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The Modern Basenji - Worldwide is published quarterly in print and online. 4TH QUARTER 2014 VOLUME 4, ISSUE 4



Editor’s Message, by Wanda Pooley


Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency - What has Changed? by Wanda Pooley


Preserving the Breed Standard, by E. Katie Gammill


Russian Basenji Specialty Show Report, by Sally Wallis


“B” Legal Blog, by Karla Schreiber


The Basenji in Africa, by Elspet Ford, UK


My World, by Kya


EVENT RESULTS 26-35 36-37 38-39 40-42 42 43 44-45

BCOA National Specialty Basenji Club of Northern California Basenji Fancers of Greater Phoenix Russia Basenji Club Specialty World Dog Show, Finland Basenji Klub Bohemia June Show Basenji Klub Bohemia August Show

46-47 Estonian Basenji Club Specialty 47 UK - Hound Championship Show 48 Basenji Club of Great Britain Championship Show 48 Basenji Owners & Breeders Assoc. Championship Show 49-50 Basenji Club of Canada National Specialty 51 Basenji Club of NSW Specialty


St Petersburg, Russia

BASENJI RANKINGS 52 53 54 54 55 55 56

Preserving the Breed Standard

AKC Breed & All-Breed Top 20 Standings AKC GCH & GCH Medallion Recipients AKC Owner Handled Series - Top 20 for 2014 UKC Top 10 Standings AKC Top 20 Lure Coursing rankings ASFA Top 20 Standings LGRA Top 20 Standings

56 57 58 59 60 61 61

NOTRA Top 20 Standings Australia - All-Breed & Breed Rankings Canada CKC Top 20 basenjis Sweden Top 20 Standings Finland Top 20 Standings United Kingdom - Top Rankings Brazil Standings

Basenji Specialty





2 Table of Contents 3 Advertisers 62 Advertising and Subscription Rates

Africa The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 2



inding the right show site for a national specialty comes with plenty of challenges, especially with all the events that are now offered over the weeklong event. Fifteen years ago a show ring and a nearby large field were all that were required. Today, we need that same show ring, a fully matted obedience ring, 10,000 sq. ft. of space for an agility trial, and a lot of open ground for coursing and racing. One of the best facilities in the country was discovered during the planning of the 2010 show. Island Grove Regional Park in Greeley, Colorado has everything a club could need (or so I thought.) Not only does this place fulfill all the requirements, it even has over 200 RV spaces for all the “road warrior” exhibitors. Personally, I thought, “It can’t get any better than this.” I was proven wrong! The 2014 BCOA National Specialty was held at Purina Farms in Gray Summit, Missouri, a facility that is headand-shoulders above any place to hold such an event. The amazingly well-lit, climate-controlled, state-of-the-art Purina Event Center at 84,000 square feet is perfection in its own right. The Great Hall boasts 45,000 sq. ft. with the adjacent Gateway Hall providing another 13,500 sq. ft. The agility ring, almost dwarfed in the Great Hall, has its own artificial turf and comes fully equipped. It would make any die-hard agility competitor drool with excitement. Need to bathe your dog before the big show? Say no more. Six professional-quality dog bathing stations are located across from the grooming hall. Need to make a quick change of clothes? Don’t struggle in a cramped bathroom stall; just stop in one of the handler changing rooms. Outside, the center sprawls over the beautiful rolling hills of Missouri. There is almost no end to the well-groomed grounds for walking your dogs. Don’t want to go for a stroll? Take advantage of the two large, securely fenced dog runs. Our basenjis loved these huge, grassy yards to stretch their legs! Purina Farms has plenty of RV space, coupled with full-service amenities not found at most shows. A bonus feature for the RV want-to-be is the ease of renting a camping trailer that is delivered and set up on site for you. This year drew a large number of newbie campers simply because of ready access to three local trailer rental companies. The camaraderie with so many campers on the grounds over the week was wonderful. It felt like a small village. The 10-acre field for lure coursing and racing was just a 3-minute drive from the Center. Completely secure, the grounds offer excellent footing for the dogs, a pavilion for trial secretaries, and plenty of space to set up chairs to watch the action. It doesn’t get any better than this for both dogs and people. Exhibitors’ eyes sparkled all week about the quality of this show site. If ever there was a facility truly meant for dog competition, this was it! It wasn’t long before the buzz was, “We should have our national specialty here all the time!” First, this site is so popular it is already booked until 2020; second, this notion made a few people a bit anxious


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Behles, Jennie


Behles, Jennie


Behles, Jennie


Cook, Susan


Fox, Millissa


Hesse Laura


Jones, Carrie


Joyner, Susan


Whitehurst, Gale


that the BCOA would fix the location for the national specialty to the same spot every year. One concern, especially because Purina Farms is situated in the central region of the US, is that dogs would eventually become homogenized -- look more like Midwest dogs since many of the breeders from that area would be the most likely to attend. However, I feel this is an unfounded concern. The 2006 national specialty, for example, was held on the east coast in Rhode Island (another beautiful spot, by the way.) According to the superintendent, when I asked where attendees came from, the west coast actually brought the largest number of entries and in particular, the state of California! Clearly, exhibitors are willing to travel, as they have always been, to such a prestigious event. Moreover, Purina Farms is so big that two medium-sized breed clubs can easily share the space and not bump into each other. This is a plus for both clubs for hiring judges and splitting rental costs. An even bigger plus is that people can learn about another breed and maybe discover the challenges those owners face that might be different from ours. This is all food for thought as we, the dog fancy, ponder ways to fill that gap created by those who have left the sport for one reason or another. It is easy to put things in a personal perspective; however, it’s more important to view the situation from the eyes of all the dog fanciers. Do I want to travel 1500 miles or even a 1000 every year? Heck, no! I doubt anyone would stick their hand in the air to exclaim “Yes, me, me, me!” However, I would gladly do this if it meant giving our basenjis the perfect place for all of us to see them in action.h

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by Wanda Pooley

Years ago my basenji, Rock, was diagnosed with Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI,) which means the pancreas can no longer secrete digestive enzymes to break down fat, protein, and starch. This autoimmune, wasting disease will kill its host if it is left unchecked. The diagnosis, using the canine Trypsin-Like Immunoreactivity (cTLI) blood test, was clear-cut. What wasn’t so clear-cut was the time it took to arrive at the decision to even draw blood for this particular test.



ock began showing some odd symptoms about mid-August of 2003, just at the onset of breeding season. His weight started to drop, his anxiety level increased, and his stools began to change. I tried to justify the weight loss and anxiety as these were not unusual for a frustrated male living with three girls in season, but the appearance of his stools bothered me. I kicked up Rock’s food intake to compensate for his weight loss -- something he was most happy about as he chowed down these larger portions. However, his stools got worse, and he started emitting a foul smell from his anus. This, coupled with Rock’s weight change, prompted me to have the vet examine him. During the next several weeks, Rock was evaluated for food allergies, gastrointestinal issues, anxiety, parasites, you name it! The vet ran complete chemistry and CBC panels, but all the test results were normal and with no indications of infection anywhere! By the end of September Rock was a mere shadow of himself - ribs and hip bones sticking out everywhere. His appetite was voracious as he greedily gobbled anything that even slightly resembled food. While Internet search engines were relatively adequate back then, they were nothing compared to the abundance of information they can churn out today. At last I finally stumbled across an article on a scientific website that provided an indepth study of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Now armed with

Rock, looking the picture of health two years after being diagnosed with EPI.

more knowledge, I asked my vet to draw blood from Rock for the cTLI test. Bingo! The normal reference range for a canine is 5-35 ug/L. Rock tested 0.44! In all likelihood, Rock had very little exocrine tissue left in his pancreas to process all that food I was giving him. That also explained the greasy, foul-smelling substance leaking from his anus. The fat in his food, running straight through Rock, was turning into voluminous, foul-smelling yellow “cow pie” stools. It took a few weeks to stabilize Rock’s condition. His diet was changed and supplemental pancreatic enzymes were added to his meals to help his disgestive system process food more efficiently. Since there is no cure for EPI, Rock’s new rations, coupled with these supplemental digestive enzymes, became his lifeline to survival. A month later he had gained back most of his weight and looked more like a normal dog. Over the years I made a few tweaks to his food and eventually changed the type of digestive enzymes he was getting. He continued to thrive and was the glow of health up until the day he died. Fast forward to today. What has changed since I first experienced the diagnosis and care of an EPI dog? The one thing that hasn’t changed is the fact that EPI is a killer if it isn’t diagnosed quickly and managed with enzyme supplements.

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A GENETIC LINK? As a breeder one of the first things that popped into my head was the concern of a genetic link. I learned in my search that no breed of dog is exempt from getting EPI, even mixed-breed dogs suffer from this affliction. Early on, I had read a fascinating paper, “Pancreatic Acinar Atrophy in German Shepherd dogs and Rough-Coated Collies,” by Maria Wiberg, published in Helsinki, Finland in 2003. Back then this was probably one of the most detailed studies that I could find about the incidence level of EPI in canines, especially a suspected defective gene link in the German Shepherd Dog (GSD.) For years many felt there was a clear case for a such genetic link in this particular breed. However, just two years ago, research efforts aimed at identifying any genetic variation underlying EPI in GSD to help breeders eliminate this disease fell short of the mark. According to “Current Status of Genetic Studies of Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency in Dogs,” by Leigh Anne Clark, PhD and Melissa L. Cox, PhD [2012], their findings revealed: “Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) is a disorder wherein the pancreas fails to secrete adequate amounts of digestive enzymes. In dogs, EPI is usually the consequence of an autoimmune disease known as pancreatic acinar atrophy. Originally believed to be a simple autosomal recessive disorder, a test-breeding recently revealed that EPI has a more complex mode of inheritance. The contributions

of multiple genes, combined with environmental factors, may explain observed variability in clinical presentation and progression of this disease. Research efforts aim to identify genetic variations underlying EPI to assist breeders in their efforts to eliminate this disease from their breed and provide clinicians with new targets for therapeutic intervention and/or disease prevention. Genome-wide linkage, global gene expression, and candidate gene analyses have failed to identify a major locus or genetic variations in German Shepherd Dogs with EPI. Recently, genome-wide association studies revealed numerous genomic regions associated with EPI.” Since this study has demonstrated that EPI is not a simple recessive disease, it remains unclear whether there is a genetic cause based on different populations, multiple genetic variants, environment, or a combination of both. Some of those environmental factors might include the overuse of vaccinations, diet, and/or stress. Since the new vaccination protocols were introduced about 10 years ago, many owners have stopped giving those annual vaccinations to their dogs. It would be of interest to learn if this change has influenced the number of dogs diagnosed with EPI today. Moreover, the interest in the canine diet has skyrocketed in the same decade, too. Many dog owners have switched to feeding a raw diet to their carnivores instead of using commercially prepared ones. Could this type of diet havee a more positive effect on a dog’s autoimmune system?

Another a Picture of Health... By Lisa Marshall, ARENDAHL Champion Arendahl's Summerfest, also known as Flora, was born on September 30, 2001. She just turned 13 and still looks like a far younger dog in spite of her EPI. She was an apparently healthy normal basenji until the spring of her 6th year, March 2007. Flora was always a very good eater with no history of diarrhea, stomach upsets, food sensitivities, or allergies. In 2007 she lost weight and developed soft yellow stools pretty much simultaneously. Within just a couple of weeks she went from 22 to about 18 pounds, a pretty rapid decline. She and her housemates started eating her stools, something I had never encountered before. Within 2 weeks Flora was tested for EPI and started on VioKase V® powdered enzymes even before the results of the EPI test came back to confirm what we suspected. Flora's improvement was immediate once the enzymes were added to her diet. She backed off a little at her first meal because of the new taste, but she was so hungry (starving actually) that she quickly overcame whatever hesitancy she had. In a week she had gained at least a pound, and within the next couple of weeks she was back up to her normal weight of 22 pounds. She has done very well all these years with 3/4 teaspoon of enzymes on her meals. The amount has never changed, but I have switched to PanaKare Plus, a generic form of VioKase V®, for cost reasons. I order a 12 oz. bottle from the online Allivet Pet Pharmacy using a prescription that my veterinarian furnishes.

Flora at 13

For training and for fun I give her Charlee Bears brand crunchy treats, and she seems to tolerate them quite well. They are low calorie and low fat so they work well for her. Maybe we have been lucky, but she has been able to thrive and lead a normal life with just the simple addition of the powdered digestive enzymes in each meal of Evanger's Pheasant and Brown Rice kibble topped with a little canned dog food.

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Living With An EPI Dog (Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency) By Denise Vertrees, BRIDEN BASENJIS Remy, my stripey boy was born 12/15/2000 and has always been a healthy dog. All was well until the spring of 2009. Remy was having bouts of diarrhea, and nothing seemed to help. I'd put him on Tylan and other antibiotics to help slow things down, but the diarrhea would be back with a vengeance as soon as I quit treating him. Our vet ran some tests, but nothing conclusive showed up so back on antibiotics he would go. I tried different commercial foods, homemade food, different supplements -- all to no avail. Remy's normal weight was about 23 pounds. That September he had a particularly bad case of diarrhea; so bad that he literally couldn't move without having the runs. I had noticed his weight dropping about a week before that. Out of sheer frustration I did some serious research and discovered that Remy had all the classic symptoms of Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency. I asked my vet to test Remy for EPI. A good bit of money later confirmed that Remy did have EPI. Viocase® pancreatic supplements were started. He still didn't seem to be doing as well as I wanted, and at about that same time I found a discussion group for folks with EPI dogs. K9EPIGlobal has been a wonderful resource for information and ideas. I asked my vet to test Remy's Cobalamin level (B12) and discovered that his B12 was low. Since then he's been getting B12 shots weekly. I also learned I could get enzymes with the same quality, but at a much lower price. Through the last few years it's been difficult to get Remy to eat his powered enzyme supplemented food. I did some more research and decided to try CREON capsules. In the US these are rather expensive, but I found a cheaper

DIAGNOSIS - THE TIME IT TAKES TO PROCESS INFORMATION An informal all-breed survey was done by a private group back in 2008 with about 150 EPI dog owners participating. One of the questions on the survey asked “How long from onset of clinical symptoms did it take you to get a diagnosis?” Knowing the time it took to diagnose Rock, this question grabbed my interest. Of the 147 responses to this question, 36 percent said their dog was diagnosed within a month, 40 percent stated it took up to three months to get an answer, and the remaining 24 percent noted that it took more than three months. This bodes the question, “Why does it take so long to get a diagnosis for EPI?” Even good veterinarians may not recognize EPI since it isn’t a disease typically seen in their practice (in fact, it’s considered rare); it’s the process of eliminating other more likely causes for the dog’s symptoms that takes time. Some of the more common ailments a vet might explore first are gastrointestinal issues, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), IPSID (ImmunoProliferative Small Intestine Disease,) and parasites. Cost might be another factor. A cTLI test isn’t cheap, not an unbearable cost, but still not cheap. Moreover, a cTLI is not a routine blood test, and it requires a 12-hour fast prior to drawing blood. Some owners might initially balk at this expense; moreover, some vets have hesitated to suggest this costly test as one of the first measures to

Denise and Remy (at almost 14)

supplier overseas. The capsules have greatly improved Remy's stools, and his weight is holding steady at 23 pounds. EPI can be difficult to treat, but one thing I have learned is that each EPI dog is different. There is no single pill or treatment that will work for every dog. It's trial-and-error with this disease, and the best defense is to research different things that can help. Try them, adjust if you need to, to learn what works for your own dog. 

diagnose a client’s dog. One vet wouldn’t even consider this test because, in her mind, EPI was so uncommon in her practice that it seemed logical to rule out every other possibility first. Fortunately, the client insisted. In this case the test revealed the dog was positive for EPI. Be proactive if you think your dog has EPI, and ask your vet to run not only the cTLI test, but the Cobalamin (B-12 deficiency) test at the same time. EPI tends to deplete vitamin B-12 in dogs so it’s important to know the level of B-12 in the dog’s body (more on this topic later in the article.) The average turn-around time once blood has been drawn and submitted to a laboratory is about two days. The combined cost for these tests can run upwards of $500.

ENZYMES - NOW AND THEN Pancrelipase is the digestive enzyme supplement used to treat dogs for malabsorption caused by EPI. It’s a raw extract of lipase (fat), protease (protein), and amylase (starch) that acts in place of the natural substance, pancreatin, that’s normally produced by the exocrine cells of a healthy pancreas. These elements are important for breaking down fats, proteins and starches so the food can be absorbed in the small intestines. Lipase, protease, and amylase are found in both plant-based and animal-based sources. Plant-based enzymes are more effective in the stomach, whereas animal-based enzymes target the small intestines

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EXOCRINE PANCREATIC INSUFFICIENCY (Continued) where the nutrients are absorbed. For the first two or three years Rock’s diet was supplemented with plant-based enzymes because it was simply less expensive than the limited number of pricy name-brand enzymes on the market at that time. Eventually, several less expensive generic products became available that made pricing much more competitive. I switched Rock to the animal-based supplemental enzymes, and because this type of enzymes is more effective in the small intestine, his stools improved even more. Today I am amazed at the choices of enzyme products available. Quite a change from 11 years ago. Now pancrelipase comes in many forms -- powder, tablets, capsules, even a delayed-release capsule that contains small coated beads. The most common application continues to be powder because it is easily mixed with food. Good to know because dogs require enzyme supplements with every meal.

DIETS - ARE THEY DIFFERENT TODAY? When Rock was diagnosed, it was explained to me that he needed a low-fat, high fiber diet. Many years later, a different picture emerges. Contrary to conventional wisdom, some EPI dogs can tolerate a large quantity of fat in their diet. The hypothesis is that a high-fat diet results in a better conservation of the lipase (fat) in the enzyme supplement. Another change is that a highly-digestible low-fiber diet is now recommended. It was discovered that excess fiber in a diet can inhibit the action of the supplemental pancreas enzymes. Because of these findings, the owner of an EPI dog is no longer limited to a small choice of diets as many companies have discovered the need to provide nutrition for many different ailments including EPI. Many EPI dogs also do well on a raw diet which means an owner is not limited to just commercial foods.

SUPPORTATIVE MEASURES Vitamin B-12 EPI depletes vitamin B-12 (Cobalamin) in dogs. Eleven years ago I didn’t come across any discussions about this issue, nor did my vet advise me about this concern; hence, Rock’s vitamin B-12 level was never tested. Today, if I had another dog diagnosed with EPI, this test would be done at the same time blood was drawn for the cTLI test. The body does not produce B-12; it must be part of the dog’s nutritional intake. Typically, there is no shortage of B-12 in diets, but if the animal suffers from a B-12 deficiency because of EPI, it can experience a lack of appetite, changes in temperament, diarrhea, weight loss, and in some severe cases, neurological symptoms. Dogs can be given vitamin B-12 subcutaneous injections to counteract this deficiency. Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) I was lucky in that Rock suffered only one bout with SIBO and this was at the very beginning of his treatment for EPI. Other than the obvious, one significant downside to SIBO is that this buildup of

bacteria can also lead to vitamin B-12 deficiency because these organisms bind the vitamin, making absorption more difficult in the intestine. Rock was given a prescription of metronidazole to treat SIBO. Today I would reach for non-prescription tylosin (Tylan®), something I always keep on hand anyway to treat diarrhea. For years I have described tylosin as the “magic” drug because of its ability to stop diarrhea quickly. For many owners of EPI dogs this has become the drug of choice. In fact, tylosin is considered superior to other drugs such as trimethoprim sulfonamide, doxycycline, and metronidazole. Better yet, it has been reported not to diminish with longer or repeated treatment periods.

CONCLUSION I am encouraged by the progress that has been made with this disease, especially in the genetic field. Even though research has now dispelled the hypothesis that EPI is an autosomal simple recessive disease, the door is wide open to explore more possibilities for the cause. In fact, more studies are ongoing to explore other associated chromosonal regions. We have new diet recommendations, more choices for supplemental digestive enzymes, and improvements to the supportive measures that help dogs thrive in spite of their affliction. Basenjis are no different than any other canine breed when it comes to EPI. Over these past 11 years I have learned of several basenjis that have been diagnosed with EPI, and no doubt, there will be more. As I said earlier, one thing that has not changed, and I cannot stress this enough, is that EPI is a killer if your dog is not treated.h EPI REFERENCES: • New Developments In The Dietary Management Of Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency; Denise A. Elliott, BVSc, PhD, Dipl ACVIM, Dipl ACVN Royal Canin USA, 2005. • The Role of Nutrition in the Pathogenesis and the Management of Exocrine Pancreatic Disorders, K. W. Simpson. College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA 2009. • Current Status of Genetic Studies of Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency in Dogs, Leigh Anne Clark, PhD, and Melissa L. Cox, PhD. • Cobalamin: Don’t Leave Home Without It (Proceedings) Apr 1, 2010 By: Jörg M. Steiner, MedVet, DrMed.Vet, PhD, DACVIM, DECVIM CVC In Baltimore proceedings. • Effect Of Tylosin On Dogs With Suspected Tylosin-Responsive Diarrhea: A Placebo-Controlled, Randomized, Double-Blinded, Prospective Clinical Trial. Susanne Kilpinen, Thomas Spillmann, Pernilla Syrjä, Teresa Skrzypczak, Maria Louhelainen and Elias Westermarck.

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Preserving the Breed Standard It seems that a lot of judges and breeders are ignoring some key points in the breed standards. The result is a shift towards cookie cutter dogs and generic movement.


By E. Katie Gammill AKC Judge Emeritus

hen breed standards were initially written there was a point system that prioritized attributes for individual breeds. In most breeds, this valuable tool was removed. That left judging the breed up to the discerning “eye” of a breeder or judge which in truth, allowed importance to be placed upon virtues which the breed standard never intended.

Judges attempt to follow a written breed standard. So why remove the point systems from the breed standards? Why, to make it easier for judges. Why do we have judge’s education? Because exhibitors and breeders want judges to become better educated and thus make better choices. Despite breed seminars and the AKC Institutes and materials, do we have better judges? If we no longer judge breeding stock by the breed standard, what is the point?

Why, if there is only one breed standard, does it take 15 mentors to teach new judges? Are we teaching to the standard or are we simply teaching “opinions?” Why are judges shown only outstanding individuals at breed seminars? Being involved in dogs, horses, goats, rabbits, and various other critters, I swear one learns more from the bad ones. How can one compare virtues unless they see them alongside breed faults? The easiest way to learn structure is a direct comparison of “bad” and good, yet rarely is structure considered during judging seminars. It is assumed that by the time one reaches that level, judges know all about structure but if that’s the case, why are they there? How does one learn to judge a dog when several dogs are shown as examples and the student is told on the first dog “this is the desired The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 10

eye, the second dog has the preferred head, the third dog offers coat characteristics, the fourth dog has the desired proper foot, and the fifth dog offers ear set, and so on? THEN a judge is expected to evaluate the dog in its entirety? This is what it means to “have an eye” for a dog. It isn’t something one can grow. It is the ability to absorb the different virtues, then go into the ring and select the animal based on symmetry and let it “fill the eye” while prioritizing the breed standard’s listed virtues in order or priority. When the eye is drawn to any specific part of a dog, be it rear, head, ears, coat, or foot, usually it is because it is exaggerated and therefore, incorrect. Examples are floppy flews on Great Danes, dogs with over angulated rears, straight fronts, and overdone coats. Yet, often this is the very thing the piecejudge “beads in on” due to breed seminar education. The goal is to find an animal that reflects a balance of type and soundness. Is it any wonder breeds are in a constant state of flux regarding “type?” Of course, we can be generous and say breed standards are open to the interpretation of each individual, but the fact remains, if breeders don’t breed to a specific blueprint, what is the point of breeding at all? Have we forgotten that the initial reason for our sport was to gather and select dogs that most represented our written breed standards?

Fact: “Type change is when an obvious fault becomes so concentrated it eventually appears to be accepted as a virtue”. Rather than taking up the challenge of breeding (or judging) to the breed standard, it’s easier to flood the ring with the latest fad, thus making the “correct to the breed standard” dog look out of place.” “I can do what I want” seems to take precedence in today’s world but when dogs are judged in pieces and the breed standard places no emphasis, people will breed for what wins rather than what is correct. That is, until the next big thing surfaces. Changing the rules to fit the game has not improved our sport. Some say the era of large kennels has passed, however, there ARE breeders today breeding quality, correct dogs with a minimum of well chosen individuals in their possession. These breeders continue to adhere to the breed standard and are continuously beaten in the ring by judges who, in their short span in the sport, have never seen the

greats. Or if they have seen them, they don’t have the courage to pull one forward when it enters their ring. With wonderful educational opportunities, access to parent club breed standards and assistance for new judges to move forward, our sport is regressing at an alarming rate. Why? That is something we must all address and decide for ourselves. Do we want to move forward in the sport of dogs and leave something for future generations, or do we simply want to have a fun day with our dog? Demanding judges to be educated based on pieces of the breed standard hasn’t worked. Somewhere along the way, this “breed seminar” and “judges education” idea took on a life of its own. Despite AKC efforts to improve judging, it seems each step added another obstacle. Someone asked Dale Carnegie what it took to be successful. He answered, “I don’t know how to tell you to become successful. I can tell you how to fail. Try to please everyone.” Is that what we’re doing in both breeding and judging seminars? Perhaps we need to study and apply the entire breed standard! ABOUT THE AUTHOR AKC judge since 1979, Katie does Working and Herding Groups, seminars, and is a CADAC officer. Katie is an accomplished poet, artist, and freelance writer. Her primary breed is Australian Cattle Dogs. Reprinted with permission from the author and

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©Sally Wallis

If you have never thought about visiting Russia – Do it now ! And don’t just think – GO ! Wonderfully warm, welcoming people. Superb hosts, country full of spectacular scenery, riddled with great history, lots to see. I can’t recommend it highly enough – and yes, they have some lovely basenjis too ! (I wrote that when the political situation was stable. I hope by the time you read it, it will be again !)

St Petersburg, Russia Basenji Specialty June 21, 2014


espite warnings of rain and cold temperatures, we landed in St Petersburg to warm sunshine and blue skies. There were, however, many puddles on the ground at the venue which testified to the adverse conditions of the previous three days. Larissa and her daughter, Ira, met me – Ira carried sheets of paper with hand-written ‘phrase book’ type notes, asked me if I’d had a good flight, and we understood each other immediately ! It was quite a long drive to the venue over roads in a condition never seen in England - I mean, the car glided smoothly along wide, well sign-posted (in Cyrillic, naturally) highways we Brits can only dream about.

By Sally Wallis, UK

Saint Petersburg, located on the Neva River at the head of the Gulf of Finland on the Baltic Sea, is the second largest city in Russia. In 1914 the name of the city was changed from Saint Petersburg to Petrograd, in 1924 to Leningrad, and in 1991, back to Saint Petersburg.

The venue for the show is a culture park and comprises an hotel, stables, pens for goats, baby deer and other wildlife including birds of prey – I’m pretty sure I identified a Harris Hawk or its Russian equivalent – centres of learning, chalets, a bank and a couple of restaurants, all set out in grassland with wide walkways. The buildings are all pine logs put together in a style of days gone by and garnished with wooden sculptures of animals or decorated with exotic relief carving. My room was like a delightful log cabin with every modern amenity except curtains and as we were close to the land of the midnight sun.

The city was founded by Tsar Peter the Great on May 27, 1703. It is Russia's second largest city after Moscow with 5 million inhabitants (2012) and the fourth most populated federal subject. Saint Petersburg is a major European cultural center and often described as the most Western city of Russia, as well as its cultural capital.

©Sally Wallis

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The show was held in a vast, permanently floored, marquee. There were actually four rings because some 400 dogs of all breeds, including basenjis who had registered for the other show as well as for the Club Specialty, were judged by three different nationality allrounders from Poland, Macedonia & Russia. We all stayed in the pine log hotel and after the show enjoyed a very convivial evening with our hostess and show organiser, Marina Belonina and her husband. The lady from Russia had had 200 dogs to judge and explained to me that in Russia, ‘native’ judges can do up to 200 and overseas adjudicators are limited to 100 in a day. Sometimes there is no requirement to write a critique on every dog and the ring stewards are extremely efficient so the judging goes like clockwork.

©Lyubov Slepova

The Basenji Specialty provided me with 90 basenjis to go over. Many were puppies and there were some new(ish) handlers to encourage, so I was aware that, brilliant as my ring stewards Dasha and Nadezhda were, it was necessary to spend more time with each dog here than in the other rings. In any case, it was a club show, and we had all day. It was daunting nay, completely overwhelming, that exhibitors had travelled from as far away as Vladivostok, Smolensk and Moscow, Estonia Judge Sally Wallis examining bitch 79-Eflaliia Iz Divnogo Sada in the Champions Class and Finland. I was told one owner from Vladivostok drove for two weeks to cover the 8000 kilometers to St Petersburg and Westerly Wind / Old Legends Daria) and BOS puppy Afrikanskiy another flew – 9 hours. And then there was the return journey. . . I Molchun Mercedes (Tim Spirit Man in Black/ Blackberry Great Hope). Googled it – and am even more honoured to have had their entry. In Junior, one stunning youngster, Afrikanskiy Molchun Ego Classes were placed 1 – 4 and there was so much in the way of Velichestvo (Mount Takoma / Afrikanskiy Molchun Tsarskaya Osoba) trophies, rosettes and bags of dog food from the sponsors to go to each caught my eye as he entered the ring and further examination confirmed placed dog that two more stewards stayed in the corner stacking the my impression. In fact he went on to become Reserve Best in Show. winnings in front of each place card as soon as a class was finished. Although they do not challenge for Best of Sex, Best Junior and the And as they finished their own assignments, the three all-rounders Best Veteran do challenge for Best in Show. BOS Junior was his litter came and sat for a while, watching the basenjis. sister, Afrikanskiy Molchun Egipetskaya Zhritsa (Egyptian Priestess). The first classes, Baby, Puppy & Junior, are each judged dogs then bitches and when they say ‘Baby’ they do mean BABY ! One extremely promising youngster, Tim Spirit Celebration (Kimwitu’s Stan G. / Tim Spirit Igrushka) was only 12 weeks old. He strode out with tremendous confidence but lost out to a slightly more mature babe, Afrikanskiy Molchun Luchshii` Iz Luchshikh, (loosely translated ‘Best of the Best !) who went on to become Best Baby ahead of his litter-sister, Afrikanskiy Molchun Legenda Egipta. Both babies were sired by my old friend, Mount Takoma Afrikanskiy Molchun out of Afrikanskiy Molchun Hitraya Lisa. Marina brought Mount out to the hotel on Monday evening. He likes riding in the car as it often means he is being taken to meet a lady-basenji . . . He is a lovely cuddle-boy and still in super condition – In Russia, unlike in UK, sometimes the dog visits the bitch for these assignations. Puppies were all very promising and augur well for the future of Russian basenjidom. There were so many super young animals, including several lovely, correctly marked tris that it wasn’t easy picking the winners. Best Puppy was the boy, Dar Bony-Sona Emerald (Sonbars

Following Junior Bitch, the rest of the dog classes are judged, then Best Dog and the bitch classes. Intermediate, Open, Winners (dogs who have won awards but as yet are not titled), Champion, Club Champion (which rates higher than a Champion) and finally Veteran. The Intermediate Classes in both sexes were very exiting. Best Male/Best in Show, Tim Spirit Vinni Teddy Bear (Wazazi High Priority / Tim Spirit Viviana) and 2nd Best Female, a tri, Afrikanskiy Molchun Basita Suraya (Master Allen Congo Itapuca / Afrikanskiy Molchun Tanzania) both came from this class. I was later informed the tri-gal had been my Best Puppy in Tallinn last year ! And, interestingly, my Best Dog, Tim Spirit Vinni Teddy Bear and my Best Bitch, Djuvanstar Idalika Shania (out of Djuvanstar Born To Win Lussia) were both sired by Wazazi High Priority (Jebelmarra Harum Scarum / Wazazi Awesome Glamour). 2nd Best Dog came from Club Champion Class - Tim Spirit Man in Black (Tim Spirit Corazon de Vencedor / Afrikanskiy Molchun Guinea Bisau), 3rd was from Open Class – Tim Spirit Atlantik Ocean (Signet Meisterhaus Take That / Wazin Red Gambai). In bitches, 1st

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wasn’t !!! I don’t mind if ears are big as long as they are not fly-away – i.e. low set. Too many of the dogs I saw could do with better ear placement because the position of the ears governs the wrinkle. And the tip should always be inside the outer edge. The head of the dog on the database front page is Zande Chafya (Firbi). His head and expression were super, despite the pale eyes(!). That is not the best photo of him.

©Elena Mitin

Observing the Intermediate Bitch Class

overall had won Open Class, (Djuvanstar Idalika Shania), 2nd came from Intermediate (Afrikanskiy Molchun Basita Suraya - Master Allen Congo Itapuca / Afrikanskiy Molchun Tanzania) & 3rd was another Club Champion, Tim Spirit Aldjeba (Eldorado N Terrurst Whilrwind / Rus Ahmar’s Rapsodia to Tim Spirit). I haven’t included any titles – because it is probable that I don’t have them all in the database and they are not listed in the catalog. It was relatively easy to be consistent in the dogs but less so in bitches. As the critiques, so ably written by Dasha (who also scribed for me in Tallinn), are handed to the exhibitors, I have to rely on overall memory. It would be good to have had a laptop or dictating machine at ring side but as, in the interests of time and not holding the exhibits, particularly the babies hanging around for too long, one dictates as one goes over each dog on the table, this would not be practicable. In England and Australia, but not in Europe and not in Russia, the judge writes notes and types them up at home so has access to them if at a later date there is a need to write an article. When a critique is dictated for the exhibitor to take home with him/her, the judge doesn’t get to keep a copy.

Movement was pretty good on the whole, one girl leaned heavily towards her handler and a couple toed in, others went wide behind. The dog must be allowed to put its weight on its front feet – it is not good to string it up so the weight is practically carried by the collar. And believe me, I have seen this, although not at Saint Petersburg. When basenji judging was over, exhibitors and spectators set chairs around in a semi circle (several rows deep !) and joined in a lively question and answer session. I had a question for them – Only a single male handler amongst them all on the day ? But it seems Russian men prefer to show toy dogs. One lady posed a particularly barbed question: “Breeders who breed away from the Standard or judges who ignore it when placing dogs. Which is most reprehensible ?” On Sunday, Natalia, her English speaking son Timur and Svetlana took me and two of the all-rounder judges to Peterhof, the immense estate of Peter the Great on the borders of the Gulf of Finland. Here, specialising in huge and elaborate fountains and statues, he built smaller palaces in the gardens of the Grand Palace. Over the years much was destroyed, lead statues eaten away by water or damaged in conflicts, Spires on the Grand Palace

In UK, critiques at Championship Shows are kept to the first two places in each class, Australia goes down to 4th – I applaud the practice of treating all exhibits, all of whom have paid the same entry fee, the same, i.e. with a written critique. Having been told the custom was to praise the dogs in a couple of sentences, not to mention faults, I obeyed (more or less). Later it was pointed out on the Salonga Russian forum that bringing attention to faults helps breeders to improve, and I wish now I had been more outspoken !! Judging is very subjective. I know what I like. Size is not all that important as long as the outline is square and the dog is of balanced construction. Having said that – many years ago, one of the best movers in UK The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 16

©Sally Wallis

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but now the Hof is fully restored and the opulence of the gilded statues and the June sunshine glinting on the pure water gushing from the fountains is indeed magnificent. We walked miles through avenues of plane trees, areas wooded with silver birch and pine trees, past more fountains and palaces built for specific purposes. One, used for secret or private conversations, is surrounded by a moat and there is a drawbridge to deter intruders. Peter, who stood 2 metres 14 in his socks and is represented in huge statues, incorporated a extensive irrigation system to feed the fountains, water the flower gardens which are laid out to this day as he designed them, and generally keep the place clean. He loved practical jokes and so seats which spray you with water if you sit on them, trees which turn into fountains if you approach them – and also give you a drenching, are encountered in shaded corners. After lunch, the Polish lady had to leave us for the airport, to return to Krakow and her Bassett puppy, and the rest of us drove out to Kronstadt to visit the Fort and the magnificent church of St Nicolai, built by mariners to commemorate their fallen. Its walls are covered in plaques giving the date of naval engagements along with the number of dead and their rank, officers or seamen. Kronstadt is in effect itself the fort, being a island in the middle of the entrance to the Gulf of Finland. It was heavily fortified to protect St Petersburg from attack by Sweden and is now reached in two directions at right-angles by immense dams carrying multi-lane highways. There are sluices and barriers which can be used to prevent a recurrence of flood on the city. We returned to the hotel to rest but midnight saw Marina, Pero from Macedonia and I walking in daylight (!) along the quays in front of the Winter Palace - prior to embarking for a boat trip on the Neva. The daylight did disappear in time and the lights were spectacular. It was a wonderful experience but by the time 3 am arrived, together with our taxi, we were all just as glad to disembark and get home to bed. On Monday Dasha came to the hotel and as it was raining, she helped with the Cyrillic catalog and we identified pups (and a few adult dogs) not in the database. Then it dried up and we drove out to Pushkin, to Tsarskoe Seloto, the Feodorovsky settlement, intended by Tzar Nicolas II to house schools, a hospital, barracks and general amenities for his staff. Nicholas hated to live in the Winter Palace and installed his family in a small but exquisite palace close to the complex – the family was first imprisoned there and then removed to Ekaterinburg where they were subsequently massacred. It is not a ‘touristy’ place. The buildings of the complex are dilapidated but not total ruins; the palace is a museum and the church is very much a place of worship to this day. The place has a deserted feeling of serenity, somewhere time just stopped. All in all it was a wonderful weekend and a totally unforgettable experience for which I am so grateful to the hosts, organisers and exhibitors.

8000 km, just for a dog show – Wow !

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Words Can Never Hurt Me Owner or Guardian – and Why the Choice Matters



In recent years it has become increasingly popular to refer to those who live with companion animals as “pet guardians” or “pet parents.” It sounds cute, doesn’t it? These phrases evoke a loving, caring, parent-child relationship between a companion animal and “its special humans.” In reality, however, there’s nothing cute about this language – at its worst, it represents insidious efforts by the Animal Rights (with PETA at the forefront) to change the way the general public thinks about companion animals, and ultimately, how the law treats the relationship between companion animals and people.


et’s start by looking at some definitions. Black’s Law Dictionary defines an “owner” as “[t]he person in whom is vested the ownership, dominion, or title of property; proprietor. He who has dominion of a thing, real or personal, corporeal or incorporeal, which he has a right to enjoy and do with as he pleases *** as far as the law permits, unless he [is] prevented by some agreement or covenant which restraints his right.”

In contrast, Black’s defines the term “guardian” as

By Karla Schreiber, Esq.

“[a] person lawfully invested with the power, and charged with the duty, of taking care of the person and managing the property and rights of another person, who, for some peculiarity of status, or defect of age, understanding or self-control, is considered incapable of administering his own affairs.” If the difference between these definitions isn’t immediately apparent, let me clarify: a property owner, subject to certain legal limits imposed to maintain social and political order, may use his or her property in any manner desired, or refrain from using it at all – as he or she sees fit. The property rights of individuals in the United States and most developed countries are fixed, well-litigated, and stable. What belongs to us can, within the limits established by law (relating primarily to public health and safety) be used in any manner an owner sees fit. In sharp contrast, a guardian is charged with a duty of care toward his or her “ward” (the person the guardian is appointed to care for) that is extrinsic to the guardian’s personal judgment. The court appointed guardians of children, the elderly, or the mentally infirm must make decisions that are in “the best interests” of their wards. If someone (a The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 20

B-Legal Blog (Continued)

teacher, doctor, psychologist, or even a well-meaning neighbor or acquaintance) raises a question regarding whether a specific action (or inaction) is in the ward’s best interest, courts, court-appointed experts, and others are legally entitled to intervene in the guardian’s decision-making process on behalf of the ward. The guardian-ward relationship exists for the care and protection of the ward. The owner-property relationship exists for the benefit of the owner, allowing the owner significant leeway in making choices regarding property’s appropriate use(s). Changing the way people think about the relationship between companion animals and the people they live has the potential to result in far-reaching consequences for dog owners, breeders and even veterinarians. Here are just a few examples: Your dog has suffered a broken leg. Your vet gives you three options for treatment and carefully explains the pros and cons of each option, including potential physical outcomes for the dog, as well as the long and short term costs in dollars and cents. As a dog owner, the decision regarding how to treat your pet’s injury is yours and yours alone. You decide, after carefully weighing your vet’s advice and suggestions, how to balance the best interests of your dog in the short and long term with the costs associated with each treatment option. As a dog “guardian,” however, you are obligated to make a choice that focuses solely on the best interests of your dog – and nothing else. If that means providing a 14-year old animal with a $5,000 surgery, then that must be your choice. If it isn’t your choice, your vet or another third party could challenge your decision and potentially force a different result. You have a variable work schedule. Several days per week, your dogs receive lots of house and yard time. On other days, however, their house and yard time – while still adequate - is restricted by your schedule. As a dog owner, the decision regarding how much house or yard time to give your dogs is yours unless the situation is tantamount to “abuse or neglect” as defined by law. As a dog “guardian,” however, you have an obligation to always put your “wards’” best interests first. Your neighbors, people who come to your home to provide services, or others could assert that the amount of house and yard time you are providing is not in the best interests of your dogs. This could, in theory, lead to an “independent investigation” of whether or not you are a “fit” pet guardian. You are a hunter who owns several sporting dogs. You enjoy hunting with your dogs in a variety of weather conditions and terrains. As a dog owner, this is your right – to put your property to a useful purpose, as you see fit. As a dog guardian, however, you have no such right. Individuals who do not approve of the times, manner, and places where you hunt, or the methods you employ, could legally interfere with your ability to do so because – as stated above – what matters most in a guardian-ward relationship is maximizing benefit and minimizing risk(s) to the

Photo by Wendy Hodges

ward. The wishes, goals, or preferences of the guardian are either (a) not legal considerations, or (b) secondary considerations at best. If these examples seem Orwellian to you, think again. Animal rights groups that favor classifying pets as “wards,” and owners as “guardians” or “pet parents” are not just urging innocent changes in the way we talk about companion animals in a “more humane and animal-conscious world.” The legal shift from owner to guardian has the potential to lead to extremely negative changes in the legal status of animals and owners and especially animals that work, event, or perform for and with their owners. For thousands of years, domesticated animals have been the property of individual owners. This ownerproperty relationship has not impeded the steady improvement in the way we – as human beings – treat the animals that live with and work for us. Our compassion for animals as sentient beings does not depend on legal labels, and never has. However, the property status of animals is critical to ensuring that owners who live with their animals day in and day out are the sole decision makers for their animals, and that third-parties (courts, experts, neighbors, municipalities, etc.) may intervene only if there is a significant public interest (i.e. evidence of abuse, neglect, and/or conditions that threaten public health and safety). THE TAKE AWAY: Both the American Kennel Club and the American Veterinary Medical Association strongly oppose the use of the term “guardian” with respect to domesticated and companion animals. As breeders, owners and fanciers we should support this position “in the trenches,” by reminding those who thoughtlessly or innocently use the terms “guardian” or “pet parent” that our ability to own, show, event, and work with our animals depends on their legal status as personal property. The B-Legal Blog provides general information on law-related topics for informational purposes only. It does not provide personalized legal advice regarding the topics discussed, and it is not intended in any manner as a substitute for the services of a qualified, state-licensed attorney.

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Africa by Mrs. Elpet Ford, TAYSENJI


When the first two groups of native dogs were imported into the US back in 1987 and 1988 the basenji fancy had a lot to say about the possible inclusion of these dogs into the registry. Far more so in the UK, it turns out. Elspet described the air as turning “blue” during club meetings when discussion fell to the topic of those recent native imports, especially those sporting the brindle marking. In fact it was many years later after our side of the pond accepted the brindle that the UK agreed to adopt that coloration. Elspet was a quiet person, not lent to needless chatter. When she spoke her words were carefully chosen. Even 50 years ago she was a proponent of diversity and, I believe, helped to usher in the acceptance of these new imports to the fancy in the UK many years later. The older I get, the more inclined I am to believe that old saying, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” Elspet wrote this article in 1967 -- 47 years ago. As you will discover, discussion on this topic has changed little since then.


would appear that there is a great furor created about any basenji that has its origin in any part of Africa other than the Sudan or the Congo, but who can say with any certainty that they are not basenjis? The Congo and the Sudan may have been the first countries visited by the white man and specimens of their dogs brought to England, but other African countries have probably had basenjis just as long, only it took a little longer for the white man to find them.

The African continent is large, larger in area than the average man can visualise, but to say that there can be more than one breed of dog on one continent that can produce all of the characteristics listed, appears to me to be sheer nonsense. I am not an anthropologist, but it would be interesting to learn of the number of African tribes descended from the same root who now have tribal differences of features, pigmentation, customs, and speech. What can happen to humans can surely happen to dogs.

The main characteristics of a basenji are: that it should have prick ears, a curly tail carried on its back, four white feet, a white tail tip and a white chest. It should not bark but is not mute; it can make all the other normal dog noises plus a few extra ones of his own that no ordinary dog is clever enough to dream up. His colours are usually red and white, black and white, or tri-colour; the latter a very artistic mixture of red, black and white.

Please consider the map of Africa (on the next page) as it shows the areas where basenjis are, or were found. This area covers what might roughly be called Central Africa. It is generally accepted that the ancient Egyptians possessed basenjis, and that they were probably something very special, even then, so that more than likely, gifts were made of breeding pairs to neighbouring

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The Basenji in Africa, Continued

African Chiefs. Also the Egyptians were explorers, traders and wanderers, and if their basenjis were anything like the modern day ones, they would certainly have gone with their masters on their trips hence the basenji visited the Sudan, the Congo, Malawi (Nyasaland), Tanganyka, the Cameroons, Zambia (Northern Rhodesia), Nigeria, and Liberia. Who will ever know for sure how they became established in these countries. Maybe as gifts, or bitches in whelp who dropped out on the long journeys? Or as hunters who were wounded and could not make the journey back to camp! Anyway, once in a country, they stayed and became very useful members of the local tribe. The native tribesmen did not leave his own area very often. If he did it was probably only to make a raid on a nearby tribe and his dogs would be left in his own kraal, so over the centuries each pocket of basenjis interbred and produced in their own tribe, as it were; subtle differences of the original model. In some areas the ears became larger, maybe they were the ones that depended more on hearing than on sight. In some the tempers deteriorated, while in others the coat became harder and coarser. In short, they produced minor modifications of the English standard, which was created by, and for, the dogs from the Congo and the Sudan only. These pockets of basenjis probably account for the difference in distribution of the colours as well. The original Sudanese owners perhaps did not care for the black and white dogs so they were the poor unfortunates who ended up in the cooking pot, whilst in Liberia it was the tri-colours who suffered that fate. The red and whites seem to have been more popular all around. Before the Congo uprising in

1960, the Belgian government had started a scheme to collect together a breeding nucleus of basenjis, mainly because the purebred dog was rapidly becoming extinct in the Congo. Fortunately, some of these dogs were saved and in 1963 were in possession of M. Verbruggen. Taking the English basenji as normal, the Congo dogs were very much taller, being about 19 or 20 inches tall, and they give the impression of being very much larger; their ears were fairly large and lowset, and their coats were longer and thicker than usual. All those I saw were red and white, and whilst they were not vicious, I would not have taken liberties with any one of them. As is usual with all African bred dogs, they only had a single curl in their tails. M. Verbruggen had also managed to obtain a bitch from the Cameroons. This was also a red and white and very much closer to the English ideal, being smaller with better ears and a finer coat. She was also very much better tempered. As the basenji is used to hunt monkeys in the Cameroons, it is difficult to obtain an adult with a tail as these are cut off at birth to prevent the monkey from grabbing it and pulling the dog in half. Nyasaland or Malawi has no pure bred basenjis now, but the local "Pi" dog is definitely of basenji descent; tails, ears and marking all proved that; but the dogs have thick, long coats and really vicious tempers. They are used purely as hunters and most of them have their bodies covered with terrible scars. The first time I exhibited a black basenji in Zambia, I was informed by an on looker that the dogs she had when she first arrived in Northern Rhodesia in 1902 were exactly the same as mine; they didn't bark

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The Basenji in Africa, Continued either. There is nothing that even vaguely resembles a basenji there now. Not altogether surprising as the local tribes are not dog lovers, and the poor animals they do keep are just walking skeletons. How they ever find enough energy to chase anything, I just don't know. To the best of my knowledge, there are no purebred basenjis in Tanganyka. I have friends there and they have never seen one. The Sudan, of course, has basenjis, but even there it is becoming very difficult to find a purebred one. In Liberia, because the St. Paul River acts as a natural barrier across the country, there was, until recent years, a large area of undeveloped hinterland visited only by traders and missionaries. There in the remote native villages were many basenjis. They were used by the natives as hunters and as a source of food. As the Liberian native had no other breed of dog in the villages, we can be fairly safe in assuming that for centuries, the basenji there has only bred with its own kind. Since the St. Paul has been bridged and roads made through the bush, the backwoods African has found it easy to visit the coast and civilisation, and there he was enchanted to find other breeds of dog which he promptly took home with him; so now I fear there will be a mixture of all types running around the villages. As the basenji have always lived with the natives as part of his family, hunting with them, sleeping with them around the cooking fire, is it any wonder that our modern day basenji hates to be shut away from his family and will do all in his power to return to them if he should be enclosed. I am sure that the occasional lapses from grace - like the disappearance of the Sunday joint from the table, all stem from a memory of being last in the food queue. The African male eats first, then the wife, followed by the children, and about all the poor dog gets is to lick out the cook pot. Little wonder that they got into the habit of eating whenever the opportunity presented itself. It also explains why the basenji needs comparatively little food to keep in first class condition. To sum up, the basenji has been found in a very wide area of Central Africa. In some regions they have remained for hundreds of years, maybe because the native there liked the dog as he was, or because there were no other breeds available for cross breeding. In other areas the basenjis seem to have disappeared, leaving very little trace behind; whilst in others, cross breeding has taken place to such an extent that it is difficult to say more than that there is a basenji in the family tree of the dogs concerned. At one time, centuries ago, they were all identical, but over the years, in their own little communities, they have developed their own characteristics. It would appear that one cannot say with certainty that the Congo or the Sudanese dog is the only correct specimen; surely they are all basenjis with slightly different physical conformation due to environment.

©Photo by Michael D. Work

Elspet Ford, TAYSENJI Author of “The Complete Basenji” [1993]. Elspet became involved with the breed back in 1961 while she was living in Northern Rhodesia (Zambia). She owned the first black and white basenji to win its Championship title - South African Ch. Taysenji Tahzu. When Elspet returned to Britain she brought this dog and the American-bred Coptokin Copper Beautique, then in whelp to a Tahzu son, to start her kennel. She became well-known in the basenji world. One of her greatest achievements was winning the ‘double’ at Crufts (dog and bitch CCs) with Ch. Taysenji Kush and her American-bred bitch, Ch. Asaris Ti-Karu. Elspet was an international show Championship judge and was the first Briton to judge a Basenji Club of America National Specialty, back in 1981. She judged basenjis at Crufts in 1988 and traveled to judging assignments in Scandinavia and Germany. In 1996 while Elspet was visting in the US she judged the first Championship specialty for the Basenji Club of Southeastern Wisconsin. She also maintained her own extensive set of studbook records that proved invaluable many times.

From "The basenji Chronicle, No. 9, B.C.O.G.B 1967." The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 24

BY KYA Hi out there in “Senjiland!”


have such exciting news. I am now a genuine certified therapy dog through AKC. I am so proud of this accomplishment. Not many of us have this distinctive title. I am already working on the next level which is 100 visits and have every intention of “making the grade,” as they say. We have several new dogs in our group including one all the way from Europe (wherever that is). I think he is some kind of retriever, Golden maybe? His name is Cane, and he is a perfect gentleman. Not once did he stick his nose in my ear. You know I have a thing about boys sticking their noses in my ears. We also have a neat little parti-poodle and some others as well. Everyone is always so happy when we walk through the door. Now for some not so exciting news....Libby, bless her heart and her busy little mouth, ate her way to yet another abdominal surgery. This time it was a hand towel. We (mom and me) have no idea how it happened, but fortunately we caught it early on. Libby spent a night in our new Urgent Pet Clinic where they tracked ALL that she did not throw up. Early the next morning she was taken to her regular vet who gave Libby a thorough examination and early in the morning he had to do another surgery. Hopefully, she has learned her lesson, but I rather doubt it. She can get into more mischief than the average dog! I sometimes wonder why nothing very exciting ever happens to me. I was very disappointed that I did not get to go to the National Specialty. I guess some of mom’s things take priority over mine. Anyway, very soon I will be attending shows (hopefully without Libby in tow)

so I can show the world how basenjis can do more than just look pretty. I did get to have some graduation pictures taken that I think make me look very dignified, if I do say so myself. I guess the most exciting thing happening in my world is the man does not get the inside gate hooked all the time so I grab the opportunity to dash through the house and chase anything that runs, usually Black and Ringo. Little Bit thinks he is so big and brave. He puffs himself up and spits and hisses as I fly by, but if I run towards him, he retreats to hide. Betty kitty has decided we can be best of friends....IF I DO NOT go into her living quarters. It seems it is okay for her to come to my quarters, but not for me to go to invade her resting space. As long as we are compatible friends, life is good; we even touch noses when she enters my domain and rubs on me like Blue does. I sincerely hope you all enjoyed and are enjoying the lovely fall weather. I really enjoy going outside and lying in the leaves to sun myself. When mom goes out to rake or prune or whatever she does, I always go with to watch over her. Nothing has ever happened, but you never know when something might so I am ever so vigilant. Until next time... Don’t look back, something may be gaining on you. May all your trails be happy and all your dreams come true. Talk to you next time!

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GRAY SUMMIT, MISSOURI SEPTEMBER 22 - 27 Photo by Joe Stewart

Photo by George Woodward

Photo by George Woodward

Photo by Cindy Griswold

Photos by Wanda Pooley

Photos by George Woodward


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RACING BCOA LGRA 2014 Sponsored by SLASH, St. Louis Area Sighthounds Sunday, September 21 2014 Pl


1 Ellie 2 Zuri 3 Rocky 4 Echo 5 Rusty 6 Zeke 7 Bisa 8 Cleo 9 Mojo 10 Diva 11 Benji 12 Beck 13 Zoe 14 Ari

Registered Name



Dakotah's Chantelli Lace, ORC, GRC DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin, MC, LCX, SGRC2 CH Kiroja Chicago Hod at Jafoufa, SGRC7 FC Tajis Alster Echo, RN, LCX Vinaka's XIV Karat Goldn Boy, SGRC CH Hackers Hyde and Zeke, ORC, GRC Khamsin Imani Our Bisa Zanta, GRC CH Meisterhaus Kiroja Kiss N Tell, GRC UnderCover Meisterhaus Valentino, GRC FC Jaroufa's the Glamazon at Etowah, GRC Mobenji DC Blue Notes Take Five DC Taji's Alster Ego From Hodari, LCX Jadaka's Independent Spirit, SGRC4

Lemberger Colbert Ladick Chaffin Cook/Hayek Lemberger Colbert Harmon Harmon Ladick Johannes Hamilton/Coltrane Chaffin Colbert

22 15 14 13 11 10 10 9 8 5 5 4 0 0

BCOA NOTRA 2014 Wednesday, September 24, 2014 PL Call Name Registered Name 1 Ari 2 Tank! 3 Gotcha 4 Echo 5 Zuri 6 Zoe 7 Tempest 8 Truly 9 Arrow 10 Rocky 11 Diva 12 Zeke 13 Rusty 14 Aubrey 15 Sheila 16 Cleo 17 Jada 18 Mojo 19 Bisa


GCh DC Jadaka's Independent Spirit SC SORC5 SGRC4 LCM TCP CGC VB Colbert Tank! Hodges GCh DC Emerant's Sheez Gotcha JOR MC LCX Hart FC Taji's Alster Echo JOR RN MC LCX3 Chaffin GCH DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX SORC SGRC3 LCM VLCM4 VB Colbert DC Taji's Alster Ego from Hodari JOR SC LCX Chaffin Meisterhaus Neon Nights ORC Stewart Teazer Chiya's ChittyChittyBangBang Cheng DC Tammen's Can't Touch This ORC Cook Kiroja's Chicago Hood at Jaroufa SORC Ladick Jaroufa's The Glamazon at Etowah JOR Ladick Ch Hacker's Hyde and Zeke Lemberger Vinaka's XIV Karat Golden Boy NA NAJ FCh SGRC SORC Cook/Hayek DC Rafiki's Twilights Last Gleaming ORC Cook Driving Miss Dasypus Hodges Ch Meisterhaus Kiroja's Kiss N Tell JOR Harmon Kiroja's Loving Every Minute SORC3 Cook/Hayek Undercover Meisterhaus Valentino JOR Harmon Khamsin Imani Our Bisa Zanta SC ORC GRC FCh Colbert/Robinette

Score 18 17 16 13 12 11 11 10 9 9 9 9 9 7 5 5 5, scr2 2 0, scr2

Racing photos by Joe Stewart

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COURSING BCOA 2014 ASFA Trial Monday, Sept. 22, 2014


JUDGES: Dana Ferris, Mike Ferris

JUDGES: Dana Ferris, Mike Ferris

©George Woodard

©George Woodard

Sam Best of Breed................ SUNBIRD SUDDANLY SILVER EAGLE SAMWISE THE BRAVE Breeder Stake & Kennel Stake Winners ................................................................................... Echo, FCH Taji’s Alster Echo ......................................................................Zoe, DC Taji’s Alster Ego from Hodari Bench Stake........................................................Searsha, GCH DC N’Focus Santa Baby OPEN 1 Kanyu, Meisterhaus Pay Pal K’s Kanyu, B Kaufman, AT Brooks 2 Cleo, Ch Meisterhause Kiroja Kiss N Tell, Kerlli Harmon FIELD CHAMPIONS 1 Sam, Sunbird Suddanly Silver Eagle Samwise the Brave, Mike Roach, A Therrell 2 Searsha, GCH DC N’Focus Santa Baby, Katherine Sanders 3 Zoe, DC Taji’s Alster Ego from Hodari, M Chaffin/K Campbell 4 Kyra, GCH Sonbars Vigilant Valkyre at Cynosure Vickie Jacobs NBQ Echo, FCH Taji’s Alster Echo, M Chaffin VETERANS 1 Zuri, GCH DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin, Terry Colbert 2 Rocky, Kiroja Chicago Hood at Jaroufa, K.Ladrick 3 Aubrey, DC Rafikis Twilights Last Gleaming, Susan Cook, Michelle Gahgan 4 Trog, FC Apu Tri Roo of Ganesa, Lisa Stewart SINGLES 1 Bo, Jadaka Meisterhaus Magical Dancer, Janice Kahl, R McPherson 2 Cash, CH AB-Rafiki Cool, JC Million, Janet & Louis Ketz 3 Warren, GCH New World Piper at the Gates, Karla Schreiber 4 Rusty, Vinaka’s XIV Karat Goldn Boy GRC ORC JC NA OAJ FCh, Jan Cook & Andy Hayek NBQ Ari GCH DC Jadaka’s Independent Spirit, Terry Colbert

True Best of Breed.....................GCH CH TEAZER CHIYA’S CHITTYCHITTYBANGBANG SC OPEN STAKE 1 GCH CH Teazer Chiya’s Chittychittybangbang SC S CHeng/J Gaidos 2 CH Basenji Park Lee’s Traveler G Dluzeski/G Dluzeski/L Cranmer 3 Basenji Park Do N Time SC G Dluzeski/G Dluzeski/L Cranmer 4 Emerant’s R E S P E C T SC L Hart/B Hart 5 Sunbird Suddanly Silver Eagle Samwise The Brave M Roach/A Therrell SPECIALS STAKE 1 GCH DC Emerant’s Sheez Gotcha MC LCX L Hart/B Hart 2 FC Jaroufa’s The Glamazon At Etowah SC K Ladick 3 DC Emerant Makindu Heez Got Game BN RN SC B Phillips 4 DC Taji’s Alster Ego From Hodari SC LCX M Chaffin/K Campbell 5 DC Emerant’s Heez Born To Be Wild SC S Smith-Falkner OPEN VETERAN, DIV. A 1 GCH DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX T Colbert 2 DC Stilwell’s Tadita Runs With The Wind MC LCX L Stilwell/A White/J Linebaugh 3 FC Baraka Prince Of Abu Tig MC R Gooderl OPEN VETERAN, DIV. B 1 FC Tank! MC LCX W Hodges/S Messec 2 Kiroja Chicago Hood At Jaroufa SC K Ladick 3 GCH DC Eldorado’s Look Smart At Kaleonahe SC K Cabral/S Strobel/P Geoffro 4 FC Select Ww A Bonnie Boo MC L Lipford/T Leonard 5 DC Undercover Meisterhaus Valentino RN SC NA NAJ K Harmon

BCOA AKC JUNIOR COURSER TESTS Monday, Sept. 20, 2014 JUNIOR COURSER TEST A JUDGE: MIKE FERRIS 5 starters AB I Hear A Symphony............................................................................S Tucker/W Pooley Chili’s Magic Eshu Of Kita...................................................................... P Wand/S Wuornos JUNIOR COURSER TEST B JUDGE: D. FERRIS 7 starters Ankhu Across The Universe ..................................................................W Bunyard/C Jones Chili’s Magic Eshu Of Kita...................................................................... P Wand/S Wuornos Emerant’s Hush Hush........................................................................................L Hart/B Hart

©George Woodard The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 28

AGILITY September 23, 2014 JUDGE: Mr Alan Arthur HIGH IN TRIAL - STANDARD AND J/WW....................................................FC MACH Eldorado’s Y’s African Sinbaje CDX RAE SC FCh GRC RATO STANDARD AGILITY NOVICE B 12 INCH - NO QUALIFIERS NOVICE B 15 INCH - NO QUALIFIERS OPEN 15 INCH - NO QUALIFIERS EXCELLENT 16 INCH - NO QUALIFIERS MASTER 16 INCH 1........... 45.0................... 100........................Feigh....................FC MACH Eldorado’s Y’s African Sinbaje CDX RAE SC FCh GRC RATO, Linda Daves Siekert, Rand Siekert 2........... 51.97................. 100........................Ph’nx....................CH Sinbaje’s Thyme2Rise CD BN RN AX MXJ RATN., Linda Daves Siekert PREFERRED NOVICE 12 INCH - NO QUALIFIERS PREFERRED OPEN 12 INCH - NO QUALIFIERS PREFERRED EXCELLENT 12 INCH - NO QUALIFIERS PREFERRED MASTER 12 INCH 1........... 54.85................. 100........................Jada......................Kiroja Loving Every Minute RN JC MX AXJ, Jan Cook 2........... 60.65................. 100........................V...........................CH Sinbaje’s That’s Wavy Gravy CDX RE SC MX MXJ MXP MJP RATN, Linda Daves Siekert

JUMPERS W/WEAVES JWW NOVICE B 12 INCH - NO QUALIFIERS JWW NOVICE B 16 INCH - NO QUALIFIERS JWW OPEN 16 INCH - NO QUALIFIERS JWW EXCELLENT 16 INCH 1........... 36.37................. 100........................Miko......................FC SkyHi’s Native Infinite Hope SC OA OAJ, Alyce Sumita, Glenn Fukuma JWW MASTER 16 INCH 1........... 36.14................. 100........................Feigh....................FC MACH Eldorado’s Y’s African Sinbaje CDX RAE SC FCh GRC RATO, Linda Daves Siekert, Rand Siekert JWW PREFERRED, NOVICE 12 INCH - NO QUALIFIERS JWW PREFERRED, OPEN 12 INCH - NO QUALIFIERS JWW PREFERRED, EXCELLENT 12 INCH - NO QUALIFIERS JWW PREFERRED, MASTER 12 INCH 1........... 44.12................. 100........................Jada......................Kiroja Loving Every Minute RN JC MX AXJ, Jan Cook TIME 2 BEST REGULAR 1........... 32.01...............................................Feigh....................FC MACH Eldorado’s Y’s African Sinbaje CDX RAE SC FCh GRC RATO, Linda Daves Siekert, Rand Siekert All Photos by George Woodard

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TUESDAY, September 23, 2014 OBEDIENCE JUDGE: MS. VIRGINIA. KINION HIGH IN TRIAL DC TAMMEN’S CAN’T TOUCH THIS BN RE SC OA OAJ CGC, Susan Cook, Laura Gilchrist BEGINNER NOVICE B 1 185.0 GCH CH Karnaks Good Morgan Sunshine RN, J Slonaker, S Slonaker NOVICE A 1 173.0 DC Tammen’s Can’T Touch This BN RE SC OA OAJ CGC, S Cook, L Gilchrist VETERAN OBEDIENCE 1 175.0 CH Reveille Bells and Whistles, J Slonaker, S Slonaker


RALLY NOVICE A 1 70 GCH DC Jadaka’s Independent Spirit SC CGC, Terry Colbert RALLY NOVICE B 1 94 Reveille Salutes Whistler’s Mother, Jeffery P. Slonaker, Scotti S Slonaker. 2 83 FC Skyhi’s Native Infinite Hope SC AX AXJ. Alyce Sumita, Glenn Fukuma RALLY ADVANCED A 1 85 Bushwacker Kiroja Breaking Bad RN, Kelli Harmon, Chris Frost. RALLY ADVANCED B 1 99 FC MACH Eldorado’s Y’s African Sinbaje CDX RAE SC RATO FCH GRC. Linda Daves Siekert, Rand Siekert. 2 97 CH Sinbaje’s That’s Wavy Gravy CDX RE SC MX MXJ MXP MJP RATN, Linda Daves Siekert. 3 96 CH Sinbaje’s Thyme2rise CD BN RN AX MXJ RATN. Linda Daves Siekert. 4 91 DC Tammen’s Can’t Touch This BN RE SC OA OAJ. Susan Cook, Laura Gilchrist. 87 DC Rafikis Twilights Last Gleaming BN RE SC OA OAJ.Susan Cook, Michelle Gahgan. 81 CH Reveille Bells And Whistles. Jeffery P Slonaker, Scotti Slonaker. RALLY EXCELLENT A 1 93 CH Meisterhaus Kiroja Kiss N Tell RA SC NA NAJ. Kelli Harmon. 2 87 CH Arendahls Carnival Night RA JC OA OAJ NF. Lisa Marshall, Amy Marshall. RALLY EXCELLENT B 1 97 CH Sinbaje’s That’s Wavy Gravy CDX RE SC MX MXJ MXP MJP Linda Daves Siekert. 2 96 FC MACH Eldorado’s Y’s African Sinbaje CDX RAE SC RATO FCH RC. Linda Daves Siekert, Rand Siekert. 3 87 DC Tammen’s Can’t Touch This BN RE SC OA OAJ. Susan Cook, Laura Gilchrist. 4 79 DC Rafikis Twilights Last Gleaming BN RE SC OA OAJ. Susan Cook, Michelle Gahgan. 73 CH Reveille Bells And Whistles. Jeffery P Slonaker, Scotti Slonaker

photos by Wanda Pooley


Arrow and Susan doing a High Five

photos by Wanda Pooley

Doing the “Down” The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 30

Last dog “down.”

SWEEPSTAKES THURSDAY, SEPT. 25 2014 Judge: A Tad Brooks

2 3

BEST PUPPY IN SWEEPS........................ Nelsons Friendship of Magnificent 7 in Flight BEST OP SEX PUPPY IN SWEEPS.....dLucks Svengali Zindika’s Overnight Sensation BEST OP SEX PUPPY



Karnak’s Deux the Hustle. Michele Iverson & Karen Hutchison. Birch’s Circle Game at Meowl. Debbie Brown-Thompson, Dave Thompson, and Larry Birch. 4 Tarsha’s Wish Upon A Star. Tari Parish. BRED BY 6-18 BITCHES 1 Klassic’s Girl With a Curl. Sue Kite & Jeffrey Gillespie. 2 Akuaba N Eldorado Heart Skips A Beat. R:S Lund & P Geoffroy & S Coe. 3 Rafikis Silent Night At C-Quest-Jokuba. Michelle Gahgan. 4 Arubmec’s I’ll Have Another. Patricia E Cembura.

VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES BEST VETERAN IN SWEEPS.............................. CH Jasiri-Sukari Congaro Politician JC BEST OP SEX VETERAN IN SWEEPS .........................CH Ankhu Promises In The Dark

Photos by George Woodard ©George Woodard

PUPPY 6-9 DOGS 1/BOSS dLucks Svengali Zindika’s Overnight Sensation. Natalie Scherwin. 2 Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours. Katherine Sanders. 3 Illusion’s Salsa.:Bob and Terry Reed. 4 Remeseb’s King Zircon. :Katie Besemer. PUPPY 9-12 RED & WHITE DOGS 1 Bahaticca’s Colonel Red.:Natalie Scherwin. 2 Sirius Works for Me. Michael Work and Carrie Lewis and Tonda Curry. 3 Taji’s Platinum Duke Of Veramonte.:Steve Wicklund & Katie Campbell & MK Quinnett. 4 Joy-Us Hung the Moon. Terry Colbert. PUPPY 9-12 AOAC DOGS 1 Eldorado N Pride I Am A Rock. Donna DeFlorio & Pamela A Geoffroy. 2 Explicit Packs A Punch. Bill Reeves and Robert Murray. 3 Laurel Force Be With Darwin’s Survivor. Laura Mae Hesse. 4 Joy-Us Shoot For The Moon.:Jan Cook. BRED BY 6-18 DOGS 1 CH Sonbar’s Justa Determined Talker At Jaiye . Yvonne R Ricroft, Sally Wuornos, Kari Wuornos-Winger. 2 Rafikis Snow Wonder.:Robb Lounsbury & Michelle Gahgan. 3 Kaleonahe’s Extrovert. Kyle Cabral & Stephen Strobel. 4 Epic Select Tri On Da Fly At Tomjo. Becky Blansett & Tracy Leonard DVM & Pilar Heslin & Thomas Wright. PUPPY 6-9 BITCHES 1 Rafikis Wild Weather. Michelle Gahgan. 2 Timar Kaleonahe’s Evening Mist. J D Martin & K Cabral & S Strobel. 3 Kaleonahe’s Darling. Kyle Cabral & Stephen Strobel & Jean Martin 4 Kaleonahe’s Empress for Relic. Dianna & Mark Sanders & Kyle Cabral. PUPPY 9-12 RED & WHITE BITCHES 1 Explicit Amera’s Pretty Pretty Please. Susan McCord/ Ledbury. 2 Eldorado N Akuaba Going In Style.:S Lund & P Geoffroy & S Coe 3 Spring Willow’s Airtight Alibi. Laura Owen. 4 Mata Hauri Summer Storm. S Lund & P Geoffroy & S Coe. PUPPY 9-12 AOAC BITCHES 1 Eldorado N Pride Here I Am At Dagoba.:Kimberly A Brown. 2 Klassic’s Merry Jones. Jeffrey Gillespie & Niena & Barry Jones & Sue Kite. 3 Flyn Hi AB Dark Mistress. Cindy Griswold & Wanda Pooley. 4 Berimo Breath Of Heaven. Pat Marshall and Erin Roberts. PUPPY 12-18 BITCHES 1/BISS Nelsons Friendship of Magnificent 7 in Flight.Lawrence Nelson , Deborah Nelson.

VETERANS 7-9 YEARS DOGS BEST VET -CH Jasiri-Sukari Congaro Politician JC 1/BISS CH Jasiri-Sukari Congaro ©George Woodard Politician JC. Veronica & Anne Predale & Catherine Ongaro. 2 CH Eldorado’s Echo Of The Wind. D & D Deflorio & Ron Allen & Sheila Lund & Kim Byrd. 3 CH Briden’s Stoppin’ A Stone.:Denise Vertrees & Judy House. 4 Mystical’s Roll Of The Dice.:Karen Terry. VETERANS 9-11 YEARS DOGS 1 GCH DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC, LCX. Terry Colbert. 2 GCH Chiya Sublime Rocky MT N High. Jerry and Sue Morgan. 3 CH Laurel Sashalia Tajiamiri. Mary Simmons & Laura Mae Hesse. 4 CH Klassic’s Rudy Toot ©Teddy ‘14 Flutesong. Nancy Craigie. VETERANS 11-13 YEARS DOGS 1 Ch. Jerlin-SS General Powell.:Linda K. Ehlers. 2 FC Baraka Prince of Abu Tig MC.:Bob Gooderl. 3 DC Stilwell’s OK Redbud of Zande. Linda Stilwell. VETERANS 13+ YRS DOGS 1 CH Alista-Arubmec Integrity.:Ann Sobel. 2 CH Reveille The Bell Tolls JC. Suzanne La Croix & Damara Bolte’. 3 Ch Jazzeta Patton Leather No Lace. Dave Thompson & Debbie Brown-Thompson. VETERANS 7-9 YEARS BITCHES VET BOS - CH Ankhu Promises In The Dark 1/BOSS CH Ankhu Promises In The Dark.Caryn & Michael Jones. 2 Ch Wakili Signet Dooney. Michael Work and Carrie Lewis and Tonda Curry. 3 GCH Eldorado’s Echo of a Legend, SC. Kimberly A Brown. 4 DC Stilwell’s Tadita Runs With the Wind, FCh, SC, MC, LCX.:Linda Stilwell, Anita White, Jo Ann Linebaugh. VETERANS 9-11 YEARS BITCHES 1 CH Pepparson’s Uzuri Bulldobas. :Nancy Craigie. 2 CH Jerlin’s Lunar Eclipse. :Bethany Redo. VETERANS 11-13 YEARS BITCHES 1 DC Ra-Shes Future View Of TuTu, SC FCH int. Elda R. & Tom Cross, Wanda Pooley. 2 Ch. Signet Explicit Runaround Sue. Bill Reeves and Brenda J Cassell. 3 CH Jumoke Quita African Chilo JC. Bob Gooderl.

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©George Woodard

photos by Wanda Pooley

BEST OF BREED...... 211 GCh Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin. (D) Julie & Kathy Jones and Chua Ming Kok. BEST OF OP SEX.................. 276 GCH Meisterhaus Happy Hour at Signet (B) Tim Huff & Tom Kirstein. SELECT DOG..................... 175 GCH Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover. Donna DeFlorio & Kyle Cabral. SELECT BITCH.......................................... 236 Ch Jasiri-Sukari High Win Warning.Julie & Kathy Jones. AWARD OF MERIT......143 CH Sonbar’s Justa Determined Talker At Jaiye (D). Yvonne R Ricroft, Sally AWARD OF MERIT.......................149 CH Taji Platinum Will.I. Am. (D) Katie Campbell & MaryK Quinett. AWARD OF MERIT/BEST VETERAN ...154 CH Ankhu Promises In The Dark (B) Caryn, Michael Jones. AWARD OF MERIT......................................... 163 Sirobe Egotistical Rosewood (D) Illusion. Brad Phifer. AWARD OF MERIT........................................190 GCH Dragonete Itapuca (B) JC. Jerry and Sue Morgan. AWARD OF MERIT..................................203 GCH Klassic’s Slam Dunk.(D) Sue Kite & Jeffrey Gillespie. AWARD OF MERIT.............................................212 GCH Tammen’s Defying Gravity. (B) Laura Gilchrist AWARD OF MERIT..........................226 CH Dark Moon’s Barking Bad JC (B). Veronica & John Predale. AWARD OF MERIT............244 Gr Ch SkyHi’s Always in Fashion.(B) Laurie Stargell and Jolene Krohn. AWARD OF MERIT.....................................................................250 GCH Berimo Cavalia.(B) Pat Marshall. WINNERS DOG................................................................................................................Sirius Works for Me RESERVE WINNERS DOG...............................................dLucks Svengali Zindika’s Overnight Sensation WINNERS BITCH/BOW...........................................................Laurel Frim Fram Only a Cockeyed Optimist RESERVE WINNERS BITCH/BBE..........................................................................Klassic’s Girl With a Curl


AMERICAN BRED DOGS 1 Kibushi Gugu Diospyros. Barbara Reisinger, Jon Curby, Jared Reisinger. 2 Amore’s Promise I’ll Tri. Whitney Podhradsky. OPEN BLACK & WHITE DOGS 1 Kasendo-Tutu Royal Iron Man. Kathryn Boyd & Elda Cross. 2 Bushwacker Kiroja Breaking Bad RN. Kelli Harmon &Chris Frost. 3 Dharian’s Starry Knight. S Anne Humphreys and Bill Humphreys. 4 Etowah Kofi Kilowatt at Jaroufa. Kathryn D Ladick. OPEN BLACK, TAN & WHITE DOGS 1 Epic Select Tri On Da Fly At Tomjo. Becky Blansett & Tracy Leonard DVM & Pilar Heslin & Thomas Wright. OPEN BRINDLE & WHITE DOGS 1 Victory Meisterhaus Burn Notice.Tim Huff. 2 Basenji Park Anything Goes. Gail Dluzeski & Garr Deluzeski. RED & WHITE DOGS 1 Bahaticca’s Colonel Red. Natalie Scherwin. RESERVE WINNERS DOG 2 Karnak’s Harmony Star. Natalie Mortelmans & Michael Colucci. 3 Tarsha’s Just You Wait. Robin Castillo. 4 Epic Select In Your Face SC. Beck Balnsett & Tracy Leonard DVM.

PUPPY (6-9 MOS) DOGS 1/R dLucks Svengali Zindika’s Overnight Sensation.Natalie Scherwin. 2 Borassus Hot.Cool.Yours.. Katherine Sanders. 3 Remeseb’s King Zircon. Katie Besemer. 4 Illusion’s Salsa. Bob and Terry Reed. PUPPY (9-12 MOS) RED & WHITE DOGS 1/W Sirius Works for Me. Michael Work and Carrie Lewis and Tonda Curry. 2 SkyHi’s Henry the Eighth. Laurie A Stargell. 3 C-Quest Jokuba No Matter What. Kimberly A Noel. 4 Taji’s Platinum Duke Of Veramonte.Steve Wicklund & Katie Campbell & MK Quinnett. PUPPY (9-12 MOS) AOAC DOGS 1 Jadaka Meisterhaus Excalibur. Janice Kahl. 2 Eldorado N Pride I Am A Rock.Donna DeFlorio & Pamela A Geoffroy. 3 Explicit Packs A Punch. Bill Reeves and Robert Murray. 4 Van Der Mere First Holiday. Felice M. Lang. AMATEUR OWNER HANDLER DOGS 1 Ankhu Across the Universe. W. Clayton Bunyard & Caryn Jones. 2 Jerlin’s Mystic Warrior. Charles B Bruton. BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR DOGS 1 Meisterhaus Victory Anteaus. Tim Huff 2 Sirius Dr Livingstone I Presume. Michael Work & Carrie Lewis. 3 Birch’s You Had Me From Hello.Larry and Eva Birch. 4 Kaleonahe’s Extrovert.Kyle Cabral & Stephen Strobel.

PUPPY (6-9 MOS) BITCHES 1 Rafikis Wild Weather. Michelle Gahgan. 2 Kaleonahe’s Darling. Kyle Cabral & Stephen Strobel & Jean Martin. 3 Timar Kaleonahe’s Dawn Mist.Jean D /Martin/ & Kyle Cabral & Stephen Strobel. 4 Illusion Rumba At Asgard. Wendy Safford. PUPPY (9-12 MOS) RED & WHITE BITCHES 1/W/BW Laurel Frim Fram Only a Cockeyed Optimist. Laura Mae Hesse. 2 SkyHi’s Eighth Wonder of the World. Laurie A Stargell 3 Mata Hauri Summer Storm. S Lund & P Geoffroy & S Coe. 4 Rafikis Silent Night At Cquest-Jokuba. Michelle Gahgan. PUPPY BITCHES (9-12) AOCA 1 Explicit Poise N Powder. Bill Reeves and Robert Murray 2 Klassic’s Merry Jones. Jeffrey Gillespie & Niena & Barry Jones & Sue Kite. 3 Eldorado N Pride Here I Am At Dagoba. Kimberly A Brown. 4 Flyn Hi AB Dark Mistress. Cindy Griswold, Wanda Pooley 12-18 MOS BITCHES 1 Nelsons Friendship of Magnificent 7 in Flight. Lawrence Nelson , Deborah Nelson 2 Tarsha’s Wish Upon A Star. Tari Parish. 3 Karnak’s Deux the Hustle. Michele Iverson & Karen Hutchison. 4 Bushbabies Gypsy’s Whisper. Amber McGee & Teresa Garaletz.

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©George Woodard

AMATEUR OWNER HANDLER BITCHES 1 Taji’s hAfrican Queen Disa. Barbara Reisinger, Jared Reisinger, Katie Campbell BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR BITCHES 1/R/BBE Klassic’s Girl With a Curl Sue Kite & Jeffrey Gillespie. 2 Meisterhaus Victory CoCo Chanel.Tim Huff. 3 Emerant’s R E S P E C T, SC. Lisa R Hart & Bryce Hart. 4 Eldorado N Akuaba Going In Style. S Lund & P Geoffroy & S Coe. AMERICAN BRED BITCHES 1 Spring Willow’s Red Rubber Ball. Laura Owen. 2 Akuaba N Eldorado Heart Skips A Beat. S Lund & P Geoffroy & S Coe. 3 Kaleonahe’s Empress for Relic. Dianna & Mark Sanders & Kyle Cabral. 4 Valcmick The Little Lady. Jeffrey P Slonaker and Scotti S Slonaker. OPEN BLACK & WHITE BITCHES 1 Berimo Breath Of Heaven.Pat Marshall and Erin Roberts. 2 Kaleonahe’s Copacabana. Kyle Cabral & Stephen Strobel. 3 Marjani Galaga at Samilyn. Michelle Radloff & Lindsey Lund & Courtney Lund & Julie Hartigan. 4 Birch’s Circle Game at Meowl. Debbie Brown-Thompson, Dave Thompson, and Larry Birch. OPEN BLACK, TAN & WHITE BITCHES 1 Epic Select The Course Of True Love. Becky Blansett & Tracy Leonard DVM. 2 Timar Kaleonahe’s Evening Mist. J D Martin & K Cabral & S Strobel. 3 Briden’s Bougarbou. Denise Vertrees & Carole Kirk. 4 Taji’s All Dressed Up For Rosewood. Bethany Redo-Rahre & Katie Campbell. OPEN BRINDLE & WHITE BITCHES 1 Akuaba N Eldorado Queen Of Hearts. Kimberly A Brown. 2 Dharian’s Dream On of Woz. Cecelia Wozniak & S Anne Humphreys. 3 Flyn Hi’s Tunda. Cindy Griswold. OPEN RED & WHITE BITCHES 1 Dark Moon’s State Of Emergency Veronica & John Predale. 2 Akuaba N Eldorado hearts On Fire. S Lund & P Geoffroy & S Coe. 3 Viento’s Red Rotal Arsinoe. Betty Jo Bradshaw. 4 NaeJon Klassic’s Spicy Lil Red Roo. Neina & Barry Jones, Jeffrey Gillespie & Sue Gruber-Kite. NON-REGULAR CONFORMATION CLASSES FIELD TRIAL CLASS DOGS 1 GCH DC Jadaka’s Independent Spirit SC, CGC. Terry Colbert. FIELD TRIAL CLASS BITCHES 1 DC Taji’s Alster Ego From Hodari SC LCX. Mary Ellen Chaffin, Katie Campbell. 2 GCh DC N’Focus Santa Baby MC, LCX, JOR, CGC, LCM IV, VB. Katherine Sanders. 3 FC Kiroja Hart N Soul RA SC. Kelli Harmon. 4 FC Jaroufa’s The Glamazon at Etowah,SC.Kathryn D Ladick. VETERANS VETERAN (7-10 YEARS) DOGS 1 CH Jasiri-Sukari Congaro Politician JC. Veronica & Anne Predale, Catherine Ongaro. 2 CH Briden’s Stoppin’ A Stone. Denise Vertrees & Judy House. 3 GCH DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC, LCX. Terry Colbert.

4 CH Eldorado’s Echo Of The Wind. D & D Deflorio, Ron Allen, Sheila Lund, Kim Byrd. VETERAN (10+ YEARS) DOGS 1 Ch. Jerlin-SS General Powell. Linda K. Ehlers. 2 CH Alista-Arubmec Integrity.Ann Sobel. 3 DC Stilwell’s OK Redbud of Zande. Linda Stilwell. 4 FC Baraka Prince of Abu Tig MC. Bob Gooderl. VETERAN (7-10 YEARS) BITCHES 1/AOM/BV CH Ankhu Promises In The Dark. Caryn & Michael Jones. 2 Ch Wakili Signet Dooney. Michael Work and Carrie Lewis and Tonda Curry. 3 GCH Eldorado’s Echo of a Legend, SC. Kimberly A Brown. 4 DC Stilwell’s Tadita Runs With the Wind, FCh, SC, MC, LCX. Linda Stilwell, Anita White, Jo Ann Linebaugh VETERAN (10+ YEARS) BITCHES 1 DC Ra-Shes Future View Of TuTu,SC FCH Elda & Tom Cross, W Pooley. 4 CH Meisterhaus Kiroja Kiss N TelL RA SC NA NAJ. Kelli Harmon. 2 CH Tomar’s Lil’ Hellion By Fate. Marti Reed. 3 Ch. Kibushi Nyanga Cha Cha.Annette Muenter & Jon Curby.


©Picturees by George Woodard


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CONFORMATION- AOM (In catalog order)

©George Woodard

143 CH Sonbar’s Justa Determined Talker At Jaiye

©George Woodard

149 CH Taji Platinum Will.I. Am.

©George Woodard

©George Woodard

190 GCH Dragonete Itapuca

163 Sirobe Egotistical Rosewood

©George Woodard

212 GCH Tammen’s Defying Gravity

©Teddy ’14

154 CH Ankhu Promises In The Dark & BEST VETERAN

©George Woodard

203 GCH Klassic’s Slam Dunk

©George Woodard

226 CH Dark Moon’s Barking Bad JC

©George Woodard

244 Gr Ch SkyHi’s Always in Fashion

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AWARD OF MERIT (Continued)

CONFORMATION JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP Judge: Dr. Donald Sturz, Jr. BEST JUNIOR...................................... Cagney L Ehlers NOVICE INTERMEDIATE 7 1 Rafikis Wild Weather. Emily Gahgan OPEN INTERMEDIATE 6 1/BJ CH Jerlin’s Topeka. Cagney L Ehlers

©George Woodard

Novice Intermediate Junior entry Emily Gahgan with her puppy Rafikis Wild Weather

250 GCH Berimo Cavalia

photo by Wanda Pooley

MULTPLE ENTRY CLASSES STUD DOG DOGS 1 GCH Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle.Sheila Lund, Pamela Geoffroy, Susan Coe, Kimberly Brown. 2 GCH DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC, LCX. Terry Colbert. 3 GCH Eldorado’s Akuaba One More Time. Sheila Lund, Pamela Geoffroy,Susan Coe.

BROOD BITCH BITCHES 1 Ch Wakili Signet Dooney. Michael Work and Carrie Lewis and Tonda Curry. 2 GCH Sonbar’s Table Talk.Sally Wuornos & Kari Wuornos Winger. 3 CH RoseWood’s Mystic Illusion.Bethany Redo-Rahm. 4 Possum Creeks Ngoma.C Kirk & D Vertrees.


2014 Basenji Top 25 Qualifiers*

GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle, K Brown, S Coe, P Geoffroy, S Lund GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin, Julie & Kathy Jones GCH CH Arubmec’s Take A Chance On Me, Pat Cembura GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow!, S Lund & P Geoffroy & S Coe GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet, Tim Huff & Tom Kirstein GCH DC Khani’s Freeze Frame N’Focus SC , Ellen Bramble & Katherine Britton GCH CH Reveille Waltz Me Around, Damara Bolte’ & Jane Lodge GCH CH Undercover AB UR A Bell Ringer, Wanda Pooley, Gale Whitehurst GCH CH Skyhi’s Always In Fashion, Laurie Stargell GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Best Of The Best , Jennie Behles, R. Walley GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover , Donna DeFlorio & Kyle Cabral GCH CH Alapocas Queen Of The Elves , Julie/Dugan/ & Margaret Dugan & Edward Dugan GCH CH Fopaw’s Dlucks Moon Dance , Natalie Scherwin, Therese Leimbeck, Nancy Sherman GCH CH Tammen’s Defying Gravity, Laura Gilchrist CH Taji’s After Six, Katie Campbell GCH CH Starfyre’s Spiced It Up, Denise Searcy GCH CH Laurel S’Simply Shocking Sabrina, Laura Hessee CH Veramonte’s Spaceman Spiff, Cali Shattuck GCH CH Dragonete Itapuca JC, Jerry & Sue Morgan GCH DC Fopaw’s Touch Of Evil At Saorsa RN SC , Andrea Stone, Theresa Leimback GCH CH Illusion’s Stairway To Heaven, Bob & Terry Reed GCH CH Tarsha’s Ironwood Carver , Tari Parish GCH CH Sirobe Egotistical Rosewood, Brad Phifer CH Khani’s Teazer Last Friday Night, Carolene J. Rose , Kathryn R. Britton , John P. Gaidos GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba Silent Storm, Cindy Russell, Russella Bowen CH Veramonte’s Big River Judah JC , Calli Shattuck CH Jadaka Meisterhaus Silver Legacy , Jan Kahl, Tad Brooks GCH DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition SC, Nancy Sherman, Natalie Scherwin CH Signet ‘Tis-A Gone With The Wind, B Cassell, C Cassell, Fred & Joyce Hughes


GCH CH Arubmec’s Take A Chance On Me Pat Cembura

photo by George Woodard


JUDGES: Linda Ehlers, JERLIN Julie Jones, JASIRI Sue Kite, KLASSIC

*Tie points in some rankings

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 35



SWEEPSTAKES JUDGE: Ms. Marilyn Leighton

BOB GCH Taji’s After Six. (D) Katie Campbell BOS CH Arubmec’s Black-Eyed Pea. (B) Jennifer Sealy SEL DOG GCH Arubmec’s Take A Chance On Me. Pat E Cembura & Kelly Collins. SEL BITCH CH Astarte’s Royal Odette. Bitch. Stella Sapios & Tatiana Bailey AWARD OF MERIT GCH Jokuba-Kazor’s The Way I Am. WINNERS DOG/BOW Proudlaan Up In Arms WINNERS BITCH Jumoke’s Abbey Road Of Masiya

BRED BY EXHIBITOR, 6 MONTHS & UNDER 18 MONTHS DOGS. 1/BSW Proudlaan Up In Arms. Joan V Bayley & Laura Pond 2 Arubmec’s Teddy. Lauren E Fancy & Patricia Cembura & Erik Mattson 3 Starfyre’s Tri’d To Charge It. Denise Searcy & Kathy Grayson PUPPY, 9 & UNDER 12 MONTHS DOGS. 1 Svengali Zindika Big Sky Edition. Bridgette Lesar & Carol Wyatt & Cecily Rappe 2 Bushbabies Tigers Eye In The Congo. Connie Langford 3 Zindika N Avekami Said He Would. Monika & Tom Siembab 4 Bushbabies Dream Weaver. Roxanne Dilley PUPPY, 9 & UNDER 12 MONTHS BITCHES. 1/BOSSW CH Astarte’s Royal Odette. Stella Sapios & Tatiana Bailey 2 Proudlaan Wake-Up Call. Jana Link & Nora Link & Laura Pond 3 Kazor’s My Gal Friday. Carol A Webb 4 Signet Stolen Moment Of Bliss. Katherine Katayama & Brenda Cassell JUNIOR, 12 & UNDER 18 MONTHS BITCHES. 1 Bushbabies Gypsy’s Whisper. Amber McGee & Teresa Gavaletz

PUPPY, 9 & UNDER 12 MONTHS DOGS. 1 Bushbabies Tigers Eye In The Congo. Connie Langford 2 Arubmec’s Teddy. Lauren E Fancy & Patricia Cembura & Erik Mattson 3 Bushbabies Dream Weaver. Roxanne Dilley 4 Zindika N Avekami Said He Would. Monika & Tom Siembab BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS. 1/W/BW Proudlaan Up In Arms. Joan V Bayley & Laura Pond 2/R Starfyre’s Tri’d To Charge It. Denise Searcy & Kathy Grayson 3 Svengali Zindika Big Sky Edition. Bridgette Lesar & Carol Wyatt & Cecily Rappe PUPPY, 9 & UNDER 12 MONTHS BITCHES. VETETERAN SWEEPSTAKES 1 Kazor’s My Gal Friday. Carol A Webb 2 Proudlaan Wake-Up Call. Jana Link & Nora Link & Laura Pond VETERAN 7 YEARS & UNDER 10 YEARS DOGS. 3 Astarte’s Princess Neeka. Stella Sapios & Tatiana Bailey & William Henderson 1/BVSW GCH Jokuba-Kazor’s The Way I Am. Teresa Gavaletz & Kelly Shane 4 Signet Stolen Moment Of Bliss. Katherine Katayama & Brenda Cassell 2 FC Shika’s Tiger Moon MC CA. S Maddux & E Smith & R Smith & J Boese 12 & UNDER 18 MONTHS BITCHES. 3 Loki’s Inkosi Solomon JC CA CAA CAX. LJ Baxter & A Guth 1 Bushbabies Gypsy’s Whisper. Amber Mcgee & Teresa Gavaletz 4 FC Emerant Fopaw Triwizard At Tanza SC RA BN. Ann Patterson-Hine & Pat AMATEUR-OWNER-HANDLER BITCHES. Fragassi 1/WB Jumoke’s Abbey Road Of Masiya. Paulette Rinck & Bryan Gregory VETERAN 10 YEARS & UNDER 13 YEARS DOGS. BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES. 1 CH Shika’s Piper Cub. Edward J Boese & Joni Boese 1 Tanza-Jamaa Tri-Light Princess CGC CA. Pat Fragassi & Ann Patterson-Hine & Jeff VETERAN 7 YEARS & UNDER 10 YEARS BITCHES. Sheldon 1/BOSVSW Shika’s Dance The Simple Life. Pam Hane & Edward J & Joni Boese 2 5Star Stepping Stone Ode To Kazor JC. Barbara Sauceda 3 Avekami N Zindika’s Finishing Touch. Eunice Ockerman OPEN, BLACK AND WHITE BITCHES. 1 Bushbabies Wait Until Dark. Teresa B Gavaletz OPEN, BLACK, TAN, AND WHITE BITCHES. BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN 1 Starfyre’s Tri A Lil’ Pizzazz SC. Denise Searcy & Kathy Grayson PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES OPEN, RED AND WHITE BITCHES. CH Astarte’s Royal Odette 1/RWB Arubmec’s Moonlite Madness. Darlene Fredell & PE Cembura VETERAN, 7 YEARS & UNDER 10 YEARS DOGS. 1/AOM GCH Jokuba-Kazor’s The Way I Am. Teresa Gavaletz & Kelly Shane 2 FC Shika’s Tiger Moon MC CA. S Maddux & E Smith & R Smith & J Boese 3 Loki’s Inkosi Solomon JC CA CAA CAX. LJ Baxter & A Guth VETERAN, 7 YEARS & UNDER 10 YEARS BITCHES. ©Pictures provided 1 Shika’s Dance The Simple Life. Pam Hane & Edward J & Joni Boese. by Stormy Maddux VETERAN, 10 YEARS & UNDER 13 YEARS DOGS. 1/AOM CH Shika’s Piper Cub. Edward J Boese & Joni Boese STUD DOG. 1 GCH Jokuba-Kazor’s The Way I Am. Teresa Gavaletz & Kelly Shane

Reserve Winners Dog Starfyre’s Tri’d To Charge It -- Winners Dog/BOW Proudlaan Up In Arms

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 36


©Pictures provided by Stormy Maddux

JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP JUDGE: Mrs. Jeraldeen R. Crandall OPEN INTERMEDIATE 1/BJ FC Shika’s Tiger Moon MC CA. Ethan Alexander Maddux Smith

FIRST PLACE - PUPPY BITCH 9-12 MO Kazor’s My Gal Friday


Arubmec’s Teddy.

SELECT BITCH CH Astarte’s Royal Odette

Sweepstakes Judge Marilyn Leighton considering her placements


BREED JUDGE: Christie Beetz Results for Basenjis

Best of Breed.........Trip.............. GCH AB Day Trip To Tanza-Jamaa SC CAA.......................5 pt Major Singles 3 Daisy FC Karosel Dragnquest Itzyu Dark Shadows SC CA Open 1 Tripp GCH AB Day Trip To Tanza-Jamaa SC CAA 2 Carly Tanza-Jamaa Tri-Light Princess CA CGC Specials 1 Kobey FC Emerant Fopaw TriWizard At Tanza BN RA SC CA 2 *Hunter FC Shika’s Tiger Moon MC CA 3 Franie GCH DC Klassic-Tanza Color Me Tri SC CA 4 C-Me GCH DC AB Tanza Life IN The Fast Lane, SC,CA


*By Placing Second in Specials 1 Point, Hunter , Shika’s Tiger Moon, Maddux/Smith/Boese earned enough points to finish his LCX title, making him FC Shika’s Tiger Moon MC LCX CA

Sheldon/Rollins/Fragassi Patterson-Hine /Fragassi/Sheldon Patterson-Hine/Fragassi Maddux/Smith/Boese Fragassi/Judd Fragassi/Judd

3pts 1pt

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BASENJI FANCIERS OF GREATER PHOENIX SPECIALTY NOVEMBER 2, 2014 JUDGEl Ms. Kathy R Britton Best of Breed.................................. CH Jumanjis Anock-Sulou-Moon (B), G Neal/S Howard Best of Opposite Sex...................CH Congaro's Where The Wild Things Are (D), C Ongaro Select Dog......................................GCH CH Illusion's Stairway To Heaven T Reed/B Reed Select Bitch........................................ GCH CH Starfyre's Spiced It Up D Searcy/K Grayson WD/BOW................................................. Signet Midnight Cowboy (D), B Cassell/C Cassell Reserve Winner Dog ...................................................................................... Illusion's Salsa Winners Bitch ..................................................................................... Kazor's My Gal Friday Reserve Winner Bitch ........................................................................ Signet Forbidden Tryst PUPPY DOG 6 - 9 MOS. 1 Norika's Johnny Cash G Putnam 2 Norika's Conway Twitty G Putnam PUPPY DOG 9 - 12 MOS. 1 Illusion's Tango B Reed/T Reed 2 Bushbabies Tiger's Eye In The Congo C Langford BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOG 1/WD/BOW Signet Midnight Cowboy B Cassell/C Cassell 2/RWD Illusion's Salsa B Reed/T Reed 3 Starfyre's Tri'D To Charge It D Searcy/K Grayson 4 Bubalaks Alexander M DeWhitt AMERICAN BRED DOG 1 Frostfires Soul Of A Dragon I Berrey

OPEN RED WHITE DOG 1 Tarsha's Just You Wait R Castillo 2 Tarsha's Shooting Star At Sundancer T Tuttle/T Parish 3 Furaha's Mwimbaji A Kurtz/S Joyner PUPPY BITCH 6 - 9 MOS. 1 Norika's Dolly Pardon G Putnam PUPPY BITCH 9 - 12 MOS. 1/WB Kazor's My Gal Friday C Webb BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCH 1/RWB Signet Forbidden Tryst B Cassell/C Cassell 2 Tarsha's Wish Upon A Star T Parish 3 Starfyre's Gold'N Nugget D Searcy/K Grayson 4 Furaha Tukutu A Kurtz OPEN BITCHES 1 Starfyre's Tri A Lil' Pizzazz SC D Searcy/K Grayson OPEN RED/WHITE BITCHES 1 Nowata's Crime Scene Investigator S Howard/S Stevens 2 Furaha's Joy-Us Az Copper A Kurtz/S Joyner/R Fair VETERAN, DOGS 1 CH Tarsha's Vision Quest R Castillo 2 CH Bubalak Tri N Again JC M DeWhitt VETERAN BITCHES 1/BOB CH Jumanjis Anock-Sulou-Moon G Neal/S Howard BEST OF OPPOSITE TO BEST OF BREED



Photography by Keith Kerr


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Photography by Keith Kerr

PUPPY AND VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES JUDGE: Mr. Larry E. Hansen, Jr. Best Puppy in Sweeps......................................... Tarsha’s Wish Upon A Star Best Op Puppy in Sweeps.................................................... Illusion’s Tango Best Veteran in Sweeps............................. Ch Jumanjis Amock Sulou Moon Best Op Sex Veteran in Sweeps................ CH Tarsha’s Vision Quest R Castillo





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ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA JUDGE: SALLY WALLIS, UK Best of Breed/BIS..............................................................................20 Tim Spirit Vinni Teddy Bear Reserve BOB/RBIS...........................................................13 Afrikanskiy Molchun Ego Velichestvo Best Veteran..........................................................................................89 Tim Spirit Dancing Queen Best Bitch / Best Opposite Sex........................................................... 69 Djuvanstar Idalika Shania Reserve Best Bitch...............................................................58 Afrikanskiy Molchun Basita Suraya Best Puppy.................................................................................................5 Dar Bony-Sona Emerald Best Baby Puppy...................................................... 1 Afrikanskiy Molchun Luchshil’iz Luchshikh Puppy Dog/Best Puppy.................................................................................5-Dar Bony-Sona Emerald Junior Dog/RBOB/RBIS........................................................... 13 Afrikanskiy Molchun Ego Velichestvo Intermediate Dog/BOB/BIS..................................................................... 20 Tim Spirit Vinni Teddy Bear Open Dog................................................................................................... 27 Tim Spirit Atlantik Ocean Winner Dog Class.................................................................................................. 31Tim Spirit Gassion Champion Dog – 40 Tim Spirit Ashurbanipal Club Champion Dog......................................................................................45 Tim Spirit Man In Black Baby Bitch................................................................................46 Afrikanskiy Molchun Legenda Egipta Puppy Bitch....................................................................................... 49 Afrikanskiy Molchun Mercedes Junior Bitch........................................................................ 57 Afrikanskiy Molchun Egipetskaya Zhritca Intermediate Bitch/RBB.............................................................. 58 Afrikanskiy Molchun Basita Suraya Open Bitch/Best Bitch/Best Opposite Sex................................................. 69 Djuvanstar Idalika Shania Winner Bitch Class..............................................................................77 Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wonderwall Champion......................................................................................................79 Eflalila iz Dvnogo Sada Club Champion Bitch..............................................................................................85 Tim Spirit Aldjeba Veteran Dog or Bitch/Best Veteran...........................................................89 Tim Spirit Dancing Queen

BEST OF BREED/BIS - Tim Spirit Vinni Teddy Bear


RESERVE BEST OF BREED/RBIS Afrikanskiy Molchun Ego Velichestvo

BEST PUPPY Dar Bony-Sona Emerald

Photographer Lyubov Slepnova

RESERVE BEST BITCH Afrikanskiy Molchun Basita Suraya The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 40


BABY PUPPY CLASS/BEST BABY PUPPY 1 Afrikanskiy Molchun Luchshil’iz Luchshikh

BEST VETERAN (BITCH) 89 Tim Spirit Dancing Queen

OPEN DOG CLASS 27 Tim Spirit Atlantik Ocean


WINNERS DOG CLASS 31-Tim Spirit Gassion

CHAMPION DOG CLASS 40 Tim Spirit Ashurbanipal

CLUB CHAMPION DOG CLASS 45 Tim Spirit Man In Black

BABY BITCH CLASS 46 Afrikanskiy Molchun Legenda Egipta

PUPPY BITCH CLASS 49 Afrikanskiy Molchun Mercedes

JUNIOR BITCH 57 Afrikanskiy Molchun Egipetskaya Zhritca

Photographer - Lyubov Slepnova The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 41


WINNERS BITCH CLASS 77 Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wonderwall

CHAMPION BITCH CLASS\ 79 Eflalila iz Dvnogo Sada



HELSINKI, FINLAND - August 8, 2014 Judge: Juslin Joha Best of Breed/Grp 4....................................... Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever, Kuittinen Tuija, Kuopio Best of Opposite Sex........................................ Sternhimmels Nota Prima, Wallius-Smulovitz Raija CACIB Dog..................................................... Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever,Kuittinen Tuija, Kuopio CACIB Bitch...................................................... Sternhimmels Nota Prima, Wallius-Smulovitz Raija Best of Breed Veteran.....................................Sternhimmels Femina Floreat, Tikka Marika, Espoo BOS Veteran........................................... Faraoland Xcuse Me Desmond, Lindqvist Nora, Helsinki Junior Dog........................................................Tim Spirit Delacrua, Kanygina Maria, S-Petersburg Junior Bitch....................................................................... Flare Balticsea Amber, Irina Bezrucenko Best of Breed Puppy..........................Bulldobas Belle Bubbling Under, Ruotsalainen Ari, Hyvinkää BOS Puppy............................................................Dar Bony-Sona Emerald, Konoplev I, Smolensk Best of Breed Breeder.......................................................... Sternhimmels Pukkila Anneli, Helsinki Best of Breed Brace...... Ahti Prince Of Burudika/Ariniti Princess Of Burudika, Müller Dorota, Lodz PUPPIES DOG 1 Dar Bony-Sona Emerald 2 Hi-Lite Cola Candy 3 Bulldobas Baroos In The Night 4 Behukai Fortune Cookie BITCH 1 Bulldobas Belle Bubbling Under 2 Motion Of Life Wild Africa 3 Hi-Lite Cotton Candy 4 Suntribe’s Soul Of Wild Cards DOG JUNIOR 1 Tim Spirit Delacrua 2 Rosone’s Vino Vermentino NUO 1 Sternhimmels Orvar Odd 2 Shahrans El Bandito 3 Farlanders Can You See It Now 4 Farlanders Can Make You Smile AVO 1 Itury Puzzle Azerbaijan 2 Sternhimmels Omen Bonum

Photo by Pauliina Ylitörmä

Best of Breed & Group 4 Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever VAL 1/ ROP/ CACIB Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever 2/SERT, MVA, VARACA Khani’s Man In The Mirror SC 3/SERT Ofi Child Of The Stars Asiaczek 4 Bulldobas Zappa Safeguard VETERAN 1/BOSV Faraoland Xcuse Me Desmond 2 Faraoland Bluetooth Enigma 3 Kanjaras Timeus Theron 4 Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius BITCH JUNIOR 1 Flare Balticsea Amber 2 Karimba’s Colina Cookie 3 Tim Spirit Dance Legend NUO 1/SERT Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wow Factor

2, VASERT Tim Spirit Terra Incognita 3 Dar Bony-Sona Delightful Ruby 4 Harmony Of Swala Pala AVO 1 Bulldobas Zarah Safeguard 2 Behukai Egyptian Treasure 3 Sternhimmels Opera Operata 4 Vanguardian Token Of Luck VAL 1/VSP, CACIB Sternhimmels Nota Prima 2/RACA Hi-Lite Hula Hoops 3 Kingwanas Jitterbug 4 Bulldobas Cute As A Button VETERAN 1/VET ROP Sternhimmels Femina Floreat 2 Ajibu Billie Jean 3 Hanishan Titilayo Sharab

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BASENJI KLUB BOHEMIA CLUB SHOW Judge: Mr. Rainer Fendel (Mutabaruga Kennel Germany) Podmitrov, Czech Republic June 21, 2014 Club winner/ BOB / BISS.................................. Hannah Ekibondo, Mrs. Miroslava Miklisova Club Winner/Best Male/BOSS............. Amigo Kwaku Maybe Dog, Mrs. Katerina Berankova BOB Baby..................................................Honey Amber Sunrise, Mrs. Miroslava Miklisova. BOB Puppy................................. Zahleka Dancing Snowflake, Mrs. Anastassiya Platonova. BOB Junior........................................................ Msumari’s Bayabaya, Ivana and Marek Les BOB Veteran................................................... Fedora z Ticha Bantu, Mr. Roman Pohlreich. Best Pair............ Sternhimmels Jamais Vu & Hanishan Rock The World, Roman Pohlreich. Best Breeding Group............................................................ Rosone, Mrs. Pirjo Rossi-Salmi Junior handler...........................................Valentýna Fabíková & Old Legend’s Faro DOGS TRIDA ŠTĚŇAT /MALE BABY CLASS 1 ManziTami’s TamTamy Ekibondo, Lucie Lenfeldová 2........................................ Mungu Tami’s TamTamy Ekibondo Mungu, Miroslava Miklišová 3 ................................................................................ Enzi Viatu Asthenia, Olga Krahulcová 4 ...........................................................................Attila, Jeremy Vytomdigo, Lucie Krejčová TRIDA DOROSTU/PUPPY CLASS 1 ................................................................... Adi DasAfrican Angel, Zuzana Vágnerová, SK 2............................................................................ Enye Rangi Salasirian , Lucie Valentová 3 .................................................. Possum Creek’s Atumpan, Miluše and František Juřicovi MEZITŘÍDA/INTERMEDIATE CLASS 1/CAC................................................................ Wazzala Alter Ego , Anastassiya Platonova 2......................................................................Akin Atu Včelenská Bonanza, Tomáš Hanzal TRIDA OTEVŘENÁ/OPEN CLASS 1/CAC/KLUBOVÝ/BOS.............................. Amigo Kwaku Maybe Dog, Kateřina Beránková 2/RCAC ...........................................................................Lisimba Ekibondo, Daniel Holásek 3 ....................................................................... Aaron Adenike Belongo, Miloš Karlubík, SK 4........................................................................ Abimbola Crazy Orange, Monika Raszková TRIDA PRACOVNÍ WORKING CLASS 1/CAC ........................................................................Adiel Adenike Belongo, Jana Šikulová 2/RCAC ............................................................ Gambo Ekibondo, Ivana and Marek Lešovi 3 ........................................................................................................ Ankan Ningen Banken TRIDA VÍTĚZŮ /CHAMPION CLASS 1/CAC........................................................................ Old Legend’s Faro, Markéta Horáková 2/RCAC............................................ Zahleka Zanzkrit, Irena Friebertová and Lucie Junová 3 ..........................................Sternhimmels Jamais Vu, Roman Pohlreich and Lucie Junová 4 ................................................................................................................... Jabari Hanáček TRIDA ČESTNÁ HONOR CLASS 1.............................................................................Aramis Adenike Belongo, Alena Ferková TRIDA VETERÁNŮ VETERAN CLASS 1/BestVet.....................................................Wordsworth Final Occasion, Markéta Horáková BITCHES TRIDA ŠTĚŇAT FENY/BABY PUPPY BITCH CLASS 1/BISS Baby.......................................................Honey Amber Sunrise, Miroslava Miklišová 2..............................................................................Garissa Njara Lady Congo, Pavel Ferko 3 ............................................................................. Funanya Salasirian, Petra Folprechtová 4........................................................................Epua Vema Asthenia, Alžběta Halamíčková TRIDA DOROSTU/PUPPY BITCH CLASS 1/BISS Puppy..................................... Zahleka Dancing Snowflake, Anastassiya Platonova 2 ........................................................................ Boyoma Chanzo Cha Nile, Ondřej Polášek 3 ..............................................................................Enzi Ebun Salasirian, Irena Friebertová 4................................................................... Carambola Kandali Santon, Lucie Janoušková TRIDA MLADÝCH /JUNIOR BITCH CLASS 1/J-CAC/ BOJ/BISS Junior............................Msumari’s Bayabaya, Ivana and Marek Lešovi BITCHES, MEZITŘÍDA/INTERMEDIATE CLASS 1/CAC........................................................... Estee Lauder Ituri Moravia, Anna Brothánková 2......................................................................... Ashaki Včelenská Bonanza, Lenka Fojtová 3................................................................................Fayola Lady Congo, Monika Raszková 4........................................................................Funmilayo Lady Congo, Veronika Buráňová TRIDA OTEVŘENÁ/OPEN BITCH CLASS 1/CAC ...........................................................Amaya Akua Maybe Dog, Veronika Vlasáková 2/RCAC ....................................Chinja Maji Salasirian, Roman Pohlreich and Lucie Junová 3 ....................................................... Rosone’s Soprano Supernova, Pirjo Rossi Salmi, FIN 4 ........................................................................................ Leila Ekibondo, Ilona Kuzdasová

Club winner - BOB / BISS Hannah Ekibondo June 21, 2014 BKB Specialty - CAC, Vítěz Speciální Výstavy, BOB, BISS August 9, 2014

Club winner - Best Male/BOSS Amigo Kwaku Maybe Dog June 21, 2014 Winner photos by Petr Pešta, Asthenia Basenjis TRIDA PRACOVNÍ /WORKING BITCH CLASS 1/CAC.....................................................Lis Glamur Energgy Endless Love, Martin Novotný 2/RCAC ................................. Amanita Pantherina Tami’s TamTamy, Alžběta Halamíčková 3 ...................................................................Daboya Kwilu Lady Congo, Vladimíra Hilalová TRIDA VÍTĚZŮ /CHAMPION BITCH CLASS 1/CAC/KLUBOVÝ/BOB/BISS.................................. Hannah Ekibondo, Miroslava Miklišová 2/RCAC............................................................. Dar Bony-Sona Glory Way, Ondřej Polášek 3 ..............................................Mutabaruga’s Israelites at Tami’s TamTamy, Jana Šikulová 4 ....................................... Hanishan Rock The World, Roman Pohlreich and Lucie Junová TRIDA ČESTNÁ/ HONORARY BITCH CLASS 1 ................................................................. Rosone’s Raw Prezioza, Pirjo Rossi Salmi, FIN 2 ............................................................................Kimulimuli Bena Makima, Alena Ferková TRIDA VETERÁNŮ/VETERAN BITCH CLASS 1/BV/BISS Vet........................................................ Fedora z Ticha Bantu, Roman Pohlreich 2 ............................................................. Samlet Symphony of Love, Pirjo Rossi Salmi, FIN 3..............................................................................Assima Lady Congo, Markéta Horáková

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 43

BASENJI KLUB BOHEMIA CLUB SHOW, June 21, 2014 (continued)

Club winner - BOB Veteran-Fedora z Ticha Bantu, June 21, 2014

Club winner - BOB Junior-Msumari’s Bayabaya, June 21, 2014

Club winner - BOB Puppy-Zahleka Dancing Snowflake, June 21, 2014

Club winner - BOB Baby-Honey Amber Sunrise, June 21, 2014

Photography by Petr Pešta, Asthenia Basenjis

BASENJI KLUB BOHEMIA SPECIALTY - August 9, 2014 KYJOV, CZECH REPUBLIC Judge/Rozhodčí Lenka Frnčová (CZ) CAC, BOB, BISS ....................................................................................... Hannah Ekibondo CAC, BOS......................................................................................Cuomi Mwana Salasirian BISS VETERÁN .........................................................................Wordsworth Final Ocassion CAJC, BOJ, BISS JUNIOR ....................................................................Coffi Kandali Santon BISS DOROST/PUPPY .........................................................................Enzi Ebun Salasirian DOGS PSI - TŘÍDA DOROSTU/PUPPY CLASS 1 .................................................................................. Mungu Tami’s TamTamy Ekibondo 2 ................................................................................................................Falsafa Slasirian 3 ....................................................................................Manzi Tami’s TamTamy Ekibondo PSI - TŘÍDA MLADÝCH/JUNIOR CLASS 1, CAJC, BOJ, BISS JUNIOR ............................................................... Coffi Kandali Santon PSI - MEZITŘÍDA/INTERMEDIATE CLASS 1 ............................................................................................ Akin Atu Včelenská Bonanza PSI - TŘÍDA OTEVŘENÁ/OPEN CLASS 1, CAC, BOS................................................................................. Cuomi Mwana Salasirian 2, RCAC ...................................................................................................Lisimba Ekibondo 3 ............................................................................................ E’Kongo Kwami Lady Congo 4 ...................................................................................................................... IQ Ekibondo

CAC, BOB, BISS Hannah Ekibondo Continued

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BASENJI KLUB BOHEMIA SPECIALTY - August 9, 2014 (continued) PSI - TŘÍDA PRACOVNÍ/WORKING CLASS 1, CAC ..................................................................................................... Gambo Ekibondo PSI - TŘÍDA VÍTĚZŮ/CHAMPION CLASS 1, CAC ....................................................................................................Old Legend’s Faro 2, RCAC ....................................................................................................Zahleka Zanzkrit PSI - TŘÍDA VETERÁNŮ/VETERAN CLASS 1, BISS VETERÁN .................................................................. Wordsworth Final Ocassion BITCHES FENY - TŘÍDA DOROSTU/PUPPY CLASS 1, BISS DOROST/PUPPY .................................................................... Enzi Ebun Salasirian 2 ........................................................................................................ Honey Amber Sunrise 3 ......................................................................................................... Epua Vema Asthenia 4 ..................................................................................................Boyoma Chanzo Cha Nile FENY - MEZITŘÍDA/INTERMEDIATE CLASS 1, CAC ................................................................................................Msumari’s Bayabaya 2, RCAC ..................................................................................... Estee Lauder Ituri Moravia 3 ..................................................................................................................... Badu Svitánka 4 ........................................................................................Ambra Zuri Včelenská Bonanza FENY - TŘÍDA OTEVŘENÁ/OPEN CLASS 1, CAC ...............................................................................................Chinja Maji Salasirian 2, RCAC .........................................................................................................Leila Ekibondo 3 ............................................................................................................Becca Sunny Fellow 4 ...............................................................................................................Bititi Sunny Fellow FENY - TŘÍDA PRACOVNÍ/WORKING CLASS 1, CAC .......................................................................Amanita Pantherina Tami’s TamTamy FENY - TŘÍDA VÍTĚZŮ/VETERAN CLASS 1, CAC, BOB, BISS .................................................................................Hannah Ekibondo 2, RCAC .............................................................................................. Bikilu Kandali Santon

CAC, BOS Cuomi Mwana Salasirian

CAJC, BISS JUNIOR Coffi Kandali Santon

BISS PUPPY Enzi Ebun Salasirian

Photography by Petr Pešta, Asthenia Basenjis

BISS VETERÁN Wordsworth Final Ocassion

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 45


JUDGE: MARTIN CROESER, THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA BEST MALE/BEST VETERAN..................................... M Wami’s American Fortune Hunter BEST FEMALE/BOB.............................................................. Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wow Factor BEST JUNIOR.....................................................................Congo Line Body Language (M) BEST OP SEX JUNIOR.............................................................Rosone’s Viola Verdeca (F) BEST PUPPY............................................................................ Barkless Xtreme Dimension BEST OP SEX PUPPY..................................................... Farlanders Deluxe Disney Edition BEST MALE 2........................................................................ Farlanders Against All Storms BEST MALE 3....................................................................Farlanders Can Make You Smile BEST MALE 4...................................................................................Fortuna Numa Aragorn BEST FEMALE 2.................................................................... Farlanders Can I Be The One BEST FEMALE 3...................................................................... Farlanders Busy Bumblebee BEST FEMALE 4..............................................................................................Dakarai Q’ute

MALES - JUNIOR Congo Line Body Language.............................................................. Ex 1 CQ BJ Jun CERT Rosone’s Vino Vermentino....................................................................................... Ex 2 CQ MALES - INTERMEDIATE Fortuna Numa Aragorn.....................................................................................Ex 1 CQ BM4 Farlanders Can Be The Hurricane............................................................................ Ex 2 CQ Farlanders Can I Get Your Attention........................................................................ Ex 3 CQ MALES - OPEN Farlanders Can Make You Smile......................................................................Ex 1 CQ BM3 Farlanders Because I Can........................................................................................ Ex 2 CQ MALES - CHAMPIONS Farlanders Against All Storms..........................................................................Ex 1 CQ BM2 Kenjaali Heeere’s Johnny.............................................................................. Ex 2 CQ CERT Orange Pips Codename Kyril................................................................................... Ex 3 CQ MALES - VETERANS M Wami’s American Fortune Hunter................................ Ex 1 CQ BM1 BV Vet CERT BOS Hanishan Game Hunter............................................................................................ Ex 2 CQ FEMALES - JUNIOR Rosone’s Viola Verdeca............................................................... Ex 1 CQ BOSJ Jun CERT Rosone’s Viola Vernaccia......................................................................................... Ex 2 CQ FEMALES - INTERMEDIATE Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wow Factor........................................................Ex 1 CQ BF1 BoB CERT Farlanders Can I Be The One.......................................................................... Ex 2 CQ BF2 FEMALES - OPEN Klassic’s Tri-Fecta.................................................................................................... Ex 1 CQ FEMALES - CHAMPIONS Farlanders Busy Bumblebee............................................................................ Ex 1 CQ BF3 Dakarai Q’ute.................................................................................................... Ex 2 CQ BF4 Bulldobas Zarah Safeguard...................................................................................... Ex 3 CQ Congo Line A Classy Touch..................................................................................... Ex 4 CQ FEMALES - VETERAN Faraoland Viking Idun ................................................................................... Ex 1 CQ BOSV BREEDER Farlanders......................................................................................................................1 PP PROGENY Faraoland Viking Idun..............................................................................................1 PP BPr BRACE Farlanders Because I Can & Farlanders Busy Bumblebee............................................1 PP

BOB/BEST FEMALE- Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wow Factor BEST MALE/BEST VETERAN/BOS - M Wami’s American Fortune Hunter

BEST JUNIOR- Congo Line Body Language

BEST PUPPY - Barkless Xtreme Dimension

INTERMEDIATE BITCH CLASS The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 46

©Photos by Viktoria Kolotsei

DOGS - PUPPY Barkless Xtreme Dimension..................................................................................... 1 PP BP Farlanders Double Deluxe..............................................................................................2 PP Farlanders Excellent Example........................................................................................3 PP Solebas Happy Moments...............................................................................................4 PP BITCHES - PUPPY Farlanders Deluxe Disney Edition.......................................................................1 PP BOSP Farlanders Edited By Me................................................................................................3 PP Farlanders Enjoy The Magic...........................................................................................2 PP Solebas High Sunny Sky................................................................................................4 PP

ESTONIA BASENJI CLUB SPECIALTY AUGUST 22, 2014 - Continued ©Photos by Viktoria Kolotsei

BEST MALE 2 - Farlanders Against All Storms

BEST BITCH 2 - Farlanders Can I Be The One

BEST MALE 4 - Fortuna Numa Aragorn

BEST BITCH 4 - Dakarai Q’ute

UNITED KINGDOM CHAMPIONSHIP SHOWS THE HOUND SHOW - 02 August, 2014. Judge: Rosie Lane (Chaanrose) Dog CC / BOB................................................Kissangani Caught in the Act For Milukris Dog Reserve CC.....................................................................GB Ch Chagmas Dream On Bitch CC.................................................. Can/Am Ch Bushwacker Candy Coated Crime Bitch Reserve CC................................................................. Kissangani Life Of the Party Best Puppy/G3 Puppy...................................... Woodella Devil Wears Prada For Shyllar Best Veteran......................................................... Irish Ch Antefaa Nakura Wood Nymph PUPPY DOG (7/7) 1 Cullen’s Swanwite Azeera 2 Morris’, Waddell’ & Donaldson’s Woodella Gold Standard 3 Baker’s Shahrans Pim Pim at Silverbriar 4 Armitage’ & Gibbons’ Tokaji The Great Gatsby 5 Addis’ Savannastorm Dragon Lord JUNIOR DOG (2/2) 1 Lane’ & Miller’s Antefaa Lukuru Zephyr 2 Addis’ Savannastorm Dragon Lord. LIMIT DOG (1/3) 1/CC/BOB Hannah’s Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris OPEN DOG (3/6) 1/RCC Steele’ & William’s Ch Chagmas Dream On 2 Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue 3 Miller’s Irish Ch Benkura Blue Sky Mine JW VETERAN DOG (1/1) 1 Miller’s Ch & Irish Ch Benkura Take A Chance On Me ShCM ANCh 11 PUPPY BITCH (5/6) 1/BP Nicholls’ Woodella Devil Wears Prada For Shyllard

2 Leggett’s Swanwite Karaleigh 3 Lacey’s Kingwanas Love Story 4 Hardy’ & Hallam’s Tokaji The Black Dahlia 5 Clinton’s Westlawn Aurora JUNIOR BITCH (2/2) 1 Fitzsimmons’ & Carman’s Suefitz Spirit Dancer 2 Lane’ & Miller’s Antefaa Lukuru Ariadne POST GRADUATE BITCH (4/5) 1 Grayson’s Kissangani Shining Star at Embeau 2 Gaskell’sHi-Lite Bulldobas Wild Child of Memetuka 3 Mills’ & Harris’ Kissangani Megastar At Reppicks 4 Gray’s Jisgard Daydream Believer OPEN BITCH (4/5) 1 Gaskell’s Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wild Child of Memetuka 2 Drummond’s Kissangani Ask No Questions at Djoser 3 Roguish’ & Smith’s Akmar Queen of the Nile 4 Lane’ & Miller’s Antefaa Lukuru Ariadne Antefaa Lukuru Echo Blue LIMIT BITCH (4/5) 1 Weaving’ & Thomasson’s Bulldobas Zenana Safeguard 2 Bardet’s Gleaming Gloria des Terres Oceanes 3 Gray’s Jisgard Daydream Believer OPEN BITCH (4/5) 1/CC Frost’s Am/Can Ch Bushwacker Candy Coated Crime 2/RCC Adams’ Kissangani Life Of The Party 3 Drummond’s Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at Djoser 4 Gray’s Woodella Northern Delight of Jisgard VETERAN BITCH (4/5) 1/BV Miller’s Irish Ch Antefaa Nakura Wood Nymph

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 47

UNITED KINGDOM CHAMPIONSHIP SHOWS BASENJI CLUB OF GREAT BRITAIN CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW 14th September, 2014. Judge: Glen Dymock (Afrika) Basenjis entered 43. Absentees 13. Not for Competition 7 Dog CC....................................................................................GB Ch Chagmas Dream On Dog Reserve CC ....................................... GB Ch Faraoland Yuletide Snowfall at Elsco Bitch CC / BOB........GB Ch (subject to KC confirmation) Kissangani Life Of the Party Bitch Reserve CC....................................................... GB Ch Tokaji California Dreaming Best Puppy ....................................................................................... Woodella True Song) Best Veteran........................................................ Ch/Am Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley DOG CLASSES MINOR PUPPY DOG (1/2) 1 Addis’ Savannastorm Nature’s Child PUPPY DOG (4/5) 1/BP Palubicki’s Woodella True Song 2 Chavez-Novoa’s Woodella Vamos 3 Addis’ Savannastorm Dragon Lord 4 Armitage’ & Gibbons’ Tokaji The Great Gatsby JUNIOR DOG (4/5) 1 Cullen’s Swanwite Azeera 2 Gostynska’s Bubas Morgan Sweet 3 Addis’ Savannastorm Born to be Wild 4 Armitage’ & Gibbons’ Tokaji The Great Gatsby POST GRADUATE DOG (1/2) 1 Addis’ Savannastorm Born to be Wild. LIMIT DOG (2/3) 1 Hannah’s Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris 2 Frost’s Rebel Rebel Of Bushwacker OPEN DOG (3/3) 1/RCC Wright’ & Wilkinson’s Ch Faraoland Yuletide Snowfall at Elsco 2 Grayson’s Ch Tokaji American Gigolo At Embeau JW ShCM 3 Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue BRED BY - DOG (3/3) 1 Addis’ Savannastorm Nature’s Child 2 Gostynska’s Bubas Red Admiral 3 Gaskell’s Memetuka Juakali NOT BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOG (2/4) 1/CC Steele’ & William’s Ch Chagmas Dream On 2 Middleton’s Zande Habibi VETERAN DOG (3/4) 1/BV Hardy’, Hallam’ & Webb’s Ch/Am Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley 2 Middleton’s Zande Habibi. BITCH CLASSES PUPPY BITCH (2/3) 1 Nicholls’ Woodella Devil Wears Prada For Shyllar 2 Hardy’ & Hallam’s Tokaji The Black Dahlia JUNIOR BITCH (1/3) 1 Gostynska’s Bubas Red Melba LIMIT BITCH (3/4) 1 Grayson’s Ch Kissangani Shining Star at Embeau 2 Gostynska’s Bubas Cepelia 3 Addis’ Savannastorm Child of Mine OPEN BITCH (3/4) 1/CC/BOB/BIS Adams’ Ch Kissangani Life of the Party 2/RCC Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji California Dreaming 3 Frost’s Am/Can Ch Bushwacker Candy Coated Crime BRED BY - BITCH (2/2) 1 Adams’ Ch Kissangani Only Dreaming 2 Addis’ Savannastorm Child of Mine. NOT BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCH (1/5) 1 Gaskell’s Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wild Child of Memetuka

BASENJI OWNERS & BREEDERS CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW 5th October, 2014 - Judge Irene (Bokoto) Dog CC..............................................GB Ch Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris Dog Reserve CC........................................ GB Ch Faraoland Yuletide Snowfall at Elsco Bitch CC / BOB....................................................Tokaji American Dreamz Of Silverbriar Bitch Reserve CC......................................... Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wild Child Of Memetuka Best Puppy.............................................................................................. Bubas Red Melba Best Veteran.....................................................................Jethard Dusk Til Dawn at Elsco MINOR PUPPY DOG (1/1) 1/BOS Puppy Addis’ Savannastorm Nature’s Child PUPPY DOG (6/6) 1 Addis’ Savannastorm Dragon Lord 2 Gostynska’s Bubas Morgan Sweet 3 Palubicki’s Woodella True Song 4 Nicholls’ & Rabbitte’s Nganga’s It’s One Heck Of A Storm 5 Baker’s Shahrans Pim Pim at Silverbriar JUNIOR DOG (2/3) 1 Addis’ Savannastorm Born to be Wild 2 Lane’ & Miller’s Antefaa Lukuru Zephyr POST GRADUATE DOG (2/5) 1 Harris’ & Mills’ Jisgard Follow The Dream at Reppiks 2 Addis’ Savannastorm Born to be Wild. LIMIT DOG (2/3) 1/CC Hannah’s Ch Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris 2 Frost’s Rebel Rebel Of Bushwacker OPEN DOG (5/5) 1/RCC Wright’ & Wilkinson’s Ch Faraoland Yuletide Snowfall at Elsco 2 Steele’ & William’s Ch Chagmas Dream On 3 Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue 4 Grayson’s Ch Tokaji American Gigolo At Embeau JW ShCM 5 Baseley’s Marzuku Mzuri VETERAN DOG (2/2) 1/BOS Vet Cooley’s Ch Jethard Timed To Perfection 2 Middleton’s Zande Habibi BRED BY - DOG (2/3) 1 Gostynska’s Bubas Dimmity 2 Addis’ Savannastorm Nature’s Child. NOT BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOG (2/3) 1 Middleton’s Zande Habibi 2 Chavez-Novoa’s Woodella Vamos PUPPY BITCH (2/2) 1 Nicholls’ Woodella Devil Wears Prada For Shyllar 2 Lacey’s Kingwanas Love Story JUNIOR BITCH (2/2) 1/BP Gostynska’s Bubas Red Melba 2 Lane’ & Miller’s Antefaa Lukuru Ariadne Antefaa Lukuru Echo Blue POST GRADUATE BITCH (2/3) 1 Mills’ & Harris’ Kissangani Megastar At Reppicks 2 Cooley’s Zande Ihsani LIMIT BITCH (6/8) 1 Arend’ & Dormaels BE NL JCh Abuluka Luyana 2 Gostynska’s Bubas Cepelia 3 Bardet’s Gleaming Gloria des Terres Oceanes 4 Addis’ Savannastorm Child of Mine 5 Gray’s Jisgard Daydream Believer OPEN BITCH (7/8) 1 Frost’s Am/Can Ch Bushwacker Candy Coated Crime 2 Grayson’s Ch Kissangani Shining Star at Embeau 3 Adams’ Ch Kissangani Life Of The Party 4 Arend’ & Dormaels BE INT Ch Abuluka Ikuzu 5 Baker’s Ch Silverbriar Mirror Image JW VETERAN BITCH (1/1) 1BV Wright’ & Wilkinson’s Jethard Dusk Til Dawn At Elsco BRED BY – BITCH (4/4) 1 Gostynska’s Irish Ch Bubas Monisha 2 Adams’ Ch Kissangani Only Dreaming 3 Addis’ Savannastorm Child of Mine 4 Gray’s Jisgard Daydream Believer NOT BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCH (4/6) 1/CC/BOB/BIS Baker’s Irish Ch Tokaji American Dreamz of Silverbriar JW ShCM 2/RCC Gaskell’s Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wild Child of Memetuka 3 Bardet’s Gleaming Gloria des Terres Oceanes 4 Gray’s Woodella Northern Delight of Jisgard

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 48


JUDGE: Jane Buchanan Best Of Breed............................................................... Ch Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot Best Of Opposite Sex....................................GChEx Ahmahr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel Best Of Winners/Best Puppy/BBE....................................................Klassic’s Girl With A Curl Select Dog.................................................................................. Ch Bushwacker Cor Leonis Select Bitch.......................................................................................Ch Timar’s Solar Eclipse Award Of Merit.................................................................... Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover Best Canadian Bred....................................................Ch Africanadian Gem Of AhmahrNahr Best Veteran...........................................................................Vinaka’s Got The Pole Position Winners Dog...................................................................... Klassic’s Little Texas Bushwacker Reserve Winners Dog...........................................................Africanadian Dandy AmahrNahr Winners Bitch...................................................................................Klassic’s Girl With A Curl Reserve Winners Bitch.........................................................Timar Kaleonahe’s Evening Mist Best of Breed (Altered)....................................................... Africanadian Ember AhmahrNahr


Photo by Aaron Thompson

SWEEPSTAKES - JUDGE: Michael Work Best Puppy in Sweeps......................................................................Klassic’s Girl With A Curl Best Opposite Puppy in Sweepstakes....................................Timar Kaleonahe’s Night Mood Best Veteran in Sweepstakes.............................................Bushwacker Sirnotar By Horsleys Best Opposite Sex Veteran in Sweepstakes..........................Vinaka’s Got The Pole Position CONFORMATION CLASSES DOGS JUNIOR PUPPY DOG: 1 Africanadian James T Kirk, Amy and Troy Whalen, & Sanda Allen 2 Habari's Black Fox, Arlene Bacon 3 Timar Kaleonahe's Night Mood, Jean Martin, Kyle Cabral, Stepen Strobel SENIOR PUPPY DOG: 1 Africanadian Guru Ahmahr Nahr, Sanda Allen 2 Africanadian Khufu Ahmahr Nahr; Sanda Allen BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOG: 1 Africanadian Dandy Ahmahrnahr; Sanda Allen OPEN BLACK AND WHITE DOG: 1 Klassic's Little Texas Bushwacke, Rose Thomson 2 Akuba N Eldorado Xtra Base Hit, Donna Deflorio, Sheila Lund, Pamela Geoffrey 7 - 10 YEARS VETERAN DOG: 1 Vinaka's Got The Pole Position, Marie Heidebrecht 10- 12 YEARS VETERAN DOG: 1 Blackwing and Adama's Victory; Kathie Upton; Owner Janet Orser 2 Mankia's Kishoko; Deborah & Vanessa Lobo 12 YEARS AND OLDER VETERAN DOG: 1 Ch. Mankia's Ploe Ndaniya; Deborah and Vanessa Lobo

Photo by Aaron Thompson BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BOB


BITCHES JUNIOR PUPPY BITCH: 1 Wasenshi Blackwing Trust in Dreams CANADIAN BRED BITCH: 1 Ch. Africanadian Gem of Ahmahrnahr;, Sanda Allen & Jennie Behles BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCH: 1 Klassic's Girl with a Curl, Sue Kite, Jeffrey Gillespie 2 Timar Kaleonahe's Evening Mist, Jean Martin, Kyle Cabral, Stepen Strobel 3 Blackwing's Waltzing Matilda, Kathie Upton 7- 10 YEARS VETERAN BITCH: 1 Ch. Ahmahr Nahr's Just Call Me Madam, Sanda Allen & Jennie Behles 10 - 11 YEARS VETERAN BITCH: 1 Ch. Duara Kiasi Kimikumku; Owner: Janet Orser 12 YEARS AND OVER VETERAN BITCH: 1 Bushwacker Sirnotar By Horsleys, Chris Frost

©Marie Heidebrecht, Curly Tail Photography

ALTERED CLASSES SEXUALLY ALTERED MALE: 1 Blackwing and Adama's Victory; Kathie Upton; Owner: Janet Orser 2 Vinaka's Got The Pole Position, Marie Heidebrecht SEXUALLY ALTERED FEMALE: 1 Africanadian Ember Ahmahrnahr; Sanda Allen

BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX PUPPY IN SWEEPS ©Marie Heidebrecht, Curly Tail Photography

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 49


All Photos, unless noted, by ©Marie Heidebrecht, Curly Tail Photography WINNERS DOG/ BEST BLACK/WHITE RESERVE WINNERS DOG









Junior P uppy Do g1st Plac e

Veteran Bitch 7-10 Veteran Class ©Photo by Aaron Thompson

Junior P

uppy Do

g - 2nd P

Bred-By Exhibitor Bitch Class


uppy Senior P ss la C g o D

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 50

BASENJI CLUB OF NEW SOUTH WALES Saturday 11 October 2014

Orchard Hills, New South Wales, Australia - 48th Championship Specialty udge: Mrs Maureen Boyd (NZ) Best in Show/Challenge Bitch ........................... Ch Ngozi Shes too Cool .........................Delacourt/Cook/Lumb Runner Up to Best in Show /Dog Challenge...... Ch Ngozi Cool Hand Luke .....................Delacourt/Cook/Lumb Opposite Sex in Show ....................................... Ch Ngozi Cool Hand Luke .....................Delacourt/Cook/Lumb 1/CC/Best Neuter............................................... Wazazi Diamonds Will do it J Mathieson ....Open Neuter Bitch 1/CC/Opposite Neuter........................................ Ch & Neut Ch Wazazi High Definition .................... Cook/Lumb Sire of the Day.................................................... Supreme Ch Baagna Alpha Cheek ,............................J Forbes Dam of the Day .................................................. Supreme Ch Baagna Free Soul ..............................C Petersen Reserve Dog ...................................................... Ch Nailah Embracing the Decision..........................C Petersen Reserve Bitch Sup ............................................. Ch Remwin Kissmycheek L Hughes.......................... L Hughes BABY DOG (11) 1/Baby in Show Baagna Last Hurrah J Forbes 2 Lomar Simply Red L Marsden 3 Nailah Facing the Fire Bird C Petersen 4 Kitoko Catcher in the Rye H Briggs 5 Lomar Caught Red Handed L Marsden BABY BITCHES (16) 1/Opposite Baby Nailah Facing the True Embrace C Petersen 2 Lomar as Good as Gold L Marsden 3 Wazazi the Wow Factor K Delacourt 4 Fayrelyn Song of Afrika A Lummevaara 5 Bayenzi Carmencita C Parr JUNIOR DOG (4) 1/Opposite Junior Ch Nailah Embracing the Decision C Petersen 2 Ch Lomar Black Sam Bucca L Marsden 3 Bayenzi Super Hans C Parr INTERMEDIATE DOG (4) 1/Inter in Show Ch Karamo Mikolo A & C Curnick 2 Sup Ch Zanzipow Poker Faced Earnest J Power 3 Ch Tambuzi the Sherpa Annapurna C Maddigan LIMIT DOG (3) 1/Opposite Limit Remwin Abayomi N Hoyland 2 Wazazi the Ultimate Edge K Pearson 3 Bayenzi Romeo Gigli C Parr STATE BRED DOG (3) 1/Best State Bred Ch Ngozi Cool Hand Luke Cook/Lumb 2 Ch Bullab Xenas Seti Fleming/Keyte 3 Ch Baagna Jiminy Cricket Marsden/Mayo-Ramsay AUSTRALIAN BRED DOG (3) 1/Aust Bred in Show Ch Remwin Cheeky Liaisons L Hughes 2 Ch Barzoom Captain James T A & C Curnick 3 Ch Bayenzi Sugar Minott Cook/Lumb OPEN DOGS (5) 1/Opposite Open Ch Zandeena a Twist of Fate C Petersen 2 Ch Jebelmarra Fire N Dandy K Pearson 3 Gd Ch Remwin Littlebitofcheek L Hughes VETERAN DOG 7-9 YEARS (2) 1/Opposite Veteran Ch Remwin Risky Business T Johnson 2 Ch Zanzipow Eskimo Joe J Power VETERAN OVER 10 YEARS (2) 1/Best Veteran Bayenzi Tribeca C Parr 2 Sup Ch Baagna Alpha Cheek J Forbes JUNIOR BITCH (3) 1/Junior in Show Ch Lomar Chi Latte L Marsden 2 Ch Bayenzi Agnes B H Briggs 3 Bkela Meeam Mali, Lindqvist/Calderwood INTERMEDIATE BITCH (4) 1/Opposite Inter Ch Nailah Chasing the Glory C Petersen 2 Ch Kanibaru Black Elikia D Braithwaite 3 Ch Karamo Karemba A & C Curnick LIMIT BITCH (4) 1/Limit in Show Zandeena Little Black Dress Fleming & Keyte 2 Tamard Thundabird R Mayo-Ramsay 3 Eurabbie Black Dahlia D Braithwaite



ŠPictures by Zandeena Photography

STATE BRED BITCH (7) 1/Opposite State Wazazi Rapt in Rubys M Darr 2 Ch Bayenzi Eloise at the Plaza C Parr 3 Ch Baagna Iman Diamond Girl L Marsden AUSTRALIAN BRED BITCH (4) 1/Opposite Aust Bred Ch Karamo Mopanzi A & C Curnick 2 Ch Bullab Cleos Heartbreaker Fleming/Keyte 3 Ch Bayenzi Pippi Longstocking H Briggs OPEN BITCH (9) 1/Open in Show Ch Ngozi Shes Too Cool Delacourt/Cook/Lumb 2 Sup Ch Remwin Kissmycheek L Hughes 3 Ch Baagna Jenni with a J L Marsden VETERAN BITCH (3) 1/Veteran in Show Ch Wazazi Awesome Glamour K Delacourt 2 Ch Wazazi Awesome Beauty C Craig VETERAN BITCH OVER 10 YEARS (2) 1/Opposite Veteran Teschi Marble Lass James/Ashley 2 Ch Eurabbie Hermione Fleming/Keyte

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 51

(L) BEST BABY IN SHOW Baagna Last Hurrah (R) BEST OP SEX BABY IN SHOW Nailah Facing the True Embrace


Rank Name



1............GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin..........................................................................................M................................................ 778 2............GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle...............................................................M................................................ 512 3............GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow!............................................................. F................................................. 226 4............GCH CH Arubmec’s Take A Chance On Me...........................................................................M................................................ 186 5............GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet........................................................................ F................................................. 184 6............GCH CH Reveille Waltz Me Around......................................................................................M................................................ 182 6............GCH CH Undercover AB UR A Bell Ringer.............................................................................M................................................ 182 8............GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Best Of The Best............................................................................M................................................ 168 9............GCH CH Taji’s After Six..........................................................................................................M................................................ 152 10..........GCH CH Alapocas Queen Of The Elves................................................................................. F................................................. 113 11..........GCH DC Khani’s Freeze Frame N’Focus SC............................................................................M................................................ 109 12..........GCH CH Skyhi’s Always In Fashion........................................................................................ F................................................. 104 13..........GCH CH Starfyre’s Spiced It Up............................................................................................. F................................................... 97 14..........GCH CH Sirobe Egotistical Rosewood...................................................................................M.................................................. 95 15..........GCH CH Illusion’s Stairway To Heaven..................................................................................M.................................................. 89 16..........GCH CH Dragonete Itapuca JC.............................................................................................. F................................................... 83 17..........GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover............................................................................M.................................................. 79 18..........GCH CH Laurel S’Simply Shocking Sabrina........................................................................... F................................................... 74 19..........GCH CH Platinum’s Fearisnotafactor RN JC..........................................................................M.................................................. 72 20..........GCH CH Fopaw’s Dlucks Moon Dance.................................................................................. F................................................... 62


Rank Name



1............GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin..........................................................................................M.............................................. 5474 2............GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle...............................................................M.............................................. 1873 3............GCH CH Arubmec’s Take A Chance On Me...........................................................................M.............................................. 1262 4............GCH CH Reveille Waltz Me Around......................................................................................M.............................................. 1170 5............GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow!............................................................. F................................................. 898 6............GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Best Of The Best............................................................................M................................................ 864 7............GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet........................................................................ F................................................. 713 8............GCH CH Teazer Kazor Ekundayo For Johari...........................................................................M................................................ 607 9............GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover............................................................................M................................................ 509 10..........GCH CH Skyhi’s Always In Fashion........................................................................................ F................................................. 496 11..........GCH CH Taji’s After Six..........................................................................................................M................................................ 424 12..........GCH CH Laurel S’Simply Shocking Sabrina........................................................................... F................................................. 376 12..........GCH CH Alapocas Queen Of The Elves................................................................................. F................................................. 376 14..........GCH CH Dragonete Itapuca JC.............................................................................................. F................................................. 351 15..........GCH CH Signet ‘Tis-A Gone With The Wind......................................................................... F................................................. 347 16..........GCH CH Illusion’s Stairway To Heaven..................................................................................M................................................ 310 17..........GCH CH Epic-Select Never Say Goodbye SC.........................................................................M................................................ 274 18..........Africanadian James T Kirk....................................................................................................M................................................ 248 19..........GCH CH Reveille Trip The Light Fantastic..............................................................................M................................................ 217 20..........GCH CH Tammen’s Defying Gravity...................................................................................... F................................................. 209 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 52

AKC TOP 20 - 2014 GRAND CHAMPIONS As of Oct. 24, 2014


Dog’s Name


GCH Points

1 . ..........GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle ............................................................................ D................................... 304 2 . ..........GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin ....................................................................................................... D................................... 184 3 . ..........GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow! .......................................................................... B................................... 172 4 . ..........GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Best Of The Best ......................................................................................... D................................... 134 5 . ..........GCH CH Reveille Waltz Me Around ................................................................................................... D................................... 124 6 . ..........GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet ..................................................................................... B................................... 116 7 . ..........GCH CH Undercover Ab Ur A Bell Ringer . ......................................................................................... D................................... 115 8 . ..........GCH CH Arubmec’s Take A Chance On Me ........................................................................................ D................................... 101 9 . ..........GCH CH Dragonete Itapuca JC ........................................................................................................... B..................................... 98 10 . ........GCH CH Illusion’s Stairway To Heaven ............................................................................................... D..................................... 92 11 . ........GCH CH Alapocas Queen Of The Elves .............................................................................................. B..................................... 91 12 . ........GCH CH Laurel S’Simply Shocking Sabrina ........................................................................................ B..................................... 82 13 . ........GCH CH Starfyre’s Spiced It Up . ........................................................................................................ B..................................... 78 14 . ........GCH CH Skyhi’s Always In Fashion ..................................................................................................... B..................................... 76 15 . ........GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover . ....................................................................................... D..................................... 74 16 . ........GCH CH Fopaw’s Dlucks Moon Dance ............................................................................................... B..................................... 60 17 . ........GCH CH Tammen’s Defying Gravity ................................................................................................... B..................................... 53 18 . ........GCH CH Karnak’s Pure And Simple Allure . ........................................................................................ B..................................... 50 19 . ........GCH CH Taji’s After Six ....................................................................................................................... D..................................... 47 ..............GCH DC Fopaw’s Touch Of Evil At Saorsa RN SC ................................................................................ B..................................... 47

AKC GCH Medallion Recipients As of Oct. 24, 2014

Dog Name


GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow! GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Halleleujah Makes A Joyful Noise GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Ryder Of The Voodoo Child GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Xtra Special Edition GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba Zensational GCH CH Illusion’s Stairway To Heaven GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Bucking The Trind GCH CH Karnak’s Pure And Simple Allure GCH CH Klassic’s Slam Dunk GCH CH Platinum Nelson Jewel Of D’Nile SC GCH CH Starfyre’s Rock’N With Danica GCH CH Wakili Signet Dooney GCH DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition SC GCH DC Undercover Meisterhaus Hi Ho Quianna By Signet SC GCH CH AB-Rafiki The Icon Of Cool GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Best Of The Best GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Speed Of Light GCH DC Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot MC CA RATO GCH CH Alapocas Simon Says GCH CH Arubmec’s Take A Chance On Me GCH CH Arubmec’s Thriller


GCH DC Bantu’s Playing Rochambeau SC GCH CH Dagoba’s Poetry In Motion GCH CH Djakomba’s Sandoway Of Wyoland JC GCH CH Dragonete Itapuca JC GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Never Surrender GCH CH Emerant’s The Navigator JC GCH CH I Am Jacob The Beloved JC GCH CH Jokuba C-Quest First Round Knock Out GCH CH Khani’s Starlight Starbright SC GCH CH Laurel S’Simply Shocking Sabrina GCH CH Mardi Gras’ Oliver Twist GCH CH Mata Hauri Ruby Red Beez GCH CH Meisterhaus Dazzle ‘N’ Daze GCH DC N’Focus Santa Baby MC LCX GCH CH Reveille One For The Money GCH CH Reveille Push Button GCH CH Reveille Waltz Me Around GCH CH Sirobe Egotistical Rosewood GCH CH Skyhi’s Always In Fashion GCH CH Sonbar’s Vigilant Valkyre At Cynosure GCH DC Southhouse Jumoke Ltle Big Man Malawi SC GCH CH Taji Goes Platinum JC GCH CH Taji’s Klassic Lil Black Dress SC GCH CH Tammen’s Sparks Will Fly GCH CH ‘Tis-A Arubmec’s Circle Of Life GCH CH Undercover Ab Ur A Bell Ringer GCH CH Victory Meisterhaus The X Factor

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 53


2014 AKC TOP 20 - OWNER HANDLED SERIES Qualifying Period: Oct 10, 2013 thru Oct. 8 2014

Rank Dog Name

Owner Name

1 3 4 6 7 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 18 20

Jane Johnson Thomas Wright/Becky Blansett/Tracy Leonard D.V.M. Dyan Baughan Pamela Geoffroy/Sheila Lund/Susan Coe Wanda K Pooley/Gale N Whitehurst Laura Gilchrist Laurie A Stargell/Jolene Krohn Carol A Wyatt/Erik Oberg/Alan Aiello/Gail Aiello Terry Reed/Bob Reed Angela Binns Gale N Whitehurst/Connie L Camp/ Susan Schroeder/Olivia J Rosener Laura Mae Hesse Joni Boese/Edward J Boese Suzanne La Croix/Damara Bolte’ Gale N Whitehurst/Connie L Camp/Olivia J Rosener /Susan Schroeder Patricia E Cembura/Kelly Collins Dyan Baughan Natalie Scherwin/Nancy Sherman/Therese Leimback Sue Kite/Jeffrey Gillespie Dianna M Sanders Eva Birch/Larry Birch Kim Byrd/Kim Noel Julie Leicht

GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado’s Zest For Life SC GCH CH Epic-Select Never Say Goodbye SC GCH CH I Am Mary Fula Grace From Sonbar GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle GCH CH Undercover AB UR A Bell Ringer GCH CH Tammen’s Defying Gravity GCH CH Skyhi’s Always In Fashion GCH CH Svengali’s Repeat Performance GCH CH Illusion’s Stairway To Heaven CH Sonbar’s Xclusive Xtrovert GCH CH Undercover Imara Simon Says Legend GCH CH Laurel S’Simply Shocking Sabrina CH Shika’s Princess Of Themyscira CH Reveille Ballerina JC GCH CH Undercover Imara Voyager Vance CH Arubmec’s Mischief Managed GCH CH I Am Jacob The Beloved JC GCH CH Fopaw’s Dlucks Moon Dance CH Klassic’s Girl With A Curl CH Akuaba N Eldorado Chariots Of Fire CH Birch’s You Had Me From Hello Kisa Kidix Public Defender JC CH Tailwind’s Diamonds Are Forever SC

Sex Points Dog Dog Bitch Dog Dog Bitch Bitch Dog Dog Bitch

275 275 210 130 130 110 105 105 95 85

Dog Bitch Bitch Bitch

85 75 55 45

Dog Bitch Dog Bitch Bitch Dog Dog Dog Bitch

40 35 35 30 30 25 25 25 25

UNITED KENNEL CLUB THROUGH NOVEMBER 2, 2014 Rank...... Dog Name............................................................................................Owner................................................................ Pts 1............CH Undercover AB UR A Bell Ringer.......................................................... Wanda K Pooley...................................................... 14 2............UWP URO2 GRCH Bushwacker Kiroja Breaking Bad.................................. Kelli Harmon............................................................. 8 3............CH Starfyre’s Action Jaxson....................................................................... Denise Searcy............................................................ 6 4............CH Starfyre Dyarra Giv It A Tri................................................................... Lori J Baxter............................................................... 5 4............CH Mata Hauri Ruby Red Beez.................................................................. Kathleen Besemer..................................................... 5 6............CH AB Tanza Life In The Fast Lane............................................................. Pat Fragassi Or Ted Judd............................................4 6............CH AB Day Trip To Tanza-jamaa................................................................. Jeff Sheldon, Ty Rollins, Pat Fragassi.........................4 6............CH AB Freeze Zone.................................................................................... Wanda Pooley........................................................... 4 9............CH Jaroufas The Glamazon At Etowa......................................................... Kathryn D Ladick....................................................... 3 9............C-Quest Jokuba No Matter What.............................................................. Kimberly A Noel........................................................ 3 9............CH Ankhu No Introduction Needed.......................................................... Caryn J Jones, Michael P Jones.................................3 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 54

ASFA LURE COURSING - Top 20 - Oct. 3, 2014 Call Rank Name Dog’s Name Owners 1 2 3 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 15 15 19 19 19

Searsha Zuri Merlin Aqune Sam Winter Tempest Moose Gambit Dolce Chloe Zoe Piper Darwyn Kyra Carly Banh Mi Echo Ari Sparkle Valleri

Top 20 BOB BIS Pts Wins Wins

GCh,DC N’Focus Santa Baby, LCM4,MC,GRC,CGC,VB,LCX K.Sanders GCh,DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VLCM4,MC,SGRC2,LCX T.Colbert FC Thor’s Kikozi, LCM4,SC J.Brader FC Thor’s Song For A Winter’s Night, LCM,SC J.Brader SunbirdSuddanlySilverEagleSamwis, FCh M.Roach/A.Therrell FC New World Baridi Ngano, LCM2,SC J.Brader GCh,DC Meisterhaus Neon Nights, FCh,SC,VB,GCR J.Stewart/T.Brooks DC Emerant’s Heez Born To Be Wild, FCh,CGC,JOR,GRC,ORC,SC S.Smith-Falkner GCh,DC Meisterhaus Never Winter Nights, FCh,MC,JOR,ORC,GRC,VB L.Stewart/T.Brooks Ch Sherwood’s Late Harvest NapaRain, FCh M.& N.Sullivan/R.Dubbert FC Baraka How The Wind Blows, FCh,SC M.& J.Montgomery Ch Taji’s Alster Ego From Hodari, FCh M.E.Chaffin/K.Campbell FC Sunbird’s Dreaming of Denali, FCh,SC J.Johnson DC Zamaradi’sLastTrainToSalishSeaN’, SC C.Watkins/L.Saban GCh Sonbar’sVigilantValkyreAtCynosur V.Jacobs GCh,DC Songwe’s Rock Star Legend, SC S.Schroeder DC Taji’sBanhMiOntheRunwaytoBlueno, LCM,SC Hamilton/Campbell/Kim/ Farnsworth FC Taji’s Alster Echo, FCh,SC,LCX M.E.Chaffin GCh,DC Jadaka’s Independent Spirit, LCM,TCP,SC,SGRC4,SORC4 T.Colbert Thor’s Winter Wonderland, FCh,SC J.Brader Zamaradi’sImNotYourSteppinStone S.Smith-Falkner/J.Falkner

104 63 52 52 51 43 42

17 11 2 2 6 1 4

2 1 0 0 0 0 0




29 26 21 19 18 17 15 15

1 2 1 0 1 1 5 3

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

15 15

3 0

0 0

14 14 14

1 1 0

0 0 0

AKC LURE COURSING - Top 20 - Events through October 19, 2014 Rank Name



1............... DC Emerant Makindu Heez Got Game BN RN SC.............................................................. D.................................................. 75 2............... DC Emerant's Heez Born To Be Wild SC............................................................................ D.................................................. 66 3............... DC Taji's Alster Ego From Hodari MC LCX.......................................................................... B................................................... 59 4............... DC Tailwind's The World Is Not Enough SC....................................................................... D.................................................. 45 5............... FC Congaro's O Ku'u' Aina Aloha SC CA............................................................................. B................................................... 44 6............... DC Zamaradi's Last Train To Salish Sea N' Baraka SC......................................................... D.................................................. 34 7............... FC Tank! MC LCX2............................................................................................................. D.................................................. 31 7............... NFC FC Taji's Hafrican Chief SC.......................................................................................... D.................................................. 31 9............... GCH CH Teazer Chiya's Chittychittybangbang SC.............................................................. B................................................... 29 10............. FC Taji's Alster Echo RN MC LCX3...................................................................................... D.................................................. 28 10............. GCH DC Fopaw's Touch Of Evil At Saorsa RN SC................................................................ B................................................... 28 12............. FC Sunbirds' Dreaming Of Denali MC................................................................................ B................................................... 27 12............. GCH DC Songwe's Rock Star Legend SC LCX...................................................................... B................................................... 27 14............. CH Tailwind's Diamonds Are Forever SC........................................................................... B................................................... 25 14............. FC Jaroufa's The Glamazon At Etowah SC......................................................................... B................................................... 25 14............. Taji's hAfrican Queen Disa................................................................................................. B................................................... 25 17............. GCH DC Meisterhaus Neon Nights MC LCX....................................................................... B................................................... 23 17............. FC Fopaw's Black Pearl MC............................................................................................... B................................................... 23 19............. FC Driving Miss Dasypus MC............................................................................................. B................................................... 22 20............. GCH DC Emerant's Sheez Gotcha MC LCX......................................................................... B................................................... 20 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 55

LGRA Top Twenty Standings Oct. 31, 2014





1.............Ari............................ GCH DC Jadaka’s Independent Spirit SC SGRC4 SORC4 LCM TCP TT CGC VB...Colbert............................................... 22.50 2.............Moose..................... Emerant’s Heez Born To Be Wild GRC..............................................................Smith.................................................. 13.00 3.............Gus.......................... Emerant’s Heez Got Gusto GRC.......................................................................Hart/Hart............................................ 11.25 4.............Zuri.......................... GCh DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX SGRC2 SORC LCM VLCM3 TT VB........Colbert............................................... 10.00 5.............Tutu......................... Apu Pi De Deux SGRC3.....................................................................................Christensen.......................................... 9.00 6.............Ellie.......................... Dakotah’s Chantellie Lace GRC.........................................................................Lemberger/Lemberger.........................7.00 6.............Rocky....................... Kiroja Chicago Hood At Jaroufa SGRC7............................................................Ladick................................................... 7.00 8.............Liner......................... Apu I Liner GRC................................................................................................Marsicano............................................. 6.00 9.............Kyo........................... Kinetic-Tanza Reaper Man GRC........................................................................Voss/Stump/Fragas..............................5.00 9.............Nike......................... Emerant Makindu Heez Got Game..................................................................Phillips.................................................. 5.00 11...........Gotcha..................... Emerant’s Sheez Gotcha..................................................................................Hart/Hart.............................................. 4.25 12...........Zuni.......................... Astarte’s Zuni Breeze at Sun River CGC, SGRC, JOR..........................................Garel/Sapios......................................... 4.00 13...........Rip........................... Apu Richard Parker..........................................................................................Christensen/Marsicano........................3.50 14...........Harley-H................... Sam’s I’ll Tri Anything GRC...............................................................................Haggard................................................ 3.00 14...........Scarlet...................... FC Apu PiNache RN SC SGRC2 SORC THD FCH.................................................Marsicano............................................. 3.00 16...........Banh Mi................... DC Tajis Banhy Mi On The Runway To Blue Note MC LCX................................Hamilton/Coltrane...............................2.00 16...........Dax........................... Sundiata’s Curzon Dax GRC..............................................................................Gamble................................................. 2.00 16...........L’Ox.......................... Kinetic Interesting Times GRC..........................................................................Voss...................................................... 2.00 19...........Zest.......................... Akuaba N Eldorado’s Zest For Life JOR.............................................................Johnson................................................ 2.00 20...........Duffy........................ 5Star Stepping Stone Ode to Kazor JC GRC......................................................Sauceda................................................ 1.00 20...........Hallway.................... 5 Star Hallway..................................................................................................Sauceda................................................ 1.00 20...........Tempest................... GCH DC Meisterhaus Neon Nights SGRC MC LCX FCH ORC VB........................Stewart/Brooks....................................1.00

NOTRA Top Twenty Standings Oct. 15, 2014



1..........Ari...............................Jadaka's Independent Spirit SORC5............................................ Colbert..................................................................... 34.00 2..........TuTu............................Apu Pi De Deux SORC2............................................................... Christensen.............................................................. 21.00 3..........Moose........................Emerant's Heez Born to be Wild ORC......................................... Smith.......................................................................... 8.50 4..........Gus.............................Emerant's Heez Got Gusto SOR ORC.......................................... Hart............................................................................ 8.00 5..........Gotcha........................Emerant's Sheez Gotcha ORC..................................................... Hart............................................................................ 7.50 6..........Zuri.............................Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin SORC....................................................... Colbert....................................................................... 7.00 7..........Zest.............................Akuaba N Eldorado's Zest For Life ORC...................................... Johnson...................................................................... 5.00 8..........Ellie.............................Dakotah's Chantellie Lace ORC................................................... Lemberger.................................................................. 4.50 9..........Scarlet........................Apu Pinache SORC...................................................................... Marsicano.................................................................. 4.00 10........Rip..............................Apu Richard Parker ORC............................................................. Christensen/Marsicano.............................................. 3.50 11........Kyo.............................Kinetic-Tanza Reaper Man.......................................................... Voss/Stump/Fragassi................................................. 3.00 11........Nike............................Emerant Makindu Heez Got Game JOR...................................... Phillips........................................................................ 3.00 11........Tank............................Tank!........................................................................................... Hodges/Messec......................................................... 3.00 11........Tempest......................Meisterhaus Neon Nights ORC................................................... Stewart/Brooks.......................................................... 3.00 15........Kumani.......................Kazor's Tamu Kumani JOR........................................................... Baxter/Webb.............................................................. 2.00 15........Zoe.............................Taji's Alster Egofrom Hodari SOR................................................ Chaffin/Campbell....................................................... 2.00 17........Jada............................Kiroja's Loving Every Minute SORC3........................................... Cook/Hayek/Harmon................................................. 1.50 18........Daximillian.................5Star Dax De Fax SOR ORC......................................................... Sauceda...................................................................... 1.00 18........Frankie.......................Emerant's Respect...................................................................... Hart............................................................................ 1.00 18........Liner...........................Apu I Liner ORC.......................................................................... Marsicano.................................................................. 1.00 18........L'Ox............................Kinetic Interesting Times SOR ORC............................................. Voss............................................................................ 1.00 18........Rocky..........................Kiroja Chicago Hood at Jaroufa SORC......................................... Ladick......................................................................... 1.00 18........Shani..........................Zuri's Shani Kamili JOR............................................................... Baxter/Leighton......................................................... 1.00

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 56



1............. Aust Sup Ch Zanzipow Poker Face Earnest.............................................Jennifer Power............................................................................. 6328 2............. Aust Sup Ch Afrikenji Hot August Knight................................................Miss Joanne Stewart.................................................................... 2234 3............. Aust Ch Nailah Embracing The Decision.................................................Mrs C Petersen............................................................................. 1086 4............. Aust Ch Nailah Chasin The Glory............................................................Mrs C Petersen............................................................................... 995 5............. Aust Sup Ch Bullab Xenas Cleopatra.......................................................Megan Flemming & Troy Keyte...................................................... 864 6............. Aust Sup Ch Remwin Kissmycheek.........................................................Lyn Hughes..................................................................................... 483 7............. Aust Ch Remwin Cheeky Liasons............................................................Lyn Hughes..................................................................................... 461 8............. Aust Ch Afrikenji Hunting High And Low................................................D & H Veless................................................................................... 187 9............. Aust Ch Kanibaru Glowing Ember...........................................................Robyn Thompson........................................................................... 143 10........... Ngozi Shes too Cool................................................................................K Delacourt/ J Cook/ Dr J Lumb........................................................ 91 11........... Aust Ch Debrak On The Road Again........................................................AI.............Adam Druce...................................................................... 85 12........... Aust Ch Kanibaru Black Elikia..................................................................Dr D Braithwaite............................................................................... 72 13........... Aust Ch Barzoom Captain James T..........................................................A & C Curnick................................................................................... 71 14........... Fayrelyn Stars N Stripes..........................................................................Freda Snell........................................................................................ 49 15........... Aust Ch Nonaym Bells Of The Congo......................................................Karen Odar....................................................................................... 41


1............. Aust Sup Ch Zanzipow Poker Face Earnest.............................................Jennifer Power............................................................................... 427 2............. Aust Ch Nonaym Bells Of The Congo......................................................Karen Odar..................................................................................... 420 3............. Aust Ch Remwin Cheeky Liasons............................................................Lyn Hughes..................................................................................... 337 4............. Aust Ch Nonaym Sound Of The Congo...................................................Karen Ordar.................................................................................... 249 5............. Aust Ch Tambuzi Secret Of Roan Inish....................................................Adam Druce................................................................................... 242 6............. Aust Ch Nikrus Zoomy Safari...................................................................Mrs C Benson................................................................................. 221 7............. Aust Sup Ch Remwin Kissmycheek.........................................................Lyn Hughes..................................................................................... 220 8............. Aust Ch Kanibaru Black Elikia..................................................................Dr D Braithwaite............................................................................. 214 9............. Aust Sup Ch Bullab Xenas Cleopatra.......................................................Megan Flemming & Troy Keyte...................................................... 197 10........... Aust Ch Nailah Embracing The Decision.................................................Mrs C Petersen............................................................................... 188 11........... Aust Ch Bkela Kobi Askari.......................................................................D Lindqvist & M Calderwood......................................................... 180 12........... Aust Ch Nailah Chasin The Glory............................................................Mrs C Petersen............................................................................... 139 13........... Aust Ch Kanibaru Glowing Ember...........................................................Robyn Thompson........................................................................... 136 14........... Aust Ch Tambuzi The Isle Of Avalon.......................................................Adam Druce................................................................................... 115 15........... Aust Ch Nonaym little miss me...............................................................Karen Ordar.................................................................................... 114 16........... Ngozi Shes too Cool................................................................................K Delacourt/ J Cook/ Dr J Lumb...................................................... 111 17........... Aust Ch Barzoom Captain James T..........................................................A & C Curnick................................................................................. 108 18........... Aust Ch Bkela Meeam Mali.....................................................................D Lindqvist & M Calderwood......................................................... 105 19........... Aust Ch Ngozi Cool Hand Luke................................................................AI.............Cook/Delacourt/Lumb...................................................... 97 20........... Aust Ch Karamo Mikolo..........................................................................A & C Curnick................................................................................... 85


1............. Aust Ch Nailah Embracing The Decision.................................................Mrs C Petersen............................................................................... 635 2............. Aust Ch Nonaym Bells Of The Congo......................................................Karen Odar..................................................................................... 430 3............. Aust Ch Tambuzi Secret Of Roan Inish....................................................Adam Druce................................................................................... 365 4............. Aust Ch Nonaym Sound Of The Congo...................................................Karen Ordar.................................................................................... 270 5............. Aust Ch Bkela Kobi Askari.......................................................................D Lindqvist & M Calderwood......................................................... 240 6............. Aust Ch Kanibaru Black Elikia..................................................................Dr D Braithwaite............................................................................. 205 7............. Nonaym The Sound Of Silence...............................................................Karen Ordar.................................................................................... 185 8............. Aust Ch Bkela Meeam Mali.....................................................................D Lindqvist & M Calderwood......................................................... 180 9............. Aust Ch Tambuzi The Isle Of Avalon.......................................................Adam Druce................................................................................... 135 10........... Fayrelyn Stars N Stripes..........................................................................Freda Snell........................................................................................ 90


1............. Aust Sup & Neut Ch Tamsala Mitena Magic...........................................Jess Walker................................................................................... 1160 2............. Aust & Neut Ch Baagna Bahati Rosie......................................................Mrs C Benson................................................................................. 115 3............. Aust & Neut Ch Wazazi High Definition..................................................Mr Jason Cook and Dr Jeffrey Lumb............................................... 105 4............. Aust Ch Fayrelyn Eyez Ofth Tygrista........................................................C & N Verrall..................................................................................... 70 5............. Aust Neut Ch Zanzipow Pure Red Poppy................................................Lisa-Jane Hunter............................................................................... 60 6............. Aust Neut Ch Remwin Dark Image.........................................................Mrs C Benson................................................................................... 50 7............. Aust Ch Nikrus African Pa Meisie............................................................Mrs C Benson................................................................................... 20


1............. ZANZIPOW..............................................................................................Mrs Jennifer Power........................................................................ 469 2............. REMWIN.................................................................................................Lyn Hughes..................................................................................... 376 3............. AFRIKENJI................................................................................................D & H Veless................................................................................... 317 4............. NAILAH...................................................................................................Mrs C Petersen............................................................................... 175 5............. TAMBUZI.................................................................................................Adam Druce................................................................................... 150 6............. NONAYM.................................................................................................Karen Ordar.................................................................................... 121 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 57


BREED STANDINGS Rank Dog Name Sex All Breed BOB Specialty Wins Pts 1............GChEx Ahmahr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel....................................... (M).......................102........................ 4....................... 82 2............Ch Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot.......................................................(F)..........................0.......................... 2....................... 40 3............Ch Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover...................................................... (M).........................3.......................... 3....................... 38 4............Ch Africanadian PBJ Of AhmahrNahr......................................................(F)..........................5.......................... 0....................... 12 5............Ch Kandem Summit No Regrets..............................................................(F).........................18......................... 2......................... 3 6............Emerant’s R E S P E C T............................................................................(F)..........................2.......................... 0......................... 2 6............Klassic’s Little Texas Bushwacker............................................................ (M).........................3.......................... 0......................... 2 8............Ch Old Legend’s Baldur.......................................................................... (M).........................0.......................... 1......................... 1 8............Emerant N Fopaws Sheza Seeker............................................................(F)..........................1.......................... 0......................... 1 8............Blackwing’s Waltzing Matilda..................................................................(F)..........................4.......................... 0......................... 1 8............Ch Sonbar’s Worth Watching At Miloki...................................................(F).........................21......................... 0......................... 1 12..........Ch Africanadian Kimia Ango Angari.........................................................(F)..........................2.......................... 0......................... 0 12..........Meisterhaus Take A Chance On Me........................................................(F)..........................8.......................... 0......................... 0 12..........Bushwacker Instant Karma......................................................................(F)..........................5.......................... 0......................... 0 12..........Khani’s Aca-Pella Orru.............................................................................(F).........................10......................... 0......................... 0 12..........Africanadian Khufu Ahmahr Nahr.......................................................... (M).........................0.......................... 0......................... 0 12..........Ch Mankia’s Makago.............................................................................. (M).........................4.......................... 0......................... 0 12..........Africanadian Guru Ahmahr Nahr........................................................... (M).........................0.......................... 0......................... 0 12..........Wasenshi’s Girl on Fire............................................................................(F)..........................0.......................... 0......................... 0 12..........Amore’s Cross My Heart Ernie............................................................... (M).........................1.......................... 0......................... 0


Dog Name








1............GChEx Ahmahr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel................................(M)......... 12...........58.......... 47......... 12........... 12...........4378 2............Ch Kandem Summit No Regrets.......................................................(F)........... 0.............0............ 5........... 6............. 4..............316 3............Ch Sonbar’s Worth Watching At Miloki............................................(F)........... 0.............2............ 4........... 8............. 3..............254 4............Ch Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover............................................... (M).......... 0.............0............ 0........... 0............. 1..............114 5............Ch Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot................................................(F)........... 0.............0............ 0........... 0............. 0................40 6............Ch Africanadian PBJ Of AhmahrNahr...............................................(F)........... 0.............0............ 1........... 1............. 0................30 7............Wasenshi’s Girl on Fire.....................................................................(F)........... 0.............0............ 0........... 2............. 0................17 8............Africanadian Guru Ahmahr Nahr.................................................... (M).......... 0.............0............ 1........... 0............. 0................13 9............Ch Mankia’s Makago....................................................................... (M).......... 0.............0............ 0........... 0............. 1................10 10..........Klassic’s Little Texas Bushwacker..................................................... (M).......... 0.............0............ 0........... 0............. 1..................8 11..........Africanadian Khufu Ahmahr Nahr................................................... (M).......... 0.............0............ 0........... 0............. 1..................5 12..........Khani’s Aca-Pella Orru......................................................................(F)........... 0.............0............ 0........... 1............. 3..................3 13..........Emerant’s R E S P E C T.....................................................................(F)........... 0.............0............ 0........... 0............. 0..................2 14..........Blackwing’s Waltzing Matilda...........................................................(F)........... 0.............0............ 0........... 0............. 0..................1 14..........Ch Old Legend’s Baldur................................................................... (M).......... 0.............0............ 0........... 0............. 0..................1 14..........Emerant N Fopaws Sheza Seeker.....................................................(F)........... 0.............0............ 0........... 0............. 0..................1

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 58

SWEDEN STANDINGS - Top 20 Basenjis October 12, 2014

HANAR UTSTÄLLNING Plac: Namn: 1 C.I.B NORD EE UCH NORDJ V-11 Kenjaali Heere’s Johnny 2 NORD US UCH Jasiri-Sukari Win Diesel 3 DK EE INT NORD UCH NORD V-08 SE V-08-09- SE&NO V-07 WW-11-13 Faraoland Bluetooth Enigma 4 SE DK UCH Faraoland Swedish Design 5 C.I.B HR NORD UCH Karimba’s Colin Cocky 6 SE UCH Faraoland Kenzo Power 7 C.I.B SE UCH VEUW-10 VWW-10-11 M Wami’s American Fortune Hunter 8 SE UCH Yulara Tamarack 9 SE UCH Miss Amazing’s Dream Hunter 10 Zandeena A Twist In The Tail * Sueden Corento Valio Kaveri To Ngan 12 C.I.B NORD UCH SE V-11 NO V-10 Kimwito’s Valentino 13 NORD UCH SE V-13 NORD V-11 NORD JV-10 NORD V-10 Enigma Just Watch Me 14 SE UCH Yulara Quercus * Afrikos Mitas Admiral Of Love * Turbolines Taste Of Africa 17 C.I.B NORD UCH Hanishan X-Factor * SE UCH Taji’s Top Model To Zahleka 19 C.I.B NORD UCH KBHV-09 Zahleka Emile Emilion * Rayas Minds Windy Wind

Totalt: Birgitta Prahl & Emma Prahl Carina Morén Jansson

Ägare: 80 65

Sofie Lönn Anna Söderberg Heléne Roos Annie Schallengruber Birgitta Prahl Mia Lööwber Camilla Lebzien Therese Kindberg Yvonne Adolfsson Anna Söderholm Bjurström & Therese Kindberg Madelene Lönn & Sofie Lönn Susann Marco Anita Bergkvist, Cecilia Kocman & Helena Strömbert Erica & Annika Jonsson Lars Höglin Cecilia Åkerblad Yvonne Adolfsson Diana Bjurström & Carina Johansson

60 51 48 44 42 39 37 30 30 28 23 22 22 22 17 17 16 16

Therese Kindberg & Anders Gryhed Carina Morén Jansson & Sofie Lönn Maria Kindberg &Therese Kindberg Monica Massih Carina Morén Jansson Naranja Persson Madelene Lönn & Sofie Lönn Heléne Roos Heléne Roos & Ulrika Tapper Yvonne Adolfsson Cecilia Kocman

70 62 62 56 52 48 46 46 40 30 28

Naranja Persson Anna Söderberg Cecilia Kocman Helena Strömbert Camilla Lebzien Helena Strömbert Diana Bjurström & Carina Johansson Annika Jonsson Susann Marco

26 22 22 20 19 18 18 18 16

Birgitta Prahl


Naranja Persson


Sofie Lönn Gun-Lis Dahlström Yvonne Adolfsson Cecilia & Bruno Kocman Naranja Persson Sara Teske Therese Forslund

18 13 6 3 3 3 2

TIKAR UTSTÄLLNING 1 2 * 4 5 6 7 * 9 10 11 12 13 * 15 16 17 * * 20

SE UCH SE V-13 Behukai Egyptian Treasure SE NO UCH NORD JV-11 Enigma I Have A Dream SE JV-13 Shahrans Starlet Yulara Stellaria Touch Of Razz Pink Champagne C.I.B NORD UCH DK V-13 NORD V-12 Kenjaali Frankly My Dear SE UCH NORD JV-09 SE V-10 Khani’s Midnight Star DK CH NORD UCH DK JV-12 NORD JV-12 Karimba’s Bling Bling Karimba’s Party Girl SE JV-12 Old Legend’s Jewel Faraoland HD Street Glide C.I.B NORD UCH DK VV-13 NORD VV-12 SE V-05-06-07 KBH V-08-09 Kenjaali Kaya-Kayenna C.I.B EE NORD UCH Hazhart Miss Chevious Barkless Diorshow Black Out SE UCH Faraoland Treasure Of The Rainbow Miss Amazing’s Night Play SE UCH Chagmas Rose To Faraoland Rayas Minds Winning Winnie SE UCH Enigma In Your Dreams Azania’s Bit Of Magic Of Tricycle


VEUW-10 VWW-10-11 SE UCH M Wami’s American Fortune Hunter C.I.B NORD UCH DK VV-13 NORD VV-12 SE V-05-06-07 KBH V-08-09 Kenjaali Kaya-Kayenna DK,EE,INT&NORD UCH NORD V-08 SE V-08-09- SE&NO V-07 WW-11-13 Faraoland Bluetooth Enigma SE DK UCH Faraoland Saga Zulu Liljeborg’s Dan Fatima Of Sun C.I.B DK NO FI UCH Faraoland Xcellent Example SE UCH SE V-04 Kenjaali Mercury-Mwami SE UCH Temper Whattayaknow Vivre Vivien Out Of Africa

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 59

FINLAND Standings September 10, 2014




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 10 11 12 13 13 15 16 17 17 19 20

Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever.............................................99 Klassic’s Daydream Believer..............................................79 Sternhimmels Orvar Odd..................................................76 Bulldobas No Regrets........................................................55 Ajibu Jumping Jack Flash...................................................50 Bulldobas Zappa Safeguard...............................................49 Heriaheri Viridian Green...................................................42 Dakarai Long Play..............................................................40 Hi-Lite Hot Rod..................................................................40 Orange Pips Codename Kyril.............................................38 Ajibu Life And Soul............................................................36 Sternhimmels Optimus Maximus......................................34 Perrada Unican Impressive...............................................30 Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius...........................................30 Echo Of Dreams Afrikata...................................................28 Bulldobas Adofo Amani....................................................27 Ajibu Feelin’Good..............................................................23 Signet Road Less Travelled................................................23 Sternhimmels Omen Bonum.............................................22 Hanishan Game Hunter....................................................19


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 7 10 10 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 19

Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wow-Factor...........................................89 Bulldobas Cute As A Button..............................................63 Vanguardian Token Of Luck...............................................48 Bulldobas Zandra Safeguard.............................................40 Sternhimmels Nota Prima.................................................34 Rosone’s Retro Rimembranza...........................................32 Ajibu Billie Jean.................................................................30 Orange Pips Chelsea Bun..................................................30 Wazazi The One And Only.................................................30 Hanishan Que Sera Sera....................................................29 Sternhimmels Notabilia Bona...........................................29 Shahran’s Ladybird............................................................28 Rosone’s Terra Di Tarantella..............................................27 Sternhimmels Opera Operata...........................................26 Dakarai Gigglebelly...........................................................25 Hanishan Titilayo Sharab...................................................25 Perrada Unican Iron Comesfrom Meroe...........................24 Perrada Unican Ishall Wear Midnigh................................23 C-Quests Jokuba Anything But Silent................................21 Sharaba Lovelights Behukai..............................................21



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 12 12

Bulldobas No Regrets........................................................33 Ajibu Billie Jean.................................................................25 Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius...........................................22 Bulldobas Adofo Amani....................................................17 Hanishan Game Hunter....................................................14 Hanishan Titilayo Sharab...................................................12 Kanjaras Zindika................................................................11 Bulldobas Kito Keisha..........................................................9 Hanishan Glory For Love.....................................................8 Dark Skies Catcher In The Rye.............................................5 Perrada Unican Valorous’NShiny........................................2 Bulldobas Kito Kibibi...........................................................1 Kanjaras Timeus Theron......................................................1 Orange Pips Awesome Omega............................................1 Perrada Unican Victorious One...........................................1

1 1 3 3 5 5 7 8 8 10 10 12 12

Faraoland La Vie En Rose..................................................16 Hi-Lite Cotton Candy.........................................................16 Bastillin Andy Mcred.........................................................10 Hi-Lite Cola Candy.............................................................10 Behukai Florida Sun............................................................8 Bulldobas Baroos In The Night............................................8 Rosone’s Viola Vernaccia....................................................7 Motion Of Life At Wild Africa..............................................6 Rosone’s Viola Verdeca.......................................................6 Bastillin Ants ’N The Pants..................................................2 Rosone’s Vino Vermentino..................................................2 Kanjaras Choco....................................................................1 Rosone’s Vino Verduzzo......................................................1


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UNITED KINGDOM TOP BASENJIS OCTOBER 2014 - Prepared by Sally Wallis, Zande Basenjis Rank Name........................................................................................D/B.................CC.................RCC.................BOB.............GP Ch Chagmas Dream On.................................................................................. D......................6..................... 3...................... 5...................0 Ch Tokaji California Dreaming . ..................................................................... B......................4..................... 8...................... 1...................0 Ch Kentucky Blue .......................................................................................... D......................2..................... 3...................... 2...........HGp 3 Ch Faraoland Yuletide Snowfall At Elsco ....................................................... D . ...................2..................... 3...................... 2...................0 Can/Am Ch Bushwacker Candy Coated Crime............................................... B .....................2..................... 2...................... 1...................0 Ch Silverbriar Mirror Image (tri).................................................................... D......................2..................... 0...................... 1...................0 Ch Kissangani Shining Star at Embeau (tri).................................................... B .....................3..................... 2...................... 0...................0 Ch Kissangani Life of the Party...................................................................... B .....................1..................... 2...................... 1...................0 Ch Kissangani Caught in the Act For Milukris................................................ D . ...................2..................... 0...................... 1...................0 Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at Djoser (tri).................................................... B .....................1..................... 0...................... 1...................0 Tokaji American Dreamz at Silverbriar (tri).................................................... B .....................1..................... 0...................... 1...................0 Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wild Child of Memetuka (imp).......................................... B .....................1..................... 2...................... 0...................0 Rebel Rebel at Bushwacker........................................................................... D . ...................1..................... 1...................... 0...................0 Ch Kissangani Only Dreaming........................................................................ B .....................1..................... 0...................... 0...................0 Swanwite Azeera (tri).................................................................................... D......................1..................... 0...................... 0...................0 Ch Tokaji American Gangster at Tenfield....................................................... D......................1..................... 0...................... 0...................0 Ch Tokaji American Gigolo at Embeau JW SChM........................................... D......................1..................... 2...................... 0...................0

BRAZIL - Top Basenjis ADULT DOGS 1.............Escarlate Ruiva Itapuca.....................................................................Vicente Pacheco Junior ............................................................ 893 2.............Kazor’s Take Me All The Way............................................................Savio Picanço Steele ................................................................. 279 3.............Kazor’s Mega Model.........................................................................Nicolas Pineiro E Carol Webb ................................................... 118 4.............Favelado Lek Touchless Itapuca........................................................Savio Picanço Steele ................................................................. 101 5.............Teazer Kazor Nene At Itapuca...........................................................Savio Picanço Steele ................................................................... 83 6.............Jadaka Meisterhaus Magic Man Of Itapuca.....................................Savio Picanço Steele ................................................................... 31 7.............Falcon Itapuca..................................................................................Savio Picanço Steele ................................................................... 24 8.............Zorua Do Rancho Da Pedra...............................................................Murilo Vieira . ............................................................................. 21 9.............Zorua Do Rancho Da Pedra...............................................................Murilo Vieira . ............................................................................. 19 10...........Master Allen Congo Itapuca.............................................................Savio Picanço Steele ................................................................... 13 11...........Agra Itapuca Canes Ad Archangelos.................................................Glauco Gall Dos Santos . ............................................................... 6 12...........Cacau Itapuca...................................................................................Savio Picanço Steele ..................................................................... 3 . .............Bomani Jaguar Villas.........................................................................Anderson Gustavo Torres ............................................................. 3 14...........Zion R.P.M.........................................................................................Raquel Poli Luiz Felipe Proost....................................................... 1 JUNIOR DOGS 1.............Favelado Lek Touchless Itapuca........................................................Savio Picanço Steele ................................................................. 251 2.............Teazer Kazor Nene At Itapuca...........................................................Savio Picanço Steele ................................................................... 63 3.............Zorua Do Rancho Da Pedra...............................................................Murilo Vieira . ............................................................................. 32 4.............Agra Itapuca Canes Ad Archangelos.................................................Glauco Gall Dos Santos . ............................................................... 7 5.............Falcon Itapuca..................................................................................Savio Picanço Steele ..................................................................... 4 6.............Zorua Do Rancho Da Pedra...............................................................Murilo Vieira . ............................................................................... 3 . .............Bomani Jaguar Villas.........................................................................Anderson Gustavo Torres ............................................................. 3 PUPPY DOGS 1.............Favelado Lek Touchless Itapuca........................................................Savio Picanço Steele ................................................................... 62 2.............Zion R.P.M.........................................................................................Raquel Poli Luiz Felipe Proost....................................................... 1

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 61

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MAGAZINE STAFF Editors : Wanda Pooley, Melody Falcone, A. Tad Brooks Magazine Design Wanda Pooley Advertising Managers Melody Falcone & A. Tad Brooks Ad Designer Melody Falcone Copy Editing Anne Rogers Maxine Elliott M. Susan Joyner

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