2q 2013 digital fullver

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The Modern Basenji - Worldwide is published quarterly in print and online.




Artificial Insemination - Part II - The Dog, Wanda Pooley


Artificial Insemination - Stud Dog Owner - Tad Brooks


My World by Kya, submitted by her friend, Dona Rosales


More on the Blacks of Liberia, Roslyn Sadler


Lukuru Basenji Conservateurs Progress, J.Thompson, T. Leimback, K. Schreiber



Lure Coursing in Finland, Erja Billings


“B” Legal Blog- Karla Schreiber

Basenjis RUNNING in Finland


Breeder Interview - Brenda Cassell


News from Dallas-Ft. Worth Basenji Club

EVENT RESULTS - STANDINGS - DEPARTMENTS EVENTS 37 Dallas-Ft. Worth Basenji Club Specialty 38 Western Hound Shows 39-40 International Dog Shows, Russia 41 Crufts, UK 42 Manchester Dog Show, UK 42 Hound Association of Scotland, UK 43 UK-Open Shows 44-45 Finland - All-Breed Shows 45 Latvia Shows 46 Estonia Shows STANDINGS 42 UK Standings 46 Denmark Standings 46 Brazil Standings 46 UKC Standings


The 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 52 52 53 54 55 56

AKC Breed Standings AKC All-Breed Standings AKC Grand Standings, AKC GCH Achievement Levels AKC Lure Coursing Top 20 ASFA Lure Coursing Top 20 LGRA Standings NOTRA Standings Australia - All-Breed & Breed Canada CKC Top Basenjis Finland Standings Sweden Standings Kennel/Breeder Directory Upcoming Events - Worldwide Advertising-Subscription Rates

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July 12-17, 2013

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by Wanda Pooley



love my dogs and recently joked with our plumber who had to replace a pricey small water heater in the kennel building, "Harold, you know there's just nothing too good for these dogs." And, that is true -- up to a point. Living in rural south central Texas means our only pet store has virtually no competition so it can set food prices to "what the traffic will bear." Don't get me wrong. The dog lovers of Kerrville have plenty of choices of premium food brands. The selection is almost endless as I wander down the aisles -- actually impressive for a town this size. Yet, all those selections come with some pretty hefty price tags. A 28.6-pound bag of Orijen®, a top rated food, sells for $92.00. I guess if I owned a sweet little toy dog and wanted to indulge the creature with "the best money can buy," this would be the food. After perusing all the different brands, I did a quick calculation in my head and concluded the average price for a 30-pound bag of dog food was between $65 - $70. Here at Adventureland that 30 pounds lasts only five days and pushes my dog food bill upwards of $400 a month. I honestly don't think our personal grocery bill is that high. Still, my dogs need all the energy they can gobble. Several are young and very active. I never realized what a bargain I was getting up north, living in the land of competition. When I started shopping down here for dog food, I discovered the prices were at least $10 higher a bag. At that time I had seven dogs so this increase seemed easy enough to absorb. That was also about the time some my basenjis took that as a cue to become more finicky. They loved that more pricey food in that smaller 30-pound bag instead of the 40-pound brand I was buying. I never want to short change my dogs’ nutrition, but realize now with several more dogs added to the mix, I need to be more creative. Some breeders shared their thoughts about getting good quality food for their dogs, offering ideas like mixing a bag of premium food with a lower cost food or supplementing the diet with some raw food. One person suggested I talk to some of the local butchers about getting bones and chicken necks. My friend went on to say that an inexpensive box of chicken necks will go a long way to adding protein and fat to the dogs' diets. I am going to pursue this avenue and am open to suggestions others might have. I put a note on Facebook and got several responses. Yet, my eyes twirled when I discovered the cost of premium dog food in Australia. Made my bill pale by comparison. We love our basenjis and do all we can to ensure their healthy lives. Tell us what the cost of love is for your dogs.

Pg #

BCOA 2013


Brooks, A. Tad


Colbert, Terry


Dougherty, Kristine


Falcone, Melody


Fox, Millissa


Fox, Millissa


Fox, Millissa


Fragassi, Pat


Jones, Caryn

57, 58, 59

Kahl, Janice


Katayama, Katheryn


Marshall, Pat


Maxka, Chris

IFC, 1

Mizzoni, Deborah


Pond, Laura


Pooley, Wanda & Gale Whitehurst


Pooley, Wanda


Reed, Bob & Terry

IBC, 60

Solid Gold


Stewart, Lisa


Whitehurst, Gale


Whitehurst, Gale & Schroeder, Susan


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hen I first toyed with the idea of writing about using artificial insemination (AI) as a breeding choice, I did considerable research on the topic. The material on the “net” is infinite and even mind-boggling because there is so much information, and it is in no particular order. I found myself flipping from one screen to another, one document to the next and wading through myriad opinions on which AI method to use. The 1st quarter 2013 covered PART I, the history of AI and the three types of procedures commonly used. In this issue we continue with Part II - THE DOG. PART I - LET ME COUNT THE WAYS provides an historical overview of how using artificial insemination began, why and when to use AI, and the three procedures utilized. PART II - THE DOG - PRESERVING THOSE GENES covers how breeders can protect the genetic makeup in selected stud dogs and why this is important. PART III - THE BITCH explains options for using AI versus natural breeding, describes what’s in store for the bitch and her owner once the decision is made, and provides interviews from breeders who have and continue to use AI as a breeding choice. PART IV - AND NOW WE WAIT covers the pregnancy, using ultrasound and radiographs, and recaps the world of artificial insemination in dogs.

by Wanda Pooley

PART II: THE DOG - PRESERVING THOSE GENES The basis of fresh chilling and freezing semen is energy conservation within the sperm cell so that the semen can be shipped or used at a later date. [Robert V. Hutchinson, DVM]


n 1981 the American Kennel Club recognized the first litter conceived from frozen semen. Since then veterinarians specializing in canine reproduction have worked to develop protocols to maximize conception rates using artificial insemination. Freezing or chilling semen requires a process that will protect the energy within the sperm for a later use. Today those techniques are readily available for a breeder who wants to preserve the genetic makeup of an exceptional sire or a promising young dog that possesses a pedigree worth perpetuating long after the dog is no longer available as a stud. Once the decision has been made to collect semen from a male dog, consider these factors -• Age of the dog. • Timing to collect the sperm. • Tests required before collection -- negative Brucellosis,

• • • •

genetic health tests, AKC required DNA test for proof of parentage. The number of breedings yielded from one collection. Storage requirements and costs for freezing semen. Regulations that must be met if the semen might be for international use. Registry (AKC, CKC, UKC, FCI, UK) requirements.

Whether the semen is going to be frozen for future use, collected and shipped as fresh, chilled extended semen, or used for a vaginal insemination in a vet’s office, these factors should be weighed carefully before the collection takes place. Using artificial insemination as a breeding choice takes planning and preparation, whether it involves having a dog collected or being on the receiving end of semen shipment. It should not be considered as a last minute option.

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PART II: THE DOG - PRESERVING THOSE GENES (Continued) The ideal age for collecting semen from dogs is between the ages of 18 months and 4 years. As males age, the risk of prostate disease increases. If this occurs, the result could be poor quality semen. However, older males have been collected and their sperm have been used successfully. In 2012, I used frozen semen from a male that was 10 years old when he was collected. Though the breeding was successful, when the semen was thawed for the AI, the energy output of the sperm was compromised to a higher degree than if this collection had been taken from a young dog. Using semen of lower quality requires very precise timing on the part of the bitch owner.

SEMEN QUALITY Concentration, Motility, and Forward Motion Excellent: Smooth, straight, linear forward progression. Good: Minor degree of deviation from linear, yet still good forward progression. Average: More deviation from linear, yet still acceptable degree of forward progression. Fair: Sperm cells progressing, but showing major deviation from linear. Poor: Sperm cells moving, yet little or no forward progression, such as jiggling in place or spinning.




emen may be collected by a veterinarian, a veterinarian specializing in reproductive services, or a collection service. While a collection service does not have to employ a licensed veterinarian, all these agencies must be licensed and inspected by a registry such as the American Kennel Club, and all must comply with approved handling and recordkeeping procedures. If you choose a collection center that does not have a licensed veterinarian on staff, have all the testing, especially Brucellosis and DNA, done on your dog before having his semen collected. When you arrive at the clinic or collection center, you will need to complete several forms before the process begins. Bring a copy of the dog’s registration and proof of its permanent ID. Most of the questions are straightforward. However, something to be considered is what happens to the stored semen if the owner dies. The clinic I use requires a Survivor statement. Consider these survivor rights the same as you would when drafting a will. Who do you want to name as the beneficiary who will take possession of the frozen semen? If you choose not to name a beneficiary, you will need to sign a release form allowing the storage facility to dispose of the semen.



he process for handling semen will depend on its intended use. As discussed in PART I, the semen might be collected in the vet’s office for immediate vaginal insemination in the bitch. Other than to evaluate the sperm quality, no further preparation to the collection is necessary

before the semen is used.

Fresh, Chilled Extended Semen: an overview


f the semen is being collected for immediate shipment, it will be evaluated for concentration, motility, and forward motion, and then undergo preparation to safeguard the life-expectancy and energy of the sperm during shipment and transplant. The sperm are separated from the seminal plasma and prostatic fluid using a centrifuge and a semen separating solution. Then an extender is added to the sperm to increase lifeexpectancy. Extenders contain egg yolk, antibiotics, and chemicals to protect and play a crucial role to maintain the semen within a specific pH range. This solution also supplies energy and protection to the sperm cell membrane during the cooling process. The sample is placed in a beaker filled with roomtemperature water and then refrigerated at 40 degrees F. The tube containing the fresh, chilled semen is then placed in a simple Styrofoam cooler along with ice packs and shipped overnight to the bitch owner’s veterinarian. When the package arrives, it should be opened immediately and inspected. The protocol for inspection used by experienced veterinarians is pretty consistent throughout the profession. Once a sample has been tested for concentration, mobility, and forward motion, the rest of the semen is refrigerated until the scheduled insemination of the bitch. Dr. Robert Hutchinson, DVM, a renowned reproductive specialist, recommends the refrigerated fresh, chilled sample not be warmed before insemination. “Having the sample in the uterus as it warms makes maximum use of the conserved energy.”

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Frozen semen: an overview


rozen sperm cells can be preserved indefinitely when stored at -322 degrees F, but the energy output of these cells will be diminished when thawed. The maximum life-span of thawed sperm is 12 to 24 hours after insemination. Therefore, the concentration, motility, and forward motion of the sperm are very important in order for the breedings to be effective years later when the sperm is used. As with fresh, chilled extended semen, an extender is added to the sperm to protect and play a crucial role to maintain the semen within a specific pH range and to supply energy and protection to the sperm cell membrane during the freezing and warming process. Sperm can be frozen in straws or pellets. While most collections today are frozen in pellet form, straws are still readily available. The extenders, freezing methods, and the thawing techniques are different for each form, however. When freezing guidelines are followed carefully, the semen post-thaw quality will be very good regardless of whether the semen is frozen in pellets or straws. Freezing semen in straws requires several hours of preparation time while freezing in pellets takes much less time. One semen collection should yield more than one breeding. In basenjis, the average collection will contain about 400 to 500 million sperm which represents five to eight breedings. I had a young basenji male collected that produced over a billion sperm -- which resulted in of over 12 breedings. This number is calculated based on the quality, concentration and motility of the sperm in the post-thaw sample before the entire collection is placed in storage. Once the semen is frozen, the owner may have to arrange for the straws or pellets to be shipped to a storage facility. Some reproductive specialists have their own freezing centers on-site while collection centers may outsource the storage of semen. Owners should anticipate paying $80 to $130 annually for semen storage. All the breedings are labeled with the dog’s name, its registration number, a distinctive ID, and the breed and then placed in small vials. This information is also recorded on a form. The owner will receive one copy of the record, the storage center retains a copy, and another is filed with the registry, such as the American Kennel Club.



nly the owner of the semen can authorize the relocation of any of the frozen semen breedings. Some storage centers require the owner to complete a special form; others may allow telephone authorization, or an email directing one or more breedings to be sent to another facility. The storage center requires advance payment

Liquid nitrogen shipping tank

TOP RIGHT: Holes are made in a block of dry ice to create a mold for making the sperm pellets. TOP LEFT: Pellets are stored in an identified vial. BOTTOM RIGHT: Pellets placed in a vial immersed in liquid nitrogen.

for shipping semen, an expense typically paid by the recipient, usually the bitch owner. These costs include charging a liquid nitrogen vapor tank, a deposit fee for the tank, the record keeping to relocate the semen, and the arrangements for shipping. The fee for this work can range from $80 to $150 US. The carrier fee, usually Federal Express, will cost an additional $400-$450 US, which includes the cost to return the vapor tank to the storage facility.

Any time a breeding is removed from the storage center, its movement must be recorded and filed Cane to with all parties. Any veterinarian who hold vials receives shipment of frozen semen must of straws also record the receipt of the shipment. or pellets In order to protect the integrity of parentage of any offspring resulting from artificial insemination, AKC requires a complete chain of custody in the process of collecting, freezing, storing, and inseminating semen. Frozen semen breedings are shipped in a charged liquid nitrogen vapor tank. A cane that holds the breeding vials is fastened inside the tank along with the documents identifying the vials and a form describing the semen’s quality, both pre- and post-thaw during collection. The carrier of choice is Federal Express. A charged tank can safely store breeding vials up to two weeks as long as the tank is not opened. However, shippers should use overnight express delivery to ensure the safety of the semen.

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hen shipping semen abroad, foreign countries may have restrictions beyond what is required in the USA. Allow at least 30 days to complete the forms for the USDA and for the country where the semen is being shipped. There may be a quarantine requirement in some countries, such as the United Kingdom and Australia. All health tests must be done before the dog’s semen is collected. Some countries require proof of vaccinations and blood tests for Canine Distemper, Canine Adenovirus, Parvo, Bordetella, Para-influenza, Leptospirosis, Ehrlichiosis, and for parasites. A breeder in Norway contacted me to purchase a breeding from one of my stud dogs and wanted the semen shipped to Finland where the bitch lived. Finland requires a Leptospirosis vaccination done prior to semen collection. In this country, depending on the geographic area, this particular vaccine is not given to most dogs, nor is it even required. Since I had not anticipated shipping semen overseas when I had this male collected, the semen was not compliant with this country’s requirements. An ISO (International Standards Organization) approved microchip, such as Avid®, Trovan®, Destron®, must be implanted in the stud dog, if he does not already have one, before the collection takes place. If you are shipping semen to Australia you will need: • DAFF Import Permit - at least 30 days prior to import. • RNATT test declaration signed and stamped by official government veterinarian. • Private Veterinary Attendance & Treatment Declaration • Full payment of fees. • Permits are valid for 6 months from date of issue. It’s critical to plan well in advance of having your male’s semen collected if you anticipate shipping any of those breedings to another country.



ow that the genes of this exceptional male have been preserved and have arrived on the doorstep of the reproductive specialist, the duty passes to the bitch owner who has made the decision to use artificial insemination.

Continued in Part III - The Bitch. CREDITS/REFERENCES • • • •

“Maximizing Conception Rates Using Fresh, Cooled, or Frozen Canine Semen.” Robert V Hutchinson, DVM Canine Frozen Semen, Synbiotics Corp./Phizer Animal Health. Frozen Canine Semen and It’s Use, Sharon Vanderlip, DVM Artificial Inseminations in Dogs, Rita Payan-Carreira, Sónia Miranda, Wojciech, Niżański.

Some Advice from a Stud Dog Owner By A. Tad Brooks Meisterhaus Basenjis & Whippets


use of fresh chilled extended semen has really taken breeding dogs to a whole new level for those breeders who do not like the idea of sending their beloved companions away from home. It is a wonderful resource that I have been using for over 15 years. When important stages are followed and timing is right, it makes breeding dogs so much easier than the “old fashioned” way.

STEP 1 When you are contacted by another breeder who is interested in using your dog at stud, it is important to begin the conversation by discussing what your priorities and requirements are, as well as other important topics that are important to both you and the bitch owner. You should inquire about health testing that has already been done on the bitch and if there is something more that you require, inform the owner. You also need to negotiate the stud fee and inform the bitch’s owner what stud dog guarantees you provide, if any. Send the bitch owner a copy of your stud dog agreement, so that the breeder is prepared to sign the agreement when the time comes. This step is important in the early stage to prevent misunderstandings once the bitch is in season. As the stud dog owner, you will need to know the type of insemination the bitch owner plans to use -- vaginal, transcervical or surgical -- and approximately when the bitch is due to come in season. Since our breed comes in the same time of year, you will most likely have a bitch in season to motivate the stud dog during the collection. Otherwise, let your veterinarian know an approximate time frame, so that it might be possible to locate a bitch available for the process. Paperwork is covered below, but it is my belief that all paperwork should be signed and on file by the time the bitch comes in season.

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Some Advice from a Stud Dog Owner (Continued) STEP 2


Ask your veterinarian what paperwork is required in order for the clinic to handle credit card charges that will be paid by the bitch owner. Make sure forms are sent to the owner to be completed, signed, and returned to the vet who is doing the collection. This is just another small piece that will help expedite things and prevent time delays or problems when it is time for the collection and insemination to take place.

Breeding contract / Stud Dog Contract: Make sure that you have a signed stud dog contract and agreement between you and the owner of the bitch. This contract covers expectations of both parties – guarantee/ agreement by both parties and the stud fee. These terms and guarantees differ with each breeding and circumstance, so it is important to decide what is important to you and the requirements that you feel are vital to the betterment of the breed. When the owner of the bitch contacts you, be prepared to respond to questions like stud fee, health testing required, results of your dog’s health testing, and possibly an estimate of what your veterinarian charges will be for the associated fees to collect, evaluate, and ship the semen to the other party.

STEP 3 The stud dog owner will need to discuss with the owner the past history of the bitch, including the timeframe(s) of her past seasons and planning for her to come into season if a pattern exists. Preparation is crucial when breeding with fresh chilled extended semen. This undertaking will involve time, resources and patience to ensure success. You should advise the owner to put the bitch on light color bedding and to check her with a gauze pad, cotton ball or toilet paper daily. This can help ensure that you don’t miss the beginning of her heat cycle. Once the bitch comes in season, it is very important that the owner of the bitch lets you know right away. Note that date and alert your vet.

STEP 4 Progesterone tests must begin early in the bitch’s heat cycle in order to get a baseline of her hormone levels, under the “repro” vet’s advisement. Progesterone testing is used to pinpoint the exact time that ovulation occurs and the best time to inseminate. Have the owner to let you know each test result and to keep you in the loop so you can, in turn, have your vet prepared and have a bitch in season, hopefully ready to be bred, on standby. This will facilitate the collection(s).

Health testing paperwork: You need to cover your requirements concerning health testing in the breeding contract/stud contract, but it is important to receive paperwork showing each of the tests that you require either by email or regular mail. This will ensure there is no question or delay when it is time for the breeding. Payment Authorization: Payment for tests, vet fees, collection, and shipping are the responsibility of the bitch’s owner. The stud dog owner’s veterinarian will most likely need a credit authorization form completed by the owner of the bitch, signed and returned. This form is an agreement by the owner of the bitch to pay all the associated charges for collection, semen preparation and shipping charges for semen.

When the owner of the bitch advises you of the ovulation peak, you need to know whether the bitch owner’s vet will require one or two collections. This will mostly depend on the type of insemination and also when ovulation occurs. Timing the insemination can be tricky sometimes, especially when you are working around weekends, your job, etc. FedEx doesn’t ship on Saturday or Sunday and doesn’t deliver on Sunday, so all of these details are important to know.

The use of fresh chilled extended semen for breeding your basenjis is something no one should fear because there are so many advantages. If you have utilized this resource in the past, I think you should consider this an option for your next breeding. It takes time, planning, and maybe a few trips to your veterinarian’s office, but your bitch doesn’t have the stress of being with the stud dog owner for a week or two or endure the flight to and from the stud dog owner’s location, in addition to her having to be away from home. In light of increases in gas prices, exorbitant airline charges to fly a dog, safety concerns, and embargos for many months of the year, the option of fresh chilled extended semen is most certainly going to become a lot more popular in the coming years. m

Daily communication is essential etween you, the bitch’s owner, and the “repro” vet,. You should also keep your own veterinarian informed of an impending collection and shipment. It is also important to have all paperwork done in the early days of the bitch’s cycle or possibly even before, and also to have payment arrangements made. You do not want to be discussing paperwork with the owner of the bitch, with all the things already on their plate with trips to the vet, blood work, etc.

Tad Brooks has been breeding basenjis since 1991. His first fresh chilled extended semen breeding was back in 1997 and resulted in an all-Champion litter. Tad is well qualified to offer advice about using artificial insemination. He has collected and shipped fresh chilled extended semen from his own stud dogs 13 times and has had eight litters born at Meisterhaus using this method.


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out there in Senjiland. Since my initial attempt at taking Sarah’s place some extraordinary things have happened to me!


live, we don’t often go for walks, but one day I heard my credentials jingle and I knew we were going for a walk. Little did I know it was also going to be a training session. Of course, it wasn’t all training. I was able to read the “neighborhood news” between training sessions. It was, overall, a very nice walk, and I did well on the heeling. Still, I was not too happy about putting my buns on the cold cement, but mom said I did good so that made me excited. But, can you believe it?? No treats!!! Obedience starts in two weeks or so.

First of all, I am a certified therapy dog. On my last visit I met Dougie! He lives at the facility where we visit. I had heard about Dougie from Cinder, Sarah, and Damon, but in all the times I have gone to Dougie’s place, I never met him. Oh my! He looked at me, puffed up, brought his tail up, and said, “Hi, beautiful. Where did I now have kitchen you come from?” He looked at me, puffed up, brought his tail up, and said, privileges which I almost Well! I was flattered, “Hi, beautiful. Where did you come from?” Well! I was lost twice. Once I but....Dougie is an chewed a hole in my OLD dog. I would flattered, but....Dougie is an OLD dog. I would guess he fuzzy bed. Come on! guess he must be twice must be twice my age. I secretly thought I could do better my age. I secretly Mom should know by than Dougie. Yet, I was very polite to him, anyway. thought I could do now it’s not a good idea better than Dougie. to put any fuzzy thing Yet, I was very polite down on the floor to him, anyway. because I just can’t resist the temptation. The second time I stole a cookie off of the table. Okay, I do know not to put my feet on Later on I was walking down a hallway and here came two the chair, but that darn cookie smelled sooooo good, who could elderly men towards me and mom, oh, and also our guide because resist! I was caught right in the act and was ostracized (I like that this is a really huge building. The taller of the two men said I word) and banned from the kitchen for a whole day. Believe me, was so pretty which really made me feel good. The other man I’ll be more careful not to get caught in the future because I really was in a chair with wheels. He said, “I want a date!” Mom like that kitchen. looked at the guide, and they both looked at the man, just a little stunned and shocked when he referred to me. I had jumped on I’ll keep you posted when I start obedience training. I really his lap and discovered he was preparing to wheel away with me. do like the time spent on this. Of course, the Man doesn’t, but I “Mom! Save me! I don’t know this man.” Long story short, don’t care. He never calls my name; I am just the one in the mom did save me by gently lifting me from the man’s lap. Mom green collar. Really!! How hard is it to say, “Kya?” was so proud of me and told me I behaved like a perfect lady. Until next time. May all your dreams come true and don’t Since winter has been so unpredictable in Nebraska where I forget to kiss your humans. The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 13

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In 1958 the village of Zorzor was a remote location that required several days to reach by footpath. Today Zorzor is the second largest city in Lofa County, Liberia.

By Roslyn Luce Sadler

More on the Blacks of Liberia

At that time Roslyn Sadler gave an account to George Gilkey, a renouned authority on dog breeds and one of the first people to own a basenji in the US, of her search for basenjis among the Loma tribes of Liberia. 8101 Landover Road Hyattsville, Maryland July 2, 1958 Mr. George L. Gilkey Anson and Gilkey Company Merrill, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Gilkey: I was very glad to hear from you the other day, I shall try my best to answer your questions about my dogs. Perhaps you will be able to come to a better conclusion about them. I haven’t had the opportunity to make a study of books on the dogs of Africa. My study has been limited to the dogs of the villages of the Loma tribe of the interior of Liberia, and whatever literature on the Basenji I have been able to get hold of during the past several years. First, I had better give you something of my history in Liberia and my interest in the dogs there. My husband, Dr. Sadler, is a linguist and a missionary. We have been living in the interior of Liberia for 17 years. We have worked among the people of the Loma tribe. If you can find a map that is large enough, you will be able to locate the town of Zorzor in Liberia. Zorzor is the government seat for the Western Province, Loma country. We were assigned the task of reducing the Loma language to writing, preparing lesson material for foreigners to learn to speak the language, producing literature in the language, and setting up and conducting a literacy program among the adults of the tribe. Because the language had never been analyzed we felt it would be wise to isolate ourselves in a Loma village where we would hear the language spoken all day. We did this, and we have remained among the Loma people ever since. They are delightful neighbors, During our early years I often noticed the village dogs and thought that with good food and proper care that they would make very attractive pets. About eight years ago someone told me about the Basenjis, and they asked if I had ever seen them. When they mentioned that they didn’t bark, it rang a bell. It explained the reason for the quietness of the village in spite of the large number of dogs. I could remember moonlight nights in Cuba when it was almost impossible to *George Gilkey [1882 - 1965] was a renouned authority on rare dog breeds and was one of the first people in the US to own a basenji. Veronica Tudor-Williams referred to George as a “famous pioneer” of the breed. He served as president of the Basenji Club of America in 1950 and 1959.

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More on the Blacks of Liberia continued sleep because of the barking and howling of the dogs. On a moonlight night in our village the only sound you would hear would be the singing and dancing of the people, or if no dancing, the loud noises of the insects - but no dogs. Right away I began reading everything I could on the Basenji, and I became convinced that the village dogs were true and pure. If there is some doubt that they are true Basenjis, I can vouch for their purity. In those days it took us five days by path travel to Modern day map of reach our village. I never saw any other dog than the one in all our Liberia showing the travel in Loma country. location of Zorcor In 1953 I selected my first Basenji pup. November is a full puppy month out there. I searched all the litters of the village until I found the one I thought would be a good specimen. I took him as soon as his eyes were opened and raised him with care and good food. He was beautiful. Just as I expected him to be and as I thought the dogs would be if they were given proper care. We lost him a year later when he was bitten by a rabid dog. I postponed getting another one at that time because we were due to leave Liberia for our furlough. While home I read all I could about the Basenji and became more enthusiastic. week puppies for a Mrs. Norman Church in New Rochelle. These We returned to Liberia in 1956. Again in November puppy were a gift from her niece who is also raising Loma dogs. The season, I watched and examined and finally chose a bitch. Again, niece is stationed in Loma country. We had hoped to bring the good food, vitamins, care, getting rid of worms, etc. turned out a dogs via ship but it wasn’t possible at that time. The trip was lovely animal. She is all black (jet and shiny) with the usual white rough on the dogs. The weather was cold and raw in Paris, and feet, tail tip, and she has a white bib. At the same time, I chose a they spent a day in the warehouse of the airport. I put coats on red and white male pup. He was them, and they seemed to be all right marked in the same way. He was He also had to be an unrelated male and when we reached New York. I hadn’t larger than the bitch when he I wanted to know the mother dog, as been able to get distemper and hepatitis reached full growth. I had to get rid shots for them in Liberia, so that was well as be sure that there were no the first thing done. About a week later of him when he was ten months old mongrel dogs in the village. These days the two males started to cough. You because he became an egg-eater in the village. The village people were it is possible to see dogs that are mixed can imagine the story from there. The very polite about it, but relations in some of the other villages closer to young male died of hard pad on the were strained when he raided the 23rd of June. The black and white the motor road. We are still isolated male recovered. The youngest bitch is nests. He also had a poor tail. enough. A year ago, at the end of this still nip and tuck. I have some hopes month, the bitch was mated with the that she will survive at this time. The finest of the black males of the village. I was very careful to look mother dog has never had a sneeze. So that brings us up to date. them all over and to select the best specimen. Our Loma neighbors Now, let me give you a description of the dogs and the things got a big laugh out of the fact that he had to have a perfect curl to about them that make be sure that they are Basenjis. the tail, etc. She whelped in November, and there were two First, let me tell about the color. There are three true colors all-black pups like the mother, and one black with more white on among the Loma dogs. The red (the same color as the red ones I the legs, face, and neck. One of the black pups died at birth. The saw in Mrs. Ward’s Kennel [Bettina Belmont Ward of Middleburg, black with more white is a male; the all-black (white feet, tail tip, VA], the tri-color, such as I saw in Mrs. Ward’s kennel, as well. and bib) is a bitch. I have kept both of them for I know that they The Loma people call these dogs “four eyes” because of the brown are the results of the best that I could pick and choose from. spot over each eye. And the jet black, such as I have. No matter This spring after a long hunt I was able to find a black male as what the color, they all have white feet, white on the tip of their the one to bring to the states for a mate for the two bitches. The tail, and white on the chest. The white varies as it does on the dogs hunt was long because I wanted him to be still a pup so I could I have seen in this country. Some cover the whole leg and a good raise him to my standards, but old enough so that I could see what part of the tail. The white on the chest often spreads up and around kind of a dog he would be. He also had to be an unrelated male, the neck. Some have white on the face. I have seen a red dog with and I wanted to know the mother dog, as well as be sure that there a litter of all black puppies. I have seen another red bitch with two were no mongrel dogs in the village. These days it is possible to red puppies and one black. The only litter I saw with a tri-color see dogs that are mixed in some of the other villages closer to the pup was from a red bitch. I’m pretty sure they must appear in the motor road. We are still isolated enough. litter of a black bitch. The tri-color are not very common and are In May of this year, after a great deal of difficulty with getting prized by the Loma people as a result. I would say that if a census permission from the airlines for transporting the dogs, we brought of the dogs were taken that the red and black would be just about them to this country, via Paris. I brought my four and two eightequal in number. The black happens to be more common in our The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 17

More on the Blacks of Liberia continued village. Like other Basenjis, the Loma dogs have puppies only once a year. The litters are small with usually only three pups the first time. Almost all that I saw had had four puppies. I was told that some have five and some older dogs can have six. I have never seen this. About the size - the mother dog is 15 inches, or a little higher, at the shoulder. I’m not quite certain how to do this measuring. The male that I have is a little over 16 inches, but I don’t think he has reached his full growth. The younger bitch is smaller than her mother, especially right now. I feel sure she will be the same size if she gets well and gains back her weight. She is so much like her mother people ask, “Are they twins?” Many of the dogs in Loma country are larger than these. I’d say some are 17 to 19 inches high. I noticed that Mrs. Ward’s dogs were heavier than mine, but they looked exactly like many I have seen in my walks through the villages. Though, I must say, they never looked as well fed. The coats are very close, and like other Basenjis, as sweet smelling as a clean sweater. They are very clean and are always licking themselves. In some ways they make me think of cats — the delicate way they eat and lap their food^ their licking, their independence, the way they hate wet grass and puddles, I think they are the ideal dog for cat-lovers who want a dog, too. The Loma dogs do not bark. They are capable of learning, I’m sorry to say. My two bitches never make a sound. The male makes weird, undog-like sounds, which you would have to hear to believe. He always gets a laugh, and from those who have never heard him, a startled look. The few times that the male has tried to

imitate our noisy neighbors, it has come out as two half-formed ‘arfs’. They can whine, whimper, and make a very high pitched (more a vibration than a sound) sound in their throats when they want to come in. The tails of the best of the Loma dogs have the tight double curl. They do all the things that other Basenjis seem to do. They cover their eyes with their feet and brush their ears when they want you to pet them. They are very close to their owner. When I’m around they won’t answer to any other person. They are wonderful with children. In every way, I believe my dogs to be Basenjis. I hope I have given a clear enough picture of my dogs to help you answer some of the questions you had. If there are any more questions, I shall be glad to try to answer them. Please feel free to write. If you have any words of advice, I shall be glad to hear anything you have to say. I am very green in the U.S. dog world and would appreciate all help. Mrs. Ward has been very kind; I haven’t been able to carry out all her suggestions because of the illness they have had. I entered the mother dog in the Staten Island Show, per Mrs. Ward’s advice, but I didn’t take her to the show because of the other dogs. This was heartbreaking, for we were all the way up to Staten Island. I hope to start showing them as soon as all are well, I am having a wonderful time with my dogs, in spite of the tough start. I think they are the finest breed of dog there is. More than one person has stopped me to ask about them. More than one has exclaimed “They are the most beautiful dogs I have ever seen.” And I agree wholeheartedly. Thank you again for writing. I was very glad to hear from you. Very sincerely, Roslyn L. Sadler

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LUKURU IMPORT UPDATE Authors: Kevin Leimback, Therese Leimback, Karla Schreiber, Parry Tallmadge, and Jo Thompson

THE LUKURU BASENJI CONSERVATEURS (LBC) are a small but dedicated group of people, each with decades of basenji experience, who have the common purpose to manage the unique part of living history known as the Lukuru basenjis.


vision of the group is concentrated on the interests and management of the individual dogs imported from the Lukuru geographic region of central DRCongo and their offspring, as well as the preservation of the basenji breed and traditional way of life (including net hunting for forest duikers/antelopes with bows, arrows, and spears) of the indigenous people who use the dogs in the same manner as their ancestors at the source population, a cultural and natural heritage. All of us - Kevin Leimback, Therese Leimback, Karla Schreiber, Parry Tallmadge, and Jo Thompson - work and communicate closely with each other as curators for all native stock imported from the Lukuru and as the managers of the breeding program. The Lukuru basenjis were imported in 2007. We are pleased to share the current status of our basenjis and our carefully planned breeding program. Lukuru litter #1 was whelped 23 October 2010 from our test breeding of native import Lukuru Amisi (AKC registered in 2009) X native import Lukuru na Liboso Mopaya (AKC

“Cassie” Lukuru Constellation Cassiopeia for Antefaa registered in 2010). We were rewarded with a lovely litter of six red and white basenjis that contribute, among other positive attributes, superb temperaments, moderate angulations, correct fronts and shoulder layback, excellent forehead and side wrinkle, properly rounded cushioning, rich eyeliner, original head type, and ‘fit for purpose’ character, all as according to the breed standard.

Right: “Amisi” Lukuru Amisi Bottom: “Mopaya” Lukuru na Liboso Mopaya Photos: Dr. Jo Thompson

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Photos: Victoria Miller

Photos: Dr. Jo Thompson

Photos: Laci Allstot

Photos: George Woodard

Photos: Dr. Jo Thompson

Photos: Dr. Jo Thompson

Lukuru Amisi x Lukuru na Liboso Mopaya litter: Top Row: Lukuru Constellation Cassiopeia for Antefaa (female - “Cassie” co-owned with Victoria Miller of Benkura Basenjis and Helena Lane of Antefaa Basenjis) Lukuru Constellation Libra (female - “Libby”) Lukuru Constellation Orion (male - “Dexter” co-owned with Laci and Russ Allstot) Bottom Row: Lukuru Constellation Pegasus (female - “Peggy” co-owned with Rob and Nicole Freedman) Lukuru Constellation Perseus (male - “Hero”) Lukuru na Liboso Mopaya and new babies NOT PICTURED: L ukuru Constellation Ursa (male - “Bear”)


“Lema” - Lukuru Lema

October 2011, native import Lukuru Lema (AKC registered in 2010) went to live with Therese and Kevin Leimback as part of our program. Of that experience, Therese writes:

“Since Lema came to live with us I have become impressed with my own basenjis, and the fact they are so much like the Lukuru basenjis that came from deep within the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). She adjusted very quickly and fit in with my other basenjis and in our home. After a short time we began taking Lema out to meet people at dog events. All our basenjis go with us anytime we travel, and Lema was no exception. She made friends quickly and easily with the people and dogs she met, and she especially loves children. We can’t stress enough how delighted we are with Lukuru Lema and her temperament; she is a wonderful basenji to live with and offers all the traits we love so much about our other basenjis. Lema is sweet, playful, loves to snuggle in bed with us and enjoys roaming our property with the other basenjis. She is the life of the party and draws people and the other dogs to her like moths to a flame. She makes me smile every time I look at her and think of what she has been through in her short life.”

Photos: Laurie Gregory

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Photo: Karla Schreiber

Photo: Jackie Dering

Photo: Therese Leimback

Photo: Therese Leimback

Photo: Therese Leimback

GCH DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition SC x Lukuru Lema litter: Top Row: Lukuru FoPaws Like Diamonds at New World (female - “Rihanna”, aka “RiRi”) FoPaw’s Cool Hand Lukuru (male - “Luke” co-owned with Jackie and Ed Dering) FoPaw’s Lukuru Genine Giraffalo (female - “Neena” co-owned with Lori O’Brien and David Johnson) Bottom Row: FoPaws Lukuru Okapi Kat (male - “Okapi”) All the puppies - Back row: (L-R) RiRi, Luke, Neena, Foreground: Okapi Lukuru Lema and newborn babies Lukuru litter #2 was whelped 31 October 2012 out of Lukuru Lema and sired by GCH DCAtarasi’s D’Lucks Edition SC (call name Eddie). They produced a stunning litter of four red and white basenjis that are already exhibiting superb examples of desired basenji type and temperament.


arla Schreiber shares her personal observations of living with a Lukuru basenji. She writes:

“Rihanna joined the New World pack at age 12 weeks and was immediately accepted by our three youngest basenjis - Portia (1/2 Avongara stock), Warren (1/16th Avongara stock) and Kita (100% Avongara stock). In all respects, Rihanna’s behavior and development have paralleled my 20+ year experience with native stock basenjis. Rihanna is the sixth one-half (or very close to it) native stock basenji that I have lived with on a daily basis. While I was prepared to carefully document any differences I noted between Rihanna and my high percentage Avongara kidz, I’ve instead found myself marveling at how strikingly similar she is in almost

RiRi engages in a “wrinkle-off” with her half-Avongara stock buddy Portia (R - New World Midsummer Night’s Dream - age 2 yrs.) ~ and wins! [Photo by Karla Schreiber]

every respect. The only real differences I’ve noted are that: (a) Rihanna has a more “domestic” body style (shorter coupled, with a bit less tuck-up and depth of chest) than my Avongaras; and (b) she is a bit less inclined to attempt daring physical feats such as

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LUKURU IMPORT UPDATE - (Continued) leaping barriers, climbing, levitating onto tables, etc. This is not to say, however, that she cannot keep up with her housemates in the race and wrestle department! Rihanna has no trouble keeping pace with Warren in a game of chase and gives Portia and Kita a run for their money. While I will continue to watch for and document developmental differences as she matures, at this point, I can only say that Rihanna brings a great deal of joy to our household -- and it is a privilege to co-own her with Dr. Jo. We are anxiously awaiting her show ring debut this spring, giving lure coursing and possibly nose work a try, and ultimately letting her have a litter or two, if that is in the cards.” Which is Which?? Left - AKC Champion Ch. New World Piper at the Gates of Dawn “Warren” Right - 1/2 Af Lukuru on the right (RiRi)! Photo by Karla Schreiber


Lukuru Lema in the show ring.

LUKURU BASENJIS have been active in the conformation ring, coursing track, informal therapy work, and most of all, continue to hold integral roles in family life (multi-dog and cat homes). Lukuru MPale (native Photo by Laurie Gregory import; full littermate to Lema) and Bear have been surgically neutered and are living full, rich lives as family companions and contributing pack members at home. We are proud to announce that Lukuru Amisi is now available for stud to approved, health-checked bitches only. Following our program of health and genetic testing, Amisi (CHIC # 81538) currently has been tested for hips, elbows, patellas, CERF (2007, 2009, and 2012), cardiac certification, full 8-level thyroid panel (complete antibody profile), pyruvate kinase deficiency (hemolytic anemia), Fanconi syndrome direct gene DNA test, progressive retinal atrophy- BJ1 direct gene DNA test, as well as AKC DNA parentage profile, and full coat and nose color DNA analysis. Amisi is tri-factored. 

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Photo by Jaakko Stenroos


By Erja Billings, Finland


Finland basenjis have had rights to run officially in sight hound coursing and racing competitions since 1998. Racing and coursing season in Finland is mainly between May and October. Traditionally, there is one winter coursing event in March. Yearly, there are about 20 coursing and 20 racing events all around the country.

he number of dogs in coursing has risen every year. In 1998 when basenjis started officially running, there were 511 different dogs running in coursing events; nine of them were basenjis. Last year there were 847 dogs including 46 basenjis. Top year so far was 2010 when there was a total of 877 different dogs. Basenjis’ top year was 2009 – 51 different total basenjis running. The number of dogs in racing during the latest years was about 300, with 30 of them basenjis. After whippets, salukis and borzois, basenjis are the next highest breed in coursing in Finland. In racing, basenjis are, at the moment, the second largest breed after whippets. The difference in the number of dogs attending coursing and racing is dependent on mainly two reasons. Coursing is easier to start, as there are no trial runs. For a racing licence a dog has to have three accepted trial runs. There are only five tracks in Finland; Helsinki, Tampere, Hyvinkää, Turku, and Oulu. Travel distances to a racing track can be long; three out of the five tracks are in southern Finland; Tampere about in the middle; and Oulu in the north. It is not that easy to travel long distances to a racing practise during the week from all around the country. Weekends during the summer are reserved for competitions, and racing practises cannot be arranged. Basenjis can start running when they are 15 months old. So far there have been 23 Finnish Lure Coursing Champions and 24 Finnish Track Racing Champions, totally 37 different dogs. 27 of

these have a FI CH title; they have not only been successful in running, but at shows as well. Two of the champions are dual champions in racing and coursing, and eight of them triple champions, having all Finnish Champion titles. Four dogs out of 37 champions are imports to Finland; one racing champion, two coursing champions and one triple champion.


A coursing licence can be obtained without trial runs from the Finnish Sight Hound Association (SVKL).

In a coursing competition, two dogs run at the same time, and the pairs are (usually) drawn before the preliminary run. In the final run the pairs are determined by the ranking of the first round. Males and bitches run separately if there are more than 6 individuals in both sexes.

Three judges evaluate each run. Coursing judges will judge the performance of the dogs on the basis of five criteria; agility, speed, endurance, enthusiasm and intelligence.

Maximum points that can be gained for a single run are 300, therefore, 600 points for the whole competition.

In a national competition, the arranging club can determine

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on what point limit a dog can proceed to the final run. If the competition is run under international rules, every dog which has earned over 150 points can proceed to the final run. •

Two dogs for any breed are enough to have a competition. For a Finnish Championship title there has to be at least six dogs running in each breed, and if there are six dogs of both sexes, both winners can achieve a Finnish Championship title. All dogs attending to the Finnish Championship competition must also be registered under the Finnish Kennel Club.

To all other competitions the foreign dogs are warmly welcome!

To achieve a Champion title in Finnish Lure Coursing, the dog has to gain five certificates from two different coursing years. At this moment the criteria to qualify for a certificate is set at 400 points. The number of certificates awarded depends on the number of dogs in the class: 1-10 dogs – one certificate, 11-20 dogs 2 certificates and so one.

DVM-11 Ajibu Farm Girl

FI CH, FI LC CH, DV-12, DVM-12, SMM-11-12, SMR-12, CVM-13 Ajibu Great Balls of Fire -“Winston”

The rules will change in 2014, and the current proposal is that each dog that has over 450 points will receive a certificate. This point limit is not certain yet; it could be higher, perhaps 480 points. According to the new rules, the number of certificates is not limited to the number of dogs attending, but to the performance of the dogs – as it is in every other form of dog competition in Finland.

COURSING TITLES In addition to the Finnish Lure Coursing Champion (FI LC CH) title and the Finnish Championship (SMM) title, three titles are given to the winners of the special competitions: CVM – Finnish Cup – for this competition the best dogs of the previous year are invited DVM – Derby-title - for dogs which are three years old during the coursing year VMM – for veterans (age 6-8 years) These three titles are Finnish Sight Hound Association titles and will not appear in the Finnish Kennel Club database, but can be used in front of the dog’s name.

(red) FI & NO CH, EE JCH, JW-11, W-12 Hi-Lite Hula Hoops (blue) Ajibu I Go Wild


A racing licence can be obtained after three accepted trial runs from the Finnish Sight Hound Association (SVKL).

Basenjis run over two distances – 280 and 350 metres.

Certificates are based on time: 280 metres: 24.70 other tracks than Turku, Turku: 25.10 350 metres: 31.00 other tracks than Turku

Two dogs for any breed are enough to have a competition. In normal competitions the dogs are placed at the start in a way that the start is as even as possible, and the dogs are the same


Photos by Sakari Lampola

speed. In title competitions, the dogs run for the best possible time, and therefore, preliminary rounds are organized so that the fastest dogs run in different starts. After the preliminary round, all the fastest dogs will continue to the final round. The arranging club can also apply for special races. For

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example, their own classes for veterans, or dogs that have not run qualified certificate times etc. For the Finnish Championship competition, the rules are the same as in coursing. •

To achieve a Champion title in Finnish Track Racing, the dog has to have five certificates from two different racing years and from two different tracks.

RACING TITLES In addition to the Finnish Track Racing Champion (FI RC CH) title and the Finnish Championship (SRM) title, there are four titles which are given to the winners of the special competitions: DV – Derby-title - for dogs which are three years old during the racing year (distance 350 m)

Photos by

Sakari Lampola

VMM – for veterans (age 6-8 years, distance 280 m) JK – Track King – must be at least four dogs in class (distance 350 m) TS – Star Sprinter – must be at least two dogs in class (distance 280 m) These four titles are Finnish Sight Hound Association titles and will not appear in Finnish Kennel Club database, but can be used in front of the dog’s name.

MY BASENJIS RUNNING I have three basenjis; I got my first basenji in 2006. We started coursing during summer 2007, but quite soon it was obvious that Eddie (Ajibu Datz Me) was not too keen on coursing. My interest in the running stayed, and with the second basenji, an import from US, we started coursing again in 2009. George is definitely keen on running. I couldn’t get him inside from the garden as he wanted to run and run, and once again, run. George, FI CH, FI LC CH, FI RC CH, DVM-10 Sonbar’s Tom Terrific For Ajibu (owned by Marjukka Anttila), is the only imported triple champion. He taught running to his son, Winston, who is third basenji at our pack now. Winston’s dam is one of the most successful basenjis in running competitions and a triple champion as well. Her full name with the titles is now FI CH, FI LC CH, FI RC CH, CVM-08-09-10, DVM-08, SM-08-09, TS-09, PM-09 Ajibu Dixie Rose (owned by Laura Valkama and Marjukka Anttila). Winston, FI CH, FI LC CH, DVM-12, DV-12, SMM-11-12, SMR-12, CVM-13 Ajibu Great Balls of Fire (co-owned with Marjukka Anttila), started coursing in 2011. Winston has been top lure courser in basenjis for two years; winning both years Finnish Championships, Derby last year and becoming FI LC CH. Last summer he started racing with fabulous results; won all the races, made four track records, and won the Finnish Championship and the Derby. For this racing year, he only needs one CC time on track, and he will be the 9th triple champion in Finland. Most of my spare time out of work is spent with the dogs. As an active association member as well as taking care of my dogs, I’m active member of Finnish Basenjis, and also racing

Ajibu Great Expectations committee secretary and treasurer in Finnish Sight Hound Association and a member of the board in Helsinki Kennel District. From my point of view, racing and coursing competitions are a great way to spend summer weekends. Meet friends, see plenty of dogs in splendid condition – and see them running; doing what they love best.

Photo by Mikko Marttinen

Interested in racing or coursing in Finland?

For competing in Finland your dog has to have a valid coursing or racing licence and it has to be enrolled to the competition according to the arranging clubs requirements. For more detailed information about coursing and racing in Finland, please check www.basenji.fi (also in English) – pages or contact me: erja.billings@gmail.com 

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PROACTIVE IS ... AS PROACTIVE DOES: AKC and The Reputable Hobby Breeder By Karla Schreiber



The implication of the exposé is that AKC is “in charge” of how breeders who register with AKC conduct their operations, and that AKC itself – if it so desired – is capable of “cleaning up the acts” of breeders who violate state and local ordinances.


quarter’s column isn’t technically about a legal issue – it is about public perceptions of the “sport of purebred dogs” and the people who breed purebred dogs. On May 1, 2013, NBC’s Today Show (USA) ran an exposé regarding the American Kennel Club, allegedly prompted by questions raised by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and other animal rights groups concerning AKC’s kennel inspection practices, and why AKC wasn’t doing more to put “bad breeders” out of business. The implication of the exposé is that AKC is “in charge” of how breeders who register with AKC conduct their operations, and that AKC itself is – if it so desired – capable of “cleaning up the acts” of breeders who violate state and local ordinances.


ike many fanciers who watched this segment, I agreed wholeheartedly with AKC’s corporate expression of outrage. It does, in fact, appear that AKC provided accurate information to Jeff Rossen – the reporter responsible for the exposé – and that Mr. Rossen and NBC chose not to include important facts presenting AKC in a positive light. I fully understand why AKC immediately turned to the breeder community – those of us who participate in AKC events and register our dogs with AKC – with requests to contact the producers of the Today Show and NBC executives to express outrage over the inaccuracies in the segment and to defend the “honor” of AKC. That being said, I want to share some additional thoughts on this incident, and what I believe it says about long-standing problems at AKC. While I do not support every initiative the AKC has taken over the years in attempts to improve its The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 30

B-Legal Blog (Continued) public image, to effectively brand itself as important to the puppy-buying public, or to secure its position as “the champion of purebred dogs,” I want to preface my comments by saying that I am not an AKC-basher, and none of my comments should be considered as such. My thoughts below are intended as positive suggestions for AKC as an organization, and not as a critique of past acts and omissions.

of our litters, spending thousands of dollars from our own pockets on testing and research, and how we provide lifetime guarantees (in many cases) to our puppy buyers. Instead of asking responsible hobby breeders to defend AKC, wouldn’t it be a novel approach for AKC to take the laboring oar, and affirmatively defend the reputable hobby breeder?





n the past I’ve suspected AKC is reticent to take this hen the Today Show exposé broke, it was clear that approach because, in point of fact, AKC is a registry, and AKC – once again – found itself in a defensive as such it accepts registration money from “volume posture vis-à-vis the media. This seems to happen breeders” who do not fall into the hobby breeder category. all too often. AKC knew this piece was being produced and had However, now that other registries have cut wide inroads into to suspect that it might not be a fair and evenhanded piece, given that it Wouldn’t it have been great to see “our” AKC reach out was created at the suggestion of the proactively to mainstream media outlets through every avenue HSUS. Rather than take an immediate, strong, and positive possible – from day-time talk shows, to night-time talk shows, to approach however – seeking out its every major media news outlet from CNN to Fox News – to own mainstream media sources to ensure that accurate information present our story … the story of the reputable hobby breeder? about AKC was supplied to news outlets in advance of the date the Today Show expose aired – AKC waited. AKC did not move AKC’s hegemony when it comes to volume breeder registrations, proactively to attempt to dilute the impact of the piece, or perhaps it is time for AKC to finally make a public commitment potentially stop it from airing. Why? Yet again, AKC took a to support the reputable, “low-volume,” hobby breeders who are passive “we are the victim” stance. AKC allowed negative, the true backbone of AKC. The fickle volume producers will go inaccurate information about the AKC and purebred dog fanciers where registration is cheapest and easiest. Reputable hobby and breeders to air, and then came forward to cry foul. That is – breeders are not about cheap, and we are not about easy. We are as my grandma would have said – a day late and a dollar short. about what is right, and what is best for the dogs we are responsible for producing. ext came AKC’s clarion call to all purebred breeders and fanciers to contact the Today Show’s producers am all for hobby breeders coming to AKC’s defense in a and NBC executives to “defend the honor” of AKC. I situation like the Today Show exposé, where AKC was am not saying that breeders and fanciers should not do this. The indeed unfairly attacked by a major media outlet, based segment in question was a hatchet job. What I am saying is that on the urging of notorious animal rights groups. However, I’m perhaps it is time for AKC – when these situations arise – to also all for AKC coming to the defense – in a positive and actively, ardently, and immediately seek out its own mainstream proactive way – of responsible hobby breeders who don’t make a media sources to defend purebred dogs, the sport of purebred living off of their dogs, for whom breeding is a labor of love, and dogs, and the vast majority of no-profit-in-sight hobby breeders for whom the kind of “bad press” generated by programs like the who go to the mat, year in and year out, attempting to breed the recent Today Show exposé is just one more assault in a long line healthiest, fittest, and best canine companions, work partners, of State and local assaults on what we do. If you have a minute in and service providers on the planet. If AKC doesn’t currently your busy day, consider taking time (I did) to ask the executives have someone on board who can play this role with the media, at AKC this question. Yes, we will defend AKC against unfair maybe it is time to find a suitable high profile spokesperson. attacks in the press. But we want something in return. We want Certainly PETA, the HSUS and other animal rights groups have AKC’s affirmative, proactive commitment to support responsible no trouble doing so. Celebrity spokesmen and women abound hobby breeders and to affirmatively campaign to let the public when it comes to mandatory spay/neuter campaigns, etc. know what we do, why we do it, and why the only and best Wouldn’t it have been great to see “our” AKC reach out places to obtain a purebred dog are (a) a responsible hobby proactively to mainstream media outlets through every avenue breeder, or (b) a qualified purebred rescue organization. possible – from day-time talk shows, to night-time talk shows, to every major media news outlet from CNN to Fox News – to present our story … the story of the reputable hobby breeder? The B-Legal Blog provides general information on law-related topics Tell the public who we are, AKC! Tell them what we do! Tell for Informational purposes only. It does not provide personalized legal them how we do it! Show the public how we raise our puppies in advice regarding the topics discussed, and it is not intended in any clean, home environments, with triple doses of socialization and manner as a substitute for the services of a qualified, State-licensed affection. Show the public how we health test the sires and dams attorney. The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 31


Brenda Cassell SIGNET BASENJIS BIS/BISS CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl

How long have you been involved in the breed?


family purchased our first basenji, a red/white kennel. We made contact, were sent pedigrees and photos, and bitch named Simba Bantu Vixen, in the summer selected a puppy by Ch. Khajah’s Gay Excelsior, who sadly broke of 1972. I remember coming home from summer his leg in an accident in the backyard. Shirley replaced him with vacation in Montana, to find Simba in our kennel run to replace an another young male, Khajah’s Written on the Wind (Windy) with old beagle of my stepfather’s that had passed. Shortly afterwards, whom we began to experience some success in the show ring. my stepfather, John Stonbraker, a Denver Parks Police officer, met We then contacted June Young in California and bought another a couple walking a handsome red male in one of the parks where he young female, Changa’s Honeykissed, pointed, but not yet finished, was assigned. Jack and Jean Theno were involved in conformation My stepfather chauffeured me around Colorado and Wyoming while and had a handler that showed for them. They befriended our family, I showed and finished both to their championships piloting Windy encouraged us to breed to their male, Kai’s Gallant to a Best of Breed win in Nebraska over the famous Early Beginnings Warrior, and introduced us to Earl and Diane Laue Ch. Shadowbye’s Mitty, who was at the peak of his Brenda in the Junior ring of the Tamarango kennel. incredible career. These two beautiful dogs were meant Not satisfied with the quality of puppies to be the foundation of our own breeding program produced, we decided to purchase a red male, Pharaoh until my parents divorced in 1979. I graduated high Saite Necho, although we were warned not to buy school, married and moved to Casper, Wyoming in a dog from this particular backyard breeder. My 1980 taking the tri bitch, Molly as a companion. Windy parents were enamored by Pharaoh even after one and Honey were returned to their respective breeders. of the basenjis in the breeder’s house, completely My husband Davis and I moved to Tulsa, unprovoked, bit my mother. Pharaoh was a wonderful Oklahoma with my young daughter, Shea, where I dog who slept with my sister and me at night and attended a show in the fall and saw a stunning red male cuddled with us when we watched television. We that reminded me of my beloved Windy. It was then bred Simba to Pharaoh, got a decent puppy, Pharaoh’s that I met Erin Roberts and complimented her on the Little Big Man, that we sold on co-ownership, and I lovely Khamsin Special Blend. As fate would have it began to show in the conformation ring and juniors. this dog became mine after we moved to Oklahoma Our third addition in the mid 70’s was a tri color female Beco’s City. We went to the Roberts’ home to look at a basenji for sale Molly Meomi, who was given to us by owners who no longer wanted and discovered ‘Bacca’ was the same dog that caught my eye at her. the show a year earlier. Through Erin I met another great friend, We subscribed to The Basenji magazine around 1976 and began Michelle Carter, who bought a tri bitch, Khamsin Dazzling Kobe to really study the breed. It quickly became apparent that the Khajah Kabu, about the same time I purchased ‘Bacca. We had many good line was a dominating force in the US at the time. We dreamed of times together traveling the Oklahoma countryside showing our owning a leggy, elegant show dog from Shirley Chambers’ famous dogs and dreaming of breeding a top competitor. The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 32

BASENJI CLUB OF AMERICA - 2013 NATIONAL SPECIALTY When you read this we’ll be just weeks away from the 2013 Nationals Specialty, but it’s not too late to hop a flight out west and join us for great time in a beautiful part of the country

– BE SPONTANEOUS! JOIN US! So many activities, so much to enjoy even without a dog entered, all in one location: ARGUS RANCH Auburn Washington: http://www.2013bcoanational.org SCHEDULE OF EVENTS THURSDAY, JULY 11 Evergreen Basenji Club ASFA Lure Trial FRIDAY JULY 12 NOTRA Racing Obedience, Rally, and Agility Practice Nosework Workshop Physical Conditioning Seminar

Hurry! Entries close: June 26 CONFORMATION, OBEDIENCE, RALLY www.barayevents.com 360-683-1507 Lure Coursing.................Sarah Falkner: 253-380-2090 ASE................................... Jackie Jones: 503-728-9413 NOTRA.................................. Lisa Voss: 530-668-7628 Seminar Sign up................ Debra Blake: 503-663-3330


SATURDAY JULY 13 AKC Lure JC Tests and Trial African Stock Exhibition Alternative Medicine Clinic SUNDAY JULY 14 Obedience and Rally Trial Puppy and Veteran Sweepstakes TTouch Seminar MONDAY JULY 15 All-Breed Agility Trial (Limited entry, with preference for Basenjis) Conformation – Dog Classes Annual Membership Meeting TUESDAY JULY 16 Conformation – Bitch Classes Top 25 Banquet and Live Auction

Brenda Phillips 253-217-1466 CiarasMom@yahoo.com RV Parking: Jennifer Miller: 503-720-7885

WEDNESDAY JULY 17 Judges Education Workshop Junior Showmanship Conformation Concludes in the afternoon

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Did you have a breed mentor? If yes, did your mentor provide guidance you’re still using today? Please explain. Diane Laue generously shared her knowledge of the breed. She visited our home on a few occasions to evaluate puppies and taught me the basics of how to show a basenji. I remember two things that she taught me. One was ‘control the head, control the dog’. This is probably THE most important lesson to learn with any animal, but particularly valuable in our breed. The second thing Diane taught me was how to hand stack a basenji to appear square and how to set a rear to get the most out of the amount of angulation a dog naturally has. I took advantage of those with knowledge with whom I came into contact, both breeders and judges, but in the end I have no problem making my own decisions. When considering a potential breeding, what factors play a role and why?

faulting and knowing the lines you are working with. The quality of the dogs you choose is paramount. It costs as much to feed a “bad” dog as a “good” dog…and costs significantly more to finish one. Study bloodlines and buy the very best bitch you can find, one whose quality is comparable to that of the bitches that the breeder would keep. Work with a breeder with years of experience and make certain your personalities mesh well as this is a long-term relationship. It would behoove you to enter such a contract as you would a marriage. I always keep the two best puppies out of a litter for several months, and continually reevaluate them until I am certain which one is the best to retain for my breeding program based on the current trends that I am seeing in my kennel. Testicles can fail to descend, bites can go off; it’s always wise to have a backup plan. Once I am satisfied with my decision, the second puppy is then made available to a show/breeding home or for export. Don’t allow emotions to dictate which puppies to keep as breeding prospects. Falling in love with a puppy at birth should not cloud your decision to allow that pup to enter a loving show or companion home, and keep the better pup. If you can’t remain objective you will never be a great breeder.

I am first attracted to a beautiful dog and I can appreciate various structural ‘types’ for the strengths they possess. Secondly, there is NO substitute for soundness. I carefully critique my bitch looking for her strengths and weaknesses and Describe a breeding/litter from your past also noting any similarities coming or present that you are most proud of as from her parents. Since I have well as, one you are looking forward to several generations of dogs of which in the future? I have personal knowledge I can easily distinguish what I need to improve, Certainly I do the best I and where I can take a chance and feel can with each mating. Sometimes a safe that my bitch can carry off, bred breeding really clicks, and you get to a male with a less desired trait. I several amazing puppies, or, if you always make certain not to double up are indeed fortunate, an entire litter of on any negative trait and cross fault stars. Occasionally a litter does not live carefully for structure, soundness, and up to your expectations. You take note, temperament. I study the pedigree of make adjustments and move on. I’ve the potential stud dog along with any never been a fan of repeat breedings. health concerns in his line. Newsflash: Regardless of what I get, I prefer the Everyone has health problems. Not Signet Foundation Bitch - Am Ch. Karabu Khamsin Signet challenge of improving even more on everyone is honest about them. Dogs Ceyson -1988 BCOA Winners Bitch the next planned litter. In my opinion a used for breeding should be tested for repeat is the easy way out of making a Fanconi, hip dysplasia and have an eye exam within the year prior fresh decision. There are exceptions to this and to any rule. Singleton to a planned breeding. There are other tests available for breeders litters or very small litters and litters weighted too heavily in one to utilize as they see fit. I feel the most valuable tool in a breeder’s sex that can prevent you from getting a prospect for the continued arsenal is KNOWLEDGE of the dogs behind your pedigree and success of your line would be my exceptions. acknowledging any health concerns. My original foundation bitches were Ch. Karabu Khamsin A prospective stud dog for my bitch will be linebred himself Signet Ceyson (Winners Bitch 1988 BCOA National Specialty) and and not a complete outcross or ‘mish-mash’ pedigree. He will Ch. Kibushi Night Life of Signet who produced a litter of six, the complement my bitch in every way. first all-champion, one-quarter African litter, sired by Ch. Kibushi For me, a breeding dog is not necessarily synonymous with a Prime Target. Through my relationship with Jon and Vicki Curby, great show dog; more often than not they are two totally separate after campaigning MBISS Ch. Kibushi Highfalutin of Vasia, I had animals. the good fortune to add this stellar bitch to my foundation along with her sister DC Vasia Gazy Cu Brendan, both were one-quarter As a longtime breeder, what do you feel is most important when African. There are simply too many to single out any particular breeding. building and/or maintaining a successful breeding program? I will note that working closely with a handful of kennels with Line breeding has worked the best for me (and every other parallel goals of conformation, movement, soundness and health successful breeder than I know). Although it is necessary to outcross such as Kibushi, Arubmec, Sonbar and Meisterhaus has been one now and then, I can’t stress to strongly the importance of cross of the key elements to my success. The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 34

Which one dog, that you bred, do you feel conforms closest to the breed standard and why? This is an easy choice for me. The singleton puppy MBISS Ch. Nyanga Signet Sweet William, JC. From his miraculous birth to his stellar career (completely owner handled) Will proved daily that he was an exception. This dog rose to the top on his own merits, as a 10 month old puppy, beating specials from the classes on three specialty weekends, and finished with three 5 point majors and a Best in Specialty Show. Although he competed against one of the greatest basenjis of our era, MBIS/MBISS Ch. Zindika’s Johnny Come Greatly during his career, Will enjoyed great success himself through last July, 2012 when, at nearly 14 years of age, he was again awarded Best Veteran in Sweeps takes at our National Specialty. Will is the epitome of the breed standard, standing nearly square at 17 ¼” and 24 lbs with a correct headpiece, textbook perfect angulation front and rear with sound and balanced movement. Topped off with a brilliant red coat which he maintains to this day, he is still a force to be reckoned with in the ring. Winner of the Pedigree Award, multiple Hound Groups and Best in Specialties, Top Hound Producer, National Specialty winner and multiple Veteran and Sweepstakes winner, this dog has proven that his quality has stood the test of time. Which basenjis outside of your breeding program do you feel have had a positive impact on the gene pool as a whole? Why?

MBISS Ch. Nyanga Signet Sweet William, JC

There are so many. I feel that each exemplary dog leaves his stamp for generations to come. BIS/MBISS Ch. Arubmec’s The Victor, MBIS/ MBISS Ch. Akuaba’s Tornado, MBIS/MBISS Ch. Reveille Boutonniere, JC are three examples of vastly different types that made a distinct mark on the breed during my journey.

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How do you feel the breed has changed throughout the years you’ve been involved?

Am Ch. Signet Jay-R Hot Damn 2002 BOB Crufts International titles in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Monaco, Luxembourg, Italy, and Germany

I think like life itself, there are trends and waves both good and bad. It is the committed long-term breeder who sticks to it and rides it out. I’ve seen cycles where the dogs as a whole had outstanding flying sidegait, coupled with bad fronts or dippy toplines. Dogs that stood out in the ring for their remarkable type, but were not sound on the go, nor could they cover ground. The cycles continue as certain studs are chosen for their virtues and trending occurs. Lately as I have stepped back from a heavy show schedule and returned on occasion to the ring I am dismayed by the lack of consistency that I see in general. Temperament however, seems to have continued to improve, and I see our breed in good shape as a solid ambassador in the canine world. Tell us your thoughts on the recently announced DNA Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) test? It seemed to me that PRA was pretty well controlled by breeders in the last 20 years. I guess it is nice to have a definitive test, but I feel like more and more responsibility is placed upon the “reputable” breeder to do every test out there. It is very expensive and cuts down on any chance of making a small profit for those who are not bank rolled. Although I realize most reputable breeders are not breeding for profit, we do not breed for loss either.

BISS Am/Can CH Signet Denim and Diamonds

Please share some stories that highlight the accomplishments (breeding, conformation, etc.) you’re most proud of and why. Again there are so many it is hard to shave it down. Certainly winning the National Specialty with Sweet William at the age of seven was a highlight for me as was his Top Hound Producer award. Attending my first Canadian National and cleaning up with WD, RWD, WB, RWB, BOW, BOB and Best Puppy was certainly a moment of great pride. We also won a BIS Hound Puppy on that trip over a huge quality entry. My first Best in Show has been a long time coming. Winning with BIS/BISS Ch. Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl was a bittersweet goal coupled with the fact that I was already long disillusioned with the show scene and on my way out of heavy competition. I have been fortunate to have another amazing top Hound producer, Ch. Signet Hillbilly Rock Star. I do not keep track of my wins and accomplishments. They are only committed to my memory. I have no idea how many champions I have produced under the Signet prefix or as co-breeder. Please tell us how you decided on your kennel prefix? I was browsing an Avon catalog with Erin Roberts, Michelle Carter and Linda Brown, who owned Ch. Falisha’s Night Odyssey,

BISS Am/Can CH Sonbar’s Nyanga Signet Dan D’Lion

when I saw the Signet fragrance. I like the idea that a signet was a mark of distinction on royal documents. It embodied where I wanted my breeding program to go and how I hoped it would be perceived. What advice would you offer to a new breeder just starting in the breed? • • • • • • • • •

Study the standard. Study dogs of all breeds ringside. Watch videos of old dog shows, especially National Specialties. Find a mentor, or two. Learn about conformation and movement. Form follows function. Buy the best bitch you can find. Never breed to your own male until you develop a line several generations deep. Choose the BEST dog for your bitch, regardless of what others think of your choice or your relationship with the stud dog owner. Use health testing as the tool it was meant to be. It is not the deciding factor for everything. Buy a second bitch that is better than the first. It is always good to have a backup plan. Be honest in your dealings with your peers and your puppy buyers. People are more important than dogs. Value and protect your friendships; though you may have to step away at some point, always leave your option open for reconciliation. As there is no perfect dog, neither are any of us perfect. Relationships are key to success at any level. 

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SWEEPSTAKES JUDGE: Mrs Denise Tatro PUPPY DOGS 6 MOS & UNDER 9 MOS . 1 (33) Illusions Private Practice. Owner: Melissa Vetter & Bob Reed Terry Reed. JUNIOR DOGS 12 MOS & UNDER 15 MOS . 1 (25) Alban’s Red Dust Devil Of Ask. Owner: Stanley Cole. JUNIOR DOGS 15 MOS & UNDER 18 MOS . 1/OSS (11) CH Mardi Gras’ Zydeco Of Zindika. Owner: Mike & Chris Graves. JUNIOR BITCHES 12 MOS & UNDER 15 MOS . 1/BSS (14) Berimo Mystere. Owner: Fran Medley. Agent: Erin J Roberts. JUNIOR BITCHES 15 MOS & UNDER 18 MOS . 1 (10) Signet ‘Tis-A Gone With The Wind. Owner: Fred & Joyce Hughes and Brenda & Ciara Cassell.



VETERANS SWEEPSTAKES DOGS 7 YRS & UNDER 10 YRS . 1 (15) GCH CH Mardi Gras’ Msgt Harry Holt. Owner: Mike & Chris Graves. DOGS 10 YEARS AND UNDER 13 YEARS . 1/BSV (21) DC Stilwell’s Ok Redbud Of Zande Mc. Br/Owner: Linda & Richard Stilwell. 2 9 CH Zande Charaza Sc. B Owner: Linda & Richard Stilwell. BITCHES 10 YEARS AND UNDER 13 YEARS . 1/OSV 18 CH Berimo N B N Matchpoint. Br/Owner: Anita C. White.

REGULAR CONFORMATION JUDGE: Mrs. Karen Arends Best of Breed or Variety........ CH Illusion’s Stairway To Heaven (D), Bob & Terry Reed Best of Opposite Sex.. GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Halleleujah Makes A Joyful Noise (B) J Behles/R Walley Select Dog.... CH Kasendo-Tutu Special Agent Gibbs K Hart/G Eilers/E Cross/K Boyd Best of Winners.................Signet ‘Tis-A Gone With The Wind (B), B Cassell/C Cassell /F Hughes/J Hughes Best Veteran/Award Of Merit..............................DC Stilwell’s OK Redbud Of Zande MC Winners Dog ..... Khani’s Teazer Waking Up In Vegas K Britton/J Gaidos/A Halemanu Reserve Winner Dog ........................................... Alban’s Red Dust Devil Of Ask S Cole Winners Bitch ........ Signet ‘Tis-A Gone With The Wind B Cassell/C Cassell/F Hughes /J Hughes Reserve Winner Bitch ..............................................................Berimo Mystere F Medley DOGS PUPPY 6 - 9 MOS. 1 Illusion’s Private Practice M Vetter/B Reed/T Reed 12 - 18 MOS. 1/RWD Alban’s Red Dust Devil Of Ask S Cole BRED BY EXHIBITOR 1/WD Khani’s Teazer Waking Up In Vegas K Britton/J Gaidos/A HalemanuW 2 Dharian’s Starry Knight S Humphreys/B Humphreys BITCHES 12 - 18 MOS. 1/RWB Berimo Mystere F Medley 2 Ask Spirit Of The Desert Wind Roycinda L Gladson/R Gladson/L Myers/A White BRED BY EXHIBITOR 1/WD/BOW Signet ‘Tis-A Gone With The Wind B Cassell/C Cassell/F Hughes/J Hughes 2 Illusion’s Aeropostale B Reed/T Reed 3 Illusion’s Cachet From Svengali B Reed/T Reed 4 Alfheim-Khani’s Shiny Happy People A McLeod/K Britton/D Britton/S McLeod OPEN RD WHT 1 Teazer Khani’s I’M Coming Out JC A Tyler/K Britton/J Gaidos 2 Furaha’s Bandia A Kurtz/S Joyner NON-REG VETERAN DOG 7 TO 10 YEARS 1 GCH CH Mardi Gras’ Msgt Harry Holt M Graves/C Graves NON-REG VETERAN DOG 10 TO 13 YEARS 1/BV/AOM DC Stilwell’s OK Redbud Of Zande MC L Stilwell/R Stilwell



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ell, folks, the 2013 DFW Basenji Club Specialty is now history. Held on Friday evening, March 22nd at Will Rogers Coliseum, it was lots of fun, and we had plenty of nice dogs and their people present. Attendance numbers were down a bit from recent years but what with the increased travel prices, it was not too surprising to me. What really mattered was the great dogs we did have, and the friendly competition we all experienced.


SWEEPS RESULTS: Best in Puppy Sweeps: Berimo Mystere, Breeder Pat Marshall, Owner Fran Medley Best Op Puppy Sweeps: Ch. Mardi Gras Zydeco of Zindika, Breeder Sheila Armstrong & Ceci Rappe, Owners Mike and Chris Graves Best in Veteran Sweeps: DC Stilwell’s OK Redbud of Zande, Breeder Sally Wallis, Owners Linda & Richard Stilwell Best Op Veteran Sweeps: Ch. Berimo NBN Match Point, Breeder Pat Marshall & Susan C. Smith, Owner Anita C. White

BOS..............................................................Ch Zindika’s Got Moxy, Bitch, Cecily Rappe

CONFORMATION RESULTS Winner’s Dog: Khani’s Teazer Waking Up in Vegas, Breeder/Owners Kathryn R. Britton &John P. Gaidon, &A. K. Halemanu Winner’s Bitch/Best of Winners: Signet ‘Tis-A Gone With the Wind, Breeders Fred & Joyce Hughes and Brenda & Ciara Cassell, Owners Brenda & Ciara Cassell and Fred & Joyce Hughes Best of Breed: Illusion’s Stairway to Heaven, Breeder/Owners Bob & Terry Reed BOS: AM Ch, GCh Ahmahr Nahr’s Halleujah Makes a Joyful Noise, Breeders – JD Behles & Florine Havens, Owners JD Behles & RJ Walley Best Veteran & AOM: DC Stilwell’s OK Redbud of Zande, Breeder/ Owners – Linda & Richard Stilwell, Oldest Veteran: Int. & Am Ch. Zande Charaza, SC., F Ch., Breeder – Sally Wallis, Owners Linda & Richard Stilwell Our between shows dinner was well attended, the Mexican food was great, and the conversation was spirited. I think everyone enjoyed themselves and left with full bellies! Next on our club’s schedule is for us to participate in the BRAT Convention being held in Dallas this year. We are proud and happy to be invited to be a part of this important meeting. If anyone is in the area the first week in June, please try to attend at least part of the festivities. It is shaping up to be lots of fun. DFWBC is also planning to be a part of Responsible Dog Owners Day in Ft Worth again this year. It is always fun and gives us the opportunity to make new friends who are interested in the basenji world. I will report on the day in a later issue. The show season is now in full swing and many of us are on the road again in pursuit of those elusive points. Good luck to all and remember to be careful out there.

Judge: Mr. Philip M. Martin 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS DOGS. 1/BOS PUPPY 5 Congaro’s Where The Wild Things Are Catherine Ongaro 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS BITCHES. 1/BEST PUPPY/G4 6 Ch Zindika’s Got Moxy , Cecily Rappe


Judge: Mrs. Cindy Scott BEST-OF-BREED BOB/G4 ....GCH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin , Dog, Julie & Kathy Jones, Chua Ming Kok

BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS. 1/WD/BOW 5 Congaro’s Where The Wild Things Are, Catherine Ongaro 2/RWD 9 Desoleils Benevolent One Holly Benton OPEN DOGS. 1 11 Astarte’s Astrodude Skylar , Kenneth Linberg & Stella Sapios AMERICAN BRED BITCHES. 1/RWB 12 Starfyre’s Tarnished Gold JC, Denise Searcy And Kathy Grayson OPEN BITCHES. 1/WB 14 Wakan Starfyre Miss Scarlet, Denise Searcy And Kathy Grayson


JUDGE: MR. HOBART E. BROWN 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS DOGS. 1/BEST PUPPY 5 Congaro’s Where The Wild Things Are Catherine Ongaro . 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS BITCHES. 1/BEST OP PUPPY 6 Ch Zindika’s Got Moxy , Cecily Rappe . 2 8 Starfyre’s Gold’n Nugget , Denise Searcy And Kathy Grayson


JUDGE: MS. ANN H. ROTH BEST-OF-BREED BOB/G4 ....GCH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin , Dog, Julie & Kathy Jones, Chua Ming Kok BOS..............................................................Ch Zindika’s Got Moxy, Bitch, Cecily Rappe BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS. 1/RWD 9 Desoleils Benevolent One. Holly Benton 2 5 Congaro’s Where The Wild Things Are Catherine Ongaro OPEN DOGS. 1/WD/BOW 11 Astarte’s Astrodude Skylar. Kenneth Linberg & Stella Sapios BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES. 1/WB 8 Starfyre’s Gold’n Nugget Denise Searcy And Kathy Grayson OPEN BITCHES. 1/RWB 6 Illusion’s Angel Eyes Of Dune. Coel Risley And Douglas Joy . Roger Kibbee, Agent.

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BOB/CAC/CACIB/RKF Shen De Lux Moet E Chandonhead. Sautina


BOS/CAC/CACIB/RKF.............................................................Tim Spirit Man In Black. CAC ..................................................................................................Ituri Puzzle Yappy CAC ................................................................... Glory Es Tin S Poljatnogo Sozvezdija BEST BABY.............................................................................. Team Spirit Amber Sun BITCHES

BOB/CAC/CACIB/RKF ...........................Shen De Lux Moet E Chandonhead. Sautina CAC/RCACIB ............................................................. Goddess Nefertiti Of Swala Pala CAC............................................................................................. Emotion Of Swala Pala BEST JUNIOR.................................................................................Evonti Volyud Tiger MALES BABY 1/Och.Per Promising/Best Baby........................................................ Team Spirit Amber Sun 2/Och.Perspektivny............................................................................... Sundevils Seabiscuit 3/Och.Perspektivny.................................................................. Team Spirit Storm Varningov JUNIOR 1/Excellent/JCAC/BOS Junior.............................................................. Marlen-Brao Mangust 2/Excellent/RJCAC................................................................ Tim Spirit Bon-Bon Best Friend 3/Otl.................................................................................. Angel Congo Iffat Isimo To Evonty INTERMEDIATE 1/Excellent/CAC.........................................................................................Ituri Puzzle Yappy 2/Excellent/RSAS..................................................................... Mutabaruga’s Mad Professor 3/Otl...............................................................................................Shen De Lux Tyler Stately OPEN 1/Excellent/CAC.......................................................... Glory Es Tin S Poljatnogo Sozvezdija 2/Excellent/RSAS...........................................................Khani’s Everybody Loves Raymond 3/Otl.................................................................................................Ituri Puzzle Naadir Nyunt CHAMPION 1/Excellent/CAC/CACIB/RKF/BOS Ch Eurasia ...........................................................................................................Tim Spirit Man In Black 2/Excellent/RCAC/RCACIB.....................................................Shen De Luxe Jacobsen Arne 3/Otl....................................................................................................... Salonga Che Gevara FEMALES BABY Och.Perspektivny..........................................................................Heritage Night Yeter Kabir JUNIOR 1/Excellent/JCAC/Best Junior Bitch/ Best Junior..................................... Evonti Volyud Tiger 2/Excellent/RJCAC.................................................................... Angel Of Congo Iman Intisar 3/Otl........................................................................................................... Takuini Before Me INTERMEDIATE 1/Excellent/CAC/RCACIB ................................................... Goddess Nefertiti Of Swala Pala 2/Excellent/RCAC........................................................................................ Tim Spirit Galaxy 3/Otl.......................................................................................... Kimwitu’s Sweety Strawberry OPEN 1/Excellent/CAC ................................................................................Emotion Of Swala Pala 2/Excellent/RCAC.................................................................................. Tim Spirit Tinker Bell 3/Otl.....................................................................................Afrikanskiy Molchun Hitraya Lisa CHAMPION 1/Excellent/CAC/CACIB/RKF/Ch Eurasia 2013/BOB ...............................................................................................Shen De Lux Moet E Chandon 2/Excellent/RCAC............................................ Eldorado N Akuaba Wind Beneath My Wings 3/Otl...................................................................................................... Sundevils Silverbrook VETERAN CLASS 1/Excellent/CAC/LP.....................................................................Almaviva Ognenny Tsvetok

BOS/CAC/CACIB/RKF Tim Spirit Man In Black

BEST BABY Team Spirit Amber Sun

BITCH CAC/RCACIB Goddess Nefertiti Of Swala Pala

BITCH CAC Emotion Of Swala Pala

BEST JUNIOR Evonti Volyud Tiger

(L) DOG CAC Ituri Puzzle Yappy (R) DOG CAC Glory Es Tin S Poljatnogo Sozvezdija

Photos by Salonga Forum

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BOB/CAC//CACIB, Ch RKF Ch Eurasia-2013, BOB, BIG-3 Khani’s Everybody Loves Raymond

DOGS BOB/CAC//CACIB, Ch RKF, Ch Eurasia-2013, BOB, BIG-3 BOS/ CAC/CACIB/Ch RKF ...................................................................... Khani’s Everybody Loves Raymond BOS, Ch Eurasia-2013 CAC.............................................................................. Shen De Lux Tyler Stately Goddess Nefertiti Of Swala Pala BEST BABY.......................................................................... Sundevils Seabiscuit BITCHES BOS/ CAC/CACIB/Ch RKF, BOS, Ch Eurasia-2013 ............................................................................Goddess Nefertiti Of Swala Pala CAC/RCACIB.................................................................... Emotion Of Swala Pala CAC.................................................Eldorado N Akuaba Wind Beneath My Wings BEST JUNIOR..............................................................Angel Congo Imani Intisar MALES BABY CLASS 1/BOB Baby/ Very Promising....................................................... 3354 Sundevils Seabiscuit 2/very promising................................................................... 3356 Tim Spirit Storm Warning 3/very promising.......................................................................... 3355 Tim Spirit Amber Sun JUNIOR CLASS 1/Ex/JCAC/BOS Junior................................................................3359 Marlen-Brao Mangust 2/Ex/ RJCAC................................................................3361 Tim Spirit Bon-Bon Best Friend 3/Excellent........................................................................................3358 Dandy Amber Sun INTERMEDIA CLASS 1/Excellent/CAC.................................................................. 3363 Shen De Lux Tyler Stately 2/Excellent/RJCAC..............................................................3364 Itury Puzzle Aizerbaidzhan 3/Excellent....................................................................................... 3365 Itury Puzzle Yappy OPEN CLASS................................................................................................................................ 1/ Excellent/CAC/CACIB, Ch RKF, Ch Eurasia-2013, BOB, BIG-3.3368 Khani’s Everybody BEST BABY Loves Raymond 2/ Excellent/RJCAC............................................3366 Glory Es Tin S Poljatnogo Sozvezdija Sundevils Seabiscuit 3/Excellent................................................................. 3367 Jokuba C-Quest Grand Marquee CHAMPION CLASS 2/Excellent/RCAC/RCACIB............................................. 3376 Shen de Lux Yakobsen Arne 2/Excellent/RJCAC.....................................................................3372 Evonty Ismaili Chinelo 3/Excellent....................................................................................3374 Salonga Che Gevara FEMALES BABY CLASS Very Promising.................................................................3377 Nasledie Etera Caribia Night JUNIOR CLASS 1/Excellent/JCAC/BOBJunior ...............................................3379Angel Congo Imani Intisar 2/Excellent/RJCAC.......................................................................3381 Evonty Vision Of Life 3/Excellent.....................................................................................3382 Evonty Valued Tiger INTERMEDIATE CLASS 1/Ex/CAC/ CACIB/Ch RKF, BOS, Ch Eurasia-2013..3383 Goddess Nefertiti Of Swala Pala 2/Excellent/RCAC............................................................3384 Kimwitu’s Sweety Strawberry 3/Excellent........................................................................3386 Itury Puzzle Elizabeth Taylor OPEN CLASS 1/Excellent/CAC/RCACIB......................................................... 3388 Emotion Of Swala Pala 2/Excellent/RCAC......................................................................... 3391 Tim Spirit Tinker Bell 3/Excellent.........................................................3392 Candyshine s Polyarnogo Sozvezdiya CHAMPION CLASS 1/Excellent/CAC.....................................3394 Eldorado N Akuaba Wind Beneath My Wings 2/Excellent/RCAC....................................................... 3396 Shen De Lux Moet E Chandona 3/Excellent...................................................................................3398 Sundevils Silverbrook VETERAN CLASS 1/Excellent/Best Vet.......................................................... 3403 Almaviva Ognenny Tsvetok

DOG CAC Shen De Lux Tyler Stately

BITCH CAC/RCACIB Emotion Of Swala Pala

BEST JUNIOR Angel Congo Imani Intisar BITCH CAC Eldorado N Akuaba Wind Beneath My Wings Photos by Salonga Forum The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 40

Crufts -

March 7, 2013

Judge: Alan Hunt (Pukkanut – Australia) Basenjis entered - 60. Absentees - 5


Dog CC.................................................Ch/Am Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley Dog Reserve CC..................................................Eng Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue Bitch CC / Best of Breed............................Eng Ch Tokaji California Dreaming Bitch Reserve CC.........................Eng Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at Djoser Best Puppy.....................................................................Dolly of Amber Sunrise DOG CLASSES VETERAN DOG (2/2) 1/CC Ch/Am Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley, Owners Hardy, Hallam & Webb 2 Ned/Lux Ch Abotere’s Zahir for Hicel Owner Mrs L Chavez-Novoa DOG CC SPECIAL JUNIOR DOG (6/7) 1 Ahti Prince Of Burudika, Owner Mrs D Muller 2 Faraoland Yuletide Snowfall at Elsco Owner Wright & Wilkinson 3 Benkura Blue Sky Mine Owner Mrs V J Miller 4 Taji Hodari Flies To Loango Owner Mrs D Muller 5 Team Spirit Bon-Bon Best Friend Owner E, Smakilo POST GRADUATE DOG (4/5) 1 Shadiki Summer Son by Marzuku, Owner G Baseley 2 Akmar Azizi Chigaru Owner Mr. D R Ford 3 Gadi Gamba o Maridadi Owner JD & AL Atherton 4 Bubas Pharaoh’s Fortune Owner Mrs. F Hooper LIMIT DOG (6/6) 1 Benkura Blue Sky Mine Owner VJ Miller 2 Marzuku Mzuri Owner G Baseley 3 Faraoland Sigi Freud Owner Mr. M Ferrini 4 Elsco Amatillyson Owner Wright’ & Wilkinson 5 Zordia’s Ajani ShCM Owner T & B Hannah OPEN DOG (9/10) 1/RCC Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue RCC) Owner D & P Hardy & Hallam 2 Ch Tokaji American Gigolo At Embeau JW ShCM Owner Mrs. E Grayson 3 Int/Nord Ch Karimba’s Colin Cocky Owner Helene Roos 4 Int/Oest/PL/HUN Ch Domino Dancing Prince Loango Owner Mr. A Kramarow 5 Team Spirit Bon-Bon Best Owner E. Smakilo GOOD CITIZENS DOG (1/2) 1 Memetuka Jabali ShCM Owner Mrs. VL Gaskell BITCH CLASSES VETERAN BITCH (3/3) 1 Antefaa Bereke Kohinur Owner TIA Lane 2 Savannastorm Little Snap Dragon Owner 3 Bubas Mariella At Alys Owner Miss J Addis SPECIAL PUPPY BITCH (1/1) 1/BP Dolly of Amber Sunrise Owner Mr. M Ferrini SPECIAL JUNIOR BITCH (6/7) 1 Kissangani Life Of The Party Owner D & B Adams 2 Kissangani Ask No Questions at Djoser Owner Mr & Mrs R Drummond 3 Silverbriar Mirror Image Owner Mrs J & Miss J Baker 4 Giantswood Woizero Tessay Owner Mrs F & Mr. Hooper & Gibson 5 Gleaming Gloria des Terres Oceanes Owner A. Bardet POST GRADUATE BITCH (5/6) 1 Silverbriar Mirror Image Owner Mrs J & Miss J Baker 2 Gooses Glint Of Gold Owner E E Matthews 3 Shadiki Summer Sensation Owner Mrs. JA Eydmann 4 Gleaming Gloria des Terres Oceanes Owner A. Bardet 5 Bubas Bellona at Alys Owner Miss J Addis LIMIT BITCH (5/5) 1 Woodella Northern Dashiki Owner Mrs. JA Eydmann 2 Elsco Amatiger Owner Wright’ & Wilkinson 3 Kibushi Regalia For Woodella Owner Tom Rabbitte 4 Woodella’s Moon Quest Owner Mrs. V. Waldron 5 Marzuku Mzara Owner Mrs. L. Chavea-Novoa OPEN BITCH (9/10) 1CC/BOB Ch Tokaji California Dreaming Owner Hardy & Hallam 2/RCC Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at Djoser Owner Mr & Mrs R. Drummond 3 Ch Zordia’s Wazzala Owner Ms Val Allen 4 Ch Akmar Queen Ankhesenamun Owner Mrs. Paula Steele 5 Kissangani Only Dreaming Owner D & S Adams GOOD CITIZENS BITCH (3/3) 1 Irish Ch Tokaji American Dreamz of Silverbriar JW ShCM Owner Mrs J & Miss J Baker 2 Savannastorm Little Snap Dragon Owner Miss J Addis 3 Benkura On A Mission To Aniscopus Owner Ms J. Castell The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 41



Judge - Keith Pursglove

Judge: Ron Parker

Dog CC / Best of Breed.......................................Eng Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue Dog Reserve CC.................................................. Eng Ch Tokaji Texas Ranger Bitch CC......................................................Eng Ch Tokaji California Dreaming Bitch Reserve CC ................................................... Tokaji California Dreaming Best Veteran ........................................Ch/Am Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley

Dog CC.................................................................Eng Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue Dog Reserve CC.....................................................................Bubas Buffalo Bill Bitch CC / Best of Breed............................Eng Ch Tokaji California Dreaming Bitch Reserve CC.................................................Kissangani Life Of The Party

JUNIOR DOG (3/4) 1 Hannah’s Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris 2 Miller’s Benkura Blue Sky Mine 3 Shaw-Fitzsimmons’ & Carman’s Kingwanas Jazzy Jive At Suefitz POST GRADUATE DOG (2/2) 1 Hooper’s Bubas Pharaoh’s Fortune 2 Atherton’s Gadi Gamba Maridadi. LIMIT DOG (4/4) 1 Gaskell’s Memetuka Juakali 2 Hanna’s Zordia’s Ajani ShCM 3 Miller’s Benkura Blue Sky Mine 4 Atherton’s Gadi Gamba Maridadi. OPEN DOG (4/5) 1/CC/BOB Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue 2/RCC Cullen’ & Agnew’s Ch Tokaji Texas Ranger 3 Grayson’s Ch Tokaji American Gigolo At Embeau JW ShCM 4 Gaskell’s Memetuka Jabali ShCM VETERAN DOG (2/2) 1 Hardy’, Hallam’ & Webb’s Ch/Am Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley 2 Chavez-Novoa’s Ned/Lux Ch Abotere’s Zahir for Hicel. BITCH CLASSES JUNIOR BITCH (3/3) 1 Adams’ Kissangani Life Of The Party 2 Drummond’s Kissangani Ask No Questions at Djoser 3 Bardet’s Gleaming Gloria des Terres Oceanes POST GRADUATE BITCH (1/1) 1 Bardet’s Gleaming Gloria des Terres Oceanes. LIMIT BITCH (2/3) 1 Gostynska’s Bubas Monisha) 2 Chavez-Novoa’s Marzuku Mzara OPEN BITCH (5/5) 1/CC Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji California Dreaming 2/RCC Allen’s Ch Zordia’s Wazzala 3 Drummond’s Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at Djoser 4 Legget’s Irish Ch Elsco Amastunner At Swanwite 5 Adams’ Kissangani Only Dreaming. VETERAN BITCH (1/1) 1 Addis’ Savannastorm Little Snap Dragon.

DOG CLASSES JUNIOR DOG (3/4) 1 Hannah’s Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris 2 Miller’s Benkura Blue Sky Mine. POST GRADUATE DOG (1/1) 1 Wright’ & Wilkinson’s Faraoland Yuletide Snowfall at Elsco LIMIT DOG (4/4) 1/RCC Gostynska’s Bubas Buffalo Bill (RCC) 2 Miller’s Benkura Blue Sky Mine 3 Hanna’s Zordia’s Ajani ShCM 4 Gaskell’s Memetuka Juakali OPEN DOG (4/5) 1/CC Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue 2 Gaskell’s Memetuka Jabali ShCM 3 Grayson’s Ch Tokaji American Gigolo At Embeau JW ShCM 4 Thomson’s Am/Can Ch Africanadian Zen Of AhmahrNahr at Zigoyrox BITCH CLASSES JUNIOR BITCH (2/2) 1/RCC Adams’ Kissangani Life Of The Party 2 Drummond’s Kissangani Ask No Questions at Djoser POST GRADUATE BITCH (1/1) 1 Gostynska’s Bubas Cepelia. Limit Bitch (3/3) 1 Gostynska’s Bubas Monisha 2 Thomson’s Kissangani Broken Dreams 3 Wright’ & Wilkinson’s Elsco Amatiger OPEN BITCH (4/4) 1/CC/BOB/G2 Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji California Dreaming 2 Adams’ Kissangani Only Dreaming 3 Drummond’s Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at Djoser 4 Legget’s Irish Ch Elsco Amastunner At Swanwite

UK STANDINGS - 2013 Tallied by Sally Wallis, Zande Basenjis Rank Name 1 2 3 4






Ch Tokaji California Dreaming............................................ B . .................3....................0.....................2..........................Group 2 Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue..................................................... D ..................2....................1.....................1..............Group 2 & Gp 4 Kissangani Life Of The Party............................................... B . .................1....................1.....................1.....................................0 Ch/Am Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley.............................. D ..................2....................0.....................0.....................................0 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 42


Best Dog / Best in Show....................................................................................Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue (tri) Reserve Best Dog Reserve BIS................................................................................. Ch Tokaji Texas Ranger Best Bitch / Best Opposite Sex............................................................................ Tokaji California Dreaming Reserve Best Bitch................................................................................................... Eng Ch Zordia’s Wazzala Best Veteran.......................................................................................Ch/Am Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley DOG CLASSES BITCH CLASSES OPEN DOG (2/3) LIMIT BITCH (2/2) 1/BD/BOB/BIS Hardy & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji Kentuky Blue 1 Chavez-Novoa’s Marzuku Mzara 2/RBD/RBOB Cullen’ & Agnew’s Ch Tokaji Texas Ranger 2 Waldron’s Woodella’s Moon Quest NOT BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOG (2/2) OPEN BITCH (3/4) 1 Middleton’s Zande Habibi 1/BB/BOS Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji California Dreaming 2 Chavez-Novoa’s Ned/Lux Ch Abotere’s Zahir for Hicel 2/RBB Allen’s Ch Zordia’s Wazzala VETERAN DOG (3/3) 3 Gray’s Woodella Northern Delight of Jisgard 1/BV Hardy, Hallam & Webb’s Ch/Am Ch Kazor’s Make Way For NOT BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCH (2/2) Riley 1 Chavez-Novoa’s Marzuku Mzara 2 Middleton’s Zande Habibi 2 Waldron’s Woodella’s Moon Quest. 3 Chavez-Novoa’s Ned/Lux Ch Abotere’s Zahir for Hicel

NORTHERN BASENJI SOCIETY SPRING OPEN SHOW - 7th April, 2013. Judge - Janet Bannister (Kalrinda)

Best Dog / Best Opposite Sex................................ Eng Ch Tokaji American Gigolo At Embeau JW ShCM Reserve Best Dog....................................................................... Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris Best Bitch / Best In Show...............................................................Kissangani Ask No Questions at Djoser Reserve Best Bitch................................................................Eng Ch Kissangani Dream Maker At Djoser tri Best Veteran........................................................................................Irish Ch Antefaa Nakura Wood Nymph Best Opposite Sex Veteran.....................................................................................................Djoser Antinous DOG CLASSES JUNIOR DOG (4/4) 1/RBD Hannah’s Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris 2 Miller’s Benkura Blue Sky Mine 3 Hooper’ & Gibson’s Giantswood Marmalade Man 4 Shaw-Fitzsimmons’ & Carman’s Kingwanas Jazzy Jive At Suefitz UNDER GRADUATE DOG (3/3) 1 Wright’ & Wilkinson’s Faraoland Yuletide Snowfall at Elsco 2 Smith’s Gadi Gamba Maridadi 3 Shaw-Fitzsimmons’ & Carman’s Kingwanas Jazzy Jive At Suefitz. POST GRADUATE DOG (3/3) 1 Wright’ & Wilkinson’s Faraoland Yuletide Snowfall at Elsco 2 Smith’s Gadi Gamba Maridadi 3 Shaw-Fitzsimmons’ & Carman’s Kingwanas Jazzy Jive At Suefitz . MINOR LIMIT DOG (2/2) 1 Gostynska’s Bubas Red Admiral 2 Shaw-Fitzsimmons’ & Carman’s Kingwanas Jazzy Jive At Suefitz. LIMIT DOG (6/6) 1 Miller’s Benkura Blue Sky Mine 2 Gaskell’s Memetuka Juakali 3 Hanna’s Zordia’s Ajani ShCM 4 Hooper’s Bubas Pharaoh’s Fortune 5 Gostynska’s Bubas Red Ace OPEN DOG (2/2) 1/BD/BOS Grayson’s Ch Tokaji American Gigolo At Embeau JW ShCM 2 Lindop’s Woodella Northern Dancer VETERAN DOG (2/3) 1 Drummond’s Djoser Antinous 2 Chavez-Novoa’s Ned/Lux Ch Abotere’s Zahir for Hicel BRED BY - DOG (3/3) 1 Gaskell’s Memetuka Jabali ShCM

2 Miller’s Benkura Blue Sky Mine 3 Wright’ & Wilkinson’s Elsco Amatillyson NOT BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOG (2/3) 1 Shaw-Fitzsimmons’ & Carman’s Kingwanas Jazzy Jive At Suefitz 2 Chavez-Novoa’s Ned/Lux Ch Abotere’s Zahir for Hicel BITCH CLASSES JUNIOR BITCH (3/3) 1/BB/BOB/BIS Drummond’s Kissangani Ask No Questions at Djoser 2 Adams’ Kissangani Life Of The Party 3 Hooper’ & Gibson’s Giantswood Woizero Tessay UNDER GRADUATE BITCH (1/1) 1 Gostynska’s Bubas Cepelia. POST GRADUATE BITCH (1/1) 1 Shaw-Fitzsimmons’ African Princess at Suefitz MINOR LIMIT BITCH (2/2) 1 Gostynska’s Bubas Monisha 2 Shaw-Fitzsimmons’ African Princess at Suefitz LIMIT BITCH (3/3) 1 Wright’ & Wilkinson’s Elsco Amatiger 2 Rabbitte’s Kibushi Regalia For Woodella 3 Chavez-Novoa’s Marzuku Mzara OPEN BITCH (2/3) 1/RBB Drummond’s Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at Djoser 2 Adams’ Kissangani Only Dreaming VETERAN BITCH (1/1) 1/BV Miller’s Irish Ch Antefaa Nakura Wood Nymph BRED BY – BITCH (3/3) 1 Wright’ & Wilkinson’s Elsco Amatiger (tri) 2 Adams’ Kissangani Life Of The Party 3 Hooper’ & Gibson’s Giantswood Woizero Tessay. NOT BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCH (1/2) 1 Chavez-Novoa’s Marzuku Mzara.

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01.04.2013 Judge: Markku Kipinä (Finland)

23.02.2013 Judge: Leni Finne (Finland) BEST OF BREED ................................................................................. Hi-Lite Hula Hoops MALES JUNIOR CLASS Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever.................................................................... Junior CNJ FEMALES BB1 Hi-Lite Hula Hoops........................................................ Champion EXC 1, CQ, BOB BB2 Rosone’s Retro Rimembranza................................................ Open EXC 1, CQ, CC


31.03.2013 Judge: Maija Mäkinen (Finland) BEST OF BREED .................................................................... Hi-Lite Hot Rod BIG1, BIS1 BEST OP SEX TO BOB ....................................................... Bulldobas Zenana Safeguard MALES BD1 Hi-Lite Hot Rod

Open EXC 1, CQ, CC, FI CH, BOB, RYP1, BIS1

FEMALES BB1 Bulldobas Zenana Safeguard BB2 Bulldobas Zandra Safeguard Photo: Rami Niva From left BOB Hi-Lite Hot Rod BOS Bulldobas Zenana Safeguard

Junior EXC 1, CQ, CC, BOS

Photo: Tarja Rinne BIG1 Hi-Lite Hot Rod

BEST OF BREED ....................................................................................... Hi-Lite Hot Rod BEST OF OP SEX TO BOB ................................................ Sternhimmels Notabilia Bona BEST OF BREED-Veteran .................................................Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius BEST OP SEX TO BOB-Veteran ............................................................. Ajibu Billie Jean MALES BD1 Hi-Lite Hot Rod.............................................................. Champion EXC 1, CQ, BOB BD2 Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius........................... Veteran EXC 1, SACQ BOB-veteran BD3 Hi-Lite Smooth Operator......................................................... Junior EXC 1, CQ, CC BD4 Orange Pips Codename Kyril............................................ Open EXC 1, CQ, ResCC INTERMEDIATE CLASS Ituri Pazzl Azerbaijan........................................................... Intermediate EXC 1, CQ CHAMPION CLASS Ajibu Foolin’ Around................................................................ Champion EXC 2, CQ FEMALES BB1 Sternhimmels Notabilia Bona........................................ Champion EXC 1, CQ, BOS BB2 Ajibu Foolish Heart.................................................................. Champion EXC 2, CQ INTERMEDIATE CLASS Wazazi The One And Only..........................................................Intermediate EXC 1 OPEN CLASS Orange Pips Chelsea Bun...................................................................... Open EXC 1 Orange Pips Black Cordelia................................................................... Open EXC 2 Afrikanskiy Molchun Hitraya Lisa.............................................................. Open VG 3 VETERAN CLASS Ajibu Billie Jean........................................................... Veteran EXC 1, BOS-veteran From left BOB Hi-Lite Hot Rod - BOS Sternhimmels Notabilia Bona

VAASA INT 13.04.2013 Judge: Marie Gadolin (Sweden)

BEST OF BREED .....................................................................Wazazi The One And Only BEST OF OP SEX TO BOB .........................................................Ajibu Great Balls Of Fire BEST OF BREED-Veteran ....................................................................... Ajibu Billie Jean MALES BD1 Ajibu Great Balls Of Fire................................... Champion EXC 1, CQ, CACIB, BOS BD2 Klassic’s Daydream Beliver..................................Champion EXC 2, CQ, ResCACIB BD3 Behukai Evening Star.............................................................. Open EXC 1, CQ, CC FEMALES BB1 Wazazi The One And Only.....................Intermediate EXC 1, CQ, CC, CACIB, BOB BB2 Bulldobas Cute As A Button.................................Champion EXC 1, CQ, ResCACIB BB3 Ajibu Foolish Heart.................................................................. Champion EXC 2, CQ BB4 Wapenzi Minkah................................................................ Open EXC 1, CQ, ResCC OPEN CLASS Ajibu Great Expectations.................................................................Open EXC 2, CQ Ajibu Dixie Rose..............................................................................Open EXC 3, CQ Pepparsons Majestic Monday.........................................................Open EXC 4, CQ CHAMPION CLASS Heriaheri Harvest Moon........................................................... Champion EXC 3, CQ VETERAN CLASS Ajibu Billie Jean

Photo: Mikko Saarela From right BOB Wazazi The One And Only BOS Ajibu Great Balls Of Fire

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27.04.2013 Judge: Barbara Ruth Smith (Sweden) BEST OF BREED ................................................................. Bulldobas Cute As A Button BEST OF OP SEX TO BOB......................................................... Kanjaras Timeus Theron BEST OF BREED-Veteran ............................................................anjaras Timeus Theron BEST OF OP SEX TO BOB-Veteran ....................................................... Ajibu Billie Jean BEST OF BREED-Junior .....................................................Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever BEST OF BREED-Breeders Group ..............................................................kennel Hi-Lite MALES BD1 Kanjaras Timeus Theron............................ Veteran EXC 1, CQ, BOS, BOB-veteran BD2 Ajibu Feelin’Good....................................................... Champion EXC 1, CQ, CACIB BD3 Rosone’s Retro Rockettaro.......................Open EXC 1, CQ, CC, FI CH, ResCACIB BD4 Hi-Lite Hot Rod........................................................................ Champion EXC 2, CQ JUNIOR CLASS Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever...................................... Junior EXC 1, CQ, BOB-junior INTERMEDIATE CLASS Hi-Lite Smooth Operator.........................................Intermediate EXC 1, CQ, ResCC Ajibu Jumping Jack Flash.................................................... Intermediate EXC 2, CQ OPEN CLASS Behukai Evening Star............................................................................. Open EXC 2 Orange Pips Codename Kyril................................................................... Open VG 3 CHAMPION CLASS Klassic’s Daydream Beliver..................................................... Champion EXC 3, CQ Ajibu Great Balls Of Fire.......................................................... Champion EXC 4, CQ Sternhimmels Lux In Nocte........................................................ Champion EXC, CQ Kanjaras Whoop-De-Doo.....................................................................Champion VG VETERAN CLASS Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius............................................................. Veteran EXC 2 FEMALES BB1 Bulldobas Cute As A Button............................. Champion EXC 1, CQ, CACIB, BOB BB2 Sternhimmels In Dulci Iubilo.................................Champion EXC 2, CQ, ResCACIB BB3 Sternhimmels Nota Prima............................................. Open EXC 1, CQ, CC, FI CH BB4 Wazazi The One And Only................................................ Open EXC 2, CQ, ResCC JUNIOR CLASS Sharaba Heartbeat................................................................................ Junior EXC 1 INTERMEDIATE CLASS Leoniver’s Pride N Prejudice............................................... Intermediate EXC 1, CQ Ajibu Jar of Hearts......................................................................... Intermediate VG 2 OPEN CLASS Furahan Heri Malaika............................................................................. Open EXC 3 Kanjaras Wish Upon A Star...................................................................... Open VG 4 Rosone’s Retro Rimembranza.................................................................... Open VG CHAMPION CLASS Hi-Lite Hola Hoops.................................................................. Champion EXC 3, CQ Hanishan Que Sera Sera............................................................... Champion EXC 4 Ajibu Foolish Heart............................................................................ Champion EXC VETERAN CLASS Ajibu Billie Jean.................................................... Veteran EXC 1, CQ, BOS-veteran BREEDERS CLASS kennel Hi-Lite


21.04.2013 Judge: Paavo Mattila (Finland)

10.02.2013 Judge: Jaroslava Ovesna (Czech Republic) BEST OF BREED ..................................................................................... Tim Spirit Hadar BEST OF OP SEX TO BOB ................................................................. Ajibu Foolish Heart MALES BD1 Tim Spirit Hadar.................................................... Junior EXC 1, HP, juniorCC, BOB BD2 Great Pretender Out Of Africa........................................................ Junior EXC 2, HP FEMALES BB1 Ajibu Foolish Heart.....................................Champion EXC 1, CQ, CC, LV CH, BOS BB2 Bulldobas Zarah Safeguard..............................Junior EXC 1, HP, juniorCC, LV JCH BB3 Wazazi The One And Only.................................................. Intermediate EXC 1, CQ BB4 Crystal Javelin Lady Lotta.............................................................. Opwn EXC 1, CQ JUNIOR CLASS Congo Line A Classy Touch........................................................... Junior EXC 2, HP Deep In My Heart Wild Child................................................................. Junior EXC 3 INTERMEDIATE CLASS Crystal Javelin Nefertiti................................................................Intermediate EXC 2 VETERAN CLASS Ajibu Billie Jean......................................... Veteran EXC 1, HP, veteranCC, LV VCH

Photo: Raine Saarinen From right BOB Tim Spirit Hadar BOS Ajibu Foolish Heart


20.04.2013 Judge: Kim Vigso Nielsen (Danemark) BEST OF BREED ..............................................................................Itury Puzzle Jagodka BEST OF OP SEX TO BOB .........................................................Suntribe’s Heart of Love

BEST OF BREED ........................................................................... Ajibu Good Vibrations BEST OF OP SEX TO BOB ................................................. Klassic’s Daydream Believer BEST OF BREED Veteran .................................................................. Bulldobas La Scala BEST OF BREED-Breeders Group ......................................................kennel Ajibu BIS-2

MALES BD1 Suntribe’s Heart of Love....................................................... Junior EXC 1, CQ, BOS BD2 Bulldobas Catch The Wind.................................. Champion EXC 1, CQ, CC, LV CH BD3 Itury Puzzle Jappi................................................................ Intermediate EXC 1, CQ

MALES BD1 Klassic’s Daydream Believer......................................... Champion EXC 1, CQ, BOS BD2 Yulara Quickthorn.................................................................... Open EXC 1, CQ, CC BD3 Ajibu Great Balls Of Fire............................................................. Working EXC 1, CQ FEMALES BB1 Ajibu Good Vibrations.................................................... Champion EXC 1, CQ, BOB BB2 Ajibu Dixie Rose.......................................................Working EXC 1, CQ, CC, FI CH BB3 Bulldobas La Scala................................................. Vetran EXC 1, CQ, BOB-veteran BB4 Ajibu Great Expectations................................................... Open EXC 1, CQ, ResCC OPEN CLASS Hanishan Yankee Cutie Candy................................................................ Open VG 2 BREEDERS CLASS - ..........................................................................................kennel Ajibu

FEMALES BB1 Itury Puzzle Jagodka............................................... Junior EXC 1, CQ, JunCC, BOB BB2 Candyshine S Poljarnogo Sozvezdija....................................... Open EXC 1 CQ, CC JUNIOR CLASS Flying High Kenya Fantasy.................................................................... Junior EXC 2 Deep In My Heart Wild Child................................................................. Junior EXC 3 INTERMEDIATE CLASS Chrystal Javelin Nefertiti................................................................ Intermediate VG 1

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09.02.2013 Judge: Vija Klucniece (Latvia) BEST OF BREED ..............................................................Farlanders Against All Storms BEST OF OP SEX TO BOB ......................................................Wazazi The One And Only BEST OF BREED-Junior ........................................... Pharaoh’s Diamonds Fahim Faars BEST OF OP SEX TO BOB-Junior ...................................................Fire and Ice Afrikata MALES BD1 Farlanders Against All Storms...........................Open EXC 1, CQ, CC, CACIB, BOB BD2 Pharaoh’s Diamonds Fahim Faars................ Junior EXC 1, CQ, JunCC, BOB-junior BD3 Farlanders Barefoot Vagabond......................................................Junior EXC 2, CQ

RANK NAME............................................................... POINTS 1 Doberguard’s Black Magic............................................. 8 2 Ankhu Baroos At Bulldobas . ......................................... 5 3 Kenjaali Heeere’s Johnny............................................... 5 4 Kingwanas Hellblazer Of D´Guard.................................. 5 5 Kimwitu’s Zolotaya......................................................... 3 6 Old Legend’s Jewel......................................................... 3

BRAZIL - Top Basenjis

FEMALES BB1 Wazazi The One And Only............................. Intemediate EXC 1, CQ, CACIB, BOS BB2 Fire and Ice Afrikata...................................... Junior EXC 1, CQ, JunCC, BOS-junior BB3 Mutshima Blazing Reflection..........................................................Junior EXC 2, CQ

FINAL 2012

RANK NAME 1 Escarlate Ruiva Itapuca 2 Kazor’s Take Me All The Way 3 Antar Jaguar Vilas 4 Diva Touchless Itapuca 5 Jadaka Meisterhaus Magic Man of Itapuca

Photo: Raine Saarinen From left BOB Farlanders Against All Storms BOS Wazazi The One And Only

Savio Picanco Steele




02.03.2013 Judge: Miroslaw Redlicky (Poland) BEST OF BREED BEST OF OP SEX TO BOB BEST OF BREED-Breeders Group

OWNER POINTS Vicente Pacheco 1036 Savio Picanco Steele 190 Charles Lopes 171 Savio Picanco Steele 3

Leoniver’s Pride N Prejudice RYP-3 Farlanders Against All Storms kennel Farlanders BIS-2

MALES BD1 Farlanders Against All Storms....................................... Champion EXC 1, CQ, BOS JUNIOR CLASS Farlanders Because I Can..................................................................... Junior EXC 1 Pharaoh’s Diamonds Fahim Faars.......................................................... Junior VG 2 OPEN CLASS................................................................................................................................ Aittakankaan Abade................................................................................. Open VG 1 FEMALES BB1 Leoniver’s Pride N Prejudice................Junior EXC 1, SACQ JuniorCC, BOB, BIG-3 BB2 Farlanders Busy Bumblebee..........................................................Junior EXC 2, CQ JUNIOR CLASS Congo Line A Classy Touch.................................................................. Junior EXC 3 OPEN CLASS Crystal Javelin Marsi.............................................................................. Open EXC 1 Perrada Unican Enjoy The Silence........................................................... Open VG 2 BREEDERS CLASS kennel Farlanders................................................1 HP, BOB-, BIS-2-breeders group

As of May 17, 2013 Rank Dog's Name 1 1 3 4 4

URO1 UWPS UGWPCH GRCH Meisterhaus Kiroja Kiss N Tell CCB UWPS UGWPC1 GRCH Kiroja Hart N Soul UWPS UGWPC1 GRCH Undercover Meisterhaus Valenti CH Joy-us Furaha Mazalia Furaha's Joy-us Zawadi

Photo: Camilla Rissa From right BOB Leoniver’s Pride N Prejudice BOS Farlanders Against All Storms Artwork by Claudia Nix

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 46



Kelli Harmon


Kelli Harmon


Kelli Harmon


Arnieta Kurtz, Sue Joyner 1 Arnieta Kurtz, Sue Joyner 1



Dog Name



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Halleleujah Makes A Joyful Noise .............................................. Bitch.............................................. 206 GCH CH Jokuba C-Quest First Round Knock Out ............................................................... Dog.............................................. 172 GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin ....................................................................................... Dog.............................................. 155 GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet .................................................................... Bitch................................................ 87 GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow! ......................................................... Bitch................................................ 84 GCH DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition SC . ................................................................................ Dog................................................ 74 GCH CH Klassic’s Slam Dunk .............................................................................................. Dog................................................ 59 GCH CH Dragnquests Prize Trebbiano For My-Tym ........................................................... Dog................................................ 43 CH Illusion’s Stairway To Heaven ....................................................................................... Dog................................................ 37 GCH CH Reveille One For The Money . .............................................................................. Dog................................................ 37 GCH DC Southhouse Jumoke Ltle Big Man Malawi SC....................................................... Dog................................................ 34 GCH CH Platinum Nelson Jewel Of D’Nile SC.................................................................... Bitch................................................ 34 GCH CH Skyhi’s Always In Fashion..................................................................................... Bitch................................................ 31 GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Bohemian Rhapsody............................................................ Bitch................................................ 27 CH Sirobe Egotistical Rosewood......................................................................................... Dog................................................ 27 GCH CH Mardi Gras’ Oliver Twist....................................................................................... Dog................................................ 26 GCH CH Illusion’s Jelani Rio................................................................................................ Dog................................................ 25 GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Xtra Special Edition............................................................... Dog................................................ 24 CH Fopaw’s Dlucks Moon Dance....................................................................................... Bitch................................................ 22 GCH CH Arubmec’s Thriller................................................................................................ Dog................................................ 21


Rank Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20



GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin........................................................................................ Dog............................................ 4730 GCH CH Jokuba C-Quest First Round Knock Out................................................................ Dog............................................ 1239 GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Halleleujah Makes A Joyful Noise............................................... Bitch............................................ 1107 GCH CH Klassic’s Slam Dunk............................................................................................... Dog.............................................. 537 GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet..................................................................... Bitch.............................................. 346 CH Teazer Kazor Ekundayo For Johari................................................................................. Dog.............................................. 172 GCH CH Epic Select Tri For Da In Zone SC........................................................................... Dog.............................................. 123 CH Mardi Gras’ Zydeco Of Zindika...................................................................................... Dog.............................................. 117 CH Sirobe Egotistical Rosewood......................................................................................... Dog.............................................. 113 CH Berimo Cavalia............................................................................................................. Bitch.............................................. 101 GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow!.......................................................... Bitch................................................ 84 GCH CH Illusion’s Jelani Rio................................................................................................ Dog................................................ 83 CH Fopaw’s Dlucks Moon Dance....................................................................................... Bitch................................................ 78 GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel................................................................. Dog................................................ 76 GCH DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition SC.................................................................................. Dog................................................ 74 GCH CH Skyhi’s Always In Fashion..................................................................................... Bitch................................................ 71 Meisterhaus Renowned Renaissance Man........................................................................ Dog................................................ 68 CH Svengali’s Repeat Performance..................................................................................... Dog................................................ 52 GCH CH Dragnquests Prize Trebbiano For My-Tym............................................................ Dog................................................ 43 CH Illusion’s Stairway To Heaven........................................................................................ Dog................................................ 37 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 47



Dog Name


GCH Points

1............GCH CH Jokuba C-Quest First Round Knock Out.............................................................................. Dog................................... 88 2............GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr's Halleleujah Makes A Joyful Noise..............................................................Bitch.................................. 74 ..............GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin...................................................................................................... Dog................................... 74 4............GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow!.........................................................................Bitch.................................. 53 5............GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet....................................................................................Bitch.................................. 47 6............GCH CH Klassic's Slam Dunk............................................................................................................. Dog................................... 33 7............GCH CH Skyhi's Always In Fashion....................................................................................................Bitch.................................. 30 ..............GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Bohemian Rhapsody...........................................................................Bitch.................................. 30 9............GCH DC Atarasi's D'Lucks Edition SC................................................................................................ Dog................................... 29 10..........GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr's Best Of The Best........................................................................................ Dog................................... 28 11..........GCH CH Reveille One For The Money............................................................................................... Dog................................... 27 12..........GCH Dagoba's Poetry In Motion......................................................................................................Bitch.................................. 26 13..........GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Xtra Special Edition............................................................................. Dog................................... 24 ..............GCH CH Mardi Gras' Oliver Twist...................................................................................................... Dog................................... 24 15..........GCH CH Dragnquests Prize Trebbiano For My-Tym.......................................................................... Dog................................... 22 ..............GCH CH Illusion's Jelani Rio.............................................................................................................. Dog................................... 22 17..........GCH DC Akuaba N Eldorado's Speed Shot MC.................................................................................Bitch.................................. 21 18..........GCH CH Cumback's Pimlico.............................................................................................................. Dog................................... 18 19..........GCH CH Taji Goes Platinum JC..........................................................................................................Bitch.................................. 17 20..........GCH CH Epic Select Instant Replay................................................................................................... Dog................................... 16



Dog Name


GCH Points


1............GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl...........................................................................Bitch.................. 497.................... GOLD 2............GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin.......................................................................................Dog................... 435.................... GOLD 3............GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba Zensational.................................................................................Dog................... 351...................SILVER 4............GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr's The Lost Angel Gabriel................................................................Dog................... 344...................SILVER 5............GCH CH Karnak's Pure And Simple Allure.........................................................................Bitch.................. 309...................SILVER 6............GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Bucking The Trind............................................................................Dog................... 262...................SILVER 7............GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet....................................................................Bitch.................. 233...................SILVER 8............GCH CH Klassic's Slam Dunk..............................................................................................Dog................... 214...................SILVER 9............GCH DC Atarasi's D'Lucks Edition SC.................................................................................Dog................... 212...................SILVER 10..........GCH CH Wakili Signet Dooney..........................................................................................Bitch.................. 203...................SILVER 11..........GCH CH Undercover Meisterhaus Hi Ho Quianna By Signet SC.......................................Bitch.................. 201...................SILVER ..............GCH CH Platinum Nelson Jewel Of D'Nile SC...................................................................Bitch.................. 201...................SILVER ..............GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr's Ryder Of The Voodoo Child........................................................Dog................... 201...................SILVER 14..........GCH CH Meisterhaus Dazzle 'N' Daze...............................................................................Bitch.................. 197................ BRONZE 15..........GCH CH Starfyre's Rock'N With Danica............................................................................Bitch.................. 195................ BRONZE 16..........GCH CH 'Tis-A Arubmec's Circle Of Life.............................................................................Dog................... 175................ BRONZE 17..........GCH CH Reveille Push Button............................................................................................Dog................... 170................ BRONZE 18..........GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Xtra Special Edition..............................................................Dog................... 163................ BRONZE 19..........GCH CH Taji Goes Platinum JC..........................................................................................Bitch.................. 156................ BRONZE 20..........GCH DC Akuaba N Eldorado's Speed Shot MC.................................................................Bitch.................. 153................ BRONZE 21..........GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Never Surrender...................................................................Dog................... 127................ BRONZE 22..........GCH CH Arubmec's Thriller...............................................................................................Dog................... 118................ BRONZE 23..........GCH CH I Am Jacob The Beloved JC...................................................................................Dog................... 114................ BRONZE 24..........GCH CH Mardi Gras' Oliver Twist.......................................................................................Dog................... 113................ BRONZE 25..........GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr's Halleleujah Makes A Joyful Noise..............................................Bitch.................. 109................ BRONZE 26..........GCH CH Emerant's The Navigator JC.................................................................................Dog................... 108................ BRONZE 27..........GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Speed Of Light.....................................................................Bitch.................. 106................ BRONZE 28..........GCH CH Victory Meisterhaus The X Factor........................................................................Dog................... 104................ BRONZE 29..........GCH CH Ab-Rafiki The Icon Of Cool...................................................................................Dog................... 103................ BRONZE ..............GCH DC Bantu's Playing Rochambeau SC.........................................................................Bitch.................. 103................ BRONZE The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 48

ASFA LURE COURSING - Top 20 - April 12, 2013 Call Rank Name Dog’s Name Owner 1 1 3 4 5 6 6 8 8 8 8 12 12 12 15 15 15 15 15 15

Zuri Winter Tank! Kyo Tempest Zoe Eagle Xanthus Trii Me Zazzy Aqune Ozzie Carly Red Hat Winifred Ginger Gambit Merlin Sheila Xander

GCh,DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin,LCM,VLCM2,MC,SGRC2,LCX FC New World Baridi Ngano,LCM,SC FC Tank!,SC Kinetic-Tanza Reaper Man GCh,DC Meisterhaus Neon Nights,FCh,SC,VB,GRC,JOR, ORC Taji’s Alster Ego From Hodari Ch Suddanly Essence of Eaglewood,FCh,SC Berimo N Taji’s Sunday Silence FC Zuri’s Trii Me,LCM,SC,LCX,SOR Starfyre’s Tri A Lil’ Pizzazz Thor’s Song For A Winter’s Night Undercover Osiris of Oz,FCh,RN,BN GCh,DC Songwe’s Rock Star Legend,SC Suddanly Kadomatsu Ehu Papale FC Jumanji My Winifred,LCM2,LCX,JOR SuddanlyMaggie’sMoopunaEhuGinger GCh,DC Meisterhaus Never Winter Nights, FCh,GRC, JOR, VB, SC FC Thor’s Kikozi,LCM3,SC Driving Miss Dasypus,SC DC Meisterhaus Deal Or No Deal LCX,LCM,MC,VB,GRC,RN,SOR,ORC

Top BOB BIF 20 Wins Wins

T.Colbert 26 J.Brader 26 W.Hodges/S.Messec 20 L.Voss/S.Stump/P.Fragassi 14 J.Stewart/T.Brooks 13 M.E.Chaffin/K.Campbell 11 J.& F.Hinck/S.Campeau 11 T.McQuigg/P.Marshall/ K.Campbell 8 D.Sehm/D.Troyna 8 D.Searcy/K.Grayson 8 J.Brader 8 K.& R.Dougherty 7 S.Schroeder 7 W.Sullivan 7 D.Sehm 6 W.Sullivan/S.Campeau 6

4 3 4 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 2 1 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

L.Stewart/T.Brooks J.Brader W.Hodges

6 6 6

0 0 0

0 0 0

L.& J.Stewart/A.T.Brooks




AKC LURE COURSING - Top 20 - Events through May 3, 2013 Rank Name 1 2 2 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 11 12 12 14 15 16 17 18 18 18



DC Emerant's Sheez Gotcha MC LCX.............................................................................. Bitch................................................ 38 CH Taji's Alster Ego From Hodari.................................................................................... Bitch................................................ 29 FC Taji's Alster Echo MC LCX2.......................................................................................... Dog................................................ 29 CH Fopaw's Touch Of Evil At Saorsa SC.......................................................................... Bitch................................................ 26 DC Suddanly Essence Of Eaglewood SC.......................................................................... Dog................................................ 22 CH Suddanly Kadomatsu Ehu Papale SC......................................................................... Dog................................................ 19 FC Tank! SC...................................................................................................................... Dog................................................ 18 Suddanly Maggie's Moopuna Ehu Ginger SC................................................................. Bitch................................................ 17 Thor's Song For A Winter's Night................................................................................... Bitch................................................ 17 FC Thor's Kikozi SC........................................................................................................... Dog................................................ 17 DC Emerant's Heez Got Gusto MC.................................................................................. Dog................................................ 16 Bitcharaka Over The River SC.......................................................................................... Dog................................................ 14 GCH DC Emerant's Heez Reminiscent MC....................................................................... Dog................................................ 14 Bitcharaka How The Wind Bitchlows JC......................................................................... Bitch................................................ 13 GCH DC Songwe's Rock Star Legend SC......................................................................... Bitch................................................ 12 DC Platinum Nelson Bitchlue Diamond SC..................................................................... Bitch................................................ 11 FC Zuri's Trii Me MC LCX3 CAX....................................................................................... Bitch................................................ 10 Suddanly Wicked Fashionista......................................................................................... Bitch.................................................. 9 Suddanly Infra Red SC..................................................................................................... Dog.................................................. 9 Suddanly Apex Fresh Air SC........................................................................................... Bitch.................................................. 9

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 49

LGRA Top Twenty Standings April 24, 2013

CALL RANK NAME REGISTERED NAME OWNER 1 Ari DC Jadaka’s Independent Spirit SC SGRC3 ORC FCh VB Colbert 2 Tempest GCH DC Meisterhaus Neon Nights SC GRC JOR ORC VB FCh Stewart/Brooks 3 Harley Sam’s I’ll Tri Anything Haggard 4 Kyo Kinetic-Tanza Reaper Man Voss/Stump/Fragas 4 Rocky Kiroja Chicago Hood At Jaroufa SGRC6 Ladick 6 Zuni Astarte’s Zuni Breeze at Sun River CGC, GRC, JOR Garel/Sapios 7 Daximillan 5 Star Dax De Fax GRC Sauceda 7 Echo-L FC Dharian’s Echo Kasi Up SC GRC NJP NAP Langford 9 Zuri GCh DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX SGRC2 ORC LCM VFCh VB Colbert 10 Catcher Kazor’s Catch a Falling Star Ockerman 10 Diva-J Jaroufa’s The Glamazon At Etowah Ladick 10 Duffy 5Star Stepping Stone Ode to Kazor, JC Sauceda 10 Jules DC Eldorado’s Made You Look MC, LCX, RE, BN, GRC Johnson 10 L’Ox Kinetic Interesting Times GRC Voss 10 Miko FC Skyhi’s Native Infinite Hope SC Sumita/Fukuma 10 Sophie Kinetic Tanza Soul Music GRC Voss 10 Tank! FC Tank! SC Hodges/Messec 18 Gambit GCH DC Meisterhaus Never Winter Nights SC JOR VB GRC FCh Stewart/Brooks 18 Max Maxmillian Sumita/Fukuma 20 Tucker De’s Bib and Tucker Haggard

YTD 15.50 11.50 5.17 4.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.17 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.17

NOTRA Top Twenty Standings April 24, 2013



1 Ari DC Jadaka’s Independent Spirit SC SORC3 SGRC3 FCh VB Colbert 9.00 1 Tempest GCh DC Meisterhaus Neon Nights SC GRC JOR ORC FCh VB Stewart/Brooks 9.00 3 Velvet DC & Can Ch. Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speedster SC Johnson 4.00 4 Domino Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot Johnson 2.00 5 Rocky UKC-CH Kiroja Chicago Hood at Jaroufa SGRC2 SORC Ladick 1.50 6 Daximillian 5Star Dax De Fax JC SOR ORC Sauceda 1.00 6 Remi Emerant’s Heez Reminiscent JOR Smith/Hart 1.00 8 Duffy 5Star Stepping Stone Ode to Kazor JC JOR Sauceda 0.50 8 Bahn Mi Tajiis Bahn Mi On The Runway to Blue Note Hamilton/Campbell 0.50 8 Billy Ray Worrywort Achy Breaky Heart ORC Ladick/Lipford 0.50 8 Moose Emerant’s Heez Born to Be Wild Smith 0.50 12 Zuri GCh DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX SORC SGRC2 LCM VFCh VB Colbert 0.25 12 Cash Ch AB-Rifiki Cool Million Ketz 0.25

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 50



1............ Aust Ch Afrikenji Hot August Knight.......................................... WA........................ Miss Joanne Stewart...............................303 2............ Aust Gr Ch Remwin Kissmycheek............................................... NSW...................... Lyn Hughes..............................................279 3............ Kanibaru Glowing Ember........................................................... QLD....................... L R Thompson.........................................274 4............ Aust Ch Nikrus African Pa Meisie............................................... QLD....................... C & N Verral / M Shuttlewood.................212 .............. Nikrus Dreaming Ofth Savannah................................................ QLD....................... C & N Verrall............................................212 5............ Aust Ch Afrikenji Hunting High And Low.................................... VIC........................ D & H Veless..............................................77 6............ Aust Ch Tambuzi The Rinpocheof Qinghai................................. VIC........................ Lisa-Jane Hunter........................................48 7............ Aust Ch Nikrus Zoomy Safari...................................................... QLD....................... C & N Verrall..............................................46 .............. Afrikenji Periwinkle Blue............................................................ QLD....................... C & N Verrall..............................................46


1............ Aust Ch Barzoom Captain James T............................................. VIC........................ A & C Curnick..........................................179 2............ Aust Ch Tambuzi The Rinpocheof Qinghai................................. VIC........................ Lisa-Jane Hunter......................................179 3............ Aust Ch Afrikenji Fifth Element.................................................. VIC........................ D & H Veless..............................................95 4............ Aust Ch Remwin Littlebitofcheek............................................... NSW...................... Lyn Hughes................................................82 5............ Kanibaru Glowing Ember........................................................... QLD....................... L R Thompson...........................................78 6............ Aust Ch Afrikenji Hunting High And Low.................................... VIC........................ D & H Veless..............................................77 7............ Aust Gr Ch Remwin Kissmycheek............................................... NSW...................... Lyn Hughes................................................75 8............ Aust Ch Remwin African Deity................................................... NSW...................... L A Hughes................................................54 9............ Ngozi Shes too Cool................................................................... NSW...................... K Delacourt/ J Cook/ Dr J Lumb................54 10.......... Aust Ch Bayenzi Sugar Minott.................................................... NSW...................... J P Cook & J M Lumb.................................49 11.......... Karamo Karemba....................................................................... VIC........................ A & C Curnick............................................49 12.......... Aust Ch Unomee Sweetly Smug................................................. VIC........................ S Egan & M Lindsay...................................38 13.......... Tambuzi The Sherpaof Annapurna............................................ VIC........................ Colleen Maddigan.....................................37 .............. Aust Ch Remwin Cheeky Liasons............................................... NSW...................... Lyn Hughes................................................37 14.......... Aust Ch Nikrus Zoomy Safari...................................................... QLD....................... C & N Verrall..............................................34 15.......... Ngozi Cool Hand Luke................................................................ NSW...................... J Cook / J Lumb & K Delacourt..................30 16.......... Aust Ch Afrikenji Hot August Knight.......................................... WA........................ Miss Joanne Stewart.................................28 17.......... Aust Ch Nikrus African Pa Meisie............................................... QLD....................... C & N Verral / M Shuttlewood...................28 18.......... Aust Ch Bullab Xenas Safiya....................................................... NSW...................... Miss M Clift...............................................23 19.......... Nikrus Dreaming Ofth Savannah................................................ QLD....................... C & N Verrall..............................................23 20.......... Baagna Jiminy Cricket................................................................ NSW...................... R Mayo-Ramsay & L Marsden...................22

RISING STARS TOP 10 - Up and coming youngsters up to 18 months of age

1............ Aust Ch Tambuzi The Rinpocheof Qinghai................................. VIC........................ Lisa-Jane Hunter......................................485 2............ Aust Ch Afrikenji Hunting High And Low.................................... VIC........................ D & H Veless............................................200 3............ Kanibaru Glowing Ember........................................................... QLD....................... L R Thompson.........................................170 4............ Aust Ch Remwin Cheeky Liasons............................................... NSW...................... Lyn Hughes................................................95 5............ Aust Ch Unomee Sweetly Smug................................................. VIC........................ S Egan & M Lindsay...................................90 6............ Karamo Mikolo........................................................................... VIC........................ A & C Curnick............................................80 7............ Baagna Jenni Witha J................................................................. QLD....................... L Marsden & E Forbes...............................75 8............ Tambuzi The Sherpaof Annapurna............................................ VIC........................ Colleen Maddigan.....................................70 9............ Afrikenji Periwinkle Blue............................................................ QLD....................... C & N Verrall..............................................50 10.......... Karamo Karemba....................................................................... VIC........................ A & C Curnick............................................45


1............ Aust Sup & Neut Ch Tamsala Mitena Magic.............................. SA.......................... Jess Walker..............................................165 2............ Aust Ch Wazazi High Definition.................................................. NSW...................... J Cook and J Lumb.....................................25 3............ Aust Ch Zanzipow Pure Red Poppy............................................ VIC........................ Lisa-Jane Hunter........................................15


1.............AFRIKENJI......................................................D & H Veless........................................................................................................ 71 2.............NIKRUS..........................................................C & N Verrall........................................................................................................ 22 ...............KANIBARU.....................................................Miss Davina Hopkins........................................................................................... 22 3.............REMWIN........................................................Lyn Hughes.......................................................................................................... 12 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 51

CANADA - As of April 21, 2013 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Dog Name Ch Ahmahr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel Ch Beaubri’s High Maintenance Sonbar’s Worth Watching At Miloki Africanadian Kilimanahmahrnahr Klassic’s In It To Win It Klassic’s Little Texas Bushwacker Ch Orru’s Leather N Lace


BIS 3 0 0 0 0 0 0

GP1 19 3 0 0 0 0 0

GP2 9 1 1 0 0 0 0

GP3 5 0 0 0 0 0 0

GP4 4 0 1 0 0 0 0

Points 1250 33 22 4 2 1 0

BREED STANDINGS Rank 1 2 3 3 5 5 5

Dog Name Africanadian Kilimanahmahrnahr Klassic’s In It To Win It Ch Ahmahr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel Klassic’s Little Texas Bushwacker Ch Beaubri’s High Maintenance( Sonbar’s Worth Watching At Miloki( Ch Orru’s Leather N Lace

Sex (M) (F) (M) (M) F) F) (F)

All Breed BOB 2 1 34 3 0 4 3

Points 4 2 1 1 0 0 0

FINLAND Standings As of April 23, 2013



Vuoden Uros 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 10 12 13 14


Klassic’s Daydream Believer Hi-Lite Hot Rod Ajibu Great Balls Of Fire Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius Hi-Lite Honky Tonk Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever Yulara Quickthorn Signet Road Less Travelled Sternhimmels Lux In Nocte Behukai Evening Star Hi-Lite Smooth Operator Orange Pips Codename Kyril Kanibaru Lambada Kaoma Ajibu Foolin’Around

39 30 21 17 14 14 13 10 9 8 8 7 5 4


Sex Pisteet/Points

1 2 3 4

uros/dog narttu/bitch narttu/bitch narttu/bitch

Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius Bulldobas La Scala Sternhimmels Femina Floreat Ajibu Billie Jean

13 10 6 2

Vuoden Narttu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 11 12 13 13 13 16 16 18 18

Hi-Lite Hula Hoops Sternhimmels Notabilia Bona Orange Pips Chelsea Bun Bulldobas Cute As A Button Ajibu Foolish Heart Wazazi The One And Only Ajibu Good Vibrations Ajibu Dixie Rose Bulldobas La Scala Bulldobas Zenana Safeguard Ajibu Great Expectations Dakarai Don’t Let You Down Bulldobas Zandra Safeguard Rosone’s Retro Rimembranza Wapenzi Minkah Easy Come Easy Go Afrikata Sternhimmels Femina Floreat Heriaheri Harvest Moon Pepparsons Majestic Monday

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 52

Pisteet/Points 40 29 26 19 17 16 15 12 12 12 10 9 7 7 7 5 5 4 4

SWEDEN STANDINGS - Top 20 Basenjis As of April 29, 2013





1 2 3 4 5 * 7 8 * 10 * 12 13 *

DK UCH NO UCH SE UCH NORD V-11 NORD JV-10 NORD V-10 Enigma Just Watch Me..........................................................................38........................ Madelene Lönn & Sofie Lönn SE UCH DK UCH NORD JV-11 Kenjaali Heeere’s Johnny......................................26.......................... Birgitta Prahl & Emma Prahl C.I.B DK UCH FI UCH NO UCH SE UCH Faraoland Xcellent Example....................23.......Bruno Polter Kocman, Cecilia Johansson VEUW-10 VWW-10-11 SE UCH M Wami’s American Fortune Hunter.................22.................................................. Birgitta Prahl Faraoland Swedish Design...................................................................................16.............................................Anna Söderberg King Khufu Cardhu..............................................................................................16................................................. Susanne Berg Enigma Dreamcatcher.........................................................................................12...............................................Anders Gryhed SE UCH Yulara Quercus.......................................................................................11................................................ Susann Marco NORD UCH C.I.B SE V-11 NO V-11 Kimwitus Valentino.......................................11.......................... Anna Söderholm Bjurström, ...........................................................................................................................................................................Therese Kindberg NORD UCH Dakarai Piece Of Cake........................................................................9.............................................Ulrika Johansson C.I.B NORD UCH Karimba’s Colin Cocky...............................................................9....................................................Heléne Roos Faraoland Kenzo Power........................................................................................8..................................... Annie Schallengruber Taji’s Top Model To Zahleka..................................................................................7.............................................. Åkerblad Cecilia SE UCH Yulara Jedwood.......................................................................................7............................................... Monica Massih





1 2 3 4 5 * 7 8 9 10 * 12 * 14 15 *

SE UCH DK UCH NORD V-12 Kenjaali Frankly My Dear........................................34............................................ Naranja Persson SE UCH Chagmas Rose To Faraoland...................................................................27..........................................Helena Strömbert SE UCH SE V-10 NORD JV-09 Khani’s Midnight Star.............................................26........................ Madelene Lönn & Sofie Lönn Faraoland Treasure Of The Rainbow ..................................................................17..........................................Helena Strömbert NORD CH C.I.B NORD JV-10 NORD V-10 SE V-11 NO V-12 Kimwitu’s Zolotaya....16.......................................... Therese Kindberg SE UCH Behukai Egyptian Treasure.....................................................................16..............Therese Kindberg & Anders Gryhed NO UCH Chagmas Pirate Princess Red Ruby.......................................................14................................................... Emma Prahl SE UCH NORD V-11 Senjisfinx Norea...................................................................13..........................................Anna Gunnarsson C.I.B NORD UCH Karimba’s Molly Moon.............................................................11.................................................. Heléne Roos DK UCH FI UCH SE UCH Faraoland Hd Street Glide..............................................9........................................... Cecilia Johansson SE UCH Enigma After Me Please..........................................................................9......................... Madelene Lönn & Sofie Lönn SE JV-12 Old Legend’s Jewel.................................................................................8...........................................Yvonne Adolfsson C.I.B NORD UCH SE V-05-06-07 KBH V-08-09 Kenjaali Kaya-Kayenna..................8............................................. Naranja Persson Senjisfinx Mariamne . ..........................................................................................7............................................ Ulrika Johansson Yulara Stellaria...................................................................................................... 6............................................... Monica Massih DK JV-12 NORD JV-12 Karimba’s Bling Bling.........................................................6................................................... Heléne Roos




1 * 3 4

V EUW-10 V WW-10-11 SE UCH M Wami’s American Fortune Hunter...............10..................................................Birgitta Prahl C.I.B DK UCH FI UCH NO UCH SE UCH Faraoland Xcellent Example....................10...... Bruno Polter Kocman, Cecilia Johansson SE UCH Yulara Jedwood.......................................................................................4............................................... Monica Massih C.I.B NORD UCH SE V-05-06-07 KBH V-08-09 Kenjaali Kaya-Kayenna..................3............................................. Naranja Persson

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 53


Kennel/Breeder Directory CALIFORNIA, USA




Your Listing Brazil - Standings Rank Dog

Can Be Here!


Ad Size: 3.65”w x 2.50h” KENNEL OR BREEDER DIRECTORY

Breeder/Kennel Directory Listing

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 54

Per year rate $ 75.00


Upcoming Events – Around the World Date



June 15, 2013


Greater Chicagoland Basenji Club Specialty Grayslake, IL In conjunction with the Chicagoland Hound Association Show Sweepstakes: Mrs. Sylvia LoFrano Conformation: Ms. Karen Dumke

June 15, 2013

CZECH REPUBLIC Basenji Klub Bohemia Dol u Blatne Judge: Mrs. Sally Wallis, UK

June 15, 16, 2013


Fininish Basenji Specialty Karjalohja, Spa Hotel Päiväkumpu. Judge: Leila Kärkäs (Mandeville basenjis), FI

July 12-17, 2013


Basenji Club of America, Inc. National Specialty www.2013BCOANational.org Auburn, WA, Argus Ranch Breed Judge: Ms. Judy Webb Sweepstakes Judge: Mr. Andrew Sawler

July 20, 2013


Helsinki Sighthound Specialty Helsinki, Finland Basenji Judge: Jarmo Vuorinen, Finland FCI group 5 Janina Staniszewska-Borkowska

July 26, 2013


Basenji Club of Southeastern Wisconsin Ixonia, WI USA Sweepstakes Judge: Mrs. Lisa Marshall Conformation Judge:

August 2-3, 2013


Evergreen Basenji Club Specialty Auburn, WA - Argus Ranch Facility For Dogs Conformation Judge: Mr. Larry Sinclair Junior Showmanship Judge: Katie Effert Futurity/Maturity Judge: Kim Williamson-Jensen African Match - following conformation judging

August 3-4, 2013


Swedish Basenjisällskapets Conference Härjarö, Enköping Judge: Noel Baaser, Germany

August 8, 2013

CZECH REPUBLIC Basenji Klub Bohemia Specialty Kyjov at Cynological Training Ground Judge: Mrs. Ludmila Pavlíková (CZ)

August 16, 2013


Estonian Basenji Club Specialty Kalevi Keskstaadion, Tallinn Estonia Judge: Mrs. Sally Wallis, UK Reserve Judge; Mrs. Jelena Kruus, Estonia

August 31, 2013


BCOC Regional Specialty ingleside, ON In conjunction with Cornwall & District Kennel Club

October 26, 2013


Basenji Club of Canada National Specialty In conjunction with Lower Mainland Dog Fanciers. Conformation judge: Kathy Britton Sweepstakes Judge: Gloria Fellers

November 3, 2013


Basenji Fanciers of Greater Phoenix Specialty Windemere Hotel Convention Center, Mesa, AZ Conformation Judge: Mrs. Wanda Pooley Sweepstakes Judge: Mr. Robert Churchey The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 55

Advertising & Subscriptions themodernbasenji.com


The Modern Basenji - Worldwide is published quarterly in print and online. Beginning with the 1st Qtr 2012 issue, the online magazine will be a modified format that includes advertising and limited content. The digital version is available at no charge. Subscription Rates

Advertising Rates COVER SET Front Cover- Color only................................................................. $ 250.00 Back Cover – Color only................................................................ $ 175.00 Inside Front Cover – Color only.................................................... $ 140.00 Inside Back Cover – Color only..................................................... $ 140.00 Inside Front Cover plus adjacent page............................................ $250.00 Inside Back Cover plus adjacent page............................................. $250.00 INSIDE COLOR PAGES Single color page............................................................................. $ 125.00 2-page spread.................................................................................... $ 235.00 Half page - color.............................................................................. $ 65.00 Quarter-page color.......................................................................... $ 35.00 BLACK/WHITE PAGES Single page....................................................................................... 2-page spread................................................................................... Half page - b/w................................................................................ Quarter page - b/w .........................................................................

$ 70.00 $ 130.00 $ 40.00 $ 25.00

DISCOUNT RATES: Prepay 4 issues (1 pg per issue) COLOR....................................... $ 450.00 Prepay 4 issses (1 pg per issue) B/W............................................... $ 252.00 Addtl photos (limit 4 per page)................................................................ n/c SPECIAL CATEGORIES – per year rate/size: 3.65”w x 2.50h” Breeder/Kennel Directory Listing.................................................. $ 75.00

Deadlines for Advertising & Editorial Submissions February 1st (March issue) August 1st (September issue) May 1st (June issue) November 1st (December issue) Contact The Modern Basenji -- Worldwide For Subscritpions - themodernbasenji@gmail.com For Advertising needs advertise.tmb@gmail.com

one year


US Residents................. $35.00 .............. $65.00 Canadian Residents....... $47.00 .............. $90.00 All Other Countries......... $55.00............. $105.00 Single Copy USA..................................................... $12.00 Canada............................................... $15.00 All other countries............................... $20.00

Payments Online, Checks & Money Orders US Funds Only. Mail Payments to: The Modern Basenji, 221 Oak Wood Road, Kerrville, TX 78028

MAGAZINE STAFF Editors : Wanda Pooley, Melody Falcone, A Tad Brooks Magazine Design Wanda Pooley Advertising Managers Melody Falcone & A. Tad Brooks Ad Designer Melody Falcone Copy Editing Anne Rogers Maxine Elliott M. Susan Joyner

Contact the Advertising Manager for layout details before sending sending camera-ready ads. Send inquiries to The Modern Basenji -- Worldwide 221 Oak Wood Road Kerrville, TX 78028 (830) 257-0481

The Modern Basenji -- Worldwide is interested in your editorial submissions. Please contact us at themodernbasenji@gmail.com

Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publishers. The Modern Basenji takes no responsibility for statements or claims made in advertisements. We reserve the right to edit and/or refuse all copy. We are not responsible for errors in camera-ready ads that come in from an outside designer. All manuscripts become the property of The Modern Basenji. Reports, tallies and photographs of events submitted by individuals are published as space allows. Any win photos must be identified.

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 56

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 57

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 58

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 59

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 60

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