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The Modern Basenji - Worldwide is published quarterly in print and online. 2ND QUARTER 2015 VOLUME 5, ISSUE 2



“Let me count the ways”


Editor’s Column


Advertising -- “Let Me Count the Ways” by Wanda Pooley


“B” Legal Blog - Purebred Dog Day by Karla Schreiber


Basenji Club of Victoria Specialty Judging Report by Noel Baaser


A Site to Behold by Wanda Pooley


My World by Kya


Are Basenjis Doomed to Extinction? by ML Kenworthy


Little Reported Hazards to Your Dogs by ML Kenworthy


Therapy Dog Proclamation, presented to Mary & Gary Langula


The AKC Therapy Dog Program

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Basenji Club of Victoria Specialty

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EVENT RESULTS 28-29 30-31 32 32 35


Basenji Club of Victoria Specialty, Australia Dallas-Ft Worth Basenji Club Specialty Crufts, Birmingham, UK Hound Association of Scotland Inland Empire Hound Show, California

To Behold

BASENJI RANKINGS 33 34 35 36 36 37 37

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AKC Breed and All-Breed Standings AKC GCH and GCH Achievement Levels AKC Owner Handled Series AKC Lure Coursing Rankings ASFA Standings LGRA Standings NOTRA Standings

38 39 39 40 40 41 41

Australia - All-Breed & Breed Canada CKC Top Basenjis Finland Basenji Standings United Kingdom Breed Standings Sweden Top Basenjis Norway Top Basenji Standings Brazil Breed Standings

Are Basenjis DOOMED for


DEPARTMENTS 1 4 21 42 43

Table of Contents Advertisers Advertising Correction for 1Q 2015 Coming Events Advertising and Subscription Rates The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 1

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Training Classes -- Weighing the Value


olunteer training instructors give up their own precious time to help others teach their dogs to excel. The commitment and devotion these people share with those who want to have well-trained dogs is unquestionable. The current performance training models used by those instructors hold some distinct differences compared to the manner in which many conformation instructors continue manage their classes. Good performance instructors know that for a dog to be successful at his job, he must be taught complex commands (the blending of two or more instructions) in separate steps. For example, in teaching the Recall the dog must know how to sit in the heel position, to stay while the handler leaves, to come when called, to sit in front of the handler, and to “finish” by returning to the heel position and sit -- either by going around the handler’s back to the heel position on the left or to make a small circle on the handler’s left to get back to the heel position. Each behavior is taught separately and then “chained“ together in order for the dog to execute all these instructions in one smooth action.

Pg # Basenji Club of SW Wisconsin


Brooks, Tad


Cassell, Brenda


Cassell, Brenda


Cembura, Pat


Griswold, Cindy


Jones, Carrie


Langula, Mary


Pooley, Wanda


Pooley, Wanda


Robinson, Steve & Paul Campbell


Schreiber, Karla


Whitehurst, Gale


Whitehurst, Gale


The conformation training venue, however, has remained mostly unchanged over the years as the majority of instructors still run their class sessions as if they are holding mini-dog shows. Rather than break down the process into steps, these instructors attempt to train the whole process in one fell swoop. The owners are asked to teach their dogs to move on a lead at a controlled pace, travel in a straight line, maneuver a circle, hold the “stacked” position on the floor and on the exam table, be approached by a stranger, work without fuss in a class different breeds, and even master walking into a free stack in the center of the ring. All of these steps to accomplish one feat and without individual preparation!

giving him fair warning. The table exam should be one gentle, assured movement. It should not be regarded as an intervention to desensitize the puppy. All that extra time the instructor spends going over the puppy only gives that fellow plenty of time to grow anxious and to ponder ways to escape this process the next time. Training should build the puppy’s confidence, not offer him unnecessary time to consider a means of avoidance.

This must be overwhelming for young dogs, especially puppies. Asking a basenji puppy to accomplish so much in a short time period with little groundwork is courting disaster. Do these instructors think by having owners attend several weekly repetitive classes that the puppy will eventually “get it” simply by doing the complete sequence of steps of a show ring pattern over and over? I am confident that conformation instructors understand ring procedure; I am not so sure most understand the importance of dividing the training into a series of instructions that the youngster (and even its owner) can manage.

One pet peeve about instructors and the exam table: I recently had an instructor approach my puppy using giggly baby-talk. This completely destroyed my effort to properly present the puppy because her tone sent a clear signal to the dog that standing still was optional. The instructor then went to go over my puppy using exaggerated hand movements, uncurling her tail, and then hovering over the pup while she chattered to me. Unfortunately, a technique like this will not prepare any dog for the real world of showing because no AKC judge is going to approach and exam a dog in this manner.

Moreover, while these instructors are familiar with their own breed, they may lack the knowledge for correctly presenting another breed. There is no One-Size-Fits-All method. Many breeds learn and absorb training differently. Take the basenji -- a primitive breed. For dogs with primitive origins, an instructor would be wise to avoid eye contact, and for heaven’s sake, never approach one from behind without

Ultimately, you have to decide if training classes are the answer. They can be of immense value when done properly. I would recommend using them as long as they are consistent with your own methods outside of the class room. Dogs need proper order to be successful at any task you ask of them. Most important of all, don’t wait until you walk into a show training to begin training your puppy.h

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“Let me count the ways”

By Wanda Pooley

“The activity of attracting public attention to a product or business, as by paid announcements.”


thousands of years people have used some form of advertising to sell their wares. From wall and rock paintings dating as far back as 4000 BC to the hand written sales messages on papyrus in ancient Greece to painted signs bearing images of a boot or a hat or a suit of clothes or even a bag of flour to today’s market place, advertising has been refined and broadened as communications technology advances.

placing a pup in just the right home. With seemingly endless resources at hand a breeder can: • Place a classified ad either in a local newspaper or through online classified ads or a breed specific magazine. • Select from a wide number of websites that act as agents for selling puppies.

Rely on word-of-mouth. TO READ MORE OF• THIS ARTICLE • Be listed in a breeder referral program through a registry such as the American Kennel Club (AKC) or a parent breed club. WE INVITE YOU TO SUBSCRIBE AT • Hope for referrals from other breeders. • Announce puppies available on any of the social media outlets.

The use of classified print advertising began to flourish with the advent of the movable type printing press, thanks to Johannes Gutenberg back around 1450. In 1704 the first classified ad appeared in a Boston newspaper. For more than three centuries the use of classified advertising to get the word to the broadest possible market was very popular. Today the trend to use classified ads continues; however, these are more likely to appear in the form of online advertising which is considered much faster, broader, and more target-specific.

WHO ADVERTISES? Everyone who has something to sell, rather it be tangible or intangible, uses advertising. Breeders will always need a market to sell their puppies, and the methods they choose will spell their success in

• Anticipate repeat buyers who were satisfied with their past puppy purchase. Along with the growth in online classified advertising services, websites that can target a specific puppy market have proliferated. Many of these are actually serving as an agent between the breeder and the buyer. A quick internet search will display a long list of these sites. Continued on page 7

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Proud new owners and their new puppies. Many thanks to these breeders for sharing their success “stories.” -- Michelle Gahgan, RAFIKI, Kelli Harmon, KIROJA, Terry Reed, ILLUSION

WHAT IS THE RIGHT CHOICE? THE STIGMA OF MAKING ”WRONG” CHOICES When my first litter was born, I was unsure how to find owners for the puppies I could not keep. When I asked my mentor, she suggested I place an ad in my local newspaper. So I did. In fact, I used this resource for the next few litters until I became better known. Conversely, other more established breeders shunned this practice and were quick to convey their rather negative opinions. I could never understand why using local advertising was a bad choice. As a responsible breeder I still had to meet these potential buyers, interview them, meet any children in the family, and because all these folks lived in the area, I could drive to their homes to see for myself how my puppies would live. Looking back, the puppies I placed through my local newspaper went to great homes whose owners were happy to stop by from time to time to show me how their basenjis were flourishing. This was a thrill for me and the bonus was being able to keep track of the puppies’ development, their health, and their condition.

With today’s vast array of advertising choices, if breeders screen buyers to assure themselves that their puppy is a good fit for a family, what difference does it make how the breeder connects with these good buyers? What makes one resource bad and another good? I have had other breeders refer people to me who ultimately I had to reject. Moreover when advertising nationwide, few breeders are excited about the prospect of putting a puppy in the cargo hold of an airplane to someone they never met face-to-face. Yet, some breeders do this. I have done this, and believe me, it is a cringe-worthy experience. And what happens when this puppy lands in a home that turns out to be less than ideal. Several years ago I placed a puppy, again a referral, in New York, and 10 months later I drove to that state to “bail” the dog out of a boarding facility after he had been abandoned by his owner several weeks prior. It cost me more than $500 in boarding fees plus a long trip, but we are always responsible until the day these dogs die. So, again, what difference does it make how we advertise our dogs as long as we remain committed and responsible for their lives?


Yet, in spite of all the positive experiences I had using local classified ads, some breeders who abhored this practice told me “good” breeders would ”...never sell their puppies in this manner.” In fact, just to drive the point home to me, when a basenji did appear in the classified section of my local newspaper other basenji owners would call to alert me of this “offense.” What was I supposed to do? Call the advertiser and say “Stop it!” or interrogate the owners as to why their basenji was for sale? Frankly, I wasn’t sure I was even qualified to take such actions.

THE CHOICE IS YOURS Ultimately the choice IS yours and yours alone. Choose the best means to find the best people for your puppies. There should be no stigma involved. Weigh the advantages of the resources available to you and use the most effective methods to attain your goal of placing happy, healthy puppies. As breeders our main objective is to be responsible for the well-being of our dogs and for their longevity through good health and stable temperaments.h

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National Purebred Dog Day: A Step In the Right Direction


May 1, 2015 marked the second annual celebration of National Purebred Dog Day in the United States.


he brain-child of Puli breeder and blogger Susi Szeremy, National Purebred Dog Day began as a grass-roots Facebook® effort to challenge the content and tone of discussions about purebred dog ownership and the rightful choice of individuals and families to purchase a purebred dog from an ethical breeder. Susi perceived that the “voice” of ethical purebred breeders and any dialog about the benefits of purebred dog ownership were being over-shadowed by animal rights advocates pushing an “Adopt, Don’t Shop” agenda that promotes shelter/rescue adoption as the only way that any “caring person” should obtain a canine companion.

HERITAGE. DIVERSITY. PREDICTABILITY. These three words epitomize the letter and spirit of National TO READ MORE OF THIS Purebred Dog DayARTICLE – an accurate and honest response to the “Adopt, Don’t Shop” mantra of animal rights activists. “Adopt, Don’t Shop” implies that a rescued or shelter-adopted WE INVITE YOU TO SUBSCRIBE ATanimal is the best and only choice for all owners, regardless of individual needs, wants, and financial By Karla Schreiber, Esq. and physical circumstances. In contrast, heritage, diversity, and predictability sum up three important characteristics that make purchasing a quality-bred purebred dog from an ethical breeder an option that every potential pet-owning household should at least consider. Adoption/rescue are laudable activities. However, many laudable activities are not appropriate for everyone. A person with extensive financial wherewithal, for example, may be willing and able to donate thousands of dollars to charitable causes each year. A “comfortable” middle class person, however, may only be able to donate a few dollars. Similarly, someone with adequate time and means may be able to volunteer their services here or abroad to provide aid to others in need, while a person who works full time, earns a modest income, and supports a family simply can’t do so – even if they want

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Photo by Kris Breyer

to. It may not be “the responsible choice” given their means and circumstances. When examined in the cold light of day, the “Adopt, Don’t Shop” hue and cry is a one-size-fits-all propaganda slogan designed to convince would-be dog owners that there is only one right way to acquire a dog. By making rescue/adoption seem like the only socially correct option, animal advocates aim to convince pet owners to give up the right to consider their own personal circumstances, expectations, and desires in selecting a companion. Instead, they should place themselves and their families at the mercy of “the great unknown” (in terms of physical traits, health, temperament, and after-acquisition support) that often accompanies the acquisition of a rescued or shelter dog. A related hue and cry is that every purchase of a purebred dog results in “one less home” for a rescued/shelter dog. But is this claim based in fact, or is it just more agenda-driven rhetoric? In my twenty-five years as a basenji fancier and breeder I’ve seen very little, if any, evidence of real competition between “adoption/ rescue” and purchasing a purebred dog from a breeder. I’ve had many visitors to my home over the years to meet and learn about our breed. Not a single person or family has told me “We want to meet basenjis, but we’re dead-set on getting a rescue!” Individuals who believe strongly that rescue is important and who have weighed all of the pros and cons are highly unlikely to come to our doors seeking advice and counsel. Those who come to our homes to learn more are those who know (or at least suspect) that an adopted or rescued pet may not work for their household. They are drawn to basenjis based on the breed’s unique and ancient heritage, the predictable nature of its physical and behavioral traits (short coat, moderate size, moderate activity level, independent “cat like” disposition, etc.), and perhaps the desire to have a mentor who can assist them throughout their pet’s lifetime. In short, those who decide to purchase a purebred dog from a responsible breeder are not giving up the option to take in a rescued/adopted dog because these households were not interested in the latter option in the first place. The reverse is also true. Those who are committed to the notion of rescue/adoption are not “taking away” placements from reputable breeders because they are not actively considering this option at the outset. The choice to rescue/adopt or purchase a purebred dog from an ethical breeder is a highly personal, fact-based choice that every would-be pet owner has the right to make for themselves.

TO READ MORE OF THIS ARTICLE of the cultures that created them.” They are, as she so aptly puts it, WE INVITE YOU TO SUBSCRIBE “museum pieces with a pulse.” In theAT case of basenjis, we can proudly insert the “Nature’s Masterpiece” banner here. Ours is an ancient, non-man-made breed whose DNA confirms that it is literally a breed with a “tale is as old as time….” It is hard to imagine any cogent

National Purebred Dog Day is a significant step in the right direction! I firmly believe this annual celebration will help ethical breeders and fanciers regain our voice and reassert – in the most positive terms – why it is essential that the heritage of purpose-bred dogs should be preserved; why predictable type and temperament are important factors for many households; and why a decision to purchase a purebred dog is a valid choice. The dialog isn’t, and should never have been, whether adoption/rescue is “good” or purchasing a well-bred purebred dog is “bad.” Either option may be right for any individual or family. What is important is that both choices should be respected and valued equally. The enormous popularity of televised dog events like the famous Westminster Kennel Club show and regional/local Meet the Breeds events evidence the fact that the American public LOVES purebred dogs every bit as much as they love their Heinz 57 dogs! In the words of National Purebred Dog Day founder Susi Szeremy, “Supporting and celebrating this day is an opportunity for those involved in purebred fancies to be “proud but humble” because “[o]ur breeds are living legacies


argument for why our breed, as well as others, does not deserve to be protected, promoted, and preserved.

In addition to using National Purebred Dog Day as a tool to educate the public about the diverse purposes and heritage of purebred dogs, another important objective is simply the opportunity for breeders and fanciers to STAND UP – as Susi states – proudly but humbly – and say: “I am an ethical purebred dog breeder/owner. I am proud of what I do. I work hard at what I do. I love my breed of choice, and I want to ensure the health and integrity of my breed so that it can be enjoyed by future generations.” Rather than sitting quietly and listening to the “Adopt, Don’t Shop” mantra, it is time for us to step back into the dialog in social media and elsewhere to make it clear that we, as ethical hobby breeders and fanciers, are proud of what we do and how we do it! We are not going anywhere and neither are the amazing, unique, purpose-bred dogs we champion. 1

Quotations from Susi Szeremy that appear in this article were taken from the

Lisa Unleashed Blog at

The B-Legal Blog provides general information on law-related topics for informational purposes only. It does not provide personalized legal advice regarding the topics discussed, and it is not intended in any manner as a substitute for the services of a qualified, state-licensed attorney.

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Basenji Club of Victoria Specialty



JUDGE: NOEL BAASER, Germany Photos by David Veless



1 Remwin Against All Odds (Cat.-No. 1) Very promising young boy, very elegant with fine bones, excellent head with lovely ears, eyes, wrinkles, correct bite, excellent tail and tailset, short back, and for age already strong topline; still narrow in forechest, a bit short upper arm, very good angulations, in the movement still loose in elbows and hind feet slightly turned out, excellent coat.

1 Ch Nonaym Sound of the Congo (Cat.-No. 7) - Best Intermediate Pretty elegant dog with excellent head, ears, wrinkles, and neck; a bit narrow forechest, very good deep of chest, a little straight shoulders and weak wrist, short back, tail and tail set okay, in movement correct just elbows a bit loose, excellent coat. 2 Ch Tambuzi The Isle of Avalon (Cat.-No. 6) Masculine a bit heavy (not fat) dog, nice head, but a bit cheeky, correct bite, very long neck, very well developed forechest and deep of chest, bit long in loin, excellent angulations, underline could be more elegant, in movement a bit loose in front and rear. 3 Ch Baagna Jimmy Cricket (Cat.-No. 5) Too skinny, pretty head, correct bite, long neck, narrow chest and sufficient deep of chest, too long and round loin, low set tail, upper arm a bit short, over angulated in rear, in movement loose in elbows, excellent coat.

PUPPY DOGS 1 Nailah Facing The Archangel (Cat.-No. 4) Very well developed young boy, pretty head with lovely ears, eyes, wrinkles and correct bite, a bit narrow in forechest, but very good deep of chest for age, a little round in loin, excellent tail curl, but tail set a bit low, very good angulations, excellent movement, but topline still needs to strengthen, front feet could be a bit tighter, excellent coat. 2 Karamo Dancing Leopard (Cat.-No. 2) Boy with pretty head with nice eyes, wrinkles, correct bite, a bite narrow in forechest, tail could be tighter curled higher set, a bit straight hind angulations, moves close in front and rear, excellent coat. 3 Fayrelyn Legend of Africa (Cat.-No. 3) Young boy who needs time to develop, nice head, but I would like to see more wrinkles, correct bite, forechest very narrow and deep of chest needs to develop, too long in loin and openly carried tail, a bit straight hind angulations, in movement still loose in front, excellent coat.


Feels not very well on the table, a bit cheeky head with less wrinkles, correct bite, a bit short neck, deep chest, short back, a bit soft in pasterns and a little straight hind angulations, carries too much weight, and I would like to see him higher on legs, in movement sloping topline.

STATE BRED DOG 1 Ch Afrikenji Hunting High And Low (Cat.-No. 9) Reserve Challenge Dog Elegant dog with excellent head, correct bite, long neck, narrow in forechest and a bit straight in shoulders, short back, strong topline Continued on page 14

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and well set tail, very nice mover, a little narrow in front, excellent coat, the overall picture of this dog it very nice, but for me he should be a little more masculine. 2 Ch Tambuzi The Sherpa of Annapurna (Cat.-No. 10) The opposite in type to 1st place, a bit heavy (not fat) dog with very strong bones, pretty head with a little long muzzle, correct bite, very wide forechest and deep of chest, long neck, a bit long in loin, excellent angulations and correct movement, excellent coat. AUSTRALIAN BRED DOG 1 Ch Bkela Kobi Askari (Cat.-No. 13) Challenge Dog and BOS Very balanced, powerful and elegant dog, pretty head with dark eyes, good ears, maybe a little cheeky, correct bite, lovely long neck, excellent chest and forechest, very good topline, tail and tail set, correct angulations, nice mover, excellent coat. 2 Ch Remwin Cheeky Liasons (Cat.-No. 12) Nice type with good bones, pretty head only a bit cheeky, correct bite, nice chest and forechest, normal neck, short back, but a bit round loin, low set tail, nice mover in front and rear, excellent coat. 3 Ch Kilongo Trixies Kruger Mojo (Cat.-No. 15) Excellent head, correct bite, little round in loin, tail carriage not ideal and a bit low set, a bit straight in shoulder and over angulated in rear, nice movement in coming and going.

and dark eyes, but a bit cheeky, correct bite, deep chest, strong topline, a little long in loin, and a bit low set tail, very good angulations, nice mover, excellent coat. 2 Ch Barzoom Captain James T (Cat.-No. 16) Very elegant dog, nice head, correct bite, forechest a bit narrow, chest should be deeper, strong topline, short back, a little straight angulations in rear and front, but moves very balanced excellent coat. 3 Ch Bkela Kibali (Cat.-No. 18) Taller dog, nice head and correct bite, a bit short neck, excellent forechest, very good tail set, a little straight angulations in rear and front, moves well, coat could be better.

3 Remwin Risky Business (Cat.-No. 22) 10-years old dog shown in very good condition, nice head, also a bit cheeky, correct bite, chest should be deeper, very good shoulders, topline a little soft and long in loin, a little straight in rear, moves a little close in front MINOR PUPPY BITCH 1 Remwin Miss Congeniality (Cat.-No. 29) – Best Minor Puppy Very promising pretty young girl, excellent head, correct bite, long neck, chest well developed for age, short back, well set tail, very nice angulations, moves very well for age, excellent coat. 2 Karamo Eloli (Cat.-No. 27) Promising young girl, pretty head, correct bite, still some teeth missing, chest well-developed for age, a bit straight in front, better in rear, good topline, tail could be tighter, moves very well for age, excellent coat. 3 Kanibaru Heavenly Aurora (Cat.-No. 28) Promising young girl, pretty head with a bit short under jaw, correct bite, narrow in forechest, depth of chest needs to develop, a little straight in shoulders and a little short upper arm, a bit long in loin, very nice tail and tail set, moves still narrow in front and rear, excellent coat.

VETERAN DOGS 7-10 YEARS 1 Ch Barzoom Jigsaw (Cat.-No. 25) – Best Veteran 7-10 years 10-years old dog, elegant and in very good condition, excellent head, correct bite, long neck, very good forechest and deep of chest, a little long in loin, a bit straight, but balanced angulations, moves still good, excellent coat. 2 Barzoom Anghammarad (Cat.-No. 24) 10-years old dog, also elegant and in very good condition, nice head, but a bit cheeky, correct bite, long neck, a bit soft in topline, a little long in loin, hind angulations a bit straight, moves well, but a little loose in elbows, excellent coat.

PUPPY BITCH 1 Lomar As Good As Gold (Cat.-No. 31) – Best Puppy Very well developed young girl, excellent head with dark eyes, correct bite, very well developed forechest and chest for age, strong topline, nice tail and tail set, correct angulations in front and rear, moves very well only still a bit loose in elbows, excellent coat. 2 Afrikenji Love At The First Stripe (Cat.-No. 30) Pretty young girl, already balanced, nice head with a bit light eyes, correct bite, very well developed forechest, chest and topline for age, upper arm a little short, excellent rear angulations, moves very well, but need ring training, excellent coat. Continued on page 16

TO READ MORE OF THIS ARTICLE WE INVITE YOU TO SUBSCRIBE AT OPEN DOGS 1 Ch Remwin Littlebit of Cheek (Cat.-No. 17) Strong dog, a little heavy in bone, pretty head with many wrinkles

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3 Eurabbie Scarlet Rose (Cat.-No. 32) Very fine, too skinny, young girl, pretty head with a bit short under jaw, correct bite, narrow in forechest, a bit straight angulations and bit long in loin, moves still very narrow in front and rear, excellent coat. INTERMEDIATE BITCH 1 Ch Bkela Meeam Mali (Cat.-No. 35) Pretty bitch with very nice outlines, excellent head with dark eyes, correct bite, nice forechest and deep of chest, very good angulations in front and rear, strong and short topline, excellent tail and tail set, very nice mover, excellent coat. 2 Ch Kanibaru Black Elikia (Cat.-No. 37) Very nice bitch with excellent head, correct bite, nice chest and forechest, long neck, nice topline just a bit long in loin, excellent tail and tail set, balanced angulations, elbows a little bit loose in movement excellent coat. 3 Ch Kikongo African Eskimo Kyss (Cat.-No. 38) A little heavier in type, nice head with dark eyes, correct bite, nice chest and forechest, fore arm could be bit longer, a little long and round in loin, underline could be better, balanced angulations, nice mover, excellent coat. LIMIT BITCH 1 Eurabbie Black Dhalia (Cat.-No. 42) – Best Limit Elegant bitch, pretty head with less wrinkles, correct bite, long neck, enough forechest, strong topline, a little straight angulations in front and rear, good tail set, nice mover, excellent coat. 2 Tamard Thunderbird (Cat.-No. 39) Nice bitch, nice head with a little short muzzle, a bit too cheeky and less wrinkles, correct bite, correct topline, very good angulations, nice mover, very good coat. 3 Nonaym The Sound of Silence (Cat.-No. 43) Very small bitch, but nevertheless a bit heavier in type, nice head with bit short muzzle, correct bite, a bit narrow in forechest, excellent deep of chest, a little bit round in loin, very good angulations in front and rear, good mover, excellent coat.

2 Ch Bullab Xenas Safiya (Cat.-No. 52) Smaller bitch, nice head with a bit long muzzle, correct bite, long neck, very good deep of chest, good topline, well set tail, correct angulations, very good mover, topline a bit soft in moving, flat feet. 3 Ch Karamo Mopanzi (Cat.-No. 48) Pretty head, correct bite, a bit narrow in forechest, a bit straight in shoulders, topline a little soft, long and bit round in loin, moves close in rear, excellent coat. OPEN BITCH 1 Ch Nonaym Bells of the Congo (Cat.-No. 53) Challenge Bitch and BOB/BISS Highly elegant, small bitch, super type, very pretty head with dark eyes and excellent expression, could have just a bit more under jaw, correct bite, long neck, excellent forechest and deep of chest, very nice angulations, strong topline, excellent tail and tail set, moves very easy and powerful, excellent coat, very showy. 2 Ch Remwin Kiss My Cheek (Cat.-No. 54) Reserve Challenge Bitch Very nice small bitch, elegant, but strong, pretty head, correct bite, excellent forechest and deep of chest, a little short upper arm, strong topline, excellent tail and tail set, excellent hind angulations, free easy mover, excellent coat. 3 Ch Jasiri-Sukari Lil Red Corvette (Cat.-No. 55) Strong and taller girl, very nice type, pretty head, a little big ears, correct bite, excellent forechest and deep of chest, strong topline, very good tail set, very nice mover, just little loose in elbows, lovely temperament, excellent coat.

VETERAN BITCH 7-10 TO READ MORE OF THIS ARTICLE 1 Ch Afrikenji Fifth Element (Cat.-No. 57) old bitch in excellent condition, pretty head, correct bite, WE INVITE YOU TO8-year SUBSCRIBE ATexcellent deep of chest, still long neck, a bit narrow in forechest, good topline, but a little long in loin, excellent tail set, correct angulations, easy mover, but a bit loose in elbows and lift up front legs too high, a bit flat feet, excellent coat.

STATE BRED BITCH 1 Ch Tambuzi The Richpocheof Qinghai (Cat.-No. 45) Best State Bred Strong bitch, pretty head with dark eyes, correct bite, excellent forechest and deep of chest, strong topline, a bit long in loin and open tail, excellent powerful mover, coat could be better, 2 Ch Nonaym Little Miss Me (Cat.-No. 46) Another strong bitch, nice head, correct bite very good forechest and deep of chest, topline a bit soft, a little straight in front, very good mover, excellent coat. 3 Ch Unomee Sweetly Smug (cat.-No. 47) Smaller bitch, nice head, correct bite, long neck, very wide in front, deep chest, topline a bit soft, also in moving, moves very wide in front, coat. could be better, AUSTRALIAN BRED BITCH 1 Ch Tambuzi Secret of Roan Inish (Cat.-No. 50) Best Australian Bred Balanced and strong bitch, pretty head, correct bite, long neck, excellent forechest and deep of chest, strong topline, a little long in loin, very good angulations, very good mover, just a bit loose in elbows.

VETERAN BITCH 10 YEARS AND OVER 1 Ch Teschi Marble Lass (Cat.-No. 59) – Best Veteran Over 10 12-year old bitch in excellent condition, strong head, dark eyes, correct bite, long neck, excellent forechest and deep of chest, still good topline, a little long in loin, a little straight in front, very good hind angulations, very nice and still easy mover, a little loose in front, excellent coat. 2 Ch Eurabbie Hermione (Cat.-No. 58) 12-year old bitch in excellent condition, nice head, less wrinkles and a bit cheeky, correct bite, long neck, very wide in front, strong topline, a little short on legs and long in loin, correct angulations, a bit low set tail, underline should be better, moves still good, but already a bit loose in front and rear, a little flat feet, excellent coat. NEUTERED BITCH OPEN 1 Ch Zanzipow Pure Red Poppy (Cat.-No. 62) – Best Neuter Nice bitch, pretty strong head, correct bite, long neck, very good forechest and deep of chest, toppling could be better, a bit straight in angulations, moves a bit loose in front, excellent coat. 2 Ch Nonaym Sweet Sugar (Cat.-No. 64) 10 years old in excellent condition, nice head, correct bite, soft topline, a bit low set tail, moves still good, but already loose in front and rear, coat could be better.h

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To Behold Sometimes a show site is so notable it bears recognition. The Georgia National Fairgrounds and Agricenter in Perry, GA is one of those locations that is well worth the drive. This facility is home to the Peach Blossom Cluster, a 5-day AKC dog show extravaganza. The cluster boasts not only five days of conformation judging along with many breed specialties, it offers obedience, rally, dock diving, barn hunt titling, agility, dog carting, several health clinics, seminars, Canine Good Citizenship testing, and even a microchip clinic. Best in Show Competition

TO READ MORE OF THIS ARTICLE conjunction with the Cluster, the North Georgia Hound Association offers four days of other titling opportunities for your dogs -- AKC Coursing WE INVITE YOU TO SUBSCRIBE AT Ability Test (CAT), AKC Junior Courser test (JC), and AKC Qualifying Courser (QC) -- using two large fenced fields on the north end of the grounds.


This show offers something for everyone who owns a dog. The Agricenter contains 6 million square feet of exhibition space sprawling across 1100 acres in the heart of Central Georgia. This facility features 3 arenas, 4 exhibit halls, two 480-stall horse barns, 2 covered training areas, 4 ponds, and parking for 13,000 vehicles and much, much more. It can accommodate several hundred RVs at one time. Continued on page 19

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Photo by Cindy Griswold

in the climate controlled Equestrian Arena

CONFORMATION - Inside the Murphy-Miller-Howard Building -- the main exhibition hall. Great lighting, large rings, and ample room to move around. Next to the MMH building more rings are set up in the Heritage Hall and the McGill Marketplace. Spacious RV sites with valet coffee and donuts in the early a.m. plus complimentary "Honey Wagon" service twice during your stay.

AKC LURE COURSING TESTS ŠColumbus Sports Photography


complete with a live band.

Need ground transportation? Reserve a golf cart for the week at very reasonal rates to move around the fairgrounds conveniently.

PLUS Obedience, Rally, Barn Hunt, Carting, CGC tests, seminars & health testing

Looking for some activity or event? Just follow the signs!

Want to do some shopping? Visit a wide variety of vendors inside and out. Sunrise at the Georgia National Fairgrounds (Photo by Cindy Griswold) The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 19


WORLD Hi out there in “Senjiland!”


have happy and sad news this time around. First, the happy news (a bit late I know). Above is my graduation picture. I now have an AKC Therapy Dog title that I earned in 2014. This could have happened in 2012 or 2013 if mom had not procrastinated so long. Anyway, now it is official. I am now Rosadon Recycle Riot, THD. Yippy! More happy news....I think I am truly ready for my debut in official competition -- at least I think I am ready.

awful so Mom rushed her back to Urgent Care, but they could not save her. I always told Libby that her busy little mouth would be her undoing, and that is exactly what happened. Budboy and I mourned for about a week and a half over her demise. So far we are adjusting. Second sad news. The man had a mild stroke, I think. Anyway Mom took him to the hospital on Christmas morning, and he has not come back yet. Mom says it is because he can’t walk anymore. Anyway, I miss him throwing little bits of food under the table for me which annoys mom to no end, but the good news is that there seems to be less commotion around the house. It is more tranquil and quiet,

TO READ MORE OF THIS ARTICLE WE INVITE YOU TO SUBSCRIBE AT We had a very, very cold weather -- heavy coat weather! I spent

Now for the sad, sad news. Two days before Thanksgiving Libby showed signs again of not feeling well. Of course, Mom always knows what that means; Libby ate something she was not supposed to eat. It seems the man decided he didn’t want her to sleep on the bare floor so he proceeded to nail a piece of carpet to a piece of plywood. Mom said, “No, no, no, no!”, but he did it anyway, and Libby proceeded to nibble away at the edges. She swallowed one piece with a tack that stuck in her duodenum. On Wednesday Libby spent the entire day in the hospital getting x-rays every two hours to see if the “spot” would move. Unfortunately, it did not move, and because the clinic was closed on Thursday Mom had to take Libby to Urgent Care where they did two more sets of x-rays. The doctors decided to do emergency surgery. On Friday she spent the day on IV fluids and on Saturday morning she came home happy as a lark. But then on Sunday she felt really

a lot of time in Damon’s fleece leggings. They are so warm that I do not like it when mom takes them off. Everybody keeps telling me spring is just around the corner, but for the life of me I don’t seem to be able to find which corner they are talking about. By the time you read this that corner may have appeared. I am so happy that classes have started again and maybe some more of those fun things that Mom likes to do. Until next time.. ..happy trails to you, keep smiling until next time. 

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 20

20th Annual Independent

SWEEPSTAKES AND SPECIALTY AKC Event #2015415201 (approved)

Friday, July 24th, 2015

Entries Close Wednesday, July 8th, 2015 at 6:00 pm CST This show is indoors in the air conditioned WESTERN WAUKESHA COUNTY DOG TRAINING CLUB 1314 Cedar Drive, Ixonia, WI 53036 Show Chair and Secretary: Lisa Marshall, 414-333-0156,

Followed by 4 days of Wonderful Wisconsin shows Waukesha Kennel Club - Waukesha County Expo grounds

Enter Online at: Click on Online Shopping.

Saturday, July 25th – Basenji judge: Mrs. Karen C. Wilson Sunday, July 26th – Basenji judge: Mr. Luc Boileau

OUR JUDGES: SWEEPSTAKES JUDGE – Susan Joyner, New Lenox, IL CONFORMATION JUDGE – Katie Campbell, Seattle, WA In addition, our Specialty is featuring...  Best Bred By Exhibitor Judging  AKC National Owner-Handled Series Judging Silent Auction Lunch will be available for purchase

Burlington Wisconsin Kennel Club, Walworth County Fairgrounds Monday, July 27th – Basenji judge: Mrs. Sari Brewster Tietjen Tuesday, July 28th – Basenji judge: Mr. Thomas A. Kilcullen ROY JONES DOG SHOWS, INC., Superintendent PO Box 828, Auburn, IN 46706-0828, (260) 925-0525

Follow us on Facebook at and be sure to visit our website at

CORRECTION TO ANGELA BINNS ADVERTISEMENT THAT RAN IN THE 1ST QUARTER 2015 ISSUE. We apologize for any confusion that may have occurred.


3 Owner Handled Best of Breeds 3 Group Placements 1 Group 1st and 2 Group 2nd #10 Owner Handled Basenji With very limited showing, Katie also earned 7 BOB, defeating a Top 10 basenji 3 times, a Group 3rd, BOS and 4 Select Bitch wins. Breeder of Merit Sally Wuornos & Kari Wuornos-Winger Sonbar Basenjis

Owner Handled Angela Binns Tazin Basenjis

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 21

Are Basenjis DOOMED for

Extinction? ‘The good of the breed is the most oft quoted lie in Dogdom.” .... Malcolm B. Willis


you listen to some people in the breed you might think that basenjis are on the road to extinction. They offer different reasons but it usually comes back to having too few founders -- the gene pool is too small. Let's look at the facts. If this was true wouldn't one expect to see signs of inbreeding depression? Where are they? In the 1980s some breeders panicked when Fanconi syndrome began to wipe out a lot of their extended families of basenjis. Their cries were heard over those who said they had little or no Fanconi in their lines/families. At that time, based on a nationwide survey of basenji health and studies by Dr. Kenneth Bovee, Dr. Russell Brown, and Dr. Edward Breitschwerdt, it was assumed that Fanconi was probably prevalent in about 15% of basenjis. However, this also meant that 85% of the breed was unaffected.

TO READ MORE OF THIS ARTICLE WE INVITE YOU TO SUBSCRIBE AT In 2007, more than 20 years later, an indirect

by Mary Lou Kenworthy

marker test for Fanconi was developed. Consequently, over the next few years, through careful breeding practices and by using this test, the incidence level of Fanconi was revealed to be about 6.5%. This is probably an underestimated figure because some owners who had basenjis with Fanconi may not have used the test because they already knew the results. Fortunately, today there is a direct gene DNA test that when used properly might wipe out Fanconi within a few generations. Continued on page 23

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ŠPhoto by Amy Kimura

There is no specific gene that causes Fanconi syndrome. Fanconi is caused by a group of missing genes that are need to be present in order for the dog to maintain a healthy life. When the genes are missing from both parents Fanconi develops. Missing from one side produces a carrier. The Fanconi DNA test detects the presence and/or absence of these genes. The results are Normal, Carrier or Affected. One early popular sire produced at least four direct tail male popular sires, and his very large family contained many affected and carrier basenjis. This group was responsible for the spread of Fanconi syndrome throughout this country and abroad. A more recent popular sire surpassed all of these in spreading health problems worldwide.

Amatangazig of the Congo in 1938 and Kindu and Kasenyi in 1941. Wau of the Congo was added in 1952. Fula of the Congo joined the gene pool in a big way in 1959. 'Tiger' (Binza of Laughing Brook) was brought out at the same time as Fula, and although he was sent went to Rhodesia, S. Africa he had daughters in England and a great grandson that came to the USA. Kiki of Cryon was added in 1960 and Taysenji Tahzu in 1962 bringing the dominant black into play. Phemister's Congo joined the gene pool in 1975. With the addition of Tex of Alexandria the founder count was at seventeen, certainly enough for a viable population at this point. But there were more dogs to come. When the stud book was opened six Avongara native dogs were registered from the 1987 importation and two more were included from the 1988 trip. At this time Esenjo (imported in 1978) and her offspring were admitted into the AKC studbook registry.

TO READ MORE OF THIS ARTICLE However, some peopleWE continued to theorize that our problem TO SUBSCRIBE AT INVITE YOU was because basenjis lacked enough genetic diversity because of too few founders. Let’s examine that theory. Dr. Phillip Sponenberg, DVM, PhD, Professor Pathology and Genetics, Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, indicated that the minimum founder number could be somewhere around 10 but more founders would be better. Dr. Robert C. Lacy, PhD, who works as a Population Geneticist in the Conservation Biology department of the Chicago Zoological Society, puts the number at 20 founders to build a viable population. According to Kevin Willis and Raymond E. Willis, (How Many Founders, How Large a Population, Zoo Biology) 20 randomly selected individuals will supply 97.5% of the source population diversity. Yet, raising that number to 30 founders increases the supply of the source population by only 0.8 percent or to 98.3%. A very large number of founders increases the survival rate of a population very little. So where does the basenji breed stand in all of this? There were nine founders from 1936 through 1941. They were Basanga, Bashele, Bereke, Bokoto, Bongo and Bungwa all 'of Blean', and Bakuma of Blean, later known as Phemister's Bois. Other founders were

In 2006 six more were brought in with the Avongara prefix. One Lukuru basenji was admitted that year as well. The AKC studbook in 2007 had five more Avongaras added in addition to one more Lukuru basenji. From the '80s though 2007 twenty-two more founders were added to the gene pool making the total count of thirty nine. This is many more than most breeds have ever had. Do we really need more? Basenji breeders do a good job of keeping on top of health problem, and to date there have been no reports of problems attributed to inbreeding depression. It is more important now than ever to be selective about what is being used in breeding programs in order to protect Nature's Masterpiece. Is there really a need to add to the contamination of this ancient natural breed by using questionable dogs from unlikely locations in the name of diversity? h

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 23


HAZARDS TO YOUR DOGS by Mary Lou Kenworthy

There are dangers to our dogs that many of you may not know about. In over half a century in basenjis it seems strange that I have not seen anything in basenji literature about toxic mushrooms, acorns and/or oak leaves. They can cause painful deaths to dogs. Following is information all dog owners should know.


Amanita muscaria, commonly known as the fly agaric or fly amanita.


Amanita species of mushrooms (also called Death Angel) are very toxic. They cause many symptoms and usually end in death. Symptoms appear about six to twenty four hours after ingestion. Usually oak trees (Quercus spp.) are hosts to these mushrooms but the association can be with other hardwoods or conifers. Acorns can cause the same symptoms as these mushrooms if ingested. If your dog’s drinking water has had acorns and/or oak leaves soaking in it the water can become toxic. Did you know that acorns contain gallotannin, and depending on how much a dog eats, can cause gastrointestinal upsets with symptoms such as cramps, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, sometimes bloody diarrhea, and kidney failure? A few dogs may even have seizures. Acorns swallowed whole have the potential to block the intestines, while chewed acorns release more toxin and the sharp pieces can irritate the gastrointestinal tract. Continued on page 25

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LITTLE KNOWN HAZARDS TO YOUR DOG (continued) These toxins work by slowly attacking RNA polymerase, an enzyme in the liver. They also affect the central nervous system and kidneys. Dehydration, electrolyte imbalance and impaired coagulation are other symptoms. All the values constantly go downhill even when supplemented. Even with the best of care, few survive once the process is advanced. If one knows his dog has ingested something toxic it is best to cause it to vomit immediately to hopefully prevent further problems.


We lost our sweet, mischievous little brindle bitch to what was diagnosed as mushroom poisoning. I had never seen any mushrooms on my property but with the strange weather we have had this winter anything could be possible. It had been sixty-five degrees the day before she showed symptoms, and she was outside all day. My neighbors came up with rakes and helped searched among the leaves for mushrooms and found none, but by then it was very cold again. eat acorns before. First time for everything, I guess. At least a lesson was learned about toxins, and an ultrasound had shown that, while the liver was deteriorating, There was a small pile of leaves in the corner of my there was no sign of cancer so there was no genetic reason for her demise. A small porch that she like to lie in so I left it there. One night consolation at great expense. after we lost her there was an extremely high wind that caused most of the leaves to blow away. I was surprised There are many sites on the web where you can read more information and see to find that under the leaves were acorn shells. I never pictures of these poisonous mushrooms. One of the better sites is “Tom Volk’s Fungus thought of dogs as eating acorns. I have lived in a grove of the Month series.” This website has information about acorns and oak trees toxic to of oak trees for fifteen years and had never had a basenjis dogs. If there are oak trees near your dog yard, it may pay to check these out.  The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 25


Win 1946, and Mary Langula was born in Albert

hereas, Gary Langula was born in West St. Paul

Lea Minnesota and, they were married in 1968;

Gary’s grandfather started Langula Whereas, Hardware in W. St. Paul in 1914 and ended up being located at 919 S. Robert Street;


hereas, Gary started working at Langula Hardware at the age of 5 and stayed on until he took over for his father in 1998 until the stores eventual closing in 2010;

photos by Pastor Joel Detlefsen

W hereas, beyond working to run the family business, Mary and Gary had a love for their pets; W

hereas, Mary didn’t have Gary’s desire to work day and night; Mary wanted a companion to keep her company until Gary got home;

Wit didn’t bark;”

hereas; it was agreed on in 1969 that Mary could have a dog, but “only if


hereas; Mary ended up picking out a basenji breed of puppy and named

hereas; a basenji is a breed of hunting dog that was bred from stock originating WE INVITE YOU AT WinTO centralSUBSCRIBE Africa. The basenji produces an unusual yodel-like sound commonly called a “barroo;” this trait also gives the basenji the nickname “Barkless Dog”;

WBenji as a companion dog;

hereas; Mary was not able to sit around all day so she began to train Colonel

WCompanion, CDX for Companion Dog Excellence and was the first basenji hereas, Colonel Benji was awarded the obedience title of CD, for Dog

in Minnesota to obtain the title UD which means Utility Dog;

Wclaim to fame was being the first ever basenji to obtain USCDX, which is hereas, in 1970 Mary obtained another dog name Rockie. And Rockies’s

United States Companion Dog Excellence and also won the overall championship at that same competition;

Wanother puppy named Sparkie joined them;

hereas, as time passed, so did the animals at the Langula house and in 2000,

Sonbar’s Autumn Velveteen Vixen CD THDX CGC

Wand was the first in the United States to obtain the UDX2 title for Utility

hereas; Sparkie became the second basenji to win the title Minnesota UD

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 26

Continued on page 27

Dog Excellence Twice Over as well as Therapy Dog International and TDI Exceptional Volunteer Achievement given for over 350 residents visits;


hereas, time passed once again and changes came to the Langula household;

Wcolor and Zorro, a red/white, and have trained them to be therapy dogs as well;

hereas; Mary and Gary obtained two more basenji puppies named Vixen, a tri

Wand was just awarded an American Kennel Club title;

hereas, Vixen was awarded in early 2015, a ThDX, which is Therapy Dog Excellent


hereas; Vixen was the first basenji breed ever in the United States to obtain that

WPaul and Inver Grove Heights to interact with the residents in a therapeutic

hereas, Mary, Gary, Vixen and Zorro volunteer at two local facilities in West St.

manner with their animals, spending 10-15 hours per week visiting with residents;


hereas, Mary and Gary have made over 100 resident visits last month alone;

Wpets for the sole purpose of helping others;

hereas, Mary and Gary have incurred all the expenses to train and maintain their Mayor Dave Meisinger, Mary and Gary Langula, Vixen, and Zorro.

READ MORE OF THIS ARTICLE Wthose bedridden andTO unable to have their own pets with them;

hereas, the City of W. St. Paul and its residents appreciate the effort and contribution made by Mary and Gary Langula in helping

WE INVITE YOU TO SUBSCRIBE AT B Adopted by the City Council of the City of West St. Paul on the13th day of April, 2015.

E IT RESOLVED, that the Honorable Mayor David Meisinger and the members of the City Council of the City of West St. Paul recognize Mary and Gary Langula for their volunteer efforts and their love of animals, particularly therapy dogs;

As read by Mayer Dave Meisinger.



fter considering many requests from dog owners to acknowledge the great works of their dogs helping others, AKC developed the AKC Therapy Dog Program that offers several levels of opportunity for earning titles. However, AKC does not certify therapy dogs. This is done by qualified, approved AKC therapy dog organizations that are experts in this field. Any dog that is certified by any of the many AKC recognized therapy organizations is eligible for titling recognition by the AKC through its therapy dog program. Not to be confused with a Service Dog that is specially trained to do specific tasks to help its disabled owner, a Therapy Dog works as part of a team with his owner to help improve the lives of people by visiting a senior in an assisted living or nursing home or going to schools and hospitals. He may also play a role in helping a child learn to read simply by providing that calming effect we know can help humans just through the simple act of being petted and stroked.

AKC offers these titling levels for approved therapy dogs: AKC Therapy Dog Novice (THDN)

Must have completed 10 visits.

AKC Therapy Dog (THD)

Must have completed 50 visits.

AKC Therapy Dog Advanced (THDA)

Must have completed 100 visits.

AKC Therapy Dog Excellent (THDX)

Must have completed 200 visits.

AKC Therapy Dog Distinguished (THDD)

Must have completed 400 visits.

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 27

BASENJI CLUB OF VICTORIA 47th Championship Show

Saturday, 7th March, 2015 -- BREED JUDGE: Mrs Noel Baaser, Germany Best in Show: ...................................................................................Aust Ch Nonaym Bells of the Congo, Karen Ordar Runner Up in Show & Aust Bred: .......................................... Aust Ch Bkela Kobi Askari, D Lindqvist & M Calderwood Minor in Show: ................................................................................................ Remwin Miss Congeniality, L A Hughes Intermediate in Show: .................................................................. Aust Ch Nonaym Sound of the Congo, Karen Ordar Limit in Show: ............................................................................................. Eurabbie Black Dhalia, Dr D A Braithwaite Dog CC & Aust Bred: ............................................................. Aust Ch Bkela Kobi Askari, D Lindqvist & M Calderwood Res Dog CC: .............................................................................. Aust Ch Afrikenji Hunting High And Low, D & H Veless Bitch CC & Open: .............................................................................Aust Ch Nonaym Bells of the Congo, Karen Ordar Res Bitch CC: ....................................................................................... Aust Sup Ch Remwin Kissmycheek, Lyn Hughes DOGS MINOR PUPPY DOG (1) 1 Remwin Against All Odds PUPPY DOG (3) 1 Nailah Facing The Archangel 2 Karamo Dancing Leopard 3 Fayrelyn Legend Of Afrika INTERMEDIATE DOG (3) 1 Ch Nonaym Sound Of The Congo 2 Ch Tambuzi The Isle Of Avalon 3 Ch Baagna Jiminy Cricket LIMIT DOG (1) 1 Yysur That’s Wat its About STATE BRED DOG (2) 1/RDCC Ch Afrikenji Hunting High And Low 2 Ch Tambuzi The Sherpa Of Annapurna AUSTRALIAN BRED DOG (5) 1/DCC Ch Bkela Kobi Askari 2 Ch Remwin Cheeky Liasons 3 Ch Kikongo Trixies Kruger Mojo OPEN DOG (6) 1 Gr Ch Remwin Littlebit Of Cheek 2 Ch Barzoom Captain James T 3 Ch Bkela Kibali VETERAN DOG 7-10 YRS (4) 1 Ch Barzoom Jigsaw 2 Barzoom Anghammarad 3 Ch Remwin Risky Business



BEST VETERANS 7-10 YEAR CLASS (L) Ch Barzoom Jigsaw (R) Ch Afrikenji Fifth Element

©Photos by David Veless

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 28

BASENJI CLUB OF VICTORIA 47th Championship Show

BITCHES MINOR PUPPY BITCH (3) 1 Remwin Miss Congeniality 2 Karamo Eloli 3 Kanibaru Heavenly Aurora PUPPY BITCH (4) 1 Lomar As Good As Gold 2 Afrikenji Love At First Stripe 3 Eurabbie Scarlet Rose INTERMEDIATE BITCH (5) 1 Ch Bkela Meeam Mali 2 Ch Kanibaru Black Elikia 3 Ch Kikongo African Eskimo Kyss LIMIT BITCH (5) 1 Eurabbie Black Dhalia 2 Tamard Thunderbird 3 Nonaym The Sound Of Silence STATE BRED BITCH (4) 1 Ch Tambuzi Richpocheof Qinghai 2 Ch Nonaym Little Miss Me 3 Ch Unomee Sweetly Smug

AUSTRALIAN BRED BITCH (5) 1 Ch Tambuzi Secret Of Roan Inish 2 Ch Bullab Xenas Safiya 3 Ch Karamo Mopanzi OPEN BITCH (3) 1/BCC Ch Nonaym Bells Of The Congo 2/RBCC Sup Ch Remwin Kiss My Cheek 3 Am Ch Jasiri Lil Red Corvette (imp USA) VETERAN BITCH (7-10 YRS) (1) 1 Gr Ch Afrikenji Fifth Element VETERAN BITCH (10 YRS & OVER) (3) 1 Ch Teschi Marble Lass 2 Ch Eurabbie Hermione NEUTERED BITCH OPEN 1 Ch Zanzipow Pure Red Poppy 2 CH Nonaym Sweet Sugar


Sup Ch Remwin Kiss My Cheek


©Photos by David Veless



The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 29


At the finish line... (L-R)

Best of Breed Best of Winners Best of Opposite Sex Select Dog

Photo by Davis Cassell



JUNIOR DOGS 15 MOS & UNDER 18 MOS . 1/BPSW Signet A Knight To Remember. Brenda J Cassell & Ciara E Cassell. 2 Teazer Khani’s Count On Me Ohana. Zoe & Sherry Patton & John Gaidos & Kathy Britton. JUNIOR BITCHES 12 MOS & UNDER 15 MOS . 1 Kaleonahe’s Empress For Relic. Dianna & Mark Sanders & Kyle Cabral. JUNIOR BITCHES 15 MOS & UNDER 18 MOS . 1/OSPS Signet Forbidden Tryst. Brenda J Cassell & Ciara E Cassell.

DOGS 7 YRS & UNDER 10 YRS . 1 GCH CH AB-Rafiki The Icon Of Cool. Wanda Pooley. 2 GCH CH Illusion’s Jelani Rio. Bob & Terry Reed. DOGS 10 YEARS AND UNDER 13 YEARS . 1/BVS CH Martigra’s Explicit Adventure. Ciara E. Cassell. 2 DC Stilwell’s Ok Redbud Of Zande Mc. Linda & Richard Stilwell.

Photo by Wanda Pooley


BEST PUPPY IN SWEEPSTAKES The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 30

DALLAS-FORT WORTH BASENJI CLUB INC. REGULAR CLASSES JUDGE: MR EDD EMBRY BIVIN BOB ...............................................................CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl. E Johnson. S Middlebrooks, B Cassell,T Brooks BOS ...........................................CH Africanadains James T Kirk At Ahmahr Nahr A Whalen S Allen, J Behles SEL DOG/BEST VETERAN .........GCH CH AB-Rafiki The Icon of Cool,W Pooley AWARD OF MERIT .. GCH CH Illusion’s Stairway To Heaven. Bob & Terry Reed WINNERS DOG ....................................................Signet A Knight To Remember WINNERS BITCH .............................................................. Signet Forbidden Tryst TWELVE TO EIGHTEEN MONTH DOGS . 1 Ahmahr Nahr’s Elegant Black Tuxedo. J Behles S A Espejo R Walley. BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR DOGS . 1/WD Signet A Knight To Remember. Brenda J Cassell & Ciara E Cassell. 2 Signet Knights Reign. Brenda & Ciara Cassell Gary & Wendy Bell. 3 Dharian’s Starry Knight. S Anne Humphreys & Bill Humphreys. 4 Illusion’s Tango. Bob & Terry Reed. OPEN DOGS RED & WHITE . 1/RWD Teazer Khani’s Count On Me Ohana. Zoe & Sherry Patton, John Gaidos, Kathy Britton. TWELVE TO EIGHTEEN MONTH BITCHES . 1 Kaleonahe’s Empress For Relic. Dianna & Mark Sanders, Kyle Cabral. BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR BITCHES . 1/WB/BOW Signet Forbidden Tryst. Brenda J Cassell & Ciara E Cassell. 2 Dharian’s Rhiannon JC. S Anne Humphreys. OPEN BITCHES RED & WHITE . 1/RWB Africanadians Liab At Ahmahr Nahr. JD Behles A Whalen. VETERAN DOGS 7 YRS & UNDER 10 YRS . 1/SEL/BVT GCH CH AB-Rafiki The Icon Of Cool. Wanda Pooley. 2 GCH CH Illusion’s Jelani Rio. Bob & Terry Reed. VETERAN DOGS 10 YEARS AND UNDER 13 YEARS . 1 CH Martigra’s Explicit Adventure. Ciara E. Cassell.


Photo by Davis Cassell




Photo by Wanda Pooley

Photo by Davis Cassell The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 31


At the finish line... (L-R)

Best of Breed Best of Winners Best of Opposite Sex Select Dog

Photo by Davis Cassell



JUNIOR DOGS 15 MOS & UNDER 18 MOS . 1/BPSW Signet A Knight To Remember. Brenda J Cassell & Ciara E Cassell. 2 Teazer Khani’s Count On Me Ohana. Zoe & Sherry Patton & John Gaidos & Kathy Britton. JUNIOR BITCHES 12 MOS & UNDER 15 MOS . 1 Kaleonahe’s Empress For Relic. Dianna & Mark Sanders & Kyle Cabral. JUNIOR BITCHES 15 MOS & UNDER 18 MOS . 1/OSPS Signet Forbidden Tryst. Brenda J Cassell & Ciara E Cassell.

DOGS 7 YRS & UNDER 10 YRS . 1 GCH CH AB-Rafiki The Icon Of Cool. Wanda Pooley. 2 GCH CH Illusion’s Jelani Rio. Bob & Terry Reed. DOGS 10 YEARS AND UNDER 13 YEARS . 1/BVS CH Martigra’s Explicit Adventure. Ciara E. Cassell. 2 DC Stilwell’s Ok Redbud Of Zande Mc. Linda & Richard Stilwell.

Photo by Wanda Pooley


BEST PUPPY IN SWEEPSTAKES The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 30






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 15 16 17 17 19 19 19 19

GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle GCH CH Undercover AB UR A Bell Ringer GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari High Win Warning GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover GCH CH Reveille Waltz Me Around GCH CH Africanadian James T Kirk GCH CH Dark Moon’s Barking Bad JC GCH CH Arubmec’s Take A Chance On Me GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba No Matter What GCH CH Nelsons Friendship Of Magnificent 7 In Flight GCH CH Dragonete Itapuca JC GCH DC Emerant Makindu Heez Got Game BN RN SC CH Dlucks Svengali Zindika’s Overnight Sensation GCH CH Mata Hauri Ruby Red Beez CH Victory Meisterhaus Burn Baby Burn CH Fala I.V. Itapuca GCH CH Reveille Trip The Light Fantastic CH Arubmec’s Mischief Managed GCH CH Alapocas Queen Of The Elves CH Eldorado N Pride I Am A Rock GCH CH Svengali’s What’s Not To Love Of Zindika


E Johnson, B Cassell, T Brooks, S Middlebrooks P Geoffroy, S Lund, S Coe W Pooley, G Whitehurst J Jones, K Jones, C Kok D DeFlorio, K Cabral D Bolte’, J Lodge J Behles, S Allen, A Whalen, T Whalen V Predale, J Predale P Cembura, K Collins K Noel, R Bowden L Nelson, D Nelson J Morgan, S Morgan B Phillips N Scherwin K Besemer T Huff P Petsche D Bolte’, J Lodge P Cembura, K Collins J Dugan, M Dugan, E Dugan P Geoffroy, D DeFlorio E Biller, W Kanouff, C Wyatt

Points 267 104 92 65 64 54 53 51 50 46 45 43 39 39 31 30 28 28 25 25 25 25






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari High Win Warning GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba No Matter What GCH CH Nelsons Friendship Of Magnificent 7 In Flight GCH CH Arubmec’s Take A Chance On Me GCH CH Dragonete Itapuca JC GCH CH Svengali’s What’s Not To Love Of Zindika GCH CH Reveille Trip The Light Fantastic GCH CH Dark Moon’s Barking Bad JC CH Arubmec’s Mischief Managed GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle CH Sirius Works For Me GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover CH Dlucks Svengali Zindika’s Overnight Sensation GCH CH Reveille Waltz Me Around CH Arubmec’s Teddy GCH CH Africanadian James T Kirk GCH CH Mata Hauri Ruby Red Beez GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Halleleujah Makes A Joyful Noise CH Jadaka Meisterhaus Excalibur


E Johnson, B Cassell, T Brooks, S Middlebrooks J Jones, K Jones, C Kok K Noel, R Bowden L Nelson, D Nelson P Cembura, K Collins J Morgan, S Morgan E Biller, W Kanouff, C Wyatt D Bolte’, J Lodge V Predale, J Predale P Cembura, K Collins P Geoffroy, S Lund, S Coe M Work, C Lewis, T Curry D DeFlorio, K Cabral N Scherwin D Bolte’, J Lodge L Fancy, P Cembura, E Mattson J Behles, S Allen, A Whalen, T Whalen K Besemer J Behles, R Walley J Kahl, T Brooks

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 33

Points 1910 807 661 508 404 388 311 269 253 228 210 155 148 142 133 132 110 96 94 93

AKC TOP 20 - 2015 GRAND CHAMPIONS As of May 2, 2015

Rank Dog Name Sex Points 1 ...........GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl ........................................................................................ Bitch ................................. 98 2 ...........GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle ......................................................................... Dog.................................. 87 3 ...........GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari High Win Warning ........................................................................................ Bitch ................................. 57 4 ...........GCH CH Dragonete Itapuca JC ....................................................................................................... Bitch ................................. 54 5 ...........GCH CH Undercover AB UR A Bell Ringer JC ................................................................................... Dog.................................. 53 6 ...........GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba No Matter What ...................................................................................... Dog.................................. 45 7 ...........GCH CH Africanadian James T Kirk ................................................................................................. Dog.................................. 42 ..............GCH CH Mata Hauri Ruby Red Beez .............................................................................................. Bitch ................................. 42 9 ...........GCH CH Reveille Waltz Me Around ................................................................................................ Dog.................................. 40 10 .........GCH CH Dark Moon’s Barking Bad JC ............................................................................................ Bitch ................................. 39 11 .........GCH CH Arubmec’s Take A Chance On Me ..................................................................................... Dog.................................. 34 12 .........GCH CH Kokopelli’s Onawa ............................................................................................................ Bitch ................................. 32 13 .........GCH DC Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot MC CA RATO ................................................................ Bitch ................................. 31 14 .........GCH CH Nelsons Friendship Of Magnificent 7 In Flight ................................................................. Bitch ................................. 30 15 .........GCH CH Alapocas Queen Of The Elves .......................................................................................... Bitch ................................. 28 ..............GCH CH Illusion’s Stairway To Heaven ............................................................................................ Dog.................................. 28 17 .........GCH CH Reveille Trip The Light Fantastic ........................................................................................ Dog.................................. 27 ..............GCH CH Svengali’s What’s Not To Love Of Zindika .......................................................................... Dog.................................. 27 ..............GCH CH Tammen’s Defying Gravity ............................................................................................... Bitch ................................. 27 20 .........GCH CH Borassus Who’s Your Hot Shot ......................................................................................... Bitch ................................. 26

AKC GCH Medallion Recipients As of April 18, 2015

Dog Name

Pts Medallion

GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow! GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin SC GCH CH Karnak's Pure And Simple Allure GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr's Halleleujah Makes A Joyful Noise GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr's Ryder Of The Voodoo Child GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr's The Lost Angel Gabriel GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Xtra Special Edition GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba Zensational GCH CH Dragonete Itapuca JC GCH CH Illusion's Stairway To Heaven GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Bucking The Trind GCH CH Klassic's Slam Dunk GCH CH Mata Hauri Ruby Red Beez GCH CH Platinum Nelson Jewel Of D'Nile SC GCH CH Starfyre's Rock'N With Danica GCH CH Wakili Signet Dooney GCH DC Akuaba N Eldorado's Speed Shot MC CA RATO GCH DC Atarasi's D'Lucks Edition SC GCH DC Undercover Meisterhaus Hi Ho Quianna By Signet SC GCH CH AB-Rafiki The Icon Of Cool GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr's Best Of The Best GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Speed Of Light GCH CH Alapocas Queen Of The Elves GCH CH Alapocas Simon Says GCH CH Arubmec's Take A Chance On Me

454 492 765 401 504 595 286 201 378 240 364 214 233 262 238 202 201 204 203 211 310 201 108 180 115 115 100 160


GCH CH Arubmec's Thriller GCH CH Dagoba's Poetry In Motion GCH CH Djakomba's Sandoway Of Wyoland JC GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Never Surrender GCH CH Emerant's The Navigator JC GCH CH I Am Jacob The Beloved JC GCH CH Jokuba C-Quest First Round Knock Out GCH CH Khani's Starlight Starbright SC GCH CH Laurel S'Simply Shocking Sabrina GCH CH Mardi Gras' Oliver Twist GCH CH Meisterhaus Dazzle 'N' Daze GCH CH Reveille One For The Money GCH CH Reveille Push Button GCH CH Reveille Trip The Light Fantastic GCH CH Reveille Waltz Me Around GCH CH Sirobe Egotistical Rosewood GCH CH Skyhi's Always In Fashion GCH CH Sonbar's Vigilant Valkyre At Cynosure GCH CH Starfyre's Spiced It Up GCH CH Taji Goes Platinum JC GCH CH Taji's Klassic Lil Black Dress SC GCH CH Tammen's Sparks Will Fly GCH CH 'Tis-A Arubmec's Circle Of Life GCH CH UnderCover AB UR A Bell Ringer GCH CH Victory Meisterhaus The X Factor GCH DC Bantu's Playing Rochambeau SC GCH DC N'Focus Santa Baby MC LCX GCH DC Southhouse Jumoke Ltle Big Man Malawi SC

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 34

131 101 103 127 108 142 185 101 120 142 197 108 170 116 188 123 164 100 112 194 107 169 175 173 109 103 104 104


2015 AKC TOP 20 - OWNER HANDLED SERIES Qualifying Period: Oct 9, 2014 thru Oct. 7, 2015 - Tally as of May 2, 2015

Rank Dog Name

Owner Name

1 2 3 4 5 6 * 8 9 * 11 12 * 14 * 16 * * 19 * * * *

J Johnson T Wright/B Blansett/T Leonard D.V.M. Wanda K Pooley/Gale N Whitehurst Dyan Baughan Michael L Graves/Christine L Graves Eva Birch/Larry Birch Laurie A Stargell Patricia E Cembura/Kelly Collins KR Britton/E Britton/D Britton/Z Patton Laura Mae Hesse Supachat Preedasuth Janice Kahl/Tad Brooks G Whitehurst/S Schroeder/CL Camp Bob Reed/Terry Reed G Whitehurst/C Camp/S Schroeder/O Rosener Donna DeFlorio/Kyle Cabral Laurie A Stargell G Whitehurst/CL Camp/OJ Rosener/S Schroeder B Blansett/T A Leonard D.V.M./T & T Wright Carole L Kirk/Denise A Vertrees E Johnson/BJ Cassell/T Brooks/S Middlebrooks Bridgette Lesar/Carol Wyatt/Cecily Rappe Katie Campbell/MaryK Quinnett

GCH DC Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot MC CA RATO GCH CH Epic-Select Never Say Goodbye SC GCH CH Undercover AB UR A Bell Ringer JC GCH CH I Am Mary Fula Grace From Sonbar GCH CH Mardi Gras’ Oliver Twist CH Birch’s You Had Me From Hello Skyhi’s Eighth Wonder Of The World CH Arubmec’s Mischief Managed GCH CH Khani’s Pitch Perfect GCH CH Laurel S’Simply Shocking Sabrina CH Nowata I Am Amazing CH Jadaka Meisterhaus Excalibur CH Undercover Ur A Legend Of Arabella SC Illusion’s Tango GCH CH Undercover Imara Simon Says Legend GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover Skyhi’s Henry The Eighth GCH CH Undercover Imara Voyager Vance Epic Select Tomjo’s Da Undisputed CH Possum Creek’s Sangbani GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl Svengali Zindika Big Sky Edition JC GCH CH Taji Platinum Will.I.Am

Sex Points Bitch Dog Dog Bitch Dog Dog Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Dog Bitch Dog Dog Dog Dog Dog Dog Bitch Bitch Dog Dog

360 195 180 110 95 90 90 65 55 55 50 45 45 35 35 30 30 30 25 25 25 25 25

INLAND EMPIRE HOUND SHOW OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 2015 INDIO, CA JUDGE: Mr. S. Ishimaru Best of Breed ......... GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari High Win Warning (B), J Jones/K Jones Best of Opposite Sex ........GCH CH Tarsha’s Ironwood Carver (D), T Parish Select Bitch ....................................CH Kazor’s Amadorable K Elliott/C Webb Best of Winners ........................................Kazor’s My Gal Friday (B), C Webb Winners Dog ..............................................Tarsha’s Just You Wait R Castillo Reserve Winner Dog ...... Starfyre’s Tri’D To Charge It D Searcy/K Grayson Winners Bitch .................................................Kazor’s My Gal Friday C Webb Reserve Winner Bitch .......................... Tarsha’s Wish Upon A Star T Parish MALES BRED BY EXHIBITOR 1/RW Starfyre’s Tri’D To Charge It D Searcy/K Grayson OPEN 1/WD Tarsha’s Just You Wait R Castillo 2 Bushbabies Tiger’s Eye In The Congo C Langford FEMALES 12 - 18 MOS. 1/WB/BOW Kazor’s My Gal Friday C Webb

GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari High Win Warning BRED BY EXHIBITOR 1/RWB Tarsha’s Wish Upon A Star T Parish 2 Avekami N Zindika’s Finishing Touch E Ockerman OPEN 1 Furaha Label Her Libby At Jamadari V Yale/J Furman 2 Starfyre Dyarra Giv It A Tri L Baxter/D Searcy 3 Bushbabies Gypsy’s Whisper A McGee/T Gavaletz

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 35

ASFA LURE COURSING - Top 20 - April 10, 2015 Rank Call Name Registered Name


1 2 3 3 5 5 7 8 9 9 9 12 13 13 15 15 15 15 19 20 20

S.Schroeder M.E.Chaffin/K.Campbell C.Watkins/L.Saban S.Smith-Falkner/J.Falkner J.Brader

Carly Zoe Darwyn Valleri Sparkle Goodtime Charlie Spock Sam Fancy Spyros Stella Tank! Aqune Echo Chilly Aina Moose Merlin Nike Winter Searsha

GCh,DC Songwe's Rock Star Legend,FCh,SC,LCX DC Taji's Alster Ego From Hodari,FCh,SC,LCX,RATI,SOR DC Zamaradi's Last Train To Salish Sea N'Baraka,SC Ch Zamaradi's Im Not Your Steppin Stone,SC Thor's Winter Wonderland,FCh,SC


Thor's Goodtime Charlie Got The Blues J.Brader Cosmic's Extratriestrial A.Noble Sunbird Suddanly Silver Eagle Samwise The Brave,FCh M.Roach/A.Therrell Thor's Affair On 8th Avenue J.Brader Kibushi Gugu Diospyros B.& J.Reisinger/J.Curby Zamaradi's Streetcar Named Desire I.Smith/S.Smith-Falkner/Jfalkner FC Tank!,FCh,MC,LCX W.Hodges/S.Messec FC Thor's Song For A Winter's Night,LCM,SC J.Brader FC Taji's Alster Echo,FCh,MC,LCX3,RN,JOR,RATI M.E.Chaffin Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours. K.Sanders FC Congaro's O Ka Aina,SC J.McWilliams DC Emerant's Heez Born To Be Wild,FCh,CGC,JOR,GRC,ORC,SC S.Smith-Falkner FC Thor's Kikozi,LCM5,SC J.Brader GCh,DC Emerant Makin Du Heez Got Game,SC B.Phillips FC New World Baridi Ngano,LCM2,SC J.Brader GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby,LCM4,MC,GRC,CGC,VB,LCX K.Sanders

Top 20 BIF Pts

3 1 1 0 2

0 0 0 0 0

23 21 18 18 16

1 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

16 15 14 13 13 13 12 11 11 10 10

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

10 10 9 7 7

AKC LURE COURSING - Top 20 - Events through April 18, 2015 Rank




1............... FC Joy-Us Hung The Moon SC .......................................................................................... D ................................................. 20 2............... CH Veramonte's Song Of Winterfell ................................................................................. B.................................................. 19 3............... GCH DC Meisterhaus Neon Nights MC LCX ...................................................................... B.................................................. 15 3............... Zamaradi's A Streetcar Named Desire ............................................................................. B.................................................. 15 5............... DC Suddanly Essence Of Eaglewood MC LCX ................................................................... D ................................................. 14 5............... Kinetic-Tanza Reaper Man SC ........................................................................................... D ................................................. 14 7............... FC Taji's hAfrican Queen Disa SC ...................................................................................... B.................................................. 13 7............... GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin SC ................................................................................. D ................................................. 13 9............... FC Tank! RN MC LCX2 ....................................................................................................... D ................................................. 12 10............. FC Congaro's O Ku'u' Aina Aloha MC LCX CA.................................................................... B.................................................. 11 11............. Epic Select Tri On Da Fly At Tomjo.................................................................................... D ................................................. 10 11............. CH Veramonte's Khaleesi Mother Of Dragons ................................................................. B.................................................. 10 13............. FC Zuri's Trii Me MC LCX3 CAX3 ....................................................................................... B.................................................... 9 13............. GCH DC Meisterhaus Never Winter Nights MC................................................................ B.................................................... 9 13............. CH Emerant's Hush Hush JC ............................................................................................. B.................................................... 9 16............. Emerant's R E S P E C T SC ................................................................................................ B.................................................... 8 16............. Atascocita Bobbi .............................................................................................................. B.................................................... 8 18............. GCH DC AB Tanza Life In The Fast Lane SC CA .................................................................. B.................................................... 7 18............. FC Select WW A Bonnie Boo MC ...................................................................................... B.................................................... 7 18............. GCH DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX ........................................................................... D ................................................... 7 18............. GCH CH Veramonte's Big River Judah JC .......................................................................... D ................................................... 7 18............. FC Driving Miss Dasypus MC ............................................................................................ B.................................................... 7 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 36

LGRA Top Basenjis APRIL 19, 2015






1........... An ........................ Jadaka's Independent Spirit SC SGRC5 SORC4 LCM TCP Tl .................Colbert ......................................... 8.50 2........... Taziri .................... FC Joy-Us Hung The Moon SC ............................................................. Colber ........................................... 5,00 3........... Frankie ................ Emerant's RESPECT ............................................................................. Hart/Hart ..................................... 4.00 4........... Valleri .................. Zamardi's I'm Not Your Stepping Stone .............................................. Smith-Falkner ............................... 3.00 6........... Echo-C ................. FC Taji's Alster Echo SC ....................................................................... Chaffin .......................................... 2.00 *........... Kito ...................... Bushbabies Tiger's Eye In The Congo.................................................. Langford ........................................ 200 7........... Harley-H .............. Sam's I'll Tri Anything GRC .................................................................. Haggard ........................................ 1.50 *........... Tank! ................... FC Tank! SC ......................................................................................... Hodges/Messec............................ 1.50 8........... Miko .................... FC Skyhi's Native Infinite Hope SC ...................................................... Sumita/Fukuma ............................ 1.00 *........... Sam ..................... Sunbird Suddanly Silver Eagle Samwise The Brave .............................Roach ........................................... 1.00 *........... Stella ................... Zamaradi's A Streetcar Named Desire ............................................... Smith-Falkner ............................... 1.00 *........... Zuni ..................... Astarte's Zuni Breeze at Sun River CGC, SGRC, JOR ............................Garel/Sapios .................................. 100

NOTRA Top Basenjis April 7, 2015





1.........Moose ................... Emerant's Heez Born to be Wild ORC ............................. Smith ............................................................... 6.00 2.........Ari .......................... Jadaka's Independent Spirit SORC5 ................................ Colbert ............................................................. 4.00 3.........Tank ....................... Tank! JOR......................................................................... Hodges/Messec ............................................... 3.00 4.........Nike ....................... Emerant Makindu Heez Got GameSOR ORC ................... Phillips ............................................................. 2.00 5.........Gus ........................ Emerant's Heez Got Gusto SOR ORC ............................... Hart.................................................................. 1.00 ...........Remi ...................... Emerant's Heez Reminiscent ORC SOR ........................... Smith/Hart ....................................................... 1.00 6.........Taziri ...................... Joy-Us Hung the Moon.................................................... Colbert ............................................................. 0.50

Photos by Joe Stewart

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 37

AUSTRALIA April 30, 2015


1............Aust Ch Nailah Facing The Fire Bird............................................ Mrs C Petersen ....................................................................570 2............Aust Ch Nonaym Bells of the Congo........................................... Karen Ordar.........................................................................477 3............Aust Sup Ch Zandeena A Twist Of Fate....................................... Millissa Fox..........................................................................372 4............Aust Sup Ch Zanzipow Poker Face Earnest ................................. Jennifer Power ....................................................................188 5............Kitoko Catcher In The Rye .......................................................... Helen Briggs ..........................................................................68 6............Remwin Against All Odds ........................................................... Mrs L Hughes & Miss T Johnson ...........................................56 7............Aust Sup Ch Nailah Chasin The Glory ......................................... Mrs C Petersen ......................................................................51 8............Remwin Miss Congeniality ......................................................... L A Hughes ............................................................................39 9............Eurabbie Scarletrose .................................................................. Rosalie Mayo-Ramsay ...........................................................30 10..........Aust Sup Ch Remwin Kissmycheek ............................................. Lyn Hughes ............................................................................29 11..........Zandeena Look Good In My Shirt ............................................... Millissa Fox & Jennifer Power ...............................................19


1............Aust Ch Nonaym Bells of the Congo........................................... Karen Ordar.........................................................................266 2............Aust Ch Nonaym Sound of the Congo ........................................ Karen Ordar.........................................................................218 3............Aust Sup Ch Zandeena A Twist Of Fate....................................... Millissa Fox..........................................................................182 4............Aust Ch Nailah Facing The Fire Bird............................................ Mrs C Petersen ....................................................................131 5............Aust Ch Kanibaru Glowing Ember .............................................. Robyn Thompson ................................................................116 6............Kitoko Catcher In The Rye .......................................................... Helen Briggs ..........................................................................82 7............Tamsala Whats Up Pussykat ....................................................... Heather & Philip McCarthy ...................................................79 8............Zandeena Look Good In My Shirt ............................................... Millissa Fox & Jennifer Power ...............................................79 9............Jebelmarra Cool Deception ........................................................ Robyn Thompson ..................................................................76 10..........Aust Ch Bkela Kobi Askari ........................................................... D Lindqvist & M Calderwood ................................................72 11..........Aust Ch Remwin Cheeky Liasons ................................................ Lyn Hughes ............................................................................69 12..........Remwin Miss Congeniality ......................................................... L A Hughes ............................................................................68 13..........Aust Ch Bkela Meeam Mali ........................................................ D Lindqvist & M Calderwood ................................................63 14..........Nikrus White Diamond ............................................................... Chantel Qualischefski ............................................................59 15..........Aust Ch Tambuzi Secret Of Roan Inish........................................ Adam Druce ..........................................................................58 16..........Aust Ch Afrikenji Hunting High And Low .................................... D & H Veless ..........................................................................53 17..........Kanibaru Heavenly Aurora ......................................................... Mrs Leanne Cooper...............................................................51 18..........Aust Ch Debrak On The Road To Nowhere ................................. AI .......... Mrs E M Jackson .....................................................48 19..........Aust Ch Nikrus Zoomy Safari ...................................................... Mrs C Benson ........................................................................43 20..........Aust Sup Ch Remwin Kissmycheek ............................................. Lyn Hughes ............................................................................43


1............Aust Ch Nailah Facing The Fire Bird............................................ Mrs C Petersen ....................................................................460 2............Kanibaru Heavenly Aurora ......................................................... Mrs Leanne Cooper.............................................................365 3............Kitoko Catcher In The Rye .......................................................... Helen Briggs ........................................................................265 4............Jebelmarra Cool Deception ........................................................ Robyn Thompson ................................................................250 5............Remwin Miss Congeniality ......................................................... L A Hughes ..........................................................................225 6............Zandeena Look Good In My Shirt ............................................... Millissa Fox & Jennifer Power .............................................200 7............Karamo Dancing Leopard ........................................................... A & C Curnick ......................................................................190 8............Kanibaru Magic Mike ................................................................. Millissa Fox..........................................................................160 9............Tamsala Whats Up Pussykat ....................................................... Heather & Philip McCarthy .................................................145 10..........Nikrus White Diamond ............................................................... Chantel Qualischefski ..........................................................100


1............Aust Sup & Neut Ch Tamsala Mitena Magic ............................... Jess Walker..........................................................................600 2............Aust Ch Nikrus African Pa Meisie ............................................... Mrs C Benson ........................................................................60 3............Aust & Neut Ch Wazazi High Definition...................................... Mr Jason Cook and Dr Jeffrey Lumb .....................................40 4............Aust Neut Ch Zanzipow Pure Red Poppy .................................... Lisa-Jane Hunter ...................................................................35 5............Aust Neut Ch Remwin Dark Image ............................................. Mrs C Benson ........................................................................20


1............NAILAH ....................................................................................... Mrs C Petersen ....................................................................260 2............ZANDEENA ................................................................................. Millissa Fox..........................................................................230 3............NONAYM .................................................................................... Karen Ordar...........................................................................55 4............REMWIN ..................................................................................... Lyn Hughes ............................................................................10

.............ZANZIPOW .........................................................................J Power ........................................................................ 10

5............EURABBIE ................................................................................... Rosalie Mayo-Ramsay .............................................................5 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 38



Dog's Name

All Breed

Spec BOB


1............Ch Ahmahr Nahr's Best Of The Best(M) ................................................. 14 ....................................... 1 .....................................4 2............Ch Emerant's R E S P E C T(F) ................................................................... 2 ........................................ 0 .....................................2 3............Emerant's Hush Hush .............................................................................. 1 ........................................ 0 .....................................1 4............GCh Ahmahr Nahr's Hallelujah Makes A Joyful Noise(F).........................0 ........................................ 0 .....................................0 4............Africanadian Lian AhmahrNahr(F)........................................................... 0 ........................................ 0 .....................................0 4............Miloki's Trouble B'rooing(M) ................................................................... 6 ........................................ 0 .....................................0 4............Africanadian Khufu Ahmahr Nahr(M) ..................................................... 0 ........................................ 0 .....................................0 4............Ch Bushwacker Cor Leonis(M)................................................................. 2 ........................................ 0 .....................................0 4............Ch Akuaba N Eldorado Xtra Saucy(F) ....................................................... 1 ........................................ 0 .....................................0


Dog Name







1........... GCh Ahmahr Nahr's Hallelujah Makes A Joyful Noise(F) ......................0 .............. 0 ..............3 ............. 1 .............. 0............193 2........... Ch Ahmahr Nahr's Best Of The Best(M) ...............................................0 .............. 0 ..............1 ............. 4 .............. 2............184 3........... Ch Emerant's R E S P E C T(F) ................................................................0 .............. 0 ..............1 ............. 1 .............. 0..............50 4........... Africanadian Lian AhmahrNahr(F) ........................................................0 .............. 0 ..............0 ............. 2 .............. 0..............20 5........... Miloki's Trouble B'rooing(M) ................................................................0 .............. 0 ..............0 ............. 0 .............. 1................4 6........... Africanadian Khufu Ahmahr Nahr(M)...................................................0 .............. 0 ..............0 ............. 0 .............. 1................3 7........... Emerant's Hush Hush ...........................................................................0 .............. 0 ..............0 ............. 0 .............. 0................1 8........... Ch Bushwacker Cor Leonis(M) ..............................................................0 .............. 0 ..............0 ............. 0 .............. 0................0 8........... Ch Akuaba N Eldorado Xtra Saucy(F) ....................................................0 .............. 0 ..............0 ............. 0 .............. 0................0

FINLAND Standings March 10, 2015

VUODEN UROS / DOG OF THE YEAR Pisteet/Points 1................. Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever ................................................................................................................................................24 2................. Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wise Guy..................................................................................................................................................15 3................. Klassic's Daydream Believer.................................................................................................................................................14 4................. Bastillin Andy McRed ...........................................................................................................................................................12 4................. Hi-Lite Candy Cane ..............................................................................................................................................................12 6................. Sternhimmels Orvar Odd .......................................................................................................................................................9 7................. Hi-Lite Cola Candy.................................................................................................................................................................. 8 8................. Bulldobas No Regrets ............................................................................................................................................................7


Pisteet/Points 1................. Bulldobas Belle Bubling Under ............................................................................................................................................23 2................. Hi-Lite Contton Candy ..........................................................................................................................................................22 3................. Faraoland La Vie En Rose .....................................................................................................................................................14 3................. I Know A Secret Afrikata ......................................................................................................................................................14 5................. Nature's Masterpiece Dazzling Diamond.............................................................................................................................13 6................. Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wow-Factor ...............................................................................................................................................7


Sukupuoli/Sex Pisteet/Points 1................. Bulldobas No Regrets ............................................................................... uros/dog .............................................................5 2................. Orange Pips African Violet ...................................................................... narttu/bitch...........................................................1 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 39

SWEDEN STANDINGS - Top Basenjis May 3, 2015



Poäng /Points

1.................DK EE INT NORD UCH NORD V-08 SE V-08-09- SE&NO V-07 WW-11-13 SE VV-15 Faraoland Bluetooth Enigma ............................................................................... Sofie Lönn ...................................................................... 42 2.................SE JV-14 Barkless Xtreme Dimension .................................................................. Birgitta & Emma Prahl ................................................... 26 3.................SE UCH Miss Amazing's Dream Hunter................................................................ Camilla Lebzien .............................................................. 22 4.................SE JV-15 Shahrans Fizzy Bubble ........................................................................... Ann-Charlotte Wikell ..................................................... 21 5.................C.I.B NORD FI UCH FI V12 NORD V-10-11 SE V-14 Enigma Just Watch Me .......... Madelene & Sofie Lönn ................................................. 20 6.................C.I.B NORD EE UCH NORDJ V-11 Kenjaali Heere's Johnny ................................... Birgitta & Emma Prahl ..................................................... 7 *.................NORD US UCH Jasiri-Sukari Win Diesel................................................................ Carina Morén Jansson ..................................................... 7



Poäng /Points

1.................SE DK UCH SE V-13-14-15 Behukai Egyptian Treasure ......................................... Anders Gryhed ............................................................... 48 2.................SE JV-15 Enigma Posing For Paparazzi ................................................................. Lisa Barkeskog, Madelene & Sofie Lönn ........................ 30 3.................NORD JV-14 Shahrans Tutti Frutti ........................................................................ Maria & Therese Kindberg ............................................. 23 4.................Enigma I Live For The Applause ........................................................................... Daniella Sjölund ............................................................. 17 5.................SE UCH Yulara Stellaria ........................................................................................ Monica Massih .............................................................. 12 *.................Touch Of Razz Pink Champagne .......................................................................... Carina Morén Jansson ................................................... 12 7.................SE NO UCH NORD JV-11 Enigma I Have A Dream ................................................ Carina Morén Jansson & Sofie Lönn .............................. 10 *.................SE UCH NORD JV-09 SE V-10 Khani's Midnight Star ............................................. Madelene & Sofie Lönn ................................................. 10 9.................SE DK UCH SE JV-13 NO JV-13 Shahrans Starlet ................................................... Maria & Therese Kindberg ............................................... 9 10...............North Exotic All Time Favourite ........................................................................... Yvonne Adolfsson ............................................................ 7 11...............Kincha's A Star Is Born ......................................................................................... Gun-Lis Dahlström ........................................................... 6 *.................Rayas Minds Winning Winnie .............................................................................. Diana Bjurström & Carina Johansson .............................. 6 13...............Haute Couture Out Of Africa ............................................................................... Helena Strömbert, Cecilia Kocman .................................. 5



Poäng /Points

1.................DK,EE,INT&NORD UCH NORD V-08 SE V-08-09- SE&NO V-07 WW-11-13 SE VV-15 ...................Faraoland Bluetooth Enigma ............................................................................... Sofie Lönn ...................................................................... 14 2.................Yulara Kassia ........................................................................................................ Camilla Lebzien ................................................................ 2

UNITED KINGDOM CHAMPION SHOWS UK CHAMPION SHOW WINNERS THROUGH MAY 9, 2015 Prepared by Sally Wallis, Zande Basenjis Name D/B CC RCC BOB Group Am/GB Ch (subject to KC confirmation) Klassic’s Girl With A Curl (Imp) ..................................... B ............3 .............0 ................ 2 ...........HG 2 Ch Kissangani Caught in the Act For Milukris ...................................................................... D ...........2 .............1 ................ 1 .................0 Swanwite Karaleigh ............................................................................................................. B ............1 .............0 ................ 1 .................0 Woodella Gold Standard at Crosscop ................................................................................. D ............2 .............0 ................ 0 .................0

RESERVE CC WINNERS FOR 2015 Name D/B RCC Show GB Ch Chagmas Dream On ......................................................... D .................... 1st ..............................................................Manchester GB Ch Kissangani Caught in the Act for Milukris ......................... D .................... 1st ................................ Hound Association of Scotland GB Ch Kissangani Life Of The Party ............................................. B .................... 1st ..............................................................Manchester .................................................................................................................. 2nd....................................................................... Crufts GB Ch Kissangani Shining Star at Embeau ................................... B .................... 1st ................................ Hound Association of Scotland IT HR H RO Ch Momba Tonga Charlie .......................................... D .................... 1st ....................................................................... Crufts Savannastorm Dragon Lord ......................................................... B .................... 1st ............................................... Birmingham National GB Ch Zordia’s Wazzala................................................................ B .................... 1st ............................................... Birmingham National The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 40

BRAZIL - Top Basenjis 2015 ADULTS Pos. .......Nome .........................................................................................Proprietário/Handler .......................................................... Pts. 1............Gazela Chiya Itapuca ..................................................................Ricardo T´Rcio, Oiram Filho ................................................ 118 2............Zorua Do Rancho Da Pedra ........................................................Murilo Vieira ........................................................................ 90 3............Favelado Lek Touchless Itapuca..................................................Savio Picanço Steele ............................................................ 57 4............Chika Jaguar Vilas .......................................................................José Izidro De Souza Neto ................................................... 29 5............Djalma Itapuca ...........................................................................Alex Piffer, Claudio Cruz........................................................ 27 6............Congo Do Rancho Da Pedra .......................................................João Henrique De Almeida Scaff ......................................... 23 7............Gringo Teazer Itapuca.................................................................Savio Picanço Steele ............................................................ 18 8............Gaucha Itapuca ..........................................................................Savio Picanço Steele .............................................................. 6 9............Goiabada Chiya Itapuca..............................................................Savio Picanço Steele .............................................................. 3

JUNIOR 9 TO 15 MONTHS 1............Gazela Chiya Itapuca ..................................................................Ricardo T´Rcio, Oiram Filho .................................................. 68 2............Chika Jaguar Vilas .......................................................................José Izidro De Souza Neto ................................................... 55 3............Gringo Teazer Itapuca.................................................................Savio Picanço Steele ............................................................ 52 4............Gaucha Itapuca ..........................................................................Savio Picanço Steele .............................................................. 6

PUPPY 6 TO 9 MONTHS 1............Gazela Chiya Itapuca ..................................................................Ricardo T´Rcio, Oiram Filho ................................................ 166 2............Goiabada Chiya Itapuca..............................................................Savio Picanço Steele .............................................................. 3 * ..........Congo Do Rancho Da Pedra .......................................................João Henrique De Almeida Scaff ........................................... 3

NORWAY Top Winners 2015 HANNER/DOGS Rank

Dog's Name


1............Ch Doberguard's Ramses Of The Nile...........................41 2............Ashikis Hot Drama In Rio ..............................................15 3............Bulldobas Bubbler To Bushongo...................................12 4............Ch Farlanders Can You See It Now ...............................12 5............African Star...................................................................10 6............Kingwanas Morning Mist ...............................................4 7............Ashikis You Could Be Mine .............................................2 8............Shahrans American Eagle ...............................................1

1............Ch Kingwanas Jitterbug ................................................37 2............Kingwanas Lovebug ......................................................28 3............Ch Ashikis Whisper In The Dark ...................................10 *............Kingwanas Little Love .....................................................7 5............Doberguard's Queen Of The Nile ...................................6 6............Ashikis Key To Love.........................................................6 7............Ch Kingwanas Kiss Me Quick ..........................................4 8............Ch Kingwanas Foxy Femme Fatale .................................3 9............Ch Shahrans Wish Upon A Star ......................................3 10..........Kardohill's Queen Latifah ...............................................2 11..........Bushongo Double Joy .....................................................1

VALPER/PUPPIES 1............Boxzent's Roquepine ....................................................22 2............Kingwanas Never Kiss A Frog........................................17 3............Kingwanas Official Moonwalk ........................................8

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 41

Upcoming Events – Around the World DATE



June 13-14, 2015


June 27, 2015


June 28, 2015


July 17, 2015


July 24, 2015


August 1-2, 2015


August 1, 2015


August 15-16, 2015


Sept 4-6, 2015 Basenji Judging Sept. 6


Sept. 5, 2015


Sept. 19, 2015


Sept 29, 2015


Oct. 26 - Nov. 1, 2015


GREATER CHICAGOLAND BASENJI CLUB SPECIALTIES Grayslake, Illinois June 13 Conformation: Mrs. Francine Schwartz Sweepstakes: Ms. Patricia Bright June 14 Conformation: Mr. Robert Frost Sweepstakes: Ms. Sue Ellen Lynch SVKL SPECIALTY Kuusaantie 56, 45700 Kuusankoski (Kouvola) Judge: Rune Fagerström, Finland FINNISH BASENJI SPECIALTY Kuusaantie 56, 45700 Kuusankoski (Kouvola) Judge: Marja Talvitie, Finland WILLAMETTE VALLEY BASENJI CLUB SPECIALTY Gresham, OR Judges: TBA BASENJI CLUB OF SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN SPECIALTY Ixonia, WI Conformation: Ms. Katie Campbell Sweepstakes: SWEDISH BASENJKI CLUB SPECIALTY Harasjömåla, Blekinge Judge: Péter Harsányi, Ungern EVERGREEN BASENJI CLUB SPECIALTY Argus Ranch Facility for Dogs Auburn, WA Judges: TBA NORSK BASENJI KLUBB Drammen, Norway Aug 15: Judge/Dommer: Sofie Lönn, Sverige Aug 16: Judge/ Dommer: Velges Senere/To be announced EUROPEAN DOG SHOW 2015 Oslo, Norway Judge: Lisbeth Campbell, Norway BASENJI CLUB OF CANADA REGIONAL SPECIALTY Ingleside, Ontario Judge: Janet Lobb Show Chair: Sanda Allen, Show Secretary: Diana Edwards, BASENJI CLUB OF CANADA Terrebonne, Quebec In conjunction with Club Canin Chomedey Show Chair: Sanda Allen, Show Secretary: Pascal Pontois, Conformation Judge: Marianne Klinekowski Sweepstakes: Mrs. Lynn Arrand BASENJI FANCIERS OF GREATER PHOENIX Prescott Valley, AZ Offering the National Owner Handled Series Competition Superintendent: Jack Onofrio Dog Shows, Inc. Specialty is in conjunction with Prescott Arizona Kennel Club JUDGES: TBA BASENJI CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. NATIONAL SPECIALTY Eisenhower Hotel and Conference Center Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Conformation: *Mr. Michael Work Sweepstakes: *Ms. Julie Jones *pending AKC approval

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 42

Advertising & Subscriptions The Modern Basenji - Worldwide is published quarterly in print and online.


The online magazine is a modified format that includes advertising and limited content. The digital version is available at no charge. Subscription Rates

Advertising Rates COVER SET Front Cover- Color only ................................................................... $ 250.00 Back Cover – Color only ................................................................... $ 175.00 Inside Front Cover – Color only ....................................................... $ 140.00 Inside Back Cover – Color only ........................................................ $ 140.00 Inside Front Cover plus adjacent page ............................................... $250.00 Inside Back Cover plus adjacent page ................................................ $250.00 INSIDE COLOR PAGES Single color page ............................................................................. $ 2-page spread ................................................................................... $ Half page - color ............................................................................... $ Quarter-page color ........................................................................... $

125.00 235.00 65.00 35.00

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70.00 130.00 40.00 25.00

DISCOUNT RATES: Prepay 4 issues (1 pg per issue) COLOR ............................................ $ 450.00 Prepay 4 issses (1 pg per issue) B/W ................................................ $ 252.00 Addtl photos (limit 4 per page) ................................................................. n/c SPECIAL CATEGORIES – per year rate/size: 3.65”w x 2.50h” Breeder/Kennel Directory Listing ...................................................... $ 75.00

Deadlines for Advertising & Editorial Submissions February 1st (March issue) August 1st (September issue) May 1st (June issue) November 1st (December issue) Contact The Modern Basenji -- Worldwide For Subscritpions - For Advertising needs

One year

Two years

US Residents ............................ $35.00 .....................$65.00 Canadian Residents ................. $47.00 .....................$90.00 All Other Countries .................. $55.00 ....................$105.00 Single Copy USA .....................................................................$12.00 Canada................................................................$15.00 All other countries ..............................................$20.00

Payments Online, Checks & Money Orders - US Funds Only. Mail Payments to: The Modern Basenji, 221 Oak Wood Road, Kerrville, TX 78028

MAGAZINE STAFF Editors : Wanda Pooley, Melody Falcone, A. Tad Brooks Magazine Design Wanda Pooley Advertising Managers Melody Falcone & A. Tad Brooks Ad Designer Melody Falcone Copy Editing Anne Rogers Maxine Elliott M. Susan Joyner

Contact the Advertising Manager for layout details before sending sending camera-ready ads. Send inquiries to The Modern Basenji -- Worldwide 221 Oak Wood Road Kerrville, TX 78028 (830) 257-0481

The Modern Basenji -- Worldwide is interested in your editorial submissions. Please contact us at

Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publishers. The Modern Basenji takes no responsibility for statements or claims made in advertisements. We reserve the right to edit and/or refuse all copy. We are not responsible for errors in camera-ready ads that come in from an outside designer. All manuscripts become the property of The Modern Basenji. Ads that are custom designed by our Advertising Staff are the property of The Modern Basenji. Reports, tallies and photographs of events submitted by individuals are published as space allows. Any win photos must be identified.

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The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 44

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