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FEATURES 4 Basenjis in Australia, by Charmian Brayton, AUST 8 Hunting Basenjis in Finland, by Arto Harju & Katja Lappalainen, Finland


12 Obinoxious, by Gale Whitehurst, US 16 The Other Games in Town, by Wanda Pooley, USA 20 The Lost Basenji and the Cock-eyed Goat, by Mary Lou Kenworthy, US 25 UK Pet Scheme - Revised!, UK 28 AKC Therapy Dog Title, US 30 The “B” Legal Blog, by Karla Schreiber, US 35 Product Review - Thundershirt, by Lisa Stewart, US

COLUMNS & DEPARTMENTS 24 Basenji Fanciers of Greater Phoenix News 24 Greater Chicagoland Basenji Club News

42 Basenji Club of Norway - Results

45 Sweden - Show Results, Vänersborg (SE) INT 45 Czech Republic, Basenji Klub Bohemia

33 FCI New Basenji Champion Titles

46 Finnish Basenji Club Specialty, Finland

34 Basenji Club of Cincinnati - Results

48 Estonia, Pärnu EE

35 Willamette Valley Basenji Club Results

49 Latavia, Riga INT, Riika INT

37 Performance Results, AKC, ASFA, NOTRA, LGRA-USA 38 Basenji Club of Canada Specialty Results 40 World Dog Show - Results, France

UK Pet Scheme REVISED!

44 2011 UK Championship Show Winners

32 Junior Column, by Thomas Meade, II USA

36 Basenji Club of Southeastern Wisconsin - Results


50 USA, 2011 Breed standings,AKC, ASFA, NOTRA, LGRA 53 INTERNATIONAL Breed Standings 55 AKC, ASFA, NOTRA New Titles 58 Upcoming Events 59 Advertising & Subscriptions THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 1




Recently I had the pleasure of attending two other titling organizations in the US and decided to write about those experiences. “The Other Games in Town” is featured on page 16 of this issue. Typically, in the US the most popular shows are sanctioned by the American Kennel Club. The vast majority of exhibitors started at an AKC show with their first dog. In fact, I would venture to say that the American Kennel Club is a household name to most people who follow dog show competitions. It certainly has been for me. So, stepping outside that realm of precision and order to venture into other venues felt somewhat strange. Over the years people who have crossed back and forth between the American Kennel Club, the United Kennel Club, and International All-Breed Canine Association have had much to say -- some positive; some negative. The only way I could form any opinions was to simply enter my dogs and find out for myself what these “other games” were all about. It’s very reasonable to accept that an organization such as AKC has to operate like a well-oiled machine in order to coordinate its many sizeable events and to provide a uniform venue. I have always fully accepted that order and structure are important to maintain consistency throughout the dog show world. The other two organizations I attended, while they may have a similar structure, do offer a more relaxed atmosphere, and I can understand how this would appeal to many exhibitors. It fascinated me to receive a mixture of responses when I confided that “This is my first UKC (or IABCA) show because I usually exhibit in AKC shows.” Regardless of the venue, people had plenty to say about their own choice. Without exception, everyone was pleasant, helpful, and encouraging. They pointed out that the more casual nature of a UKC event , for example, encouraged better sportsmanship, and I have to say these folks may have a point. Exhibitors cheered on their competitors, helped people they didn’t know with their dogs if an entry had to go back in the ring, sought out someone who was late for their class. Even judges politely held a class if an exhibitor had a short delay because of a ring conflict. In fact, the judges I observed seemed to go out of their way to make a nervous exhibitor comfortable. Clearly, no one was in a hurry. One positive aspect, for me, anyway, of this “Relax, take it easy” attitude was that it helped me dial back my own intensity that usually accompanies me when showing dogs. At AKC shows we are always conscious of time, worrying about holding up the judge, and just trying to “get it right.” UKC and IABCA events make it easy for exhibitors to settle in a bit before their ring time and to just relax and enjoy the experience. It’s helpful that these events have smaller entries because this gives people plenty of time to visit with others, to learn about other breeds, and to help where needed. The “family” atmosphere was refreshing. However, while both shows were great experiences, AKC will most likely continue to dominate my show choices as I am one of those people whose comfort zone survives on order and structure. Best success in whatever endeavor you choose for you and your basenji!

ADVERTISERS Pg # Basenji Club of America 2011 28 Basenji Fanciers of Greater Phoenix - AZ


Boyd, Kathy - OK


Boyd, Kathy - OK


Campeau - Susan - NC Colbert, Terry - IL

22, 23 31

Cross, Elda & Tom - OK


Fox, Millissa - Australia


Greater Chicagoland Basenji Club - IL


Joyner, M. Susan - TX


La Croix, Suzanne - MI


Nyflot, Liv - Norway

14, 15

Muenter, Annette - MO


Pooley, Wanda - TX & Whitehurst, Gale - GA


Rzeszut, Katrin - Germany


Smith, Susan - TX


Solid Gold Health Products for Pets


Stewart, Lisa - MO


Whitehurst, Gale - GA


Wuornos, Sally - MN


Wuornos, Sally - MN




By Charmian Brayton - Queensland, Australia

Good fun at the beach in Queensland – Sherman (left), Foley (back) and Mimi (b&w at front)

Basenjis In Australia


or those of you who aren’t aware, there are six states and two territories in Australia plus a few basenjis! Basenjis are not a commonly seen breed in Australia; in fact, most people have never heard of them, let alone seen one. The basenji network in Australia is a small community, and even though we are all a long way from each other in each state, we like to keep in touch as much as possible for the benefit of the breed. I am a member of the Basenji Hound Association of Queensland (BHAQ). My main role in the club is Editor of the Basenji Scroll, the official publication of the club. I have been editor for over 10 years, and I must say, with the advent of the internet, email and other modern technologies, my job has become a lot easier. I remember when I first started writing the Scroll. It was no mean feat to keep coming up with interesting articles and pictures for the magazine. When I did manage to get pictures I often had to

photocopy and paste them in the singles; and more often than not (and I document and then suspect the same thing happens in the US) photocopy it – in black most B owners in Australia don’t stop at and white. Now we’re one – they nearly always have at least two! Dogs and cats are hugely popular pets very fancy. Thanks in Australia, but having said that, I should to the Internet and add that the attitude of the general public Facebook I have ise quite intolerant, particularly toward made some dogs! There is strict etiquette to be fantastic contacts followed out here. It’s not like Europe, with whom I can where you can take your dog almost exchange photos and anywhere, including restaurants and all stories, share basenji sorts of other public places. Wherever you health info, and find out generally what’s going on go, it’s good practice to have a stash of poo bags on your person in the event of an with basenjis, not just in Australia, but all over the world. accident, otherwise the death stare from As a club, we have benefited passers-by will be enough to send you enormously by keeping up with modern running for cover. technology. Some eight or so years ago, No dogs off-leash either. In two of our “tech-head” club members Queensland where I live, it is an offence dragged us into the new millennium by not to have your dog on a leash, with a setting up a website for us -- www.bhaq. fine of $150 per dog if you’re caught out! org.au, and another club member recently Mind you, what sane person would be set us up on Facebook. Thanks to email, walking a basenji off leash in the suburbs! communication Good among, club news members from though…in other States, as most suburbs well as contacts Councils from overseas, have namely USA, established UK, Sweden reasonably and NZ are all large now well off-leash established. We parks. have developed Basenji takeover at one of the many Council off leash dog This is quite a strong great for parks little network. basenjis, Apart from being a great tool for me given their love of running free. Most of to use in my editorial role, improved the time owners and dogs are all well advances in technology have enabled us to behaved in these dog parks; there is always the odd little scuffle, but since operate more efficiently in our rescue most owners are responsible, they are work, our work with basenji health -watching and chastising when appropriate! namely, Fanconi -- and also for the fun Depending on where you live, there are things. Our club motto is “Protect, quite a number of beaches with off-leash Promote and Preserve.” areas designated for dogs, and don’t they Membership of the BHAQ is relatively small and made up mostly of pet love it! I’ve never had a basenji yet who owners along with some breeders. doesn’t go wild with happiness when it So, what’s life like for a basenji in hits the beach. Australia? Well, not too bad really. There’s lots of sunshine and fairly mild Rescue weather most of the year round (except for The main focus of interest for most of those B’s who live in the Southern States). our club members is the rescue side of our Some B’s live near the beach; some in the activities. Don’t know what the situation bush; some in remote mining is in the US, but what we find out here in communities; some in families; some with Australia is that the common age for THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 4


as well as hips and thyroid tests. Some breeders also test for Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency, commonly referred to as HA. Australian breeders who are doing testing for Fanconi and other diseases are taking a responsible approach to breeding and are striving to breed basenjis that are strong and free from disease.


Fundraising A big focus of the Basenji Club in Queensland, and I’m sure a lot of the other basenji clubs in Australia, is raising funds to continue rescue work. Some of our most successful activities have been through the huge Bunnings Warehouse, a large hardware franchise in Australia. They allow community clubs to participate each weekend by hosting a Sausage Sizzzle. This fund raising event is typically booked out sixe months in advance. So far we’ve been lucky enough to get three weekends in the last year or so which has boosted the club coffers enormously. We’ve also done a big sale at the Rocklea Markets in Brisbane, a book sale at the Logan Library, and in 2010 we presented our very first basenji calendar!

We have myriad of animal trainers and experts in Australia Relaxing in the sunshine. Rosie, Sherman and Mimi offering all sorts of services such as dog obedience and dog psychology. Here’s a funny, or maybe not so basenjis coming in to rescue is around the funny, little anecdote about my first two-year mark. We seem to get more boys basenji, Foley. Foley was my first dog than girls coming through rescue, and the ever; I’d been raised with cats, so maybe number of dogs coming through each year in hindsight that was a good thing as my can vary greatly. expectations weren’t as high as they might Lure Coursing As I mentioned earlier in this article, have been had I been exposed to You’ll be impressed to know also, that the development of our club website and (normal?!?) dogs growing up. I thought the contacts we have established through it I’d do the right thing and take him to have been invaluable in establishing puppy school. Foley was an odd little networks for rescue activities. Particularly fellow I thought – wouldn’t come when I in the last few years we have been helped called him; how odd – I thought all dogs out enormously by our counterparts in automatically got excited at the sight of their masters and jumped for joy! Not Western Australia, New South Wales and Victoria. It says a lot about how passionate we are out here about our B’s that when one comes into Rescue, people are so willing to pull together and Young Rhaj going through his paces at lure help out in whatever way they coursing can. Friends in the network from as far as Western Australia (and that’s a long way from back in 2008, a brindle basenji boy won Queensland) have helped us by the Hope Island Cup, an event held by the going to visit prospective new Queensland Lure Coursing Association. owners to talk to them, to check The Hope Island Cup is contested by all Club member Margaret Moss going through Agility with the property to ensure it’s breeds so of course we were ecstatic to her beloved Shema adequately fenced, etc., and to hear that a basenji had won!  make certain they understand the special and unique requirements of the Foley – he was very remote and Fun at the beach (and yes, the crab ended up staring breed. independent – all things typical of the breed, but which I didn’t know. the 2 B’s down and lived to tell the tale! Health Anyway, back to puppy school. I The club consistently publishes/makes phoned one and was greeted with available information on Fanconi not much interest – as soon as I said Syndrome and encourages members to “basenji” -- and the words still ring understand the illness and its treatment. in my ears to this day! -- the lady We advise people thinking about said to me “Oh, a basenji – don’t purchasing a basenji to obtain evidence bother bringing him here…we’ve from breeders of testing undertaken. I’m never had a basenji make it through pleased to report that a number of the course yet”. So, that was that. breeders in Australia do undertake Fanconi I have since learned over the years testing, along with other health testing of though that lots of basenjis respond their basenjis such as eyes tested under the well to training and agility. ACES (Australian Canine Eye Scheme), THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 6



By Arto Harju & Katja Lappalainen, Finland

Photo Copyright: Katja Lappalainen


breeder of our basenjis, Mrs. Tiina Taavitsainen of Bulldobas Basenjis, asked us to write about our hunting experiences and share them with the readers of The Modern Basenji. Arto’s interview of hunting basenjis was also published in a big Swedish hunting magazine Jakt & Jägare (05/2011). Little bit of background: We are a couple living in Somero (South-West Finland), where we have an old farm with our own fields, a small river and pond, etc. As we both love the wild nature of Lapland, we also bought summer places from Salla and Pudasjarvi which gives us hunting possibilities in all these places. We are members in two hunting clubs. Every autumn we go to the North for hunting some grouse and also moose with our dogs. Arto has been hunting since he was a teenager, and Katja passed her hunting license several years ago, but usually she just uses the camera. Our first hunting dog was German Shorthair Pointer bitch, Takapellon Piitu (1999-2010), who competed in elite-class in field trials. Currently we have six dogs: Basenji male BISS C.I.B Fi Se No Nord CH, Basenji Of The Year’99 in Finland Bulldobas Whipper-Snapper ‘Aatu’ (dob. 17th Nov. 1997) Weimaraner bitch Scuba’s Hot Scotch ‘Nessa’ (dob. 13th Jan. 2004) Basenji bitch SBOS Fi Se CH FiJW-05 EuJW-06 Bulldobas La Scala ‘Diva’ (dob. 26th Dec. 2004) German Shorthaired Pointer bitch Takapellon Nieida ‘Neida’ (dob. 16th March 2006) Basenji bitch Bulldobas Court And Spark ‘Eve’ (dob. 20th Dec. 2009) Jämthund (Swedish Elkhound) bitch Haukkuhurtan Rin-TinTin ‘Tinka’ (dob. 12th Nov. 2010) I (Arto) started hunting with basenjis 4-5 years ago. For the training purposes for our pointing gundogs we bred pheasants. Our Diva-basenji showed great interest in them, so I also used her in pheasant training and was convinced of her hunting instincts. When the grouse-hunting season started, we headed to north where Diva got the opportunity to show her skills in the nearby forests of our cottage while our other hunting dogs were resting. The bird population was down that year, but I shot the first hazel grouse for Diva, who was so proud and excited! Diva has extremely strong Diva’s enthusiasm shows hunting instincts and really does work in the forest. No matter what the weather is, she is looking for game. During this five- year period I’ve shot about ten grouse with basenjis. More would have been possible, but, since the grouse population in Finland has been relatively weak for several years, in many situations I have decided not to shoot. Last autumn I shot more birds with Diva than with our field trial awarder GSP. Our young basenji girl, Eve, (whose dam is Diva’s cousin) has also THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 8


proven her talent as she was only nine months old when she flushed her first black grouse. We have high hopes for her hunting career! Eve also shares my passion for fishing; she’s always ready to go for a lake trip!

Eve ready to hunt.

How does the grouse hunting happen with basenjis then? As we all know, basenjis have really sharp senses -- excellent hearing and sense of smell. The basenji is more of an air scent dog, but it can also be used for trailing. It normally searches inside the shotgun range (20-50 meters). The basenji expresses very clearly when it has found the scent of birds and then searches faster and wider. A basenji works as flushing hunting dogs. When it flushes, the bird doesn’t fly very far. Possibly the basenji’s silent approach, small size and red color make it look like a fox in bird’s eyes. Anyway, after the first bird contact, the basenji tracks the bird to the tree where it landed. As the basenji doesn’t bark, the visibility vest is a must to spot the dog’s location. The basenji gets the grouse’s full attention, and goes around the tree and jumps toward it making whining noises at the same time. The bird starts answering with its own sounds which teases the basenji. Now it’s possible to sneak closer. One autumn we saw only a few grouse, and I didn’t want to shoot any of them, so had a great opportunity to watch one scene: A Black grouse and Diva were “discussing” for over half an hour, and I bet this would have continued for several hours if I hadn’t slapped my hands together to drive the bird away. I believe that basenjis are very suitable for grouse hunting in distant forest areas. Basenjis’ basic obedience is not that good so the risk of being hit by a car is high when we are closer to roads. September is hunting time for grouse and

is also very suitable for basenjis as the weather is not too cold. They love to chase everything, but as they do not bark, I don’t think they are very suitable as scent hounds, like for hare hunting. I really think that grouse hunting with basenjis is very special because of their searching ability. You can see/hear them almost all the time and their movements are so light and silent that you get to see the bird situations very close. Basenjis are also very good at tracking the wounded game. Like every other breed, basenjis have their weaknesses. First of all, they do lack certain level of obedience. Our basenjis run freely, and they normally obey the whistle very well, but they do everything with their own style and speed. Retrieving is not their strongest skill, nor is water work. Consequently, I don’t think basenjis can ever be used for duck hunting. Some important things to know if you would like to start hunting with your basenji: Get your basenji used to gunshots at an early stage and make sure that your dog has enough hunting instincts. Watch how it behaves on shot game (with another dog). If possible, try pheasant training with your dog on leash. If your basenji is interested in pheasants, it will be interested in grouse, too. A puppy should get familiar with the woods, and be taught to come back when you use a whistle. You can teach this to an adult as well, but it’s always easier with a puppy. When your basenji is gun-proof, it has proven hunting instincts, it comes to you when you whistle, and the forest is familiar area to it, you can start training practical hunting. Find a distant forest, with no roads or other distraction nearby and go alone with your basenji -- no other people or dogs along on this early training. In the beginning, your basenji will move very close to you. Encourage the dog when it starts showing spontaneous search. Don’t make the walks too long in the beginning so your basenji won’t lose interest. Try to find areas where you know grouse live to make it more probable for the basenji to have bird contact. And don’t be disappointed if your basenji doesn’t work as you wish for on the first trips. Patience is very important when hunting with basenjis. All in all, hunting with basenjis is really interesting even for an experienced hunter, and the dogs surely love it! Running after a plastic bag such as in lure coursing is not hunting for them; they THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 10

know better. Diva and Eve start yelling every time I put my hunting equipment on. They want to make sure they are not left at home. Our basenjis are not just beautiful; they are true hunting dogs! Hopefully you enjoyed our story, see more photos at our homepages: http:// www.nieida.com/


My Journey Into The World of Basenjis Part 2

By Gale Whitehurst Sleeping or staying in a motel was out of the question, so they drove straight the time my marvelous show through. Driving from Ohio to dog arrived Thanksgiving weekend of Thomasville, George will put you in less 1986, Obinoxious was already named. As than a festive mood under the best of I mentioned, she came from a breeder in circumstances; driving from Ohio to Ohio, and I had sent my cousin, Linda, Thomasville, Georgia with a screaming, and her daughter, Blaise, to pooping, clawing, pick up the puppy. They wrapping her legs Well, the puppy were instructed to be around the head and screamed from cordial, pick up a red and holding on for dear life white female show puppy, basenji puppy did not Ohio to Georgia, and leave. When they put them in the and if you have arrived, the breeder tried to Christmas spirit for the ever been closely send a black and white upcoming holiday. (My puppy that she considered friend, Anne Rogers, confined with a to be a better show asked why she wasn’t in screaming basenji a crate? Logical prospect, but remember, I question, but I was at had read the book and was puppy, it makes that very naive stage of an expert, and I had sent you long for a “I’ll NEVER put a dog them for a red and white barking dog!! in a cage!”) Fortunately puppy. So they declined the for me, we did not have black and white, picked up cell phones back in the red and white, and 1986, so I was oblivious to their situation. headed south. Well, the puppy screamed from Ohio When Linda and Blaise pulled into to Georgia, and if you have ever been my driveway, I got to hear firsthand the closely confined with a screaming basenji beautiful voice, although hoarse and puppy, it makes you long for a barking muted, of Obinoxious. They brought her dog!! This poor puppy had never been in, thrust her in my face and proceeded to outside; had never pottied outside; had had be great tattle tales on all of her exploits little or no contact with “strange” people; and antics of the past two days. had never had a collar or been on a leash; As I was holding this thrashing puppy, and had never ridden in a car. By the time who smelled a little less than like a rose, I Linda and Blaise arrived in Cincinnati thought I would put her in my playpen forty five minutes later, the puppy already -- another great suggestion straight out of had a name: Obinoxious! By the time they a book -- until I could calm Linda and got to Atlanta seven hours later, Blaise by offering them some Obinoxious was a sweet melodious name Thanksgiving dinner that they had missed when compared to the other epithets they while on their journey to pick up my new were using. They thought numerous times puppy! I put her in the playpen, turned to of opening the door and seeing if she walk to the kitchen, and marveled when could survive on Interstate 75. she shot by my legs and into the kitchen



like that playpen didn’t exist. Not quite as bad as when my good friend, Bill Darwin, came to pick up his eleven-week old puppy and brought a cardboard liquor box to transport her in - but close. Thus began my REAL education in basenjis – and it certainly didn’t come from a book! Twenty-four years later, I’m still learning. 

Lessons Learned: • Never send relatives you want to remain friends with to pick up a basenji puppy twenty hours from home. • Confining a basenji puppy is like confining an overflowing toilet. • NEVER send a puppy out of its home unless it has been well socialized, been leash broke, been car trained, taught to pee and poop outside, and taught to see strangers as brand new friends. • Always live in the South where 6-week old puppies can go out and play in the yard and learn life’s lessons from the older adults.

©Photos by Connie Camp, Imara Reg.




The Other Games in Town I recently decided to step outside the realm of the AKC world to venture to some different dog show venues. - International All-Breed Canine Association and the United Kennel Club By Wanda Pooley


ver the years many people have talked about the United Kennel Club (UKC) shows and the International All-Breed Canine Association (IABCA) shows. Up until this year IABCA was a member of the German based Union Cynologie International - UCI. Moreover, since I received conflicting reports about these events, I decided to find out for myself how these two title-awarding organizations work. IABCA shows began over 20 years ago with the intent to offer owners of purebred dogs the opportunity to earn an International Championship title on their dogs right here in the USA rather than travel abroad to earn such awards. As this was a mission to learn, I decided to enter a seasoned basenji that I felt could adapt well to any new situations. Blade (MBIS, MBISS Am GCH CH/Can CH AB-Rafiki The Icon of Cool) took these experiments in stride, as I was confident he would. In June Blade and I went to the IABCA show in Hutto, TX, an outlying community north of Austin. This weekend event held four shows -- two each day. I opted to enter all four shows which made for a pretty tired dog and handler by Sunday evening. An IABCA International Championship title is achieved after receiving three IABCA Award Certificates. These certificates must be awarded by three different judges, with at least two of the judges licensed in different countries. (for example: 2 Americans and 1 Canadian). In order for Blade to earn an International CH Title, he had to receive a V-1 rating (Very Excellent) from three of the four judges that weekend. Dogs in the ring compete with their breed standard. For example, all the dogs in one class may receive a V-1 rating. The judge then determines how these V-1 dogs are ranked by assigning a suffix letter such as ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, etc. after the rating. The dog earning a

V-1(a) is considered the winner of that class and is eligible to compete for Best of Breed. After the ring evaluation, which is the same process as in AKC shows, the judge

completes a written Judge’s Report and discusses the results with the exhibitor. In an AKC show, the judge is alloted two and a half minutes per dog; in an IABCA show, each exhibitor may spend 5-10 minutes with the judge. Hence, a 100-dog entry will take each of the four judges about four hours to complete his/her of the assignment. Best of Breed is determined in the same manner as an AKC show. The winners of each class -- dogs and bitches -- compete for BOB. The only exception is that IABCA offers no Winners Class. The breed winner then goes on to compete in its respective group and like AKC, the winners of each group continue on to Best in Show competition. Sounds simple, right? Now, just extrapolate that to four shows in two days. Strong contenders get quite a workout. Blade competed in the Hound Group for each show, the Best Bred-By Group, the Best In Show BBE, THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 16

and then twice in BIS. By the end of Sunday, I had lost count of the number of times Blade had been in the ring. Speaking of puppies, these youngsters can get quite a workout so if you plan to enter an IABCA show, which I strongly encourage you to do if one comes to your area, consider how much work your puppy might face before submitting that entry. Personally, if I planned to enter a puppy, I would select a couple of the shows, maybe one each day, rather than give him a big dose of “dog show mania.” The most popular features of an IABCA show is the written critique. People told me they found this facet the most helpful in terms of learning more about their breed standard and forcing them to look objectively at their own dogs. The judges really seemed to enjoy working at an IABCA show as it gave them the opportunity to discuss, face-toface, the merits of each entry, something that rarely happens at an AKC show. Because an objective evaluation is critical, judges never rush the exhibitors through the process. It was pleasant to not worry about the clock pushing the events. All four judges were also approved AKC judges Because the average IABCA show is much smaller, entry-wise, than AKC shows, exhibitors and spectators had plenty of time to visit with one another and to share ideas and experiences. I found everyone to be very helpful in explaining the show process. On Sunday afternoon I was amazed when a couple of fellow exhibitors came running out to the lawn where I was exercising Blade to tell me I needed to get to the Best Bred-By Group Ring. The judge was actually holding the ring until I arrived! Amazing, don’t you think? The overall quality of the dogs in attendance that weekend was very good. Each show’s Hound Group had an impressive depth of dogs. Blade acquitted


himself nicely, but he surely had to work for the honours he won. The Bests in Show judging was equally impressive. Clearly, people take this venue seriously. Going to an IABCA show gives one the opportunity to see many rare breeds not recognized by AKC. Dogs such as the American Hairless Terrier, Australian Stumpy-Tail Cattle Dog, Barbet, and Bolognese were some of the rare breeds exhibited. Just attending one of the IABCA shows is an education. At the end of the day on Sunday, Blade had earned four IABCA Award

Certificates with V-1 ratings. Three of those were applied to his International Championship title and the 4th will be used to apply for a higher title when another IABCA show comes to my area. This is Texas so I have big area to cover. Houston is the next closest show.

UNITED KENNEL CLUB The United Kennel Club was established in 1898 and is the largest all-breed performance dog registry in the world. It has 15,000 annually licensed events a year, 60 percent of which are tests of hunting ability, training, and instinct. UKC takes pride in offering family oriented, friendly, educational events. In mid-August a United Kennel Club show was scheduled at the same site in Hutto, TX. Since I had a free weekend, I entered Blade under the Temporary Listing option. Like IABCA, UKC shows also have smaller entries and can fit two shows into one day. In order for Blade to earn a UKC CH he needed to get three competition wins under three different judges. The likelihood of other basenjis entering this weekend of shows was slim to none so I entered another basenji, Seri (CH AB Service While You Wait). Blade could have also earned competition wins in Group. However, because this was going to be a small show, according to the Show Secretary, there was no guarantee other sighthounds would entered. Unlike

AKC, hounds are divided into two groups -- Scent and Sight. Ironically, as it turned out, there were plenty of sighthound breeds and only one scent hound entered. UKC shows have a very relaxed atmosphere. While the morning show had an official start time listed, that didn’t mean judging would actually begin on time. Gate entries are allowed and about a third of a day’s entries may be made up of people who arrive the morning of the show to enter. Other than me, who was fully indoctrinated into the AKC preciseness of time concept, no one seemed to be concerned about getting to the ring on time. When the Show Secretary finished taking the gate entries and recording them on the judges’ books, each group and breed order was posted by each respective ring gate. It was then the ring stewards started calling for dogs. The groups and breeds stayed in the same ring all four shows; only the judges rotated. I found this to be a nice arrangement as I didn’t have to scramble across the building to get to another ring. Again, this venue recognizes many rare breeds. After the IABCA experience, I was able to identify several dogs. Judges at these shows may also be approved AKC judges. They appeared to enjoy the more casual environment, especially to have the ability to chat more with exhibitors, both inside and outside the rings. People didn’t seem concerned about this openness between exhibitors and judges either. It really felt more like one big happy family than the usual bit of tenseness that can sometimes be felt at an AKC show. I thoroughly enjoyed talking to these judges about their careers and how they got started as UKC judges. Some told me they felt closer to the exhibitors, and they especially liked being able to get their hands on many dog breeds in one day. UKC approves judges, and, other than four specific breeds, lets those judges determine their own capabilities to grade the breeds they judge. American Eskimo Dogs, American Pit Bull Terrier, Belgian Shepherd Dog, and Toy Fox Terrier breeds require judges to apprentice at a number of shows under the guidance of approved judges before being granted provisional status to award championship points. THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 18

Some judges would like to see more breeds added to the apprenticeship program, but for the time being, only these four are designated. It took me a while to get used to seeing a Champions class and a Grand Champions class in addition to the other more familiar classes. The winners of all theses classes then compete for Best of Breed. This means every class winner has a shot at beating the titled dogs. This is very similar to the method of judging in the United Kingdom. Blade won Best of Breed in three shows which gave him the 100 points and three competition wins needed to qualify for a UKC CH title. I pulled him from the fourth show to give Seri the opportunity to earn a competition win from the Group. Achieving a Grand Champion title would take more strategy as the requirements call for a dog to win the Champion class five times with at least three champions entered at each show and under three different UKC judges or optionally go Best of Breed over multiple Grand Champions. Basenjis in UKC competition in my area are scant, and would leave it to me to put Champion titles some of my other dogs to create competition. Now, for those breeds where the numbers are plentiful, earning a Grand Champion title is more realistic. Owners of low-entry breeds, such as the basenji, would have a difficult and expensive time achieving that level The relaxed nature of a UKC show was very pleasant, making this a good choice for a puppy or young dog to get the feel of the ring along with the usual noise and bustle of a dog show. Judges were very patient with the pups, most likely because the time constraint doesn’t exist at UKC shows. This factor alone removes the pressure for an exhibitor. No need to rush to make a ring time or worry about holding up the class. Both venues were great experiences, and I encourage exhibitors to give each a try. Personally, I feel AKC title requirements are tougher to meet; hence earning a CH is very rewarding. That said, I don’t envy those competitors in countries such as the UK who have only a limited number of shows each year and have to work hard to earn even one CC against well-established UK Champions. Have a story to tell about your dog show venue? Send it to TheModernBasenji@gmail.com. 


The Lost Basenji and the

Cock-Eyed Goat

ON THE LIGHTER SIDE OF LIFE Just one of those fun stories... by Mary Lou Kenworthy


onds between animals can be very strong and can transcend time and space. One example of this was the unlikely friendship of a black and white basenji bitch, a Carolina Dog and a Nubian goat. The dog, Jake, and the goat, Peter, lived with their owner at the edge of the Brandywine hunt country. The owner’s girl friend and her basenji, Bea, often visited, and the animals became good friends. This was a safe place to let the animals run free. The hunt country is vast and comprised of many large farms like the King Ranch. This was familiar country to me as I had ridden over much of the area years before my adventures of hunting for lost basenjis in that area. All the fences are set well back from the roads to allow safe passage for horses, riders and their hounds. Many dogs run free as traffic is light and the locals are always on the lookout for animals. The phone rang one morning shortly after I had gotten to bed. I was working the night shift at the time and was not ready to

get up. However, when my friend on the other end said there was a lost basenji, I was wide awake. Shirley said she’d pick me up in about an hour. I brought my dogs in and settled them back in their crates for the day. A young lady, Pat, who worked at New Bolton Center had gotten a puppy from Shirley. Bea, now over a year old, had gone missing. There had been a lot of spring rain in the area and the Brandywine Creek that serpentines through the countryside, was swollen to the top of its banks. The only safe place to cross it was at one of the many bridges. Both Bea’s owner and her boyfriend, John, had to work during the day, but their house was left open for us to use as the center of the search. This gave us access to the phone and a list of numbers to keep in touch with them. When we turned into the drivewaym the creek bank on my side ran up to the front yard. At the top of the bank stood the oddest looking, and biggest goat either of us had ever seen. His eyes appeared to be crossed and they had a wild look in them. “Well, get out,” Shirley told me. THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 20

I looked at the goat again and said, “You get out first.” “Why me? You’re the one who had goats.” “But you’re the one on the other side of the station wagon.” Shirley put one foot on the ground. The goat never moved. She got out and the goat turned and walked away. We made it safely into the house and called Pat to see if there was any recent news about the lost basenji. We learned that Peter, this strangelooking goat we had encountered, had been deprived of oxygen at birth and was never quite right, but he was harmless. Peter had a habit of wandering off and ‘forgetting’ to come home. He was well known in the area and eventually someone would call and say, “Come get your goat.” The three of them, the two dogs and the goat, had started off to the south two days earlier. Peter came back shortly thereafter but the two dogs went off on an adventure. Four hours later Jake came back alone. Pat and John searched for Bea till dark. The next day they started putting up posters for the missing Bea, and notified the proper authorities. Now, we were on the scene, and, armed with more posters, we began our search for the errant basenji. Jake followed

the station wagon as we drove slowly around the area in ever widening circles. We crossed the bridge just south of John’s place, and then crossed the next bridge. The thought was that when Jake came home he crossed a bridge, and Bea stayed on the other side. Once she missed the bridge, she was hopelessly stuck on the wrong side of the creek. The first day of our search produced nothing, and we went back home after promising Pat we would return the next day. I told Shirley I would meet her at John’s so that we could go our separate ways so I could go home earlier to take care of my dogs. A school bus driver reported sighting a little black and white dog in the area on the far side of the Brandywine creek from John’s. That was just where we had been searching. We both drove around all day with no luck. Houses were few and far between so we never saw anyone to ask if they had seen the dog; we had to rely on spotting the basenji for ourselves. Our third day of the search was the fifth day that Bea had been missing. We decided to search together in one vehicle. The only news was that now Peter, the goat, was missing. No problem they said, he does this all the time and will come home eventually. We decided to reverse our course and started off on the road to the north of John’s home. This was a direction the animals never went. It was devoid of anything interesting. About two miles in, the road abruptly ended at a major heavily traveled road. We turned right, planning to check out several places where the posters had been left, and to drop in at the Embreville Police Station. The first thing we came to was a stone arched bridge that, while quite beautiful, was also pretty scary. It rose so sharply and so high that you couldn’t see if any traffic was coming toward you. It also appeared quite narrow -- less than two cars-width. I wouldn’t want to meet another vehicle on the bridge, and I surely would be afraid to walk across it. At the the other side of the bridge was a tavern where we inquired about our missing Bea. After going about 15+ miles down this road we decided to drop back down into the hunt country again and work back over the area where Bea had been spotted. The police had no word about the basenji and at the end of the day we had had no luck, either. I left for home to tend to my own

dogs. It was time for John and Pat to take over the search again along with their other dog, Jake. Working the night shift and getting only a few hours sleep each day had drained me. I decided to take the next day off, stay home and sleep, and return the following day if help was needed to the search for Bea. The next morning I had just gotten home from work and put the dogs out when the phone rang wotj the latest update on the search. The evening before, Pat & John received a call from a lady who told her, “I think we have your goat.” John was expected home from work soon so Pat told the lady they would be right over to get Peter. Pat asked for directions and was surprised to find that Peter was at a home on the other side of that busy road just a few miles down from the bridge and the tavern. He had never gone in that direction before, and it was amazing to us that he had not been hit on the busy road. The lady told Pat that the goat had been hanging around their back yard for two days now, and she was afraid to go outside. Her husband had tried to chase the goat away, but it refused to leave. When they called the police, they were given John’s phone number and were assured that the owner would come get the goat. Pat asked if the goat was still there. The lady replied, “Yes, he’s out in our back yard playing with a little black and white dog that has been living under our shed for the past three or four days.” Apparently Bea had searched in circles for a way home, but the rapidly moving creek had always blocked her path. Her circles kept taking her further north until either she realized that she was past where she wanted to go or else the busy road had discouraged her from going any further in that direction. Frustrated, she holed up under a shed. Peter apparently got the vibes of his distraught friend and went to help. He went off into unfamiliar territory, across a dangerous bridge and down a heavily traveled road. Peter found his friend when the humans had failed. Perhaps he traveled in the wee small hours of the morning when traffic was at a minimum. That makes one wonder, if he crossed the bridge at closing time for the Tavern, what would inebriated patrons have thought if they came face to face with a big, ugly, cockeyed goat?  THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 21

New Pilot Program From AKC The Open Show is currently a special attraction being offered as a pilot program to refine the regulations. The Open Show is very similar to a sanctioned match and is being developed to attract new exhibitors. Some of the differences from a sanctioned match are listed below: 1. Miscellaneous Breeds will be included in a “Miscellaneous Group” and the Group Winner will compete in Best in Open Show. 2. FSS Breeds will be included in an FSS Group and the Group Winner will compete in Best in Open Show. 3. An e-mail invitation will be sent to all 4-mo through 2-year old registered dogs within 50 miles of the event. 4. Professional handlers and CH dogs may not compete in the Open Show. 5. Open Show judges must have an AKC judge’s number but need not be approved for any specific breed. 6. Non-judges may apply for a judge’s number through Judging Operations. An anatomy test and a procedures test will be required. 7. Open Show experience can be used for new breed approval requirements. 8. Clubs can count the Open Show as two of their eligibility requirements. One is credit for holding the event and the second is credit for providing the breed educational opportunity for judges. Since this is a pilot program that is being refined, there may be minor changes throughout the development period. After the concept is finalized sometime in 2012 we intend to offer points for a Certificate of Merit beginner’s title to appeal to new exhibitors. Clubs wishing to hold a Open Show should contact AKC Event Operations at:





Basenji Fanciers of Greater Phoenix Basenji Specialty Sunday, November 6, 2011 Prospector Park, Apache Junction, AZ Conformation Judge . ..................... Mrs. J. R. Crandall Sweepstakes Judge ....................Ms. Jennie D. Behles

We are happy to announce that, after holding our last specialty show in November 2009, we are again planning an independent basenji specialty for November 6, 2011. Our ad on the left gives all the particulars and contacts for information. We will have great trophies, a silent auction, and lunch, as well as friendly people and beautiful basenjis. Dog shows are few and far between in this part of the country, unlike the Midwest region. Finding an all-breed club to work with is almost impossible. The shows are usually at the wrong time of year for basenji puppies, or too far away, or they are four-day shows, forcing us to hold our specialty on a Thursday. This year we are again trying a stand-alone specialty. Last time we used an indoor facility which was adequate, but its size required us to limit the entry. This time we are using a park, so the show will be held outdoors—and we hope for good weather. There are several armadas and people can also put up their own shelters. For those able to take an extended dog show vacation, we have an amazing six weekends of shows in this region. First, the basenji specialty in northern California, with an all-breed show; a standalone basenji specialty in southern California, followed by our stand-alone specialty. After that, if you care to make the trip to Tucson, you will find two weekends in a row of four-day all-breed shows. You can follow those shows with a trip to Yuma and another four-day weekend of all-breed shows to finish out the year.


Show Chairperson: Jane Gentzen

Arnieta Kurtz

For premiums, entries, and catalog ads contact: SHOW SECRETARY: ARNIETA KURTZ 201 South 90th Place Mesa, AZ 85208 arnieta@cox.net

Club members gathered in July for a cookout at the Bob and Sue Joyner’s home. The chicken and hamburgers were indeed cooked outside, but most people chose to actually eat them inside. Chicago had been suffering for more than a week with hot, muggy weather. On some days the heat index rose to 105, 110, and even 115 degrees. (At that rate you could be in Phoenix!) In spite of the weather, everyone enjoyed the delicious and plentiful food, as well as the great company. The dinner was followed by a short meeting. The upcoming show was the main topic. Since appropriate, affordable, and available sites for dog shows are in short supply, we are trying something new for our 37th annual basenji specialty. Aside from two extra winter specialties in the early 1980s, we have always held a stand-alone show. However, this year we will be part of the Chicagoland Hound Association as a designated specialty. The superintendent for the Hound Association, Roy Jones Dog Shows, will handle our entries. This means no raffle or auction, but we will have great ribbons and trophies. Our sweepstakes judge is Dan DeWalt -- a basenji lover and owner for many years. Our judge for regular and non-regular classes will be Francine Schwartz. The CHA judge for basenjis on Sunday will be Patricia Murphy. The Chicagoland Hound Association is offering obedience and rally, as well as junior showmanship, on both Saturday and Sunday. Please see our ad on page 26 for more information.

ENTRY FEE: First Entry


Puppy, BBE, and non-regular classes




Junior Showmanship

Free if an additional entry

Entries close Wednesday, October 19, 2011

*** Lunch -- Silent Auction ***


UK PET SCHEME - REVISED! DEFRA creates new rules that will be easier on the pocketbook when traveling abroad with your pet.


last, beginning January 1st, 2012, the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) announces it will become cheaper and easier to travel abroad with pets when new rules are introduced. The United Kingdom will correspond its pet movement rules with the rest of the European Union from January 1st, 2012, bringing the UK’s Pet Travel Scheme into line with the most recent science. The UK will continue to maintain its high level of protection against animal diseases after the changes, which have the potential to save pet owners around £7 million (or $11 million USD) in fees. Requiring pets to spend six months in quarantine, a practice dating from the 1800s, is no longer necessary because of vastly improved rabies vaccines and treatments. All pets will still need to be vaccinated against rabies. Pets from the European Union (EU) and listed non-EU countries such as the USA and Australia will no longer need the blood test that measures the titer levels for rabies and will only have to wait 21 days before they travel. Pets from unlisted non-EU countries such as India, Brazil and South Africa may enter the UK if they meet certain strict criteria to ensure they are protected against rabies, including a blood test and a three-month wait before they enter the UK. The changes will ensure the risk of rabies coming to the UK remains extremely low. It’s estimated that the new rules mean there would be one case of rabies in a pet in the UK once every 211 years, with the possibility of a person dying from rabies obtained from a pet once in every 21,000 years. Environment Secretary Caroline Spelman said, “The UK’s quarantine system was designed to combat the threat of rabies in the 19th century and has now been left far behind by scientific advances. It’s time we changed these outdated rules which have caused hardship to generations of pets and pet owners, and those who rely on assistance dogs, with too many animals cooped up unnecessarily. “What is needed is a simpler, evidence-based system for protecting the UK from rabies which recognizes the actual risk to pets and pet owners. The EU’s pet movement scheme has been working very well for nearly a decade, and it makes sense for us to have similar rules. It means the UK will remain protected from rabies and other exotic diseases while making it easier and cheaper for people to take their pets abroad.” Chief Medical Officer Professor Dame Sally Davies said, “Rabies is a very serious human disease and the rabies-free status of the UK must be protected. The pet travel scheme provides important protection of public health by ensuring that pets entering the UK are free of rabies and other infections.

“Scientific evidence shows that there is a robust alternative to quarantine in preventing rabies incursion from those countries where there is a high incidence of rabies and good reason for changing our very precautionary rules. The EU pet travel rules have been successful in preventing any cases of rabies occurring in legally moved pets since the scheme started, so harmonizing the UK’s rules with those of the EU will make it easier for those who wish to travel with their pets. “It is important to continue to protect the public against the risk of serious exotic tapeworm infections and the government is pressing to retain our tapeworm controls for pets entering the UK. The wider public health risks from exotic tick-borne infections and the need for tick controls for pets entering the UK will be kept under review.” The UK has been discussing with the European Commission the most appropriate form of tapeworm controls for dogs, to ensure the UK continues to be protected from Echinococcus multilocularis. The Commission has recently indicated that its proposals, expected shortly, would enable the UK and other tapeworm-free countries to retain tapeworm controls, with a requirement that animals be treated between one and five days before returning to the UK. Tick treatment for pet animals returning to the UK will no longer be required. All pet owners travelling abroad with their animals should discuss with their vets the use of treatments, including those designed to control ticks as part of good animal health practice. The UK, along with Ireland, Sweden and Malta, has an exemption from the standard EU pet travel rules. They are all harmonizing their entry rules with the rest of the EU at the same time as the UK.

Entry rules for pets entering the UK from the EU and listed non-EU countries: What has to be done


From 1 January 2012




Rabies vaccination



Documentation (pet passport or third country certificate)



Blood test (dogs and cats)



Pre-entry waiting period



Length of waiting period before entry to the UK

6 months from date sample taken for blood test

21 days after vaccination against rabies

Tick treatment

Yes (24-48 hours before embarkation)


Tapeworm treatment

Yes (as for ticks)

Under consideration at European level



A GREAT HOUND SHOW WEEKEND!! Saturday, November 19, 2011 GCBC 37th Annual Specialty & Sweepstakes *Held in Conjunction with the Chicagoland Hound Association Shows Saturday & Sunday, November 19 and 20, 2011 GCBC DESIGNATED SPECIALTY AND SWEEPSTAKES - SATURDAY JUDGES: PUPPY & VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES: Mr. Dan DeWalt CONFORMATION: Mrs. Francine Schwartz CHA SATURDAY JR. SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. Patricia Murphy SUNDAY CHA BASENJI JUDGES: OBEDIENCE and RALLY is Offered by CHA PUPPY & VETERANS SWEEPSTAKES: Dr. Jerry Klein Saturday Judge: Mr. Fred Burhoff CONFORMATION: Ms. Patricia Murphy Sunday Judge: Ms. Suzanne Hemminger JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP: Mrs. Francine Schwartz SHOWSITE: FOR YOUR K9, 1975 Cornell Avenue, Melrose Park, IL For More Information on GCBC Contact: SUSAN JOYNER, SHOW CHAIRMAN (815) 485-8592 e-mail: ms_joyner@comcast.net Superintendent for the Weekend: Roy Jones Dog Shows, Inc. (260) 925-0525 www.royjonesdogshows.com *Pending AKC Approval

Entry rules for pets entering the UK from unlisted non-EU countries:

Pet Travel Scheme helpline

What has to be done


From 1 January 2012

Email: pettravel@ahvla.gsi.gov.uk – Please enclose your postal address and a day time telephone number.


All pets from unlisted third countries are licensed into quarantine for 6 months and vaccinated against rabies on arrival


Telephone: +44 (0)870 241 1710 – Monday to Friday – 8am to 6pm UK time (closed Bank Holidays).

Rabies vaccination


Blood test

Yes. Blood sample taken at least 30 days after vaccination.

Documentation ( third country certificate)


Pre-entry waiting period


Length of waiting period before entry to the UK

3 months after blood sample date

Tick treatment


Tapeworm treatment

Under consideration at European level

To learn more about what you and your vet have to do to bring your pet dog, cat or ferret into the UK visit: http://www.defra.gov.uk/wildlife-pets/pets/travel/pets/

Calls can cost up to 7p per minute for BT users. Calls made using other service providers or mobiles may cost more. There is also a minicom/textphone number for the deaf and hard of hearing: 0845 300 1998 Fax: +44 (0) 1245 458749. Postal address: Specialist Service Centre for Imports Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency Government Offices Beeches Road Chelmsford Essex CM1 2RU [Information provided as a public service from the DEFRA public announcement.]



AKC Therapy Dog Title There is exciting news this month for owners of therapy dogs or therapy-dogs-to-be. As of June 27, the AKC is rewarding therapy dog teams for their unselfish volunteerism. The AKC Therapy Dog title (THD) can be earned by dogs that have been certified by AKC-recognized therapy dog organizations and have performed 50 or more community visits. The title is available to ALL dogs, including mixed-breeds and rare breeds, as long as they are registered or listed with AKC. The AKC will donate $5 per AKC Canine Partner listing to the AKC Humane Fund to help all dogs, and you receive a number that will enable your therapy dogs to be recognized for the great service they provide to their communities. 

BASENJIS IN THERAPY WORK Coupe doing a Pet Partner visit in the hospital. He has been a Pet Partner since 2005, currently with Intermountain Therapy Animals. Coupe and his partner, Chilly, do an average of 15-20 hours per week visiting nursing homes, hospitals, schools, indigent homes and foster homes. Coupe and Chilly are truly gifted, special dogs and my loyal, best friends. We are proud to represent Intermountain Therapy Animals motto: “Enhancing quality of life through animal-human bond” as the nation’s only certified Pet Partner pair of basenjis living in the same household. Coupe ~ Tis-A Little Deuce Coupe SC, ASFA Field Champion, CGC, Delta Pet Partners since 2005 and Intermountain Therapy Animals since 2010 Chilly ~ CH Tis-A Arubmec’s Thrills N’ Chills SC, Intermountain Therapy Animals since 2010 Dave and Christine Nelson, Camp Nelson Basenjis

2011 BCOA National Specialty Sept. 20-25, 2011 Manitowoc, WI

Hosted by the Basenji Club of Southeastern Wisconsin Official Website: http://www.bcosw.org/2011BCOANational The BIG Show is just around the corner. Don’t forget to prepare yourself for the following events:

CHECK LIST: • Memory Walk - Help light up the grounds with luminaries for those special basenjis you want to commemorate. • VIP Grooming Space - reserve your space now to be up close to the show ring • Auction Items - Help us create another outstanding specialty auction by donating your items. • Kennel Themed Baskets for the auction. See who can figure out which creative and personalized basket is yours. • Ice Cream Social and Cookout - Sign up today! • Basenji Flea Market - Bring your arts, crafts, or other items and rent a table for a nominal fee. THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 28


The “B” LEGAL Blog When Is Your WILL Not Your Own?

By Karla Schreiber


kay, you’ve bitten the bullet and taken care of one of the chores that adults dislike most – you’ve drawn up a last will and testament that contains provisions for the care and maintenance of any basenjis owned by you at the time of your death. The will is duly witnessed, executed, and everybody who should have copies (your primary, secondary and tertiary choices for executor, any trustees, etc.) is in receipt of one. All set, right? You can relax now, knowing that your wishes will be carried out to the letter if and when something happens to you….. That’s the way it works in the movies, but in real life, unfortunately, wills and trust documents often aren’t followed to the letter. Here are a few of the most common mistakes and misconceptions, and ways to potentially avoid them. *Breeder A “assumes” that all basenjis co-owned by and living with Breeder A at the time of her demise will automatically “go to” the coowner(s) recorded on the dogs’ AKC registration papers. Ooops! This is not the case. Breeder A’s ownership interest in the co-owned animal will legally pass to her heir(s) at law unless her will specifically states that at her death, all dogs coowned by her are to become the sole property of the co-owners as named on the dogs’ AKC registration papers. This is especially important if Breeder A leaves behind females that constitute valuable breeding stock. *Breeder Q’s will dutifully leaves a tidy direct gift of cash to Breeder Z, with the

instruction that the funds are for the care and maintenance of Q’s basenji, Mariah. All set, yes? When Breeder Q passes away, Breeder Z will take possession of Mariah, and use the funds to care for her. Ummmm. Maybe. This will occur IF Breeder Z is an honest and upstanding individual. However, once an estate is closed, there is no longer any practical enforcement mechanism in place to require Breeder Z to spend the cash on Mariah. Because under the common law, dogs are property and therefore cannot inherit cash or property, what Breeder Q has actually done is leave a sizeable cash bequest to Breeder Z, with the request that the funds be expended to maintain Mariah. If, however, Breeder Z’s box van breaks down and needs several thousand dollars worth of repairs, the only thing preventing Z from using the bequest for that purpose is Z’s moral integrity, and respect for Q’s wishes. The lesson here is simple: Do not leave a direct bequest of money or money’s worth to someone for the care and maintenance of your dogs after your death unless you trust them implicitly. There are ways to help assure that the recipient will use the money as you intended, such as setting up a pet trust, with a different person serving as trustee, who will parse out the cash to Breeder Z when presented with receipts for appropriate expenditures. *Breeder L is a very lucky individual – flush with cash and other assets. Breeder L’s state of residence allows trusts to be established for the benefit of companion animals, so Breeder L places $200,000 in trust for the care of her now-11 year old basenji, Devon. Devon is set for life, right? Maybe not. Courts have routinely overturned trusts that leave very large sums of money for the care and maintenance of pets if heirs at law decide to contest the amount. Be sure that the amount of money you set aside for your basenjis’ care and maintenance is realistic. Base the amount on pragmatic estimates that factor in your dogs’ ages, actual vet care costs, etc. How you calculated the amount may even be stated directly in THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 30

your will and/or trust documents. In the case of Devon, Breeder L’s spouse, adult children, or other heirs may be able to contest the pet trust if they can show that Devon’s care and maintenance is more likely to cost $10,000 or less, based on his age, past vet care records and health history. *Breeder P doesn’t want her two elderly basenjis, that have health issues, to be a burden to anyone if something happens to her, so she asks her attorney to add a provision to her will stating that all basenjis owned by her at her death will be humanely euthanized. At the time the will is drafted, Breeder P.’s basenjis are 13 years old and 10 years old, respectively. After executing the will, however, Breeder P purchases a new puppy. When P dies unexpectedly in a car accident, the pup is only three years old, and P never updated her will. Will Breeder P’s young dog have to be euthanized? The answer is probably “No.” Courts also routinely overturn will provisions that mandate euthanasia for younger, healthier pets, assuming a family member or friend is willing to care for the animal. If you want to put this kind of provision in your will, consider providing an age range and additional conditions that make the request a reasonable one. For example, “…It is my wish all dogs that I own at the time of my death that are deemed by Breeder B to be in failing health, or otherwise unable to be adopted or re-homed, be humanely euthanized. *Breeder D attempts to create a pet trust -- using one of those nifty software programs on sale at stores like Office Depot -- as part of her estate planning. However, Breeder D’s state of residence does not authorize trusts for the benefit of companion animals. The trust is therefore null and void, and D’s wishes will not be fulfilled. It is critical in all estate planning, but particularly for those of us specifying how our show/breeding animals should be cared for after our death, to have all required documents drawn up by a licensed attorney familiar with your State’s estate and trust laws. At this

writing, approximately forty-five states have enacted laws that allow trusts to be established for the benefit of companion animals. The laws tend to be fairly uniform, but they are not identical. Breeder D could have assured her wishes were carried out by a) having her will prepared by a licensed attorney familiar with estate planning laws, and b) making sure she understood the best way, given the laws of her State, to provide for her dogs after her death. To see a State-by-State summary of pet trust laws in the United States, visit: http://www.animallaw.info/articles/ armpuspettrusts.htm. (Please note that this, and similar “summary of laws” websites may not be updated frequently. Many states now have their current statutes on line, however, so always double-check to make sure you have the most current version of the statute). One of the biggest differences in State laws authorizing pet trusts is the trust termination date. Some states require the trusts to terminate at the death of the last companion animal covered by the trust, while other states require the trusts to

terminate 21 years after the decedent’s death. The latter provision is typically fine for dogs and cats, but for longer-lived animals like horses, tortoises or birds, a work-around must be created to prevent the trust from terminating too soon. When the trust terminates, the decedent’s will may state who (which person, charity, etc.) should receive any remaining trust balance. If the will doesn’t specify this information, any funds left in the trust will pass to the decedent’s residual beneficiaries (the beneficiaries who receive “whatever” is not specifically bequeathed to a named individual or entity by the decedent’s will). Wills and estate planning are things none of us enjoy thinking about. What’s even worse than slogging through the will preparation process, however, is going to the trouble and expense of preparing a will and related documents, only to have your wishes ignored or overturned after your death. If you want real peace of mind about what will happen to your basenjis when you depart the planet, make sure to avoid the pitfalls above by having your will prepared by a licensed attorney with THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 31

estate and trust experience. Also, remember to make sure that your named executors and heirs know what your will provides regarding your animals and why having your wishes carried out to the letter is important to you. Last, but not least, don’t forget to revisit your estate planning documents - if not annually, at least every two or three years - to make sure the provisions are up-to-date and still reflect your wishes. That simple task may well be the difference between a will that truly expresses YOUR ‘will’ – and one that – in the end - doesn’t. ‘Til next time, here’s yodeling at you!

Karla The B-Legal Blogger The B-Legal Blog provides general information on law-related topics for informational purposes only. It does not provide personalized legal advice regarding the topics discussed, and it is not intended in any manner as a substitute for the services of a qualified, State-licensed attorney.


What is the most important part of our BCOA National Specialty? Armbands! Camera! Movement! Who’s ready for the 2011 Basenji Club of America National Specialty in Manitowoc, Wisconsin September 20 – 25, 2011? Our specialty will include both conformation and companion events such as Sweepstakes, Regular Classes, Agility, AKC Junior Courser Tests, Obedience, Rally, ASFA Lure Coursing, and AKC Junior Showmanship... and of course an African Basenji Exhibition. Of special interest this year, and every year, is the prestigious Bred-By-Exhibitor (BBE) Class. This is always an impressive class with many successful dog breeders. Winning this class is a big accomplishment, often considered as impressive as winning Best of Breed. As 2011 rolls by, we are slowly figuring out what constitutes a Grand Champion (GCH) and how Select Dog and Select Bitch is awarded. Receiving this prize will be a significant win in view of the number of basenjis entered in the specialty. Best Veteran Classes will bring out some of the ‘old timers’ strutting around the ring. This class always is a crowd favorite, with exhibitors excited to see some of the dogs from ‘days gone by’ again in the ring. At the judge’s discretion, up to 10 Awards of Merit are available this year. Non-Regular Classes include Stud Dog, Brood Bitch, Brace, Best Puppy and Best of Opposite Sex in Sweeps, Best Veteran and Best of Opposite Sex in Sweeps, and Best Junior Handler. I would like to encourage everyone to attend and support the 2011 African Stock Exhibition. The dogs are very interesting and offer us insight to the past, present and future of our breed and numerous breeding programs. This exhibition often prompts sharing of stories and pictures by individuals who have traveled abroad to

Africa for basenjis. It’s the only time during the year we have an opportunity to validate our African basenjis and their exhibitors --- it’s a significant part of our national specialty. Without the first African basenjis --- none of us would have a basenji today. This year the Host Group has planned a great variety of social activities when we are not in the ring or in companion events. Our social activities will begin with a Cookout and Ice Cream Social on Wednesday, and a banquet entitled, “The Test of Time” and auction on Saturday evening. The Memory Walk is going to be very special. Luminaries will be available at the beginning of the walkway. We’ve been asked to bring flowers, pictures, and special items to place next to our luminaries. This event will take place after a presentation by Dr. Jo Thompson on Thursday, September 22, 2011. Are you planning to honor a basenji or two at the Memory Walk? The BCOA Annual General Meeting will take place on Friday, September 23, 2011. This is the most important part of our national specialty as without the club there is no national specialty. This is the one official opportunity for us to discuss and share our accomplishments, goals and challenges as the designated AKC breed club. I hope the officers, board of directors, committee members and general membership will keep the basenjis at the center of focus during the entire meeting. It is our responsibility to further and protect the breed in every avenue through thoughtful discussion -- listening and speaking -- and group decision-making opportunities. We meet once a year as a general membership and have pertinent issues to discuss that directly affect the well-being of the breed now and in the future. Several additional meetings will take place including a Fanconi update lead by THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 32

Gary Johnson, DVM, University of Missouri. In addition to an update on his work and findings, Dr. Johnson is expected to take questions and facilitate a discussion with the BCOA membership on Saturday, September 24th. On Thursday, September 22nd, Dr. Jo Thompson will present and lead a discussion on current issues regarding native stock basenjis. I feel that we are missing a very important aspect of recognition in the BCOA -- a Hall of Fame (HOF) program. A few of my junior friends have it as part of their national club. New inductees are announced annually at the national specialty, and it is very prestigious honor. A HOF program could be used to honor many of the exceptional basenjis and their breeders at each year’s national specialty. Some breed clubs honor only conformation show dogs, others honor all venues. I would like to see a BCOA Breeders HOF, a Dam and Sire HOF, a Show Dog HOF, and a Performance Dog HOF. The BCOA has many basenjis and breeders that have made significant contributions to the breed. I see a BCOA Hall of Fame bringing together the best of the past... and hopefully directing the present and the future of our breed. A BCOA Hall of Fame would provide a venue for documenting, archiving and honoring breeders and dogs that define excellence. It could also be used as a teaching tool, using pictures and video documentary in an educational capacity at Judging Seminars and Training. As a junior handler and first time basenji breeder, I am not knowledgeable of the great basenjis dogs of the past. A BCOA HOF would provide the means to

Junior Column continued

become more knowledgeable about my breed (in an unbiased way) through reading about significant contributions by specific breeders and dogs, looking at pictures and studying video. I hope a discussion of the possibility of forming a BCOA Hall of Fame will be on the agenda at our general meeting this year. There are many basenjis and breeders that deserve forever recognition and acknowledgment from our club. I also hope to see the BCOA Top 20 again as part of our national specialties. I attended the Top 20 in Kentucky two years ago and enjoyed watching the best of the best as three judges carefully examined each dog (following a specified points scale) on the table and through movement. The evening included formal dress, a beautifully printed Top 20 program, complete with a picture and bio of each dog, and fancy black and white satin

participation ribbons. I believe that an internet link from the BCOA website to pictures, video excerpts and the printed program would serve as an excellent educational, archival and public service tool for the sport of purebred dogs and to potential basenji owners. The Top 20 is a prestigious event, open only to the top twenty basenjis based on the number of dogs defeated during the past year. It is an opportunity to acknowledge breeders and/or handlers that have had an exceptionally successful dog show year. For many breeders and exhibitors, this is the highlight of their national specialty. I would also like to see a group picture taken of everyone entered in Best of Breed (BOB) immediately after everyone has been checked in by the ring steward. This is a quick and great way to document the group and their dogs for our

national specialty archives and can be posted on our website. It doesn’t have to be fancy --- simply a picture with everyone and their dogs. 1 – 2 - 3 click. A Moment in Time. Done. In closing, I wish everyone safe travels to and from our very amazing 2011 Basenji Club of America National Specialty. Thank you, Manitowoc, Wisconsin and the Manitowoc County Expo and Ice Center for hosting us. Thank you to the Host Club, officers, board members and various committees for your preparation and work. May our specialty be a time of anticipation, excitement, and reflection. Further information and specific details regarding the specialty can be found at <http://www.bcosw. org/2011BCOANational/index.html>.



from around the Globe Date in front of dog’s name is the day when the dog has achieved the minimum requirements needed for the FCI title. International champions that have a star after their name (*) are still waiting for FCI to confirm their title.


As of July 31, 2011

International champions INT CH / C.I.B.

10.07.2011 Hanishan Game Hunter 19.06.2011 Dakarai Quintessa 17.06.2011 Ajibu Foolin’ Around 13.02.2011 Ajibu Billie Jean 13.02.2011 Ajibu Feelin’ Good

13.08.2011 Rosone’s Primo Profitto* 31.07.2011 Dakarai Beyond Belief*


16.07.2011 Sternhimmels Latine Dictum 15.07.2011 Safeguard’s Dijon Bulldobas 10.07.2011 Dakarai Burning Sun 10.07.2011 Kenjaali Hadhiri-Hawker 10.07.2011 Sharaba Lovejoy 03.07.2011 Kanjaras Magical Paws 06.02.2011 Sharaba Joyboy 05.02.2011 Dakarai Beyond Belief 22.01.2011 Hanishan Que Sera Sera 22.01.2011 Sternhimmes Lux In Nocte 09.01.2011 Kimwitu’s Duke E FIN UCH FI CH CIB CK CH NO CH SWE CH Faraoland Xcellent Example FI CH SWE CH Jo Coyote’s Ox-Eye Daisy FI CH SWE UCH Zahleka Merric Merlot

Nordic champions

16.07.2011 Rosone’s Primo Profitto NORD CH NORD CH Dakari Piece of Cake NORD CH Karimba’s Molly Moon NORD CH Zahleka Emile Emilion

Latvian champions LV CH 12.06.2011 Dakarai Beyond Belief

Norwegian champions N/NO CH 07.05.2011 Rosone’s Primo Profitto

Swedish champions S / SE CH

04.06.2011 Sternhimmels Lux In Nocte SWE CH SWE CH Faraoland Regres A Mi SWE CH Hazhart Miss Chevious SWE CH US CH Khani’s Three’s Company SWE CH King Khufu Love Potion Number One SWE CH Touch of Razz Maräng


Saturday, May 28, 2011

BASENJI CLUB OF CINCINNATI Specialty Friday, May 27, 2011 REGULAR CONFORMATION Judge: Mr. Jim C. Briley BEST OF BREED/G2 .................CH Meisterhaus Signet Glitz ‘N’ Glamour. BEST OF OP SEX .CH Victory Meisterhaus The X Factor. SELECT DOG.................. Ch Klassic’s The Power Of One SELECT BITCH................... Ankhu Promises In The Dark. BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS. 1/W Bushwacker Cor Leonis. Owner/Breeder: Chris Frost. 2 Meisterhaus Signet 98 Degrees. Owner/Breeder:: A Tad Brooks & Brenda Cassell & Ciara Cassell, Breeder OPEN, BLACK, TAN, AND WHITE DOGS. 1 Bushwacker Chase The Ace. Owner/Breeder:: Chris Frost. OPEN, RED AND WHITE DOGS. 1/R Kaleonahe’s Eldorado This Is It. Owner: Sheila Lund & Pamela Geoffroy. Breeder: K Cabral & S Strobel & K Britton & C Paulsen. 2 Wakan Daydream Believer. Owner/Breeder: Toni L Ackerman. 3 Possum Creek’s Scene Of The Crime.Owner: C Kirk & C Tomey. Breeder: C Kirk & S Lund. BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES. 1/R Meisterhaus Signet Higher ‘N Higher. Owner/Breeder: A Tad Brooks & Brenda J Cassell OPEN, BLACK, TAN, AND WHITE BITCHES. 1 Fc Taji’s Banh Mi On The Runway To Blue Note. Owner: Holly Hamilton & Katie Campbell & Jung Kim & Mark Far.,. Breeder: Katie Campbell & Jung Kim & Mark Farnsworth. 2 Possum Creek’s Ngoma. Owner: C Kirk & D Vertrees. Breeder: C Kirk & D Vertrees. OPEN, BRINDLE AND WHITE BITCHES. 1 Wakan Send Me A Dream. Owner: Elizabeth A White., Breeder: Toni L Ackerman. OPEN, RED AND WHITE BITCHES. 1/W/BW .................................................................................. Victory Meisterhaus Sizzlin Hott.Owner: Darcy Blevins & Tim Huff.,. Breeder: Tim Huff & A Tad Brooks. 2 Bushwacker Cherry Bomb. Owner/Breeder: Chris Frost STUD DOG. 1 Ch Klassic’s The Power Of One. Owner: Pamela Peterson. Breeder: Sue Kite & Jeffrey Gillespie.

Photos by: Darcy Blevins Tad Brooks Terry Fiedler

SWEEPSTAKES JUDGE: Ms. Mary K. Quinnett PUPPY, 6 & UNDER 9 MONTHS BITCHES. 1 LUKURU CONSTELLATION PEGASUS. Owner: Robert Freedman & Nicole Freedman & Jo Thompson Breeder: Jo Thompson. SWEEPSTAKES, JUNIOR, 12 & UNDER 18 MONTHS BITCHES. 1/BSW WAKAN SEND ME A DREAM. Owner: Elizabeth A White., Lanham Breeder: Toni L Ackerman.

REGULAR CONFORMATION JUDGE: Mrs. Roberta L. Campbell BEST OF BREED .... Ch Meisterhaus Signet Glitz ‘N’ Glamour BEST OF OP. SEX .. Ch Eldorado N Akuaba Untamed Heart At Kaleonahe. SELECT BITCH ..................... Ch Briden’s Pinstriped Possum. SELECT DOG ........................ Ch Klassic’s The Power Of One. BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS. 1 Bushwacker Cor Leonis.Owner/Breeder: Chris Frost. 2 Sunrise Signet Easy On The Eyes Owner/Breeder: Annette Muenter & Brenda J Cassell. OPEN, BLACK, TAN, AND WHITE DOGS. 1 Bushwacker Chase The Ace. Owner/Breeder: Chris Frost. OPEN, RED AND WHITE DOGS. 1/W Victory Meisterhaus Welcome To The Jungle Owner: Brooke & Tony Stephens & Tim V Huff. Breeder: Tim V Huff & A Tad Brooks. 2/R Wakan Daydream Believer. Owner/Breeder: Toni L Ackerman.,. 3 Possum Creek’s Scene Of The Crime. Owner: C Kirk & C Tomey.,Breeder: C Kirk & S Lund. 4 Kaleonahe’s Eldorado This Is It. Owner: Sheila Lund & Pamela Geoffroy. Breeder: K Cabral & S Strobel & K Britton & C Paulsen. PUPPY, 6 & UNDER 9 MONTHS BITCHES. 1 Lukuru Constellation Pegasus. Owner: Robert Freedman & Nicole Freedman & Jo Thompson. Breeder: Jo Thompson. BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES. 1/W/BW Meisterhaus Signet Higher ‘N Higher. Owner/Breeder: A Tad Brooks & Brenda J Cassell 2 Sunrise Signet Jewell. Owner/Breeder: Annette Muenter & Brenda J Cassell OPEN, BLACK, TAN, AND WHITE BITCHES. 1 FC Taji’s Banh Mi On The Runway To Blue Note. Owner: Holly Hamilton & Katie Campbell & Jung Kim & Mark Far., Breeder: Katie Campbell & Jung Kim & Mark Farnsworth. 2 Possum Creek’s Ngoma. Owner/Breeder: C Kirk & D Vertrees. 3 Possum Creek’s Djembe.Owner/Breeder: C Kirk & D Vertrees OPEN, BRINDLE AND WHITE BITCHES. 1 Wakan Send Me A Dream. Owner: Elizabeth A White. Breeder: Toni L Ackerman. OPEN, RED AND WHITE BITCHES. 1/R Victory Meisterhaus Sizzlin Hott. Owner: Darcy Blevins & Tim Huff., Breeder: Tim Huff & A Tad Brooks. 2 Hacker’s Too Hot Too Handle At Mariah. Owner/Breeder: Maria Clecak & Ann Harrison 3 Bushwacker Cherry Bomb. Owner/Breeder: Chris Frost. VETERAN, 7 YEARS & OVER BITCHES. 1/Sel Ch Briden’s Pinstriped Possum. Owner: Carole Kirk & Denise Vertrees., Sue Grueber-Kite & Mike Kite. STUD DOG. 1 Ch Klassic’s The Power Of One. Owner: Pamela Peterson., Breeder: Sue Kite & Jeffrey Gillespie. Photos by: Terry Fiedler


Willamette Valley Basenji Club Specialty


July 22, 2011

JUDGE: Mrs. Virginia Lyne Best of Breed...................GCH DC Bantu’s Playing Rochambeau SC Best of Opposite Sex ............................CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin Winners Dog/BOW........................................... Platinum Taji X-Treme Reserve Winners Dog............................. Khadijah’s Dayo of My-Tym Winners Bitch....................................... Proudlaan Dream Mia Dream Reserve Winners Bitch.............................. FoPaw’s Poetry in Motion Select Dog & AOM .....................GCH ‘Tis-A Arubmec’s Circle of Life Select Bitch/ AOM.........DC Tazamisha DP McKenzie’s Quest JC SC Award of Merit................................CH Khani’s Starlight Starbright JC Best Junior Handler....................................................... Shelby Miller Veteran Sweeps: Senior Veteran ........................................ Ch Tazamisha Unexpect’d Treasure JC Veteran Sweeps: Junior Veteran .............................................. DC Khani’s Sweet Painted Lady SC Puppy Sweeps: Best Puppy......................Khani’s Pretty Persuasion Puppy Sweeps: Runner Up........................ FoPaw’s Poetry in Motion




Thundershirt™ “With its patent-pending design, Thundershirt’s™ gentle, constant pressure has a dramatic calming effect for most dogs if they are anxious, fearful or over-excited.” http://www.thundershirt.com/HowItWorks/ This product receives a mixed review from me. I have several whippet friends who swear by the effectiveness of this product at calming their dogs both in storms and for travel. I had to take the shirt in a bit to achieve the tight wrap on my whippet that it says is most effective as the size recommended for her was too wide across the chest; the shirt did, however, fit basenji Trog quite snugly. There is a minimal benefit to my whippet in alleviating her travel anxiety, but a nice fleece jammie gives the same amount of calming at half the cost. I tried the Thundershirt™ on basenji Trog, who has very severe storm anxiety. It did calm him some, but he still required lap time to be really happy in a storm. His wearing the Thundershirt may have repelled some of the static electricity buildup that accompanies thunderstorms, thereby lessening some of his tension. I am sure that I would not leave the Thundershirt™ on either of my dogs unattended as they would be likely to undress themselves or chew holes in it trying to get it off. Unless it is quite cold, my basenjis have always felt clothes to be a fashion don’t.



SWEEPSTAKES JUDGE: MRS. ELDA RAE CROSS (OK) PUPPY DOG 6 MO & UNDER 9 MO 1BOS Meisterhaus No Nonsensem Sherrie Heichelbech A. Tad Brooks 2 Sonbar’s Zfor Zorro, Sally Wuornos 3 Rafiki’s This is My Now, Michelle Gahgan 4 Laurel S’Simply Goes Too Far, Laura Mae Hesse BRED-BY EXHIBITOR DOG 1 Rafiki’s For Your Entertainment, Michelle Gahgan 2 Joy-Us Move It On Over, Susan Joyner PUPPY BITCH 6 MO & UNDER 9 MO 1BPIS Laurel S’Simply Shocking Sabrina, Laura Mae Hesse BEST OF BREED 2 Sonbar’s Xclusive Xtrovert, Sally Wuornos Kari Wuornos Winger 3 Meisterhaus Neon Nights, Lisa Stewart Joe Stewart, A. Tad Brooks 4 Sonbar’s You Yearnivpuzzles, Sally Wuornos Laura Caldwell & Mary & BEST OPPOSITE SEX Gary Langula BRED-BY EXHIBITOR BITCH CONFORMATION JUDGE: MRS. PATRICIA MURPHY 1 AB Taking Texas By Storm, Wanda Pooley VETERAN DOG 7 YRS & UNDER 10 YRS PUPPY DOG 6-9 MOS 1BOS Ch AB High ‘N Mighty, Pamela Gentner August Gentner 1 Laurel S’Simply Goes Too Far,Laura Mae Hesse VETERAN BITCH 7 YRS & UNDER 10 YRS 2 Joy-Us Guitar Man,Susan Joyner 1 Ch Ankhu Steel Magnolia, Caryn J. Jones Michael P Jones 3 Sonbar’s Zfor Zorro,Sally Wuornos 2 DC Rafikis Twilight’s Last Gleaming SC,RE,OA,OAJ, Susan Cook Michelle 4 Rafiki’s This is My Now, Michelle Gahgan Gahgan BRED-BY EXHIBITOR - DOG VETERAN BITCH 10 YRS & OLDER 1WD Sonbar’s Xactlyas Xpected, Sally Wuornos Kari Wuornos Winger 1Best Vet Ch Jerlin-Ankhu Patton Leather JC, Caryn J. Jones Michael P Jones 2 Rafiki’s For Your Entertainmentm Michelle Gahgan 2 Ch Jerlin’s Airborne, Nicole Freedman Robert Freedman & Linda Ehlers 3 Joy-Us Move It On Over, Susan Joyner 4 Meisterhaus No Nonsense, Sherrie Heichelbech A. Tad Brooks BEST PUPPY IN SWEEPS OPEN RED/WHITE DOG 1RWD Jasiri-Sukari Puff of Magic, Heather Mentzos Julie Jones & Kathleen Jones BEST VETERAN IN SWEEPS PUPPY BITCH 6-9 MOS 1 Meisterhaus Neon Nights, Lisa Stewart Joe Stewart, A. Tad Brooks 2 Laurel S’Simply Shocking Sabrina, Laura Mae Hesse 3 Joy-Us Lady’s Teardrops on a Rose, Susan Joyner 4 Sonbar’s You Yearnivpuzzles, Sally Wuornos Laura Caldwell & Mary & Gary Langula PUPPY BITCH 9-12 MOS 1 Lukuru Constellation Pegasus, Nicole Freedman Robert Freedman & Jo Thompson BRED-BY EXHIBITOR - BITCH 1WB Sonbar’s Xclusive Xtrovert, Sally Wuornos Kari Wuornos Winger 2RWB Laurel S’Salways Wonder & Amazement, Laura Mae Hesse 3 Meisterhaus Neverwinter Nights, Lisa Stewart A. Tad Brooks 4 Rafiki’s American Idol Michelle Gahgan OPEN RED/WHITE BITCH 1 Dakotah’s Chantellie Lace JC, Terry Lemberger Lisa Lemberger 2 Astartes Aria of Mentzos, Heather Mentzos Stella Sapios VETERAN DOG 7 & UNDER 10 YRS 1 Ch AB High ‘N Mighty, Pamela Gentner August Gentner VETERAN BITCH 7YRS & UNDER 10 YRS 1 DC Rafikis Twilight’s Last Gleaming SC,RE,OA,OAJ, Susan Cook Michelle Gahgan VETERAN BITCH 10 & OVER 1/SB/AOM Ch Kibushi Nyanga Cha Cha, Annette Muenter Jon Curby 2 Ch Jerlin’s Airborne, Nicole Freedman Robert Freedman & Linda Ehlers BEST OF BREED AOM GCh AB-Rafiki the Icon of Cool, Wanda Pooley AOM Ch Ankhu Promises in the Dark, Caryn J. Jones Michael P. Jones BOB GCh Sonbar’s Sonic Shockwave RE NAJ, Sally Wuornos Kari Wuornos SD DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC, LCX, Terry Colbert WINNERS DOG/BBE/BOW WINNERS BITCH THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 36



BEST OF BREED......................Eddie, DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition, FCh,SC OPEN 1 Sammy, Baraka Jumoke Salish Samish, Root/Bowlus/Gregory/Saban 2 Romeo, Suddanly Raleigh Romeo, C.Phillips 3 Remi, Emerant’s Heez Reminiscent, L.& B.Hart 4 Dawn, FC Platinum Nelson Sardonyx Lady, SC,CGC, E.Monzon/ M.K.Quinnett NBQ Ajax, Nelson Platinum Onyx of Amun, SC, D.& L.Nelson/J.Lange FIELD CHAMPION 1 Eddie, DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition, FCh,SC, N.Sherman/N.Scherwin 2 Ki-Ju, FC Zuri’s Ki-Ju at Amun, FCh,SC,RN,RA, J.Lange/M.Leighton VETERAN 1 Arrow, Emerant’s The Navigator, B.& L.Hart 2 Tig, FC Baraka Prince of Abu Tig, FCh,SC, Robert Gooderl 3 Topaz, DC Platinum and Nelson At Taji, LCM,SC, D.& L.Nelson/M.Quinnett



BOB: Kinetic Interesting Times...................................................................3 pts OPEN (1 STARTER) 1 Kinetic Interesting Times SPECIAL (1 STARTER) 1 FC Kinetic-Tanza Soul Music VETERANS (2 STARTERS) 1 FC Kinetic SourceryLVoss/SStump 2 DC Sherwood’s Shadow of the Moon, MC

LVoss/SStump/PFragassi 1 pt LVoss/SStump

AKC Basenji Lure Coursing Results, June 19, 2011

Basenji results: - Judges: Avery McLeod and Debra Verzil

BOB: Kinetic Interesting Times...................................................................3 pts BEST OF BREED......................Eddie, DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition, FCh,SC OPEN (1 STARTER) OPEN 1 Kinetic Interesting Times Lisa Voss/S Stump 1 Young JK, Young YK, M.Phillips SPECIAL (3 STARTERS) 2 Dawn, FC Platinum Nelson Sardonyx Lady, SC,CGC, E.Monzon/ 1 DC Sherwood’s Shadow of the Moon SC LVoss/SStump M.K.Quinnett 3 Lulu, Fopaw’s Black Pearl, S.Pintar/T.Leimback 4 Ajax, Nelson Platinum Onyx of Amun, SC, D.& L.Nelson/J.Lange NORTHERN CALIFORNIA WHIPPET CLUB N Chief, JumokeBaraka Salish Chief Si’ahl, Root/Bowlus/Gregory/Saban LGRA BASENJI RESULTS FIELD CHAMPION Sacramento, CA 1/B Eddie, DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition, FCh,SC, N.Sherman/N.Scherwin July 2, 2011 VETERAN (11 Starters) 1 Tig, FC Baraka Prince of Abu Tig, FCh,SC, Robert Gooderl 2 3

Topaz, DC Platinum and Nelson At Taji, LCM,SC, D.& L.Nelson/M.Quinnett Luxor, Can Ch Jumoke Quita African Luxor, FCh,MC,JOR, P.Root/W. Bowlus


Sacramento, CA LGRA BASENJI RESULTS FOR MAY 28, 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Bella, Kinetic-Enchanted Timeless Beauty Rio-V, Kinetic Sourcery, SGRC L’Ox, Kinetic Interesting Times Cole, Kinetic’s Enchanted Knight Sophie, Kinetic-Tanza Soul Music Nestle, Kazor Raises the Bar With Zindika Rally, Sherwood’s Shadow of the Moon Dax, Sundiata’s Curzon Dax Levi, Dharian’s Levi Crash, Crash Bandicoot O’ Bushbabies TC, Sunbird Sudnly Follow the Lady”

4 NRC pts 2 NRC pt (new title) 3 GRC pts 1 NRC pt) 1.5 GRC pts

L’Ox, Kinetic Interesting Times, JOR Dax, Sundiata Curzon Dax (1 NORC point Nestle, Kazor Raises The Bar With Zindika Rally, Sherwood’s Shadow of the Moon Nicky, Sherwood’s In The Nick Of Time

Bella, Kinetic-Enchanted Timeless Beauty Rio-V, Kinetic Sourcery L’Ox, Kinetic Interesting Times Catcher, Kazor Catch A Falling Star Zuni, Astarte’s Zuni Breeze at Sun River Rally, Sherwood’s Shadow of The Moon Levi, Dharian’s Levi Nestle, Kazor Raises the Bar With Zindika Cole, Kinetic’s Enchanted Knight Sophie, Kinetic-Tanza Soul Music Nicky, Sherwood’s In The Nick Of Time

4NRC Pts 2 NRC Pts 1 NRC, 3 GRC Pts 1.5 GRC Pts 0.5 GRC Pts

0.5 GRC pT

NOTRA BASENJI RESULTS MAY 29, 2011 1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

2 NORC pts, 2 ORC pts 1 ORC pt

Results submitted by Lisa Voss. If you have trial results you would like to submit to The Modern Basenji - Worldwide, send to themodernbasenji@ gmail.com


Basenji Club of Canada

by Arlene Bacon

Hi Everyone!


ell, it’s now August and after a very, very hot summer -- yes, it gets hot and humid here, too -with the humidex hovering around 110-140 degrees F. We are finally moving on to cooler temps of 80-90 degrees F. Hopefully, our Fall season will be better. As for racing, while it’s been simply too hot to even hold a meet, we did manage to have one race meet. Our 2011 BCOC National Specialty was held in the eastern section of Canada in New Brunswick. I toured the area for about five days before arriving at the show site. We saw some wonderful country, sights, and local flavour. The wooden box trophies for the top winners were crafted by L. Jane Williams, Candu Creations, and were very well received. The donations of prizes and food made by Eukanuba were wonderful. We also had some nice calendars available. Thee list of top winners in each category. is provided below.

Each year our national specialty shifts to another region in Canada. The 2012 BCOC National Specialty will be hosted by Erie Shores Kennel Club located in Caledonia, Ontario. It’s only about an hour from the border at Niagara Falls/Fort Erie/Buffalo and is promising to be a very good year as well. We are looking at a panel of hound judges for the whole show. Tentatively the dates are May 31 to June 3. The combination of the BCOA specialty and the all-breed shows makes six set of points available. Visit the BCOC website for updates as they become available throughout the year. http://www.basenjiclubofcanada.com/BCOC-Specialties.html Please take note of these dates and plan to take a vacation. The show is right on the Grand River with many things available 2011 CHAMPIONSHIP TITLES Ch. Ahmahr Nahr’s Sweeter Than Wine Title Earned: 26 Mar 2011

BASENJI CLUB OF CANADA NATIONAL SPECIALTY - JULY 31, 2011 SWEEPSTAKES - Marlene Corey Best In Juvenile Sweepstakes................................................................................................................... Beaubri’s On The Q.T. Best Opposite in Juvenile Sweeps................................................................................................... Kaleonahe’s Timar Imagine Best In Veteran Sweepstakes....................................................................................................................... Klassic’s Minx in Tri Best Opposite in Veteran Sweeps........................................................................................................... Mankia’s Pole Ndaniya

REGULAR CONFORMATION: Mr. John Forbes Best Of Breed.............................................................................................. Ch Ahmahr Nahr’s Hallelujah Makes A Joyful Noise Best Of Opposite Sex..............................................................................................................Ch Conamore Sun of Restigouche Best Of Winners............................................................................................................................... Kaleonahe’s Timar Imagine Best Puppy In Breed........................................................................................................................ Kaleonahe’s Timar Imagine Winners Dog.................................................................................................................................... Kaleonahe’s Timar Imagine Reserve Winners Dog........................................................................................................................... Beaubri’s Ace of Spades Veteran Male............................................................................................................................Ch Terrarust Nakuaba Jamboree Winners Bitch.............................................................................................................. Ahmahr Nahr’s Magic Fantasia at Mibre Reserve Winners Bitch.............................................................................................................................. Beaubri’s On The Q.T. Veteran Female............................................................................................................................................ Klassic’s Minx in Tri Award Of Merit.........................................................................................................................Ch Terrarust Nakuaba Jamboree Best Veteran..............................................................................................................................Ch Terrarust Nakuaba Jamboree Best Bred By Exhibitor In Show....................................................................................................... Kaleonahe’s Timar Imagine Best Canadian Bred.................................................................................................................Ch Conamore Sun of Restigouche Best of Breed Altered.........................................................................................................Ch Blackwing’s Toot Your Own Horn Best Opposite Altered................................................................................................................................. Dafina Rafiki Johari Stud Dog..................................................................................................................................Ch Conamore Sun of Restigouche Brood Bitch....................................................................................................................... Ch Beaubri N Terrarust Ban on Botox Field Dog.......................................................................................................................................... Ch Mibres Duara Just Jamal Best Brace ............................................................................................................................................... Ch Beaubri’s Diamond In The Ruff ...................................................................................................................................................Ch Beaubri’s High Maintenance


Best of Breed Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed

Basenji Club of Canada ď ľ

Winners Dog/Best of Winners/Best Bred-By Exhibitor//Best Puppy Winners Bitch

(left) Best Op Puppy in Sweepstakes (right) Best Puppy in Sweepstakes Best Veteran in Sweeps


2011 National Specialty


JUDGE: Cassandre M. Mattera (France) JULY 8, 2011

JULY 9, 2011 JUDGE: Roberto M. Velez Pico

BEST OF BREED/CACS............................. Khani’s Everybody Loves Raymond BEST OF OP SEX/CACS..................................... Etoile D’Amour Of Swala Pala BEST PUPPY......................................................... Signet Meisterhaus Innuendo BEST YOUNG.................................................... Djuvanstar Gaklin Lady Scharm INTERMEDIAIRE MALE 1er Enigma Just Watch Me 2e Kimwitu’s Azzaro 3e Kimwitu’s Abrau Djurso 4e Ofi Child Of The Stars Asiaczek OUVERTE MALE 1er Khani’s Everybody Loves Raymond 2e Juma Mongo Asiaczek 3e Day Dream Of Swala Pala 4e Double Line Man Des Terres Oceanes CHAMPION MALE 1er Faraoland Bluetooth Enigma JEUNE MALE 1er Catatau Itapuca PUPPY MALE Fire’n Lines Of Swala Pala Force-One Of Swala Pala Furyo Of Swala Pala Guerlain To Kimwitu Of Swala Pala Tim Spirit New Eidge INTERMEDIAIRE FEMELLES 1er Etoile D’Amour Of Swala Palar 2e Salonga Indiga Star 3e Embe Of Swala Pala 4e Emotion Of Swala Pala OUVERTE FEMELLES 3e Khani’s Midnight Star 4e Meisterhaus Signet Higher N’higher 2e Mutabaruga’s Jah Glory 1er Siljverbrook CHAMPION FEMELLES Angel Congo Aisha Aidzhia Jasiri-Sukari Vermillion Nirse Kibibi JEUNE FEMELLES 1er Djuvanstar Gaklin Lady Scharm PUPPY FEMELLES Frou-Frou Of Swala Pala Gucci Kimwitu Of Swala Pala Signet Meisterhaus Innuendo Tim Spirit Timberland VETERAN FEMELLES Taikusu Of Swala Pala

Excellent RCACS Excellent Excellent Tres Bon Excellent CACS Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Promising Promising Promising Very Promising Very Promising Excellent CACS Excellent RCACS Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Very Promising Very Promising Very Promising Excellent Very Promising Very Promising Very Promising Very Promising


BEST OF BREED/WORLD WINNER..................... Faraoland Bluetooth Enigma BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX/ WORLD WINNER....Akmar Queen Ankhesenamun YOUTH WORLD WINNER.......................................................... Catatau Itapuca VETERAN WORLD WINNER................................. M Wami’s American Fortune BEST PUPPY IN BREED.............................................. Frou-Frou Of Swala Pala INTERMEDIAIRE MALES 1er Enigma Just Watch Me Excellent 2e Ofi Child Of The Stars Asiaczek Excellent 3e Libertas Laisvis Vijas Excellent 4e Kimwitu’s Azzaro Excellent OUVERTE/OPEN MALES 1er Kanibaru Fromaje Frais Excellent CACS 2e Day Dream Of Swala Pala Excellent RCACS 3e Khani’s Everybody Loves Raymond Excellent 4e Zahleka Emile Emilion Excellent CHAMPIONSHIP CLASS MALES 1er Faraoland Bluetooth Enigma Excellent CACIB Meilleur DE Race 2e C-Quest’s Echo Of Eldorado Excellent RCACIB 3e Wakili Signet Gianni Versace Excellent 4e Bulldobas Blockbuster Excellent JEUNE MALES 1er Catatau Itapuca Excellent Meilleur Jeune PUPPY MALES Force-One Of Swala Pala Tres Prometteur Guerlain To Kimwitu Of Swala Pala Tres Prometteur Tim Spirit New Eidge Tres Prometteur VETERAN MALES 1er M’wamis American Fortune Hunter Excellent INTERMEDIAIRE FEMELLES 1er Etoile D’amour Of Swala Pala 2e Sundevil’s Silverbrook 3e Emotion Of Swala Pala 4e Salonga Indiga Star OUVERTE FEMELLES 1er Wazin Red Gambai 2e Fatal Attraction Out Of Africa 3e Meisterhaus Signet Higher N’higher 4e Skardus Jade Anastasia CHAMPION FEMELLES 1er Akmar Queen Ankhesenamun 2e Bulldobas Rockin’redhead 3e Baagna Final Glimpse 4e Ubarlash Ibra Kasinga JEUNE FEMELLES 1er Nabamba Vhernier 2e C-Quest Jokuba Silent Surface 3e Forest Bell Out Of Africa Djuvanstar Gaklin Lady Scharm PUPPY FEMELLES Frou-Frou Of Swala Pala Gucci Kimwitu Of Swala Pala Signet Meisterhaus Innuendo Tim Spirit Timberland Wanyika Jelani VETERAN FEMELLES 1er Taikusu Of Swala Palar


Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Rcacs Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent CACIB Excellent RCACIB Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Tres Bon Tres Prometteur Meilleur Puppy Tres Prometteur Tres Prometteur Tres Prometteur Tres Prometteur

Scenes from the show



Best of Breed & Best of Opposite Sex


JUNE 11, 12, 2011 - JUDGE: Glen Dymock, Australia

Best Veteran & Best of Opposite Sex Veteran

JUNIOR CLASS – MALE Matabichi Free Jewel In Stripe...................................................................................Excellent, 1 Ukk, Ck, 2nd best male, R-CAC Kingwanas Flirting Figaro.........................................................................................................Excellent, 2 Ukk, Ck, 3rd best male Karimba’s Colin Cocky........................................................................................................................................... Excellent, 3 Ukk Doberguard’s Coconut Clown................................................................................................................................. Excellent, 4 Ukk OPEN CLASS – MALE Shahrans Phantom Of The Opera........................................................................ Excellent, 1 Akk, Ck, 4th best male, Best import Dakarai Piece Of Cake........................................................................................................................................... Excellent, 2 Akk CHAMPION CLASS - MALE DK UCH KBH V-09 Zahleka Emile Emilion...................................................................................................................................... ....................................................... Excellent, 1 Chkk, Ck, 1 Best male, CAC, Best opposite sex,Nor/Sw/Nordic champion! NO UCH DK UCH JWW-10 Abotere’s Zharim...............................................................................................Excellent, 2 Chkk, Ck NO UCH NORD JV-08 NO V-10 Chagmas Pirate King Black Pearl..................................Excellent, 3 Chkk, Ck, Best black/white NO UCH SE UCH NO V-06 Vicita’s Hot And Spicy.............................................................................................. Excellent, 4 Chkk VETERAN MALE SE UCH NO UCH DK UCH NORD UCH INT UCH VDH UCH Singing In The Rain Out Of Africa.................................................. ............................................................................................................................................ Excellent, 1 Vetkk, Ck, BOS veteran JUNIOR CLASS, FEMALE Matabichi Faizah Copperflame.................................................................................................. Excellent, 1 Jkk, Ck, 4th best bitch Amanita Rubescenes Tami’s Tamtamy...................................................................................................................Excellent, 2 Jkk Senjisfinx Mariamne................................................................................................................................................Excellent, 3 Jkk INTERMEDIATE CLASS - FEMALE Matabichi Fila Nganga-True...................................................................Excellent, 1 Ukk, Ck, 3rd best bitch, R-CAC, Best brindle Kingwanas Foxy Femme Fatale.......................................................................................................................Excellent, 2 Ukk, Ck Zahleka Taji Watch Four Happiness................................................................................................................Excellent, 3 Ukk, Ck Kingwanas Glory Of The Spotlight...................................................................................................................Excellent, 4 Ukk, Ck JUNIOR CLASS – FEMALE Matabichi Faizah Copperflame.................................................................................................... Excellent, 1 jkk, Ck, 4th best bitch Amanita Rubescenes Tami’s Tamtamy....................................................................................................................Excellent, 2 jkk Senjisfinx Mariamne ................................................................................................................................................Excellent, 3 jkk INTERMEDIATE CLASS – FEMALE Matabichi Fila Nganga – True................................................................Excellent, 1 Ukk, Ck, 3rd best bitch, R-CAC, Best Brindle Kingwanas Foxy Femme Fatale.......................................................................................................................Excellent, 2 Ukk, Ck Zahleka Taji Watch Four Happiness................................................................................................................Excellent, 3 Ukk, Ck Kingwanas Glory of The Spotlight....................................................................................................................Excellent, 4 Ukk, Ck OPEN CLASS – FEMALE Joshi.........................................................................................................................................Excellent, 1 Akk, Ck, Best Tri Color Kingwanas Fairy Of Tails................................................................................................................................. Excellent, 2 Akk, Ck Doberguard’s Kee-Kee Masterkey......................................................................................................................... Excellent, 3 Akk Demani................................................................................................................................................................... Excellent, 4 Akk CHAMPION CLASS – FEMALE NO UCH Doberguard’s Maya Masterpiece....... Excellent, 1Chkk, Ck, 1st Best Bitch, BOB, Best Red & White, Best in Show NO UCH Nord JV-08 NV-10 Matabichi Exlusive Moya Nyota .......................................................................Excellent, 4 Chkk, Ck VETERAN – FEMALE NO UCH SE UCH DK UCH NORD UCH C.I.B. Nov-09 Vicita’s Fancy Face...... Excellent, 1 Vetkk, Ck, Best in Show, Veteran SE UCH Shahrans Zombifa ................................................................................................................................ Excellent, 2 Vetkk OPEN CLASS, FEMALE Joshi.........................................................................................................................................Excellent, 1 Akk, Ck, Best Tricolour Kingwanas Fairy Of Tails..................................................................................................................................Excellent, 2 Akk, Ck Doberguard’s Kee-Kee Masterkey......................................................................................................................... Excellent, 3 Akk Demani................................................................................................................................................................... Excellent, 4 Akk BEST IN SHOW SE UCH DK UCH Karimba’s Molly Moon.............Excellent, 2 Chkk, Ck, 2nd best bitch, CAC, Norwegian and Nordic Champion! NO UCH SE UCH DK UCH NORD UCH C.I.B. NV-08 NV-10 Matabichi Exlusive Moya Nyota....................Excellent, 3 Chkk, Ck NO UCH NORD JV-08 Chagmas Pirate Princess Red Ruby.........................................................................Excellent, 4 Chkk, Ck THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 42

Photos By Theresa Kindberg

BASENJI CLUB OF NORWAY SPECIALTY Judge: Glen Dymock (Australia/GB) 29 Puppies present BEST MALE, BEST IN SHOW ................Kingwanas Happy Hunter Of D’Guard 2ND BEST PUPPY MALE .................................................... King Khufu Cardhu BEST FEMALE, BOS PUPPY......................................Moyomema Zelda Waridi 2ND BEST FEMALE .................................. Kingwanas Hot Shadow Of D’Guard 4-6 MONTHS MALES King Khufu Cardhu..............................................................................................1 Moyomema Super Mario.....................................................................................2 Faraoland Kenzo Jungle Homme........................................................................3 Ashikis You Could Be Mine.................................................................................4



was a pleasure to judge the Basenji Club of Norway two-day specialty which attracted a record entry of 80 dogs made up of 50 adults and 30 puppies. The first day started with quite heavy rain, but luckily the club had two human dynamos in the shape of Kurt Espeland, who doubled as ring steward, and chairman Dag Christer Lie, and together they wove a series of large umbrella-like structures over the entire ring. Exhibitors had to dodge the tent poles, but the general consensus was that “Circus Basenji” was a great success and did the trick. My very efficient ring secretary was Linda Øvreeide. Best in Specialty went to a most beautiful bitch, Ch, Doberguard’s Maya Masterpiece, such a little gazelle and with a top quality head with fine wrinkle. Her leggy appearance and lightness of build pleased me greatly. She had become a champion only the week before, dogs in Norway being unable to claim a title under two years of age and after the judging was presented with a special trophy for Top Basenji of the Year. She was bred via frozen semen by Aus Grand Ch, Afrikenji Hot Sumaknight ex Ch. Matabichi Dee-Dee Dazzling Diamond (whom I gave BOB when I last judged in Norway) by local breeder Jeanette Strand and was handled by Sumaknight’s Australian breeder/owner Helen Veless, who was on holiday in Europe. Second Best Bitch went to the Swedish-bred and owned Ch. Karimba’s Molly Moon who had very good wrinkle and the breed’s typical far-seeing expression. Just like Masterpiece, she scored highly in shortness of back and loin where so many others failed. As the Best Bitch did not need the CC, this went to Molly Moon who thus became a Nordic Champion as she now holds champion titles in three Scandinavian countries. Her owner/ breeder is Helene Roos. Best Dog also went to Sweden in the shape of the upstanding and stallion-like Ch. Zahleka Emile Emilion, owned by Yvonne Adolfsson. Although Swedish-bred by Linda Carlsson, his breeding is pure American as he is by a C-Quest dog ex a Klassics bitch. He was taller than ideal but I was prepared to forgive this as it is always preferable to have an elegant tall dog as opposed to one who is within the Standard height merely because it has short legs. He was a very positive and effortless mover, and I am told he won the Swedish specialty last year under Jon Curby (Kibushi) of the US. Second Best Dog went to the brindle, Matabichi Free Jewel Stripe, who won the youth class. He is by a German dog, and ex a


6-9 MONTHS MALES Kingwanas Happy Hunter Of D’Guard............................................ 1/BOB,BP/BN Doberguard’s Nile Of Chocolatte.........................................................................2 Nganga’s Clark Kent............................................................................................3 Doberguard’s Ramses Of The Nile......................................................................4 4-6 MONTHS, BITCHES Moyomema Zelda Waridi.....................................................................1/ BF/ BOS Moyomema Felicia Adowa..................................................................................2 Zahleka Sparkling Saphira..................................................................................3 Moyomema Lara Croft To Nganga’s...................................................................4 6-9 MONTHS BITCHES Kingwanas Hot Shadow Of D’Guard...................................................................1 Kardohill’s Candy Chij.........................................................................................2 Doberguard’s Master Of Almasi..........................................................................3 Kardohill’s Chloe Chiku.......................................................................................4

French bitch but is largely of US breeding. He appealed greatly for his lightly-built frame and fine bone, but his best is yet to come, I am sure, as he still has some maturing to do. He is owned by Camilla Hunn and his breeder is Gerd Søiland whose Matabichi breeding is obviously a mainstay of Norwegian bloodlines as it featured in many of my winners including the dam of the BIS and Best Puppy Bitch winners. The second day dawned fine and warm, such a contrast to the day before. Overnight “Circus Basenji” had been dismantled, thanks in part to some gusty winds! This day was confined to puppies and these never compete with the adults. BPIS went to the striking and enormously promising black/white dog, Kingwanas Happy Hunter of D’Guard, another handled by Helen Veless (a good show for her!) and conceived using frozen semen from her Sumaknight. Happy Hunter was probably the soundest dog I judged over the weekend, and later he won best gait for his lovely easy action and squareness going around. A beautiful head with fine wrinkle completed the picture. He was bred by Dag Christer and Liv Irene Lie (co-bred by Jeanette Strand) and is owned by Sissel Heier and Terrie Miller. His dam is a Vicita’s bitch – this is another influential kennel as the Best Veteran was Ch, Vicita’s Fancy Face, looking youthful for her nine years. Best Puppy Bitch was Moyomema Zelda Waridi, very feminine and certainly with the shortest back among the puppy bitches. Maintained her lovely square outline on the move. She is owned and bred by Jørn Holvik and is sired by Emile Emilion who also sired a number of other puppies who were placed highly, so already he is beginning to make his mark as a stud dog as often these ‘stallion’ males do. There was a very cheerful barbecue on the first evening with everyone making the most of things in spite of the weather, which made me feel that you Norwegians make these specialties a great social occasion. This positive attitude will no doubt help to keep this rare breed thriving in this part of the world for many years to come. Thank you for making me and my aunt, Barbara Taylor, so welcome. We really loved the campsite and felt that there was a lovely relaxed atmosphere at the show. A special mention too for those exhibitors who had travelled from abroad – your efforts were very much appreciated as I know many of you had travelled long distances. Clubs cannot exist without the support of intrepid exhibitors like you! Thank you also for the gift of the wooden plate with the club’s logo – a super memento of a happy time spent in Norway with friendly basenji people and their lovely dogs. 


2011 UK Championship Show Winners

Tallied by Sally Wallis, Zande Basenjis, UK Pedigrees of all these (and thousands of other) dogs can be found at www.pedigrees.zandebasenjis.com

SKC (May) Championship Show

East of England Championship Show

Dog CC.............................Eng Ch Tokaji American Gigolo at Embeau JW ShCM Dog Reserve CC.....................................Ch/Am Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley Bitch CC / Best of Breed..................Eng Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at Djoser ( Bitch Reserve CC................................................. Elsco Amastunner at Swanwite

Dog CC / Best of Breed ...Eng Ch Tokaji American Gigolo At Embeau JW ShCM Dog Reserve CC ....................................Ch/Am Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley Bitch CC......................................Eng Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at Djoser (tri) Bitch Reserve CC.......................................................... Eng Ch Zordia’s Wazzala Best Puppy............................................................................Tokaji Texas Ranger

20th May, 2011. Judge - Jeff Horswell

10th July, 2011. Judge - Len Newbold (Friedanene)

Southern Counties Championship Show

Northern Basenji Society Championship Show

4th June, 2011 Judge - Marja Talvitie (Finland)

17th July, 2011. Judge - Christian Jouanchicot (Out Of Africa)

Dog CC................................................................Atrigema Memnyth Speed (imp) Dog Reserve CC........................................................................Elsco Amatillyson Bitch CC / Best of Breed................................................ Eng Ch Zordia’s Wazzala Bitch Reserve CC........................................................ Tokaji California Dreaming Best Puppy.................................................................. Tokaji California Dreaming

Blackpool Championship Show 25th June, 2011. Judge - Dagmar Kenis-Pordham

Dog CC / Best of Breed...........................Ch/Am Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley Dog Reserve CC .............Eng Ch Tokaji American Gigolo At Embeau JW ShCM Bitch CC - ..................................................................... Eng Ch Zordia’s Wazzala Bitch Reserve CC..............................Eng Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at Djoser Best Puppy.................................................................. Tokaji California Dreaming Best Veteran...........................................................Antefaa Nakura Wood Nymph Best OS Veteran............................................Bel/Lux Ch Abotere’s Zahir for Hicel

East of England Championship Show

Dog CC....................................................Ch/Am Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley Dog Reserve CC...................................................................Tokaji Texas Ranger Bitch CC / Best of Breed....................Eng Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at Djoser Bitch Reserve CC............................................ Kissangani Dream Only Dreaming Best Puppy......Tokaji Texas Ranger (The Basenji Puppy went on to take Puppy Group 2 under Mr Denys J Simpson)

Windsor Championship Show

10th July, 2011. Judge - Len Newbold (Friedanene) Dog CC/Best of Breed .....Eng Ch Tokaji American Gigolo At Embeau JW ShCM Dog Reserve CC.....................................Ch/Am Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley Bitch CC......................................Eng Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at Djoser (tri) Bitch Reserve CC.......................................................... Eng Ch Zordia’s Wazzala Best Puppy............................................................................Tokaji Texas Ranger

3rd July, 2011. Judge - Danny Cullen

Bournemouth Championship Show

Dog CC / Best of Breed.............................. Tokaji American Gangster at Tenfield Dog Reserve CC.............................................................. Elsco Amatillyson (imp) Bitch CC............................................Eng Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at Djoser Bitch Reserve CC.................................................Elsco Amastunner At Swanwite Best Puppy.................................................................. Tokaji California Dreaming

Dog CC................................................................................. Tokaji Kentucky Blue Dog Reserve CC.....................................Ch/Am Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley Bitch CC / Best of Breed................................................ Eng Ch Zordia’s Wazzala Bitch Reserve CC........................................................ Tokaji California Dreaming Best Puppy........................................................................... Tokaji Kentucky Blue Best Veteran.............................................................................. Jethard Mezzotint

13th August, 2011. Judge - Gerry Robertson

2011 UK WINNERS TABLE Tallied by Sally Wallis



Kissangani Dream Maker At Djoser (tri) ................................B ............................8 ........................... 1.............................. 6.............................. Ch Tokaji American Gigolo at Embeau .................................D ............................4 ........................... 3.............................. 2..........................Grp 3 Ch/Am Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley ................................D ............................4 ........................... 3.............................. 1.............................. Tokaji American Gangster at Tenfield ...................................B ............................1 ........................... 1.............................. 1.............................. Ch Zordia’s Wazzala .............................................................B ............................2 ........................... 2.............................. 0.............................. Elsco Amatillyson ..................................................................D ............................1 ........................... 2.............................. 0.............................. Ch Akmar Queen Ankhesenamun .........................................B ............................1 ........................... 1.............................. 0.............................. Atrigema Memnyth Speed .....................................................D ............................1 ........................... 0.............................. 0.............................. THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 44

SWEDEN Vänersborg (SE) INT April.06, 2011 Judge: Wayne Burton (USA) (2 puppies + 6 dogs + 11 bitches)

BEST OF BREED .....................................Zahleka Taji Watch Four Happiness BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX ..................................... Sternhimmels Lux In Nocte BEST OF BREED-Veteran ........................................................ Shahrans Aritza BEST OF BREED-Puppy .............................................. Zahleka Wilfred Fridley BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX-Puppy ......................... Behukai Egyptian Treasure PUPPIES MALES Zahleka Wilfred Fridley Puppy class 1, HP, BOB-puppy PUPPIES FEMALES Behukai Egyptian Treasure Puppy class 1, HP, BOS-puppy MALES ADULTS BD1 Sternhimmels Lux In Nocte Ch Excell.1, CQ, CC, SE CH, CACIB, BOS BD2 Kimwitu’s Valentino Intermediate Excellent 1, CQ, ResCC, ResCACIB BD3 Elsco Amabrawyin Open Excellent 2, CQ BD4 Zahleka Emile Emilion Champion Excellent 2, CQ INTERMEDIATE CLASS Karimba’s Colin Cocky Intermediate Excellent 2 OPEN CLASS Shahrans Jingle Bells Rock Open Excellent 2 FEMALES ADULTS BB1 Zahleka Taji Watch Four Happiness Intermed.Excell.1 CQ CC CACIB BOB BB2 Twigas Darling Darjeeling Intermed.Excell.2 CQ ResCC ResCACIB BB3 Jo Coyote’s Ox-Eye Daisy Champion Excellent 1, CQ BB4 Shahrans Aritza Veteran Excellent 1, CQ, BOB-veteran

INTERMEDIATE CLASS Kimwitu’s Zolotaya Faraoland HD Street Glide Zahleka Kazor Drama Queen India Ekibondo OPEN CLASS Elegant Elephant Liberty Pop CHAMPION CLASS Sternhimmels Jolie Jolene

Intermediate Excellent 1, CQ Intermediate Excellent 3 Intermediate Excellent 4 Intermediate Very good Open Very good Champion Excellent 2, CQ

Photo: Ami. From left BOB Zahleka Taji Watch Four Happiness & BOS Sternhimmels Lux In Nocte

CZECH REPUBLIC BASENJI KLUB BOHEMIA JUNE 4, 2011 Judge: Noel Baaser, Germany Best Female, Club Winner, BOB, BISS........WW-09 Hannah Ekibondo Club Winner................................................................ Gambo Ekibondo BISS Veteran, BOS...................................................Greasy Gui Ananty BISS Baby.........................................Lis Glamur Energy Endless Love BISS Puppy...................................................Chuomi Mwana Salasirian BISS Junior.................................................................... Bibie Salasirian MALES - BABY CLASS: VN1..................................................................................................Akim Mabanga MALES - PUPPY CLASS: VN1, best puppy, BISS puppy....................................... Chuomi Mwana Salasirian MALES - JUNIOR CLASS: V1, CAJC.................................................................................... Ayo Sunny Fellow VD2.....................................................................................Badawi Kandali Santon VD3.......................................................................................... Bango Ximbir Ewo MALES - INTERMEDIATE CLASS: V1, CAC.....................................................................................Old Legend´s Faro V2, res. CAC...............................................................................Akili Sunny Fellow VD3...................................................................................................... IQ Ekibondo D4.............................................................................. Zahleka Just Like My Mother MALES - OPEN CLASS: V1, CAC.................................................................................... Abuluka Godogodo V2, res. CAC................................................................................. Zahleka Zanzkrit V3.....................................................................................Aramis Adenike Belongo V4.........................................................................................Antony Devil Bohemia VD.................................................................................................. Gusto Ekibondo MALES - WORKING CLASS: V1, CAC, Club winner................................................................Gambo Ekibondo V2, res. CAC........................................................................ Ankan Ningen Banken

MALES - WINNER CLASS: V1, CAC........................................................................... Sternhimmels Jamais Vu V2, res. CAC................................................................ Wordsworth Final Occasion MALES - VETERAN CLASS: V1, best vet., BOS, BISS veteran..............................................Greasy Gui Ananty MALES - HONORARY CLASS: V..................................................................................... Mutabaruga´s Jimmy Cliff FEMALES - BABY CLASS: VN1, best baby, BISS baby.................................Lis Glamur Energy Endless Love VN2................................................................................................ Jasira Ekibondo VN3.................................................................................................. Ashli Mabanga FEMALES - PUPPY CLASS: VN1...................................................................................... Chinja Maji Salasirian) FEMALES - JUNIOR CLASS: V1, CAJC, J-BOB, junior BISS....................................................... Bibie Salasirian V2............................................................................................Cokou Xali Asthenia FEMALES - INTERMEDIATE CLASS: V1, CAC.......................................................................................Ignatia Ekibondo) V2, res. CAC.......................................................................................Jua Hanáček VD3..............................................................Amanita Pantherina Tami’s TamTamy FEMALES - OPEN CLASS: V1, CAC.......................................................................... Hanishan Rock the World V2, res. CAC.....................................................................Ashlee Adenike Belongo V3...........................................................................Cayamba Mayoko Lady Congo VD4....................................................................................... Anele Kandali Santon VD.............................................................................................. Agáta Beauty Soul FEMALES - WORKING CLASS: V1, CAC.........................................................................Daboya Kwilu Lady Congo D...................................................................................................... Isoke Hanáček FEMALES - WINNER CLASS: V1, CAC, Club winner, BOB, BISS............................................. Hannah Ekibondo V2, res. CAC......................................................................... Ashanti Bakwe Abitibi FEMALES - HONORARY CLASS: V............................................................................................Fedora z Ticha Bantu


FINLAND Kiljava (Nurmijärvi) 11. JUNE-12, .2011 Finnish Basenji Specialty Judge: Val Allen (Great Britain) Best In Specialty.............................................................................................................................................................. Kimwitu’s Duke E Best Opposite Sex .................................................................................................................................................. Ajibu Good Vibrations Best In Specialty-Puppy ................................................................................................................................... Sternhimmels Nota Prima Best Opposite Sex-Puppy ......................................................................................................................................... Behukai Eternal Sun Best In Specialty-Veteran .............................................................................................................................Bulldobas Caliente Candela Best In Specialty-Breeders group ..........................................................................................................................................kennel Ajibu (25 puppies + 42 dogs + 54 bitches)

CLASSES PUPPIES - MALES 5-7 MONTHS Hi-Lite Hot Rod Rosone’s Retro Rockettaro Hanishan Yankee Doodle Dandy Ajibu I’m The One PUPPIES MALES 7-9 MONTHS Behukai Eternal Sun Behukai Evening Star Behukai Earth Song Dakarai PUPPIES FEMALES 5-7 MONTHS Sternhimmels Nota Prima Rosone’s Retro Regina Rosone’s Retro Rosetta PUPPIES FEMALES 7-9 MONTHS Behukai Elegant Pearl

Puppy class 1 HP BD2-puppy Puppy class 2 HP Puppy class 3 HP Puppy class 4 HP Puppy class 1 HP BD1-, BOS-puppy Puppy class 2 Puppy class 3 Puppy class 1 HP, BB1-, BIS-puppy Puppy class 2 HP Puppy class 3 Puppy class

DOGS BD1 Kimwitu’s Duke E...................................Champion Excellent 1 CQ, BIS BD2 Bulldobas Cream And Sugar....................... Champion Excellent 2 CQ BD3 Ajibu Feelin’Good......................................... Champion Excellent 3 CQ BD4 Elsco Amabrawyin..........................................Open Excellent 1 CQ, CC JUNIOR CLASS Ajibu Heart And Soul Kanjaras Wind Of Hope Kanjaras Whoop-De-Doo Sternhimmels Meo Voto Bulldobas Coolest Cowboy Perrada Unican Fly Over Archipelago Sternhimmels Missa Solemnis INTERMEDIATE CLASS Ajibu Great Balls Of Fire Orange Pips Berenike’s Heir Zahleka My Own Way Zahleka Taji Watch N Learn OPEN CLASS Kanibaru Jalo Vitari Kanjaras Magical Paws Sternhimmels Manu Scriptum Bulldobas Apocalyptica Cool Curtis Shadows of the Congo Elizenjis Fiftycent Hanishan Game Hunter Kanjaras Humdinger

Junior Excellent 1 CQ ResCC Junior Excellent 2 Junior Very good Junior Very good Junior Good Junior Good Junior Good Intermediate Very good Intermediate Very good Intermediate Very good Intermediate Very good Open Excellent 2 CQ Open Excellent 3 CQ Open Excellent 4 CQ Open Very good Open Very good Open Very good Open Very good Open Very good

Safeguard’s Dijon Bulldobas Taqsim Signet Nimbin WORKING CLASS Furahan Kito Kwezi Furahan Tiika M’Toto Orange Pips Angeleyes CHAMPION CLASS Ankhu Baroos At Bulldobas Bulldobas Catch The Wind Bulldobas Cream And Sugar Bulldobas No Regrets Faraoland Xcellent Example Furahan Pukka Vimoto Hanishan Quiet Zone Kanjaras Timeus Theron Orange Pips Awesome Omega Sternhimmels Jour Et Nuit Sternhimmels Lux In Nocte VETERAN CLASS Bulldobas Adofo Amani Kanjaras Zindika Sternhimmels Ex Composito

Open Very good Open Very good Working Very good Working Very good Working Very good Champion Excellent 4 CQ Champion Excellent CQ Champion Excellent Champion Very good Champion Very good Champion Very good Champion Very good Champion Very good Champion Very good Champion Very good Champion Very good Veteran Very good Veteran Very good Veteran

BITCHES BB1 Ajibu Good Vibrations..............Intermediate Excellent 1 CQ, CC, BOS BB2 Ajibu Hungry Heart................................ Junior Excellent 1 CQ, ResCC BB3 Dakarai Q’Ute................................................. Champion Excellent 1 CQ BB4 Sternhimmels In Dulci Iubilo........................ Champion Excellent 2 CQ JUNIOR CLASS Aittakankaan Afshar Farlanders Kanjaras Wish Upon A Star Wapenzi Minkah Bulldobas Court And Spark Orange Pips Bongo Queen INTERMEDIATE CLASS Faraoland HD Street Glide Bulldobas Cute As A Button Heriaheri Harvest Moon Aittakankaan Arabesk Akwaba Wapenzi Morowa Ajibu Great Expectations Ascellan Belleza Dakarai Don’t You Know Me Hanishan X-Clusive Kanjaras Honeytrap Hanishan X-Citing


Junior Excellent 2 CQ Junior Very good Junior Very good Junior Good Junior Good Intermediate Excellent 2 CQ Intermediate Excellent 3 CQ Intermediate Excellent 4 CQ Intermediate Excellent CQ Intermediate Excellent CQ Intermediate Very good Intermediate Very good Intermediate Very good Intermediate Very good Intermediate Very good Intermediate Good



©Photos by Rami Niva

Best in Specialty

Best Opposite Sex in Spec.


FINNISH SPECIALTY RESULTS - Continued Orange Pips Black Cordelia Perrada Unican Elf In Sight Perrada Unican End Of Avocados Perrada Unican Enjoy The Silence OPEN CLASS Hanishan Reveal The Mystery Kanjaras Suzelle Ajibu Farm Girl Furahan Zuri Nova Hanishan Glory For Love Kanjaras Made-To-Measure Kanjaras Piquant Mix Elizenjis Freesoul Furahan Hadu Bia WORKING CLASS Liljeborg’s Dan Galina Of Phoebus CHAMPION CLASS Bulldobas Goldilocks Hanishan Que Sera Sera Bulldobas Crown Jewel Dakarai Pillow Talk

Intermediate Good Intermediate Good Intermediate Good Intermediate Good Open Excellent 1 CQ Open Excellent 2 CQ Open Very good Open Very good Open Very good Open Very good Open Very good Open Good Open Good Working Excellent 1 CQ Champion Excellent 3 CQ Champion Excellent 4 CQ Champion Excellent CQ Champion Excellent CQ

Dakarai Pins N’Needles) Afrikenji Hot Sumabreeze Bribas Papaya Picker Faraoland Viking Idun Orange Pips African Violet Safeguard’s Dora Bulldobas Sternhimmels Jolie Jolene VETERAN CLASS Bulldobas Caliente Candela Sternhimmels Bene Benedicta Furahan Haijambo Daima Hanishan Titilayo Sharab Pukkanut Dawn Chorus Ikelas Dafina Pepparson’s Lady Laluna Perrada Unican Real Ranee BREEDERS CLASS Kennel Ajibu 1 HP, BIS-Breeders Group Kennel Bulldobas BB3 Ajibu Billie Jean

Champion Excellent CQ Champion Very good Champion Very good Champion Very good Champion Very good Champion Very good Champion Good Veteran Excellent 1 CQ, BIS-veteran Veteran Excellent 2 CQ Veteran Excellent 3 CQ Veteran Excellent 4 CQ Veteran Excellent CQ Veteran Very good Veteran Very good Veteran Very good

2HP Champion Excellent 1

ESTONIA Pärnu EE (FCI groups 1 & 5) 17.06.2011 Judge: Saija Juutilainen (Finland) (1 puppy + 1 dog + 3 bitches) BEST OF BREED ..............................................................Ajibu Foolin’ Around BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX................................................... Ajibu Foolish Heart BEST OF BREED-puppy ......................... Solebas Cruise To Seventh Heaven BEST OF BREED-junior ............................................ Solebas Beatiful Brilliant PUPPIES - MALES Solebas Cruise To Seventh Heaven MALES - ADULTS BD1 Ajibu Foolin’ Around FEMALES BB1 Ajibu Foolish Heart BB2 Solebas Beatiful Brilliant

Puppy class 1, HP, BOB-puppy Open Excellent 1, CC, BOB Open Excellent 1, CC, EE CH, BOS Junior Excellent 1, JunCC, BOB-junior

PÄRNU (EE) INT JUNE 18, 2011 Judge: Jussi Liimatainen (Finland) (3 dogs + 8 bitches) BEST OF BREED ..............................................Congaro’s Kenya See Me Now BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX.......................................Crystal Javelin Grace Malu MALES BD1 Congaro’s Kenya See Me Now Champion Excellent 1, CC, CACIB, BOB BD2 Amazing Baltik Amber Sunrise Open Excellent 1, ResCACIB BD3 Ajibu Foolin’ Around Open Excellent 2 FEMALES BB1 Crystal Javelin Grace Malu BB2 Safeguard’s Diamond Dayna BB3 Ajibu Billie Jean BB4 Ajibu Foolish Heart

Open Excellent 1, CC, CACIB, BOS Champion Excellent 1, ResCACIB Champion Excellent 2 Open Excellent 2

JUNIOR CLASS Solebas Bright Spirit Solebas Beatiful Brilliant Amusing Tori Amber Sunrise CHAMPION CLASS Dakarai Quintessa

Junior Very good 1 Junior Very goodOpen class Open Very good 3 Champion Excellent 3

PÄRNU (EE) INT JUNE 19, 2011 Judge: Tanya Ahlman-Stockmari (Finland) (3 dogs + 9 bitches)

BEST OF BREED .................................................................. Dakarai Quintessa BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX ................................................Ajibu Foolin’ Around BEST OF BREED-junior ...................................................Solebas Bright Spirit MALES BD1 Ajibu Foolin’ Around Open Excellent 1, CC, CACIB, BOS BD2 Juma Mongo Asiaczek Champion Excellent 1, ResCACIB OPEN CLASS Amazing Baltik Amber Sunrise Open Good FEMALES BB1 Dakarai Quintessa Champion Excellent 1, CC, EE CH, CACIB, BOB BB2 Safeguard’s Diamond Dayna Champion Excellent 2, ResCACIB BB3 Amusing Tori Amber Sunrise Open Excellent 1 BB4 Solebas Bright Spirit Junior Excellent 1, JuniorCC, BOB-junior JUNIOR CLASS Solebas Beatiful Brilliant Junior Excellent 2 INTERMEDIATE CLASS Furahan Heri Malaika Intermediate Very good1 OPEN CLASS Ajibu Foolish Heart Open Excellent 2 Crystal Javelin Grace Malu Open Very good 3 CHAMPION CLASS Ajibu Billie Jean Champion Excellent 3


LATVIA RIGA (LATIVA) INT JUNE 11, 2011 Judge: Eli-Marie Klepp (Norway)

RIIKA (LATVIA) INT 12.06.2011 Judge: Martin Croeser (South Africa)

(8 dogs + 11 bitches)

(8 dogs + 11 bitches)

BEST OF BREED ........................................................... Juma Mongo Asiaczek BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX....................................... Crystal Javelin Grace Malu

BEST OF BREED ............................................... Signet Meisterhaus Take That BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX............................................... Dakarai Beyond Belief

MALES BD1 Juma Mongo Asiaczek BD2 Ajibu Foolin’ Around BD3 Signet Meisterhaus Take That BD4 Amazing Amber Baltic Sunrise OPEN CLASS

MALES BD1 Signet Meisterhaus Take That BD2 Juma Mongo Asiaczek BD3 Amazing Amber Baltic Sunrise BD4 Congaro’s Kenya See Me Now OPEN CLASS

Rosones Primo Profitto CHAMPION CLASS Klassic’s Daydream Believer Congaro’s Kenya See Me Now Tim Spirit Man In Black) FEMALES BB1 Crystal Javelin Grace Malu BB2 Dakarai Beyond Belief BB3 Ajibu Billie Jean BB4 Ebele Amara of Swala Pala) INTERMEDIATE CLASS Enigma It’s All About Me OPEN CLASS Ajibu Foolish Heart Aspaire Delight Of Amber Sunrise Amusing Tori Amber Sunrise CHAMPION CLASS Tim Spirit Aldjeba Rosone’s Prima Preziosa Tim Spirit Viviana

Champion Excellent 1, CQ, CACIB, BOB Open Excellent 1, CQ, CC, ResCACIB Champion Excellent 2, CQ Champion Excellent 3, CQ Open Excellent 2, CQ Champion Excellent 4, CQ Champion Excellent Champion Excellent Open Excellent 1, CQ, CC, CACIB, BOS Champion Excellent 1, CQ, ResCACIB Champion Excellent 2, CQ Intermediate Excellent 1, CQ Intermediate Excellent 2, CQ Open Excellent 2, CQ Open Excellent 3, CQ Open Very good Champion Excellent 3, CQ Champion Excellent 4, CQ Champion Excellent

Rosones Primo Profitto Ajibu Foolin’ Around CHAMPION CLASS Klassic’s Daydream Believer Tim Spirit Man In Black FEMALES

CH Excellent 1, CQ, CC, CACIB, BOB Champion Excellent 2, CQ, ResCACIB Champion Excellent 3, CQ Champion Excellent 4, CQ Open Excellent 1, CQ Open Excellent 2, CQ Champion Excellent, CQ Champion Excellent

BB1 Dakarai Beyond Belie Champion Excellent 1, CQ, CC, LV CH, CACIB, BOS BB2 Ebele Amara of Swala Pala Intermediate Excellent 1, CQ, ResCACIB BB3 Rosone’s Prima Preziosa Champion Excellent 2, CQ BB4 Amusing Tori Amber Sunrise Open Excellent 1, CQ INTERMEDIATE CLASS Enigma It’s All About Me OPEN CLASS Aspaire Delight Of Amber Sunrise Ajibu Foolish Heart Crystal Javelin Grace Malu CHAMPION CLASS Tim Spirit Aldjeba Ajibu Billie Jean Tim Spirit Viviana

Intermediate Excellent 2, CQ Open Excellent 2, CQ Open Excellent 3 Open Excellent 4 Champion Excellent 3, CQ Champion Excellent 4, CQ Champion Very good

Photo: Sari Vaihemäki From left: Best of Breed: Signet Meisterhaus Take That Best of Opposite Sex: Dakarai Beyond Belief


American Kennel Club - Top 20 Breed Standings as of July 31, 2011

Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Name GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Bucking The Trind GCH CH Undercover Meisterhaus Hi Ho Quianna By Signet GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr's Ryder Of The Voodoo Child GCH DC Bantu's Playing Rochambeau SC GCH CH Sonbar's Sonic Shockwave RE NAJ GCH CH Meisterhaus Signet Glitz 'N' Glamour GCH CH Taji Goes Platinum GCH CH Karnak's Pure And Simple Allure GCH CH Reveille Push Button GCH DC Southhouse Jumoke Ltle Big Man Malawi SC CH Mardi Gras' Oliver Twist GCH CH Victory Meisterhaus The X Factor GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Untamed Heart At Kaleonahe GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado's Speed Shot SC GCH DC N'Focus Santa Baby SC GCH CH 'Tis-A Arubmec's Circle Of Life GCH CH AB-Rafiki The Icon Of Cool GCH CH Dragnquest My-Tym Read Btwn Thelines GCH CH Klassic's Slam Dunk

Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Dog’s Name GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Bucking The Trind GCH CH Reveille Push Button GCH CH Undercover Meisterhaus Hi Ho Quianna By Signet GCH CH Victory Meisterhaus The X Factor GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr's Ryder Of The Voodoo Child GCH CH 'Tis-A Arubmec's Circle Of Life GCH CH Kazor-Jokuba's American Treasure GCH CH Meisterhaus Signet Glitz 'N' Glamour GCH CH Taji Goes Platinum GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba Zensational GCH DC N'Focus Santa Baby SC GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Untamed Heart At Kaleonahe CH Teazer Signet Bad Romance CH Platinum Nelson Jewel Of D'Nile SC GCH CH Sonbar's Vigilant Valkyre At Cynosure GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr's Halleleujah Maresa Joyful Noise CH Arubmec's Sweet Spot SC GCH CH Karnak's Pure And Simple Allure CH Jokuba-Kazor's The Way I Am

Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 19 20

Dog Name GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Ryder Of The Voodoo Child GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Bucking The Trind GCH CH Starfyre’s Rock’N With Danica GCH CH Karnak’s Pure And Simple Allure GCH CH Undercover Meisterhaus Hi Ho Quianna By Signet GCH CH ’Tis-A Arubmec’s Circle Of Life GCH CH Reveille Push Button GCH CH Victory Meisterhaus The X Factor GCH CH Dragnquest My-Tym Read Btwn Thelines CH Mardi Gras’ Oliver Twist GCH DC Southhouse Jumoke Ltle Big Man Malawi SC GCH CH Taji Goes Platinum GCH CH Meisterhaus Signet Glitz ’N’ Glamour GCH DC N’Focus Santa Baby SC GCH CH Sonbar’s Sonic Shockwave RE NAJ GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Untamed Heart At Kaleonahe GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot SC GCH CH Kazor-Jokuba’s American Treasure GCH CH Karnaks Good Morgan Sunshine GCH CH Klassic’s Slam Dunk GCH DC Bantu’s Playing Rochambeau SC

American Kennel Club - TOP 20 All-Breed Standings as of July 31, 2011

American Kennel Club- Grand Champion Standings as of July 23, 2011 Sex Bitch Dog Dog Bitch Bitch Bitch Dog Dog Dog Dog Dog Dog Bitch Bitch Bitch Dog Dog Bitch Dog Bitch Dog Bitch

Points 563 291 172 133 110 106 96 95 93 85 78 77 63 62 61 60 57 52 51 43 Points 5358 1938 1144 672 501 484 431 420 416 235 235 205 205 203 189 186 182 177 163 147 Points 180 131 114 87 81 79 59 53 47 45 43 41 38 33 32 27 27 27 25 23 23 23

The Modern Basenji strives to provide the most up-to-date information covering basenji rankings throughout the world. Tallies are provided through the generosity of people who submitted the news for their countries. Please contact the The Modern Basenji with any omissions or corrections.


2011 - AKC Top 25 Lure Coursing - Bowen System AS OF JULY 10, 2011 Rank Registered Name 1 FC Fopaw's Black Pearl SC 2 DC Meisterhaus Deal Or No Deal, MC, RN, LCX 3 DC Akuaba N Eldorado's Speedster, SC 4 FC Platinum Nelson Sardonyx Lady SC, 5 DC Eldorado's Look Smart At Kaleonahe SC, 6 FC Stilwell's Suletu Flies With The Wind MC 7 Ch Eldorado's Quality of Mercy At Kaleonahe, SC 7 Kinetic Interesting Times, SC 9 FC Zuri's Trii Me ,SC, LCX2 10 CH Akuaba N Eldorado's Speed Shot ,SC 10 DC Jadaka Signet Excellent Adventure, SC 12 Select Ww A Bonnie Boo SC 13 DC Stilwell's Tadita Runs With The Wind MC, LCX 13 DC Tazamisha Dp Mckenzie's Quest SC 15 CH Kazor's Catch A Falling Star SC 16 FC Apu Tri Roo Of Ganesa MC 17 CH Sundiata's Hanzi Mbili SC 17 DC Eldorado's Made You Look BN RA MC LCX 17 Emerant's Heez Reminiscent, SC 17 FC Shika's Tiger Moon SC 17 DC Sherwood's Shadow Of The Moon MC,

Owner Bowen Pts S Pintar/T Leimback 43 L.& J.Stewart/A.T.Brooks 35 J Johnson 28 E Monzon/M Quinnett 27 K Cabral/S Strobel/P Geoffroy 24 L Stilwell/A White/J Linebaugh 23 S STROBEL/K CABRAL 22 L Voss/S Stump 22 D.Sehm/D.Troyna 21 J Johnson 20 J Kahl/B Cassell/C Cassell 20 L Lipford/T Leonard 19 L Stilwell/A White/J Linebaugh 17 V Cortez/C Gross/M Cortez 17 E Ockerman/C Webb 16 L. Stewart 14 C Maxka/T Petsche/S Kernan 13 J Johnson 13 L Hart/B Hart 13 S Maddux/R Smith/E Smith/J Boese 13 L Voss/S Stump 13

BOB 3 9 5 1 2 3 1 4 2 3 3 1 3 1 2 2 1






American Sighthound Field Association Call Rank Name 1 Searsha 2 Merlin 3 Ajax 4 Eddie 5 Dawn 6 Zuri 7 Lulu 8 Remi 9 Robin 9 Midnight 11 Legend 11 Kidege 11 Romeo 14 Banh Mi 14 Houdini 16 Cleo 17 Sassy 17 Sammy 19 Tig 19 Topaz

Top 20 Hounds

Registered Name Owner GCh,DC N’Focus Santa Baby, FCh,SC,GRC K.Sanders FC Thor’s Kikozi, LCM,SC J.Brader Nelson Platinum Onyx of Amun, FCh,SC D.& L.Nelson/J.Lange DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition, FCh,SC N.Sherman/N.Scherwin FC Platinum Nelson Sardonyx Lady, SC,CGC E.Monzon/M.K.Quinnett DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VFCh,MC, SGRC,ORC,LCX T.Colbert FC Fopaw’s Black Pearl, FCh,SC S.Pintar/T.Leimback Emerant’s Heez Reminiscent L.& B.Hart Kugawa’s Robin The Wonder Boy S.& S.Sher/C.Zapata/P.Burkht FC Thor’s East Of Midnight, LCM6,MC,LCX5 J.Brader Taji’sTriLegendInTheMakingAtMcQu, FCh T.& T.McQuigg/K.Campbell FC Thor’s Itzyu Kidege, LCM,SC J.Brader Suddanly Raleigh Romeo C.Phillips FC Taji’sBanhMiOntheRunwaytoBlueno, FCh,SC Hamilton/Campbell/Kim/Farworth DC Thor’s Jukebox Hero, LCM2,MC J.Brader FC Mantz’s Cleopatra, SC V.Mantz Suddanly Sassafras A.Bach Baraka Jumoke Salish Samish Root/Bowlus/Gregory/Saban FC Baraka Prince of Abu Tig, FCh,SC R Gooderl DC Platinum and Nelson At Taji, LCM,SC D.& L.Nelson/M.Quinnett THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 51

65 58 45 42 37 28 27 22 20 20 16 16 16 14 14 13 12 12 10 10

9 4 2 3 1 4 1 1 2 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0

2 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

National Oval Track Racing Assoc. STANDINGS AS OF AUG. 11, 2011

Standing Call Name Registered Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 9 9 9 14 15 15 17 18

Jada Ari Scarlet L'Ox Tutu Rio Zuri Fern Solomon Remi Catcher Dax Bella Rusty-C Kumani Zuni Bruiser Arrow

Kiroja's Loving Every Minute NA NAJ GRC SORC2 DC Jadaka's Independent Spirit SC SGRC ORC FCH FC Apu Pinache SORC Kinetic Interesting Times FC Apu Pi De Deux SC GRC SORC FC Kinetic Sourcery SC SOR ORC DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX SGRC2 ORC VB LCM CH Apu Painted Sand RN SC GRC VBX SOR ORC Loki Inkosi Solomon, JC Emerants' Heez Reminiscent Kazor's Catch a Falling Star JOR Sundiata Curzon Kinetic-Enchanted Timeless Beauty JOR Vinaka's XIV Karat Goldn Boy NA NAJ FCh SGRC FC Kazor's Tamu Kumani SC FCh Aastarte's Zuni Breeze at Fun River Tompkin's Cruisin for a Bruisin JC SOR ORC CH Rafikis Twilights Last Gleaming SC NA NAJ RE LC



Cook/Hayek/H Colbert Marsicano Voss Christensen Voss Colbert Marsicano Baxter/Gurth Smith/Hart Ockerman Gamble Voss Cook Baxter/Webb Garel Tompkin Cook/Gahgan

17.00 13.50 8.00 5.00 4.00 2.50 2.42 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.67 0.50 0.50 0.25 0.17

Large Gazehound Racing Assoc. STANDINGS AS OF JULY 26, 2011 Place

Call Name Registered Name


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 11 14 14 16 17 17 17 17

Rocky Ari Rio-V Bella Tutu Scarlet Fern L'Ox Zuri Zuni Chili Jules Searsha Anubus Velvet Echo-L Mara Occhi Remi Riley

Ladick Colbert Voss/Stump Voss Christensen Marsicano Marsicano Voss Colbert Garel/Sapios Elliot/Cameron Johnson Sanders Studdard Johnson Langford Ladick Marsicano Smith/Hart Sabo

Kiroja Chicago Hood At Jaroufa SGRC5 Jadaka's Independent Spirit SGRC Kinetic Sourcery Kinetic-Enchanted Timeless Beauty GRC Apu Pi De Deux SGRC Apu PiNache RN JC SGRC2 Apu Painted Sand RN JC GRC Kinetic Interesting Times GRC UCICB DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin SC TT SGRC2 ORC FCh Astarte's Zuni Breeze at Sun River Deepwoods Hot Chili Mambo GRC DC Eldorado's Made You Look MC, LCX, RE, BN, GRC N'Focus Santa Baby GRC Lord Anubs - Studdard Ch Akuaba N Eldorado's Speedster Dharian's Echo Kasi Up GRC Worrywort Another Mara At Jaroufa GRC FC Apu Occhi Belli SC CGC GRC Emerant's Heez Reminiscent Sonbar's Very Vibrantriley THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 52

YTD 18.50 16.00 15.00 14.00 13.50 11.00 8.00 6.17 5.50 5.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Australia - STANDINGS AS OF JULY 2011


Based on Best / Runner-Up in Show and Best / Runner-Up in Group wins only. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Aust Gr Ch Tamsala Mitena Magic (NSW) (Jess Walker)........................................................................................ 699 Aust Ch Remwin Kissmycheek (NSW) (Lyn Hughes).............................................................................................. 587 Barzoom Master Crane (QLD) (Mr C & Mrs N Verrall)........................................................................................... 418 Aust Ch Afrikenji Hot August Knight (WA) (Miss J Stewart)................................................................................... 309 Aust Ch Unomee Ultra Million (VIC) (M Lindsay).................................................................................................. 108 Tambuzi How Soon Is Now (VIC) (Adam Druce)...................................................................................................... 72 Aust Ch Bayenzi Sugar Minott (NSW) (J P Cook & J M Lumb).................................................................................. 69 Aust Ch Debrak On The Road Again (AI) (VIC) (Adam Druce).................................................................................. 56 Aust Ch Yysur Lookbutdontouch (QLD) (A J & F Paterson)...................................................................................... 51


Based on Best of Breed and Runner-Up of Breed wins only at any Championship Show throughout Australia. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 14 14

Aust Gr Ch Tamsala Mitena Magic (NSW) (Jess Walker)........................................................................................ 493 Aust Ch Remwin Kissmycheek (NSW) (Lyn Hughes).............................................................................................. 257 Tambuzi How Soon Is Now (VIC) (Adam Druce).................................................................................................... 140 Barzoom Master Crane (QLD) (Mr C & Mrs N Verrall)........................................................................................... 119 Aust Ch Bayenzi Sugar Minott (NSW) (J P Cook & J M Lumb)................................................................................ 107 Aust Ch Debrak On The Road Again (AI) (VIC) (Adam Druce).................................................................................. 97 Aust Ch Afrikenji Hot August Knight (WA) (Miss J Stewart)..................................................................................... 83 Glendawn Runnamuck (QLD) (Mrs L R Thompson)................................................................................................. 34 Aust Ch Fayrelyn Eyez OfThe Tygrista (QLD) (Chris & Niki Verrall)........................................................................... 33 Glendawn Sir Laughalot (QLD) (Robyn Thompson)................................................................................................. 17 Aust Ch Baagna Czarina Maya (QLD) (Robyn Thompson)........................................................................................ 16 Aust Ch Yysur Lookbutdontouch (QLD) (A J & F Paterson)...................................................................................... 16 Aust Ch Glendawn Memyselfandi (QLD) (Robyn Thompson).................................................................................. 15 Aust Ch Wazazi High Definition (NSW) (J Cook and J Lumb)................................................................................... 12 Wazazi Diamonds are forever (QLD) (Tammy Mobley).............................................................................................. 6


Recognises the top breeders in basenjis based on various wins and titles earned by dogs that they have bred. 1 2 3 4 5

REMWIN (Lyn Hughes)............................................................................................................................................ 90 AFRIKENJI (D & H Veless)......................................................................................................................................... 67 TAMSALA (J Robert & H Budd)................................................................................................................................ 40 YYSUR (A J & F Paterson)........................................................................................................................................... 7 UNOMEE (Sarah Egan)............................................................................................................................................... 2 BAYENZI (Carla Parr).................................................................................................................................................. 2 TAMBUZI (Adam Druce)............................................................................................................................................ 2


FINLAND TOP 20 STANDINGS as of July 21, 2011

Vuoden Uros / Basenji Dog of the Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19

Dog’s Name.............................................................................................................................................................................................Pisteet/Points FI CH, FiJW-09, NordJW-09, NordW-09 Kimwitu’s Duke E.........................................................................................................................................93 FiJW-10 Sternhimmels Manu Scriptum........................................................................................................................................................................77 FI & SE CH, FIW-10 Bulldobas Catch The Wind..........................................................................................................................................................70 FI CH Sternhimmels Lux In Nocte................................................................................................................................................................................69 FI CH, EeJW-09 Ankhu Baroos At Bulldobas...............................................................................................................................................................66 FI & EE CH Bulldobas Cream And Sugar.....................................................................................................................................................................59 FI & EE CH Klassic’s Daydream Believer.....................................................................................................................................................................55 Hi-Lite Dashing Bulldobas............................................................................................................................................................................................53 C.I.B & FI & SE CH, BaltW-09 Sternhimmels Jour Et Nuit...........................................................................................................................................45 FI CH Kanjaras Magical Paws......................................................................................................................................................................................43 Kanjaras Whoop-De-Doo..............................................................................................................................................................................................41 Bulldobas Coolest Cowboy...........................................................................................................................................................................................39 HeJW-10 Zahleka Taji Watch’N Learn.........................................................................................................................................................................38 Ajibu Heart And Soul....................................................................................................................................................................................................34 FI & EE CH Ajibu Feeling Good....................................................................................................................................................................................32 FI CH Sharaba Lovejoy................................................................................................................................................................................................30 Ajibu Foolin’ Around......................................................................................................................................................................................................29 FI CH Safeguard’s Dijon Bulldobas..............................................................................................................................................................................28 FI CH Kenjaali Hadhiri-Hawker.....................................................................................................................................................................................27 FI & NO & SE & NORD CH Rosone’s Primo Profitto....................................................................................................................................................27

1 2 3 4 4 6 7 8 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Bitch Name..............................................................................................................................................................................................Pisteet/Points C.I.B. & FI & NO & EE CH, EEJW-09 Bulldobas Crown Jewel....................................................................................................................................95 FiJW-10 Ajibu Good Vibrations.....................................................................................................................................................................................79 Bulldobas Cute As A Button.........................................................................................................................................................................................76 FI CH Dakarai Q’Ute.....................................................................................................................................................................................................68 C.I.B.* & FI & NO & EE & SE & NORD CH, FiW-09, NordW-09 Sternhimmels In Dulci Iubilo.....................................................................................68 Wapenzi Morowa..........................................................................................................................................................................................................61 Aittakankaan Arabesk Akwaba.....................................................................................................................................................................................60 FI & EE CH Dakarai Beyond Belief ..............................................................................................................................................................................56 C.I.B. & FI & NO & SE & NORD CH, FI RC CH, BaltVW Sternhimmels Bene Benedicta............................................................................................56 FI CH Hanishan Que Sera Sera...................................................................................................................................................................................53 Heriaheri Harvest Moon................................................................................................................................................................................................52 FI CH Rosone’s Prima Preziosa...................................................................................................................................................................................47 Ajibu Hungry Heart.......................................................................................................................................................................................................39 Ajibu Foolish Heart.......................................................................................................................................................................................................36 Hi-Lite D’vine Bulldobas................................................................................................................................................................................................34 FI CH Sternhimmels Laterna Magica............................................................................................................................................................................31 Kanjaras Wish Upon A Star..........................................................................................................................................................................................30 FI CH, FIW-10, SMM-10 Dakarai Pillow Talk...............................................................................................................................................................29 FI CH Dakarai Burnign Sun..........................................................................................................................................................................................27 Hanishan Reveal The Mystery......................................................................................................................................................................................24

Vuoden Narttu / Basenji Bitch of the Year

Vuoden Veteraani / Basenji Veteran of the Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 9 9

Veteran Name.................................................................................................................................................... Sukupuoli/Sex.............Pisteet/Points C.I.B & NORD & FI & NO & SE CH, FI RC CH, BaltVW-09 Sternhimmels Bene Benedicta..................................narttu/bitch.....................................37 C.I.B. & FI & SE & DK CH, FI & EE LC CH, FIN RC CH, DV-03, VMM-07 Bulldobas Caliente Candela...............narttu/bitch.....................................15 FI CH Ikelas Dafina.................................................................................................................................................narttu/bitch.....................................11 FI CH Furahan Haijambo Daima............................................................................................................................narttu/bitch.....................................10 FI & EE CH Hanishan Titilayo Sharab....................................................................................................................narttu/bitch.......................................9 C.I.B. & FI & SE & EE CH, FIW-99, BALTW-00, EUVW-06 Pukkanut Dawn Chorus............................................narttu/bitch.......................................8 C.I.B. & FI & LV & LTU CH, FIW-05, LVW-06 Kanjaras Zindika..............................................................................uros/dog.........................................6 FI CH Perrada Unican Real Ranee........................................................................................................................narttu/bitch.......................................6 Behukai Angel Rose...............................................................................................................................................narttu/bitch.......................................5 C.I.B. & FI & NO & SE & EE & NORD CH, FIJW-01 Kanjaras Kianga ..................................................................narttu/bitch.......................................5


New Titles Report through June 30, 2011 CHAMPIONS CH AB Full Throttle Title Earned: 6/12/2011 Breeder/Owner: Wanda Pooley CH Africanadian Legend Ahmahrnahr Title Earned: 5/29/2011 Owner: Jennie Behles Breeder: Sandra Saunders & Jennie D Behles CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Reason To Celebrate Title Earned: 6/23/2011 Breeder/Owner: Jennie Behles & Robert J Walley




CH Akuaba N Eldorado First Impression B/R Title Earned: 4/8/2011 Owner: Felice M Lang & Sheila Lund Breeder: Sheila Lund & Pamela A Geoffroy & Susan Coe CH Akuaba N Eldorado Speed Of Sound B/BR Title Earned: 5/1/2011 Owner: Lelah Campo & Sheila Lund Breeder: Sheila Lund & Pamela A Geoffroy & Susan Coe CH Baraka Jumoke Salish Samish D/BR Title Earned: 6/28/2011 Breeder/Owner: Paul L Root & Bryan Gregory & Laurie Gregory & Lisa Saban & William Bowlus CH Baraka Jumoke Storm Chaser D/R Title Earned: 5/22/2011 Owner: Paul L Root & William J Bowlus Breeder: Bryan Gregory & Laurie Gregory & Paul L Root & William J Bowlus

CH Jokuba C-Quest The Right To Remain Silent B/R Title Earned: 5/27/2011 Owner: Laurie Owen & Russella Wilkerson Breeder: Russella S Bowen-Wilkerson & Cindy Russell CH Jokuba-Redmarsh Lock Stock And Barrel D/R Title Earned: 6/12/2011 Breeder/Owner: Russella Wilkerson & Kristen Marshall & Cindy Russell CH Kaleonahe’s Smooth Criminal Title Earned: 5/26/2011 Owner: Kyle Cabral & Stephen Strobel Breeder: Kyle Cabral & Kathryn R Britton & Connie Paulsen & Stephen Strobel


CH Karosel Dragnquest Itzyu’s Adventure B/R Title Earned: 4/24/2011 Owner: Mary Jane Karas & Daniel Karas Breeder: Donna Lubbe & Jacqueline Jones & Lisa Correll Auerbach CH Kasendo-Tutu Special Agent Gibbs Title Earned: 5/28/2011 Owner: Karen Hart & Elda Cross & Kathryn Boyd & George Eilers Breeder: Kathryn Boyd & Elda Cross


CH Keyline Archer Of Desoleil Title Earned: 6/18/2011 Owner: Holly Benton Breeder: Holly Benton & Carrla Taylor


CH Briden’s Obi Obayama Title Earned: 6/10/2011 Owner: Helen Cronenberger & Denise Vertrees Breeder: Denise A Vertrees & Rick Christensen


CH Khani’s Two Anda Half Man D/R Title Earned: 5/1/2011 Breeder/Owner: Kathryn R Britton & John Gaidos & Emily Britton & Daniel Britton

CH Cumback’s Churchill Downs At Sirobe Title Earned: 4/21/2011 Owner: Cathy Tomey & Brad Phifer Breeder: Joseph & Cathy Tomey


CH Khani’s Whole Lotta Love B/R Title Earned: 6/19/2011 Breeder/Owner: Kathryn R Britton & Connie Paulsen & Emily Britton & Daniel Britton

CH Eldorado N Akuaba Unchained Melody B/R Title Earned: 6/30/2011 Breeder/Owner: Sheila Lund & Pamela A Geoffroy & Susan Coe CH Eldorado N Akuaba Uncommon Valor D/R Title Earned: 4/10/2011 Breeder/Owner: Sheila Lund & Pamela A Geoffroy & Susan Coe CH Epic Select Tri For Da In Zone SC D/T Title Earned: 5/28/2011 Breeder/Owner: Karen Aurelius & Jeffrey L Leonard & Rebecca C Blansett & Tracy A Leonard D.V.M. CH Jasiri-Sukari Congo Lines Title Earned: 5/21/2011 Breeder/Owner: Julie L Jones & Kathleen A Jones CH Jerlin’s Bring It On Title Earned: 4/9/2011 Breeder/Owner: Linda Ehlers



CH Klassic’s Gift From Paris B/T Title Earned: 5/28/2011 Owner: Neina Jones & Jeffrey Gillespie & Sue Kite & Barry Jones Breeder: Jeffrey J Gillespie & Sue Kite

CH Meisterhaus Signet Heavy Harvest Of Chardonnay B/R Title Earned: 5/28/2011 Owner: Dr. Adam Schoell & A Tad Brooks & Mrs. Julie Schoell Breeder: A Tad Brooks & Brenda J Cassell CH Meisterhaus Signet Hellhath No Fury Title Earned: 5/21/2011 Owner: A Tad Brooks Breeder: A Tad Brooks & Brenda J Cassell


CH Meisterhaus Signet Higher N Higher Title Earned: 5/28/2011 Breeder/Owner: A Tad Brooks & Brenda J Cassell


CH Mibre’s Legend Of Themasked Avenger D/B Title Earned: 6/19/2011 Owner: Michelle Smith-Barbour & Breanna Barbour Breeder: Michelle Smith-Barbour & Susan Schroeder & Breanna Barbour CH Salish Sea’s Baraka Jumoke Ms Diamond JC B/BR Title Earned: 6/11/2011 Owner: Lisa Bauer Saban & Bryan Gregory & Laurie Gregory & Paul L Root & William Bowlus Breeder: Paul L Root & Bryan Gregory & Laurie Gregory & Lisa Saban & William Bowlus CH Serengeti To Tobago Title Earned: 5/12/2011 Breeder/Owner: Margaret Greenlee


CH Sienna’s Opening Nyte At Klassic B/T Title Earned: 5/13/2011 Breeder/Owner: Loanne C Miller & Mike Miller & Michelle Miller CH Signet Jadaka French Champagne Title Earned: 6/4/2011 Owner: A Tad Brooks Breeder: Brenda J Cassell & Janice Kahl


CH Siscos Strawberries And Cream Title Earned: 6/30/2011 Breeder/Owner: Zee daSilva & Dr. Nigel daSilva




CH Kokopelli’s Kyavana Title Earned: 6/30/2011 Breeder/Owner: Gretchen A Van Alstyne


CH Skyhi’s Dare To Rock The Rainbow Title Earned: 5/29/2011 Owner: Mickey Rubin & Laurie A Stargell Breeder: Faith Syndergaard & Laurie A Stargell

CH Laurel S’Sa Boy Wonder Of Djakomba Title Earned: 4/15/2011 Owner: Mr. Travis Blair Taylor & Ms. Doris Daniels Breeder: Laura Mae Hesse


CH Starfyre’s Mega Million Jackpot Title Earned: 5/28/2011 Breeder/Owner: Denise Searcy & Kathy Grayson

CH Laurel S’Salways Mister Wonderful Title Earned: 5/29/2011 Breeder/Owner: Laura Mae Hesse


CH Starfyre’s Time Line D/BR Title Earned: 5/27/2011 Owner: Denise Searcy & Kathy Grayson & Reena Fair Breeder: Denise Searcy & Kathy Grayson

CH Lothlorien’s Daddy’s Little Girl Title Earned: 5/14/2011 Breeder/Owner: Chris Cooper & Larry M Cooper


CH Sulous Ardith Bay D/R Title Earned: 6/11/2011 Breeder/Owner: Georgianna Neal & Susan A Howard

CH Meisterhaus Fast N’ Furious At Victory Title Earned: 6/11/2011 Owner: Sherry Huff & A Tad Brooks & Tim V Huff Breeder: A Tad Brooks & Joseph A Hurt Owner



DC Tazamisha Dp Mckenzie’s Quest SC B/BR Title Earned: 4/2/2011 Owner: Valerie Cortez & Martina M Cortez & Cindi Gross Breeder: Valerie Cortez & Cynthia J Austin & Martina M Cortez

CH Undercover Noonday Sun At Sdw JC Title Earned: 6/18/2011 Breeder/Owner: Gale N Whitehurst & A Tad Brooks


CH Victory Meisterhaus Welcome To The Jungle D/R Title Earned: 5/28/2011 Owner: Brooke Stephens & Tony Stephens & Tim V Huff Breeder: Tim V Huff & A Tad Brooks CH Zindika Carries On With Sulou JC B/BR Title Earned: 5/29/2011 Owner: Eunice Ockerman & Cecily D Rappe Breeder: Susan A Howard & Carol A Webb & Cecily Rappe

GRAND CHAMPION GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Halleleujah Maresa Joyful Noise B/R Title Earned: 5/15/2011 Owner: Jennie Behles & Robert J Walley Breeder: Jennie Behles & Florine Havens GCH CH Calypso N’Kiru’s Night Out D/BR Title Earned: 4/23/2011 Owner: Kim Noel & Dixon Lee Breeder: Susan Patterson & Kevin Brothers & Adrian Catalano GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba Zensational D/B Title Earned: 4/15/2011 Owner: Cindy Russell & Russella Wilkerson & Nicolas Pineiro Aramburu Breeder: Russella Wilkerson & Cindy Russell GCH CH Dragnquest My-Tym Read Btwn Thelines D/BR Title Earned: 6/24/2011 Breeder/Owner: Terry H Jones & Jacqueline C Jones & Darlene Y Lowit GCH CH Eldorado’s Echo Of A Legend SC Title Earned: 6/10/2011 Owner: Kimberly Ann Brown Breeder: Sheila Lund & Pamela A Geoffroy


GCH DC Undercover Legend Of Jezabel SC B/T Title Earned: 6/24/2011 Owner: Gale N Whitehurst & Connie L Camp & Susan Schroeder Breeder: Susan Schroeder & Gale N Whitehurst GCH CH Victory Meisterhaus The X Factor Title Earned: 6/18/2011 Owner: Tim V Huff Breeder: Tim V Huff & A Tad Brooks


COMPANION DOG EXCELLENT Fly’N Hi Kazor Ruby Lisanne CDX RN TD Title Earned: 4/16/2011 Owner: Dolores Brigham Breeder: Cindy Griswold & Carol A Webb



NOVICE AGILITY JUMPER CH Azizis Time Out NAJ Title Earned: 5/30/2011 Owner: Carol Kuna Breeder: Scott Parks Fly’N Hi Kazor Ruby Lisanne VCD1 CDX RN OA Title Earned: 6/12/2011 Owner: Dolores Brigham Breeder: Cindy Griswold & Carol A Webb

Emerant Makindu Heez Got Game BN RN Title Earned: 6/11/2011 Owner: Ms. Brenda Phillips Breeder: Bryce Hart & Lisa R. Hart


FC Dharian’s Echo Kasi Up SC NJP Title Earned: 4/24/2011 Owner: Connie Langford Breeder: Bill & S Anne Humphreys

Lothlorien’s Jagermeister RN JC Title Earned: 4/3/2011 Owner: Christine Cooper Breeder: Chris Cooper & Larry M Cooper





FC Zuri’s Ki-Ju At Amun RE MC NA Title Earned: 4/10/2011 Owner: Judith K Lange & Marilyn A Leighton Breeder: Lori J Baxter & Marilyn A Leighton




GCH CH Meisterhaus Signet Glitz N’ Glamour Title Earned: 5/28/2011 Owner: Sherri Heichelbech & A Tad Brooks Breeder: A Tad Brooks & Brenda J Cassell


FC Dharian’s Echo Kasi Up SC NAP NJP Title Earned: 6/5/2011 Owner: Connie Langford Breeder: Bill Humphreys & S Anne Humphreys

GCH CH Sonbar’s Sonic Shockwave RE NAJ Title Earned: 6/24/2011 Breeder/Owner: Sally Wuornos & Kari Wuornos


GCH CH Sonbar’s Vigilant Valkyre At Cynosure Title Earned: 5/21/2011 Owner: Vickie S Jacobs & Sally Wuornos Breeder: Sally Wuornos & Kari Wuornos Winger


GCH CH Taji Goes Platinum Title Earned: 4/24/2011 Owner: Cali C. Shattuck & Katie Campbell & MaryK Quinnett Breeder: M Quinnett & L Quinnett & Katie Campbell



FC Apu Afternoon Of A Fawn RA MC NAJ NJP NFP B/R Title Earned: 4/3/2011 Breeder/Owner: Susan Marsicano




MASTER EX JUMPER PREFERRED DC Sinbaje’s Picture Perfect CDX RE SC OA OAJ MXP3 MJP4 PAX D/R Title Earned: 4/11/2011 Breeder/Owner: Linda Daves Siekert



Fly’N Hi Kazor Ruby Lisanne VCD1 CDX RN OA Title Earned: 6/12/2011 Owner: Dolores Brigham Breeder: Cindy Griswold & Carol A Webb


DC Rafikis Twilights Last Gleaming RE SC OA OAJ B/R Title Earned: 5/20/2011 Owner: Susan Cook & Michelle Gahgan Breeder: Michelle Gahgan

Fly’N Hi Kazor Ruby Lisanne CDX RN TD NA Title Earned: 4/23/2011 Owner: Dolores Brigham Breeder: Cindy Griswold & Carol A Webb

GCH CH Klassic’s The Power Of One Title Earned: 6/19/2011 Owner: Pamela Peterson Breeder: Sue Kite & Jeffrey J Gillespie



NOVICE AGILITY CH Azizis Time Out NA NAJ Title Earned: 6/19/2011


CH Sonbar’s Sonic Shockwave RE NAJ Title Earned: 5/28/2011 Breeder/Owner: Sally Wuornos & Kari Wuornos


Breeder: Scott Parks

GCH CH Khani’s Katoomba JC D/R Title Earned: 4/24/2011 Owner: Julie Hartigan & Kathryn R Britton Breeder: Connie & Jerry Paulsen & Kathryn R Britton

Sinbaje’s That’s Wavy Gravy CD RE SC AX AXJ OAP OJP` B/BR Title Earned: 4/11/2011 Breeder/Owner: Linda Daves Siekert

CH Apollo Prince Of Diamonds RN Title Earned: 5/29/2011 Owner: Emily Wills Breeder: Linda Allen & Terry W Allen

Owner: Carol Kuna

GCHCH Jumoke’s Superfecta B/R Title Earned: 6/19/2011 Owner: Bryan Gregory & Laurie Gregory Breeder: Bryan Gregory & George Woodard & Laurie Gregory



5star Dax De Fax JC D/BR Title Earned: 4/30/2011 Breeder/Owner: Barbara Sauceda & Carol A Webb 5star Stepping Stone Ode To Kazor JC Title Earned: 4/30/2011 Breeder/Owner: Barbara Sauceda & Carol A Webb


AB Tanza Life In The Fast Lane JC B/R Title Earned: 6/4/2011 Owner: Pat Fragassi & Ted Judd & Wanda K. Pooley Breeder: Wanda K Pooley Berimo Special Delivery JC Title Earned: 5/29/2011 Owner: Mrs. Gail A Kennedy & Patricia Marshall Breeder: Patricia Marshall


Eldorado N Akuaba Unstoppable JC D/R Title Earned: 5/28/2011 Owner: Kimberly Brown Breeder: Sheila Lund & Pamela A Geoffroy & Susan Coe CH Eldorado’s One Tough Cookie JC Title Earned: 6/12/2011 Owner: Melody Henkel & Pamela Geoffrey Breeder: Sheila Lund & Pamela A Geoffroy


Emerant’s Heez Born To Be Wild JC Title Earned: 3/20/2011 Owner: Sarah Smith Breeder: Bryce Hart & Lisa R. Hart


GCH CH Emerant’s The Navigator JC Title Earned: 3/20/2011 Owner: Bryce Hart & Lisa R Hart Breeder: Lisa R Hart & Kari Wuornos Winger


Karosel Dragnquest Itzyu Dark Shadows JC B/BR Title Earned: 4/30/2011 Owner: Stormy Maddux & Donna J Lubbe Breeder: Donna Lubbe & Jacqueline Jones & Lisa Correll Auerbach Khadijah’s My-Tym To Fly JC B/R Title Earned: 4/23/2011 Breeder/Owner: Sandy McArthur & Darlene Lowit & Tracy Petche Klassic-Tanza Color Me Tri JC Title Earned: 6/4/2011 Owner: Pat Fragassi & Ted Judd Breeder: Jeffrey J Gillespie & Sue Kite


CH NBN Tonkawa Dream Catcher JC Title Earned: 4/17/2011 Owner: Gail Kennedy & Susan C Smith Breeder: Susan Smith


Salish Sea’s Baraka Jumoke Ms Diamond JC B/BR Title Earned: 3/20/2011 Owner: Lisa Bauer Saban & Bryan & Laurie Gregory & Paul Root & William Bowlus Breeder: Paul Root & Bryan & Laurie Gregory & Lisa Saban William Bowlus

Tailwinds Stolen Goods SC D/T Title Earned: 5/22/2011 Owner: Natalie McIntire & Jerry Mcintire Breeder: Julie Leicht & Cynthia J Austin & Martina M Cortez

MASTER COURSER FC Tompkins Cruzin For A Bruzin MC Title Earned: 5/22/2011 Owner: Mickey Tompkins & Heather Tompkins Breeder: Mark & Ruth Johnson


GCH DC N’Focus Santa Baby, SC Title Earned: Apr 10 2011 Owner: Kathy Sanders



FC Fopaw’s Black Pearl, SC Title Earned: May 15 2011 Owners: Suzanne Pintar & Terese Leimback


DC Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speedster SC B/B Title Earned: 5/28/2011 Owner: Jane Johnson Breeder: Sheila Lund & Pamela A Geoffroy & Susan Coe

Nelson Platinum Onyx of Amun, SC Title Earned: May 30 2011 Owners: Deborah & Larry Nelson, Judith Lange


DC Eldorado’s Look Smart At Kaleonahe SC D/BR Title Earned: 4/30/2011 Owner: Kyle Cabral & Pamela A Geoffroy & Steve Strobel Breeder: Sheila Lund & Pamela A Geoffroy DC Eldorado’s Quality Of Mercy At Kaleonahe SC B/BR Title Earned: 6/12/2011 Owner: Stephen Strobel & Kyle Cabral Breeder: Pamela A Geoffroy & Sheila Lund FC Fopaw’s Black Pearl SC Title Earned: 4/23/2011 Owner: Suzanne Pintar & Therese Leimback Breeder: Kevin & Therese Leimback


DC Jadaka National Security SC Title Earned: 4/30/2011 Owner: David Kahl & Janice Kahl Breeder: Janice C Kahl & Mr. Jon Curby




DC Kazor’s Catch A Falling Star SC Title Earned: 5/1/2011 Owner: Eunice Ockerman & Carol A Webb Breeder: Carol A Webb

CH Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot SC B/B Title Earned: 5/8/2011 Owner: Jane Johnson Breeder: Sheila Lund & Pamela A Geoffroy & Susan Coe

GCH DC N’Focus Santa Baby SC Title Earned: 4/16/2011 Owner: Katherine Sanders Breeder: Ellen M Bramble & Kathryn R Britton


CH Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speedster SC B/B Title Earned: 4/16/2011 Owner: Jane Johnson Breeder: Sheila Lund & Pamela A Geoffroy & Susan Coe


Zindika Carries On With Sulou JC B/BR Title Earned: 4/30/2011 Owner: Eunice Ockerman & Cecily Rappe Breeder: Susan A Howard & Carol A Webb & Cecily Rappe

Epic Select Tri For Da In Zone SC D/T Title Earned: 4/30/2011 Breeder/Owner: Karen Aurelius & Jeffrey L Leonard & Rebecca C Blansett & Tracy A Leonard D.V.M.

New Titles Through July 24, 2011

VETERAN FIELD CHAMPION DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,MC,SGRC,ORC,VB, LCX D/R Title Earned: May 14 2011 Owner: Terry Colbert

New Titles Through May 31, 2011


FC Stilwell’s Suletu Flies With The Wind MC LCX B/R Title Earned: 5/27/2011 Breeder/Owner: Linda Stilwell & Jo Ann Linebaugh & Anita C White

DC Zuri’s Ultimately Kia MC FCh JOR Title Earned: 10-Jan-11 Owners: Baxter/Marilyn Leighton


Kinetic-Enchanted Timeless Beauty SC JOR Title Earned: 4/18/2011 Owner: Lisa Voss


Kinetic Interesting Times JOR Title Earned: 5/30/2011 Owner: Lisa Voss


OVAL RACE CHAMPION Khamsin Imani Our Bisa Zanta SC GRC FCh ORC Title Earned: 4/11/2011 Owner: Terry Colbert/Robinette


Farasi Morgna’s Toy Boy SC Title Earned: 4/30/2011 Owner: Eric Johnson Breeder: Jocelyn Brody & Joel Brody


FC Apu Tri Roo of Ganesa MC FCH ORC Title Earned: 4/18/2011 Owner: Lisa Stewart

DC Kazor’s Catch A Falling Star SC Title Earned: 5/1/2011 Owner: Eunice Ockerman & Carol A Webb Breeder: Carol A Webb


FC Apu Afternoon of a Fawn RN MC GRC VB ORC RA NAJ NJP NFP B/R Title Earned: 4/25/2011 Susan Kamen Marsicano Worrywort Another Mara at Jaroufa JC ORC Title Earned: 4/25/2011 Owner: Ladick

Select Ww A Bonnie Boo SC B/R Title Earned: 5/1/2011 Breeder/Owner: Linda Lipford & Tracy A Leonard D.V.M.



SUPERIOR OVAL RACE CHAMPION FC Apu Pinache SORC RN SC SGRC VB Title Earned: 4/25/2011 Owner: Susan Kamen Marsicano THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 57


Upcoming Events – Around the World Date



Sept. 17th, 2011


Basenji Club of Great Britain Championship Show Judge Dan Ericsonn (Raglan Scottish Terriers Sweden)

Sept. 20, 2011


Basenji Club of Southeastern Wisconsin Specialty (in conjunction with the BCOA National Specialty) Manitowoc, WI Conformation & Junior Showmanship Judge: Michael Dougherty Sweepstakes Judge: Erin Roberts

Sept. 20-25, 2011


Basenji Club of America, Inc. National Specialty Specialty Website: www.bcosw.org/2011BCOANational/ Manitowoc, WI Judges: (*Pending AKC approval) Conformation: Lisa Tyler, England, Sweepstakes: Debbie Hauri, NH Junior Showmanship: Kalen Dumke, WI Obedience & Rally: Mr. Ed Haas, IL African Stock Exhibition: Mia Lowbeer, Sweeden ASFA Coursing: Kevin Carlson, WI & Karla Schreiber, IL AKC JC Tests: Scott Hurlbert, MN & Karla Schreiber, IL

Basenji Owners & Breeders Association South Wales - Judge: Alec Mackenzie Midland Counties - Judge Phil Freer

Oct. 9, 2011 Oct. 29, 2011


Oct. 2, 2011


Basenji Club of Great Britain Championship Show Judge Dan Ericsonn (Raglan Scottish Terriers Sweden)

Oct. 21 & 22, 2011


Basenji Club of Northern California Pleasanton, California October 21, 2011 -- Designated Specialty Judge: October 22, 2011 Specialty Show and Sweepstakes Sweepstakes Judge: Diana D. Smiley Regular Classes: Edward W. Hall

Nov. 4, 2011


Indian Nations Basenji Club Specialty Hammond Convention Center Joplin, MO Event Secretary: Kathy Boyd Sweepstakes Judge: Dr. Stan Carter, DVM Regular Classes: Mr. J. Randall Tincher

Nov. 5 & 6, 2011


International All-Breed Canine Association (IABCA) Houston, TX

Nov. 19-21, 2011


International All-Breed Canine Association (IABCA) Purina Farms, Gray Summitt, MO

December 10, 2011


The Nordic Winner Show - 2011 hosted by Sweden Judge: Kay Eldred, Jebelmarra Basenjis

December 17 & 18 2011



Have a Coming Event you would like us to list? Contact themodernbasenji@gmail.com THE MODERN BASENJI - Page - 58

Advertising & Subscriptions The Modern Basenji - Worldwide is published quarterly in print and online.


Beginning with the 2nd Qtr 2011 issue, the online magazine will be a modified format that includes advertising and limited content. The digital version is available at no charge. Subscription Rates

Advertising Rates.......................... Individual Commercial

USA Residents.................................. $35.00 Canadian Residents......................... $47.00 All Other Countries........................... $55.00

COVER SET Front Cover- Color only............................. Back Cover – Color only............................ Inside Front Cover – Color only................ Inside Back Cover – Color only.................

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250.00........................ N/A 175.00 ............... $ 250.00 140.00 ............... $ 200.00 140.00 ............... $ 200.00

INSIDE COLOR PAGES Inside color page......................................... 2-page color spread..................................... Center Spread.............................................. Half page - color.......................................... Quarter-page color......................................

$ 125.00 ............... $ 180.00 $ 225.00 ............... $ 325.00 $ 250.00 ............... $ 350.00 $ 65.00 ............... $ 90.00 $ 35.00 ............... $ 50.00

BLACK/WHITE PAGES Single page................................................... 2-page spread............................................... Half page - b/w............................................ Quarter page - b/w ..................................... Video Clips...................................................

$ 70.00 ............... $ 100.00 $ 120.00 ............... $ 180.00 $ 35.00 ............... $ 50.00 $ 25.00 ............... $ 40.00 $ 25.00

Single Copy USA............................................... $10.00 Canada......................................... $12.00 All other countries...................... $18.00

Payments Online, Checks & Money Orders US Funds Only. Mail Payments to: The Modern Basenji, 221 Oak Wood Road, Kerrville, TX 78028

Addtl photos (limit 4 per page).................... n/c SPECIAL CATEGORIES – per year rate Breeder/Kennel Directory Listing............. $ 60.00 Stud Dog/Brood Bitch listing with 1 photo........................................... $ 75.00 Deadlines for Advertising & Editorial Submissions February 1st (March issue) August 1st (September issue) May 1st (June issue) November 1st (December issue) To Contact The Modern Basenji -- Worldwide

MAGAZINE STAFF Ad Design Jason Maleck & Melody Falcone Editor & Magazine Layout Wanda Pooley , Jason Maleck, & Melody Falcone Copy Coordinator A. Tad Brooks Copy Editing Heather Ervin Anne Rogers Maxine Elliott M. Susan Joyner Subscriptions Heather Ervin

For Subscriptions - themodernbasenji@gmail.com For Advertising needs advertise.tmb@gmail.com If submitting camera-ready ads, please contact the Advertising Manager for layout details before sending finished ads. Or send inquiries to The Modern Basenji -- Worldwide 221 Oak Wood Road Kerrville, TX 78028 (830) 257-0481

The Modern Basenji -- Worldwide is interested in your editorial submissions. Please contact us at themodernbasenji@gmail.com

Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publishers. The Modern Basenji takes no responsibility for statements or claims made in advertisements. We reserve the right to edit and/or refuse all copy. We are not responsible for errors in cameraready ads that come in from an outside designer. All manuscripts become the property of The Modern Basenji. Reports, tallies and photographs of events submitted by individuals are published as space allows. Any win photos must be identified.



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