then get the hell off of me!

Love & Feelings — Virgos forte is small talk. They are playfully sarcastic, helpful and generous with advice, and they’re at their best when they’re tolerant, sympathetic and easygoing. However, with their need for privacy, they can be somewhat loners. They’re prudent about love and approach it with their head. They want it to fit into a schedule or program and to be orderly, emphasizing stability and security. Their ideal in a romantic relationship is someone who’s mature, conservative, responsible, well established, practical and organized. Sexual Behaviors & Performance Sexually, Virgos tend to be versatile. Virgo Tops They are shy to make a proposal. They will most likely bring pajamas and a toothbrush. They like to talk about how their partners like it and having talked about it, they will key in on the right erotic response. Top Virgos are not the most imaginative in sex, but they are hard workers and always open to suggestions. Their secret live can be obsessed with pornography and their erogenous zone is their butts. Virgo Bottoms They have no illusions about sex and wish everyone would stop magnifying its importance. They prefer a partner who will wait for the relationship to develop to the point where sex is inevitable. They love mutual masturbation and enjoy a little punishment. Their partners grace and modesty is a great turn on. Bottom Virgos become artists at pleasing their sexual partners. Their favorite kink: can’t truly enjoy it unless it’s a threesome.


Horoscopes Libra (Sep 23-Oct22) Love & Feelings Libras love to socialize and can be quite popular, because of their goodhumored, gracious, sympathetic nature. They are not interested in superficial acquaintances and may be cautious in love and romance. They’ll establish friendship first and weed out those who don’t meet their intellectual standards. Libras want to share a relationship with someone who’s romantic, humanitarian, independent, idealistic, unbiased, spontaneous, inventive, sociable and insightful. A partner will enjoy sharing in unconventional entertainment with a Libra and friends. Sexual Behaviors & Performance Sexually, Libras tend to be bottoms. Top Libras They look for the whole experience, not just a tumble between the sheets. They definitely have a kinky side. They are voyeurs and love threesomes. Top Libras have the patience needed to satisfy even more than two partners. They like sexual partners who can be playful and have a sense of humor. Their erogenous zone is feeling hard nipples rubbed on their back and butts. Bottom Libras Drama is the keyword to set the stage for sex. Bottom Libras have an instinct for exhibitionism. They feel that their body was made to be seen and admired. Bottom Libras feel that seduction is an art, not an assault. When approached the right way, they find it easy to say yes to almost anything. Anal penetration gives them a mind blowing orgasm and they like any position as long as they buttocks are exposed.


Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21) Love & Feelings Scorpios are secretive and don’t establish bonds until they’re sure of others’ trustworthiness. Then, they loosen up and reveal their keen insight and fine sense of humor. They approach love emotionally and dream of fairy tale romance. They want to be with someone who’s artistic, spiritual, inspiring, helpful, peaceful, idealistic, refined and perceptive. Sexual Behaviors & Performance Sexually, Scorpios tend to be tops. Top Scorpios They are lustful sexy animals. They enjoy biting and sucking and they are masters at oral sex. Inflicting pain turns them on, so their partners shouldn’t be surprised if their nipples get pinched. They like sex in the water, but almost prefer sex on wood tables, hard floors or satin and silk. Their erogenous zones: gently touching the neck and ears and that will get them going. Bottom Scorpios They are inquisitive and experimental. Bottom Scorpios know that eroticism consists more than the physical act of lovemaking. They tend to look proper in public and behave like whores in the bedroom. Controlling orgasm is very important and will try anything to help their partner maintain their rhythm. They never take no for an answer and if interested in someone, they will pursue them with determination and guile. They love lubricant gels and vibrators.

Horoscopes Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)

Love & Feelings — Their frank honesty, wisdom and sincerity makes them great counselors, but they most enjoy being able to talk with others of equal or greater brain power, regardless of who they are. Sagittarius’ love for diversity extends to romance. They’re nervous about commitment. They want to be with someone who’s pioneering, courageous, exciting, enthusiastic and up-to-speed intellectually and energetically.

Love & Feelings — Capricorns present an appearance of dignity and protect themselves from the emotional pain of criticism by maintaining their distance and keeping their own counsel. When they’re sure of a person’s approval, they’ll drop their guard and be very witty, dispensing humor with a provocative edge. They enjoy entertaining on a grand scale and prefer cultivating relationships with people of high social standing who will boost their prestige. They desire a downto-earth type who’s reliable, compassionate, loyal, patient, trustworthy, industrious and shares their material ambitions and love of social status. Sexual Behaviors & Performance Sexually, Capricorns tend to be bottoms. Tops Capricorns Sex evokes the best they can offer. They are planners and schemers. They prefer partners that know what Capricorns enjoy and expect them to be willing and ready whenever they want to. Top Capricorns have the endurance of marathon runners. During sex they will hold off until their partner is ready to scream. Their sexual positions: Anything anal, for they love to give and receive anal pleasure. Bottom Capricorns They don’t need much foreplay they can go from zero to WOW in nothing flat. They are not interested in exotic variation, only in staying power. Since they like to dominate, they like to be with their legs on each side of their partner to set a rhythm and please themselves. Once into the rhythm, sex becomes a wild contest with orgasm being the prize. Bottom Capricorns are most great sex mates for multiple orgasms. They definitely enjoy screaming and scratching.

Sexual Behaviors & Performance Sexually, Sagittareans tend to be versatile. Sagittarean Tops Sex is rarely an intense experience with them, they often reach orgasm too quickly, however they will be the first to try a new position. Sagittarean tops are masters at giving erotic massages – both oral and manual. Their tongue can be a wicked instrument and when combined with lips they are able to provide undescribable pleasure. Sagittarean Bottoms Trying new things and new places enchants the wanderlust in Sagittarean bottoms. They like the outdoors, freaking out if you are inside a tent or camper. They like to tease their partner orally to the point of losing control. They usually don’t mind if their partner reaches orgasm before they do, as they are good at recharging them and going for seconds. They are generous and accepting lovers and thrive in becoming experts at satisfying. Their favorite sexual position: all as long as it’s naked.


Horoscopes Aquarius(Jan 20-Feb 18)

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

Love & Feelings — Aquarians can quickly assess a person’s character, because outer appearances don’t impress them. Openminded, they take to strangers easily, but have to be careful of others playing on their sympathy. They approach love with their head, are turned on by mental stimulation, and seek to experience a mind-meld with a lover. They can be fickle, flirtatious, indecisive and double-dealing, and they prefer affairs to commitments, but they could vow loyalty if they meet a compatible communicator with a sunny disposition who’s glamorous, noble and ardent. Sexual Behaviors & Performance Sexually, Aquareans tend to be tops. Aquarean Tops They never treat their partners like sex objects and prefer a variety of foreplay before getting down to it. They might need a jump start, but once their engine is started, they are free and inventive with amazing persistence. They are likely to give their partner an orgasm before their have one themselves. Aquarean tops usually ensure orgasms twice: once orally and once genitally. Their favorite position is 69 and they love being in charge behind someone leaning forward. Aquarean Bottoms They are slow starters; they idealize love and encompass it with tenderness. Once aroused though, anything goes! Aquarean bottoms are extremely imaginative and like trying new things. There is nothing in any sex manual that they will not try. They believe that anything that increases their partners’ pleasure is worthwhile. Their favorite sexual position is standing up, preferably in the water.

Love & Feelings — Pisces are the most romantic and loving sign of the zodiac, and approach love emotionally, seeking a relationship based on security, comfort and nurturing. They often link love and procreation. They admire people who are receptive, industrious, conscientious, economical, domestic, sociable, sympathetic and protective. A Pisces best friend might introduce them to their type. Sexual Behaviors & Performance Sexually, Pisces, tend to be versatile. Top Pisces They take the lead in sex and get impatient if they don’t get a swift response. They are very indifferent to sexual restrictions, both moral and legal. They prefer partners with tremendous sexual craving. They enjoy sex in a chair and they like to be submissive having their sex partner do all the work. Top Pisces become addicts to anything that will give pleasure and release. Bottom Pisces They always make the right moves; say the right things and create the right ambiance. They are sexually liberated and enjoy a wide range of eroticism. If their partner’s fantasies coincide with theirs, the action can be really hot! They seldom say no to anything their sexual partners suggest. Their favorite places are in a waterbed or a hot tub.


Horoscope Information obtained courtesy of Horoscope Images are provided courtesy of

Websites, Blogs and You-tube Channels worth checking out You-Tube Channels ADTV The Skorpion Show YBN Entertainment AcconnectionTV 3LWTV Funky Dineva

Blog Radio Channels Da DooDoo-Dirty Show The Paisley Show BeScene Radio Reach Around Radio

Online Magazines/Blogs Discreet City G-LIST SOCIETY Mused Magazine Bleu Magazine Rod 2.0

Websites No More Down Low Kaoz Online The Luckey Star Black Men’s Dating Club The Gay Chronicles

If would like to submit a website or You-tube channel, send it to: 68

Club Listings Alabama Montgomery FAT BOY’S FOLLIES 215 N Court St, Montgomery, AL 36104

Mobile B BOBS 213 Conti St. Langston’s Mobile,AL 36602 Phone: 251-433-2262

Arizona Phoenix INCOGNITO 2424 E Thomas Rd Phoenix, AZ 85016 Phone: 602-955-9805

California Los Angeles Metro Circus 6655 Santa Monica Blvd. Hollywood, CA 90038 Club Metro @ The Factory Ultra Suede, 661 Robertson Blvd West Hollywood ,CA 90056 Phone: 323-769-6333


Factory 652 N Lapeer Drive West Hollywood, CA 90069 Phone: 310-659-4551 Faultline 4216 Melrose Blvd, West Hollywood, CA 90029 Phone: 323-660-0889 ANNEX 835 S La Brea Ave Inglewood ,CA 90301 Phone: 310-671-7323 Club Seduction@The El Cid, 4212 W Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90029 Phone: 818-633-3056 Metro @Here Lounge, 696 Robertson Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 70069 Phone: 323-769-6333 Hamburger Mary’s Long Beach 740 East Broadway Long Beach, CA 90802 Phone: 562-436-7900

Oakland Club Rimshot @ Bench & Bar 2111 Franklin St, Oakland, CA 94612 Phone: 510-444-2266

Club 21 2111 Franklin Street Oakland, CA 94607 Phone: 510-268-9425 ALIBI EAST/BACK ALLEY 225 S San Antonio Ave Pomona, CA 91766 Phone: 909-623-9422

San Diego BRASS RAIL 3796 Fifth Ave, San Diego, CA,92103 Phone: 619-298-2233

San Francisco Blackout 525 Harrison St San Francisco, CA Phone: 415-263-6923 CLUB RED @ BLONDIES 540 Valencia San Francisco, CA 94110 Phone: 415-339-8310

Colorado Denver Tracks Nightclub/ Cream Fridays 3500 Walnut St Denver, CO 80205 Phone: 303-863-7326

District of


Columbia Fort Lauderdale Washington DC Bachelor’s Mill 1104 8th Street SE Washington, DC 20003 Phone: 202-546-5979 Club Aqua 1818 New York Ave. Washington, DC Club Fusion (inside Club Quest) 1368 H St NE 2nd floor, Washington DC, 20002 Phone: 202 471-0772 Club Muse 717 16th Street NW Washington, DC DEEP END @ ANDALU 1214 18th St, NW, Washington DC, 20036 Phone: 202-785-2922 Delta Elite 3734 10th Street NE Washington, DC 20017 Phone: 202-529-0626 FIREPLACE 2151 P St NW, Washington DC, 20037 Phone: 202-293-1293

Bill’s Filling Station 1243 Ne 11th Ave Ft. Lauderdale Fl Phone: 954-525-9403 Boardwalk 1721 N Andrews Ave Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33311 Phone: 954-463-6969 Boom 2232 Wilton Dr Ft Lauderdale FL, 33305 Phone: 954-630-3556 Boy Bar 1220 Normandy Dr . Miami Beach FL 33141 Phone:305-864-2697 Coliseum 2520 S Miami Rd Ft Lauderdale FL, 33316 Phone: (954) 832-0100 Georgie ’s Alibi 2266 Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors FL, 33305 Phone: 954-565-2526 J’s (Women’s Bar) 2780 Davie Blvd Ft. Lauderdale Fl Phone: 954-581-8400 Johnny`s 1116 E Broward Blvd Ft Lauderdale FL 33301 Phone: 954-522-5931

New Moon 2440 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, FL 33305 Phone: (954) 563-7660 Ramrod (Leather /Levi/ Uniform) 1508 NE 4th Ave Ft Lauderdale FL Phone: 954-763-8219 Torpedo 2829 W Broward Blvd Ft Lauderdale, FL 33312 Phone: 954-587-2500 Trixies 600 S Dixie Highway Hollywood Fl Phone: 954-923-9322 Voodoo Lounge 111 SW 2nd Ave Ft Lauderdale FL, 33301 Phone: 954-522-0733

Jacksonville InCahoots Nightclub, 711 Edison Ave, Jacksonville FL, 32204 Phone: 904-353-6316

Madeira Backroom Bar 14601 Gulf Blvd Madeira Beach FL, Phone: (727) 392-2814




Azucar 2301 SW 32nd Ave Miami Phone:305-441-6974 Cameo 1445 Washington Ave Miami Beach FL, 33139 Phone: (305) 532-2667 Club Boi 1060 N W 79th St Miami FL, 33147 Phone: 305-836-8995 J’s Bar 2780 Davie Blvd Miami FL, 33312 Phone: 954-581-840 Jamboree 7005 Biscayne Blvd Miami Laundry Bar 721 N Lincoln Lane Miami Beach FL, 33139 Phone: (305) 531-7700 Palace Food Bar 1200 Ocean Dr Miami Beach FL Phone: 305-531-7234 Twist 1057 Washington Ave Miami Beach, FL Phone: 305-53-TWIST Score 727 Lincoln Road Miami Beach, FL Phone:305-535-1111

Parliament House Resort, 410 N. Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, Florida 32805 - Phone: 407-425-7571. Southern Nights 375 S Brumby Ave Orlando, FL Phone:


Tallahassee Brothers Nightclub 926 W Tharpe St, Tallahassee, FL, 32303 850-386-2399

Tampa Azalea Lounge 1502 N Florida Ave Tampa, FL Phone: 813-228-0139 Baxters 1519 S Dale Mabry Hwy Tampa FL Phone: 813-258-8830 Cityside Lounge 3703 Henderson Blvd Tampa FL G Bar 1401 E 7th Ave Ybor City FL Phone:813-247-1016

Keith’s 14905 N. Nebraska Ave Tampa FL The Male Room 4502 S Dale Mabry Hwy Tampa FL Midtown Tavern 9002 N. Florida Ave, Tampa, FL Phone: 813-915-0819 Radar 4202 W Cayuga Ave Tampa, FL Rainbow Cabaret 4421 N Hubert Ave Tampa, FL, 33614 Phone: 813-877-7585 Valentine’s Nightclub 7522 N Armenia Ave Tampa FL Phone: 813-936-1999

Georgia Atlanta 595 North 595 North Ave Atlanta, GA BULLDOGS 893 Peachtree St. Atlanta GA 30309 Phone: 404-872-3025 Club Rain 448 Ralph David Abernathy Atlanta, GA 30312

Atlanta cont. Club Rain 448 Ralph David Abernathy Atlanta, GA 30312 Cream Ultra Lounge 3249 Buford Hwy Atlanta, GA 30329 First Fridays at Cantina 3280 Peachtree Road Atlanta, GA Finns 84 12th Street NE Atlanta, GA 30309 Le Buzz, 585 Franklin Rd, Atlanta GA, 30342-2778 Phone: 770-424-1337 Mixx 1492B Piedmont Ave. Atlanta, GA 30309 Phase One 4933 Memorial Drive Stone Mountain, GA 3 Rush Lounge 2715 Buford Hwy. Atlanta, GA 30329 Scorecards 1371 Clairmont Road, Decatur, GA 30033 Third Saturdays at AJA 3500 Lenox Road Atlanta, GA XS Ultra Lounge 708 Spring St

Iowa Des Moines BLAZING SADDLES 416 E 5th S Des Moines, IA, 50309 Phone: 515-246-1299


ROSCOE’S TAVERN AND CAFÉ 3356 N Halsted St, Chicago IL, 60657 Phone: 773-281-3355 TASTE 6331 S Lowe St Chicago IL, 60621 Phone: 708-802-1705



BERLIN 954 W Belmont Chicago IL, 60657 Phone: 773-348-4975 Urbano At Evergreen 809 West Evergreen Chicago, IL GENTRY ON HALSTED 3320 N Halsted St, Chicago IL 60657 GENTRY ON STATE 440 N. State St Chicago, IL, 60611 Phone: 312-836-0933 Little Jim’s 3501 N Halsted Chicago IL, 60657 Phone: 773-871-6116 PENTHOUSE SUNDAYS @ Club 720 720 N. Wells St Chicago IL Phone: 312-787-8720

Wichita Club Glazier 2828 E 31St South Wichita KS, 67216 OUR FANTASY 3201 S Hillside Wichita KS, 67216 Phone: 316-682-5494

Louisiana New Orleans Fusion’s 2004 AP Tureaud Ave, New Orleans, LA, 70116 Phone: 504301-5121 OZ 800 Bourbon St New Orleans LA, 70116 504-593-9491 PARADE DISCO 801 Bourbon St. New Orleans, LA 70116 Phone: 504-529-2107

Atlanta, GA 30308 72

Maryland Baltimore HIPPO, 1 W Eager St, Baltimore MD, 21201 Phone: 410-547-0069 PARADOX 1310 Russell St Baltimore MD 21230 Phone: 410-837-9110

Magnolia ’s 5 S Vandeventer St, St. Louis, MO, 63108 Phone: 314-652-6500

New York New York City

Boysroom 211 Ave A New York NY Phone:212-995-8664 Michigan Club Channel Detroit 860 Atlantic Ave Brooklyn, NY MENJOS Club Langston 928 W McNichols 1073 Atlantic Ave Detroit MI, 48203 Brooklyn, NY 11238 Phone: 313-863-3934 Phone: 718-622-5183 OFF BROADWAY EAST Club Rush 12215 Harper 579 6th Ave Detroit, MI, 48213 New York NY Phone: 313-526-8401 Element Woodward ’s Cocktail 225 E Houston St Bar New York NY 6426 Woodward Ave ESCUELITA Detroit MI 301 W 39th St Phone: 313-872-0166 New York NY, 10018 Phone: 212-631-0588 G Lounge St. Louis 223 W 19th St, New York FACES, 130 N 4th St NY East St. Louis, MO Phone: 212-929-1085 62201 Groove Phone: 618-271-7410 125 W Macdougall (7 W 3rd),



New York NY Phone: (212) 254-9393 Krash 555 W 33rd St. Btw. 10&11 Ave, New York NY, 10010 Phone: (917) 560-8024 Long Island Eagle 94 N Clinton Ave. Bayshore, NY, 01706 Phone: 631-968-2750 LUKE AND LEROY 21 7th Ave S, New York NY,10014 Phone: (212) 645-0004 NO Parking Bar 4168 Broadway @177th St. New York ,NY Phone: (212) 923-8700 MONSTER 80 Grove St, New York NY, 10014 Phone: 212-924-3558 Oscar Wilde 221 E 58th St, New York NY,10022 Phone: 212-355-3395 SplashBar 50 West 17th Street New York, NY 10011

New York City cont. Stereo 555 W 33rd St New York NY Therapy 348 W 52nd St New York NY, 10019 Phone: 212-397-1700

Ohio Cincinnati The Dock 603 W Pete Rose Way Cincinnati OH 45202 Phone: 513-241-5623

Columbus Traxx Columbus 50 Long Street Columbus, OH43215

Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Pegasus Lounge 818 Liberty Ave Pittsburgh, PA15222 Phone: (412) 281-2131

Texas Austin CHARLIES 1301 Lavaca St, Austin TX, 78711 Phone: 512-474-6481

Dallas Havana Nites 4006 Cedar Springs, Dallas,TX 75219 Phone: 214-526-9494 Club 20/20 2020 Leland, Houston TX, 77003 Phone: 713-227-9667 The Brick 2525 Wycliff Ave #120 Dallas, TX 75219 Houston Bartini 1318 Westheimer Houston TX Phone; 832-443-1016

Virginia Richmond CLUB COLOURS 536 N Harrison St Richmond, VA, 23220

If you would like a club in your area added to the club listings, send the information to: 74


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