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The Modern Basenji - Worldwide is published quarterly in print and online.





From the Editor


Artificial Insemination - PART III The Bitch, by Wanda Pooley


B-Legal Blog, A New Lease on Life, by Karla Schreiber


My World, by Kya


What’s This?, by Mary Lou Kenworthy


Basenji Club of Bohemia, Judging Critique, by Sally Wallis, UK


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AKC Breed Standings ..................................... 51

Basenji Klub Bohemia Specialty ...............................29 AKC All-Breed Standings ................................. 51


Willamette Valley Basenji Club .................................38 AKC GCH Standings ......................................... 52 Greater Chicagoland Basenji Club Specialty ............39 AKC GCH Achievement Levels......................... 52 BCOA 2013 National Specialty ........................... 30-37 AKC Field rankings .......................................... 53 BCOSW Specialty ................................................. 40-41 ASFA standings ............................................... 53 Evergreen Basenji Club Specialty ....................... 42-43 LGRA standings ............................................... 54 Norwegian Basenjiklubb Basenjispesialen 2013 .....44 NOTRA standings ............................................ 54 Suomen Basenjit Finnish Specialty ...........................45 Australia - All-Breed & Breed ......................... 55 Hungary - Sighthound Specialty Show .....................46 Canada CKC Top 20 Basenjis ........................... 56 Swedish Basenji Specialty ........................................46 Finland Breed Standings ................................. 57 UK Championship Shows .................................... 47-48 Sweden Top Basenjis ...................................... 58 Russia -National Basenji Specialty ...................... 49-50 United Kennel Club Top 10 Basenjis ............... 59 STANDINGS

Norway Standings ........................................... 59

United Kingdom - Standings .............................. 48 Brazil Standings .............................................. 59 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 2




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ome of you may recall my column in the 2nd Quarter issue when I discussed the high cost of feeding premium dog food. It had been suggested I try supplementing with raw chicken to lower the monthly food bill and yet still be assured my basenjis were getting nutritional food. According to folks who feed a raw diet all I had to do was go to my local meat market and order a 40-pound case of chicken necks. How hard could that be? The closest meat market is owned by a rather eccentric fellow. One never knows what his mood will be on any given day. “Chicken necks??? Why would you want 40 pounds of necks??” he loudly growled at me. All heads turned my way, and I found myself babbling an explanation to his customers. After much negotiation, the owner finally agreed to order the chicken necks, but then he warned me that the box was huge and the necks would be frozen in bulk. So, what does one do with a 40-pound frozen block of chicken necks? This was starting to get complicated. The owner then volunteered that he could saw that 40-pound block into 8-10 chunks. To the unschooled that sounded like a good solution, so I placed the order and was told to come back on Friday. When I returned, the owner showed me this huge frozen block of chicken necks and then proceeded to drag the box over to his band saw. Oh, what a mess! Bits of chicken and bone went flying everywhere as that frozen block was dissected into 10 still rather large squares. He tossed the chunks back in the box and carried it out to my van that had been sitting in the sun for the past 45 minutes. Lest one forget: Summer in Texas = 100 deg. temperatures. We had just effectively put 40 pounds of chicken in an oven. I raced home at breakneck (pardon the pun) speed and spent the next 20 minutes in the garage wrapping those now semi-frozen lumps in freezer wrap. The dogs loved this new addition to their diet, and while I was happy about that, I couldn’t help but think there simply had to be a better way to buy chicken in bulk. When my supply of necks started running low, I returned to the meat market to order another case. I had no more than stepped across the threshold when the owner accosted me, exclaiming that he was not going to ruin his saw cutting up my chicken necks and that it took him two hours to clean up the mess! I stood there like a deer caught in the headlights as he sputtered on and on. He finally simmered down and reluctantly agreed to place another order, but told me I would have to wait until the very end of the day so that frozen block of necks was the last thing he cut on his saw. When I arrived at the store, the owner had come up with a better solution than sawing a case of frozen chicken. When the order arrived, he had stored the box in his cooler instead of the freezer. The owner proudly showed me that now, since the necks were semi-frozen, I would be able to pull them apart in chunks and

American Basenji Club ....................................21 Boyd, Kathy ..................................................... FC Boyd, Kathy .....................................................13 Brooks, A. Tad ................................................ 62 Cembura, Patricia .............................................7 Cheng, Stephanie ......................................18-19 Colbert, Terry ..................................................26 Fox, Millissa ....................................................62 Fragassi, Pat ....................................................64 Martin, Phyllis .................................................15 Miller, Victoria ................................................16 New Classic Publications ................................20 Phifer, Brad ......................................................3 Pooley, Wanda ....................................... 62 & 64 Pooley, Wanda ...............................................IBC Schreiber, Karla ...............................................11 Sheldon, Jeff .................................................. IFC Sheldon, Jeff .....................................................1 Solid Gold Holistic .............................................5 Steele, Savio ....................................... 22, 23, 24 Thompson, Jo ..................................................9 Whitehurst, Gale ............................................63 Whitehurst, Gale ............................................BC

wrap them in freezer paper. This worked much better! Feeding raw chicken has pared down my dogs’ food bill by over a third, a real plus. Their coats are shiny, and the overly active basenjis are now actually on the plump side. On the flip side, unfortunately it’s a struggle to keep a consistent supply of raw chicken. As I write this column, the owner of the meat market hasn’t been able to get me a case of necks for almost three weeks, leaving me to haunt the grocery store for the more pricey chicken until his supplier can fill the order. To those who feed raw and can rely on a consistent supply, my congratulations, but for those of us who have limited options, it does take creativity to feed such a diet.

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hen I first toyed with the idea of writing about using artificial insemination (AI) as a breeding choice, I did considerable research on the topic. The material on the “net” is infinite and even mind-boggling because there is so much information, and it is in no particular order. I found myself flipping from one screen to another, one document to the next and wading through myriad opinions on which AI method to use.

The 2ND quarter 2013 PART II - THE DOG addressed how breeders can preserve the genetic makeup of selected males. In this issue we continue with Part III - THE BITCH. PART I - LET ME COUNT THE WAYS provides an historical overview of how using artificial insemination began, why and when to use AI, and the three procedures utilized. PART II - THE DOG - PRESERVING THOSE GENES covers how breeders can protect the genetic makeup in selected stud dogs and why this is important. PART III - THE BITCH explains options for using AI versus natural breeding, describes what’s in store for the bitch and her owner once the decision is made, and provides interviews from breeders who have and continue to use AI as a breeding choice.

by Wanda Pooley

PART IV - AND NOW WE WAIT covers the pregnancy, using ultrasound and radiographs, and recaps the world of artificial insemination in dogs.

PART III: THE BITCH Breeding dogs is not for the faint of heart. From the clinical aspect, science does play a role, but breeding is more an art form in that it involves a communication of emotion and an expression of value.


weeks I struggled with how to approach writing Part III - THE BITCH. There is little clinical information I can share with readers that isn’t already available with minimum effort of searching on the Internet. Plenty of charts, graphs, and images are at my disposal to drive my points home when it comes to the technical aspects of artificial insemination. However, Part III is much more involved than the clinical study that was covered in Part II - THE DOG. Our brood bitches are our greatest assets; they embody everything we do with our breeding programs; they represent those generations of strength and beauty. Decisions made at this juncture in the breeding cycle are wrought with passion, plans, and hopes. Moreover, in basenjis, we have only one shot during the year to “get it right.” If we miscalculate, we wait another year. Why would a breeder consider using artificial insemination? I

have asked that very question for many years. Those opposed to the idea told me they felt using AI was just too expensive to consider, too risky, or had tried using AI but the bitch didn’t conceive. When the selected dog and the bitch are in close proximity, natural breeding is the obvious choice. From my own perspective, even 500 miles seems like a reasonable distance to drive. Anything over that means an airplane ride for my bitch, but that leaves me a bit anxious, and airline travel is not cheap anymore. Today, a round-trip ticket for an unaccompanied dog could likely exceed $700. Tack on the stud fee, the health certificate, travel to and from the airport (twice), and the total cost of a natural breeding isn’t much less than having semen shipped to my vet and the AI done locally. Additionally, consider the stress (yours and hers) of flying a valuable bitch to a strange environment, hoping she will not go out of season, praying she will accept the male, and all the finger crossing that she will conceive and carry the whelps to term. Further, if the bitch lives with other

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PART III: THE BITCH - Continued needs to travel to a dog that lives halfway across the country.



basenjis, she needs to be reintroduced to the “pack” and with her hormones raging, that’s not always an easy feat, especially with all the smells she will likely be carrying on her body. Every breeder knows what to expect when natural breeding takes place. It’s fairly simple biology. We just have to be close, not exact, when mating the dog to the bitch. Fresh sperm can live four to six days in utero, and to increase the odds, we can repeat the mating two or three times, even more, during the bitch’s estrus cycle. It is not uncommon for a bitch to willingly stand for a male several days before her prime fertilization period. Using artificial insemination, however, requires more information to ensure success. The breeder and the veterinarian have to know specifically when the bitch has ovulated in order to determine the most likely time that insemination should take place -- something that is also dependent on whether fresh chilled extended or frozen semen is used. The breeder also has to decide whether to use a non-surgical technique or have surgical implantation, commonly considered the AI “Gold Standard.” I am a proponent of doing natural breeding whenever possible. However, I also recognize that artificial insemination is the best medical alternative to natural breeding and is successful. In recent years, because of the more common usage of frozen or fresh chilled extended semen, veterinarians’ attention has refocused on discovering better methods of semen implantation in the bitch. Testing methods are much more sophisticated, and depositing semen directly into the uterus has resulted in conception rates equal to those from natural breedings. A breeding program no longer has to be separated by distance or time. Moreover, using AI opens up more choices because the males’ precious genetic material can be preserved for later use, and a bitch no longer

Part I LET ME COUNT THE WAYS two of the most common methods, transcervical insemination and surgical insemination, were discussed. The breeder will have to consider the merits of both procedures in order to decide which to use. Transcervical insemination is appealing to some breeders because the bitch does not require surgery. The semen is placed in the uterus using a rigid catheter and endoscope. This process is usually repeated 48 hours later. If fresh chilled extended semen is used, this can be a convenient method to choose because the stud dog is likely available for an additional collection, and that two-day time period is adequate for a second shipment of semen. In its favor, the life span of fresh chilled extended sperm is longer -- about 72 hours in utero.

(above) Transcervical insemination (below) Surgical insemination

Surgical insemination does require anesthesia and good surgical skills, and can be more exact. The semen is placed directly into the uterus and immediately adjacent to maturing follicles. This is an especially good procedure when using thawed frozen semen because those sperm have a shorter life span -- 12-24 hours. The surgery is done one time, making it imperative to know the proper progesterone/luteinizing hormone levels of the bitch.



artificial insemination the proper choice when breeding a maiden bitch? The advantages of using a proven bitch are that (1) she is likely fertile, and (2) she has demonstrated her instinct for mothering her offspring. Otherwise, biology will prevail. Like a natural breeding, sperm, whether from frozen or fresh chilled extended semen, are introduced into the uterus; if fertile eggs are present; conception is likely if proper testing has been done to ensure the optimum timing. I have had AI done on two maiden bitches, one using fresh chilled extended and the other using frozen semen. Both produced full-sized healthy litters of pups.

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and receptiveness to a male -- are only signs of the estrogens in her bloodstream and should not be used as a gauge that she has ovulated. Some bitches show only very subtle signs of their heat cycle, making it difficult to pinpoint her first day or if she is even in season. Dr. Greenfield offers this recommendation:

The graph illustrates the complexity of timing the hormone levels during a bitch’s estrus cycle


canine female has a complicated reproductive system. Therefore, tracking her progesterone levels to assist in detecting ovulation can be tricky. Thanks to considerable research in this area, recent decades have provided breeders with testing methods that have greatly improved the success of artificial insemination. Consider that once the progesterone level rises during estrus, it remains high for two months following. Armed with this knowledge, it is critical to run that first progesterone test just a few days into proestrus, that first period in the heat cycle when the bloodtinged vaginal discharge and vulvar swelling first appear. Dr. Brian Greenfield offers a clear explanation of the importance of when to run that first progesterone test and why. “Prior to coming in season (estrus), serum progesterone levels in the bitch are low, less than 2ng (ng=nanograms.) As the cycle continues, progesterone levels slowly climb to a level of 5ng, upon which ovulation occurs. The ovulation date can be as early as day 7 and as late as day 27 of the estrous cycle, emphasizing the importance of the blood test. Once a bitch hits 5ng and ovulates, subsequent serum progesterone levels can vary greatly. For example, at three days post ovulation we routinely see progesterone levels that may range from as low as l0ng to as high as 60ng, depending on the bitch. For ovulation purposes we are only interested in the day she exceeds 5ng. I commonly get the question, “Doc, we only ran one progesterone test on my bitch and it was 15ng; when did she ovulate?” The answer is impossible to know based on one test. I have seen bitches at 15ng one day after ovulation as well as 5, 10, 20, or 40 days after ovulation. You must have one test below 5ng and one above 5ng to determine ovulation day.” [“Progesterone Testing - A Successful Breeder’s Best Friend” by Brian E. Greenfield, D.V.M.]

Dr. Greenfield recommends testing the bitch on the sixth day from those first signs of bleeding and swelling and then continue testing every 1-3 days until she ovulates. He also cautions that those typical indicators -- the discharge, coloration, swelling, flagging,

“Often we are confronted with owners who have difficulty “catching” a bitch’s heat cycle. This is usually due to minimal outward physical signs such as vulvar swelling and bleeding. We recall that progesterone levels stay elevated for approximately two months after ovulation in all bitches, whether pregnant or not. Obtaining an elevated progesterone level in such an animal at the very least indicates she was in season in the last two months, often helping a breeder know approximately when to expect the next cycle. Conversely, a low progesterone level, less than 2.5ng, means there have been no eggs ovulated in the past two months. This may alert a breeder to an upcoming cycle, or, if the level remains chronically low, the veterinarian may be alerted to begin a thorough medical workup.” [“Progesterone Testing - A Successful Breeder’s Best Friend” by Brian E. Greenfield, D.V.M]



the decisions have been made -- surgical or transcervical; fresh chilled or frozen semen, -- the bitch has ovulated, and the right day has arrived, the breeder should be breathing a sigh of relief. Don’t I wish that were true. Breeders, by their very nature, are ever vigilant and constantly concerned with (1) the present, or (2) the future. For decades we have known what to expect because, for most of us, we have been closely involved in almost every step in a mating. Using AI as an alternate choice means that once we have done our part to prepare the bitch for the procedure, we have to hand her over to a person who is not in our ranks, someone who is objectively involved and not subjectively immersed in our dreams and desires for the next generation of our lines. Now it becomes clinical. Words can’t describe how I felt after breeding my first bitch using artificial insemination. Even now as my fingers hover over the keyboard, my mind wanders back to that moment when I handed Lottie over to my vet, trusting him to create a miracle, because to me this is miraculous. After five decades of breeding horses and dogs the old-fashion way, this was unfamiliar territory. I had no control over what happened next and in the back of my mind, I was convinced this could not possibly work. I can only write my anxiety off to fear of the unknown and the notion that I had no control over the outcome. Of course, just why I thought I did have control over a natural breeding is beyond me. Once the surgery was finished, and Lottie was safely home to recover and wait for time to pass, I started looking for the “Easy Button.” A male in a test tube meant no trips to the airport, no bitch stressed-out from traveling and being away from all she knew; and no stressed-out owner worrying about her while she was gone, praying she would come back home safely.

AND NOW WE WAIT..... What happens next? PART IV will cover the pregnancy and recap the world of artificial insemination in canines.  

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First Time Experience Using AI By Pat Fragassi, Tanza Basenjis, California


his was my first experience with doing a fresh chilled breeding. I have to say that it was made really easy by Tad Brooks, Meisterhaus in Kentucky (stud dog owner) and my veterinarian, Janice Cain, DVM. My bitch, C-Me, came into season September 14, 2012. I had five progesterone tests run beginning on Day 5. In hindsight I probably could have gotten away with just three tests. • • • •

Day 5, Sept. 18 - Progesterone level of .06ng Day 7, Sept. 20 - Progesterone level of .05ng Day 9. Sept. 22 - Progesterone level of .09ng Day 11 - Sept. 24 - Progesterone level 1.7ng – at this point Dr. Cain said that if the level continues to rise by the next test, she would consider doing the insemination on the 28th and 29th. I advised Tad that we might be looking at collection/shipment on the 27th and on the 28th with a scheduled arrival of semen on the 28th and 29th. Day 13, Sept 26 -Blood was drawn for the fifth test. C-Me’s progesterone level showed she was at 6.3ng. She had ovulated!

Dr. Cain declared we were good to go for the vaginal insemination on the 28th. She preferred to do two different inseminations so I let Tad know that we needed a collection on the 27th and on the 28th.

I also gave Tad the details for shipment and delivery to the vet’s office. The first insemination was done vaginally on September 28th and the second was done on Sept. 29th using the Transcervical procedure. I had decided to do one of each since the vaginal insemination was less expensive. Dr. Cain’s preference is to do transcervical insemination, however.

An ultrasound was done on C-Me on October 26th and six or seven puppies were seen. On November 26th, radiographs were taken that confirmed C-Me was carrying six puppies. Pups were born on November 28th. All in all, great success! Would I do it again? You bet!


done several AI breedings over the past few years. Her costs compare closely to mine. The one AI breeding that probably he figures below represent what I paid to have two of caused Gale the most angst was in 2012 when she bred Quianna my bitches artificially inseminated. These numbers (DC UnderCover Meisterhaus Hi Ho Quianna by Signet, SC) will vary somewhat around the country, but cost, which using one of the last frozen semen breedings from Jack (DC admittedly impacts the pocketbook, should always be weighed to UnderCover Bojak Kojak, SC FCh, SDHR.) The semen collected consider the benefits for the safety of the bitch, the convenience from Jack had been “sitting on ice” since 2002. Gale didn’t want to the breeder and the stud dog owner, and the ability to have a to leave anything to chance. She ran seven progesterone tests broader range of choices in males. The last is probably one of on Quianna, spent three nights in a motel in Atlanta, Georgia the most appealing aspects of using AI. More choices! where the semen was stored and where the surgery would take I included the average cost of a natural breeding, based on the place, just waiting for that right moment. To be fair, Quianna’s need to fly the bitch to the stud dog. Obviously, when a local dog progesterone level just wasn’t kicking into gear fast enough; thus or even our own male is available, breed costs are considerably more tests than normal needed to be done. lower. Some of you might remember Gale’s article in the 3rd Quarter Gale Whitehurst, of UnderCover Basenjis in Georgia, has 2012 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide. She described how her big vacation plans with her grandchildren, SERI LOTTIE Compare to NOTES that included the 2012 BCOA National TYPE OF BREEDING Frozen Semen Fresh Chilled Natural Specialty, were foiled because Quianna $ 750.00 Stud Fee $ 750.00 $ 500.00 decided to come in season two months Semen Shipped from storage $ 135.00 n/a *$ 40.00 *health certificate earlier than the previous year. *$ 700.00 *airline cost Fresh Chilled Semen collection n/a $ 197.90 Whatever decisions a breeder makes, Fed-Ex to vet clinic $ 235.91 $ 96.98 n/a Fed-Ex return empty tank $ 168.37 n/a n/a having a broader selection of males, Progesterone tests (2-3) $ 273.56 $ 107.58 $ 250.00 keeping the bitch safe, and expanding Pre-op exam/progesterone test $ 125.80 n/a n/a the genetic makeup of a particular line is AI Surgery $ 571.31 $ 230.89 n/a always paramount to a successful breeding Radiograph in December $ 109.15 $ 106.00 $ 110.00 program.



$ 2,369.10

$ 1,239.35

$ 1,850.00

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A New Lease on Life: Rental Properties and Dog Ownership


“Trailers for sale or rent Rooms to let...fifty cents.


No phone, no pool, no pets I ain’t got no cigarettes Ah, but..two hours of pushin’ broom Buys an eight by twelve four-bit room I’m a man of means by no means King of the road.” --- Roger Miller


those of us old enough to remember this Roger Miller tune, it is primarily a trip down memory lane. However, in reality many purebred dog fanciers will – at one time or another – find themselves faced with the prospect of residing in rental housing. Young fanciers just starting out often have to rent. Also, major life events (marriage, divorce, adding a new baby to the household), personal finances, relocating for a new job, or just general economic circumstances can cause fanciers to find themselves in a landlordtenant situation. As we’ve discussed here many times, companion animals are property under the law. This is a double-edged sword. It is good, because when we own a home, we have considerable control (short of causing danger or nuisance to our neighbors) to use our property as we see fit. It is bad, because when we are not homeowners, we are at the mercy of our landlords with regard to the type of property we can bring into their rental space, and how we can use it.

By Karla Schreiber

The first and most important thing to remember if you are attempting to rent living space as a dog owner is that your landlord holds all of the cards – and I do mean all of them. Federal, state and local laws offer no protection regarding pet ownership in rental situations, with the exception of service animals covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act. So you must – for lack of a better phrase – suck it up, and realize that you are approaching the task of finding rental housing from the standpoint of having to negotiate every term or condition The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 14

B-LEGAL BLOG (Continued) relating to your companion animals. The single most important element of this endeavor is very simple: “get it in writing!”

Ask your former neighbors, vet, and any service providers you have engaged (lawn clean-up service, doggie day care, etc.) to provide references for you so that you can show your landlord that you are a responsible owner who is aware of local laws and intends to abide by them. Show your landlord that you are as concerned about properly maintaining the property as he or she is.

In every state, the vast majority of landlords use form leases. That doesn’t mean, however, that you can’t negotiate changes to the form lease. You can and should READ it, and you can and should ask to sit down face to face with your Secrecy and surprise As a dog owner, be prepared to pay a greater-than-normal security landlord (or his or her are not recipes for a deposit, and be prepared to forfeit it if your animals damage the management agent) to congenial relationship premises. If you are committed to maintaining an open and honest discuss adding language with your landlord. If to clarify the terms of you plan to breed relationship with your landlord, don’t wait until you are ready to your lease and to litters at the rental move out to let him or her know about damage to the premises. expressly include terms property, discuss this covering your companion with your landlord animals. Having rented myself in the mid-90’s, with three basenjis before you sign the lease. Provide every assurance (including and a toddler, my suggestion to everybody in this situation is to be references from past buyers who have visited your premises, etc.) honest about the number of dogs you have and the activities you that you are not a “business” and that protecting the landlord’s plan to engage in while you are renting. property will be your utmost concern. Add a provision regarding Step one is to make sure you know and understand the local breeding litters to your lease, and include as much detail as necessary dog limits set by the city or county where your rental home is located. to reassure your landlord that his or her interests won’t be If, for example, your landlord balks at your request to have three compromised. Also, remember that landlords can be sued for dogs in residence, be prepared to cite the local ordinance showing accidents that occur on their rental premises. Some landlords refuse that the dog limit is actually four, not three. Never stray far, however, to even entertain the notion of leasing to individuals who own specific from the realization that your landlord holds ALL the cards. Once breeds – and that is their right, as property owners. This is not you’ve pointed out that the local dog limit is four, be prepared to discriminatory under state or federal law. You will want to assure give your landlord a good reason for trusting that you will properly your landlord that you understand this potential liability, and you maintain his or her property in compliance with all local ordinances. may even want to offer to assume it formally by agreeing in writing The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 15

B-LEGAL BLOG (Continued) that you will hold your landlord harmless for any injuries to visitors that result from interaction with your animals. You will also want to secure appropriate personal insurance coverage if you do this – traditional rental insurance does not cover injuries caused by companion animals. As a dog owner, be prepared to pay a greater-than-normal security deposit and be prepared to forfeit it if your animals damage the premises. If you are committed to maintaining an open and honest relationship with your landlord, don’t wait until you are ready to move out to let him or her know about damage to the premises. During my stint as a renter, two of my dogs somehow (while I was at home) managed to “lock” themselves in my bedroom – and damaged the inside of the bedroom door before I was alerted to what was going on. I immediately called my landlord and let her know my dogs had damaged the door, and that I would pay to have the door refinished when we were ready to move out. Likewise, one of my dogs damaged a carpet that came with the rental property, and I immediately offered to replace the carpet when we moved. Last but not least, consider allowing your future landlord to meet your dogs in person. In the case of basenjis, many non-fanciers find it fascinating (but difficult to believe) that basenjis do not bark. Show them! My own landlord, back in the ‘90’s, was amazed when she paid us a visit and saw how quiet my kidz were. This served us well after we’d been renting about 6 months – when a neighbor complained to my landlord about “barking dogs” on the property. She immediately told them that the barking could not be coming

from my dogs – because they were barkless. In point of fact, the barking was coming from several houses away, where a new family had just purchased two Jack Russell Terriers! To review – the single most important thing to remember about renting and dog ownership is that you are in a defensive posture. Unless your dog is a service animal, your landlord has the right to dictate whether you can own a pet at all, and if so, what kind of pet, how many, and the activities you can engage in on the premises. Your best bet is always to have a full and frank discussion with your landlord prior to signing a lease, to ensure that all terms and conditions are fully spelled out in the signed lease agreement. If during the course of your rental term anything changes (let’s say you want to add another pup to your entourage,) contact your landlord before bringing in the new addition and negotiate a rider to the lease. You may have to pay an additional security deposit or agree to other terms and conditions – but maintaining an open line of communication with your landlord, and dealing with potential problems immediately when they arise, will help to ensure that your landlord will give you a good reference when – at long last – you are ready to take the plunge and become a property owner again yourself! The B-Legal Blog provides general information on law-related topics for Informational purposes only. It does not provide personalized legal advice regarding the topics discussed, and it is not intended in any manner as a substitute for the services of a qualified, State-licensed attorney.

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heard rumors this spring that summer was just around the corner. I guess it was only rumors because we had rain and snow in April. May was a little better—not as cold and surprise! I saw flowers. However, Libby (she’s one of my roommates that I’ll tell you about later) produced one FLEA, and mom panicked. I panicked too and developed flea dermatitis. Mom went over me with a fine-toothed comb looking for fleas but never found any. As a result we were “de-fleaed” in March amid all that snow we had.

leave it; you better not even look at something. Anyway, Frances was the ‘test dog’ for the whole class. I only watched the bait. Frances is a little mini Hoover when things are on the floor. Walking in a large, well not very large, circle her eyes were on the bait. As the circle became smaller she nose dived for the bait but was pulled up short and reprimanded. My goodness!! Her little stubby tail stopped going ninety miles per minute and drooped. Long story short, by the end of the test she was walking by that little piece of bait with only a quick sideways glance at it and her tail was again up and running. When it was my turn, need I have to say that I was almost perfect, but I blew it on the last time around when I dived for the bait. Oops!! I forgot how short my line was.

Now for the good news!!! I have been cleared for all phases of obedience training by my lovely Dr. Jen (I really don’t know what her real name is, but I am always glad to I went and participated in one of those ‘fun things’ see her.) She is so nice again. I did not see the fun part. On the recall I thought, to me; she rubs my back and massages my neck “Why am I here?” as mom started to leave me. I with something that is followed. Oops! Wrong move... so warm and comfy, I was banned from my kitchen privileges a while back because I peed on my bed. I said I was sorry, so sorry, but mom said, “Out, out, out!!” After about a week (let me tell you that was a long week) she let me back in. I like the kitchen because it has this little space on the wall that seems to spit out warm air every time I approach it. I must tell you about my new friend. Her name is Frances. She is a Silky terrier so they say, but I would not know because she sure doesn’t look very silky to me, but what do I know? Anyway, I never saw such a wiggle worm in my life. I have been around to a lot of places and the only thing I saw that even came close to wiggling as much as Frances was one of my friends whose name is Holly (more on Holly later). Anyway Frances and I were in class, and they were teaching “leave it.” Of course, I already knew that from home life. Believe it when mom says

We have gone on a few walks but with something called a new law (whatever that is,) I did not see any person, dog or cat out and about. I have encountered some fabulous smells and can hardly wait until it is walk time for me again. I went and participated in one of those ‘fun things’ again. I did not see the fun part. On the recall I thought, why am I here, as mom started to leave me. I followed. Oops! Wrong move. Back came mom and said, “Don’t you understand the word wait?” Of course, I know the word wait, but my question was, “Why wait when you are going to call me anyway?” And wouldn’t you know it, the teacher was there watching all her students. Fun match?? I did not see much fun to it. It just seemed to be an extension of the class room. Watch for more not so mundane adventures. Until next time may all your days, your trails and your adventures be happy ones.

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WHAT’S THIS? By Mary Lou Kenworthy

No, it's not a Rorschach test; a donut hole would be closer! This is to challenge your eye for balance. Now, looking at the group below, decide which of these strange looking shapes is closest to being square. Which is furthest from being square? Arrange these shapes in order from one to ten with number 1 being the closest to square then write your answers below. No cheating!











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So, What Is It? The shapes below are arranged from the most square to the least square and the answers are as follows: (left to right) TOP ROW - D, H, E & F; SECOND ROW - I, A, B & G; BOTTOM ROW - C then J. Fill in the correct answers below each shape. How’d you do? Now, look again. What do you see, and do you know what you are looking at? It’s nothing but air. It is the space under a stacked dog. This ‘nothing’ can tell you a lot about the dog.

The first four are more obviously square when compared to the last two, which are closer to rectangular. The middle four are more moderate and harder to judge. If you have them in a different order, don’t worry, you may be right as there is no accurate way to measure. It’s a judgment call. However, if you can’t see the difference between the first and last row, please don’t apply for a judging license yet. Shape J stands over a lot of ground and could do justice to a German Shepherd. Shapes D and H are made by very square dogs. They are all basenjis. Why are they all so different? Let’s analyze a few shapes. F, for example, is not stacked with hocks perpendicular to the ground. The rear legs are so far back that the hocks slope forward. It could be that the dog leaned or moved as the picture was being taken, or that it was stacked this way to conceal that it is high in the rear. Many of these shapes, particularly the longer ones, show that the bottom line cuts up way before it reaches the elbow. Shape B is most obvious in this fault. This dog has an extremely short, steep upper arm with a very straight front that is placed too far forward on the dog. Either this is the most common fault in basenjis today, or it has become a handling fad that jerks the head up and back then pops the front assembly forward. Either way, it detracts from the squareness of the dog. The front leg should be under the body to support its weight; not tacked on to the very front in plumb with the ears. This ‘nothing’ under the dog is a very good reflection of how the dog is made. Train your eye to see, analyze it, and you will be surprised at the information you can draw from it. Next time you are looking at angulation and topline, remember the bottom line and the nothing under it.

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Photography by Zbynek Jun

By Sally Wallis



Romano Pohlreich showing Sternhimmels Jamais Vu

Fifty years ago, in 1962, I lived in an hotel in Prague and walked or went by tram each day to the British Embassy, my place of work. In those days Prague was known as the City of a Thousand Spires. It had spires but not much else. I was there throughout the winter, and the city was grey, dirty and sad. The CSSR had a centrally planned economy and basic foods (bread, milk, etc) were cheap and in sufficient quantity. But the people did not have legal opportunity to buy something better. No luxuries. As a result, a rumour that a shop ‘might’ have something to sell caused queues around the block. People didn’t wait to see what they might be queuing for – they just stood in line, hoping for the chance to buy tropical fruits, quality meat, new clothes and everything out of the ordinary or better than ‘basic’. There was no variety of goods otherwise available. Often when they reached the front, there was nothing to buy – if, indeed, there ever had been.


Saturdays, country folk came in from the villages with push-carts on which were treasured pieces of furniture. Antique shops abounded but I doubt they received good value for their treasures. Perhaps they also hoped for a chance to buy luxuries because they weren’t starving. We of the ‘gilded cage’ fraternity had our fresh food shipped down each week from Denmark. Cafes - there were none. We could dine out in one of the two hotels, the Alcron, which was my ‘home’ and the Bristol, which has disappeared in the intervening years. I visited the Alcron with Jana while I was in Prague. Dirty red corded carpets have been replaced with marble tiles and the menus are infinitely more varied and cosmopolitan. It has an air of luxury as befits a large hotel in a capital city. These days, Prague is a vibrant, colourful, exciting city. There are clothes shops, luxury goods to be had in the myriad boutiques, cafes galore, bars and ice-cream stalls where you can sit out on the pavement, restaurants offering food of many countries. And trees – avenues of trees lining many of the streets. Facades of houses have been stripped, cleaned and rendered, then painted in glorious colors – the spires are still there and even more beautiful despite the occasional back-drop of high-rise apartment blocks on the skyline. And tourists – everywhere tourists taking photos of each other. There were none in 1962. My hosts, Lucie Junova and Zbynek Jun, took time off from their lovely family to walk me off my feet (or was it the other way around?!) and also took me to Pilsen to fetch one of their boys home from a sojourn with grandparents. The visit included a guided tour of the brewery which makes the beer I enjoyed throughout the trip! Enough of my trip down memory lane –

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Basenji Club of Bohemia Specialty (Continued)

Judging basenji specialties ‘away from home’ almost guarantees a superlative venue and Dol, deep in the Czech Republic countryside, is no exception. Home to the Basenji Club of Bohemia’s annual specialty show, it is situated south of Prague in semi-wooded rolling countryside. The show takes place at a recreation centre and camp for children and adults which comprises small chalets with bunk

beds around a wide open space. There is a swimming pool, a café/ restaurant and a concrete area under the trees which affords a large ring, sheltered from the sun. Exhibitors often make a weekend of it, arriving through Friday, enjoying a drink, catching up with friends and discussing basenjis (what else?!). Many dogs just run free and have fun. Very little ‘mouthing off.’ Surprising! We drove down from Prague early Saturday morning. Previous years’ trophies were presented and then the Show started. The dogs were of a very high quality, but movement among the males lacked the free-swinging gait I was looking for. The girls out-moved the boys by quite a margin. Obviously we had a language barrier, but handlers took kindly to suggestions as to positioning the collar high under the cheek bones, and many dogs moved better on a second attempt. To be entirely honest, handling left a great deal to be desired. With some exceptions, the dogs were not presented particularly well. When stacked, toplines were allowed to drop (a sharp tap under the tum cures this in an instant!) Dogs were either stretched out too far behind or allowed to give a passable imitation of a mountain goat standing on a crag. Temperaments were in the main excellent – as witnessed by the general free-running after the show. However, on the table a couple were unwilling to be gone over ,so I let them move first to give their handlers a chance to settle them before examining them. Okay, at a General Championship Show I might have excused a couple of exhibits but, relaxed and standing beside

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Basenji Club of Bohemia Specialty (Continued)

Msumari’s Bayabaya – Best Baby

me for a critique, the quality of the dog was obvious, so it seemed to me to be enough to place them lower than I otherwise might have done. This was a Club Specialty among friends and many exhibitors were inexperienced and a little nervous. This communicates itself to the dog, and I saw no reason to withhold ‘excellent’ from basenjis who were, after all, just telling me they were

basenjis! The judge must critique and then place every dog in the class. Chinja Maji Salasirian - showing in the Open Bitch Class, Res CAC This can be a strain because in countries where first through fifth dogs are placed and the rest of the class thanked and excused from excellent muscle tone and general condition. the ring, handlers don’t know if they are 6th, 7th, 8th or? But here CZE Ch Cayamba Mayoko Lady Congo, entered in the Honorary they are left in no doubt! Bitch Class, was a tad overweight, and I’m told after the show Following the general go-around and individual assessment, the handler was heard to say in Czech “My bitch is not fat! She is the steward called out each dog in order of ring numbers for a carrying too much weight!” – I hope that this means my critiques critique to be written. I dictated were accepted in good part! At my comments to Jana Sikulova least it proves the translations in English, and she wrote them were accurate. down – we had a drawing of a There were no babies or basenji with various parts named puppies in Dogs so Msumari’s to help us. While I judged the Bayabaya was automatically next class, Jana translated/ Best Baby. A very promising dictated it in Czech to another little girl with a gleaming red very helpful lady scribe. coat. Her head is a little narrower Exhibitors receive signed than I like but could ‘break’ as copies in both languages (my she matures. Best Puppy was hand still aches!) Therefore, another very promising young there is no reason to rehearse lady, Estee Lauder Ituri Moravia, them all here, so I will just make Sally Wallis judging one of the classes with the spacious grounds of the correct angulation, chest well brief comments on a few of the site in the backdrop. dropped, pretty girl. Second in winners. this class was a trindle, and I The paperwork done, the dogs are placed in descending order. understand some social networking sites were unhappy that I placed I did run them around again to loosen up. You get the impression this color. It’s not a color, it’s a pattern, and the bitch is lovely! Nice of judging each dog twice – and free standing for their critique square outline, level topline, true mover, sound dog. they often stack themselves and show off better without human Best Veteran was a 12 year old, INT/CZE/SVK/RAK/POL/ interference. DT(VDH) Ch, CZE Klub/SVK GCh, 2BISS, BIS Greasy Guy First and second in the classes Intermediate, Working, Open Ananty VetWW 2012. No wonder he has all those titles - (I copied and Champion get CAC and RCAC respectively. Juniors get a them from my database when I arrived home)! He was in super J-CAC towards their Junior Ch title. ‘Babies’ and Puppies are condition, slim, elegant but with good muscle tone and he moved graded ‘Very Promising’ or ‘Promising’ but neither they nor the true. Veterans come in for the ‘Club Winner’ Dog or Bitch challenge. Best Opposite Sex Veteran was another heavily titled basenji However, they are matched against the opposite sex of their class CZE/RAK/SVK JCh, INT/CZE/SVK/POL/CZE Club Ch Abanda and the ‘best’ of these competes in the final for Best in Show. od Nehvizdske studanky. Very pretty 9.5 years old with super front Dogs entered in ‘Honorary Class’ get a critique and nothing fill who moved with drive. more. In Dogs, INT/MC/S/FIN Ch Sternhimmels Summa Best Junior / BISS Junior was Averey Kwilu Shattani, a brindle Summarum at 14 years has the physique of a much younger dog. with clear chevrons, correct angulation and cat-like feet. He held his His owner/handler gaited him around the ring on a slack lead topline on the move, but photos don’t really do him justice. BOS Summa strode out well. On the table I was delighted with his Junior (or Youth – my translations vary!) was Leila Ekibondo. A The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 27

Basenji Club of Bohemia Specialty (Continued) Ekibondo, another brindle, pushed Mom very hard for the top spot. She is slightly straight at back, although her front assembly and shoulder layback allow her to move well. Apparently I was supposed to keep a note of the colors and to award a ‘Best’ in each color, but nobody told me so after BIS we called in all the Blacks, Black/Tan/Whites, Brindles, and Reds by turn, and Jana explained that I was not judging on construction, only on color. Pairs produced an ‘Irish Brace’ to delight my (Left) Best Bitch, Club Winner and Best In Show eye – a tri with a red and CZE/SVK JCh, INT/ CZE/SVK/POL/Club Ch, CZE GCh, Multi BISS Hannah Ekibondo EuJW-08 WW-09 white! But the honours went to a pair of blacks. (Right) Best Junior / BISS Junior Averey Kwilu Shattani Breeders Class was won by Miroslava Miklisova brindle with slight discoloration on the face, but this didn’t hide her at the head of a long procession of her lovely Ekibondos! excellent conformation and typical expression. An enchanting under-six year old Junior Handler almost stole There is a class for ‘Working Dogs’ – mostly their work is the show! She gaited her charge up and down the ring at considerable coursing, and this could explain movement. Bitch Class winner speed and then straight out of it – preferring a speedy exit to further CZE Ch Daboya Kwilu Lady Congo, a black & white, was the best examination! mover I’d seen at that point in the show! She comes close to the The 6–10 year old class of Junior Handlers was heavily coached true basenji gait so seldom in evidence in any country these days. by grandparents from the sidelines. Dual handling became the norm! Best Dog, Club Winner and Best Naturally I couldn’t understand Opposite Sex CZE JCh, CZE GCh, the advice given, but it wasn’t CZE/SVK/H/LUX/CHO/RAK & too difficult to guess as I moved CLUB Ch Gambo Ekibondo also around the dogs and, even if came from the ‘Working Class’. belatedly, the handlers moved A very sound red/white. Slightly too! smaller than some but well balanced A word about and with adequate angulation front the organisation – it was and rear, good spring of ribs, impectable. My steward was excellent front with deep brisket helpful and had the dogs lined and correct tuck. up with no delay between classes. My scribes didn’t hold Unsurprisingly, Best Bitch, Club us up at all, and the whole Winner and Best In Show was his atmosphere was friendly. The half-sister (same dam) CZE/SVK ‘place numbers’ along the side JCh, INT/ CZE/SVK/POL/Club Ch, of the ring for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and CZE GCh, Multi BISS Hannah The Brace Class placements 4th are clear enough even if the Ekibondo EuJW-08 WW-09. She was my pick for Best Bitch two years ago in Trechtingshausen but dog and handler stand in front of them. I had to ask photographer was pipped for BIS when her movement ‘stalled.’ Here though, she Zbynek Jun to insist the DOG and not the number appeared in the moved beautifully, coming, going and in profile with super drive and foreground of photos! And a word about the catalogue. A simple good front reach. Her handler knows better than to confuse speed sheet of A4 paper printed in three columns and folded! Delightfully with drive and moves her to perfection. Her overall construction is easy and lightweight. I had a wonderful day in Dol with all those Czech basenjis and excellent. There can only be one Club Winner in each sex, but I’d have am indeed grateful to the Basenji Club of Bohemia for inviting me loved to be able to declare a ‘Reserve.’ Her daughter CZE Ch Iana and making me feel so welcome!  The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 28

BASENJI KLUB BOHEMIA SPECIALTY, Czech Republic 15.6.2013 KVP Dol u Blatné Judge Sally Wallis, Great Britain DOGS: CAC/BOS KLUBOVÝ VÍTĚZ (CLUB WINNER) .....................Gambo Ekibondo BISS VETERAN/CAC .......................................................... Greasy Gui Ananty BISS JUNIOR..................................................................Averey Kwilu Shattani BITCHES: BISS BABY ......................................................................Msumari´s Bayabaya CAC, KLUBOVÝ VÍTĚZ (CLUB WINNER), BOB, BISS........ Hannah Ekibondo DOGS/PSI JUNIOR/MLADÝCH V1CAJC, BISS JUNIOR .....................................................................Averey Kwilu Shattani V2 .............................................................................................................. Lisimba Ekibondo V3 ................................................................................................. Ashwar Kasongo Shattani INTERMEDIATE/MEZITŘÍDA V1, CAC........................................................................................ Amigo Kwaku Maybe Dog V2, res.CAC................................................................................................Kwame Ekibondo V3 ...............................................................................................................Khamisi Hanáček V4 ........................................................................................................... Dhahabu Salasirian OPEN/OTEVŘENÁ V1, CAC....................................................................................................Old Legend´s Faro V2, res.CAC.................................................................................Candy-Handy Ituri Moravia V3 .................................................................................................Chuomi Mwana Salasirian V4 .......................................................................................................Dungu Wabu Asthenia WORKING/PRACOVNÍ V1, CAC, KLUBOVÝ VÍTĚZ, BOS ..............................................................Gambo Ekibondo V2, res.CAC........................................................................................Ankan Ningen Banken CHAMPION/VÍTĚZŮ V1, CAC.......................................................................................... Aramis Adenike Belongo V2, res.CAC....................................................................................... Zahleka King of Kongo V3 ...................................................................................................Sternhimmels Jamais Vu V4 ................................................................................................................ Zahleka Zanzkrit HONORABLE/ČESTNÁ V ......................................................................................Sternhimmels Summa Summarum VETERAN/VETERÁNŮ V1 ...........................................................Nej.veterán, BISS VETERAN Greasy Gui Ananty V2 ......................................................................................................................Zande Dadisi BITCHES/FENY BABY/ŠTĚŇAT VN, BISS BABY ....................................................................................Msumari´s Bayabaya

CAJC BISS JUNIOR Averey Kwilu Shattani

(Left) CAC/Best of Opposite Sex (Right) CAC/Best of Breed

PUPPY/DOROSTU VN1, BISS PUPPY .......................................................................Estee Lauder Ituri Moravia VN2..........................................................................................................Fayola Lady Congo VN3...................................................................................................Funmilaylo Lady Congo VN4..............................................................................................Ashaki Včelenská bonanza JUNIOR/MLADÝCH V1, CAJC ........................................................................................................ Leila Ekibondo V2 ................................................................................................... Aishee Harufu Ya Kongo V3 ..................................................................................................................Kamili Hanáček INTERMEDIATE/MEZITŘÍDA V1, CAC..........................................................................................Amaya Akua Maybe Dog V2, res.CAC................................................................................E´Nya Kisimba Lady Congo V3 ............................................................................................................ Dhamira Salasirian OPEN/OTEVŘENÁ V1, CAC...........................................................................................................Iana Ekibondo V2, res.CAC......................................................................................... Chinja Maji Salasirian V3 ................................................................................................... Bujumbura Yeji Asthenia V4 ......................................................................................................................Jua Hanáček WORKING/PRACOVNÍ V1, CAC..................................................................................... Daboya Kwuilu Lady Congo V2, res.CAC...............................................................Amanita Pantherina Tami´s TamTamy V3 ...................................................................................... Lis Glamur Energy Endless Love CHAMPION/VÍTĚZŮ V1, CAC, KLUBOVÝ VÍTĚZ, BOB, BISS................................................... Hannah Ekibondo V2, res.CAC..................................................................................Hanishan Rock The World HONORABLE/ČESTNÁ V ........................................................................................... Cayamba Mayoko Lady Congo VETERAN/VETERÁNŮ V1, Nej.veterán .................................................................. Abanda od Nehvizdské studánky V2 ........................................................................................................ Fedora z Ticha Bantu V3 ....................................................................................................................Eliah Hanáček PÁRY: 1...................................................................................... Old Legend´s Faro & Jua Hanáček 2........................................................Sternhimmels Jamais Vu & Hanishan Rock The World 3............................................................Fly Wirh Style Afrikata & Daboya Kwilu Lady Congo 4................................................. Ankan Ningen Banken & Lis Glamur Energy Endless Love BREEDING GROUP/CHOVATELSKÁ SKUPINA: 1...............................................................................................................................Ekibondo 2.......................................................................................................................... Lady Congo DÍTĚ A PES 2.KATEGORIE (10-16 LET): 1......................................................................Johana Fabíková & Sternhimmels Jamais Vu 2........................................................................... Valentýna Fabíková & Old Legend´s Faro 3...................................................................................... Iva Holásková & Lisimba Ekibondo

CAC Aramis Adenike Belongo

CAC Amigo Kwaku Maybe Dog

CAC Old Legend´s Faro Photography by Zbynek Jun The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 29




JULY 12 - 17, 2013 JUDGES Conformation ..................................................................Mrs. Judy Webb Sweepstakes .............................................................. Mr. Andrew Sawler African Stock Exhibition ................................................. Ms. Donna Lubbe Obedience .................................................................Mary Jane Shervais Rally ........................................................................Mary Jane Shervais Agility ................................................................................ Carol Mount AKC Lure Coursing ................................................. A. McLeod & VR Staack Top 25 ........................................Jon Curby, Faye Strauss & Katie Campbell The Modern Basenji thanks Photographer George Woodard for graciously sharing the many pictures in this specialty coverage. They bring the pages to life!

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NOTRA - FRIDAY, JULY 12, 2013 Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Call Name Remi Gus Daximillian Moose River Bama Zoe Bahn Mi Nike L’Ox Ltle Man Trii-Me Searsha Cash Lucy Belle Kyo Rally Winifred Beauty Duffy Diamond Kekan Nestle

Reg Name Emerant’s Heez Reminiscent Emerant’s Heez Got Gusto 5 Star Dax De Fax Emerant’s Heez Born to be Wild Baraka Over The River Baraka Bama DC Taji’s Alster Egofrom Hodari Tajis Banh Mi On the Runway to Blue Note Emerant Makindu Heez Got Game Kinetic Interesting Times Southhouse Jumoke Ltle Big Man Malawi Zuri’s Trii Me N’Focus Santa Baby AB Rafiki Cool Million Jamaa-Tanza Makindu Baraka Hear The Belle Ring Kinetic-Tanza Reaper Man Sherwood’s Shadow of the Moon Jamanji My Winifred Svengali’s Dark Beauty 5Star Stepping Stone Ode to Kazor Salish Sea’s Baraka Jumoke Ms Diamond Salish Sea’s Kekan Kazor Raise The Bar With Zindika

Owner Smith Hart Sauceda Smith Bowlus-Root Bowlus-Root Chaffin/Campbell Hamilton/Campbell Phillips Voss/Stump Saban Sehm Sanders Ketz Phillips Bowlus-Root Voss/Stump/Fragassi Voss/Stump Sehm Sehm Sauceda Smith Saban Sauceda

Pts 22 15 13 12 12 12 11 10 9 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 6 5 5 5 0 0 0 0

Notes 6 NORC 4 NORC, 6 ORC 2 NORC 2 ORC 2 ORC 2 ORC

DQ3 S3 DNF 1, 3 DQ2 DNF1, 2 S3 DNF 1, 2 S3 OC1 S2

AKC LURE COURSING - SATURDAY, JULY 13, 2013 ©Photos by George Woodard

JUDGES: A. McLEOD & VR STAACK BEST IN FIELD .................................................................................... Avongara Naziki SC Pl Name/Owner Pts. OPEN DIV. A (6 STARTERS) 1 CH Emerant Makindu Heez Got Game BN RN SC, B Phillips 5 2 Baraka Over The River SC, P Bowlus-Root/W Bowlus-Root 3 3 Starfyre’s Tri A Lil’ Pizzazz, D Searcy/K Grayson 2 OPEN DIV. B 1 Avongara Naziki SC, Basenji, K Campbell 5 2 CH Fopaw’s Touch Of Evil At Saorsa SC, A Stone/K Allen/T & K Leimback 3 3 Baraka How The Wind Blows SC, P Bowlus-Root/W Bowlus-Root 2 4 Baraka Bama SC, P Bowlus-Root/W Bowlus-Root 5 CH Klassic-Tanza Color Me Tri SC, P Fragassi/T Judd SPECIALS DIV A 1 GCH DC Baraka Jumoke Salish Samish SC, P Bowlus-Root/W Bowlus-Root/B Gregory/L Gregory/L Saban 5 2 DC Taji’s Alster Ego From Hodari SC, M Chaffin/K Campbell 3 3 GCH DC Emerant’s Heez Reminiscent MC, S Smith-Falkner/L Hart 2 4 DC Platinum Nelson Blue Diamond SC, J Bayley/D Nelson 5 FC Zuri’s Trii Me MC LCX3 CAX, D Sehm/D Troyna SPECIALS DIV B 1 GCH DC N’Focus Santa Baby MC, K Sanders 5 2 DC AB Tanza Life In The Fast Lane SC, P Fragassi/W Pooley/T Judd 3 3 FC Taji’s Alster Echo MC LCX3, M Chaffin 2 4 FC Fopaw’s Black Pearl MC, S Pintar/T Leimback 5 GCH DC Emerant’s Heez Got Gusto MC, L Hart/B Hart OPEN VETERANS 1 DC Starfyre-Jumanji Paprika SC, D Searcy/K Grayson 5 2 FC Maximillian RA SC AX MXJ, A Sumita/G Fukuma 3 3 DC Platinum And Nelson At Taji MC LCX, L Nelson/M Quinnett/D Nelson 2 4 FC Zuri’s Ki-Ju At Amun BN RE MC NA, J Lange/M Leighton 5 FC MACH Eldorado’s Y’s African Sinbaje CDX RE SC MXB MJS, L Siekert/R Siekert

BEST IN FIELD Avongara Naziki SC

AKC JC TESTS AKC JC TEST 1, Judge: A McLeod , (9 Starters) PASSED ‘Tis-A Signet Kiss Me Once, J Alpert/S Alpert Ankhu Across The Universe, W Bunyard/C Jones Salish Sea’s Balaka, C Watkins/R Watkins Salish Sea’s Kekan, L Saban GCH CH Salish Sea’s Supernatural Superserious Man, C Watkins/R Watkins Taji’s Non-Stop To Charles De Gaulle, T Bailey/K Campbell/B Bailey/J Kim/M Farnsworth

Tis-A Signet Fiddle-Dee-Dee At Tara, J Hughes/F Hughes/N Hughes/B Cassell/C cassell GCH CH Zindika’s Got Moxy, C Rappe AKC JC TEST 2, Judge: V R Staack, (8 Starters) PASSED ‘Tis-A Signet Kiss Me Once, J Alpert/S Alpert Salish Sea’s Kekan, L Saban

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AFRICAN STOCK EXHIBITION - SATURDAY, JULY 13, 2013 BEST PUPPY ............................ FoPaws Lukuru Genine Graffalo Lori Obrien BEST OP SEX PUPPY .................................................. SkyHi’s Half The Battle BEST ADULT ..............................UKC/ AKC Ch Sinbaje’s That’s Wavy Gravy CDX SC AX MXJ RE BEST OP SEX ADULT ........................................................Salish Sea’s KeKan BEST VETERANFC/MACH Eldorado’s Y’s African Sinbaje RE SC GRC FCH

BEST PUPPY FoPaws Lukuru Genine Graffalo

JUDGE: DONNA LUBBE PUPPIES DOGS: 1/2 AFRICAN PUPPY 1//BOSP SkyHi’s Half The Battle Laurie A. Stargell 2 Jumoke Motema Ya Butu Liso Bryan & Laurie Gregory 3 Taji’s Hafrican Chief Katie Campbell 4 Jumoke Motema Ya Nkaki Bryan & Laurie Gregory DOGS: 1/4 AFRICAN PUPPY 1 El Dorado N Akuaba DreamCatcher S. Lund & P. Geoffroy & S. Coe BITCHES: 1/2 AFRICAN PUPPY 1/BP FoPaws Lukuru Genine Graffalo Lori Obrien, Therese Leimback & Dr. Jo Thompson 2 Jumoke Motema Preciosa: Bryan & Laurie Gregory 3 Knowneighm Katie Campbell

ADULTS DOGS, 1/2 AFRICAN ADULT 1 /BOSA Salish Sea’s KeKan Lisa Bauer Saban 2 Salish Sea’s Balaka Cindy Watkins DOGS: 1/4 AFRICAN ADULT 1 Kinetic-Tanza Reaper Man Lisa Voss, Samuel Stump, Pat Fragassi BITCHES: FULL AFRICAN ADULT 1 Lukuru Lema Kevin & Therese Leimback & Jo Thompson BITCHES: 1/2 AFRICAN ADULT 1 SalishSea’sKakala Lisa Bauer Saban 2 Salish Seas Lamindu Lisa Saban & Judy Graham 3 FC Kinetic-Tanza Soul Music, SC Lisa Voss, Samuel Stump, Pat Fragassi BITCHES: 1/4 AFRICAN ADULT 1/BA UKC/ AKC Ch Sinbaje’s That’s Wavy Gravy CDX SC AX MXJ RE Linda Daves Siekert

BEST OP SEX PUPPY SkyHi’s Half The Battle

VETERAN BITCHES: 1/2 AFRICAN VETERAN 1/BV FC/MACH Eldorado’s Y’s African Sinbaje RE SC GRC FCH, Linda Daves Siekert BITCHES: 1/4 AFRICAN VETERAN 1 Int. Ch. Masiya’s E’Tuli ofRameses, Paulette Rinck

BEST ADULT UKC/ AKC Ch Sinbaje’s That’s Wavy Gravy CDX SC AX MXJ RE

PARADE OF FULL AFRICANS Ntomba Mobengi, James E Johannes FC Ntomba Mosika RN SC FCh, Bryan & Laurie Gregory Avongara Naziki, SC, Katie Campbell Avongara All Thatl Am, Connie & Jerry Paulsen & Kathy Britton Rosie Posie De Lokotinsa, Michelle Biderbost & Garret Jacobson

BEST VETERAN FC/MACH Eldorado’s Y’s African Sinbaje RE SC GRC FCH

BEST OP SEX ADULT Salish Sea’s KeKan

©Photos by George Woodard The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 32





RALLY NOVICE A 91/1 2101 FC Taji’s Alster Echo MC LCX2. Owners: Mary Ellen Chaffin 70/2 2104 CH Fopaw’s Touch Of Evil At Saorsa SC, Andrea Stone, Kip Allen, Kevin & Therese Leimback RALLY NOVICE B - NO QUALIFIERS RALLY ADVANCED B 98/1 2403 CH Sinbaje’s That’s Wavy Gravy CDX SC RE AX MXJ OAP OJP. Linda Daves Siekert 88/2 2405 Sinbaje’s Thyme2rise BN OA NAJ NJP NFP RN. Linda Daves Siekert 86/3 2404 FC MACH Eldorado’s Y’s African Sinbaje CDX SC RE FC GRC. Owners: Linda Daves Siekert, Rand Siekert 71/4 2402 FC Zuri’s Ki-Ju At Amun MC RE BN NA CGC. Judith Lange, Marilyn Leighton RALLY EXCELLENT A 77/1 2501 FC Maximillian RA SC AX MXJ. .Alyce Sumita, Glenn Fukuma RALLY EXCELLENT B 95/1 2403 CH Sinbaje’s That’s Wavy Gravy CDX SC RE AX MXJ OAP OJP. Linda Daves Siekert 95/2 2404 FC MACH Eldorado’s Y’s African Sinbaje CDX SC RE FC GRC. Linda Daves Siekert, Rand Siekert RALLY PAIRS NOVICE 138/1 2203 DC Sherwood’s Shadow Of The Moon MC. Lisa Voss, Samuel Stump 138/1 2204 FC Kinetic Sourcery SC. Owners: Lisa Voss, Samuel Stump

Photo by Wanda Pooley


UTILITY CLASS A 1/HIT 1502 FC MACH Eldorado’s Y’s African Sinbaje CDX SC RE FC GRC. Owners: Linda Daves Siekert,Rand Siekert BEGINNER NOVICE B 184/1 1651 CH Emerant Makindu Heez Got Game BN RN SC.. Owners: Brenda Phillips 1652 CH Emerant’s Heez Born To Be Wild JC CGC. Owners: Sarah Smith WILD CARD NOVICE 183.5/1 1203 FC Emerant Fopaw Triwizard At Tanza SC BN RA.. Owners: Ann PattersonHine, Pat Fragrassi SUB NOVICE 178.5/1 1554 CH Amun All-Starr From Cynosure GCG RE BN.. Owners: Jacques K Lange, Judith Lange

JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP- MONDAY, JULY 15, 2013 JUDGE: Ms. Judy Webb BEST JUNIOR .....................................................Aislyn Verzyl NOVICE JUNIOR 1 Olivia Quinnett, CH Platinum's Scarlet Starlet 2 Jenna Mills, Taji's Sunday Best NOVICE INTERMEDIATE 1 David Klein, FoPaw's Diva Flosston Paradise NOVICE SENIOR 1 Aislyn Verzyl, Orro’s Heart N Soul OPEN JUNIOR 1 Natasha Hughes, GCH 'Tis-A Arubmec's Circle of Life OPEN INTERMEDIATE 1 Danielle New, DC, Tailwind's Diamonds Are Forever 2 Amiah Nelson, DC Platinum and Nelson at Taji MC OPEN SENIOR 1 Aleesha Grove, CH Coastal's Lighthouse Louis

©Jumoke Photography Back row: Judge Judy Webb, Aislynn Verzl (BJ), Amiah Nelson, Danielle New, Aleesha Grove Front row: Jenna Mills, David Klein, Olivia Quinnett, Natasha Hughes

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 33

SWEEPSTAKES - SUNDAY, JULY 14, 2013 PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES Judge: Andrew Sawler BEST PUPPY ................................................... ELDORADO N AKUABA DREAM LOVER BEST OF OP SEX PUPPY ............................................................ EMERANT’S RESPECT DOGS 6 MOS. & UNDER 9 MOS. - RED & WHITE 1/BP 19 Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover, Donna & Daniel Deflorio, Kyle Cabral 2 9 Jasiri-Sukari Earth Win And Fire, Julie Jones, Kathy Jones 3 7 Teazer Kazor Django Unchained, John P Gaidos, Ainsley K Halemanu, Stephanie Cheng 4 21 Taji’s After Six, Katie Campbell DOGS 6 MOS. & UNDER 9 MOS. - AOAC 1 11 Skyhi’s Joy To The World, Laurie Stargell 2 25 Taji’s Sunday Best, Carey Mills, Dawn Mills, Katie Campbell 3 27 Starfyre’s Action Jaxson, Denise Searcy, Kathy Grayson 4 23 Taji’s Top Hat & Tails, Valerie Short, Virginia Kudritzki, Katie Campbell DOGS 9 MOS. & UNDER 12 MOS. 1 31 Skyhi’s Olympic Contender, Laurie Stargell 2 33 No Ka Oi’s Ali’i Pua Waimea Bart, Robert Burns, Rita L Webb BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS 1 67 Taji Platinum Will I.Am, Katie Campbell, Mary K Quinnett 2 39 Arubmec’s Take A Chance On Me, Patricia E Cembura, Kelly Collins 3 71 Illusion’s Covert Agent, Bob &Terry Reed 4 49 Zamaradi’s Last Train To Salish Sea N’ Baraka, Lisa Bauer Saban, Cinda Watkins BITCHES 6 MOS. & UNDER 9 MOS. - RED & WHITE 1 30 Starfyre’s Spiced It Up, Denise Searcy, Kathy Grayson 2 16 Jasiri-Sukari High Win Warning, Julie Jones, Kathy Jones 3 24 Emerant’s Hush Hush, Lisa R Hart, Bryce Hart 4 38 Khani’s Pitch Perfect, Kathryn Britton, Emily Britton, Daniel Britton BITCHES 6 MOS. & UNDER 9 MOS. - AOAC 1/OSP 6 Emerant’s Respect, Lisa R Hart,Bryce Hart 2 22 Signet Knights Templar, Brenda Cassell, Ciara Cassell, Wendy & Gary Bell 3 44 Bantu’s Comeback Queen, Jennifer Miller,Shelby Miller 4 34 Tanza-Jamaa Tri-Light Princess, Pat Fragassi, Ann Patterson-Hine, Jeff Sheldon BITCHES 9 MOS. & UNDER 12 MOS 1 64 Baraka Billie Burke, Paul Bowlus-Root, William Bowlus-Root 2 50 Zamaradi’s Im Not Your Steppin Stone, Sarah Smith-Falkner, Jeffrey Falkner BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES 1 68 Kaleonahe’s Copacabana, Stephen Strobel, Kyle Cabral 2 42 Jumoke Baraka Billie Jean, Bryan &,Laurie Gregory, Paul L Bowlus-Root, William Bowlus-Root, Lisa B Saban 3 70 Bantu’s Rated M For Mature, Jennifer Miller, Shelby Miller 4 74 Taji’s Evening Couture, Katie Campbell

VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES BEST VETERAN ............................. GCH PLATINUM’S FEAR IS NOT A FACTOR RN JC BEST OP SEX VETERAN ...................... CH JASIRI-SUKARI CONGO-LEEZZA RICE JC DOGS 7 YRS. & UNDER 9 YRS. 1/BV 121 GCH Platinum’s Fear Is Not A Factor RN JC,. Mary K. &,Larry Quinnett 2 119 CH Platinum’s Adrenaline Rush, Mary K. Quinnett, Rob Moore, Sharlene Moore 3 111 GCH Emerant’s The Navigator JC, Lisa R Hart, Bryce Hart 4 117 DC Taji’s Klassic Architecture SC SDHR, Katie Campbell DOGS 9 YRS. & UNDER 11 YRS. 1 113 GCH Jumoke Khani Baru Rumba RN, George Woodard, Bryan & Laurie Gregory, Kathryn Britton DOGS 11 YRS. & UNDER 13 YRS. 1 127 CH Kazor Bay-Senji Yuara Natural, Carol A Webb, Felicia M Cashin 2 125 CH Zindika Svengali Daring Dillin, Araya Powell 3 211 DC Tazamisha Maximum Illusion SC CGC, Julie Leicht 4 213 CH Khani’s Captain Fantastic JC, Connie & Jerry Paulsen, Kathryn R. Britton BITCHES 7 YRS. & UNDER 9 YRS. 1/OSV 114 CH Jasiri-Sukari Congo-Leezza Rice JC, Julie Jones, Kathy Jones 2 136 DC Starfyre-Jumanji Paprika SC FCH, Denise Searcy, Kathy Grayson 3 48 FC Kinetic Sourcery SC, Lisa Voss, Samuel Stump BITCHES 9 YRS. & UNDER 11 YRS. 1 118 GCH Taji’s Klassic Beauty SC BBHR, WD Aley,DT Harris Aley, Katie Campbell 2 112 CH Arubmec’s Final Mission JC, Patricia E Cembura, Kelly Collins 3 120 CH Khani’s Dp Poetry In Motion SC CGC,. Kathryn Britton,Ellen Bramble 4 124 CH Jamaa-Tanza Makindu SC RN NA, Brenda Phillips,Jeff Sheldon BITCHES 11 YRS. & UNDER 13 YRS 1 122 DC Sherwood’s Shadow Of The Moon MC, Lisa Voss,Samuel Stump 2 208 DC Khani’s Sweet Painted Lady SC, Connie & Jerry Paulsen, Kathryn R. Britton BITCHES 13 YRS. & OLDER 1 130 CH Zuri’s Mugabe, Kenneth Leighton,M. Leighton,D. Troyna 2 128 CH Saorsa Brenna Of Eire, Andrea Stone,Kip Alle,Keven &Therese Leimback 3 210 DC Jasiri-Sukari Khani Francis SC, Connie & Jerry Paulsen, Kathryn R. Britton

BEST VETERAN GCH Platinum’s Fear Is Not A Factor RN JC,

BEST PUPPY IN SWEEPS Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover

BEST OPPOSITE SEX VETERAN CH Jasiri-Sukari Congo-Leezza Rice JC,

BEST OP SEX PUPPY IN SWEEPS Emerant’s R E S P E C T ©Photos by George Woodard The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 34

CONFORMATION - Monday, JULY 15 - Wednesday, July 17 2013 BEST OF BREED .................................................................................................155 GCH JASIRI-SUKARI WIN TIN TIN. Dog (R/W) Julie Jones, Kathy Jones, Chua Ming Kok (Dog) BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX .......................................................................................................................... 140 CH PROUDLAAN DREAM MIA DREAM. Bitch (R/W) Laura Pond (Bitch) SELECT DOG ................................................................................................... 151 GCH DC ATARASI’S D’LUCKS EDITION SC Dog (R/W). Natalie Scherwin, Nancy Sherman (Dog) SELECT BITCH ................................................................................................................................................. 144 GCH ZINDIKA’S GOT MOXY. Bitch (B/T/W) Cecily D Rappe’ (Bitch) AWARDS OF MERIT (alphabetical order) 166 GCH AKUABA N ELDORADO BETCHA BY GOLLY WOW!. Bitch. (R/W) Sheila Lund, Susan Coe, Pamela Geoffroy (Bitch) 161 CH AKUABA N ELDORADO BUNGLE IN THE JUNGLE. Dog. (R/W) Sheila Lund, Susan Coe, Pamela Geoffroy (Dog) 126 CH ATARASI TAJI BERIMO DOTCOM SC. Bitch. (R/W) Jordan Reed 143 GCH EMERANT’S HEEZ REMINISCENT MC CGC FCH GRC VB ORC SOR Dog. (B/T/W) 200 CH LAUREL S’SIMPLY SHOCKING SABRINA. Bitch (R/W) Laura Mae Hesse, (Bitch) 152 GCH DC N’FOCUS SANTA BABY MC GRC CGC LCM II VB. Bitch (R/W) Kathy Sanders (Bitch) 170 DC PRIZE-DP JUST FOR YOU SC. Bitch (R/W) Theresa Cuzzetto (Bitch) 167 GCH DC SOUTHHOUSE JUMOKE LTLE BIG MAN MALAWI SC. Dog. (Brdl) Lisa Saban, Bryan & Laurie Gregory (Dog) 192 CH TEAZER CHIYA’S CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG JC. Bitch (R/W) Steffie Cheng, John P Gaidos (Bitch) BEST OF WINNERS ...................................................................................................................................................................................................ARUBMEC’S TAKE A CHANCE ON ME WINNERS DOG ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................ARUBMEC’S TAKE A CHANCE ON ME RESERVE WINNERS DOG .............................................................................................................................................................................................. TEAZER KHANI’S ROCK OF AGES WINNERS BITCH..........................................................................................................................................................................................................JASIRI-SUKARI HIGH WIN WARNING RESERVE WINNERS BITCH .................................................................................................................................................................................................. ‘TIS-A SIGNET KISS ME ONCE BEST BRED-BY EXHIBITOR .....................................................................................................................................................................................ARUBMEC’S TAKE A CHANCE ON ME

BEST OF BREED GCH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin

BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BOB CH Proudlaan Dream Mia Dream

OPEN DOGS/ BLACK, TAN, & WHITE 1 97 Alee Lightning Strikes Twice. WD Aley, DT Harris Aley, Kt Campbell 2 91 No Ka Oi’s Tri N Push Me Ali’i. Rita L. Webb OPEN DOGS/BRINDLE & WHITE 1 103 5 Star Dax De Fax JC. Barbara Sauceda 2 107 Jumoke Baraka Dreamin Of Rio. David Mcmahon, Zandra Mcmahon, Bryan Gregory, Laurie Gregory 3 85 Orru’s Heart N Soul. Debra A Verzyl, George Verzyl OPEN DOGS/RED & WHITE 1/R 81 Teazer Khani’s Rock Of Ages. John P Gaidos , Ainsley K Halemanu Kathryn Britton 2 99 Taji’s Non-Stop To Charles De Gaulle. Tania Bailey,B Bailey, M Farnsworth, J Kim, K Campbell 3 79 Khadijah’s Fallingwater Of Sundiata. Paula Petsche, Sandy Mcarthur, Chris Maxka 4 83 Jumoke’s Bebe Le Strange. Allie Noble

CONFORMATION JUDGE: JUDY WEBB PUPPY DOGS 6 MOS. & UNDER 9 MOS. - RED & WHITE 1 21 Taji’s After Six. Katie Campbell 2 13 Eldorado N Akuaba Dreamcatcher. Sheila Lund, Susan Coe, Pamela Geoffroy 3 19 Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover. Donna DeFlorio, Daniel DeFlorio, Kyle Cabral 4 9 Jasiri-Sukari Earth Win And Fire. Julie Jones, Kathy Jones PUPPY DOGS 6 MOS. & UNDER 9 MOS. - AOAC 1 11 Skyhi’s Joy To The World.: Laurie Stargell 2 23 Taji’s Top Hat & Tails. Valerie Short, Virginia Kudritzki, Katie Campbell 3 27 Starfyre’s Action Jaxson. Denise Searcy, Kathy Grayson Agent: Pat Cembura 4 25 Taji’s Sunday Best..Carey Mills, Dawn Mills, Katie Campbell PUPPY DOGS 9 MOS. & UNDER 12 MOS. 1 31 Skyhi’s Olympic Contender.: Laurie Stargell AMATEUR-OWNER-HANDLER DOGS 1 37 Fc Kinetic Interesting Times Sc. Lisa Voss, Samuel Stump 2 35 Ankhu Across The Universe. W. Clayton Bunyard, Caryn Jones BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS 1/W/BW/BBBE 39 Arubmec’s Take A Chance On Me. Patricia E Cembura, Kelly Collins 2 65 Taji Cheques In At Heathrow. Jung Kim, Katie Campbell, Mark Farnsworth 3 67 Taji Platinum Will.I.Am. Katie Campbell, Mary K Quinnett 4 59 Jumoke Motema Ya Nkaki. Bryan & Laurie Gregory AMERICAN BRED DOGS 1 75 Taji’s Hafrican Chief. Katie Campbell OPEN DOGS/BLACK & WHITE 1 101 Platinum’s Son Of Anarchy. Mary K. Quinnett, Bob Bozarth, Brian Johnson 2 87 Fopaws Kinetic The Man Without Fear.. Kevin &Therese Leimback, Walter Roswell 3 109 Dakar’s Wizard’s Apprentice At Kabar Jc. Carolene Rose, Karen Kutcha 4 105 Kinetic-Tanza Reaper Man. Lisa Voss, Samuel Stump, Pat Fragassi

WINNERS DOG/BOW/BBE Arubec’s Take A Chance On Me

RESERVE WINNERS DOG Teazer Khani’s Rock of Ages

©Photos by George Woodard

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PUPPY BITCHES 6 MOS. & UNDER 9 MOS. - RED & WHITE 1/WB 16 Jasiri-Sukari High Win Warning. Julie Jones, Kathy Jones 2 24 Emerant’s Hush Hush. Lisa R Hart & Bryce Hart 3 30 Starfyre’s Spiced it Up, Denise Search, Kathy Grayson 4 38 Khani’s Pitch Perfect . Kathryn R Britton, Emily Britton, Daniel Britton PUPPY BITCHES 6 MOS. & UNDER 9 MOS. - AOAC 1 20 Taji’s All Dressed Up For Rosewood. Bethany Redo-Rahm, Katie Campbell 2 6 Emerant’s RESPECT Lisa R Hart, Bryce Hart 3 22 Signet Knights Templar : Brenda Cassell, Ciara Cassell ,Wendy Bell, Gary Bell Agent: Bradley Phifer 4 34 Tanza-Jamaa Tri-Light Princess. Pat Fragassi, Ann Patterson-Hine, Jeff Sheldon PUPPY BITCHES 9 MOS. & UNDER 12 MOS. 1 42 Jumoke Baraka Billie Jean. Paul L Bowlus-Root, William Bowlus-Root, Bryan Gregory, Laurie Gregory, Lisa B Saban 2 46 Baraka Billie Holiday. Kay Doolittle,Paul L. Root,William J. Bowlus 3 44 Bantu’s Comeback Queen. Jennifer Miller, Shelby Miller AMATEUR-OWNER-HANDLER BITCHES 1 50 Zamaradi’s Im Not Your Steppin Stone. Sarah Smith-Falkner,Jeffrey Falkner 2 48 Fc Kinetic Sourcery Sc. Lisa Voss, Samuel Stump BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES 1 52 Jumoke’s Abbey Road Of Masiya. Paulette Rinck, Bryan Gregory 2 78 Khani’s Pretty Persuasion. Zandra Mcmahon, Kathy Daniel, Emily Britton Avery 3 80 Tailwind’s Diamonds Are Forever. Julie Leicht, Danielle New 4 74 Taji’s Evening Couture. Katie Campbell, AMERICAN BRED BITCHES 1 86 Sinbaje’s Thyme2rise BN OA NAJ NJP NFP RN.: Linda Daves Siekert OPEN BITCHES/BLACK & WHITE 1 110 Khani’s Teazer Last Friday Night. Carolene J Rose,Kathryn R Britton, John P Gaidos 2 96 Moto Fopaw’s Diva Flosston Paradise. Ruby Klein, Araya Powell 3 94 Khani’s Teazer I Gotta Feeling. Cindi Gross, Kathryn R Britton 4 108 Fc Kinetic-Tanza Soul Music. Lisa Voss, Samuel Stump, Pat Fragassi OPEN BITCHES/BLACK, TAN, WHITE 1 88 Arubmec’s Black-Eyed Pea. Jenifer Sealy 2 106 Starfyre’s Tri A Lil’ Pizzazz. Denise Searcy, Kathy Grayson Agent: Kelly Collins OPEN BITCHES/BRINDLE & WHITE 1 100 Baraka Spring Over The Ground. Kay Doolittle, Paul L. Root, William J. Bowlus OPEN BITCHES/RED & WHITE 1/R 92 ‘Tis-A Signet Kiss Me Once. Julia Alpert, Siena Youngkin Alpert 2 104 Taji’s Hello Dali. Katie Campbell,Elizabeth Parker 3 102 Dragnquests Prize Sassicaia. Jacqueline C Jones 4 98 Kazor’s Perfect Model. Rita L. Webb

WINNERS BITCH Jasiri-Sukari High Win Warning


MULTIPLE ENTRY CLASSES STUD DOG CLASS 1 65 Taji Cheques In At Heathrow. JG Kim, Katie Campbell, M Farnsworth 2 121 GCH Platinum’s Fear Is Not A Factor RN JC. Mary K. Quinnett, Larry Quinnett 3 207 CH Taji’s Eligible Bachelor. Elizabeth Parker, Katie Campbell 4 175 CH Sundiata’s Hanzi Mbili JC. Tracy Petsche, Chris Maxka, Sandy McArthur BROOD BITCH CLASS 1 120 CH Khani’s Dp Poetry In Motion SC CGC. Ellen M. Bramble, Kathryn R. Britton 2 206 CH Platinum’s Conspiracy Theory. Mary K. Quinnett, Beth Bergeon 3 146 GCH Khani’s Icarly Baru. George Woodard, Marcia Woodard, Kathryn Britton 4 136 DC Starfyre-Jumanji Paprika SC FCH. Denise Searcy, Russella Bowen, Kathy Grayson BRACE 1 11 Skyhi’s Joy To The World. Laurie A Stargell, Faith Syndergaard 1 162 GCH Skyhi’s Always In Fashion. Laurie A Stargell 2 40 Khani’s Teazer Tequila Sunrise. Kathryn R Britton, John P Gaidos, Ainsley K Halemanu 2 205 CH Khani’s Man In The Mirror SC. Kathryn Britton, Connie & Jerry Paulsen 3 70 Bantu’s Rated M For Mature. Jennifer Miller, Shelby Miller 3 176 GCH DC Bantu’s Playing Rochambeau SC. Jennifer Miller, Shelby Miller 4 37 FC Kinetic Interesting Times SC. Lisa Voss, Samuel Stump, 4 48 FC Kinetic Sourcery SC. Lisa Voss, Samuel Stump

NON REGULAR CLASSES VETERAN DOGS 7 YRS. & UNDER 10 YRS. 1 119 CH Platinum’s Adrenaline Rush. Mary K. Quinnett, Rob Moore, Sharlene Moore 2 121 GCH Platinum’s Fear Is Not A Factor RN JC. Mary K. Quinnett, Larry Quinnett 3 117 DC Taji’s Klassic Architecture SC SDHR. Katie Campbell 4 115 CH Fopaws Oh My God. Kevin & Therese Leimback VETERAN DOGS 10 YRS. & UNDER 13 YRS. 1 125 CH Zindika Svengali Daring Dillin. Araya Powell 2 127 CH Kazor Bay-Senji Yuara NaturaL. Carol A Webb, Felicia M Cashin 3 139 CH Bordeaux African Jumoke SC. Kitty Franks, JoDee Funchess Agent: Judy Lange 4 131 CH ‘tis-A Fopaws Under D’influence JC. Fred & Joyce Hughes, Kevin & Therese Leimback, David Davidson VETERAN BITCHES 7 YRS. & UNDER 10 YRS. 1 120 CH Khani’s Dp Poetry In Motion SC CGC. Kathryn Britton, Ellen Bramble 2 116 DC Platinum And Nelson At Taji JC SC MC. Larry Nelson, Deborah Nelson, Mary K Quinnett 3 112 CH Arubmec’s Final Mission JC. Patricia E Cembura, Kelly Collins 4 118 GCH Taji’s Klassic Beauty SC BBHR. WD Aley, DT Harris Aley, Katie Campbell VETERAN BITCHES 10 YRS. & UNDER 13 YRS. 1 124 CH Jamaa-Tanza Makindu SC RN NA. Brenda Phillips, Jeff Sheldon 2 122 DC Sherwood’s Shadow Of The Moon MC. Lisa Voss,Samuel Stump VETERAN BITCHES 13 YRS. & OLDER 1/AOM 126 CH Atarasi Taji Berimo Dotcom SC. Jordan Reed 2 130 CH Zuri’s Mugabe. HM87513804. 12/12/99. Kenneth Leighton, M. Leighton, D. Troyna Agent: Kim Jensen FIELD TRIAL DOGS 1/AOM 143 GCH Emerant’s Heez Reminiscent MC CGC FCH GRC VB ORC SOR. Sarah Smith-Falkner,Lisa R. Hart FIELD TRIAL BITCHES 1 138 DC AB Tanza Life In The Fast Lane SC. Pat Fragassi,Ted Judd, W Pooley 2 134 DC Tajis Banh Mi On The Runway To Blue Note MC.: Holly Hamilton, K Campbell, J Kim, M Farnsworth 3 132 DC Taji’s Alster Ego From Hodari SC. Mary Ellen Chaffin, Katie Campbell BRACE WINNERS: Skyhi’s Joy To The World & GCH Skyhi’s Always In Fashion 4 136 DC Starfyre-Jumanji Paprika SC FCH. Denise Searcy, Russella Bowen, Kathy Grayson ©Photos by George Woodard The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 36

SELECT DOG GCH DC Atarasi’s D’lucks Edition SC

SELECT BITCH Gch Zindika’s Got MoxyCH


GCH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow!

GCH DC N’focus Santa Baby MC CGC LCM II VB

Ch Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle

DC Southhouse Jumoke Ltle Big Man Malawi SC

GCH Ch Laurel S’simply Shocking Sabrina

Ch Teazer Chiya’s Chitty Chitty Bang Bang JC

[Three AOM winners no picture available]

TOP 25 WINNER, July 16, 2013

Judges: Katie Campbell, Jon Curby, Faye Strauss GCH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow! Breeder/Owners Pam Geoffroy, Sheila Lund, Susan Coe

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BEST OF BREED ..................GCH AB Day Trip To Tanzaa-Jamaa SC CA, Jeff Sheldon T. Rollins, Pat Fragassi BEST OP SEX...............CH Teazer Chiya’s Chitty Chitty Bang Bang JC, Steffie Cheng, John P. Gaidos SELECT DOG ...............................CH Teazer Kazor Ekundayo For Johari, Craig Garcia, Dwight Yeager, John Gaidos SELECT BITCH ........... MBISS GCH Taji’s Klassic Lil Black Dress SC, Katie Campbell AWARDS OF MERIT GCH Zindika’s Got Moxy, Cecily D. Rappe CH Svengali’s Repeat Performance, Carol A Wyatt, Erik S. Oberg, Alan & Gail Aeillo DC Taji’s Bahn Mi on the Runway to Bluenote MC GCH Tazamisha Prize N Aces Spotted Arrow SC, Theresa Cuzzetto CH Khani’s Starlight Starbright SC, Connie & Jerry Paulsen, Kathryn Britton WINNERS DOG/BOW.............................................. Taji’s Non-Stop to Charles de Gaulle WINNERS BITCH......................................................................Khani’s Pretty Persuasion BEST BRED-BY EXHIBITOR ..........................................................Taji Platinum Will.I.Am DOG COMPETITION PUPPY DOGS: 6 MONTHS & UNDER 9 MONTHS 1 97 Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover, Owner: Donna DeFiorio, Kyle Cabral 2 53 Starfyre’s Action Jaxson Denise Searcy, Kathy Grayson 3 61 Taji’s After Six Katie Campbell 4 85 Teazer Kazor Django Unchained, John Gaidos, Ainsley Halemanu, Stephanie Cheng DOGS: BRED-BY EXIHBITOR 1/BBE 63 Taji Platinum Will.I.Am, Katie Campbell, MaryK Quinnett - Take A Chance on Me Patricia E. Cembura, Kelly Collins 2 5 Arubmec’s 3 13 Khani’s Teazer Waking Up in Vegas: Kathryn R. Britton, John P. Gaidos, Ainsley K. Halemanu 4 79 Sirobe RoseWood’s Alter Ego With Meisterhaus, Bethany Redo-Rahm, Brad Pfifer DOGS: AMERICAN BRED 1 95 Jumoke Motema Ya Butu Liso, Bryan Gregory, Laurie Gregory DOGS: OPEN BLACK/WHITE 1/RWD 111 Dakar’s Wizard’s Apprentice at Kabar JC: Carolene Rose, Karen Kuchta DOGS: OPEN BLACK/TAN/WHITE 1 27 My-Tym Dragnquest Tri-L By Jury Terry Jones, Jacqueline Jones, Darlene Lowit 2 91 No Ka Oi’s Tri N Push Me Over Ali’i, Rita L. Webb 3 67 Alee Lightning Strikes TwiceSire, W. D. Aley, D. T. Harris Aley, Katie Campbell DOGS: OPEN BRINDLE/WHITE 1 25 CAN CH Orru’s Heart N Soul CAN FCH, Debra A Veryzl, George Verzyl DOGS: OPEN RED/WHITE 1/WD/BOW 65 Taji’s Non-Stop to Charles de Gaulle , Tania Bailey, Bobbie Bailey, Jung Kim, Mark Farnsworth, Katie Campbell 2 23 Taji’s Vincent Van Gogh to Proudlaaner: Katie Campbell 3 87 Teazer Khani’s Rock of Ages, John P. Gaidos, Ainsley K. Halemanu, Kathryn Britton 4 103 Devilspeak Distorted Humor, Martina M. Cortez, Cynthia J. Austin VETERAN DOGS: 7 YEARS & UNDER 10 YEARS 1 101 CH Teazer’s American Gigalo, Kathryn R. Britton, John P. Gaidos, Ainsley K. Halemanu 2 43 GCH Jumoke Khani Baru Rumba RN, George Woodard, Bryan Gregory, Laurie Gregory, Connie Paulsen, Kathryn Britton VETERAN DOGS: 10+ YEARS 1 35 DC Zuri’s Muziki Blue Note SC Joell Coltrane, Holly Hamilton, Marilyn Leighton 2 55 CH Kazor Bay-Senji Yuara Natural, Carol A. Webb, Felicia M. Cashin 3 59 CH Tazamisha DP The Duce is Wild Valerie Cortez, David Cortez

PUPPY BITCHES: 9 TO 12 MONTHS 1/RWB 106 Bantu’s Comeback Queen, Jennifer Miller, Shelby Miller BITCHES: BRED-BY EXHIBITOR 1/WB 16 Khani’s Pretty Persuasion, Zandra MacMahon, Kathy Britton, Daniel Britton, Emily Britton, Avery Mcleod 2 66 Kazor’s Amadorable, Katherine R. Elliott, Carol A. Webb 3 46 TailWind’s Diamonds Are Forever, Julie Leicht, Danielle New 4 78 Taji’s Evening Couture, Katie Campbell BITCHES: OPEN BLACK/WHITE 1 50 Khani’s Teazer I Gotta Feeling Cindi Gross, Kathryn R. Britton 2 112 Khani’s Teazer Last Friday Night, Carolene J. Rose, Kathryn R. Britton, John P. Gaidos BITCHES: OPEN BLACK/TAN/WHITE 1 6 Arubmec’s Black-Eyed Pea, Jenifer Sealy 2 64 Tazamisha’s Heartleah, Sara Weidenhaft, Nicholas Cortez BITCHES: OPEN BRINDLE/WHITE 1 80 Fataki’s Wicked in Stripes, Dana MacDonald BITCHES: OPEN RED/WHITE 1 76 Taji’s Hello Dali, Elizabeth Parker, Katie Campbell 2 88 Taji’s Ty Lee Of The Fire Nation Circus Allie Noble, Katie Campbell 3 32 Dragnquests Prize Sassicaia, Jacqueline C. Jones 4 90 Kazor’s Perfect Model, Rita L. Webb NON REGULAR CLASSES DUAL CHAMPION 1/BDC/AOM 44 DC Taji’s Bahn Mi on the Runway to Bluenote MC Holly Hamilton and Breeders 2 10 DC AB Tanzaa Life In The Fast Lane SC Pat Fragassi, Ted Judd, Wanda Pooley 3 48 DC TailWind’s Azizi Almasi SC Julie Leicht VETERAN BITCHES: 7 YEARS & UNDER 10 YEARS 1 24 CH Khani’s DP Poetry In Motion, SC, CGC, Ellen M Bramble, Kathryn Britton 2 82 DC Khadijah’s My-Tym Alone SC, Sandy McArthur, Darlene Lowit 3 70 GCH Taji’s Klassic Beauty SC BBHR W.O. Aley, D.T. Harris Aley, Katie Campbell VETERAN BITCHES: 10 YEARS & UP 1 42 CH Jamaa-Tanzaa Makindu SC RN NA Brenda Phillips, Jeff Sheldon MULTIPLE ENTRY CLASSES BRACE COMPETITION: 1 110 CH Devils Peak CD’s Precious Sasha W SC, Theresa Cuzzetto 114 CH Prize DP Just For You, Theresa Guzzetta STUD DOG: 1 15 CH Khani’s Man in the Mirror SC, Kathryn R. Britton, Connie Paulsen, Jerry Paulsen BROOD BITCH: 1 48 DC TailWind’s Azizi Almasi SC, Julie Leicht

JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITION JUDGE: COL. HAROLD BRIZEE BEST JUNIOR HANDLER .................................................................................. Aislynn Verzyl NOVICE SENIOR 1/BJ J1 Aislynn Verzyl, Khani’s Aca-Pella Orru, Debra A. Verzyl, Aislynn Verzyl OPEN INTERMEDIATE 1 J2 Danielle New, TailWind’s Diamonds Are Forever Julie Leicht, Danielle New OPEN JUNIOR 1 J3 Natasha Hughes GCH ‘l’is-A Arubmecs Circle of Life: Joyce Hughes, Fred Hughes, Patricia E. Cembura


BITCH COMPETITION PUPPY BITCHES: 6 MONTHS & UNDER 9 MONTHS 1 22 Khani’s Pitch Perfect Breeder: Kathryn R. Britton, Emily Britton, Daniel Britton 2 Baru Khani’s Birthday Luau at Lanikai, Marcia Woodard, George Woodard 3 38 Arubmec’s Mischief Managed, Patricia E. Cembura, Kelly Collins 4 58 Signet Knights Templar Brenda Cassell, Ciara Cassell, Wendy Bell, Gary Bell

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PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES COL. HAROLD BRIZEE BEST PUPPY IN SWEEPS ........................................................ Taji Platinum Will.I.Am Katie BEST RUNNER UP PUPPY IN SWEEPS ............................................Starfyre’s Spiced It Up PUPPY DOGS 6- 9 MONTHS 1 61 Taji’s After Six, Katie Campbell 2 53 Starfyre’s Action Jaxson, Denise Searcy, Kathy Grayson 3 67 Alee Lightning Strikes Twice W.O. Aley, D.T. Harris Aley, Katie Campbell 4 97 Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover Donna DeFiorio, Kyle Cabral PUPPY DOGS BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR 1/BP 63 Taji Platinum Will.I.Am Katie Campbell, MaryK Quinnett 2 5 Arubmec’s Take A Chance on Me Patricia E. Cembura, Kelly Collins 3 39 TailWind’s The World is Not Enough Julie Leicht 4 89 No Ka Oi’s Mana Loa, Rita L. Webb PUPPY BITCHES 6-9 MONTHS 1/RBP 62 Starfyre’s Spiced It Up Denise Searcy, Kathy Grayson 2 58 Signet Knights Templar Brenda Cassell, Ciara Cassell, Gary Bell, Wendy Bell 3 68 Kazo.r’s Penny Singleton, Carol A. Webb 4 86 Taji’s AllDressed Up For Rosewood, Bethany Redo-Rahm, Katie Campbell PUPPY BITCHES, BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR 1 78 Taji’s Evening Couture, Katie Campbell 2 98 Kaleonahe’s Copacabana, Kyle Cabral, Stephen Strobel 3 96 Jumoke Baraka Billie Jean, Paul L. Bowlus Root, William Bowlus-Root, Bryan & LaurieGregory, Lisa B. Saban 4 66 Kazor’s Amadorable Katherine R. Elliott, Carol A Webb

VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES BEST JUNIOR VETERAN ...........................................CH Jamaa-Tanza Makindu SC RN NA BEST SENIOR VETERAN ................................................CH Kazor Bay-Senji Yuara Natural JUNIOR DOGS 9 TO 11YEARS 1 101 CH Teazer’s American Gigalo Kathryn R. Britton, John P. Gaidos, Ainsley K. Halemanu 2 35 DC Zuri’s Muziki Blue Note SC Joell Coltrane, Holly Hamilton, Marilyn Leighton JUNIOR BITCHES 7 TO 9 YEARS 1 82 DC Khadijah’s My-Tym Alone SC Sandy MacArthur, Darlene Lowit 2 60 DC Starfyre-Jumanji Paprika SC FCH, Denise Searcy, Russela Bowen, Kathy Grayson JUNIOR BITCHES 9 YRS TO 11YRS 1/BJV 42 CH Jamaa-Tanza Makindu SC RN NA Brenda Phillips, Jeff Sheldon 2 24 AM/CAN CH Kbani’s DP Poetry N Motion SC CGC Kathryn R. Britton, Ellen M. Bramble 3 70 GCH Taji’s Klassic Beauty SC BBHR W.D. Aley, D.T. Harris Aley, Katie Campbell SENIOR DOGS 11TO 13YEARS 1/BSV 55 CH Kazor Bay-Senji Yuara Natural Carol A. Webb, Felicia M. Cashin 2 37 DC Tazamisha DP Maximum Illusion SC CGC AOM Julie Leicht 3 CH ‘Tis-A FoPaws Under D’ Influence SC Joyce Hughes, Fred Hughes, Kevin Leimback, Therese Leimback

GREATER CHICAGOLAND BASENJI SPECIALTY IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CHICAGOLAND HOUND ASSOCIATION JUNE 15, 2013 GRAYSLAKE, IL Judge - Ms. Karen A. Dumke BEST OF BREED/G2 ............................. CH Laurel S’Simply Shocking Sabrina. (Bitch) Laura Mae Hesse BEST OF OP SEX.................................CH Sirobe Egotistical Rosewood (Dog) Judith & Charles Epperson SEL DOG ..........................................................GCH DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX SEL BITCH ...............GCH Laurel Aswan Abi Capt Morgan JC. (Bitch) Mary H. Ross & Aprille Jahnke WINNERS DOG/BEST OF WINNERS .................................................. Ankhu First To Fire RESERVE WINNERS DOG ................................................... Ankhu Across The Universe WINNERS BITCH................................................Moore Of A Riot Than You’ll Ever Know RESERVE WINNERS BITCH ....................................Laurel’s S’Simply Bewitching Hazel AMATEUR OWNER HANDLER DOGS 1/RW 11 Ankhu Across The Universe. Breeders, Caryn & Michael Jones. Owners. W. Clayton Bunyard & Caryn Jones. 2 13 New World As You Like It. Breeders, Karla Schreiber. Owners Nicole Freedman & Robert Freedman. BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS 1/W/BW 15 Ankhu First To Fire.. Breeders/Owners: Caryn J. & Michael P. Jones 2 19 Moores Hey I’ve Gotta Guy. Breeders/Owners, Nancy L. Moore & Michelle L. Smith. 3 21 Dakars Wizards Mystical Charm. Breeder/Owner, Karen Kuchta. OPEN BRINDLE & WHITE DOGS 1 17 Kaleonahe’s Cairo. Breeders, Kyle Cabral & Stephen Strobel. Owners. Kristen Breyer & Kyle Cabral & Allen Breyer. 6-9 MOS. PUPPY BITCHES 1 14 Laurel Fine Jane B A Jewel.. Breeder/Owner, Laura Mae Hesse. 2 12 Furaha Tukutu. Breeders, Arnieta Kurtz & Susan Joyner & Reena Fair. Owner Arnieta M. Kurtz. 3 16 Lukuru FoPaw’s Like Diamonds At New World. Breeders, Therese & Kevin Leimback & Jo Thompson. Owner Ms. Karla A. Schreiber & Jo Thompson. AMATEUR OWNER HANDLER BITCHES 1 18 Dakotah’s Chantellie Lace JC. Breeders, Rande & Steve Mathers. Owners. Lisa Lemberger & Terry L. Lemberger. BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES 1/W 24 Moore Of A Riot Than You’ll Ever Know. Breeders, Nancy L. Moore & Michelle L. Smith & Christy Featherstone. Owners Michelle Smith & Mrs. Nancy L. Moore. 2 26 Dakars Yamaka Me Crazy. Breeder/Owner Karen Kuchta. 3 20 New World Midsummer Night’s Dream. Breeder/Owner, Karla A. Schreiber. OPEN RED & WHITE BITCHES 1/RW 28 Laurel’s S’Simply Bewitching Hazel. Breeders, Laura Mae Hesse. Owner Sarah Wood. VETERAN 7 YRS & OLDER DOGS 1/SD 25 GCH DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX. Breeders, Linda Ehlers. Owner Terry Colbert & Robert Robinette. 2 23 Bantu-Farouks Coyote Spirit. Breeders, Katherin J. Skoczek & Allan & Ruth Jelinek. Owners. Allan & Ruth Jelinek.

SWEEPSTAKES JUDGE - Mrs. Sylvia LoFrano 6-9 MOS PUPPY DOGS 1/BOSS Kaleonahe’s Cairo. Kristen Breyer & Kyle Cabral & Allen Breyer. 6-9 MOS PUPPY BITCHES 1/BSS Laurel Fine Jane B A Jewel. Laura M. Hesse. 2 Lukuru FoPaw’s Like Diamonds At New World. Karla A. Schreiber & Jo Thompson. 3 Furaha Tukutu. Arnieta M. Kurtz.

VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES 7 YRS & UNDER 9 YRS VET DOGS 1/BVS GCH DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX. Terry Colbert & Robert Robinette.

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Judge: Mrs. Lisa Marshall BEST PUPPY ................................................................................ Signet Knights Templar BEST OP SEX PUPPY ................................................................Signet Knight’s Crusade

(Left) Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes (Right) Best Puppy in Sweeps PUPPY DOG 6 MO & UNDER 9 MO 1 Kaleonahe’s Cairo, Allen Breyer Kristen Breyer and Kyle Cabral 2 Spring Willows Reaction Time, Laurie Owen 3 Sonbar’s Justa Cool Rythem, Katie Klabechek 4 Spring Willows Hugo Barooo, Michael J Schaal BRED-BY EXHIBITOR DOG 1/BOSP Signet Knight’s Crusade, Brenda Cassell, Ciara Cassell, & Gary & Wendy Bell PUPPY BITCH 6 MO & UNDER 9 MO 1/BP Signet Knights Templar, Gary Bell Wendy Bell, and Brenda & Ciara Cassell 2 Sonbars Justcausina Frenzie, Sally Wuornos Laura Caldwell 3 Lukuru FoPaw’s Like Diamonds at New World, Owner(s) Karla Schreiber Jo Thompson 4 Laurel Fine Jane B a Jewel, Laura Mae Hesse BRED-BY EXHIBITOR BITCH 1 Faded Rose Me Catch’n Butterflies, Kristine A. Hagen

VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES BEST VETERAN ................................................. CH. Signet ‘Tis-A Wild Honeysuckle JC BEST OP SEX VETERAN ................................ GCH DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX VETERAN DOG 7 YRS & UNDER 10 YRS 1/BOV GCH DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX, Terry Colbert 2 Ch. Laurel Sashalia Tajiamiri, Laura Mae Hesse, Mary E. Simmons 3 Ch Sonbar DAnn Braknalltherules RA, Laura Caldwell VETERAN BITCH 7 YRS & UNDER 10 YRS 1/BV CH. Signet ‘Tis-A Wild Honeysuckle JC, Joyce & Fred Hughes, Brenda Cassell 2 CH. New World Wild Age, Karla Schreiber VETERAN BITCH 10 YRS & OLDER 1 Ch Kibushi Nyanga Cha Cha, Annette Muenter, Jon Curby 2 Taji-Renneck-Platinum Quercus JC, Andrea Walters, KT Campbell

BEST OF BREED ..................................... Ch Sirobe Egotistical Rosewood, Brad Phifer BEST OF WINNERS/BEST BRED-BY .......................... Signet Tis’A Gone with the Wind BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX ................................. CH. Signet ‘Tis-A Wild Honeysuckle JC SELECT BITCH ...GCh Laurel Aswan Abi Capt Morgan JC, Mary Ross Aprille Jahnke SELECT DOG ................................................Ch Joy-Us Move It On Over, Susan Joyner AWARD OF MERIT........................... G Ch Sonbar’s Sonic Shockwave CD RE OA OAJ, Sally Wuornos Kari Wuornos Winger

BEST OF BREED PUPPY DOG 6-9 MOS 1/ RWD Spring Willows Reaction Time, Laurie Owen 2 Kaleonahe’s Cairo, Allen Breyer Kristen Breyer and Kyle Cabral 3 Sonbar’s Justa Cool Rythem, OKatie Klabechek 4 Spring Willows Hugo Barooo, Michael J Schaal BRED-BY EXHIBITOR - DOG 1/WD Spring Willow-Jokuba State of Affairs Laurie Owen Russella Bowen 2 Signet Knight’s Crusade Brenda Cassell Ciara Cassell & Gary & Wendy Bell 3 Rafiki’s For Your Entertainment Michelle Gahgan AMATEUR OWNER HANDLER DOG 1 Ankhu Across The Universe, W. Clayton Bunyard Caryn Jones OPEN RED/WHITE DOG 1 Dharian’s Dreamcatcher of Woz, Kristine A. Hagen S. Anne Humphries PUPPY BITCH 6-9 MOS 1 Sonbars Justcausina Frenzie, Sally Wuornos, Laura Caldwell 2 Laurel Fine Jane B a Jewel, Laura Mae Hesse 3 Signet Knights Templar, Gary Bell Wendy Bell, Brenda & Ciara Cassell 4 Lukuru FoPaw’s Like Diamonds at New World, Karla Schreiber, Jo Thompson BRED-BY EXHIBITOR - BITCH 1/WB/BOW/BBE Signet Tis’A Gone with the Wind, Brenda Cassell, Ciara Cassell AMATEUR OWNER HANDLER BITCH 1 Dakotah’s Chantellie Lace, Terry Lemberger Lisa Lemberger 2 Klassic’s African Congo Queen, Rebecca DeWitt OPEN RED/WHITE BITCH 1/RWB Laurel S’Simply Bewitching Hazel, Sarah E Wood VETERAN DOG 7 & UNDER 10 YRS 1 Ch. Laurel Sashalia Tajiamiri, Laura Mae Hesse Mary E. Simmons 2 GCh DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX, Terry Colbert 3 Ch Sonbar DAnn Braknalltherules RA, Laura Caldwell VETERAN BITCH 7YRS & UNDER 10 YRS 1/BOS CH. Signet ‘Tis-A Wild Honeysuckle JC, Joyce & Fred Hughes, Brenda Cassell 2 CH. New World Wild Age, Karla Schreiber 3 Ch Rafiki’s Heart and Soul, Michelle Gahgan VETERAN BITCH 10 & OVER 1 Ch Kibushi Nyanga Cha Cha, Annette Muenter Jon Curby STUD DOG 1 GCh DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX, Terry Colbert

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JULY 26, 2013









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JUDGE: LAWRENCE SINCLAIR BEST OF BREED........... GCH DC Atarasi’s D’lucks Edition SC. Natalie Scherwin, Nancy Sherman (Dog) BEST OP SEX .......GCH Taji Goes Platinum JC. Cali C Shattuck, Katie Campbell, MaryK Quinnett (Bitch) SEL DOG .........................GCH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin. Julie Jones, Kathy Jones (Dog) SEL BITCH ................CH Fopaw’s Touch Of Evil At Saorsa SC. Andrea Stone, Kip Allen, Kevin & Therese Leimback (Bitch) AWARD OF MERIT ............................CH Fopaw’s Dlucks Moon Dance. Natalie Scherwin, Nancy Sherman, Therese Leimback (Bitch) AWARD OF MERIT ......... GCH Dc Baraka Jumoke Salish Samish SC. Paul Root, William Bowlus, Bryan & Laurie Gregory,Lisa Saban (Dog) WINNERS DOG.................................................................................... Veramonte’s Big River WINNERS BITCH/BOW ...............................................................Arubmec’s Black-Eyed Pea BEST BRED-BY EXHIBITOR ...............................................Emerant’s R E S P E C T (bitch) PUPPY DOGS 6 MOS. & UNDER 9 MOS. 1 Taji’s Top Hat & Tails. Valerie Short, Virginia Kudritzki, Katie Campbell 2 Taji Platinum Will.I.Am. MK Quinnett, KT Campbell 3 Jumoke Motema Ya Nkaki. Bryan & Laurie Gregory 4 Jumoke Motema Ya Butu Liso.: Bryan & Laurie Gregory PUPPY DOGS 9 MOS. & UNDER 12 MOS. 1 Fopaw’s Lukuru Okapi Kat. Kevin & Therese Leimback BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS 1/W Veramonte’s Big River Judah. Lemuel David Miller, Cali C Shattuck 2/R Arubmec’s Take A Chance On Me. Patricia E Cembura, Kelly Collins 3 Teazer Khani’s Rock Of Ages. John P Gaidos, Ainsley K Halemanu, Kathryn R Britton 4 Zamaradi’s Last Train To Salish Sea N’ Baraka.Lisa Bauer Saban, Cinda Watkins AMERICAN BRED DOGS 1 Taji’s Hafrican Chief. Katie Campbell 2 Zamaradi’s Pleasant Valley Sunday. Crystal Hradek, Michael Hradek OPEN DOGS, BRINDLE/WHITE 1 Jumoke Baraka Dreamin Of Rio. David & Zandra Mcmahon, Bryan & Laurie Gregory OPEN DOGS, RED/WHITE 1 Taji’s After Six. Katie Campbell 2 Jumoke’s Bebe Le Strange. Allie Noble OPEN DOG, BLACK/WHITE 1 Dakar’s Wizard’s Apprentice At Kabar Jc. Carolene Rose, Karen Kuchta 2 Taji’s Sunday Best. Dawn Mills, Carey Mills, Katie Campbell PUPPY BITCHES 6 MOS. & UNDER 9 MOS. 1 Khani’s Pitch Perfect . Kathryn R Britton, Emily Britton, Daniel Britton 2 Emerant’s Hush Hush. Lisa R Hart, Bryce Hart 3 Jumoke Motema Preciosa. Bryan & Laurie Gregory 4 Dlucks Hearts On Fire. Tiffany Farlow, Natalie Scherwin PUPPY BITCHES 9 MOS. & UNDER 12 MOS. 1 Bantu’s Rated M For Mature. Jennifer Miller, Shelby Miller 2 Baraka Billie Holiday. Kay Doolittle, Paul L. Root, William J. Bowlus BITCHES 12 MOS. & UNDER 18 MOS. 1 Zamaradi’s Im Not Your Steppin Stone. Sarah Smith-Falkner, Jeffrey Falkner BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES 1/R/BBE Emerant’s R E S P E C T. Lisa R Hart, Bryce Hart 2 Khani’s Pretty Persuasion.Zandra Mcmahon, Kathy Daniel, Emily Britton, Avery Mcleod 3 Taji’s Evening Couture. Katie Campbell 4 Jumoke Baraka Billie Jean. Bryan & Laurie Gregory, Paul L Bowlus-Root, William Bowlus-Root, Lisa B Saban AMERICAN BRED BITCHES 1 Baraka How The Wind Blows. Paul Bowlus-Root, William Bowlus-Root OPEN BITCH, BRINDLE/WHITE 1 Baraka Spring Over The Ground. Kay Doolittle, Paul L. Root, William J. Bowlus OPEN BITCH, RED/WHITE 1 Taji’s Hello Dali. Elizabeth Parker, Katie Campbell 2 Taji’s Ty Lee Of The Fire Nation Circus.: Allie Noble, Katie Campbell

BEST OF BREED GCH DC Atarasi’s D’lucks Edition SC

OPEN BITCH, BLACK/TAN/WHITE 1/W/BW Arubmec’s Black-Eyed Pea. Jenifer Sealy OPEN BITCH, BLACK/WHITE 1 Moto Fopaw’s Diva Flosston Paradise. Klein ,Ruby, Powell ,Araya 2 Khani’s Teazer Last Friday Night. Carolene J Rose, Kathryn R Britton, John P Gaidos VETERAN DOGS 7 YRS. & UNDER 10 YRS. 1 GCH Jumoke Khani Baru Rumba RN. Marcia & George Woodard, Kathryn Britton, Bryan & Laurie Gregory VETERAN DOGS 10 YRS. & OLDER 1 CH Bordeaux African Jumoke SC. Kitty Franks, JoDee Funchess VETERAN BITCHES 7 YRS. & UNDER 10 YRS. 1 CH Khani’s Dp Poetry In Motion SC CGC. Kathryn R Britton, Ellen M Bramble 2 DC Platinum And Nelson At Taji JC SC MC. Larry & Deborah Nelson, Mary K Quinnett VETERAN BITCHES 10 YRS. & OLDER 1 CH Jamaa-Tanza Makindu SC RN NA. Brenda Phillips, Jeff Sheldon FIELD CHAMPION DOGS 1 GCH Emerant’s Heez Reminiscent MC CGC FCH GRC VB ORC SOR. Sarah SmithFalkner, Lisa R Hart STUD DOG CLASS 1 GCH DC Southhouse Jumoke Ltle Big Man Malawi SC. Lisa Saban, Bryan & Laurie Gregory BROOD BITCH CLASS 1 DC Jumoke’s Saylah Of Baraka SC. Paul Bowlus-Root, William Bowlus-Root 2 GCH Salish Sea’s Baraka Jumoke Ms Diamond SC. Sarah Smith-Falkner, Lisa Saban, Paul Root,Jeffrey VETERAN EXHIBITION CH Amun All-Starr From Cynosure GCG RE BN. Jacques K & Judith K Lange

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SATURDAY, AUG. 3, 2013

BEST JUNIOR HANDLER ..............................................................................AMIAH U NELSON

BEST OF BREED............GCH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin. Julie Jones, Kathy Jones (Dog) BEST OF OP SEX ............................................................................. Emerant’s R E S P E C T SEL DOG .................................... GCH DC Atarasi’s D’lucks Edition SC. Natalie Scherwin, Nancy Sherman (Dog) SEL BITCH ....................................... CH Jumoke’s Sweet Darlin’. JoDee Funchess (Bitch) AWARD OF MERIT .......................... CH Proudlaan Dream Mia Dream. Laura Pond (Bitch) WINNERS DOG.................................................................Arubmec’s Take A Chance On Me WINNERS BITCH/BOW .................................................................... Emerant’s R E S P E C T



NOVICE JUNIOR CLASS 1 CH Platinum’s Conspiracy Theory. Olivia Quinnett 2 Taji’s Sunday Best. Jenna Mills NOVICE INTERMEDIATE CLASS 1 Moto Fopaw’s Diva Flosston Paradise. David Klein OPEN INTERMEDIATE CLASS 1/BJHDC Platinum And Nelson At Taji MC. Amiah U Nelson 2 Tailwind’s Diamonds Are Forever. Danielle New


JUDGE: KIM WILLIAMSON-JENSEN FUTURITY JUNIOR DOGS 1/BFUT 11 Taji’s Top Hat & Tails. Valerie Short, Virginia Kudritzki, Katie Campbell 2 51 Taji’s Sunday Best. Dawn Mills,Carey Mills, Katie Campbell 3 43 Taji’s Hafrican Chief. Katie Campbell 4 5 Jumoke Motema Ya Butu Liso. Bryan & Laurie Gregory BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS 6 MOS. & UNDER 18 MOS 1 39 Tailwind’s The World Is Not Enough. Lori Forbess,Julie Leicht 2 49 Taji’s After Six. Katie Campbell 3 15 Zamaradi’s Last Train To Salish Sea N’ Baraka. Lisa Bauer Saban,Cinda Watkins 4 9 Taji Platinum Will.I.Am. MK Quinnett, KT Campbell JUNIOR BITCHES 1 8 Jumoke Motema Preciosa. Bryan & Laurie Gregory 2 86 Baru Khani’s Birthday Luau At Lanikai. Marcia & George Woodard 3 88 Baru Khani’s North Shore Lilikoi. Marcia & George Woodard INTERMEDIATE BITCHES 1 14 Bantu’s Rated M For Mature. Jennifer Miller, Shelby Miller SENIOR BITCHES 1 16 Baraka Billie Holiday. Kay Doolittle, Paul L. Root,William J. Bowlus BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES 6 MOS. & UNDER 18 MOS. 1/RFUT 26 Jumoke Baraka Billie Jean. Bryan & Laurie Gregory, Paul L Bowlus-Root, William Bowlus-Root,Lisa B Saban 2 36 Taji’s Evening Couture. Katie Campbell 3 10 Khani’s Pitch Perfect . Kathryn R Britton, Emily Britton, Daniel Britton 4 24 Baraka Billie Burke. Paul Bowlus-Root, William Bowlus-Root


DOGS 1/RMAT 33 Jumoke Baraka Dreamin Of Rio. David & Zandra Mcmahon, Bryan & Laurie Gregory 2 45 Jumoke’s Bebe Le Strange. Allie Noble 3 27 Baraka Over The River. Paul Bowlus-Root, William Bowlus-Root 4 17 Koira’s Wild Sage. Owners: Tim & Mary Monahan BITCHES 1/BMAT 50 Baraka Spring Over The Ground. Kay Doolittle, Paul L. Root, William J. Bowlus 2 68 Ch Baraka Hear The Belle Ring QC SC. Paul Bowlus-Root,illiam Bowlus-Root 3 20 Koira’s Ginger Snap. Tim & Mary Monahan

PUPPY DOGS 6 MOS. & UNDER 9 MOS. 1 Jumoke Motema Ya Butu Liso. Bryan & Laurie Gregory 2 Jumoke Motema Ya Nkaki. Bryan & Laurie Gregory PUPPY DOGS 9 MOS. & UNDER 12 MOS 1 Fopaw’s Lukuru Okapi Kat. Kevin & Therese Leimback BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS 1/W Arubmec’s Take A Chance On Me. Patricia E Cembura, Kelly Collins 2 Platinum’s Son Of Anarchy. Brian Johnson, Bob Bozarth, Maryk Quinnett 3 Taji Cheques In At Heathrow. JG Kim, Katie Campbell, Mark Farnsworth 4 Teazer Khani’s Rock Of Ages. John P Gaidos,Ainsley K Halemanu,Kathryn R Britton AMERICAN BRED DOGS 1 Zamaradi’s Pleasant Valley Sunday. Crystal & Michael Hradek OPEN DOGS, RED/WHITE 1/R Taji’s After Six. Katie Campbell 2 Jumoke’s Bebe Le Strange. Allie Noble OPEN DOGS, BLACK/WHITE 1 Taji’s Sunday Best. Dawn & Carey Mills, Katie Campbell PUPPY BITCHES 6 MOS. & UNDER 9 MOS 1/R Emerant’s Hush Hush. Lisa R Hart, Bryce Hart 2 Dlucks Hearts On Fire. Tiffany Farlow, Natalie Scherwin PUPPY BITCHES 9 MOS. & UNDER 12 MOS. 1 Bantu’s Rated M For Mature. Jennifer Miller, Shelby Miller BITCHES 12 MOS. & UNDER 18 MOS. 1 Zamaradi’s Im Not Your Steppin Stone. Sarah Smith-Falkner, Jeffrey Falkner BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES 1/W/BW/OS Emerant’s R E S P E C T. Lisa R Hart, Bryce Hart 2 Taji’s Evening Couture. Katie Campbell 3 Baraka Billie Burke. Paul Bowlus-Root, William Bowlus-Root 4 Jumoke Baraka Billie Jean. Bryan & Laurie Gregory,Paul L Bowlus-Root, William Bowlus-Root, Lisa B Saban AMERICAN BRED BITCHES 1 Baraka How The Wind Blows. Paul Bowlus-Root, William Bowlus-Root OPEN BITCHES, RED/WHITE 1 Taji’s Hello Dali. Elizabeth Parker, Katie Campbell 2 Taji’s Ty Lee Of The Fire Nation Circus. Allie Noble, Katie Campbell OPEN BITCHES, BLACK/TAN/WHITE 1 Arubmec’s Black-Eyed Pea. Jenifer Sealy 2 Tazamisha’s Heartleah. Sara Weidenhaft,Nicholas Cortez OPEN BITCHES, BLACK/WHITE 1 Moto Fopaw’s Diva Flosston Paradise. Klein ,Ruby, Powell ,Araya

JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP Judge: Sheila Taylor Allen

BEST JUNIOR HANDLER ......................................................................... Amiah U Nelson NOVICE JUNIOR CLASS 1 5 CH Platinum’s Conspiracy Theory. Olivia Quinnett 2 6 Taji’s Sunday Best. Jenna Mills NOVICE INTERMEDIATE CLASS 1 7 Moto Fopaw’s Diva Flosston Paradise. David Klein OPEN INTERMEDIATE CLASS 1/BJH8 DC Platinum And Nelson At Taji JC SC MC. Amiah U Nelson 2 9 Tailwind’s Diamonds Are Forever. Danielle New

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VETERAN T 1.VTK 1.VTKK CK ...........................................................................................Kaya-Kayenna 1.VTK 2.VTKK ......................................................................................... Vicita’s Fancy Face 1.VTK 3.VTKK ........................................................................................ Chagmas First Love 2.VTK...................................................................................Suntribe’s Mara Jade Skywalker

BiM ...................................................................................................... Kimwitu’s Valentino BiR ........................................................................................................Kimwitu’s Zolotaya BiS Veteran ................................................................Mwamis American Fortune Hunter BIM Veteran ......................................................................................Kenjali Kaya-Kayenna BIS Breeder ......................................................................... Kingwanas, HP Chagmas, HP

BiS Veteran Mwamis American Fortune Hunter BIM Veteran Kenjali Kaya-Kayenna

©Photos by Silje England Garshol

PUPPIES: BiS Puppy............................................................................................ Kingwanas Kickass BiM Puppy ........................................................................... Ashikis Whisper In The Dark

BiS Kimwitu’s Zolotaya & BiM Kimwitu’s Valentino


DOGS JR H 1.UK 1.UKK CK Res. Cert ............................................................. Kingwanas Into The Wind 1.UK 2.UKK CK .................................................................................... Chagmas Top Secret 3.JK ..........................................................................................Wild Pearl´s Benji Of Rafhael OPEN/ÅPEN H 1.AK 1.AKK CERT 3.BHK ..................................................Faraoland Kenzo Jungle Homme 1.AK 2.AKK CK............................................................................Ashikis You Could Be Mine 1.AK 3.AKK................................................................................................. Bushongo Castor 1.AK 4.AKK................................................................... Kingwanas Hocus Pocus Of D’guard 1.AK ...............................................................................................................Catatau Itapuca CHAMP. H 1.CHK 1.CHKK CK 1.BHK BIM ............................................................... Kimwitu’s Valentino 1.CHK 2.CHKK CK 2.BHK............................................................. Kenjaali Heeere’s Johnny 1.CHK 3.CHKK CK 4.BHK............................................................Bulldobas Catch The Wind 1.CHK 4.CHKK CK ............................................................... Faraoland Va Todo Al Ganador 1.CHK CK ...........................................................................................Dakarai Piece Of Cake 1.CHK CK ............................................................................................Zahleka Emile Emilion 1.CHK CK .......................................................................... Chagmas Pirate King Black Pearl VETERAN H 1.VTK 1.VTKK CK ......................................................... M Wami’s American Fortune Hunter BITCHES UNGHUND T 1.UK 1.UKK CK Res. Cert ........................................................... Meisterhaus Puzzle ‘n Play 1.UK 2.UKK ..............................................................................................Old Legends Jewel 1.UK 3.UKK ............................................................................................Kingwanas Jitterbug OPEN/ÅPEN T 1.AK 1.AKK CERT 4.BTK ..........................................................Chagmas Scarlett Pimpernel 1.AK 2.AKK................................................................................ Wild Pearl´s Amber Of Echo 1.AK 3.AKK.................................................................................Matabichi Fila Nganga-True 1.AK 4.AKK.............................................................................................Senjisfinx Mariamne 2.AK ............................................................................................Faraoland Flower By Kenzo CHAMP T 1.CHK 1.CHKK CK 1.BTK BIR ................................................................. Kimwitu’s Zolotaya 1.CHK 2.CHKK CK 2.BTK .............................................Chagmas Pirate Princess Red Ruby 1.CHK 3.CHKK CK 3.BTK .............................................................. Moyomema Zelda Waridi 1.CHK 4.CHKK CK ......................................................................... Kenjaali Frankly My Dear 1.CHK CK ....................................................................................... Mzalia Making Headlines 1.CHK CK ......................................................................... Kingwanas Glory Of The Spotlight 1.CHK CK ....................................................................................... Kingwanas Fairy Of Tails 1.CHK CK ................................................................................ Kingwanas Entertaining Story 1.CHK CK ......................................................................................................... Dakarai Q’ute

BiSP Kingwanas Kickass & BiMP Ashikis Whisper In The Dark 4-6 MONTH MALES 1/BPIS Kingwanas Kickass 2 Chagmas Just A Dream 3 Farlanders Can You See It Now 4 Bushongo Dream Weaver4 5 Bushongo Distant Echo 6-9 MONTH MALES 1 Nganga John Lennon 1 North excotic All By Myself 4-6 MONTH BITCHES 1 Shah Rans Starlet 2 Bushongo Double Joy 3 Kingwanas Kiss Me Quick 4 Chagmas African Dream 6 Bushongo Darkest Pearl 6 Bushongo Drama Queen 6-9 MONTH BITCHES 1/BPIM Ashikis Whisper In The Dark 2 North excotic All I Do Is Win 3 North Exccotic All Time Favorite 4 Ashikis Heart Of A Hero SPECIAL CLASSES: CHILDREN AND DOGS 0-10 YEARS: 1 Alise (8 years) 2 Sindre (4 years) 3 Magnus (2 years)

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JUNIOR - First Place


Judge: Leila Kärkäs (Finland), (28 puppies + 32 dogs + 39 bitches)

PUPPIES - MALES, 5-7 MONTHS Sternhimmels Orvar Odd ........................................................Puppy 1 HP, BD 1, BIS-puppy Ajibu Life and Soul...............................................................................................Puppy 2 HP Mutabaruga’s Prince Farie) .................................................................................Puppy 3 HP Sternhimmels Optimus Maximus .........................................................................Puppy 4 HP PUPPIES - MALES, 7-9 MONTHS Hanishan Winner Takes It All ....................................................................Puppy 1 HP, BD 2 Hanishan Walk This Way ..........................................................................................Puppy 2 PUPPIES - FEMALES, 5-7 MONTHS Ajibu Like a Dream ................................................................ Puppy 1 HP, BB1, BOS-puppy Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wow Factor .............................................................................Puppy 2 HP Sternhimmels Opera Operata..............................................................................Puppy 3 HP Rosone’s Terra Di Tarantella...............................................................................Puppy 4 HP PUPPIES - FEMALES, 7-9 MONTHS Sharaba Lovelights Behukai ................................................. Puppy 1 KP, BB 2, BOS-puppy Hanishan Walking In The Air ...............................................................................Puppy 2 KP MALES BD1 Bulldobas Cream And Sugar ................................................. Champion EXC 1 CQ BD2 Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever ...................................... Intermediate EXC 1 CQ, CC BD3 Hi-Lite Hot Rod........................................................................ Champion EXC 2 CQ BD4 Ajibu Heart And Soul .............................................................. Champion EXC 3 CQ JUNIOR CLASS Hi-Lite Smooth Operator............................................................... Junior EXC 1 CQ, ResCC Bushwacker Maximum Power ............................................................................ Junior VG 2 INTERMEDIATE CLASS Furahan Java Jamil ................................................................................Intermediate EXC 2 Bulldobas Zimeon Safeguard .................................................................Intermediate EXC 3 Ajibu Jumping Jack Flash ......................................................................... Intermediate VG 4 OPEN CLASS Orange Pips Codename Kyril ......................................................................Open EXC 1 CQ Ajibu I Go Wild ...........................................................................................................Open G Orange Pips Berenike`s Heir .....................................................................................Open G WORKING CLASS Ajibu Feelin’ Good ................................................................................................ Working G CHAMPION CLASS Yulara Quickthorn ................................................................................ Champion EXC 4 CQ Ajibu Foolin’ Around ..................................................................................... Champion EXC Ankhu Baroos At Bulldobas)......................................................................... Champion EXC Bulldobas Catch The Wind ........................................................................... Champion EXC Hanishan Game Hunter ................................................................................ Champion EXC Klassic’s Daydream Believer ........................................................................ Champion EXC Safeguard’s Dijon Bulldobas ........................................................................ Champion EXC Sternhimmels Lux In Nocte .......................................................................... Champion EXC Zahleka Taji Watch N Learn ......................................................................... Champion EXC VETERAN CLASS Kanjaras Zindika ......................................................................................Veteran EXC 1 CQ Furahan Pukka Vimoto ............................................................................Veteran EXC 2 CQ Kanjaras Timeus Theron ............................................................................... Veteran EXC 3 Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius ........................................................................ Veteran EXC 4 FEMALES BB1 Bulldobas Cute As A Button...........................................Champion EXC 1 CQ BIS BB2 Easy Come Easy Go Afrikata................................................... Open EXC 1 CQ CC BB3 Sternhimmels Nota Prima ......................................................Champion EXC 2 CQ BB4 Hi-Lite Hula Hoops..................................................................Champion EXC 3 CQ

Photo: Rami Niva

Best In Specialty ..................................................................Bulldobas Cute As A Button Best Opposite Sex to BIS ..................................................Bulldobas Cream And Sugar Best in Specialty Puppy ........................................................... Sternhimmels Orvar Odd Best Opposite Sex-Puppy .................................................................. Ajibu Like a Dream Best In Specialty-Veteran ......................................................................Kanjaras Zindika Best Opposite Sex-Veteran .....................................................Hanishan Titilayo Sharab Best In Specialty-Working Dog .......................................Hanishan Reveal The Mystery Best In Specialty-Breeders Group Kennel .............................................................Hi-Lite Best In Specialty-Progeny Group ...................................Sternhimmels Bene Benedicta

From left to right BIS Bulldobas Cute As A Button BOS Bulldobas Cream And Sugar JUNIOR CLASS Sharaba Heartbeat ............................................................................................. Junior VG 1 Dakarai Born Free .............................................................................................. Junior VG 2 INTERMEDIATE CLASS Bulldobas Zenana Safeguard .......................................................... Intermediate EXC 1 CQ Rosone’s Soprano Supernova................................................................Intermediate EXC 2 Leoniver’s Pride N Prejudice .................................................................... Intermediate VG 3 Ajibu Jar of Hearts .................................................................................... Intermediate VG 4 OPEN CLASS Kanjaras Piquant Mix..................................................................... Open EXC 2 CQ, ResCC Wazazi The One and Only ..........................................................................Open EXC 3 CQ Bulldobas Zandra Safeguard ............................................................................. Open EXC 4 WORKING CLASS Hanishan Reveal The Mystery ............................................................... Working EXC 1 CQ CHAMPION CLASS Sternhimmels In Dulci Iubilo ................................................................ Champion EXC 4 CQ Bulldobas Crown Jewel ......................................................................... Champion EXC, CQ Safeguard’s Dora Bulldobas .................................................................. Champion EXC, CQ Sternhimmels Notabilia Bona ................................................................ Champion EXC, CQ Ajibu Foolish Heart ....................................................................................... Champion EXC Ajibu Hungry Heart ....................................................................................... Champion EXC Behukai Elegant Pearl .................................................................................. Champion EXC Kanjaras Suzelle........................................................................................... Champion EXC Sternhimmels In Optima Forma.................................................................... Champion EXC VETERAN CLASS Hanishan Titilayo Sharab .................................................. Veteran EXC 1 CQ BOS-veteran Sternhimmels Femina Floreat .................................................................Veteran EXC 2 CQ Bulldobas La Scala ..................................................................................Veteran EXC 3 CQ Sternhimmels Bene Benedicta ................................................................Veteran EXC 4 CQ BREEDERS CLASS kennel Hi-Lite...............................................................Breeders 1 HP BIS1 Breeders Group Hi-Lite Smooth Operator, Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever, Hi-Lite Hula, Hi-Lite Hot Rod) kennel Sternhimmels ...................................................................................... Breeders 2 HP (Sternhimmels In Optima Forma, Sternhimmels Notabilia Bona, Sternhimmels Nota Prima, Sternhimmels Femina Floreat) kennel Bulldobas ............................................................................................ Breeders 3 HP (Bulldobas Cream And Sugar, Bulldobas Zenana Safeguard, Bulldobas Zandra Safeguard, Bulldobas Cute As A Button) kennel Kanjaras ................................................................................................... Breeders 4 (Kanjaras Sanson, Kanjaras Timeus Theron, Kanjaras Zindika, Kanjaras Suzelle) PROGENY CLASS Sternhimmels Bene Benedicta - ...................................Progeny 1 HP, BIS1 progeny group (Wazazi Grand Crusader x Sternhimmels Liebe Lenore) (Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius, Sternhimmels In Dulci Iubilo, Sternhimmels In Optima Forma, Sternhimmels Femina Floreat) Ajibu Cool Cat - .....................................................................................................Progeny 2 (Pukkanut Midnight Sun x Ajibu American Pie) (Ajibu Foolin’ Around, Ajibu Heart And Soul, Ajibu Foolish Heart, Ajibu Hungry Heart)

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August 3-4, 2013

May 17, 2013


Judge David Miller, USA

BEST OF BREED/BEST MALE..................................................... Faraoland regression A Mi BEST OF OP SEX.................................................... Faraoland Treasure Of The Rainbow BEST PUPPY ............................................................................................ Shahrans Starlet BEST OP SEX PUPPY ...................................................... Happy New Year Out Of Africa BEST VETERAN ....................................................... M Wami’s American Fortune Hunter BEST OP SEX VETERAN ............................................................. Kenjaali Kaya-Kayenna BEST BREEDING GROUP .................................................... Faraoland Xcellent Example BEST BREEDER GROUP ...................................................Faraoland - Helena Strömbert

BEST OF BREED/BOB JUNIOR .................................................. Escarlate Ruiva Itapuca BEST MALE, CLUB WINNER ............................................................... Dandy Amber Sun BEST FEMALE, CLUB WINNER.................................................................... Bupe Itapuca BEST OF BREED PUPPY .................................................................Sundevils Seabiscuit BEST OF BREED BABY, BISB-BISS ................................. Nasledye Etera Cabiria Night

PUPPY CLASS 6-9 MONTHS MALES Happy New Year Out Of Africa...................................................... 1 valpkk, HP, BOS-puppy Touch Of Razz Latte Machiatto ..........................................................................2 valpkk, HP Rayas Minds Waving Wave................................................................................3 valpkk, HP Nganga’s John Lennon...................................................................................... 4 valpkk, HP PUPPY CLASS 6-9 MONTHS FEMALES Shahrans Starlet .............................................................. 1 valpkk credits, BOB, BIS-Puppy Haute Couture Out Of Africa ..............................................................................2 valpkk, HP Boxzent’s Merry Christmas.................................................................................3 valpkk, HP Touch Of Razz Passion ......................................................................................4 valpkk, HP

Escarlate Ruiva Itapuca, BOB, BOB Junior MALES PUPPIES 194 Sundevils Seabiscuit JUNIORS 197 Mutabaruga’s Mad Professor 196 Itury Puzzle Jappi OPEN 199 Dandy Amber Sun CHAMPION 201 Master Allen Congo Itapuca 200 Afrikanskiy Molchun Fungurem BITCHES PUPPIES 202 High Spirit of Swala Pala 203 Nasledye Etera Cabiria Night JUNIORS 205 Escarlate Ruiva Itapuca 206 Itury Puzzle Jagodra 204 Adanna Silent Talisman INTERMEDIATE 207 Kimwitu’s Sweety Strawberry OPEN 211 Marlen-Brao Lucky 210 Djuvanstar Gaklin Lady Scharm CHAMPION 213 Bupe Itapuca 214 Inka Bravo African Rainbow 212 America S Poljarnogo Sozvezdija


very promissing, BOB puppy

Matveenko Balova

Exc, best jun male, JCAC exc2


Exc, best male, club winner

Roschina Matveenko

Exc 1 CAC Exc2 , RCAC

Shubinova Volchenko

very promising 2 very promising1, best baby, BISB BISS

Steele Balova Koh

Exc 1 JCAC , junBOB, BOB Exc2 Exc3


Exc1 CAC

Plakhova Shubinova

Exc 1 CAC Exc 2 RCAC

Steele Exc1 CAC , Best Female, Club Winner Koch Exc 2 Roschina Exc3

MALES JUNIOR MALES Yulara Tilo Excellent ....................................................................................................1 junkk YOUTH CLASS MALES Jasiri-Sukari Win Diesel.............................................. Excellent 1 ukk, ck, 3 best male, CAC Elegant Elephant Cosmos Concert ................................................................Excellent 2 ukk Faraoland Swedish Design ............................................................................Excellent 3 ukk Chagmas Top Secret .....................................................................................Excellent 4 ukk OPEN CLASS MALES Taji’s Top Model To Zahleka ......................................................Excellent 1 ökk, ck, R-CAC Faraoland Kenzo Jungle Homme ...................................................................Excellent 2 ökk Yulara Poko Bitima ..................................................................................... Very Good 3 ökk CHAMPION CLASS MALES Faraoland regression A Mi ...................................... Excellent 1 chkk, ck, 1 best male, BOB Kenjaali Heere’s Johnny ..............................................................Excellent 2 chkk, ck, 2 bhkl Faraoland Kenzo Power .............................................................Excellent 3 chkk, ck, 4 bhkl Kenjaali Verro-Vigilant ........................................................................... Excellent 4 chkk, ck VETERAN CLASS MALES M Wami’s American Fortune Hunter ............................ Excellent 1 vetkk, CQ, BOB-Veteran Faraoland Xcellent ....................................................................... Excellent Example 2 vetkk FEMALES YOUTH CLASS FEMALES Faraoland Treasure Of The Rainbow ...................... Excellent 1 ukk, ck, 1 CAC, BOS, CAC Old Legend’s Jewel ................................................................................. Excellent 2 ukk, ck Nganga’s Marilyn Monroe ........................................................................ Excellent 3 ukk, ck Elegant Elephant Silly Circus ................................................................... Excellent 4 ukk, ck OPEN CLASS BITCHES: Miss Amazing’s Field Silverglow ................................................ Excellent 1 ökk, ck, R-CAC Chagmas Scarlett Pimpernel ................................................................... Excellent 2 ökk, ck Yulara Noni Morinda ................................................................................ Excellent 3 ökk, ck Miss Amazing’s High Five ........................................................................ Excellent 4 ökk, ck CHAMPION CLASS BITCHES Kimwitu’s Zolotaya........................................................................Excellent chkk 1, ck, 2 btkl Moyomema Felicia Adowa ..........................................................Excellent 2 chkk, ck, 3 btkl Enigma After Me Please ...............................................................Excellent 3 chkk, ck, 4 btkl Kenjaali Frankly My Dear ....................................................................... Excellent 4 chkk, ck VETERAN CLASS BITCHES Kenjaali Kaya-Kayenna ...................................................Excellent 1 vetkk, ck, BOS-veteran VETERANS 10 AND OLDER BITCHES M Wami’s American Fortune Hunter ....................................vetkk 1, HP, BOB-veteran 10 + Shahrans Aritza .......................................................................................... Excellent 2 vetkk Vicita’s Fancy Face ..................................................................................... Excellent 3 vetkk MBWA’s Gusika Jubilee Af Bashiri ............................................................. Excellent 4 vetkk BREEDING CLASS Faraoland Xcellent Example...................................................... 1 avelkl, credits, Best Group Kenjaali Kaya-Kayenna .......................................................................................2 avelkl, HP BREEDER CLASS Faraoland - Helena Strömbert ...................................................1 uppfkl, credits, Best Group Yulara - Monica Massih & Mia Löwbeer ............................................................ 2 uppfkl, HP Kenjaali - Naranja Persson ................................................................................. 3 uppfkl, HP Chagmas - Gro Udby................................................................................................. 4 uppfkl Miss Amazing’s - Camilla Lebzien ............................................................................ 5 uppfkl

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UNITED KINGDOM - CH Show Results, provided by Sally Wallis, Zande Basenjis BIRMINGHAM NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW 05 MAY 2013 JUDGE: LUIS PINTO TEIXIERA BASENJIS ENTERED - 21. ABSENTEES - 1. DOG CLASSES JUNIOR DOG (4/4) 1/RCC Hannah's Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris 2 Miller's Benkura Blue Sky Mine 3 Hooper' & Gibson's Giantswood Marmalade Man 4 Shaw-Fitzsimmons' & Carman's Kingwanas Jazzy Jive At Suefitz POST GRADUATE DOG (1/1) 1 Shaw-Fitzsimmons' & Carman's Kingwanas Jazzy Jive At Suefitz LIMIT DOG (4/5) 1 Miller's Benkura Blue Sky Mine 2 Hanna's Zordia's Ajani ShCM 3 Gaskell's Memetuka Juakali 4 Hooper's Bubas Pharaoh's Fortune OPEN DOG (2/2) 1 Hardy' & Hallam's Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue 2 Gaskell's Memetuka Jabali ShCM


DOG CLASSES JUNIOR DOG (2/2) 1 Miller’s Benkura Blue Sky Mine 2 Hannah’s Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris LIMIT DOG (2/3) 1 Miller’s Benkura Blue Sky Mine 2 Hanna’s Zordia’s Ajani ShCM


DOG CLASSES JUNIOR DOG (2/2) 1 Miller’s Benkura Blue Sky Mine 2 Hooper’ & Gibson’s Giantswood Marmalade Man POST GRADUATE DOG (1/1) 1 Baseley’s Shadiki Summer Son By Marzuku LIMIT DOG (5/6) 1 Miller’s Benkura Blue Sky Mine 2 Baseley’s Marzuku Mzuri 3 Castell’s Atrigema Memnyth Speed 4 Gostynska’s Bubas Call Of The Wild 5 Hooper’s Bubas Pharaoh’s Fortune OPEN DOG (3/4) 1/CC Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue (CC). 2 Lindop’s Woodella Northern Dancer


DOG CLASSES PUPPY DOG (1/3) 1/BP Harris’ & Mills’ Jisgard Follow The Dream at Reppiks JUNIOR DOG (2/3) 1 Hannah’s Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris 2 Miller’s Benkura Blue Sky Mine POST GRADUATE DOG (1/1) 1 Wright’ & Wilkinson’s Faraoland Yuletide Snowfall at Elsco LIMIT DOG (4/4) 1 Hanna’s Zordia’s Ajani 2 Miller’s Benkura Blue Sky Mine 3 Gostynska’s Bubas Call Of The Wild 4 Wright’ & Wilkinson’s Elsco Amatillyson OPEN DOG (3/6) 1/CC Grayson’s Ch Tokaji American Gigolo At Embeau

VETERAN DOG (1/1) 1/CC Hardy', Hallam' &Webb's Ch/Am Ch Kazor's Make Way For Riley BITCH CLASSES JUNIOR BITCH (3/3) 1/CC/BOB Adams' Kissangani Life Of The Party 2 Drummond's Kissangani Ask No Questions at Djoser 3 Hooper' & Gibson's Giantswood Woizero Tessay POST GRADUATE BITCH (1/1) 1 Baker's Silverbriar Mirror Image LIMIT BITCH (2/2) 1 Rabbitte's Kibushi Regalia For Woodella 2 Gostynska's Bubas Monisha OPEN BITCH (5/5) 1/RCC Allen's Ch Zordia's Wazzala (Ch/Am Ch Kazor's Make Way For Riley / Ch Faraoland Toyou at Zordia) (RCC) 2 Hardy' & Hallam's Ch Tokaji California Dreaming 3 Drummond's Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at Djoser 4 Adams' Kissangani Only Dreaming 5 Legget's Irish Ch Elsco Amastunner At Swanwite OPEN DOG (2/3) 1/CC Gaskell’s Ch (subject to KC confirmation) Memetuka Jabali ShCM 2/RCC Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue BITCH CLASSES JUNIOR BITCH (2/2) 1/RCC Adams’ Kissangani Life Of The Party 2 Drummond’s Kissangani Ask No Questions at Djoser OPEN BITCH (4/4). 1/CC/BOB Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji California Dreaming 2 Drummond’s Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at Djoser 3 Adams’ Kissangani Only Dreaming 4 Legget’s Irish Ch Elsco Amastunner At Swanwite 3 Ellis’ Tokaji American Ganster at Tenfield VETERAN DOG (1/1) 1/RCC Hardy’, Hallam’ &Webb’s Ch/Am Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley 2 Beaufort’s African Mystery’s Anubis BITCH CLASSES PUPPY BITCH (1/1) 1/RCC/BP Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wild Child of Memetuka JUNIOR BITCH (1/1) 1 Hooper’ & Gibson’s Giantswood Woizero Tessay POST GRADUATE BITCH (2/2) 1 Matthews’ Gooses Glint Of Gold 2 Gostynska’s Bubas Cepelia. LIMIT BITCH (2/2) 1 Gostynska’s Bubas Monisha 2 Rabbitte’s Kibushi Regalia For Woodella OPEN BITCH (3/3) 1/CC/BOB Allen’s Ch Zordia’s Wazzala 2 Hardy’ & Hallam’s Tokaji California Dreaming 3 Legget’s Irish Ch Elsco Amastunner At Swanwite

2/RCC Cullen’s Ch Tokaji Texas Ranger 3 Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue BITCH CLASSES PUPPY BITCH (2/2) 1 Gaskell’s Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wild Child of Memetuka 2 Gray’s Jisgard Daydream Believer JUNIOR BITCH (2/2) 1 Adams’ Kissangani Life Of The Party 2 Drummond’s Kissangani Ask No Questions at Djoser POST GRADUATE BITCH (1/1) 1 Gostynska’s Bubas Cepelia LIMIT BITCH (1/3) 1 Gostynska’s Bubas Monisha OPEN BITCH (4/5) 1/CC/BOB Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji California Dreaming 2/RCC Allen’s Ch Zordia’s Wazzala 3 Drummond’s Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at Djoser 4 Legget’s Irish Ch Elsco Amastunner At Swanwite

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BITCH CLASSES PUPPY BITCH (2/2) 1 Gaskell’s Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wild Child of Memetuka 2 Gray’s Jisgard Daydream Believer LIMIT BITCH (3/3) 1/RCC Baker’s Silverbriar Mirror Image 2 Wright’ & Wilkinson’s Elsco Amatiger 3 Rabbitte’s Kibushi Regalia For Woodella OPEN BITCH (2/2) 1/CC/BOB Hardy’ & Hallam’s Tokaji California Dreaming 2 Legget’s Irish Ch Elsco Amastunner At Swanwite

DOG CLASSES PUPPY DOG (1/2) 1/BP Harris’ & Mills’ Jisgard Follow The Dream at Reppiks. POST GRADUATE DOG (1/1) 1/CC Wright’ & Wilkinson’s Faraoland Yuletide Snowfall at Elsco LIMIT DOG (1/1) 1 Wright’ & Wilkinson’s Elsco Amatillyson OPEN DOG (1/2) 1/RCC Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue 2 Lindop’s Woodella Northern Dancer


3 Lindop’s Woodella Northern Dancer 4 Chavez-Novoa’s Ned/Lux Ch Abotere’s Zahir for Hicel. BITCH CLASSES PUPPY BITCH (2/2) 1/BP Gray’s Jisgard Daydream Believer 2 Gaskell’s Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wild Child of Memetuka POST GRADUATE BITCH (1/1) 1 Eydmann’s Shadiki Summer Sensation LIMIT BITCH (4/4) 1/RCC Adams’ Kissangani Life Of The Party 2 Eydmann’s Woodella Northern Dashiki 3 Chavez-Novoa’s Marzuku Mzara 4 Rabbitte’s Kibushi Regalia For Woodella. OPEN BITCH (2/3) 1CC/BOB/HG1 Hardy’ & Hallam’s Tokaji California Dreaming 2 Allen’s Ch Zordia’s Wazzala


DOG CLASSES POST GRADUATE DOG (1/1) 1/CC Hannah’s Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris 2 Baseley’s Shadiki Summer Son by Marzuku LIMIT DOG (3/4) 1/RCC Singleton’s Faraoland Volvo Amazon vid Jethard 2 Hannah’s Zordia’s Ajani ShCM 3 Baseley’s Marzuku Mzuri OPEN DOG (5/5) 1 Cullen’s Ch Tokaji Texas Ranager 2 Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue


Bitch Reserve CC - Kissangani Life Of The Party Best Puppy - Jisgard Distant Dreamer at Zordia BOS Puppy - Jisgard Daydream Believer Best Veteran - Ch/Am Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley BOS Veteran - Irish Ch Antefaa Nakura Wood Nymph ShCM, CW13

BASENJIS ENTERED - 58. ABSENTEES - 10. ADDITIONALLY NFC - 9. Dog CC / Best of Breed - Jisgard Distant Dreamer at Zordia Dog Reserve CC - Eng Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue (tri) Bitch CC - Silverbriar Mirror Image (tri)

UNITED KINGDOM - Standings, provided by Sally Wallis, Zande Basenjis AS OF 14 JULY 2013 Name






Ch Tokaji California Dreaming Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue Kissangani Life Of The Party Silverbriar Mirror Image Ch/Am Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley Ch Zordia’s Wazzala Ch Tokaji Texas Ranger Jisgard Distant Dreamer at Zordia Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris Faraoland Yuletide Snowfall At Elsco Ch Memetuka Jabali Ch Tokaji American Gigolo at Embeau SMCh


7 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 4 4 1 1 3 2 1

6 1 1 1 1 1

HG 1 & HG 2 HG 2 & HG 4

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 48


MOSCOW, RUSSIA JUNE 29, 2013, JUDGE JON CURBY (USA) BEST OF BREED/BEST FEMALE ................................................................................................. ITURY PUZZLE YUI YULARA BEST MALE ...................................................................................................... GLORY ES TIN S POLJARNOGO SOZVEZDIJA BEST OF BREED VETERAN ..........................................................................................................VERSACE OF SWALA PALA BEST OF BREED JUNIOR ...............................................................................................................TIM SPIRIT KETURA IMARA BEST OF BREED PUPPY ..............................................................................................................HARMONY OF SWALA PALA BEST OF BREED BABY ................................................................................................................MARLEN BRAO SAFARI I YA CLASS .............................................................................OW/OWNER...............................................................................PLACE MALES CLASS BABY 1 Fogo Itury Puzzle Itapuca ................................. Roschina&Balova ......................Very Promising- 1, Best baby male 2 Marlen Brao Senat Silnyi ................................... Petrushin ................................................................Very Promising 2 CLASS PUPPY 6 Nice Simphony Anase Part of me ..................... Agapova ....................................Very Promising 1, Best puppy male 4 Kazor’s Prime Ticket ......................................... Zhuravleva .............................................................Very Promising 2 3 Fortuna Numa Apollo ........................................ Pleshakov. .............................................................Very Promising 3 7 Takuini Western ................................................. Grechina ................................................................Very Promising 4 5 Damian De Oro Leones ................................... Bubnova ............................................................................Promising CLASS JUNIOR 8 Forsage Leur Jofrey ......................................... Seroukhova ......................................................................Very Good CLASS INTERMEDIA 11 Kane Per La Vita Vayras ................................... Popova ....................Excellent 1,CCC (candidate in club champion) 9 Dandy Amber Sun ............................................ Uhanova...............................Excellent 2, CC (sertificate conformity) 15 Snail-Tail Lucky Star .......................................... Argunov.................................................................... Excellent 3, CC 14 Shen De Lux Tyler Stately ................................. Krasnuk ................................................................... Excellent 4, CC 10 Itury Puzzle Jappi ............................................. Snimschikova & Balova ..................................................... Excellent 12 Mutabaruga’s Mad Professor............................. Matveenko - ....................................................................... Excellent 13 Nabamba Bugati ................................................ Ivchenkova. .....................................................................Very Good CLASS OPEN 16 Marlen-Brao Mangust ........................................ Dzhanazyan- .................................... Excellent 1, CCC, Best Male-2 17 Shen De Lux Yakobson Arne ............................ Ermakova ................................................................. Excellent 2, CC 21 Tim Spirit Himmat ............................................ Lukyanenko&Mironova ............................................ Excellent 3, CC 20 Itury Pazzl Naadir Njuni ..................................... Tivadze .................................................................... Excellent 4, CC 18 Ubarlash Elisey .................................................. Pleshakov ........................................................................Very Good 19 Dream Of Africa Victorian Boy ........................... Turina ...............................................................................Very Good CLASS WINNERS 26 Signet Meisterhaus Take That .......................... Shevchuk ................................................................Excellent 1,CCC 22 Dar Bony-Sona Bright Chrystal.......................... Frolenko ................................................................... Excellent 2, CC 24 Darling Bond Top-Gear...................................... Chirkova ................................................................... Excellent 3, CC 27 Angel Congo Iffat Isimo To Evonty .................... Bahrameev............................................................... Excellent 4, CC 23 Dar Bony-Sona Wonderful Man ......................... Bodylev .............................................................................. Excellent 25 Khani’s Full Moon Fever .................................... Roschina ............................................................................ Excellent CLASS CHAMPIONS 28 Azirofel ............................................................... Lukyanenko............................................................Excellent 1, CCC 31 Master Allen Congo Itapuca .............................. Roschina ................................................................. Excellent 2 , CC 29 Farwest Cow Boy Of Swala Pala ....................... Skoropupova ............................................................ Excellent 3, CC 30 Jokuba C-Quest Grand Marquee....................... Gribanova&Zevyakin................................................ Excellent 4, CC 32 Nabamba Lavroy ............................................... Balashova .......................................................................... Excellent CLASS CLUB CHAMPIONS 34 Glory Es Tin S Poljarnogo Sozvezdija ............... Roschina. & Filina ................Excellent1 ,Best Male, Club Champion 36 Salonga Che Gevara ......................................... Zevyakin.......................................................................... Excellent 2 35 Khani’s Everybody Loves Raymond .................. Zhuravlevy ..................................................................... Excellent 3 33 Afrikanskiy Molchun Fungurem ........................ Matveenko ...................................................................... Excellent 4 CLASS VETERAN 37 Versace Of Swala Pala ...................................... Frolenko ....................................................Excellent 1, BOB veteran FEMALES CLASS BABY 40 Marlen Brao Safari i ya ...................................... Dzhanazyan ........................................ Very Promising 1, BOB baby 39 Grace ................................................................. Lapykina.................................................................Very Promising 2 38 Gabi .................................................................. Matveev ............................................................................Promising CLASS PUPPY 43 Harmony Of Swala Pala .................................... Plakhova ............................... Very Promising 1, BOB puppy female 46 Nice Symphony Alaiz She Is Queen .................. Teteryatnikova .......................................................Very Promising 2 52 Marlen Brao Rafiki ............................................. Lazareva ................................................................Very Promising 3 45 Meisterhaus Victory Up Up ‘N Away .................. Svetlana Prikhozhan & Tad Brooks ......................Very Promising 4 41 Dar Bony - Sona Delightful Ruby ....................... Banchukova ..............................................................Very Promising 44 High Spirit Of Swala Pala .................................. Shubinova .................................................................Very Promising 47 Amagamma Felicita ........................................... Ratkina .....................................................................Very Promising 49 Afia Monifa Africa ............................................. Lavrovskaya ..............................................................Very Promising 50 Domonoka Dzhovita .......................................... Aksenova ..................................................................Very Promising 42 Elegant Sparkling Amber ................................... Nikolaenko .......................................................................Promising 51 Keysi Svet Dumisana Dahari ............................. Pimkina .............................................................................Promising 53 Russkiy Karambol`Jolly Winner Time ............... Roschina& Kucherov ........................................................Promising




The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 49

NATIONAL BASENJI SPECIALTY – MOSCOW, RUSSIA (Continued) CLASS JUNIOR 55 Tim Spirit Ketura Imara ...................................... Lozhnikova ................. Excellent 1, Junior Club Winner, BOB Junior 56 Winner Time Beauty Blum ................................. Rozanov ................................................................. Excellent 2, JCC 57 Forsage Leur Giselle ......................................... Bodylev ........................................................................... Excellent 3 54 Itury Puzzle Eva Egoza .................................... Roschina ..........................................................................Very Good CLASS INTERMEDIA 58 Goddess Nefertiti Of Swala Pala ....................... Balandina ...............................................................Excellent 1, CCC 59 Itury Puzzle Jagodka ........................................ Balova ...................................................................... Excellent 2, CC 62 Zuriya s Polarnogo Sozvezdiya ......................... Okun ........................................................................ Excellent 3, CC 60 Angel Congo Imani Intisar ................................. Zhuravleva ...................................................................... Excellent 4 63 Nabamba Vivien World ...................................... Dzhioev .............................................................................. Excellent 61 Vliyatelnaya Osoba S Berega Oskola ............... Noschenko &Andreeva ....................................................Very Good 64 Snail-Tail Layla Sweet ....................................... Andreeva&Lavrovskaya ...................................................Very Good CLASS OPEN 69 Itury Puzzle Yui Yulara ...................................... Gelazova ...............Excellent 1, Best Female, Club Champion, BOB 66 Emotion Of Swala Pala ...................................... Korovina ................................................................... Excellent 2, CC 67 Safari Latifa ....................................................... Nikolaenko ............................................................... Excellent 3, CC 65 C Andyshine S Poljarnogo Sozvezdija ................. Roschina. & Dolganin .............................................. Excellent 4, CC 68 Tim Spirit Tinker Bell.......................................... Balandina ........................................................................... Excellent CLASS WINNERS 71 Shen De Lux Tinsel Firelady ............................. Kondratenko. & Bessonova ...................................Excellent 1, CCC 72 Solebas Charming Beauty ................................ Kushnerova .............................................................. Excellent 2, CC 74 Marlen Brao Unika ............................................ Dzhanazyan ............................................................. Excellent 3, CC 70 Marlen-Brao Kerolain BeautY ............................ Bakhrameev .....................................................................Very Good 73 Esenia Angel Song S Poljarnogo Sozvezdija .. Bashilova .........................................................................Very Good CLASS CHAMPIONS 76 Bupe Itapuca ..................................................... Roschina. & Savio Steele ......................................Excellent 1, CCC 78 Zlata S Poljarnogo Sozvezdija ........................... Bodylev .................................................................... Excellent 2, CC 77 Shen De Lux Moet E Chandon ......................... Ermakova ................................................................. Excellent 3, CC 75 Angel Congo Aisha Aidzhia ............................... Korovina .......................................................................... Excellent 4 CLASS CLUB CHAMPIONS 81 Kent Victoria Mbuzhi Mayi ................................ Pokrovskaya. ........................................Excellent 1, Best Female- 2 79 Djuvanstar Gaklin Lady Scharm ....................... Shubinova ....................................................................... Excellent 2 80 Enigma Look At Me ........................................... Kudinova ......................................................................... Excellent 3 83 Marlen-Brao Lucky............................................. Plakhova ......................................................................... Excellent 4 82 Kimwitu’s Dancingqueen Angel Congo ............. Zhuravleva ......................................................................... Excellent

(Top) 26 Signet Meisterhaus Take That (Bottom) 28 Azirofel

(Top) 11 Kane Per La Vita Vayras (Bottom) 71 Shen De Lux Tinsel Firelady

(Top) 58 Goddess Nefertiti Of Swala Pala (Bottom) 66 Emotion Of Swala Pala

(Top) 31 Master Allen Congo Itapuca (Bottom) 76 Bupe Itapuca

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 50


Rank ..... Name .......................................................................................................................... Sex........................................ Points 1............GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin .........................................................................................M ............................................... 452 2............GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Halleleujah Makes A Joyful Noise ................................................. F ................................................ 259 3............GCH CH Jokuba C-Quest First Round Knock Out .................................................................M ............................................... 237 4............GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet ....................................................................... F ................................................ 210 5............GCH CH Sirobe Egotistical Rosewood ..................................................................................M ............................................... 185 6............GCH DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition SC ...................................................................................M ............................................... 145 7............GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow! ............................................................ F ................................................ 131 8............GCH CH AB Day Trip To Tanza-Jamaa SC CA .........................................................................M ............................................... 119 9............GCH CH Berimo Cavalia ....................................................................................................... F .................................................. 76 9............GCH CH Reveille One For The Money ..................................................................................M ................................................. 76 11..........GCH CH Klassic’s Slam Dunk ................................................................................................M ................................................. 72 12..........GCH CH Skyhi’s Always In Fashion ....................................................................................... F .................................................. 59 13..........GCH CH Illusion’s Stairway To Heaven .................................................................................M ................................................. 54 14..........GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Bohemian Rhapsody .............................................................. F .................................................. 51 15..........GCH CH Kasendo-Tutu Special Agent Gibbs ........................................................................M ................................................. 47 16..........GCH CH Dragnquests Prize Trebbiano For My-Tym .............................................................M ................................................. 43 16..........GCH DC Southhouse Jumoke Ltle Big Man Malawi SC ........................................................M ................................................. 43 18..........GCH CH Alapocas Simon Says ..............................................................................................M ................................................. 37 19..........GCH CH Platinum Nelson Jewel Of D’Nile SC ...................................................................... F .................................................. 34 20..........CH Undercover Jack’s Trip To The Future ............................................................................M ................................................. 32


Rank ..... Name .......................................................................................................................... Sex........................................ Points 1............GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin .........................................................................................M ............................................. 7464 2............GCH CH Jokuba C-Quest First Round Knock Out .................................................................M ............................................. 1625 3............GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Halleleujah Makes A Joyful Noise ................................................. F .............................................. 1483 4............GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet ....................................................................... F .............................................. 1441 5............GCH CH Klassic’s Slam Dunk ................................................................................................M ............................................... 855 6............GCH CH Sirobe Egotistical Rosewood ..................................................................................M ............................................... 486 7............GCH CH Berimo Cavalia ....................................................................................................... F ................................................ 365 8............CH Teazer Kazor Ekundayo For Johari ..................................................................................M ............................................... 293 9............GCH CH Epic Select Tri For Da In Zone SC ............................................................................M ............................................... 282 10..........CH Reveille Trip The Light Fantastic .....................................................................................M ............................................... 251 11..........GCH CH Laurel Aswan Abi Capt Morgan JC ......................................................................... F ................................................ 246 12..........GCH DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition SC ...................................................................................M ............................................... 233 13..........CH Mardi Gras’ Zydeco Of Zindika .......................................................................................M ............................................... 195 14..........GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow! ............................................................ F ................................................ 181 15..........GCH CH Laurel S’Simply Shocking Sabrina .......................................................................... F ................................................ 172 16..........GCH CH Arubmec’s Thriller..................................................................................................M ............................................... 134 17..........GCH CH AB Day Trip To Tanza-Jamaa SC CA .........................................................................M ............................................... 119 18..........Meisterhaus Secretive Man Of Science ...............................................................................M ............................................... 101 19..........GCH CH Skyhi’s Always In Fashion ....................................................................................... F .................................................. 99 20..........GCH CH Illusion’s Jelani Rio .................................................................................................M ................................................. 83

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 51



Dog Name


GCH Points

1 ...........GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Halleleujah Makes A Joyful Noise ............................................................Bitch .............................. 146 ..............GCH CH Jokuba C-Quest First Round Knock Out ............................................................................ Dog ............................... 146 3 ...........GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow! .......................................................................Bitch .............................. 124 4 ...........GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin .................................................................................................... Dog ............................... 123 5 ...........GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet ...................................................................................Bitch .............................. 104 6 ...........GCH CH Sirobe Egotistical Rosewood ............................................................................................. Dog ................................. 80 7 ..........GCH DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition SC ............................................................................................... Dog ................................. 61 8 ..........GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Bohemian Rhapsody .........................................................................Bitch ................................ 55 9 ..........GCH CH Dagoba’s Poetry In Motion ...............................................................................................Bitch ................................ 53 10 .........GCH CH Reveille One For The Money ............................................................................................. Dog ................................. 52 11 .........GCH CH Tammen’s Sparks Will Fly ..................................................................................................Bitch ................................ 48 12 .........GCH CH Skyhi’s Always In Fashion ..................................................................................................Bitch ................................ 47 ..............GCH CH Klassic’s Slam Dunk ........................................................................................................... Dog ................................. 47 14 .........GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Xtra Special Edition ........................................................................... Dog ................................. 44 15 .........GCH CH Mata Hauri Ruby Red Beez ...............................................................................................Bitch ................................ 43 16 .........GCH CH Illusion’s Stairway To Heaven ............................................................................................ Dog ................................. 39 17 .........GCH CH Berimo Cavalia ..................................................................................................................Bitch ................................ 32 18 .........GCH CH Cumback’s Pimlico ............................................................................................................ Dog ................................. 29 19 .........GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Best Of The Best ...................................................................................... Dog ................................. 28 20 .........GCH CH Illusion’s Jelani Rio ............................................................................................................ Dog ................................. 26 ..............GCH CH Alapocas Simon Says ......................................................................................................... Dog ................................. 26

AKC TOP GCH Medallion Levels - Top 25 August 1, 2013


Dog Name

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba Zensational GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel GCH CH Karnak’s Pure And Simple Allure GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Bucking The Trind GCH DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition SC GCH CH Klassic’s Slam Dunk GCH CH Wakili Signet Dooney GCH CH Starfyre’s Rock’N With Danica GCH DC Undercover Meisterhaus Hi Ho Quianna By Signet SC GCH CH Platinum Nelson Jewel Of D’Nile SC GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Ryder Of The Voodoo Child GCH CH Meisterhaus Dazzle ‘N’ Daze GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Xtra Special Edition GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Halleleujah Makes A Joyful Noise GCH CH ‘Tis-A Arubmec’s Circle Of Life GCH CH Reveille Push Button GCH CH Taji Goes Platinum JC GCH CH Jokuba C-Quest First Round Knock Out GCH DC Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot MC GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow! GCH CH I Am Jacob The Beloved JC GCH CH Mata Hauri Ruby Red Beez



Bitch Dog Dog Dog Bitch Bitch Dog Dog Dog Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch Dog Bitch Dog Bitch Dog Dog Bitch Dog Bitch Bitch Dog Bitch

497 484 351 344 330 290 262 244 228 203 202 201 201 201 197 183 181 175 170 163 157 153 152 134 134

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 52


ASFA LURE COURSING - Top 20 - July 11, 2013 Call Rank Name 1 Winter

Dog Name FC New World Baridi Ngano, LCM,SC

Owner J.Brader

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 11 14 14 14 17 18 18 20

GCh,DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VLCM2,MC,SGRC2,LCX GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM2,MC,GRC,CGC,VB DC Suddanly Essence of Eaglewood, FCh,SC Ch Taji's Alster Ego From Hodari Thor's Song For A Winter's Night FC Taji's Alster Echo, FCh,SC,LCX Baraka Jumoke Salish Samish Suddanly Infra Red, SC SuddanlyMaggie'sMoopunaEhuGinger FC Tank!, SC FC Taji'sBanhMiOntheRunwaytoBlueno, FCh,SC Suddanly Incandescent, SC FC Thor's Kikozi, LCM3,SC GCh,DC Meisterhaus Neon Nights, FCh,SC,VB,GRC,ORC Thor's Winter Wonderland FC Emerant's Heez Reminiscent, FCh,SC Baraka Bama Suddanly Apex Fresh Air, FCh,SC Baraka Over The River

T.Colbert 54 K.Sanders 46 J.& F.Hinck/S.Campeau 45 M.E.Chaffin/K.Campbell 43 J.Brader 36 M.E.Chaffin 34 Root/Bowlus/Gregory/Saban 29 Dr.S.Campeau 28 W.Sullivan/S.Campeau 23 W.Hodges/S.Messec 20 Hamilton/Campbell/Kim/Farnsworth 20 S.Campeau 20 J.Brader 19 J.Stewart/T.Brooks 19 J.Brader 19 L.& B.Hart 17 P.Root/W.Bowlus 16 Dr.S.Campeau 16 P.Root/W.Bowlus 15

Zuri Searsha Eagle Zoe Aqune Echo Sammy Wrinkle Ginger Tank! Banh Mi Flare Merlin Tempest Sparkle Remi Bama Breeze River

Top 20 BOB 63 6 9 7 3 2 2 1 1 0 1 4 3 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0

BIF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

AKC LURE COURSING - Top 20 - Events through August 1, 2013 Rank ........ Name ....................................................................................................................... Sex........................................ Points 1.............. FC Taji’s Alster Echo RN MC LCX3 ................................................................................D ...............................................53 2.............. DC Taji’s Alster Ego From Hodari SC ............................................................................B ...............................................49 3.............. DC Suddanly Essence Of Eaglewood SC.......................................................................D ...............................................44 4.............. DC Emerant’s Sheez Gotcha MC LCX ...........................................................................B ...............................................38 5.............. FC Tank! MC ...............................................................................................................D ...............................................37 6.............. Avongara Naziki SC.....................................................................................................B ...............................................35 7.............. CH Fopaw’s Touch Of Evil At Saorsa SC .......................................................................B ...............................................34 8.............. GCH DC Emerant’s Heez Reminiscent MC ...................................................................D ...............................................32 8.............. GCH DC Baraka Jumoke Salish Samish SC....................................................................D ...............................................32 10 ............ FC Baraka How The Wind Blows SC ............................................................................B ...............................................30 10 ............ Suddanly Apex Fresh Air SC ........................................................................................B ...............................................30 12 ............ GCH DC Songwe’s Rock Star Legend SC .......................................................................B ...............................................29 12 ............ FC Select Ww A Bonnie Boo SC ...................................................................................B ...............................................29 14 ............ Suddanly Boot Scootin’ Boogie SC ..............................................................................D ...............................................26 15 ............ FC Suddanly Infra Red SC ............................................................................................D ...............................................25 16 ............ FC Suddanly Incandescent SC .....................................................................................B ...............................................23 16 ............ GCH DC Emerant’s Heez Got Gusto MC .......................................................................D ...............................................23 16 ............ FC Fopaw’s Black Pearl MC .........................................................................................B ...............................................23 16 ............ Suddanly Maggie’s Moopuna Ehu Ginger SC ...............................................................B ...............................................23 16 ............ Thor’s Song For A Winter’s Night ................................................................................B ...............................................23 16 ............ DC Platinum Nelson Blue Diamond SC ........................................................................B ...............................................23 22 ............ Epic Select In Your Face SC..........................................................................................D ...............................................21 22 ............ CH Suddanly Kadomatsu Ehu Papale SC......................................................................D ...............................................21 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 53

LGRA Standings July 31, 2013





1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 9 9 12 12 14 14 14 14 18 18 20 20 20 20 20 20

Ari Tempest Rocky Harley-H Kyo Tutu Zuri Bama Daximillan Scarlet Zuni Diva-J Tank! Echo-L Miko Nike Sophie Duffy Liner Beauty Catcher Jules L'Ox Max Remi

DC Jadaka's Independent Spirit SC SGRC3 ORC FCh VB GCH DC Meisterhaus Neon Nights SC GRC ORC JOR VB FCH Kiroja Chicago Hood At Jaroufa SGRC7 Sam's I'll Tri Anything GRC Kinetic-Tanza Reaper Man Apu Pi De Deux SGRC3 GCh DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX SGRC2 ORC LCM VFCh VB Baraka Bama 5 Star Dax De Fax GRC FC Apu PiNache RN SC SGRC2 SORC THD FCH Astarte's Zuni Breeze at Sun River CGC, GRC, JOR Jaroufa's The Glamazon At Etowah FC Tank! SC FC Dharian's Echo Kasi Up SC GRC NJP NAP FC Skyhi's Native Infinite Hope SC Emerant Makindu Heez Got Game Kinetic Tanza Soul Music GRC 5Star Stepping Stone Ode to Kazor, JC Apu I Liner Svengali's Dark Beauty GRC Kazor's Catch a Falling Star DC Eldorado's Made You Look MC, LCX, RE, BN, GRC Kinetic Interesting Times GRC Maxmillian Emerant's Heez Reminiscent GRC

Colbert Stewart/Brooks Ladick Haggard Voss/Stump/Fragas Christensen Colbert Bowlus Sauceda Marsicano Garel/Sapios Ladick Hodges/Messec Langford Sumita/Fukuma Phillips Voss Sauceda Marsicano Sehm Ockerman Johnson Voss Sumita/Fukuma Smith/Hart

YTD 26.50 18.00 12.00 8.42 6.00 6.00 4.67 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 2.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

NOTRA Standings July 30, 2013




1 2 3 4 5 5 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 13 13 17 17 17 20 21

Jadaka's Independent Spirit SORC3 Emerant's Heez Reminiscent ORC SOR Meisterhaus Neon Nights ORC N'Focus Santa Baby JOR 5Star Dax De Fax SOR ORC Emerant's Heez Got Gusto Akuaba N Eldorado's Speedster JOR Kiroja Chicago Hood at Jaroufa SORC Emerant's Heez Born to be Wild Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin SORC Akuaba N Eldorado's Speed Shot Apu Pi De Deux SORC Baraka Bama JOR 5Star Stepping Stone Ode to Kazor JOR Kiroja's Loving Every Minute SORC3 Zuri's Trii Me SOR ORC Tajis Banh Mi On the Runway to Blue Note JOR Svengali's Dark Beauty ORC Worrywort Achy Breaky Heart ORC Apu the Answer ORC AB Rafiki Cool Million

Colbert Smith/Hart Stewart/Brooks Sanders Sauceda Hart Johnson Ladick Smith Colbert Johnson Christensen Bowlus Sauceda Cook/Hayek/Harmon Sehm/Troyna Hamilton/Campbell/Kim/Farnsworth Sehm Ladick/Lipford Christensen Ketz

Ari Remi Tempest Searsha Daximillian Gus Velvet Rocky Moose Zuri Domino TuTu Bama Duffy Jada Trii Me Banh Mi Beauty Billy Ray Ian Cash

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 54

YTD 15.00 11.00 9.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.80 2.50 2.25 2.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.30 0.25

AUSTRALIA July 31, 2013


1............Aust Ch Afrikenji Hot August Knight ........................................... WA ........... Miss Joanne Stewart ........................................460 2............Aust Ch Kanibaru Glowing Ember .............................................. QLD ......... L R Thompson ..................................................357

3.........Aust Gr Ch Remwin Kissmycheek ............................NSW .. Lyn Hughes ..........................................323

4............Aust Ch Nikrus African Pa Meisie ............................................... QLD ......... C & N Verral / M Shuttlewood .........................212 ..............Nikrus Dreaming Ofth Savannah ................................................ QLD ......... C & N Verrall ....................................................212 5............Aust Ch Afrikenji Hunting High And Low .................................... VIC ........... D & H Veless .....................................................136 6............Aust Ch Remwin Littlebitofcheek ............................................... NSW ........ Lyn Hughes .......................................................126 7............Afrikenji Periwinkle Blue ............................................................ QLD ......... C & N Verrall ......................................................91 8............Aust Ch Tambuzi The Rinpocheof Qinghai ................................. VIC ........... Lisa-Jane Hunter ................................................48 9............Aust Ch Nikrus Zoomy Safari ...................................................... QLD ......... C & N Verrall ......................................................46 10..........Baagna Jenni Witha J ................................................................. QLD ......... L Marsden & E Forbes ........................................33


1............Aust Ch Afrikenji Hunting High And Low .................................... VIC ........... D & H Veless .....................................................236 2............Aust Ch Barzoom Captain James T ............................................. VIC ........... A & C Curnick ...................................................231 3............Aust Ch Afrikenji Fifth Element .................................................. VIC ........... D & H Veless .....................................................201 4............Aust Ch Remwin Littlebitofcheek ............................................... NSW ........ Lyn Hughes .......................................................192 5............Aust Ch Tambuzi The Rinpocheof Qinghai ................................. VIC ........... Lisa-Jane Hunter ..............................................192 6............Aust Gr Ch Remwin Kissmycheek ............................................... NSW ........ Lyn Hughes .......................................................173 7............Aust Ch Kanibaru Glowing Ember .............................................. QLD ......... L R Thompson ..................................................134 8............Ngozi Shes too Cool .................................................................... NSW ........ K Delacourt/ J Cook/ Dr J Lumb .........................86 9............Aust Ch Remwin African Deity ................................................... NSW ........ L A Hughes .........................................................80 10..........Karamo Karemba ........................................................................ VIC ........... A & C Curnick .....................................................74 11..........Aust Ch Bayenzi Sugar Minott .................................................... NSW ........ J P Cook & J M Lumb ..........................................67 12..........Katimbari Curtain Razor ............................................................. NT ............ Ms D Wheatley ..................................................60 13..........Aust Ch Nikrus Zoomy Safari ...................................................... QLD ......... C & N Verrall ......................................................59 14..........Aust Ch Bullab Xenas Safiya ....................................................... NSW ........ Miss M Clift ........................................................55 15..........Aust Ch Remwin Cheeky Liasons ................................................ NSW ........ Lyn Hughes .........................................................53 16..........Ngozi Cool Hand Luke ................................................................. NSW ........ J Cook / J Lumb & K Delacourt ...........................52 17..........Afrikenji Periwinkle Blue ............................................................ QLD ......... C & N Verrall ......................................................51 18..........Tambuzi The Sherpaof Annapurna ............................................. VIC ........... Colleen Maddigan ..............................................44 19..........Baagna Jiminy Cricket ................................................................. NSW ........ R Mayo-Ramsay & L Marsden ............................40 20..........Baagna Jenni Witha J ................................................................. QLD ......... L Marsden & E Forbes ........................................38 ..............Nikrus Dreaming Ofth Savannah ................................................ QLD ......... C & N Verrall ......................................................38 ..............Aust Ch Unomee Sweetly Smug ................................................. VIC ........... S Egan & M Lindsay ............................................38


1............Aust Sup & Neut Ch Tamsala Mitena Magic ............................... SA ............ Jess Walker ......................................................300 2............Katimbari Razors Edge ................................................................ NT ............ Ms D Wheatley ................................................225 3............Aust Ch Wazazi High Definition .................................................. NSW ........ J Cook and J Lumb ............................................140 4............Aust Ch Zanzipow Pure Red Poppy ............................................. VIC ........... Lisa-Jane Hunter ................................................45


1............AFRIKENJI ................................................................................... VIC ............ D & H Veless .....................................................139 2............KANIBARU .................................................................................................... Miss Davina Hopkins ..........................................81 3............NIKRUS ....................................................................................... QLD .......... C & N Verrall ......................................................22 4............REMWIN ..................................................................................... NSW ......... Lyn Hughes .........................................................18

TOP 20 RISING STAR (up to 18 months old)

1............Aust Ch Tambuzi The Rinpocheof Qinghai ................................. VIC ............ Lisa-Jane Hunter ...............................................515 2............Aust Ch Afrikenji Hunting High And Low .................................... VIC ............ D & H Veless ......................................................420 3............Aust Ch Kanibaru Glowing Ember .............................................. QLD .......... L R Thompson ...................................................350 4............Baagna Jenni Witha J ................................................................. QLD .......... L Marsden & E Forbes .......................................125 5............Afrikenji Periwinkle Blue ............................................................ QLD .......... C & N Verrall .....................................................105 6............Kanibaru Black Elikia .................................................................. NSW ......... Dr D Braithwaite ...............................................100 7............Aust Ch Remwin Cheeky Liasons ................................................ NSW ......... Lyn Hughes..........................................................95 8............Tambuzi The Sherpaof Annapurna ............................................. VIC ............ Colleen Maddigan ...............................................95 9............Aust Ch Unomee Sweetly Smug ................................................. VIC ............ S Egan & M Lindsay .............................................90 10..........Karamo Mikolo ........................................................................... VIC ............ A & C Curnick ......................................................80 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 55

CANADA - BREED & ALL-BREED STANDINGS CANADA’S NUMBER #1 BASENJI AND #2 HOUND TOP TEN ALL-BREEDS MISS/MBISS Am GCH & Can CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Lost Angel Gabriel Pictured winning his 9th CKC Best in Show for the year with Lois Wilson- the Treasurer of the Kennel Union of South AFRICA giving him the NACA BIS and a BIS rosette from the KU in South Africa. Owners Jennie D. Behles & R. Walley Breeders Jennie D. Behles, Flo Havens.

BREED STANDINGS - June 9, 2013 Rank




Spec BOB


1........... Ch Ahmahr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel............................................. (M) .......................58 ........................ 2 ......................16 2........... Klassic’s In It To Win It ............................................................................(F) .........................4 ......................... 0 ........................8 3........... Kaleonahe’s Timar Imagine.................................................................... (M) ........................1 ......................... 1 ........................6 4........... Africanadian Kilimanahmahrnahr .......................................................... (M) ........................2 ......................... 0 ........................4 5........... Kandem Summit No Regrets ...................................................................(F) .........................0 ......................... 1 ........................2 6........... Klassic’s Little Texas Bushwacker ........................................................... (M) ........................3 ......................... 0 ........................1 7........... Ch Orru’s Leather N Lace ........................................................................(F) .........................3 ......................... 0 ........................0 7........... Mankias Vunjifi Mguu ............................................................................ (M) ........................3 ......................... 0 ........................0 7........... Khani’s Aca-Pella Orru ............................................................................(F) .........................0 ......................... 0 ........................0 7........... Africanadian Lyra Of Kongo ....................................................................(F) .........................0 ......................... 0 ........................0 7........... Ch Mankia’s Makago .............................................................................. (M) ........................3 ......................... 0 ........................0 7........... Ch Beaubri’s On The Q.T. ........................................................................(F) .........................0 ......................... 0 ........................0 7........... Africanadian Kimia Ango Angari .............................................................(F) .........................0 ......................... 0 ........................0 7........... Sonbar’s Worth Watching At Miloki .......................................................(F) .........................4 ......................... 0 ........................0 7........... Ch Beaubri’s High Maintenance .............................................................(F) .........................8 ......................... 0 ........................0 7........... Mata Hauri Gilbert ................................................................................. (M) ........................1 ......................... 0 ........................0

ALL-BREED STANDINGS - Current through June 9, 2013 Rank

Dog Name








1............Ch Ahmahr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel .....................................(M) ........ 10 ..........33 ......... 24 ........ 16 ........... 8 ...........3435 2............Ch Beaubri’s High Maintenance ......................................................(F) .......... 0 ............4 ........... 4 .......... 0 ............ 1 .............100 3............Sonbar’s Worth Watching At Miloki ................................................(F) .......... 0 ............0 ........... 2 .......... 1 ............ 1 ...............55 4............Africanadian Kimia Ango Angari ......................................................(F) .......... 0 ............0 ........... 2 .......... 1 ............ 0 ...............28 5............Ch Beaubri’s On The Q.T. .................................................................(F) .......... 0 ............0 ........... 0 .......... 1 ............ 1 ...............20 6............Ch Mankia’s Makago ...................................................................... (M) ......... 0 ............0 ........... 0 .......... 1 ............ 0 .................9 7............Klassic’s In It To Win It .....................................................................(F) .......... 0 ............0 ........... 0 .......... 0 ............ 0 .................8 7............Africanadian Lyra Of Kongo .............................................................(F) .......... 0 ............0 ........... 0 .......... 0 ............ 1 .................8 9............Khani’s Aca-Pella Orru .....................................................................(F) .......... 0 ............0 ........... 0 .......... 0 ............ 1 .................7 10..........Kaleonahe’s Timar Imagine ............................................................ (M) ......... 0 ............0 ........... 0 .......... 0 ............ 0 .................6 11..........Africanadian Kilimanahmahrnahr .................................................. (M) ......... 0 ............0 ........... 0 .......... 0 ............ 0 .................4 12..........Kandem Summit No Regrets ...........................................................(F) .......... 0 ............0 ........... 0 .......... 0 ............ 0 .................2 13..........Klassic’s Little Texas Bushwacker .................................................... (M) ......... 0 ............0 ........... 0 .......... 0 ............ 0 .................1 14..........Mankias Vunjifi Mguu .................................................................... (M) ......... 0 ............0 ........... 0 .......... 0 ............ 0 .................0 14..........Ch Orru’s Leather N Lace .................................................................(F) .......... 0 ............0 ........... 0 .......... 0 ............ 0 .................0 14..........Mata Hauri Gilbert ......................................................................... (M) ......... 0 ............0 ........... 0 .......... 0 ............ 0 .................0 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 56

FINLAND Standings As of July 6, 2013



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 17 19 20 20

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 10 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 19 20

Pisteet/Points Hi-Lite Hot Rod .................................................................84 Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever ...........................................75 Klassic's Daydream Believer .............................................74 Bulldobas Cream And Sugar .............................................73 Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius ..........................................55 Orange Pips Codename Kyril ............................................50 Yulara Quickthorn ............................................................47 Hi-Lite Smooth Operator ..................................................42 Sternhimmels Lux In Nocte ..............................................40 Kanjaras Timeus Theron ...................................................37 Echo Of Dreams Afrikata ..................................................36 Bulldobas Catch The Wind ...............................................34 Rosone's Soprano Superlativo .........................................33 Bulldobas Zimeon Safeguard ...........................................32 Ajibu Great Balls Of Fire ...................................................28 Perrada Unican Victorious One ........................................28 Ankhu Baroos At Bulldobas ..............................................26 Behukai Evening Star........................................................26 Dark Skies Catcher In The Rye ..........................................21 Ajibu Foolin'Around .........................................................17 Hi-Lite Honky Tonk ...........................................................17

Pisteet/Points Bulldobas Cute As A Button .............................................88 Hi-Lite Hula Hoops ...........................................................80 Sternhimmels Notabilia Bona ..........................................65 Bulldobas La Scala ............................................................51 Bulldobas Zandra Safeguard ............................................49 Sternhimmels In Dulci Iubilo ............................................44 Behukai Elegant Pearl ......................................................41 Orange Pips Chelsea Bun .................................................39 Wazazi The One And Only ................................................39 Bulldobas Zenana Safeguard ............................................38 Sternhimmels Nota Prima ................................................38 Leoniver's Pride N Prejudice ............................................37 Ajibu Foolish Heart ..........................................................30 Heriaheri Harvest Moon ..................................................29 Kanjaras Piquant Mix .......................................................28 Ajibu Hungry Heart ..........................................................24 Ajibu Good Vibrations ......................................................23 Easy Come Easy Go Afrikata .............................................23 Rosone's Soprano Supernova ..........................................21 Sternhimmels Bene Benedicta .........................................20


Sukupuoli/Sex Pisteet/Points 1....... Bulldobas La Scala ....................................................................................................... narttu/bitch ............................................ 35 2....... Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius ..................................................................................... uros/dog ................................................. 26 3....... Kanjaras Timeus Theron .............................................................................................. uros/dog ................................................. 17 3....... Kanjaras Zindika .......................................................................................................... uros/dog ................................................. 17 5....... Sternhimmels Femina Floreat ..................................................................................... narttu/bitch ............................................ 15 6....... Sternhimmels Bene Benedicta .................................................................................... narttu/bitch ............................................ 13 7....... Hanishan Titilayo Sharab ............................................................................................. narttu/bitch ............................................ 11 7....... Perrada Unican Victorious One ................................................................................... uros/dog ................................................. 11 9....... Behukai Angel Rose ..................................................................................................... narttu/bitch ............................................ 10 10..... Furahan Pukka Vimoto ................................................................................................ uros/dog ................................................... 9 11..... Ajibu Billie Jean ........................................................................................................... narttu/bitch .............................................. 5 12..... Kanjaras Agave Aglaia ................................................................................................. narttu/bitch .............................................. 2 13..... Furahan Haijambo Daima ........................................................................................... narttu/bitch .............................................. 1


Sukupuoli/Sex Pisteet/Points 1....... Sharaba Lovelights Behukai ........................................................................................ narttu/bitch ............................................ 12 2....... Sternhimmels Orvar Odd ............................................................................................ uros/dog ................................................. 11 3....... Ajibu Like a Dream ...................................................................................................... narttu/bitch ............................................ 10 4....... Ajibu Life and Soul ...................................................................................................... uros/dog ................................................... 8 4....... Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wow Factor ..................................................................................... narttu/bitch .............................................. 8 6....... Hanishan Winner Takes It All ...................................................................................... uros/dog ................................................... 7 6....... Mutabaruga’s Prince Fari ............................................................................................ uros/dog ................................................... 7 6....... Sternhimmels Opera Operata ..................................................................................... narttu/bitch .............................................. 7 9....... Hanishan Walking In The Air ....................................................................................... narttu/bitch .............................................. 6 9....... Rosone’s Terra Di Tarantella ........................................................................................ narttu/bitch .............................................. 6 9....... Sternhimmels Optimus Maximus ................................................................................ uros/dog ................................................... 6 12..... Nature’s Masterpiece One In A Million ....................................................................... narttu/bitch ............................................ 5a The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 57

SWEDEN STANDINGS - Top 20 Basenjis As of July 21, 2013


1 2 3 4 * 6 7 * 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 * 17

SE UCH DK UCH NORD JV-11 Kenjaali Heeere’s Johnny DK UCH NO UCH SE UCH NORD V-11 NORD JV-10 NORD V-10 Enigma Just Watch Me SE UCH King Khufu Cardhu VEUW-10 VWW-10-11 SE UCH M Wami’s American Fortune Hunter Faraoland Swedish Design C.I.B NORD UCH Karimba’s Colin Cocky C.I.B DK UCH FI UCH NO UCH SE UCH Faraoland Xcellent Example Jasiri-Sukari Win Diesel Faraoland Kenzo Power Enigma Dreamcatcher SE UCH Yulara Quercus Nganga’s John Travolta NORD UCH Dakarai Piece Of Cake DK UCH SE UCH Kenjaali Verro-Vigilant Taji’s Top Model To Zahleka SE UCH Yulara Jedwood Zahleka Spirited Smaug


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 * 12 13 * 15 16 * * 19 20 *

NORD CH C.I.B NORD JV-10 NORD V-10 SE V-11 NO V-12 Kimwitu’s Zolotaya SE UCH SE V-10 NORD JV-09 Khani’s Midnight Star SE UCH DK UCH NORD V-12 Kenjaali Frankly My Dear SE UCH Chagmas Rose To Faraoland Faraoland Treasure Of The Rainbow SE UCH Behukai Egyptian Treasure SE UCH NORD V-11 Senjisfinx Norea Yulara Stellaria C.I.B NORD UCH Karimba’s Molly Moon C.I.B NORD UCH SE V-05-06-07 KBH V-08-09 Kenjaali Kaya-Kayenna Wazin Red Hestia SE JV-12 Old Legend’s Jewel SE UCH FI UCH Hazhart Miss Chevious King Khufu Jura SE UCH Zaina Of Jillayla DK UCH FI UCH SE UCH Faraoland Hd Street Glide SE UCH Enigma After Me Please Moyomema Lara Croft To Nganga’s Zahleka Kazor Drama Queen Senjisfinx Mariamne Karimba’s Party Girl


1 2 3 4 5

V EUW-10 V WW-10-11 SE UCH M Wami’s American Fortune Hunter C.I.B DK UCH FI UCH NO UCH SE UCH Faraoland Xcellent Example C.I.B NORD UCH SE V-05-06-07 KBH V-08-09 Kenjaali Kaya-Kayenna SE UCH Yulara Jedwood SE UCH Zaina Of Jillayla


Birgitta Prahl & Emma Prahl Madelene Lönn & Sofie Lönn Susanne Berg Birgitta Prahl Anna Söderberg Heléne Roos Bruno Polter Kocman, Cecilia Johansson Carina Morén Jansson Annie Schallengruber Anders Gryhed Susann Marco Yvonne Adolfsson Ulrika Johansson Naranja Persson, Brita Ericson Åkerblad Cecilia Monica Massih Ola Bergdahl


72 68 53 39 39 3 32 32 22 19 18 17 9 8 7 7 6

Therese Kindberg Madelene Lönn & Sofie Lönn Naranja Persson Helena Strömbert Helena Strömbert Therese Kindberg & Anders Gryhed Anna Gunnarsson Monica Massih Heléne Roos Naranja Persson Christina Krol Yvonne Adolfsson Anna Söderberg Susanne Berg Anna Carin Bengtsson Cecilia Johansson Madelene Lönn & Sofie Lönn Yvonne Adolfsson Anna Karin Bengtsson Ulrika Johansson Ulrika Tapper

62 57 45 44 39 27 22 19 17 16 16 12 11 11 10 9 9 9 8 7

Birgitta Prahl Bruno Polter Kocman, Cecilia Johansson Naranja Persson Monica Massih Anna Carin Bengtsson

18 12 10 4 3

Gert Menzel Paula Malmström Monica Massih Gert Menzel Monica Massih Mia Löwbeer Mia Löwbeer Mia Löwbeer Denise Svensson Ulrika Johanson Mia Löwbeer Denise Svensson Madelene Lönn & Sofie Lönn

85 83 80 72 65 50 40 27 22 20 18 16 6


LURE COURSING AS OF JULY 30, 2013 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

SE LCCH Senisfinx Nubia Yulara Poko Bitima Yulara Papaya SE LCCH Kenjaali Mojo-Marauder JUN WW-10 Yulara Noni Morinda SE LCCH Avongara Angali SE LCCH Yulara Okapi Yulara Ruya SE LCCH Shahrans Racer In Red NORD UCH Dakarai Piece Of Cake Yulara Medea Shahrans Music Of The Night SE UCH NORD JV-09 SE V-10 Khani’s Midnight Star

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 58

UNITED KENNEL CLUB Through July 21, 2013 Rank

Dog’s Name



1............GRCH Kinetic-enchanted Timeless Beauty ............................................... Lisa Voss Or Deborah Voss .....................................12 2............URO1 UWPS UGWPCH GRCH Meisterhaus Kiroja Kiss N Tell ...................Kelli Harmon............................................................. 6 2............GRCH Kinetic Sourcery ............................................................................. Lisa Voss And Samuel Stump ....................................6 2............CCB UWPS UGWPC1 GRCH Kiroja Hart N Soul ......................................... Kelli Harmon............................................................. 6 2............GRCH Timar's Hits The Spot ..................................................................... Jean D Martin ........................................................... 6 2............CH Kntc Enchantd Follow The Knight ....................................................... Deborah Voss And Lisa Voss .....................................6 7............UWPS UGWPC1 GRCH Undercover Meisterhaus Valenti .........................Kelli Harmon............................................................. 4 7............GRCH Timar's On The Dark Side ............................................................... Jean D Martin ........................................................... 4 7............CH Starfyre's Rock'n With Danica ............................................................. Denise Searcy ........................................................... 4 7............CH Neworld Piperatthegatesof Dawn ....................................................... Karla Schreiber ........................................................ 4

BRAZIL - Top Basenjis As of August 9, 2013 RANK NAME OWNER POINTS 1............Escarlate Ruiva Itapuca ................................................ Vicente Pacheco ..............................................................................1272 2............Antar Jaguar Villas ........................................................ Charles Lopez/Domingues Robson Cruz ...........................................206 3............Kazor’s Take Me All The Way ........................................ Savio Picanco Steel ...........................................................................191 4 ...........Master Allen’s Marilyn Mccoo ..................................... Armin William Brand Allen Carlinho ...................................................10 5............Master Allen’s Amy Winehouse ................................... Armin William Brand Allen....................................................................6 6............Master Allen’s La Mamma Molinari ............................. Armin William Brand Allen....................................................................7 7............Diva Touchless Itapuca ................................................. Savio Picanco Steele .............................................................................3 8............Jadaka Meisterhaus Magic Man of Itapuca .................. Savio Picanco Steele .............................................................................3

NORWAY Top Winners As of 08.01.2013 ADULTS Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Name Points Exhibitions Dogs Beaten Kingwanas Glory Of The Spotlight ...................................................................47 ................................5 ..................................23 Kingwanas Into The Wind ...............................................................................32 ................................5 ....................................1 Moyomema Zelda Waridi ................................................................................31 ................................4 ..................................28 Chagmas Pirate Princess Red Ruby .................................................................29 ................................3 ..................................40 Kingwanas Jitterbug ........................................................................................21 ................................4 ....................................1 Chagmas Top Secret ........................................................................................20 ................................4 ..................................12 Faraoland Va Todo Al Ganador ........................................................................20 ................................2 ....................................4 Catau Itapuca ..................................................................................................13 ................................1 ..................................10 Meisterhaus Puzzle ’N Play .............................................................................10 ................................2 ....................................1 Faraoland Christmas Cracker ...........................................................................6 .................................1 ....................................0

PUPPIES Place Name Owner Points 1 Ashikis Whisper In The Dark.......................................................Annika Kåss ............................................................................89 2 Kingwanas Kickass ......................................................................Ingrid Mosand .......................................................................82 3 Farlanders Can You See It Now ...................................................Liv Irene N. Lie & Renate Iversen ...........................................80 4 North Exotic All I Do Is Win ........................................................Kjersti S. Iversen ....................................................................62 5 Kingwanas Kiss Me Quick ...........................................................Liv Irene N. Lie & Lisbeth Engevold .......................................60 5 Chagmas Just A Dream ...............................................................Ida Ottemo ............................................................................60 7 Sharans American Eagle .............................................................Jorunn K. Hellvik ....................................................................41 8 Bushongo Double Joy .................................................................Ulrikke Brudeberg .................................................................28 9 Ashikis Heart Of A Hero ..............................................................Eirin Stenberg ........................................................................25 10 Bushongo Distant Echo ..............................................................Kaja Halvorsen .......................................................................20 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 59

Upcoming Events – Around the World Date



October 6, 2013


Basenji Owners & Breeders Association Judge: Ben Reynolds Frost

October 19, 2013


Basenji Club of Northern California Alameda County Fairgrounds, Pleasanton, CA Superintendent - MB-F, Inc. Judge & Junior Showmanship: Mr. Charles A. Bagnell Sweepstakes Judge: Ms. Jackie Jones

October 26, 2013


South Coast Basenji Fanciers Perris, CA Superintendent - Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows Judge: Mr. Jane M. Gentzen (p) Sweepstakes Judge: Mr. Darryl Vice

October 26, 2013


Basenji Club of Canada National Specialty In conjunction with Lower Mainland Dog Fanciers. Conformation judge: Kathy Britton Sweepstakes Judge: Gloria Fellers

November 3, 2013


Basenji Fanciers of Greater Phoenix Specialty Windemere Hotel Convention Center, Mesa, AZ Conformation Judge: Mrs. Wanda Pooley Sweepstakes Judge: Mr. Robert Churchey

November 16, 17, 2013 USA

International All Breed Canine Association (IABCA) Purina Farms, Gray Summit, MO Superintendent: Jeff Bridegum

December 13, 2013


Helsinki Winner Show Helsinki, Finland Basenji Judge: Outi Piisi-Putta, Finland Group 5 Judge: Tanya Ahlman-Stockmari

December 14, 2013


Nordic Winner Show Helsinki, Finland Basenji Judge: Sally Stasytis, Australia Group 5 Judge: Jukka Kuusisto

December 15, 2013


Voittaja Winner Show Helsinki, Finland Basenji Judge: Magnus Hagstedt, Sweden Group 5 Judge: Guido Schäfer

December 14-15, 2013 UK

Ladies Kennel Association Judge: Dagmar Kenis-Pordham

December 14-15, 2013 USA

AKC/Eukanuba National Championship Show Orlando, Florida Basenji Judge: Mr. Robert Stein Hound Group Judge: Mr. Frank Sabella

January 3, 2014


Inland Empire Hound Club of Southern California Indio, California Superintendent: Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows

March 6 - 9, 2014


Crufts NEC Birmingham, England Friday, March 7 - Hound Judging Judge: Mr. T. H. Johnstn

August 8-10, 2014


World Dog Show Helsinki, Finland Basenji Judging, Saturday, August 9, 2013 Basenji Judge: Johan Juslin, Finland Group 5 Judge: Rainer Vuorinen The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 60

Advertising & Subscriptions themodernbasenji.com


The Modern Basenji - Worldwide is published quarterly in print and online. Beginning with the 1st Qtr 2012 issue, the online magazine will be a modified format that includes advertising and limited content. The digital version is available at no charge. Subscription Rates

Advertising Rates COVER SET Front Cover- Color only ................................................................ $ 250.00 Back Cover – Color only ............................................................... $ 175.00 Inside Front Cover – Color only ................................................... $ 140.00 Inside Back Cover – Color only .................................................... $ 140.00 Inside Front Cover plus adjacent page ........................................... $250.00 Inside Back Cover plus adjacent page ............................................ $250.00 INSIDE COLOR PAGES Single color page............................................................................. $ 125.00 2-page spread ................................................................................... $ 235.00 Half page - color ............................................................................. $ 65.00 Quarter-page color ......................................................................... $ 35.00 BLACK/WHITE PAGES Single page ...................................................................................... 2-page spread .................................................................................. Half page - b/w ............................................................................... Quarter page - b/w ........................................................................

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DISCOUNT RATES: Prepay 4 issues (1 pg per issue) COLOR ...................................... $ 450.00 Prepay 4 issses (1 pg per issue) B/W .............................................. $ 252.00 Addtl photos (limit 4 per page) ............................................................... n/c SPECIAL CATEGORIES – per year rate/size: 3.65”w x 2.50h” Breeder/Kennel Directory Listing ................................................. $ 75.00

Deadlines for Advertising & Editorial Submissions February 1st (March issue) August 1st (September issue) May 1st (June issue) November 1st (December issue) Contact The Modern Basenji -- Worldwide For Subscritpions - themodernbasenji@gmail.com For Advertising needs advertise.tmb@gmail.com

one year


US Residents...................... $35.00 ................. $65.00 Canadian Residents ........... $47.00 ................. $90.00 All Other Countries ............. $55.00 ................ $105.00 Single Copy USA ............................................................$12.00 Canada .......................................................$15.00 All other countries.......................................$20.00

Payments Online, Checks & Money Orders US Funds Only. Mail Payments to: The Modern Basenji, 221 Oak Wood Road, Kerrville, TX 78028

MAGAZINE STAFF Editors : Wanda Pooley, Melody Falcone, A. Tad Brooks Magazine Design Wanda Pooley Advertising Managers Melody Falcone & A. Tad Brooks Ad Designer Melody Falcone Copy Editing Anne Rogers Maxine Elliott M. Susan Joyner

Contact the Advertising Manager for layout details before sending sending camera-ready ads. Send inquiries to The Modern Basenji -- Worldwide 221 Oak Wood Road Kerrville, TX 78028 (830) 257-0481

The Modern Basenji -- Worldwide is interested in your editorial submissions. Please contact us at themodernbasenji@gmail.com

Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publishers. The Modern Basenji takes no responsibility for statements or claims made in advertisements. We reserve the right to edit and/or refuse all copy. We are not responsible for errors in camera-ready ads that come in from an outside designer. All manuscripts become the property of The Modern Basenji. Reports, tallies and photographs of events submitted by individuals are published as space allows. Any win photos must be identified.

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 61

Kennel/Breeder Directory CALIFORNIA, USA




Your Listing Brazil - Standings Rank


Can Be Here!


Ad Size: 3.65”w x 2.50h” KENNEL OR BREEDER DIRECTORY

Breeder/Kennel Directory Listing

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 62

Per year rate $ 75.00


The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 63

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 64

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