Tmb 3q 2015

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The Modern Basenji - Worldwide is published quarterly in print and online.


ADVERTISERS Biller, Gene & Kanouff, Bill........................... FC

4 Editor’s Column

Biller, Gene & Kanouff, Bill........................... 11

6 The Art of the BASENJI, by Wanda Pooley

Cembura, Pat.............................................. 2-3

12 From the Groom Bag, by Wanda Pooley 16 The B-Legal Blog - The Phenomonen of Retail Rescue, by Nancy E.


Halpern, DVM, Esq. on May 20, 2014

Fragassi, Pat................................................. BC Hesse, Laura........................................... 14-15 Pooley, Wanda............................................ IBC Pooley, Wanda............................................... 9

19 My World, by Kyra

Scherwin, Natalie....................................... IFC

EVENT RESULTS 20 22 25 26 28

Whitehurst, Gale........................................... 5

Basenji Club of Cincinnati Specialties Greater Chicagoland Basenji Club Specialties Greaterland Chicago Hound Specialty Basenji Club of SE Wisconsin Specialty Willamette Valley Basenji Club Specialty

29 31 34 35 36 37

Evergreen Basenji Club Specialty UK Championship Shows Finnish Basenji Specialty Basenji Klub Bohemia Shows World Dog Show, Milano, Italy Swedish Basenji Club Specialty

BASENJI RANKINGS 38 AKC Top 20 - Breed and All breed

43 Australia - All-Breed & Breed Rankings

39 40 40 41 41 42 42

44 45 46 47 47 47 48

AKC GCH Medallion Recipients AKC GCH Standings AKC Top 20 Owner Handled Series AKC Lure Coursing Ranking ASFA Lure Coursing Standings LGRA Race Standings NOTRA Race standings

Canada CKC Top 20 Standings Finland Standings Sweden Standings UKC Top 10 AKC Top Juniors Norway Standings United Kingdom Standings

DEPARTMENTS 1 Table of Contents & Advertisers 49 Upcoming Events 50 Advertising and Subscription Rates The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 1

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-- by Wanda Pooley


on Saturday and Sunday with all-breed shows. It’s really the best of both worlds for hound folks. In addition to these two clubs, several breed clubs host their own specialties that run concurrent with the shows. There is plenty of room for everyone, and a good thing, too, because this show attracts exhibitors from all around the country.

Some times we go back to the same show site not necessarily because the panel of judges looks good, but because we simply love that site. It has a “halo effect” that pulls us back year after year. I have a list of 5 Top Sites that fall into this category and below is a description of one of them.

Go West, Young Man (Written by John Soule and popularized by Horace Greeley this phrase says it all for Island Grove Regional Park in the western town of Greeley, Colorado.)

Nestled just east of the foothills of beautiful Rocky Mountain National Park, the mile-high city of Greeley, Colorado still maintains that small-town feel yet offers the amenities of a larger community. It’s premier facility is Island Grove Regional Park -- a multi-use complex that sprawls over 145 acres. The Park offers year-around activities and events for just about everything imaginable – dog shows, motocross, Colorado Farm Show, corporate events, horse shows, festivals, concerts, livestock shows, meetings, dances. The park is a plum that any community would be thrilled to have. Island Grove Regional Park is truly a cut well above the average dog show venue with its spacious Event Center and the large Exhibition Hall just next door. This second building has plenty of reserved grooming space for exhibitors who want to keep their dogs in air conditioned comfort as summer temperatures have been known to climb into the mid-90’s. The Show Cluster also offers plenty of free grooming space in the open-air Livestock Building. I have been to this show site a few times over the past six years beginning with the BCOA 2010 National Specialty. You could say the site “...had me at Hello.” Every August the Rocky Mountain Hound Association and the Greeley Kennel Club combine forces to hold four days of conformation shows along with obedience and rally trials. RMHA hosts a two-day Hound Show and then GKC takes over

The two hound shows are held outside in the Circle, a large center grassy space that ties all the buildings of IGRP together. The RMHA provides a plethora of pop-up canopies for its guests for shade and for shelter should it rain. Every ring has at least four canopies inside the rings and four more outside each ring. Their hospitality also extends to placing large coolers filled with water and other soft beverages close to the rings and even wading pools to cool down dogs. The last two days of judging are usually held in the Event Center, a building so vast one can easily maneuver a dolly full of crates to the rings and still have enough space to park it while exhibiting. Island Grove has over 200 RV parking spots -- with options ranging from full service to water and electric and on down to just electricity. Your choice all depends on how close to the rings you want to be and how much grass you want when you step out of your motorhome. Over my visits I have enjoyed all three service options. This year I requested parking on the Circle. The benefits are large shade trees, plenty of grass for setting out ex-pens and walking the dogs, and having just a short stroll to the show rings; unfortunately, the trade-off for these natural amenities is not having an RV hookup to water. While I always carry plenty of bottled water for the dogs, four hot days with my water supply limited to the 60 or so gallons left in the fresh-water tank drove home to need to be very conservative with bathroom and galley use. Luckily, the park planners addressed this issue by providing public showers and even luckier for me, those showers were just across the street from where my motorhome was parked. Greeley, CO is 930 miles from my doorstep, yet, to me, it is worth the drive each year. If you have not been to this park, consider adding this show cluster to your list. You won’t be disappointed.h This extraordinary scuplture, emanating the feel of the Old West, is the centerpiece of the Park.

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By Wanda Pooley

Basenji Paintings by artist John Fulton Short The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 6



ur beautiful basenji has been depicted in so many forms that it would be almost impossible to count the ways its appearance has been presented in memorabilia.

Back when planning on the 1996 BCOA specialty was in full swing, one important task was gathering items for the auction -- the biggest fundraising event of the year. One very gracious club member, Dorothy Collette of Illinois, donated a set of four basenji watercolor prints created by artist John Fulton Short.

Since Dorothy lived fairly close, I offered to get the prints from her and store them until the specialty. She and I met at a dog show to make the exchange. As I placed each print in my van I gave it a quick look and even in that brief glimpse I was impressed by the quality of these unique pieces of art. Dorothy told me she bought the set back in the early 70’s when they were being advertised in The Basenji magazine. I have been told that 100 sets were made but have been unable to confirm that number. Some fellow basenji art collectors also explained that these prints were a rare find; most owners so highly prized the prints that they would become available only after the owner's death. Happily, Ms Collette was alive and well when she made this generous donation to the BCOA. Those four prints lay on my dining room table for many weeks. I must have stared at them almost daily, studying the anatomical details of the natives and their dogs. The basenjis were not beautiful in the manner that we typically see our breed portrayed; however, it was easy to envision basenjis like this racing through the bush. Ultimately I resolved that the prints would be coming back with me after the auction. I even declared to my husband, “I am bidding on these, and I don’t care how much I have to pay!” I became so attached to these prints that when I handed them over to the Auction Chair I actually felt a loss. During the cocktail hours prior to the banquet a silent auction was held. If memory serves me correctly, any item that received 10 or more bids was set aside to be sold at the live auction that would follow the dinner. Rather than bundled as a set, each print had been given its own item number. The prints didn't seem to draw much interest;

even the bids that had already recorded were low, in my estimation, making the complete set a bargain. At this point I was feeling pretty confident that I would be able to get all four. And then it happened! Some shrewd observer had also spotted the low bidding and called this to the attention of the Auction Chair. Once she learned the value of the set and the importance of keeping the prints together, I knew I was in trouble. All four prints were gathered up and placed with the other items bound for the live auction. Now I had to suffer until the meal was over for another chance to bid. Usually I am a pretty cool bidder, but this time I was struggling to keep my emotions in check. When the full set was held up so everyone could take another look, my blood pressure began to escalate. Much to my dismay, the auctioneer did an excellent job of explaining the value of this set. He told everyone how rare it was for an entire collection in such excellent condition to even surface, how they were out of print, and what an exceptional find this was for the auction. The room started buzzing with talk about the prints. Oh, fine! With my bidder number clutched in my hand, I compelled myself to wait as the bidding progressed. Soon it began to lag and with all the nonchalance I could muster, I waggled my number to place my bid. It was like sharks smelling blood! Suddenly two of the other bidders rallied and the fight was on. The bid jumped in increments of $50 and when it reached $800, I finally stood up and, with a steely glint in my eyes, shouted "ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS! " All got quiet. I could sense the wheels turning in the heads of my competitors. Whether they were just being good sports or had concluded that I

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THE ART OF THE BASENJI (CONTINUED) wasn’t giving up, I don’t know, but whatever their reasons, both quit bidding. The set was mine! However, this was not the end of the story. Eight years later I received a phone call from Spain from a gentleman who introduced himself as Robert Vavra. He was inquiring about a puppy bitch I had recently advertised in the club magazine that reminded him of his own beloved basenji that had died some years back. I recognized the name immediately. Robert Vavra, a gifted professional photographer and writer, had given the Basenji Club of America, Inc. the rights to his illustrated book, Canis Basenji. In appreciation for the generous donation of this whimsical portrayal of our breed, the BCOA had awarded Lifetime Member status to Mr. Vavra. During our conversation Robert Vavra recounted a story of a time when, as young men, he and John Fulton, were living in Spain and down to their last few dollars. Robert was struggling to make his way as a photographer, and John longed to be not only a famous matador, but also an artist. Both men despaired at the thought they might have to give up their dreams, admit defeat, and return to America penniless. One afternoon as they and another friend were crossing a street in Sevilla, they spotted the famous historical novelist, James Michener, heading in the opposite direction. The three men ran back, introduced themselves, and told Michener what great fans they were of his works. Robert said they all stood on the sidewalk talking for several minutes and then Michener invited everyone back to his loft. According to Robert, that chance meeting changed their lives forever. At that time Michener's best-selling non-fiction book about Spain was just an idea in the author's mind. By the time he was ready to write “Iberia” the three men had become friends, and Michener had recognized the talents of the photographer and the matador. Robert was commissioned to take photographs of life in Iberia, and John Fulton helped Michener research material for the book. At the mention of John Fulton’s name something clicked in my head. As Robert was describing that chance meeting with James Michener, I wandered over to the wall where my four basenji prints hung and stared at the artist’s signature -- John Fulton Short. When Robert reached the end of his story, I described the prints I had and asked if John Fulton could possibly be John Fulton Short. “Yes,” he declared, “He is the artist of those basenji paintings. It wasn’t until some years later that John decided to drop his last name of Short because Spaniards had a hard time pronouncing it.” Robert went on to explain that John had a girlfriend who owned a basenji. She persuaded him to draw a picture of her dog and he responded to her request with not one but four exquisite paintings. Notice the physique and graceful stance of the natives. It is easy to imagine that these men, captured in the eye of an artist who loved bullfighting, were inspired by matadors. It was these four pictures that were reproduced and a limited number of sets made available to basenji fanciers. When I decided to write an article about these paintings, I found John Fulton’s biography on the John Fulton Society website and several images of his other paintings. However, I found no information about

TOP PHOTO (L-R): Robert Vavra, James Michener, and John Fulton Short BOTTOM PHOTO (L-R): John Fulton Short, Robert Vavra, and Ernest Hemmingway attending a bull fight in Spain. (photos from the John Fulton Society)

his basenji paintings. It is almost as if they are lost in history, now remaining only in the memories of those who were fortunate enough to collect the prints years ago. On rare occasions, a full set will surface, but the condition of these prints may have suffered if they were not mounted and stored properly. Although the set I acquired at that 1996 BCOA Auction was in excellent condition, as soon as I returned home from that specialty, I had the prints museum-mounted using 100% acid-free matting and conservation glass - a special glass that protects against ultraviolet light. Today I believe the colors and clarity of the prints are as good as when they were painted decades ago in Spain by an American who became a famous matador as well as a noted artist. Many of you had probably never heard of John Fulton Short until you began reading this article. This extraordinary man was born in 1933 in Philadelphia, PA. After graduating from high school, John spent a year at the Philadelphia Museum College of Art and then was granted a scholarship to the Instituto Allende, an art school in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, where he spent much of his time learning

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THE ART OF THE BASENJI (CONTINUED) to bullfight in nearby Mexican border towns. By 1956 John Fulton Short decided to go to Sevilla, Spain -- a famous bullfighting center. Once he was in Spain, John Fulton Short, or John Fulton as he became later known in bullfighting circles, devoted himself to becoming an accomplished matador. And he succeeded. The great matador Juan Belmonte, who had revolutionized bullfighting and was Hemingway’s hero, said: “As a torero, John Fulton is the best non-Latin I have seen in the ring. He fights with an authentic Andalusian style, more like a torero from Sevilla than a young North American.” Legend of the bullring, Rafael ‘El Gallo’ remarked: “John Fulton has proved to be as equally creative and artistic with a brush as with the cape.” John Marks, author of To the Bullfight, commented: “He practices -- or indulges -- both his vocations simultaneously, and as simply, as if a boy from Philadelphia to be an aspiring matador, and for a matador to be a serious artist outside the plaza de toros, were the most natural things in the world.” In 1959 John Fulton Short met Robert Vavra. The friendship of these two men spanned several decades... “ the course of their long friendship, they would do many artistic projects together, as well as two books: Little Egret and Toro and Lament for the Death of a Matador. Together, they opened the John Fulton Galleries of Sevilla and of Marbella.”

researching his 1968 book IBERIA, and only General Franco was mentioned in its pages more than Fulton. In IBERIA, Michener wrote: “His tall and graceful body moves well against the dark mass of bull and he has a repertoire of passes that is wholly professional. He certainly is as competent as the average Spanish matador and better than many. Vavra, who provided the illustrations for IBERIA, did three photographs of Fulton for the book, which was on The New York Times best seller list for more than a year.” [John Fulton Society] According to John’s biography, he and Robert Vavra eventually purchased a villa, dividing it into living quarters and a studio. It turned into a social center for aspiring matadors and artists, as well as a gathering place for celebrities. Charlton Heston, Bo and John Derek, Fred Ward, Hector Elizando, James Michener, Mel Ferrer, Tom Lea, Barnaby Conrad, Robert Trout, Deborah Kerr, Peter Vertiel, Robert Daley and Candice Bergen were just a few of the visitors to Villa Santa Cecilia. [The John Fulton Society] John Fulton Short died in 1998. He was a celebrated matador, the first American to be promoted to the highest rank in bullfighting. He is a noted artist whose works are displayed in a number of prestigious collections including The Yale University Art Library, The Kennedy Library, The Sports Illustrated Library and both the Hemingway and Michener Art Collections. And he has touched the hearts of those of us in the basenji fancy by so beautifully portraying the unique character of our beloved breed in its native habitat. If you are fortunate enough enough to own any of these prints, cherish them; if you don’t then hope one day a set will cross your path.

Other notable figures had an impact on John’s life.


“Ernest Hemingway befriended Fulton and helped him out financially. James A. Michener was so impressed with the American matador that he used Fulton as a guide when

The John Fulton Society. To learn more about John Fulton’s life , his works and career as a matador, please visit

Photo by Amy Kimura The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 10

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By Wanda Pooley



hen a dog enters the ring, he should be in the proper weight for his size, have good muscle tone, and have a nice, shiny coat. However, depending on where you live, that last can be hard to achieve. South central Texas has a very arid climate, a climate that takes its toll on the skin, especially my dogs’ skin. Last year I started showing Ringo (GCH CH UnderCover UR A Bell Ringer, JC) as a special. The challenge of showing a dog with a black coat is that everything shows up, especially dander. Dust and other debris are easy, just wipe the coat with a moist cloth. Dander, on the other hand, just keeps raising its ugly head no matter how much rubbing is done. Inevitably, right before a show, Ringo’s skin will start flaking. It doesn’t matter what shampoo and conditioner I use, either. The more I brush, the more the dander appears. Someone advised me to mix Listerine®, or a like generic anti-septic mouthwash, with water in a spray bottle and then apply the concoction on the hair. After spraying the coat, I was told rub it in well with a soft towel until the flakes disappeared. This method actually works, but the down side is that the “fix” is temporary. The ingredients of this particular mouth wash can also dry the skin and eventually create even more dander, making this a continuous process to relieve the coat of all those flakes.

Earlier this past spring while at a 5-day show in Perry, Georgia I was again confronted with that pesky dander on Ringo’s coat. I started to reach for that Listerine® mixture, but then stopped. Instead, I went back into my motorhome and fished through all my hair products in search of one that has been helpful on my own hair. Applying a few drops of hair oil on my hands, I rubbed it through Ringo’s coat to get it deep on the skin. Afterwards, I used a small towel to collect the dander and voila`! The dander began to disappear, and his coat shined. The next day Ringo needed just a light treatment, and in the following days his coat looked amazing. The best part is that his hair never felt greasy or gummy. As with all hair products, the selection of hair oils on the market is bountiful. Some are thicker than others. I settled on an inexpensive and more viscous product, Fructis® “Sleek & Shine,” that contains Moroccan argan oil. This has now become a standard accessory in my grooming bag. Coconut oil is another good choice if you find yourself battling dander on your dogs. The classic problem of dry skin -- dander. The picture on the left illustrates a dog with the dander problem left untreated. The photo on the right shows the result after applying the hair oil and then wiping the coat clean. The skin is supple and the coat shines.

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The Phenomenon Called




By Karla Schreiber, Esq.

third quarter B-Legal Blog plays host to another guest columnist - Dr. Nancy Halpern, Esq. - a registered patent attorney who represents clients in intellectual property and veterinarian pharmaceuticals. Dr. Halpern represents animal owners, animal-related businesses, veterinarians, animal research facilities and nonprofit associations in support of their interests in the humane use of animals. She is also a licensed veterinarian in the State of New Jersey, previously served as Director of the Division of Animal Health for the New Jersey Department of Agriculture and New Jersey's State Veterinarian, and is a frequent speaker on the topics of animal welfare, animal reform, animal law and emergency response initiatives. See her full biography here: Biography | Nancy E. Halpern, DVM She has graciously allowed us to reprint her May 20, 2014 article on "Retail Rescue" for readers of The Modern Basenji - Worldwide.

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The Phenomenon called “Retail


By Nancy E. Halpern, DVM, Esq. on May 20, 2014


ovement and sales of dogs through “rescue channels” continues to explode. While more and more cities and states are restricting sales of dogs in pet stores to those obtained from animal shelters and rescue groups, the actual source of these dogs remains obscure. Yet, there is mounting evidence that movement through “rescue channels” includes individuals or organizations involved merely for the profit, hence the name “Retail Rescue.” The dogs may be coming from the very same unscrupulous dog breeders these laws are intended to put out of business. Not many states track the importation of dogs for adoption into their states, but those that do, shed some light on the enormity of this issue. In 2012[1]

The numbers from New Hampshire and Connecticut represent dogs imported through rescue channels. In Colorado, of the 90,000 dogs received, 12,600 were received from outside Colorado, representing dogs entering the state through “rescue channels.” The remainder includes 24,000 dogs returned to shelters, 8,600 transferred between shelters in Colorado, and other movement in and out of the state. In Virginia, 16,800 of the 130,000 dogs received appear to be rescues, but movement of dogs within and out of the state are not well monitored. Why are all these dogs moving through these rescue channels?

7,450 rescue dogs were imported into New Hampshire

15,000 dogs were imported into Connecticut through “rescue channels”

90,000 dogs were received in Colorado

People continue to want to buy dogs, particularly puppies, but have been convinced that pet stores sell dogs that receive substandard care from commercial breeders collectively called “puppy mills.” Thinking they are saving these dogs, the public is increasingly backing laws banning sales of pure-bred commercially sourced dogs, and permitting only sales from animal shelters and rescue groups.

130,000 dogs were received in Virginia

Notably, the overpopulation of dogs in many parts of the U.S.,

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The Phenomenon called “Retail Rescue” (Continued)

particularly the north east, has been curtailed by effective spay-neuter programs in these states. Therefore, to provide puppies and dogs to the public, seeking to purchase pets through rescue channels, these animals have to be imported from other states and countries.

Some states, in addition to tracking the movement of dogs into, within, and out of their states for adoption, have taken action to help ensure animals are healthy and owners do not unknowingly purchase sick, infected dogs.

Some commercial breeders deserve the name “puppy mills” and should be closed down. Others do not. Many rescue groups are trying to do the right thing. Others are only in it for the money, often buying dogs from the very same puppy mills. Profits in “Retail Rescue,” particularly involving dogs, are likely to increase exponentially. More than 35 cities and at least 2 states, Connecticut and Illinois, have adopted or have considered banning the sale of dogs obtained through commercial breeders, and limiting sales to those sourced through rescues or shelters. There are several animal health and consumer-related problems associated with the unregulated movement of dogs through Retail Rescue channels: •

The source of the rescue dogs may be from the same “puppy mills” owners are trying to avoid, or from other breeders providing substandard care for the dogs;

Dog breeding through these channels will not only continue at current levels, but is likely to increase, if the market favors sales of rescue dogs;

Federal regulations over commercial breeders may not apply to these breeders;

“Puppy lemon laws” which many states use to protect consumers sold dogs with infectious and/or inherited diseases and disorders do not apply to rescue/shelter dogs, so consumers are without recourse when treating their newly purchased dogs, often purchased sight unseen and with no medical history;

Dogs imported from other states and/or countries may be infected with transmissible diseases or parasites that endanger their health and the health of other animals they come in contact with; Punishing retail pet stores for unscrupulous dog breeders unreasonably harms these businesses, and will not eliminate the problem at its source; Pet owners who prefer to purchase a pure-bred dog, for their known physical and behavioural characteristics, will have increasingly limited options.

Connecticut has initiated a crackdown on “adoptions” taking place at parking lots throughout the state;

New Hampshire requires any dog, cat, or ferret entering the state for sale or adoption, to be held for at least 48 hours at a state licensed animal health facility or veterinary practice, separated from other animals before the sale, where at least some illnesses can be diagnosed and treated.

Out of increasing concern about the spread of rabies from infected dogs imported from rabies-endemic countries, the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians (“NASPHV”) recently recommended that the CDC revise and expand its current animal importation regulations “to reduce the risk of introduction of zoonotic diseases, particularly rabies, into the U.S.” According to NASPHV, over 287,000 dogs were imported into the US in 2006, many with falsified or inadequate animal health documentation. At least 25% of those dogs were too young to be vaccinated for rabies. To protect animal and human heath NASPHV recommends, in part: •

Dogs, cats, and ferrets should be at least 6 months of age prior to importation into the U.S.;

Proof of rabies vaccination should accompany imported dogs, cats, and ferrets;

Permanent identification of these animals should be required and a national electronic database established to track their movement;

The imported dogs, cats, and ferrets should be quarantined for a minimum of 30 days.

These measures would help prevent the exposure of U.S. pets and humans to rabies or other zoonotic diseases. Some of these controls, even if modified, should be considered for dogs moving through rescue channels to help ensure their proper care, and prevent the spread of disease. A closer look at the source and movement of dogs through “rescue channels” must be part of the overall initiative to protect the health and well being of dogs sold in the U.S. [1]

Data obtained from NAIA Shelter Project

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WORLD Hi out there in “Senjiland!” I certainly hope all of my friends are surviving the wicked heat that hit in July. First, in April it rained for so many, many days I thought we were going to the Biblical 40 days of rain that prompted Noah to build a boat or whatever it was that kept people from working on MY yard for weeks and weeks. Then a man came and did what mom called landscaping, but as far as I could tell he only dug up the back yard and, oh my goodness, made it lots bigger. However we could not go out there and romp around because it was so muddy. The good news is that BudBoy and I went on lots and lots of walks with mom. Next the fence people came; now we can go out and roll in the new grass. We even had a jolly good time chasing the cats who dared to come into our domain. I guess they thought it was now theirs since we had been prohibited from going back there for such a long time. The fun thing happened when mom accidentally dropped my leash as we stepped out the door to go into the back yard. One of the feral cats decided to run across the street with me in hot pursuit. All mom saw was my backside disappearing. When I heard mom yell "Front" I changed direction and came running back with a big smile on my face. She did not think this was funny at all. But boy oh boy, I thought it was a jolly good chase Mom has a new phone that takes pictures. She showed me a picture of me sleeping on my oh so soft bed. You know what that means? One of these times in the near future you might see me playing with Blue Kitty. Yea!! Speaking of Kitty, he has been a naughty boy. I

heard mom ask him if he would like a new home. I really do not think he understood the question. Drat! A notice came in the mail that said I need to have my teeth checked again. I seems to me that I just had that done, but mom is such a stickler for healthy teeth, I suppose I will have to let the vet take a look, but as far as I can tell they serve me just fine. For the life of me I do not know what a healthy tooth is or if it looks any different than the rest of the teeth in my mouth. I suppose she will take me to that tiny cramped clinic up the street a ways. The only one I know who had a problem -- a cavity -- was Damon. Did they fill it? No they pulled it. I did learn that Molly had a root canal, but that was before my time. Now I cannot imagine a canal in a tooth; I only hope it never happens to me. Our summer mystery: What happened to the chicken thigh that mom cooked for her dinner? I know, but I will never tell. I just stay in my nice soft bed; put on the innocent look that I am a master of projecting and will let her try to figure it out. I know who did it, but I will not tell.. If mom has not figured it out by the next chapter in My World, I will try to remember to tell you all out there who stole the chicken thigh.

Until next time remember to tell you»person that you love them.

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PUPPY, 6 & UNDER 9 MONTHS DOGS. 1/BOSP 27 Signet Jus B’coz Risky Business. Brenda J Cassell & Edna K Johnson 2 19 Laurel Frankly Speaking Let Me Be Frank. Laura Mae Hesse & Kali Coleman JUNIOR, 12 & UNDER 18 MONTHS DOGS. 1 7 Tammen’s Sympathy For The Devil. Laura Gilchrist 2 43 Moore’s Mystic Fire. Michelle Smith & Nancy Moore PUPPY, 6 & UNDER 9 MONTHS BITCHES. 1/BP 30 Laurel Frankly Speaking I’d Rather Do It Myself. Laura Mae Hesse 2 20 Laurel Frankly Speaking I’m On My Way Elsewhere. Caryn J Jones & Michael P Jones & Laura Mae Hesse 3 22 Taji’s Asian Flower Power At Bluenote. H Hamilton & K Campbell JUNIOR, 12 & UNDER 18 MONTHS BITCHES. 1 44 Signet Forbidden Tryst. Brenda J Cassell & Ciara E Cassell 2 50 Moores Malaia Jewel. Nancy L Moore & Michelle L Smith

VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES 7 YEARS & OVER DOGS. 1 11 CH Tamsala Hot On Ya Heels. A Tad Brooks & Jamie Armstrong 2 15 DC Blue Notes Take Five MC. H Hamilton & J Coltrane 7 YEARS & OVER BITCHES. 1/BOSV 18 CH Ankhu Promises In The Dark. Caryn J & Michael P Jones 2 10 CH Seven Willows Nadji. Pam Cunningham

Photos by Terry Fiedler


REGULAR CONFORMATION JUDGE: Mrs. Marianne C. Klinkowski BOB........ GCH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl. (B) E Johnson & S Middlebrooks & B Cassell & T Brooks BOS ........................................GCH Sirobe Egotistical Rosewood (D) Brad Phifer SEL DOG..................................................CH Bushwacker Cor Leonis Chris Frost SEL BITCH..................GCH Laurel S’simply Shocking Sabrina Laura Mae Hesse WINNERS DOG/BOW.......................... Laurel Frankly Speaking Let Me Be Frank WINNERS BITCH..................................................................Moores Malaia Jewel PUPPY, 6 & UNDER 9 MONTHS DOGS. 1/W/BW 19 Laurel Frankly Speaking Let Me Be Frank Laura Mae Hesse & Kali Coleman BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS. 1/RWD 45 Meisterhaus Victory Antaeus. Tim Huff & Tad Brooks 2 27 Signet Jus B’coz Risky Business. Brenda J Cassell & Edna K Johnson 3 25 Meisterhaus Academy Award. Karan Weaver & Tad Brooks 4 7 Tammen’s Sympathy For The Devil. Laura Gilchrist OPEN, RED AND WHITE DOGS. BEST OPPOSITE 1 21 Birch’s Part Of The Plan. Larry Birch & Eva Birch SEX TO BOB 2 31 Victory Meisterhaus Viva La Vida. Cherie Blondin & Dave Reitzel PUPPY, 6 & UNDER 9 MONTHS BITCHES. 1 20 Laurel Frankly Speaking I’m On My Way Elsewhere. Caryn J Jones & Michael P Jones & Laura Mae Hesse. 2 30 Laurel Frankly Speaking I’d Rather Do It Myself. Laura Mae Hesse 3 22 Taji’s Asian Flower Power At Bluenote. H Hamilton & K Campbell BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES. 1/WB 50 Moores Malaia Jewel. Nancy L Moore & Michelle L Smith 2 58 Emerant’s R E S P E C T SC. Lisa R Hart & Bryce Hart The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 20


BASENJI CLUB OF CINCINNATI SPECIALTY 3 26 Bushwacker Instant Karma. Chris Frost 4 34 Sirobe Flirt My Skirt. Faye Makishima & Bradley Phifer OPEN, BLACK AND WHITE BITCHES. 1/RWB 32 Birch’s Circle Game At Meowl. Debbie Brown-Thompson & Dave Thompson & Larry Birch OPEN, BLACK, TAN, AND WHITE BITCHES. 1 14 Taji’s All Dressed Up For Rosewood. Bethany Redo-Rahm & Katie Campbell 2 48 Epic Select Hi Flying Adored At Tomjo. Thomas Wright & Tondalea’ Wright & Becky Blansett & Tracy Lenard DVM SELECT DOG

OPEN, RED AND WHITE BITCHES. 1 60 Meisterhaus The Winter Takes It All. Joe Stewart 2 40 Sirobe Flashy And Sassy. Pamela Sweeney & Brad Phifer 3 24 Select H-Crest Insistence. Tracy Leonard DVM & Jeffrey Leonard PE VETERAN, 7 YEARS & OVER DOGS. 1 11 CH Tamsala Hot On Ya Heels. A Tad Brooks & Jamie Armstrong 2 15 DC Blue Notes Take Five MC. H Hamilton & J Coltrane VETERAN, 7 YEARS & OVER BITCHES. 1 12 CH Rosewood’s Mystic Illusion. Bethany Redo-Rahm 2 18 CH Ankhu Promises In The Dark. Caryn J & Michael P Jones BROOD BITCH. 1 12 CH Rosewood’s Mystic Illusion. Bethany Redo-Rahm


Photos by Terry Fiedler




WINNERS BITCH The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 21



PUPPY SWEEPS BEST PUPPY....................................... Laurel Frankly Speaking Let Me Be Frank BEST OP SEX PUPPY......... Laurel Frankly Speaking I’m On My Way Elsewhere 6-9 MOS.PUPPY DOGS 1 13 Laurel Frankly Speaking It’s All About Me. Sue Anne Wright. BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR DOGS 6-18 MOS. 1/BP 17 Laurel Frankly Speaking Let Me Be Frank. Laura Mae Hesse & Kali Coleman. 6-9 MOS. PUPPY BITCHES 1/BOS 12 Laurel Frankly Speaking I’m On My Way Elsewhere. Caryn J. & Michael P. Jones & Laura Mae Hesse. 2 16 Laurel Frankly Speaking I’d Rather Do It Myself. Laura M. Hesse.

REGULAR CONFORMATION Judge - Mrs. Francine Schwartz BOB ..... 37 GCH Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover. Dog. Donna DeFlorio & Kyle Cabral. BOS ......................... 38 CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl. Bitch. E Johnson & S. Middlebrooks & B. J. Cassell & A. Brooks SEL DOG ... 33 CH Sonbar’s Determined Talker At Jaiye. Dog. Yvonne Ricroft & Sally Wuornos & Kari Wuornos Winger SEL BITCH .. 34 GCH Laurel Aswan Abi Capt Morgan JC. Bitch. Mary H. Ross & Aprille Jahnke WINNERS DOG............................... Possum Creeks Captain Marvel With Briden WINNERS BITCH/BOW................................................ Kaleonahe’s Copacabana 6-9 MOS. PUPPY DOGS 1/WD 11 Possum Creeks Captain Marvel With Briden. Carole Kirk & Denise Vertrees. 2 15 Meisterhaus Jadaka Got It `N Flaunting It. Janice C Kahl & Mr. Tad Brooks. 3 13 Laurel Frankly Speaking It’s All About Me. Sue Anne Wright. BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS 1 7 Laurel Frankly Speaking Let Me Be Frank. Laura Mae Hesse & Kali Coleman. 2 19 Meisterhaus Jadaka I Want to Break Free. Janice C Kahl & Mr. Tad Brooks. 3 21 Rafikis Snow Wonder. Michelle Gahgan & Robb Lounsbury. OPEN BLACK & WHITE DOGS 1 23 Joy-Us Shoot For The Moon. Jan M. Cook.


18 Taji’s Asian Flower Power At Bluenote. Holly Hamilton & K.T. Campbell. BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR BITCHES 6-18 MOS. 1 26 Rafikis Silent Night At C-Quest Jokuba. Michelle Gahgan.

VETERAN SWEEPS 7 YRS. & UNDER 10 YRS. VETERAN DOGS 1 41 GCH I Am Jacob The Beloved JC. Dyan L. Baughan. 10 YRS. & OLDER VETERAN DOGS 1BV 39 GCH DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin, MC LCX. Terry Colbert & Robert Robinette. 2 31 DC Blue Notes Take Five, SC. Holly Hamilton & Joell Coltrane. OPEN BLACK,TAN & WHITE DOGS 1/RWD 25 Ankhu Across The Universe. W. Clayton Bunyard & Caryn Jones. OPEN RED & WHITE DOGS 1 29 FC Joy-Us Hung The Moon SC. Terry Colbert. 2 27 Dakars Klaatu Barada Nikto. Karen Kuchta. 6-9 MOS. PUPPY BITCHES 1 16 Laurel Frankly Speaking I’d Rather Do It Myself. . Laura M. Hesse. 2 14 Meisterhaus Jadaka Raise Your Glass!. Jill & Ron Thomas & A. Tad Brooks & Janice Kahl. 3 18 Taji’s Asian Flower Power At Bluenote. Holly Hamilton & K.T. Campbell. 4 12 Laurel Frankly Speaking I’m On My Way Elsewhere. Caryn J. & Michael P. Jones & Laura Mae Hesse. 9-12 MOS. PUPPY BITCHES 1 20 Tarsha’s Royal Velvet For Jaiye. Yvonne Ricroft & Kari Wuornos Winger. AMATEUR OWNER HANDLER BITCHES 1 22 Dakotah’s Chantellie Lace JC. Terry L. Lemberger & Lisa Lemberger. BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES 1/RWB 26 Rafikis Silent Night At Cquest Jokuba. Michelle Gahgan. 2 24 Laurel Frim Fram Gonna Let It Shine. Laura Mae Hesse. OPEN BLACK & WHITE BITCHES 1/WB/BOW 30 Kaleonahe’s Copacabana. Rick Calmelat & Kyle Cabral & Stephen Strobel. 2 28 Dakars Talk To The Paw. Karen Kuchta. OPEN BLACK,TAN & WHITE BITCHES 1 32 Kaleonahe’s Darling. Kyle Cabral & Steve Strobel & Jean Martin. VETERAN 7 YRS. & OLDER DOGS 1 31 DC Blue Notes Take Five, SC. Holly Hamilton & Joell Coltrane.

GREATER CHICAGOLAND BASENJI CLUB- Show 2 JUNE 14, 2015 - SWEEPSTAKES: Judge - Ms. Sue Ellen Lynch BEST PUPPY....................................... Laurel Frankly Speaking Let Me Be Frank BEST OP SEX PUPPY......... Laurel Frankly Speaking I’m On My Way Elsewhere 6-9 MOS PUPPY DOGS 1 11 Possum Creeks Captain Marvel With Briden. Carole Kirk & Denise Vertrees. Agent Sally Wuornos BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR 6-18 MOS. Dogs 1/BP 15 Laurel Frankly Speaking Let Me Be Frank. Laura Mae Hesse & Kali Coleman. 6-9 MOS. PUPPY BITCHES 1/BOSP 12 Laurel Frankly Speaking I’m On My Way Elsewhere. Caryn J. & Michael P. Jones & Laura Mae Hesse. 2 18 Taji’s Asian Flower Power At Bluenote. Holly Hamilton & K.T. Campbell.

3 16 Laurel Frankly Speaking I’d Rather Do It Myself. Laura M. Hesse. BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR 6-18 MOS. BITCHES 1 26 Rafikis Silent Night At C-Quest Jokuba. Michelle Gahgan.

VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES 7YRS. & UNDER 10 YRS. VETERAN DOGS 1 39 GCH I Am Jacob The Beloved JC. Dyan L. Baughan. 10 YRS. & OLDER VETERAN DOGS 1/BV 37 GCH DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin, MC LCX. Terry Colbert & Robert Robinette. 2 27 DC Blue Notes Take Five, SC. Holly Hamilton & Joell Coltrane.

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 22

GREATER CHICAGOLAND BASENJI CLUB- Show 2 (continued) REGULAR CONFORMATION Judge - Mr. Robert R. Frost BOB...... 35 GCH Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover. Dog. Donna DeFlorio & Kyle Cabral BOS.....36 Laurel Frim Fram Only A Cockeyed Optimist. Bitch. Laura Mae Hesse SEL DOG.31 GCH Sonbar’s Determined Talker At Jaiye. Dog. Yvonne Ricroft & Sally Wuornos & Kari Wuornos Winger SEL BITCH ....................40 GCH I Am Mary Fula Grace. Bitch. Dyan L. Baughan WINNERS DOG.................................... Meisterhaus Jadaka Got It `N Flaunting It WINNERS BITCH/BOW....................................................Kaleonahe’s Enchanted 6-9 MOS PUPPY DOGS 1/WD 13 Meisterhaus Jadaka Got It `N Flaunting It. Janice C Kahl & Mr. Tad Brooks. 2 11 Possum Creeks Captain Marvel With Briden. Carole Kirk & Denise Vertrees. BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS 1/RWD 19 Rafikis Snow Wonder. HP46720102. Michelle Gahgan & Robb Lounsbury. 2 17 Meisterhaus Jadaka I Want to Break Free. Janice C Kahl & Mr. Tad Brooks. 3 15 Laurel Frankly Speaking Let Me Be Frank. Laura Mae Hesse & Kali Coleman. 4 21 Dakars Klaatu Barada Nikto. Karen Kuchta. OPEN BLACK & WHITE DOGS 1 23 Joy-Us Shoot For The Moon. Jan M. Cook.

OPEN RED & WHITE DOGS 1 25 FC Joy-Us Hung The Moon SC. Terry Colbert. 6-9 MOS. PUPPY BITCHES 1/RWB 18 Taji’s Asian Flower Power At Bluenote. Holly Hamilton & K.T. Campbell. 2 14 Meisterhaus Jadaka Raise Your Glass!. Jill & Ron Thomas & A. Tad Brooks & Janice Kahl. 3 12 Laurel Frankly Speaking I’m On My Way Elsewhere. Caryn J. & Michael P. Jones & Laura Mae Hesse. 4 16 Laurel Frankly Speaking I’d Rather Do It Myself. Mrs. Laura M. Hesse. 9-12 MOS. PUPPY BITCHES 1 20 Tarsha’s Royal Velvet For Jaiye. Yvonne Ricroft & Kari Wuornos Winger. AMATEUR OWNER HANDLER BITCHES 1 22 Dakotah’s Chantellie Lace JC. Terry L. Lemberger & Lisa Lemberger. BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES 1/WB/BOW 28 Kaleonahe’s Enchanted. Kyle Cabral & Steve Strobel. 2 26 Rafikis Silent Night At Cquest Jokuba. Michelle Gahgan. 3 24 Laurel Frim Fram Gonna Let It Shine. Laura Mae Hesse. OPEN BLACK & WHITE BITCHES 1 42 Dakars Talk To The Paw. Karen Kuchta. 2 30 Kaleonahe’s Copacabana. Rick Calmelat & Kyle Cabral & Stephen Strobel. OPEN BLACK,TAN & WHITE BITCHES 1 32 Kaleonahe’s Darling. Kyle Cabral & Steve Strobel & Jean Martin. VETERAN 7 YRS. & OLDER DOGS 1 27 DC Blue Notes Take Five, SC. Holly Hamilton & Joell Coltrane.

And the Winners Are....

Unless otherwise notes, candid shots were done by Bob Joyner, IL



The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 23


Unless otherwise notes, candid shots were done by Bob Joyner, IL

Photo by George Woodard

GCH Sonbar’s Determined Talker At Jaiye SELECT DOG - GCBC Show 1 and Show 2 SELECT DOG - CHICAGOLAND HOUND ASSOCIATION

Kaleonahe’s Copacabana WINNERS BITCH/BOW - GCBC - Show 1

Laurel Frankly Speaking I’m On My Way Elsewhere BEST OP SEX PUPPY IN SWEEPS - GCBC Show 1 & Show 2

Possum Creeks Captain Marvel With Briden WINNERS DOG - GCBC Show 1

Laurel Frankly Speaking Let Me Be Frank BEST PUPPY IN SWEEPS - GCBC Show 1 and Show 2 BEST PUPPIN IN SWEEPS - Chicagoland Hound Association WINNERS DOG - Chicagoland Hound Association

GCH DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin, MC LCX BEST VETERAN IN SWEEPS - GCBC Show 1 & Show 2

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 24


Unless otherwise notes, candid shots were done by Bob Joyner, IL

(L) Meisterhaus Jadaka Got It `N Flaunting It WINNERS DOG - GCBC Show 2 (R) Kaleonahe’s Enchanted WINNERS BITCH/BOW - GCBC Show 2


CHICAGOLAND HOUND ASSOCIATION SHOW JUNE 13, 2015 Judge - Mrs. Carol Spritzer BOB .34 CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl. (B) E Johnson & S. Middlebrooks & B. J. Cassell & A. Brooks BOS/BOBOH/OHG4 ........ 33 GCH Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover. (D). Donna DeFlorio & Kyle Cabral SEL DOG .... 29 CH Sonbar’s Determined Talker At Jaiye. Yvonne Ricroft & Sally Wuornos & Kari Wuornos Winger SEL BITCH........... 32 GCH Laurel S’Simply Shocking Sabrina. Laura Mae Hesse WINNERS DOG................................... Laurel Frankly Speaking Let Me Be Frank WINNERS BITCH/BOW......................................................... Kaleonahe’s Darling 6-9 MOS. PUPPY DOGS 1 11 Possum Creeks Captain Marvel With Briden. Carole Kirk & Denise Vertrees. Agent Sally Wuornos 2 15 Meisterhaus Jadaka Got It `N Flaunting It. Janice C Kahl & Mr. Tad Brooks. 3 13 Laurel Frankly Speaking It’s All About Me. Sue Anne Wright. BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS 1/WD 17 Laurel Frankly Speaking Let Me Be Frank. Laura Mae Hesse & Kali Coleman. 2 21 Rafikis Snow Wonder. Michelle Gahgan & Robb Lounsbury. 3 19 Meisterhaus Jadaka I Want to Break Free. Janice C Kahl & Mr. Tad Brooks. OPEN BLACK & WHITE DOGS 1 23 Joy Us Shoot For The Moon. Jan M. Cook. OPEN BLACK,TAN & WHITE DOGS 1 25 Ankhu Across The Universe. W. Clayton Bunyard & Caryn Jones. OPEN RED & WHITE DOGS 1/RWD 27 FC Joy Us Hung The Moon SC. Terry Colbert. 6-9 MOS. PUPPY BITCHES 1 12 Laurel Frankly Speaking I’m On My Way Elsewhere. Caryn J. & Michael P. Jones & Laura Mae Hesse. 2 14 Laurel Frankly Speaking I’d Rather Do It Myself. Laura M. Hesse.

3 16 Taji’s Asian Flower Power At Bluenote. Holly Hamilton & K.T. Campbell. 9-12 MOS. PUPPY BITCHES 1 18 Tarsha’s Royal Velvet For Jaiye. Yvonne Ricroft & Kari Wuornos Winger. AMATEUR OWNER HANDLER BITCHES 1 20 Dakotah’s Chantellie Lace JC. Terry L. Lemberger & Lisa Lemberger. BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES 1 24 Rafikis Silent Night At Cquest Jokuba. Michelle Gahgan. 2 22 Dakars Talk To The Paw. Karen Kuchta. OPEN BLACK & WHITE BITCHES 1/RWB 26 Kaleonahe’s Copacabana. Rick Calmelat & Kyle Cabral & Stephen Strobel. OPEN BLACK,TAN & WHITE BITCHES 1/WB/BOW 28 Kaleonahe’s Darling. Kyle Cabral & Steve Strobel & Jean Martin.

SWEEPSTAKES JUDGE - Ms. Louise Palarik 6-9 MOS SWEEPS PUPPY DOGS 1/BP 17 Laurel Frankly Speaking Let Me Be Frank. Laura Mae Hesse & Kali Coleman. 2 11 Possum Creeks Captain Marvel With Briden. Carole Kirk & Denise Vertrees. 3 13 Laurel Frankly Speaking It’s All About Me. Sue Anne Wright. 12-18 MOS SWEEPS DOGS 1 21 Rafikis Snow Wonder. HP46720102. Michelle Gahgan & Robb Lounsbury. 6-9 MOS SWEEPS PUPPY BITCHES 1 12 Laurel Frankly Speaking I’m On My Way Elsewhere. Caryn J. & Michael P. Jones & Laura Mae Hesse. 2 14 Laurel Frankly Speaking I’d Rather Do It Myself. Laura M. Hesse. 3 16 Taji’s Asian Flower Power At Bluenote. Holly Hamilton & K.T. Campbell. 12-18 MOS SWEEPS BITCHES 1 24 Rafikis Silent Night At Cquest Jokuba. Michelle Gahgan.

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 25

BASENJI CLUB OF SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN, INC. JULY 24, 205, IXONIA, WI SWEEPSTAKES JUDGE: MRS. M. Sue Joyner Best Puppy in Sweeps................... Bridens Incredible Hulk of Possum Creek Best Op Sex Puppy........Laurel Frankly Speaking I’m On My Way Elsewhere BITCH 12MO & UNDER 18 MO 1 Tasha’s Royal Velvet for Jaiye, Yvonne Ricroft Kari Wuornos Winger BRED-BY EXHIBITOR BITCH 1 Sirobe Get Out of My Light, Bradley Phifer BRED-BY EXHIBITOR DOG 1 Meisterhaus Jadaka Got It N Flaunting IT, A. Tad Brooks Janice Kahl PUPPY BITCH 6 MO & UNDER 9 MO 1 BOSP Laurel Frankly Speaking I’m On My Way Elsewhere, Caryn J. Jones Michael P Jones & Laura Mae Hesse 2 Faded Rose Mystique of Woz, Cecelia Wozniak 3 Laurel Frankly Speaking I’d Rather Do It Myself, Laura Mae Hesse 4 Faded Rose’s Butterflies and Dreamcatchers, Kristine A. Hagen PUPPY DOG 6 MO & UNDER 9 MO 1 BP Bridens Incredible Hulk of Possum Creek, Carole Kirk Denise A Vertrees 2 Akuaba N Eldorado On The Dancefloor, Shelia Lund Susan Coe & Pamela Geoffroy 3 Meisterhaus Jadaka One Vision, A. Tad Brooks Janice Kahl & Milissa Fox 4 CH Possum Creeks Captain Marvel With Briden, Carole Kirk Denise A Vertrees



VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES Best Veteran in Sweeps...................GCH DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX Best Op Sex Veteran..................................................GCH Sonbar’s Table Talk VETERAN BITCH 10 YRS & OLDER 1 CH Kibushi Nyanga Cha Cha, Annette Muenter Jon Curby VETERAN BITCH 7 YRS & UNDER 10 YRS 1 BOSV GCH Sonbar’s Table Talk, Sally Wuornos Kari Wuornos Winger VETERAN DOG 10 YEARS & OLDER 1 BV GCH DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX, Terry Colbert VETERAN DOG 7 YRS & UNDER 10 YRS 1 GCH Cumback’s Pimlico, Rick Calmelat Carole Kirk 2 CH Laurel Aswan Doing It My Way, Laura Fraembs

BEST VETERAN IN SWEEPS ©All Photos by Thomas Photography, Thomas Stickney

REGULAR CONFORMATION JUDGE: Ms. Katie Campbell Best of Breed......... GCH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl (B), Edna Johnson S Middlebrooks & Brenda Cassell & Tad Brooks Best of Op Sex/BBOH.................. GCH Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover, (D) Donna DeFlorio Kyle Cabral Select Dog................................................. CH Ankhu Some Kind of Wonderful Caryn J. Jones Michael P Jones Select Bitch.........GCH Laurel S’Simply Shocking Sabrina, Laura Mae Hesse Award of Merit............................................. CH Laurel Aswan Doing It My Way Award of Merit............................................... CH Possum Creeks Sangbani (B) Winners Dog/Award of Merit......................... Laurel FrimFram Soaring Griffin Winners Bitch/BOS/BBE.............................Meisterhaus Victory CoCo Chanel PUPPY DOG 6-9 MOS 1 Bridens Incredible Hulk of Possum Creek, Carole Kirk Denise A Vertrees 2 Akuaba N Eldorado On The Dancefloor, Shelia Lund Susan Coe & Pamela Geoffroy 3 Meisterhaus Jadaka One Vision, A. Tad Brooks Janice Kahl & Milissa Fox BRED-BY EXHIBITOR - DOG 1 WD/AOM Laurel FrimFram Soaring Griffin, Jonathan Marrone Laura Hesse 2 RWD Rafikis Snow Wonder, Michelle Gahgan Robb Lounsbury 3 Meisterhaus Jadaka Got It N Flaunting IT, A. Tad Brooks Janice Kahl 4 Faded Rose’s Stray Cat Strut, Kristine A. Hagen OPEN BLACK/WHITE DOG 1 Joy-US Shoot For The Moon, Jan Cook OPEN BLACK/TAN/WHITE DOG 1 Ankhu Across The Universe, W. Clayton Bunyard Caryn Jones 2 Rafikis For Your Entertainment, Michelle Gahgan OPEN RED/WHITE DOG 1 FC Joy-Us Hung the Moon SC, Terry Colbert

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 26

BASENJI CLUB OF SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN, INC. PUPPY BITCH 6-9 MOS 1 RWB Faded Rose Mystique of Woz, Cecelia Wozniak 2 New World Concealed Carry, Karla Schreiber 3 Laurel Frankly Speaking I’d Rather Do It Myself, Laura Mae Hesse 4 Meisterhaus Stripes Is The New Black, Milissa Fox BRED-BY EXHIBITOR - BITCH 1 WB/BOW/BBE Meisterhaus Victory CoCo Chanel, A. Tad Brooks Tim Huff 2 Sirobe Get Out of My Light, Bradley Phifer 3 Kaleonahe’s Darling, Kyle Cabral Steve Strobel & Jean Martin 4 Rafikis Silent Night at C-Quest Jokuba, Michelle Gahgan AMATEUR OWNER HANDLER BITCH 1 Dakotah’s Chantellie Lace JC, Terry Lemberger Lisa Lemberger 2 Klassics African Congo Queen, Rebecca DeWitt OPEN BLACK/WHITE BITCH 1 Kaleonahe’s Copacabana, Rick Calmelat Kyle Cabral BEST OPPOSITE SEX


OPEN BRINDLE/WHITE BITCH 1 Tasha’s Royal Velvet for Jaiye, Yvonne Ricroft Kari Wuornos Winger OPEN RED/WHITE BITCH 1 Sunrise Signet Jewell, Annette Muenter Brenda J Cassell VETERAN DOG 7 & UNDER 10 YRS 1 AOM CH Laurel Aswan Doing It My Way, Laura Fraembs 2 GCH Cumback’s Pimlico, Rick Calmelat Carole Kirk VETERAN DOG 10 YRS & OVER 1 GCH DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX, Terry Colbert VETERAN BITCH 7YRS & UNDER 10 YRS 1 GCH Sonbar’s Table Talk, Sally Wuornos Kari Wuornos Winger VETERAN BITCH 10 & OVER 1 CH Kibushi Nyanga Cha Cha, Annette Muenter Jon Curby



MULTIPLE ENTRY CLASS STUD DOG 1 CH Laurel Aswan Doing It My Way, Laura Fraembs 2 GCH DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX, Terry Colbert


The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 27




GRESHAM OREGON CONFORMATION JUDGE: Mr. Jeff Gillespie Best of Breed........... GCH CH Dlucks Svengali Zindika’s Overnight Sensation (D) N Scherwin Best of Opposite Sex..................................Arubmec’s Top Model (B), P Cembura Select Dog..... GCH CH Arubmec’s Take A Chance On Me, P Cembura/K Collins Select Bitch......................GCH CH Khani’s Pitch Perfect, K, E, D Britton/Z Patton Best of Winners..........................................Arubmec’s Top Model (B), P Cembura Winners Dog ............................NFC FC Taji’s Hafrican Chief SC CA, K Campbell Reserve Winner Dog ...............Kibushi Gugu Diospyros, B & J Reisinger/J Curby Winners Bitch ................................................. Arubmec’s Top Mode,l P Cembura Reserve Winner Bitch ................................... Kabar Khani’s Mib Agent Q, C Rose DOG - PUPPY 6 - 9 MOS. 1 Khani’s Teazer Gunpowder And Lead A Mandish/P Petsche/K Britton/J Gaidos 2 Fopaw’s Saorsa Bodega Bay Redux S Pintar/L Pintar/T Leimback/K Leimback 3 Kabar Khani’s Mib Agent G C Rose 4 Khani’s Teazer Uptown Funk K Britton/J Gaidos DOG - BRED BY EXHIBITOR 1 Jumoke Motema Ya Butu Liso B Gregory/L Gregory 2 Saorsa Fopaws Notorious A Stone/T Leimback SELECT DOG 3 Bantu’s Illustrated Overture JC J Miller/S Miller 4 Tailwind’s Never Say Never Again P Stout/J Leight DOG - OPEN RED/WHITE 1/WD NFC FC Taji’s Hafrican Chief SC CA K Campbell 2 Jumoke’s Bebe Le Strange A Noble 3 Bahaticca’s Colonel Red N Scherwin 4 Khani’s Totally Nuts T Cuzzetto/C Paulsen/J Paulsen/K Britton DOG - OPEN BLACK/TAN/WHITE 1/RWD Kibushi Gugu Diospyros B Reisinger/J Curby/J Reisinger DOG - DUAL CHAMPION 1 GCH DC Khani’s Freeze Frame N’Focus SC K Britton/E Bramble BITCH - PUPPY 6 - 9 MOS. 1/BOS/WB/BOW Arubmec’s Top Model P Cembura 2/RWB Kabar Khani’s Mib Agent Q C Rose 3 Jumoke’s Talisman C Bagnell 4 Khani’s Flash Point N’Focus E Bramble/K Britton ©Photos by George Woodard BITCH - BRED BY EXHIBITOR 1 Khadijah Dp Minnieme S Mcarthur/C Austin/M Cortez 2 Taji’s Evening Couture K Campbell 3 Khani’s Teazer Tequila Sunrise K Britton/J Gaidos/A Halemanu 4 Emerant’s R E S P E C T SC L Hart/B Hart BITCH - AMERICAN BRED 1 Diffeqs Atomic Microscopy D Eiteneer/T Gavaletz 2 FC Taji’s hAfrican Queen Disa SC B Reisinger/J Reisinger/K Campbell BITCH - OPEN BLACK/WHITE 1 Bushbabies Wait Until Dark T Gavaletz BITCH - DUAL CHAMPION BEST JUNIOR HANDLER 1 DC Prize DP Just For You SC T Cuzzetto DOG - VETERAN 7 YR TO 10 YRS JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP 1 Blackwing’s Fredrick The Great T Upton DOG - VETERAN 10 YRS & OLDER JUDGE: Mr. Jeff Gillespie 1 GCH CH Jumoke Khani Baru Rumba RN G Woodard/B Gregory/K Britton/L Gregory BEST JUNIOR.................Sonia Pinkal BITCH VETERAN 7 YRS TO 10 YRS 1 DC Khani’s Here To Stay SC A McLeod/S McLeod/K Britton NOVICE JUNIOR BITCH VETERAN 10 YRS & OLDER 1 Sonia Pinkal 1 CH Khani’s DP Poetry In Motion SC E Bramble/K Britton 2 Joseph Mandish The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 28




EVERGREEN BASENJI CLUB SPECIALTIES, July 31 & Aug 1 , 2015 JULY 31, 2015 CONFORMATION JUDGE: OGLA EVELYN BOB................. GCH Arubmec’s Take A Chance On Me. (D) Patricia E Cembura Kelly Collins BOBOH...................... CH Proudlaan Up In Arms (D) Joan V. Bayley, Laura Pond BOS............... DC Taji’s Alster Ego From Hodari MC LCX. (B) Mary Ellen Chaffin Katie Campbell SEL DOG..........................................GCH Platinum’s Fear Is Not A Factor RN JC SEL BITCH............................. CH Platinum’s Scarlet Starlet. Mary K Quinnett (B) JAM. GCH dLucks Svengali Zindika’s Overnight Sensation. Natalie Scherwin (D) JAM............................................................................... Arubmec’s Top Model (B) PUPPY DOGS 6 MOS. & UNDER 9 MOS. 1/RWD Jumoke’s Richard Rider At Chi-Tig. Bob Gooderl, David Woolf 2 Nganga’s Man In Black. Lisa Saban 3 No Ka Oi Pono Pride Kalani. Rita L. Webb 4 Kabar Khani’s Mib Agent G. Carolene Rose BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS 1/WD/BW/BBBE Arubmec’s Fair Play. Jenifer Sealy, P.E. Cembura 2 Saorsa Fopaw’s Notorius. A Stone, T Leimback 3 Tailwind’s Diamond Solitaire. Julie Leicht 4 Jumoke Motema Ya Butu Liso. Bryan Gregory , Laurie Gregory AMERICAN BRED DOGS 1 Taji’s Red Knight Of The Rosewood Forest. Katie Campbell 2 Fopaw’s Lukuru One Singular Sensation. Kevin Leimback, Therese Leimback OPEN B/T/W DOGS 1 Kibushi Gugu Diospyros. Barbara Reisinger, Jon Curby, Jared Reisinger OPEN R/W DOGS 1 Nelsons Mercury Of Magnificent 7 In Flight. Deborah Nelson, Lawrence Nelson 2 Bahaticca’s Colonel Red. Natalie Scherwin 3 Khani’s Totally Nuts. Theresa Cuzzetto, Connie Paulsen, Kathryn R Britton, Jerry Paulsen 4 NFC Taji’s Hafrican Chief Sc Ca. Katie Campbell PUPPY BITCHES 6 MOS. & UNDER 9 MOS 1/WB/JAM Arubmec’s Top Model. Patricia E Cembura 2 Bushwacker Chiya Awesome Sauce. . Steffie Cheng, Chris R Frost 3 Khani’s Teazer Runaway Baby. Rose Marie Holt, Kathryn Britton 4 Arubmec’s Justified. Sarah Smith-Falkner, Jeffrey Falkner, Pat Cembura PUPPY BITCHES 9 MOS. & UNDER 12 MOS 1 Tajis Asian Flower Power At Blue Note. H Hamilton, K Campbell AMATEUR-OWNER-HANDLER BITCHES 1/RWB Nelsons Faith Of Magnificent 7 In Flight. Deborah Nelson, Lawrence Nelson, Amiah Nelson 2 Baru Khani’s Birthday Luau At Lanikai. Marcia Woodard, George Woodard BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES 1 Emerant’s R E S P E C T, Sc. Lisa Hart, Bryce Hart 2 Khadijah DP Minnie Me. Sandy McArthur, Cindy Austin, Martina Cortez 3 Khani’s Flash Point N’focus . Ellen M Bramble, Kathryn R Britton 4 No Ka Oi’s Pono Pride Haunani. Rita L Webb AMERICAN BRED BITCHES 1 FC Taji’s Hafrican Queen Disa SC. Barbara Reisinger, Jared Reisinger, Katie Campbell OPEN R/W BITCHES 1 Nelsons Freedom Of Magnificent 7 In Flight. Lawrence Nelson, Deborah Nelson, Kenneth Berger 2 Kazor’s Perfect Model. Rita L. Webb 3 Salish Sea’s Songs Of The River. Lisa Saban

OPEN B/W BITCHES 1 FC Zamaradi’s A Streetcar Named Desire SC. Isaac Smith, Sarah SmithFalkner, Jeffrey Falkner VETERAN DOGS 7 YRS. & UNDER 10 YRS. 1 GCH DC Southhouse Jumoke Ltle Big Man Malawi SC. Lisa Saban, Bryan Gregory, Laurie Gregory VETERAN DOGS 10 YRS. & OLDER 1/SEL DOG GCH Platinum’s Fear Is Not A Factor RN JC. MaryK Quinnett, Larry Quinnett 2 CH Fataki’s Tyger Burning Bright JC. Tim Monahan, Mary Monahan VETERAN BITCHES 7 YRS. & UNDER 10 YRS. 1 GCH Platinum Nelson Jewel Of D’Nile SC. Deborah Nelson, Lawrence Nelson 2 CH Proudlaan Panda-Monium. Laura Pond 3 GCH Jumoke’s Trifecta RN. Bryan Gregory, Laurie GregoryAgent: Judy Lange VETERAN BITCHES 10 YRS. & OLDER 1 CH Khani’s Dp Poetry In Motion SC CGC. Ellen Bramble 2 Arubmec Taji The Communicator. Jack Blair, Mary Lou Blair 3 CH Jamaa-Tanza Makindu SC RN NA CA. Brenda Phillips, Jeff Sheldon FIELD CHAMPION DOGS 1 GCH DC Khani’s Freeze Frame N’focus SC. Ellen Bramble, Kathryn R Britton 2 GCH DC Emerant Makindu Heez Got Game BN RN SC RATO. Brenda Phillips 3 DC Zuri’s Muziki Blue Note. Joell Coltrane, Holly Hamilton, Marilyn Leighton FIELD CHAMPION BITCHES 1/BOS DC Taji’s Alster Ego From Hodari MC LCX. Mary Ellen Chaffin, Katie Campbell MULITIPLE ENTRY CLASSES STUD DOG CLASS 1 CH Proudlaan Up In Arms . Joan V. Bayley, Laura Pond BROOD BITCH CLASS 1 GCH Jumoke’s Trifecta RN. Bryan Gregory, Laurie Gregory 2 GCH DC Fopaw’s Touch Of Evil At Saorsa RN SC. A Stone, K Allen, K Leimback, T Leimback BRACE 1 Khani’s Forcible Entry N’focus. Kathryn R. Britton, Ellen Bramble 1 Khani’s Flash Point N’focus . Ellen M Bramble, Kathryn R Britton

JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP Judge: Olga Evelyn BEST JUNIOR HANDLER................................................................Amiah Nelson NOVICE JUNIOR CLASS 1 CH Proudlaan Panda-Monium. Sonia Pinkal OPEN INTERMEDIATE CLASS 1/BJH Nelsons Mercury Of Magnificent 7 In Flight. Amiah U. Nelson

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©Photos by George Woodard

AUGUST 1, 2015 JUDGE: MR. ERIC WHITE BOB .............................. GCH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl. (B) Edna Johnson Sandra Middlebrooks, Brenda Cassell, Tad Brooks BOS...GCH dLucks Svengali Zindika’s Overnight Sensation (D) Natalie Scherwin SEL DOG....................... CH Proudlaan Up In Arms, Joan V. Bayley, Laura Pond SEL BITCH......................................Nelsons Friendship Of Magnificent 7 In Flight Deborah Nelson, Lawrence Nelson JAM/BBBE........... CH. Khani’s Pitch Perfect. (B) Kathryn, Emily, & Daniel Britton, Zoe Patton JAM.................................................. GCH Platinum’s Fear Is Not A Factor RN JC PUPPY DOGS 6 MOS. & UNDER 9 MOS 1/W/BW Fopaw’s Saorsa Bodega Bay Redux. Suzanne Pintar, Lee Pintar, Theresa & Kevin Leimback 2 Obo’s Platinum Tribute To Asari. Rodney Thatcher, Mary Quinnett 3 Kabar Khani’s Mib Agent G. Carolene Rose 4 Khani’s Teazer Uptown Funk. Kathryn Britton, John Gaidos, Ainsley Halwmanu BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS 1/RWD Arubmec’s Fair Play. Jenifer Sealy, P.E. Cembura 2 Saorsa Fopaw’s Notorius. A Stone, T Leimback 3 Tailwind’s Diamond Solitaire. Julie Leicht 4 Taji’s Extremely Charming Weatherman. Leslie Lynch, Katie Campbell AMERICAN BRED DOGS 1 Fopaw’s Lukuru One Singular Sensation. Kevin & Therese Leimback OPEN B/T/W DOGS 1 Kibushi Gugu Diospyros. Barbara Reisinger, Jon Curby, Jared Reisinger OPEN R/W DOGS 1 Nelsons Mercury Of Magnificent 7 In Flight. Deborah & Lawrence Nelson 2 Khani’s Totally Nuts. Theresa Cuzzetto, Connie & Jerry Paulsen, Kathy Britton 3 NFC Taji’s Hafrican Chief SC CA. Katie Campbell PUPPY BITCHES 6 MOS. & UNDER 9 MOS. 1/RWB Khani’s Teazer Runaway Baby. Rose Marie Holt, Kathryn Britton 2 Kabar Khani’s Mib Agent Q. Carolene Rose 3 Arubmec’s Justified. Sarah Smith-Falkner, Jeffrey Falkner, Pat Cembura 4 Jumoke’s Talisman. Charles Bagnell

PUPPY BITCHES 9 MOS. & UNDER 12 MOS. 1 Tajis Asian Flower Power At Blue Note. H Hamilton, K Campbell AMATEUR-OWNER-HANDLER BITCHES 1 Nelsons Faith Of Magnificent 7 In Flight. Deborah, Lawrence, Amiah Nelson 2 Baru Khani’s Birthday Luau At Lanikai. Marcia Woodard, George Woodard BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES 1/WB No Ka Oi’s Pono Pride Haunani. Rita L Webb 2 Khani’s Flash Point N’focus . Ellen M Bramble, Kathryn Britton 3 Emerant’s R E S P E C T, SC. Lisa Hart, Bryce Hart 4 Khadijah DP Minnie Me. Sandy McArthur, Cindy Austin, Martina Cortez AMERICAN BRED BITCHES 1 FC Taji’s Hafrican Queen Disa SC. Barbara & Jared Reisinger, Katie Campbell OPEN R/W BITCHES 1 Nelsons Freedom Of Magnificent 7 In Flight. Lawrence Nelson, Deborah Nelson, Kenneth Berger 2 Baru Khani’s North Shore Lilikoi. Marcia Woodard, George Woodard OPEN B/W BITCHES 1 FC Zamaradi’s A Streetcar Named Desire SC. Isaac Smith, Sarah SmithFalkner, Jeffrey Falkner VETERAN DOGS 10 YRS. & OLDER 1/JAM GCH Platinum’s Fear Is Not A Factor RN JC. MaryK & Larry Quinnett 2 DC Zuri’s Muziki Blue Note. Joell Coltrane, Holly Hamilton, Marilyn Leighton VETERAN BITCHES 7 YRS. & UNDER 10 YRS. 1 GCH Platinum Nelson Jewel Of D’Nile SC. Deborah zz7 Lawrence Nelson 2 GCH Taji’s Klassic Lil Black Dress SC. Katie Campbell 3 CH Proudlaan Panda-Monium. Laura Pond VETERAN BITCHES 10 YRS. & OLDER 1 CH Khani’s DP Poetry In Motion SC CGC. Ellen Bramble FIELD CHAMPION DOGS 1 GCH DC Khani’s Freeze Frame N’focus SC. Ellen Bramble, Kathy Britton 2 GCH DC Emerant Makindu Heez Got GamE BN RN SC RATO. Brenda Phillips FIELD CHAMPION BITCHES 1 DC Taji’s Alster Ego From Hodari MC LCX. Mary Ellen Chaffin, Katie Campbell

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Dog CC........................................................ Woodella Gold Standard at Crosscop Dog Reserve CC........................................................ Savannastorm Dragon Lord Bitch CC /BOB....................................Am Ch Klassic’s Girl With A Curl (Imp) TAF Bitch Reserve CC............................................................ GB Ch Zordia’s Wazzala Best Puppy.................................................................................... Djoser Khamsin

Dog CC / BOB.....................................................GB Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue (tri) Dog Reserve CC........................................................ Rebel Rebel of Bushwacker Bitch CC................................................................ Jisgard Daydream Believer (tri) Bitch Reserve CC................................. Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wild Child of Memetuka


JUNIOR DOG (1/1) 1/RCC Addis’ Savannastorm Dragon Lord OPEN DOG (1/1) 1/CC Morris’, Waddell’ & Donaldson’s Woodella Gold Standard at Crosscop JUNIOR BITCH (3/3) 1/CC/BOB/HD GRP 2 Hardy’ Hallam’ Kite’ & Gillspie’s AM Ch Klassic’s Girl With A Curl 2 Clinton’s Westlawn Aurora 3 Fitzsimmons’ & Carman’s Suefitz Spirit Dancer LIMIT BITCH (1/1) 1 Gaskell’s Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wild Child of Memetuka OPEN BITCH (2/2) 1/RCC Allen’s GB Ch Zordia’s Wazzala 2 Grayson’s GB Ch Kissangani Shining Star at Embeau


POST GRADUATE DOG (1/1) 1 Baker’s Shahrans Pim Pim at Silverbriar OPEN DOG (4/4) 1/CC/BOB Hardy’ & Hallam’s GB Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue 2/RCC Frost’s Rebel Rebel Of Bushwacker 3 Stewart’s Aus Supreme ChAfrikenji Hot August Knight 4 Morris’, Waddell’ & Donaldson’s Woodella Gold Standard at Crosscop VETERAN DOG OR BITCH (1/1) 1 Tyler’s Ezillie’s Ayida Wedo Over Shernazar LIMIT BITCH (3/3). 1/CC Gray’s Jisgard Daydream Believer 2/RCC Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wild Child of Memetuka 3 Matthews’ Gooses Glint Of Gold OPEN BITCH (3/4) 1 Frost’s Am/Can Ch Bushwacker Candy Coated Crime 2 Baker’s Irish Ch Tokaji American Dreamz of Silverbriar JW ShCM) 3 Hardy’ Hallam’ Kite’ & Gillspie’s AM Ch Klassic’s Girl With A Curl



Dog CC / BOB..........................GB Ch Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris Dog Reserve CC......................................... Woodella Gold Standard at Crosscop Bitch CC.............................................Am Ch Klassic’s Girl With A Curl (Imp) TAF Bitch Reserve CC.................................................................... Swanwite Karaleigh Best Puppy.................................................................................... Djoser Khamsin

Dog CC / BOB....... BIS, BISS Supreme Aus Ch Afrikenji Hot August Knight (imp) Dog Reserve CC......................GB Ch Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris Bitch CC.................................................................................. Swanwite Karaleigh Bitch Reserve CC...............................Am Ch Klassic’s Girl With A Curl (Imp) TAF Best Puppy.................................................... Abuluka Natemba for Embeau (Imp)

JUNIOR DOG (1/1) 1/BP Drummond’s Djoser Khamsin LIMIT DOG (1/1). 1/RCC Morris’, Waddell’ & Donaldson’s Woodella Gold Standard at Crosscop OPEN DOG (1/2) 1/CC/BOB Hannah’s GB Ch Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris JUNIOR BITCH (2/2) 1/CC Hardy’ Hallam’ Kite’ & Gillspie’s AM Ch Klassic’s Girl With A Curl 2 Drummond’s Djoser Neferkheperu POST GRADUATE BITCH (1/1) 1 Leggett’s Swanwite Katrionah LIMIT BITCH (3/3) 1/RCC Leggett’s Swanwite Karaleigh 2 Drummond’s Kissangani Ask No Questions at Djoser 3 Gaskell’s Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wild GB Child of Memetuka ShCM OPEN BITCH (1/1) 1 Drummond’s GB Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at Djoser

PUPPY DOG (3/3) 1/BP Dunston’ & Grayson’s Abuluka Natemba for Embeau 2 Clinton’s Westlawn Diablo 3 Carlyle’s Woodella Hot Property With Induna JUNIOR DOG (1/1) 1 Drummond’s Djoser Khamsin POST GRADUATE DOG (1/1) 1 Chavez-Novoa’s Woodella Vamos LIMIT DOG (1/1) 1 Cullen’s Swanwite Azeera OPEN DOG (4/4) 1/CC Stewart’s BIS, BISS Supreme Aus Ch Afrikenji Hot August Knight 2/RCC Hannah’s GB Ch Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris 3 Frost’s Rebel Rebel Of Bushwacker 4 Morris’, Waddell’ & Donaldson’s Woodella Gold Standard at Crosscop PUPPY BITCH (3/3) 1 Rabbitte’s Woodella Hot Gossip 2 Robb’s Kenya Savanna Alisina Zvezdochka (imp) 3 Dunston’ & Grayson’s Abuluka Nana for Embeau JUNIOR BITCH (1/1). 1 Drummond’s Djoser Neferkheperu POST GRADUATE BITCH (1/1) 1 Fitzsimmons’ & Carman’s Suefitz Spirit Dancer



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UNITED KINGDOM CHAMPIONSHIP SHOWS BLACKPOOL CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW (continued) LIMIT BITCH (4/4) 1/CC/BOB Leggett’s Swanwite Karaleigh 2 Drummond’s Kissangani Ask No Questions at Djoser 3 Gaskell’s Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wild Child of Memetuka 4 Bradley’s Emmzar Royal Destiny

OPEN BITCH (3/4) 1/RCC Hardy’, Hallam’, Kite’ & Gillespie’s Am GB Ch Klassic’s Girl With A Curl 2 Frost’s Can Am Ch Bushwacker Candy Coated Crime 3 Drummond’s Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at Djoser



Dog CC....................... GB / Int Ch Tokaji American Gigolo at Embeau JW SHCM Dog Reserve CC........................................... Abuluka Natemba for Embeau (Imp) Bitch CC / BOB/HD GRP 2......................................................Swanwite Katrionah Bitch Reserve CC...............................Am Ch Klassic’s Girl With A Curl (Imp) TAF Best Puppy.................................................... Abuluka Natemba for Embeau (Imp)

Dog CC....................................................................... Rebel Rebel of Bushwacker Dog Reserve CC......................GB Ch Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris Bitch CC / BOB...................................Am Ch Klassic’s Girl With A Curl (Imp) TAF Bitch Reserve CC.................................................................... Swanwite Karaleigh Best Puppy...................................................... Woodella Hot Property with Induna

VETERAN DOG OR BITCH (1/1) 1 Tyler’s Ezillie’s Ayida Wedo Over Shernazar PUPPY DOG (3/3) 1/BP/RCC Dunston’ & Grayson’s Abuluka Natemba for Embeau 2 Carlyle’s Woodella Hot Property With Induna 3 Clinton’s Westlawn Diablo JUNIOR DOG (1/1) 1 Addis’ Savannastorm Dragon Lord POST GRADUATE DOG (4/4) 1 Chavez-Novoa’s Woodella Vamos 2 Palubicki’s Woodella True Song 3 Armitage’ & Gibbons’ Tokaji The Great Gatsby 4 Addis’ Savannastorm Born To Be Wild LIMIT DOG (1/1) 1 Cullen’s Swanwite Azeera OPEN DOG (5/5) 1/CC Grayson’s GB & Int Ch Tokaji American Gigolo At Embeau JW ShCM 2 Hannah’s GB Ch Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris 3 Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue 4 Frost’s Rebel Rebel Of Bushwacker 5 Stewart’s BIS, BISS Supreme Aus Ch Afrikenji Hot August Knight PUPPY BITCH (4/6) 1 Richardson’ & Wood’s Woodella Purple Haze 2 Baker’ & Baker’s Fawneela Show Girl At Silverbriar 3 Robb’s Kenya Savanna Alisina Zvezdochka 4 Heley’s Westlawn Little Trinket LIMIT BITCH (4/5) 1/CC/BOB/HD GP2 Leggett’s Swanwite Katrionah 2 Gray’s Jisgard Daydream Believer 3 Gaskell’s Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wild Child of Memetuka 4 Matthews’ Gooses Glint Of Gold OPEN BITCH (6/7) 1/RCC Hardy’, Hallam’, Kite’ & Gillespie’s Am GB Ch Klassic’s Girl With A Curl 2 Adams’ GB Ch Kissangani Life Of The Party 3 Baker’s Irish Ch Tokaji American Dreamz of Silverbriar JW ShCM 4 Leggett’s Swanwite Karaleigh 5 Baker’s GB Ch Silverbriar Mirror Image JW

PUPPY DOG (2/2) 1/BP Carlyle’s Woodella Hot Property With Induna 2 Nicholls’ & Rabbitte’s Nature’s Masterpiece Fantastic Toyboy JUNIOR DOG (1/1 1 Addis’ Savannastorm Dragon Lord POST GRADUATE DOG (3/3). 1 Nichols’ & Rabbitte’s Nganga’s It’s One Heck Of A Storm 2 Chavez-Novoa’s Woodella Vamos 3 Palubicki’s Woodella True Song LIMIT DOG (1/1) 1 Palubicki’s Woodella True Song OPEN DOG (3/3) 1/CC Frost’s Rebel Rebel Of Bushwacker 2/RCC Hannah’s Ch Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris 3 Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue PUPPY BITCH (2/3) 1 Richardson’ & Wood’s Woodella Purple Haze 2 Robb’s Kenya Savanna Alisina Zvezdochka POST GRADUATE BITCH (1/1) 1 Nicholls’ Woodella Devil Wears Prada LIMIT BITCH (2/3) 1/RCC Leggett’s Swanwite Karaleigh 2 Gray’s Jisgard Daydream Believer OPEN BITCH (3/3) 1/CC/BOB Mesdames Hardy’, Hallam’ & Kite’ and J. Gillespie’s Am Ch Klassic’s Girl With A Curl 2 Frost’s Am/Can Ch Bushwacker Candy Coated Crime 3 Gray’s Woodella Northern Delight of Jisgard



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Dog CC / BIS............................GB Ch Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris Dog Reserve CC............................................. Woodella Hot Property with Induna Bitch CC...................................................................... Jisgard Daydream Believer Bitch Reserve CC............................... GB Ch Kissangani Shining Star at Embeau Best Puppy...................................................... Woodella Hot Property with Induna BOS Puppy.................................................... Abuluka Natemba for Embeau (Imp) Best Veteran............................................ Am GB Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley BOS Veteran............................................. Irish Ch Antefaa Nakura Wood Nymph MINOR PUPPY DOG (2/2) 1.RCC/BP Carlyle’s Woodella Hot Property With Induna 2 Dunston’ & Grayson’s Abuluka Natemba for Embeau PUPPY DOG (2/2) 1/RCC/BP Carlyle’s Woodella Hot Property With Induna 2 Dunston’ & Grayson’s Abuluka Natemba for Embeau. JUNIOR DOG (1/1) 1 Drummond’s Djoser Khamsin POST GRADUATE DOG (1/3) 1 Addis’ Savannastorm Nature’s Child LIMIT DOG (3/4) 1 Chavez-Novoa’s Woodella Vamos 2 Gostynska’s Bubas Morgan Sweet 3 Addis’ Savannastorm Dragon Lord OPEN DOG (5/5) 1/CC/BOB/BIS Hannah’s GB Ch Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris 2 Grayson’s GB & Int Ch Tokaji American Gigolo At Embeau JW ShCM 3 Wright’ & Wilkinson’s GB Ch Faraoland Yuletide Snowfall at Elsco 4 Miller’s Benkura Super Trouper (Bubas The Barnstormer 5 Hardy’ & Hallam’s GB Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue. VETERAN DOG (1/2) 1/BV Hardy’, Hallam’ & Webb’s Ch/Am Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley BREEDERS DOG (4/4) 1 Gostynska’s IR Ch Bubas Buffalo Bill 2 Miller’s IR Ch Benkura Blue Sky Mine JW


AUGUST 1, 2015 JUDGE JEAN LANNING Dog CC.....................................GB Ch Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris Dog Reserve CC........................................................ Rebel Rebel of Bushwacker Bitch CC / BOB...................................Am Ch Klassic’s Girl With A Curl (Imp) TAF Bitch Reserve CC.................................................................... Swanwite Karaleigh Best Puppy...................................................... Woodella Hot Property with Induna PUPPY DOG (3/3) 1/BP Carlyle’s Woodella Hot Property With Induna 2 Dunston’ & Grayson’s Abuluka Natemba for Embeau 3 Clinton’s Westlawn Diablo JUNIOR DOG (1/1) 1 Drummond’s Djoser Khamsin POST GRADUATE DOG (1/2). 1 Addis’ Savannastorm Dragon Lord LIMIT DOG (4/5) 1 Cullen’s Swanwite Azeera ( 2 Morris’, Waddell’ & Donaldson’s Woodella Gold Standard 3 Chavez-Novoa’s Woodella Vamos 4 Addis’ Savannastorm Born To Be Wild

3 Addis’ Savannastorm Born To Be Wild 4 Wright’ & Wilkinson’s Elsco Amatillyson MINOR PUPPY BITCH (2/3) 1 Dunston’ & Grayson’s Abuluka Nana for Embeau 2 Baker’ & Baker’s Fawneela Show Girl At Silverbriar PUPPY BITCH (2/2) 1 Dunston’ & Grayson’s Abuluka Nana for Embeau 2 Baker’ & Baker’s Fawneela Show Girl At Silverbriar JUNIOR BITCH (2/2) 1 Baker’ & Baker’s Fawneela Show Girl At Silverbriar 2 Drummond’s Djoser Neferkheperu UNDERGRADUATE BITCH (1/1) 1 Lacey’s Kingwanas Love Story (imp) POST GRADUATE BITCH (3/4) 1 Gostynska’s Bubas Red Melba 2 Lane’ & Miller’s Antefaa Lukuru Echo Blue 3 Mills’ & Harris’ Kissangani Megastar At Reppicks LIMIT BITCH (5/6) 1/CC Gray’s Jisgard Daydream Believer 2 Leggett’s Swanwite Karaleigh 3 Gostynska’s Bubas Cepelia 4 Matthews’ Gooses Glint Of Gold 5 Drummond’s Kissangani Ask No Questions at Djoser OPEN BITCH (5/5) 1/RCC Grayson’s GB Ch Kissangani Shining Star at Embeau 2 Hardy’, Hallam’, Kite’ & Gillespie’s Am GB Ch Klassic’s Girl With A Curl 3 Drummond’s Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at Djoser 4 Adams’ Kissangani Life Of The Party 5 Baker’s Tokaji American Dreamz of Silverbriar JW ShCM VETERAN BITCH (2/2) 1/BOSV Miller’s IR Ch Antefaa Nakura Wood Nymph 2 Wright’ & Wilkinson’s Jethard Dusk Til Dawn At Elsco BREEDERS BITCH (2/2) 1/CC Gray’s Jisgard Daydream Believer 2 Gostynska’s IR Ch Bubas Monisha NOT BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCH (2/2) 1 Gaskell’s Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wild Child of Memetuka 2 Gray’s Woodella Northern Delight of Jisgard OPEN DOG (3/3) 1/CC Hannah’s GB Ch Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris 2/RCC Frost’s Rebel Rebel Of Bushwacker 3 Hardy’ & Hallam’s GB Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue PUPPY BITCH (3/5) 1 Rabbitte’s Woodella Hot Gossip 2 Richardson’ & Wood’s Woodella Purple Haze 3 Dunston’ & Grayson’s Abuluka Nana for Embeau JUNIOR BITCH (1/1) 1 Drummond’s Djoser Neferkheperu POST GRADUATE BITCH (1/3) 1 Clinton’s Westlawn Aurora LIMIT BITCH (4/6) 1/RCC Leggett’s Swanwite Karaleigh 2 Drummond’s Kissangani Ask No Questions at Djoser 3 Gaskell’s Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wild Child of Memetuka 4 Gray’s GB Ch Jisgard Daydream Believer OPEN BITCH (4/4) 1/CC/BOB Mesdames Hardy’, Hallam’ & Kite’ and J. Gillespie’s Am GB Ch Klassic’s Girl With A Curl 2 Frost’s Am Can Ch Bushwacker Candy Coated Crime 3 Grayson’s GB Ch Kissangani Shining Star at Embeau 4 Drummond’s GB Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at D

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 33

FINNISH BASENJI SPECIALTY June 28, 2015 Judge: Marja Talvitie (Finland) (24 puppies + 18 males + 29 females)

BIS................................................................................ Faraoland La Vie En Rose BOS.................................................................................Sternhimmels Orvar Odd BIS- Puppy...................................................................... Hanishan Bowwow Wow BOS-Puppy..................................................... Perrada Unican Lovely Sybil Vimes BIS- Veteran.........................................................................Bulldobas No Regrets BOS Veteran.............................................................. Sternhimmels In Dulci Iubilo BIS-Working........................................................... Hanishan Reveal The Mystery BOS-Working...........................................................................Ajibu Foolin' Around BIS-Breeder/Kennel................................................................................ Bulldobas PUPPY MALES 5-7 MONTHS 1/best male puppy/ honor prize, PUP 1, BIS-puppy Hanishan Bowwow Wow 2 Sternhimmels Poco Piu Mosso 3 Vanguardian Urban Sherpa 4 Kimwitu`s Escamillo 7-9 MONTHS 1/Best Male Puppy Ajibu Mad About The Boy 2 Bulldobas Steel Safeguard 3 Dakarai My Hippiti Hop 4 Ajibu Moovin'N'Groovin' PUPPY FEMALES 5-7 MONTHS 1/BOS puppy Perrada Unican Lovely Sybil Vimes 2 Solebas Jolly Mood 3 Sternhimmels Piae Cantiones 4 Vanguardian Vintage Wine 7-9 MONTHS 1, Pup 2 Bulldobas Sapphire Safeguard 2 Ajibu Mischief On My Mind 3 Orange Pips Evermore Endelea

OPEN DOGS 1 Dakarai Long Play WORKING DOGS 1/BOS Working Ajibu Foolin' Around 2 Ajibu Feelin' Good CHAMPION DOGS 1 Sternhimmels Orvar Odd 2 Heriaheri Viridian Green 3 Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever 4 Perrada Unican Impressive VETERAN DOGS 1 Bulldobas No Regrets 2 Orange Pips Awesome Omega FEMALES Best Female 1.....Faraoland La Vie En Rose ..................................... Open 1 BIS Best Female 2.....Bulldobas Belle Bubbling Under...........................Intermediate 1 Best Female 3.....Sternhimmels In Dulci Iubilo ............... Veteran 1 , BOS veteran Best Female 4.....Dakarai Gigglebelly ........................................................Open 2

INTERMEDIATE BITCHES 1 Bulldobas Belle Bubbling Under 2 Rosone´s Viola Vernaccia 3 Solebas Hugs N`Kisses 4 I Know A Secret Afrikata OPEN BITCHES 1 Faraoland La Vie En Rose 2 Dakarai Gigglebelly 3 Hanishan Yankee Cutie Candy 4 Perrada Unican I Choose My Path WORKING BITCHES 1/BIS Working Hanishan Reveal The Mystery CHAMPION BITCHES 1 Bulldobas Cute As A Button 2 Bulldobas Zandra Safeguard 3 Sternhimmels Opera Operata MALES Best Male 1..........Sternhimmels Orvar Odd ...............................Champion 1, BOS 4 Hanishan Que Sera Sera Champion Best Male 2..........Bulldobas Baroos In The Night.............................Intermediate 1 VETERAN BITCHES Best Male 3..........Bulldobas No Regrets.................................VET 1 , BIS-veteran 1 Sternhimmels In Dulci Iubilo Best Male 4..........Heriaheri Viridian Green ........................................ Champion 2 2 Hanishan Titilayo Sharab 2 Hanishan Glory For Love 4 Samlet Symphonyoflove INTERMEDIATE DOGS 1 Bulldobas Baroos In The Night BREEDER 2 Orange Pips Don Octavio Intermediate 2 1 Kennel Bulldobas 3 Rosone's Vino Vermentino Intermediate 3 2 kennel Orange Pips

FINNISH SIGHT HUND CLUB SPECIALTY June 28, 2015 Judge: Marja Talvitie (Finland) (24 puppies + 18 males + 29 females)

BIS................................................................................ Faraoland La Vie En Rose BOS.................................................................................Sternhimmels Orvar Odd BIS- Puppy...................................................................... Hanishan Bowwow Wow BOS-Puppy..................................................... Perrada Unican Lovely Sybil Vimes

BIS- Veteran.........................................................................Bulldobas No Regrets BOS Veteran.............................................................. Sternhimmels In Dulci Iubilo BIS-Working........................................................... Hanishan Reveal The Mystery BOS-Working...........................................................................Ajibu Foolin' Around BIS-Breeder/Kennel................................................................................ Bulldobas

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 34

BASENJI KLUB BOHEMIA SHOWS CZECH REPUBLIC - 6.6.2015 KVP Podmitrov Rozhodčí/Judge: Katie Campbell, USA CAC, KLUBOVÝ VÍTĚZ/CLUB WINNER, BOB, BISS...... Bahaticca’s Crusader In Black CAC KLUBOVÝ VÍTĚZ, BOS .........................................Amaya Akua Maybe Dog BISS VETERÁN .................................................................. Fedora z Ticha Bantu CAJC, BISS JUNIOR ......................................................................Agil Vytomdigo BISS ŠTĚNĚ/BABY PUPPY............................................. Meisterhaus Live’n It Up BISS DOROST/PUPPY.................................................. Botambo Adikia Bohemia DOG CLASSES TRIDA ŠTĚŇAT /DOG BABY CLASS VN1..................................................................................... Suaralayn Orange Boy TRIDA DOROSTU/PUPPY DOG CLASS VN1/BISS DOROST....................................................... Botambo Adikia Bohemia VN2............................................................................................... Fenuku Krumloš TŘÍDA MLADÝCH/JUNIOR DOG CLASS V1/CAJC, BISS JUNIOR ................................................................Agil Vytomdigo V2.....................................................................................Attila Jeremy Vytomdigo VD3..............................................................................................Ayo Ikela Kifahari VD4.......................................................................................... Enzi Viatu Asthenia MEZITŘÍDA/DOG INTERMEDIATE CLASS V1/CAC............................................................................Heaven Help Me Afrikata V2/Res.CAC.............................................................................. Elekevu Salasirian V3..................................................................... Manzi Tami’s TamTamy Ekibondo V4............................................................................................... Falsafa Salasirian TŘÍDA OTEVŘENÁ/DOG OPEN CLASS V1/CAC, KLUBOVÝ VÍTĚZ, BOB, BISS..................Bahaticca’s Crusader In Black V2/Res.CAC ...................................................Mungu Tami’s TamTamy Ekibondo V3..................................................................................Chuomi Mwana Salasirian V4................................................................................................Kwame Ekibondo TRIDA PRACOVNÍ /DOG WORKING CLASS V1/CAC................................................................................Dungu Wabu Asthenia TRIDA VÍTĚZŮ /DOG CHAMPION CLASS V1/CAC....................................................................................... Lisimba Ekibondo V2/Res.CAC.............................................................................. Old Legend’s Faro V3....................................................................................Sternhimmels Jamais Vu V4.................................................................................. Amigo Kwaku Maybe Dog TRIDA ČESTNÁ/DOG HONOR CLASS V1 Aramis Adenike Belongo

SVP Kyjov - August.8.2015 Rozhodčí/Judge Karel Hořák CAC, VÍTĚZ SPECIÁLNÍ VÝSTAVY, BOB, BISS............. Manzi Tami’s TamTamy Ekibondo CAC, VÍTĚZ SPECIÁLNÍ VÝSTAVY, BOS........................... Chinja Maji Salasirian PSI - TŘÍDA DOROSTU/DOGS - PUPPY CLASS VN1................................................................................. Botambo Adikia Bohemia VN2.............................................................................................Goi Goi Salasirian VN3..................................................................................... Suaralayn Orange Boy PSI - MEZITŘÍDA/DOGS INTERMEDIATE CLASS V1, CAC...........................................................................................Agil Vytomdigo V2, Res.CAC...............................................................................Ayo Ikela Kifahari V3.....................................................................................Attila Jeremy Vytomdigo VD4.........................................................................................Coffi Kandali Santon PSI - TŘÍDA OTEVŘENÁ/DOGS OPEN CLASS V1, CAC, VÍTĚZ SPECIÁLNÍ VÝSTAVY, BOB, BISS...... Manzi Tami’s TamTamy Ekibondo V2, Res.CAC.............................................................................. Falsafa Salasirian VD3............................................................................E’Kongo Kwami Lady Congo VD4........................................................................... Akin Atu Včelenská Bonanza PSI - TŘÍDA PRACOVNÍ/DOGS WORKING CLASS V1, CAC...............................................................................Dungu Wabu Asthenia V2, Res.CAC............................................................................. Old Legend’s Faro

TRIDA VETERÁNŮ VETERAN CLASS V1/Nej.veterán.............................................................................Gambo Ekibondo V2........................................................................................Ankan Ningen Banken V3............................................................................. African Mystery’s Chamchela BITCHES TRIDA ŠTĚŇAT FENY/BABY PUPPY BITCH CLASS VN1/BISS ŠTĚNĚ/PUPPY............................................... Meisterhaus Live’n It Up VN2.............................................................................................. Ghairy Salasirian VN3.............................................................................................. Anaya Licha Maji VN4............................................................................................Ebby Sunny Felow TRIDA DOROSTU/PUPPY BITCH CLASS VN1.......................................................................................Bikira Adikia Bohemia VN2.................................................................................................... Fate Krumloš VN3.................................................................................... Caala Chanzo Cha Nile VN4............................................................................................... Abuya Anulinka) TRIDA MLADÝCH /JUNIOR BITCH CLASS V1/CAJC................................................................................. Elafu Vaku Asthenia V2..................................................................................Avant Garde Manominoko VD3...................................................................................Ebongo Vungu Asthenia VD4........................................................................................Epua Vema Asthenia MEZITŘÍDA/INTERMEDIATE BITCH CLASS V1/CAC................................................................................ Honey Amber Sunrise V2/Res.CAC.......................................................................... Ekuku Vete Asthenia V3.................................................................................. Boyoma Chanzo Cha Nile V4.......................................................................................... Enzi Ebun Salasirian TRIDA OTEVŘENÁ/OPEN BITCH CLASS V1/CAC KLUBOVÝ VÍTĚZ, BOS.....................................Amaya Akua Maybe Dog V2/Res.CAC..................................................................Hanishan Rock The World V3......................................................................................... Dazora Sunny Fellow V4...................................................................................................Kamili Hanáček TRIDA PRACOVNÍ /WORKING BITCH CLASS V1/CAC............................................................... Lis Glamur Energy Endless Love V2................................................................................. Daboya Kwilu Lady Congo TRIDA VÍTĚZŮ /CHAMPION BITCH CLASS V1/CAC ................................................................. Cayamba Mayoko Lady Congo V2/Res.CAC ..................................................................... Obsidion Autobot Ticca V3......................................................................................... Chinja Maji Salasirian V4.......................................................................................... Msumari’s Bayabaya TRIDA VETERÁNŮ/VETERAN BITCH CLASS V1/Nej.veterán, BISS VETERÁN ......................................... Fedora z Ticha Bantu D2..........................................................................African Mystery’s Dafina Kisura

PSI - TŘÍDA VÍTĚZŮ/DOGS CLASS WINNERS V1, CAC......................................................................... Amigo Kwaku Maybe Dog V2, Res.CAC.................................................................Chuomi Mwana Salasirian V3...............................................................................................Abuluka Godgodo PSI - TŘÍDA VETERÁNŮ/DOGS VETERAN CLASS V1, BOV.......................................................................................Gambo Ekibondo V2........................................................................................Ankan Ningen Banken FENY - TŘÍDA DOROSTU/BITCHES PUPPY CLASS VN1.......................................................................................Bikira Adikia Bohemia VN2.............................................................................................. Anaya Licha Maji VN3.................................................................................................... Fate Krumloš VN4.................................................................................................Abuya Anulinka FENY - MEZITŘÍDA/BITCHES INTERMEDIATE CLASS V1, CAC............................................................................Ebongo Vungu Asthenia V2, Res.CAC................................................................Carambola Kandali Santon FENY - TŘÍDA OTEVŘENÁ/BITCHES OPEN CLASS V1, CAC................................................................................. Msumari’s Bayabaya FENY - TŘÍDA PRACOVNÍ/BITCHES WORKING CLASS V1, CAC.............................................................. Lis Glamur Energy Endless Love FENY - TŘÍDA VÍTĚZŮ/BITCHES CLASS WINNERS V1, CAC, VÍTĚZ SPECIÁLNÍ VÝSTAVY, BOS.................... Chinja Maji Salasirian FENY - TŘÍDA VETERÁNŮ/BITCHES VETERAN CLASS V1........................................................................................... Assima Lady Congo

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 35


Milano, Italy June 14, 2015


Total Entry: 80

Best of Breed.......................................Idylle Of Swala Pala.............................................. Durlot Lise (France) Best of Opposite Sex...........................C-Quest Jokuba Dandy Shandy...................... Baaser Noel (Germany) Best of Breed Junior............................Bobbi Bobbi Prince Of Burudika.........Sewerynska Katarzyna (Poland) Best of Opposite Sex Junior................Viva Arlena Attesa Di Primavera......................... Bogatova S. (Russia) Best of Breed Veteran.........................C-Quest's Echo Of Eldorado........................... Baaser Noel (Germany) Best of Opposite Sex Veteran.............Jasiri Sukari Vermillion.......................................... Durlot Lise (France) Best of Breed Puppy............................Momba Tonga Foxtrot........................................Henriette Varga (Italy) Best of Opposite Sex Puppy................Ahmahr Nahr's Sacred Shaman..........................Behles Jennie (USA) Best of Breed Minor Puppy..................Sulla Liwang......................................................Müller Dorota (Poland) Best of Opposite Sex Minor Puppy......Khani's Kabar Mib Agent O..............................Smakilo Elena (Russia) Best Brace...........................................Rosone's Retro Rockettaro Rosone's Retro Rimembranza.........................Mäkinen Katri (Finland) (L) Best of Breed - Idylle Of Swala Pala (R) Best Op Sex - C-Quest Jokuba Dandy Shandy

Best of Breed Junior Bobbi Bobbi Prince Of Burudika Best Op Sex Junior Viva Arlena Attesa Di Primavera Best of Breed Veteran - C-Quest’s Echo Of Eldorado Best of Breed Puppy - Momba Tonga Foxtrot

Best of Breed Minor Puppy - Sulla Liwang

©Photos by Sabine Nagel

Best Op Sex Minor Puppy - Khani’s Kabar Mib Agent O The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 36

SVENSKA BASENJISÄLLSKAPET/SWEDEN BASENJI SPECIALTY August 1, 2015 Domare/Judge: Peter Harsanyi, Ungern Best of Breed.............................................................................Kimwitu’s Zolotaya Best of Op Sex/CAC................................................... Barkless Xtreme Dimension Best Bitch/CAC................................................Barkless Queen Lash Celebrationn Best of Breed Puppy..............................................Canens Africae Je Suis Charlie Best Op Puppy............................................................. Rayas Minds Visiting Vista Best of Breed Veteran..................................................... Kenjaali Mercury-Mwami Best op Sex Veteran.......................................................... Kenjaali Kaya-Kayenna PUPPIES VALPKLASS 6-9 MÅNADER HANAR/ PUPPY CLASS 6-9 MO DOG Canens Africae Je Suis Charlie...................1, hp, BIR-valp, BIS-Valp/BOB Puppy Suntribe’s Kahnis Twice As Tuff......................................................................2, hp Kandoro Saltaan Alisina Zvezdochko..............................................................3, hp Rayas Minds Viewinv View....................................................................................4 VALPKLASS 6-9 MÅNADER TIKAR/PUPPY CLASS 6-9 MO BITCHES Rayas Minds Visiting Vista..........................................1, hp, BIM-valp/BOS Puppy Nganga’s La Luna...........................................................................................2, hp Nganga’s Star Gate.........................................................................................3, hp Rayas Minds Victorious Vicky...............................................................................4 DOGS UNGHUNDSKLASS HANAR/YOUTH CLASS DOGS Barkless Xtreme Dimension..... Excellent 1, ck, 1 bhkl, Cert, BIM/Best Male/CAC/ BOS Nganga’s Big-Foot.........................................Excellent 2, ck, R-Cert/Reserve Dog Nganga’s Storm Chaser........................................................................ Excellent 3 Caspar................................................................................................ Very Good 4 ÖPPEN KLASS HANAR/OPEN DOG Afrikos Mitas Admiral Of Love......................................................... Excellent 1, ck Rayas Minds Windy Wind...................................................................... Excellent 2 Boxzent’s Santa Claus.......................................................................... Excellent 3 Rayas Minds Waving Wave................................................................... Excellent 4 CHAMPIONKLASS HANAR/CHAMPION DOGS Kenjaali Heeere’s Johnny.....................................................Excellent 1, ck, 3 bhkl Faraoland Kenzo Power.......................................................Excellent 2, ck, 4 bhkl Kenjaali Verro-Vigilant..................................................................... Excellent 3, ck Taji’s Top Model To Zahleka........................................................... Excellent 4, ck VETERANKLASS HANAR/VETERAN DOG Kenjaali Mercury-Mwami........................ Excellent 1, ck, 2 bhkl, BIR/BOB-veteran Faraoland Saga Zulu....................................................................... Excellent 2, ck Faraoland Xcellent Example............................................................ Excellent 3, ck King Khufu Love Song..................................................................... Excellent 4, ck VETERANKLASS 10+ HANAR/VETERAN DOG 10 & OVER Kenjaali Mercury-Mwami..................................................1, BIR/BOB-veteran 10+ Faraoland Saga Zulu.............................................................................................2 Faraoland Xcellent Example..................................................................................3 BITCHES UNGHUNDSKLASS TIKAR/YOUTH CLASS BITCHES Shahrans Tutti Frutti.................................... Excellent 1, ck, R-Cert/Reserve Bitch Barkless Diorshow Black Out.......................................................... Excellent 2, ck Kincha’s A Star is Born.................................................................... Excellent 3, ck Zahleka Winter Wonderland.................................................................. Excellent 4 ÖPPEN KLASS TIKAR/OPEN BITCHES Barkless Queen Lash Celebrationn.........Excellent 1, ck, 2 btkl, Cert/Best Female North Exotic All Time Favourite....................................................... Excellent 2, ck Chagmas Rumba Ruth.................................................................... Excellent 3, ck Nganga’s Marilyn Monroe................................................................ Excellent 4, ck

Best of Breed - Kimwitu’s Zolotaya Best of Opposite Sex - Barkless Xtreme Dimension Photo by Shahrans

CHAMPIONKLASS TIKAR/CHAMPION BITCHES Kimwitu’s Zolotaya........................... Excellent 1, ck, 1 btkl, BIR/Best Female BOB Kenjaali Frankly My Dear......................................................Excellent 2, ck, 3 btkl Behukai Egyptian Treasure............................................................. Excellent 3, ck Kingwanas Foxy Femme Fatale............................................................ Excellent 4 VETERANKLASS TIKAR/VETERAN BITCH Kenjaali Kaya-Kayenna...........................Excellent 1, ck, 4 btkl, BIM/BOS-veteran Mzalia Making Headlines................................................................. Excellent 2, ck VETERANKLASS 10+ TIKAR/VETERAN BITCHES 10 & OVER Kenjaali Kaya-Kayenna................................................... 1, BIM/BOS-veteran 10+ Zaina Of Jillayla.....................................................................................................2 AVELSKLASS/BREEDING CLASS Faraoland Hd Street Glide................................................................................1 hp UPPFÖDARKLASS/BREEDER CLASS Kenjaali - Naranja Persson...............................................................................1 hp Barkless - Cecilia Kocman................................................................................2 hp Faraoland - Helena Strömbert..........................................................................3 hp Nganga’s - Yvonne Adolfsson..........................................................................4 hp

SPECIALKLASSER Kincha's A Star is Born------------------------------------- Bästa Huvud/Best Head Kimwitu's Zolotaya----------------------------------Bästa Rörelser/Best Movement Kenjaali Mercury-Mwami & Kenjaali Frankly My Dear Bästa Parklass -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Best Brace Shahrans Hungry Heart---------------------------------------Bästa Svans/Best Tail Faraoland Saga Zulu----------------------------------------Bästa Tassar/Best Feet Nganga's Storm Chaser------------------------------- Bästa Rynkor/Best Wrinkles Kingwanas Foxy Femme Fatale--------------------------- Bästa Ögon/Best Eyes Kenjaali Mercury-Mwami-------------------------------------- Bästa Öron/Best Ears Kenjaali Heeere's Johnny-------------------Bästa Röd/Vita Päls/Best R/W Coat Nganga's Big-Foot------------------------------ Bästa Tricolour Päls/Best Tri Coat Nganga's La Luna---------------------------Bästa Svart/Vita Päls/Best B/W Coat Chimleloxx Light Of Days------------------Bästa Brindle Päls/Best Brindle Coat Avongara Jini Of Brushy Run---------------------- Joddlarmästare/Yodel Master

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 37


Rank Name




1........ GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl................................................F............ E Johnson/B Cassell/T Brooks/S Middlebrooks..... 530 2........ GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover.............................................M........... D DeFlorio/K Cabral........................................229 3........ GCH CH Arubmec’s Take A Chance On Me.............................................M........... P Cembura/K Collins.......................................190 4........ GCH CH Dlucks Svengali Zindika’s Overnight Sensation.........................M........... N Scherwin......................................................144 5........ GCH CH Undercover AB U A Bell Ringer JC............................................M........... W Pooley/G Whitehurst..................................136 6........ GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba No Matter What.............................................M........... K Noel/R Bowden............................................133 7........ GCH CH Dark Moon’s Barking Bad JC.....................................................F............ V Predale/J Predale.........................................130 8........ GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari High Win Warning SC...........................................F............ J Jones/K Jones/C Kok.....................................122 8........ GCH CH Laurel S’Simply Shocking Sabrina.............................................F............ L Hesse............................................................122 10...... GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle.................................M........... P Geoffroy/S Lund/S Coe................................104 11...... GCH CH Africanadian James T Kirk........................................................M........... J Behles/S Allen/A Whalen/T Whalen...............97 12...... GCH CH Svengali’s What’s Not To Love Of Zindika.................................M........... E Biller/W Kanouff/C Wyatt..............................92 13...... GCH CH Nelsons Friendship Of Magnificent 7 In Flight.........................F............ L Nelson/D Nelson............................................91 14...... GCH CH Reveille Waltz Me Around........................................................M........... D Bolte’/J Lodge................................................84 15...... GCH CH Meisterhaus Victory Van Gogh.................................................M........... T Brooks/T Huff.................................................81 16...... GCH DC Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot MC CA RATO........................F............ J Johnson...........................................................65 17...... GCH CH Eldorado N Pride I Am A Rock..................................................M........... P Geoffroy/D DeFlorio.......................................63 18...... GCH CH Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours. CA.....................................................M........... K Sanders..........................................................60 19...... GCH CH Dragonete Itapuca JC...............................................................F............ J Morgan/S Morgan..........................................49 19...... GCH CH Starfyre’s Action Jaxson............................................................M........... D Searcy/K Grayson...........................................49


Rank.......Name...............................................................................................Sex............ Owner............................................................. Pts 1............GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl........................................... F.............. E Johnson/B Cassell/T Brooks/ S Middlebrooks........................................... 2736 2............GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari High Win Warning SC...................................... F.............. J Jones/K Jones/C Kok.................................. 1456 3............GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba No Matter What........................................M............. K Noel/R Bowden........................................ 1182 4............GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover........................................M............. D DeFlorio/K Cabral....................................... 840 5............GCH CH Arubmec's Take A Chance On Me.......................................M............. P Cembura/K Collins...................................... 824 6............GCH CH Dark Moon's Barking Bad JC............................................... F.............. V Predale/J Predale....................................... 630 7............GCH CH Nelsons Friendship Of Magnificent 7 In Flight.................... F.............. L Nelson/D Nelson......................................... 619 8............GCH CH Dlucks Svengali Zindika's Overnight Sensation...................M............. N Scherwin.................................................... 447 9............GCH CH Dragonete Itapuca JC.......................................................... F.............. J Morgan/S Morgan....................................... 420 10..........GCH CH Laurel S'Simply Shocking Sabrina....................................... F.............. L Hesse........................................................... 408 11..........GCH CH Reveille Trip The Light Fantastic..........................................M............. D Bolte'/J Lodge............................................. 389 12..........GCH CH Svengali's What's Not To Love Of Zindika...........................M............. E Biller/W Kanouff/C Wyatt........................... 378 13..........GCH CH Eldorado N Pride I Am A Rock.............................................M............. P Geoffroy/D DeFlorio................................... 363 14..........GCH CH Reveille Waltz Me Around..................................................M............. D Bolte'/J Lodge............................................. 335 15..........GCH CH Meisterhaus Victory Van Gogh...........................................M............. T Brooks/T Huff.............................................. 307 16..........CH Arubmec's Mischief Managed.................................................... F.............. P Cembura/K Collins...................................... 228 17..........GCH CH Africanadian James T Kirk...................................................M............. J Behles/S Allen/A Whalen/T Whalen............226 18..........GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle...........................M............. P Geoffroy/S Lund/S Coe............................... 210 19..........CH Sirius Works For Me CGC............................................................M............. M Work/C Lewis/T Curry............................... 159 20..........GCH CH Teazer Kazor Ekundayo For Johari.......................................M............. C Garcia/D Yeager/J Gaidos........................... 141

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 38

AKC GCH Medallion Recipients As of July 17, 2015

NAME SEX PTS LEVEL GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow!................................................................ B............................454........................GOLD GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle.................................................................. D............................492........................GOLD GCH DH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin SC........................................................................................ D............................765........................GOLD GCH CH Karnak's Pure And Simple Allure................................................................................ B............................401........................GOLD GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet............................................................................ B............................509........................GOLD GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl.................................................................................. B............................685........................GOLD GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr's Halleleujah Makes A Joyful Noise..................................................... B............................286...................... SILVER GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr's Ryder Of The Voodoo Child............................................................... D............................201...................... SILVER GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr's The Lost Angel Gabriel...................................................................... D............................383...................... SILVER GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Xtra Special Edition..................................................................... D............................260...................... SILVER GCH DH Akuaba N Eldorado's Speed Shot MC CA RATO......................................................... B............................261...................... SILVER GCH CH Arubmec's Take A Chance On Me.............................................................................. D............................203...................... SILVER GCH DH Atarasi's D'Lucks Edition SC....................................................................................... D............................310...................... SILVER GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba Zensational....................................................................................... D............................364...................... SILVER GCH CH Dragonete Itapuca JC................................................................................................. B............................221...................... SILVER GCH CH Illusion's Stairway To Heaven..................................................................................... D............................256...................... SILVER GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Bucking The Trind................................................................................... D............................262...................... SILVER GCH CH Klassic's Slam Dunk.................................................................................................... D............................238...................... SILVER GCH CH Laurel S'Simply Shocking Sabrina............................................................................... B............................201...................... SILVER GCH CH Mata Hauri Ruby Red Beez........................................................................................ B............................209...................... SILVER GCH CH Platinum Nelson Jewel Of D'Nile SC........................................................................... B............................201...................... SILVER GCH CH Reveille Waltz Me Around.......................................................................................... D............................209...................... SILVER GCH CH Starfyre's Rock'N With Danica................................................................................... B............................204...................... SILVER GCH CH Undercover AB UR A Bell Ringer JC............................................................................ D............................205...................... SILVER GCH DH Undercover Meisterhaus Hi Ho Quianna By Signet SC.............................................. B............................209...................... SILVER GCH CH Wakili Signet Dooney................................................................................................. B............................203...................... SILVER GCH CH AB-Rafiki The Icon Of Cool......................................................................................... D............................108....................BRONZE GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr's Best Of The Best................................................................................ D............................180....................BRONZE GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Speed Of Light............................................................................ B............................115....................BRONZE GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado's Zest For Life SC......................................................................... D............................100....................BRONZE GCH CH Alapocas Queen Of The Elves.................................................................................... B............................129....................BRONZE GCH CH Alapocas Simon Says.................................................................................................. D............................100....................BRONZE GCH CH Arubmec's Thriller...................................................................................................... D............................131....................BRONZE GCH DH Bantu's Playing Rochambeau SC................................................................................ B............................103....................BRONZE GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba No Matter What............................................................................... D............................112....................BRONZE GCH CH Dagoba's Poetry In Motion........................................................................................ B............................101....................BRONZE GCH CH Djakomba's Sandoway Of Wyoland JC....................................................................... D............................103....................BRONZE GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover............................................................................... D............................145....................BRONZE GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Never Surrender......................................................................... D............................127....................BRONZE GCH CH Emerant's The Navigator JC....................................................................................... D............................108....................BRONZE GCH CH I Am Jacob The Beloved JC......................................................................................... D............................142....................BRONZE GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari High Win Warning SC............................................................................. B............................111....................BRONZE GCH CH Jokuba C-Quest First Round Knock Out...................................................................... D............................185....................BRONZE GCH CH Khani's Starlight Starbright SC.................................................................................... B............................101....................BRONZE GCH CH Mardi Gras' Oliver Twist............................................................................................. D............................150....................BRONZE GCH CH Meisterhaus Dazzle 'N' Daze...................................................................................... B............................197....................BRONZE GCH DH N'Focus Santa Baby MC LCX CA................................................................................. B............................104....................BRONZE GCH CH Reveille One For The Money...................................................................................... D............................108....................BRONZE GCH CH Reveille Push Button.................................................................................................. D............................170....................BRONZE GCH CH Reveille Trip The Light Fantastic................................................................................. D............................123....................BRONZE GCH CH Sirobe Egotistical Rosewood...................................................................................... D............................148....................BRONZE GCH CH Skyhi's Always In Fashion........................................................................................... B............................164....................BRONZE GCH CH Sonbar's Vigilant Valkyre At Cynosure RATN.............................................................. B............................100....................BRONZE GCH DH Southhouse Jumoke Ltle Big Man Malawi SC............................................................ D............................104....................BRONZE GCH CH Starfyre's Spiced It Up................................................................................................ B............................112....................BRONZE GCH CH Taji Goes Platinum SC................................................................................................. B............................194....................BRONZE GCH CH Taji's Gandina Carnation SC....................................................................................... B............................103....................BRONZE GCH CH Taji's Klassic Lil Black Dress SC.................................................................................... B............................107....................BRONZE GCH CH Tammen's Sparks Will Fly........................................................................................... B............................169....................BRONZE GCH CH 'Tis-A Arubmec's Circle Of Life................................................................................... D............................175....................BRONZE GCH CH Victory Meisterhaus The X Factor.............................................................................. D............................109....................BRONZE The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 39

AKC TOP 20 - 2015 GRAND CHAMPIONS As of August 1, 2015


D Name


GCH Points

1 ............GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl ............................................................................................ B................................... 213 2 ............GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba No Matter What ......................................................................................... D................................... 116 3 ............GCH CH Undercover AB UR A Bell Ringer JC ...................................................................................... D................................... 105 4 ............GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover ......................................................................................... D..................................... 99 5 ............GCH CH Laurel S’Simply Shocking Sabrina ......................................................................................... B..................................... 96 6 ............GCH CH Africanadian James T Kirk .................................................................................................... D..................................... 94 7 ............GCH CH Arubmec’s Take A Chance On Me ........................................................................................ D..................................... 87 ..............GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle ............................................................................ D..................................... 87 9 ............GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari High Win Warning SC ....................................................................................... B..................................... 83 10 ..........GCH DC Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot MC CA RATO .................................................................... B..................................... 77 11 ..........GCH CH Dark Moon’s Barking Bad JC ................................................................................................ B..................................... 67 ..............GCH CH Eldorado N Pride I Am A Rock .............................................................................................. D..................................... 67 13 ..........GCH CH Reveille Waltz Me Around ................................................................................................... D..................................... 61 14 ..........GCH CH Meisterhaus Victory Van Gogh ............................................................................................ D..................................... 60 15 ..........GCH CH Dragonete Itapuca JC ........................................................................................................... B..................................... 57 16 ..........GCH CH Mata Hauri Summer Storm .................................................................................................. B..................................... 55 17 ..........GCH CH Sonbar’s Justa Determined Talker At Jaiye ........................................................................... D..................................... 54 ..............GCH CH Nelsons Friendship Of Magnificent 7 In Flight ..................................................................... B..................................... 54 19 ..........GCH CH Svengali’s What’s Not To Love Of Zindika ............................................................................ D..................................... 52 20 ..........GCH CH Dlucks Svengali Zindika’s Overnight Sensation .................................................................... D..................................... 47

2015 AKC TOP 20 - OWNER HANDLED SERIES Qualifying Period: Oct 9, 2014 thru Oct. 7, 2015 - Tally as of August 1, 2015

Rank Dog Name Owner Name Sex OHS Points 1 GCH DC Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot MC CA RATO Jane Johnson B 775 2 GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover Donna DeFlorio/Kyle Cabral D 335 3 GCH CH Undercover AB UR A Bell Ringer JC Wanda K Pooley/Gale N Whitehurst D 315 4 GCH CH Epic-Select Never Say Goodbye SC Thomas Wright/Becky Blansett/Tracy Leonard D.V.M. D 265 5 GCH CH I Am Mary Fula Grace From Sonbar Dyan Baughan B 180 6 GCH CH Laurel S’Simply Shocking Sabrina Laura Mae Hesse B 155 GCH CH Mardi Gras’ Oliver Twist Michael L Graves/Christine L Graves D 155 8 CH Skyhi’s Eighth Wonder Of The World Laurie A Stargell B 125 9 CH Birch’s You Had Me From Hello Eva Birch/LARRY BIRCH D 90 10 CH Arubmec’s Mischief Managed Patricia E Cembura/Kelly Collins B 65 11 GCH CH Khani’s Pitch Perfect Kathryn R Britton/Emily Britton/Daniel Britton/Zoe Patton B 55 GCH CH Starfyre’s Action Jaxson Denise Searcy/Kathy Grayson D 55 13 CH Nowata I Am Amazing Supachat Preedasuth B 50 GCH CH Svengali’s Repeat Performance Carol A Wyatt/Erik Oberg/Alan Aiello/Gail Aiello D 50 15 CH Jadaka Meisterhaus Excalibur Janice Kahl/Tad Brooks D 45 Kiroja Hockeytown Hero Kelli Harmon B 45 CH Undercover Ur A Legend Of Arabella SC Gale N Whitehurst/Susan Schroeder/Connie L Camp B 45 18 GCH CH Illusion’s Stairway To Heaven Terry Reed/Bob Reed D 35 CH Illusion’s Tango Bob Reed/Terry Reed D 35 Skyhi’s Henry The Eighth Laurie A Stargell D 35 GCH CH Undercover Imara Simon Says Legend Gale N Whitehurst/Connie L Camp/ Susan Schroeder/Olivia J Rosener D 35

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 40

ASFA LURE COURSING - Top 20 - July 3, 2015 Rank Call Name Basenji Name





1........ Chilly...........Ch Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours..................................................... K.Sanders...........................................4...........0......... 50 2........ Goodtime Charlie........Thor's Goodtime Charlie Got The Blues.................................. J.Brader..............................................3...........0......... 48 3........ Fancy...........Thor's Affair On 8th Avenue.................................................... J.Brader..............................................2...........0......... 41 4........ Aqune.........FC Thor's Song For A Winter's Night,LCM,SC........................... J.Brader..............................................0...........0......... 40 5........ Carly............GCh,DC Songwe's Rock Star Legend,FCh,SC,LCX..................... S.Schroeder........................................6...........0......... 35 5........ Valleri..........Ch Zamaradi's Im Not Your Steppin Stone,SC.......................... S.Smith-Falkner/J.Falkner..................1...........0......... 35 5........ Skoots.........Zamaradi's Lost In Translation................................................. I.Smith/S.Smith-Falkner/Jfalkner.......1...........0......... 35 8........ Zoe..............DC Taji's Alster Ego From Hodari,FCh,SC,LCX,RATI,SOR........... M.E.Chaffin/K.Campbell.....................1...........0......... 34 9........ Spock..........Cosmic's Extratriestrial............................................................ A.Noble..............................................2...........0......... 33 10...... Searsha.......GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby,LCM4,MC,GRC,CGC,VB,LCX......... K.Sanders...........................................1...........0......... 32 11...... Merlin.........FC Thor's Kikozi,LCM5,SC......................................................... J.Brader..............................................0...........0......... 31 12...... Sparkle........Thor's Winter Wonderland,FCh,SC.......................................... J.Brader..............................................4...........0......... 30 12...... Darwyn.......DC Zamaradi's Last Train To Salish Sea N'Baraka,SC................ C.Watkins/L.Saban.............................1...........0......... 30 14...... Stella...........Zamaradi's Streetcar Named Desire........................................ I.Smith/S.Smith-Falkner/Jfalkner.......0...........0......... 29 14...... Winter.........FC New World Baridi Ngano,LCM2,SC..................................... J.Brader..............................................0...........0......... 29 16...... Remi............GCh,DC Emerant's Heez Reminiscent, FCh,MC,GRC,ORC,SOR,RN....................................................... S.Smith-Falkner/L.Hart......................2...........0......... 19 16...... Tempest......GCh,DC Meisterhaus Neon Nights, FCh,MC,LCX,VB,SGRC,ORC, LCM............................................. J.Stewart/T.Brooks.............................1...........0......... 19 16...... Echo............FC Taji's Alster Echo,FCh,MC,LCX3,RN,JOR,RATI...................... M.E.Chaffin........................................0...........0......... 19 19...... Sam.............Sunbird Suddanly Silver Eagle Samwise The Brave,FCh........... M.Roach/A.Therrell............................2...........0......... 18 19...... Henna.........GCh Borassus Who's Your Hot Shot......................................... K.Sanders...........................................0...........0......... 18

AKC LURE COURSING - Top 20 - Events through August 7, 2015 Rank......... Name........................................................................................................................ Sex......................................... Points 1............... FC Zamaradi's A Streetcar Named Desire SC..................................................................... B................................................... 36 2............... FC Epic Select Tri On Da Fly At Tomjo SC........................................................................... D.................................................. 32 3............... DC Suddanly Essence Of Eaglewood MC LCX.................................................................... D.................................................. 30 4............... GCH DC Veramonte's Song Of Winterfell SC..................................................................... B................................................... 29 5............... GCH DC Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin SC.................................................................................. D.................................................. 26 5............... Zamaradi's Lost In Translation SC...................................................................................... D.................................................. 26 7............... CH Emerant's R E S P E C T SC............................................................................................ B................................................... 23 8............... GCH DC Meisterhaus Neon Nights MC LCX....................................................................... B................................................... 20 8............... DC Joy-Us Hung The Moon SC........................................................................................... D.................................................. 20 10............. FC Epic Select In Your Face SC........................................................................................... D.................................................. 18 11............. CH Emerant's Hush Hush SC.............................................................................................. B................................................... 17 11............. FC Select Ww A Bonnie Boo MC LCX................................................................................. B................................................... 17 11............. GCH CH Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours. SC CA........................................................................... D.................................................. 17 11............. FC Congaro's O Ku'u' Aina Aloha MC LCX CA..................................................................... B................................................... 17 15............. FC Sunbirds' Dreaming Of Denali MC................................................................................ B................................................... 16 16............. CH Cosmic's Extratriestrial SC........................................................................................... D.................................................. 15 16............. Svengali Zindika Big Sky Edition SC.................................................................................... D.................................................. 15 18............. Kinetic-Tanza Reaper Man SC............................................................................................ D.................................................. 14 18............. CH Stilwell's Heritage Of The Wind SC.............................................................................. D.................................................. 14 20............. FC Suddanly Apex Fresh Air MC........................................................................................ B................................................... 13 20............. CH Veramonte's Khaleesi Mother Of Dragons JC.............................................................. B................................................... 13 20............. CH Zamaradi's Im Not Your Steppin Stone SC................................................................... B................................................... 13 20............. FC Taji's hAfrican Queen Disa SC....................................................................................... B................................................... 13 20............. GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari High Win Warning SC....................................................................... B................................................... 13 20............. FC Emerant Fopaw Triwizard At Tanza BN RA SC CAA....................................................... D.................................................. 13 20............. GCH DC Meisterhaus Never Winter Nights MC................................................................. B................................................... 13 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 41

LGRA Top Twenty Standings July 20, 2015

CALL NAME REGISTERED NAME OWNER YTD 1........... Ari........................ GCH DC Jadaka’s Independent Spirit SC SGRC5 SORC4 LCM TCP TT CGC VB.............................................. Colbert........................................ 18.50 2........... Taziri..................... Joy-Us Hung The Moon GRC................................................................ Colbert.......................................... 8.50 3........... Ireland.................. Flutesong’s Long May You Run............................................................ Doyle/Craigie................................. 6.00 4........... Frankie................. Emerant’s RESPECT.............................................................................. Hart/Hart....................................... 4.00 4........... Liner..................... Apu I Liner GRC.................................................................................... Marsicano..................................... 4.00 4........... Moose.................. Emerant’s Heez Born To Be Wild GRC.................................................. Smith............................................. 4.00 7........... Rocket.................. Joy-Us Shoot For The Moon................................................................. Cook/Hayek................................... 3.50 7........... Tutu...................... Apu Pi De Deux SGRC3......................................................................... Christensen................................... 3.50 7........... Valleri................... Zamardi’s I’m Not Your Stepping Stone............................................... Smith-Falkner................................ 3.50 10......... Kito....................... Bushbabies Tiger’s Eye In The Congo................................................... Langford........................................ 3.00 10......... Rip........................ Apu Richard Parker GRC...................................................................... Christensen/Marsicano................. 3.00 12......... Echo-C.................. FC Taji’s Alster Echo SC......................................................................... Chaffin........................................... 2.00 12......... Flyer..................... Jumoke’s Bebe Le Strange................................................................... Noble............................................. 2.00 12......... Jaden.................... Legend’s Rebel Force By Mibree.......................................................... Schroder........................................ 2.00 12......... Miko..................... FC Skyhi’s Native Infinite Hope SC....................................................... Sumita/Fukuma............................. 2.00 12......... Rocky.................... Kiroja Chicago Hood At Jaroufa SGRC7................................................ Ladick............................................ 2.00 17......... Easton.................. Flutesong’s Night Train........................................................................ Doyle............................................. 1.50 17......... Harley-H............... Sam’s I’ll Tri Anything GRC................................................................... Haggard......................................... 1.50 17......... Skoot.................... Zamaradi’s Lost In Translation............................................................. Smith-Falkner................................ 1.50 17......... Tank!.................... FC Tank! SC.......................................................................................... Hodges/Messec............................. 1.50 17......... Zuni...................... Astarte’s Zuni Breeze at Sun River CGC, SGRC, JOR.............................Garel/Sapios.................................. 1.50

NOTRA Top Twenty Standings June 10, 2015



1.........Moose.................... Emerant’s Heez Born to be Wild SORC............................. Smith.............................................................. 14.00 2.........Ari........................... Jadaka’s Independent Spirit SORC5.................................. Colbert............................................................ 12.00 3.........TuTu........................ Apu Pi De Deux SORC3..................................................... Christensen..................................................... 10.00 4.........Taziri....................... Joy-Us Hung the Moon ORC............................................. Colbert.............................................................. 8.50 5.........Nike........................ Emerant Makindu Heez Got GameSOR ORC.................... Phillips.............................................................. 8.17 6.........Rocket..................... Joy-Us Shoot for the Moon.............................................. Cook/Hayek...................................................... 8.00 6.........Sam......................... Sunbird Suddenly Silver Eagle Samwise the Brave........... Roach / Therrell................................................ 8.00 8.........Remi....................... Emerant’s Heez Reminiscent ORC SOR............................ Smith/Hart........................................................ 5.00 9.........Scarlet.................... Apu Pinache SORC............................................................ Marsicano......................................................... 4.00 10.......Tank........................ Tank! JOR......................................................................... Hodges/Messec................................................ 3.00 11.......Rip.......................... Apu Richard Parker ORC................................................... Christensen/Marsicano.................................... 2.00 12.......Echo-C.................... Taji’s Alster Echo JOR........................................................ Chaffin.............................................................. 1.67 13.......Fiddle...................... Apu Sweet Baby James ORC............................................. Marsicano......................................................... 1.00 13.......Gus......................... Emerant’s Heez Got Gusto SOR ORC................................ Hart................................................................... 1.00 13.......Kyo.......................... Kinetic-Tanza Reaper Man JOR......................................... Voss/Stump/Fragassi........................................ 1.00 16.......Liner....................... Apu I Liner ORC................................................................ Marsicano......................................................... 0.50 17.......Zoe.......................... Taji’s Alster Egofrom Hodari SOR ORC.............................. Chaffin/Campbell.............................................. 0.17

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 42

AUSTRALIA - August 1, 2015 ALL-BREED

1............. Aust Ch Nailah Facing The Fire Bird .......................................................Mrs C Petersen............................................................................... 890 2............. Aust Sup Ch Zandeena A Twist Of Fate ..................................................Millissa Fox..................................................................................... 588 3............. Aust Gr Ch Nonaym Bells of the Congo .................................................Karen Ordar.................................................................................... 578 4............. Aust Ch Zandeena Put You In A Song .....................................................C & K Whinn................................................................................... 471 5............. Aust Sup Ch Zanzipow Poker Face Earnest ............................................Jennifer Power............................................................................... 188 6............. Aust Ch Zandeena Look Good In My Shirt .............................................Millissa Fox & Jennifer Power......................................................... 180 7............. Remwin Against All Odds .......................................................................Mrs L Hughes & Miss T Johnson..................................................... 165 8............. Aust Ch Remwin Miss Congeniality .......................................................L A Hughes...................................................................................... 122 9............. Aust Ch Kitoko Catcher In The Rye .........................................................Helen Briggs..................................................................................... 68 10........... Aust Sup Ch Nailah Chasin The Glory ....................................................Mrs C Petersen................................................................................. 51 11........... Aust Ch Debrak On The Road To Nowhere ............................................AI.............Mrs E M Jackson............................................................... 46 12........... Eurabbie Scarletrose ..............................................................................Rosalie Mayo-Ramsay...................................................................... 30 13........... Aust Sup Ch Remwin Kissmycheek ........................................................Lyn Hughes....................................................................................... 29 14........... Aust Ch Kanibaru Glowing Ember ..........................................................Robyn Thompson............................................................................. 22 15........... Aust Ch Nailah Facing The True Embrace ..............................................Mrs C Petersen................................................................................. 17


1............. Aust Gr Ch Nonaym Bells of the Congo .................................................Karen Ordar.................................................................................... 370 2............. Aust Sup Ch Zandeena A Twist Of Fate ..................................................Millissa Fox..................................................................................... 338 3............. Aust Ch Nonaym Sound of the Congo ...................................................Karen Ordar.................................................................................... 288 4............. Aust Ch Nailah Facing The Fire Bird .......................................................Mrs C Petersen............................................................................... 255 5............. Aust Ch Remwin Miss Congeniality .......................................................L A Hughes...................................................................................... 185 6............. Aust Ch Remwin Cheeky Liasons ...........................................................Lyn Hughes..................................................................................... 184 7............. Aust Ch Debrak On The Road To Nowhere ............................................AI.............Mrs E M Jackson............................................................. 169 8............. Aust Ch Zandeena Look Good In My Shirt .............................................Millissa Fox & Jennifer Power......................................................... 149 9............. Aust Ch Kanibaru Glowing Ember ..........................................................Robyn Thompson........................................................................... 143 10........... Aust Ch Kanibaru Black Elikia .................................................................Dr D Braithwaite............................................................................. 133 11........... Aust Ch Kitoko Catcher In The Rye .........................................................Helen Briggs................................................................................... 129 12........... Aust Ch Afrikenji Hunting High And Low ................................................D & H Veless................................................................................... 111 13........... Remwin Against All Odds .......................................................................Mrs L Hughes & Miss T Johnson..................................................... 110 14........... Zandeena Raining on a Sunday ..............................................................M McMillan & M Fox...................................................................... 103 15........... Jebelmarra Cool Deception ...................................................................Robyn Thompson........................................................................... 101 16........... Kanibaru Heavenly Aurora .....................................................................Mrs Leanne Cooper........................................................................ 100 17........... Tamsala Whats Up Pussykat ..................................................................Heather & Philip McCarthy.............................................................. 98 18........... Aust Ch Nikrus Zoomy Safari ..................................................................Mrs C Benson................................................................................... 94 19........... Aust Ch Bkela Kobi Askari ......................................................................D Lindqvist & M Calderwood........................................................... 88 20........... Aust Ch Bkela Meeam Mali ....................................................................D Lindqvist & M Calderwood........................................................... 81


1............. Aust Ch Nailah Facing The Fire Bird .......................................................Mrs C Petersen............................................................................... 675 2............. Kanibaru Heavenly Aurora .....................................................................Mrs Leanne Cooper........................................................................ 480 3............. Aust Ch Zandeena Look Good In My Shirt .............................................Millissa Fox & Jennifer Power......................................................... 475 4............. Aust Ch Remwin Miss Congeniality .......................................................L A Hughes...................................................................................... 470 5............. Aust Ch Kitoko Catcher In The Rye .........................................................Helen Briggs................................................................................... 325 6............. Jebelmarra Cool Deception ...................................................................Robyn Thompson........................................................................... 295 7............. Karamo Dancing Leopard .......................................................................A & C Curnick................................................................................. 280 8............. Remwin Against All Odds .......................................................................Mrs L Hughes & Miss T Johnson..................................................... 230 9............. Tamsala Whats Up Pussykat ..................................................................Heather & Philip McCarthy............................................................ 175 10........... Kanibaru Magic Mike .............................................................................Millissa Fox..................................................................................... 160


1............. Aust Sup & Neut Ch Tamsala Mitena Magic ..........................................Jess Walker..................................................................................... 960 2............. Aust Neut Ch Remwin Dark Image .........................................................Mrs C Benson................................................................................. 115 3............. Aust Ch Nikrus African Pa Meisie ...........................................................Mrs C Benson................................................................................... 60 4............. Aust & Neut Ch Wazazi High Definition .................................................Mr Jason Cook and Dr Jeffrey Lumb................................................. 55 5............. Aust Neut Ch Zanzipow Pure Red Poppy ...............................................Lisa-Jane Hunter............................................................................... 35


1............. NAILAH ..................................................................................................Mrs C Petersen............................................................................... 370 2............. ZANDEENA .............................................................................................Millissa Fox..................................................................................... 340 3............. NONAYM ................................................................................................Karen Ordar.................................................................................... 215 4............. REMWIN ................................................................................................Lyn Hughes....................................................................................... 70 5............. ZANZIPOW .............................................................................................J Power............................................................................................. 10 6............. DEBRAK ..................................................................................................E M Jackson........................................................................................ 5 ............... EURABBIE ...............................................................................................Rosalie Mayo-Ramsay........................................................................ 5

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 43

CANADA - BREED & ALL-BREED STANDINGS BREED POINTS CURRENT TO June 15, 2015 Standings updated on August 19, 2015


Dog Name

All Breed BOB

Specialty BOB


1............Remeseb’s Knight Garret(M).................................................................... 2.........................................0.....................................12 2............Bushwacker Champagne Supernova(F).................................................... 2.........................................0.....................................10 3............Ch Africanadian PBJ Of AhmahrNahr(F)................................................... 6.........................................0.......................................9 4............Mankia’s Zuri Shetani Ekundu(F).............................................................. 4.........................................0.......................................6 5............Wasenshi’s Girl on Fire(F)......................................................................... 5.........................................0.......................................5 6............Africanadian Lian AhmahrNahr(F)........................................................... 14........................................0.......................................3 6............Mata Hauri Ruby Red Beez(F).................................................................. 0.........................................1.......................................3 6............Mankias MBibi(F)..................................................................................... 2.........................................0.......................................3 6............Wasenshi Courting Chaos(M)................................................................... 2.........................................0.......................................3 6............Ch Orru’s Leather N Lace(F)..................................................................... 3.........................................0.......................................3 11..........Khani’s Aca-Pella Orru(F).......................................................................... 2.........................................0.......................................2 11..........Ch Ahmahr Nahr’s Best Of The Best(M).................................................. 14........................................1.......................................2 11..........Ch Meisterhaus Take A Chance On Me(F)............................................... 10........................................0.......................................2 11..........Ch Emerant’s R E S P E C T(F).................................................................... 2.........................................0.......................................2 15..........Ch Kandem Summit No Regrets(F)........................................................... 0.........................................1.......................................1 15..........Ch Bushwacker Cor Leonis(M)................................................................. 4.........................................1.......................................1 15..........Emerant’s Hush Hush............................................................................... 1.........................................0.......................................1


Dog Name







1............Ch Ahmahr Nahr’s Best Of The Best(M).......................................................... 0.............0............ 1........... 4............. 2..............174 2............GCh Ahmahr Nahr’s Hallelujah Makes A Joyful Noise(F)................................. 0.............0............ 3........... 1............. 0..............148 3............Ch Ahmahr Nahr’s Sacred Shaman(M)............................................................ 0.............2............ 1........... 1............. 3..............132 4............Ch Meisterhaus Take A Chance On Me(F)....................................................... 0.............0............ 2........... 2............. 2..............104 5............Ch Emerant’s R E S P E C T(F)........................................................................... 0.............0............ 1........... 1............. 0................50 6............Mankia’s Zuri Shetani Ekundu(F)..................................................................... 0.............1............ 2........... 0............. 0................38 7............Bushwacker Mercury Rising(M)...................................................................... 0.............2............ 0........... 1............. 0................35 8............Mata Hauri Ruby Red Beez(F)......................................................................... 0.............0............ 0........... 0............. 1................32 9............Wasenshi’s Girl on Fire(F)................................................................................ 0.............1............ 1........... 0............. 0................30 10..........Miloki’s Trouble B’rooing(M)........................................................................... 0.............0............ 0........... 2............. 2................28 11..........Africanadian Lian AhmahrNahr(F)................................................................... 0.............0............ 0........... 2............. 0................23 12..........Remeseb’s Knight Garret(M)........................................................................... 0.............0............ 0........... 1............. 0................19 13..........Arubmec’s Take A Chance On Me(M).............................................................. 0.............0............ 2........... 1............. 1................17 14..........Africanadian Khufu Ahmahr Nahr(M)............................................................. 0.............0............ 0........... 1............. 1................12 15..........Bushwacker Champagne Supernova(F)........................................................... 0.............0............ 0........... 0............. 0................10 16..........Ch Africanadian PBJ Of AhmahrNahr(F).......................................................... 0.............0............ 0........... 0............. 0..................9 17..........Mankias MBibi(F)............................................................................................ 0.............0............ 0........... 0............. 0..................3 17..........Wasenshi Courting Chaos(M).......................................................................... 0.............0............ 0........... 0............. 0..................3 17..........Ch Orru’s Leather N Lace(F)............................................................................ 0.............0............ 0........... 0............. 0..................3 20..........Khani’s Aca-Pella Orru(F)................................................................................. 0.............0............ 0........... 0............. 0..................2

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 44

FINLAND Standings JULY 17, 2015


Pisteet/Points 1 Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever..............................................81 2 Bulldobas Baroos In The Night...........................................44 3 Klassic’s Daydream Believer...............................................37 4 Perrada Unican Guru The Great.........................................29 4 Rosone’s Vino Vermentino.................................................29 4 Sternhimmels Orvar Odd...................................................29 7 Orange Pips Codename Kyril..............................................28 8 Hi-Lite Candy Cane.............................................................26 8 Sternhimmels Omen Bonum..............................................26 10 Perrada Unican Impressive................................................26 11 Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wise Guy................................................15 12 Bastillin Andy McRed.........................................................14 12 Bulldobas No Regrets.........................................................14 14 Dakarai Long Play...............................................................13 15 Bastillin Ants ’N The Pants.................................................12 15 Linnanportin Adhafera.......................................................12 15 Orange Pips Don Octavio...................................................12 15 Vanguardian Special Edition...............................................12 19 Bulldobas Zappa Safeguard..................................................8 19 Hi-Lite Cola Candy................................................................8 19 Orange Pips Awesome Omega.............................................8 22 Ajibu Life And Soul...............................................................7 23 Ajibu Jumping Jack Flash......................................................6 23 Heriaheri Viridian Green......................................................6 23 Sternhimmels Optimus Maximus.........................................6

Vuoden Narttu / Bitches

Pisteet/Points 1 Bulldobas Belle Bubbling Under........................................61 2 Faraoland La Vie En Rose...................................................40 3 Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wow Factor............................................38 4 Hi-Lite Cotton Candy..........................................................37 5 Sternhimmels Opera Operata............................................36 6 I Know A Secret Afrikata.....................................................35 7 Sternhimmels Nota Prima..................................................28 8 Nature’s Masterpiece Dazzling Diamond...........................27 8 Sternhimmels In Dulci Iubilo..............................................27 10 Perrada Unican Iron ComesFrom Meroe...........................23 11 Orange Pips Duchess O’Devonshire...................................22 12 Perrada Unican Ishall Wear Midnight................................19 13 Bulldobas Cute As A Button...............................................16 13 Dakarai Gigglebelly............................................................16 15 Motion Of Life At Wild Africa.............................................14 15 Rosone’s Retro Regina.......................................................14 17 Furahan Java Jamela..........................................................13 18 Golden Stars of Swala Pala.................................................12 19 Vanguardian Token of Luck................................................10 20 Sternhimmels In Optima Forma...........................................9 21 Orange Pips Dahlia Express..................................................8 21 Rosone’s Viola Vernaccia.....................................................8 23 Ajibu Like A Dream...............................................................7 24 Perrada Unican Good Gadget............................................28 21 Furahan Java Jamela............................................................6


Sukupuoli/Sex Pisteet/Points 1 Sternhimmels In Dulci Iubilo...................................................narttu/bitch..................................................................................... 15 2 Bulldobas No Regrets................................................................ uros/dog....................................................................................... 10 2 Orange Pips Awesome Omega.................................................. uros/dog....................................................................................... 10 4 Sternhimmels In Optima Forma..............................................narttu/bitch....................................................................................... 7 5 Linnanportin Adhafera.............................................................. uros/dog......................................................................................... 5 6 Orange Pips African Violet......................................................narttu/bitch....................................................................................... 1

VUODEN PENTU / PUPPIES Sukupuoli/Sex Pisteet/Points 1 Bulldobas Sapphire Safeguard.............................................. narttu/bitch........................................................................................5

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 45

SWEDEN STANDINGS - Top 20 Basenjis July 26, 2015

HANAR UTSTÄLLNING/DOG STANDINGS Plac Namn/Name Ägare/Owner Poäng/Points 1..... NORD JV-14 SE JV-14 Barkless Xtreme Dimension.......................................................... Birgitta & Emma Prahl.................................................... 66 2..... C.I.B NORD FI UCH FI V12 NORD V-10-11 SE V-14Enigma Just Watch Me....................... Madelene Lönn & Sofie Krigholm................................... 62 3..... DK EE INT NORD UCH NORD V-08 SE V-08-09- SE&NO V-07 WW-11-13 SE VV-15 Faraoland Bluetooth Enigma....................................................................................... Sofie Krigholm................................................................ 59 4..... SE UCH Miss Amazing’s Dream Hunter............................................................................ Camilla Lebzien............................................................... 42 5..... C.I.B NORD EE UCH NORDJ V-11 Kenjaali Heere’s Johnny.............................................. Birgitta & Emma Prahl.................................................... 40 6..... SE JV-15 Shahrans Fizzy Bubble....................................................................................... Ann-Charlotte Wikell...................................................... 38 7..... NORD US UCH Jasiri-Sukari Win Diesel............................................................................ Carina Morén Jansson.................................................... 27 8..... SE DK AU UCH Zandeena A Twist In The Tail.................................................................... Therese Kindberg............................................................ 23 9..... Nganga’s Big-Foot............................................................................................................ Yvonne Adolfsson........................................................... 14 10... Turbolines Taste Of Africa................................................................................................ Annika & Erica Jonsson................................................... 13 11... SE DK UCH Faraoland Saga Zulu....................................................................................... Gun-Lis Dahlström............................................................ 9 12... C.I.B NORD UCH Zahleka Emile Emilion........................................................................... Yvonne Adolfsson............................................................. 7 *...... Rayas Minds Windy Wind................................................................................................ Diana Bjurström & Carina Johansson............................... 7 14... SE JV-12 SE V-12 Elegant Elephant Cosmos Concert........................................................ Eva Innala......................................................................... 5

TIKAR UTSTÄLLNING/BITCH STANDINGS 1..... NORD UCH C.I.B NORD JV-10 NORD V-10 SE V-11 NO V-12 Kimwitu’s Zolotaya.............. Therese Kindberg............................................................ 65 5..... NORD JV-14 Shahrans Tutti Frutti.................................................................................... Maria & Therese Kindberg.............................................. 53 2..... Enigma I Live For The Applause....................................................................................... Daniella Sjölund.............................................................. 52 3..... SE DK UCH SE V-13-14-15 Behukai Egyptian Treasure..................................................... Anders Gryhed................................................................ 51 4..... SE JV-15 Enigma Posing For Paparazzi............................................................................. Lisa Barkeskog, Madelene Lönn & Sofie Krigholm.......... 50 6..... Kincha’s A Star Is Born..................................................................................................... Gun-Lis Dahlström.......................................................... 31 7..... SE NO UCH NORD JV-11 Enigma I Have A Dream............................................................ Carina Morén Jansson & Sofie Krigholm........................ 25 8..... SE UCH NORD JV-09 SE V-10 Khani’s Midnight Star......................................................... Madelene Lönn & Sofie Krigholm................................... 24 9..... Rayas Minds Winning Winnie.......................................................................................... Diana Bjurström & Carina Johansson............................. 17 10... North Exotic All Time Favourite....................................................................................... Yvonne Adolfsson........................................................... 13 11... SE UCH Yulara Stellaria.................................................................................................... Monica Massih............................................................... 12 *...... Touch Of Razz Pink Champagne...................................................................................... Carina Morén Jansson.................................................... 12 *...... C.I.B DK V-13 NORD UCH NORD V-12 Kenjaali Frankly My Dear...................................... Naranja Persson.............................................................. 12 *...... Haute Couture Out Of Africa........................................................................................... Helena Strömbert, Cecilia Kocman................................. 11 15... SE DK UCH SE JV-13 NO JV-13 Shahrans Starlet............................................................... Maria & Therese Kindberg................................................ 9 16... Turbolines Taste Of Glory................................................................................................ Annika & Erica Jonsson..................................................... 8 *...... Wazin Red Jubile.............................................................................................................. Linda Ahlquist & Kristina Krol........................................... 8 *...... Yulara Kassia.................................................................................................................... Camilla Lebzien................................................................. 8 19... Zahleka Winter Wonderland........................................................................................... Anna-Karin Bengtsson...................................................... 7 20... Barkless Lash Queen Celebration.................................................................................... Annie Schallengruber & Cecilia Kocman........................... 5

VETERAN STANDINGS 1..... DK,EE,INT&NORD UCH NORD V-08 SE V-08-09- SE&NO V-07 WW-11-13 SE VV-15 Faraoland Bluetooth Enigma...................................................................................... Sofie Krigholm.................................................................24 2..... Yulara Kassia.................................................................................................................... Camilla Lebzien..................................................................9 3..... SE DK UCH Faraoland Saga Zulu....................................................................................... Gun-Lis Dahlström.............................................................2

LURE COURSING STANDINGS - AS OF JULY 21, 2015 1..... SE LCCH* Yulara Papaya................................................................................................... Monica Massih................................................................85 2..... SE LCCH* Yulara Okapi..................................................................................................... Maria Löwbeer................................................................82 3..... Orange Pips Darling Walz With Me................................................................................. Ann-Kristin Skog...............................................................47 4..... Emerald........................................................................................................................... Ann-Kristin Skog...............................................................46 5..... SE LCCH* Yulara Poko Bitima........................................................................................... Paula Malmström............................................................40 6..... SE UCH SE LCCH* Yulara Stellaria.................................................................................... Monica Massih................................................................37 7..... SE UCH Yulara Tamarack.................................................................................................. Maria Löwbeer................................................................30 8..... Thin-Lizzy......................................................................................................................... Ann-Kristin Skog...............................................................31

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 46

AKC TOP 10 JUNIORS As of July 31, 2015

Rank...... Junior Name.............................................. Best/Top Junior Wins........................... Class Wins...................... Total Defeated 1............ Amiah Nelson............................................................... 1..................................................... 2....................................................29 2............ Cameron Hane.............................................................. 0..................................................... 1....................................................10 3............ Charizma Elek............................................................... 0..................................................... 4......................................................7 4............ Gillian Irene McKim...................................................... 1..................................................... 0......................................................3 5............ Natasha Hughes............................................................ 0..................................................... 0......................................................1 5............ Sonia Pinkal................................................................... 1..................................................... 1......................................................1

UNITED KENNEL CLUB TOP 10 BASENJIS ALL EVENTS THROUGH JUNE 14, 2015 1. ...........PTE UWP URO2 GRCH Bushwacker Kiroja Breaking Bad...........................Kelli Harmon........................................................ 18 2. ...........CH Timar Kaleonahe’s Evening Mist.......................................................... Jean D Martin....................................................... 12 3............CH Kiroja Palace Buzzer Beater................................................................. Kelli Harmon........................................................ 10 4............CH Kiroja Motor City Bad Boy................................................................... Kelli Harmon......................................................... 8 4............CH Sonbar Determined Talker Jaiye.......................................................... Yvonne Ricroft, Sally Wuornos, Kari Wuornos Winger............................................ 8 6............CH Undercover AB UR A Bell Ringer.......................................................... Wanda K Pooley.................................................... 6 7............CH Nowata I Am Amazing......................................................................... Supachat Preedasuth............................................ 5 8............CH Starfyre Dyarra Giv It A Tri................................................................... Lori J Baxter........................................................... 4 8............CH Ankhu Across The Universe................................................................. William Clayton Bunyard....................................... 4 8............CH Ankhu Ottaray Benjimen Bones........................................................... Terry Fiedler.......................................................... 4 8............CH Remeseb’s Knight Garnet..................................................................... Katie Besemer....................................................... 4

NORWAY Top Winners - July 2015 HANNER/DOGS


1............Ch Doberguard’s Ramses Of The Nile............................43 2............African Star....................................................................41 3............Ashikis Hot Drama In Rio...............................................36 4............Bulldobas Bubbler To Bushongo....................................15 5............Ch Farlanders Can You See It Now................................12 6............North Exotic Born 2 Be Wild..........................................11 7............Kingwanas Morning Mist................................................9 8............Ashikis You Could Be Mine..............................................2 9............Shahrans American Eagle................................................1

1............Ch Kingwanas Jitterbug.................................................46 2............Kingwanas Lovebug.......................................................33 3............North Exotic Born 2 Succeed.........................................33 4............Kardohill’s Queen Latifah..............................................18 5............Kingwanas Little Love....................................................12 6............Ch Ashikis Whisper In The Dark....................................10 7............African Rose..................................................................10 8............Doberguard’s Queen Of The Nile....................................6 9............Ashikis Key To Love..........................................................6 10..........Ch Kingwanas Kiss Me Quick...........................................4 11..........Ch Kingwanas Foxy Femme Fatale..................................3 *.............Ch Kingwanas Glory Of The Spotlight..............................3 13..........Ch Shahrans Wish Upon A Star.......................................3 14..........Bushongo Double Joy......................................................1 *.............North Exotic All I Do Is Win.............................................1

VALPER/PUPPIES 1............Boxzent’s Roquepine.....................................................46 2............Kingwanas Khanis Partners In Crime.............................41 3............Kingwanas Pretty Wildbug............................................24 4............Kingwanas Never Kiss A Frog........................................17 5............Kingwanas Official Moonwalk.......................................16 *.............Kingwanasart-Time Gangster........................................16 *.............Kingwanas Plausible Alibi..............................................10

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 47

UNITED KINGDOM RANKINGS UK CHAMPION SHOW WINNERS THROUGH AUGUST 1, 2015 Prepared by Sally Wallis, Zande Basenjis Name.......................................................................................................................... D/B................... CC.................. RCC.......... BOB Am / GB Ch Klassic’s Girl With A Curl (Imp) ......................................................................... B....................... 6.......................2..................4 GB Ch Kissangani Caught in the Act For Milukris.................................................................. D ...................... 5.......................3..................3 Swanwite Katrionah............................................................................................................. B....................... 1.......................0..................1 Swanwite Karaleigh.............................................................................................................. B....................... 2.......................3..................2 Woodella Gold Standard at Crosscop .................................................................................. D....................... 2.......................1..................0 GB Ch Jisgard Daydream Believer......................................................................................... B....................... 2.......................0..................0 GB Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue.................................................................................................. D....................... 1.......................0..................1 Rebel Rebel of Bushwacker.................................................................................................. D....................... 1.......................2..................0 BIS, BISS Supreme AUS Ch Afrikenji Hot August Knight (imp).............................................. B....................... 1.......................0..................0 GB & Int Ch Tokaji American Gigolo at Embeau JW Sh......................................................... B....................... 1.......................0..................0

RESERVE CC WINNERS FOR 2015 Name.....................................................................................D/B................. RCC.....................................................................Show Abuluka Natemba For Embeau (Imp) .......................................... D..................... 1st.................................................................... Windsor GB Ch Chagmas Dream On .......................................................... D..................... 1st...............................................................Manchester Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wild Child of Memetuka................................... B..................... 1st.................................................... Southern Counties GB Ch Kissangani Caught in the Act for Milukris.......................... D..................... 1st................................. Hound Association of Scotland ................................................................................................................... 2nd................................................................. Blackpool .................................................................................................................... 3rd......................................................... East of England GB Ch Kissangani Life Of The Party .............................................. B..................... 1st...............................................................Manchester ................................................................................................................... 2nd....................................................................... Crufts GB Ch Kissangani Shining Star at Embeau.................................... B..................... 1st................................. Hound Association of Scotland ................................................................................................................... 2nd......................................... Northern Basenji Society AM GB Ch Klassic’s Girl With A Curl.............................................. D..................... 1st ................................................................. Blackpool ................................................................................................................... 2nd................................................................... Windsor IT HR H RO Ch Momba Tonga Charlie........................................... D..................... 1st........................................................................ Crufts Rebel Rebel of Bushwacker.......................................................... D..................... 1st.................................................... Southern Counties ................................................................................................................... 2nd.............................................................Hound Show Savannastorm Dragon Lord.......................................................... D..................... 1st................................................ Birmingham National Swanwite Karaleigh...................................................................... B..................... 1st................................................................... SKC (May ................................................................................................................... 2nd........................................................ East of England .................................................................................................................... 3rd..............................................................Hound Show Woodella Gold Standard at Crosscop........................................... D..................... 1st.................................................................. SKC (May) Woodella Hot Property with Induna............................................ D..................... 1st.......................................... Northern Basenji Society GB Ch Zordia’s Wazzala................................................................. B..................... 1st................................................ Birmingham National

CORRECTION: In the 2nd quarter 2015 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide, the UK Reserve Winners Tally incorrected listed Savannastorm Dragon Lord as a Bitch. We want to set the record straight as this basenji is a Dog. He is listed corrected in the above tally. We apologize for this error.

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Upcoming Events – Around the World DATE



Sept. 19, 2015


Sept 19, 2015


Oct. 10, 2015


Oct. 10, 2015


Oct. 26 - Nov. 1, 2015


Oct. 10, 2015


Nov. 14-15, 2016


Dec. 5, 2015


Dec. 6, 2015


Dec. 12-13, 2015


Dec. 12, 2015


Jan. 8, 2016


Feb. 15-16, 2016 Hounds Feb. 15th


BASENJI CLUB OF CANADA Terrebonne, Quebec In conjunction with Club Canin Chomedey Show Chair: Sanda Allen, Show Secretary: Pascal Pontois, Conformation Judge: Marianne Klinekowski Sweepstakes: Mrs. Lynn Arrand BASENJI FANCIERS OF GREATER PHOENIX Prescott Valley, AZ Offering the National Owner Handled Series Competition Superintendent: Jack Onofrio Dog Shows, Inc. Specialty is in conjunction with Prescott Arizona Kennel Club Judge: Rosemarie Crandahl Sweepstakes: R. J. Mysliwiec, Jr. BASENJI OWNERS & BREEDERS ASSOCIATION Judge: Mr. Simon Parsons BASENJI CLUB OF NSW, INC Orchard Hills, NSW, Australia Breed Judge: Ms Leila Kärkäs (Finland) Property & Special Classes: Mr Wayne Burton (NSW BASENJI CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. NATIONAL SPECIALTY Eisenhower Hotel and Conference Center Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Conformation: Mr. Michael Work Sweepstakes: Ms. Julie Jones BASENJI CLUB OF NSW, INC Orchard Hills, NSW, Australia Breed Judge: Ms Leila Kärkäs (Finland) Property & Special Classes: Mr Wayne Burton (NSW INTERNATIONAL ALL BREED CANINE ASSOCIATION AUTUMN STIEGER Purina Farms, Gray Summit, MO 4 Shows in two days HELSINKI WINNER SHOW Messukeskus, Helsinki Judge: Esa Ruotsalainen, Finland VOITTAJA WINNER SHOW Messukeskus, Helsinki Judge: Jussi Liimatainen, Finland LADIES KENNEL ASSOCIATION Judge: Marian Pursglove AKC/EUKANUBA CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW Orlando, FL Judge: TBA INLAND EMPIRE HOUND CLUB OF SO. CALIFORNIA Indio, CA Judge: Susan E. Paine (p) WESTMINSTER KENNEL CLUB New York, NY Basenji Judge: Ms. Barbara Pepper Hound Group: Ms. Virginia Lyne, Canada CRUFTS Birmingham Basenji Judge: Mr P. Singleton

March 10-13, 2015 Hounds-Mar 13th


The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 49

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MAGAZINE STAFF Editors : Wanda Pooley, Melody Falcone, A. Tad Brooks Magazine Design Wanda Pooley Advertising Managers Melody Falcone & A. Tad Brooks Ad Designer Melody Falcone Copy Editing Anne Rogers Maxine Elliott M. Susan Joyner

Contact the Advertising Manager for layout details before sending sending camera-ready ads. Send inquiries to The Modern Basenji -- Worldwide 221 Oak Wood Road Kerrville, TX 78028 (830) 257-0481

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Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publishers. The Modern Basenji takes no responsibility for statements or claims made in advertisements. We reserve the right to edit and/or refuse all copy. We are not responsible for errors in camera-ready ads that come in from an outside designer. All manuscripts become the property of The Modern Basenji. Ads that are custom designed by our Advertising Staff are the property of The Modern Basenji. Reports, tallies and photographs of events submitted by individuals are published as space allows. Any win photos must be identified.

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