The Modern Basenji - Worldwide

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The Modern Basenji - Worldwide is published quarterly in print and online.



Making Wise Choices for our Breed's Future, by Karla Schriber


B-Legal Blog - The AKC Delegate, by Karla Schreiber


First Dogs, by Janice Koler-Matznick, MS, ACAAB, CPDT


Avuvi Dogs of West Africa, by Emmanuelle Occansey


The Unique Congo Basin Native Dog, by Dr. Jo Thompson


Where is Our Future Taking Us?, by Wanda Pooley


How Many Founders Does It Take To Make A Breed, by Dr. Jo Thompson


How Technology Has Changed Dog Shows, Part II, by Thomas Meade II


The Accidental Trainer, by Lisa Marshall


Breeder Interview, Sally Wallis, Zande Basenjis, UK


Careers & Breeding, by Breeders Laura Hesse, Laurel Basenjis, Karla Schreiber, New World Basenjis, & Gale Whitehurst, UnderCover Basenjis


BCOSW Judge's Critique, by AKC Judge Mr. Michael Doughtery

52 53 54 55 56 57 58 60 61 62 63 64 65 68

Congo Basin Native Dogs 18

EVENT RESULTS - STANDINGS - DEPARTMENTS 41 South Coast Basenji Fanciers Show 42 ASFA Announces New Change 42 Racing & Coursing in Germany, by Katrin Rzeszut 42 Correction to Breeder Interview 4Q 2011 44 Column - Basenji Fanciers of Greater Phoenix Specialty, by Arnieta Kurtz 46 Basenji Fanciers of Greater Phoenix Specialty Results 47 Indian Nations Basenji Club Specialty 48 AKC Eukanuba National Championship Show 49 SKK Stockholm INT Nordic Winners Show 50 Best in Show Honor Roll, USA 51 AKC Top 20 Breed & All-Breed Standings


First Dogs

AKC Grand CH & UKC Standings AKC & ASFA Field Standings 2011 LGRA & NOTRA Race Standings 2011 Australia Standings 2011 Helsinki Finland Show Results Germany Top Basenjis 2011 Finland Standings 2011 Sweden Standings 2011 Brazil Top Basenjis 2011 United Kingdom & Norway Standings 2011 Canada Column/Top Basenjis 2011 Canada - Best in Show Honor Roll Upcoming Events Advertising and Subscriptions

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Where is our Future taking us? 22






ew this year is our redesigned website and a new domain name - Please bookmark this site to discover what is developing with The Modern Basenji -- Worldwide. We changed printing companies and a bonus in the package is a new binding process that gives the magazine a fresh, new look and feel. DIGITAL EDITION We are looking at an option to alow people to purchase a subscription to the digital edition of The Modern Basenji. The first year everyone had full online access to all the issues so people could see all the wonderful features of the magazine. Access will soon be limited to sample pages and all the advertising in each current issue. The Archives section will continue to offer the full version for past magazines. The content of The Modern Basenji - Worldwide magazine is quite diverse and is best read in hand. Many times you will discover articles that you may want to preserve. A subscription to the magazine is the best way to accomplish this. Use the digital issues in the Archives as a quick reference.



Pg #

Baughan, Dyan


BCOA 2012 Specialty


BCOC 2012


Behles, Jennie

66, 67

Behles, Jennie


Brooks, A. Tad


Colbert, Terry


Fox, Millissa Gilchrist, Laura Hesse, Laura

15, KD/68 37 7

Johnston, Danielle


Löwbeer, Mia


Maxka, Chris Morgan, Jerry/Savio Steel Pooley, Wanda

FC, 3 23 21, KD/68

Reed, Bob & Terry 13 This 1st quarter issue focuses on the roots of ancient dogs like our basenjis. To understand where we are going, it’s Robert, Jan & Heather Ann & Jess Walker 25 important to know where our breed has been. We are honored to Rzeszut, Katrin 20 have several notable authors with expertise in this area. Read about the ancestral roots of primitive dogs and their impact on Solid Gold, Sissy McGill 11 dogs breeds today. Learn the experiences of one author who lives Vertrees, Denise 19 in West Africa and has traveled to several neighboring countries to observe village dogs. Study the impact of the aboriginal dog Kennel/Breeder Directory 68 and how its primitive shape has defined the canine physical appearance for thousands of years. Enjoy a pictorial essay of the early native basenji foundation stock that set the standard for the breed. Little has changed since those first basenjis were brought out of Africa by our breed founder, Lady Helen Nutting. These articles couldn’t have been more timely. The February 2012 issue of the National Geographic magazine presented a comprehensive article discussing the genetic code for canine shapes and sizes. Did you know that after analyzing the DNA of 85 dog breeds, scientists discovered that genetic similarities could be addressed in four broad categories? Not surprising in this chart is that the basenji is one of the earliest genetically linked canines commercial breeders who have chosen a path of least resistance to the wolf, making it one of the oldest domesticated breeds. by using alternate registries? The dedicated rescue groups can Learn more by visiting probably answer this question best as they are the ones on the front line, and are the most likely to know the origins of these THE FUTURE dogs. With several issues against us, what do responsible When I wrote “Where Is Our Future taking Us?” I attempted breeders do to protect the lines they have created; what do we do to identify three of the elements that have impacted growth in to help shows and trials prosper; how can we work together to basenjis in the US. The chart provided in this article presents a keep life as we know it in the dog world? startling visual effect of the decline in litters and AKC registered From cover-to-cover The Modern Basenji continues to basenjis. Is there a real decline in the number of basenjis being provide the most diverse material for its readers. born each year, or are we merely witnessing the exodus of Enjoy!  The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 2

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To Preserve, Protect and Promote:

EARLY NATIVE IMPORT FOUNDATION STOCK: A Pictorial Essay Bongo of Blean (imported 1936 from Kwenge, Belgian Congo)

By Karla A. Schreiber


I’ve heard a few fanciers express the rather startling (at least to me) opinion that basenijs are now a “man-made” breed, that has been so fashioned and reshaped by breeders in the West as to be “something very different” than stock that originally developed in the old growth forest areas of the Congo Basin. A corollary, and equally startling opinion, is that the original basenji standard (and those that followed, around the globe) was written to “make basenjis what breeders envisioned” – rather than describing the original, distinct, geographically specific, native breed formed by thousands of years under natural selection in a unique environment. I am not normally a person of few words but in this article, I am. I present for your review photographs of our breed’s foundation stock, and a few first-generation immediate progeny. These foundation stock imports came from Central Africa between 1936 and 1959. Please compare them to one another. Compare them to the basenjis at your feet, in your lap, or on your couch. Is the consistent type depicted in these photos nothing but a mirage? Is it a function of “show ring, breeder selection” at work? Or do these photos illustrate the naturally variable, yet uniquely consistent, recognizable, breed type that we know today (type that Western breeders have worked to maintain rather than alter)? In order to make the best possible decisions for our breed going forward, all of us must decide how we will answer this important question. For me, there is only one correct answer: We must make decisions based on what a “basenji” is today, and has always been – a distinct, geographically specific native breed. 

Bereke of Blean (imported 1936 from Kwenge, Belgian Congo)

Bokoto of Blean (imported 1936, Kwenge, Belgian Congo)

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Kindu & Kasenyi (imported 1941 from French Congo, beyond Makoua))

Foxie of Blean and 2 littermates, 1937 (sire: Bongo of Blean – dam: Bokoto of Blean) Foxie of Blean, 1937 (Bongo x Bokoto) Of the Congo Pups (whelped 1939) Wau of the Congo (imported 1952 from Sudan/French Congo border near Tambura)

Bakuma of Blean / Phemister’s Bois (imported 1937, from Kwenge, Belgian Congo)

Wait a Bit of the Congo (Wau of the Congo x Eng/Am Ch Frivolity of the Congo) 1953

Amatangazig of the Congo (imported 1938 from Southwestern Sudan, near Wau) Fula of the Congo (imported from Southern Sudan, near Anzara) (whelped 1959) The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 5


By Karla Schreiber

The AKC Delegate:

A Parent Club’s Unique Voice


ach AKC parent breed club, and each AKC-member all-breed club, selects a delegate to represent the club within the American Kennel Club. Recently, I stumbled upon a letter on AKC’s website (dated June 30, 2011) that includes an attachment detailing the powers, qualifications and duties of AKC delegates. While this isn’t strictly a “legal” issue – it is a corporate governance issue for AKC clubs, so it seems a fitting and timely topic for the first quarter B-Legal Blog! My interest in the topic is born out of my own ignorance. I realized, after reviewing the AKC materials ( importance.pdf) that I’d never clearly understood the duties, powers, and responsibilities of our AKC delegate. Before non-U.S. resident readers turn the page, you MIGHT want to read on – because the qualifications set out by AKC for parent club delegates have broader applicability. Think in terms of ANY individual who will hold a potentially longterm position in your Club or group, with the responsibility to act as a liaison between your local organization and regional or national groups…. The Merriam-Webster on-line dictionary defines a “delegate” as “a person acting for another…” This is the essence of what a delegate should be. A delegate does not act of their own accord, and a delegate does not act without communicating early and often with the groups or individuals he or she is charged with representing. When it comes to AKC parent club delegates, AKC tells us that the powers of delegates include approving rules governing dog shows and field trials, approving amendments to AKC’s by-laws, nominating and electing delegates to serve on the AKC Board of Directors and Delegate Standing Committees, serving on the AKC Board (only delegates may do so), and voting to discipline member clubs. I will admit that until I read the AKC’s delegate handout, I didn’t realize there were Delegate Standing Committees. There are Delegate Standing Committees – and they are an important aspect of AKC’s parent club governance. We should all be aware of these Standing Committees, and ideally, should want our own BCOA representative to serve on one or more: Coordinating Committee, All-Breed Committee, Bylaws Committee, Canine Health Committee, Delegate Advocacy and Advancement Committee, Dog Show Rules Committee, Field Trial and Hunting Test Events Committee, Herding, Earthdog and Coursing Events Committee,

Obedience, Tracking and Agility Committee, Parent Club Committee, and Perspectives Editorial Staff Committee. Currently, per the AKC website, BCOA is not represented on any of these Committees. The AKC also stresses the necessary qualifications to serve as a parent club delegate. Qualifications mandated by AKC’s by-laws are that a delegate must a) represent a member club; b) be in good standing with AKC; c) be a resident citizen of the U.S. or have permanent resident alien status; d) meet all occupational eligibility criteria established by AKC; and e) not be found guilty of or admit to the theft, embezzlement or misappropriation of funds from any AKC Club. Additionally, AKC suggests that all delegates have a) ten plus years of involvement with AKC activities; b) be willing to serve five years or more as delegate for their club; c) be willing to invest time, effort and expense to serve as a delegate; d) be willing to speak up and be fully involved, and e) be willing to engage others in important conversations impacting their club and breed. Just as importantly, AKC delineates what all member clubs should expect of their delegates. The most important expectations are long-term service, a commitment to attend delegate meetings, timely reports on actions taken at all delegate meetings, obtaining feedback regarding important issues subject to delegate votes, and – when necessary – to vote “as directed” by their respective clubs. Clearly, the AKC delegate position is a critical role within each AKC parent breed club. Our delegate is our voice, our liaison, and our information pipeline for input into AKC dog show and eventing rules, and to many other issues addressed by AKC. The expectations that an AKC member club should have for its delegate are precisely what ANY club or breed organization, anywhere, should have for its delegates or liaisons. Free and ample communication is the key. The delegate must clearly and accurately communicate issues arising on all sides of the table, and must be able to dispassionately and non-parochially communicate questions and responses between the important entities involved. While BCOA members do not vote for their club’s AKC delegate, this is none-the-less a critical lynchpin position within the Club. When it is not well-filled, the Club suffers from a lack of information, and AKC suffers from our lack of input. It is critical to the wellbeing of our Club and our breed that our AKC delegate attend as many meetings as possible, communicate freely and openly with the BCOA Board of Directors and the membership, and solicit input prior to voting on matters of importance to the Club and the breed.h The B-Legal Blog provides general information on law-related topics for Informational purposes only. It does not provide personalized legal advice regarding the topics discussed, and it is not intended in any manner as a substitute for the services of a qualified, Statelicensed attorney.

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First Dogs By Janice Koler-Matznick, MS, ACAAB, CPDT Biography Janice has a Masters in environmental science, a certification in applied animal behavior (Board of Certification of the Animal Behavior Society), and in dog training (Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers). She has authored/co-authored journal papers on the New Guinea dingo, dog origin, dog cognition, and uses of dogs.

Today the hypothesis that the dog is a domesticated gray wolf is almost universally accepted. However, the only strong evidence for the wolf being ancestral to the dog is that they are extremely close genetic relatives, and this can have other explanations such as dog and wolf having a recent common ancestor.


have an alternative hypothesis that I believe is consistent with the close wolf/dog relationship and is more realistic. I first came to this conclusion by looking at the indigenous aboriginal dogs, including the basenji. About two decades ago, after studying biology and animal and human behavior and getting some hands-on experience with captive wolves, I began to doubt that a gray wolf could be the direct ancestor of the dog. I started by looking for clues in library books and anthropology articles as to what the original dog might have been like, searching for information about dogs of the indigenous people of the non-industrialized Old World. Of course, when the internet was developed, my research expanded. I felt that the aboriginal dogs had to be the most ancient types, and from them I hoped to get some idea of what the dog ancestor could have looked like. What I found were landraces that all had a similar appearance: variations on a theme. Except for the small number taken from their natural ranges that became registered, and the oriental gazehounds whose breeding has been under human selection for a thousand years (and therefore are not typical aboriginal dogs), these landraces cannot properly be called “breeds.” A breed is commonly defined as an artificial subdivision of dogs developed and maintained by direct human selection, usually for a specific purpose. Landraces are, in contrast, geographically or culturally-defined subpopulations of dogs similar to natural subspecies in that they are descended directly from the earliest dogs in that area thousands of years ago, and they have evolved adaptations to the local environment (physical and cultural) through mostly natural selection. The non-gazehound landraces are frequently termed “village” dogs or “pariah” dogs. Pure landraces still exist in the less developed areas of moderate climate in the Old World where free-ranging dogs have traditionally co-existed with people: S.E. Asia, Indonesia, the Pacific Islands, India, Arabia, Africa, and the Middle East. Japan had landrace dogs, a population founded at least 9,000 years ago, but the landrace has been mixed with imported dogs (Akita) or subdivided into breeds (Shikoku, Kai Ken, Shiba Inu, etc.). Then there are the dingoes of Australia and New Guinea, descended from primitive dogs taken to those places at least 12,000 years ago, and the only populations of dogs living

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today that still survive as wild predators without any support from humans, such as purposeful feeding or indirectly through scavenging garbage. I believe they still closely resemble the wild canid that originally decided to throw in its lot with humans, and are the only populations I term “primitive” because they are not biologically adapted to living with humans through either natural selection (as in the aboriginal dogs) or artificial selection (as in the gazehounds and modern breeds). New Guinea dingo Over the last decade genetic P studies that H O included T O ancient L landrace dogs Y and dingoes N N have proven J what I A deduced long C K ago: they are S O remnants of N the original dogs from 6,000 years ago or earlier. These aboriginal and primitive dogs are very similar: between 25 – 45 lbs, upright ears, tapering muzzle of moderate length, sickle-shaped to curled tails (the curl accentuated though artificial selection in the purebred registered basenji and Shiba Inu), and somewhat almond-shaped eyes. The predominant colors are red/brown and black with or without tan points. All can have varying white markings called “Irish pattern” on face, neck, chest, feet, and tail tip. Today, in some areas such as India, there are high percentages of piebald (white with various spots) village dogs: piebald color is considered a sign of mixing with modern breeds but could be merely a chance mutation in a local population, or due to some local artificial selection favoring dogs with more white. An early color mutation is the dilute of red — cream – present in Australian dingoes and some landraces, for instance basenjis and the village dogs of Borneo. Aboriginal dog coats are seasonally double (coarse outer hairs and felt-like underfur) in temperate climates, like the dingoes, and fine-haired single, like the basenji, in universally warm or tropical climates. P H O T O J A N K O L E R

Borneo Punan dog At least the heads of these landraces have not changed much from their ancient type. The skulls of living Thai dogs and dingoes match those from 3,500 years ago, and resemble skulls as old as 26,000 BP (years before present) from prehistoric archaeological sites all over Europe and Asia. The landrace dogs

have had no reason P H to change, as they O were, and are, T O superbly adapted to G their local A U environment and T the human cultures A M they live with, D which have also A been similar or S constant for at least 3,000 years in most areas. The dogs have been basically Indian Native Dog free-ranging and free-breeding (choosing their own mates,) at least since humans first established permanent settlements about 12,000 years ago. Their size and shape do the best living as scavengers around non-industrial human habitation. A secondary support for the dingo type being ancestral is that in areas where modern Euro-derived breeds can become feral and live as free-ranging scavengers, the population tends to revert to a long-term pariah morphology (LTPM: has dingo or aboriginal dog-like shape and size). Because new strays of various types are constantly joining the LTPM gene pool, there is more variation than in an ancient landrace, but over many generations of freely breeding and surviving on their own, the average specimen fits the description above. One example that made it into the purebred dog registries is the Carolina dog. These long-term feral populations never revert to a wolf-like type. Dog genetics studies that included large numbers of samples from aboriginal dogs reveal that the indigenous dogs of Africa, the Middle East The Haho Awo - found in Togo, Africa (including the P H saluki) and S.E. O Asia/ S.E. China are T O indeed ancient J lineages, and that A they have been N genetically isolated K O from each other for L E thousands of years. R European, and northern Asian breeds have small subsets of the genes present in the aboriginal dogs. S.E. Asian/ S.E. China indigenous dogs have the greatest genetic diversity and the most unique gene haplotypes, with the Middle East a close second, an indication that these could have been locations of dog domestication or of the first major populations of the original dog. The third greatest genetic diversity is found in African village dogs, proof they are also a very ancient population. Brown, et al. (2011) state: “Thus, extant Middle Eastern and Southeast Asian village dog patrilines clearly reflect a deep divergence reaching at least as far back as 10,000–16,000 years. Moreover, comparison to the previously published Y chromosome STR and SNP haplotypes of African breeds indicate these reflect at least one more divergent paternal lineage of dogs not

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present in Asia. This finding emphasizes the need for fossils older than that, and I think that the dogs now known as expanding Y chromosome analysis to African village dogs, dingoes traveled from the mainland (they are most closely related such as those previously investigated at mtDNA and nuclear to the Thai village dog) with the original people of New Guinea markers, to explore the age and origins of these dogs as and Australia some 50,000 years ago. The dingoes could have well.” (p. 6). arrived later with SE Asian seafarers, but if so, the Australian and These landraces share some genes, showing they probably New Guinea cultures show no reliable evidence of contact with originated from the same ancestors, but each has some unique any other cultures until about 2,500 years ago, and the dingoes genes (unique compared to the other landraces) which could were there well before that. indicate past hybridization with local wolves (especially the My hypothesis that there was a natural dog species, Middle eastern dogs) or mutation in long isolation. The Bali descended from an ancestor in common with the gray wolf, is not landrace is at least 3,300 years old, and related to all pacific currently supported by any paleontological or archaeological island dogs sampled and to the S.E. Asian landrace. evidence. Neither is the hypothesis that the gray wolf was The distribution of ancient warm-climate landraces makes domesticated and somehow “became” the dog. However, the sense when compared with early human population expansions paleontological and archaeological records for S.E. Asia/S.E. and prehistoric trade routes. There is a map showing a few of the China prior to 5,000 years ago are sparse because in forests and aboriginal breeds, and the Carolina dog, at tropical climates bones and non-stone artifacts rot rather then in/AboriginalNativeBreeds.html. Sometime around 50,000 BP become preserved (except in caves), At low sea levels during the modern humans began to expand from their Ice Age refuges in Ice Ages, S. E. Asia was connected with island Malaysia, India through S. E. Asia and the Middle East, displacing protoSumatra and Borneo by a 1.85 million km2 plain with large rivers human Homo erectus, which had lived in the area for tens of known as Sundaland. Much of the potential evidence is now thousands of years. The modern humans were culturally adapted under 20 or more meters of water. to hunting large game in fairly open savannahs and woodlands, Prehistoric seafarers were trading goods like feathers, shells, and had to adapt to hunting the smaller and harder to locate game stone for tools, and cultural artifacts throughout the South Pacific in the dense forests they encountered in S. E. Asia. Perhaps they by at least 25,000 years ago. They were also transporting live discovered the ancestral wild dog in S.E. Asia, and after some animals such as monkeys, rats (as a food source), and perhaps habituation, the two species realized they could fare better if they larger animals, between islands. Animals did not have to be hunted the dense forests together. The dogs would have long been “domesticated” to be transported, merely confined or habituated acquainted with Homo erectus and may have learned that when to human handling. The Pacific north equatorial current runs people killed game too large to carry whole back to camp, they westward from just south of the equator past New Guinea, could scavenge the offal. So they developed the cultural habit of between New Guinea and Sumatra, past island Indonesia to the trailing hunting parties. east coast of Africa, then down past Madagascar and finally turns If my hypothesis is correct, unlike the wolves, these dogs northeast and passes the western coast of Australia back to were small enough to pose no threat and were too swift and wary Indonesia. The north equatorial counter current runs north from to be purposefully hunted with spears (bow and arrow were not Indonesia past India to the east African coast above the main yet in use). Neither targets of purposeful hunting (which would current, then loops back and flows east just north of the westward have taught the dogs to fear humans), nor dangerous, the dogs equatorial current back to Indonesia. During the monsoons the might have been allowed to hang about outside camps, where Indian Ocean surface currents actually reverse. Ancient trade and they cleaned up the protein and nutrient-rich proto-human feces human movement along these currents are reflected in the that otherwise drew annoying insects and pests. Gray wolves are landrace dogs and the genetic relationships of the indigenous almost exclusively carnivores, requiring large amounts of meat people. for proper growth and reproduction, while the mid-size generalist predators are more Photo credit: (left) Gerben Grousta omnivorous and can adapt to eating vegetable matter as a major portion of the diet. Omnivores and generalist predators adapt easily to living as camp/village scavengers, thriving on a variable diet. Mammal examples are the red fox, jackal, coyote, raccoon, Virginia opossum, and, I would argue, the original dog and the modern dog. Modern humans expanding into S.E. Aboriginal dogs in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Asia would soon have noticed the H. Photo Credit: (right) Pepper Trail erectus-habituated forest dogs finding hidden prey, and maybe the dogs transferred their sanitation service to the new humans, initiating a Except for the few traditional aboriginal cultures that have symbiosis that ultimately resulted in the domestication of the dog. chosen to insulate themselves and reject westernization, in all Although the geneticists are estimating from their rather places where aboriginal village dogs still exist, they are under precarious formulas based on DNA mutations, that the dog threat of genetic extinction due to interbreeding with modern originated only about 20,000 years ago, there are definite dog Euro-derived imported dogs. The Australian dingo is now about The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 10

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80% hybridized with imported dogsm and there is not much chance that the still pure population will be protected. Soon what these dogs could tell us about the origin of the dog will be lost. Unfortunately, indigenous people often prefer Euro dogs, even mixes, as “exotic” status symbols, and believe these dogs are more intelligent and trainable that their own village dogs. They do not realize that local ordinary village dogs are superlative in their environment. They have adapted to the local conditions through thousands of years of mostly natural selection, have efficient digestive systems that enable them to survive on minimal food, and resistance to local pests and disease. Given a chance to develop a close personal relationship with people, aboriginal dogs are exceptional problem-solvers and can be trained to almost any task needed. Basenji and a New Guinea Singing Dog P H O T O T H O M L E E T T O L A

Brown et al (2011: p. 1) said: “Our findings demonstrate the importance of village dogs as windows into the past and provide a reference against which ancient DNA can be used to further elucidate origins and spread of the domestic dog.” What can be done to save these ancient landraces? It is impossible to conserve village dogs by bringing a few out of country and creating a “purebred” breed in a closed registry in Western society. In order to maintain the vital genetic diversity

and their unique adaptations, the village dogs must remain as a free-ranging, free-breeding (choosing their own mates) population. I was struck by the comment of a woman who was visiting an Indonesian island and saw two young boys throwing rocks at an aboriginal dog pup. Rather than rebuke them, she got some food and in a couple minutes taught the pup to sit on command. The boys were fascinated, and she showed them what to do. They had big smiles on their faces as she left, repeatedly getting the pup to sit for them. Perhaps, then, a good way to get the locals to value the dogs is to teach them that those dogs cleaning up the waste and garbage are capable of many things when trained through positive reward. Another approach would be to educate the people about the history of the dogs, so they can develop pride in them and protect them as their ancient cultural heritage. Here is a program similar to what I envision for teaching locals about their dogs: Some have suggested that if there was a stable market for pure aboriginal dogs, the people could profit from keeping Euro dogs away from their native dogs and selling pure aboriginal pups, but there is little likelihood such a market could be developed. We all know keeping aboriginal dogs as confined pets in modern society is a challenge, and if potential owners are informed about what it takes to keep such dogs happy and safely confined most will decline the challenge, especially since collecting and importing the pups would be exorbitantly expensive. For those who would like to contact people around the world interested in preserving aboriginal dogs, there is a Primitive and Aboriginal Dog discussion list at: References: Brown SK, Pedersen NC, Jafarishorijeh S, Bannasch DL, Ahrens KD, et al. (2011) Phylogenetic Distinctiveness of Middle Eastern and Southeast Asian Village Dog Y Chromosomes Illuminates Dog Origins. PLoS ONE 6(12): e28496. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0028496

[left] Village dogs in Swaziland, South Africa. Photo credit: Johann Gallant [below] Aboriginal ridged dogs of Phu Quoc island off of Vietnam. Ridged native dogs are also found on islands throughout Indonesia. Photo Credit: Janice Koler

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“Koklo metsoa pu adika soa avu o” “The dog does not worry when the chicken runs over to the bones.” (

Fig. 1

An Ewe-mina proverb of confidence. It is often said about people who do not feel threatened or insecure by the gifts or performances of others because they know their own strengths and talents. It is also a proverb against needless fights. There are some causes that are worth fighting for and some others that are better to let go. Fig. 2 By Emmanuelle Occansey


indigenous dog which has become known in North America for the last few years as “Avuvi” is the aboriginal product of the West African “Dahomey Gap”, i.e. the Sudano-Guinean and Sudanian savanna-covered interval between the Upper Guinean forest mass and the Central African (Lower Guinean, or Congolian) forest mass (see Fig. 1). Although it is always difficult to pinpoint a definite boundary in the absence of high mountain ranges, different authors define it as extending between various landmarks from the west bank of the Niger river, in Nigeria, through Benin (Weme [or Ouémé] river) and Togo, to the Volta river, in south-east Ghana; some authors include the Accra plains in this definition, justifiably so, in view of the typical low rainfall patterns that are also observed in this area. Considering the long established relationship and interdependency between dog and man, it also stands to reason to superimpose on this geographic map a linguistic one, including the Gbe group (see Fig. 2), i.e. the several vernacular languages (including Fon; Mina; and Ewe) in which “avu” means “dog”; the suffix –vi meaning young, avuvi literally means young dog (puppy). We now have two slightly different sets of boundaries to define the indigenous dog of the Dahomey Gap. Although from a strictly linguistic point of view, it doesn’t quite make sense to call Avuvi a dog occurring in a region where a different language is spoken (Ga and its variations, on the western – Fig. 3 Ghanaian– fringe

of the Gap), in view of the now widely documented evolution and adaptation of dogs to their environment, we will however describe as Avuvi all indigenous dogs of the broader geographical/climatic Dahomey Gap (see Fig. 3). To be perfectly honest, I’m not totally comfortable with the notion of a standard –and the uniformity of appearance it entails. This would be far from the truth as far as the Avuvi is concerned, or of a “breed,” for that matter. I am afraid that once we write down how the Avuvi looks now (after millennia of migration, settlement, and evolution in the relatively narrowly defined, yet bereft of obvious geographical or topological boundaries of habitat we just described), the temptation would prove strong to consider it set in stone, and to discard as irrelevant or, worse, telltale signs of mongrelisation and its naturally yet less commonly occurring traits. We would reduce the indigenous race to a breed and, in fact, dictate how nature should have been or was meant to be. I strongly believe that the race is nature’s expression, through evolution, and a breed is but a sketchy, incomplete and cliché representation of said nature. Breed: (n) a group of usually domesticated animals or plants presumably related by descent from common ancestors and visibly similar in most characters; a number of persons of the same stock. Race: (n) a breeding stock of animals. After this somewhat lengthy but, I think, necessary, caveat, I will attempt a description of the

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Avuvi as I know it, based on more than 35 years of living and wandering in West Africa and, in particular, in Togo and Ghana.

General appearance

Avuvis, and not a breed standard, the fact that a specific trait is not mentioned below does not mean its occurrence is aberrant. It may just be that it is rare, or that the author has never witnessed it yet. We have to stress that aboriginal dogs are a vastly underresearched topic so far and much of the knowledge gathered is a one-person endeavour which is necessarily incomplete.

Knowing the savanna type of habitat the Avuvi has evolved in since the late Holocene (manifestation of the specific climate pattern of the Adult cream Avuvi with thick coat, Baatsona, Greater Dahomey Gap, Size, proportion, substance 1 around 4500 BP ; Accra Region, Ghana Dogs in the Dahomey Gap are not bred for conformation. and the almost Although owners worldwide are proud of a good-looking animal, concomitant I am not aware of any breeding program aiming at specific migration of dogs physical attributes. Dogs have to be resilient first and good from Asia and hunters3 or alert dogs second. Nature and the general dearth or North-Eastern non-affordability of veterinary services take care of the first Africa2), it will criterion, and hunters will usually favour lines of proven not come as a performers over puppies of untested ancestry. They will also get surprise that, rid of any dogs attacking farmyard animals or stealing eggs and when compared to chicks. This is very important since, by and large, dogs, children the basenji, the and farmyard animals are allowed to roam in the village and even Avuvi is taller in towns and cities. An aggressive or stubborn dog is just too than the dense much of a risk to people’s livelihoods. equatorial There seems to be basically two sub-types in the Avuvi; one forest-dwelling is taller, and more powerful, with a bigger head that tends to basenji. show more wrinkling; the other is shorter-backed (more or less It is an fitting in a square), and the head is also shorter energetic and muscular dog with smaller jaws. Again, due to the lack of and, though unimpressive in emphasis put on physical homogeneity, the two size, is able and willing to types can and will occur in the same litter, and defend its territory. Its body is variations between the extremes are slightly longer than its legs. commonplace. The measurements supplied are Although the topline is usually an average for dogs kept in Western-style houses. level, the hindquarters Height: dogs: 20 in; bitches: 18 in. Length: dogs: sometimes are slightly higher 21 in; bitches: 19 in from front of chest to point than the forequarters. Its head of buttocks. Approximate weight for dogs, 30 lb; and neck are moderately bitches, 25 lb. In less affluent urban surroundings wrinkled, with variations where dogs are fed protein-poor leftovers, and 4-month old brindle Avuvi, Nungua, between sub-types, although are given limited opportunity to supplement it on Greater Accra Region, Ghana some looseness of the skin in garbage heaps (where proteinthese regions is present. It is, at heart, a hunting rich organic material is scarce dog, using a combination of sight and scent. An anyway), they unsurprisingly intelligent dog, its wariness of strangers makes it tend to be quite smaller and a good guard/alert dog. Unless familiarised with much leaner. Village dogs, farmyard animals and other pets (including though, are able to catch small cats), it will spontaneously dig for, chase and animals or to scavenge on dead grab burrowing animals (rats, rabbits, etc.), ones and, if used for hunting, farmyard animals up to and including goats and are even deliberately fed a more lambs and all sorts of poultry, poultry-like and appropriate diet by their owner. flying birds. It is trainable but independentminded. Characteristics– The Avuvi does bark Head fiercely when its territory is breached, but it also Bitch and puppy, Baatsona, Greater Accra Region, Ghana The head is carried slightly communicates between dogs in the same above the backline, although extended area (from compound to compound, for example) and the dog is able to stand to attention with an erect head. Eyes– with their human care-giver with a wide range of modulated Hazel to dark brown are the most common, but citrine yellow and sounds that are quite characteristic of the local soundscape. blue do occur. Rims are dark. Ears–small, either erect or floppy; Faults– This being a description of naturally occurring very mobile; typically, a dog on its guard/wary of its 1 See The Origin of the Dahomey Gap article, surroundings will keep its ears close to the skull, while a playful index.php/en/research/topics/103 or curious/confident dog will hold them erect. The proportion of 2 A lot remains under-researched about the fauna and flora of West Africa, but it subjects with floppy-only ears is not negligible. Skull– flat, appears that dogs may have reached this area around the time of the aridification of the Dahomey Gap. See AfriCanis, Indigenous dogs of Southern Africa, www.africanis.


On hunting with dogs in modern-day Accra suburbs, see hunting.html

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Young (approx. 3-4 months old) male red and white with partial black mask Avuvi, Lashibi, Greater Accra Region, Ghana

medium width, tapering towards the eyes; bitches’ skulls narrower than dogs’. Muzzle– shorter than skull, but less markedly so for the bigger/stronger sub-type. Wrinkles may or may not appear on the forehead when the ears are erect. Same for side wrinkles. Nose– Usually black or very dark.

Neck, topline, body

Young (approx.6months old) cream, sand and brown Avuvis, Baatsona, Greater Accra Region, Ghana

Neck– a strong neck of good length, usually held as an extension of spine, with slightly loose skin making folds in some subjects. Topline– level from back of skull to hip, hindquarters sometimes appearing slightly higher than forequarters. Body– balanced, chest and ribcage wider in bigger/stronger sub-type; fluid overall slenderness otherwise. Tail– slightly lower set than the basenji, mostly medium length, bending back to lightly brush the spine; can be naturally shorter to almost non-existent.


Forequarters– Legs straight with clean bone and well-defined sinews, pasterns strong and flexible and well-coordinated enough to grab and turn, which makes it quite deft. Hindquarters– Strong and muscular, sometimes slightly longer than forequarters.

Coat and color

Variegated sand (brown hairs with white tips), blueisheyed 4-month old male Avuvi, Baatsona, Greater Accra Region, Ghana

Coat usually short and fine, but variations exist (thicker, longer coats or even curly with fringed tail); the reason is under-researched and we don’t know at this point whether it’s a sign of foreign influences. Skin very pliant. Color– Deep mahogany with or without black overlay - black mask may occur; light brown to light sand; black; black and white; tricolor; brindle; cream; White feet and tail tip optional. White may predominate.


A brisk trot is typical of the shorter sub-type; the rangier sub-type shows a longer, smoother stride.

Young (approx. 1-year old) male Avuvi, Baatsona, Greater Accra Region, Ghana

Emmanuelle Occansey is a mixed Togolese-Ghanaian/ French lady of 43 who has travelled extensively in 10 West and Central African countries and lived in 4. A lover of nature, she developed an attachment to the ‘avu’ (the aboriginal dogs of the Dahomey Gap) her father owned since the 70s, and has owned six of them herself since she returned to settle in Ghana in 2000. She then started observing these indigenous dogs’ behaviour and lifestyle, both at home and in more traditional environments. She is passionate about preserving the primitive races in their diversity, preferably in their natural habitat. Her short-tomedium term projects include starting a small-scale breeding programme to offer an alternative to foreign breeds to those people looking for a healthy, hardy, socialised dog, while striving to maintain a balanced mix of types and colors. She has contributed several articles for American, Canadian, and Finnish dogrelated publications so far.

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What is a Basenji? -

The Unique

Congo Basin Native Dog by Dr. Jo Thompson


lthough the title leads with the question “What is a Basenji,” for this article I have chosen to steer away from using the term “Basenji” to label the native Congo Basin dog because that serves only to distract and confuse people who get hung up on something that is no more than a Westernized word. Yet, the information presented responds directly to this question. To begin, let’s step back and expand our understanding of natural selection pressures/processes and the isolation mechanisms/barriers that have regulated, and more importantly obstructed, gene flow over the past 2,000 years (not including the most recent 200 years) on the African continent. These powerful selection pressures include ethnicity (tribalism), culture, language, geography, technology, logistics, history, environment, etc. Broadly, this is the science of phylogeography; the study of processes that result in geographic distribution of distinct life forms. Let’s consider the geographic location of different biomes. A biome is simply any major ecological community of organisms, both plant and animal. Biomes are defined in terms of the entire biotic community of living organisms and their interrelationships with their immediate environment. The map presented here illustrates the most distinct biomes on the African continent relevant to this topic. These biomes have a direct and significant impact on the resident biotic assemblage and the human lifestyles (including how dogs are routinely employed) that adapted

to each region. The polygons represent some of the most obvious regional biomes on the continent: MD = desert south of the Mediterranean ; DG = Dahomey Gap ; EF = Equatorial old-growth primary Forest ; RV = east of the Rift Valley ; SA = Southern African countries. All aboriginal (earliest known) domestic dogs have a very similar basic physical appearance. This primitive canid body shape is known as the “long-term pariah morphotype” (LTPM). The LTPM silhouette is characterized by a wolf or fox-like appearance, with sharp-pointed, erect ears, a long, pointed muzzle and a long, sickle-shaped tail. This is the generalized form that is at the root of the domestic canine ancestry. Some people call this the “null” type because it is also the profile (outline) that modern canines revert to when generations are left under the influence of natural processes breeding without human selection. Before humans intervened, the earliest dog ancestor diverged into populations of separate types based on natural selection (including the mechanisms identified

above) and their success functioning in each biome. As these first domestic dogs migrated with humans, the primitive canine morphotype branched out across global landscapes and new, locally distinct types developed. Under the unique pressures of different environments, the distinct types stabilized as separate natural breeds. Over the past few thousand years, each geographically specific variety of dog (with a distinctive common gene pool, uniformity of type/ appearance, and consistent function) evolved from the basic, original LTPM form into a recognizable, geographic type. These divergent populations formed discrete breeds specific to their biome of origin. Often I read comments referring to dogs around the world that are “basenjilike” in that they have a common general primitive silhouette. What we are actually observing is the LTPM origin. It can be seen in all the primitive, aboriginal breeds: Australian Dingo, Congo Basin Basenji, New Guinea Singing Dog, Malaysian Dog, etc. But, “basenji-like” is not necessarily a basenji. Given this background of breeds specific to their biome, we can identify a unique type (breed) that will be called “EFb” (i.e., Equatorial old-growth primary Forest breed) because it originated in the

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EF biome that corresponds to the Congo Basin. The EFb, as with the other aboriginal breeds, began with a primitive canid body shape thousands of years ago. Over the thousands of years since the LTPM was introduced into the EF biome, its form evolved into the distinct breed type recognized by early Westerners as the “Congo Terrier” and later called Basenji (= EFb). The distinctive environmental pressures within the Congo Basin have created an assemblage of faunal types found nowhere else in the world, including most notably the Bonobo, Okapi, Congo Peacock, Aquatic Genet, and Congo Clawless Otter. Concealed within the EFb population across their biome of origin we find the full breed complement of genes; the EFb genome. Some individuals have some genes and not others but together they have all the genes that make up the distinctive genetics of the EFb population. It is that EFb genome at the population level that holds the maximum degree of genetic diversity. Taking one evolutionary step backwards, the domestic dog started from the wolf-dog common ancestor and consisted of the most diverse genome. As the global wolf-dog population split into wolves and dogs, those that became dogs (the LTPM) had less diversity in their genome but added diversity through mutations, etc. As the LTPM established in various biomes, each discrete population diverged from the LTPM into distinct types adapted to their regional environment. Each of those types was genetically less diverse than the LTPM common ancestor but also gained “new” and different genes through the processes of evolution. Today we have different “breeds” (each consistent in type and with a distinctive population genome). Now we can see how a dog from the very heart of the EF

biome would potentially contribute “new” genes to our Basenji outside the Congo Basin by restoring genes that are otherwise found within the original EFb population genome. Thus, the preservation of this beloved breed remains in our hands. As stewards, we must uphold the unique design of this breed, distinguished as the original primitive breed developed by the forces at play in the Congo Basin. Dr. Jo Thompson, Executive Director of the Lukuru Wildlife Research Project, is a renowned wildlife biologist who has lived and worked in the most remote regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) for the past 20 years. Primarily she has been working to protect a unique great ape, the bonobo (Pan Paniscus) and other species of high conservation concern. In addition, working broadly across Africa, through her research she has been celebrated as a leader in field-based conservation biology, population biogeography, central African natural history, and the implications of population genetics. Continuing to work as one of only a very few conservationists who remained throughout a ten year war in the DRC, Dr. Thompson organized a pioneering effort to support conservation work in the DRC throughout the worst years of the war, led a one-of-its-kind mission of top Congolese conservationists to meet with Security Council member state ambassadors at the United Nations, worked tirelessly for biodiversity conservation in central Africa, pioneered a ‘human-needs’ approach to conservation through her intimate knowledge of the most primitive people, and continued field activities under the most challenging conditions. These contributions have distinguished her as an internationally acclaimed real-world science-based conservationist.

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Where is our By Wanda Pooley


topic has so many elements that it might evoke the question, “How do you eat an elephant?” Simple answer is, “One bite at a time.” I am going to take three bites in an attempt to tackle this enormous multi-faceted situation. Many of us are aware that the purebred dog world is losing its edge as a growth industry. Like many breeds, the number of active basenji breeders has declined, leaving gaping holes in the breed and performance rings and in the fancy. In this country we are all closely attuned to the state of our economy so it comes as no surprise that fewer discretionary dollars can easily decrease the amount of participation. However, while the economy is a major factor affecting the role we play as breeders and exhibitors, there are other forces at hand which we must consider. About 15 years ago a report addressing the purebred dog population noted that only about 5% of the purebred canines in the US are destined for the show ring. The average person searching for a dog wants to fill a simple need in life -- to have a life-long canine companion or family pet. The majority of breeders in the fancy are committed to producing dogs that best measure up to the breed standard. Their main focal point is to produce the next great generation of their line. They hold on to puppies that appear promising, and find proper homes for the rest. But finding these good homes is no mean feat because prospective owners are hard to come by. Interviews, references, sometimes home

Future taking us? Reputable breeders do their best to provide a puppy with somewhat of a blank slate . Nothing bad has happened at this point if the breeder has done a good job. Hence, when the new owner arrives to get that puppy, both leave on pretty solid ground. This speaks well for why breeders are one of the best resources for buying puppies.

visits are part and parcel of the process involved in placing puppies. Good breeders are not only committed to producing quality future breeding stock; they are committed to all the purebred puppies they produce. This system worked well for decades. Then along came social changes in the mid-90’s that affected the dynamics of the dog industry. About that time, there was a rising worldwide awareness of the need to help purebred dogs that had landed in shelters. From there the movement spread to helping find new homes for all the dogs that found themselves homeless. While responsible breeders take their dogs back when an owner can't or is unwilling to keep their dog, basenjis raised in for-profit environments have not been as fortunate. Owners of those dogs reached out to a breed rescue organizations for help. This effort has escalated over the years. Today it has become commonplace for the dog-buying public to turn to saving a dog rather than buying a new puppy from a reliable breeder. It wasn’t long before breeders and rescuers unintentionally ended up with conflicting purposes. Next, came the sophisticated and well-funded public announcements featuring dogs in need, many of these with questionable parentage. Human nature being what it is, there’s a natural tendency

to want to save these animals. Soon, the good, reputable breeders who had strived to produce healthy, sound-tempered purebred dogs found themselves with even fewer prospective homes for their puppies. It is not uncommon to hear people in the general sector proclaiming, “ I don’t want to buy from a breeder because there are plenty of dogs out there in need of help.” This movement has put responsible breeders in a tough spot -- damned if they continued to produce good quality purebred dogs, and doomed if they didn’t. Stopping would spell the end to their long-held desire to perfect a line of dogs that would be versatile in the show ring, on the field, or as life-long companions. The third strike hit with a force that has been felt across the country. Animalrights groups, well-organized, abuntantly financed, and accompanied by considerable media support, took up the cause to “protect” our dogs. This army of well-meaning but wrongly-guided people hit every state and community in their attempts to rewrite animal welfare laws. Those of us who embrace life in the dog world are now spending precious time chasing our proverbial tails while animal rights activists try to rewrite animal welfare laws and liquidate the canine population. Hardly a day goes by that some legislation isn’t being introduced in

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states, cities, and municipalities from coast to coast. The demands for spay/neuter requirements for all dogs, the lobbying from animal rights groups, and the rescue organizations' appeals to the public to help dogs in need rather than buying well-bred dogs from responsible breeders is louder than most of us can bear. Today, the number of responsible breeders has dwindled significantly. The statistics below for basenjis in AKC present a clear picture of the purebred

effective. We responsible breeders are poorly organized. We need to develop our own public relations to promote our efforts to show how we produce sound, quality dogs that we stand behind until the day they die. We cannot rely solely on our registry, the American Kennel Club, to help. Our numbers are shrinking faster than we even realize. How many breeders have put a moratorium on breeding plans because of the inability to find good homes for

experience, or even endure a house visit. In many cases, they just have to pay the amount asked, answer a few quick questions, and collect their new puppy. The name of the registry is of little concern to these folks. While rescue organizations do a much better job of interviewing prospective adopters, that still doesn’t assure that a happy ending is in store for every purebred basenji. Since dogs don’t talk, they can’t share the experiences they may have endured that might later explain latent behaviors. Diff # of % change # of Diff from % change Reputable breeders do their best Year from litters from 2001 basenjis 2001 from 2001 to provide a puppy with somewhat 2001 of a blank slate . Nothing bad has 2010 185 344 65.03% 596 824 58.03% happened at this point if the breeder has done a good job. Hence, when 2009 218 311 58.79% 657 763 53.73% the new owner arrives to get that 2008 259 270 51.04% 774 646 45.49% puppy, both leave on pretty solid ground. This speaks well for why 2007 291 238 44.99% 723 697 49.08% breeders are still one of the best 2006 318 211 39.89% 826 594 41.83% resources for buying purebred 2005 355 174 32.89% 982 438 30.85% puppies and is a strong selling point for our market. 2004 457 72 13.61% 1181 239 16.83% The essential ingredients for a 2003 431 98 18.53% 1181 239 16.83% responsible breeder are health testing breeding stock, striving to 2002 482 47 8.88% 1233 187 13.17% develop dogs with sound 2001 529 1420 temperaments, breeding upwards to the written standard, screening, as population today compared to just 10 short puppies? realistically as possible, potential buyers, years ago. The trend shown in this report The American Kennel Club is an ally, and standing by the dogs produced. speaks for itself about what has happened not our adversary . The shrinking While the show world is an exciting to the purebred AKC registered basenji. numbers clearly show the registry needs part of life for many breeders, it is not on Many other breed parent clubs mirror us as much as we need them. Let’s utilize the radar for that average puppy buyer. We these percentages. the new programs AKC has recently should recognize it is not vital for all So, what is preventing responsible developed to draw more people back into offspring to have champion parents or breeders from attaining their goals and our world. Let’s look at ways to boost even go into the show ring themselves. dreams? A considerable number of the membership in our parent clubs. The vast majority of the market - that 95 general public are seeking their family Mentoring newcomers to our breed will percent - is merely looking for a pets elsewhere. Whether the logic is bring positive results. We need to embrace wonderful canine companion. economically driven, or because of the people who enter their first show, not be Let’s share the goal to produce desire to “save a life,” or to avoid scrutiny concerned that they might be competition healthy, sound-tempered purebred basenjis by careful breeders, good breeders are or troubled that their basenji might have a and to stand behind them for their lives. discovering they have fewer options for sketchy background. Many of these new Let’s not settle for the current trend of a their puppies than they did in the past 10 exhibitors are anxious to have mentors dwindling population of breeders and years. navigate them through the process. exhibitors. At this point, clearly we are Could it be just plain good public Some accuse breeders of being perched on the lower rungs of the ladder relations and marketing? The Humane elitists -- requiring prospective owners to in terms of finding good homes for our Society United States is a powerful force undergo intense scrutiny and raising the puppies. Economics and emotional and has spent millions of dollars running bar too high for people to even qualify to appeals may have pushed us to the lengthy ad campaigns focusing on the own a basenji. Sound arguments, sideline. Let’s not stay there. plight of dogs in shelters. Even the especially when it’s human nature to take Rather than tinker with what isn’t Internet competes for the attention of the path of least resistance. People who working, maybe we need a new conceptual anyone looking for a dog. Every spin-off walk into an animal shelter or a pet store design in order for the sport and our breed organization promoting adoption or spay/ or find some unknown breeder on the to flourish and prosper. neuter programs is out in force because Internet don’t have to provide lengthy Let's direct our own future. h using Internet media is cheap and references, or describe past dog The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 24

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How many Founders does it take to make a Breed? “A founder is an individual acquired from a source population whose parents (both) are unknown and who is the beginning of a newly established population cut off from the source. An individual is only truly considered to be a founder once it has surviving descendants in the new population.”

by Dr. Jo Thompson

What is a founder?

he October 2011 BCOA Bulletin Board Newsletter published a copy of the August 2011 letter in which the officers of the Basenji Club of America, Inc. officially requested an extension of the 2008 AKC agreement to open the Studbook for basenjis (pages 2021). Shortly after that letter was made public, I received questions about the stated number of founders BCOA recommended to establish a viable breed population. The statement from the BCOA letter read: “ In response to this problem, and on advice from geneticists who believe at least 50 founders are necessary for long-term breed viability, concerned breeders have made several trips to central Africa, starting in 1987, in search of native basenjis. “ In 1987 there were 18 basenji founders. When I read the statement above, I asked for the names of the geneticists who advised the BCOA that 50 was the minimum number of founders for breed viability. No one could tell me. So, I delved into the volumes of research on population founders and contacted experts to find the facts. This is what I learned.

A founder is an individual acquired from a source population whose parents (both) are unknown and who is the beginning of a newly established population cut off from the source. An individual is only truly considered to be a founder once it has surviving descendants in the new population. A “full founder” must be unrelated to any other representative of the source population and non-inbred. When individuals from the source population are known or suspected to be related, it is necessary to create “hypothetical” parents who are defined as the founders. An “effective founder” is an individual that actually reproduces and contributes descendants to the new population. A “potential founder” is currently living and capable of reproduction, but has not yet contributed genetically to the new population.


What is the minimum number of founders recommended to establish a long-term, viable population? Except for organisms that reproduce asexually, the actual minimum number of founders required to start a population

is two (one male and one female). Of course, the feasibility of that population is seriously in question and the longterm population survivability depends on what happens after that .... how quickly the population grows, the number of mutations, the population structure, etc. Typically however, when establishing a new population for long-term viability, the goal is for the (effective) founder population to capture at least 90% of the genetic diversity of the source population. Founders are a sample of the source population, and therefore the statistical laws of sampling apply. Sampling and genetic theory show that a minimum of 20 unrelated individuals theoretically will capture 97.5% of the gene diversity of the source population. • In response to my questions, Dr. Robert C. Lacy, Conservation Scientist, Chicago Zoological Society told me that the general rule-of-thumb is 20 founders to build a viable population (personal communication, Dec. 2011). He added that 8-10 founders would work, but any number below six would not be advisable.

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• Dr. Phillip Sponenberg, DVM, PhD, Professor, Pathology and Genetics, Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, indicated that the minimum founder number is likely somewhere around 10 but more would be beneficial (personal communication, Dec. 2011). • When writing about rescuing the unique Pineywoods Cattle breed, Sponenberg (2006) said that 15 is the minimum number of foundation animals required for long-term viability but 20 is better. • The African Rhino Specialist Group experts from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) established that the minimum number of founders for a viable population is five breeding animals, where at least three are females and at least one is male.

So the absolute minimum numeric range recommended to develop a new population may vary from 5-15. However, in-depth, analytical research determined that minimum founder populations should consist of at least 10 animals but preferably between 16-20 (Foose, Lacy, Brett and Seal, 1991).

Now we know the general ruleof-thumb for establishing a new population is 20 genetically effective founders. Often we hear “more is better.” Is that true? Dr. Lacy agreed that it would be better to have more than 20 founders but he explained that genetically 30 or 40 is not going to effectively be better than 20. Korn (1994) proved that genetic variation in the separate, newly established population rapidly approaches that of the source population when the number of effective founders exceeds 25. According to Willis and Willis (2010), 20 randomly selected individuals will supply 97.5% of the source population’s gene diversity on average, while 30 founders will provide 98.3% of the source population diversity. So, regarding the number of founders, there is a point of diminishing returns, at least in genetic terms. Hence a common objective is to obtain 20-30 effective

founders to establish a population since additional founders do not contribute substantially more genetic variability.

So, where did the number “50” come from? There seems to be confusion between effective population size and number of founders. This is an easy mistake to make and often discussions slip back and forth without clearly delineating what is being referenced. I admit that I have been guilty of this myself. To be clear, the “effective population size” is actually the current number of breeding individuals in a population that contribute genes to succeeding generations. The “founder population size” is the number of original individuals who are the ancestors from which the current population derived; they are the foundation of the population. These are two meaningfully different genetic parameters. M.E. Soulé (1987) calculated a minimum effective population of 50 individuals with a generation interval of greater than 10 years for the healthy persistence of a population for up to 100 years, allowing for continual reduction of genetic variation over time. It is the lack of understanding of the

difference between the recommended minimum current effective population size of 50 versus minimum number of original new population founders that has led to the misinformation in BCOA’s above cited letter to AKC. At the time of this writing (December 2011), BCOA had accepted 15 new founders into the Studbook over the past three years, bringing the count of Foundation Stock basenjis from 26 in 1990 to 41 in 2011. Based on the BCOA letter requesting the extension, during 7-8 November 2011 the AKC Board of Directors unanimously voted to extend the 2008 agreement permitting native stock dogs imported no later than 31 December 2018 to be registered in the Basenji Studbook until 31 December 2020. So, the Basenji Studbook is open to add approved founders for 10 more years. If BCOA was advised prior to 1987 that 50 was the minimum founder number to build a viable population, clearer definition of terms, better understanding of population genetics, and advances in genetic research and technology have now provided us with a more accurate figure. When considering the need for ongoing vitality of any closed population, an accurate and up-to-date understanding of the science behind population management protocols, and animal husbandry in general, is essential.

References Foose, T.J., R.C. Lacy, R. Brett, and U.S. Seal. 1991. Kenya Black Rhinoceros metapopulation workshop report. IUCN SSC Captive Breeding Specialist Group, Apple Valley, Minnesota. Korn, H. 1994. Effects on the Survival Probability of Small Populations of Mammals. Remmert H. (ed) Minimum Animal Populations, Springer-Verlag. Soule, M. E. 1987. Where do we go from here? In: M. Soule (ed). Viable Populations for Conservation. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press: 175- 183. Sponenberg, P. 2006. Breeding Pineywoods in the 21st Century. In: From the Pineywoods, Newsletter of the Pineywoods Cattle Registry and Breeders Association. Vol. 4. No. 2. page 4. March-May. Willis, K and R.E. Willis. 2010. How Many Founders, How Large a Population? Zoo Biology, Vol. 29, Issue 5, pages 638-646, September/October.

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HOW TECHNOLOGY HAS CHANGED DOG SHOWS by Thomas Meade II - Junior Columinst


n the last issue I discussed how dog shows have changed because of technology. We’ve seen how technology progresses VERY quickly, and how people have taken advantage of it to accomplish new things. Next, I am going to discuss where dog shows could go utilizing technology, and how people from spectators to exhibitors to the American Kennel Club (AKC) could take advantage and benefit from technology. Most importantly, the American Kennel Club should create a centralized computer system for dog shows. With a centralized computer system, the American Kennel Club (AKC) would own the servers and then lease them to the various superintendents and licensed show secretaries. This would benefit both the American Kennel Club and the superintendents. With a centralized computer system, the superintendents, along with the AKC, could operate using the same information. This would reduce publishing time while saving money, and the expenses for the equipment could be shared equally among parties. Every paper-dependent organization has the responsibility to be “green,” and to be responsible for its paper consumption. The dog show community, in general, needs to reduce its paper usage. The printing and mailings of numerous show premiums and judging programs, in most cases, is a great waste of paper. With the availability of on-line show and premium information, entry, confirmation e-mails, and judging programs in the recent years, we should be seeing an aggressive change from the paper premium and handwritten entry to the electronic premium and electronic entry. How progressive would it be to have a computer work station at dog shows? Computer work stations, in addition to faxing services and additional technology are often found at many large scale events in the sports, business and education world. It’s time to include these


conveniences at the larger dog shows at the minimum. Did you know there were several ‘Tweeting’ stations at the Pro Bowl this year? Recently for an upcoming large-scale show, I had to include two separate checks (one for a two-day parking pass and another for entries), and two additional hand-written papers for my benching request and entry. I had to address an envelope, place a stamp, and take it to the U.S. Post Office. It seems so out-dated to do this now --- and of course, this procedure is not without some risk. I will not be confident my envelope has arrived until I receive an electronic verification. This could have been done easily electronically through an on-line entry system for the entry, a PAYPAL link for the parking pass, and an electronic request form for benching. On a different note, we need to make significant documentation available and viewable electronically in our sport. We do this now, but at such a fundamental level. Of course, some of this should be at the discretion of each individual, but technology could be used to advance the archives, research, documentation and preservation of the sport. How many paper documents have you shoved into a desk, never to look at again, or worse yet had papers that were damaged or lost. I’m sure breeders, exhibitors, and others in the sport would like it. I would use such a system. I believe others would integrate this type of technology more if it was readily available. How about having one CENTRALIZED pure-bred dog show website with a link to a centralized superintendent site to enter a show? How many different bookmarks do you have on your computer for the various dog show superintendents? I have the four cornerstone superintendents that cover my region -- MB-F, Jack Onofrio, Roy Jones, and Foy Trent. It would also be good to have ‘superintendent’ consistency for

show communications and format -- like a break-down of certain breeds by variety or color, order of junior showmanship, etc.) --- but that is an entirely different article! A large segment of the population is purchasing smart phones. I’ve seen kids from as young as seven to adults up to the age 80 using iPhones. Why aren’t there more dog show apps (i.e. DogShow on the Go) for dog show people? I know individuals in our sport who would definitely take advantage of them, probably daily, but at least on a weekly basis. How convenient it would be to enter a “Show on the Go" App. It would be extremely helpful, and I believe the user-base would be large, including juniors, exhibitors, and professional handlers. I guess you could use the web browser on your phone, but that requires a lot of pinching and scrolling a touch screen. If I can order a pizza with a smart phone app, I should be able to enter a dog show too. A great gift I received from my mother for Christmas this year was the Nook Tablet. My favorite periodical to read on this eBook is Sports Illustrated. It would be great to have the option to subscribe and receive electronic copies of all of the breed magazines and the AKC Gazette on my Nook too. I think publishers would receive additional subscriptions this way. For example, I’m able to subscribe to The Official Xbox Magazine for $2 a month, rather than $10 (Continued on page 31)

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& Miranda CH Arendahls Carnival Night RN JC OA NAJ Photo by Clay Bunyard

The Accidental Trainer


ere is a photo of the agility team that competed in the BCOA 2011 National Specialty agility classes at the Manitowoc County Kennel Club agility trial on Sunday, September 18, 2011. Out of 20 runs that blustery day in outdoor rings, we had one qualifying score, Jan Cook and Jada in their Excellent Jumpers with Weaves class. My friend was Photo by Clay Bunyard competing at this trial with her young Vizsla and she got to see most if not all the basenji runs that day. Later she called me to say how impressed she was with our basenji handlers. Even though most of us didn’t Q, she remarked that our camaraderie was obvious and our enjoyment of and pride in our basenjis was a delight to see. A few years ago I would have never believed I would be competing in agility with my basenjis. Like anything in life, I can look back to see the confluence of events over the years that brought me to the agility trial in Manitowoc last fall. My original interest with my dogs was competing in conformation and lure coursing. While I had friends with basenjis and with other breeds who trained in obedience and agility, I always felt that the training commitment was too big for me to undertake. So, for about 20 years my dogs were trained for conformation and to chase the lure. Then something new happened. My friend Shawn Smith needed some basenji volunteers for a college class project. Her project required dogs that had no experience with clicker training, and mine fit the bill. For about a week Shawn came every night and used a clicker and food rewards to teach my three bitches to touch an orange traffic

by Lisa Marshall

cone with their noses. After the first session, they were excited to see Shawn arrive and couldn’t wait for their turns to work with her. She learned things that were useful to her research. I learned that my girls were quick to pick up a new behavior and that they appeared to have a lot of fun doing it. In 2003 we bred what turned out to be our last litter - four little tri basenji pups, one of which would be our keeper, Miranda. At that time we had three other adult basenji bitches that all got along. I knew that adding another bitch could eventually spell trouble for my group, and I started thinking of what I could do to help keep my pack living together amicably. One thing I knew was that I could use some of the same training principles that I saw Shawn use to continue the learning atmosphere with the girls. Based on conversations with various friends who were into training, I started doing some very simple focus exercises with my basenjis, and by simple, I mean really simple, like everyone learned to sit and watch me for a treat. This helped me get their attention when I needed it. They learned to focus on me when I asked, and to wait politely for their turn before getting a treat. These were simple lessons, but they had big payoffs in keeping order in the group. I didn’t have any real goals at this time other than doing a few minutes of play training every night. I worked with the girls on sits, downs, stay, come – just the very basics. I’d get out the cookie jar, and it would be play time for however long we felt like it, but not more than 10 minutes total. I started experimenting with asking for a sit or down in different parts of the house, especially downs on surfaces like the wood floor in the

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kitchen. I also started playing hide and seek by asking the group to sit/stay while I hid in a different room, and then called them to me. They love this game. In 2006 I finally felt that I had enough time in my schedule to sign up for some agility classes, which I did at a local training club and at my all breed kennel club. I also worked with a friend who has agility equipment at her home on some fenced acreage. Besides learning the various pieces of equipment, I worked on the sidelines during class with Casey and Miranda on all of the basics that they knew at home but not in other locations with the distractions of other people, dogs, smells and noises. This was a valuable part of our training. In 2007 I was beginning to think that maybe I might be able to compete with Casey in agility and even though I ended up working out in Princeton, New Jersey on a long-term project between May and November, I still trained when I was home on the weekends. We entered our first agility trial in September 2007 and came home with our first legs in Novice Standard and Novice Jumpers with Weaves. Because Casey was almost nine at that time, I entered her in the preferred level so that she jumped 12 inches instead of 16 and got five extra seconds in course time. By November we finished her Novice Preferred titles and moved into the Open Preferred level. Although we didn’t attend very many trials, soon we got through the Open level and started running in Excellent. Casey retired at the end of 2010 with her Excellent Jumpers with Weaves preferred title and two legs in Excellent Standard preferred. We had a lot of fun along the way, and I could not have asked for a better partner to learn with. She was forgiving of all my mistakes. By this time I was hooked on the sport. In early 2010 I got serious about getting Miranda ready for agility competition. We started training regularly at a school where there are plenty of distractions. Miranda ran her first trial in December 2010 and is currently competing in Open Jumpers with Weaves and Excellent Standard classes. I had not really thought that much about trying Rally, but my friend, Susan Cook, encouraged me to enter Miranda at the 2011 BCOA national in Novice Rally. We had done a beginners rally class last winter at my kennel club, so we did have a little work

done. She earned her first leg in Novice at the national and over New Year’s Eve weekend she got her other two legs to finish, so perhaps 2012 will see more focus on Rally too. My original goal for training with my girls was to help maintain a pleasant group dynamic in my house from day to day. Secondarily, I wanted to add some fun and learning to their lives, especially during our long cold winters here in Wisconsin. I believe both of these goals have been achieved. A great new training facility just opened up this year not far from where I live. I am taking advantage of a variety of fun classes there with Miranda. We have done a nosework seminar and just completed a class called 101 Tricks with our friends, Susan and Arrow, and Jan and Jada. I find that the more we do, the easier it gets. I tend to train at a snail’s pace, a little at a time, without putting any pressure on myself to achieve any specific title, but rather to see how things unfold. The one benefit I didn’t really anticipate was how many wonderful friends I’d make along the way. If you are thinking of training your basenji, start with small steps, keep it short and simple, find good trainers to work with who use positive methods and have fun! You never know where you may end up.h

Junior Column (Continued from page 28) an issue. Some of the major benefits of this are the conservation of paper and postage, new issues are delivered instantly to the device, and I’m able to view issues the day they are published rather than waiting for the hard-copy through the postal system. It’s amazing how significantly technology has changed our world in the last ten years, or even five years. I’m young and don’t remember what it was like to switch 3.5 floppy disks on a desktop computer, to wait for the time it used to take for individual e-mails to download to a computer, or to carry a ‘bag’ car phone, but Mom does -- and that was in the late 1980s. The biggest change has been in the speed in communications between individuals, communities, regions, countries and the global world as a whole. Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Yahoo Groups, the AKC and AKC affiliated breed club websites have become the primary forms of communication in our sport. I can’t even begin to imagine where technology will take us

in the next five, ten or twenty years. In all cases, I hope all the dog show community, and everyone in the sport of purebred dogs will take advantage, participate, benefit, and be a partner. The open-endedness of technology in areas such as dog shows makes me consider studying computer science and computer engineering in college. There are so many opportunities available with many more yet to be developed. In closing, I sometimes wonder who reads my junior articles. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to shoot an e-mail to me at I would really appreciate it. Feedback and commentary would give me additional motivation for brainstorming and writing my columns, and also help me choose topics for the magazine that interest not only me, but the readers too. If there is anything in particular that you’d like to read about, or for me to include in an upcoming juniors article, I’d be more than happy to do my best to accommodate your request. Feedback is appreciated and valued.

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SALLY WALLIS, ZANDE BASENJIS Please share your feelings when you saw your first basenji. What made you realize that it was the breed for you? It was a case of ‘love me, love the dogs I love’ – Marvin had been breeding basenjis in USA long before we met, married and he moved to this side of the Pond. My son, Paul, was allowed to choose a ‘treat’ for his birthday. This normally meant taking several small boys to the Science Museum, the Imperial War Museum or the Natural History Museum but when he was about 8 he opted to go to Crufts. Marvin was instantly recognised by Veronica Tudor-Williams, Jayne Wilson-Stringer, Bunty Bowers, Elspet Ford and a host of other people who had shown under him on his trips to UK as an invited judge. Three days later we visited Bunty and raced home to purchase a car-crate and all the accoutrements we’d need to welcome Domewood Donner.

At that time, Marvin edited a hamradio club’s newsletter. He was wont to chuck all incoming mail into a box until the next edition was due but a phone call from Veronica Tudor-Williams with a plaintive cry ‘even if you don’t want the dog, please may I have my photos back‘ sent him rummaging. We found her

photos unopened, leapt straight into the car and drove about three quarters of an hour in the wrong direction before calming our excitement and realising we needed to be headed northwest to VTW’s home. Paul came home from school that evening and noticed at once ‘There are TWO of them!’ Lovebird of the Congo had joined the family and was given the name ‘Lady’. If I’d known then what I know now, life might have been much easier! Marvin was experienced with basenjis, and I deferred to his opinions and judgment. Thus, when (reliably) informed ‘you’ll never train a basenji to do ????’ – I believed him. These days the pack accepts that I am bigger than they are and it’s MY house. So we get along just fine. Time diffuses memories and so does age, but I don’t think I’d have had as much fun with the black Labradors that brought me up as I do with our basenji pack. They are a constant challenge, frustration, annoyance and utter delight.

achieved it on a walk through the country lanes, Marvin sitting in the hedge with his legs in the road, hoping the passing traffic wouldn’t amputate them. Luckily the tie was only six minutes and in due course we had a lovely litter of six puppies. We kept a boy, Mbarapi Zande, aka Deedles, but shortly after the litter had grown and left home, Marvin and Paul took the threesome in the woods. When they got home, Marvin threw the door open and announced dramatically, ’Lady has been run over’. Sadly that was indeed the end of a lovely lady who, from the one litter, was a Breed Club ‘Top Brood Bitch’. Lack of a bitch put any breeding program on ‘hold,’ but Donner had been used at stud and I tried to get a puppy bitch from one of those litters. All were bespoke, but we learned of a 3-year old

When did you have your first litter? Tell us a bit about your decision process about that initial breeding and how that decision process has changed / progressed over your years in the breed and the criteria that is important to you? Lady was a daughter of Afrika Royal Challenge of the Congo, imported by Veronica from Australia. Donner finished in this country and in Ireland and was obviously a beautiful dog so we decided to mate the two we had in the house and see where that took us. We had orders for pet homes and wanted to keep one (always my main reason for breeding a litter) regardless of sex. Whichever Marvin felt was pick of litter would stay here. Getting Lady in whelp wasn’t easy but after several days of ‘will he, won’t he’. . . Marvin (well, Donner actually!)

who was having to go back to her breeder. That household was already a two-pack family and Tupperware would have lived out her life in solitary confinement. We went to fetch her in the snow from a lay-by near a roundabout some three hours away. We’d decided to be firm and only take her if we really liked her. Paul came too. There was no way that young man OR his mother was NOT going to take

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the wee girl home. She’d arrived on a piece of string (which I sent back to the person who was parting with her in the mail next morning), thin as a rake and with recent bites and scabs in her ears. That evening we gave Tuppy lots of attention, leaving the boys in the kitchen. She stood, quivering, on Marvin’s lap for three quarters of an hour before settling down. In fact for the next almost 12 years she never really decided she lived with us. She’d put her paw on visitors’ knees, look soulfully up at them and say ‘do, please, take me away from all this’ - She was a consummate actress and ‘hard-done-by’ was her favorite role ! A couple of evenings later, we were having dinner and Tuppy was with us when there was a commotion. Deedles, then 8 months old, scaled the half-doors between the rest of the house and the kitchen - and was into the bitch before we could draw breath. . . . Tuppy was in no state to be bred and we had NO idea she was in season. The vet was against taking any course of action as that too might have proved harmful. He doubted she’d had taken, given her condition, so we let nature take its course. Tuppy whelped a singleton puppy, Zande Nasaba Somo. Ziggy was the Dog Press Top Brood Bitch in Breed in 1989 so – while not part of our official breeding program, young Deedles’ first attempt at stud work was a resounding success. He went on to take the Press Top Stud Dog in Breed in two consecutive years and sired 7 champions and a Top Brood bitch from about 42 puppies.

Breeding in general in those far-off days was often based on ‘Oh, we do like his owners,’ ‘he lives close’ and of course ‘He’s a CHAMPION!’ However (obviously we kept Ziggy) we have continued line-breeding closely on Donner. I think this is pretty obvious from my on-line pedigree website. Deedles never finished. He ended up with

8 RCCs and a single CC, but his mark is on the breed to this day. Mated to Donner & Tuppy’s daughter, Ch Zande Shani, he produced another non-champion top stud. . . Curly (Zande Weledi), father of, among other champions, Ch Jethard Cidevant, BIS at Crufts !!!

I don’t mind close breeding, I see a logic in it – in the jungle the alpha male mates his mother, his grandmother, his daughters and his aunts and the breed has survived. Thus half-brother and half-sister (Mbarapi Zande to Ch Zande Shani for example) worked because of, or in spite of, the total disparity in the lines of their dams. Deedles’ Mom was half-Australian, and Shani’s Mom (Tuppy) goes back to Brown Trout - and beyond. She was a ‘true Brit’. Grandparent to grandchild, as with Donner to Ziggy (Zande Nasaba Somo), also gave us what we hoped it would. We bought in Chezz, Jethard

Cichezande, sister of Cid/daughter of Z. Weledi (Curly) and she was mated back to Ch Zande Almasi thus getting back into Donner. We’ve never ‘overbred’ a bitch – as

aforesaid, our main reason for breeding a litter is always because we want a puppy. I tend to ‘float’ a mental picture of the intended husband over one of the prospective moms and see if the resulting image fits and might give us the improvement or particular difference in construction we are looking for. But as I say – all this can be found on-line !

Talk about favorite basenjis you have bred over your years in the breed. I love ‘em all ! Donner and Lady bonded and were great as a team. He would stand on the peddle-bin in the kitchen, and hold it open while she browsed the contents. When she was run over, the spark went out of his life. He was undisputed pack alpha until he died aged about 14 but from choice he lived alone, away from the pack, in an alcove in the kitchen. The rest slept out in front of the Aga. Deedles was a mischievous, streetwise kid all his life, a Peter Pan who never grew up. We had visiting wannabe owners and the man asked how long before a basenji would adapt to house rules and mature. Deedles decided to go down on his elbows, waggle his backside and shoot between the visitor’s legs. Marvin drawled, ‘Well, he’s 14, so there’s hope yet’ – and the visitors departed rather suddenly. I’m minded they found a different breed ! When Donner died, Deeds had NO interest in taking over as pack leader. He let his son, Curly – one of the Three Stooges – have the job.

In my experience, basenjis are incredibly aware of sickness or infirmity in their pack. When Curly was close to the end, Firbi & Chezz kept him company. And when Keepurr’s leather and fleece diet (one of my gloves) was surgically removed, and we had to feed him tiny meals every two hours, the rest of the pack lay unconcerned by the kitchen range. No attempt was ever made to steal his food.

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Similarly the current pack, while incredibly territorial and against ANY other canines invading their territory, is not worried by the Guide Dogs who accompany their owners for board meetings of the Visually Disabled group I am involved with. Ziggy was a philosophical Mom, perfectly prepared to allow her mother Tupperware, to help feed pups. Sometimes Granny had more work than Mom, feeding

two puppies. She hated the show ring and strode around on a totally slack lead, determined to ‘get this farce over with.’ One judge asked me why I bothered with a lead at all, so perfect were her triangles! They all have such different characters. It’s impossible to pick out any one dog who is a favorite. Firbi (Zande Chafya) was born about four times. He

(encased in the sack, luckily) emerged and retired back inside again. Plessy (Zande Zamani) simply couldn’t totally expel him and a C-Section revealed a torn uterus. All five pups survived and thrived. Plessy herself lived to be just short of 16 and a half years old. I get the impression that I am most fond of the dogs who have been the most trouble by which I mean expense (!) or the sheer naughty ones – like Deedles. We spent a fortune on vet bills for Chezz (Jethard Cichezande) and for the first 18

months of her life we had to hand feed her. She simply would not eat normally. I have thrown bowls of chicken, kibble, coddled eggs, rice – you name it – across the kitchen in frustrated rage on many occasions. Then she came in season. From Day 4 she screamed to be mated and in the end we figured on a kill or cure policy. We took her over the Downs to Ch Zande Almasi (Gizmo) daily from Day 9 to Day 16 . . . when FINALLY, she proved attractive to him. Within 24 hours the screaming ceased, the eating became completely normal and Chezz never looked back. Something about the ‘love of a good man?’ Anyway, that litter was the making of her. Sadly, she developed a deep mast cell tumour when she was only ten, and we had to call the vet out. Chezz joined Plessy and Hope (Zande Rajua) with two tickets, but none of them finished. Hope herself was another wonderful brood bitch, and, in fact, won her CCs at 6 and 7 years of age. Chezz & Gizmo gave us Trouble. Literally. When the pups arrive I need to be able to identify them, hence the Three Stooges, Faith, Hope & Charity, and in this case, Hubble, Bubble, Toil & Trouble. Dogs we keep normally hang on to their

names – hence Trouble. Tris are ‘special’ and don’t they know it ! And, if you want Trouble to dance and yodel, just mention the word ‘Isimo !’ She gets very excited at the name of her last husband, father of Hoover (Zande Itibari). Those matings took place on the hottest day of one of the hottest years for ages. Luckily, they decided to consummate the nuptials under a spreading chestnut tree so we didn’t suffer heat stroke during the tie.

although often they revert in new surroundings, they normally get back to being clean very quickly. They become accustomed to a crate and are well aware that if I want a favourite toy or a bone, I get it! No nonsense about possession and no growling. What Mom wants, Mom gets.

There is always the worry about new homes, but we’ve been incredibly lucky in that families who’ve had one Zande have returned for a second, and in one case, a third and a fourth! Anyone seeking to buy a puppy must come and visit, and we watch interaction between dogs and visitors closely. On one occasion, Donner hid behind the refrigerator and quivered all the time the family was in the house. Not propitious - and they didn’t get a puppy. At least, not from Marvin and me. If visitors sit on the floor and play with pups it’s a good sign – and we encourage them to pick up the babes (having shown them how to hold them safely, !) Litters are whelped in the kitchen, in a huge crate-like enclosure which houses the whelping box. I drop pans around them, the radio is on and they are fondled and cuddled by everyone who comes to the house which is all great for socialisation and helps create bomb-proof little ambassadors!

What were your favorite litters and why? I’ve probably answered this in the foregoing. I love having pups and over the years have developed a system of training them so they leave us collar and leash trained, potty trained as far a possible, and

Plessy’s born again, and again, and again litter was pretty hair-raising even though it turned out well. She is not the first to give birth while out on a walk – at least, on a requested trip to the garden,

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always accompanied and on leash if a birth is imminent. Chezz also gave birth to one puppy, splat, onto the pavement and another deep under a bush. Both were unharmed. Trouble was apparently having a problem late one night, and in case a C-Section became necessary, the vet had me drive to his office. It wasn’t. He administered a shot of Oxytocin and sent me home with instructions to drive like Jehu. . . . I did, but still wasn’t fast enough. There was a screech advertising the arrival of a puppy just as I drove through our iron gates. I carried the puppy into the house while Marvin carried Mom, and the cord was cut once we got into the kitchen! When our moms are about to give birth, it isn’t me they look to – they want Marvin. They seem to know that he is the best mid-wife and greatest possible help to them. He wears his ‘whelping suit’ which is an overall with ‘Douglas Aircraft’ inscribed on the back.

comfortable position when I felt something hard. I called out to Marvin who saw a small pink tongue in the aperture! Ever so gently, because Shani was completely beyond pushing, he eased that puppy out, alive and healthy. Then the vet walked in. . . He gave Shani a shot and left. Marvin managed to ease out the remaining pups and we called the senior vet who came by in the morning. Shani recovered, and the pups were all fine. Before even thinking about mating her again, we talked to the senior vet who examined her thoroughly. He even spent the evening of the birthing in the kitchen with Marvin! The men were busy talking so Shani’s second litter was my first experience at whelping (helping with) an entire litter. I developed a special bond with the Three Stooges, Curly, Larry & Mo. And as soon as the senior vet retired from Practise, we changed vets. . . By then we had amassed quite a long list of vets from that office we would not have near our dogs.

As a KC judge, tell us about some of your favorite basenjis you have judged over the years, and why they made such an impression on you?

Marvin had gone to bed to get some rest and I stayed up with Mom, Shani – with instructions to call him as soon as anything happened. But I called the vet instead because Shani was losing a great deal of fluid. She was ejecting black gunge. The on-duty vet told me not to worry, that all the time it was clear it presented no danger to the foetus. Apparently, it indicates separation of the placenta only when fluid shows green or other colour. The symptoms I described to him over the phone (she was flooding the kitchen) merely meant the onset of labour. Even I knew there was nothing normal about this birthing. Shani screamed and strained and I phoned the vet at regular intervals. Marvin did too, only he wasn’t polite. He demanded the man get his ass over here NOW. While we waited, Shani had fallen into secondary inertia. I was sitting on the floor with her head buried deep into my neck. Her breathing was scarcely discernible. I put my hand under her bum to move her to a slightly more

I’d rather not be too specific! I’m judging in Victoria, Australia, in March this year and next year probably in the Czech Republic. I don’t want to frighten off entries! In Germany last year I was VERY impressed with some of the dogs entered. My Best of Breed was from Norway, Matabichi Fahari Zola, and BOS from the Czech Republic, Hannah Ekibondo. Both were brindle which is not my favorite color. But they both moved soundly with true basenji gait (although in that department, a 12-year old r/w lady, Prime Time Out of Africa, was absolutely outstanding!) Both have correct heads, adequate angulation (which I prefer to over-angulation), good bone, super-sound construction. They looked like basenjis always used to. I am bitterly disappointed that one BOB of mine, Antefaa Nakura Wood Nymph, never finished. When I gave her her second CC, she really shone, I can still see her moving soundly around that ring. I guess she wasn’t ‘fashionable’ – but she was (is) a very sound hound. Brindles – I am becoming more

accustomed to the colour, although we have never had it in our house pe(s)ts. Anyway, simply on color alone I would never penalise or profit an exhibit. I do have a preference for reds, but then again, I love a really good tri. There is one sitting on my feet at the moment – Trouble. Even at 11 years of age there is no sign of sabling or grey hairs. She is black as black with tan in all the right places ! What I look for in a basenji was pretty clearly outlined in my report on the German Specialty August 2011 in Trechtingshausen – published in an earlier edition of this magazine.

What traits in basenjis do you feel have improved over your years in the breed, and things that you feel are not improving or getting worse? Difficult one. Like most things under the sun, traits in basenjis and specific lines are often cyclical to an extent. Over the years I’ve heard the comment that so and so (a breeder) has ‘lost it’ - or that the introduction of an outcross has ‘spoiled’ a line. Or that ‘after a spell in the wilderness, he/she has got the quality back.’ And in any event, generalisations don’t prove anything. In my opinion, many heads are down-right wrong these days. Forefaces are too long; there isn’t even the perception of a stop. Side-wrinkle is lacking and cushions unheard of. There is a current tendency towards incorrect (non-basenji) heads but my complaint certainly doesn’t include all the dogs around these days! Even among siblings, there are pleasing exceptions. Angulation – specifically rear angulation - can appear anything from adequate (which I prefer) through completely straight to gross over-angulation. But handling and presentation can do a great deal to correct faults or emphasise them! This is particularly true from country to country where ‘fashions’ of handling also differ. Sizes seem to have gone up and down since I first became ‘aware’ of the Breed. We had a spell ourselves of lack of height in our dogs. Square outline but short in the leg department. However these days one thing I find myself muttering is "Basenjis are supposed to be ELEGANT" – from which one can infer that elegance isn’t universal ! Otherwise, what goes around come around and I’m sure our breed will outlive any currently ‘desirable’ fashion! h

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How do people manage? Introduction by Wanda Pooley Adventureland Basenjis

When we owned our own company I could pick and choose my hours during whelping time. My husband understood and accepted that my appearance at the office was always dependent on the needs of a basenji mom and her new puppies. I could always postpone a trip to the shop or just skip out early if I felt my attention was better served at home with a pregnant bitch that was almost ready to whelp. When puppies were born, I would just pack up the paperwork at the shop and bring it home. Not everyone gets such a flexible work schedule, though, so I have always been thankful for my situation. Breeding and raising puppies is a big responsibility, but managing a successful career AND a breeding program takes imagination and organization. For those of you who get up each morning and trot off to work, my hat is off to you. I don’t know how you manage so well to not only have a successful breeding program, but hold down a full-time career. With that bit of introduction read how three basenji breeders synchronize their time between their professional careers and raising and managing that next generation of basenjis.


I am not only a working [basenji] mom, but a single working [basenji] mom. How do I manage both basenji fancy and career? I certainly don’t obsess over housework or lawn care. So the windows need to be washed or the lawn needs to be mowed – it’s more important to take the dogs on a hike, or to training, or to the dog fair, or to a show, or …! Moreover, my breeding program is very limited – less than one litter a year, and only one litter in the five years I spent as BCOA treasurer. As long as I have a dog to play along with at dog events, I’m happy. I am fortunate to have a job that allows me telecommute at least two days a week, so I get to work with dogs at my feet. My hours are flexible enough for me to tend to my dogs’ needs during the workday when necessary. Good facilities help too. It was a vast improvement six years ago when I tore down my old house and built a new one designed as a glorified dog house – indoor-outdoor kennels for all my dogs, a separate puppy room, in-floor heating in the kennel areas, no carpeting anywhere in the house. My half-acre yard is fenced and divided into three paddocks, each with a dog door into the house. Nobody ever has to be crated (except at dog shows). Everyone has access to the outdoors at all times and lots of exercise. Some might think that puppies are a challenge, but I never notice. I’m so excited to have puppies in the house, puppies to play with every evening. My puppy room has a 4x8 walk-in kennel for puppies and a sitting area, including fold-out bed, for people. It gives the mother total privacy. She has a dog door to the outside, so she can take a break whenever necessary. For a couple of weeks I have to block that door, while the puppies can climb out, they can't get back in. However, they learn both ways soon enough. Telecommuting and using vacation time, I can always be at home when the due date approaches. I sleep in the puppy room the first couple of days after the puppies are born. I am fortunate to have a very reliable dog-sitter who comes in if I need to be away during critical periods just before or after whelping. As the puppies get older, I invite everyone I can think of to come in and help me socialize puppies. The best situation ever was last year when one of the puppy buyers came every week until she could take her puppy home at three months of age. (I let puppies go to their new homes at only eight weeks of age if there is another dog in their new household. The adults teach them an awful lot in that third month!) We took pictures every week … and she developed a great eye for taking pictures. She helped me with the vaccinations, which I give myself, and with the trip to the ophthalmologist for their eye exams.

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Once the puppies are toddling pretty well, I start taking them on hikes … mini-hikes at first, of course, just out into the yard and back. Pretty soon, however, we are taking major hikes. My puppies learn to follow and keep up, and, if necessary, backtrack. They are also trained to come to a whistle. Over the years, I have found that puppies with this early experience can hike without getting lost. Dogs without that experience regularly get lost in the woods. Until the puppies are fully vaccinated, I skip dog events. Once they are old enough, I start taking them to our local all-breed club’s training center and dog shows for socialization. I suppose that raising puppies is ‘work,’ but a home with puppies is my idea of paradise!m

Karla Schreiber: NEW WORLD BASENJIS I’ve been “owned” by basenjis since 1989 but didn’t breed my first litter until 1997. There were several reasons why, and my careers (plural) were certainly on the list. During the years from 1992 to 1995, I had my son Aaron, divorced, moved, and rekindled my career as an attorney after a three year break as a stay at home mom. I had a LOT going on! Additionally, I was never in a big rush to start a breeding program: I wanted to expand my knowledge of the breed before jumping into the fray. Also, I simply didn’t have the “physical plant.” Aaron and I initially lived in a twobedroom rental home with a small fenced yard - it was not conducive to breeding. Finally - by the end of 1996 - I’d purchased a home with a spare room for litters, and felt ready to take the plunge. My first litter arrived in November of 1997. I was no super mom, and I’m not going to pretend that being a single parent, working full time as a professional, and raising litters is easy. It isn’t. When my first litter arrived, I worked for a large consulting company in the suburbs. Thankfully, I was able to drive home at lunch to check on dams and pups. That was a lifesaver! I was also able to work from home now and then. When Aaron entered grade school, I decided my consulting job did not leave me enough time to help with schoolwork and extracurricular activities, so I took an editorial position with a legal publisher. I worked half-days from home, plus some weekends, and my 2001 litter was easy to manage. In 2004, with Aaron in middle school, I needed to be at home on the weekends, so I worked as an independent contractor on large litigation cases for Chicago law firms. Working weekends became a rarity, but I had to commute to the City on a fairly regular basis. The saving grace during this phase was Aaron. He was old enough to help with pups and seemed to enjoy it. Having him at home to check on our babies during these years gave me comfort – and Aaron, confidence!

Today, I am an attorney in State government, Aaron is spending a year in New Mexico, and I’m contemplating a move to the city where the main office of my bureau is located. I probably won’t breed another litter until after the move, when I’m settled in a house with a fenced yard, and hopefully a 15-minute commute to the office! I look forward to being able to “just pop in” to check on my basenjis during the day again and to spend more time with them in general. To sum up, I think there are three keys to successfully balancing career (motherhood included) and a breeding program: Know your limitations, acknowledge and embrace them. I knew when I started breeding that I would not be able to “keep up” with breeders who have litters every year. I asked myself if I could be satisfied as a “bitch in the kitch” breeder (nod to Sandy Beaudoin). I decided that I could. Keep your priorities straight. When I started breeding, Aaron was my top priority, my dogs a close second, and my career goals ~ needed to be flexible! I’m now in a position I love - but there were times when I had to compromise to maintain balance (and sanity). Be proud of your breeding program, even if it is small! Macy’s and Neiman Marcus are wonderful establishments but so are high-end boutiques! If a small scale breeding program fits your lifestyle, resolve to be a “boutique” ~ and let your carefully planned litters (and their new owners) reap the benefits! h

Gale Whitehurst: UNDERCOVER BASENJIS Being a conscientious basenji breeder while holding down a full-time job can be very difficult endeavor. I have the great fortune of a wonderful support group, mostly cooperative dogs, and the best job and understanding students in the world, so I have survived unscathed for 25 years. However, as I actually sit down to write this article, I am faced with the fact that I start a new semester on Monday AND have a maiden bitch who has her earliest due date also on Monday. I keep whispering in her ear that if she will just hold off until Thursday, she can have me all to herself from 3 pm Thursday to 12:30 the following Tuesday. However, if that doesn’t happen, I can manage to juggle and work around it, but it won’t be simple. Fortunately for me, my university bosses (all of whom I helped hire and “raise”) understand that the dogs come first (actually grandchildren come first and dogs come second but PREGNANT AND WHELPING dogs come first), and they will cover. It has happened before, and it will happen again. Why does it work? A supportive job environment is most essential for a breeder to be able to function. Unexpected things happen; expected things don’t happen at convenient times, and when you are dealing with living creatures, you have to be able to adapt and adjust. I can do it because I have worked at the same university since 1975 and have a lot of independence. I also get most of the month of December off and, lucky for me, MOST basenjis whelp from Thanksgiving to New Year’s – my down time. Most of mine also tend to whelp at night. I have delivered puppies from midnight to 6 am and, after a shower, The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 39

taught a class at 8 am. Easy – no; doable once or twice a year – yes. While many people won’t have my flexibility, there are other types of employment situations that would work as well. Anyone who works out of their home, many who work for themselves or a family member, work part-time, or people whose job allows comp time or flex hours could certainly do well with puppies. I also know that many people go to work in the morning and come home in the evening, and it works for them. A great support group is also helpful for a working breeder. I am living proof that you can do 90% of the job by yourself. However, I work five minutes from my house and can cut a class a little short, start the second a few minutes late, and run home to check on tiny puppies. I don’t have to leave them for more than a couple of hours at a time max for the first couple of weeks, and I check on them at least every four hours until they are eight weeks old. I do have a housemate who will check on them at lunch and a son-in-law who will come look in on a mom and pups if I get caught in a long meeting. My daughter, Ashley, is my biggest help as she does whatever is asked and may well get to deliver dogs to Florida next weekend for a show since she’d rather drive than take a chance on whelping puppies. In addition, calm, healthy, well-socialized dogs help immensely when working and raising puppies. If you are calm, the bitch will most likely be calm, and if the bitch is calm, the puppies are usually calm. Just as anxiety travels down a show lead from handler to dog, nervousness about whelping and raising puppies makes everyone anxious. The calmer the mother, the less likely accidents are to happen with the babies. Finally, if practical, let your colleagues help socialize puppies.

I’m sure that they have heard lots of tales and seen lots of pictures, so let them participate in the enjoyment. My students anxiously await the day my puppies come on the campus for their first visit. I take a two-foot exercise pen and set it up outside my classroom. The puppies get picked up, smooched on, and cuddled, and they learn very early that people are nice creatures. I wait until they have had their first shots before introducing them to the world, and I’ve never had a sick puppy. Kind of makes the whole experience come full circle. After all, puppies are designed to be a lot of work, but a lot of fun. Just like with children, puppies are a great responsibility, but they are worth every effort. If you don’t feel that you can whelp and raise a litter of puppies while you work, find a good mentor who breeds and offer to help them out. Connie Camp and Susan Schroeder are an integral part of the “UnderCover gang” and neither, because of jobs, can take full responsibility for a litter of puppies. My friends, Lee Allan, Kristine Daugherty, and Pam Darwin would never dream of having a litter of puppies. However, all of those ladies take puppies at first for the weekend and later for weeks and months at a time as juveniles to train and socialize. By the time my puppies are six months old, they have often lived with three or four different families for varying amounts of time. Every family had its different expectations and schedules, but each group treats puppies well and exposed them to different experiences. Thus, the puppies learn, as with the university campus experience, that people are nice and will treat them well. It helps tremendously when you place adults or even young dogs as they are trusting, well socialized dogs who make good companions and friends. None of us can do it alone. 

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SOUTH COAST BASENJI FANCIERS Perris, California October 29, 2011 Judge: Marsha Hall Brown

(30 Ent - 11d - 19b)

Breed Winners Best of Breed or Variety..... GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin (D), J Jones/K Jones/C Kok Best of Opposite Sex...........................................CH Bim-Mar’s Kept Her Kiley (B), P Martin Select Dog................................................................CH Keyline Archer Of Desoleil H Benton Select Bitch...........................GCH CH Nowata’s Krystal Y Ho Desoleil S Stevens/H Benton Best of Winners................................. Zindika Zips It Up With Sulou (D), C Rappe/S Howard Winners Dog ............................................ Zindika Zips It Up With Sulou C Rappe/S Howard Reserve Winner Dog ....................................................... Illusion’s Love Bug Of Dune D Joy Winners Bitch ............................................................... Illusion’s Angel Eyes Of Dune D Joy Reserve Winner Bitch ..........................................Desoleil Classic Girl Of Keyline H Benton DOGS, BRED BY EXHIBITOR 1/WD/BOW Zindika Zips It Up With Sulou C Rappe/S Howard DOGS, OPEN 1/RWD Illusion’s Love Bug Of Dune D Joy 2 Tammen’s Born In The U.S.A. For Illusion B Reed/T Reed BTICHES PUPPY 9 - 12 MOS. 1 Kazor’s Try’N Top Me C Webb 2 Sundiata’s Pirouette S McMurrey/J Rosenthal BITCHES, BRED BY EXHIBITOR 1/RWB Desoleil Classic Girl Of Keyline H Benton 2 Kazor’s Mak’N My Way C Webb 3 Starfyre’s Tri A Lil’ Pizzazz D Searcy/K Grayson 4 Illusion’s Dark Moon Rising B Reed/T Reed

BITCHES,AMATEUR OWNER HANDLER 1 Ab Tanza Life In The Fast Lane JC P Fragassi/W Pooley/T Judd Bitches,Open 1 Illusion’s Angel Eyes Of Dune D Joy 2 Bubalak Mirage For Illusion K Ranks/W Ranks Non-Reg Veteran, Dogs 1 CH Starfyre’s Tu Hansum At Jambo R Ruland/D Searcy 2 CH Kazor Bay-Senji Yuara Natural C Webb/F Cashin 3 CH Illusion’s Tex Son JC F Havens Non-Reg Veteran, Bitches 1 CH Illusionforess Hakuna Matata JC S Bruce 2 CH Farouk Joyus Furaha Nyekundu A Kurtz/S Joyner

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ASFA Annouces New Change New ASFA Singles Stake Rules & Titles, effective January 1, 2012 The singles stake is now a regular stake which means it must be offered at all ASFA Field Trials except at Regional Invitationals, International Invitationals and Breed Specialty Trials. Since it is a regular stake the entry for the stake cannot be limited in number. You will still be able to limit the overall entry at a trial, but not just the single stake. Along with the singles stake becoming a regular stake, the ribbon to be awarded to the highest placing single shall be navy and gold at a regular ASFA Field Trial and light blue at Fun Trials. Also those hounds competing in the Singles Stake are eligible to earn titles of TCP (Title of Coursing Proficiency) and CPX (Coursing Proficiency Excellent). These titles are not available to hounds in the Limited Breeds.

CORRECTION: (4Q 2011) BREEDER INTERVIEW WITH PAT CEMBURA Page 18, "The other photo is my latest new champion (#73) Ch. Arubmec’s Thriller. Mikey finished with five majors, a Best of Breed from the classes from breederjudge, Kathy Britton. Thank you, Kathy, for the Best Puppy in Show award, shown by my good friend, Kelly Collins,..." Should have read: The other photo is my latest new champion (#73) Ch. Arubmec's Thriller. Mikey finished with five majors, a Best of Breed from the classes from breeder-judge Kathy Britton. He also won a Best Puppy in Show. Mikey was shown by my good friend, Kelly Collins,..." ADDITIONAL NOTE: The DNA Fanconi test recently done on Spotti revealed that he was a Carrier, not a Probably Affected.

Racing & Coursing licenses NOW available for Basenjis in Germany! By Katrin Rzeszut, Germany It’s been a looooong way for basenji folk in Germany to finally get permission to obtain racing & coursing licenses for their basenjis. As such we are more than proud to announce this fantastic news:

In November 2011 the DWZRV (German Sighthound Association) decided after consultation with all its local racing clubs, the VDH and the FCI, that Basenjis should officially be part of the German racetracks and coursing fields. So, for everyone who is interested in getting a German track or coursing-license for their basenji, here is how to obtain it: First you have to be a member in one of the German Basenji Clubs. Your basenji has to be at the minimum 15 months of age to participate in license runs. Contact the racing - representative of your Basenji Club and order a dog pass and license card. Then it’s off to the tracks with your basenji, equipped with muzzle and racing shirt, don´t forget to bring the documents! First your basenji has to pass 2 single-runs, followed by 2group-runs (minimum of 3 basenjis). If you have all the required runs send the documents to the DWZRV and the license will be issued. Since 2012 is the first year the basenjis are officially permitted, not all sighthound - races are open for basenjis to enter and no CACIL / CACL are available. But what would a basenji-life be without ambitions for the future... if the feedback is good and the number of participants high and stable, it should become available soon.

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Judge’s Critique

by AKC Judge Michael J. Dougherty


was truly my pleasure to judge the Basenji Club of Southeastern Wisconsin Specialty in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, on September 20, 2011, during your National Specialty week. My Best of Breed was a beautiful, feminine red and white bitch, GCH DC Bantu’s Playing Rochambeau, SC. This very typey girl had the correct outline and was a brilliant mover from all directions. A lovely head and expression. Excellent topline and tail set. A lovely layback of shoulder and really good small, oval, and compact feet. Her showmanship was splendid on the day.

And The Winners Were.... •

The Best of Opposite Sex was a handsome young red and white dog, GCh. CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin. This elegant youngster never placed a foot wrong, and is of beautiful, correct type and proportions. Possesses a lovely neck, shoulder and headpiece.

The Select Dog and 1st Award of Merit was GCh. CH Sonbar’s Sonic Shockwave, RE NA OAJ, a tri-color boy of excellent type and purpose. Correct in every way. He was a beautiful, graceful mover.

The Select Bitch and 2nd Award of Merit was Ch. Jasiri-Sukari Congo Lines, a lovely, typey brindle & white bitch. Beautiful outline and quality. Lovely structure. And an effortless mover.

The 3rd Award of Merit recipient was Ch. Berimo African War Paint. This ten-year young, black and white dog was also Best Veteran on the day. He was in great condition for any age and competed mightily. A very handsome, fine moving male of correct type.

The Winners Dog was awarded to the black and white Bred-By-Exhibitor dog class winner, Joy-Us Move It On Over. A handsome, masculine boy that moved splendidly. Very correct in type and outline.

Reserve Winners Dog went to a red and white youngster from the 12-18 month class Raven Rock N Country Karnak. He was also correct and excellent, and contended well with the eventual Winners Dog.

Winners Bitch and ultimately Best of Winners was Sonbar’s Xclusive Xtrovert - a beautiful red and white bitch from the 9-12 month puppy class. This youngster oozed correct basenji type with all the parts making up an excellent picture. And as with all my winners, she was a smooth and effortless mover.

And finally, the Reserve Winners Bitch was the red and white Bred-By-Exhibitor bitch class winner, Kazor’s Mak’N My Way. A beautiful, correct bitch that pressed the Winners Bitch throughout in a close competition.

The winners’ heads, ears, eyes, and bites were all pleasing and correct. And I was also pleased with good temperaments throughout the entire entry. At day’s end, I looked over my winners and was hugely pleased with them. There were many really excellent basenjis from which to choose, and I could not have been happier with my final winners.

My thanks to the Club, and its members, for the opportunity to officiate at your Specialty. I had a great time. h

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Basenji Fanciers of Greater Phoenix Arnieta Kurtz


fortune smiled on the Basenji Fanciers of Greater Phoenix for our ninth specialty show last November as we were provided with some of that famous Arizona sun. Though it had rained the day before and just poured the day after, show day was sunny and just a bit cool, warming up nicely as the day progressed. This was, indeed, fortunate as we decided to hold our show outdoors in a park. Though there were a few Ramadas (not armadas, as my spell-check keeps trying to tell me窶馬o basenjis on ships in the desert) none were large enough to hold a basenji ring. Our entry was smaller than in years past, but both sexes of basenjis went home with major wins. Gone, indeed, are the days of large entries at specialties. I remember being the show secretary for the GCBC specialties in Chicago and not feeling comfortable until we had reached an entry of fifty! The first year we were allowed on the sacred grounds of the terrier specialties, some of those exhibitors came over to check us out and were convinced we must be holding a national specialty because we had an entry of 96. A large section of the park was reserved for the club and we were grateful to have an Eagle Scout troop help with parking in the morning. Thank you to all of the members and exhibitors who pitched in to help. Breakfast items and lunch were taken care of by club members. For the first time we served a decorated basenji cake! Our raffle had a large selection of terrific items which were hotly contested by exhibitors and other attendees. Trophies were given for all placements and it sometimes seemed that people wanted the trophy more than the win! We are in the planning stages now for the next specialty in early November of 2012. Think about joining us! h

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Countdown to Gettysburg! Things to do now for 2012 Nationals

The BCOA 2012 National is scheduled for July 9-15, 2012 in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. July will be here before you know it. Here’s a list of things to do to get ready for your trip to Nationals. 1. Make hotel reservations Summer is peak season for Gettysburg, so go ahead and make your reservations now. Except for lure coursing, all of the events are at the hotel – and there are many fun things planned for evenings and off times. By being on-site, you won’t miss a thing. To make reservations by phone, call the Eisenhower Hotel and Conference Center at (717) 334-8121 and ask for reservations. Be sure to mention that you are with the Basenji Club of America to get the special rate. You can also go to the Nationals website for the link to online reservations. 2. Consider bringing the family This is a summer National, and in a peak vacation area near Washington DC, Baltimore, and Amish Country, right in the middle of dozens of historical, cultural, and entertainment sites. Even non-doggy spouses and kids will have plenty to do. Also, be sure to go to Fun Night, and bring the kids to this evening version of MABC’s always popular Fun Day. With a costume contest, yodeling contest, trick dog contest, rawhide run race, t-shirt race, and more, for a flat entry fee of $5.00 per dog, it’s a beloved tradition at Mid-Atlantic, and inexpensive fun for the whole family. If you’ve always had a great idea for a Basenji costume, if you have a special trick, if you want to have a casual good time with friends, or want to have fun with your kids and your Basenji, here’s your chance to show off and win a prize. 3. Make an auction donation Are you artistic or crafty, and willing to help? Have too many old Basenji items and need to cut back? Have more than one of a really pretty trophy but can’t bear to throw the extra one out? Consider making a donation to our Specialty auction. The auction helps pay for Nationals, and helps support all the good work BCOA does. Contact Lisa Auerbach at for details. 4. Make a basket We are putting together themed baskets to raffle or auction off.

Basket themes could be for your club (Mid-Atlantic), a theme (Salty Dog Chesapeake Bay basket), your state (Pennsylvania treasures), a season (Basenji Spring), a holiday (Christmas in July), a hobby (Basenji crafts), a favorite food or beverage (Basenji wine with engraved glasses) – there are more ways to put together a basket than you can imagine. Can’t manage a whole basket by yourself? We’re taking donations of individual items for baskets, too. Our basket mavens will put them together. To donate a basket or items, contact Karen Terry at 5. Sponsor a class Have a favorite class? One you won before or that you’ve always just loved? Consider sponsoring a class for Nationals. Conformation, junior showmanship, obedience, rally, agility, AKC and ASFA lure coursing, the African Exhibition -- all need sponsors. This is a very tangible way to help our National. If you’d like to sponsor a class, contact Kim Noel at kanoel@ 6. Sign up for events and activities The Specialty Flyer is coming out soon. Look for details on the banquet, t-shirts and hats, Fun Day, Top 25, RV parking, trophy sponsorship, auction, and much more! The flyer will be posted soon, both on the website and will have a link on our Facebook page. 7. Keep up with the news Follow us on Facebook, check our web page, visit our blog, and subscribe to our blog’s RSS feed. The website is, the blog is News under that website, and the website has a link to our Facebook page at pages/2012-BCOA-National-Specialty/286857904689555 Having trouble finding the Facebook page or website? Having trouble with the RSS feed instructions? Email Lisa Auerbach at, and she’ll help you get signed up. We’re looking forward to seeing you at the show. Meet us in Gettysburg! The Mid-Atlantic Basenji Club and 2012 host group for BCOA Nationals

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Basenji Fanciers of Greater Phoenix Specialty November 6, 2011 SWEEPSTAKES - JUDGE: MS. JENNIE BEHLES PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES


Best Puppy in Sweepstakes..............................................Zindika Zips It Up With Sulou Best of Opposite Sex Puppy........................................................ Kazor’s Mak’n My Way PUPPY, BRED-BY EXHIBITOR DOGS 1 Zindika Zips It Up With Sulou, Owner Susan Howard & Cecily Rappe 2 Tarsha’s Ironwood Carver, Owner Tari Parish PUPPY 9-12 MONTHS BITCHES 1 Kazor’s Try’n Top Me, Owner Carol Webb 2 Nowata’s Nailah L’Chaverim, Owner Michael Feldman PUPPY 12-18 MONTHS BITCHES 1 Starfyre’s Tri A Lil Pizzazz Owner Denise Searcy & Kathy Grayson PUPPY BRED-BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES 1 Kazor’s Mak’n My Way Owner Carol Webb 2 Illusion’s Dark Moon Rising Owner Bob & Terry Reed 3 Sinbaje’s Thyme2Rise Owner Linda Daves Siekert VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES Best Veteran in Sweepstakes..................................................Ch. Illusion’s Tex Son, JC Best Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes.......................... Ch. Tarsha’s Desert Oasis 7 YEARS & UNDER 11 YEARS DOGS 1 Ch. Illusion’s Tex Son JC Owner Florine Havens 2 Ch. Starfyre-Amazing Sun SC Owner Supachat Preedasuth 3 Ch. Starfyre’s Tu Hansum At Jambo Owner Rocky Ruland & Denise Searcy 4 Bubalak Tri Again JC Owner Mary DeWhitt 11 YEARS & OLDER DOGS 1 Ch. Ivgotta Secret Desire Owner Michelle Voyek BEST PUPPY IN SWEEPS 7 YEARS & UNDER 11 YEARS BITCHES 1 Ch. Tarsha’s Desert Oasis Owner Tari Parish 2 Bubalak Point In Time Owner Mary DeWhitt & Reena Fair



REGULAR SPECIALTY CLASSES - JUDGE: JERALDEEN CRANDALL Best of Breed.................................................................... Ch. Jokuba Kazor’s The Way I Best Of Opposite Sex............................................ GCh Nowata’s Krystal Y Ho Desoleil Select Dog.........................................................................Ch. Keyline Archer Of Desoleil Select Bitch.................................................................................... Kazor’s Mak’n My Way Best Bred By Exhibitor......................................... Tarsha’s Mesquite Fire Of Wild West Award Of Merit......................................................... Ch. Starfyre’sTu Hansum At Jambo .............................................................................................Zindika Zips It Up With Sulou ..................................................................................Illusion Tri Alil Tenderness Of Dune Winner’s Dog/Best of Winners............................. Tarsha’s Mesquite Fire Of Wild West Reserve Dog............................................................................. Tarsha’s Ironwood Carver Winner’s Bitch......................................................................Keyline Laced With Desoleil Reserve Bitch................................................................................... Kazor’s Try’n Top Me 9-12 MONTHS DOGS 1 Tarsha’s Ironwood Carver Owner Tari Parish BRED-BY EXHIBITOR DOGS 1 Tarsha’s Mesquite Fire Of Wild West Owner Jaa Scheffles & Tari Parish 2 Amazing’s Moon Eclipse Owner Supachat Preedasuth OPEN RED & WHITE DOGS 1 SunDiata Ka Bomba Owner Doris Bloor-Goins & Dalaina Harris OPEN ANY OTHER ALLOWED COLOR DOGS 1 Tammen’s Born In The USA For Illusion Owner Bob & Terry Reed 9-12 MONTHS BITCHES 1 Kazor’s Try’n Top Me Owner Carol Webb 12-18 MONTHS BITCHES 1 Starfyre’s Tri A Lil Pizzazz Owner Denise Searcy & Kathy Grayson BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES 1 Desoleil Classic Girl Of Keyline Owner Holly Benton 2 Illusion’s Dark Moon Rising Owner Bob & Terry Reed 3 Sinbaje’s That’s Wavy Gravy CD, SC, RE, AX, AXJ, OAP, OJP Owner Linda Siekert 4 Bubalak Isabella Owner Mary DeWhitt AMERICAN BRED BITCHES 1 Bubalak Point In Time Owner Mary DeWhitt & Reena Fair OPEN RED & WHITE BITCHES 1 Keyline Lace With Desoleil Owner Sherry Stevens 2 Sinbaje’s Thyme2Rise Owner Linda Daves Siekert OPEN ANY OTHER ALLOWED COLOR BITCHES 1 Bubalak Mirage For Illusion Owner Bob & Terry Reed VETERAN DOG, 7 YEARS AND UNDER 11 YEARS 1 Ch. Starfyre’s Tu Hansum At Jambo Owner Rocky Ruland & Denise Searcy 2 Ch. Illusion’t Tex Son,JC Owner Florine Havens 3 Bubalak Tri ‘N Again Owner Mary DeWhitt VETERAN DOG 11 PLUS YEARS 1 Ch. Ivgotta Secret Desire Owner Michelle Voyek VETERAN, BITCHES 7 YEARS AND UNDER 11 YEARS 1 Ch. Tarsha’s Desert Oasis Owner Tari Parish FIELD TRIAL BITCHES 1 DC Starfyre-Jumanji Paprika SC Owner Denise Searcy, Kathy Grayson, Rusella Bowen

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Indian Nations Basenji Club - Specialty November 4, 2011 - Joplin, Missouri

Puppy Sweepstakes Judge: Dr. Stanley A Carter DVM Best Puppy In Sweepstakes....................................Meisterhaus Neverwinter Nights PUPPY 9-12 MONTHS BITCHES 1 Meisterhaus Neverwinter Nights Owner Lisa Stewart & A Tad Brooks 2 Meisterhaus Neon Nights Owner Joe Stewart & A Tad Brooks

Veteran Sweepstakes - Judge: Dr. Stanley A Carter DVM Best Veteran In Sweepstakes


CH Jerlin-SS Special Forces

7 YEARS & UNDER 10 YEARS DOGS 1 CH Jerlin-SS Special Forces Owner Linda Ehlers 2 DC GCH Jerlin’s Our Zuri Puppin MC LCX Owner Terry Colbert

Regular Specialty Classes - Judge: Mr J Randall Tincher Best of Breed....................................................... CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl Best of Opposite Sex..........................................DC Jadaka’s Independent Spirit SC Best of Winners........................................................Meisterhaus Neverwinter Nights Select Dog........................................................................CH Jerlin-SS Special Forces Select Bitch................................................CH Taji’s Hodari On The Wings of a Dove Winners Dog................................................................. Kasendo-Tutu Black Ty Affair Reserve Winners Dog.......................................................... Dharian’s Midnight Rider Winners Bitch...........................................................Meisterhaus Neverwinter Nights Reserve Winners Bitch........................................................Meisterhaus Neon Nights Best Veteran.....................................................................CH Jerlin-SS Special Forces


OPEN DOGS, ANY OTHER ALLOWED COLOR 1 Kasendo-Tutu Black Ty Affair Owner Kathryn Boyd & Elda Cross 2 Dharian’s Midnight Rider Owner Thomas (Lee) Ginn 3 Reveille Tri To Conquer Owner Deborah Henning PUPPY BITCHES 9 MONTHS & UNDER 12 MONTHS 1 Meisterhaus Neverwinter Nights Owner Lisa Stewart & A Tad Brooks 2 Meisterhaus Neon Nights Owner Joe Steward & A Tad Brooks 3 Reveille Bell Lilies In Copper Vase Owner Janice Buckjune OPEN BITCHES ANY OTHER ALLOWED COLOR 1 Siscos Isabel Owner Zee & Nigel DaSilva VETERAN DOGS 1 CH Jerlin-SS Special Forces Owner Linda Ehlers 2 DC GCH Jerlin’s Our Zuri Puppin MC LCX Owner Terry Colbert VETERAN BITCHES 1 CH Jerlin’s Lyric in Black Owner Linda Ehlers 2 CH Kibushi Nyanga Cha Cha Owner Annette Muenter



WINNERS BITCH/ BEST OF WINNERS The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 47



ORLA NDO FLORIDA December 17, 2011

BASENJIS BEST OF BREED GCH CH Kazor-Jokuba’s American Treasure, Audrey Klishas, Nicolas Pineiro, Carol Webb BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl, Sandra Middlebrooks, Edna Johnson, A. Tad Brooks, Brenda Cassell BEST BRED BY IN BREED/VARIETY/AOM1, BRED-BY GROUP 2 GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba Zensational, Russella Bowen


2ND AWARD OF EXCELLENCE GCH DC Bantu’s Playing Rochambeau SC, Shelby Miller 3RD AWARD OF EXCELLENCE GCH CH Platinum Nelson Jewel Of D’Nile SC, Deborah Nelson & Mary K Quinnett


3RD AWARD OF EXCELLENCE GCH CH Taji Goes Platinum, Calli Shattuck, Katie Campbell, Mark K Quinnett 4TH AWARD OF EXCELLENCE GCH CH Tammen’s Sparks Will Fly, Laura Gilchrist AWARD OF EXCELLENCE 2





The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 48

SKK Stockholm Int NORDIC WINNERS SHOW V-2011 2011-12-10

Domare/Judge: Kay Eldred, Australia

Antal deltagande: 21 hanar + 26 tikar - 21 Males; 26 Bitches BÄSTA HANE/BEST DOG BIR NORD JV-10 NORD V-10 Enigma Just Watch Me...................................................................... Excellent 1 ukk, ck, 1 bhkl, Cert, Cacib, BIR, NORD V-11 Bh2 NORD UCH Zahleka Emile Emilion...............................................................................................................................Excellent 1 chkk, ck, 2 bhkl, R-Cacib Bh3 Kenjaali Heeere’s Johnny....................................................................................................................... Excellent 1 junkk, ck, 3 bhkl, R-Cert, NORD JV-11 BÄSTA TIK/BEST BITCH

BIM Bt2 Bt3

Senjisfinx Norea Excellent 1 ukk, ck, 1 btkl, Cert, Cacib, BIM, NORD V-11

SE UCH FI UCH Yulara Itichika.............................................................................................................................Excellent 1 vetkk, ck, 2 btkl, NORD VV-11 Chagmas Rose To Faraoland......................................................................................................................................... Excellent 2 junkk, ck, 3 btkl, R-Cert

BÄSTA VETERAN/BEST VETERAN BIM SE UCH DK UCH SE VCH Zahleka Of Jillayla.......................................................................................... Excellent 1 vetkk, ck, BIM-Veteran, NORD VV-11 BIR SE UCH FI UCH Yulara Itichika.................................................................................................................. Excellent 1 vetkk, ck, BIR-veteran, NORD VV-11 UPPFÖDARE/BREEDERS Kennel Enigma Madelene Lönn & Sofie Lönn, Vallentuna................................................................................................................ 1 uppfkl hp, Bästa Grupp Kennel Yulara Monica Massih, Västerås & Mia Löwbeer, Johanneshov.....................................................................................................................2 uppfkl


NordV-10 NordV-11 Enigma Just Watch Me BEST VETERAN MALE

Nordic Junior Dog Winner 2011: Kenjaali Heeere’s Johnny

Nordic Junior Bitch Winner 2011: Enigma I Have A Dream



This Hall of Fame honors all the basenjis that have won Best in Show in the United States since the breed was accepted for competition at AKC shows through December 31, 2011 Any basenji that wins such an honor has earned the right to be on this list because each dog listed is a representative of the breed. It’s not about who is at the other end of the lead; it’s about the dog and our breed, and how each dog is valued and appreciated not only among the basenji fancy but by the fancy as a whole. The first basenji to go Best in Show in the United States was a bitch, CH Dainty Dancer of Glenairly in 1958. She was followed by two more bitches, CH Lepper’s Nik Nak and CH Lutes Mona Lisa. It wasn’t until 1968 that the first male basenji earned this honor - CH Betsy Ross’ Kingola of Ber-Vic. A keen eye will spot that Philo’s Blaze of Koko Crater won a Best in Show in Hawaii in 1956 and may wonder why he isn’t recognized as the first basenji in the United States to win Best in Show. History was against him, one might say. Hawaii was a territory at that time -- a territory that was admitted into the Union on August 21, 1959 as the 50th state. Title Dog Name CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH DC CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH

USA Through BIS Color Sex Year

Zindika’s Johnny Come Greatly (1st brindle BIS) 59 BR Calaz Executive Embasi 38 R Grandquest Kazor’s Motumbo Xequemate 27 (Hawaii) R Sonbar’s Celestial Wizard 24 R Music City Serengeti Jazzman 20 R Reveille Re-Up 14 R Reveille Boutonniere, JC 11 R AB-Rafiki The Icon of Cool (most BIS for a tri) 12 T Aleika-Absinthe Rajah’s JR 7 R Blucrest’s Bound for Reveille 7 R Klassic’s Miss Mata Hauri 7 T Betsy Ross’ Joyful Saint 6 R Shadowbye Mitty 6 R Akuaba’s Tornado, JC 5 R Jasiri-Sukari The Illustrated Man, SC 5 BR Reveille Be Sirius 5 R Reveille Do Be Sirius 5 R Arubmec’s Sweet Spot 4 R Eldorado’s Echo Of The Wind 4 BR Kazor Bay-Senji Yuara Natural 4 R Arabrac’s Mountain Mamba (1st tri BIS) 3 T Hacker’s Bud Light 3 R Ingegab Limited Edition 3 T Khajah’s Gay Excaliber 3 R Tri-Tan’s Uzuri Supow Lihu 3 R Betsy Ross’ Kingola of Ber-Vic (1st dog-BIS) 2 R Betsy Ross Melissa 2 R Darp’s Kamili M’Wana 2 R Jasiri-Sukari John Tri-Volta 2 T Kazor’s Intrepid Icebreaker 2 R Lepper’s Nik Nak 2 R Libra’s Apollo of Dehahi 2 R Serengeti Reveille Larkspur 2 R Sonbar’s Phoolish Pleasure at Cumback 2 R Sukari Raider Of The Lost Bark CD, JC, FCh 2 R Thackery Toast Reveille 2 R

D 1999 D 1996 D 2009 D 1993 D 1989 D 1972 D 1998 D 2010 D 1983 D 1998 B 2008 D 1974 D 1979 D 1994 D 2004 D 1976 D 1979 D 2004 D 2007 D 2005 D 1983 D 2000 D 2000 D 1975 D 1977 D 1969 B 1972 D 1979 D 2005 D 1988 B 1962 D 1979 B 1991 D 2007 D 1994 B 1981

CH Vikentor’s Country Rose CH Akuba’s Mistral CH Anasazi’s Whidbey Osiris CH Arabrac’s Evening In Paris CH Arubmec’s The Victor CH Asias Ready Set Go CH Beacham-Bryn-of-Orion CH Bluestones Wild Buckwheat (first b/w dog) CH Burgundy Wine Sir Gay of Linlo CH Camp’s Dazzling Nazimba CH Changa’s Dan Patch, SC CH C-Quests Point Blank CH Dainty Dancer of Glenairley (1st bitch BIS) CH Hai Aaari Tshiluba CH Hai Aari Golden Dybbuk DC Jasiri’s Jurassic Bark MC GCH Jasiri-Sukari Bucking The Trind CH Jasiri-Sukari Congo-Leezza Rice, JC CH Jasiri-Sukari Fire-N-Lines CH Jen Nell’s Kris Kringle CH Kazor’s Virtuous Virginia CH Kstar’s Adonis of Anubis CH Luddymarie Betsy Ross Melisa CH Lutes Mona Lisa CH Nyanga Reveille Magnolia CH Pero’s Krugerrand Philo’s Blaze of Koko Crater CH Rameses Golden Phoenix CH Reliant Inferno GCH Reveille Push Button CH Reveille Recycle Pickwick CH Reveille Skip to Sundance CH Reveille Tried and True GCH Taji Goes Platinum GCH Taji’s Klassic Lil Black Dress SC (1st b/w bitch) GCH Teaser Signet Bad Romance CH Wakili Signet Dooney

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 50

2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (Hawaii) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


B 1990 D 1981 D 1986 B 1986 D 1988 D 2006 D 1990 D 2000 D 1979 D 1976 D 1994 D 2001 B 1958 D 1983 D 1980 B 1997 D 2010 B 2008 B 2004 D 1985 B 1995 D 1981 B 1971 B 1963 B 2000 D 1980 D 1956 D 1986 D 1986 D 2011 D 1976 D 1984 D 1994 B 2011 B 2011 B 2011 B 2009


AS OF DEC. 31, 2011 Rank Dog's Registered Name



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Edna Johnson/B Cassell/A Brooks/S Middlebrooks Julie & Kathy Jones Jennifer & Shelby Miller Robert Walley/A Busha Joyce Hughes/Patricia Cembura/Fred Hughes G Whitehurst/A Tad Brooks/J Harrison/W Pooley A Tad Brooks/Joseph Hurt Julie & Kathy Jones & C Kok Cynthia Shattuck/Katie Campbell/M Quinnett Damara Bolte’ Katie Campbell Karen Terry/Karen Hutchison N Sherman/N Scherwin Bryce Hart & Lisa Hart Tim Huff Connie Paulsen/J Paulsen/K Britton Michael & Christine Graves Felice Lang Sherry Heichelbech/A Tad Brooks Cindy Russell/R Wilkerson/N Pineiro Aramburu

856 292 219 214 188 178 169 161 150 150 150 140 140 140 131 123 121 120 109 109

GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Bucking The Trind GCH DC Bantu’s Playing Rochambeau SC GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Ryder Of The Voodoo Child GCH CH ‘Tis-A Arubmec’s Circle Of Life GCH CH Undercover Meisterhaus Hi Ho Quianna By Signet JC GCH CH Meisterhaus Dazzle ‘N’ Daze GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin GCH CH Taji Goes Platinum GCH CH Reveille Push Button GCH CH Taji’s Klassic Lil Black Dress SC GCH CH Karnak’s Pure And Simple Allure GCH DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition SC GCH CH Emerant’s The Navigator JC GCH CH Victory Meisterhaus The X Factor GCH CH Khani’s Starlight Starbright JC GCH CH Mardi Gras’ Oliver Twist GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Xtra Special Edition GCH CH Meisterhaus Signet Glitz ‘N’ Glamour GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba Zensational


Rank Dog's Registered Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl


Edna Johnson/B Cassell/A Brooks/S Middlebrooks 8016 (Ranked 16th Hound over all) GCH CH Taji’s Klassic Lil Black Dress SC Katie Campbell 2415 GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Bucking The Trind Julie & Kathy Jones 2061 GCH CH Reveille Push Button Damara Bolte’ 1390 GCH CH Taji Goes Platinum Cynthia Shattuck/Katie Campbell/M Quinnett 1279 GCH CH ‘Tis-A Arubmec’s Circle Of Life Joyce Hughes/Patricia Cembura/Fred Hughes 959 GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin Julie & Kathy Jones & C Kok 774 GCH CH Undercover Meisterhaus Hi Ho Quianna By Signet JC Gale Whitehurst/A Brooks/J Harrison/W Pooley 678 GCH CH Victory Meisterhaus The X Factor Tim Huff 650 GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Ryder Of The Voodoo Child Robert Walley/A Busha 635 GCH CH Teazer Signet Bad Romance John Gaidos/A Halemanu 553 GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba Zensational Cindy Russell/R Wilkerson/N Pineiro Aramburu 526 GCH DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition SC N Sherman/N Scherwin 450 GCH CH Kazor-Jokuba’s American Treasure N Piniero/A Klishas/C Webb/R Bowen 440 GCH CH Meisterhaus Signet Glitz ‘N’ Glamour Sherry Heichelbech/A Brooks 429 GCH DC N’Focus Santa Baby SC K Sanders 397 GCH CH Karnak’s Pure And Simple Allure Karen Terry/Karen Hutchison 343 GCH DC Bantu’s Playing Rochambeau SC Jennifer & Shelby Miller 316 GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Never Surrender Kim Byrd/J Wilds/Y Ferguson 300 GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Untamed Heart At Kaleonahe Kyle Cabral/Stephen Strobel 205

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 51


AS OF DEC. 31, 2011

Rank Dog Name Sex Points 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 19 20

GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Ryder Of The Voodoo Child GCH CH Karnak’s Pure And Simple Allure GCH CH Starfyre’s Rock’N With Danica GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Bucking The Trind GCH CH ‘Tis-A Arubmec’s Circle Of Life GCH CH Undercover Meisterhaus Hi Ho Quianna By Signet JC GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin GCH CH Victory Meisterhaus The X Factor GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba Zensational GCH CH Reveille Push Button GCH CH Taji Goes Platinum GCH CH Mardi Gras’ Oliver Twist GCH DC Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot SC GCH CH Meisterhaus Signet Glitz ‘N’ Glamour GCH CH Platinum Nelson Jewel Of D’Nile SC GCH DC N’Focus Santa Baby SC GCH DC Southhouse Jumoke Ltle Big Man Malawi SC GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Never Surrender GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Xtra Special Edition

Bitch Dog Bitch Bitch Dog Dog Bitch Dog Dog Dog Dog Bitch Dog Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Dog Dog Dog

294 194 143 123 119 112 111 105 100 98 89 78 65 57 57 56 53 53 52 50

United Kennel Club - BREED STANDINGS AS OF DEC. 31, 2011

Rank Dog’s Name




Kelli Harmon



GRCH Tammen’s Sparks Will Fly

Laura Gilchrist



GRCH Timar’s Hits The Spot

Jean D Martin



CH Batman The Dark Knight

Jessica Ryno and Dan Ryno



CH Meisterhaus Neon Nights

Lisa Stewart and Joe Stewart



UWPS UGWPCH GRCH Meisterhaus Kiroja Kiss N Tell

Kelli Harmon



CH Kinetic-enchanted Timeless Beauty

Lisa Voss or Deborah Voss



UWPS UGWPC1 GRCH Undercover Meisterhaus Valenti

Kelli Harmon



CT UWPS UWPCHX GRCH Select Rugosa Rose Bouqet

Linda Lipford and Tracy Leonard



CH Kinetic Interesting Times

Lisa Voss and Samuel Stump



CH Timar’s On The Dark Side

Jean Martin


The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 52


AKC Lure Coursing - Top 20 in Bowen Points - as of Dec. 31, 2011 Bowen Rank Registered Name Owner Pts 1 FC Ntomba Mosika B Gregory/L Gregory 129 2 FC Platinum Nelson Sardonyx Lady SC, E Monzon/M Quinnett 89 3 FC Taji’s Alster Echo, SC M Chaffin 75 4 GCH DC Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot ,SC J Johnson 58 5 FC Fopaw’s Black Pearl SC S Pintar/T Leimback 54 6 Emerant’s Heez Got Gusto, SC L Hart/B Hart 52 7 DC Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speedster, SC J Johnson 47 7 FC Emerant’s Sheez Gotcha,SC L Hart/B Hart 47 7 FC Zuri’s Trii Me ,SC, LCX2, CAA D.Sehm/D.Troyna 47 10 FC Emerant’s Heez Reminiscent, SC L Hart/B Hart 43 11 FC Taji’s Banh Mi On The Runway To Blue Note SC H Hamilton/K Campbell/M Farnsworth/J Kim 41 12 DC Eldorado’s Made You Look BN RE MC LCX J Johnson 40 13 DC Meisterhaus Deal Or No Deal, MC, RN, LCX L.& J.Stewart/A.T.Brooks 38 14 DC Tazamisha Dp Mckenzie’s Quest SC V Cortez/C Gross/M Cortez 32 15 CH Platinum Nelson Blue Diamond, SC J Bayley/D Nelson 30 16 DC Stilwell’s Tadita Runs With The Wind MC, LCX L Stilwell/A White/J Linebaugh 29 17 FC Stilwell’s Suletu Flies With The Wind MC L Stilwell/A White/J Linebaugh 28 18 FC Select Ww A Bonnie Boo SC L Lipford/T Leonard 27 19 FC Nelson Platinum Onyx Of Amun SC, D Nelson/J Lange/L Nelson 25 20 DC Eldorado’s Look Smart At Kaleonahe SC, K Cabral/S Strobel/P Geoffroy 24

BOB 6 2 2 10 3 1 7 1 8


2 1

4 3 9 1 1 7 3 2 2

ASFA Lure Coursing - Top 20 - as of Dec. 31, 2011 Rank Call Name Registered Name 1 Searsha GCh,DC N’Focus Santa Baby, LCM,SC,GRC, CGC, VB 2 Merlin FC Thor’s Kikozi, LCM2,SC 3 Zuri GCh,DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VFCh,MC, SGRC,VB,LCX 4 Eddie DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition, FCh,SC 5 Ajax Nelson Platinum Onyx of Amun, FCh,SC 6 Robin Kugawa’s Robin The Boy Wonder, Fch 6 Dawn FC Platinum Nelson Sardonyx Lady, FCh,SC,CGC 8 Midnight FC Thor’s East Of Midnight, LCM6,MC,LCX5 9 Remi FC Emerant’s Heez Reminiscent, SC 10 Legend Taji’sTriLegendInTheMakingAtMcQu, FCh 11 Lulu FC Fopaw’s Black Pearl, FCh,SC 12 Gandina GCh,Ch Taji’s Gandina Carnation, FCh 12 Micki DC Joy Us Fire On The Mountain, FCh,SC 14 Zade Reveille Tri To Conquer 15 Eagle Suddanly Essence of Eaglewood 15 Ari DC Jadaka’s Independent Spirit, FCh,SC,SGRC, ORC,VB 15 Houdini DC Thor’s Jukebox Hero, LCM2,MC 18 Trii Me FC Zuri’s Trii Me, LCM,SC,LCX,SOR 19 JZ Joseph Zaphenath Paneah 19 Banh Mi FC Taji’sBanhMiOntheRunwaytoBlueno, FCh,SC

Owner K.Sanders J.Brader T.Colbert

Points BOB 143 31 99 6 60 8

N.Sherman/N.Scherwin D.& L.Nelson/J.Lange S.& S.Sher/C.Zapata/P.Burkhart E.Monzon/M.K.Quinnett J.Brader L.& B.Hart T.& T.McQuigg/K.Campbell S.Pintar/T.Leimback T.& T.McQuigg/K.Campbell S.Joyner D.Henning J.& F.Hinck/S.Campeau T.Colbert J.Brader D.Sehm/D.Troyna T. McManus Hamilton/Campbell/Kim/Farnsworth

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 53

50 47 42 42 37 34 31 29 27 27 25 21 21 21 20 18 18

4 2 3 1 0 1 9 1 2 2 3 4 2 0 7 8 3

BIF 6 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

LGRA - final 2011 Standings RANK




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 11 12 13 14 14 16 17 17 19 20 20 20

Rocky Ari Tutu Rio-V Bella L’Ox Scarlet Zuni Anubus Fern Zuri Chili Echo-L Jules Searsha Billy Ray Daximillan Velvet Roxie Arrow Dax Taya

Kiroja Chicago Hood At Jaroufa SGRC6 DC Jadaka’s Independent Spirit SC SGRC ORC FCh VB Apu Pi De Deux SGRC Kinetic Sourcery Kinetic-Enchanted Timeless Beauty GRC Kinetic Interesting Times GRC Apu PiNache RN JC SGRC2 Astarte’s Zuni Breeze at Sun River CGC, GRC, JOR Lord Anubs - Studdard GRC Apu Painted Sand RN JC SGRC GCh DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX SGRC2 ORC LCM VFCh VB Deepwoods Hot Chili Mambo GRC FC Dharian’s Echo Kasi Up SC GRC NJP NAP DC Eldorado’s Made You Look MC, LCX, RE, BN, GRC N’Focus Santa Baby GRC Worrywort Achy Breaky Heart GRC 5 Star Dax De Fax Ch Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speedster Kiroja Hart N Soul SGRC Tammen’s Can’t Touch This RA JC GRC Sundiata’s Curzon Dax Taya Unoli Crawford GRC

Ladick Colbert Christensen Voss/Stump Voss Voss Marsicano Garel/Sapios Studdard Marsicano Colbert Elliot/Cameron Langford Johnson Sanders Ladick/Lipford Sauceda Johnson Harmon Cook/Gilchrist Gamble Crawford/Studdard

POINTS 39.50 30.00 21.50 16.00 15.00 13.17 13.00 12.50 11.00 11.00 10.00 5.50 5.00 4.00 4.00 3.75 3.00 3.00 2.25 2.00 2.00 2.00

NOTRA - final 2011 Standings Place Call Name

Registered Name

1 Jada Kiroja’s Loving Every Minute NA NAJ GRC SORC2 2 Ari DC Jadaka’s Independent Spirit SC GRC ORC FCH 3 Scarlet FC Apu Pinache SORC 4 Tutu FC Apu Pi De Deux SC GRC SORC 5 L’Ox Kinetic Interesting Times 6 Fern CH Apu Painted Sand RN SC GRC VBX SOR ORC 6 Dax Sundiata Curzon 8 Trii Me Zuri’s Trii Me JOR 9 Zuri DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX SGRC ORC VB LCM 10 Dax-S 5Star Dax De Fax JC 10 Solomon Loki Inkosi Solomon, JC 12 Rio FC Kinetic Sourcery SC SOR ORC 12 Zuni Aastarte’s Zuni Breeze at Fun River 14 Rusty-C Vinaka’s XIV Karat Goldn Boy NA NAJ FCh SGRC 15 Rocky UKC-CH Kiroja Chicago Hood At Jaroufa SGRC5 SOR ORC 15 Junior Ch Undercover Jr Swamp Legend, JC Fch Sor ORC 17 Kumani FC Kazor’s Tamu Kumani SC FCh 18 Bella Kinetic-Enchanted Timeless Beauty JOR 18 Catcher Kazor’s Catch a Falling Star JOR 18 Remi Emerants’ Heez Reminiscent 18 Vader Undercover Dark Jedi Legend SOR ORC

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 54

Owner Cook/Hayek/Harmon Colbert Marsicano Christensen Voss Marsicano Gamble Sehm/Troyna Colbert Sauceda Baxter/Gurth Voss Garel Cook Ladick Schroeder Baxter/Webb Voss Ockerman Smith/Hart Schroeder

YTD 29 28 16 10 5 4 4 3.5 3.42 3 3 2.5 2.5 2.17 2 2 1.5 1 1 1 1

Australia - Standings December 31, 2011


Ranking is based on Best of Breed/Runner up to Best of Breed in Group wins. 1............ Aust Gr Ch Tamsala Mitena Magic ....................................... NSW..................................... Jess Walker......................................836 2............ Aust Ch Afrikenji Hot August Knight ...................................... WA ...................................... Miss J Stewart..................................600 3............ Aust Ch Remwin Kissmycheek .............................................. NSW..................................... Lyn Hughes.......................................587 4............ Barzoom Master Crane .......................................................... QLD...................................... Mr C & Mrs N Verrall.........................450 5............ Aust Ch Bayenzi Sugar Minott ............................................... NSW..................................... J P Cook & J M Lumb.......................147 6............ Aust Ch Unomee Ultra Million ................................................ VIC ...................................... M Lindsay.........................................108 7............ Aust Ch Afrikenji Indigo Ice (AI) ............................................. VIC ...................................... D & H Veless......................................77 8............ Aust Ch Tambuzi How Soon Is Now ...................................... VIC ...................................... Adam Druce........................................72 9............ Aust Ch Debrak On The Road Again (AI) .............................. VIC ...................................... Adam Druce........................................56 10.......... Aust Ch Yysur Lookbutdontouch ........................................... QLD ..................................... A J & F Paterson.................................51

BREED RANKINGS Ranking is based on Best of Breed and Runner Up of Breed wins at Championship Shows throughout Australia. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Aust Gr Ch Tamsala Mitena Magic ....................................... NSW..................................... Jess Walker......................................823 Aust Ch Remwin Kissmycheek ............................................. NSW..................................... Lyn Hughes.......................................577 Aust Ch Bayenzi Sugar Minott .............................................. NSW..................................... J P Cook & J M Lumb.......................241 Aust Ch Tambuzi How Soon Is Now ..................................... VIC....................................... Adam Druce......................................210 Aust Ch Debrak On The Road Again (AI) ............................. VIC....................................... Adam Druce......................................142 Barzoom Master Crane ......................................................... QLD...................................... Mr C & Mrs N Verrall.........................122 Aust Ch Afrikenji Hot August Knight ..................................... WA....................................... Miss J Stewart..................................106 Aust Ch Wazazi High Definition ............................................ NSW..................................... J Cook and J Lumb.............................47 Fayrelyn Haile Selassi .......................................................... QLD...................................... Freda Snell).......................................44) Glendawn Runnamuck ......................................................... QLD...................................... Mrs L R Thompso)..............................41 Aust Ch Fayrelyn Eyez OfThe Tygrista ................................ QLD...................................... Chris & Niki Verrall..............................33 Glendawn Sir Laughalot (...................................................... QLD...................................... Robyn Thompson...............................17 Aust Ch Baagna Czarina Maya............................................. QLD...................................... Robyn Thompson ..............................16 Aust Ch Yysur Lookbutdontouch .......................................... QLD...................................... A J & F Paterson.................................16 Aust Ch Glendawn Memyselfandi ......................................... QLD...................................... Robyn Thompson...............................15 Wazazi Diamonds are forever .............................................. QLD...................................... Tammy Mobley.....................................6


Recognizes the top breeders in this basenjis based on wins and titles earned by dogs these individuals have bred. 1 AFRIKENJI .............................................................. D & H Veless ............................................................................................... 138 2 REMWIN ................................................................. Lyn Hughes)................................................................................................. 100 3 TAMSALA ............................................................... J Robert & H Budd......................................................................................... 99 4 TAMBUZI ................................................................ Adam Druce .................................................................................................. 52 5 BAYENZI ................................................................. Carla Parr......................................................................................................... 7 YYSUR .................................................................... A J & F Paterson.............................................................................................. 7 6 UNOMEE ................................................................ Sarah Egan ..................................................................................................... 2

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 55

Helsinki INT 12.3.2011

Helsinki INT 12.4.2011

(Helsinki Winner 2011, HeW-11)

(Finnish Winner 2011, FiW-11)

Judge: Säde Hohteri (Finland) (16 dogs + 17 bitches)

Judge: Gerard Cox (Ireland) (26 dogs + 22 bitches)

BOB, HeW-11 ....................................................... Sternhimmels In Dulci Iubilo BOS, HeW-11 ....................................................................................Drimmeyker BOB..............................................................................Veteran Kanjaras Zindika HeJW-11 ......................................................................................Hi-Lite Hot Rod HeJW-11 ....................................................................Sternhimmels Nota Prima BOB................................................................. Breeders group kennel Kanjaras

BOB, FIW-11 .........................................................Sternhimmels In Dulci Iubilo BOS, FIW-11 ...........................................................Sternhimmels Lux In Nocte BOB-veteran .............................................................. Hanishan Titilayo Sharab BOS-veteran ......................................................... Sundiatas Pharaoh’s Puzzle FIJW-11 ..............................................................Farlanders Against All Storms FIJW-11 ................................................................................. Hi-Lite Hula Hoops BOB-breeders group ....................................................... kennel Sternhimmels




~~ ~


~~ ~


Sternhimmels In Dulci Iubilo

MALES BD1 (Best Dog) Drimmeyker.............................................................................................. Champion Excellent 1, CQ, CC, FI CH, CACIB, BOS, HeW-11 BD2(2nd).......... Klassic’s Daydream Believer........................................................................ Champion Excellent 2, CQ, resCACIB BD3(3rd)........... Kanjaras Zindika........................... Veteran Excellent 1, CQ, BOB-veteran BD4(4th)........... Hi-Lite Hot Rod..........................Junior Excellent 1, CQ, ResCC, HeJW-11 JUNIOR CLASS Farlanders Against All Storms........................................................................Excellent 2, CQ INTERMEDIATE CLASS Kanjaras Whoop-De-Doo...............................................................................Excellent 1, CQ Afrinkanksiy Molchun Fungerum....................................................................Excellent 2, CQ OPEN CLASS Zahleka Taji Watch N’Learn...........................................................................Excellent 1, CQ Ajibu Great Balls Of Fire.................................................................................Excellent 2, CQ Aittakankaan Abade.......................................................................................Excellent 3, CQ Elizenjis Fiftycent................................................................................................... Excellent 4 Afrikanskiy Molchun Udalets Ohotnik....................................................................... Excellent CHAMPION CLASS Kanjaras Magical Paws..................................................................................Excellent 3, CQ Safeguard’s Dijon Bulldobas..........................................................................Excellent 4, CQ Hanishan Game Hunter.....................................................................................Excellent, CQ Kanjaras Timeus Theron...................................................................................Excellent, CQ FEMALES BB1(Best Bitch) Sternhimmels In Dulci Iubilo................................................................... Champion Excellent 1, CQ, CACIB, BOB, HeW-11 BB2(2nd) Sternhimmels Nota Prima.............. Junior Excellent 1, CQ, CC, HeJW-11 BB3(3rd) Dakarai Quintessa........................ Champion Excellent 2, CQ, ResCACIB BB4(4th) Dakarai Don’t You Know Me.............Intermediate Excellent 1, CQ, ResCC JUNIOR CLASS Ajibu I’m No Angel..........................................................................................Excellent 2, CQ Sternhimmels Notabilia Bona.........................................................................Excellent 3, CQ Ajibu I’m Just Girl................................................................................................... Excellent 4

Sternhimmels Lux In Nocte

Sternhimmels In Dulci Iubilo

MALES BD1(Best Dog) Sternhimmels Lux In Nocte.................................................................... Champion Excellent 1, CQ, CACIB, BOS, FIW-1 BD2(2nd) Hanishan Game Hunter.Champion Excellent 2, CQ, CC, FI CH, ResCACIB BD3(3rd) Afrinkanksiy Molchun Fungerum.... Intermediate Excellent 1, CQ, ResCC BD4(4th) Farlanders Against All Storms.................Junior Excellent 1, CQ, FIJW-11 JUNIOR CLASS Hi-Lite Hot Rod.................................................................................................... Excellent 2 Behukai Evening Star.......................................................................................... Excellent 3 Hanishan Yankee Doodle Dandy....................................................................... Excellent 4 INTERMEDIATE CLASS Sternhimmels Meo Voto)..................................................................................... Excellent 2 Kanjaras Whoop-De-Doo.................................................................................... Excellent 3 Ajibu Great Balls Of Fire....................................................................................... Very good OPEN CLASS Zahleka Taji Watch N’Learn.........................................................................Excellent 1, CQ Afrikanskiy Molchun Udalets Ohotnik...........................................................Excellent 2, CQ Sternhimmels Manu Scriptum............................................................................. Excellent 3 Cool Curtis Shadows Of The Congo.................................................................. Excellent 4 CHAMPION CLASS Drimmeyker..................................................................................................Excellent 3, CQ Klassic’s Daydream Believer........................................................................Excellent 4, CQ Ankhu Baroos At Bulldobas.................................................................................... Excellent Bulldobas Catch The Wind..................................................................................... Excellent Bulldobas Cream And Sugar.................................................................................. Excellent Hanishan Quiet Zone.............................................................................................. Excellent VETERAN CLASS Sundiatas Pharaoh’s Puzzle.................................... Veteran Excellent 1, CQ, BOS-veteran FEMALES BB1(Best Bitch) Sternhimmels In Dulci Iubilo................................................................. Champion Excellent 1, CQ, CACIB, BOB, FIW-11 BB2(2nd) Ajibu Good Vibrations...........Intermediate Excellent 1, CQ, CC, ResCACIB BB3(3rd) Afrikanskiy Molchun Tanzania.............. Champion Excellent 2, CQ, ResCC BB4(4th) Ajibu Hungry Heart....................................................... Open Excellent 1, CQ Continued on Page 57

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 56

Germany - 2011 Top Basenjis Basenji Klub Deutschland von 1977 e.V. presents the Top Basenjis 2011 This is a club-internal-competition. Other German Basenjis are not included in the standings.

Best Basenji 2011 for the 3rd year in a row: Multi Ch C-Quest’s Echo of Eldorado BEST MALE 1. C-Quest’s Echo of Eldorado Noel Baaser 2. Bulldobas Blockbuster Tiina Taavitsainen, Anne-Katrin Schramm & Marcel Hürter 3. Don Luka Obangi Kashore Brigitte Kürsten 4. Nirse Kiume Tanja Hitina 5. Abuluka Ikokolemu Erik Arend BEST FEMALE 1. Bulldobas Rockin’ Redhead 2. Kokojambo’s Ghali Ghanima 3. Msumari’s Aza Aminouh 4. Abuluka Ikuzu 5. Mutabaruga’s Jah Glory BEST JUNIOR 1. C-Quest’s Jokuaba Dandy Shandy 2. Mutabaruga’s Lion of Juddah 3. Zahleka Twinkling Tiamat 4. Abuluka Jenge 5. Forest Bell out of Africa

Tiina Taavitsainen, Anne-Katrin Schramm & Marcel Hürter Hanneke Bijker Sabine Nagel Erik Arend Tanja Deutschmann-Ruffing

BEST VETERAN 1. Isimo ti-n Abou Teka 2. African Mystery’s Bawemba BEST BREEDER 1. Mutabaruga 2. Msumari‘s 3. Kokojambo‘s 4. Yombe‘s 5. Ndungu Kina‘s

Hanneke Bijker Oliver & Inga Kemmer Noel Baaser Sabine Nagel Rosemarie Strietzel & Anja Hansen Karin Teufel Andrea Müller

Noel Baaser Tobias Kruse Tanja Hitina Erik Arend Tanja Deutschmann-Ruffing BEST FEMALE Bulldobas Rockin'Redhead

HELSINKI WINNER SHOWS December 3, 2011 (Continued from pg. 56)

INTERMEDIATE CLASS Ajibu Good Vibrations.....................................................................................Excellent 2, CQ Furahan Heri Hawa............................................................................................... Excellent 3 OPEN CLASS Dakarai Byzance Pearl................................................................................. Open Very good Elizenjis Freesoul......................................................................................... Open Very good CHAMPION CLASS Dakarai Beyond Belief....................................................................................Excellent 3, CQ Afrikanskiy Molchun Tanzania........................................................................Excellent 4, CQ Dakarai Pillow Talk............................................................................................Excellent, CQ BREEDERS CLASS kennel Kanjaras........................................................................... 1 HP, BOB-breeders group

HELSINKI WINNER SHOWS December 4, 2011 (Continued from pg. 56)

JUNIOR CLASS Hi-Lite Hula Hoops....................................................................... Excellent 1, CQ, FIJW-11 Sternhimmels Notabilia Bona.......................................................................Excellent 2, CQ Ajibu I’m No Angel............................................................................................... Excellent 3 Rosone’s Retro Rimembranza............................................................................ Excellent 4 Hanishan Yankee Cutie Candy.............................................................................. Excellent INTERMEDIATE CLASS Dakarai Don’t You Know Me........................................................................Excellent 2, CQ Bulldobas Cute As A Button................................................................................ Excellent 3 OPEN CLASS Furahan Heri Malaika...................................................................................Excellent 2, CQ Dakarai Byzance Pearl......................................................................................... Very good Elizenjis Freesoul................................................................................................. Very good CHAMPION CLASS Bulldobas Crown Jewel............................................................................... Excellent 3, CQ Dakarai Beyond Belief........................................................................................ Excellent 4 Dakarai Pillow Talk................................................................................................ Excellent Dakarai Q’Ute......................................................................................................... Excellent Dakarai Quintessa.................................................................................................. Excellent VETERAN CLASS Hanishan Titilayo Sharab........................................ Veteran Excellent 1, CQ, BOB-veteran BREEDERS CLASS kennel Sternhimmels................................................................. 1 HP, BOB-breeders group kennel Hanishan..................................................................................................................2

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 57

Finland - Standings As of December 31, 2011

Vuoden Uros / Basenji Dog of the Year Rank

Basenji Name


1 2 3 4 5 6 6 8 9 10 11 11 13 14 15 16 17 17 17 17

FI CH, FiJW-09, NordJW-09, NordW-09 Kimwitu’s Duke E..................................................................................................... 101 FI & EE & LV CH Bulldobas Cream And Sugar....................................................................................................................... 100 FiJW-10 Sternhimmels Manu Scriptum...................................................................................................................................... 88 C.I.B & FI & SE CH Sternhimmels Lux In Nocte........................................................................................................................ 87 FI & SE & NO & NORD CH, FIW-10 Bulldobas Catch The Wind.............................................................................................. 77 FI & EE CH, EeJW-09 Ankhu Baroos At Bulldobas................................................................................................................... 71 FI & EE CH Klassic’s Daydream Believer.................................................................................................................................. 71 FI CH Kanjaras Magical Paws................................................................................................................................................... 69 Ajibu Heart And Soul.................................................................................................................................................................. 57 Hi-Lite Dashing Bulldobas.......................................................................................................................................................... 53 Kanjaras Whoop-De-Doo........................................................................................................................................................... 52 HeJW-10 Zahleka Taji Watch’N Learn....................................................................................................................................... 52 C.I.B & FI & SE CH, BaltW-09 Sternhimmels Jour Et Nuit......................................................................................................... 50 C.I.B. & FI & NO & SE & NORD & EE CH Rosone’s Primo Profitto.......................................................................................... 49 Hi-Lite Hot Rod........................................................................................................................................................................... 42 C.I.B. & FI & LV & LTU CH, FIW-05, LVW-06 Kanjaras Zindika................................................................................................ 41 FI & EE CH, FI LC CH Ajibu Feeling Good................................................................................................................................ 39 Bulldobas Coolest Cowboy........................................................................................................................................................ 39 FI CH Kenjaali Hadhiri-Hawker.................................................................................................................................................. 39 FI CH Safeguard’s Dijon Bulldobas............................................................................................................................................ 39

Vuoden Narttu / Basenji Bitch of the Year Rank

Basenji Name


1 2 3 4 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

C.I.B.* & FI & NO & EE & SE & NORD CH, FiW-09, NordW-09 Sternhimmels In Dulci Iubilo................................................ 112 C.I.B. & FI & NO & EE CH, EEJW-09 Bulldobas Crown Jewel................................................................................................ 101 FiJW-10 Ajibu Good Vibrations.................................................................................................................................................. 95 Bulldobas Cute As A Button....................................................................................................................................................... 83 FI CH Dakarai Q’Ute.................................................................................................................................................................. 83 Ajibu Hungry Heart..................................................................................................................................................................... 75 Wapenzi Morowa....................................................................................................................................................................... 69 Aittakankaan Arabesk Akwaba.................................................................................................................................................. 67 C.I.B. & FI & EE & LV CH Dakarai Beyond Belief ..................................................................................................................... 64 FI CH Hanishan Que Sera Sera................................................................................................................................................. 62 C.I.B. & FI & NO & SE & NORD CH, FI RC CH, BaltVW Sternhimmels Bene Benedicta......................................................... 56 Heriaheri Harvest Moon............................................................................................................................................................. 52 FI & EE CH Rosone’s Prima Preziosa....................................................................................................................................... 47 FI & EE CH Ajibu Foolish Heart................................................................................................................................................. 43 FI CH, DV-11 Hanishan Reveal The Mystery............................................................................................................................ 39 FI CH, FIW-10, SMM-10 Dakarai Pillow Talk............................................................................................................................. 38 FI CH Bribas Papaya Picker...................................................................................................................................................... 36 Hi-Lite D’Vine Bulldobas............................................................................................................................................................ 34 FI & EE CH Hanishan Titilayo Sharab....................................................................................................................................... 33 FI & EE CH, HeW-10 Dakarai Quintessa................................................................................................................................... 32

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 58

Finland - Standings (Continued) As of December 31, 2011

Vuoden Veteraani / Basenji Veteran of the Year Sukupuoli/Sex Pisteet/Points 1 C.I.B & NORD & FI & NO & SE CH, FI RC CH, BaltVW-09 Sternhimmels Bene Benedicta.................... narttu/bitch......................... 43 2 C.I.B. & FI & LV & LTU CH, FIW-05, LVW-06 Kanjaras Zindika................................................................ uros/dog........................... 22 3 C.I.B. & FI & SE & DK CH, FI & EE LC CH, FIN RC CH, DV-03, VMM-07 Bulldobas Caliente Candela.narttu/bitch......................... 21 4 FI & EE CH Hanishan Titilayo Sharab...................................................................................................... narttu/bitch......................... 20 5 FI CH Ikelas Dafina.................................................................................................................................. narttu/bitch......................... 11 5 C.I.B. & FI & NO & SE & EE & NORD CH, FIJW-01 Kanjaras Kianga .................................................... narttu/bitch......................... 11 7 Behukai Angel Rose................................................................................................................................. narttu/bitch......................... 10 7 FI CH Furahan Haijambo Daima.............................................................................................................. narttu/bitch......................... 10 9 C.I.B. & FI & SE & EE CH, FIW-99, BALTW-00, EUVW-06 Pukkanut Dawn Chorus.............................. narttu/bitch........................... 8 10 FI CH Perrada Unican Real Ranee.......................................................................................................... narttu/bitch........................... 6

Vuoden Pentu / Basenji Puppy of the Year

Sukupuoli/Sex Pisteet/Points 1 Hi-Lite Hot Rod.......................................................................................................................................... uros/dog............................ 47 2 Ajibu I’m No Angel................................................................................................................................... narttu/bitch.......................... 40 3 Sternhimmels Nota Prima........................................................................................................................ narttu/bitch.......................... 37 4 Hi-Lite Hula Hoops.................................................................................................................................. narttu/bitch.......................... 33 5 Behukai Eternal Sun.................................................................................................................................. uros/dog............................ 22 6 Behukai Evening Star................................................................................................................................ uros/dog............................ 21 6 Hi-Lite Honky Tonk.................................................................................................................................... uros/dog............................ 21 8 Yulara Quickthorn...................................................................................................................................... uros/dog............................ 20 9 Rosone’s Retro Rimembranza................................................................................................................ narttu/bitch.......................... 19 10 Solebas Crown Of Love............................................................................................................................. uros/dog............................ 18

Top 10 Lure Coursers of 2011

Pisteet/Points 1 SMM-11 Ajibu Great Balls Of Fire.......................................................................................................................................................92 2 DVM-11 Ajibu Farm Girl......................................................................................................................................................................82 3 CVM-11 Avongara Asuma....................................................................................................................................................................80 4 FI CH, FI RC CH Dakarai Pick A Flick..................................................................................................................................................69 5 FIJW-10 Ajibu Good Vibrations............................................................................................................................................................62 6 FI EE CH, FI LC CH Ajibu Feelin’Good................................................................................................................................................55 7 FI CH, FIW-10, SMM-10 Dakarai Pillow Talk.......................................................................................................................................50 8 Ajibu Foolin’ Around.............................................................................................................................................................................43 9 Ajibu Great Expectations......................................................................................................................................................................41 10 FI LC & RC CH, CVM-08-09-10, DVM-08, SM-08-09, TS-09, PM-09 Ajibu Dixie Rose.......................................................................39

Top 10 Track Racers of 2011

Pisteet/Points 1 FI LC & RC CH, DV-09, JK-09-10, DVM-09, TS-10-11, SM-10-11 Ajibu Ebony Eyez......................................................................... 50 2 FI CH, DV-11 Hanishan Reveal The Mystery....................................................................................................................................... 49 3 FI CH, FIW-10, SMM-10 Dakarai Pillow Talk...................................................................................................................................... 41 4 FI LC & RC CH, CVM-08-09-10, DVM-08, SM-08-09, TS-09, PM-09 Ajibu Dixie Rose....................................................................... 36 5 FI RC CH, DV-10 Furahan Tiika M’Toto............................................................................................................................................... 24 5 FI CH, FI LC & RC CH, DVM-10 Sonbar’s Tom Terrific For Ajibu........................................................................................................ 24 7 FI RC & LC CH, SMM-08 Dakarai Jamili Sharab................................................................................................................................. 10 7 FI CH, FI RC CH Orange Pips Angeleyes............................................................................................................................................ 10 9 FI EE CH Ajibu Billie Jean...................................................................................................................................................................... 8 9 VMM-11 Furahan Kito Kwazi.................................................................................................................................................................. 8

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 59

Sweden - Standings As of December 31, 2011 Top 20 Dogs

Place Name



1 NORD V-11 NORD JV-10 NORD V-10 Enigma Just Watch Me 84 Madelene & Sofie Lönn 2 NO V-11 SE V-11 Kimwitu’s Valentino 77 Therese Kindberg & Anna Söderholm Bjurström 3 NORD UCH Zahleka Emile Emilion 68 Yvonne Adolfsson 4 VEUW-10 VWW-10-11 SE UCH M Wami’s American Fortune Hunter 63 Birgitta Prahl 5 Karimba’s Colin Cocky 58 Heléne Roos 6 NORD UCH Dakarai Piece Of Cake 44 Ulrika Johanson 7 INT,NORD,EE & DK UCH SE V-07-08-09-10 NORD V-08 NO V-07 Faraoland Bluetooth Enigma 38 Sofie Lönn 8 SE UCH Zahleka Merric Merlot 35 Rebecka Andersen * Sundevils Howlingfjord 35 Elisabeth Wennerbo & Linda Ekman 10 Hanishan X-Factor 33 Lars Höglin 11 NORD JV-11 Kenjaali Heeere’s Johnny 25 Birgitta Prahl & Emma Prahl * SE UCH DK UCH Kenjaali Verro-Vigilant 25 Naranja Persson & Britta Ericson * C.I.B DK UCH NO UCH SE UCH Faraoland Xcellent Example 25 Bruno Kocman & Cecilia Johansson 14 Kindubeams Freedom Fight For Magic 19 Marju Kääpä 15 NORD VV-11 DK UCH SE UCH SE VCH Zahleka Of Jillayla 17 Linda Carlson 16 NO UCH SE UCH Singing The Rain Out Of Africa 15 Susanne Berg 17 Elsco Amabrawyin 14 Anneli Alanko, Ingrid Sjölin, Helena Strömbert & Cecilia Johansson 18 SE UCH Faraoland Regres A Mi 13 Helena Strömbert 19 Enigma Dreamcatcher 11 Anders Gryhed 20 King Khufu Cardhu 10 Susanne Berg * INT UCH NO UCH NORD V-02 NZ CH SE UCH SE V-02 Wazazi Dazzling Image 10 Lotten & Tomas Eriksson2011 Top 20 Bitches

Top 20 Bitches 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 * 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 *

SE UCH SE V-10 NORD JV-09 Khani’s Midnight Star NORD JV-10 NORD V-10 Kimwitu’s Zolotaya Zahleka Taji Watch Four Happiness Enigma After Me Please SE UCH Hazhart Miss Chevious SE UCH Sharans Aritza NORD UCH Karimba’s Molly Moon Shahrans Tally-Hoo Suntribe’s Sparkling Supernova NORD VV-11 SE UCH FI UCH Yulara Itichika SE UCH US CH Khani’s Three’s Company SE UCH Touch Of Razz Maräng SE CH Shahrans Zombifa5 Faraoland HD Street Glide NORD V-11 Senjisfinx Norea Zahleka Zillah Zinfandel9 Zahleka Kazor Drama Queen SE UCH Jo Coyote’s Ox-Eye Daisy Twigas Darling Darjeeling Chagma’s Rose To Faraoland Matabichi Fila Nganga-True

1 2 3 * 5 6 7 8 9 10

V EUW-10 V WW-10 SE UCH M Wami’s American Fortune Hunter SE UCH Shahrans Zombifa5 SE UCH Shahrans Aritza SE UCH NO UCH Singing In The Rain Out Of Africa DK UCH SE UCH SE VCH Zahleka Of Jillayla SE UCH FI UCH Yulara Itichika INT UCH NO UCH NORD V-02 NZ CH SE UCH SE V-02 Wazazi Dazzling Image SE UCH Tamsala Makes Waves DK UCH INT UCH NO UCH SE UCH Senjisfinx Erebor SE UCH NO UCH Faraoland Umbra Complete

Top 10 Veterans

77 Madelene Lönn & Sofie Lönn 75 Therese Kindberg 70 Linda Carlson 69 Madelene Lönn & Sofie Lönn 54 Helena Strömbert, Cecilia Johansson & Anna Söderberg 51 Maria Kindberg 42 Heléne Roos 41 Anna Söderholm Bjurström 40 Linda Ekman 38 Mia Löwbeer 30 Elisabeth Wennerbo, Tuija Mäntyvuo & Towe Skiöld Elf 30 Carina Morén 27 Heléne Roos 24 Cecilia Johansson, Bruno Kocman & Helena Strömbert 17 Anna Gunnarsson 20 Marie Böhrén 19 Anna-Karin Bengtsson 17 Bruno Kocman & Cecilia Johansson 15 Minna Rångeby 14 Helena Strömbert 14 Yvonne Adolfsson2011 – Top Veterans 38 32 30 30 22 16 10 8 3 1

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 60

Birgitta Prahl Heléne Roos Maria Kindberg Susanne Berg Linda Carlson Mia Löwbeer Lotten & Tomas Eriksson Monica Massih Elisabet Selinus Åsa Holmberg

Sweden - Top 15 Lure Coursers As of December 31, 2011

SE LCCH Avongara Angali Place Name 1 * 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15



SE LCCH Avongara Angali................................. 81........................Mia Löwbeer SE LCCH Shahrans Incredible Speed................ 81............................ Lisa Dalin SE LCCH Shahrans Muzzle’s Gone................... 78....................Maria Kindberg JUN WW-10 Yulara Noni Morinda...................... 74.................... Monica Massih SE LCCH Shahrans Jingle Bells Rock................ 72................Therese Kindberg SE LCCH Shahrans Racer In Red...................... 71...................... Nina Lissborg SE LCCH Kenjaali Mojo-Marauder..................... 66.........................Gert Menzel NORD UCH Dakarai Piece Of Cake 65 Ulrika Johanson Yulara Okapi....................................................... 37........................Mia Löwbeer SE LCCH Shahrans Rafhaela In Pj’s.................. 36................Therese Kindberg SE LC CH Senjisfinx Jesabel.............................. 28...................Elisabet Selinus Senjisfinx Nubia.................................................. 21.........................Gert Menzel SE LCCH Yulara Jarrah...................................... 19........................Mia Löwbeer NORD UCH SE LC CH Senjisfinx Imre.............. 18...................Elisabet Selinus Wild Pearls Amber Of Echo................................ 10....................Tuija Mäntyvuo

SE LCCH Shahrans Incredible Speed

Brazil - Top Basenjis As of December 31, 2011 Adult Basenjis

Rank Name Owner Points 1 ................Klassic’s Guri Itapuca ..................................................................... Savio Picanço Steele ...............................................................................................3384 2 ................Bupe Itapuca .................................................................................. Savio Picanço Steele ...............................................................................................1061 3 ................Am. Ch. Reveille Push The Limit To MV ........................................ Kelly And Claire Wisch ..............................................................................................986 4 ................Master Allen’s Courtney Love ......................................................... Armin William Brand Allen Carlinho ...........................................................................118 5 ................Blaue King Limited Edt. Akale ........................................................ Patricia Montenegro .....................................................................................................99 6 ................Catatau Itapuca .............................................................................. Liv Irene Nyflot .............................................................................................................76 7 ................Cacau Itapuca ................................................................................ Savio Picanço Steele ...................................................................................................14 8 ................Dom Dom Itapuca ........................................................................... Abelardo Ribeiro ..........................................................................................................12 9 ................Master Allen’s Cher ........................................................................ Armin William Brand Allen/Savio Steele ......................................................................11 10 ..............Arubmec’s This Is It At Itapuca ....................................................... Savio Picanço Steele .....................................................................................................8 ...................Coronel Itapuca .............................................................................. Savio Picanço Sttele ......................................................................................................8 12 ..............Cometa Itapuca .............................................................................. João Luiz Oliveira Lopes ...............................................................................................7 13 ..............Semba Itapura ................................................................................ Daniel Paes De Camargo ..............................................................................................3

Starting Gate´S Afrikan Bunmi

Carlos Capone 3

15 ..............Lola ................................................................................................. Paulo César Pentagna ...................................................................................................2 16 ..............Blaue King First Edt. Balli ............................................................... Savio Picanço Steele .....................................................................................................1 ...................Am. Ch. Klassic’s Git R Done ......................................................... Savio Picanço Steele .....................................................................................................1

Puppy Basenjis 6-9 Mos Old Name 1 Master Allen Congo Itapuca 2 Cacau Itapuca 3 Duck Sauce Itapuca 4 Cometa Itapuca 5 Dom Dom Itapuca 6 Coronel Itapuca 7 Dona Gigi Itapuca 8 Daslu Itapuca 9 Dama De Vermelho Itapuca 10 Danado Itapuca Diva Touchless Itapuca

Owner Points Savio Picanço Steele 76 Savio Picanço Steele 58 Savio Picanço Steele 47 João Luiz Oliveira Lopes 40 Abelardo Ribeiro 29 Savio Picanço Steele 19 Savio Picanco Steele 18 Airton Rodrigues Pinto Jr 9 Savio Picanço Steele 4 Savio Picanço Steele 1 Savio Picanço Steele 1

Junior Basenjis 9 To 15 Mos Old Name 1 Cacau Itapuca 2 Dom Dom Itapuca 3 Arubmec’s This Is It At Itapuca 4 Coronel Itapuca 5 Master Allen’s Courtney Love 6 Catatau Itapuca 7 Semba Itapura 8 Cometa Itapuca 9 Master Allen’s Cher

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 61

Owner Points Savio Picanço Steele 224 Abelardo Ribeiro 152 Savio Picanço Steele 35 Savio Picanço Sttele 16 Armin William Brand Allen Carlinho 10 Liv Irene Nyflot 9 Daniel Paes De Camargo 8 João Luiz Oliveira Lopes 6 Armin William Brand Allen/ 5 Savio Steele

United Kingdom 2011 Top Winners

Results provided by Sally Wallis, Zande Basenjis Name



Kissangani Dream Maker At Djoser (tri) ............................................................................. B ............ 8 ............. 1.............. 6 Ch Tokaji American Gigolo at Embeau .............................................................................. D ............ 5 ............. 5.............. 2.......... Hound Group 3 Ch/Am Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley ............................................................................. D ............ 4 ............. 4.............. 1.......... Hound Group & Reserve Best In Show Ch Zordia’s Wazzala .......................................................................................................... B ............ 4 ............. 4.............. 2 Tokaji Texas Ranger .......................................................................................................... D ............ 1 ............. 1.............. 1.......... Hound Group & Reserve Best In Show Tokaji American Beauty ...................................................................................................... B ............ 1 ............. 2.............. 1.......... Hound Group 2 Elsco Amatillyson ............................................................................................................... D ............ 2 ............. 2.............. 1 Tokaji Kentucky Blue .......................................................................................................... D ............ 2 ............. 1.............. 1 Tokaji American Gangster at Tenfield ................................................................................ D ............ 1 ............. 2.............. 1 Zordia’s Ajani ...................................................................................................................... D ............ 1 ............................. 1 Ch Akmar Queen Ankhesenamun ...................................................................................... B ............ 1 ............. 2 Irish Ch Elsco Amastunner at Swanwite ............................................................................. D ............ 1 ............. 2 Kissangani Only Dreaming ................................................................................................. B ............ 1 ............. 1 Woodella Northern Delight of Jisgard ................................................................................. B ............ 1 ............. 1 Atrigema Memnyth Speed .................................................................................................. D ............ 1

2011 Annual (Dog Press) Awards TOP STUD DOG/Top Hound Stud Dog / No 3 all breeds ................................................................................Am/Eng Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley TOP BROOD BITCH,/Top Hound Brood Bitch/TOP BROOD BITCH ALL BREEDS .................... Am/Eng Ch Klassic Million Dollar Baby at Tokaji (tri) TOP PUPPY SIRE.............................................................................................................................................Am/Eng Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley TOP PUPPY............................................................................................................................................................................ Tokaji California Dreaming TOP BREEDER........................................................................................................................................................................................................ Tokaji

Norway – Top 15 Basenjis Stats by: Liv Irene N. Lie

Rank Dog's Name 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15



Ch Doberguard’s Maya Masterpiece . ..........................................................................................................60 . ..................... 5 Shahrans Phantom Of The Opera ................................................................................................................55 . ..................... 5 Ch Kingwanas Exhausting Federal Xpress ....................................................................................................50 . ..................... 5 * Doberguard’s Ramses Of The Nile ............................................................................................................50 . ..................... 5 * Ch Faraoland Beatrix Potter ......................................................................................................................50 . ..................... 5 * 6 Ch Matabichi Exlusive Moja Nyota ........................................................................................................45 . ..................... 5 Ch Faraoland Va Todo Al Ganador ...............................................................................................................43 . ..................... 5 Kingwanas Fairy Of Tails ..............................................................................................................................42 . ..................... 5 Moyomema Zelda Waridi ............................................................................................................................41 . ..................... 5 Kingwanas Glory Of The Spotlight ...............................................................................................................34 . ..................... 5 Kingwanas Flirting Figaro .............................................................................................................................33 . ..................... 5 Kingwanas Foxy Femme Fatale ....................................................................................................................29 . ..................... 4 Ch Abotere’s Zharim ....................................................................................................................................20....................... 3 * Bushongo Chara Alula . .............................................................................................................................20 . ..................... 4 Doberguard’s Master Of Almasi . .................................................................................................................19 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 62



By Arlene Bacon, The Latest Wrinkle Editor

everyone! Well, Christmas and New Year’s are over and we are (at least in our area) just starting to get into the throes of winter. We had an exceptionally mild start to the fall and winter seasons with t-shirt-sleeve weather right up until now. Usually, we are looking at piles of snow, sleet and ice. I’ve had enough of the mud season. All of my dogs live inside the house with me, and it’s a real pain to be wiping 20 muddy paws every time they come in. Unless, of course, I have to take them to the dog tub to wash them when they get covered in mud from doing the B-500 outside! Did I say I love the hard, frozen ground and the snow? Well, I do! Maybe I’m the exception, but, there it is! Basenji Club of Canada members are gearing up for a great year. The BCOC 2012 National Specialty starts on June 2 in Simcoe ON. Plans are underway to provide some exciting events. The BCOA 2012 National is coming up in July in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, an event I am quite looking forward to as it is fairly close this year --only about 7-8 hour drive for me. A basenji booster is planned for the BCOC at the Purina Charity event in March in Toronto. Added to all this is that a new chapter of United Kennel Club opens up here in Ontario. Throw in some racing events and 2012 promises to be an exciting season! Wow, what I wouldn’t give for a camper van for the summer! The BCOC website [] is being updated with all the plans for the BCOC Specialty this summer

Please check in often. We are offering car flags for sale with the BCOC Specialty logo imprinted on them. More information about how to purchase will be on our website shortly. Rescue: It seems as though many folks had more than a few bad issues last year, and I’m hoping that this year is better for everyone. There were more than a few puppies returned to breeders that were in horrible shape, and several basenjis in need of rescue came to light. In Quebec, there was a puppy mill bust concerning various breeds. Over 500 dogs were rescued. It’s too bad legislation couldn’t shut down all puppy mills permanently. It seems that with the poor economy, these types of situations have lingered far longer than anyone ever expected. It’s difficult for the dog fancy to afford the cost of travel, the show entries, the cost of living these days. For news about the BCOC Specialty, e-mail Sue Wilcox to If you would like to know more about the Basenji Booster at the Purina Charity event, contact me at and I will forward any request you might have to the proper contacts. If you have any news of happenings and events in Canada or in other countries, or would like to share some stories and/or pictures, please e-mail me at the above address as well as I like to include world events in our newsletter. I hope to see some of you at some of the events happening this spring/summer!

Canada - Top 20 Basenjis as of December 31, 2011

Rank Dog’s Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Ch Ahmahr Nahr’s Harlequin Casanova Jack At Whitewater(M)............................................. 3 27 14 7 4 1678 Ch Ahmahr Nahr’s Hallelujah Makes A Joyful Noise(F)........................................................... 1 2 1 2 1 353 Ch Blackwing RedAmber of Conamore(F)............................................................................... 0 3 3 2 2 193 Tis-A Signet Dynamic Surge Of Red(F)................................................................................... 0 0 0 1 0 118 Ch Bushwacker Cherry Bomb(F)............................................................................................. 0 0 2 0 2 107 Sonbar’s Worth Watching At Miloki(F)..................................................................................... 0 0 1 1 3 91 Ch Sphinx Best Pose(F)........................................................................................................... 0 0 1 2 0 73 Ch Twinvue’s Tribute To Mankia(F)......................................................................................... 0 0 1 2 4 67 Ch Beaubri’s On The Q.T.(F)................................................................................................... 0 0 1 4 1 56 Timar’s On The Dark Side(F)................................................................................................... 0 1 0 0 0 52 Ch Bushwacker Cor Leonis(M)................................................................................................ 0 0 1 0 0 47 Ch Ahmahr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel(M)........................................................................ 0 0 1 0 0 38 Beaubri’s Ace of Spades(M).................................................................................................... 0 0 0 0 1 37 Africanadian Legend Of Ahmahr Nahr(M)................................................................................ 0 0 0 0 1 31 Ch Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speedster(F).................................................................................... 0 0 0 0 1 30 Ch Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot(F)................................................................................. 0 0 0 1 0 29 Duara Azize Sauda(F).............................................................................................................. 0 0 0 0 1 26 Ch Africanadian Mia Of AhmahrNahr(F).................................................................................. 0 0 1 0 0 25 Ch Adama’s African Chieftan(M).............................................................................................. 0 0 0 0 1 19 Terrarust’s Ace Of Spades(M)................................................................................................. 0 0 1 1 0 18 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 63

Through Dec. 31, 2011 Initially compiled by Jennie Behles, Simone Mullins, Cheryl Myers Egerton & Margaret Robertson The very first basenji star, MBISAKCCKC Ch Dainty Dancer, of Glenairly, was the first basenji to show and win at the Westminster Kennel Club, and also the first Canadian basenji to win a Best in Show both in Canada and the United States. Following Dancer’s appearance on the scene, there was a long gap in Canadian basenji Best in Show history before the Canadian Kennel Club began compiling statistics through an outside contractor. These were compiled for the years 1988 through 2004. Following this, the stats have been compiled on an annual basis either by the Canadian Kennel Club and published in Dogs in Canada magazine, or more recently, compiled by the Best Dog in Canada. Using these resources, we have compiled a list of basenji Best in Show wins from 1998 through 2011. Many of the dogs shown below also competed in the United States and were top ranked basenjis in that country. Many have Best in Shows in other countries as well as Canada, but the chart reflects only Canadian efforts. The increased wins indicate the increased popularity of the basenji in the show ring in recent years. This seems to have a direct correlation with the improvement of basenji “charm” and temperament. BASENJI SEX BIS G Ch. Ahmahr Nahr’s Jake Jamul to Mibre SC CGN...................................................................................................................................D..................26 Ch. Baruhs N’ Schaumburg Hoo’s Hoo...................................................................................................................................................... B..................19 Ch. Conamore Sun of Simba .....................................................................................................................................................................D..................10 Ch. Schaumburgs Thats Amoire................................................................................................................................................................D...................6 Ch. Conamore’s Sun and Jasmine.............................................................................................................................................................. B...................7 Ch. Shamaron’s Imperial Crusader ...........................................................................................................................................................D...................5 GCH/Can CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Casanova Jack at Whitewater......................................................................................................................D...................3 Ch. Klassic’s Rooty Toot Toot .................................................................................................................................................................... B...................3 Ch. Kudabin Vintage Baruh........................................................................................................................................................................D...................3 Ch. Terrarust’s Seek a Rainbow.................................................................................................................................................................D...................3 Ch. Amnahr Nahr’s Mardi Gras Flambeaux Man.......................................................................................................................................D...................2 DC Astarte’s Sultan Siete with Pips SC CD RN VB.......................................................................................................................................D...................2 Ch. Mankia’s Kuchimba.............................................................................................................................................................................D...................2 Ch. Symphonic Fanfare..............................................................................................................................................................................D...................2 Ch. Terrarust N Akuaba Jamboree.............................................................................................................................................................D...................2 Ch. Terrarust N Beaubri Special FX............................................................................................................................................................ B...................2 Ch. Ahmarh Nahr’s Hallelujah Makes A Joyful Noise................................................................................................................................B...................1 Am/Can CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Mardi Gras Flambeaux Man..........................................................................................................................D...................1 CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Ryder of The Voodoo Child.........................................................................................................................................D...................1 Ch. Arubmec’s Integra...............................................................................................................................................................................D...................1 Ch. Baruh’s Kudabin a Flirt........................................................................................................................................................................ B...................1 Ch. Blackwings Red Amber of Conamore.................................................................................................................................................. B...................1 Ch. Conamore Rising Sun..........................................................................................................................................................................D...................1 Ch. Conamore Sum of Restigouche ..........................................................................................................................................................D...................1 Ch. Emerant’s The Instigator.....................................................................................................................................................................D...................1 Ch. Ima Code of the West . .......................................................................................................................................................................D...................1 Ch. Jasiri-Sukari Khani Francis................................................................................................................................................................... B...................1 Ch. Mankia’s Mishindi...............................................................................................................................................................................D...................1 Ch. Mija Cross Country Heart N’ Soul, SC.................................................................................................................................................. B...................1 Ch. Select Information FCh........................................................................................................................................................................D...................1 Ch. Shantara’s Dalaf Thunderbolt..............................................................................................................................................................D...................1 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 64

Upcoming Events – Around the World Date



April 14-15, 2012


Western Hound Association of Southern California Silverado, CA Superintendent: Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows

May 5, 2012


German and British Show Festival Basenji Klub Deutschland Specialty Judge: Michael Quinney, GB

May 18-20, 2012


World Dog Show Salzburg, Austria

May 25-26, 2012


Basenji Club of Cincinnati Designated Specialties with Warren County Kennel Club Supported Entry with Cincinnati Kennel Club on May 27, 2012

June 1-2, 2012


June 9, 2012


French Basenji National Specialty Chartres, France Judge: Mr. Medard Ringuet

June 9-10, 2012


Finnish Basenji Specialty Nurmijärvi, Finland Judge: Christian Jouanchicot, France

July 9-15, 2012


Basenji Club of Canada National Specialty Caledona, ON June 1 - Sweepstakes Judge: Ms. Ann Smith June 2 - Breed Judge: Mr. Eugene Blake

Basenji Club of America National Specialty Independent Specialty In historic Gettysburg, PA Eisenhower Hotel and Convention Center

Breed Judge: Mr. John Reeve-Newson, Canada Sweepstakes Judge: Mrs. Carrie Jones, MN July 22, 2012


Basenji Klub Deutschland Specialty

July 27, 2012


Basenji Club of Southeastern Wisconsin - Independent Specialty Ixonia, WI Breed Judge: Cheryl Myers Egerton, Canada Sweepstakes Judge: Mrs. Patricia Marshall, TX

August 18, 2012


Hoosier Basenji Club - Designated Specialty with Muncie Kennel Club Muncie, Indiana Superintendent: Roy Jones Dog Shows

Oct. 5-7, 2012


European Dog Show - European Section Bucharest, Romania

Oct. 27, 2012


South Coast Basenji Fanciers - Independent Specialty Perris, California Superintendent: Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows

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Kennel/Breeder Directory | Advertising & Subscriptions Advertising Rates



Front Cover- Color only $ 250.00 Back Cover – Color only $ 175.00 Inside Front Cover – Color only $ 140.00 Inside Back Cover – Color only $ 140.00 INSIDE COLOR PAGES Inside color page $ 125.00 2-page color spread $ 225.00 Half page - color $ 65.00 Quarter-page color $ 35.00 BLACK/WHITE PAGES Single page $ 70.00 2-page spread $ 130.00 Half page - b/w $ 40.00 Quarter page - b/w $ 25.00 Addtl photos (limit 4 per page) n/c SPECIAL CATEGORIES – per year rate/size: 3.50”w x 2.75h” Breeder/Kennel Directory Listing $ 75.00 Stud Dog/Brood Bitch listing with 1 photo $ 75.00


Deadlines for Advertising & Editorial Submissions


February 1st (March issue) August 1st (September issue) May 1st (June issue) November 1st (December issue)

Subscription Rates US Residents Canadian Residents All Other Countries Single Copy USA Canada All other countries


1- year $35.00 $47.00 $55.00 $12.00 $15.00 $20.00

2-years $65.00 $90.00 $105.00

Payments Online, Checks & Money Orders - US Funds Only. Mail Payments to: The Modern Basenji, 221 Oak Wood Road, Kerrville, TX 78028

Contact The Modern Basenji -- Worldwide For Subscriptions - For Advertising needs - If submitting camera-ready ads, please contact the Advertising Manager for layout details before sending finished ads. Send inquiries to The Modern Basenji -- Worldwide 221 Oak Wood Road, Kerrville, TX 78028 The Modern Basenji -- Worldwide is interested in your editorial submissions. Please contact us at


Editors : Wanda Pooley, Melody Falcone, A Tad Brooks Magazine Design: Wanda Pooley Advertising: Melody Falcone & A. Tad Brooks Ad Designer: Melody Falcone Copy Editors: Heather Ervin, Anne Rogers, Maxine Elliott, M. Susan Joyner Subscriptions: Heather Ervin Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publishers. The Modern Basenji takes no responsibility for statements or claims made in advertisements. We reserve the right to edit and/or refuse all copy. We are not responsible for errors in camera-ready ads that come in from an outside designer. All manuscripts become the property of The Modern Basenji. Reports, tallies and photographs of events submitted by individuals are published as space allows. Any win photos must be identified.

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