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The Modern Basenji - Worldwide is published quarterly in print and online.




Editor’s Column


Vaccinosis, by Dr. Jo Thompson


Duration of Immunity to Canine Vaccines


Cryptorchidism, by Wanda Pooley


Color is Immaterial -- Or Is It?, by Wanda Pooley


Screening Puppy Buyers, by MaryLou Kenworthy


“B” Legal Blog, by Karla Schreiber


My World, by Kya


OFA Basenji Health Snapshot 2014


EVENT RESULTS 24 25 25 26 27

“...cryptic or hidden testicle”

2014 European Dog Show, Czech Republic AKC/Eukanuba Championship Show Westminster Kennel Club Show Willamette Valley Basenji Club Specialty Finland, Helsinki INT show 12-6-7-2014

28 28 28 28

Ladies Kennel Association UK Finland-Intl Shows Kajaani Finland-Intl Shows Turku5 Manchester Championship Show UK


BASENJI RANKINGS 29 30 31 32 33 34 34 35 35

USA - Best In Show Standings Canada -Best In Show Standings AKC Breed, All-Breed Standings 2014 Final AKC GCH & GCH Achievement levels - 2014 AKC Owner Handled Series - Top 20 2015 AKC Lure Coursing Rankings ASFA Standings LGRA Standings NOTRA Standings

36 37 38 39 40 41 41 42 42

Australia - All-Breed & Breed Brazil Standings Canada CKC Top 20 Basenjis Finland Standings Sweden Standings Norway standings for 2014 Sweden - Top Lure Coursers for 2014 UKC Top 10 United Kingdom - Standings


Screening Puppy Buyers


Table of Contents Advertisers

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FROM THE EDITOR Dwindling Popularity of Clubs... A Sign of the Times?


At Home With Basenjis Book, BCOSW......................33 Binns, Angela...........................................................IBC


face it... membership in dog clubs, certainly in this country, is dwindling and has been for a number of years. At first we blamed the economy. It was an easy culprit because everyone was affected in some way. Then we blamed animal rights legislation because in targeted regions life became untenable for hobby breeders. No dogs, no exhibitors; no exhibitors, no members. Then we discovered that national media blitzes strongly advocating the adoption of shelter dogs were negatively impacting the sale of purebred puppies. The idea being that it’s better to give a shelter dog a second (or third) chance rather than to own a purebred dog that was selectively bred by a reliable breeder. I am not disparaging the need to find good homes for shelter pets, but I am saying that what once was a reasonable balance between people adopting an animal from a shelter or purchasing a purebred dog has shifted toward a peer-pressure induced preference for adopting shelter animals. Today purebred dog breeders have been pushed to the back of the bus. Fewer breeders = fewer puppies = fewer new people coming into a breed. Several years ago AKC published a study that showed that the average age of clubs’ membership was 55 years old. Today I would venture that age is even older. Basenji Club of America, Inc, for example, at one time approved 90 to 100 new applications a year. Unfortunately, the interest from new people wanting to join a club has dramatically declined. At the present, that club receives less than 40 new applications annually -- a staggering drop. Last year it approved 35 applications, but this figure is deceiving because about 15 of those were received not from new people but from past members who had let their dues renewals slip. I am not singling out the BCOA, but instead using it to demonstrate the problem of diminishing new member enrollment in many, many clubs - both breed and all-breed. One of the major motivators for joining a parent breed club is rapidly deteriorating simply because people in the dog fancy now have other options to fulfill their need for “love and belonging” -- that third tier of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. People use social media sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to show pictures of their dogs, share ideas, express opinions, and find a global feeling of “belonging.” Moreover, using social media as a communication base doesn’t cost a single dollar, nor do people need to commit time and energy or give up precious personal time to work on behalf of someone else. In many ways Facebook has supplanted another need for joining a club because it supplies an easy venue to develop special groups to

Brooks, Tad/Cassell, Brenda.....................................11 Davies, Kathy............................................................ 13 Greater Chicagoland Basenji Club Specialty.............23 Morgan, Jerry............................................................. 5 Morgan, Jerry........................................................... FC Thompson Dr. Jo...................................................... IFC Whitehurst, Gale, Harrison, Janice.............................7 Whitehurst, Gale, Pooley, Wanda.............................BC Whitehurst, Gale, Schroeder, Susan.........................17

discuss specific topics. Today if someone wants to discuss a breed standard, for example, that person simply sets up a Facebook page and invites anyone who wishes to participate. Moreover, neither the moderator nor the participants need any particular qualifications or expertise. The intent for that conversation is to foster a broad discussion about the attributes of a specific breed. While this can certainly offer a lively unfettered debate and fulfill the desire for camaraderie, this type of group risks losing direction because everyone has input without an official organization to provide guidance or validate the conclusions of any discussion (if any conclusions are even reached). Clubs are also struggling to find competent and willing members to run for office, any office; hence the same people remain in charge for years, and this threatens to create single-minded behavior. To actually make a difference, it would take a majority of people on a board (any board) who have respect from others, who understand the need and have the skills for problem-solving, who lack prejudice, who are able to accept facts rather than be swayed by public opinion, and who are not governing out of fear. Unfortunately, most clubs’ bylaws don’t provide detailed descriptions of the specific skill sets required for those who serve in various club positions. This, compounded with the fact that volunteer-based clubs have members who come to the table with vast differences in backgrounds, makes it challenging for any parent club to keep its eye on the goals and objectives of the Club. All of this leaves it to us, the purebred dog fancy, to ask what can clubs offer to supplant the popularity of social media, to protect breeders from the onslaught of negative media and anti-dog laws, and to encourage new people to join? What can a club provide to draw you closer to the fold -- incentives that you cannot find anywhere else? I would hate to see dog clubs, especially our parent clubs, go the way of the dodo bird, but the downward spiral is evident. It is up to the fancy, as a whole, to decide if this spiral continues or stops.h

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by Dr. Jo Thompson


On the evening of Tuesday 2 December 2014, my boy Lukuru Amisi succumbed to an extreme, acute attack of Pancreatitis due, according to the attending team of physicians, to complications of the long-term medication Azathioprine used to treat Panuveitis. Panuveitis, an immune-mediated illness triggered by over-vaccination or repeated vaccination, caused his immune system to kick into overdrive and attack itself.


he responsible use of modern vaccines provides protection against some diseases and has improved the health and welfare of many animals. Vaccines are the conventional and accepted way to prevent illness and their use has significantly reduced the incidence of serious canine infectious diseases. Many of us recognize that vaccines can be an important part of dog ownership. In fact, in many locations proof of vaccinations is required by local licensing, boarding, training, and daycare systems. As with all my dogs, I wanted to do the “right” thing for Amisi and followed the standard vaccination protocols presented by my veterinarian. I wanted to ensure that my boy was protected with sufficient immunity against disease. Our local clinic performs annual booster vaccinations for core diseases in adult dogs (here, considered to be at least six months of age1, when the immune system is fully mature), following the recommendation on the vaccine labels that reads - “Annual re-vaccination with one dose is recommended. Duration of immunity for XYZ has not been established.” These vaccination protocols were established in the late 1940s and 1950s. The vaccines at issue here are identified as Core vaccines by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) Canine Vaccination Task Force because the associated diseases present significant risks of morbidity and mortality, are widely distributed throughout canine populations, have high exposure risk, and in some instances may be transmitted to humans. These diseases are Canine Distemper Virus (CDV), Canine Parvovirus (CPV), Canine Adenovirus2 (CAV), and Rabies (RV).

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With the exception of the rabies vaccine, which is required by state law, vaccinations are elective; it is up to owners to decide which immunizations, if any, they will use. Vaccination is a medical procedure and is not without risk. There can be side effects - the repetition of vaccines may result in an over reactive or inefficient immune system, which is the root cause of many ailments. Amisi received his first puppy vaccinations before being imported from the Congo. He had no discernible reaction. Once settled in the USA, he received his second series of puppy vaccinations. The first annual booster inoculation was administered in the USA when he was approaching his 2-year birthday. At that time, a small welt developed at the vaccination site. After the annual booster vaccination the following year, Amisi was ill for about 24 hours. Still, I did not understand what might be happening, nor did I connect the two relatively mild reactions. The third year changed our lives forever. Within two weeks after his booster, Amisi had his first serious flare-up of Panuveitis. Panuveitis is one of several conditions in which the dog produces antibodies against its own tissues. Panuveitis is inflammation (an autoimmune attack on tissue) in the uveal tract - the pigment-producing middle portion of the three concentric layers that make up the eye. Panuveitis affects both eyes, can result in retinal detachment, glaucoma, and often blindness. Azathioprine, also used as a chemotherapy drug, is the customary treatment to mediate these side effects. Azathioprine suppresses inflammation by tamping down the immune system. It is also approved for use in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and for preventing rejection of transplanted organs. This was the point at which I first heard the word “vaccinosis.” Dr. James Compton Burnett, an Austrian physician, was one of the first to speak about vaccinations triggering illness when he warned of the chronic autoimmune manifestations following smallpox vaccinations in humans. In his landmark book, “Vaccinosis and its Cure by Thuja; with Remarks on Homoeoprophylaxis” published in 1884, he coined the term “Vaccinosis” by adding the suffix -osis (meaning ‘diseased state as a result of ’) onto the word vaccine, thus connoting the vaccine-induceddisease relationship. However, only in recent years have the major veterinary associations begun to acknowledge that vaccinations can

and do trigger all sorts of autoimmune-related maladies, from allergies to cancer. Currently, the term vaccinosis is used to label idiopathic conditions that manifest in a chronic illness and that are correlated with adverse reactions after vaccinations have been administered. With most animals the symptoms are not easily recognized at first. An insidious process, vaccinosis may take weeks, months, and sometimes even years to show and be properly identified as the root cause of a chronic illness. Sadly, in some instances, physicians, veterinarians, and their patients never realize that a condition was triggered by vaccines. Research has determined that, although relatively rare, vaccinations can have autoimmune side effects and may trigger full-blown autoimmune disease. “With vaccines that are repeated year after year, the frequency and severity of these side-effects in our pets has increased dramatically. Most of the problems involve the immune system. After all, the immune system is what vaccines are designed to stimulate. But they do so in a very unnatural way that can overwhelm and confuse the immune system.” - Dr. Donna Starita Mehan, DVM

SO WHAT CAN BE DONE TO PROTECT OUR DOGS? If giving vaccinations: •

Use individual vaccines, not combinations.

Do not vaccinate while other procedures are being performed, including grooming and boarding, which also stress the immune system.

NEVER vaccinate a sick animal, no matter how mild or chronic the symptoms (including arthritis and allergies).

NEVER vaccinate a pregnant animal.

Always monitor your dog after vaccination.

Do not over-vaccinate!

I want to ensure that my dog(s) is protected against disease and also avoid overvaccinating by administering booster vaccines that may be unnecessary following previous (even years earlier) immunization. There is a growing concern that the recommended high frequency of vaccinations may lead to increasing incidence of autoimmune and other immune-mediated disorders. Some people, myself included, now choose to test their dog(s)

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using titers (or titres) associated with a particular canine disease. A titer is the laboratory measure of the existence or concentration of antibodies (to a specific disease) found in the dog’s blood. Any measureable quantity of vaccine-induced antibodies (anything above zero) indicates some level of immunity. However, it is critical to accurately determine a preventative level of immunity without over-vaccinating.

WHAT IS A “PREVENTATIVE LEVEL” OF ANTIBODIES? Titer testing can determine if protective immunity exists in a previously vaccinated dog. Core vaccine antibody titers correlate extremely well with protective immunity against CDV, CPV, and CAV. However, currently available serum antibody titers are of limited or no value as a measure of protective immunity for “Noncore” vaccines. To assure the presence of immunity level antibodies, titer parameters have been set and are generally standardized across testing laboratories. These are the current generic, minimum protective titer levels for dogs: CDV (distemper) > 32 CPV (parvovirus) > 80 CAV (adenovirus) > 16 Dogs that test greater or equal to these parameters do not need to be revaccinated.

IMMUNE SYSTEMS ARE BREED SPECIFIC. Some breeders suggest that a vaccine component affects their particular breed differently than other breeds. It is well documented that the type of breed can play a key role in immune system response -- there are breed-specific immunology idiosyncrasies. For example, in basenjis we know that breedspecific autoimmune idiosyncrasies include different thyroid levels when compared to the ‘normal’ reference range for the general population of dogs. Rottweilers, Doberman Pinschers, Labrador Retrievers, Alaskan Sled Dogs, Pomeranians, and American Staffordshire Terriers have difficulty mounting an appropriate immune response to CPV. Further, to name just a few examples of breed-specific hypersensitivities, several herding breeds (Collies, Old English Sheepdogs, Shetland Sheepdogs, Australian Shepherds, German Shepherds, Longhaired

DURATION OF IMMUNITY TO CANINE VACCINES WHAT WE KNOW AND WHAT WE DON’T KNOW Dr. Ronald Schultz, a veterinary immunologist at the forefront of vaccine research and chair of the University of Wisconsin’s Department of Pathobiological Sciences, outlines the DOI for the following vaccines: Minimum Duration of Immunity for Canine Vaccines: Distemper - 7 years by challenge/15 years by serology Parvovirus - 7 years by challenge/ 7 years by serology Adenovirus - 7 years by challenge/ 9 years by serology Canine rabies - 3 years by challenge/ 7 years by serology According to Dr. Schultz , “Vaccines for diseases like distemper and canine parvovirus, once administered to adult animals, provide lifetime immunity.” “The recommendation for annual revaccination is a practice that was officially started in 1978.” says Dr. Schultz. “This recommendation was made without any scientific validation of the need to booster immunity so frequently. In fact the presence of good humoral antibody levels blocks the anamnestic response to vaccine boosters just as maternal antibody blocks the response in some young animals.” “The patient receives no benefit and may be placed at serious risk when an unnecessary vaccine is given. Few or no scientific studies have demonstrated a need for cats or dogs to be revaccinated. Annual vaccination for diseases caused by CDV, CPV2, FPLP and FeLV has not been shown to provide a level of immunity any different from the immunity in an animal vaccinated and immunized at an early age and challenged years later. We have found that annual revaccination with the vaccines that provide long-term immunity provides no demonstrable benefit.” Dr. Schultz concludes.h http://www.dogs4dogs.com/blog/2011/12/14/lifelong-immunity-%E2%80%93-why-vets-are-pushing-back/

Whippets, Silken Windhounds, and Border Collies) are prone to loperamide (Imodium) and Ivermectin toxicity; anesthetic sensitivity has been identified in several sighthounds such as greyhounds, basenjis, whippets, Pharaoh Hounds, salukis, and others but also including English Bulldogs. Understanding titer results and their interpretation is not necessarily straightforward. At this time, Dr. Jean Dodds/HEMOPET is the only facility offering diagnostic comments on titer results that take into account the age, sex, and breed of the dog tested. The issue of a causal connection between vaccination and autoimmune illness is still controversial in both humans and animals. The mechanism (or mechanisms) of

autoimmune reactions following immunization has not yet been explained. Even though some data regarding the relationship between vaccination and autoimmune disease is conflicting, it is clear that at least some autoimmune phenomena are causally related to immunization. 1 For a comprehensive review of puppy vaccinations, please see “Vaccinate when?” in the BCOA Bulletin, Vol. 48 No. 4, Oct/Nov/Dec 2013, pages 46-49. 2 The original canine adenovirus, type 1 (CAV-1) vaccines are no longer available in the USA or Canada because they caused allergic uveitis and other allergic reactions in a high percentage of dogs. CAV-1 vaccines were replaced in the US and Canada by CAV-2 vaccines. CAV-2 vaccines are now used to provide immunity to CAV-1 virus, the cause of canine infectious viral hepatitis. Also, they provide protection against CAV-2, a virus that causes and contributes to canine infectious respiratory disease complex (kennel cough). Canine infectious hepatitis is still a serious concern along and below the southern border of the USA and in other countries.

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By Wanda Pooley

“...cryptic or hidden testicle”


y the time puppies are several weeks old two very important things have usually occurred:

(1) Puppies’ baby teeth have aligned into a nice, scissor-bite, and (2) The boys’ two little testicles can be felt.

Once these two things take place, we breeders breathe a sigh of relief. While the vast majority of puppies develop normally, anyone who has bred enough litters has probably encountered that male puppy with only one descended testicle. When this happens, we wait and hope and pray because, if Murphy’s Law (if there is one for this situation) is any guide, it’s almost always going to be the loveliest male in the litter. In most of these cases that errant second testicle will likely make its appearance within a few more weeks, but what do you do when months have passed and it still remains hidden?

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However, in those cases when normal development doesn’t occur, especially after waiting several months, the puppy will likely fall into one of these categories: •

Unilaterial Cryptorchid - a dog with one testicle in the scrotum with the other testicle failing to descend. This condition is the most common in canines -- up to 10 percent of all males. Bilateral Cryptochid - Means that neither of the testicles descended to the scrotum. This dog is usually sterile because the higher temperatute inside the body inhibits sperm production. However, even with this condition the dog will still express all the normal behaviors seen in intact males. Monorchid - A more rare form of cryptorchidism that occurs when the dog has only one descended testicle, and the absence of the other testicle because it never formed during fetal development. Anorchidism - the absence of both testicles; a condition that is extremely rare.

from embryonic stage to a puppy at the average age of 8 weeks old.

by Wanda Po

The normal process of testicular development


During normal fetal development the testicles are formed in an area right behind the kidneys. Eventually, as the male fetus develops, the testicles are “dragged” slowly toward the scrotum. This movement is caused by the shrinkage of a fibro-gelatinous cord, gubernaculum testis, that extends from the testicles down to the scrotal region. At birth, according to studies, the puppy dog’s testicles are about midway between the kidneys and the inguinal ring. When the puppy reaches two weeks old the testicles have migrated downward to a position between the inguinal ring and the scrotum. By the time this puppy is eight weeks old, the testicles usually have reached their final position in the scrotum.


irst things first. People mistakenly refer to an animal with only one testicle as a monorchid. This term is used incorrectly because, anatomically speaking, a monorchid has only one developed testicle in the body, not two; whereas in a cryptorchid (meaning “hidden”) both testicles were developed in the embryonic stage, but one or both of those failed to descend into the scrotum.

CAUSE AND EFFECT The debate over what causes the failure of a testicle to migrate to the scrotum has probably been around since the first breeder produced a male with this problem. Yet studies and genetic research still can’t provide us with a clear answer. Some feel this problem is an inherited recessive polygenic trait; others consider environmental conditions play a role in the lack of testicular migration or even testicular development; and still others suggest that both possibilities work together to trigger a genetic response. Daniel Buchwald, DVM and Norra Hansen, co-authors of CANINE CRYPTORCHIDISM [1999], discuss the possible genetic link. “ Although the genetics of this problem are not completely understood, cryptorchidism is thought to be a recessive, polygenic trait. It is also speculated that cryptorchidism might be inherited as a single autosomal recessive gene and to be sex-limited.” The authors go on to explain: “These considerations are of significant relevance because they shine the spotlight on

the female just as much as the male due to their ability to be “carriers” of the trait. This also suggests that there can be skipping of generations (sometimes several) before the trait shows up again, and also explains why breeding with apparently normal dogs for several generations still proved ineffective at eliminating the trait.” In the past few years several AKC breed clubs have sponsored research grants to study cryptorchidism. The most recent study, AKC CHF 1248, (SNP Chip Analysis for Canine Cryptorchidism, May 1, 2009 through April 30, 2010) appears to support the work of Dr. Buchwald and Norra Hansen. AKC CHF 1248: “Some evidence exists to suggest that it appears to be a multigenic trait. Our earlier studies utilized a candidate gene approach using 50 polymorphisms (called SNPs) in 22 candidate genes and found that collagen 2A1 (COL2A1) was significantly associated with cryptorchidism in Siberian Huskies. This was a first step and whole genome association analyses usually provide more comprehensive chromosomal regions associated with a particular trait and will allow the researchers to confirm previous findings or suggest other causative regions or genes.”

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A basenji male being examined by a judge during competition at a sanctioned dog show.

©Photo by George Woodard

However, other studies by numerous scientists indicate that the undescended testicle is a consequence of prenatal hormonal disruption during pregnancy. This interference in development may be caused by chemicals, such as pesticides, plastics, and even some plants that produce a form of estrogen, naturally occurring substances called phytoestrogens. These are found in soy, a product used in many commercial dog foods because of its high levels of protein, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

156 stakes winners and was declared a chef-derace, a designation reserved for only the most influential of progenitors. A.P Indy was retired from stud at the age of 22 when he failed to produce offspring.


Before AKC redefined the eligibility requirements for males back in 1956, a famous Cocker Spaniel and a cryptorchid, CH Honey Creek Heirloom, made a considerable mark on his breed by siring 38 AKC champions. Had the ruling been in place at the time of this dog’s show career, this breed would have missed a notable contribution to its gene pool.

Several examples can be cited of famous cryptorchid dogs and even horses that have gone on to sire notable offspring. A.P. Indy, famous son of Seattle Slew and grandson of Secretariat, was a cryptorchid (in horse terminology, a ridgling.). He was sold as a yearling for a record-breaking $2.9 million. When it was discovered that the undescended testicle was causing him pain and interferring with his racing, A.P. Indy underwent surgery to remove it, with great care to preserve the normal testicle because of the horse’s worth and bloodlines. AP Indy went on to produce

Currently US registries such as AKC and the UKC state specifically in their dog show rules that “.. a male without two fully developed testicles normally located in the scrotum may not compete at any show and will be disqualified...” In Canada, CKC requires the judge to only excuse the dog, not disqualify him. However, if the dog receives three excusals, he is disqualified from all future shows. The Kennel Club in the United Kingdom and the FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale) give exhibitors even more latitude. Instead of a specific rule in the FCI dog show manual their

position on the matter is noted at the end of all individual breed standards: “All males should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended in the scrotum.” The operative word is “should,” not “must,” which gives breeders more latitude to decide if they want to exhibit a cryptorchid; the implication that the dog will be disqualified is absent. These organizations apparently leave the decision to the judges who determine the merits of each exhibit. If canine registries seem prohibitive on this matter, in the equine world, horses fall under similar scrutiny. They are judged in Halter Classes on their appearance with similar emphasis placed on type, conformation, action, substance, quality, and manners. Well known registries such as the American Quarter Horse Association, American Paint Horse Association, Appaloosa Horse Association, Arabian Horse Registry, and the Morgan Horse Association all have comparable eligibility requirements, yet all allow more time for males to mature. Judges must examine stallions two years and older in Halter Classes to confirm they have two visible testicles. Each registry has slightly different wording, but the requirement is the same with the exception of the Appaloosa Horse

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Association which extends the number of years to three instead of two. However, while all of these animal registries describe eligibility requirements for exhibition, none provide guidance when it comes to breeding stock.

The Devil’s Advocate Teddy - pictured at 6 months old.

WEIGHING THE RISKS When a breeder or owner is faced with the prospect of having a male with one or both undescended testicles, each has to weigh the risks of leaving the dog intact.

He was neutered at 12 months. The undescended testicle was normal in size and sitting just above the inguinal ring.

• Research has shown that the incidence of testicular cancer is 13.6 times higher in dogs with abdominally retained testicles than with normal dogs. • Testicular torsion is more likely in dogs with retained testicles. • Infertility because of the location of the retained testicle.

WHAT’S NEXT? For the first 72 years AKC left the issue of the undescended testicle unchallenged. It wasn’t until 1956 that AKC defined conditions of eligibility for conformation exhibits declaring dogs that were blind, deaf, altered, and males lacking both testicles were no longer welcome in the breed ring. To clarify the last point, just a year later the rule was rewritten to the one that stands today. In Canada, Europe, and Asia the rule is more lenient, giving males a chance, especially in the puppy classes when the male is still developing. This is important because anyone who has been vested in dogs long enough can point to a male whose missing testicle finally descended into the scrotum many months later. Perhaps AKC needs to revisit this section of their Rules Applying To Dog Shows. In the end, while researchers and geneticists grapple with finding the cause for cryptorchidism, it is left to us to decide how we manage that otherwise stellar male with only one descended testicle and if he could make a worthy contribution to his breed’s gene pool. We have to ask ourselves questions that so far have gone unanswered. Is there evidence of known damage to a gene pool by using such a dog? Should the sire that produced a cryptorchid continue to be used? What about the dam? Was her genetic makeup a contributing factor or was she a victim of hormonal disruption during pregnancy as suggested by some researchers? Until then breeders have to ask themselves, “If inheritance is not a proven factor, do we risk perpetuating a weakness by using a cryptorchid?”h


he first cryptorchid born to Adventureland occurred after more than two decades of breeding. The obvious disappointment followed along with some optimism that the boy’s testicle would eventually drop. Teddy showed much promise at eight weeks and by six months clearly possessed many positive elements of the standard. The only problem was that Teddy’s second testicle had not descended. The decision was made to give the dog more time, and if the testicle had not descended when Teddy was a year old, he would be neutered and placed. Unfortunately neutering Teddy would mean that no one would see the worth in this male. Showing a dog in conformation is our means of measuring its quality against the breed standard. It’s probably inherent among breeders to prove their stock. After all, recognition for a dog’s merits is considered one benchmark for weighing the value it might offer its gene pool. Producing first-rate dogs should be paramount in any breeding program; exhibition comes along merely as a side effect to validate our breeding decisions. Dogs are bred for many reasons but most importantly for what they will be able to contribute to their breed. Given the knowledge (or lack of knowledge) that we have today, does the cryptorchid male deserve a place in a breeding program? Is the worthiness of this dog weighted any differently than any of the other issues we might have in our breed? After wading through much of the research done on cryptorchids, I am not so sure I would have made the same decision today for Teddy. At four years old he is a beautiful basenji, a stellar specimen of the breed, yet he will never be able to pass on any of his qualities because of the stigma of his being characterized as an incomplete male. Of course, what breeders must factor into their considerations for what does or does not remain in the gene pool is any risk to a dog’s health. Showing in conformation and using the animal in a breeding program are secondary to the health and longevity of that dog. The higher rate of testicular cancer in cryptorchids, for example, is something that cannot be ignored. I have always said breeding is not for the faint of heart. Using the strongest candidates and winnowing out the weakest are important considerations. Yet, sometimes I wonder if we might possibly be “tossing out the baby with the bath water” in our quest for the best. RESOURCES:

• CANINE CRYPTORCHIDISM, By Daniel Buchwald, DVM and Norra Hansen, Published August 1999 • BETTER BREEDING, Our Stolen Future, by Patricia Trotter, AKC Gazette • PAST THE GRANDSTAND, The Legacy of A.P. Indy, Mary Cage, Jan. 26, 2012

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By Wanda Pooley

©Connie Camp, Imara

Back in 1987 a lovely black/white basenji puppy that was to become my foundation bitch came to live with me in Illinois. At that time I was not even remotely vested in dog clubs, let alone a breed club. Yet the first words I heard among the basenji fancy over and over was, “Oh, she is nice; too bad she is black.” Such comments really puzzled me because in the horse world where I spent many years color was the last thing we talked about. We horse folks sat around campfires and discussed what made a good horse a great horse. Never once did anyone suggest a grey horse would get the job done better or a liver chestnut would have more staying power to reach the finish line or that to really make a tight turn around a barrel you needed the darkest bay you could find. So, as you can imagine, suggestions that my black basenji was going to put me at a disadvantage left me scratching my head.

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n the past 10 years, we have seen such an increase in the number of colored basenjis to a point where it's likely to see more colored dogs in the ring than red/white ones. While I would never declare that today the color barrier is completely gone, the breed has come a long way from that red/ white basenji being the shoo-in to win big. Or has it? In 1979 the US basenji parent club held its first independent national specialty. Over three and a half decades later how do basenjis of color stack up against the more traditional red/white dogs. To sweeten the conversation pot, did the sex of the big winner also play a role in the outcome?



Percent Brindle3 Percent



Best of Breed 25 69.4% 5 13.9% 6 16.7% 0 0.0% Best Op Sex 30 83.3% 1 2.8% 0 0.0% 5 13.9% Winners Dog 25 69.4% 5 13.9% 4 11.1% 2 5.6% Winners Bitch 23 63.9% 4 11.1% 3 8.3% 6 16.7% Total Dogs 103 15 13 13 Totals - % of 144 71.5% 10.4% 9.0% 9.0% NOTES

R/W BOB won by the same dog 3 times Tri BOB won by the same dog 2 times 3 Brindle BOB won by the same dog 4 times 1 2

BEST OF BREED & BEST OPPOSITE SEX - breakdown by sex

To eliminate any variables, the chart parameters include the winners of Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex, Winners Dog, and Winners Bitch, which represents 144 basenjis in 36 shows. I excluded the Awards of Merit as these vary from year to year and the newest awards, Select Dog and Select Bitch, which were introduced in 2010. I caution readers to not draw any firm conclusions from these figures; however, numbers don't lie, and they do point out patterns. Looking at the chart it's easy to conclude that owning a lovely red/white basenji male increases the odds considerably for winning Best of Breed. Others might think our breed must be sorely lacking in quality when it comes to colored basenjis. While we

Best of Breed Best Opposite Sex


75.0% 25.0%

know this is not true, those pesky numbers continue to point to the success of the red/ white basenji over its colored relatives. Moreover, the male is more likely to achieve the highest recognition at a national specialty over an equally worthy female, even if she is red and white. I find this a bit unsettling because any good breeder will tell you the bitch is the cornerstone to a breeding program, yet she has only a one-in-four chance of winning top honors.

Those who have sat outside the ring and


25.0% 75.0%

watched breed judging at a national specialty have seen many good specimens of every color pass by them, yet during that final round of judging one can count the number of colored basenjis on one hand -- every year since 1979. Furthermore, not a single black/white basenji has won Best of Breed though there have been several notable dogs of this color in our breed's history. Many breeders believe that color does not matter when it comes to producing a good basenji. Conversely, it seems judges view our breed differently, and clearly, if these numbers have any meaning, color does still matter.h

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Screening Puppy Buyers

by Mary Lou Kenworthy


robably the most difficult task that b re e d e r s f a c e i s screening prospective homes for the puppies they are not going to keep. Puppies may be placed as pet or show prospects. Pet puppies should be sold on Limited Registration. Good show homes are not easy to come by and even if the person is serious about showing, you must consider if this is a good home.


on't be afraid to say “No.” Some situations just aren't appropriate for a basenji. Tactfully explain why a basenji is not a good choice for this person or perhaps why the time is not right. Prospective buyers will appreciate your honestly.

It's not wise to hold on to a puppy hoping for a show home if you are passing up a good pet home. When a puppy is no longer cute and cuddly it is harder to place. If you fill up your home with 'leftovers,' it will detract from the dogs you wish to work with and may prevent you from having the time and space for another litter. There have been a lot of would-be breeders who never had more than one litter. If your main interest is making money and getting the puppies out the door instead of finding just the right homes, you're breeding for the wrong reasons and are likely not vested in the betterment of the breed. The more contact you have with prospective buyers the better you can get to know them. Phone calls, e-mails and personal contact will help you to determine if an interested party is a good fit with your puppy (or older dog). Find out things about the home the dog will be living in: •

Is there a securely fenced yard?

Will they use a crate?

Will they feed an adequate diet?

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Will the pup get enough exercise?

Will the pup have adequate contact with humans?

Can the prospective buyer afford extensive veterinarian expenses should they become necessary?

How many humans are in the household and what are their ages?

Are there other pets? Has the prospect had previous experience with basenjis or other breeds?

The answers to all these quesitons will help you decide if this will be a good home or not. Some prospective buyers want to get two puppies. Basenjis do well in pairs, but it is not advisable to get two puppies at the same time, mainly because they will bond more with each other than with the humans that will be in their lives. Also, when an accident occurs or something is destroyed, it may not be apparent which pup was at fault. It is better to get them a year apart. When the first puppy is properly socialized and learns the rules of the home, a second one will be easier to deal with. The second puppy will learn by copying the first, and the owner's life will be easier if he/she did a good job with the first dog. Have the interested party and family members visit your basenjis in your home. Pay close attention to how the dogs react to the people. Basenjis are great judges of character and can pick up on things that you may miss. No matter who in the family wants the dog, the care of it will eventually fall to the lady of the house. If she is hesitant about getting a dog, this will not be a good home. When the puppy walks out the door with his/her new owner it is not the end of the line

Have the interested party and family members visit your basenjis in your home. Pay close attention to how the basenjis react to the people. Basenjis are great judges of character and can pick up on things that you may miss. for the breeder, who should always be there with advice and to answer questions. A responsible breeder will take the dog back at any time and for any reason if the new owner is unable to keep the dog. For long-time responsible breeders the rewards are great. A breeder who has built a good reputation for raising nice, healthy basenjis with good temperaments and for dealing with their customers fairly and honestly

will have repeat customers. People who were happy with their purchase and with the support given them will come back to that breeder for their second, third or who knows how many more basenjis. These are the best customers, you have already screened them, you know them, and they are experienced basenji owners. It doesn't get any better than that! Thorough screening is the key to your success as a breeder.

©photos by Wendy Hodges

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Owner Handlers and the Importance of

SPORTSMANSHIP By Guest Columnist Rhoda Springer, Sunstone Rhodesian Ridgebacks

FOR THE FIRST TIME, I have asked someone to be a guest columnist for the B-Legal Blog! Rhoda Springer of Sunstone Rhodesian Ridgebacks (PA), penned the article in the following pages concerning owner handlers and sportsmanship at purebred dog events for Best in Show Daily in the Fall of 2014. I’m grateful to Rhoda and Best in Show Daily for the opportunity to share her article with The Modern Basenji - Worldwide readers. In light of recent events within our fancy, Rhoda’s message is something we all need to carefully consider.

By Karla Schreiber, Esq.

After reading her words, I knew I could not present this message any more articulately or forcefully than Rhoda. We are the future of our sport. We are the future of purebred dogs. If we do not focus on the question of good sportsmanship, and make it a priority for the future - there won’t be a future. Do you want to participate in a hobby (something meant to bring enjoyment and fulfillment to your life) where sportsmanship and civility have all but disappeared? The choice is ours.

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©George Woodard


For Goodness Sake, Just Say Congratulations

My mother used to call them ‘back-handed compliments.’ You know, those chewy nougat centers enrobed in a sour coating that leave you thinking that there may be a compliment buried down in there somewhere but you’re not so sure you want to say ‘thank you’ all said and done. Some of my personal favorites? There are so many.

Sportsmanship is so important to the AKC that the policy is included in our entry premiums and show schedules. The penalties for violating this policy are a bit steep, at least in dog show terms, since they include suspension and fines. Most of us in the dog show community don’t know how to handle the Let’s see: heavy withdrawal symptoms that a suspension would entail • “Congratulations on your Breed win! You do know that you didn’t have his rear stacked correctly, right?’” Oh, or this one, so can’t imagine what we would do if accused of bad behavior. In general, I find us a merry bunch that work very hard to get along and have the full understanding that getting into a fist fight with a fellow exhibitor is severely frowned upon, but let’s face it: there is sportsmanship, and then there is sportsmanship. So while we may conduct ourselves along the letter of the AKC policy, we don’t always stick to the intent of the policy. So if you find yourself looking over your shoulder for fear your mother may have just overheard your freshly made snarky comment, it may be time to re-think your approach. For full disclosure, that is my litmus test and to my shame I have failed it from time to time. One of my mantras is that it is the struggle that defines my humanity. So let’s struggle together by reviewing a few examples.

“Oh you won today? Well, you probably noticed that I didn’t bother to enter under this judge. He doesn’t know what he is doing.’”

“Congratulations on your group placement yesterday! That judge likes our breed and always gives them something in the group.”

I could go on (so can many, I’m sure). Look, if you don’t like the dog that beat you, so be it. If you don’t like your competitor, okay. But saying congratulations and then adding a mean or detracting statement on the back end is not really sportsmanlike behavior. If it is just killing you, you can just say one word, and keep on moving. That word is “Congratulations.” Period. The end. Get over it…

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Try Not to Dog Pile at the Dog Show Imagine that you are at the show under the tent with an entry and this is maybe the puppy’s second or third show. Suddenly you start to hear the unmistakable sounds of a dog about to retch and sure enough, it is your puppy. As we all know, stopping the natural progression of this biological function is pretty impossible. So you now have a sick dog and a mess to clean up and as a responsible person, you start to frantically search for paper towels. Just as you are taking care of this embarrassing dilemma, another exhibitor comes up and starts yelling at you for having the audacity to own a dog that vomits.

go wrong? What could we have done better? My dog felt off today, maybe he was sick? Or maybe, the other dog was just better or more the judge’s type. Face it, you lost. You will have another chance, maybe even the next day. Let the winner have their day and try to not to make it about you and your dog. The Judge Is Wrong can be a particularly painful one. The comments I have heard have ranged from mild, such as the time my class bitch won Breed from the classes over Top 10 specials and was told that the judge “always puts a bitch from Bred By;” to the extreme when someone actually watched a judge all the following day to find fault in their judging and then reported it to me two weeks later. The idea here is that your entry was not good or deserving; that you only won because the judge is terrible. I won’t even touch on the times someone says the judge liked the way you looked. It doesn’t matter. When it gets right down to it, ridicule of the judge to that day’s winner is uncalled for. Just don’t.

Sound familiar? I have witnessed this behavior more than once. Let’s embrace for practicality’s sake that our fellow exhibitors did not make their entry sick for the sole purpose of making sure that someone else will lose (newsflash! The sick puppy isn’t going to win either so what’s the point!). They are dogs, and dogs do things — strange things on occasion like eating garbage. And not everyone has the puppy cam on their dogs at all times and know everything that the dog has done I’d like to think that not many people believe there is a conspiracy 24 hours a day and should have known that their dog was not going going on but there are many forms of the Something Strange Happened to feel well at the dog line. It’s pretty darned show. Yes, yes, I know close to the Something there will be someone Wrong, but instead of So being sportsmanlike is not just a way to avoid a bench hearing. with a story of how something being So-and-So brought wrong with the dog, It is a way to show a united front of adults that isn’t just complaining their dog that was there is something because we didn’t win. Maybe by treating each other with respect, recovering from else going on. So, we kennel cough to the have the noise in the we can move on to other things – like changing our sport for the indoor show, but I’m next ring, a better. I’m pretty sure our mothers would approve. not talking about distracting outfit, an t h a t . I ’m t a l k i n g MIA handler, or about the things that another dog growling just happen. So the next time you see your fellow exhibitor’s terror – the list goes on. But no matter what may have gone on, someone stricken face while their dog has started an unfortunate biological else won and once again, we should let them have their day. Unless function at an inopportune time, try handing them a roll of paper you are looking for tips on how to get your dog to adjust to the many towels instead of criticism. strange conditions at the dog show, you should just keep all of it to yourself. You can yell until you are hoarse about the injustice inflicted Make Wine, Not Sour Grapes (aka Make Wine, Not Whine) upon you while in the car on the way home. So this is pretty closely related to the idea of just congratulating someone when they win, but I still decided to tackle it as another topic. These are the people who try to steal your win or diminish it in some way. We are a pretty competitive bunch, and speaking for myself, I try to keep that in mind every time something like this goes on, and I can hear my teeth grating in an attempt to stop the sharper side of my tongue from having its day (yes, those who know me, I actually do hold back!). So these come in a few sour flavors: •

There was something wrong with my dog (the one who should have beat your dog on any other given day).

There is something wrong with the judge (loaded topic).

Something strange happened that shouldn’t have happened and there is obviously a conspiracy (probably a puppy vomiting ringside).

The Something Wrong tactic is actually a difficult one; one that I know I have been guilty of. Sometimes we are doing something as innocent as performing the post mortem on our defeat. Where did we

It’s Not Just Lip Service We can’t ignore that our passion for breeding and showing has a strong ego component. And there are definitely those that will work to be insulted when there is no slight to be found. So navigating the minefield of competition is not always an easy task. What I find most unsettling about some of the lack of sportsmanship is that we do this to each other – those of us handling our own dogs and not using a professional handler. We need to support each other as more and more money is poured into the ring. While we are busy sniping at each other, we run the risk of losing all relevance in the dog show world. We may become the noisy necessity that is there to add numbers to the real competitors. So being sportsmanlike is not just a way to avoid a bench hearing. It is a way to show a united front of adults that aren’t just complaining because we didn’t win. Maybe by treating each other with respect, we can move on to other things – like changing our sport for the better. I’m pretty sure our mothers would approve. Permission to reprint this article has been given by Best in Show Daily.com.

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Hi out there in “Senjiland!�


hope you all are surviving the weather. It has been really nasty here, but more on that later.

Drat! Mom went out to buy one of those disposable cameras so I could show everyone just how fun it is to play with Blue Cat, but as I understand it they no longer sell that kind of camera. Oh well. I will find a way to get a picture to you. Blue Cat is very good and never hisses or scratches or bites. He is just a fun kitty. Can't say that for the rest of the cats. We had a long vacation from training. I had anticipated many trips to the training center, but mom seriously hurt her back and could barely walk for a whole month; so no training for me and Libby. Mom is all better now. She even took me for long-overdue walk recently, and we started going to the training center again. Now about that nasty weather recently. Several people called mom to see if we survived

the wind (big wind), rain (5 inches) and hail. I am happy to report we were on the edge of the storm by less than a mile, plus we live on a hill so had no standing water like many streets nearby. Since mom was so calm throughout the whole storm. I figured if she wasn't too concerned then I should not worry either and took a nap. The only thing good about the rain was it made the grass grow very fast. It was rather pleasant to go out and relax in the lush grass because the weather was just right -- not too hot and not too cold. I have started training on the jumps at the training center, I do not see the purpose of jumping, but mom says to just wait, there is more to come. Now I am wondering more what?? I am hearing rumors that I may not get to go the National Specialty. It seems there are three things going on that same week -- a wedding, a Walk for the Dogs venue, and the National. I have told mom in no uncertain

terms that this may be my last chance to go to a National. Who knows? I might even see a relative of mine. Mom says there is a 100 percent chance that I would not see any close relatives. I did go to another one of those "fun things" and thought I did well, but mom said there was room for improvement. I guess maybe that's true because I do have an attention problem, especially when there is something more interesting going on in the next fenced-off area. Mom calls it a ring, but I know a ring is round and that area is square. I heard there are going to be some UKC shows in my area. Mom says maybe Libby and I will have to learn some new commands. Until next time. Just remember -- a stranger is only a friend we have not met yet. May all your dreams come true and all your trails be an adventure. ď ľ

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2014 EUROPEAN DOG SHOW AT BRNO Czech Republic, October 23-26

JJUDGE: WIERZCHOWSKA MALGORZATE DOGS PUPPY CLASS/PSI - TŘÍDA DOROSTU Tim Spirit Celebration Kanygina M. Cigno del Piccolo Tempo Antonio Tempesta Enigma Walking the Red Carpet Ferrini Maurizio Athos Vytomdigo Digrin Tomáš DOGS - JUNIOR CLASS/PSI - TŘÍDA MLADÝCH Doberguard’s Black Strong Mocca Hindsdal Amalie

Very promising1, EP Very promising2 Very promising3 Very promising4

BEST OF BREED/ BEST OF JUNIORS Doberguard’s Black Strong Mocca

Excellent1, CAJC, European JW, BOJ, BOB Dar Bony-Sona Emerald Konoplev Igor Excellent2 Where Asiaczek Groszek-Szymańska Joanna Excellent3 Barkless Xtreme Dimension Prahl Emma Excellent4 DOGS - INTERMEDIATE CLASS/PSI - MEZIŘÍDA Itapuca Fogo Itury Puzzle Balova Elizaveta Excellent1, CAC, CACIB, European Winner, Genius is My Middle Name Afrikata Paździerkiewicz Alicja i Bartłomiej Excellent2, RCAC Sundevil’s Seabiscuit Volchenko Natalya Excellent3 Wazzala Alter Ego Platonova Anastassiya Excellent4 DOGS - OPEN CLASS/PSI - TŘÍDA OTEVŘENÁ Amigo Kwaku Maybe Dog Beránková Kateřina Excellent1, CAC Dandy Amber Sun Yhanova Natalia Excellent2, RCAC Itury Puzzle Jappi Balova Elizaveta Excellent3 Kwame Ekibondo Friebertová Irena Excellent4 DOGS - CHAMPION CLASS /PSI - TŘÍDA ŠAMPIONŮ Kenjaali Heeere’s Johnny Prahl Emma Excellent1, CAC, RCACIB Tim Spirit Bon-Bon Best Friend Smakilo Elena Excellent2, RCAC C-Quest Jokuba Dandy Shandy Noel Baaser Excellent3 Kingwanas Hellblazer Of D´Guard Hindsdal Amalie Excellent4 DOGS - VETERAN CLASS/PSI - TŘÍDA VETERÁNŮ Dream of Africa Kambulo Balova Elizaveta Excellent1, EV Winner C-Quest’s Echo of Eldorado Noel Baaser Excellent2 BITCHES PUPPY CLASS/FENY - TŘÍDA DOROSTU Cika del Piccolo Tempo Antonio Tempesta Very promising1, European Promise BITCHES - JUNIOR CLASS/TŘÍDA MLADÝCH Nace Symphony Gelena Puppy Lov Sirichenko F. Excellent1, CAJC, European JW Anubi’s Enigma Girl Gone Wild Bucchieri Chiara Excellent2 Honey Amber Sunrise Miklišová Miroslava Excellent3 Tim Spirit Dance Legend Kanygina M. Excellent4 BITCHES - INTERMEDIATE CLASS/FENY - MEZITŘÍDA Msumari’s Bayouhli Sabine Nagel Excellent1, CAC Harmony of Swala Pala Plakhova Elena Excellent2, RCAC, Nasledye Etera Cabiria Night Volchenko Natalya Excellent3 High Spirit Of Swala Pala Shubinova Svetlana Excellent4 BITCHES - OPEN CLASS/FENY - TŘÍDA OTEVŘENÁ Tim Spirit O’Niksa San Dew Nikolaeva Elena Excellent1, CAC, RCACIB Doberguard’s Black Magic Hindsdal Amalie Excellent2, RCAC Chinja Maji Salasirian Pohlreich Roman Excellent3 Hanishan Rock The World Pohlreich Roman Excellent4 BITCHES - CHAMPION CLASS/FENY - TŘÍDA ŠAMPIONŮ Obsidion Autobot Ticca Paździerkiewicz Alicja Excellent1, CAC, CACIB, European Winner, BOS Itury Puzzle Jagodka Balova Elizaveta Excellent2, RCAC Tim Spirit Aldjeba Tsinman Elena Excellent3 Hannah Ekibondo Miklišová Miroslava Excellent4 BITCHES - VETERAN CLASS/FENY - TŘÍDA VETERÁNŮ CH Loki’s Iloua Sabine Nagel Excellent1, EV Winner, BOV Fedora z Ticha Bantu Pohlreich Roman Excellent2

BEST OPPOSITE SEX Obsidion Autobot Ticca


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BREED JUDGE: Mr. Allen Odom

ORLANDO, FL JUDGE: Andrew H Brace BEST OF BREED COMPETITION BEST OF BREED 10 CH Veramonte’s Song Of Winterfell. HP47064602 . 12/15/2013. Breeder: Mrs. Cynthia A Shattuck/Cali C Shattuck By CH Sonbar’s Zfor Zorro THDN CGC -GCH CH Taji Goes Platinum JC, Owner: Lemuel David Miller & Cali C Shattuck


BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX/BEST BBE 15 GCH CH Undercover Imara Simon Says Legend. HP42539801 . 01/14/2012. Breeder: Gale N Whitehurst/Connie L Camp/Olivia J Rosener/Susan Schroeder By CH Undercover Veni Vidi Vici -GCH CH Undercover Meisterhaus Nadia By AB, Owner: Gale Whitehurst & Camp & Rosner & Schroeder SELECT DOG 11 GCH CH Veramonte’s Big River Judah JC. HP44261304 . 12/01/2012. Breeder: Mrs. Cynthia A Shattuck/Katie Campbell/Cali C Shattuck/MaryK Quinnett By GCH CH Klassic’s Rivers Edge JC -GCH CH Taji Goes Platinum JC, Owner: Lemuel David Miller & C C Shattuck & C A Shattuck SELECT BITCH 8 GCH DC Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot MC CA RATO. HP36550903 . 12/14/2009. Breeder: Sheila Lund/Pamela A Geoffroy/Susan Coe By GCH CH Eldorado’s Akuaba One More Time -CH Eldorado’s Akuaba With One Look JC, Owner: Jane C Johnson



AWARD OF MERIT 5 CH Svengali’s What’s Not To Love Of Zindika. HP46896401 . 01/25/2014. Breeder: Carol A Wyatt/Cecily Rappe/Alan Aiello/Gail Aiello By GCH DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition SC -CH Kazor’s Tribute To Zindika, Owner: Eugene R Biller & William Kanouff & Caroly Wyatt

CLASS ENTRIES BRED BY EXHIBITOR, DOGS 1/WD 17 Legend’s Disturbance In The Force By Mibre. HP46865602 12/18/2013. Breeder: Michelle Smith-Barbour/Susan Schroeder By CH Legend’s Jedi Knight JC -GCH CH Mibres’ Bump N The Night SC, Owner: Susan Schroeder NON-REG, VETERAN, DOGS 1/BEST VETERAN 9 GCH CH Klassic’s Rivers Edge JC. HP24621703 12/12/2006. Breeder: Sue Gruber-Kite/Jeffrey J Gillespie/Katie Campbell By Ituri Klassic Basic Black -CH Taji’s Go For Baroque JC, Owner: Cali C Shattuck BRED BY EXHIBITOR, BITCHES 1/RWB 12 Veramonte’s Khaleesi Mother Of Dragons. HP47064604 12/15/2013. Breeder: Mrs. Cynthia A Shattuck/Cali C Shattuck By CH Sonbar’s Zfor Zorro THDN CGC -GCH CH Taji Goes Platinum JC, Owner: Cynthia A Shattuck & Cali C Shattuck 2 14 Legend’s Rebel Alliance By Mibre. HP46865601. 12/18/2013. Breeder: Michelle Smith-Barbour/Susan Schroeder By CH Legend’s Jedi Knight JC -GCH CH Mibres’ Bump N The Night SC, Owner: Susan Lynn Schroeder OPEN, BITCHES 1/WB/BOW 16 Kokopelli’s Onawa. HP44513303 . 12/25/2012. Breeder: Gretchen A Van Alstyne By CH Sonbar’s Seventh Son Of Djakomba x CH Kokopelli’s Soothsayer, Owner: Cynthia Frederick & Gretchen Van Alstyne (Ronald Bigford, Agent)

Best of Breed..............GCH Ahmahr Nahr’s Halleleujah Makes A Joyful Noise (B) Sire: Ch Illusions Tex Son SC; Dam: Ch Ahmahr Nahr’s Babe Of The Kalihari Owner: J D Behles & R J Walley & F Havens; Breeder: J D Behles & F Havens Best of Opposite Sex.................................................Ch Taji Platinum Will.I.Am (D) Sire: GCH Klassic’s Rivers Edge; Dam: GCH Taji Goes Platinum JC Owner: Katie Campbell & Mary K Quinnett; Breeder: C A & C C Shattuck & M K Quinnett & K T Campbell Select Dog............................................................ Ch Africanadian James T Kirk (D) Sire: GCH Ahmahr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel; Dam: Klassics In It To Win It Owner: J Behles & A Whalen & S Allen & T Whalen; Breeder: A Whalen & S Allen Select Bitch.......................................................GCH Mata Hauri Ruby Red Beez (B) Sire: Ch Mata Hauri Shall We Dance; Dam: Ch Eldorado’s In Your Dreams Owner: Katie Besemer; Breeder: Debbie Hauri Award of Merit..........................GCH Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle (D) Sire: Ch Kaleonahe’s Eldorado’s This Is It; Dam: Ch Eldorado N Akuaba Unchained Melody Owner: S Lund, P Geoffroy, S Coe, K Brown; Breeder: S Lund, P Geoffroy, S Coe

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JUDGE: Ms Sylvie Mcgee PUPPIES


GRADUATE DOGS 6 MOS & UNDER 18 MOS . 1 CH Proudlaan Up In Arms. Owner: Joan V Bayley & Laura Pond. 2 Cosmic’s Extratriestrial. Owner: Allie Noble. 3 Arubmec’s Teddy. Owner: Lauren E Fancy & Patricia Cembura & Erik Mattson. 4 Tis-A Signet Meisterhaus Game On. Owner: Joyce A Hughes Fred M Hughes. GRADUATE BITCHES 6 MOS & UNDER 18 MOS . 1/BOSP Proudlaan Get Up! Stand Up!. Owner: William & Laura Pond. 2 Dragnquest Fataki She’s Just Jailbait. Owner: Jacqueline C Jones Dana Macdonald. JUNIOR DOGS 12 MOS & UNDER 18 MOS . 1/BP Kibushi Gugu Diospyros.. Owner: Barbara Reisinger Jon Curby Jared Reisinger. 2 Bahaticca’s Colonel Red. Owner: Natalie Scherwin. 3 Amore’s Cross My Heart.. Owner: Lisa Handfield / Whitney Podhradsky. JUNIOR BITCHES 12 MOS & UNDER 18 MOS . 1 Khadijah Dp Minnie Me.. Owner: Sandy Mcarthur & Martina Cortez & Cindy Austin. 2 Nelsons Freedom Of Magnificent 7 In Flight. Owner: Deborah Nelson Lawrence Nelson and Kenneth Berger.

JUNIOR VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES DOGS 7 YRS & UNDER 9 YRS . 1/BSJ CH Sundiata’s Hanzi Mbili Jc. Owner: Tracy Petsche & Sandy McArthur & Chris Maxka. SENIOR VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES DOGS 11 YEARS & UNDER 13 YEARS . 1 CH Teazer’s American Gigalo. Owner: Kathryn Britton & John P Gaidos & Ainsley Halemanu. SENIOR VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES DOGS 13 YRS & OLDER . 1 CH ‘tis-A Fo Paws Under D’influence Sc. Owner: Joyce & Fred Hughes & Kevin & Therese Leimback. SENIOR VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES BITCHES 11 YEARS & UNDER 13 YEARS . 1/BSR CH Jamaa-Tanza Makindu Sc Na Rn. Owner: Brenda Phillips & Jeff Sheldon. 2 CH Khani’s Dp Poetry In Motion CGC JC SC. Owner: Ellen Bramble & Kathryn Britton.


Best of Breed.......................................................................................... GCH DC Emerant Makindu Heez Got Game BN RN SC (D), B Phillips Best of Opposite Sex.................................... GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl (B), E Johnson/B Cassell/T Brooks/S Middlebrooks Select Dog............................................................................................................................. CH Taji Platinum Will.I.Am K Campbell/M Quinnett Select Bitch............................................................................................ CH Nelsons Friendship Of Magnificent 7 In Flight L Nelson/D Nelson AOM....................................................................................................... CH Proudlaan Up In Arms. Dog. Owner: Joan V Bayley & Laura Pond. AOM........................................................................................ Dlucks Svengali Zindika’s Overnight Sensation. Dog Owner: Natalie Scherwin. AOM......................................................................................................................................................................................CH Fopaws Oh My God BOB Best Owner-Handled............................. GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl (B), E Johnson/B Cassell/T Brooks/S Middlebrooks Winners Dog ........................................................................................................................................................................ Taji’s Top Hat & Tails l Reserve Winner Dog ....................................................................................................................................................Arubmec’s Teddy L Fancy Winners Bitch/Best of Winners ........................................................................................................................... Khani’s Teazer Tequila Sunrise Reserve Winner Bitch .................................................................................................................................................Bushbabies Wait Until Dark TWELVE TO EIGHTEEN MONTH DOGS . 1 Bahaticca’s Colonel Red. Owner: Natalie Scherwin. 2 Amore’s Cross My Heart. Owner: Lisa Handfield / Whitney Podhradsky. BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR DOGS . 1/R Arubmec’s Teddy. Owner: Lauren E Fancy & Patricia Cembura & Erik Mattson. 2 Bantu’s Illustrated Overture. Owner: Jennifer Miller & Shelby Miller. 3 Cosmic’s Extratriestrial. Owner: Allie Noble. 4 Devils Peak Khadijah Criminal Minds. Owner: Cynthia Austin & Martina Cortez. OPEN DOGS BLACK, TAN & WHITE . 1 Kibushi Gugu Diospyros. Owner: Barbara Reisinger Jon Curby Jared Reisinger. OPEN DOGS BLACK & WHITE . 1/WD Taji’s Top Hat & Tails. Owner: Valerie Short Virginia Kudritzki Katie Campbell. TWELVE TO EIGHTEEN MONTH BITCHES . 1 Nelsons Freedom Of Magnificent 7 In Flight. Owner: Deborah Nelson Lawrence Nelson And Kenneth Berger. BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR BITCHES . 1/WB/BOW/BBE Khani’s Teazer Tequila Sunrise. Owner: Kathryn R Britton & John P Gaidos & A K Halemanu. 2 Khadijah Dp Minnie Me. Owner: Sandy Mcarthur & Martina Cortez & Cindy Austin. 3 Taji’s Evening Couture. Owner: Katie Campbell. 4 Emerant’s R E S P E C T SC. Owner: Lisa R Hart & Bryce Hart.

AMERICAN-BRED BITCHES . 1 FC Taji’s Hafrican Queen Disa SC. Owner: Barbara Reisinger Jared Reisinger Katie Campbell. OPEN BITCHES BLACK & WHITE . 1/RWB Bushbabies Wait Until Dark. Owner: Teresa Gavaletz. OPEN BITCHES RED & WHITE . 1 ‘Tis-A Signet Kiss Me Once JC. Owner: Julia M Alpert Siena Youngkin Alpert. 2 Emerant’s Hush Hush JC. Owner: Lisa & Bryce Hart. VETERAN DOGS 10 YRS & OLDER . 1/AOM CH Fopaws Oh My God. Owner: Kevin & Therese Leimback & Kevin Stamper. 2 CH Teazer’s American Gigalo. Owner: Kathryn Britton & John P Gaidos & Ainsley Halemanu. VETERAN BITCHES 10 YRS & OLDER . 1 CH Jamaa-Tanza Makindu SC NA RN. Owner: Brenda Phillips & Jeff Sheldon. 2 CH Khani’s Dp Poetry In Motion CGC JC SC. Owner: Ellen Bramble & Kathryn Britton. DUAL CHAMPION DOGS . 1 DC Tailwind’s The World Is Not Enough SC. Owner: Lori Forbess & Julie Leicht. DUAL CHAMPION BITCHES . 1 DC Taji’s Alster Ego From Hodari MC LCX. Owner: Mary Ellen Chaffin & Katie Campbell.

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(15 dogs + 11 bitches)

(10 dogs + 10 bitches)

BOB, HeW-14 ...............................................................Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever BOS, HeW-14 .............................................................................. Ajibu Like A Dream BOB-veteran, HeVW-14 . ............................................................ Bulldobas La Scala BOS-veteran, HeVW-14 ....................................................... Hanishan Game Hunter HeJW-14 ...................................................................Bulldobas Baroos In The Night HeJW-14 ........................................................................... Motion Of Life Wild Africa BOB-breeders group . ..........................................................................kennel Hi-Lite MALES BD1 Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever......... Champion EXC 1 CQ, CACIB, BOB, HeW-14 BD2 Ajibu Jumping Jack Flash................................Champion EXC 2 CQ, ResCACIB BD3 Klassic’s Daydream Believer...............................................Champion EXC 3 CQ BD4 Sternhimmels Orvar Odd......................................... Intermediate EXC 1 CQ, CC JUNIOR CLASS Junior EXC 1 CQ, HeJW-14.......................................... Bulldobas Baroos In The Night Junior VG 2.......................................................................................Hi-Lite Cola Candy OPEN CLASS Open EXC 1 CQ, ResCC.................................................................Ajibu Life And Soul Open EXC 2......................................................................................... Ajibu Love Bites Open EXC 3......................................................................Sternhimmels Omen Bonum Open G.......................................................................................... Crystal Javelin Quito CHAMPION CLASS Champion EXC 4..................................................................Bulldobas Catch The Wind Champion EXC...................................................................Bulldobas Zappa Safeguard Champion VG..................................................................... Ankhu Baroos At Bulldobas VETERAN CLASS Veteran EXC 1 CQ, BOS-veteraani, HeVW-14........................ Hanishan Game Hunter Veteran VG 2............................................................................... Bulldobas No Regrets FEMALES BB1 Ajibu Like A Dream.............Open EXC 1 CQ, CC, FI CH, CACIB, VSP, HeW-14 BB2 Motion Of Life Wild Africa............................ Junior EXC 1 CQ, ResCC, HeJW-14 BB3 Bulldobas Belle Bubbling Under.................................................Junior EXC 1 CQ BB4 Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wow Factor................................. Open EXC 2 CQ, ResCACIB JUNIOR CLASS Junior EXC 3.................................................................................Hi-Lite Cotton Candy Junior EXC 4........................................................................... I Know A Secret Afrikata OPEN CLASS Open EXC 3 CQ.......................................................................Harmony Of Swala Pala Open VG 4.................................................................................Rosone’s Retro Regina Open VG...........................................................................................Sharaba Heartbeat CHAMPION CLASS Champion EXC 1 CQ......................................................... Bulldobas Zarah Safeguard VETERAN CLASS Veteran EXC 1 CQ, BOB-veteran, HeVW-14.................................. Bulldobas La Scala BREEDERS CLASS BRE 1 HP, BOB-breeders group.............................................................. kennel Hi-Lite (Hi-Lite Cola Candy, Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever, Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wow Factor, Hi-Lite Cotton Candy)

BOB, FiW-14 . ...............................................................Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever BOS, FIW-14 . ................................................................ Bulldobas Zarah Safeguard BOB-veteran, FiVW-14 ...........................................................Bulldobas No Regrets FiJW-14 . ...................................................................Bulldobas Baroos In The Night FIJW-14 . ................................................................ Bulldobas Belle Bubbling Under MALES BD1 Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever...........Champion EXC 1 CQ, CACIB, BOB, FiW-14 BD2 Bulldobas Baroos In The Night...........................Junior EXC 1 CQ, CC, FiJW-14 BD3 Ajibu Life And Soul.....................................Open EXC 1 CQ, ResCC, ResCACIB BD4 Bulldobas No Regrets......................Veteran EXC 1 CQ, BOB-veteran, FiVW-14 JUNIOR CLASS Junior DISQ......................................................................................Hi-Lite Cola Candy OPEN CLASS Open EXC 2......................................................................................... Ajibu Love Bites Open VG 3..................................................................................... Crystal Javelin Quito CHAMPION CLASS Champion EXC 2..................................................................Bulldobas Catch The Wind Champion EXC 3................................................................... Ajibu Jumping Jack Flash VETERAN CLASS Veteran EXC 2 CQ................................................................... Hanishan Game Hunter FEMALES BB1 Bulldobas Zarah Safeguard......Champion EXC 1 CQ, CC, FI CH, CACIB, BOS, FiW-14 BB2 Bulldobas Belle Bubbling Under...................................Junior EXC 1 CQ, ResCC BB3 Hi-Lite Cotton Candy..................................................................Junior EXC 2 CQ BB4 Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wow Factor................................. Open EXC 1 CQ, ResCACIB JUNIOR CLASS Junior EXC 3..........................................................................Motion Of Life Wild Africa Junior EXC 4........................................................................... I Know A Secret Afrikata Junior VG...............................................................Orange Pips Duchess O’devonshire OPEN CLASS Open EXC 2 CQ.......................................................................Harmony Of Swala Pala Open EXC 3.....................................................................................Sharaba Heartbeat CHAMPION CLASS Champion EXC 2 CQ...................................................................... Ajibu Like A Dream

Photo by Marie Heidebrecht

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BOB ............................................................................... Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wise Guy BOS . ......................................................... Nature’s Masterpiece Dazzling Diamond BOB-veteran ...........................................................................Bulldobas No Regrets BOB-junior ............................................... Nature’s Masterpiece Dazzling Diamond BOB-breeders group . ..........................................................................kennel Hi-Lite

BOB ..............................................................................Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever BOS . .................................................................................Faraoland La Vie En Rose

MALES BD1.................Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wise GuyOpen EXC 1, CQ, CC, FI CH, CACIB, BOB BD2............................ Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever Champion EXC 1, CQ, ResCACIB BD3............................................... Bulldobas No RegretsVeteran EXC 1, CQ, BOB-vet FEMALES BB1.. Nature’s Masterpiece Dazzling Diamond Junior EXC 1, CQ, CC, BOS, BOB-jun BB2.....................................................Hi-Lite Cotton Candy Junior EXC 2, CQ, ResCC BB3........................................ Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wow Factor Open EXC 1, CQ, CACIB BREEDERS CLASS kennel Hi-Lite (Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wise Guy, Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever, Hi-Lite Cotton Candy, Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wow Factor)

MALES BD1........................ Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever, Champion EXC 1, CQ, CACIB, BOB BD2......................Sternhimmels Orvar Odd, Open EXC 1, CQ, CC, FI CH, ResCACIB BD3.......................................................Hi-Lite Cola Candy, Junior EXC 1, CQ, ResCC BD4.............................................. Klassic’s Daydream Believer, Champion EXC 2, CQ JUNIOR CLASS I Love Paris Of Swala Pala.................................................................Junior EXC 2, CQ Rosone’s Vino Vermentino.......................................................................... Junior VG 3 OPEN CLASS Signet Road Less Travelled......................................................................... Open VG 2 FEMALES BB1.......................................Faraoland La Vie En Rose, Junior EXC 1, CQ, CC, BOS, BB2.................................. Bulldobas Belle Bubbling Under, Junior EXC 2, CQ, ResCC JUNIOR CLASS Nature’s Masterpiece Catch Me If U Can.................................................... Junior VG 3 OPEN CLASS Ajibu Look At Me Now ............................................................................... Open EXC 1



Dog CC/BOB/Hound Group 2........................................GB Ch Chagmas Dream On Dog Reserve CC...........................................................GB Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue Bitch CC........................................................................ Kissangani Life Of the Party Bitch Reserve CC................................ GB Ch Kissangani Shining Star at Embeau Best Puppy...................................................................................... Bubas Red Melba

Dog CC / BOB...........................GB Ch Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris Dog Reserve CC...................................................GB Ch Chagmas Dream On (imp) Bitch CC...................................................... Am Ch Klassic’s Girl With A Curl (Imp) Bitch Reserve CC............................................. GB Ch Kissangani Life Of the Party

DOG CLASSES PUPPY DOG (1/1) 1............................................................................Addis’ Savannastorm Nature’s Child JUNIOR DOG (2/2) 1........................................................... Armitage’ & Gibbons’ Tokaji The Great Gatsby 2.................................................................................. Palubicki’s Woodella True Song LIMIT DOG (2/2) 1...................... Morris’, Waddell’ & Donaldson’s Woodella Gold Standard at Crosscop 2........................................................................... Frost’s Rebel Rebel Of Bushwacker. OPEN DOG (2/2) 1CC/BOB/G2 Steele’ & William’s GB Ch Chagmas Dream On 2/RCC........................................................ Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue BITCH CLASSES PUPPY BITCH (1/1) 1/BP...............................................................................Gostynska’s Bubas Red Melba JUNIOR BITCH (1/2) 1.................................................................................... Lacey’s Kingwanas Love Story LIMIT BITCH (1/2) 1................................................... Gaskell’s Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wild Child of Memetuka OPEN BITCH (2/3) 1/CC.............................................................. Adams’ Ch Kissangani Life Of The Party 2/RCC..............................................Grayson’s Ch Kissangani Shining Star at Embeau

DOG CLASSES JUNIOR DOG (2/2) 1......................... Nichols’ & Rabbitte’s Nganga’s It’s One Heck Of A Storm (Imp Swe) 2.............................................................................. Addis’ Savannastorm Dragon Lord POST GRADUATE DOG (1/3) 1...................... Morris’, Waddell’ & Donaldson’s Woodella Gold Standard at Crosscop OPEN DOG (4/4) 1/CC/BOB.............................. Hannah’s Ch Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris 2/RCC..................................................Steele’ & William’s GB Ch Chagmas Dream On 3................................................................ Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue 4............................ Stewart’s BIS, BISS Supreme AUS Ch Afrikenji Hot August Knight BITCH CLASSES JUNIOR BITCH (3/4) 1/CC.Mesdames Hardy’, Hallam’ & Kite’ and J. Gillespie’s Am Ch Klassic’s Girl With A Curl (Imp) 2...................................................... Nicholls’ Woodella Devil Wears Prada For Shyllar 3...........................................................Fitzsimmons’ & Carman’s Suefitz Spirit Dancer LIMIT BITCH (1/1) 1.................................................. Gaskell’s Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wild Child of Memetuka. OPEN BITCH (1/2) 1/RCC............................................................Adams’ Ch Kissangani Life Of The Party.

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BIS Hall of Fame honors all the basenjis that have won Best in Show in the United States since the breed was accepted for competition at AKC shows through December 31, 2014 Any basenji that wins such an honor has earned the right to be on this list because each dog listed is a representative of the breed. It’s not about who is at the other end of the lead; it’s about the dog and our breed, and how each dog is valued and appreciated not only among the basenji fancy but by the fancy as a whole. The first basenji to go Best in Show in the United States was a bitch, CH Dainty Dancer of Glenairly in 1958. She was followed by two more bitches, CH Lepper’s Nik Nak and CH Lutes Mona Lisa. It wasn’t until 1968 that the first male basenji earned this honor CH Betsy Ross’ Kingola of Ber-Vic. A keen eye will spot that Philo’s Blaze of Koko Crater won a Best in Show in Hawaii in 1956 and may wonder why he isn’t recognized as the first basenji in the United States to win Best in Show. History was against him, one might say. Hawaii was a territory at that time -- a territory that was admitted into the Union on August 21, 1959 as the 50th state. Title Dog Name

USA Through BIS Color Sex Year

CH Zindika’s Johnny Come Greatly 59 BR CH Calaz Executive Embasi 38 R CH Grandquest Kazor’s Motumbo Xequemate 27 (Hawaii) R CH Sonbar’s Celestial Wizard 24 R CH Music City Serengeti Jazzman 20 R CH Reveille Re-Up 14 R CH AB-Rafiki The Icon of Cool (most BIS for a tri) 12 T CH Reveille Boutonniere, JC 11 R CH Aleika-Absinthe Rajah’s JR 7 R CH Blucrest’s Bound for Reveille 7 R CH Klassic’s Miss Mata Hauri 7 T CH Betsy Ross’ Joyful Saint 6 R CH Shadowbye Mitty 6 R CH Teazer Kazor Ekundayo For Johari 6 R CH Akuaba’s Tornado, JC 5 R DC Jasiri-Sukari The Illustrated Man, SC 5 BR CH Reveille Be Sirius 5 R CH Reveille Do Be Sirius 5 R CH Arubmec’s Sweet Spot 4 R CH Eldorado’s Echo Of The Wind 4 BR GCH Jasari-Sukari Win Tin Tin 4 R CH Kazor Bay-Senji Yuara Natural 4 R CH Arabrac’s Mountain Mamba 3 T CH Hacker’s Bud Light 3 R CH Ingegab Limited Edition 3 T CH Khajah’s Gay Excaliber 3 R CH Tri-Tan’s Uzuri Supow Lihu 3 R CH Betsy Ross’ Kingola of Ber-Vic 2 R CH Betsy Ross Melissa 2 R CH Darp’s Kamili M’Wana 2 R CH Jasiri-Sukari John Tri-Volta 2 T CH Kazor’s Intrepid Icebreaker 2 R CH Lepper’s Nik Nak (3rd to go BIS) 2 R CH Libra’s Apollo of Dehahi 2 R CH Serengeti Reveille Larkspur 2 R CH Sonbar’s Phoolish Pleasure at Cumback 2 R CH Sukari Raider Of The Lost Bark CD, JC, FCh 2 R CH Thackery Toast Reveille 2 R CH Vikentor’s Country Rose 2 R

D 1999 D 1996 D 2009 D 1993 D 1989 D 1972 D 2009 D 1998 D 1983 D 1998 B 2008 D 1974 D 1979 D 2014 D 1994 D 2004 D 1976 D 1979 D 2004 D 2007 D 2013 D 2005 D 1983 D 2000 D 2000 D 1975 D 1977 D 1969 B 1972 D 1979 D 2005 D 1988 B 1962 D 1979 B 1991 D 2007 D 1994 B 1981 B 1990

GCH Ahmahr Nahr’s The lost Angel Gabriel 1 CH Akuba’s Mistral 1 CH Anasazi’s Whidbey Osiris 1 CH Arabrac’s Evening In Paris 1 CH Arubmec’s The Victor 1 CH Asias Ready Set Go 1 CH Beacham-Bryn-of-Orion 1 CH Bluestones Wild Buckwheat (first b/w dog) 1 CH Burgundy Wine Sir Gay of Linlo 1 CH Camp’s Dazzling Nazimba 1 CH Changa’s Dan Patch, SC 1 CH C-Quests Point Blank 1 CH Dainty Dancer of Glenairley (2nd BIS winner) 1 CH Hai Aaari Tshiluba 1 CH Hai Aari Golden Dybbuk 1 DC Jasiri’s Jurassic Bark MC 1 GCH Jasiri-Sukari Bucking The Trind 1 CH Jasiri-Sukari Congo-Leezza Rice, JC 1 CH Jasiri-Sukari Fire-N-Lines (1st brindle bitch) 1 CH Jen Nell’s Kris Kringle 1 CH Kazor’s Virtuous Virginia 1 CH Kstar’s Adonis of Anubis 1 CH Luddymarie Betsy Ross Melisa 1 CH Lutes Mona Lisa 1 CH Nyanga Reveille Magnolia 1 CH Pero’s Krugerrand 1 Philo’s Blaze of Koko Crater (1st to go BIS) 1 (Hawaii) CH Rameses Golden Phoenix 1 CH Reliant Inferno 1 GCH Reveille Push Button 1 CH Reveille Recycle Pickwick 1 CH Reveille Skip to Sundance 1 CH Reveille Tried and True 1 GCH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl 1 GCH Taji Goes Platinum 1 GCH Taji’s Klassic Lil Black Dress SC (first b/w bitch) 1 GCH Teaser Signet Bad Romance 1 CH Wakili Signet Dooney 1

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R D 2012 R D 1981 R D 1986 T B 1986 R D 1988 R D 2006 R D 1990 B D 2000 R D 1979 R D 1976 BR D 1994 R D 2001 R B 1958 R D 1983 R D 1980 R B 1997 T D 2010 R B 2008 BR B 2004 R D 1985 R B 1995 R D 1981 R B 1971 R B 1963 R B 2000 R D 1980 R D 1956 R D 1986 R D 1986 R D 2011 R D 1976 R D 1984 T D 1994 R B 2012 R B 2011 B B 2011 R B 2011 R B 2009

Best in Show wins from 1998 through 2014

Initially compiled by Jennie Behles, Simone Mullins, Cheryl Myers Egerton & Margaret Robertson The very first basenji star, MBIS AmCan Ch Dainty Dancer, of Glenairly, was the first basenji to show and win at the Westminster Kennel Club, and also the first Canadian basenji to win a Best in Show both in Canada and the United States. Following Dancer’s appearance on the scene, there was a long gap in Canadian basenji Best in Show history before the Canadian Kennel Club began compiling statistics through an outside contractor. These were compiled for the years 1988 through 2004. Following this, the stats have been compiled on an annual basis either by the Canadian Kennel Club and published in Dogs in Canada magazine, or more recently, compiled by the Best Dog in Canada. Many of the dogs shown below also competed in the United States and were top ranked basenjis in that country. Many have Best in Shows in other countries as well as Canada, but the chart reflects only Canadian efforts. The increased wins indicate the increased popularity of the basenji in the show ring in recent years. This seems to have a direct correlation with the improvement of basenji “charm” and temperament. BASENJI.................................................................................................................................................................... SEX...............BIS Am GCH/Can HC Ahmahr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel.................................................................................................... D.................. 28 GCh Ahmahr Nahr’s Jake Jamul to Mibre SC CGN............................................................................................................... D.................. 26 Ch. Baruhs N’ Schaumburg Hoo’s Hoo.................................................................................................................................B.................. 19 Ch. Conamore Sun of Simba ............................................................................................................................................... D.................. 10 Ch. Schaumburgs Thats Amoire.......................................................................................................................................... D....................6 Ch. Conamore’s Sun and Jasmine.........................................................................................................................................B....................7 Ch. Shamaron’s Imperial Crusader ..................................................................................................................................... D....................5 GCH/Can CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Casanova Jack at Whitewater................................................................................................ D....................3 Ch. Klassic’s Rooty Toot Toot ...............................................................................................................................................B....................3 Ch. Kudabin Vintage Baruh.................................................................................................................................................. D....................3 Ch. Terrarust’s Seek a Rainbow........................................................................................................................................... D....................3 Ch. Amnahr Nahr’s Mardi Gras Flambeaux Man................................................................................................................. D....................2 DC Astarte’s Sultan Siete with Pips SC CD RN VB................................................................................................................. D....................2 Ch. Mankia’s Kuchimba....................................................................................................................................................... D....................2 Ch. Symphonic Fanfare........................................................................................................................................................ D....................2 Ch. Terrarust N Akuaba Jamboree....................................................................................................................................... D....................2 Ch. Terrarust N Beaubri Special FX.......................................................................................................................................B....................2 Ch. Ahmarh Nahr’s Hallelujah Makes A Joyful Noise...........................................................................................................B....................1 Am/Can CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Mardi Gras Flambeaux Man.................................................................................................... D....................1 CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Ryder of The Voodoo Child................................................................................................................... D....................1 Ch. Arubmec’s Integra......................................................................................................................................................... D....................1 Ch. Baruh’s Kudabin a Flirt...................................................................................................................................................B....................1 Ch. Blackwings Red Amber of Conamore.............................................................................................................................B....................1 Ch. Conamore Rising Sun.................................................................................................................................................... D....................1 Ch. Conamore Sum of Restigouche .................................................................................................................................... D....................1 Ch. Emerant’s The Instigator............................................................................................................................................... D....................1 Ch. Ima Code of the West ................................................................................................................................................... D....................1 Ch. Jasiri-Sukari Khani Francis..............................................................................................................................................B....................1 Ch. Mankia’s Mishindi......................................................................................................................................................... D....................1 Ch. Mija Cross Country Heart N’ Soul, SC.............................................................................................................................B....................1 Ch. Select Information FCh.................................................................................................................................................. D....................1 Ch. Shantara’s Dalaf Thunderbolt........................................................................................................................................ D....................1 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 30






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow! GCH CH Reveille Waltz Me Around GCH CH Arubmec's Take A Chance On Me GCH CH Undercover AB UR A Bell Ringer GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr's Best Of The Best GCH CH Taji's After Six GCH CH Alapocas Queen Of The Elves GCH DC Khani's Freeze Frame N'Focus SC GCH CH Starfyre's Spiced It Up GCH CH Skyhi's Always In Fashion GCH CH Sirobe Egotistical Rosewood GCH CH Illusion's Stairway To Heaven GCH CH Dragonete Itapuca JC CH Taji Platinum Will.I.Am GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover GCH CH Laurel S'Simply Shocking Sabrina GCH CH Undercover Imara Voyager Vance


J Jones/K Jones/C Kok P Geoffroy/S Lund/S Coe P Geoffroy/S Lund/S Coe D Bolte'/J Lodge P Cembura/K Collins W Pooley/G Whitehurst T Kirstein/T Huff J Behles/R Walley K Campbell J Dugan/M Dugan/E Dugan K Britton/E Bramble D Searcy/K Grayson L Stargell/J Krohn B Phifer T Reed/B Reed J Morgan/S Morgan K Campbell/M Quinnett D DeFlorio/K Cabral L Hesse G Whitehurst/C Camp/O Rosener/S Schroeder

Points 783 602 226 195 192 191 184 184 152 120 109 106 104 95 93 86 80 79 74 73






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle GCH CH Reveille Waltz Me Around GCH CH Arubmec's Take A Chance On Me GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr's Best Of The Best GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow! GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet GCH CH Teazer Kazor Ekundayo For Johari GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover GCH CH Dragonete Itapuca JC GCH CH Skyhi's Always In Fashion CH Taji Platinum Will.I.Am GCH CH Taji's After Six GCH CH Alapocas Queen Of The Elves GCH CH Laurel S'Simply Shocking Sabrina GCH CH Epic-Select Never Say Goodbye SC GCH CH Signet 'Tis-A Gone With The Wind GCH CH Illusion's Stairway To Heaven CH Africanadian James T Kirk GCH CH I Am Mary Fula Grace From Sonbar


J Jones/K Jones/C Kok P Geoffroy/S Lund/S Coe D Bolte'/J Lodge P Cembura/K Collins J Behles/R Walley P Geoffroy/S Lund/S Coe T Kirstein/T Huff C Garcia/D Yeager/J Gaidos D DeFlorio/K Cabral J Morgan/S Morgan L Stargell/J Krohn K Campbell/M Quinnett K Campbell J Dugan/M Dugan/E Dugan L Hesse T Wright/B Blansett/T Leonard B Cassell/C Cassell/F Hughes/J Hughes T Reed/B Reed A Whalen D Baughan

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Points 6172 2022 1405 1377 979 898 713 607 509 504 496 446 424 383 376 366 347 314 258 249

AKC TOP 20 - 2014 GRAND CHAMPIONS As of Dec. 31, 2014 - FINAL





1 ............GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle ............................................................................ D................................... 377 2 ............GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin ....................................................................................................... D................................... 196 3 ............GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow! .......................................................................... B................................... 172 4 ............GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Best Of The Best ......................................................................................... D................................... 152 5 ............GCH CH Reveille Waltz Me Around ................................................................................................... D................................... 148 6 ............GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet ...................................................................................... B................................... 122 7 ............GCH CH Undercover AB UR A Bell Ringer .......................................................................................... D................................... 120 8 ............GCH CH Arubmec’s Take A Chance On Me ........................................................................................ D................................... 105 9 ............GCH CH Dragonete Itapuca JC ........................................................................................................... B................................... 101 ..............GCH CH Illusion’s Stairway To Heaven ............................................................................................... D................................... 101 11 ..........GCH CH Alapocas Queen Of The Elves .............................................................................................. B..................................... 97 12 ..........GCH CH Starfyre’s Spiced It Up .......................................................................................................... B..................................... 93 13 ..........GCH CH Laurel S’Simply Shocking Sabrina ......................................................................................... B..................................... 82 14 ..........GCH CH Skyhi’s Always In Fashion ..................................................................................................... B..................................... 76 15 ..........GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover ......................................................................................... D..................................... 74 16 ..........GCH CH Fopaw’s Dlucks Moon Dance ............................................................................................... B..................................... 65 17 ..........GCH CH Karnak’s Pure And Simple Allure .......................................................................................... B..................................... 58 ..............GCH CH Tammen’s Defying Gravity ................................................................................................... B..................................... 58 19 ..........GCH DC Fopaw’s Touch Of Evil At Saorsa RN SC ................................................................................ B..................................... 50 20 ..........GCH CH Taji’s After Six ....................................................................................................................... D..................................... 47 ..............GCH CH Teazer Chiya’s Chittychittybangbang SC ............................................................................... B..................................... 47

AKC GCH Medallion Recipients FINAL - Dec. 31, 2014

Dog Name


GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow! GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin GCH CH Karnak's Pure And Simple Allure GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr's Halleleujah Makes A Joyful Noise GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr's Ryder Of The Voodoo Child GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr's The Lost Angel Gabriel GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Xtra Special Edition GCH DC Atarasi's D'Lucks Edition SC GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba Zensational GCH CH Illusion's Stairway To Heaven GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Bucking The Trind GCH CH Klassic's Slam Dunk GCH CH Platinum Nelson Jewel Of D'Nile SC GCH CH Starfyre's Rock'N With Danica GCH DC Undercover Meisterhaus Hi Ho Quianna By Signet SC GCH CH Wakili Signet Dooney GCH CH AB-Rafiki The Icon Of Cool GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr's Best Of The Best GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Speed Of Light GCH DC Akuaba N Eldorado's Speed Shot MC CA RATO GCH CH Alapocas Simon Says GCH CH Arubmec's Take A Chance On Me GCH CH Arubmec's Thriller GCH DC Bantu's Playing Rochambeau SC


GCH CH Dagoba's Poetry In Motion GCH CH Djakomba's Sandoway Of Wyoland JC GCH CH Dragonete Itapuca JC GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Never Surrender GCH CH Emerant's The Navigator JC GCH CH I Am Jacob The Beloved JC GCH CH Jokuba C-Quest First Round Knock Out GCH CH Khani's Starlight Starbright SC GCH CH Laurel S'Simply Shocking Sabrina GCH CH Mardi Gras' Oliver Twist GCH CH Mata Hauri Ruby Red Beez GCH CH Meisterhaus Dazzle 'N' Daze GCH DC N'Focus Santa Baby MC LCX GCH CH Reveille One For The Money GCH CH Reveille Push Button GCH CH Reveille Waltz Me Around GCH CH Sirobe Egotistical Rosewood GCH CH Skyhi's Always In Fashion GCH CH Sonbar's Vigilant Valkyre At Cynosure GCH DC Southhouse Jumoke Ltle Big Man Malawi SC GCH CH Starfyre's Spiced It Up GCH CH Taji Goes Platinum JC GCH CH Taji's Klassic Lil Black Dress SC GCH CH Tammen's Sparks Will Fly GCH CH 'Tis-A Arubmec's Circle Of Life GCH CH Undercover AB UR A Bell Ringer GCH CH Victory Meisterhaus The X Factor

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2014 AKC TOP 20 - OWNER HANDLED SERIES Qualifying Period: Oct 9, 2014 thru Oct. 7, 2015 - Tally as of Feb. 11, 2015

Rank Dog Name

Owner Name

1 GCH DC Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot MC CA RATO 2 GCH CH Epic-Select Never Say Goodbye SC 3 GCH CH Undercover AB UR A Bell Ringer 4 CH Nowata I Am Amazing 5 CH Birch’s You Had Me From Hello 6 GCH CH Khani’s Pitch Perfect Skyhi’s Eighth Wonder Of The World 8 Illusion’s Tango GCH CH Mardi Gras’ Oliver Twist GCH CH UnderDover Imara Simon Says Legend 11 GCH CH UnderCover Imara Voyager Vance 12 Svengali Zindika Big Sky Edition GCH CH Taji Platinum Will.I.Am 14 GCH CH Alapocas Queen Of The Elves CH Eldorado’s Epiphany GCH CH I Am Mary Fula Grace From Sonbar CH Illusion’s Aeropostale RN CGC Nowata’s Crime Scene Investigator CH Possum Creek’s Sangbani GCH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl CH Zamaradi’s Im Not Your Steppin Stone SC

Jane Johnson Bitch Thomas Wright/Becky Blansett/Tracy Leonard D.V.M. Dog Wanda K Pooley/Gale N Whitehurst Dog Supachat Preedasuth Bitch Eva Birch/Larry Birch Dog Ms. Kathryn R Britton/Emily Britton/ Daniel Britton/Zoe Patton Bitch Laurie A Stargell Bitch Bob Reed/Terry Reed Dog Michael L Graves/Christine L Graves Dog Gale N Whitehurst/Connie L Camp/ Susan Schroeder/Olivia J Rosener Dog Gale N Whitehurst/Connie L Camp/Olivia J Rosener/ Susan Schroeder Dog Bridgette Lesar/Carol Wyatt/Cecily Rappe Dog Katie Campbell/MaryK Quinnett Dog Julie Dugan/Margaret Dugan/Edward Dugan Bitch Elizabeth Reed Dog Dyan Baughan Bitch Nancy K Grant Bitch Susan A Howard/Sherry Stevens Bitch Carole L Kirk/Denise A Vertrees Bitch Edna Johnson/Brenda Cassell/Tad Brooks/Sandra Middlebrooks Bitch Sarah Smith-Falkner/Jeffrey Falkner Bitch

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Sex Points 300 145 85 50 45 40 40 35 35 35 30 25 25 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

ASFA LURE COURSING - Top 20 -2014 Rank Call Name Registered Name Owner 1 Searsha GCh,DC N’Focus Santa Baby, LCM4,MC,GRC,CGC,VB,LCX 2 Aqune FC Thor’s Song For A Winter’s Night, LCM,SC 2 Merlin FC Thor’s Kikozi, LCM5,SC 4 Zuri GCh,DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VLCM4,MC,SGRC2,LCX 5 Winter FC New World Baridi Ngano, LCM2,SC 6 Sam SunbirdSuddanlySilverEagleSamwis, FCh 7 Moose DC Emerant’s Heez Born To Be Wild, FCh,CGC,JOR,GRC,ORC,SC 8 Tempest GCh,DC Meisterhaus Neon Nights, FCh,SC,VB,GCR 9 Gambit GCh,DC Meisterhaus Never Winter Nights, FCh,MC,JOR,ORC,GRC,VB 10 Dolce Ch Sherwood’s Late Harvest NapaRain, FCh 11 Carly GCh,DC Songwe’s Rock Star Legend, FCh,SC,LCX 11 Ari GCh,DC Jadaka’s Independent Spirit, LCM,TCP,SC,SGRC4,SORC4 13 Kanyu Meiserhaus Pay Pal K’s Kanyu 13 Chloe FC Baraka How The Wind Blows, FCh,SC 15 Remi GCh,DC Emerant’s Heez Reminiscent, FCh,MC,GRC,ORC,SOR,RN 15 Zoe Ch Taji’s Alster Ego From Hodari, FCh 17 Piper FC Sunbird’s Dreaming of Denali, FCh,SC 18 Darwyn DC Zamaradi’sLastTrainToSalishSeaN’, SC 18 Ms Diamond GCh SalishSea’sBarakaJumokeMsDiamond, SC,JOR 20 Sparkle Thor’s Winter Wonderland, FCh,SC

BOB BIF Top 20 Wins Earned Pts

K.Sanders J.Brader J.Brader T.Colbert J.Brader M.Roach/A.Therrell

25 4 3 15 4 6

2 0 0 1 0 0

141 85 85 79 76 57

S.Smith-Falkner J.Stewart/T.Brooks

6 4

0 0

44 42

L.Stewart/T.Brooks M.& N.Sullivan/R.Dubbert S.Schroeder

1 2 4

0 0 0

29 26 22

T.Colbert B.Kaufman/A.T.Brooks M.& J.Montgomery

1 3 1

0 0 0

22 21 21

S.Smith-Falkner/L.Hart M.E.Chaffin/K.Campbell J.Johnson C.Watkins/L.Saban S.& J. Falkner/Saban/Root J.Brader

3 0 1 1 0 1

0 0 0 0 0 0

19 19 18 17 17 16

AKC LURE COURSING - Top 20 - Jan. 1 through Dec. 31, 2014 Rank




1............... GCH DC Emerant Makindu Heez Got Game BN RN SC...................................................... D.................................................. 83 2............... DC Emerant's Heez Born To Be Wild SC............................................................................ D.................................................. 77 3............... FC Congaro's O Ku'u' Aina Aloha MC LCX CA..................................................................... B................................................... 64 4............... DC Taji's Alster Ego From Hodari MC LCX.......................................................................... B................................................... 59 5............... DC Tailwind's The World Is Not Enough SC....................................................................... D.................................................. 45 6............... NFC FC Taji's Hafrican Chief SC.......................................................................................... D.................................................. 40 7............... DC Zamaradi's Last Train To Salish Sea N' Baraka SC......................................................... D.................................................. 39 8............... FC Sunbirds' Dreaming Of Denali MC................................................................................ B................................................... 38 9............... FC Tank! RN MC LCX2........................................................................................................ D.................................................. 37 10............. FC Sunbird Suddanly Silver Eagle Samwise The Brave SC.................................................. D.................................................. 33 11............. GCH CH Teazer Chiya's Chittychittybangbang SC.............................................................. B................................................... 31 11............. FC Taji's hAfrican Queen Disa SC....................................................................................... B................................................... 31 13............. GCH DC Songwe's Rock Star Legend SC LCX...................................................................... B................................................... 29 14............. FC Taji's Alster Echo RN MC LCX3...................................................................................... D.................................................. 28 14............. GCH DC Fopaw's Touch Of Evil At Saorsa RN SC................................................................ B................................................... 28 16............. GCH CH Tailwind's Diamonds Are Forever SC................................................................... B................................................... 25 16............. FC Driving Miss Dasypus MC............................................................................................. B................................................... 25 16............. FC Jaroufa's The Glamazon At Etowah SC......................................................................... B................................................... 25 19............. FC Fopaw's Black Pearl MC............................................................................................... B................................................... 23 19............. DC Suddanly Essence Of Eaglewood MC........................................................................... D.................................................. 23 19............. GCH DC Meisterhaus Neon Nights MC LCX....................................................................... B................................................... 23 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 34

LGRA Top Twenty Standings December 31, 2014


Call Name Dog’s Name



1........... Ari.............. GCH DC Jadaka’s Independent Spirit ................................ SC SGRC4 SORC4 LCM TCP TT CGC VB....................................................... Colbert........................................ 22.50 2........... Liner........... Apu I Liner GRC.............................................................................................. Marsicano................................... 19.50 3........... Moose........ Emerant’s Heez Born To Be Wild GRC............................................................ Smith........................................... 17.00 4........... Gus............. Emerant’s Heez Got Gusto GRC..................................................................... Hart/Hart..................................... 12.75 5........... Tutu............ Apu Pi De Deux SGRC3.................................................................................. Christensen................................. 11.00 6........... Nike............ Emerant Makindu Heez Got Game GRC........................................................ Phillips......................................... 10.00 6........... Zuri............. GCh DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX SGRC2 SORC LCM VLCM3 TT VB......Colbert........................................ 10.00 8........... Rip.............. Apu Richard Parker GRC................................................................................ Christensen/Marsicano................. 9.75 9........... Rocky.......... Kiroja Chicago Hood At Jaroufa SGRC7.......................................................... Ladick............................................ 8.00 10......... Ellie............ Dakotah’s Chantellie Lace GRC...................................................................... Lemberger/Lemberger.................. 7.00 10......... Scarlet........ FC Apu PiNache RN SC SGRC2 SORC THD FCH............................................... Marsicano..................................... 7.00 12......... Kyo............. Kinetic-Tanza Reaper Man GRC..................................................................... Voss/Stump/Fragas....................... 6.00 13......... Harley-H..... Sam’s I’ll Tri Anything GRC............................................................................. Haggard......................................... 4.50 14......... Gotcha........ Emerant’s Sheez Gotcha................................................................................ Hart/Hart....................................... 4.25 15......... Zuni............ Astarte’s Zuni Breeze at Sun River CGC, SGRC, JOR.......................................Garel/Sapios.................................. 4.00 16......... Fern............ CH Apu Painted Sand RN AX OAJ XF THD SC FCH SGRC ORC.........................Marsicano..................................... 2.75 17......... Banh Mi...... DC Tajis Banhy Mi On The Runway To Blue Note MC LCX..............................Hamilton/Coltrane........................ 2.00 17......... Dax............. Sundiata’s Curzon Dax GRC............................................................................ Gamble.......................................... 2.00 17......... L’Ox............ Kinetic Interesting Times GRC........................................................................ Voss............................................... 2.00 17......... Zest............ Akuaba N Eldorado’s Zest For Life JOR.......................................................... Johnson......................................... 2.00

NOTRA Top Ten Standings 2014 FINAL






1.........Ari........................... Jadaka’s Independent Spirit SORC5.................................. Colbert................................................................. 42 2.........TuTu........................ Apu Pi De Deux SORC2..................................................... Christensen.......................................................... 21 3.........Moose.................... Emerant’s Heez Born to be Wild ORC.............................. Smith................................................................ 10.5 4.........Zuri......................... Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin SORC............................................. Colbert................................................................. 10 5.........Gus......................... Emerant’s Heez Got Gusto SOR ORC................................ Hart........................................................................ 8 6.........Gotcha.................... Emerant’s Sheez Gotcha ORC........................................... Hart..................................................................... 7.5 7.........Ellie......................... Dakotah’s Chantellie Lace ORC......................................... Lemberger.......................................................... 5.5 7.........Rip.......................... Apu Richard Parker ORC................................................... Christensen/Marsicano...................................... 5.5 8.........Zest......................... Akuaba N Eldorado’s Zest For Life ORC............................ Johnson................................................................. 5 9.........Kyo.......................... Kinetic-Tanza Reaper Man............................................... Voss/Stump/Fragassi............................................. 4 9.........Nike........................ Emerant Makindu Heez Got Game JOR........................... Phillips................................................................... 4 9.........Scarlet.................... Apu Pinache SORC............................................................ Marsicano.............................................................. 4 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 35


TOP BASENJIS FOR 2014 ALL BREED 1............Aust Sup Ch Zanzipow Poker Face Earnest.................................. Jennifer Power...................................................................7105 2............Aust Sup Ch Afrikenji Hot August Knight..................................... Miss Joanne Stewart..........................................................2234 3............Aust Ch Nailah Embracing The Decision...................................... Mrs C Petersen...................................................................1086 4............Aust Ch Nailah Chasin The Glory................................................. Mrs C Petersen.....................................................................995 5............Aust Sup Ch Bullab Xenas Cleopatra........................................... Megan Flemming & Troy Keyte............................................864 6............Aust Sup Ch Remwin Kissmycheek.............................................. Lyn Hughes...........................................................................535 7............Aust Ch Remwin Cheeky Liasons................................................. Lyn Hughes...........................................................................461 8............Aust Ch Afrikenji Hunting High And Low..................................... D & H Veless.........................................................................187 9............Aust Ch Kanibaru Glowing Ember............................................... Robyn Thompson.................................................................143 10..........Aust Ch Nonaym Bells Of The Congo.......................................... Karen Odar...........................................................................114 11..........Ngozi Shes too Cool..................................................................... K Delacourt/ J Cook/ Dr J Lumb.............................................91 12..........Aust Gr Ch Debrak On The Road Again....................................... AI........... Adam Druce.............................................................85 13..........Aust Ch Kanibaru Black Elikia...................................................... Dr D Braithwaite....................................................................72 14..........Aust Ch Barzoom Captain James T.............................................. A & C Curnick.........................................................................71 15..........Fayrelyn Stars N Stripes............................................................... Freda Snell.............................................................................49 TOP 20 BREED 1............Aust Sup Ch Zanzipow Poker Face Earnest.................................. Jennifer Power.....................................................................464 2............Aust Ch Nonaym Bells Of The Congo.......................................... Karen Odar...........................................................................452 3............Aust Ch Remwin Cheeky Liasons................................................. Lyn Hughes...........................................................................368 4............Aust Ch Nonaym Sound Of The Congo........................................ Karen Ordar..........................................................................350 5............Aust Ch Tambuzi Secret Of Roan Inish........................................ Adam Druce.........................................................................334 6............Aust Sup Ch Remwin Kissmycheek.............................................. Lyn Hughes...........................................................................272 7............Aust Ch Nikrus Zoomy Safari....................................................... Mrs C Benson.......................................................................263 8............Aust Ch Kanibaru Black Elikia...................................................... Dr D Braithwaite..................................................................258 9............Aust Sup Ch Bullab Xenas Cleopatra........................................... Megan Flemming & Troy Keyte............................................197 10..........Aust Ch Nailah Embracing The Decision...................................... Mrs C Petersen.....................................................................188 11..........Aust Ch Bkela Kobi Askari............................................................ D Lindqvist & M Calderwood...............................................186 12..........Ngozi Shes too Cool..................................................................... K Delacourt/ J Cook/ Dr J Lumb...........................................165 13..........Aust Ch Tambuzi The Isle Of Avalon............................................ Adam Druce.........................................................................155 14..........Aust Ch Barzoom Captain James T.............................................. A & C Curnick.......................................................................146 15..........Aust Ch Nailah Chasin The Glory................................................. Mrs C Petersen.....................................................................139 16..........Aust Ch Ngozi Cool Hand Luke.................................................... AI........... Cook/Delacourt/Lumb...........................................139 17..........Aust Ch Kanibaru Glowing Ember............................................... Robyn Thompson.................................................................136 18..........Aust Ch Nonaym little miss me................................................... Karen Ordar..........................................................................122 19..........Aust Ch Bkela Meeam Mali......................................................... D Lindqvist & M Calderwood...............................................119 20..........Aust Gr Ch Debrak On The Road Again....................................... AI........... Adam Druce.............................................................86 RISING STAR TOP 10 1............Aust Ch Nailah Embracing The Decision...................................... Mrs C Petersen.....................................................................635 2............Aust Ch Nonaym Bells Of The Congo.......................................... Karen Odar...........................................................................445 3............Aust Ch Tambuzi Secret Of Roan Inish........................................ Adam Druce.........................................................................400 4............Aust Ch Nonaym Sound Of The Congo........................................ Karen Ordar..........................................................................365 5............Aust Ch Bkela Kobi Askari............................................................ D Lindqvist & M Calderwood...............................................245 6............Aust Ch Kanibaru Black Elikia...................................................... Dr D Braithwaite..................................................................205 7............Aust Ch Bkela Meeam Mali......................................................... D Lindqvist & M Calderwood...............................................195 8............Nonaym The Sound Of Silence.................................................... Karen Ordar..........................................................................185 9............Aust Ch Tambuzi The Isle Of Avalon............................................ Adam Druce.........................................................................170 10..........Nikrus White Diamond................................................................ Chantel Qualischefski...........................................................110 NEUTER BREED COMPETITION 1............Aust Sup & Neut Ch Tamsala Mitena Magic................................ Jess Walker.........................................................................1160 2............Aust & Neut Ch Wazazi High Definition....................................... Mr Jason Cook and Dr Jeffrey Lumb....................................150 3............Aust & Neut Ch Baagna Bahati Rosie.......................................... Mrs C Benson.......................................................................115 4............Aust Ch Fayrelyn Eyez Ofth Tygrista............................................ C & N Verrall...........................................................................70 5............Aust Neut Ch Zanzipow Pure Red Poppy..................................... Lisa-Jane Hunter....................................................................60 6............Aust Neut Ch Remwin Dark Image.............................................. Mrs C Benson.........................................................................55 7............Aust Ch Nikrus African Pa Meisie................................................ Mrs C Benson.........................................................................45 TOP BREEDERS 1............ZANZIPOW......... Mrs Jennifer Power...........................486 4............NAILAH.............. Mrs C Petersen.................................175 2............REMWIN............ Lyn Hughes.......................................378 5............TAMBUZI........... Adam Druce......................................150 3............AFRIKENJI.......... D & H Veless.....................................317 6............NONAYM........... Karen Ordar......................................126 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 36

BRAZIL - Top Basenjis for 2014 ADULT Pos.........Nome..........................................................................................Proprietário/Handler........................................................... Pts. 1............Escarlate Ruiva Itapuca...............................................................Vicente Pacheco Junior..................................................... 2833 2............Kazor’s Take Me All The Way.......................................................Savio Picanço Steele............................................................ 279 3............Favelado Lek Touchless Itapuca...................................................Savio Picanço Steele............................................................ 157 4............Kazor’s Mega Model....................................................................Nicolas Pineiro E Carol Webb.............................................. 118 5............Master Allen’s Plenty O’toole......................................................Felipe Trindade ..................................................................... 84 6............Teazer Kazor Nene At Itapuca......................................................Savio Picanço Steele.............................................................. 83 7............Zorua Do Rancho Da Pedra.........................................................Murilo Vieira.......................................................................... 66 8............Zorua Do Rancho Da Pedra.........................................................Murilo Vieira.......................................................................... 58 9............Eita Nem Itapuca.........................................................................Savio Picanço Steele.............................................................. 34 10..........Jadaka Meisterhaus Magic Man Of Itapuca................................Savio Picanço Steele.............................................................. 31 11..........Falcon Itapuca.............................................................................Savio Picanço Steele.............................................................. 24 12..........Etoo Touchless Itapuca................................................................Savio Picanço Steele.............................................................. 23 13..........Chika Jaguar Vilas........................................................................José Izidro De Souza Neto..................................................... 15 14..........Master Allen Congo Itapuca........................................................Savio Picanço Steele.............................................................. 13 ..............Fahari Jaguar Vilas Itapuca..........................................................José Izidro.............................................................................. 13 16..........Agra Itapuca Canes Ad Archangelos............................................Glauco Gall Dos Santos............................................................ 6 ..............Bomani Jaguar Villas...................................................................Anderson Gustavo Torres........................................................ 6 18..........Cacau Itapuca..............................................................................Savio Picanço Steele................................................................ 3 19..........Zion R.P.M...................................................................................Raquel Poli, Luiz Felipe Proost................................................. 1

JUNIOR Pos.........Nome..........................................................................................Proprietário/Handler........................................................... Pts. 1............Favelado Lek Touchless Itapuca...................................................Savio Picanço Steele............................................................ 295 2............Teazer Kazor Nene At Itapuca......................................................Savio Picanço Steele.............................................................. 63 3............Chika Jaguar Vilas........................................................................José Izidro De Souza Neto..................................................... 44 4............Zorua Do Rancho Da Pedra.........................................................Murilo Vieira.......................................................................... 38 5............Agra Itapuca Canes Ad Archangelos............................................Glauco Gall Dos Santos............................................................ 7 6............Falcon Itapuca.............................................................................Savio Picanço Steele................................................................ 4 7............Bomani Jaguar Villas...................................................................Anderson Gustavo Torres........................................................ 3

PUPPY Pos.........Nome..........................................................................................Proprietário/Handler........................................................... Pts. 1............Favelado Lek Touchless Itapuca...................................................Savio Picanço Steele.............................................................. 62 2............Chika Jaguar Vilas........................................................................José Izidro De Souza Neto..................................................... 35 3............ZionN R.P.M.................................................................................Raquel Poli , Luiz Felipe Proost................................................ 1

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CANADA - BREED & ALL-BREED STANDINGS ALL-BREED STANDINGS - Through Nov. 3, 2014 RANK BIS SEX BIS GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4 Pts 1............GChEx Ahmahr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel................................. M........... 12...........64.......... 53......... 15........... 14...........4776 2............Ch Kandem Summit No Regrets........................................................ F............ 0.............1............ 5........... 6............. 4..............304 3............Ch Sonbar’s Worth Watching At Miloki.............................................F............ 0.............2............ 5........... 8............. 3..............272 4............Ch Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover................................................ M............ 0.............0............ 0........... 0............. 1..............108 5............Ch Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot.................................................F............ 0.............0............ 0........... 0............. 0................38 6............Ch Africanadian PBJ Of AhmahrNahr................................................F............ 0.............0............ 1........... 1............. 0................30 7............Africanadian Guru Ahmahr Nahr..................................................... M............ 0.............0............ 1........... 0............. 0................17 8............Wasenshi’s Girl on Fire...................................................................... F............ 0.............0............ 0........... 2............. 0................15 9............Ch Mankia’s Makago........................................................................ M............ 0.............0............ 0........... 0............. 1................10 10..........Klassic’s Little Texas Bushwacker...................................................... M............ 0.............0............ 0........... 0............. 1..................8 11..........Khani’s Aca-Pella Orru....................................................................... F............ 0.............0............ 0........... 1............. 3..................5 11..........Africanadian Dandy Amahr Nahr..................................................... M............ 0.............0............ 0........... 0............. 0..................5 13..........Africanadian Khufu Ahmahr Nahr.................................................... M............ 0.............0............ 0........... 0............. 1..................4 14..........Meisterhaus Take A Chance On Me..................................................F............ 0.............0............ 0........... 0............. 0..................3 15..........Beaubri’s Black Ice.............................................................................0............ 0.............0............ 0........... 0............. 0..................2 15..........Africanadian James T Kirk................................................................ M............ 0.............0............ 0........... 0............. 0..................2 15..........Emerant’s R E S P E C T...................................................................... F............ 0.............0............ 0........... 0............. 0..................2 15..........Ch Orru’s Heart N Soul..................................................................... M............ 0.............0............ 0........... 0............. 0..................2 19..........Ch Old Legend’s Baldur.................................................................... M............ 0.............0............ 0........... 0............. 0..................1 19..........Blackwing’s Waltzing Matilda............................................................ F............ 0.............0............ 0........... 0............. 0..................1 19..........Emerant N Fopaws Sheza Seeker...................................................... F............ 0.............0............ 0........... 0............. 0..................1 BREED STANDINGS - 2014 THROUGH 11-3-2014 All Breed Specialty Points Rank Dog Name Sex BOB BOB Points 1............GChEx Ahmahr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel........................................ M........................153........................ 4..................... 120 2............Ch Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot........................................................ F...........................0.......................... 2....................... 38 3............Ch Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover....................................................... M..........................3.......................... 3....................... 32 4............Ch Africanadian PBJ Of AhmahrNahr....................................................... F...........................5.......................... 0....................... 12 5............Ch Kandem Summit No Regrets............................................................... F..........................37......................... 2......................... 9 6............Africanadian Guru Ahmahr Nahr............................................................ M..........................7.......................... 0......................... 8 7............Africanadian Dandy Amahr Nahr............................................................ M..........................4.......................... 0......................... 5 8............Ch Sonbar’s Worth Watching At Miloki.................................................... F..........................34......................... 0......................... 3 8............Meisterhaus Take A Chance On Me......................................................... F..........................13......................... 0......................... 3 10..........Ch Orru’s Heart N Soul............................................................................ M..........................1.......................... 0......................... 2 10..........Africanadian James T Kirk....................................................................... M..........................1.......................... 0......................... 2 10..........Beaubri’s Black Ice.................................................................................... 2...........................0.......................... 2 10..........Emerant’s R E S P E C T............................................................................. F...........................2.......................... 0......................... 2 10..........Africanadian Khufu Ahmahr Nahr........................................................... M..........................2.......................... 0......................... 2 10..........Khani’s Aca-Pella Orru.............................................................................. F..........................15......................... 0......................... 2 10..........Klassic’s Little Texas Bushwacker............................................................. M..........................3.......................... 0......................... 2 17..........Ch Old Legend’s Baldur........................................................................... M..........................0.......................... 1......................... 1 17..........Blackwing’s Waltzing Matilda................................................................... F...........................4.......................... 0......................... 1 17..........Emerant N Fopaws Sheza Seeker............................................................. F...........................1.......................... 0......................... 1 20..........Wasenshi’s Girl on Fire............................................................................. F...........................4.......................... 0......................... 0 20..........Ch Mankia’s Makago............................................................................... M..........................4.......................... 0......................... 0 20..........Ch Africanadian Kimia Ango Angari.......................................................... F...........................2.......................... 0......................... 0 20..........Amore’s Cross My Heart Ernie................................................................ M..........................4.......................... 0......................... 0 20..........Bushwacker Instant Karma....................................................................... F...........................5.......................... 0......................... 0 CORRECTION TO ALL-BREED STANDINGS PUBLISHED IN 4Q 2014 Rank Dog Name 2 Ch Kandem Summit No Regrets



GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4 1 5 6 4

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.Pisteet/Points 1 Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever.............................................11 2 Sternhimmels Orvar Odd..................................................95 3 Klassic’s Daydream Believer..............................................88 4 Ajibu Jumping Jack Flash...................................................87 5 Ajibu Life And Soul............................................................71 6 Bulldobas No Regrets........................................................69 7 Sternhimmels Optimus Maximus......................................56 8 Dakarai Long Play..............................................................55 9 Bulldobas Zappa Safeguard...............................................50 10 Perrada Unican Impressive...............................................47 11 Hi-Lite Hot Rod..................................................................45 12 Bulldobas Catch The Wind................................................42 12 Heriaheri Viridian Green...................................................42 12 Safeguard’s Dijon Bulldobas..............................................42 15 Orange Pips Codename Kyril.............................................41 16 Bulldobas Baroos In The Night..........................................35 17 Kanjaras Timeus Theron....................................................34 18 Ajibu Feelin’Good..............................................................32 18 Furahan Java Jamil............................................................32 20 Hanishan Game Hunter....................................................31 20 Kanjaras Road Like No Other............................................31 22 Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius...........................................30

.Pisteet/Points 1 Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wow-Factor...........................................90 2 Vanguardian Token Of Luck...............................................90 3 Bulldobas Cute As A Button..............................................63 4 Hi-Lite Hula Hoops............................................................55 5 Bulldobas Belle Bubling Under..........................................45 6 Faraoland La Vie En Rose..................................................43 6 Sternhimmels Opera Operata...........................................43 8 Hanishan Titilayo Sharab...................................................41 9 Bulldobas Zandra Safeguard.............................................40 9 Sternhimmels Nota Prima.................................................40 11 Wazazi The One And Only.................................................38 12 Dakarai Gigglebelly...........................................................35 13 Hanishan Que Sera Sera....................................................34 13 Perrada Unican Iron Comesfrom Meroe...........................34 15 Rosone’s Retro Regina......................................................32 15 Rosone’s Retro Rimembranza...........................................32 17 Ajibu Billie Jean.................................................................30 17 Orange Pips Chelsea Bun..................................................30 19 Sternhimmels Notabilia Bona...........................................29 19 Sternhimmels Observa Octavia.........................................29



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 9 10 10 12 13 13 15 16 16 18 18 18 18

Pisteet/Points Faraoland La Vie En Rose..................................................43 Bulldobas Baroos In The Night..........................................40 Bulldobas Belle Bubling Under..........................................38 Hi-Lite Cotton Candy.........................................................35 Motion Of Life At Wild Africa............................................18 Hi-Lite Cola Candy.............................................................16 Behukai Florida Sun..........................................................14 Rosone’s Viola Verdeca.....................................................14 Kanjaras Choco..................................................................13 Behukai Fortune Cookie....................................................12 Rosone’s Vino Vermentino................................................12 Orange Pips Don Octavio..................................................11 I Love Paris of Swala Pala..................................................10 Perrada Unican Jaunty Jamboree.....................................10 Rosone’s Viola Vernaccia....................................................7 Nature’s Masterpiece Catch Me If U Can............................6 Orange Pips Duchess O’Devonshire....................................6 Bastillin Andy Mcred...........................................................5 Hi-Lite Candy Cane..............................................................5 I Know A Secret Afrikata......................................................5 Orange Pips Dancing Mystery Man.....................................5

1 2 3 4 5 6 6 8 9 10 11 12 12 12 12 16 16

Pisteet/Points Bulldobas No Regrets........................................................39 Ajibu Billie Jean.................................................................27 Hanishan Game Hunter....................................................25 Hanishan Titilayo Sharab...................................................24 Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius...........................................22 Bulldobas Adofo Amani....................................................17 Kanjaras Timeus Theron....................................................17 Kanjaras Zindika................................................................11 Bulldobas Kito Keisha..........................................................9 Hanishan Glory For Love.....................................................8 Bulldobas La Scala...............................................................7 Dark Skies Catcher In The Rye.............................................5 Perrada Unican Victorious One...........................................5 Samlet Symphonyoflove.....................................................5 Perrada Unican Valorous’NShiny........................................2 Bulldobas Kito Kibibi...........................................................1 Orange Pips Awesome Omega............................................1

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SWEDEN STANDINGS - Top 20 Basenjis December, 2014

ÅRETS BASENJI 2014 - HANAR/DOGS UTSTÄLLNING RANK NAMN/NAME....................................................................................................... AGARE/OWNER............................................ TOTALT/PTS 1..... C.I.B NORD EE UCH NORDJ V-11 Kenjaali Heere’s Johnny.............................................. Birgitta Prahl & Emma Prahl........................................... 80 2..... NORD US UCH Jasiri-Sukari Win Diesel............................................................................ Carina Morén Jansson.................................................... 65 3..... DK EE INT NORD UCH NORD V-08 SE V-08-09- SE&NO V-07 WW-11-13 ....... Faraoland Bluetooth Enigma....................................................................................... Sofie Lönn....................................................................... 62 4..... LV SE DK UCH Faraoland Swedish Design........................................................................ Anna Söderberg.............................................................. 51 5..... C.I.B HR NORD UCH Karimba’s Colin Cocky..................................................................... Heléne Roos.................................................................... 48 6..... SE UCH Faraoland Kenzo Power...................................................................................... Annie Schallengruber..................................................... 44 7..... C.I.B SE UCH VEUW-10 VWW-10-11 M Wami’s American Fortune Hunter..................... Birgitta Prahl................................................................... 42 8..... NORD UCH SE V-13 NORD V-11 NORD JV-10 NORD V-10 Enigma Just Watch Me........... Madelene Lönn & Sofie Lönn......................................... 40 9..... SE UCH Yulara Tamarack.................................................................................................. Mia Lööwber................................................................... 39 10... SE UCH Miss Amazing’s Dream Hunter............................................................................ Camilla Lebzien............................................................... 37 11... Zandeena A Twist In The Tail........................................................................................... Therese Kindberg............................................................ 30 *...... Sueden Corento Valio Kaveri To Ngan.............................................................................. Yvonne Adolfsson........................................................... 30 13... Afrikos Mitas Admiral Of Love......................................................................................... Anita Bergkvist, Cecilia Kocman & Helena Strömbert.... 29 *...... Barkless Xtreme Dimension............................................................................................. Birgitta Prahl................................................................... 29 15... C.I.B NORD UCH SE V-11 NO V-10 Kimwito’s Valentino................................................... Anna Söderholm Bjurström & Therese Kindberg........... 28 16... SE UCH Yulara Quercus.................................................................................................... Susann Marco................................................................. 22 *...... Turbolines Taste Of Africa................................................................................................ Erica & Annika Jonsson................................................... 22 18... C.I.B NORD UCH Hanishan X-Factor................................................................................ Lars Höglin...................................................................... 17 *...... SE UCH Taji’s Top Model To Zahleka................................................................................ Cecilia Åkerblad.............................................................. 17 20... C.I.B NORD UCH KBHV-09 Zahleka Emile Emilion............................................................ Yvonne Adolfsson........................................................... 16 *...... Rayas Minds Windy Wind................................................................................................ Diana Bjurström & Carina Johansson............................. 16

ÅRETS BASENJI 2014 - TIKAR/BITCHES UTSTÄLLNING 1..... SE DK UCH SE V-13 Behukai Egyptian Treasure............................................................... Therese Kindberg & Anders Gryhed............................... 74 2..... SE NO UCH NORD JV-11 Enigma I Have A Dream............................................................ Carina Morén Jansson & Sofie Lönn............................... 62 *...... SE JV-13 Shahrans Starlet................................................................................................ Maria Kindberg &Therese Kindberg............................... 62 4..... SE UCH NORD JV-09 SE V-10 Khani’s Midnight Star......................................................... Madelene Lönn & Sofie Lönn......................................... 59 5..... SE UCH Yulara Stellaria.................................................................................................... Monica Massih............................................................... 56 6..... Touch Of Razz Pink Champagne...................................................................................... Carina Morén Jansson.................................................... 52 7..... C.I.B NORD UCH DK V-13 NORD V-12 Kenjaali Frankly My Dear...................................... Naranja Persson.............................................................. 48 *...... C.I.B CH NO NORD UCH DK JV-12 NORD JV-12 Karimba’s Bling Bling.............................. Heléne Roos.................................................................... 46 9..... Karimba’s Party Girl......................................................................................................... Heléne Roos & Ulrika Tapper.......................................... 40 10... Barkless Diorshow Black Out........................................................................................... Cecilia Kocman................................................................ 33 11... NORD UCH SE JV-12 Old Legend’s Jewel.......................................................................... Yvonne Adolfsson........................................................... 30 12... Faraoland HD Street Glide............................................................................................... Cecilia Kocman................................................................ 28 13... C.I.B NORD UCH DK VV-13 NORD VV-12 SE V-05-06-07 KBH V-08-09 ....... Kenjaali Kaya-Kayenna................................................................................................ Naranja Persson.............................................................. 26 14... RLDN C.I.B EE NORD UCH Hazhart Miss Chevious........................................................... Anna Söderberg.............................................................. 22 15... SE UCH Faraoland Treasure Of The Rainbow................................................................ Helena Strömbert........................................................... 20 16... Miss Amazing’s Night Play............................................................................................... Camilla Lebzien............................................................... 19 17... SE UCH Chagmas Rose To Faraoland............................................................................... Helena Strömbert........................................................... 18 *...... Rayas Minds Winning Winnie.......................................................................................... Diana Bjurström & Carina Johansson............................. 18 *...... SE UCH Enigma In Your Dreams....................................................................................... Annika Jonsson............................................................... 18 20... Azania’s Bit Of Magic Of Tricycle..................................................................................... Susann Marco................................................................. 16

ÅRETS BASENJI 2014 - VETERANER UTSTÄLLNING 1..... VEUW-10 VWW-10-11 SE UCH M Wami’s American Fortune Hunter............................. Birgitta Prahl................................................................... 29 2..... C.I.B NORD UCH DK VV-13 NORD VV-12 SE V-05-06-07 KBH V-08-09 ....... Kenjaali Kaya-Kayenna................................................................................................ Naranja Persson.............................................................. 23 3..... DK,EE,INT&NORD UCH NORD V-08 SE V-08-09- SE&NO V-07 WW-11-13 ....... Faraoland Bluetooth Enigma....................................................................................... Sofie Lönn....................................................................... 18 4..... SE DK UCH Faraoland Saga Zulu....................................................................................... Gun-Lis Dahlström.......................................................... 13 5..... Liljeborg’s Dan Fatima Of Sun.......................................................................................... Yvonne Adolfsson............................................................. 6 6..... C.I.B DK NO FI UCH Faraoland Xcellent Example............................................................. Cecilia & Bruno Kocman................................................... 3 *...... SE UCH SE V-04 Kenjaali Mercury-Mwami....................................................................... Naranja Persson................................................................ 3 *...... SE UCH Temper Whattayaknow.................................................................................... Sara Teske......................................................................... 3 9..... Vivre Vivien Out Of Africa................................................................................................ Therese Forslund.............................................................. 2

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SWEDEN STANDINGS - Top Lure Coursers December, 2014

No. 1 LURE COURSER SE UCH Yulara Stellaria

ร RETS BASENJI 2014 - LURE-COURSING 1..... SE UCH Yulara Stellaria...................................... Monica Massih............99 2..... SE LCCH Yulara Okapi......................................... Mia Lรถwbeer................84 3..... Yulara Poko Bitima............................................. Paula Malmstrรถm........75 4..... SE LCCH Yulara Papaya....................................... Monica Massih............67 5..... SE LCCH Senisfinx Nubia.................................... Gert Menzel.................36 6..... Emerald............................................................. Anki Skoog...................34 7..... SE LCCH Kenjaali Mojo-Marauder..................... Gert Menzel.................30 9..... JUN WW-10 SE LCCH Yulara Noni Morinda....... Monica Massih............29 8..... Yulara Tamarack................................................. Mia Lรถwbeer................27 10... SE LCCH Avongara Angali................................... Mia & Lars Lรถwbeer.....12

NORWAY Top Winners for 2014 DOGS - HANNER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


Farlanders Can You See It Now Chagmas Just A Dream North Exotic Born 2 Be Wild Ch Doberguard's Ramses Of The Nile Shahrans American Eagle African Star Kingwanas Lord Love-A-Lot Ch Kingwanas Into The Wind Ch Chagmas Pirate King Black Pearl Ch Faraoland Christmas Cracker Ch Faraoland Va Todo Al Ganador Kingwanas Lover Undercover Kingwanas Morning Mist Doberguard's Starwalker Of Giza Ashikis You Could Be Mine

55 47 38 31 30 21 16 14 12 12 11 10 8 5 5

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

North Exotic Born 2 Succeed Kingwanas Lovebug Ch Kingwanas Jitterbug Ch Kingwanas Glory Of The Spotlight Ch Meisterhaus Puzzle'N Play Bushongo Double Joy Ch Moyomema Zelda Waridi Chagmas African Dream Kingwanas Kiss Me Quick Ch Chagmas Pirate Princess Red Ruby Ashikis Whisper In The Dark Ch Kingwanas Foxy Femme Fatale Ch Chagmas Scarlett Pimpernell Bushongo Darkest Pearl Kardohill's Dalila Duni Doberguard's Queen Of The Nile Ch Bushongo Chara Alula Shahrans Wish Upon A Star

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47 46 45 44 39 33 33 30 26 24 24 24 22 14 10 8 8 4

UNITED KENNEL CLUB THROUGH Dec. 14, 2014 Rank.......Dog’s Name............................................................................................... Owner............................................................... Points 1. ...........CH Undercover AB UR A Bell Ringer.......................................................... Wanda K Pooley...................................................... 14 2. ...........UWP URO2 GRCH Bushwacker Kiroja Breaking Bad.................................. Kelli Harmon............................................................. 8 3. ...........CH Starfyre’s Action Jaxson....................................................................... Denise Searcy............................................................ 6 4. ...........CH Starfyre Dyarra Giv It A Tri................................................................... Lori J Baxter............................................................... 5 4. ...........CH Mata Hauri Ruby Red Beez.................................................................. Kathleen Besemer..................................................... 5 6............CH Laurel Aswan Abi Capt Morgan........................................................... Mary H Ross Or Aprille Jahnke..................................4 6. ...........CH AB Tanza Life In The Fast Lane............................................................. Pat Fragassi Or Ted Judd............................................4 6. ...........CH AB Day Trip To Tanza-jamaa................................................................. Jeff Sheldon, Ty Rollins, Pat Fragassi.........................4 6. ...........CH AB Freeze Zone.................................................................................... Wanda Pooley........................................................... 4 10. .........CH Jaroufas The Glamazon At Etowa......................................................... Kathryn D Ladick....................................................... 3 10. .........C-Quest Jokuba No Matter What.............................................................. Kimberly A Noel........................................................ 3 10. .........CH Ankhu No Introduction Needed.......................................................... Caryn J Jones, Michael P Jones.................................3

UNITED KINGDOM CHAMPION SHOWS Final - 2014 Maintained by Sally Wallis, Zande Basenjis Name........................................................................................... D/B.......................... CC.......................... RCC........................... BOB Ch Chagmas Dream On........................................................................ D............................... 7...............................3................................. 6 Ch Tokaji California Dreaming ............................................................. B............................... 4...............................8................................. 1 Ch Kentucky Blue ................................................................................ D............................... 2...............................4................................. 2 Ch Faraoland Yuletide Snowfall At Elsco ............................................. D .............................. 2...............................3................................. 2 Can/Am Ch Bushwacker Candy Coated Crime..................................... B .............................. 2...............................2................................. 1 Ch Silverbriar Mirror Image (tri).......................................................... D............................... 2...............................0................................. 1 Ch Kissangani Shining Star at Embeau (tri).......................................... B .............................. 3...............................3................................. 0 Ch Kissangani Life of the Party............................................................ B .............................. 2...............................2................................. 1 Ch Kissangani Caught in the Act For Milukris...................................... D .............................. 2...............................0................................. 1 Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at Djoser (tri).......................................... B .............................. 1...............................0................................. 1 Tokaji American Dreamz at Silverbriar (tri).......................................... B .............................. 1...............................0................................. 1 Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wild Child of Memetuka (imp)................................ B .............................. 1...............................2................................. 0 Ch Tokaji American Gigolo at Embeau JW SChM................................. D............................... 1...............................2................................. 0 Rebel Rebel at Bushwacker................................................................. D .............................. 1...............................1................................. 0 Ch Kissangani Only Dreaming.............................................................. B .............................. 1...............................0................................. 0 Swanwite Azeera (tri).......................................................................... D............................... 1...............................0................................. 0 Ch Tokaji American Gangster at Tenfield............................................. D............................... 1...............................0................................. 0

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Upcoming Events – Around the World DATE



March 7, 2015


March 20, 2015


May 22-23, 2015


May 23, 2015


June 11-14, 2015 Basenji judging June 13, 2015


June 13-14, 2015


June 27, 2015


June 28, 2015


July 17, 2015


July 24, 2015


August 1-2, 2015


August 1, 2015


Sept 4-6, 2015 Basenji Judging Sept. 6


Oct. 26 - Nov. 1, 2015


BASENJI CLUB OF VICTORIA Melbourne, Australia Judge: Mrs Noel Baaser, Germany DALLAS-FORT WORTH BASENJI CLUB SPECIALTY Fort Worth, Texas Conformation Judge: Mr. Edd Bevins Sweepstakes Judge: Mrs. Cecelia Wozniak BASENJI CLUB OF CINCINNATI SPECIALTY Hamilton, OH In conjunction with Warren County KC of Ohio March 22 Conformation: Ms. Bettyann Hale March 23 Conformation: Mr. Alberto Berrios WILLAMETTE VALLEY BASENJI CLUB Cathlamet, WA Coursing Ability Tests Secretary: Jackie Jones WORLD DOG SHOW Milano, Italy Basenji Judge: El Baroudi Abderrahim (MA) Group 5 Judge: Nikitina Lyudmila (RUS) GREATER CHICAGOLAND BASENJI CLUB SPECIALTIES Grayslake, Illinois June 13 Conformation: Mrs. Francine Schwartz Sweepstakes: Ms. Patricia Bright June 14 Conformation: Mr. Robert Frost Sweepstakes: Ms. Sue Ellen Lynch SVKL SPECIALTY Kuusaantie 56, 45700 Kuusankoski (Kouvola) Judge: Rune Fagerström, Finland FINNISH BASENJI SPECIALTY Kuusaantie 56, 45700 Kuusankoski (Kouvola) Judge: Marja Talvitie, Finland WILLAMETTE VALLEY BASENJI CLUB SPECIALTY Gresham, OR Judges: TBA BASENJI CLUB OF SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN SPECIALTY Ixonia, WI Conformation: Ms. Katie Campbell Sweepstakes: Mrs. M. Sue Joyner SWEDISH BASENJKI CLUB SPECIALTY Harasjömåla, Blekinge Judge: Péter Harsányi, Ungern EVERGREEN BASENJI CLUB SPECIALTY Argus Ranch Facility for Dogs Auburn, WA Judges: TBA EUROPEAN DOG SHOW 2015 Oslo, Norway Judge: Lisbeth Campbell, Norway BASENJI CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. NATIONAL SPECIALTY Eisenhower Hotel and Conference Center Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Conformation: *Mr. Michael Work Sweepstakes: *Ms. Julie Jones *pending AKC approval

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