4Q 2012 The Modern Basenji

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The Modern Basenji - Worldwide is published quarterly in print and online.

Esenjo -


Preserving Her Unique Contribution




Esenjo - Preserving Her Unique Contribution - PART II


Basenji 101, by Wanda Pooley


Another Shot for the Old Man!, by Roslyn Luce Sadler


Tube Feeding Puppies, Drs. Foster & Smith


Neuter Champion in Australia, by Heather Budd


Interview with Russ Jacobs, by Mary Lou Kenworthy


My First Encounter with a Basenji, by Kristine Dougherty


Westminster, A Hisotry and A Legacy to be Preserved, by Thomas Meade II


The B-Legal Blog, by Karla Schreiber


News From Canada, by Sanda Allen


Another Shot For The Old MAN!



Basenji Club of No. California.......................... 40

AKC Top 20 Breed and All Breed...................... 50

South Coast Basenji Fanciers........................... 42

AKC Top 20 Grand CH & Achievement Levels.. 51

Greater Chicagoland Basenji Club................... 42

AKC and ASFA Lure Coursing........................... 52

Basenji Fanciers of Gtr Phoenix....................... 43

NOTRA & LGRA Racing..................................... 53

Germany-Klub Show........................................ 43

Norway Rankings............................................. 54

Basenji Club of Canada.................................... 44

Brazil Rankings................................................. 54

UK-Basenji Club of Great Britain CH Show...... 46

UKC Rankings................................................... 54

UK-Basenji Owners & Breeders CH Show........ 46

AKC Junior Handlers........................................ 54

UK-Richmond CH Show................................... 47

Canada - Breed & All Breed............................. 55

Finland-Turku Int............................................. 47

Australia - Top Basenjis.................................... 56

Finland-Porvoo Show...................................... 48

Sweden - Top Basenjis................................ 57-58

Finland-Ekerö Int............................................. 48

Denmark - Top Basenjis................................... 58

Finland-Seinäjoki Int........................................ 48

United Kingdom - Top Basenjis........................ 58

Denmark-Vejen Int.......................................... 49


Denmark-DKK International & Nordic Winners

Upcoming Events............................................. 59

Show........................................................ 49

Advertising & Subscriptions............................ 60

Denmark-Vejen Int.......................................... 49

Kennel/Breeder Directory............................... 61

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July 12-17, 2013



is the end of the second year for The Modern Basenji - Worldwide. Where did the time go? The support from subscribers and contributors has been wonderful. This encourages us at the magazine that we are on the right track with providing our readers news about basenjis around the world. No other publication offers as much diverse material about basenjis as seen within the pages of The Modern Basenji - Worldwide. We plan to revisit the idea of offering a digital subscription for those who are content to thumb through electronic pages on their screen. With the use of some upgrades, our digital service can now provide such a service. This option might be appealing, especially to some of our foreign readers as the cost to subscribe would be lower. For the rest of our readers, we want to assure everyone The Modern Basenji - Worldwise will continue with the format that provides that bright, glossy publication for people who enjoy holding in a real magazine in their hands. SUBSCRIBERS - Speaking of subscriptions, those of you who joined the magazine at the first of year, it’s time to renew! Visit www.modernbasenij.com/subscribe.html to renew. Take advantage of the 2-year subscription and save money! ADVERTISERS -- take heed! Beginning in 2013, The Modern Basenji - Worldwide will offer a savings to those who like to advertise often. We are going to offer a 10% savings per page if you book a page in all four issues each year. For example, one color page in four issues is $500.00, but if you book in advance the rate will only be $450 -- a savings of $50. Payment must be made in advance, but you can sign up for this savings any time in the year and still get coverage in the next four issues from your reservation. Visit www.modernbasenji.com/advertise. html to set up your schedule. The Advertising Managers will contact you before each quarter’s deadline for your ad materials. What’s coming in 2013? Beginning with the 1st quarter 2013, we will explore the aspects of artificial insemination in basenjis. Several breeders have taken advantage of using AI over the worry and stress of shipping a valuable bitch to a stud dog. We will compare using fresh extended versus frozen semen and answer questions such as: • How do I handle international shipping? • What tests are needed before collecting semen on a dog? • What’s the optimal age to collect from a male? • What paperwork is involved before and after collection? • How long does frozen semen remain viable? • What should I expect to pay for storage costs? • How do I find reproductive specialists and freezing centers? Don’t miss a single issue of 2013 as we have many great topics to cover!


Adophlsson, Yvonne......................................33 BCOA 2013 Specialty.....................................37 Brooks, A. Tad...............................................61 Cheng, Stephanie & Gaidos, John....................3 Colbert, Terry................................................25 Dougherty, Kristine...................................30-31 Falcone, Melody............................................13 Fox, Millissa...................................................19 Fox, Millissa...................................................61 Fragassi, Pat..................................................62 Fragassi, Pat..................................................61 Gaidos, John.................................................IFC Gaidos, John....................................................1 Gaidos, John ...................................................2 Jacobs, Vickie................................................27 Marshall, Pat.................................................23 Pooley, Wanda..............................................61 Scheffler, Jaa................................................ BC Schreiber, Karla.............................................11 Sheldon, Jeff................................................ IBC Steele, Savio..................................................FC Steele, Savio.................................................8-9 Whitehurst, Gale......................................16-17

CORRECTIONS to 3Q 2012: Front Cover: Photo by Erik Splawn Page 28 - Photo credit of Susan Smith should have read “Photo by Terry Fiedler.”

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Esenjo -

Preserving Her Unique Contribution

by Dr. Jo Thompson

In *PART I we identified the unique region within the traditional range of the basenji where Esenjo was found, relative to other foundation stock. The distinction of her geographic origin and the fact that in the AKC registered breed, she alone represents the portion of the breed’s source gene pool from that area, potentially makes individuals down from Esenjo all the more important to the future genetic health of our registered dogs in the breed. You might ask, “Why?” *[ESENJO, PART 1 - Origin Re-examined. The Modern Basenji Worldwide, Vol. 2 Issue 3 Fall 2012, pages 16-17]


FRIEND Rameses Tut-Ankhamen


of my primary interests in the current state of our breed and its future well-being is proper population studies of genetic diversity. The basic principle of maintaining genetic diversity is to retain unique founder genes. Here, Esenjo offers a fascinating study. Imported by Luis Clark from southeastern Congo (then Zaire) on 28 August 1978 at the age of approximately 10 weeks, Esenjo was five years old when Margaret Sommer met her on 8 June 1983. At that time, Esenjo was a maiden bitch in season. So, Margaret selected a mate, Rameses Tut-Ankhamen (known as Friend) from her home pack and began the heroic effort to preserve genetic diversity through creating an Esenjo bloodline. Friend was a lovely line-bred stud dog; 15 generations patrilineal-line down from foundation dog Kindu and six generations matrilineal-line down from foundation bitch Fula. The puppies, a result of that mating, were born on 6 August 1983 and were the only litter produced out of Esenjo. Esenjo had to be euthanized in November 1988 at the age of 10 years after suffering progressively crippling pain from degenerative discospondylosis - Spondylosis deformans (personal communication with Margaret Sommer, 22 October 2012). By selecting the male-female siblings from each subsequent generation that most closely matched the basenji breed standard, Margaret moved forward in her breeding program. Margaret’s visionary efforts were rewarded on 22 June 1990 when Esenjo (and all her get) was posthumously accepted into the AKC registered basenji gene pool through Elija of Esenjo, a third generation animal down from the pairing of Esenjo with Friend. Friend ex Esenjo Puppies at 9 weeks old. Taken Oct. 12, ‘83 This provided a unique, recognized bloodline for basenji breeders to preserve and to use for outcrossing. Elija of Esenjo became the breeds’ primary access for breeders who wanted to capitalize on Esenjo’s unique contribution to the gene pool. Elija was euthanized on 8 November 2010 at the age of 13 years after suffering several years

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ESENJO - Preserving Her Unique Contribution from degenerative (see below). discospondylosis (personal With these predictions about communication with his owner, Friend and Esenjo, I turned my Rita Pontes, 30 October 2012). investigation to Elija of Esenjo, So, what is it that we want the primary gateway of Esenjo’s in gene diversity? We want to bloodline into our breed. COI find as much heterozygosity at hypothesizes a probability that a given locus as possible in an the measured dog will be individual. In considering the homozygous at one locus -- that genetic health (diversity) of the sire and dam will have a the breed population, finding common ancestor that has passed contemporary dogs that carry that identical gene down through irreplaceable, underrepresented generations on both sides of the founder genes is critical. The pedigree. goal of gene diversity is to COI mathematical computer produce heterozygosity and models are commonly used to Esenjo Pups at one year old. to preserve the maximum predict the percentage of Top row – Ebo (male) with Margaret Sommer Bottom row - Edea, Endo, Ebibiyin, Efe genetic diversity brought from relatedness by simulating the the ancestral population. probability that the same gene Applying the most commonly used tool, I wanted to consider from a common ancestor will be inherited to offspring from the the baseline of inbreeding for Elija as a way of looking at the sire and the dam of a proposed mating. But what is potential level of Esenjo contribution. In recent years I have seen “mathematically possible” rarely - if ever - translates into reality. lists of selected dogs whose Coefficient of Inbreeding (COI) The COI is a tool commonly used, when considering potential percentages were tabulated as a vehicle to support specific beliefs matings, as a rough measure of how many ancestors a prospective about the breed population as a whole but without presenting or sire has in common with a potential dam and the number of even perhaps knowing the underlying assumptions. These generations back in each pedigree that common ancestor (or numbers have been offered to readers who may not actually know ancestors) appears. Thus, the more generations you step back what the numbers represent. COI is simply an exercise that helps into each pedigree of that sire and dam, the higher the probability determine the odds that an individual animal will have a higher that you will encounter common ancestors in both pedigrees with probability of homozygosity at one locus based on the genes the result that the COI will increase. COI does not incorporate inherited from common ancestors in pedigrees of the sire and the number of times each common ancestor appears in the dam. pedigrees. The COI model assumes that each generation is a product of random breeding. It is simply a The COI model assumes that each generation is a product computer generated mathematical algorithm or of random breeding. It is simply a computer generated prediction of probability using a standard mathematical algorithm or prediction of probability using a equation and based on a number of assumptions (that are not necessarily correct). It is not a standard equation and based on a number of assumptions precise measure of an individual animal’s genetic pedigree as illustrated by the fact that all (that are not necessarily correct.) littermates have the same COI although they can Given that the shortest line in Friend’s pedigree to a founder actually have quite varied genotypes. was six generations, using Wright’s equation for calculating the Theoretically, a COI of zero would indicate complete Coefficient of Inbreeding, CompuPed® computed a COI of heterozygosity or dogs with no ancestor in common, while a 15.455% [Rameses Tut-Ankhamen 6-generation COI], a one in hypothetical COI of 100 would indicate complete homozygosity 6.47 chance that Friend received the same gene from a common (clones). Of course, neither of these numbers is realistic in dog ancestor in his sire and dam lines. And Pedigree® (Chuck Orange breeding programs since all dogs have common ancestors Software) estimated a COI of 56.9754% based on 15 generations somewhere along their evolutionary path and commercial cloning (Pedigree® cannot calculate fewer that nine generations), a one in is done to replace a deceased animal, hopefully not to breed two 1.755 chance. In these mathematical simulations, foundation clones together. The coefficient of inbreeding is relevant to an animals are assumed to have no ancestors in common, so Esenjo individual. would have an inbreeding coefficient of zero. If the sire and dam are related through a common ancestor, Margaret designed her breeding program because she there is a chance that two genes at a particular locus in the believed that every generation of tight inbreeding full-sibling offspring are identical copies (homozygous). The more ancestors sister-brother then sister-brother would maintain a 50-50 genetic in common, the higher the odds. The COI is calculated on a ratio from the parent (F0) generation; in other words each number of simplifying assumptions including that the generation would retain 50% of Esenjo’s genes. Unfortunately, reproductive performance of heterozygotes is equal to that of that is not necessarily the case beyond the first generation or F1 homozygotes (that there is no selection), that the pedigrees are a The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 7


of age at her first show, Bupe was awarded Best Baby in Show. After that first outing, we felt she had “what it takes” and would be a star. Bupe was awarded BIS from all classes in Brazil (Baby, Puppy

Ryan (Am. Ch. Morshor Hurricane Ryan)

During the decade between 1980 and 1990, there were some Basenjis imported to Brazil but there were not any that became noteworthy or special in the dog world, until a Basenji by the name of Ryan (Am Ch. Morshor’s Hurricane Ryan).

Ryan was a son of one of the biggest winning Basenjis in the US, Multi BIS Ch. Calaz Executive Embasi. Ryan was imported by Mr. Carlos Pedroso, Treis Pinheiros fame. Carlos is one of the most successful Dachshund breeders in Brazil. Ryan was handled by Milton Lopes and the two took Brazil by storm.In his amazing show career, Ryan was awarded eight (8) Best in Show wins,becoming the top winning Basenji in Brazil’s history. Ryan’s 8th and final Best in Show was in 2001.

Bupe at 45 days of age

In 2009, a Basenji by the name of Bupe (Bupe Itapuca) was born at our kennel and though we didn’t know it then, Bupe proved quickly just how special he was. At just four (4) months

Bupe winning her first BIS in the Adult Class with Mr. Jorge Nallen from Uruguay

and Junior). Bupe’s first Best in Show, she was awarded Best in Show Junior as well as Best in Show Adult at eleven (11) months of age under Judge

Bupe winning her first and second BIS in her first show in the baby Class with 4months old

Jorge Nalen (Uruguay). In 2010, Bupe was awarded five (5) all breed Best in Shows from the Adult Class and became the top Basenji in Brazil as well as the top winning Basenji Bitch in Brazil’s history.

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In July 2010, we traveled to the largest show in Argentina, Copa Confraternid, where more than 1,500 dogs were entered. Bupe was awarded, in Junior Class, three (3) Group 1s and also a Reserve Best in Show, in the Junior Class. In addition, she won in the Adult Class (one (1) Bupe showing her movement in the ring Group). Bupe finished 2010 as the #2 Junior of all breeds in Brazil. In the beginning of 2011, Bupe had her first litter and was only shown at the end of that year in three shows. At that first show, Bupe was awarded her 6th Best in Show at the 26th International Show of the Kennel Club of San Paulo, under Judge, Mrs. Barbara Alderman. Kennel Club of San Paulo is the largest

Edd Biven. Bupe was not done! She showed at the National Basenji Specialty that same weekend and was awarded Best in Specialty Show under Judge Mrs. Barbara Alderman.

BIS in the largest show in Brazil! The KCSP the show of the Kennel Club of San Paulo over 1000 dogs

Near the end of 2011, November, we traveled to Peru for the Incas Dog Show, the largest show in Peru and Bupe completed her Peruvian Championship and then on to a Group One under Judge, Mrs. Orieta Zilli (Italy). In 2012, Bupe was shown selectively and was awarded three (3) more Best in Shows for a total of nine (9) Best in Shows to break the record from eleven years earlier. Bupe became the top winning Basenji in Brazil’s history.

We are so proud of Bupe and her record in the breed. It has been an amazing ride and we could not be happier! Special thanks to our handler, Claudio Cruz who has made this all possible!

Bupe getting BISS in our Specialty in 2011 with Mrs. Aldermann

and most prestigious in Brazil. Bupe was back in the ring the next day at the Pan-American Show of the Kennel Club of San Paulo and again strutted her stuff to a 3rd BIS (after BIS and RBIS) Judge, Mr.

Breeder/Owner Savio Steele savio@canilitapuca.com.br

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ESENJO - Preserving Her Unique Contribution result of random mating patterns, and that no mutations occur. These assumptions are incorrect. COI does not consider the inter-relationship of founders and their individual levels of homozygosity. It assumes that the unknown native sire and unknown native dam are unrelated consequently giving the foundation animal a zero coefficient of inbreeding (all heterozygous) which is incorrect because some level of interbreeding between relatives occurs in native villages and some of the foundation dogs are very closely related. COI’s are not breed specific, they cannot account for the history of each breed. Running a COI using CompuPed®, Elija of Esenjo’s 10-generation COI is 38.90%, but taking the analysis only back as far as the most recent founder, Elija of Esenjo’s 3-generation COI = 37.5%. In other words, with a COI of 37.5 % there is a one in 2.67 chance that Elija is homozygous at one locus (received the same gene from both sire and dam). Conversely, with that level of concentration it is clear that the diversity contributed by Esenjo is being depleted rather rapidly from generation to generation and many of the unique alleles that had been contributed by Esenjo would have been lost by Elija’s generation.

conclusions are drawn rashly. COI is calculated on the pedigree of an individual. It is really most appropriately used to predict COI that would result from the pairing of a sire and dam, in combination with other selection tools, to compare outcomes for prospective mating options For those who choose to loosely adapt COI to obtain an estimate of the genetic diversity of a population, you must ensure that: 1) The pedigree you select is representative of the entire interbreeding population. 2) No selection has taken place. 3) The same source population (ancestor pool) applies for each individual in the population, and 4) The population is not divided into different quasiisolated subpopulations.

The biggest problem with using COI to project some breed-population estimate is that dog breeds are rarely a uniform randomly interbreeding population. Instead, they are almost always divided geographically -- as an example, the entire inter-breeding subpopulation in Australia versus the entire inter-breeding subpopulation in the USA -- and As molecular epidemiology techniques improve by leaps and among different breeding lines. Analyzing subdivided populations is different than dealing bounds, new tools become available that take the speculation with a single breeding pool. out of genotyping and allow us to discover novel haplotypes Even with all these fancy numbers and in the AKC registered population that have been retained computations, we still cannot state unequivocally what unique genes may exist in the contemporary from the ancestral source population. registered basenji gene pool as contributed by Esenjo. How do we find unique genes in order to Pedigree® (Chuck Orange Software) calculated the capitalize on them and preserve them in our breed’s gene pool to inbreeding coefficient for Elija of Esenjo as 456.8290% based on maintain genetic diversity for the future? As molecular 15 generations. This clearly reveals a serious problem in using epidemiology techniques improve by leaps and bounds, new tools COI for a landrace breed where founders are shallow in the become available that take the speculation out of genotyping and pedigree. Ideally we need to look at the COI of Elija based on allow us to discover novel haplotypes in the AKC registered three generations from the matrilineal side back to Esenjo and population that have been retained from the ancestral source nine generations on the patrilineal side back to Fula -- the most population. This information is critical for knowing what to recent founder in Friend’s pedigree. Unfortunately, these preserve. computer programs are not built to analyze pedigrees of differing So Margaret Sommer and I proceeded to hunt for individuals depths to founders. So I was forced to either consider a shallow that potentially maintain a high admixture of Esenjo line. Having COI for three generations on both sides or select a number that found individuals that are two full-sib generations down from would assume every generation after Esenjo on the maternal side Esenjo on the sires’ side and three full-sib generations down on was a COI of zero. Wherever there are foundation animals in an the dams’ side (the last remaining animals that have no outcross ancestry, the pedigree analysis software “assumes” each in their lineage), we are now working with a research laboratory generation behind that animal is also a unique founder with which has agreed to evaluate the dogs at the genetic level to complete heterozygosity thereby distorting the readings and determine their specific chromosomal haplotypes. We will either rendering a COI virtually useless. At the three generation COI, do the whole genome sequence in order to compare with the the pedigree analysis programs assume four unique alleles per basenjis chromosomal breed signature or to analyze only 170,000 locus from both Friend and Esenjo, thus giving Elija of Esenjo a markers SNIP array in the hope that we can actually identify 3-generation COI of 37.5%. This basic assumption is incorrect unique haplotypes contributed to the registered basenji gene pool because we know that Friend was line-bred and would have been through Esenjo. In this way we can offer basenji breeders the homozygous at many loci. That is a huge problem when option to equalize representation of founders by breeding for calculating COI’s for landrace breeds. unique haplotypes where breeders choose to carry on the Esenjo In my opinion, when trying to predict levels of gene diversity line. These are exciting times where we can do proper population for our AKC registered basenji population, estimated probable studies of genetic diversity at the molecular level by looking at COI percentages are tossed around somewhat irresponsibly and the actual DNA. The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 10

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….up close and personal

By Wanda Pooley

CHRONOLOGY: 1956 – age 12 - gazed upon the silver screen as Skeeter and the exotic “Lady” scampered through the Mississippi swamps. 1982 – age – Older. Spied a small hand-written index card on the company FOR SALE OR TRADE bulletin board announcing -“FOR SALE - (5) 8-week old basenji puppies $60 ea. See Scott in the Test Lab.”


stood in front of the board, staring at the card for several minutes. Could it be? After all these years, a basenji puppy was within my grasp?? Mind you, I had never seen one, except in the movie, had no idea what they were like. But really, it’s just another kind of dog, isn’t it? My whole life had been in the company of a number of “over-thefence-by-midnight” canines, and an occasionally purebred, so clearly I wasn’t lacking in doggie smarts. This was a FIND! Off I trotted to the test laboratory. Scott was huddled over several intricately machined parts, deep in concentration, as I approached from behind. “Scott,” I blurted, “Tell me about your puppies?” Scott sat back in his chair and gazed at me for several

long seconds, as if to mentally collect himself. “Well,” he said, “Basenjis are real interesting dogs. Have you ever seen one?” “No,” I admitted. For the next several minutes Scott and I talked about basenjis; him telling me they didn’t bark and didn’t have body odor and were really cute; me nodding and smiling and making all the appropriate sounds. We decided to meet at Scott’s house after work so I could see the little darlings. Knowing this quick stop would make me late getting home, I thought it would be prudent to dash up to the Hydro Engineering department where my husband worked and ask him to give our two dogs, the mixed-breed poodle and a Spitz, their supper and to start feeding the horses when he got home. “A what?” Mac exclaimed. “A basenji,” I said, “You know, the dog that doesn’t bark.” He peered at me over his glasses, “We already have two dogs, you know.” “I know. I’m just going to look, for Pete’s sake. Kind of like an educational trip.” I reassured him. At 4:12 p.m. when the quitting bell sounded, I was off to Scott’s house, just a few blocks away from the shop. Nothing could have prepared me for what happened next. Scott’s wife let me in, saying her husband was outside with the puppies and would be right in. I sat down to wait, tingling with excitement and expecting to see some cute, clumsy puppies waddle in, maybe lick at my hands and face. Continued on 14

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What really happened: Five whirling dervishes exploded through the doorway, leaped across the couch, spun around the hassock, and then collectively swung to a stop to stare at The Intruder. Five piercing pairs of eyes took in my presence and in a combined burst of energy jumped onto my chair, knocking me against the back. Noses poked in my ears and eyes, one puppy grabbed at my hair, another tugged at my sleeve. My purse tumbled to the floor as two more pulled on the strap. “What ARE you?” I shrieked with glee. “Tasmanian devils?”

During the day, that niggling thought about getting a crate returned. I half-heartedly called a pet store and inquired about crates. “Hello,” I said to the clerk, “I’m calling about a crate for a dog that will be about 16 inches when it matures. What do you have?” The clerk went on to describe the merits of different crates -- plastic versus wire -- and suggested I would need something at least 30” long and maybe 24” high. “Okay, how much,” I asked. “WHAT..….$49.95!!!” I hung up and played the “Price is Right” game the rest of day. Call after call yielded only a savings of few dollars and that was if I drove to a store across town. I shrugged and told myself, “Well, I probably really don’t need a crate anyway,” and decided to just forget the whole thing.

Quickly losing interest in the newcomer, they rushed off to explore any possible changes in the house that might have happened while they were cooped up all day. They discovered a case of empty pop bottles and proceeded to pull out the bottles Late that afternoon, knowing my son was now home from and up-end them, draining school, I called and asked, “Hi any last drops of soda that Justin. How’s Angie doing?” might be lingering in the Her little curled tail twitched with delight. bottoms. That done, the “Mom,” he said in a small Beyond her lay mass destruction! group moved on to the worried voice, “I can’t get the wastebasket. One swift bathroom door open.” bump, and it toppled over. Scott and his wife rushed to catch the spilling contents from the “What do you mean, ‘You can’t get the bathroom door basket and frankly, without my help, I believe that battle would open?’” I quizzed. “Is it stuck or something?’ have been lost. It seemed as though whatever we grabbed was trumped by little mouths pulling it away faster than we could “No, it just won’t open, honest.” Justin pleaded, “You had grasp. better come home. I think the puppy is hurt.” Our intervention really didn’t deter this little band of marauders as they continued on, sniffing, poking, and tugging until they were satisfied the kitchen was fully under their control. I could only stand back and watch in total amazement. Never had I seen such a display of canine creativity by such a juvenile gang. What happened to puppyhood? These four-legged kids made the Little Rascals (maybe before your time) look like amateurs.

“I’ll take one!” I exclaimed.

The lovely little creature was named “Angie,” a pretty tri-colored girl. On the drive home, I thought of ways to explain to my husband why we needed a third dog. The only thing that niggled in my head was that Scott kept mentioning something about buying a cage for the puppy. In all my years of owning dogs, I had never even remotely considered putting one in a crate. I couldn’t imagine why I should start now so I shrugged off Scott’s advice. Angie spent the first hour or so huddled behind a large stereo speaker. Guess this was just too much for her, what with being separated from her brothers and sisters, but she was soooo sweet with those adorable little wrinkles on her head as she peered out with grave concern! She finally ventured out and promptly fell asleep in my lap as I watched TV. “What a little sweetheart,” I cooed to my husband, “Why, she’s going to be no problem at all.” The next morning was a work day. Hmmm, what to do with Angie while we’re gone. I inspected the bathroom and declared it a safe place for Angie to stay during the day. Setting down a water dish, some kibble in a bowl, and nice little blanket, I felt that, yes, this was indeed a good spot. Angie watched us as we closed the door and went to work.

I made the 12-mile trip home in record time, screeched the car to a stop in the drive, burst into the house, and rushed to the bathroom door with my son tagging on my heels exclaiming “She’s alive! I can hear her!” Pushing a bit on the door brought no result so I really put my shoulder in to it. Groaning under the pressure of my body, the door began to move slightly, ever so slightly. A two-inch gap finally gave me a little visibility. I peered through the opening and could see my darling little 8-week old puppy staring up at me, ears perked, wrinkles profuse, and a joyous look in her eyes. Her little curled tail twitched with delight. Beyond her lay mass destruction! The floor was white with shredded toilet paper. The contents of the clothes hamper that was blocking the door were strewn everywhere; all the towels were pulled down and had a wellnested look to them. The combined height created by the towels and dirty laundry from the hamper gave Angie easy access to the toilet seat. From there she went on to bigger and better things. Somehow this little puppy had managed to get the medicine chest door open and had spilled everything to the sink below. The toothpaste tube had many small teeth marks. Over the toilet leaned the remnants of one of those springy cabinet things that give you a bit more storage space. Its flimsy door was pushed in and the compartment was devoid of its perfumes, makeup, hairbrushes, etc. Those all lay on the floor in a pitiful array of destruction. Of course, everything was christened with puppy pee and poop. Easily two loads of laundry stretched before me that night. After reassuring myself and Justin that the puppy was just fine and happy to see us home, I closed the bathroom door. Marching

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Continued on 15

to the kitchen, I pulled out the phone book and frantically thumbed through the yellow pages. One ring, two rings, at last on the third ring a voice from heaven answered, “Hello, Hemmy’s Pet Store. How may I help you?” “Do you have a wire crate approximately 30” long and 24” high?” I asked. “Let me check.” the clerk replied. The sound of footsteps receding. I tried hard not to hold my breath. The sound of footsteps returning. “Yes,” the clerk said when she came back, “I have just one left.”

“Good! I’ll be right there. Don’t sell it to anyone!,” I ordered.

Walking into Hemmy’s I announced that I was the woman who had just called about the wire crate. The clerk pulled the box down off the shelf and in procession we strode to the check-out counter. I pulled out my check book and began writing as the clerk rang up the total. “That will be $57.52 with tax, please,” the clerk told me, “You know, it’s funny. Just after you called, another woman came in the store wanting a crate just this size. She was pretty upset when I wouldn’t sell it to her.” I looked up at the clerk, certain that sheer craziness glistened in my eyes. “You have no idea what would have happened had that crate not been here when I arrived,” I spewed, signing my name with a flourish on the check. Then I took a deep breath, collected my wits and started telling the woman about Angie’s exploits. We both had a good laugh, and I drove away, a calm starting to flow through my body. The mess really wasn’t that bad to clean up, and thankfully, Angie was none the worse for wear for her day’s experience. I put the crate together and put the puppy inside. Standing back to view this scene, I felt extreme relief, and realized that I had crossed over into a new realm of the canine world. Here was a breed that was definitely “a cut above” your average dog. Only 24 hours had passed since my introduction to basenjis, and I already recognized that I needed to get up to speed and fast! One month later I went back out to the Test Lab to visit with Scott and show him some pictures of our little bouncy, lively basenji girl. He admired the photos and then thoughtfully said, “You know, if you are interested, I still one female left. I’d let you have her for only $40.” “Oh Scott,” I exclaimed, rolling my eyes. “I can’t imagine having two basenjis!” “Why, Wanda, I even know someone who owns four basenjis!” Scott revealed, stunning me even more. “Get out!” I squealed! Well, the rest is history. Oh and yes, I did buy that littermate for a whopping $40. We named her Nicole. What a pair!m The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 15

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By Roslyn Luce Sadler


ometimes I wonder if I belong in the Guinness Book of Records. During the thirty-seven years between 1940 and 1977, for instance, I had fifty-nine changes of address. The fifty-ninth was on the island of Sumatra, and it was not the last. Home for me was in Africa during the first twenty-eight years of my marriage, since my husband was a descriptive linguist bent on reducing as possible of the unwritten languages on that continent to writing, speaking, and reading. We returned to the States every three years for a year of furlough.

When we walked the dogs everyone who saw them was intrigued by the shiny, jet black coats, white paws that made them appear to be wearing mittens, the curled tails with white tips, wrinkled foreheads, and the fact that they didn’t bark.

Left to to right, Teyku, Miliku, and Kawolay Simondikai (note star on his chest) in the United States.

Another Shot For The Old MAN!

During the first weeks of our return we most often resided with his mother. I called her Mom, she called her son Wesley, and I called him Wes. I now marvel at the way she adjusted her life to accommodate us as a family, and our baggage, for we increased over time. First, we grew to a family of four with two sons born in Liberia, West Africa. Though blue-eyed and fair headed, their mid-names were Kezele and Kumbe, for we decided it would be easier for their African playmates to deal with names in their own language. Two grandsons with names like that in the States was odd but, despite the lengthy explanations when they were introduced, Wes and I chose to call them by those names. The addition I brought home in 1958, on the other hand, may have staggered Mom, but she never showed it. Long before that date, the family knew I loved animals and, after being resident in Africa, they knew that I collected them. There had been a rare golden cat, then a clawless otter sent to the Smithsonian Zoological Gardens in Washington, D. C. Since Wes’ family lived in Maryland and Washington, they had seen my name on a plaque above the display case for the otter. Wes’ brother was the one to blame, or thank, for introducing me to the basenji dog. One furlough he asked if we had them in our villages in West (L-R) Kezele holding Kogi, Roslyn holding Africa. He brought Miliku, and Wesley Sadler me an article and pictures (there had been a movie with a basenji in it) and I said, “By gum, they are the hunting dogs of our neighbors! But they are not just red and white—gold would be a better word than red—there

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are black and whites also.” The article showed only the reds and tricolors. So, no one should have been surprised when we turned up in the spring of 1958 with our two sons, Kezele and Kumbe, and four black and white basenjis named Biiyai, Miliku, Teyku, and Kawolay Simondikai.

had not been seen, though black is the dominant color. Because black is dominant, the owners in the States would need to

So it was we gave him the name Kawolay Simondikai, meaning Old Man Star in the Loma language. Before long we began calling him Old Man, since the African name was too large a mouthful for many people. Before leaving Africa, I had arranged by correspondence with the Zoological Gardens to have the dogs on exhibit at the zoo until we could rent our own place. Since I was known by then as a contributor of rare animals, all appeared settled until the zoo’s board, or similar group, met and decided, since the dogs were not an outright contribution but just a loan from an individual, they could not accept them. I received that decision just prior to departure for the States. Thus it was that we arrived on Mom’s doorstep with four dogs, plus bag and baggage in the spring of ’58. Fortunately, that place was a house, it had a basement and fenced back yard, and we were able to settle into life in Mom’s home once more. When we walked the dogs everyone who saw them was intrigued by the shiny, jet black coats, white paws that made them appear to be wearing mittens, the curled tails with white tips, wrinkled foreheads, and the fact that they didn’t bark. Though, when in the basement too long they raised a yodeling oohing-oohing-oohing. They also accompanied music on the radio or television the same way. Cousins and uncles commented on the fact that the short coats, conformation and agility reminded them of miniature racehorses. They were right. Miliku, the mother, her male and female pups named Biiyai and Tehku, plus Kawolay Simondikai, the youngest unrelated male, were sleek and beautiful as they romped together in the back yard or while we walked them on leash.


Word of the dogs spread beyond the family. One breeder of basenjis asked if she could have pictures of them. I agreed and a professional photographer was sent and their portraits were taken. I was beginning to recognize the treasure I had brought home when I started to receive letters inquiring about them from other breeders across the country who had seen the pictures. My dogs were starting to cause a stir, for live black basenjis

breed with black to have black puppies in a litter. I found myself learning facets of the dog breeding business. I laughed when I said to Wes and my sons, “Goodnight, Miliku and Kawolay Simondikai cost me two five-pound empty tins of powdered milk. We could make a fortune if they weren’t my pets.” When I received letters inquiring if I planned to sell them, my reaction was adamant, no, not my pets. But I began to see dollar signs. Maybe, when Biiyai and Kawolay were old enough, they could sire some black pups for a fee. Or Miliku and Kawolay, who was not her puppy, could have a litter, and then I would see about selling them. Then tragedy struck. Biiyai began to wilt. He slept, stopped eating, which for him was a sure sign that something was wrong, and I took him to the vet. I learned he had the worst kind of distemper. The lay name for it was “hardpad”. I returned home with a parcel of pills, a near empty pocketbook, and an armful of sick Biiyai. I had been able to get tetanus shots for my dogs before leaving Africa, but there had been no distemper protection available. As soon as we reached the States I had a veterinarian give the required shots, but the dogs had been offloaded from the plane, first in an African city and again in Paris so we could walk them. Somewhere between the far interior villages in the rain forest of West Africa and the vet’s office in New York City, Biiyai had caught the virus. Recovery from the illness was rare, I had been told, and even then there could be complications. But I followed the veterinarian’s instructions carefully and was delighted when Biiyai began to improve. But, just as he began to eat and show signs of complete recovery, Kawolay Simondikai, the youngest of the four and still a puppy, began to droop. He, it should be noted, was purchased to be the husband of Miliku. He was only about six weeks old when I had purchased him for the empty milk tin. His outstanding features were the mass of wrinkles across his small black forehead and a white, star shaped spot on his chest. Many wrinkles are one of the important features of basenjis, I had read, but on a puppy well equipped with them, with ears still not raised to the perked alertness of adulthood, he looked like an old man. So it was we gave him the name Kawolay Simondikai, meaning Old Man Star in the Loma language. Before long we began calling him Old Man, since the African name was too large a mouthful for many people. After Old Man Star’s visit to the vet, I was hopeful. Biiyai had recovered fully by then, with no side affects. I felt sure that

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the Old Man, with careful nursing, would soon be up and running. But the pads of his feet became dry, as did his nose. He also began to vocalize his distress, not with the musical yodeling, but his oohing-oohings became distressed and were rising to a keening. Mom had turned her calendar to June by then, and her house full of Africans were preparing to move. We were going north to spend the rest of the summer at my family’s home on Martha’s Vineyard. Arrangements had been made for Wes to attend a conference at Wagner College in New York state on our way north. There would be accommodations for the family. We had not included the dogs during correspondence concerning that matter. Our dogs were housebroken, they were odorless like all basenjis, they did not bark, and their coats were so short fleas could not keep a foothold, so we saw no problem with having them along. But a puppy in advance stages of hardpad distemper, who voiced his distress more frequently and loudly would be traveling north with us in our car. He not only caused our compassion to be strained to the point of tears from me, but a yearning by all to do something for him before we left. How much more distressful the journey would be for him and what to do about it needed an answer. The veterinarian had two. His first was to have the Old Man put to sleep. I still hoped for a miracle recovery. In that case, he advised that we buy a bottle of whiskey and give the Old Man a tablespoonful when he oohed-oohed. I returned home with the news of how to relieve Old Man’s suffering. I asked Wes to buy the bottle of whiskey. That, for him was something new. Not only was he a linguist, but also an ordained minister and not familiar with what was expected of him. But his compassion took over and off he went, soon returning with the required bottle (imagine going into a liquor store and saying you needed a bottle of whisky for your dog?). The vet was right. The Old Man accepted the dose and slept peacefully. During our journey north the Old Man was non-vocal, thanks to the bottle in his blanket. By the time we reached Wagner College it was dark and we needed our headlights to scout the campus while seeking the building marked for us on a map. When it was finally spotted, there were lights inside but no sign of activity. I sighed with relief, for during the trip I began to wonder if we might have to keep the dogs in the car if there should be objections to their presence in the building, especially one as ill as Old Man. He was sleeping quietly, thank goodness. When Wes returned from his scouting trip to report that we had been assigned two bedrooms on the second floor with bath between, again I sighed with relief. He also reported that there was a back staircase two or three doors from ours. He had returned that way. He then announced he had said nothing about our dogs. I then suggested it would be best to carry them in one by one, each wrapped in a blanket, and then the baggage. The Old Man would be the last, one of us staying with him, ”And,” I said, “for heaven’s sake, don’t drop the bottle. Remember this is a church affiliated college.” Then began the trek between car and rooms. We met no one on the stairs or in the hall to question the squirming bundles being carried. And the Old Man was finally settled on his blanket in the bathroom, bottle handy. In the meantime, Old Man’s nose and paw pads had become

as hard as coal. My hope for a miracle cure waned as his coat lost its glow, his puppy fat disappeared, and his wrinkles became more prominent. He was able to swallow water and milk spooned into the pocket of his cheek while I cradled his head in my hand. One of us stayed with him most of the day, timing the whisky dosage so that he could sleep when we went to meals. The third and last day of the conference was a beautifully clear, perfect summer day. After lunch, the conferees moved outside and every chair on the terrace below was taken. The windows were wide open. Some people were writing or reading, some sitting on the stonework balustrade edging the terrace. I saw a picture of peaceful enjoyment as I looked down on them. I sat down at my desk to write letters and heard their quiet voices harmonizing below. Miliku lay at my feet. Biiyai and Teyku were playing in the other room. A nap began to feel more appealing than writing letters. I was about to do something about it when Old Man began expressing his misery, his keening increasingly loud. I pushed back the chair, almost knocking it over. “Hey, Mom,” Kezele called loudly through the adjoining bath from the other bedroom, “Time to give the Old Man another shot of whisky!” When Wes returned shortly after that, Kumbe said, “You should have seen the people looking up.” Kezele interrupted, his eyes laughing, “Did they start sniffing when you walked by just now?” We laughed, but that night I wept. Kawolay Simondikai’s grave lies under an oak tree on the campus of Wagner College. Teyku also succumbed to the virus. Later that summer Wes, our two surviving basenjis and I were waiting for the ferry from Woods Hole to dock at the Vineyard Haven pier. We were waiting because some people had contacted us to see the dogs. We stood on high ground away from the waiting people, Miliku and Biiyai on leash beside me, for my dogs had attracted so much attention they needed calming. Passengers were leaning on the rail as ropes were thrown to anchor the ferry to the pier. I was looking at the passengers when suddenly one of them pointed at us and we heard over the crowd, “They are basenjis…black…black and white basenjis!” From off the gangplank two women hurried to meet us. Words, questions and petting the pair followed. They had received the pictures of the four dogs and asked about them. I told them distemper had taken two. Talk did not end at the dock. As per our plan, Wes became the tour guide as we drove around the island. Together in the car they learned that my dogs were pure bred, isolated from the outside world by the St. Paul River that divided Liberia, Loma Roslyn Sadler and son, Kumbe, with Kogi and country and our home on one side Miliku in Liberia, 1959.

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and Monrovia and the motor roads on the other. A bridge across the wide St. Paul had yet not been built. The black, red, and tri dogs seen in the many Loma and Kpelle villages on the north side of the river were the only dogs I had seen. After our guests left, Wes said, “All you did was talk dog all the time!” The two women were owners of a kennel and bred basenjis, and before they left on the ferry they had asked if I would sell my pair. “Oh no, I can’t, they are my pets,” was my startled reply. The following evening my aunt handed me the phone, saying, “It’s for you.” The call was from one of the women, saying she and the other woman had not been able to sleep after seeing my dogs. They knew I was returning to Africa where my dogs had come from, and they might even go to Liberia themselves, they were so taken by my black basenjis. But they also offered to buy my dogs for five hundred dollars each. I was awe struck, for that was a lot of money for my pets. I turned to Wes asking what to do. He took the phone and when he hung up suggested I go by bus to visit them at their kennels. If I felt my pair would belong among their basenjis, I could sell them. The upshot was that I sold Miliku and Biiyai to the two women breeders. I don’t remember their names, but their kennel and basenjis were located in western Massachusetts. At the end of our furlough, we left for a new assignment in Africa in what was then called Northern Rhodesia but is now known as Zambia. Our journey took us through Liberia where, based on the enthusiasm I had received in the States for the black

If a puppy is too weak to nurse or the mother will not care for her litter, the breeder may need to tube feed the young. The necessary equipment includes the appropriate sized soft pliable catheter (your veterinarian will help you get the right size), syringes to hold formula, the formula warmed in a bowl, and a marking pen. The best way to learn to tube feed is by having your veterinarian or veterinarian technician demonstrate on a puppy and then you feed the rest of the litter at the clinic under supervision. After weighing each puppy and determining the amount to feed, measure each individual puppy from the nostril to the last rib for the feeding tube. This is the length of feeding tube you will insert. Mark the tube. A tube for each puppy would be ideal. These steps should be repeated each and every day that the animals will be tube fed formula. Draw up slightly more formula into the syringe and catheter than is needed for the animal. Place the animal on a towel in your lap with the head and chest on a slight upward incline. Hold the back of the animal’s head gently. Open the animal’s mouth with that same hand. Direct the tube into the front of the animal’s mouth (NOT from the side). Do not force the tube to go in. The

basenjis, I purchased two puppies from the interior of the country where we had lived for seventeen years, and took them to our new home in Kitwe, Northern Rhodesia. I named the female Miliku, due to my memories of my first mother dog. The male was a red and named Kogi. I was carrying a black puppy while walking down the post office steps in Kitwe when I heard those words again, “It’s a basenji, a black basenji!” And Elspeth Ford took my puppy in her arms. It was 1961.

Roslyn Sadler and her dogs in Kitwe, Northern Rhodesia (Zambia), 1962.

puppy will reflexively swallow when the tube is at the esophagus. If the animal does not swallow and you force the tube, it could end up in the trachea. Once the animal swallows, the tube should slide easily to the point you have marked. Once it is in the proper location, slowly depress the plunger on the syringe. The tube should be withdrawn after feeding half of the required meal and the animal should be burped. After burping, reinsert the tube and feed the rest of the meal. Burp the animal again and stimulate for urination and defecation. After the feeding, the animal’s abdomen should appear rounded and full. Before feeding the first puppy, practice drawing up water or formula and depressing the plunger. Note the force of the water or formula as it leaves the catheter. Gently depress the plunger to avoid damaging the animal’s stomach wall. It will take practice to handle the syringe, catheter, animal, and formula all at once. Do not overfeed and over-distend the abdomen. This will cause the puppy pain, causing it to struggle and cry. If the puppy coughs or gags when you start to depress the plunger, withdraw the feeding tube and start over. You may have the tube in the trachea. If you continue to inject the formula, the animal may get aspiration pneumonia or suffocate. If the puppy regurgitates or vomits the food, do not feed it again at that meal. If it occurs for 2 meals in a row, contact your veterinarian. It is preferable to feed at least 2-3 meals a day by bottle to allow the puppies to suckle. This may help decrease the amount the animals attempt to nurse on each other, which may result in skin sores. From Veterinary & Aquatic Services Department, Drs. Forster & Smith

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Supreme & Neuter Champion Tamsala Mitena Magic

By Heather Budd


September 2009 the Australian National Kennel Club (ANKC) introduced the additional class of Neuter Champion across all Australian state jurisdictions. So what is it like to campaign a Neuter? I venture to say just as competitive as an intact exhibit; but heaps more fun I think. It is an honour to campaign a Neuter and there is a great deal of satisfaction in doing so. In my case both Neuter Champions I have made up have been exceptional show dogs. The male attained his Grand Championship (1000 challenge points) and the bitch her Supreme Championship (either 3 x BIS or 10 X BIG/ BISS plus at least 1000 championship points) before being de-sexed and commencing their Neuter campaign. My girl had accrued 4,700+ challenge points before she retired from competitive show campaigning at the end of 2011 at 6.5 years of age. Although not all states in Australia have fully embraced including Neuter classes in their show schedules, it is my experience that those shows where the Neuter class is offered it is well received and fiercely competitive. I am pleased to say that the majority of states throughout Australia have encouraged the Neuter title. I fully endorse those states and the clubs who recognize that this class adds value to their shows. Certainly

numbers within each breed may not be large, but at Group level it is a very rare show where there is no competition. In fact in my current Neuter’s show campaign she has always had Group level competition and for the most part at show level there are representatives from all seven Groups in the Neuter In Show line-up. Further I have found that contrary to the expectations of a few the Neuter competition has not lowered the standard of competition or the quality of exhibits. Quite the contrary; the Neuters who compete are quality exhibits who for a myriad of reasons have been de-sexed. I recall chatting to an All-Breeds judge on one of the show circuits in New South Wales (NSW) and have noted her significant change in attitude towards the Neuter class. She indicated that when the class was approved she didn’t think that it would have much merit in terms of purebred dogs or the sport of conformation showing; however having watched the class on the circuit she now saw it in a very different light. She told me that she simply didn’t realise just how popular the class was and how much this was a boon to clubs in terms of revenue raised and the number of dogs entered and, further, how strong the competition was at both ‘In Group’ & ‘In Show’ level. In my case I de-sexed my male so that he and I could

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co-exist in harmony -- he was testosterone on legs for six to nine months of the year. Whilst I sought the perfect forever home for him, I entered him as a Neuter titling him easily. In fact he was such a changed boy that he truly won more consistently at Neuter level than he had as an intact male. His testosterone threw more wins than I cared to count, something Grand & Neuter Champion that never occurred Tamsala The Magician when he was de-sexed. He loved showing as a Neuter, and I loved showing him. Together finally as a cohesive team we achieved 17 Neuter In Group and 8 Neuter In Show wins from the 26 shows we entered before the perfect forever home came up. I retired him to live a life of luxury as a spoiled family pet. How many of us have had a quality bitch who for any number of reasons has been de-sexed to save her life (males too for that matter) and their loss from the show ring was truly a loss to the breed ring? Quite a number I venture to suggest. The ability to campaign a Neuter and achieve a title for this has kept many a quality dog in the show ring for judges and fellow breed enthusiasts to see, something that would not have happened in the past. For example at the recent Basenji Club of NSW Championship show the largest class in the show was Neuter bitch – a sure sign that as a class the Neuter is being embraced even at specialty level. My current Neuter is one of those rarest of girls who truly loves the show ring. As Jan will say, she and I are of a like mind – she raised her only litter well till they were four weeks old and then decided motherhood was just not for her. We kept her daughter to continue on with our breeding program; thus the ANKC announced the new Supreme Champion title to come into effect from July 2012, I decided that as she had qualified for the new title that I would obtain the final challenge necessary after July 1 for her Supreme championship and then campaign her as a Neuter. As an aside it is with pride that my girl was the only bitch in Australia eligible to attain her Supreme Championship that first show after July 1, 2012 which she did in the company of the four males Australia-wide, who were eligible – no mean feat for the breed in Australia. Even now at rising 7.5 years and being the consummate show dog, my girl just loves the show ring and makes it her own every time she steps into it. Since she has come back into the ring after her six month lay-up between the last shows in 2011 and when she returned to the ring in July 12, I can really see the change in her. The show ring for her means lots of treats and cuddles from her friends around the ring. Not only that, she loves performing. She had a fantastic career as a Junior Handlers dog; where she was worshipped by her owner Miss Jess Walker, and

she in turn would do anything for Jess. I have the pleasure of showing a princess of the breed; the show ring is her life. I had intended to retire my girl following attaining her Neuter title, but can see how much happier she is now that she is back showing in a much more relaxed vein than when she was being competitively campaigned (as not every show has a Neuter class.) This says to me that when she has had enough she will retire herself. Would I recommend showing a Neuter? Right I would! It is the perfect medium to keep quality dogs in the ring and allows judges to view the dogs who went before those being campaigned today. There is competitiveness in showing a Neuter, but it is not the win at all cost aspect that some adopt when campaigning an intact canine. I believe Neuters are, and should be, shown for the fun and for the enjoyment of the sport. Yes I will campaign more and more Neuters over the years to come, and I will enjoy doing so as I enjoy showing a Neuter now. I firmly want us all to open our hearts to this wonderful class of canines and re-kindle the pure enjoyment of showing great exhibits with the respect and reverence they deserve. Now for the boring technical bits just in case anyone wants to understand Australia’s Champion points system: The owner of a neutered dog registered with the ANKC Ltd that: (a) Wins not fewer than four Neuter Certificates/Best Neuter of Breed Certificates under not fewer than four different Judges at four different exhibitions; and (b) Gains a total of 100 points, of which twenty five (25) of these points are gained after the age of twelve (12) months; may apply for such dog to be known as a Neutered Champion. Points shall be allotted for exhibits six (6) months of age and over exhibited in a Neuter Class as follows: (a) Neuter Certificate winner – Dogs: Five (5) points plus one (1) point for each Neutered dog of the breed exhibited at the fixture. (b) Neuter Certificate winner – Bitches: Five (5) points plus one (1) point for each Neutered bitch of the breed exhibited at the fixture. (c) Best Neuter of Breed Certificate winner: Five (5) points plus one (1) point for each Neutered dog and bitch of the breed exhibited at the fixture. The points awarded under (a), (b) and (c), above shall not accumulate and shall, in no case, exceed twenty-five (25) points at any one Show. Only points accrued as a Neutered dog will be accepted towards the Neutered Champion title. A dog who has gained the title of Champion, Grand Champion & Supreme Champion prior to being entered on the ANKC Ltd Main register as Neutered, shall retain such titles in addition to Neutered Champion. These titles shall have precedence and shall appear in front of the Neutered Champion title in the dogs registered name. The title of Neutered Champion shall fulfil the Conformation Title requirements for Dual and Triple Championships.

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RUSS JACOBS If you don’t know this man, you should. Since 1984 Russ has been one of the most influential figures in promoting basenjis in lure coursing since they were accepted into the American Sighthound Field Association. An Interview by Mary Lou Kenworthy, KENSET Basenjis 1. HOW AND WHEN DID YOU FIRST BECOME INTERESTED IN BASENJIS?


ike many fanciers in my generation, I became interested in basenjis when I saw the movie “Goodbye My Lady” by Warner Brothers. I saw it while I was still in high school, in 1963 or 1964, and was 2. TELL US ABOUT BASENJIS THAT YOU HAVE OWNED. fascinated by the breed. Despite the fact that we lived in a small s seems so often the case, some of our most south Texas town at the time, I was actually able to find a memorable dogs were among our first dogs. Our purebred basenji in 1964, sired by the Canadian sire Ch. Merlea next dog, after the disaster described in the first Midnight Songster and out of a local untitled bitch. question, was a carefully selected male that eventually became Unfortunately, we lived on a busy intersection, and our fencing Ch. Jerlin’s Reckless Ricochet, CDX, LCM. Ricky was a multiple was not adequate to contain a very active young basenji. While I group winning special, Fula of the Congo Award winner, and a was still at home, I was able to get perennial top-ranked coursing him back into the yard when he ....Vickie and I have bred and finished five generations hound and award-winning escaped, but when I went off to of field titled dogs, most of them with conformation obedience dog. He was also a college he managed to get into the titles, under the kennel name Cynosure. successful sire, both for us and for street and was killed by a car. My others. We quickly acquired our Dad insisted that he wanted to get first bitch, Ch. Reveille Dawn’s another basenji, but never did so. (This failure could have had Early Light, LCM, TD, who was one of our most successful something to do with the fact that Dad had a habit of putting his coursing hounds, and our only tracking basenji. She also was our suit coat over a dining table chair when he came home. One foundation bitch. Since then, Vickie and I have bred and finished Sunday the dog ate the entire sleeve off the coat. I’m not sure he five generations of field titled dogs, most of them with ever really forgave the dog…or the breed!) conformation titles, under the kennel name Cynosure. Memorable Anyway, when my wife, Vickie, and I were finally settled in dogs include Ch. Cynosure Allegro, LCM; Ch. Cynosure Beau our own home, years later, she decided she wanted to get a dog. I Geste, FCh, CDX; Ch. Cynosure Fast Eddy, LCM II; his sister, was concerned about the barking nuisance, so we settled on Ch. Cynosure Fashion Plate LCM, and Cynosure Go Getter, getting another basenji. But we were novices at dogs, and made LCM IV, owned by Charlie Denslow, the #1 ASFA coursing all the typical mistakes in buying a dog: we bought a dog locally hound in 1994. from a back-yard breeder. Both the sire and the dam were in the home, but we couldn’t approach either one: the sire because he 3. WHEN DID YOU FIRST BECOME INTERESTED IN LURE was aggressive, and the dam because, as the owner said, “The COURSING? male doesn’t like people close to his girl.” Warning signs? What warning signs? began lure coursing in 1984, when a local ASFA club At least we learned a lot with this dog. In trying to control started up. The dogs we had at the time were natural lure his increasingly aggressive behavior, we learned obedience coursers, and their excitement on the lure captivated us. training, conformation training, behavioral conditioning, and we We have been involved in lure coursing, both locally and got to know a lot of vets. All to no avail; we eventually had to put nationally, ever since. the dog down for uncontrolled aggression.



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5. WHAT ARE YOUR FUTURE PLANS WITH BASENJIS? n recent years I have been less involved in basenjis than I was previously, largely due to increasing responsibilities at the University. I seldom go to conformation shows these days, and I haven’t had much time for obedience training recently. Lure coursing has been almost my sole active contact with dog sports and basenji involvement in them. I expect this to continue until I am able to retire, since I recently became the Chair of the Philosophy Department at Washburn University. However, Vickie has continued Cynosure kennels, albeit on a less active level. We currently own a promising young bitch, GCh. Sonbar’s Vigilant Valkyre at Cynosure, bred by Sally Wuornos, and we have been having fun with her. She finished her championship easily, now has a Grand Championship, and still shows competitively. After a very long training period, Kyra finally caught fire on the lure, and in her one weekend out coursing, won the Open Class both days and was Best of Breed the second day. So I look forward to watching her run. I imagine that Vickie will breed her, but she makes most of those decisions these days; I function mostly as kennel help now.

’ve been involved in coursing through our local club, Heartland Coursing Association, (HCA) since that beginning in 1984. I’ve served in most club offices, and I’ve served on the field in most capacities: lure operator, huntmaster, field trial Taking a break during the ACoD. chairman, judge. I (R) Russ Jacobs and (L) Gary Roush, former CFO went to my first ASFA and former president of ASFA. convention in 1988, as the first delegate from HCA. I haven’t missed a convention since then. I have served the ASFA as Regional Director for Region 5, Corresponding Secretary, Second Vice-President, 6. WHAT ELSE WOULD YOU LIKE TO TELL US ABOUT YOUR First Vice-President INVOLVEMENT WITH THE BREED? and President. When I began on ickie and I have the Board in 1984, I think I was the first focused always on the basenji owner who had served there, and basenji as a complete there was some comment about that. package: as a dog that can Basenjis had just survived an attempt to conform to the breed standard, as remove them from the list of eligible proven in the show ring, and also breeds, and one of the first things that I be a successful working dog. I did was to work to change the ASFA think that, in a small way, we Constitution, making it more difficult to have been successful in this, both remove any breed from the list of eligible with the dogs we have bred and breeds. Since then I have been able to the dogs we acquired from other represent the breed in ASFA projects breeding programs. That we are such as the historical book and the lure not alone in this can be seen by operators guide. I am happy to say that the overall improvement in many other basenji owners have served basenjis since we started nearly on the ASFA Board since then. 30 years ago. Temperament has I have also served on most ASFA certainly improved, and I think standing committees at one time or that is the result, in part, of a another. I currently chair the Rules wider focus on performance Evaluation Committee and serve on sports. Health issues seem more Constitutional Revision and Policies urgent now, but I suspect that this Overseeing the field committees. I chair the Lure Coursing is due more to improved diagnosis Left to right: Linda Stilwell, Connie Camp, Russ Jacobs Committee of the Basenji Club of and understanding of the America, and I have served four times as problems rather than declines in Field Trial Chair for the Basenji Club Of America National real health. So I think that we have been part of a generation of Specialty Lure Field Trial. I co-chaired both the 2001 and 2010 breeders who will leave the breed better off than we found it.  International Invitational. I have been an all-breed licensed ASFA judge since 1993, and an AKC licensed coursing judge since they Gary Forrester Achievement Award, an Award of Excellence, began to lure course. I have judged all over the United States, including four International Invitational field trials. In 2008, the was approved by the ASFA Board in 1992 to memorialize Gary’s ASFA honored me with the Gary Forrester Achievement Award. exemplary contributions and dedication to the advancement of The Basenji Club of America honored me with the Unsung Hero lure coursing and the ASFA organization annually at the Annual Award, for contributions to basenji lure coursing, in 1998. Convention of Delegates.


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Y FIRST ENCOUNTER WITH A BASENJI was in 1991, and it was definitely NOT love at

first sight. Her name was Selkhet. She was ten years old, overweight, half blind, half deaf, lumpy, and cranky. A tri, her colors were muddy from age; she sure wasn’t much to look at. And her disposition left a lot to be desired too. But I was dating her owner, who had bred Selkhet and raised her from a puppy, and I wanted to make a good impression on Ralph and his dog. So I tried to make friends with her, but I was more or less ignored. By Kristine Dougherty


was sorely disappointed by all, and how was it broken, and why Selkhet’s failure to respond to did we need the ugly mesh over it? me, since I saw myself as a dog The answer was that basenjis could person. My favorite toy as an infant and not have free run of the house during toddler was a red and white striped vinyl the day, and that Selkhet had once Scottie, and I was one of those kids who become hysterical during a storm, run up to every dog they see, wanting to somehow squeezed her head into an pet them. My father, however, had been opening in the scroll-work, gotten raised around farm dogs, and felt that herself stuck, and bitten Ralph when was the only way they should live – he tried to get her out. The mesh was running free, not confined in a suburban to keep her from repeating the home, or a hunting kennel like our next door neighbors. I made incident. do with turtles, fish and assorted other small critters. When I got And then the stories came about all of the things that had out on my own, I wanted a dog, but since I shared an apartment been destroyed by basenjis in the past. The favorite plants in my with another graduate student and her cat, I decided to adopt husband’s orchid greenhouse, hoses chopped into small sections, Daniel, a big golden colored male cat who was as loyal and the puppy that was returned to them after the first night when it affectionate as any dog. He saw me through those difficult young chewed through a laundry room door to get to the people. I adult years – graduate school, a began to wonder why any sane first real job teaching sociology person would want one of these And then the stories came about all of the things that at a university in south Florida, dogs. had been destroyed by basenjis in the past. going up for tenure. When But love is an amazing Daniel died, my heart was broken. motivational force. When we got married, the kids had been Not long after that, I moved to Tallahassee and married there, and they actually seemed fond of Selkhet. So I began to try Ralph … and Selkhet!!! I learned she had an AKC registered to develop a relationship with this strange dog. It wasn’t easy. I name, Selkhet Set Hotep, and that Ralph and his ex-wife and took on a number of Selkhet responsibilities, including her daughters had lived with basenjis since they got their first one in weekly bath, needed to limit my husband’s mild allergies to dogs. 1966. Selkhet, the last basenji of the many that had lived in the She hated baths and snarked and snapped at me. But over time I house, was the daughter of Ralph’s very favorite male, Anubis. realized that she never actually bit me. I learned that if I Basenjis, since time immemorial in the Dougherty remained firm and calm, she tolerated the baths. I think she household, had slept in the “dog room” – a room adjoining the realized I put a bit more effort into it than the previous bath master bedroom. Between the two rooms is a decorative wrought person, making sure the water was warm, keeping the shampoo iron door. But this door had some odd features – part of the out of her eyes, and carefully drying her afterward. I did my best scroll-work was broken out, and the pieces were in a drawer. to convince her this was a fancy spa experience! That broken area was covered with a metal mesh bolted to the Not only did Selkhet hate baths, she hated storms. If she was frame of the door. Why, I questioned, did we need this door at home alone when a storm hit, she would go out the dog door to The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 32

Continued on 34

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the fenced yard and stand in the rain shivering and whining. whine the way I wanted to during those training hikes. Selkhet We’d come home and let in a wet, hyperventilating dog. trudged with me. If she could make it, I could. She could walk Dougherty basenjis had long slept in homemade wooden boxes, for miles, and even trimmed down a bit because of it. sort of like cradles. I got her a crate and blankets to make her Not only did Selkhet train with us, she relaxed with us. We feel safer in the dog room, which I think she appreciated, though have a wood fired sauna in the backyard, and Selkhet LOVED to I can’t say it stopped her storm anxiety. One night, once again, sauna with us. When she saw the fire being started, she would we came home and found her stuck in the security door – halfway wait by the door, anxious to be allowed in. It was quite up, above the mesh. Lord knows how she managed it, and why entertaining to people we invited over for dinner and sauna. She she didn’t strangle herself. I have no memory of how we got her was always quite mellow in there and for some period afterward. out – it’s all a blur. I think it involved another broken section of That girl loved heat almost as much as she loved food. the door and taller mesh. Selkhet also became a sleep aid for me. As she aged, her Selkhet also had a thing about snoring became more pronounced. the front door, but there she was an Since the dog room was off the Selkhet lasted three more years, escape artist. Once out, she raced bedroom and the scroll-work door somewhat rejuvenated by Amset. down the street in search of garbage meant we could hear her, there was a cans to overturn. Older neighbors predictable bedtime routine. She still remember her escapades. In fact, loved soup bones, and usually had one one poor gentleman with some level with her. If she got too loud during of dementia looks at our current boy her bedtime chewing period, Ralph Ozzie (also a tri) and asks if “she” would holler at her to quiet down, has been escaping lately! I became and she would chew more quietly. the person who would try to get her Then the chewing would end and the back, and I learned to run out shaking soft rhythmic snores would begin. It a box of dog biscuits -- food was the was certainly more effective for me one bond that we quickly forged. than counting sheep. Selkhet would eat anything. She As she neared 14, she seemed even cleaned pots and plates when to be significantly slowing down. So my husband cooked hot Indian or we sat down with an encyclopedia of Asian food. She ate food so spicy dog breeds, intent on getting a puppy that I couldn’t handle it. But dog before she died. By then, even with biscuits were fine with her too. Selkhet as the model, being without a Vet visits were another dog in the house seemed unthinkable. interesting chore that I took on. We considered many breeds, and each Selkhet knew the way to the vet. As was rejected for one reason or soon as the car turned in that another. And so we came back to the direction, she started whining and basenji. The old girl had grown on shaking. Ditto for the kennel that me. kept her during vacations. Her We found a brindle male behavior at the vet became so available in Daytona Beach. I drove extreme that they asked me to give him home, and he cried the entire her a tranquilizer before leaving way. Not having gone through puppy home. That helped for some years. As she aged, I didn’t realize raising myself, I wondered if I was in over my head. We got that the dosage might have to change. I gave her the usual dose home, and Selkhet, after an initial snark, regurgitated food one day, and soon after getting her in the car, I realized she was (leftover spaghetti!) for him and slept with him. She socialized completely unconscious on the front seat beside me. In fact, I the boy, who we named Amset, and taught him who was boss. I wasn’t sure she was breathing. Talk about panic – now I was the wouldn’t know until years later how valuable that was. They one who was shaking – and I failed to come to a complete stop at became buddies, and curled up by the heat vents together when it the one stop sign on our street. The policeman who stopped me was cold, or sunbathed outside, or joined us in the sauna. was neither concerned nor sympathetic when I told him that I Selkhet lasted three more years, somewhat rejuvenated by thought I’d killed my husband’s dog. Thankfully, after he wrote Amset. She was nearly 17 when she began to have serious health the ticket, I got to the vet, and Selkhet came around to her usual problems. For the first time since I’d known her, she was thin – whining state. too thin. I was the one who took her to the vet that last time, and Over time, I began to appreciate Selkhet a bit more. My I brought her home and dug her grave in the side yard. A garden husband and I took an annual Montana multi-day backpacking of pine cone lilies grows over that grumpy old girl, and I think of trip, requiring us to train by walking around Tallahassee with her every time I see them. Each basenji since Selkhet has given fully loaded, full size backpacks, wearing heavy boots and wool me a chance to learn more lessons, but she taught me my first socks – in the middle of the summer in Tallahassee. You can one. You rarely get the dog you dream of – you deal with the imagine the looks we got as we hiked around our neighborhood unique and interesting dog that you get. With patience and or on local trails. At least I had someone else with me who could persistence, you find a friend. The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 34

WESTMINSTER: A HISTORY and a LEGACY To Be Preserved By Thomas Meade II


have all heard the news of Westminster allowing class animals to compete in their events. If you would have asked most dog exhibitors four or five years ago about class animals showing in the near future at the prestigious Westminster Kennel Club, they might have called you crazy, laugh, and recommend you to see a doctor. Many people were initially surprised to hear Westminster 2013 will include class dogs, raise the entry limit of 3200 dogs (2500 in the past), and have major changes to Junior Showmanship eligibility criteria in 2013.

Westminster, which began in 1877, is a dog show rich in history and tradition. First, is showing class animals, with simply a single 3, 4, or 5-point major, worthy of Westminster? To answer this question, let’s examine the history of Westminster and recent changes in policy and show venue. Westminster, which began in 1877, is a dog show rich in history and tradition. Founded by a group of men who frequently met and traded hunting stories and the prowness of their sporting dogs, these men formed a club called The Westminster Breeding Association helped oganize the very successful ‘first’ dog show in Philadelphia, PA to celebrate the United States of America Centennial. The purpose was to enable fellow hunters to compare their hunting dogs in a surroundings off the hunting field. This event led to what today is known as The Westminster Kennel Club (WKC). The first show held under the name of Westminster Kennel Club was in 1877 in the Hippodrome at Gilmore’s Garden in New York City. In its first year, it drew an entry of 1,201 dogs. The Club initially planned a three-day event, but expanded it to a fourth day to accommodate the large public interest in the event. The proceeds from the fourth day were donated to the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA). The show included a

catalog of dogs not for sale/exhibition only, and also for dogs for sale (placement) with prices ranging from $50 to $10,000. The initial WKC show was considered to be a major success, and more shows were planned for the future. In 1884, The Westminster Kennel Club was elected by The American Kennel Club (AKC), a new organization, as its first Member Club and was the only kennel club in the AKC for two years, and was the only All-Breed member of the AKC, until the addition of The Rhode Island Kennel Club in 1897. Frankly, it’s quite amazing that their initial event in 1877 became a success during the planning stages. What is tradition at The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show? Class dogs in 2013? Yes, the initial WKC shows included class animals, but over the years this specific show has been promoted as the show of champions. Is this change in the best interest of the dog fancy? Is this change for financial gain of the WKC and AKC, or is it for the advancement of the various breeds and sport of dogs? Is this change necessary, and if so why? How simple could this be? Invite the Top 10 (5 dogs and 5 bitches), the National Specialty winners and BOS for each breed, and the current top brood bitch and stud dog in each breed eligible in 2013. This idea may sound outrageous, but I believe a system like this increases the competitiveness of the sport and promotes quality breeding programs (the initial focus of the club), rather than a dog that has been on the “shelf” for five years and was randomly selected in a lottery. I further suggest The Westminster Kennel Club eliminate the system of the top five dogs and lottery. I believe this system would increase the competitiveness of breed standards, and the individual breed winners would better showcase top dogs. What’s the possibility of The Westminster Kennel Club (formerly called The Westminster Breeding Association) moving out of New York? Why necessarily does the show have to be in New York City, NY? Let’s be honest, in NYC the entire show experience is anything but comfortable on the dogs and the exhibitors’ finances, especially the last few years with the

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Continued on 36

WESTMINSTER - A History and a Legacy to be Preserved extensive renovations at the show site. First, in NYC, you either have to stay in an overpriced hotel (with less than desirable unloading/loading scenarios) in the middle of Manhattan with nowhere to exercise your dogs appropriately, or you have to stay in neighboring New Jersey, and have the challenge of navigating Manhattan busy streets with your benching equipment and dog in tow. A return to the scene of their first triumphant centennial dog show has many assets that could easily accommodate the large amount of traffic and allow exhibitors and spectators more comfort and freedom when selecting hotels and caring for their dogs during the show. Honestly, I don’t understand why

nostalgia and history left in the event. This is a show that was created to exhibit America’s best breed dogs. I understand that there are many excellent class dogs currently in the ring, but that is what they are --- class dogs! Most agreeably, class animals may look amazing, and consistently win, but how many times have we seen young dogs go completely out of standard and ‘fall apart’ within two to three years. In many European dog judging venues, dogs are ineligible for Championship consideration until full maturity is reached --- which can range from two to four years of age in many cases. If we are evaluating the integrity of a breed and the quality of a breeding program, then evaluating mature dogs and bitches is the only way to make a fair assessment and award quality dogs in the show ring. I There is something to be said about tradition in the dog would have liked to see the WKC lean towards this change (completely in show world and in America. I can’t imagine any dog show more the opposite direction currently taken for more steeped in tradition than The Westminster Kennel 2013), and model after a European system of evaluation. Club. Another significant change in 2013 is the Junior Showmanship criteria. When I Philadelphia, PA wasn’t looked at for a possible site for first started exhibiting in Juniors, the criteria for eligibility was Westminster 2013, especially with the massive renovations at eight First place wins in an Open Class. That changed to ten First Madison Square Garden (MSG) this year. Didn’t we learn placees a few years later. Since I started in juniors, AKC has anything at WKC in 2012? If you thought Madison Square added an Intermediate Class and a Limited Master Class. The Garden was uncomfortable and unorganized last year, one can criteria for the 2013 Junior Showmanship competition is seven only imagine what it will be like to take a shuttle bus to the Best Junior Handler (BJH) placements out of any class. The new Chelsea Pier location in 2013 --- with one row of chairs ringside Master Class plays a significant role by requiring Juniors with ten for spectators and no raised spectator seating. wins in an Open Class to enter this limited class, making it much The benching in 2012 was arbitrary, to say the least, and harder to meet the criteria of seven BJH placements. I am curious dogs were not grouped by breed as commonly practiced at a to see what breeds will be predominant in Juniors in 2013. benched show. This was horrific! The benching area last year There is something to be said about tradition in the dog show consisted of a large room without appropriate signage, where it world and in America. I can’t imagine any dog show more was commonplace to see a Yorkshire Terrier benched between a steeped in tradition than The Westminster Kennel Club. The year basenji and a Doberman! There was an additional benching area 2013 marks the 137th Annual Dog Show in NYC, NY. Let’s not on the stage in the theatre where two conformation rings were be too quick in adding class dogs with single majors, changing placed! Best of Breed (BOB) winners in 2013 will have to venues, adding shuttle buses and new criteria for eligibility shuttle their way back to Madison Square Garden for groups in (breed ring and juniors). It has taken over one hundred and thirty the evening. Understandably, these exhibitors will receive priority years to build a legacy in the sport of purebred dogs. Let’s not bus service to the main show ring. put its reputation and rigor at risk for a single moment because In regards to class dogs eligible to compete at Westminster, I The Westminster Kennel Club will always be the dog show the believe this is a complete mistake in 2013 with the minimal world is watching!  criteria required. It served a purpose in the early days, but this will eliminate the elitism of an ‘all-champions’ dog show. It’s not worthy of the name Westminster. Though I don’t advocate the Reference: show’s original purpose of high class society sporting their dogs Westminsterkennelclub.org; Historical Highlights around in 2013, I believe there should be some integrity,

137th WESTMINSTER KENNEL CLUB SHOW February 11, 12, 2013 www.westminsterkennelclub.org

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July 12 – 17, 2013 Come to Auburn,


45 Minutes from Seatac Airport 60 Minutes from downtown Seattle 2.5 hours from Portland, OR

Washington, the scenic Evergreen State, where we are preparing to host friends from around the world for the Basenji Club of America National Specialty at Argus Ranch. Argus Ranch is a 20-acre Canine Events Center unlike any other in the Northwest. Designed for regional and national specialties, coursing and racing events, and agility trials - all in one location. Situated on the banks of the Green River and in the shadow of Mt Rainier, we hope our guests will enjoy the serenity of the location as much as the annual Celebration of Basenjis.

While all the events will be at Argus Ranch, the La Quinta Inn & Suites ~ 20 minutes away is looking forward to meeting our basenjis. Please be sure to let them know you’re with the Basenji National Specialty when making your reservation. 225 6th Street South East, Auburn, WA 98002 Phone: 253-804-9999 Other dog events surrounding our National Specialty: July 12-14, 2013 in Monroe WA - All-Breed AKC agility http://www.wsotc.org/ July 13-14, 2013 in Chehalis, WA - TVDFA All-Breed AKC Conformation, Obedience and Rally (no Basenji classes on July 14) http://www.barayevents.com July 19, 2013 in Gresham, OR -- WVBC Basenji Specialty and Sweepstakes http://basenji-club.com/ July 20-21, 2013 in Portland, OR -- Portland Kennel Club All-Breed AKC Conformation, Obedience and Rally http://www.onofrio.com/

Check our website frequently for updates and other hotel and camping options: http://www.2013bcoanational.org/

JOIN THE DISCUSSION ON FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/2013BcoaNational


NOTRA OVAL TRACK RACING – If you’ve never seen racing, now is your chance! Certification is recommended before your dog’s first meet, so look for one near you at http://www.notraracing. org/ K9 NOSEWORK WORKSHOP – join Lisa Voss for an introduction to this fast growing dog sport, designed to develop your dog’s natural scenting abilities by using their desire to hunt and their love of toys, food and exercise. It’s a great way for your dog to have fun, build confidence, and burn lots of mental and physical energy. PHYSICAL CONDITIONING SEMINAR – Learn how to prepare your hound for optimal performance and injury prevention. Agility & Obedience practice will be available during the day in the same building we’ll be competing in later in the week.


AKC LURE COURSING TESTS AND TRIAL – Judges Vern Staak & Avery McLeod - Two JC tests and the Basenji Specialty trial on the lure field at Argus Ranch. AFRICAN STOCK EXHIBITION – Judge Donna Lubbe is looking forward to this Basenji Unique event An Alternative medicine clinic is planned – opportunities for massage, chiropractic and acupuncture .


OBEDIENCE AND RALLY TRIAL – Judge Mary Jane Shervias; all the regular classes plus many of the optional and non-regular classes will be offered – including Rally Relay!! PUPPY AND VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES – Judge Andrew Sawler REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SEMINAR is planned, including how to care for your Stud Dog.


AKC AGILITY TRIAL – Judge Carol Mount. Standard and Jumpers with Weaves classes are planned. CONFORMATION – Judge Judy Webb. As usual, Dog classes are planned for the first day. ANNUAL MEETING – BCOA members gather for our general meeting.


CONFORMATION – Judge Judy Webb. Depending on entries, Bitch classes are planned for Tuesday. TOP 25 COMPETITION – Joe Tomey is planning this special event. BANQUET & LIVE AUCTION – As with all the other National Specialty events, the Banquet will be held on site at Argus Ranch, with silent auction starting earlier in the day.


JUDGES EDUCATION – Ringside mentoring will be available all days, with the group seminar held in the morning. JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP – Judge Judy Webb who is very excited to work with our young fanciers. Conformation Concludes – Judge Judy Webb. Depending on entries, plan on Best of Breed judging starting around noon on Wednesday.

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The B-LEGAL BLOG By Karla Schreiber



A ‘Quick and Dirty’ Overview

hipping dogs is a stressful task in general. International shipping is the most stressful of all – for dog and owner. However, at least some of the stress and risk can be minimized by a thorough knowledge of shipping rules and regulations. International regulations concerning the importation of dogs from one country to another change fairly frequently… which leads me to Rule #1 regarding this process (regardless of the country of export, or import): When shipping a dog to another country, contact that country’s consulate or embassy in your own (or the dog’s, if different) country of residence for the most up-to-date requirements concerning importation. With the exception of the 27 European Union nations, which now have common regulations (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, the Republic of Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom) each sovereign nation adopts and administers its own rules regarding the importation of dogs - and some are far more strict that others. Greater standardization of these requirements is something we can hope for in the future, but for the time being, careful attention to the requirements of each country is required in order to minimize the need for quarantine, the length of quarantine, unnecessary revaccination, and unnecessary stress. In general terms, almost all countries require health certificates and proof of vaccination for rabies and other communicable diseases in order to import dogs within their borders. The following is a ‘quick and dirty’ run-down of requirements for some popular international destinations, as of the date of this publication. Remember Rule #1, however - always check with the appropriate consulate or embassy (as well as your airline of choice) when making shipping arrangements!

AUSTRALIA: Quarantine is required for imported dogs, with

length of quarantine varying with the country of export. The minimum number of quarantine days is 30, with the only exception being animals imported from the Cocos Island, New Zealand or Norfolk Island. The Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) maintains three quarantine facilities, located in Sydney, Melbourne, and Perth. As of March 2012, all dogs arriving in Australia from the mainland United States must be vaccinated for kennel cough, in addition to other requirements.

BRAZIL: There are no quarantine requirements in Brazil.

Dogs may enter the country upon presentation of an International animal health certificate (in the U.S., APHIS form 7001), issued in the country of origin. A certificate verifying rabies vaccination is also required.

CANADA: Canada allows the importation of dogs from any

country without quarantine, but there may be different requirements for dogs exported from countries that are not rabies-free, as determined by Canadian law. Dogs must be accompanied by a rabies certificate issued by a licensed veterinarian in either French or English, that clearly identifies the animal (by breed, weight, color, etc.). Canadian customs authorities do not require a recently issued health certificate for importation, but if the dog is being imported into Canada by air, the airline will probably require a current general health certificate.

CHINA: Travelers to China may bring only one dog with

them to Mainland China. Dogs from non-rabies free countries will be quarantined for a minimum of thirty days, while those from rabies free countries may be quarantined for as little as one week.

EUROPEAN UNION: The 27 member countries of the

European Union no longer require (as of January 1, 2012) rabies titers for entry into EU countries from the United States. Dogs must be identified by a microchip that is compatible with the ISO standard 11784 or 11785, or an appropriate microchip reader must accompany the dog in

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order to read its chip. Documentation must establish that the chip was implanted prior to rabies vaccination. Twenty-one days must elapse after the first rabies vaccination (and after implantation of the chip) before the dog can enter an EU country. As of January 2012, the EU established new health certificate forms for all dogs entering the EU. These forms are available at: http://www.aphis.usda.gov/regulations/vs/ iregs/animals/downloads/ee_non_com_pets.pdf.

HONG KONG: Quarantine is variable –from zero to six

months, depending upon the dog’s vaccination history. There are different regulations for pets exported from Category I, II, or III countries. Importation also requires a special permit from the Hong Kong Agricultural, Fisheries and Conservation Department, which may take five or more working days to process from the date of receipt of the permit fee. Owners may appoint a person in Hong Kong to apply for the permit on their behalf to speed the process.

INDIA: India does not require quarantine for imported dogs,

but there are stringent health certification requirements that must be met. At present, a health certificate from a licensed veterinary office authorized to issue the certificate by the government of the country of export must certify that the dog is free from distemper, rabies, leishmaniasis and leptospirosis. Dogs imported from countries that are not rabies-free must provide proof of rabies vaccination more than one month, but within 12 months prior to importation. Additional rabies vaccination requirements (regarding type of vaccine, potency, etc) also apply.

JAPAN: With the exception of imports from Taiwan, Iceland, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Hawaii and Guam (rabies-free countries pursuant to Japanese law) all dogs imported into Japan must undergo quarantine to screen out rabies and leptospirosis. All quarantine requirements must be fulfilled at Animal Quarantine Service facilities, located at ports of entry. Owners/shippers wishing to import to Japan must submit an advance notification of the planned arrival date, and additional information that may be required by the division of the Animal Quarantine Service that serves the intended port of arrival. This request must be received at least 40 days prior to importation. It is possible that owners may receive a request to change the port of arrival if quarantine facilities for that port are at or near capacity. For animals with a health certificate from their country of export containing (a) a microchip number, (b) dates of rabies vaccinations and rabies antibody levels, as well as (c) a statement that the dog was not shipped prior to 180 days after appropriate vaccinations in the country of export, quarantine may last as little as 12 hours. Otherwise, quarantine may last up to 180 days.

MEXICO: Mexico does not require quarantine for the

importation of dogs. However, current requirements include a health certificate from a veterinarian approved by the country of origin, proof of vaccination for rabies and distemper at least 15 days prior to entering Mexico, and a general certification that the dog is free from contagious diseases.

PHILIPPINES: The Philippines does not require quarantine

for dogs, but an import permit issued prior to departure from the country of export must be obtained from the Bureau of Animal Industry, Department of Agriculture, in Quezon City, Philippines.

SWITZERLAND: Switzerland does not require quarantine for

dogs. However, all dogs imported into Switzerland must be vaccinated for rabies at least 21 days before importation using an inactive vaccine with an efficacy that meets the current World Health Organization standard. If a dog has been vaccinated for rabies several times in its life, the waiting period of 21 days does not apply if a booster was administered within the period recommended by the vaccine manufacturer.

UNITED STATES (mainland): The U.S. does not require

quarantine for dogs, and does not require general health certificates for dogs entering the U.S. However, individual States and many airlines require health certificates. All dogs imported to the U.S. that are old enough to be vaccinated for rabies (3 months of age) must have certification of vaccination for rabies at least 30 days before entering the U.S. Dogs that do not have proof of rabies vaccination or that are too young to be vaccinated may still be admitted if the owner completes a confinement agreement and confines the dog until a rabies vaccination is deemed effective (the vaccine is not considered effective until 30 days after the date of vaccination).

UNITED STATES (Hawaii): Dogs from non-rabies free

countries that meet certain requirements may qualify for a very short (5 days or less) quarantine program. Dogs that are not eligible for the expedited process may be quarantined for up to 120 days. At the end of the day, there’s no such thing as being “overly prepared” when shipping a dog internationally. The biggest fears of any breeder shipping internationally are that an animal may face an extended – but avoidable – quarantine, or worst of all, be turned away by customs officials because paperwork is not in order. If there was ever a case where the Girl Scout motto “Be Prepared” applies – it is international shipping. But simply by doing homework ahead of time, contacting the appropriate consulate or embassy, and meticulously complying with all current regulations in the country of importation, any dog can be a happy international traveler! Until we meet again in 2013 ~ enjoy our wonderful breed, be kind to your fellow fanciers, world-wide, and -- of course, B-legal! SOURCES: www.petfriendlytravel.com; www.pettravel.com; www.letsgopets.com. The B-Legal Blog provides general information on law-related topics for Informational purposes only. It does not provide personalized legal advice regarding the topics discussed, and it is not intended in any manner as a substitute for the services of a qualified, State-licensed attorney.

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REGULAR CONFORMATION JUDGE: Mr. Hal T. Biermann JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP JUDGE: Ms. Jennifer D. Bridges NOVICE INTERMEDIATE. 1 7 Shika’s Dance The Simple Life. Owner: Pam Hane & Edward J & Joni Boese, S Breeder: Edward J & Joni Boese. Jr. Handler: Cameron Hane OPEN INTERMEDIATE. 1/BJ 6 FC Shika’s Tiger Moon MC CA.Owner: S Maddux & E Smith & R Smith & J Boesem Breeder: Joni Boese. Jr. Handler: Ethan A M Smith

SWEEPSTAKES JUDGE: Jennifer D. Bridges BEST PUPPY...............................................................................................Zindika’s Got Moxy BEST OP SEX PUPPY............................................... Taji’s Non-Stop To Charles De Gaulle BRED BY EXHIBITOR, 6 MONTHS & UNDER 18 MONTHS DOGS. 1/BOSSW 15 Taji’s Non-Stop To Charles De Gaulle. Owner: Tatiana Bailey & Katie Campbell & Bobbie Bailey & Jung Kim & Mark Farnsworth, Breeder: Jung Kim & Katie Campbell & Mark Farnsworth. 2 25 Kazor’s Take It To The Bank. Breeder/Owner: Carol A Webb 3 11 Khani’s Teazer Waking Up In Vegas. Breeder/Owner: Kathryn Britton & John P Gaidos & Ainsley K Halemanu 4 41 Congaro’s Where The Wild Things Are. Breeder/Owner: Catherine Ongaro PUPPY, 9 & UNDER 12 MONTHS DOGS. 1 35 Kinetic-Tanza Reaper Man Breeder/Owner: Lisa Voss & Samuel Stump & Pat Fragassi BRED BY EXHIBITOR, 6 MONTHS & UNDER 18 MONTHS BITCHES. 1/BSW 30 Zindika’s Got Moxy. Owner: Cecily Rappe, Breeder: Sheila Armstrong & Cecily Rappe. 2 36 Kazor’s Polly’s Pie. Breeder/Owner: Carol A Webb 3 20 Taji’s Alster Ego From Hodari. Owner: Mary Ellen Chaffin & Katie Campbell, Breeder: Sherry Heath & Kevin Black & Katie Campbell. 4 72 Shika’s Princess Of Themyscira. Owner: Joni Boese & Edward J Boese, Breeder: Joni Boese & Edward Boese & Karin Plumer. PUPPY, 9 & UNDER 12 MONTHS BITCHES. 1 26 Starfyre’s Gold’n Nugget. Breeder/Owner: Denise Searcy & Kathy Grayson 2 18 Khani’s Teazer I Gotta Feeling. Owner: Cindi Gross & Kathryn R Britton, Breeder: Kathryn Britton & John P Gaidos.

VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES BEST VETERAN..........................................................................CH Arubmec’s Final Mission BEST OP SEX VETERAN...........................................DC Zindika Svengali Determinator SC 9 YEARS & UNDER 11 YEARS DOGS. 1/BOSVSW 19 DC Zindika Svengali Determinator SC. Breeder/Owner: Carol A Wyatt & Erik S Oberg & Cecily D Rappe 7 YEARS & UNDER 9 YEARS BITCHES. 1/BVSW 12 CH Arubmec’s Final Mission JC. Breeder/Owner: Patricia E Cembura 2 8 CH Khani’s DP Poetry In Motion SC. Owner: Ellen M Bramble & Kathryn Britton Breeder: Cynthia Austin & Martina Cortez & Kathryn R Britton & Julie Leicht. 3 48 FC Kinetic Sourcery SC. Breeder/Owner: Lisa Voss & Sam Stump 11 YEARS & UNDER 13 YEARS BITCHES. 1 54 CH Zuri’s Mugabe JC. Breeder/Owner: K & M Leighton & D Troyna, 2 44 DC Zuri’s Shada Le Chienne Nikita MC. Owner: Donna Troyna & M Hutchinson & M Leighton, Breeder: Donna Troyna & M Leighton. 3 52 DC Sherwood’s Shadow Of The Moon MC. Owner: Lisa Voss & Sam Stump, Breeder: Robyn Dubbert & Stephanie Hall. 13 YEARS & OVER BITCHES. 1 46 DC Zuri’s Matuko SC. Owner: Donna Troyna & M Hutchinson & M Leighton, Breeder: Ken & Marilyn Leighton. 2 60 CH Zuri’s Joka Of Jamaa JC. Owner: Jeff Sheldon & Ty Rollins & Marilyn Leighton, Breeder: Kenneth & Marilyn Leighton.

BEST OF BREED................................................................GCH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin BEST OF WINNERS/WINNERS DOG..................................Tis-A Signet Frankly My Dear BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX .............................GCH Platinum Nelson Jewel Of D’Nile MC SELECT DOG....................................................... GCH AB Day Trip To Tanza-Jamaa SC. SELECT BITCH......................................... DC AB Tanza Life In The Fast Lane SC. Bitch AWARD OF MERIT...........................................................CH Arubmec’s Final Mission JC AWARD OF MERIT.................................................DC Zindika Svengali Determinator SC RESERVE WINNERS DOG.......................................Jasiri-Sukari Whistle Down The Win WINNERS BITCH................................................................. Taji’s Alster Ego From Hodari RESERVE WINNERS BITCH...................................................... Teazer Khani’s Mob Wife PUPPY, 9 & UNDER 12 MONTHS DOGS. 1/W/BW 17 Tis-A Signet Frankly My Dear. Owner: Marti Taylor & Richard Taylor & Brenda Cassell & Ciara Cassell, Breeder: Joyce Hughes & Fred Hughes & Brenda J Cassell & Ciara E Cassell. 2/R 29 Jasiri-Sukari Whistle Down The Win. Owner/Breeder: Julie L Jones & Kathleen A Jones 3 11 Khani’s Teazer Waking Up In Vegas. Owner: Kathryn Britton & John P Gaidos & Ainsley K Halemanu, Breeder: John P Gaidos & Ainsley K Halemanu & Kathryn Britton. 4 35 Kinetic-Tanza Reaper Man. Owner/Breeder: Lisa Voss & Samuel Stump & Pat Fragassi. BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS. 1 31 Jasiri-Sukari Win Diesel. Owner/Breeder: Julie J Jones & Kathleen A Jones 2 15 Taji’s Non-Stop To Charles De Gaulle. Owner: Tatiana Bailey & Katie Campbell & Bobbie Bailey & Jung Kim & Mark Farnsworth, Breeder: Jung Kim & Katie Campbell & Mark Farnsworth. 3 25 Kazor’s Take It To The Bank. Owner/Breeder: Carol A Webb, Yorba Linda, CA 4 41 Congaro’s Where The Wild Things Are. Owner/Breeder: Catherine Ongaro OPEN, BLACK, TAN, AND WHITE DOGS. 1 23 Taji Tries Inferno Purgatory & Paradise. Owner: Taylor Hickey & Katie Campbell, Breeder: Katie Campbell. 2 37 Karosel’s Phantom Smoke. Owner: Douglas G Bright & Donna J Lubbe & Joni Boese, Breeder: Joni Boese & Edward J Boese & Donna J Lubbe. PUPPY, 9 & UNDER 12 MONTHS BITCHES. 1/R 14 Teazer Khani’s Mob Wife. Owner/Breeder: Kathryn Britton & John P Gaidos & Ainsley K Halemanu 2 18 Khani’s Teazer I Gotta Feeling. Owner: Cindi Gross & Kathryn R Britton Breeder: Kathryn Britton & John P Gaidos. 3 26 Starfyre’s Gold’n Nugget. Owner/Breeder: Denise Searcy & Kathy Grayson 4 72 Shika’s Princess Of Themyscira. Owner: Joni Boese & Edward J Boese Breeder: Joni Boese & Edward Boese & Karin Plumer. AMATEUR-OWNER-HANDLER BITCHES. 1 42 Karosel Dragnquest Itzyu Dark Shadows JC CA. Owner: Stormy Maddux & Donna Lubbe, Breeder: Donna Lubbe & Jacqueline Jones & Lisa Correll Auerbach. BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES. 1/W 20 Taji’s Alster Ego From Hodari. Owner: Mary Ellen Chaffin & Katie Campbell, Breeder: Sherry Heath & Kevin Black & Katie Campbell. 2 30 Zindika’s Got Moxy. Owner: Cecily Rappe, Breeder: Sheila Armstrong & Cecily Rappe. 3 36 Kazor’s Polly’s Pie. Owner/Breeder: Carol A Webb 4 10 Prize-Dp Just For You. Owner: Theresa Cuzzetto, Breeder: Theresa Cuzzetto & Martina Cortez & Cynthia J Austin. OPEN, BLACK AND WHITE BITCHES. 1 38 Bushbabies Wait Until Dark. Owner/Breeder: Teresa B Gavaletz, 2 50 Kinetic-Tanza Soul Music. Owner/Breeder: Lisa R Voss & Samuel H Stump & Pat Fragassi OPEN, BLACK, TAN, AND WHITE BITCHES. 1 70 Obazande Bushbabies Special Order. Owner: Juelle Russi Breeder: Teresa Gavaletz. OPEN, RED AND WHITE BITCHES. 1 24 Sundiata’s Pirouette. Owner: Sara McMurrey & Jerry Rosenthal & Chris Maxka, Breeder: Chris Maxka & Jim Maxka. 2 78 Shika’s Sunnydale Sidekick. Owner: Karin Plumer & Joni Boese, Breeder: Edward J & Joni Boese & Donna Lubbe. 3 48 FC Kinetic Sourcery SC. Owner/Breeder: Lisa Voss & Sam Stump VETERAN, 7 YEARS & UNDER 10 YEARS BITCHES. 1/AOM 12 CH Arubmec’s Final Mission JC. Owner: Patricia E Cembura, Breeder: Eric Poulson & Patricia E Cembura.

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8 CH Khani’s DP Poetry In Motion SC. Owner: Ellen M Bramble & Kathryn Britton, Sherwood Breeder: Cynthia Austin & Martina Cortez & Kathryn R Britton & Julie Leicht. VETERAN, 10 YEARS & UNDER 13 YEARS DOGS. 1/AOM 19 DC Zindika Svengali Determinator SC. Owner/Breeder: Carol A Wyatt & Erik S Oberg & Cecily D Rappe VETERAN, 10 YEARS & UNDER 13 YEARS BITCHES. 1 54 CH Zuri’s Mugabe JC. Owner/Breeder: K & M Leighton & D Troyna 2 66 CH Arubmec’s Mind Of Her Own. Owner: Michael & Linda Martin & P E Cembura, Breeder: Patricia E Cembura & Bill Reeves. 3 44 DC Zuri’s Shada Le Chienne Nikita MC. Owner: Donna Troyna & M Hutchinson & M Leighton, Breeder: Donna Troyna & M Leighton. VETERAN, 13 YEARS & OVER BITCHES. 1 46 DC Zuri’s Matuko SC. Owner: Donna Troyna & M Hutchinson & M Leighton Breeder: Ken & Marilyn Leighton. 2 60 CH Zuri’s Joka Of Jamaa JC. Owner: Jeff Sheldon & Ty Rollins & Marilyn Leighton, Breeder: Kenneth & Marilyn Leighton. 3 58 Karosel’s Justa Twist Of Fate. Owner: Douglas G Bright & Connie L Bright, Breeder: Donna Lubbe & Sandra S Anderson. BEST OF BREED COMPETITION. BOB 27 GCH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin. Dog. Owner: Julie & Kathy Jones & Chua Ming Kok, Breeder: Julie & Kathy Jones. SEL 34 FC AB Tanza Life In The Fast Lane SC. Bitch. Owner: Pat Fragassi & Ted Judd & W Pooley. Breeder: Wanda Pooley. SEL 39 GCH AB Day Trip To Tanza-Jamaa SC. Dog. Owner: Jeff Sheldon & Ty Rollins & Pat Fragassi, Breeder: Wanda K Pooley. OS 64 GCH PLATINUM NELSON JEWEL OF D’NILE MC. Bitch. Owner: Deborah Nelson & Mary K Quinnett Breeder: Larry Nelson & Mary K Quinnett & Deborah L Nelson.

Photographs By Stormy Maddux




BRACE. 1 35 Kinetic-Tanza Reaper Man. Owner/Breeder: Lisa Voss & Samuel Stump & Pat Fragassi 1 50 Kinetic-Tanza Soul Music. Owner/Breeder: Lisa R Voss & Samuel H Stump & Pat Fragassi.





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SOUTH COAST BASENJI FANCIERS PERRIS, CA OCTOBER 27, 2012 JUDGE: Mrs. Harson Bartosh Kinney BEST OF BREED................................................................GCH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin Julie & Kathy Jones And Chua Ming Kok BEST OF WINNERS...................................................................... Jasiri Sukari Win Diesel BEST OF OP SEX......................................................... Zindika’s Got Moxy, Cecily Rappe SELECT DOG..............................................Ch Keyline Archer Of Desoleil, Holly Benton SELECT BITCH........................................................... Ch Staryre’s Mega Million Jackpot Denise Searcy And Kathy Grayson WINNERS DOG............................................................................. Jasiri Sukari Win Diesel RESERVE WINNERS DOG....................................................Illusion’s Love Bug Of Dune WINNERS BITCH.....................................................................Astarte’s Trianna With Pips RESERVE WINNERS BITCH..................................................Furaha’s Joy-Us Az Copper PUPPY 9 MONTHS AND UNDER 12 MONTHS DOGS. 1 19 Jasiri Sukari Whistle Down The Win, Jan Robert 2 9 Astarte’s Connor Prince Of Sunshine, Jeannine Lieber And Stella Sapios BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS. 1/W/BW 21 Jasiri Sukari Win Diesel, Julie And Kathy Jones 2 17 Kazor’s Take It To The Bank, Carol A. Webb 3 23 Congaro’s Where The Wild Things Are, Catherine Ongaro 4 27 Svengali’s Repeat Performance. Carol A Wyatt And Erik S Oberg & Alan & Gail Aiello OPEN DOGS. 1/R 31 Illusion’s Love Bug Of Dune, Douglas Joy 2 29 Astarte’s Astrodude Skylar, Kenneth Linberg & Stella Sapios PUPPY 9 MONTHS AND UNDER 12 MONTHS BITCHES. 1 10 Starfyre’s Gold’n Nugget, Denise Searcy And Kathy Grayson 2 12 Illusion’s Chantilly Lace, Debbie Ten Bruin BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES. 1/W 20 Astarte’s Trianna With Pips, Stella Sapios 2 28 Desoleil Classic Girl Of Keyline, Holly Benton 3 16 Kazor’s Polly’s Pie, Carol A. Webb 4 24 Starfyre’s Tri A Lil Pizzazz, Denise Searcy And Kathy Grayson

OPEN BITCHES. 1/R 34 Furaha’s Joy-Us Az Copper, Arnieta Kurtz And Sue Joyner & Reena Fair 2 32 Sundiata’s Pirouette, Sara Mcmurrey And Jerry Rosenthal & Chris Maxkee. 3 30 Keyline Laced With Desoleil, Sherry Stevens 4 36 Starfyre Abbys By Line, Denise Searcy VETERAN DOGS. 1 35 DCH Zindika Svengali Determinator SC, Carol A Wyatt and Erik S Oberg & Alan & Gail Aiello. 2 5 DCH Jasiri-Sukari John Tri-Volta, SC, Julie and Kathy Jones and Emalia Williams 3 33 CH Starfyre Triton Of Mymaron SC, Denise Searcy and Kathy Grayson VETERAN BITCHES. 1 38 Ch Farouk Joy Us Furaha Nyekundu, Arnietta Kurtz And Susan Joyner 2 8 Ch Starfyre’s Rock’n Robyn, Denise Searcy

SWEEPSTAKES - JUDGE: Ms. Frances Watkins BEST PUPPY Kazor’s Polly’s Pie BEST OP SEX PUPPY Kazor’s Take It To The Bank PUPPY 9 MONTHS AND UNDER 12 MONTHS DOGS. 1/OSP 17 Kazor’s Take It To The Bank, Carol A. Webb 2 9 Astarte’s Connor Prince Of Sunshine, Jeannine Lieber And Stella Sapios 3 23 Congaro’s Where The Wild Things Are, Catherine Ongaro PUPPY 9 MONTHS AND UNDER 12 MONTHS BITCHES. 1/BP 16 Kazor’s Polly’s Pie, Carol A. Webb 2 26 Zindika’s Got Moxy, Cecily Rappe 3 10 Starfyre’s Gold’n Nugget, Denise Searcy And Kathy Grayson 4 20 Astarte’s Trianna With Pips, Stella Sapios.

VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES 7 YEARS AND UNDER 11 YEARS DOGS. 1 35 DCH Zindika Svengali Determinator SC, Carol A Wyatt and Erik S Oberg & Alan & Gail Aiello 2 5 DCH Jasiri-Sukari John Tri-Volta, SC, Julie and Kathy Jones and Emalia Williams 11 YEARS AND OLDER DOGS. 1 33 CH Starfyre Triton Of Mymaron SC, Denise Searcy and Kathy Grayson 7 YEARS AND UNDER 11 YEARS BITCHES. 1 38 CH Farouk Joy Us Furaha Nyekundu, Arnietta Kurtz and Susan Joyner 2 8 CH Starfyre’s Rock’n Robyn, Denise Searcy

GREATER CHICAGOLAND BASENJI CLUB HELD WITH THE CHICAGOLAND HOUND ASSOCIATION November 17, 2012 Judge - Mrs. Monica Canestrini BEST OF BREED/G4............................................... GCH Laurel Aswan Abi Capt Morgan BEST OP SEX............................................... CH New World Piper At The Gates Of Dawn WINNERS DOG/BEST OF WINNERS..............................Ankhu Ottaray Benjimen Bones SELECT DOG..............................................................CH Batman the Dark Knight JC RN SELECT BITCH..................................................... CH Laurel S’Simply Shocking Sabrina WINNERS BITCH....................................................... Laurel’s S’Simply Bewitching Hazel AMATEUR OWNER HANDLER DOGS 1/W/BW 11 Ankhu Ottaray Benjimen Bones. Terry Fiedler. BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS 1/RW 13 Dakars Wizards Mystical Charm.. Karen Kuchta. OPEN BRINDLE & WHITE DOGS 1 15 New World As You Like It. HP39397402. Nicole Freedman & Robert Freedman. OPEN RED & WHITE DOGS 1 17 Dakars Wily Wizard. Karen Kuchta. 9-12 MOS. PUPPY BITCHES 1 12 Klassic’s African Congo Queen. Rebecca S. DeWitt.

BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES 1/RW 16 Dakars Yamaka Me Crazy. Karen Kuchta. 2 14 Jadaka Meisterhaus A Kind Of Magic.. Janice Kahl & A. Tad Brooks. OPEN RED & WHITE BITCHES 1/W 18 Laurel’s S’Simply Bewitching Hazel. Sarah Wood.

PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES JUDGE - Mrs. Susan Joyner BEST PUPPY....................................................................Ankhu Ottaray Benjimen Bones BEST OP SEX PUPPY............................................Jadaka Meisterhaus A Kind Of Magic 9-12 MOS SWEEPS PUPPY DOGS 1/BSS 11 Ankhu Ottaray Benjimen Bones. Terry Fiedler. 9-12 MOS SWEEPS PUPPY BITCHES 1/BOSS Jadaka Meisterhaus A Kind Of Magic.. Janice Kahl & A. Tad Brooks. 2 Klassic’s African Congo Queen. Rebecca S. DeWitt.

VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES 7 YRS & OLDER VET DOGS 1/BVS (19) CH Batman the Dark Knight JC RN. Jessica Ryno.

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SPECIALTY JUDGE: MS. JANE GETZEN BEST of Breed.................................. Ch Ahmahr Nahr’s You’re The One, Mary Dewhitt BEST of Op Sex.......................... Gch Starfyre’s Rock’n With Danica, Denise Searcy & Kathy Grayson Winners Dog/BOW........Svengali’s Repeat Performance, Carol A Wyatt, Eric S Oberg, Alan & Gail Alello Select Dog................................................. Ch Keyline Archer Of Desoleil, Holly Benton Select Bitch................................................................ Zindika’s Got Moxie, Cecily Rappe Award Of Merit.......................... Dch Zindika Svengali Determinator Sc, Carol A Wyatt, Eric S Oberg, Alan & Gail Alello Award Of Merit...Ch Farouk Joy Us Furaha Nyekundu, Arnieta Kurtz & Susan Joyner Winners Bitch................................................................. Desoleil Classic Girl Of Keyline


Best in Puppy Sweepstakes.......................................Zindika’s Classy Chassy of Sulou PUPPY 9-12 BITCHES 1 Jerlin’s I LC Lucy Vikentor, Judy Cunningham 2 Starfyre’s Gold’N Nugget, Denise Searcy & Kathy Grayson 3 Illusion’s Chantilly Lace, Deborah TenBruin PUPPY, BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES 1 Zindika’s Classy Chassy of Sulou, Cecily Rappe & Susan Howard


Best in Veteran Sweepstakes............................DCH Zindika Svengali Determinator SC Best of Opposite in Veteran Sweepstakes...........CH Farouk Joy Us Furaha Nyekundu VETERAN 7-11 YRS DOGS 1 DCH Zindika Svengali Determinator SC, Carol A Wyatt, Eric S Oberg, Alan & Gail Alello 2 CH Desoleils Now And Zen, Holly Benton 3 Ch Fuhaha’s Joy-Us Nafael, Arniea Kurtz & Susan Joyner 4 Bubalak Tri’N Again JC, Mary DeWhitt VETERAN 7-11 YRS BITCHES 1 CH Farouk Joy Us Furaha Nyekundu, Arnieta Kurtz & Susan Joyner

BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS 1/WD Svengali’s Repeat Performance, Carol A Wyatt, Eric S Oberg, Alan & Gail Alello 2/RWD Amazing’s Moon Eclipse, Supachat Preedasuth 3 Furaha’s Mwimbaji, Arnieta Kurtz & Susan Joyner VETERN DOG, 7-11 YRS 1 DCH Zindika Svengali Determinator SC, Carol A Wyatt, Eric S Oberg, Alan & Gail Alello 2 Ch Fuhaha’s Joy-Us Nafael, Arniea Kurtz & Susan Joyner 3 Bubalak Tri’N Again JC, Mary DeWhitt BITCH CLASSES PUPPY, 9-12 1 Starfyre’s Gold’N Nugget, Denise Searcy & Kathy Grayson 2 Illusion’s Chantilly Lace, Deborah TenBruin BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES 1/WBDesoleil Classic Girl of Keyline, Holly Benton 2 Zindika’s Classy Chassy of Sulou Cecily Rappe & Susan Howard 3 Furaha’s Bandia Arnieta Kurtz & Susan Joyner OPEN BITCHES 1/RWB Furaha’s Joy-Us A2 Copper, Arnieta Kurtz & Susan Joyner 2 Keyline Laced With Desoleil, Sherry Stevens 3 Nowata’s Nailah L’Chaverim, Michael Feldman 4 Wakan Starfyre Miss Scarlet, Denise Searcy & Kathy Grayson VETERAN 7-11 BITCHES 1 CH Farouk Joy Us Furaha Nyekundu, Arnieta Kurtz & Susan Joyner

GERMANY - ZULU KLUB SHOW Krefeld Germany – August 9, 2012 Judge: Lothar Mende BEST OF BREED.............................................................................Ch Forest Bell out of Africa BEST OP SEX.................................................................. INKA Bravo Badawi African Rainbow YOUTH WINNER.............................................................................. Gandamia Gaiwa Maridadi BEST VETERAN..............................................................................Ch Imani ti-n Abou Teka BEST PUPPY....................................................................... Mamba Ewanga Akimba Baboo MALES - VETERAN CLASS Ch African Magic Moment’s Diego King ...................First Place, V-VDH Ch.A., V-Club-CAC Ch Escapade’s Bravo out of Africa-Cintovany Nevina............. Second Place, R-VDH Ch.A., R-V-Club-CAC Ch Abotere’s Yardan ........................................................................................... Third Place MALES - HONOR CLASS Ch African Mystery’s Chigani ................................................................................First Place MALES - PUPPY CLASS Ch-Ch Beatles out of Africa’s Mutabaruga Jah Glory MALES - JUNIOR CLASS Gandamia Gaiwa Maridadi ....... Excellent 1, J-VDH Ch.A., J-CAC Club, Youth Club Winner MALES - INTERMEDIATE CLASS Ediko-Epameo Shadows of the Congo............................ Excellent 1, VDH-Ch.A., Club-CAC MALES - CHAMPION CLASS Ch Bulldobas Blockbuster .............................................. Excellent 1, VDH-Ch.A., Club-CAC Ch Chafuku Amani Toka Kilima ..............................Excellent 2, R-VDH Ch.A., R. CAC-Club Ch Diego-Faceman-Stryker Lou Shadows of the Congo ..................................... Excellent 3 MALES - OPEN CLASS INKA Bravo Badawi African Rainbow ........................... Excellent 1, VDH-Ch.A., Club CAC, Club Winner, BOS Don Luca Obangi-Kashore .....................................Excellent 2, R-VDH Ch.A., R. CAC-Club Said Musa Ibn Chigani ti-n Abou Teka.................................................................. Excellent 3 Thando’s Akiro....................................................................................................... Excellent 4 MALE - OUT OF COMPETITION African Magic Moment’s Chigani ............................................................................. Excellent

BITCHES - VETERAN CLASS Ch Imani ti-n Abou Teka.....................First Place, V-VDH Ch.A., V-Club-CAC, Best Veteran African Magic Moment’s Arusha...................... Second Place, R-VDH Ch.A., R-V-Club-CAC FEMALES - HONOR CLASS Ch Escapade’s Bravo out of Africa-Ch Over The Rainbow Out of Africa FEMALES - PUPPY CLASS Mamba Ewanga Akimba Baboo .............................................Very Promising 1, Best Puppy FEMALES - JUNIOR CLASS Nessa z Klanu Lobuzów................... V1, J-VDH Ch.A., J-CAC Club, Youth Club Winner, JB Yulara Robinia.................................................................V2, R-J-VDH Ch.A., R-J-Club-CAC FEMALES - INTERMEDIATE CLASS Etosha Ebony Shadows of the Congo............................. Excellent 1, VDH-Ch.A., Club-CAC Wanyika Jelani........................................................Excellent 2, R-VDH Ch.A., R. CAC-Club FEMALES - CHAMPION CLASS Ch Forest Bell out of Africa....Excellent 1, VDH-Ch.A., Club CAC, Club Winner, BOB / BISS Ch Baagna Final Glimpse........................................Excellent 2, R-VDH Ch.A., R. CAC-Club Ch Bulldobas Rockin’RedHead............................................................................. Excellent 3 FEMALES - OPEN CLASS Dakota-Lou Shadows of the Congo................................. Excellent 1, VDH-Ch.A., Club-CAC Cougar Cilani Shadows of the Congo.....................Excellent 2, R-VDH Ch.A., R. CAC-Club Wanyika Jahzarai.................................................................................................. Excellent 3 N’Focus Northern Lights........................................................................................ Excellent 4 FEMALES - OUT OF COMPETITION Ch Bari Napsugár Africa Charinga........................................................................... Excellent BRACE CLASS Ediko-Epameo Shadows of the Congo - Nessa z Klanu Lobuzów.........................First Place Ch African Mystery’s Chigani Ceran - N’Focus Northern Lights....................... Second Place BREEDING GROUPS Shadows of the Congo

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BASENJI CLUB OF CANADA Eastern Ontario Regional Specialty

©Dean Dennis Photography

Ingleside, ON - Sept. 1, 2012 Judge: Michael Canalizo BEST OF BREED.......GCh Ahmahr Nahr’s Hallelujah Makes A Joyful Noise BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX........................................ Ch Timar’s Hits The Spot BEST OF WINNERS.................................................Dogo Habari Man In Black BEST PUPPY IN BREED.................................... Miloki’s Tribeca at Conamore AWARD OF MERIT............................................ Ch Bushwacker Cherry Bomb WINNERS DOG........................................................Dogo Habari Man In Black RESERVE WINNERS DOG..........................Africanadian Kilimanahmahrnahr WINNERS BITCH...................................................... Timar’s On The Dark Side RESERVE WINNERS BITCH.............................Miloki’s Tribeca At Conamore





©Dean Dennis Photography



©Dean Dennis Photography



Thank you to Linda Bedard, Daniele Beaulieu and Valery Lombardi for their photos to capture these moments. The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 44

NEWS FROM CANADA BCOC Regional Specialty Report By Sanda Allen


show site was a fantastic venue along with great people, great weather, great camping, smooth sailing and great cooperation between exhibitors. Everybody helped everyone else. Our African Safari tent was welcoming. The potluck food was amazing. The Lobo sisters, who are wonderful hostesses, took charge of the potluck. Two photographers were assigned for the specialty. Thank you, Linda Bedard for overseeing the action inside the ring, and Daniele Beaulieu for capturing precious moments outside the ring. Thank you Valery Lombardi for sharing your snapshots. All the photos of the event are available at no charge on our page on Facebook. Thank you, Cyndi Teather of Algonquin Sewing Center in Petawawa, Ontario for the animal print dog beds. The presentation on Sat night was excellent. Father Titus was impressed and honoured with how much interest there is in the

basenji dog. He talked about the African Congo culture and the true origin of the word basenji. He also shared news that the basenji is disappearing in the Congo because of the high risk of rabies, and because some tribes are eating dogs as a meat source. Father Titus brought amazing wood sculptures that were available for sale with the proceeds going to an orphanage in Kinsasha. Karen Parmer Hutchinson, Karnak Basenjis, paid $200 for one of the ebony sculptures. We have more sculptures for sale. I will take pictures and advertise them. Cheryl and Wynn Egerton donated a hunting bell that sold for $100 to Karen Terry of Pennsylvania, USA. They donated many other interesting items. The food on Saturday night was very tasty. A good time was had by all!. On Sunday we held a meeting after the all- breed show basenji class so everyone could share their thoughts about the event. I think we are all looking forward to the next Regional, same place, same time. Everybody made new friends. Thank you for your support.

Ahamhr Nahr and Africanadian Best Of Breed Trophy................................................................................. GCh Ahmahr Nahr’s Hallelujah Makes A Joyful Noise Flo Havens of Kalikids Basenjis Best Of Opposite Sex Trophy .................................................................................................................Ch Timar’s Hits The Spot Kathy Upton of Blackwing Basenjis Best Canadian Bred Trophy ....................................................................................................... Miloki’s Tribeca at Conamore Paula Steele (of England) Best Puppy In Specialty Show Trophy ..................................................................................................... Miloki’s Tribeca at Conamore Dianna McCarthy Award Of Merit .......................................................................................................................................................Ch Bushwacker Cherry Bomb Kristy Thompson of Zigoyirox Basenjis (of Scotland) Best Of Winners Trophy ....................................................................................... Dogo Habari Man In Black Dianna McCarthy Winners Bitch Trophy ................................................................................................................................................. Timar’s On The Dark Side Chris Frost of Bushwacker Basenjis Best Veteran Trophy..................................................................................................... CH Mankia’s Bwana Kwange Josabry Chris Frost of Bushwacker Basenjis Best Veteran Bitch Trophy ..................................................................................CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Just Call Me Madam JC Dianna McCarthy Stud Dog Trophy ............................................................................................................................................................ CH Old Legend’s Baldur Dianna McCarthy Brood Bitch Trophy ..........................................................................................................................CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Just Call Me Madam JC Dianna McCarthy Best Altered Trophy ..........................................................................................................................................CH Sherwood’s Black Tie Affaire Paula Steele Best Bred By Exhibitor Trophy ........................................................................................................................................... Timar’s On The Dark Side Kalikids Basenjis Best Open Bitch Trophy ....................................................................................................................................................Klassic’s In It To Win It Paula Steele Best Head Trophy ............................................................................................................................................................ Josabry Bibi Praline Zaphyr Paula Steele Best Coat Trophy ............................................................................................................................................................. Josabry Bibi Praline Zaphyr Kalikids Basenjis Best Feet Trophy ..............................................................................................................................CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Just Call Me Madam JC Kalikids Basenjis Best Topline Trophy .............................................................................................................................................CH Mankia Kifaru Africanadian Kalikids Basenjis Best Movement Trophy ............................................................................................................................................... Dogo Habari Man In Black Kalikids Basenjis Best Tail Trophy ........................................................................................................................................................................Josabry Bibi Mina Junior Handling trophies donated by Caroline Kaine ................................. Miranda Saunders, Kate Saunders, Peter Noel, Christina Savard and Gabriel Savard Linda Bedard “Basenjis In Africa” painting ...................................................................................................................................Rachelle Therrien of Quebec City The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 45



15th September, 2012 - Judge - Michael Quinney (Adoram)

07th October, 2012 - Judge - Jon Curby, USA

Dog CC / Best of Breed................................................................Kissangani Perfect Guy Dog Reserve CC...................................................................Eng Ch Tokaji Texas Ranger Bitch CC......................................................................................Eng Ch Zordia’s Wazzala Bitch Reserve CC................................................................ Kissangani Life Of The Party Best Puppy....................................................................................Kissangani Perfect Guy Best Opposite Sex Puppy................................................... Kissangani Life Of The Party Best Veteran................................................................................. Antefaa Bereke Kohinur Best Opposite Sex Veteran.....................................Bel/Lux Ch Abotere’s Zahir for Hicel

Dog CC / Best of Breed............................................................................Memetuka Jabali Dog Reserve CC...................................................... Bel/Lux Ch Abotere’s Zahir for Hicel Bitch CC...................................................................................... Eng Ch Zordia’s Wazzala Bitch Reserve CC..................................................................Eng Ch California Dreaming Best Puppy.................................................... Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris Best Opposite Sex Puppy....................................................Kissangani Life Of The Party Best Veteran............................................................. Bel/Lux Ch Abotere’s Zahir for Hicel Best Opposite Sex Veteran..........................................................Antefaa Bereke Kohinur

DOG CLASSES MINOR PUPPY DOG (2/2) 1 Wright’ & Wilkinson’s Faraoland Yuletide Snowfall at Elsco 2 Hannah’s Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris PUPPY DOG (2/2) 1 Singleton’s Faraoland Volvo Amazon vid Jethard 2 Baker’s Silverbriar Winter Sun JUNIOR DOG (4/4) 1 Triandafyllou’s Kissangani Perfect Guy (CC/BOB/BIS/BPIS) 2 Hannah’s Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris 3 Baseley’s Shadiki Summer Son by Marzuku 4 Baker’s Silverbriar Winter Sun. POST GRADUATE DOG (1/1) 1 Gaskell’s Memetuka Juakali LIMIT DOG (3/3) 1 Baseley’s Marzuku Mzuri 2 Wright’ & Wilkinson’s Elsco Amatillyson 3 Hanna’s Zordia’s Ajani ShCM OPEN DOG (3/3) 1/RCC Cullen’ & Agnew’s Ch Tokaji Texas Ranger 2 Grayson’s Ch Tokaji American Gigolo At Embeau JW ShCM 3 Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue BRED BY - DOG (1/1) 1 Gaskell’s Memetuka Jabali ShCM. NOT BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOG (2/2) 1 Hannah’s Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris 2 Middleton’s Zande Habibi VETERAN DOG (1/4) 1 Chavez-Novoa’s Ned/Lux Ch Abotere’s Zahir for Hicel 2 Middleton’s Jethard Mezzotint 3 Lane’s Antefaa African Emigrant

DOG CLASSES PUPPY DOG (3/3) 1 Miller’s Benkura Blue Sky Mine 2 Singleton’s Faraoland Volvo Amazon vid Jethard JUNIOR DOG (4/4) 1 Hannah’s Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris (BP) 2 Baseley’s Shadiki Summer Son by Marzuku 3 Miller’s Benkura Blue Sky Mine 4 Gostynska’s Bubas Beau Bill POST GRADUATE DOG (2/2) 1 Gaskell’s Memetuka Juakali 2 Hooper’s Bubas Pharaoh’s Fortune LIMIT DOG (2/2) 1 Hanna’s Zordia’s Ajani ShCM 2 Baseley’s Marzuku Mzuri OPEN DOG (4/5) 1 Cullen’ & Agnew’s Ch Tokaji Texas Ranger 2 Grayson’s Ch Tokaji American Gigolo At Embeau JW ShCM 3 Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue 4 Cooley’s Ch Jethard Timed To Perfection VETERAN DOG (3/3) 1 Chavez-Novoa’s Ned/Lux Ch Abotere’s Zahir for Hicel (RCC/RBOB/RBIS) 2 Lane’s Antefaa African Emigrant 3 Middleton’s Jethard Mezzotint BRED BY - DOG (2/2) 1 Gaskell’s Memetuka Jabali ShCM (CC/BOB/BIS) 2 Miller’s Benkura Blue Sky Mine. NOT BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOG (4/4) 1 Chavez-Novoa’s Ned/Lux Ch Abotere’s Zahir for Hicel 2 Hardy’, Hallam’ & Webb’s Ch/Am Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley 3 Ellis’ Tokaji American Gangster At Tenfield 4 Middleton’s Zande Habibi

BITCH CLASSES VETERAN BITCH (1/1) 1/BV Lane’s Antefaa Bereke Kohinur PUPPY BITCH (3/3) 1/RCC Adams’ Kissangani Life Of The Party 2 Baker’s Silverbriar Mirror Image 3 Jeffery’s Silverbriar Forest Rose to Glynsam JUNIOR BITCH (2/2) 1 Baker’s Silverbriar Mirror Image 2 Eydmann’s Shadiki Summer Sensation POST GRADUATE BITCH (3/3) 1 Matthews’ Gooses Glint Of Gold 2 Baker’s Silverbriar Mirror Image (tri) 3 Chavez-Novoa’s Marzuku Mzara LIMIT BITCH (3/3) 1 Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji California Dreaming 2 Wright’ & Wilkinson’s Elsco Amatiger 3 Eydmann’s Woodella Northern Dashiki OPEN BITCH (1/2) 1/CC Allen’s Ch Zordia’s Wazzala 2 Adams’ Kissangani Only Dreaming 3 Wright’ & Wilkinson’s Jethard Dusk Til Dawn At Elsco 4 Legget’s Irish Ch Elsco Amastunner At Swanwite NOT BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCH (1/1) 1 Baker’s Irish Ch Tokaji American Dreamz of Silverbriar JW ShCM

BITCH CLASSES PUPPY BITCH (4/4) 1 Adams’ Kissangani Life Of The Party (BOS Pup) 2 Baker’s Silverbriar Mirror Image 3 Bardet’s Gleaming Gloria des Terres Oceanes 4 Hooper’ & Gibson’s Giantswood Woizero Tessay. JUNIOR BITCH (4/5) 1 Baker’s Silverbriar Mirror Image 2 Gostynska’s Bubas Cepelia 3 Bardet’s Gleaming Gloria des Terres Oceanes 4 Bradley’s Emmzar Destiny’s Child POST GRADUATE BITCH (4/5) 1 Baker’s Silverbriar Mirror Image 2 Gostynska’s Bubas Monisha 3 Bradley’s Emmzar Royal Destiny 4 Cooley’s Zande Ihsani OPEN BITCH (4/4) 1 Allen’s Ch Zordia’s Wazzala (CC/BOS) 2 Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji California Dreaming (RCC) 3 Legget’s Irish Ch Elsco Amastunner At Swanwite 4 Adams’ Kissangani Only Dreaming VETERAN BITCH (1.1) 1 Addis’ Savannastorm Little Snap Dragon (Best Vet over 10) BRED BY - BITCH (1/1) 1 Baker’s Silverbriar Mirror Image NOT BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCH (4/4) 1 Baker’s Irish Ch Tokaji American Dreamz of Silverbriar JW ShCM 2 Lane’s Antefaa Bereke Kohinur (BOS Vet) 3 Legget’s Irish Ch Elsco Amastunner At Swanwite 4 Bardet’s Gleaming Gloria des Terres Oceanes.

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RICHMOND CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW - UK 07th September, 2012 Judge - Rene Sporre-Willis (Sweden) Dog CC / Best of Breed ..................................................... Eng Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue Dog Reserve CC ................................................... Faraoland Volvo Amazon vid Jethard Bitch CC .................................................................... Eng Ch Tokaji California Dreaming Bitch Reserve CC ........................................................................Silverbriar Mirror Image Best Puppy ............................................................ Faraoland Volvo Amazon vid Jethard Best Veteran .............................................................................. African Mystery’s Anubis DOG CLASSES VETERAN DOG (1/1) 1/BV Beaufort’s African Mystery’s Anubis PUPPY DOG (1/1) 1/BP/RCC Singleton’s Faraoland Volvo Amazon vid Jethard 2 Baker’s Silverbriar Winter Sun JUNIOR DOG (1/1) 1 Baseley’s Shadiki Summer Son by Marzuku

LIMIT DOG (3/3) 1 Wright’ & Wilkinson’s Elsco Amatillyson 2 Baseley’s Marzuku Mzuri 3 Middleton’s Zande Habibi OPEN DOG (1/2) 1/CC/BOB Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue BITCH CLASSES PUPPY BITCH (1/1) 1/RCC Baker’s Silverbriar Mirror Image JUNIOR BITCH (1/1) 1 Baker’s Silverbriar Mirror Image LIMIT BITCH (2/2) 1/CC Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji California Dreaming CC 2 Wright’ & Wilkinson’s Elsco Amatiger OPEN BITCH (3/3) 1 Legget’s Irish Ch Elsco Amastunner At Swanwite 2 Allen’s Ch Zordia’s Wazzala 3 Baker’s Tokaji American Dreamz of Silverbriar JW ShCM


CHAMPION CLASS Bulldobas Catch The Wind

Judge: Margaret Martin (Ireland) Best of Breed ............................................................Sternhimmels Nota Prima Best Op Sex ............................................................. Ajibu Jumping Jack Flash Best of Breed Veteran ....................................... Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius Best Op Sex Veteran........................................ Sternhimmels Bene Benedicta Best of Breed-Breeders Group ............................. kennel Sternhimmels BIS-1 MALES BD1 BD2 BD3 BD4

Ajibu Jumping Jack Flash Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius Klassic’s Daydream Believer Sternhimmels Lux In Nocte

JUNIOR CLASS Zahleka Veni Vidi Vici INTERMEDIATE CLASS Ajibu I Go Wild Signet Road Less Travelled OPEN CLASS Behukai Evening Star Kanibaru Lambada Kaoma Perrada Unican Enter Sandman Kanjaras Wind Of Hope

Junior Excellent 1, CQ, CC, BOS Veteran Excellent 1, CQ, BOB-veteran Champion Excellent 1, CQ, CACIB Champion Excellent 2, CQ, ResCACIB Junior Very good 2 Intermediate Very good 1 Intermediate Very good 2 Open Excellent 1, CQ, ResCC Open Excellent 2, CQ Open Very good 3 Open Very good 4

Photo: Ami - From left BOB-veteran Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius / BOS-veteran Sternhimmels Bene Benedicta

Photo: Ami - From left BOB Sternhimmels Nota Prima BOS Ajibu Jumping Jack Flash

Champion Excellent 3, CQ

FEMALES BB1 Sternhimmels Nota Prima Intermediate Excellent 1, CQ, CC, CACIB, BOB BB2 Easy Come Easy Go Afrikata Junior Excellent 1, CQ, ResCC BB3 Sternhimmels In Dulci Iubilo Champion Excellent 1, CQ, ResCACIB BB4 Wazazi The One And Only Intermediate Excellent 2, CQ JUNIOR CLASS Ajibu Jar Of Hearts Junior Excellent 2, CQ Sharaba Heartbeat Junior Excellent 3, CQ Rosonene´s Soprano Superiosa Junior Very good 4 INTERMEDIATE CLASS Rosone’s Retro Rimembranza) Intermediate Very good 3 OPEN CLASS Dakarai Don’t Let You Down Open Excellent 1, CQ CHAMPION CLASS Ajibu Foolish Heart Champion Excellent 2, CQ VETERAN CLASS Sternhimmels Bene Benedicta Veteran Excellent 1, CQ, BOS-veteran Ajibu Billie Jean Veteran Excellent 2, CQ BREEDERS CLASS kennel Sternhimmels (Sternhimmels Lux In Nocte, Sternhimmels Bene Benedicta, Sternhimmels In Dulci Iubilo, Sternhimmels Nota Prima) 1 KP, BOB-, BIS1-breeders group

Photo: Ami BOB-, BIS1-breeders group kennel Sternhimmels

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EKERÖ INT 09/29/2012

Best of Breed ............................................ Sternhimmels In Dulci Iubilo BIG-1 Best Op Sex .......................................................Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius Best of Breed-Veteran .......................................Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius Best of Breed Puppy............................................................ Sharaba Heartbeat Best of Breed-junior ............................................................Ajibu Jar Of Hearts Best of Breed-Breeders Group ...................................... Kennel Sternhimmels

Best of Breed ..................................................................Khani’s Midnight Star Best Op Sex .........................................................................Hanishan X-Factor

Judge: Sylvie Desserne (France)

Judge: Saija Juutilainen (Finland)


1, HP, BOB-puppy

MALES BD1 Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius Veteran Excellent 1, CQ, BOS, BOB-veteran BD2 Sternhimmels Lux In Nocte Champion Excellent 1, CQ BD3 Ajibu Jumping Jack Flash Junior Excellent 1, CQ, CC JUNIOR CLASS Rosone’s Soprano Superlativo Junior Excellent 2 FEMALES BB1 Sternhimmels In Dulci Iubilo Champion Excellent 1, CQ, BOB, BIG-1 BB2 Ajibu Jar Of Hearts Junior Excellent 1, CQ, CC, BOB-Junior BB3 Sternhimmels Notabilia Bona Intermediate Excellent 1, CQ, ResCC OPEN CLASS Pepparssons Majestic Monday Open Very good 1 Bulldobas Amaranth Open Very good 2

MALES BD1 Hanishan X-Factor Champion Excellent 1, CQ, CACIB, BOS BD2 Sundevils Howlingfjord Champion Excellent 2, CQ, CC, FI CH ResCACIB FEMALES BB1 Khani’s Midnight Star Champion Excellent 1, CQ, CC, FI CH, CACIB, BOB BB2 Suntribe’s Sparkling Supernova Champion Excellent 2, CQ, ResCC, ResCACIB INTERMEDIATE CLASS Chimeloxx Melona Midday Very good1

Photo: Eva Frödin From right Best of Breed: Khani’s Midnight Star Best Op Sex: Hanishan X-Factor

BREEDERS CLASS kennel Sternhimmels Sternhimmels Lux In Nocte, Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius, Sternhimmels In Dulci Iubilo, Sternhimmels Notabilia Bona) 1 HP, BOB breeders group

FINLAND - SEINÄJOKI INT SEINÄJOKI INT 10/27/2012 - FINLAND Judge: Agneta Kappers (Sweden)

Best of Breed ........................................................Sternhimmels In dulci Iubilo Best Op Sex ....................................................... Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius Best of Breed Veteran ....................................... Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius MALES BD1 Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius BD2 Echo Of Dreams Afrikata BD3 Ajibu Great Balls Of Fire BD4 Sternhimmels Lux In Nocte

Veteran Excellent 1, CQ, BOS, BOB-veteran Junior Excellent 1, CQ, CC Champion Excellent 1, CQ, CACIB Champion Excellent 2, CQ, ResCACIB

OPEN CLASS Hi-Lite D’Light Bulldobas CHAMPION CLASS Klassic’s Daydream Believer Safeguard’s Dijon Bulldobas

Champion Excellent 3, CQ Excellent Champion 4, CQ

FEMALES BB1 Sternhimmels In dulci Iubilo BB2 Bulldobas Cute As A Button BB3 Wapenzi Minkah BB4 Heriaheri Harvest Moon

Champion Excellent 1, CQ, CACIB, BOB Champion Excellent 2, CQ, ResCACIB Open Excellent 1, CQ, CC Champion Excellent 3, CQ

JUNIOR CLASS Aailyah Congo Gazele

OPEN CLASS Pepparsson’s Majestic Monday CHAMPION CLASS Ajibu Good Vibrations Wapenzi Morowa Photo: Ami From left: BOB Sternhimmels In Dulci Iubilo; Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius

Open Excellent 1

Junior Excellent 1, CQ, ResCC The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 48

Open Very good 2 Excellent Champion 4, CQ Champion Excellent BOS, BOB-veteran

DENMARK - SHOW RESULTS VEJEN INT (DK) SEPTEMBER 15, 2012 - DENMARK Judge: Tino Pehar (Croatia) Best of Breed ................................................................ Enigma Just Watch Me Best of Op Sex ........................................................ Doberguard’s Black Magic Best Puppy ..............................................................Faraoland Swedish Design PUPPIES MALES Faraoland Swedish Design

Judge Petru Muntean, Rumania

FEMALES BB1 Doberguard’s Black Magic Junior Excellent 1, CQ, CC, BOS BB2 Ajibu Foolish Heart Champion Excellent 1, CQ, CACIB, ResCC BB3 Wazazi The One And Only Intermediate Excellent 1, CQ, ResCACIB BB4 Hazhart Miss Chevious Champion Excellent 2, CQ


Khani’s Midnight Star Ajibu Billie Jean


Herning, Denmark November 3 & 4, 2012

Puppy class 1 HP, BOB-puppy

MALES BD1 Enigma Just Watch Me Champion Excellent 1, CQ, CACIB, CC, BOB BD2 Kingwanas Hellblazer Of D’guardy Intermediate Excellent 1, CQ, ResCC BD3 Ajibu Feelin’ Good Champion Excellent 2, CQ, ResCACIB BD4 Ajibu Foolin’ Around Champion Excellent 3, CQ



Photos by Kathrine Gunstad

DKK Int Winner Best of Breed & Nordic Winner 2012 Kenjaali Frankley My Dear DKK Int BOS & Nordic Winner 2012 Kingwanas Hellblazer of D’Guard DKK Int Junior Winner 2012 & Nordic Junior Winner Karimbas BLING BLING

Open Excellent 1, CQ Champion Excellent 3, CQ Champion Excellent 4, CQ

VEJEN INT (DK) – DENMARK SEPTEMBER 16, 2012 Judge: Krystyna Opara (Poland) Best of Breed..................................................................... Ajibu Foolin’ Around Best of Op Sex.......................................................... Wazazi The One And Only Best-Puppy...............................................................Faraoland Swedish Design PUPPIES MALES Faraoland Swedish Design Puppy class 1 HP, BOB-puppy MALES BD1 Ajibu Foolin’ Around Champion Excellent 1, CQ, CC, DK CH, CACIB, BOB BD2 Kingwanas Hellblazer Of D’guard Intermediate Excellent 1, CQ, ResCC, ResCACIB OPEN CLASS Guerlain To Kimwitu Of Swala Pala Open Excellent 1 CHAMPION CLASS Enigma Just Watch Me Champion Excellent 2 Ajibu Feelin’ Good Champion Excellent 3

Left to right) Best of Breed and Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed

FEMALES BB1 Wazazi The One And Only

Intermediate Excellent 1, CQ, CC, CACIB, BOS BB2 Hazhart Miss Chevious Champion Excellent 1, CQ, ResCC, ResCACIB BB3 Ajibu Foolish Heart Champion Excellent 2, CQ BB4 Doberguard’s Black Magic Junior Excellent 1, CQ OPEN CLASS Sascha Open Excellent 1 CHAMPION CLASS Khani’s Midnight Star Champion Excellent 3 Ajibu Billie Jean Champion Excellent 4 Jasiri-Sukari Powder Puff Champion Excellent


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Standing Name


1................... GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin...................................................................................................................................... 962 2................... GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel............................................................................................................... 557 3................... GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba Zensational............................................................................................................................... 309 4................... GCH DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition SC................................................................................................................................ 251 5................... GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet.................................................................................................................... 261 6................... GCH CH Platinum Nelson Jewel Of D’Nile SC................................................................................................................... 190 7................... GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl........................................................................................................................... 188 8................... GCH CH Taji’s Klassic Lil Black Dress SC............................................................................................................................ 122 9................... GCH CH Klassic’s Slam Dunk............................................................................................................................................. 100 10................. GCH CH Arubmec’s Thriller................................................................................................................................................ 95 11................. GCH CH Karnak’s Pure And Simple Allure........................................................................................................................... 87 12................. GCH CH I Am Jacob The Beloved JC................................................................................................................................... 86 13................. GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Xtra Special Edition............................................................................................................... 84 14................. GCH CH AB Day Trip To Tanza-Jamaa SC............................................................................................................................. 78 15................. GCH CH Reveille One For The Money................................................................................................................................ 70 16................. GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Speed Of Light....................................................................................................................... 69 17................. GCH CH AB-Rafiki The Icon Of Cool.................................................................................................................................... 68 18................. GCH CH Taji Goes Platinum JC............................................................................................................................................ 65 19................. CH Zindika’s Got Moxy....................................................................................................................................................... 63 20................. GCH CH Dark Moon’s Tilt-A-Whirl...................................................................................................................................... 59


Standing Name


1................... GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin.................................................................................................................................... 7872 2................... GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel............................................................................................................. 3637 3................... GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl......................................................................................................................... 2327 4................... GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet.................................................................................................................. 1774 5................... GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba Zensational............................................................................................................................. 1304 6................... GCH DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition SC................................................................................................................................ 774 7................... GCH CH Klassic’s Slam Dunk............................................................................................................................................. 528 8................... GCH CH Reveille One For The Money.............................................................................................................................. 483 9................... GCH CH Platinum Nelson Jewel Of D’Nile SC................................................................................................................... 376 10................. CH Teazer Kazor Ekundayo For Johari.............................................................................................................................. 360 11................. GCH CH Kivu Doo Wop Hooligan...................................................................................................................................... 357 12................. GCH CH Arubmec’s Thriller.............................................................................................................................................. 314 13................. GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Speed Of Light..................................................................................................................... 299 14................. GCH CH Reveille Push The Limit To Mv JC........................................................................................................................ 288 15................. GCH CH AB Day Trip To Tanza-Jamaa SC........................................................................................................................... 224 16................. GCH DC Bantu’s Playing Rochambeau SC......................................................................................................................... 208 17................. CH Zindika’s Got Moxy..................................................................................................................................................... 204 18................. GCH CH Reveille Push Button........................................................................................................................................... 204 19................. GCH CH Epic Select Tri For Da In Zone SC......................................................................................................................... 199 20................. CH Illusion’s Jelani Rio...................................................................................................................................................... 169

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Rank Dog Name Sex GCH Points 1 ............GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel .................................................. Dog.............................................................299 2 ............GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin ......................................................................... Dog.............................................................236 3 ............GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba Zensational ................................................................... Dog.............................................................209 4 ............GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet ....................................................... Bitch............................................................142 5 ............GCH CH Platinum Nelson Jewel Of D’Nile SC ..................................................... Bitch............................................................129 6 ............GCH DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition SC .................................................................... Dog.............................................................123 7 ............GCH CH Karnak’s Pure And Simple Allure ........................................................... Bitch............................................................111 8 ............GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl ............................................................. Bitch............................................................108 9 ............GCH CH Arubmec’s Thriller .................................................................................. Dog............................................................... 94 10 ..........GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Xtra Special Edition ................................................ Dog............................................................... 85 11 ..........GCH CH I Am Jacob The Beloved JC ..................................................................... Dog............................................................... 81 12..........GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Speed Of Light ....................................................... Bitch.............................................................. 64 13..........GCH CH Mata Hauri Ruby Red Beez ................................................................... Bitch.............................................................. 48 14 ..........GCH CH Alapocas Simon Says .............................................................................. Dog............................................................... 59 15 ..........GCH CH Tammen’s Sparks Will Fly ...................................................................... Bitch.............................................................. 57 16 ..........GCH DC Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot SC ..................................................... Bitch.............................................................. 56 17 ..........GCH CH Taji Goes Platinum JC ............................................................................ Bitch.............................................................. 54 18 ..........GCH CH Klassic’s Slam Dunk ................................................................................ Dog............................................................... 48 19..........GCH CH AB Day Trip to Tansa-Jamaa SC............................................................... Dog............................................................... 46 20 ..........GCH CH Reveille One For The Money .................................................................. Dog............................................................... 45


Rank Dog Name Sex GCH Achievement Points Level 1 ............GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl.............................................................. Bitch......................497 ............................. Gold 2 ............GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin.......................................................................... Dog.......................341 ............................ Silver 3 ............GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba Zensational.................................................................... Dog.......................329 ............................ Silver 4 ............GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel................................................... Dog.......................315 ............................ Silver 5 ............GCH CH Karnak’s Pure And Simple Allure............................................................ Bitch......................304 ............................ Silver 6 ............GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Bucking The Trind............................................................... Dog.......................262 ............................ Silver 7 ............GCH CH Wakili Signet Dooney............................................................................. Bitch......................203 ............................ Silver 8 ............GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Ryder Of The Voodoo Child........................................... Dog.......................201 ............................ Silver 9 ............GCH CH Undercover Meisterhaus Hi Ho Quianna By Signet JC........................... Bitch......................198 ..........................Bronze 10 ..........GCH CH Meisterhaus Dazzle ‘N’ Daze................................................................. Bitch......................197 ..........................Bronze 11 ..........GCH CH Platinum Nelson Jewel Of D’Nile SC...................................................... Bitch......................185 ..........................Bronze 12 ..........GCH CH Starfyre’s Rock’N With Danica............................................................... Bitch......................172 ..........................Bronze 13 ..........GCH DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition SC.................................................................... Dog.......................172 ..........................Bronze 14 ..........GCH CH Reveille Push Button............................................................................... Dog.......................170 ..........................Bronze 15 ..........GCH CH ‘Tis-A Arubmec’s Circle Of Life................................................................ Dog.......................167 ..........................Bronze 16 ..........GCH CH Klassic’s Slam Dunk................................................................................. Dog.......................153 ..........................Bronze 17 ..........GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet....................................................... Bitch......................142 ..........................Bronze 18 ..........GCH CH Taji Goes Platinum JC............................................................................. Bitch......................139 ..........................Bronze 19 ..........GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Xtra Special Edition................................................. Dog.......................135 ..........................Bronze 20 ..........GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Never Surrender...................................................... Dog.......................127 ..........................Bronze 21 ..........GCH DC Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot SC...................................................... Bitch......................113 ..........................Bronze 22 ..........GCH CH I Am Jacob The Beloved JC...................................................................... Dog.......................110 ..........................Bronze 23 ..........GCH CH Emerant’s The Navigator JC.................................................................... Dog.......................108 ..........................Bronze 24..........GCH CH Akubab N Eldorado Speed of Light......................................................... Dog.......................104...........................Bronze 25 ..........GCH CH Victory Meisterhaus The X Factor........................................................... Dog.......................104 ..........................Bronze 26..........GCH CH Arubmec’s Thriller.................................................................................. Dog.......................103...........................Bronze The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 51

AKC LURE COURSING - Top 20 - as of October 19, 2012 Rank Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 13 13 15 16 17 17 17 20 20 20



FC Taji’s Alster Echo MC LCX2................................................................................ D............................................................... 146 DC Emerant’s Heez Got Gusto SC.......................................................................... D................................................................. 77 DC Emerant’s Sheez Gotcha SC.............................................................................. B................................................................. 63 DC Baraka Jumoke Salish Samish SC...................................................................... D................................................................. 62 DC Emerant’s Heez Reminiscent SC....................................................................... D................................................................. 47 GCH DC Meisterhaus Neon Nights SC.................................................................... B................................................................. 42 DC AB Tanza Life In The Fast Lane SC..................................................................... B................................................................. 36 DC Songwe’s Rock Star Legend SC......................................................................... B................................................................. 34 FC Prize - Dp Just For You SC.................................................................................. B................................................................. 33 GCH DC Meisterhaus Never Winter Nights SC....................................................... B................................................................. 31 DC Suddanly Essence Of Eaglewood SC................................................................. D................................................................. 30 CH Suddanly Undeniable SC.................................................................................. B................................................................. 30 FC New World Baridi Ngano SC.............................................................................. D................................................................. 29 FC Fopaw’s Black Pearl SC...................................................................................... B................................................................. 29 FC Zuri’s Trii Me MC LCX2 CAA............................................................................... B................................................................. 28 GCH CH Dagoba’s Runako SC................................................................................. D................................................................. 27 GCH DC N’Focus Santa Baby MC............................................................................ B................................................................. 26 GCH DC Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot SC......................................................... B................................................................. 26 FC Moonlight N Amber’s Let’s Get Sirius SC.......................................................... B................................................................. 26 FC Skyhi’s Native Infinite Hope SC......................................................................... B................................................................. 25 FC Kiroja Hart N Soul RA SC................................................................................... B................................................................. 25 DC Platinum Nelson Blue Diamond SC................................................................... B................................................................. 25

ASFA LURE COURSING - Top 20 - as of September 28, 2012 Call Registered Top Name Name Owner Region 20 pts BOB 1 Searsha GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby, LCM,SC,GRC,CGC,VB K.Sanders 8 1 Zuri GCh,DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin, LCM,VFCh,MC,SGRC,VB,LCX T.Colbert 6 3 Echo FC Taji's Alster Echo, SC,LCX,FCh M.E.Chaffin 1 4 Merlin FC Thor's Kikozi, LCM2,SC J.Brader 8 5 Sammy Baraka Jumoke Salish Samish Root/Bowlus/Gregory/Saban 1 5 Winter New World Baridi Ngano J.Brader 8 7 Tempest GCh,DC Meisterhaus Neon Nights, SC,VB,GCR, FCh J.Stewart/T.Brooks 5 8 Banh Mi FC Taji'sBanhMiOntheRunwaytoBlueno, FCh,SC Hamilton/Campbell/ Kim/Farnsworth 6 9 Mosika Ntomba Mosika, FCh B.& L.Gregory 1 10 Eagle Ch Suddanly Essence of Eaglewood, FCh,SC J.& F.Hinck/S.Campeau 7 11 Siri FC MoonlightNAmber'sLet'sGet Sirius, SC R.Wright 1 11 Isis DC Platinum Nelson Blue Diamond, SC J.Bayley/D.Nelson 1 13 Breeze Suddanly Apex Fresh Air, FCh,SC Dr.S.Campeau 7 14 Gunner SGT At Arms Mustang Gunner M.Roach/A.Therrell 7 14 Trii Me FC Zuri's Trii Me, LCM,SC,LCX,SOR D.Sehm/D.Troyna 2 16 Roxie FC Kiroja Hart N Soul, FCh,RA,SC K.Harmon 6 17 Robin Kugawa's Robin The Boy Wonder, FCh S.& S.Sher/C.Zapata/P.Burkhart 8 17 Dawn FC Platinum Nelson Sardonyx Lady, FCh,SC,CGC E.Monzon/M.K.Quinnett 1 19 Rio FC Kinetic Sourcery, FCh,SC,JOR L.Voss/S.Stump 2 19 Bama Baraka Bama P.Root/W.Bowlus 1

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57 57 53 52 35 35 34

17 6 3 4 2 2 3

0 0 0 0 1 0 0

33 32 30 22 22 19 18 18 17 16 16 15 15

7 2 2 1 0 0 4 3 2 0 0 2 0

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

LGRA Top Twenty Standings As of October 17, 2012

RANK NAME............. REGISTERED NAME.............................................................................. OWNER......................................... YTD 1 Ari..................... DC Jadaka's Independent Spirit SC SGRC2 ORC FCh VB............................ Colbert..........................................27.00 2 Tutu.................. Apu Pi De Deux SGRC3.............................................................................. Christensen...................................16.00 3 Daximillan......... 5 Star Dax De Fax GRC............................................................................... Sauceda........................................13.00 4 Rocky................ Kiroja Chicago Hood At Jaroufa SGRC6..................................................... Ladick............................................12.00 5 Zuni................... Astarte's Zuni Breeze at Sun River CGC, GRC, JOR.................................... Garel/Sapios.................................10.00 6 Tempest............ CH Meisterhaus Neon Nights GRC............................................................ Stewart/Brooks...............................9.50 7 L'Ox................... Kinetic Interesting Times GRC................................................................... Voss................................................8.50 8 Remi................. Emerant's Heez Reminiscent GRC............................................................. Smith/Hart......................................7.25 9 Zuri................... GCh DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX SGRC2 ORC LCM VFCh VB........... Colbert............................................7.00 10 Anubus............. Lord Anubs - Studdard GRC...................................................................... Studdard.........................................6.00 11 Fern.................. CH Apu Painted Sand RN AX OAJ XF THD SC FCH SGRC ORC.................... Marsicano.......................................5.50 12 Sophie............... Kinetic Tanza Soul Music GRC................................................................... Voss................................................5.33 13 Jules.................. DC Eldorado's Made You Look MC, LCX, RE, BN, GRC............................... Johnson...........................................5.25 14 Velvet................ Ch Akuaba N Eldorado's Speedster GRC................................................... Johnson...........................................4.75 15 Dax.................... Sundiata's Curzon Dax GRC....................................................................... Gamble...........................................4.50 16 Bama................ Baraka Bama............................................................................................. Bowlus............................................4.25 17 Ellie................... Dakotah's Chantellie Lace......................................................................... Lemberger/Lemberger....................4.00 18 Scarlet............... FC Apu PiNache RN SC SGRC2 SORC THD FCH.......................................... Marsicano.......................................3.00 19 Rio-V................. Kinetic Sourcery........................................................................................ Voss/Stump....................................2.33 20 Callie................. UKC CH FC Lothlorien's Kahlua N Cream SC FCh TT.................................. Squires............................................2.00 20 Domino............. GCH DC Akuaba N Eldorado's Speed Shot SC........................................... Johnson...........................................2.00 20 Duffy................. 5Star Stepping Stone Ode to Kazor, JC...................................................... Sauceda..........................................2.00 20 Harley............... Sam's I'll Tri Anything................................................................................ Haggard..........................................2.00

NOTRA Top Twenty Standings As of October, 2012

RANK NAME............. REGISTERED NAME.............................................................................. OWNER......................................... YTD 1 Ari..................... DC Jadaka’s Independent Spirit SC SGRC2 SORC2 FCh VB........................ Colbert..........................................28.00 2 Tutu.................. Apu Pi De Deux SGRC2 SC SORC............................................................... Christensen...................................11.00 3 Daximillan......... 5 Star Dax De Fax GRC SOR....................................................................... Sauceda..........................................9.00 4 Jada.................. Kiroja’s Loving Every Minute NA NAJ GRC SORC3..................................... Cook/Hayek/Harmon......................8.00 5 Remi................. Emerant’s Heez Reminiscent.................................................................... Smith/Hart......................................6.50 5 Zuri................... GCh DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX SGRC2 ORC LCM VFCh VB........... Colbert............................................6.50 7 L’Ox................... Kinetic Interesting Times GRC SOR ORC.................................................... Voss................................................6.00 8 Dax.................... Sundiata’s Curzon Dax GRC JOR................................................................ Gamble...........................................4.00 8 Gotcha.............. Emerant’s Sheez Gotcha........................................................................... Hart.................................................4.00 8 Rio.................... FC Kinetic Sourcery SC SOR ORC............................................................... Voss/Stump....................................4.00 11 Bama................ Baraka Bama............................................................................................. Bowlus............................................3.00 12 Gus................... Emerant’s Heez Got Gusto........................................................................ Hart.................................................2.50 12 Ian..................... FC Apu the Answer MC LCX SGRC4 ORC................................................... Christensen.....................................2.50 14 Duffy................. 5 Star Stepping Stone Ode to Kazor JC JOR............................................... Sauceda..........................................2.00 14 Trii Me.............. Zuri’s Trii Me SOR ORC.............................................................................. Sehm/Troyna..................................2.00 16 Rally.................. DC Sherwood’s Shadow of the Moon SC FCh JOR.................................... Voss/Dubbert..................................1.00 16 Rocky................ Kiroja Chicago Hood At Jaroufa SGRC6 SORC............................................ Ladick..............................................1.00 16 Velvet................ DC & Can CH Akuaba N Eldorado Speedster, SC....................................... Johnson...........................................1.00

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NORWAY Top Basenjis

BRAZIL - Top Basenjis



November 2012


1........... Kingwanas Glory Of The Spotlight........................................... 54 2........... Doberguard’s Ramses Of The Nile........................................... 53 3........... Moyomema Zelda Wairidi....................................................... 52 4........... Kingwanas Foxy Femme Fatale................................................ 47 5........... Kingwanas Fairy Of Tails........................................................... 44 6........... Kingwanas Into The Wind........................................................ 42 7........... Shahrans Phantom Of The Opera............................................ 41 8........... Ashikis One In A Million........................................................... 37 9........... Kingwanas Jitterbug ................................................................ 35 10......... Kingwanas Exhausting Federal Xpress..................................... 29

AKC TOP JUNIORS September 30, 2012

Juniors with a double ** after their name are in the Masters Class and have earned at least 10 1st Place Open Wins with Competition.

RANK JUNIOR POINTS 1................ Sage Williams**................................................................. 140 2................ Amiah Nelson....................................................................... 36 3................ Serena Edgerton.................................................................. 25 4................ Amelia McLaughlin.............................................................. 24 5................ Wyatt Ross .......................................................................... 19 6................ Anna Scherzinger................................................................. 14 7................ Olivia Rosener...................................................................... 12 8................ Cagney Lin Ehlers................................................................... 8 .................. Eliazbeth K Edgerton ............................................................. 7 .................. Thomas S Meade II ................................................................ 7 .................. Amy Lovelace ........................................................................ 6 12.............. Aleesha Grove........................................................................ 5 .................. Danielle New ......................................................................... 5 .................. Natasha Hughes..................................................................... 5 15.............. Shae Reece............................................................................. 4 16.............. Gabrielle Quinnett................................................................. 2 .................. Mikala Bennett ...................................................................... 2 .................. Jade Hettick ........................................................................... 1

ADULT Pos. Nome.................................... Proprietário/Handler.................. Pts. 1 Bupe Itapuca........................... Savio Picanço Steele .................... 994 2 Kazor’s Take Me All The Way... Savio Picanço Steele .................... 982 3 Diva Touchless Itapuca............ Savio Picanço Steele .................... 291 4 Dama De Vermelho Itapuca.... Savio Picanço Steele ...................... 58 5 Master Allen’s Cher................. Armin William Brand Allen/ Savio Steele .................................... 47 6 Djade Itapuca.......................... Savio Picanço Steele ...................... 43 7 Master Allen’s Marilyn Mccoo.Armin William Brand Allen Carlinho................................. 35 8 Coronel Itapuca....................... Savio Picanço Sttele ....................... 31 9 Klassic’s Guri Itapuca............... Savio Picanço Steele ...................... 30 10 Arubmec’s This Is It At Itapuca.Savio Picanço Steele ...................... 22 11 Master Allen’s Amy Winehouse.......................................................... Armin Willian Brand Allen .............. 17 Dom Dom Itapuca................... Abelardo Ribeiro ............................ 17 13 Master Allen’s Courtney Love. Armin William Brand Allen Carlinho................................. 15 14 Djalma Itapuca........................ Alex Piffer Claudio Cruz.................. 11 15 Cometa Itapuca....................... João Luiz Oliveira Lopes ................... 7 16 Jadaka Meisterhaus Magic Man Of Itapuca........................................ Savio Picanço Steele ......................... 3 Daslu Itapuca.......................... Airton Rodrigues Pinto Junior .......... 3 Dom Dom Itapuca................... Abelardo Ribeiro .............................. 3

JUNIOR (9 TO 15 MONTHS) 1 2 3 4

Kazor’s Take Me All The Way... Savio Picanço Steele .................... 187 Djade Itapuca.......................... Savio Picanço Steele .................... 154 Diva Touchless Itapuca............ Savio Picanço Steele .................... 145 Master Allen’s Marilyn Mccoo.Armin William Brand Allen Carlinho................................. 45 5 Djalma Itapuca........................ Alex Piffer Claudio Cruz.................. 35 6 Jadaka Meisterhaus Magic Man Of Itapuca........................................ Savio Picanço Steele ....................... 12 7 Master Allen’s Amy Winehouse.......................................................... Armin Willian Brand Allen .............. 10 8 Daslu Itapuca.......................... Airton Rodrigues Pinto Junior .......... 9 9 Dom Dom Itapuca................... Abelardo Ribeiro .............................. 4 10 Dom Dom Itapuca................... Abelardo Ribeiro .............................. 3 11 Dama De Vermelho Itapuca.... Savio Picanço Steele ........................ 2

PUPPY ( 6 TO 9) 1 2

Djalma Itapuca........................ Alex Piffer Claudio Cruz................ 126 Djade Itapuca.......................... Savio Picanço Steele ...................... 13

UNITEDBasenji KENNEL CLUB Standings Through November 4, 2012




1 ............. GRCH Tammen’s Sparks Will Fly....................................................... Laura Gilchrist....................................................................................... 25 2 ............. CH AB Day Trip To Tanza-jamaa........................................................ Jeff Sheldon........................................................................................... 21 3 ............. CH Ahmahr Nahr’s You’re The One................................................... Jennie D Behles and Reena Fair............................................................ 10 4 ............. GRCH Timar’s On The Dark Side....................................................... Jean D Martin.......................................................................................... 9 5 ............. Klassic-tanza Color Me Tri................................................................. Pat Fragassi and Ted Judd....................................................................... 7 6 ............. UWPS UGWPC1 GRCH Undercover Meisterhaus Valenti................. Kellie Harmon......................................................................................... 6 6............. UWPS UGWPCH GRCH Meisterhaus Kiroja Kiss N Tell...................... Kelli Harmon........................................................................................... 6 6 ............. CH Marjani Notaviva......................................................................... Julie A Hartigan....................................................................................... 6 9............. CH Batman The Dark Knight............................................................. Jessica Ryno and Dan Ryno..................................................................... 4 10........... CH Jerlin’s The Tri Who Loved Me.................................................... Debbie Brown-Thompson....................................................................... 3 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 54

2012 CANADIAN STANDINGS As of October 20, 2012



1............GCh Ahmahr Nahr’s Hallelujah Makes A Joyful Noise(F)................................. 1........... 29...........33..........19.......... 13......... 1897 2............Ch Duck Sauce Itapuca(M).............................................................................. 0............ 0.............3............1............ 2........... 151 3............Ch Klassic’s Slam Dunk(M)............................................................................... 0............ 0.............0............1............ 0........... 143 4............Ch Beaubri’s High Maintenance(F).................................................................. 0............ 4.............5............0............ 1........... 115 5............Ch Orru’s Heart N Soul(M).............................................................................. 0............ 0.............1............2............ 1............ 89 6............Klassic’s Taste Of Honey(F).............................................................................. 0............ 0.............1............0............ 2............ 57 7............Ch Beaubri’s On The Q.T.(F)............................................................................. 0............ 3.............2............1............ 0............ 56 8............Akuaba N Eldorado Xtra Saucy(F).................................................................... 0............ 0.............2............0............ 1............ 49 9............Ch Beaubri’s Master of Disguize(M)................................................................ 0............ 0.............0............0............ 1............ 27 10..........Miloki’s Tribeca at Conamore(F)...................................................................... 0............ 0.............1............0............ 1............ 23 11..........Ch Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot(F)........................................................... 0............ 0.............0............0............ 0............ 19 12..........Josabry Bibi Rikiki(F)........................................................................................ 0............ 0.............0............0............ 1............ 15 13..........Ch Ahmahr Nahr’s Magic Fantasia at Mibre(F)............................................... 0............ 0.............0............1............ 0............ 14 14..........Sonbar’s Worth Watching At Miloki(F)............................................................ 0............ 0.............0............0............ 1............ 12 14..........Ch Mankia Kifaru Africanadian(M).................................................................. 0............ 0.............0............0............ 0............ 12 16..........Ch Gala’s Own The Podium(M)....................................................................... 0............ 0.............0............0............ 0............. 5 17..........Sphinx Sizzlin Red Hot Looker(F)..................................................................... 0............ 0.............0............0............ 0............. 4 17..........Sphinx King Bugsy Whatz Up Doc.................................................................... 0............ 0.............0............0............ 0............. 4 19..........Klassic’s Little Texas Bushwacker(M)............................................................... 0............ 0.............0............0............ 2............. 3 20..........Ch Africanadian Zia Of AhmahrNahr(F)........................................................... 0............ 0.............0............0............ 0............. 2 20..........Africanadian Jem Of AhmahrNahr(F).............................................................. 0............ 0.............0............0............ 0............. 2 20..........Josabry Bibi Praline Zaphyr(F)......................................................................... 0............ 0.............0............0............ 0............. 2

BREED STANDINGS RANK DOG’S NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 9 9 9 12 13 13 13 13 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 18


GCh Ahmahr Nahr’s Hallelujah Makes A Joyful Noise (F) Ch Klassic’s Slam Dunk (M) Ch Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot (F) Ch Mankia Kifaru Africanadian (M) Akuaba N Eldorado Xtra Saucy (F) Ch Gala’s Own The Podium (M) Ch Duck Sauce Itapuca (M) Klassic’s Taste Of Honey (F) Sphinx Sizzlin Red Hot Looker (F) Josabry Bibi Rikiki (F) Sphinx King Bugsy Whatz Up Doc Ch Orru’s Heart N Soul (M) Josabry Bibi Praline Zaphyr (F) Ch Africanadian Zia Of AhmahrNahr (F) Africanadian Jem Of AhmahrNahr (F) Ch Beaubri’s High Maintenance (F) Miloki’s Tribeca at Conamore (F) Josabry Bibi Quinie Klassic’s Little Texas Bushwacker (M) Sonbar’s Worth Watching At Miloki (F) Ch Ahmahr Nahr’s Magic Fantasia at Mibre (F) Ch Beaubri’s Master of Disguize (M) Ch Beaubri’s On The Q.T. (F) Beaubri’s Quantum Leap




101 2 3 4 0 1 14 11 2 6 2 26 11 1 1 2 1 0 3 3 3 0 3 3

3 2 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

116 58 19 12 11 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 2 2 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Ranking is based on Best of Breed/Runner Up to Best of Breed in Group Wins

RANK DOG NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8




Aust Ch Remwin Littlebitofcheek ....................................... NSW ........................ Lyn Hughes ..............................................412 Aust Gr Ch Remwin Kissmycheek ...................................... NSW ........................ Lyn Hughes ..............................................248 Aust Ch Afrikenji Hot August Knight ................................... WA ......................... Miss Joanne Stewart)...............................236 Aust Ch Lomar Zahara ......................................................... QLD ........................ L Marsden)...............................................235 Obsidion Optimus Prime ..................................................... SA .......................... Ben Luxton ..............................................181 Aust Ch Obsidion Decepticon .............................................. SA .......................... Mr B Luxton ............................................120 Aust Ch Afrikenji Fifth Element ............................................VIC ......................... D & H Veless ............................................100 Wazazi Diamonds are forever ............................................. QLD ........................ Tammy Mobley ........................................49


Recognizes consistent performers at the breed level based on Challenge Points received at Breed Level at Championship. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Aust Gr Ch Remwin Kissmycheek ...................................... NSW ........................ Lyn Hughes ..............................................383 Aust Ch Remwin Littlebitofcheek ....................................... NSW ........................ Lyn Hughes ..............................................283 Unomee Sweetly Smug ........................................................VIC ......................... S Egan & M Lindsay .................................175 Aust Ch Afrikenji Hot August Knight ................................... WA ......................... Miss Joanne Stewart ...............................171 Aust Ch Unomee Ultra Million .............................................VIC ......................... Mick Lydsey .............................................163 Aust Ch Obsidion Decepticon .............................................. SA .......................... Mr B Luxton ............................................121 Aust Ch Lomar Zahara ......................................................... QLD ........................ L Marsden ...............................................112 Remwin Cheeky Liasons .................................................... NSW ........................ Lyn Hughes ..............................................109 Obsidion Optimus Prime ..................................................... SA .......................... Ben Luxton ..............................................103 Aust Ch Bayenzi Sugar Minott ............................................ NSW ........................ J P Cook & J M Lumb ................................70 Glendawn Runnamuck ........................................................ QLD ........................ Mrs L R Thompson ...................................69 Wazazi Diamonds are forever ............................................. QLD ........................ Tammy Mobley ........................................64 Katimbari Hell Razor ........................................................... QLD ........................ Mrs L R Thompson ...................................50 Aust Ch Afrikenji Fifth Element ............................................VIC ......................... D & H Veless .............................................35 Aust Sup Ch Afrikenji Hot Sumaknight .................................VIC ......................... D & H Veless .............................................25 Aust Ch Yysur Lookbutdontouch ......................................... QLD ........................ A J & F Paterson .......................................24 Nonaym Watchthecover ..................................................... QLD ........................ AJ & F Paterson ........................................21 Aust Ch Wazazi High Definition ......................................... NSW ........................ J Cook and J Lumb ....................................20


Recognises the top breeders based on various wins and titles earned by dogs that they have bred. 1 ZANDEENA ..........................................................................Millissa Fox ...............................................................................234 2 TAMSALA ............................................................................J Robert & H Budd ....................................................................190 3 AFRIKENJI ...........................................................................D & H Veless .............................................................................159 4 REMWIN .............................................................................Lyn Hughes ...............................................................................151 5 OBSIDION ...........................................................................Ben Luxton ................................................................................68 6 LOMAR ...............................................................................L Marsden ..................................................................................14 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 56

SWEDEN STANDINGS As of October 24, 2012 Plac: Namn:




1............. NORTH V-11 NORTH JV-10 NORTH V-10 SE UCH Enigma Just Watch Me...... Madelene Maple & Sofie Maple............................................. 77 2............. NORTH JV-11 Kenjaali Heeere’s Johnny.......................................................... Birgitta Prahl & Emma Prahl................................................... 75 3............. C.I.B. NORD UCH Karimba’s Colin Cocky......................................................... Heléne Roos............................................................................ 72 4............. King Khufu Cardhu.......................................................................................... Susanne Berg.......................................................................... 57 5............. (V) VWW EUW-10-10-11 SE UCH M Wami’s American Fortune Hunter........ Birgitta Prahl........................................................................... 47 6............. Sundevils Howlingfjord................................................................................... Elisabeth Wennerbo & Linda Ekman...................................... 43 7............. NO V-11 SEE V-11 Kimwitu’s Valentino........................................................... Therese Kindberg & Anne Söderholm Bjurström.................... 42 8............. Yulara, Northern Territory Quercus................................................................ Susann Marco......................................................................... 34 9............. Nganga’s Clark Kent........................................................................................ Yvonne Adolfsson................................................................... 28 10........... SE UCH Hanishan X-Factor.............................................................................. Eva Frödin............................................................................... 27 11........... Elsco Amabrawyin.......................................................................................... Anneli Alanko, Ingrid Sjölin, Helena Power bert & ....................................................................................................................................... Cecilia Johansson.................................................................... 23 *.............. SE UCH UCH DK Kenjaali Verro-Vigilante........................................................ Naranja Persson & Britta Ericson............................................ 23 13........... Enigma Dreamcatcher.................................................................................... Anders Gryhed........................................................................ 22 14........... Hi-Lite Hillbilly................................................................................................. Magnus Svensson .................................................................. 18 15........... SE UCH UCH DK Faraoland Saga Zulu.............................................................. Gun-Lis Dahlström.................................................................. 16 *.............. NORTH JV-07 SE UCH US CH Dipop Red Dancer............................................. Michelle Oljemark................................................................... 16 17........... Faraoland Kenzo Power.................................................................................. -............................................................................................... 14 *.............. Nganga’s Clint Eastwood................................................................................. Yvonne Adolfsson................................................................... 13 19........... NORD UCH Zahleka Emile Emilion.................................................................. Yvonne Adolfsson................................................................... 10 20........... Senjisfinx Malkiel............................................................................................ Jeanette Norgren...................................................................... 9


1............. NORTH JV-10 NORTH V-10 SEE V-11 SE UCH Kimwitu’s Zolotaya................... Therese Kindberg.................................................................... 83 2............. Behukai Egyptian Treasure............................................................................. Therese Kindberg.................................................................... 65 3............. SE UCH SEE V-10 NORTH JV-09 Khani’s Midnight Star.................................... Madelene Maple & Sofie Maple............................................. 59 4............. Chagma’s Rose To Faraoland.......................................................................... Helena Power bert.................................................................. 49 5............. Faraoland Flower By Kenzo............................................................................. Cecilia Johansson.................................................................... 48 6............. NORD CH Faraoland HD Street Glide.............................................................. Cecilia Johansson & Bruno Kocman........................................ 40 7............. C.I.B NORD UCH SEE V-05-06-07 PHD V-08-09 Kenjaali Kaya-Kayenna........... Naranja Persson..................................................................... 37. 8............. Kenjaali Frankly My Dear................................................................................ Naranja Persson...................................................................... 34 9............. Karimba’s Bling Bling...................................................................................... Heléne Roos............................................................................ 33 10........... SE UCH Zahleka Kazor Drama Queen.............................................................. Anna-Karin Bengtsson............................................................. 32 11........... NORTH V-11 Senjisfinx Norea......................................................................... Anna Gunnarsson................................................................... 29 *.............. NORTH JV-11 Enigma “I Have A Dream”......................................................... M Maple, Maple & C Morén................................................... 29 13........... NORD CH Jo Coyote’s Ox-Eye Daisy................................................................ Cecilia Johansson & Bruno Kocman........................................ 28 *.............. SE UCH Enigma After Me Please.................................................................... Madelene Maple & Sofie Maple............................................. 28 15........... SE UCH Twigas Darling Darjeeling................................................................... Minna Rångeby....................................................................... 26 16........... NORD VV-11 SE UCH FI UCH NORD VV-11 Yulara Itichika............................... Mia Löwbeer........................................................................... 20 17........... SE UCH Suntribe’s Sparkling Supernova......................................................... Linda Ekman............................................................................ 18 18........... Zahleka Taji Watch Four Happiness................................................................ Linda Carlson.......................................................................... 17 19........... Enigma In Your Dreams................................................................................... Annika Jonsson....................................................................... 15 20........... JUN WW-10 Yulara Noni Morinda.................................................................. Monika Massih........................................................................ 14


1............. V EUW-10 V WW-10-11 SE UCH M Wami’s American Fortune Hunter........... Birgitta Prahl........................................................................... 25 2............. C.I.B NORD UCH SE V-05-06-07 KBH V-08-09 Kenjaali Kaya-Kayenna............ Naranja Persson...................................................................... 24 3............. SE UCH DK UCH Kincha’s Red Qetesh............................................................ Gun-Lis Dahlström.................................................................... 7 *.............. SE UCH DK UCH SE VCH Zahleka Of Jillayla.................................................... Linda Carlson............................................................................ 7 5............. SE UCH FI UCH NORD VV-11 Yulara Itichika................................................... Mia Löwbeer............................................................................. 6 6............. SE UCH Shahrans Zombifa............................................................................. Heléne Roos.............................................................................. 4 7............. AM CH SE UCH DK UCH Meisterhaus Tail Of Intrigue.................................... Christina Krol............................................................................. 3 *.............. SE UCH NO UCH Singing In The Rain Out Of Africa......................................... Susanne Berg............................................................................ 3 9............. SE UCH NO UCH Faraoland Umbra Complete................................................ Åsa Holmberg........................................................................... 2

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Plac: Namn:



1............. SE UCH SE LCCH Kenjaali Mojo-Marauder..................................................... Gert Menzel............................................................................ 87 2............. SE LCCH Senisfinx Nubia................................................................................ Gert Menzel............................................................................ 78 3............. Yulara Papaya.................................................................................................. Monica Massih........................................................................ 73 4............. SE LCCH Shahrans Incredible Speed.............................................................. Lisa Dalin................................................................................. 70 5............. JUN WW-10 Yulara Noni Morinda.................................................................. Monica Massih........................................................................ 69 6............. SE LCCH Yulara Okapi...................................................................................... Mia Löwbeer........................................................................... 50 7............. Yulara Poko Bitima.......................................................................................... Paula Malmström.................................................................... 49 8............. NORD UCH Dakarai Piece Of Cake.................................................................. Ulrika Johanson....................................................................... 35 9............. SE LCCH Avongara Angali................................................................................ Mia Löwbeer........................................................................... 32 10........... Shahrans Racer In Red.................................................................................... Nina Lissborg........................................................................... 22 11........... SE LCCH Shahrans Muzzle’s Gone................................................................... Maria Kindberg....................................................................... 17 *.............. SE UCH FI UCH Zahleka Merric Merlot........................................................... Rebecka Andersen.................................................................. 17 13........... SE UCH SE V-10 NORD JV-09 Khani’s Midnight Star........................................ Madelene Lönn & Sofie Lönn.................................................. 14 *.............. SE UCH King Khufu Love Potion Number One................................................ Rebecka Andersen.................................................................. 14 *.............. SE LCCH Shahrans Jingle Bell Rock.................................................................. Therese Kindberg.................................................................... 14 16........... Yulara Kokopelli.............................................................................................. Agneta Geneborg...................................................................... 9

DENMARK STANDINGS as of Nov. 3, 2012

RANK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

DOG’S NAME POINTS Kingwanas Hellblazer Of D’guard............................................................................................................................................... 15 Karimba’s Colin Cocky................................................................................................................................................................ 10 Kimwitu’s Zolotaya....................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Ajibu Foolin’ Around.................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Enigma Just Watch Me................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Chagmas Pirate King Black Pearl.................................................................................................................................................. 5 Jo Coyote’s Ox-Eye Daisy.............................................................................................................................................................. 3 Wazazi The One And Only............................................................................................................................................................ 3 Faraoland Hd Street Glide............................................................................................................................................................ 3 Doberguard’s Black Magic............................................................................................................................................................ 3 Kenjaali Heeere’s Johnny.............................................................................................................................................................. 3 Moyomema Zelda Waridi............................................................................................................................................................. 3 King Khufu Jura............................................................................................................................................................................ 3

UNITED KINGDOM STANDINGS Through october 7, 2012 - Prepared by Sally Wallis, Zande Basenjis

Pedigrees of dogs and thousands of others can be found pedigrees.zandebasenjis.com RANK NAME





1............Ch Tokaji California Dreaming............................................................................ B.......................4....................... 7.....................3 2............Ch Tokaji American Gigolo at Embeau JW ShCM............................................... D.......................5....................... 3.....................2 3............Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue..................................................................................... D ......................5 ...................... 6.....................1 4............Ch Zordia’s Wazzala ........................................................................................... B.......................4....................... 1.....................2 5............Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at Djoser (tri) ....................................................... B.......................4....................... 1.....................1 6............Ch Tokaji Texas Ranger....................................................................................... D.......................2....................... 3.....................2 7............Memetuka Jabali ............................................................................................... D.......................1....................... 1.....................1 8............Kissangani Only Dreaming.................................................................................. B.......................1....................... 0.....................1 9............Kissangani Perfect Guy....................................................................................... D.......................1....................... 0.....................1 10..........Ch Tokaji American Beauty................................................................................. B.......................1....................... 0.....................1 11..........Faraoland Volvo Amazon vid Jethard ................................................................ D.......................1....................... 1.....................0 12..........Ch Akmar Queen Ankhesenamun ..................................................................... B.......................1....................... 0.....................0 13..........Marzuku Mzuri .................................................................................................. D.......................1....................... 0.....................0 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 58

Upcoming Events – Around the World Date



December 15, 16 2012 USA

AKC/Eukanuba National Championship Show Orlando, Florida Breed Judge: Ms. Anne MacDonald (UK) Hound Group Judge: Ms. Carla Molinari, Portugal Bred-By Exhibitor Group Judge: Mr. Dana Cline, IL

January 4, 2013


Inland Empire Hound Club of Southern California Indio, CA Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows, Superintendent Basenji Judge: Paolo Dondina; Group Judge: Ms. Nikki Riggsbee

January 18, 2013


Willamette Basenji Club Specialty Portland, OR Superintendent: Jack Onofrio Dog Shows, LLC Judges: Conformation, Juniors: Mr. James C. Briley Judge: Sweepstakes - Ms. Laura Pond

March 7-10, 2013


Crufts NEC Birmingham, England Breed Judge: Mr. Alan Hunt, Australia

March 22, 2013


Dallas-Fort Worth Basenji Club Specialty Fort Worth, TX Superintendent: Jack Onofrio Dog Shows, LLC Conformation Judge: Mrs. karen Arends Sweesptakes Judge: Mrs. Denise Tatro

April 13, 2013


Western Hound Show of Southern California Silverado, CA Superintendent: Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows

May 16-19, 2013


World Dog Show Budapest, Hungary Basenji Judge: Christian Jouanchicot, France

July 12-17, 2013


*Basenji Club of America, Inc. National Specialty www.2013BCOANational.org Auburn, WA, Argus Ranch *Breed Judge: Ms. Judy Webb *Sweepstakes Judge: Mr. Andrew Sawler

August 2, 2013


Evergreen Basenji Club Specialty Auburn, WA

August 31, 2013


BCOC Regional Specialty ingleside, ON In conjunction with Cornwall & District Kennel Club

October 24-27, 2013


BASENJI CLUB OF CANADA NATIONAL SPECIALTY Tradex Centre, Abborttsford, British Columbia, Canada 4 Days of all-breed shows

October 26, 2013


Basenji Club of Canada National Specialty In conjunction with Lower Mainland Dog Fanciers. Conformation judge: Kathy Britton Sweepstakes Judge: Gloria Fellers

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 59

Advertising & Subscriptions The Modern Basenji - Worldwide is published quarterly in print and online.



Advertising Rates COVER SET Front Cover- Color only...................................................... Back Cover – Color only..................................................... Inside Front Cover – Color only......................................... Inside Back Cover – Color only..........................................

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250.00 175.00 140.00 140.00

INSIDE COLOR PAGES Single color page.................................................................. $ 125.00 2-page spread......................................................................... $ 235.00 Half page - color................................................................... $ 65.00 Quarter-page color............................................................... $ 35.00 BLACK/WHITE PAGES Single page............................................................................ 2-page spread........................................................................ Half page - b/w..................................................................... Quarter page - b/w ..............................................................

$ 70.00 $ 130.00 $ 40.00 $ 25.00

Addtl photos (limit 4 per page)..................................................... n/c SPECIAL CATEGORIES – per year rate/size: 3.65”w x 2.50h” Breeder/Kennel Directory Listing....................................... $ 75.00 Stud Dog/Brood Bitch listing with 1 photo..................................................................... $ 75.00 Deadlines for Advertising & Editorial Submissions February 1st (March issue) August 1st (September issue) May 1st (June issue) November 1st (December issue) Contact The Modern Basenji -- Worldwide For Subscritpions - themodernbasenji@gmail.com For Advertising needs advertise.tmb@gmail.com Contact the Advertising Manager for layout details before sending sending camera-ready ads. Send inquiries to The Modern Basenji -- Worldwide 221 Oak Wood Road Kerrville, TX 78028 (830) 257-0481

Beginning with the 1st Qtr 2012 issue, the online magazine will be a modified format that includes advertising and limited content. The digital version is available at no charge.

Subscription Rates

one year


US Residents...................... $35.00 .................. $65.00 Canadian Residents............ $47.00 .................. $90.00 All Other Countries.............. $55.00................. $105.00 Single Copy USA.............................................................$12.00 Canada........................................................$15.00 All other countries.......................................$20.00

Payments Online, Checks & Money Orders US Funds Only. Mail Payments to: The Modern Basenji, 221 Oak Wood Road, Kerrville, TX 78028

MAGAZINE STAFF Editors : Wanda Pooley, Melody Falcone, A Tad Brooks Magazine Design Wanda Pooley Advertising Managers Melody Falcone & A. Tad Brooks Ad Designer Melody Falcone Copy Editing Heather Ervin Anne Rogers Maxine Elliott M. Susan Joyner

The Modern Basenji -- Worldwide is interested in your editorial submissions. Please contact us at themodernbasenji@gmail.com

Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publishers. The Modern Basenji takes no responsibility for statements or claims made in advertisements. We reserve the right to edit and/or refuse all copy. We are not responsible for errors in camera-ready ads that come in from an outside designer. All purchased manuscripts become the property of The Modern Basenji. Reports, tallies and photographs of events submitted by individuals are published as space allows. Any win photos must be identified.

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Kennel/Breeder Directory CALIFORNIA, USA




Your Listing Can Be Here!

Ad Size: 3.65”w x 2.50h” Brazil - Standings Rank Dog


Breeder/Kennel Directory Listing STUD DOG/BROOD BITCH LISTING Stud Dog/Brood Bitch listing with 1 photo The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - www.modernbasenji.com | 61


Per year rate $ 75.00

$ 75.00

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