Tmb 1Q 2013 full digital

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The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 2

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 3

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide is published quarterly in print and online.




Artificial Insemination, by Wanda Pooley


My World, by Tanya Lady of Horus, CD


Only The Eyes Know..., A comparison of the two eye registries


Ears?? by Mary Lou Kenworthy


Breeder Interveiw - Faraoland, Helene Strömbert, Sweden


Dallas Ft. Worth Basenji Club Column


The B-Legal Blog, No Need to Reinvent the Wheel, by Karla Schreiber


Interview with Carmella Troisi-Hoerr, by Mary Lou Kenworthy


Congenital Defects, by Wanda Pooley and Arlene Bacon

EVENT RESULTS - STANDINGS - DEPARTMENTS OFA Basenji Breed Statistics...............................21 Best in Show 2012 USA.......................................33 Best in Show 2012 Canada.................................34 EVENTS: Willamette Valley Basenji Club Specialty............35 Inland Empire Hound Club of So. CA..................36 AKC Eukanuba National Ch show.......................36 Westminster Kennel Club Results.......................36 UK - Ladies Kennel Assoc. CH Show....................37 UK -Manchester Kennel Club Ch Show...............37 Finland - Jyväskylä INT........................................38 Finland - Turku INT.............................................38 Finland - Heinola, Aug. 4, 2012..........................39 Finland - Tampere, Aug. 8 2012..........................39 UK Club Open Shows - 2012...............................50 STANDINGS: AKC Top 20 Breed Standings...............................40 AKC Top 20 All-Breed Standings.........................40 AKC Top 20 Grand Champions............................41

AKC Top 20 GCH Achievement Levels.................41 ASFA Lure Coursing 2012....................................42 AKC Lure Coursing 2012.....................................42 LGRA Top 20 - 2012............................................43 NOTRA Top 20 - 2012.........................................43 Brazil - 2012 Standings.......................................44 Norway - 2012 Standings....................................44 AKC Top Juniors - 2012.......................................44 Australia - 2012 Final Rankings...........................45 Finland - 2012 Standings...............................46-47 Denmark - Basenjis of the Year 2012..................48 Germany - Top Basenjis 2012.............................48 Canada - 2012 Standings....................................49 UK - 2012 & 2013 Standings...............................50 Sweden - 2012 Top Basenjis..........................51-52 DEPARTMENTS: Upcoming Events................................................53 Kennel/Breeder Directory..................................54 Advertising & Subscription Info..........................55

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A Breeder’s Moral Dilemma?



July 12-17, 2013



years slip away so fast. The Modern Basenji - Worldwide is now in its third year! It seems like just yesterday we were kicking around an idea for a breed magazine. This year we are presenting a series about artificial insemination. While I have had semen collected on a few of my own males and arranged for shipments to other breeders, it wasn’t until 2010 that I used artificial insemination on one of my own bitches. That’s when I discovered how much I didn’t know about the other end of the process. This past breeding season I used semen that had been frozen nine years previously from a dog that was 10 years old when he was collected. Science tells us that sperm survival at -196 deg is virtually infinite. Yet, what happens when the semen is thawed? Will this affect motility or viability? Does the age of the dog play a role in this process? Moreover, and equally important, how does one time the procedure to that almost perfect moment when conception is optimal? Because there is so much to learn if a breeder wants to use this breeding option, this subject matter is divided into four parts.

1st Qtr Part 1 - Let Me Count The Ways - why, when, and how to use AI. 2nd Qtr Part 2 - The Dog - Preserving Those Genes - how to protect the traits of that special dog. 3rd Qtr Part 3 - The Bitch - getting your bitch ready, deciding what procedure to use, and explaining that success is all about timing. 4th Qtr Part 4 - And Now We Wait - pregnancy and making sure all the documents are in order when the puppies arrive, and interviews with breeders who have found using AI to be a most convenient option.

This comprehensive report will also cover what you need to know about shipping and handling semen to other countries, what some of the registries require and what they won’t allow. Like all things in life, this, too, is fraught with rules and regulations. Another article in this issue, Congenital Defects, is particularly heartwarming, yet thought-provoking for breeders everywhere. The vast majority of whelpings happen without incident. In the 59 days of gestation Mother Nature manages to put all the cells together in the right places, and voila’ another litter of puppies is born -- everything present and in its place. Yet, while seldom, sometimes something goes awry. Sometimes it's dramatic and the choice is easy; other times it isn’t so simple. Bette, born with a birth defect, is one of those puppies that gives a breeder pause because the decision isn’t simple. Honestly, I don’t know what I would have done, but I do know this breeder made the choice of life for Bette and also feel she made the right decision. The breeder points out one simple fact. If we don’t try, what will we learn? As it did me, I hope this article inspires you, our readers, to learn more about this birth defect. And last, in November 2012 I was in Omaha, Nebraska for a


Basenji Club of SE Wisconsin....................................20 BCOA 2013 Specialty................................................29 Brooks, A. Tad.............................................................1 Brooks, A. Tad...........................................................54 Colbert, Terry............................................................22 Colbert, Terry............................................................23 Fox, Millissa..............................................................54 Fragassi, Pat..............................................................54 Gaidos, John.............................................................15 Gaidos, John.............................................................FC Goss, Cindy...............................................................18 Greater Chicagoland Basenji Club............................28 Morgan, Jerry.......................................................... BC Pooley, Wanda..........................................................54 Pooley, Wanda..........................................................56 Pooley, Wanda........................................................ IBC Schreiber, Karla........................................................IFC Solid Gold...................................................................7 Stewart, Lisa.............................................................11 Whitehurst, Gale........................................................2 Whitehurst, Gale......................................................13 Whitehurst, Gale/Pooley, Wanda...............................3

four-day cluster and who should I bump into but Dona Rosales. For a long time, she wrote a fun, light-hearted column called My World about her basenjis exploits. The narrative was written from her basenji’s point of view. One of my favorite columns was the Toilet Paper story, written back in the early 90s. I liked it so much, it became part of my puppy packet for new buyers. With a little persuading, Dona agreed to start up My World again. In this issue is Tanya’s recount of the night she and Shane discovered the toilet paper. Next issue Dona’s basenji, Kya will begin her own column. Enjoy!

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hen I first toyed with the idea of writing about using artificial insemination as a breeding choice, I did considerable research on the topic. The material in the ‘net is infinite and even mind-boggling because there is so much information and in no particular order. I found myself flipping from one screen to another, one document to the next and wading through myriad opinions on which AI method to use. Over 2013, a series covering Artificial Insemination will be presented to readers of The Modern Basenji - Worldwide. PART I - LET ME COUNT THE WAYS provides an historical overview of how using artificial insemination began, why and when to use AI, and the three procedures utilized. PART II - THE DOG - PRESERVING THOSE GENES covers how breeders can protect the genetic makeup in selected stud dogs and why this is important. PART III - THE BITCH explains options for using AI versus natural breeding, describes what’s in store for the bitch and her owner once the decision is made, and provides interviews from breeders who have and continue to use AI as a breeding choice. PART IV - AND NOW WE WAIT covers the pregnancy, using ultrasound and radiographs, and recaps the world of artificial insemination in dogs.

by Wanda Pooley

PART I: LET ME COUNT THE WAYS The first successful insemination was performed by Lazzaro Spallanzani of Italy in 1784 in a dog. The bitch whelped three pups 62 days later. [RH Foote]


rtificial Insemination is the medical alternative to natural breeding. This procedure allows us to use genetic material from males separated by distance or time, to overcome physical breeding difficulties, to control the paternity of offspring, to synchronize births, to avoid injury that might occur during natural mating, even to avoid the need to keep a male intact at all. It also saves us the stress and expense of shipping a bitch across the country and into a strange environment.



is common practice in dairy cattle (75% of all breedings) and swine (85% of all inseminations) In fact, achieving AI in dairy cattle could be considered to have had the greatest genetic impact on a species. Beginning back in 1936, the first cooperative dairy AI organization was founded in Denmark. The Straw, a familiar method to store semen, is a Danish

invention. Developing the straw meant that fewer sperm were needed as the semen could be deposited deep into the cervix or the body of the uterus. Although the bees have been practicing artificial insemination in plant reproduction since time immemorial, the use of AI in animals is a human invention. The first successful insemination was performed by Lazzaro Spallanzani of Italy in 1784 in a dog. The bitch whelped three pups 62 days later. [RH Foote] Another century passed before scientists in several countries reported they had successfully performed AI using rabbits, dogs, and horses. Pioneering efforts to establish AI as a practical breeding procedure were developed in 1899 by a Russian scientist, E. I. Ivanoff. Modern day artificial insemination is successful today because of those scientists and their determination through decades of extensive testing, evaluating, and studying of the reproductive systems of many species. In 1949 an astounding achievement was

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ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION - continued the successful freezing of chicken sperm using liquid nitrogen. It was at this point scientists discovered that sperm survival at -196 deg C was virtually infinite. With the successes of AI using frozen and fresh extended semen, attention turned to the proper detection of the estrus cycle in females. In the beginning this was all based on observation, palpation of the ovaries, and breeding information. In canines, the bitch’s estrous cycle is a complex event, dependent on the interaction of hormones. Later through extensive studies and technological advancements it was learned that the Luteinizing hormone (LH) and the rising levels in progesterone played a prominent role in ovulation timing. Today, a series of blood tests, done every day or two, can detect the likelihood of ovulation in a bitch. In spite of the success in 1784 by that Italian scientist, Lazzaro Spallanzani, AI techniques took longer to achieve in dogs because of their species-specific particularities. In past decades, progress in the understanding of canine physiology and new advances in canine semen technology allowed AI services to become available worldwide. Hence, because of the advancement of canine AI, breeders have the advantage of selecting stud dogs from all over the world to improve their kennel genetics and without the need to transport their valuable bitches. In the US, American Kennel Club (AKC) first recognized a litter conceived from frozen semen in 1981. Other registries around the world have adopted policies regarding registering litters produced by artificial insemination. A note of interest is the Kennel Club policy in the UK. If a stud dog is living, regardless of his age, artificial insemination is not an option unless it can be shown the dog is medically unable to be used naturally. Many countries have quarantine regulations that must be met when frozen semen is shipped from another country.



ince 2001, I have collected and stored semen on four of my males. Since that time breeders have used some of these stored breedings, but until just two years ago, I never took the opportunity or felt the need to use AI services. The stud dog I chose in 2010 was a 4-hour plane ride away, which really translates to over eight hours of crated travel for my bitch, something I knew Lottie would not be keen on doing. Moreover, I was further motivated by the fact that living in south central Texas posed limited flight choices. I could not find a single direct, non-stop flight. Artificial insemination suddenly became a very appealing option. Using artificial insemination as a breeding choice requires planning. It should not be an emergency. An important part of the planning involves choosing which method to use in order to get the sperm where it belongs to play its role in creating puppies.



he easiest and most convenient method is to simply take the dog and the bitch to the veterinarian’s office where the vet can collect semen from the male and insert it vaginally in the bitch. While this is pretty straight-forward and certainly not a complicated procedure, the vet should have training on collecting semen from a male. Manual massage is the most commonly used technique.

H o w e v e r, i n basenjis, who are known to be seasonal breeders, it is not uncommon for the male to be less than receptive to being handled in such a manner. Several good reasons make vaginal insemination a good choice. For example, it’s non-invasive for the bitch, the male may have a low libido, the dog or bitch may have a physical disability that would interfere Non-cornified vaginal cells are pictured in the top slide. The bottom slide shows the more advanced superficial with breeding (end-stage) or fully cornified cells. naturally, the dog may have an age related issue, or either or both of the two dogs may have behavioral issues that makes this option a good alternative. This is a good decision and the most economical if the breeder is fortunate to have ready access to both the dog and the bitch and the pair are cooperative about the idea. This process will likely need to be done once or twice more after the initial procedure, depending on the bitch’s estrus cycle. The most widely used technique to determine the period of ovulation is to collect vaginal cells and examine them under a microscope. [see slides above] These epithelial cells change from small, rounded cells to large, superficial irregular (called cornified or superficial) shaped cells with very small nucleus. While cornified cells cannot determine exactly when ovulation takes place, their presence is a good indicator that progesterone levels are increasing. The success rate of using fresh semen is 80-90% as the expected survival rate of fresh collected sperm is 4 to 6 days.



wo options are available to breeders. These procedures place the semen directly in the body of the uterus. Before either method is used, it is critical to determine the time of ovulation and maturation of the eggs in the bitch’s estrus cycle. This is done by drawing blood from the bitch a few times, every two days in the beginning and once a day as the progesterone levels increase. The luteinizing hormone spike corresponds to the rise in progesterone levels. However, this is merely a short and simple description of a rather complicated analysis of the bitch’s estrus cycle. Your reproductive specialist is the best resource for evaluating proper timing and breeding.

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The success rates using either of these methods are still high for pregnancy, but differences exist depending on the choice of semen collections. Chilled, or more correctly, fresh extended semen can survive up to 72 hours after the procedure; frozen semen has a lower survival rate of 12 to 24 hours. OPTION 1 - TRANSCERVICAL INSEMINATION (TCI)

veterinarian makes a small incision in the uterine wall and inserts the semen directly into the body of the uterus. This technique is especially good when using thawed frozen semen. Timing is essential as thawed sperm live for only 12-24 hours. Since this procedure is done only one time, it is imperative to know the proper progesterone/luteinizing hormone levels of the bitch.

WHILE this is a non-surgical process, it does require considerably more knowledge than your local vet may have as the procedure involves passing a catheter through the cervix and into the uterus through the use of an endoscope. This demands skill and experience. It is very important that the bitch remains standing and still during the procedure. Typically, sedatives are not needed, but the vet may use a small dose of medetomidine (Dormitor®) to relax the abdominal muscles during the process.

Photo: Von Felsiger Berg Rottweiler Zwinger

Surgicial technique depositing semen directly into the uterus body

A Photo: Dr. Ed Gilsleider Animal Medical Center

Transcervical catheter and endoscope

Interestingly, most European centers prefer the Transcervical insemination method, mostly due to concerns about the bitch’s welfare. Additionally, if thawed frozen semen quality is low, this choice significantly increases the chances that conception will occur as the sperm are deposited right where they need to be. Reproductive specialists may choose the Scandinavian method, a technique that requires a rigid outer plastic catheter and an inner metal thin catheter, or the New Zealand method that employs a flexible catheter that is fed through an endoscope. The Scandinavian method is the most commonly used. A reproductive specialist may likely perform this breeding process twice, 48 hours apart, to insure conception. OPTION 2 - SURGICAL INSEMINATION USING surgical insemination to achieve pregnancy is considered by many to be the Gold Standard for artificial insemination. Semen is deposited into the bitch’s uterus immediately adjacent to maturing follicles. However, this procedure requires anesthesia and good surgical skills. The

ll these options for using artificial insemination are available to breeders around the globe. Before venturing any further, be sure you are aware of all the registration requirements for producing litters using AI as some registries may have more restrictive criteria. The American Kennel Club, with its first litter produced by artificial insemination in 1981, has made great inroads in assisting its breeders. AKC offers the ease of downloading all the documents you and your veterinarian will need. It also plays an active role in inspecting freezing and storage centers across the US to insure quality control of all semen. PART II will cover the aspects of collecting, storing, and shipping semen on your stud dog.m

2009©Parsons Education Inc


The History of Artificial Insemination, R. H. Foote Artificial Insemination in Dogs, Rita Payan-Carreira, Sónia Miranda, Wojciech Nizański Canine Frozen Semen, Synbiotics Corp./Phizer Animal Health Products

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MY WORLD FROM THE EDITOR: Back in November I bumped into Dona Rosales at a dog show in Omaha, Nebraska. After we caught up on the latest news, Dona and I reflected on those wonderful stories her basenjis used to “write.” One of my favorites was, as I dubbed it, the “Toilet Paper” story. In fact, for many years that article was an essential part of my puppy packets. Dona saved all her dogs’ adventures and graciously agreed to let her latest author, Kya, write a new column for My World. But first, please enjoy one of my most favorite escapades as told by Tanya back in 1990. By Tanya Lady of Horus, CD


ell, my world has changed considerably. And, as I promised last time, I want to tell you about some of our capers. But first the good news!! I now have my CD. I’m embarrassed to tell you how many times it took but it was more than three!! I also have every intention of adding the ‘X’ to my name. I must tell you about the time Shane and I found a brand new roll of toilet paper. I don’t know how it came to be where it was - right at eye level - but you know how senjis are with such things! The ‘right time’ presented itself the very next day. When mom and the man went out for the evening, I called Shane and said. “Now is the time.” Shane brought that roll of paper into the dining room, and I very carefully took off the cover and - whoopee - did we ever have fun! It literally snowed small pieces of toilet paper. We just kept pulling and tearing at the roll until there was nothing left, and then we took the cardboard roll holder and shredded it, too! Then we stepped back to look at our handy work. Oh! How beautiful it looked. So we decided to romp and play in the confetti for a while. It was such fun. Suddenly I heard the key in the lock. I looked at Shane and

he looked at me and we both headed for the door. When the door opened, we were both sitting there waiting. Mom walked into the dining room and was dumbfounded. Her first words were “What HAVE you done!” I thought that was really a dumb question because anyone could see we had made wall-to-wall toilet paper with a few pieces on chairs and such. Somehow I had the feeling that mom wasn’t too delighted. She couldn’t figure out why the wrapper was still in one piece. I tried to tell her I saved it so she could put all the paper back in it, but obviously she wasn’t as smart as me, because she threw the whole thing out. The little escapade was so much fun, Shane and I decided to try it again. This time I went upstairs to the bathroom, very daintily took the paper on the wall in my teeth and proceeded very carefully down the stairs where Shane waited in glee. It seemed there was no end to that roll of paper. However, that was the end of our toilet paper escapades. Mom put up a holder that locked. Oh well, something else will come up. h One of Dona’s columns that appeared in The Basenji”Magazine, August, 1990

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by Wanda Pooley

COMPARING CERF AND THE OFA NEW EYE REGISTRY - ECR OFA (Orthopedic Animal Foundation) has been compiling data on canine diseases since 1966. Beginning on November 1st, 2012, OFA (Orthopedic Animal Foundation) launched its new eye registry, ECR (Eye Certification Registry). This registry is independent of the more familiar registry, CERF (Canine Eye Registry Foundation) that has been tracking canine ocular diseases for 30 years. By late summer last year a number of rumors were flying around the dog world that CERF was merging with OFA or acquired by OFA or that it was closing its doors. CERF issued a press release on Sept. 26 to assure the public that CERF was, indeed, still alive and well and would continue working closely with ACVO (American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists) Diplomates to provide CERF exams and to collect data for all dogs. Further, CERF would continue sharing weekly reports to OFA, just as it has been doing for three decades and continue sharing the CERF registration numbers of those dogs with a permanent identification (tattoo, microchip) with AKC. With the OFA model fully launched and operating independently of CERF what does this mean for breeders and dog owners? This means a choice has to be made. Which registry will provide the strongest benefits? Clearly, CERF and OFA are competing for our business so it behooves us to look closer at both registries. CERF and OFA/ECR list many of the same benefits to individual dog owners and their models are so similar it may simply come down to a matter of loyalty or a desire for change by dog owners. On the backside of each program, there will be differences in compiling data of canine ocular diseases. OFA will contribute a portion of its registrations to ACVO for their Vision for Animals Foundation, provide statistics on ocular diseases with parent breed clubs and the general public, and will consider normal and breeder option results as public domain. Breeders using OFA/ECR will no longer have the option to withhold results from the public as they do using CERF. CERF currently provides the same information, but according to their website, there is a charge for some reports Both registries will honor eye examinations on either the CERF form or the OFA form. It is possible that one might take dogs to an eye clinic only to discover that form is provided by a different eye registry. This is because eye clinics are scheduled by

independent kennel clubs that may chose whichever registry they want to use for their clinics. Owners can submit that exam form to the registry of their choice, but they must note such a statement on the form and sign to verify their choice. The payment also must be payable to that specifically chosen registry. For obvious reasons, OFA is not going to honor checks payable to CERF, nor will CERF accept checks payable to OFA. On the front side what will the reporting look like on the OFA website if the owner continues using the CERF registry? OFA will continue to list the CERF registration numbers and eye test results. The distinction for which registry was used can be seen in the eye registration number. OFA uses the same format as it does for other health tests. The registration number represents information about the dog. For example, the OFA number BJ-EYE1/33F-NOPI translates to: BJ = Basenji EYE1 = test performed; 1 = number of basenjis tested. 33F = female tested at 33 months of age NOPI = No permanent identification. CERF uses the breed identification along with a number assigned to it: BJ-351063 BJ - Basenji 351063 - represents registration number TOP RECORD: Typical dog record displayed on the OFA website showing the eye registration using CERF BOTTOM RECORD : OFA new eye registration numbering system using ECR.

Basenji record

Basenji record

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Photo courtesty of Chris Maxka



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The chart below presents a side-by-side comparison chart to use as a guide that lists the features of each registry. For complete information, please visit the respective website for more details. People who continue to use CERF as their eye registry of choice will see the CERF numbering system on the OFA database. Those who chose OFA will see the more definitive numbering system used by OFA. In the end it comes down to two registries competing for our business. It is up to dog owners and breeders to decide which eye registry will serve them and their breed best and go forward from there.



Eye Exam - CERF - Same protocol as in the past.

Eye Exam - ECR (Eye Certification Registry) - Same exam protocol as provided by CERF.

Uses only ACVO Diplomates (vet ophthalmologists) [American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists]

Uses only ACVO Diplomates (vet ophthalmologists). Effective Nov. 1, 2012, AVCO has designated ECR as their endorsed registry.

Eye exams valid for one year.

Eye exams valid for one year.

Results stored in CERF database and shared with OFA (sent weekly) According to OFA, all public domain data that CERF has previously shared with the OFA will be archived and will continue to be displayed on the OFA website. AKC incorporates CERF registration numbers on their registration slips if the dogs are permanently identified via microchip or tattoo.

Results stored in OFA Database only; Benefit: All canine health related screening is stored in one master database. Eye exam results registered with the OFA will continue to generate certification numbers, and these will be forwarded to the AKC and displayed on the OFA website.



AVCO continues to recognize CERF.

Results collected for statistical evaluation to monitor ocular disease prevalence and progression. Used by ACVO Genetics Committee to recommend breeding guidelines.

FEES: $12.00 initial exam; $8 resubmission.

FEES: Initial - $12; resubmissions $8; Non-passing results for open database - Free. OFA will honor previous CERF submission if the dog is already part of the OFA database, the reduced resubmit fee ($8) will be applied.

BENEFITS TO USE CERF: Same apply as in the past years.

BENEFIT TO USE ECR: More frequent reporting of accumulated statistics of disease prevalence within breeds; Report will be available to AVCO Diplomates and the breed parent clubs. These statistics will be available to the public through the OFA website. OFA will share a percentage of the fees with the AVCO Vision for Animals Foundation.

FORM - Accepts CERF forms and payment must be made to CERF; Will also accept a ECR/OFA form, but owner will need to note on the form to add the results to the CERF database. Payment must be made to CERF. OFA forms received by CERF with checks payable to OFA will be returned, not forwarded to OFA. Forms now accepted via email and fax.

FORM - Will accept a CERF if it receives a signed statement from the owner(s) that they would like OFA to enter the exam results. Payment must be payable to OFA, not CERF. If not payable to OFA, form will be returned, not forwarded to CERF.

RESULTS: CERF allows breeders to chose whether or not their dogs’ test results will be available in the public domain.

RESULTS: All normal/passing results and those with Breeder Option Codes will be displayed on the OFA’s website. These are considered public domain. Non-passing results will only be posted by consent of owner.

EYE CLINICS - Clinics are arranged independently by show clubs. They could be either CERF or OFA clinics.

EYE CLINICS - Clinics are arranged independently by show clubs. They could be either CERF or OFA clinics.

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EARS?? AKC Basenji Breed Standard HEAD: “Ears--Small, erect and slightly hooded, of fine texture and set well forward on top of head.” by Mary Lou Kenworthy

“My, what big ears you have!” said Little Red Riding Hood. “All the better to hear you with, my Dear,” replied the Wolf.


wonder why small ears are called for in our standard? What is ‘small’? Small – large, big – little, all are relative terms. “Small” compared to what? Could ears be too small for an all-around hound that hunts by sight, scent and sound? I look at my Elsa and tell her every day what beautiful little ears she has while I can’t help but wonder if this is really an advantage. Sure, it looks nice, those little pointed ears set on top of her head. They are the correct distance apart but could be a little more hooded. Little ears tend to not be as deeply hooded as slightly larger ears. Veronica Tudor-Williams has been quoted many times for saying that, “No ear can be too small or too high.” Surely, she was comparing this to what she was seeing around her at the time. Since that time there have been ears that were too high. One kennel had them for a short while. The ears sat right up on top, were narrow, pointed straight up and looked very long. People referred to this type as ‘bunny ears.’ They were so high that the

space between them was narrow and didn’t allow enough space for wrinkles. On the other hand, ears that are too big are downright ugly. They tend to flop and are best left to scent hounds that need to hold the scent close to the ground. Large ears on a basenji puppy do not stand up as early as they should (some never stand). A puppy’s ears should be up when it stands up on its feet. Some puppies go through a large ear stage when they reach three months old , but later, once the head grows, the puppy finally grows into the ears. Correct ears should be as far apart as they are wide. This means the distance between the ears should be equal to the width of the ear at its base. The tips should point slightly outward as opposed to straight up. The outside base of the ear should be in line with the outer corner of the eye. The ears should pitch slightly forward and be hooded. If the ears meet the previous criteria, they are probably the right size for the dog. The basenji is a dog of moderation and anything to the extreme, in either direction, is out of place. 

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Faraoland breeder interview Photo by Yvonne Adolfsson


1. Where do you currently reside? I live in the countryside in a small village called Norrby near a town called Mjölby in Sweden 2. Before we dive into the life of Helena Strömbert as a breeder, share some details of your life outside of dogs. I´m a trained nurse by profession. I live alone with my dogs as a widow since six years back. My husband worked in the army. He was a bullterrier breeder with the kennel Warmaster, a name known to a lot of terrier people all over Europe. I love classical music and opera and read a lot of Typical Faraoland Pup books when I´m not going to shows. My dogs do not stay in the kennels as I have just four at the moment. They follow me everywhere, and we spend a lot of time in the forest. We live a very easy life near and along with the nature and wildlife.

Photo by Helena Strömbert

3. How exactly did you become involved with basenjis? When I was a young girl my family went abroad to England and to the big dog show, Crufts. My father had been studying about the breed in the dog books at home. When we went to the basenji ring, it was love at first sight! This was back in 1975. I had to wait a

Chagmas Rose to Faroland and Helena Strombert

couple of years until I got my first basenji, a black/white male of St. Erme (England) lines. After him I acquired some Bokoto dogs that were imported from England. I had the breed for 15 years before I was ready to have my very first litter. My mother is now 89 years and she still keeps a basenji ! 4. As a breeder, what do you feel is most important when building and/or maintaining a successful breeding program? Learn the standard and the breed; study the breed carefully and then decide what type you like; buy a nice typy brood bitch and learn her five faults. Then you are ready . Always be true to your beliefs and never go for the second best. Never breed too many litters in the chase of the star and do not keep too many dogs at home. 5. When considering a potential breeding, what factors play a role in your decision and why? I always breed for type and never go for details. If I see a dog of the right type for my bitch I never look if the tail is curled one or two times or if the eyes are a bit light etc... Type, type type is my guideline. And do not forget to have fun on the way because this is a hobby! Realize you perhaps never or only once in ten years breed the STAR. Admit if you fail and learn from the experience. Not every litter can be a success. Be very critical of your own breeding.

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breeder interview 6. Please tell us about a litter from your past or present of which you are most proud, as well as one you are looking forward to in the future Photo by Helena Strömbert

Here I have two favorite litters from my past. My L litter and my X litter. In my L litter (Ch Hot Stuff Out Of Africa x INT NORD Ch SBIS BISS Faraoland Nile Wild Bambuti “Tingeling”) I produced the mother of my X litter. The L litter was a combination I had wanted to do for a long time, and when I finally got the opportunity, the litter was spot on what I wanted and dreamed. It was a litter of five puppies, and all of them became champions and group winners.

TINGELING - Int CH Faraoland Nile Wild Bambuti - born 1992 to my brood bitch Ch. Bokoto Nile Black Tango

My X-litter (Ch Mutabaruga Desmond Dekker x SE NO DK VDH club NORD INT LUX CH SV-99 EUS-00 EUW-01 BISS Faraoland Lucia Out Of Africa “Lucia”) was a cousinto-cousin breeding, and in that litter I got the type I will call Faraoland. Champions and group winners in that litter, too. One basenji, CH.Faraoland Xcuse me Desmond, was Worldwinner and GB Champion.

Photo by Helena Strömbert

Next year I will breed my lovely” Lexi” S.B.I.S. Chagmas Rose to Faraoland to Am.CH. Jasiri-Sukari Win Diesel who is coming next month to live in Sweden at Touch of Razz kennel. 7. What have been your best producing dog and bitch?

LUCIA - Multi CH Sv. v 99 Faraoland Lucia Out of Africa - daughter of Tingeling and granddaughter of Tango Faraoland Volvo Amazon - Great grandson to Lucia

My brood bitch, Ch. Bokoto Nile Black Tango, because she started it all. She produced the successful CH. Faraoland Nile Wild Bambuti “Tingeling” who won the group 17 times. Her daughter Ch. Faraoland Lucia out of Africa produced among other lovely pups one world winner and two GB. Champions.’ The best stud dog is CH. Hot Stuff out of Africa. We leased him from France to use with two bitches: my “Tingeling” and a Finnish bitch from Sternhimmels. Together they produced 10 puppies -- all of them champions and group winners. Hot Stuff suited our bitches perfectly. He was the father of my L litter.

Photo by Peter Batterbee

8. How has the basenji breed and fancy changed since you first become involved? I have been in the breed for such a long time so, of course, the breed has changed a lot, mostly for the better. The temperament, for example, is much better today. What we really lost is the old fashion heads and the arched, crested necks. I think, also, the movement has become more moderate nowadays. I love a dog with an effortless long swinging stride that takes your breath away. I think that the breed type was more united before and that breeders should breed more for type than they do at the moment.

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breeder interview - Continued

9. Share with our readers a few of your favorite basenjis – some you bred and a few outside of your breeding program as well.

Photo by Helena Strömbert

From my own breeding I pick the two worldwinners. CH Faraoland Xcuse me Desmond and CH Faraoland Bluetooth Enigma. A bitch favorite is GB CH Faraoland Toyou at Zordia. Outside my breeding program Am/Can CH Zindika Johnny Come Greatly JC, Am CH JasiriSukari Juri Maguire, and Am CH Akuaba the Tornado JC are some of my favorites. 10. Tell us about two of your favorite wins in the show ring? The biggest win for me was at an international all breed champ show where we had all the top winners from different breeds there. My basenji, Multi. CH Faraoland Luxor Out of Africa, went all the way to Best in Show and his father multi.CH. Hot Stuff out of Africa was Best In Show Veteran at the very same show! Fantastic to see father and son that day going all the way to the top.

LEXI - Chagmas Rose to Faraoland and LILJA - Faraoland Treasure of the Rainbow - Faraolands new hope

The second win I will always remember was the Swedish specialty in August of 2012 when two great grandchildren of Hot Stuff were Best in Specialty and Best in Specialty Puppy! Chagma´s Rose to Faraoland was BIS, and Faraoland Treasure of the Rainbow went BIS puppy.h The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 20



Dallas Ft. Worth Basenji Club has been busy again. The summer was fairly quiet, just trying to keep cool here in Texas. On September 22nd, we again participated in the Responsible Dog Owners Day in Ft Worth. As it was last year, the day was very successful. And, once again we were honored to win the $50 prize for the booth that was best decorated and most informative about our breed. The turnout was good, and we were happy to speak to quite a few folks and introduce them to a few of our dogs. On October 28th we sponsored a lure coursing fun run for all hounds. We normally do this once a year, and it is always well attended, especially by the greyhound folks. As usual this time of year, we are deep into plans for our next Specialty. It will be held March 22nd, 2013 in conjunction with the Ft. Worth Kennel Club weekend of shows here in Fort Worth. We have good judges hired., Karen Arends for Regular Classes and Veterans; Denise Tatro for Sweepstakes (Puppy and Veterans). Both judges are emminently qualified and are fond of basenjis which should make for a great show! We will again be holding our between show dinner for all exhibitors on Saturday night following Best in Show judging. Feel free to join us for a great time! We will have flyers at our ring Friday night at the Specialty – Pick one up and join us! Once the long, hot summer was over the show season went in full swing again. Those of us that show in conformation are happy to see that! Although it does mean traveling again to shows near and far, so what! That’s always part of the fun, new cities, new places to eat and new points to try to win. If you are a dog show nut, as I am, it is great.

Here’s hoping that all of our basenji friends and family had a lovely holiday season and a happy and prosperous New Year.


Percent Normal

CARDIAC..............................................................................118.................. 62....................0.0.................. 100.0 DEGENERATIVE MYELOPATHY............................................. N/A................... 3.....................0.0.................. 100.0 ELBOW..................................................................................70.................. 341...................2.9................... 97.1 EYES (OFA/ECR Registry)..................................................... N/A................... 2.....................0.0.................. 100.0 FANCONI SYNDROME............................................................1.................. 5794..................4.7................... 56.4 HIPS.....................................................................................152................ 2539..................3.6................... 96.2 PATELLA................................................................................89.................. 294...................1.0................... 99.0 PYRUVATE KINASE DEFICIENCY..............................................1................... 129...................0.0................... 99.2 THYROID...............................................................................33.................. 364...................5.8................... 83.0

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By Karla Schreiber

No Need to REINVENT the Wheel… The


As breeders and owners, many of us will at some time in our lives face the specter of “bad dog laws” – typically well intentioned, but ill-informed efforts by states, counties and municipalities, or even home-owner associations to regulate dog ownership and/or breeding through non-nuisance-related means like breed specific legislation.


hese new laws create inflexible numerical pet limits, regulations concerning ear cropping, tail docking and dew claw removal, and even mandatory spay-neuter laws. When faced with the possibility of bad dog laws, where can breeders and owners turn? One obvious answer is to work together through local dog clubs and associations. Another answer is hiring a private attorney. Both of these approaches are sometimes necessary. However, I’m routinely surprised to find that many breeders and fanciers are unaware that the American Kennel Club has compiled extremely useful materials for us with respect to proposed legislation - and placed it quite literally at our fingertips. Every purebred dog breeder and owner should take a cyber-tour of the AKC’s Government Relations Resources web page: Here, you’ll find a valuable toolkit to assist you in responding to bad dog legislation, and most importantly, educating lawmakers regarding what purebred dog owners and breeders do. After all, we pride ourselves in being “different” from those who produce puppies in volume, and for profit. We are in a perfect position – if we choose to accept it – to educate our lawmakers about why a one-size-fits-all response to dog ownership, breeding and even nuisance issues may unfairly penalize citizens who actually provide important services to our respective communities. Some of the best material on the Government Relations Resources page involves effective communication. Responses to proposed dog legislation that are angry, demanding, cynical, or dismissive do more harm than good. Before writing to your local legislator or governing body, be sure to review the AKC publications “Communicating Effectively with Your Legislators,” and “Make Your Contact Count.” There are also Sample Letters to Lawmakers on a variety of topics that can be used as

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templates. These documents provide common sense (but critical) information that educates lawmakers rather than simply reacting to proposed policy changes. Similarly, the article “What to do When a Bad Bill is introduced” walks you through the steps required to take positive action to impact the legislative process. The AKC site also contains specific materials to share with legislators regarding the problems associated with mandatory spay/neuter laws, arbitrary limit laws, and breed specific legislation. For breeders, there are a number of excellent “awareness” flyers – including “Can You Imagine a World Without Dogs?” and “Where Did All the Dogs Go?” If you are a member of a local all-breed or breed club, consider the possibility of sponsoring a “legislators’ education day” at your state capitol, or city or county hall. These events can provide an opportunity for legislators to meet directly with breeders and fanciers in their voting districts, and to learn first hand from their own constituents (yes, we vote!) how overly-broad dog legislation hurts honest, responsible hobby breeders, and ultimately, the dog-owning public. As purebred dog owners and breeders, we can’t turn a blind eye to the very real dog-related problems faced by many communities. Disreputable owners and breeders give all of us a black eye. It is important, therefore, to clearly distinguish ourselves from those individuals and to show our lawmakers that we want to work with them to find fair and equitable solutions to problems like dogs running at large, nuisance issues, unscrupulous sales tactics and the defrauding of puppy buyers. It is easy for fanciers to become angry when bad dog laws are proposed – to become indignant, and dismissive. The tools available to us at the AKC Government Relations Resources web pages, however, can help us focus on the problems faced by states, municipalities and other units of local government, and ensure that we are (first and foremost) part of the civil discourse about the merits of any proposed legislation. We need to present ourselves as being experienced, knowledgeable, and able to listen as well as speak. Often, bad dog legislation results from the confluence of just two factors: a very real dog-management problems faced by local communities, and b) a one-sided push by animal rights groups for “solutions” to those problems that unnecessarily damage legitimate hobby breeders and purebred dog owners. To the extent that the animal right’s voice is the only voice legislator’s hear, we as hobby breeders are at least partially to blame for the end result. Responsible hobby breeders provide a service to the purebred buying public. The vast majority of us are conscientious citizens who care about problems that affect our

states and local communities. We vote, shop, drive, and pay taxes. We are entitled to be heard on dog-related legislative issues, but with that opportunity comes the responsibility to present ourselves as fair-minded, sympathetic to real-world dilemmas, and willing to work with local legislators to develop solutions that hit the mark. So remember, when faced with the prospect of bad local dog laws, there’s no need to start from scratch and reinvent the wheel! Just visit the AKC Government Relations Resources web page, and take advantage of the many ready-made tools housed there to help produce a good result for the fancy and for your community. The B-Legal Blog provides general information on law-related topics for Informational purposes only. It does not provide personalized legal advice regarding the topics discussed, and it is not intended in any manner as a substitute for the services of a qualified, State-licensed attorney.

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by Mary Lou Kenworthy 1. How and when did you get interested in basenjis?


saw my first basenji at a puppy match in Ohio when I was a junior in high school and it was love at first sight. My girlfriend’s family ran a show/boarding kennel and bred Irish Setters. When litters were old enough, the family would load their station wagon with puppies and my teenage girl friends to show the puppies at local matches to give them show experience. I liked all dogs, and grew up with an assortment of canines. One big hearted uncle had a huge influence in my life. In addition to horses, ponies and an ever-changing assortment of farm animals, he bred, raised, trained and hunted with hounds. His favorites included redbones, blue tics and black/tan coonhounds, but occasionally he’d have beagles, a greyhound or two and once had a bloodhound. When I learned that those different looking little dogs at the match were hounds, I was hooked. 2. Tell us about basenjis you have had.


’ve had nine basenjis in my life with the first, Sakka, arriving as a puppy in 1980. She was a pet, purchased from a family in Michigan who advertised her litter in the newspaper. Of

course, she was the worst – mainly because I didn’t know how to live with a basenji nor did the breeder really inform me of much other than, “The price is XXX and I do not take puppies back.” Fortunately, after our home was systematically chewed by Sakka but before we relinquished her to the local animal shelter out of sheer frustration, we found the Basenji Club of Greater Detroit. Club members were helpful, and pointed us to some great training classes. We had attended several NOT so good classes before finding the club and by then had made many mistakes with Sakka. Her most frightening behavior was her ability to bolt through doors. Our back yard was securely fenced, but the front door was always her objective and it led to our busy street. One evening she flew through the front door and across the street. She made it through the traffic on the first pass, but on her return home was hit by a car and we lost her. Ensign came from Ohio and was my first champion. He was my introduction to the show world where I met many basenji folks in the Midwest. Ensign had Khajah and Bazimba bloodlines and I recall one

time being stopped by a gentleman walking down the street in Benton Harbor, Michigan. “That HAS to be a Khajah basenji!” He had owned a dog from Shirley Chambers years before. We had a delightful conversation about the basenjis from the “old days”. Chantey, my first tri, was born with the ultimate umbilical hernia – an omphalocele. The intestine and/or other abdominal organs stick out of the navel and the intestines are covered only by a thin layer of tissue and easily seen. Shortly after Chantey was born, she was taken to the Ohio State Veterinary School for surgery to repair the birth defect. A lesson in the need for free feeding, she could only tolerate small bits of food at a time as she could never eat a full meal with her compromised bowel. We knew, when we took her home, that we wouldn’t have her for long. Chantey lived for four years, which was a gift. After Ensign and Chantey passed, the Dottie and Toot then Manda years began. Dottie came to our family as a 2-year old. I had handled her for Connie Camp at the Pineville S.C. National Specialty in 1991. As Chantey had just passed we were

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INTERVIEW - CARMELLA TROISI-HOERR (continued) dogless at the time. A house without a basenji is just too quiet so she flew to California and made herself right at home. At that specialty, I met and fell in love with Toot. He was an only dog owned by someone else, but I knew when I first saw him that some day he would be mine. Toot’s circumstances changed, and he was offered to me. He was a love; fun but challenging to show, and he taught me so much. Manda was Toot’s only tri daughter who lived for 17 years.. After Toot passed, the puppies, Tommy and Jerry, came as a pair. I had waited all my life for a black and white and that’s Tommy. Jerry was my son’s junior dog. Both boys introduced me to lure coursing, and they were a thrill. When we moved to Arizona in 2003, we had Manda, Tommy and Jerry. All three contracted Valley Fever. According to the survival rate, one in three will recover fully. That was Manda. One will not recover and die – sadly, that was Jerry. And the third will recover but remain afflicted with it the rest of its days. That’s Tommy. Ginger came to live with us in 2009. She was finished, spayed and looking for a soft couch. She became a sweet lady who danced right in, found the couch and is Tommy’s best friend. 3. What activities have you pursued with your basenjis? Conformation - started in 1986 with Ensign. I was an awful handler, but after a lot of classes, I worked on skills, watched a lot of videos of myself (ugh!) and after a while, I improved. I was fortunate to handle a lot of different breeds along the way which helped. I found I enjoyed the behind the scenes of dog shows, and learned the mechanics of how shows are conducted, the many jobs involved, and how much fun it is to not only show as an exhibitor but to actually pull off a successful dog show. Obedience – I have always trained my dogs but never had the inclination to exhibit or compete for obedience titles. I train to the Graduate Novice level, and then I’m happy. My experience with Sakka, my first, and not being able to stop her from bolting has been my motivation for obedience training. When my basenjis do what I ask, happily, all is good. I got

talked into doing a CGC test with Tommy, and he passed easily on a cold, awful day outdoors. Lure Coursing – Tommy and Jerry were the first basenjis we owned that really wanted to run. I had tried with some of the others but not until the boys came along did we have dogs that loved to course. 4H and AKC Junior Showmanship – 4H put all the dog activities I had done in the past in one place and pushed me to a dog involvement level I never thought I would ever go. My son was six. School was not his best thing, but he loved our dogs. Our little town offered a dog project in 4-H but no dog project leader. Because I showed dogs, they thought I had enough experience to lead the dog group. I knew that wasn’t true, but at least I knew enough to get the kids started – what a show was, which way to go in a ring, how to hold a leash - so I volunteered. Little did I know that I would soon need to learn it ALL. And, that in 4H, I would learn so much more about dogs from the 4H children than I ever thought possible. My son’s involvement lasted 12 years when he aged out of competition. By the end of that time, he had much success in 4H and at AKC shows. He loved Pembroke Welsh Corgis and was given a special puppy, named Button, from Anne Straker in Ohio. My son did very well with Button in showmanship and obedience, but wanted a challenge so he began showing Jerry. Jerry LOVED to show and the pair had a lot of success and earned placements that included Round Robin showmanship competitions at 4H events. Rescue - I was known as the “basenji” gal by the San Diego county shelter system before organized rescue was established where I lived in Ramona, CA. I had a friend, Candy Schuman, also from Michigan, who volunteered a lot for the county animal shelters. Because of Candy, I also got involved in SNAP – the San Diego County Spay Neuter Action Project and served on their Board of Directors for a time. 4. You have done a lot for the BCOA over the years; tell us about your involvement.


’ve been fortunate to have been given the chance to do a lot of creative things within the club. I have edited/published/produced all

four publications: The Bulletin Board Newsletter, the Bulletin Quarterly, the Annual Roster and the club Web Site. I served on committees and have been involved in National Specialties over the years: Obedience Chair twice, chairing the Store and Auction several times, worked on the Lure Coursing committee, served as webmaster for several national specialties and have done all sorts of other jobs at these events. Honestly, I don’t think I’ve done that much for the Basenji Club of America and just blessed that BCOA gave me many opportunities to learn, grow and accomplish tasks I never dreamed I would ever do. 5. What do you see in the future for the BCOA and the basenji breed?


see a challenging future for both. Our economic times permeate our lives and restrict “disposable income,” if there ever was such a thing. This has affected everything. The cost of gasoline alone can make one pause when contemplating any activity more than a hour or two drive from one’s home. Many families, stretched very thin financially, must make hard choices about what and where to spend each dollar. Clubs, such as BCOA, rely on its volunteers to thrive and the harsh economy has seen club members working especially hard to stay financially solvent. Simply caring for their families and animals is much more difficult and leaves very little energy left for club work. Additionally, the BCOA membership is aging; it doesn’t seem that the new, younger members are coming forward to give to the club. When the volunteer base is diminished, because members are either unable or unwilling to give time to the club, the club suffers on many levels. For the breed, economic issues color the future of the breed too. For breeders, the funds required to produce quality litters, perform health testing and provide care is daunting. Then, once an excellent litter is produced, who is going to seek those special puppies? And on the flip side, will there be temptation for those in financial stress to produce litters in the hope of making a little extra cash? Breeders have to ask themselves harsh questions about the basenji buying public. The buyers of the past cannot afford to

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INTERVIEW - CARMELLA TROISI-HOERR (continued) keep up with their house payments, let alone allot funds to buy then maintain a puppy. If nobody comes to buy any of these puppies, then what? 6. What else would you like to tell the readership?


here’s several things I’d like to say. First, through the years, the one heartache about loving basenjis has been the health issues that affect the breed. Of the nine basenjis I’ve owned, I have had my fair share of problems. In comparison, we also owned a Pembroke Welsh Corgi who lived well into her late teens. She was from a well-bred litter and the only reason she ever went to the vet can be counted on one hand: for inoculations, to be spayed, removal of skin cyst in her old age and finally, to be put to rest. Good health her entire life was something we never took for granted. The basenjis? My list includes thyroid insufficiency, umbilical hernia with the need for repair, severe allergies, dietary intolerances, Fanconi syndrome, valley fever and a host of non-specific health issues that left me and the vets scratching our collective heads. The basenjis bypassed eye and orthopedic problems, for which I am grateful. I applaud all who strive to produce healthy basenjis and encourage all who are honest about acknowledging problems and sharing their wisdom. None of my dogs asked to be afflicted with health problems nor did I seek them – the problems found me. Anyone who has watched a dog they love suffer with an illness shares a unique pain that someday, I hope is just a bad memory in

our breed. Secondly, I’d like to encourage basenji owners to get more involved with their clubs, both locally and on a national level. I certainly understand the constraints that prevent pitching in. But I know my own circumstances and really didn’t have a lot to give the club other than my time. What was in it for me? The chance to meet wonderful people from around the world who love these little dogs as much as I do. And finally, please never stop encouraging Juniors. I’ve seen the results first hand of how positive a junior program is in the life of not only my child, but for all children. Juniors are the future. The lessons learned in a junior program last a lifetime. A club recognition program is not just about rankings; just because being noticed is a big deal to children. Many do not seem to care where they rank, but seeing their name in print is a big deal. “Look, I’m on the list…” is something I heard many times. It was a huge confidence builder. Important lessons come with the territory - such as planning ahead, overcoming obstacles, showing up on time, sportsmanship and when earned, knowing what achievement feels like. Additionally, being encouraged by adults involved in dog sports is invaluable to a child. Next time you’re at a dog show, take time to watch the Junior competition and say something encouraging to the child who didn’t place. Simple words such as “I watched you in your class and can see that you and your dog really try,” mean so much. Heck, if you were in a class and didn’t do well or had a frustrating day, and someone offered a kind word afterwards, it would be a smile! h

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EVENT SCHEDULE Friday July 12 NOTRA Racing Obedience, Rally, and Agility Practice Nosework Workshop Physical Conditioning Seminar Saturday July 13 AKC Lure Trial African Stock Exhibition Welcome Reception Sunday July 14 Obedience and Rally Trial Puppy and Veteran Sweepstakes

July 12 – 17, 2013 Come to Auburn,


Monday July 15 All-Breed Agility (Limited entry, with preference for Basenjis) Conformation Classes Begin Annual Meeting Tuesday July 16 Conformation Continues Top 25 Banquet and Live Auction Wednesday July 17 Judges Education Junior Showmanship Conformation Concludes

All events at Argus Ranch for Dogs Chair: Brenda Phillips 253-217-1466 Lots more information on the website: HOST HOTEL – La Quinta Inn 253-804-9999 $115 with a 4-dog per room limit/$100 Deposit. Other hotels listed on our website.

TROPHIES - Secure your trophy donations by April 1 to be listed in the Premium Lists!

JUDGES: Conformation & JRSH: Judy Webb Sweepstakes: Andrew Sawler AKC Coursing: Vern Staack & Avery McLeod African Stock Exhibition: Donna Lubbe Agility: Carol Mount Obedience and Rally: Mary Jane Shervais

RV RESERVATIONS - RV Parking on site, $35 per day including hook-ups. Reservations through the website, or contact Jennifer Miller - jennifer@ - 503-720-7885

OTHER EVENTS NEARBY: Evergreen Basenji Club - ASFA Lure trial July 11 Willamette Valley Basenjis Club Specialty July 19 Conformation, Obedience and Rally: TVDF July 13, Portland July 20, 21 Agility: WSOTC July 12-14 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 29

A Breeder’s Moral Dilemma? CONGENITAL DEFECTS are those abnormalities that are present at birth. These defects can happen for no apparent reason; they might be inherited; or caused by environmental factors; or even a combination of any of these possibilities. Defects are more likely to occur during the rapid cell formation in the first three weeks of embryo development; yet some defects can occur later in fetal growth. Regardless of when these malformations occur, they can affect any organ or system in the body.

By Wanda Pooley and Arlene Bacon


the bitch, exposure to some infections, chemicals, such as lawn treatments, or even stress can possibly increase the risk for some birth defects. Some examples of congenital defects include cleft palates and/or cleft lips, polydactylism (extra toes), pectus excavatum (intrusion of the breastbone into the thoracic cavity), dwarfism, extra vertebrae, and hydrocephalus (water on the brain.) It is the type and severity of the defect that becomes the breeder’s moral dilemma. Many dogs with congenital defects can still have a good quality of life, but care and treatment may also mean a long road to travel for puppies born with special needs. Until recent years, the decision for breeders has been clear cut -- euthanasia. Today, in many cases, medical advancements in canines have offered more choices. TWO of the more common congenital defects seen in all breeds are the cleft palate and the cleft lip - midline closure defects that occur when development is halted along the central dorsal line of the body. These two can occur as part of the same malformation or can be seen as

Bette - two days after birth (photo by Arlene Bacon)

The cleft lip is a split in the front portion of the palate extending up the center of the front lip between where the middle incisors would later come in and as far as the nose bulb. [Fred Lansing] individual defects. In my more than 20 years of breeding, I have had two puppies born with a full length, very deep and wide cleft palate. The first was unable to nurse even though he put up a valiant effort for the next 24 hours. My vet

explained the severity of the defect and recommended euthanasia. The second puppy was born several years later. My bitch required a C-section. All was going well -- plenty of smiles to go around between me, the staff, and the vet, but when puppy 6 was born, the vet spotted the same severe malformation of the palate. Again, this puppy was euthanized. The decision was pretty straightforward and one I am sure most breeders would have made. Yet, what if the malformation had not been so severe? As I understand, a cleft palate can range from very mild to very severe. Further, since then I have discovered that many puppies can be saved if the breeder is willing and has the time, energy, and dollars to care for the puppy. This effort is especially time consuming through those first critical weeks until the dog can be given solid foods. RECENTLY, Arlene Bacon, a breeder

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in Canada, wrote to tell me about one of her newborn puppies that appeared to have a malformation on the lip just below the nose. Having seen this defect on another puppy several years ago, I was pretty sure this neonate most likely had a cleft lip (in the past this was more commonly referred to as a Harelip.)

“The Harelip is a split in the front portion of the palate extending up the center of the front lip between where the middle incisors would later come in and as far as the nose bulb; in most cases. It is caused by a disruption in the embryo development at a slightly different time than cleft palate. Sometimes, if the psychobiochemical disruption has continued for a longer period of time than an instantaneous trauma, you may find both conditions in the same pup.”

“Of the six healthy puppies that were born, one little pup seemed to have trouble latching on and staying on a nipple. After a day, I took a closer look and discovered a deformation of her nose and lip. The nose had formed sideways

Close up view of Bette’s mouth at about 3 weeks old. [Photo by Arlene Bacon]

[Fred Lanting, Birth Defects: Cleft Palate Why and When]

THIS congenital defect might affect both sides of the mouth and continue on to affect the palate. The severity of the malformation, along with the ability and willingness of the breeder to save the puppy, will be determining factors in survival. ARLENE went on to write “Of the six healthy puppies that were born, one little pup seemed to have trouble latching on and staying on a nipple. After a day, I took a closer look and discovered a deformation of her nose and lip. The nose had formed sideways. After day two, I was able to take her to the vet for a diagnosis. He was quite fascinated by the abnormality and did a complete examination of her. He found that she was quite healthy, but weak after not eating for two days. No heart problems, vitals were good, and no other organ defects such as a heart murmur. THE vet stated that while he was no surgeon, he did like surgery, and that he would like the opportunity to correct the problem when she was old enough. I agreed. The puppy didn’t seem to be in any pain, and at that point since the only

problem was the nose formation (she had both nostrils), we would try to help her survive. I was shown how to tube feed her. Luckily, Mama dog was quite willing to take her back at any time and did not treat her any differently than the other puppies. I’m also lucky that I was able to take her with me to work to feed and care for her. In the beginning it was slow going, and I wondered if it was worth it, but after a few days she began to rebound. When the puppy was born, she weighed 7.5 oz. Within those two days before the vet visit, her weight had dropped to 6 oz. Then slowly, she started gaining a half ounce a day. After a few days, her weight gain jumped to an ounce a day. I noticed that as she grew a hole began forming at the front of her mouth. Apparently, the hole had already been there, but because the opening was so small, it went unnoticed until she grew larger.” AT this point I am sure some breeders are shaking their heads and wondering why expend all this effort and heartache to save a puppy that might likely die anyway. In some cases, I would probably agree with this assessment. Arlene was aware of what might lie ahead on this bumpy road. She felt strongly that while culling might be an easy choice, nothing would be learned. IN her words, Arlene told me, “ I didn’t feel we would learn anything if we

didn’t forge ahead. The biggest problem with culling a puppy is that we don’t learn anything and therefore, the vet doesn’t learn anything either. While they fix cleft lips in humans all the time, in animals, it is just easier to put them down than to put in an effort. No one can learn anything if we don’t try. The puppy wasn’t suffering, and we had nothing to lose at this point. As breeders, this pertains to all of us. If we are putting down puppies with problems, are the vets learning anything? Is there an option that they could gain more knowledge? I’m sure this has happened to others as well, but we just never hear of it because of the stigma in the breeder world, “Oh, she’s the one who had the puppy with the…. That she kept alive and let suffer.” While I’m sure there will be people who will agree with me, there are also people who think I am a monster for keeping a puppy alive with a deformity. If the puppy was not viable after two days, I would have put her down. If the puppy was suffering, I would have put her down. IF, IF, IF-we all live with it. But what price do we pay to fail to move forward either? The vet has given this puppy a better than 60% chance of being able to be normal. We will all have moments when we wonder if we are doing the right thing. I think I am. As soon as that puppy begins to suffer, she will be put down. I only ask that breeders keep an open mind and realize that sometimes it is

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worth the effort to go that extra mile to help some little creature.” ARLENE’S letter inspired me to learn more about cleft palate and cleft lip defects. I read about Henry, the Bernese Mountain Dog, who had surgery to repair a cleft lip. His breeder described young Henry, “Now he is just a happy, four-month-old puppy who does everything else that other dogs do, He eats well. He drinks well. He plays hard.” I discovered a website, Hennwood Labradors, that describes several dogs that survived puppyhood and went on to be great companions, service dogs, and competitors even though they were born with cleft palates Bette at 3-1/2 weeks old, slightly smaller than her siblings, but steadily gaining weight. and cleft lips. Amazingly, none of these [Photos by Arlene Bacon] dogs underwent repair surgery. This breeder is also a practical person and tells people that if raising a cleft puppy isn’t feasible, it’s understandable and advises to let the puppy go peacefully. IN the end, how breeders deal with congenital defects in puppies isn’t always so clear-cut. The severity, the emotional and financial investment, and the courage to face possible heartache all weigh with the decision. The severity of the cleft palates in my two puppies made my decision easy; yet what if the defect had been a milder form? Now I am not sure what I would do. CONGENITAL DEFECTS -- a breeder’s moral dilemma? 

UPDATE ON BETTE AT 7 WEEKS OLD At seven weeks old, Bette is doing quite well. She is very sweet and very special. She eats and drinks by herself, wrestles, plays and is otherwise a normal happy puppy. Bette is eating both mush and hard food and a Slice and Serve dog food somewhat like Rollover®. It is cooked chicken mixed with vegetables and rice. The chicken is passed through a sieve and then mixed with the vegetables and the rice. It comes in a round tube so you just slice it up and serve it.

Arlene Bacon

TO LEARN MORE -Cleft Lip and Palate in Dogs: A Progress Report, MJ Jurkiewixz, MD, DDS 7 DL Bryant, BS Fred Lanting, Birth Defects: Cleft Palate Why and When Hennwood Labradors, “They Are Worth Saving,” Doctors Perform Reconstructive Surgery on Puppy, Henry, Bernese Mountain Dog, story?section=news/local&id=8752018

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BIS Hall of Fame honors all the basenjis that have won Best in Show in the United States since the breed was accepted for competition at AKC shows through December 31, 2012 Any basenji that wins such an honor has earned the right to be on this list because each dog listed is a representative of the breed. It’s not about who is at the other end of the lead; it’s about the dog and our breed, and how each dog is valued and appreciated not only among the basenji fancy but by the fancy as a whole. The first basenji to go Best in Show in the United States was a bitch, CH Dainty Dancer of Glenairly in 1958. She was followed by two more bitches, CH Lepper’s Nik Nak and CH Lutes Mona Lisa. It wasn’t until 1968 that the first male basenji earned this honor - CH Betsy Ross’ Kingola of Ber-Vic. A keen eye will spot that Philo’s Blaze of Koko Crater won a Best in Show in Hawaii in 1956 and may wonder why he isn’t recognized as the first basenji in the United States to win Best in Show. History was against him, one might say. Hawaii was a territory at that time -- a territory that was admitted into the Union on August 21, 1959 as the 50th state. Title Dog Name

USA Through BIS Color Sex Year

CH Zindika’s Johnny Come Greatly (1st brindle BIS) 59 BR CH Calaz Executive Embasi 38 R CH Grandquest Kazor’s Motumbo Xequemate 27 (Hawaii) R CH Sonbar’s Celestial Wizard 24 R CH Music City Serengeti Jazzman 20 R CH Reveille Re-Up 14 R CH Reveille Boutonniere, JC 11 R CH AB-Rafiki The Icon of Cool (most BIS for a tri) 12 T CH Aleika-Absinthe Rajah’s JR 7 R CH Blucrest’s Bound for Reveille 7 R CH Klassic’s Miss Mata Hauri 7 T CH Betsy Ross’ Joyful Saint 6 R CH Shadowbye Mitty 6 R CH Akuaba’s Tornado, JC 5 R DC Jasiri-Sukari The Illustrated Man, SC 5 BR CH Reveille Be Sirius 5 R CH Reveille Do Be Sirius 5 R CH Arubmec’s Sweet Spot 4 R CH Eldorado’s Echo Of The Wind 4 BR CH Kazor Bay-Senji Yuara Natural 4 R CH Arabrac’s Mountain Mamba (1st tri BIS) 3 T CH Hacker’s Bud Light 3 R CH Ingegab Limited Edition 3 T CH Khajah’s Gay Excaliber 3 R CH Tri-Tan’s Uzuri Supow Lihu 3 R CH Betsy Ross’ Kingola of Ber-Vic (1st dog-BIS) 2 R CH Betsy Ross Melissa 2 R CH Darp’s Kamili M’Wana 2 R CH Jasiri-Sukari John Tri-Volta 2 T GCH Jasari-Sukari Win Tin Tin 2 R CH Kazor’s Intrepid Icebreaker 2 R CH Lepper’s Nik Nak 2 R CH Libra’s Apollo of Dehahi 2 R CH Serengeti Reveille Larkspur 2 R CH Sonbar’s Phoolish Pleasure at Cumback 2 R CH Sukari Raider Of The Lost Bark CD, JC, FCh 2 R CH Thackery Toast Reveille 2 R CH Vikentor’s Country Rose 2 R

D 1999 D 1996 D 2009 D 1993 D 1989 D 1972 D 1998 D 2010 D 1983 D 1998 B 2008 D 1974 D 1979 D 1994 D 2004 D 1976 D 1979 D 2004 D 2007 D 2005 D 1983 D 2000 D 2000 D 1975 D 1977 D 1969 B 1972 D 1979 D 2005 D 2012 D 1988 B 1962 D 1979 B 1991 D 2007 D 1994 B 1981 B 1990

GCH Ahmahr Nahr’s The lost Angel Gabriel 1 CH Akuba’s Mistral 1 CH Anasazi’s Whidbey Osiris 1 CH Arabrac’s Evening In Paris 1 CH Arubmec’s The Victor 1 CH Asias Ready Set Go 1 CH Beacham-Bryn-of-Orion 1 CH Bluestones Wild Buckwheat (first b/w dog) 1 CH Burgundy Wine Sir Gay of Linlo 1 CH Camp’s Dazzling Nazimba 1 CH Changa’s Dan Patch, SC 1 CH C-Quests Point Blank 1 CH Dainty Dancer of Glenairley (1st bitch BIS) 1 CH Hai Aaari Tshiluba 1 CH Hai Aari Golden Dybbuk 1 DC Jasiri’s Jurassic Bark MC 1 GCH Jasiri-Sukari Bucking The Trind 1 CH Jasiri-Sukari Congo-Leezza Rice, JC 1 CH Jasiri-Sukari Fire-N-Lines 1 CH Jen Nell’s Kris Kringle 1 CH Kazor’s Virtuous Virginia 1 CH Kstar’s Adonis of Anubis 1 CH Luddymarie Betsy Ross Melisa 1 CH Lutes Mona Lisa 1 CH Nyanga Reveille Magnolia 1 CH Pero’s Krugerrand 1 Philo’s Blaze of Koko Crater 1 (Hawaii) CH Rameses Golden Phoenix 1 CH Reliant Inferno 1 GCH Reveille Push Button 1 CH Reveille Recycle Pickwick 1 CH Reveille Skip to Sundance 1 CH Reveille Tried and True 1 GCH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl 1 GCH Taji Goes Platinum 1 GCH Taji’s Klassic Lil Black Dress SC (1st b/w bitch) 1 GCH Teaser Signet Bad Romance 1 CH Wakili Signet Dooney 1

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D 2012 D 1981 D 1986 B 1986 D 1988 D 2006 D 1990 D 2000 D 1979 D 1976 D 1994 D 2001 B 1958 D 1983 D 1980 B 1997 D 2010 B 2008 B 2004 D 1985 B 1995 D 1981 B 1971 B 1963 B 2000 D 1980 D 1956 D 1986 D 1986 D 2011 D 1976 D 1984 D 1994 B 2012 B 2011 B 2011 B 2011 B 2009

Best in Show wins from 1998 through 2012 Initially compiled by Jennie Behles, Simone Mullins, Cheryl Myers Egerton & Margaret Robertson The very first basenji star, MBISAKCCKC Ch Dainty Dancer, of Glenairly, was the first basenji to show and win at the Westminster Kennel Club, and also the first Canadian basenji to win a Best in Show both in Canada and the United States. Following Dancer’s appearance on the scene, there was a long gap in Canadian basenji Best in Show history before the Canadian Kennel Club began compiling statistics through an outside contractor. These were compiled for the years 1988 through 2004. Following this, the stats have been compiled on an annual basis either by the Canadian Kennel Club and published in Dogs in Canada magazine, or more recently, compiled by the Best Dog in Canada. Many of the dogs shown below also competed in the United States and were top ranked basenjis in that country. Many have Best in Shows in other countries as well as Canada, but the chart reflects only Canadian efforts. The increased wins indicate the increased popularity of the basenji in the show ring in recent years. This seems to have a direct correlation with the improvement of basenji “charm” and temperament. BASENJI SEX BIS G Ch. Ahmahr Nahr’s Jake Jamul to Mibre SC CGN............................................................................................................. D................26 Ch. Baruhs N’ Schaumburg Hoo’s Hoo.................................................................................................................................B................19 Ch. Conamore Sun of Simba ............................................................................................................................................... D................10 Ch. Schaumburgs Thats Amoire.......................................................................................................................................... D.................6 Ch. Conamore’s Sun and Jasmine.........................................................................................................................................B.................7 Ch. Shamaron’s Imperial Crusader ..................................................................................................................................... D.................5 GCH/Can CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Casanova Jack at Whitewater................................................................................................ D.................3 Ch. Klassic’s Rooty Toot Toot ...............................................................................................................................................B.................3 Ch. Kudabin Vintage Baruh.................................................................................................................................................. D.................3 Ch. Terrarust’s Seek a Rainbow........................................................................................................................................... D.................3 Ch. Ahmarh Nahr’s Hallelujah Makes A Joyful Noise...........................................................................................................B.................2 Ch. Amnahr Nahr’s Mardi Gras Flambeaux Man................................................................................................................. D.................2 DC Astarte’s Sultan Siete with Pips SC CD RN VB................................................................................................................. D.................2 Ch. Mankia’s Kuchimba....................................................................................................................................................... D.................2 Ch. Symphonic Fanfare........................................................................................................................................................ D.................2 Ch. Terrarust N Akuaba Jamboree....................................................................................................................................... D.................2 Ch. Terrarust N Beaubri Special FX.......................................................................................................................................B.................2 Am/Can CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Mardi Gras Flambeaux Man.................................................................................................... D.................1 CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Ryder of The Voodoo Child................................................................................................................... D.................1 Ch. Arubmec’s Integra......................................................................................................................................................... D.................1 Ch. Baruh’s Kudabin a Flirt...................................................................................................................................................B.................1 Ch. Blackwings Red Amber of Conamore.............................................................................................................................B.................1 Ch. Conamore Rising Sun.................................................................................................................................................... D.................1 Ch. Conamore Sum of Restigouche .................................................................................................................................... D.................1 Ch. Emerant’s The Instigator............................................................................................................................................... D.................1 Ch. Ima Code of the West . ................................................................................................................................................. D.................1 Ch. Jasiri-Sukari Khani Francis..............................................................................................................................................B.................1 Ch. Mankia’s Mishindi......................................................................................................................................................... D.................1 Ch. Mija Cross Country Heart N’ Soul, SC.............................................................................................................................B.................1 Ch. Select Information FCh.................................................................................................................................................. D.................1 Ch. Shantara’s Dalaf Thunderbolt........................................................................................................................................ D.................1 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 34


SWEEPSTAKES - JUDGE: MRS LAURA POND BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR DOGS 6 MONTHS & UNDER 18 MONTHS . 1/BPS Platinum’s Son Of Anarchy. Breeder: Mary K & Larry Quinnett. Owner: Bob Bozarth Brian Johnson Mk Quinnett. 2 Khani’s Teazer Waking Up In Vegas. Breeder/Owners: Kathryn R Britton & John P Gaidos & A K Halemanu. 3 Koira’s Wild Sage. Breeder: Owners & Kevin & Therese Leimback. Owner: Tim & Mary Monahan. BRED-BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES 6 MONTHS & UNDER 18 MONTHS . 1/BOSP Koira’s Ginger Snap. Breeder: Owners & Kevin & Therese Leimbeck. Owner: Tim & Mary Monahan. 2 Khani’s Teazer Last Friday Night. Breeder/Owners. Owner: Kathryn R Britton & John P Gaidos & A K Halemanu. 3 ‘Tis-A Signet Fiddle-Dee-Dee At Tara. Breeder/Owners. Owner: Joyce & Fred Hughes & Brenda & Ciara Cassel. JUNIOR BITCHES 12 MOS & UNDER 18 MOS . 1 Khani’s Teazer I Gotta Feeling. Breeder: Kathryn R Britton John Gaidos. Owner: Cindi Gross Kathryn R Britton. 2 Khani’s Bust A Move. Breeder: A McCleod & S McCleod & K Britton.. Owner: Diana Mann & Kathryn Britton.

VETERANS SWEEPSTAKES JUNIOR VETERAN DOGS 7 YRS & UNDER 9 YRS . 1/BV Ch Platinum’s Fear Is Not A Factor JC. Breeder: Mary K Quinnett. Owner: Mary K & Larry Quinnett. 2 Ch My-Tym Dragnquest Ice’d T. Breeder/Owners: Jacqueline C Jones & Darlene Y Lowit.

CONFORMATION JUDGE: MR. JAMES C BRILEY BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR DOGS . 1/WD/BW/BBE Khani’s Teazer Waking Up In Vegas. Breeder/Owner: Kathryn R Britton & John P Gaidos & A K Halemanu. 2 Platinum’s Son Of Anarchy. Breeder: Maryk & Larry Quinnett. Owner: Bob Bozarth Brian Johnson MK Quinnett. 3 Koira’s Wild Sage. Breeder: Owners & Kevin & Therese Leimback. Owner: Tim & Mary Monahan. 4 Taji Cheques In At Heathrow. Breeder: JG Kim Katie Campbell Mark Farnsworth. Owner: JG Kim Katie Campbell Mark Farnsworth. OPEN DOGS BLACK, TAN & WHITE . 1 My-Tym Dragnquest Tri-L By Jury. Breeder/Owners: T Jones J Jones & D Lowit. 2 Ahmahr Nahr’s Sultan Sindar With Pips. Breeder: Amy Whalen Jennie Behles. Owner: Jennie D Behles Robert J Walley. OPEN DOGS RED & WHITE . 1/R ‘Tis-A Signet Super-Ohno-VA. Breeder: Fred Hughes & Joyce Hughes & Brenda Cassell & Ciara. Owner: Katherine N Katayama & Steve Katayama. 2 Tis-A Signet Frankley My Dear. Breeder: Joyce A & Fred Hughes & Brenda & Ciara Cassell. Owner: Marti & Richard Taylor & Brenda & Ciara Cassell. 3 Khadijah’s Fallingwater Of Sundiata JC. Breeder: Sandy Mcarthur & Darlene Lowit. Owner: Sandy McArthur Paula Petsche & Chris Maxka. 4 Khani’s Teazer Kool Moe Dee. Breeder: J Gaidos & A Halemanu & K Britton. Owner: Dianna Mann & Kathryn Britton. TWELVE TO EIGHTEEN MONTH BITCHES . 1 Khani’s Bust A Move. Breeder: A Mcleod & S McCleod & K Britton. Owner: Diana Mann & Kathryn Britton. 2 Khani’s Teazer I Gotta Feeling. Breeder: Kathryn R Britton John Gaidos. Owner: Cindi Gross Kathryn R Britton. BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR BITCHES . 1/R Baraka Hear The Belle Ring. Breeders/Owners: Paul Bowlus-Root And

William Bowlus-Root. ‘Tis-A Signet Fiddle-Dee-Dee At Tara. Breeder: Owners. Owner: Joyce & Fred Hughes & Brenda & Ciara Cassel. 3 Koira’s Ginger Snap. Breeders/Owners & Kevin & Therese Leimbeck, Tim & Mary Monahan. 4 Khani’s Teazer Last Friday Night. Breeder/Owners. Kathryn R Britton & John P Gaidos & A K Halemanu. OPEN BITCHES BLACK, TAN & WHITE . 1 My-Tym Karosel Win’r Take All. Breeder/Owners: Donna J Lubbe Darlene Y Lowit Julie Leicht. OPEN BITCHES BRINDLE & WHITE . 1/WB Fataki’s Wicked In Stripes. Breeder/Owner: Dana Macdonald. OPEN BITCHES RED & WHITE . 1 Dragnquests Prize Sassicaia. Breeder: Jacqueline C Jones / Marlene Allen. Owner: Jacqueline C Jones. 2 Jumoke’s Sweet Darlin’.Breeder: Bryan Gregory & Laurie Gregory. Owner: Bryan Gregory & Jodee Fauchess. VETERAN DOGS 7 YRS & UNDER 10 YRS . 1 Ch Platinum’s Fear Is Not A Factor Jc. Breeder: Mary K Quinnett. Owner: Mary K & Larry Quinnett. 2 Ch Fopaws Oh My God. Breeder: Kevin & Therese Leimback & Jordan Reed. Owner: Kevin & Therese Leimback & Kevin Stamper. 3 Ch My-Tym Dragnquest Ice’d T. Breeder: Jacqueline C Jones & Darlene Y Lowit. Owner: Jacqueline C Jones & Darlene Y Lowit. VETERAN BITCHES 7 YRS & UNDER 10 YRS . 1 Ch Khani’s Dp Poetry In Motion SC. Breeder: Kathryn Britton & J Leicht & M Cortez & C Austin. Owner: Ellen Bramble & Kathryn Britton. 2 Dc Khadijah’s My-Tym Alone Sc. Breeder: Sandy Mcarthur & Darlene Lowit. Owner: Sandy Mcarthur. VETERAN BITCHES 10 YRS & OLDER . 1 Ch Jamaa-Tanza Makindu SC NA RN. Breeder: Jeff Sheldon Pat Fragassi Ken And Marilyn Leighton. Owner: Brenda Phillips And Jeff Sheldon. 2 Ch Dragnquest My-Tym Xpres’lines. Breeder: Jacqueline C Jones. Owner: Jacqueline C Jones & Darlene Y Lowit. NON REGULAR CLASSES SENIOR VETERAN DOGS 11 YEARS & UNDER 13 YEARS . 1 DC Tazamisha Dp Maximum Illusion SC. Breeder: M Cortez & V Cortez. Owner: Julie Leicht. JUNIOR VETERAN BITCHES 7 YRS & UNDER 9 YRS 1 DC Khadijah’s My-Tym Alone SC. Breeder: Sandy Mcarthur & Darlene Lowit. Owner: Sandy Mcarthur. JUNIOR VETERAN BITCHES 9 YRS & UNDER 11 YRS . 1 Ch Devilspeak Skys The Limit SC. Breeder: M Cortez & C Austin & J Leicht & K Britton. Owner: Cynthia M Gross. 2 Ch Jamaa-Tanza Makindu SC NA RN. Breeder: Jeff Sheldon Pat Fragassi Ken And Marilyn Leighton. Owner: Brenda Phillips And Jeff Sheldon. SENIOR VETERAN BITCHES 11 YEARS & UNDER 13 YEARS . 1/BSR Ch Dragnquest My-Tym Xpres’lines. Breeder: Jacqueline C Jones. Owner: Jacqueline C Jones & Darlene Y Lowit. BEST OF BREED COMPETITION . BOB Ch G Ch .Ahmahr Nahrs Halleujah Makes A Joyful N. Bitch. Breeder: JD Behles & Florine Havens. Owner: JD Behles & RJ Walley. BOS Ch Dragnquests Prize Trebbiano For My-Tym. Dog. Breeder: Marlene B Allen & Jacqueline C Jones. Owner: D Lowit R Newton J C Jones & T Jones. Agent: Donald Rodgers. Sel Bitch GCH Ch Khani’s Starlight Starbright SC. Bitch. Breeder/Owners: C & J Paulsen & K Britton.. Sel Dog GCH Ch DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition SC. Dog. Breeder: Jordan Reed. Owner: Natalie Scherwin & Nancy Sherman. 2

JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP - JUDGE: MR JAMES C BRILEY OPEN INTERMEDIATE . 1/BJH Danielle New. Karosel Split Decision At My-Tym. Dog. Owner: Donna Lubbe Darlene Lowit Julie Leicht & D New,

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Friday, January 4, 2013 - Indio, California

Orlando Fl Saturday, Dec. 15, 2012



BREED WINNERS Best of Breed or Variety........................ GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin (D) J Jones/K Jones/C Kok Best of Opposite Sex.................. GCH CH Starfyre’s Rock’N With Danica (B) D Searcy/K Grayson Best of Winners...............................................Kazor’s Polly’s Pie (B), C Webb Winners Dog ..........................................Kazor’s Take It To The Bank C Webb Reserve Winner Dog .............................. Desoleils Benevolent One H Benton Winners Bitch ........................................................Kazor’s Polly’s Pie C Webb Reserve Winner Bitch ...........Starfyre’s Gold’N Nugget D Searcy/K Grayson

Best of Breed .................................................................. CH Dragonete Itapuca Best of Opposite Sex ......... GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel Select Dog .............................................GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba Zensational Select Bitch ..............................................GCH CH Mata Hauri Ruby Red Beez Best Bred By Exhibitor..... GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Magic Fantasia At Mibre Winners Dog .......................................Undercover Imara Simon Says Legend 1st Award of Excellence .GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Halleleujah Maresa Joyful Noise 2nd Award of Excellence . GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Magic Fantasia At Mibre 3rd Award of Excellence .............................CH Mibre’s Legend Of Godiva SC 4th Award of Excellence ................................. GCH CH Kazor’s Super Scorch

DOGS BRED BY EXHIBITOR 1/WD Kazor’s Take It To The Bank C Webb 2/RWD Desoleils Benevolent One H Benton 3 Congaro’s Where The Wild Things Are C Ongaro BITCHES PUPPY 9 - 12 MOS. 1/RWB Starfyre’s Gold’N Nugget D Searcy/K Grayson BRED BY EXHIBITOR 1/WB/BOW Kazor’s Polly’s Pie C Webb OPEN 1 ‘Tis-A Signet Kiss Me Once J Alpert/S Alpert



Judge: Mr. Charles Olvis Day: February 11, 2013 Best of Breed....................................................... GCH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin Best of Opposite Sex......................... GCH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet Select Dog.................................................................Ch Kivu Doo Wop Hooligan Select Bitch.....................GCH Ahmar Nahr’s Hallelujah Makes A Joyful Noise Winners Bitch.............................................................................. Wanyika Kibora



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Dog CC ................................................................ Eng Ch Tokaji Texas Ranger Dog Reserve CC ................................................Eng Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue Bitch CC / Best of Breed...........................Eng Ch Tokaji California Dreaming Bitch Reserve CC...................................................... Eng Ch Zordia’s Wazzala Best Puppy................................... Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris

Dog CC/BEST OF BREED......................................... Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue Dog RCC...................................................................... Ch Tokaji Texas Ranger Bitch CC............................................................Ch Tokaji California Dreaming Bitch RCC.......................................................................... Ch Zordia’s Wazzala Best Veteran....................................... Ch/Am Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley

DOG CLASSES PUPPY DOG (1/2) 1 Singleton’s Faraoland Volvo Amazon vid Jethard JUNIOR DOG (1/2) 1/BP Hannah’s Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris (BP). POST GRADUATE DOG (1/2) 1 Gaskell’s Memetuka Juakali. LIMIT DOG (1/1) 1 Hanna’s Zordia’s Ajani ShCM. OPEN DOG (2/3) 1/CC Cullen’ & Agnew’s Ch Tokaji Texas Ranger (CC) 2/RCC Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue. GOOD CITIZEN DOG (1/1) 1 Gaskell’s Memetuka Jabali.

DOG CLASSES JUNIOR DOG (3/4) 1 Hannah’s Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris 2 Miller’s Benkura Blue Sky Mine 3 Shaw-Fitzsimmons’ & Carman’s Kingwanas Jazzy Jive At Suefitz. POST GRADUATE DOG (2/2) 1 Hooper’s Bubas Pharaoh’s Fortune 2 Atherton’s Gadi Gamba Maridadi. LIMIT DOG (4/4) 1 Gaskell’s Memetuka Juakali 2 Hanna’s Zordia’s Ajani ShCM) 3 Miller’s Benkura Blue Sky Mine 4 Atherton’s Gadi Gamba Maridadi. OPEN DOG (4/5) 1/DCC/BOB Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue 2/RCC Cullen’ & Agnew’s Ch Tokaji Texas Ranger 3 Grayson’s Ch Tokaji American Gigolo At Embeau JW ShCM 4 Gaskell’s Memetuka Jabali ShCM VETERAN DOG (2/2) 1 Hardy’, Hallam’ & Webb’s Ch/Am Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley 2 Chavez-Novoa’s Ned/Lux Ch Abotere’s Zahir for Hicel


BITCH CLASSES PUPPY BITCH (3/3) 1 Adams’ Kissangani Life Of The Party 2 Drummond’s Kissangani Ask No Questions at Djoser 3 Castell’s Benkura On A Mission To Aniscopus. JUNIOR BITCH (3/3) 1 Baker’s Silverbriar Mirror Image 2 Bardet’s Gleaming Gloria des Terres Oceanes 3 Castell’s Benkura On A Mission To Aniscopus. POST GRADUATE BITCH (1/1) 1 Baker’s Silverbriar Mirror Image). LIMIT BITCH (1/1) 1 Waldron’s Woodella’s Moon Quest. OPEN BITCH (6/7) 1/CC/BOB Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji California Dreaming 2/RCC Allen’s Ch Zordia’s Wazzala 3 Legget’s Irish Ch Elsco Amastunner At Swanwite 4 Drummond’s Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at Djoser 5 Baker’s Irish Ch Tokaji American Dreamz of Silverbriar JW ShCM


BITCH CLASSES JUNIOR BITCH (3/3) 1 Adams’ Kissangani Life Of The Party 2 Drummond’s Kissangani Ask No Questions at Djoser 3 Bardet’s Gleaming Gloria des Terres Oceanes POST GRADUATE BITCH (1/1) 1 Bardet’s Gleaming Gloria des Terres Oceanes. LIMIT BITCH (2/3) 1 Gostynska’s Bubas Monisha (African Mystery’s Anubis / Zande Felije). OPEN BITCH (5/5) 1/BCC Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji California Dreaming 2/RCC Allen’s Ch Zordia’s Wazzala 3 Drummond’s Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at Djoser 4 Legget’s Irish Ch Elsco Amastunner At Swanwite 5 Adams’ Kissangani Only Dreaming VETERAN BITCH (1/1) 1 Addis’ Savannastorm Little Snap Dragon.

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November 11, 2012 Judge: Eddie Patterson (Ireland) Best of Breed......................................................Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius Best of Opposite Sex........................................... Bulldobas Cute As A Button BOB-Veteran ......................................................Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius BOS-Veteran ............................................................................ Ajibu Billie Jean BOB-Breeders Group ...................................................................kennel Hi-Lite MALES BD1 Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius Veteran Excellent 1, CQ, BOB, BOB-Veteran BD2 Hi-Lite Smooth Operator Junior Excellent 1, CQ, CC BD3 Bulldobas Cream And Sugar) Champion Excellent 1, CQ, CACIB BD4 Hi-Lite Hot Rod Intermediate Excellent 1, CQ, ResCC, ResCACIB JUNIOR CLASS 2 Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever 3 Echo Of Dreams Afrikata) 4 Rosone’s Soprano Superlativo CHAMPION CLASS 2 Ajibu Feelin’Good 3 Bulldobas Catch The Wind 4 Sternhimmels Lux In Nocte

Junior Excellent 2, CQ Junior Excellent 3 Junior Excellent 4

CHAMPION CLASS 3 Ajibu Foolish Heart Champion Excellent 3, CQ VETERAN CLASS 1 Ajibu Billie Jean Veteran Excellent 1 CQ, BOS-veteran BREEDERS CLASS 1 kennel Hi-Lite Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever Hi-Lite Smooth Operator, Hi-Lite Hot Rod Hi-Lite Hula Hoops 2 kennel Sternhimmels HP Sternhimmels Lux In Nocte, Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius, Sternhimmels In Dulci Iubilo, Sternhimmels Nota Prim) (L-R) BOB Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius BOS Bulldobas Cute As A Button (Photo: Ami)

Champion Excellent 2, CQ Champion Excellent 3, CQ Champion Excellent 4, CQ

FEMALES BB1 Bulldobas Cute As A Button Champion Excellent 1, CQ, CACIB, BOS BB2 Hi-Lite Hula Hoops Intermediate Excellent 1, CQ, CC, ResCACIB BB3 Sternhimmels In Dulci Iubilo Champion Excellent 2, CQ BB4 Sternhimmels Nota Prima Open Excellent 1, CQ, ResCC

L-R BOB-veteran Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius BOS-veteran Ajibu Billie Jean

INTERMEDIATE CLASS 2 Wazazi The One And Only

(Photos: Ami) Intermediate Excellent 2, CQ

Turku INT

January 20, 2013 Judge: Jean-Louis Grunheid (France) Best of Breed........................................................Klassic’s Daydream Believer Best of Opposite Sex......................................... Sternhimmels Notabilia Bona BOB-Veteran ...................................................... Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius BOS-Veteran .............................................Rus Ahmas Rapsodia To Tim Spirit BOB-Breeders Group .......................................................kennel Sternhimmels MALES BD1 Klassic’s Daydream Believer BD2 Signet Road Less Travelled BD3 Sternhimmels Lux In Nocte BD4 Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius OPEN CLASS 2 Yulara Quickthorn 3 Kanibaru Lambada Kaoma 4 Rosone’s Retro Rockettaro CHAMPION CLASS 2 Tim Spirit Man In Black 4 Safeguard’s Dijon Bulldobas

Champion EXC 1, CQ, CACIB, BOB Open EXC 1, CQ, CC, ResCACIB Champion EXC 2, CQ Veteran EXC 1, CQ, BOB-Veteran Open EXC 2, CQ, ResCC Open EXC 3, CQ Open EXC 4 Champion EXC 3, CQ Champion EXC 4

FEMALES BB1 Sternhimmels Notabilia Bona Open EXC 1, CQ, CC, FI CH, CACIB, BOS BB2 Bulldobas Cute As A Button Champion EXC 1, CQ, ResCACIB BB3 Dakarai Don’t Let You Down Open EXC 2, CQ, ResCC BB4 Rus Ahmars Rapsodia To Tim Spirit Veteran EXC 1, CQ, BOS-veteran

JUNIOR CLASS 1 Easy Come Easy Go Afrikata Junior EXC 1, CQ 2 Rosone’s Soprano Superiora Junior EXC 2 3 Sharaba Heartbeat Junior EXC 3 CHAMPION CLASS Tim Spirit Aldjeba Champion EXC 2, CQ VETERAN CLASS 2 Sternhimmels Femina Floreat Veteran EXC 2, CQ 3 Bulldobas La Scala Veteran EXC 3, CQ BREEDERS CLASS 1 kennel Sternhimmels Sternhimmels Lux In Nocte, Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius, Sternhimmels Notabilia Bona, Sternhimmels Femina Floreat)

Photo: Katja Lappalainen From left BOB Klassic’s Daydream Believer BOS Sternhimmels Notabilia Bona

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 38


Finnish Basenjis and Veteran Lure Coursing Championship 2012 Chei judge Jari Hietala SuBa MM-12 Ajibu I’m No Angel SuBa MM-12 Ajibu Great Balls of Fire SuBa VMM-12 Dakarai Jamili Sharab 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Ajibu I’m No Angel................................................................. 224..........................239......................... 463..........................CC............. SuBa MM-12 Ajibu Great Balls Of Fire........................................................ 216..........................246......................... 462..........................CQ............. SuBa MM-12 Yulara Owama....................................................................... 223..........................230......................... 453..........................CC Dakarai Pick A Flick)............................................................. 220..........................232......................... 452..........................CQ Ajibu Great Expectations....................................................... 215..........................236......................... 451..........................CQ Avongara Asuma................................................................... 216..........................235......................... 451..........................CQ Ajibu Farm Girl....................................................................... 221..........................229......................... 450..........................CQ Hanishan Yankee Cutie Candy............................................. 212..........................227......................... 439..........................CQ Hanishan Quiet Zone............................................................. 212..........................224......................... 436..........................CQ Hanishan Reveal the Mystery................................................ 223..........................16........................... 239.......................... Ajibu Foolin’ Around.............................................................. 191......................................................................................... Dakarai Pillow Talk................................................................ 189......................................................................................... Ajibu I’m Just A Girl).............................................................. 180......................................................................................... Dakarai Jamili Sharab........................................................... 135......................................................................................................... SuBa VMM-12 Ajibu Dixie Rose.................................................................... 116......................................................................................... Ajibu Hungry Heart................................................................ 108......................................................................................... Kanjaras Wish Upon A Star................................................... 104.........................................................................................

TAMPERE, FINLAND - AUGUST 8, 2012 Finnish Track Racing Championship 2012 Chief judge Jouko Huovinen


1 2 3

Ajibu Great Balls Of Fire ............................ 29.24 CC, Track record Dakarai Pillow Talk...................................................................31.96 Ajibu Feelin’Good.....................................................................33.16

QUALIFYING HEAT I 350 M 1 Hanishan Reveal The Mystery)................................................31.32 2 Ajibu Farm Girl..........................................................................33.40 3 Kanjaras Piquant Mix................................................................33.87 4 Kanjaras Honeytrap).................................................................34.17 QUALIFYING HEAT II 350 M 1 Ajibu Great Balls Of Fire .................................................. 29.53 CC 2 Hanishan Reveal The Mystery.................................................31.81 3 Kanjaras Piquant Mix................................................................33.41 4 Kanjaras Honeytrap..................................................................34.18

QUALIFYING HEAT II 350 M 1 Dakarai Pillow Talk...................................................................32.27 2 Ajibu Feelin’Good.....................................................................34.02 - Ajibu Farm Girl............................................................................disq FINAL 350 M 1 Ajibu Great Balls Of Fire..................................... 29.52 CC, SRM-12 2 Ajibu Feelin’Good.....................................................................33.95 3 Kanjaras Piquant Mix................................................................33.97 4 Kanjaras Honeytrap..................................................................34.21

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 39

AKC TOP 20 BREED STANDINGS December 31, 2012




1 . ..........GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin .........................................................................................M............................................... 997 2 . ..........GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel ..................................................................M ............................................... 572 3 . ..........GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet ....................................................................... F................................................. 340 4 . ..........GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba Zensational . .................................................................................M................................................ 339 5 . ..........GCH DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition SC . ..................................................................................M................................................ 332 6 . ..........GCH CH Platinum Nelson Jewel Of D’Nile SC ...................................................................... F................................................. 208 7 . ..........GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl .............................................................................. F................................................. 188 8 . ..........GCH CH Klassic’s Slam Dunk ................................................................................................M................................................ 142 9 . ..........GCH CH Taji’s Klassic Lil Black Dress SC ............................................................................... F................................................. 122 10 . ........GCH CH AB-Rafiki The Icon Of Cool .....................................................................................M...............................................107) 11..........GCH CH Arubmec’s Thriller..................................................................................................M................................................ 101 12..........GCH CH Kivu Doo Wop Hooligan..........................................................................................M.................................................. 97 13..........GCH CH Karnak’s Pure And Simple Allure............................................................................. F................................................... 94 14..........GCH CH I Am Jacob The Beloved JC......................................................................................M.................................................. 89 15..........GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Xtra Special Edition.................................................................M.................................................. 84 16..........GCH CH AB Day Trip To Tanza-Jamaa SC...............................................................................M.................................................. 78 17..........GCH CH Reveille One For The Money...................................................................................M.................................................. 77 18..........GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Speed Of Light......................................................................... F................................................... 69 19..........GCH CH Taji Goes Platinum JC.............................................................................................. F................................................... 65 20..........CH Zindika’s Got Moxy......................................................................................................... F................................................... 63

AKC TOP 20 ALL-BREED STANDINGS December 31, 2012




1 . ..........GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin .........................................................................................M.............................................. 8992 2 . ..........GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel ..................................................................M.............................................. 3847 3 . ..........GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl .............................................................................. F............................................... 2327 4 . ..........GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet ....................................................................... F............................................... 2145 5 . ..........GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba Zensational . .................................................................................M.............................................. 1655 6 . ..........GCH DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition SC . ..................................................................................M................................................ 815 7 . ..........GCH CH Reveille One For The Money . ................................................................................M................................................ 629 8 . ..........GCH CH Klassic’s Slam Dunk ................................................................................................M................................................ 570 9 . ..........GCH CH Kivu Doo Wop Hooligan .........................................................................................M................................................ 406 10 . ........GCH CH Platinum Nelson Jewel Of D’Nile SC ...................................................................... F................................................. 394 11 . ........CH Teazer Kazor Ekundayo For Johari . ................................................................................M................................................ 360 12 . ........GCH CH Arubmec’s Thriller . ................................................................................................M................................................ 320 13 . ........GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Speed Of Light ........................................................................ F................................................. 299 14 . ........GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow! ............................................................ F................................................. 294 15 . ........GCH CH Reveille Push The Limit To Mv JC ...........................................................................M................................................ 288 16..........GCH CH AB Day Trip To Tanza-Jamaa SC...............................................................................M................................................ 224 17..........GCH DC Bantu’s Playing Rochambeau SC............................................................................. F................................................. 208 18..........CH Zindika’s Got Moxy......................................................................................................... F................................................. 204 19..........GCH CH Reveille Push Button...............................................................................................M................................................ 204 20..........GCH DC Emerant’s Heez Reminiscent SC..............................................................................M................................................ 200 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 40

AKC TOP 20 GRAND CHAMPIONS December 31, 2012

GCH RANK DOG NAME SEX POINTS 1 . ..........GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel ................................................................ Dog.............................................. 315 2 . ..........GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin ....................................................................................... Dog.............................................. 256 3 . ..........GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba Zensational . ............................................................................... Dog.............................................. 231 4 . ..........GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet .................................................................... Bitch.............................................. 186 5 . ..........GCH CH Platinum Nelson Jewel Of D’Nile SC ................................................................... Bitch.............................................. 137 6 . ..........GCH DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition SC . ................................................................................ Dog.............................................. 134 7 . ..........GCH CH Karnak’s Pure And Simple Allure . ....................................................................... Bitch.............................................. 114 8 . ..........GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl ........................................................................... Bitch.............................................. 108 9 . ..........GCH CH Arubmec’s Thriller . .............................................................................................. Dog................................................ 97 10 . ........GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Xtra Special Edition .............................................................. Dog................................................ 89 11 . ........GCH CH Mata Hauri Ruby Red Beez ................................................................................. Bitch................................................ 86 12 . ........GCH CH I Am Jacob The Beloved JC . ................................................................................. Dog................................................ 85 13 . ........GCH CH Klassic’s Slam Dunk .............................................................................................. Dog................................................ 76 14 . ........GCH DC Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot MC ................................................................. Bitch................................................ 75 15 . ........GCH CH Kivu Doo Wop Hooligan ....................................................................................... Dog................................................ 71 16 . ........GCH CH Alapocas Simon Says . .......................................................................................... Dog................................................ 67 17 . ........GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Speed Of Light ..................................................................... Bitch................................................ 64 18 . ........GCH CH Tammen’s Sparks Will Fly . .................................................................................. Bitch................................................ 57 19 . ........GCH CH Taji Goes Platinum JC .......................................................................................... Bitch................................................ 54 20 . ........GCH CH Reveille One For The Money . .............................................................................. Dog................................................ 51


GCJ RANK DOG NAME SEX POINTS LEVEL 1 . ..........GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl.................................................................. Bitch........................ 497 . ....................GOLD 2 . ..........GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin............................................................................. Dog.......................... 371 . .................. SILVER 3 . ..........GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba Zensational....................................................................... Dog.......................... 351 . .................. SILVER 4 . ..........GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel...................................................... Dog.......................... 334 . .................. SILVER 5 . ..........GCH CH Karnak’s Pure And Simple Allure................................................................ Bitch........................ 307 . .................. SILVER 6 . ..........GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Bucking The Trind.................................................................. Dog.......................... 262 . .................. SILVER 7 . ..........GCH CH Wakili Signet Dooney................................................................................. Bitch........................ 203 . .................. SILVER 8 . ..........GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Ryder Of The Voodoo Child.............................................. Dog.......................... 201 . .................. SILVER ..............GCH CH Undercover Meisterhaus Hi Ho Quianna By Signet SC.............................. Bitch........................ 201 . .................. SILVER 10 . ........GCH CH Meisterhaus Dazzle ‘N’ Daze..................................................................... Bitch........................ 197 . ................BRONZE 11 . ........GCH CH Platinum Nelson Jewel Of D’Nile SC.......................................................... Bitch........................ 193 . ................BRONZE 12 . ........GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet........................................................... Bitch........................ 190 . ................BRONZE 13 . ........GCH CH Starfyre’s Rock’N With Danica................................................................... Bitch........................ 187 . ................BRONZE 14 . ........GCH DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition SC....................................................................... Dog.......................... 183 . ................BRONZE 15 . ........GCH CH Klassic’s Slam Dunk.................................................................................... Dog.......................... 181 . ................BRONZE 16 . ........GCH CH Reveille Push Button.................................................................................. Dog.......................... 170 . ................BRONZE 17 . ........GCH CH ‘Tis-A Arubmec’s Circle Of Life................................................................... Dog.......................... 167 . ................BRONZE 18 . ........GCH DC Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot MC........................................................ Bitch........................ 140 . ................BRONZE 19 . ........GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Xtra Special Edition.................................................... Dog.......................... 139 . ................BRONZE ..............GCH CH Taji Goes Platinum JC................................................................................. Bitch........................ 139 . ................BRONZE 21 . ........GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Never Surrender......................................................... Dog.......................... 127 . ................BRONZE 22 . ........GCH CH I Am Jacob The Beloved JC......................................................................... Dog.......................... 114 . ................BRONZE 23 . ........GCH CH Emerant’s The Navigator JC....................................................................... Dog.......................... 108 . ................BRONZE 24 . ........GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Speed Of Light............................................................ Bitch........................ 106 . ................BRONZE ..............GCH CH Arubmec’s Thriller..................................................................................... Dog.......................... 106 . ................BRONZE 26 . ........GCH CH Victory Meisterhaus The X Factor.............................................................. Dog.......................... 104 . ................BRONZE 27 . ........GCH CH AB-Rafiki The Icon Of Cool......................................................................... Dog.......................... 103 . ................BRONZE The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 41

ASFA LURE COURSING - Top 20 - FINAL for 2012 Top 20 Call Name Dog Name Owner Region Pts BOB BIF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 14 14 16 16 16 19 20

Zuri Searsha Winter Merlin Banh Mi Echo Tempest Sammy Mosika Eagle Beck Gunner Robin Rory Midnight Kyra Siri Isis Gambit Breeze

GCh,DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin,LCM,VLCM,MC,SGRC,VB,LCX T.Colbert 6 110 12 0 GCh,DC N’Focus Santa Baby,LCM2,MC,GRC,CGC,VB K.Sanders 8 107 27 0 FC New World Baridi Ngano,SC,FCh J.Brader 8 91 10 0 FC Thor’s Kikozi,LCM3,SC J.Brader 8 82 5 0 FC Taji’sBanhMiOntheRunwaytoBlueno,FCh,SC Hamilton/Campbell/Kim/Farnsworth 6 58 12 1 FC Taji’s Alster Echo,FCh,SC,LCX M.E.Chaffin 1 53 3 0 GCh,DC Meisterhaus Neon Nights,FCh,SC,VB,GCR J.Stewart/T.Brooks 5 45 4 0 Baraka Jumoke Salish Samish Root/Bowlus/Gregory/Saban 1 35 2 1 Ntomba Mosika,FCh B.& L.Gregory 1 32 2 0 Ch Suddanly Essence of Eaglewood,FCh,SC J.& F.Hinck/S.Campeau 7 30 2 0 DC Blue Notes Take Five,FCh,SC H.Hamilton/J.Coltrane 6 25 0 0 SGT At Arms Mustang Gunner M.Roach/A.Therrell 7 24 4 0 Kugawa’s Robin The Boy Wonder,FCh S.& S.Sher/C.Zapata/P.Burkhart 8 24 1 1 Lothlorien Rory Rammer A.Rutledge 7 23 4 0 FC Thor’s East Of Midnight,LCM6,MC,LCX5 J.Brader 8 23 0 0 GCh Sonbar’sVigilantValkyreAtCynosur V.Jacobs/S.Wurnos 5 22 2 0 FC MoonlightNAmber’sLet’sGet Sirius,SC R.Wright 1 22 1 0 DC Platinum Nelson Blue Diamond,SC J.Bayley/D.Nelson 1 22 0 0 GCh,DC Meisterhaus Never Winter Nights,SC L.Stewart/T.Brooks 5 20 2 0 Suddanly Apex Fresh Air,FCh,SC Dr.S.Campeau

AKC LURE COURSING - Top 20 - FINAL for 2012 Rank




1............FC Taji’s Alster Echo MC LCX2.................................................................................................................. D........................... 166 2............DC Emerant’s Heez Got Gusto SC............................................................................................................ D............................ 77 3............GCH DC Emerant’s Heez Reminiscent SC................................................................................................. D............................ 70 4............DC Emerant’s Sheez Gotcha SC............................................................................................................... B............................ 65 5............GCH DC Baraka Jumoke Salish Samish SC................................................................................................ D............................ 62 6............GCH DC Songwe’s Rock Star Legend SC................................................................................................... B............................ 56 7............FC Tank! SC.............................................................................................................................................. D............................ 46 7............GCH DC Meisterhaus Neon Nights SC..................................................................................................... B............................ 46 9............GCH DC Meisterhaus Never Winter Nights SC........................................................................................ B............................ 41 10..........DC Suddanly Essence Of Eaglewood SC.................................................................................................. D............................ 39 11..........DC AB Tanza Life In The Fast Lane SC...................................................................................................... B............................ 36 12..........FC Zuri’s Trii Me MC LCX3 CAX................................................................................................................ B............................ 35 13..........FC Fopaw’s Black Pearl MC...................................................................................................................... B............................ 34 14..........DC Prize - Dp Just For You SC................................................................................................................... B............................ 33 14..........DC Platinum Nelson Blue Diamond SC.................................................................................................... B............................ 33 16..........GCH DC Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot MC........................................................................................ B............................ 32 17..........Suddanly Infra Red SC............................................................................................................................. D............................ 30 17..........CH Suddanly Undeniable SC.................................................................................................................... B............................ 30 19..........FC New World Baridi Ngano SC............................................................................................................... D............................ 29 20..........FC Skyhi’s Native Infinite Hope SC........................................................................................................... B............................ 27 20..........GCH CH Dagoba’s Runako SC................................................................................................................... D............................ 27

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 42

LGRA Top Twenty Standings FINAL - 2012




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 19 19

DC Jadaka’s Independent Spirit SC SGRC2 SORC FCh VB Apu Pi De Deux SGRC3 5 Star Dax De Fax GRC Astarte’s Zuni Breeze at Sun River CGC, GRC, JOR Kiroja Chicago Hood At Jaroufa SGRC6 GCh DC Meisterhaus Neon Nights GRC SC FCh VB GCh DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX SGRC2 SORC LCM VFCh VB Kinetic Interesting Times GRC Emerant’s Heez Reminiscent GRC Lord Anubs – Studdard GRC Kinetic Tanza Soul Music GRC CH Apu Painted Sand RN AX OAJ XF THD SC FCH SGRC ORC DC Eldorado’s Made You Look MC, LCX, RE, BN, GRC Ch Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speedster GRC Sundiata’s Curzon Dax GRC Baraka Bama Dakotah’s Chantellie Lace Sam’s I’ll Tri Anything 5Star Stepping Stone Ode to Kazor, JC FC Apu PiNache RN SC SGRC2 SORC THD FCH

Colbert Christensen Sauceda Garel/Sapios Ladick Stewart/Brooks Colbert Voss Smith/Hart Studdard Voss Marsicano Johnson Johnson Gamble Bowlus Lemberger/Lemberger Haggard Sauceda Marsicano

Ari Tutu Daximillan Zuni Rocky Tempest Zuri L’Ox Remi Anubus Sophie Fern Jules Velvet Dax Bama Ellie Harley Duffy Scarlet

POINTS. 35.50 18.00 15.00 13.00 12.00 11.50 11.00 9.50 7.25 6.00 5.58 5.50 5.25 4.75 4.50 4.25 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00

NOTRA Top Twenty Standings FINAL - 2012

CALL NAME DOG’S REGISTERED NAME OWNER 1 Ari DC Jadaka’s Independent Spirit SC SORC2 SGRC FCh VB Colbert 2 Zuri GCh DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX SORC SGRC2 LCM VFCh VB Colbert 3 TuTu FC Apu Pi De Deux SC GRC SORC Christensen 4 Daximillian 5Star Dax De Fax JC SOR ORC Sauceda 5 Jada Kiroja’s Loving Every Minute NA NAJ GRC SORC3 Cook/Hayek/Harmon 6 Remi Emerant’s Heez Reminiscent JOR Smith/Hart 7 L’Ox Kinetic Interesting Times SOR ORC Voss 8 Domino Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot Johnson 8 Rocky UKC-CH Kiroja Chicago Hood at Jaroufa SGRC2 SORC Ladick 10 Dax Sundiata Curzon Dax SOR Gamble 10 Gotcha Emerant’s Sheez Gotcha Hart 10 Rio FC Kinetic Sourcery SC SOR ORC Voss/Stump 13 Bama Baraka Bama Bowlus 13 Duffy 5Star Stepping Stone Ode to Kazor JC JOR Sauceda 13 Ian FC Apu the Answer MC LCX SGRC4 ORC Christensen 13 Velvet DC & Can Ch. Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speedster SC Johnson 17 Gus Emerant’s Heez Got Gusto Hart 18 Trii Me Zuri’s Trii Me SOR ORC Sehm/Troyna 19 Fern CH Apu Painted Sand RN OA OAJ OF THD SC FCh SGRC SORC MVB Marsicano 20 Rally DC Sherwood’s Shadow of the Moon SC FCh JOR Voss/Dubbert 20 Tempest GCh DC Meisterhaus Neon Nights SC GRC FCh VB Stewart/Brooks The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 43

YTD NORC 42.00 12.50 12.00 11.00 8.00 6.50 6.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 1.00

BRAZIL - Top Basenjis

NORWAY Top Basenjis FINAL 2012

FINAL 2012

ADULT DOGS 15 MONTHS OR MORE 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Kazor's Take Me All The Way.. Savio Picanço Steele .......1049 Bupe Itapuca.......................... Savio Picanço Steele .........994 Diva Touchless Itapuca........... Savio Picanço Steele .........291 Master Allen's Cher................ Armin William Brand Allen/ Savio Steele . ....................... 63 Dama De Vermelho Itapuca... Savio Picanço Steele ...........58 Djade Itapuca......................... Savio Picanço Steele ...........43 Master Allen's Marilyn Mccoo...............Armin William Brand Allen Carlinho...................... 43 Coronel Itapuca...................... Savio Picanço Sttele ............31 Klassic's Guri Itapuca.............. Savio Picanço Steele ...........30 Master Allen's Amy Winehouse..............Armin Willian Brand Allen .................................... 25 Arubmec's This Is It At Itapuca.......................... Savio Picanço Steele .................................. 22 Dom Dom Itapuca.................. Abelardo Ribeiro ................. 17 Master Allen's Courtney Love.Armin William Brand Allen Carlinho..................... 15 Djalma Itapuca....................... Alex Piffer Claudio Cruz.......11 Cometa Itapuca...................... João Luiz Oliveira Lopes ........ 7 Jadaka Meisterhaus Magic Man Of Itapuca...... Savio Picanço Steele .................................... 3 Daslu Itapuca.......................... Airton Rodrigues Pinto Junior ........................... 3 Dom Dom Itapuca.................. Abelardo Ribeiro ................... 3

JUNIOR DOGS 9 TO 15 MONTHS 1 Kazor's Take Me All The Way.. Savio Picanço Steele .........187 2 Djade Itapuca......................... Savio Picanço Steele .........154 3 Diva Touchless Itapuca........... Savio Picanço Steele .........145 4 Master Allen's Marilyn Mccoo......................... Armin William Brand Allen Carlinho...........45 5 Djalma Itapuca....................... Alex Piffer Claudio Cruz.......35 6 Jadaka Meisterhaus Magic Man Of Itapuca................... Savio Picanço Steele ..................... 12 7 Master Allen's Amy Winehouse........................ Armin Willian Brand Allen ......................... 10 8 Daslu Itapuca.......................... Airton Rodrigues Pinto Junior ........................... 9 9 Dom Dom Itapuca.................. Abelardo Ribeiro ................... 4 10 Dom Dom Itapuca.................. Abelardo Ribeiro ................... 3 11 Dama De Vermelho Itapuca... Savio Picanço Steele ............. 2 PUPPY DOGS 6 TO 9 MONTHS 1 2 3 4 5

Djalma Itapuca....................... Alex Piffer Claudio Cruz......126 Escarlate Ruiva Itapuca........... Vicente Pacheco Junior .......69 Etoo Touchless Itapuca........... Savio Picanço Steele ...........17 Djade Itapuca......................... Savio Picanço Steele ...........13 Espartano Itapuca.................. Savio Picanço Steele ............. 9

Rank Dog’s Name Pts. 1 Kingwanas Glory Of The Spotlight .............................................. 54 2 Doberguard’s Ramses Of The Nile . ............................................. 54 3 Moyomema Zelda Wairidi . ......................................................... 54 4 Kingwanas Foxy Femme Fatale ................................................... 47 5 Kingwanas Fairy Of Tails .............................................................. 44 6 Kingwanas Into The Wind ........................................................... 42 7 Shahrans Phantom Of The Opera ............................................... 41 8 Kingwanas Jitterbug .................................................................... 40 9 Ashikis One In A Million .............................................................. 37 10 Kingwanas Exhausting Federal Xpress ........................................ 29 10 Ashikis You Could Be Mine .......................................................... 29




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 15 17 19

Sage Williams**.......................................................... 144 Amiah Nelson................................................................ 52 Serena Edgerton........................................................... 27 Amelia McLaughlin....................................................... 24 Wyatt Ross ................................................................... 19 Anna Scherzinger.......................................................... 15 Olivia Rosener............................................................... 12 Cagney Lin Ehlers.......................................................... 10 Eliazbeth K Edgerton**................................................... 7 Thomas S Meade II . ....................................................... 7 Amy Lovelace ................................................................. 6 Aleesha Grove................................................................. 5 Danielle New .................................................................. 5 Natasha Hughes.............................................................. 5 Mikala Bennett . ............................................................. 4 Shae Reece...................................................................... 4 Ethan Smith..................................................................... 2 Gabrielle Quinnett.......................................................... 2 Jade Hettick . .................................................................. 1

UNITED KENNEL CLUB Basenji Standings 2012 FINAL

Rank Dog Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 6 10.


GRCH Tammen's Sparks Will Fly 25 CH AB Day Trip To Tanza-jamaa 21 CH Ahmahr Nahr's You're The One 10 GRCH Timar's On The Dark Side 9 Klassic-tanza Color Me Tri 7 UWPS UGWPC1 GRCH Undercover Meisterhaus Valenti 6 UWPS UGWPCH GRCH Meisterhaus Kiroja Kiss N Tell 6 CCB UWPS UGWPC1 GRCH Kiroja Hart N Soul 6 CH Marjani Notaviva 6 CH Batman The Dark Knight 4

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 44


FINAL - DECEMBER 31, 2012 ALL BREED RANK DOG’S NAME STATE OWNER POINTS 1........... Aust Ch Afrikenji Hot August Knight........................................ WA.......................... Miss Joanne Stewart................................ 414 2........... Aust Ch Remwin Littlebitofcheek............................................ NSW........................ Lyn Hughes............................................... 412 3........... Aust Ch Barzoom Captain James T.......................................... VIC........................... Mrs Bec Salmon....................................... 363 4........... Aust Gr Ch Remwin Kissmycheek............................................ NSW........................ Lyn Hughes............................................... 281 5........... Aust Ch Lomar Zahara............................................................. QLD......................... L Marsden................................................ 235 6........... Obsidion Optimus Prime......................................................... SA............................ Ben Luxton............................................... 181 7........... Aust Ch Obsidion Decepticon.................................................. SA............................ Mr B Luxton............................................. 120 8........... Aust Ch Afrikenji Fifth Element............................................... VIC........................... D & H Veless............................................. 100 9........... Wazazi Diamonds are forever................................................. QLD......................... Tammy Mobley.......................................... 49

BREED 1........... Aust Gr Ch Remwin Kissmycheek............................................ NSW........................ Lyn Hughes............................................... 411 2........... Aust Ch Remwin Littlebitofcheek............................................ NSW........................ Lyn Hughes............................................... 312 3........... Aust Ch Afrikenji Hot August Knight........................................ WA.......................... Miss Joanne Stewart................................ 270 4........... Unomee Sweetly Smug........................................................... VIC........................... S Egan & M Lindsay.................................. 204 5........... Aust Ch Unomee Ultra Million................................................ VIC........................... Mick Lydsey.............................................. 194 6........... Obsidion Optimus Prime......................................................... SA............................ Ben Luxton............................................... 141 7........... Aust Ch Remwin Cheeky Liasons............................................. NSW........................ Lyn Hughes............................................... 141 8........... Aust Ch Afrikenji Fifth Element............................................... VIC........................... D & H Veless............................................. 140 9........... Aust Ch Obsidion Decepticon.................................................. SA............................ Mr B Luxton............................................. 121 10......... Aust Ch Bayenzi Sugar Minott................................................. NSW........................ J P Cook & J M Lumb................................ 113 11......... Aust Ch Lomar Zahara............................................................. QLD......................... L Marsden................................................ 112 12......... Glendawn Runnamuck............................................................ QLD......................... Mrs L R Thompson................................... 100 13......... Aust Ch Wazazi High Definition............................................... NSW........................ J Cook and J Lumb...................................... 67 14......... Wazazi Diamonds are forever................................................. QLD......................... Tammy Mobley.......................................... 64 15......... Katimbari Hell Razor............................................................... QLD......................... Mrs L R Thompson..................................... 50 16......... Afrikenji Sapphire Moon......................................................... WA.......................... Mr D & Mrs H Veless / Miss J Stewart........ 38 17......... Afrikenji Hunting High And Low.............................................. VIC........................... D & H Veless............................................... 28 18......... Aust Sup Ch Afrikenji Hot Sumaknight....................................VIC........................... D & H Veless............................................... 25 19......... Aust Ch Yysur Lookbutdontouch............................................. QLD......................... A J & F Paterson......................................... 24 20......... Nonaym Watchthecover......................................................... QLD......................... AJ & F Paterson.......................................... 21 21......... Karamo Mikolo........................................................................ VIC........................... A & C Curnick............................................. 18 22......... Ngozi Shes too Cool................................................................ NSW........................ K Delacourt/ J Cook/ Dr J Lumb................. 17 23......... Karamo Karemba.................................................................... VIC........................... A & C Curnick............................................. 13

NEUTER COMPETITION 1........... Aust Sup & Neut Ch Tamsala Mitena Magic............................SA............................ Jess Walker............................................... 415 2........... Aust Neut Ch Pukkanut Wirra Wirra....................................... NSW........................ Mr J Cook and Dr J Lumb............................. 5

BREEDER COMPETITION RANK DOG’S NAME OWNER POINTS 1............ZANDEENA............................................................................................................... Millissa Fox............................................ 239 2............TAMSALA................................................................................................................. J Robert & H Budd................................. 215 3............REMWIN.................................................................................................................. Lyn Hughes............................................ 206 4............AFRIKENJI................................................................................................................. D & H Veless.......................................... 171 5............OBSIDION................................................................................................................. Ben Luxton............................................... 68 6............LOMAR..................................................................................................................... L Marsden................................................ 14 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 45

FINLAND - 2012 STANDINGS Rank Dog’s Name




1.........HeJW-11 Hi-Lite Hot Rod...................................................................................................................100 .......................Hanna-Leena & Janne Kyttä, Laura Loisa 2.........C.I.B NORD FI SE NO EE CH FiW-10 Bulldobas Catch The Wind....................................................96......................................................Helena & Tomi Sarpola 3.........C.I.B POHJ FI NO SE EE CH HeVW-12 FIVW-12 Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius..............................90...................................................... Anna-Maija Issakainen 4.........FI EE LV CH Bulldobas Cream And Sugar.........................................................................................86..............................................................Tiina Taavitsainen 5.........C.I.B FI SE EE LT CH FiW-11 Sternhimmels Lux In Nocte................................................................85...................................................... Anna-Maija Issakainen 6.........Rosone’s Retro Rockettaro.................................................................................................................63.....................................................................Katri Mäkinen 7.........Hi-Lite Honky Tonk..............................................................................................................................62...........................................................................Niina Pulli 8.........FI EE CH Safeguard’s Dijon Bulldobas...............................................................................................56..................................................... Helena ja Tomi Sarpola 9.........FI CH Kanjaras Whoop-De-Doo..........................................................................................................56......................................................................Anne Ollgren 10.......C.I.B* FI EE LV DK CH TLNW-12 Ajibu Foolin’ Around......................................................................55.................................................................... Sanna Plaami 11.......C.I.B FI LV CH JV-04 HeW-10 Kanjaras Timeus Theron....................................................................54......................................................................Anne Ollgren 12.......HeJW-10 FI CH Zahleka Taji Watch N Learn.....................................................................................49.........Johanna Sundholm, Päivi Somppi & Päivi Salomäki 13.......Behukai Evening Star..........................................................................................................................47........................................................................Marja Niemi 14.......FI CH FI LC CH DVM-12 DV-12 SMM-11-12 SMR-12 Ajibu Great Balls Of Fire................................41..........................................Erja Billings & Marjukka Anttila 15.......Kanibaru Jalo Vitar..............................................................................................................................33.................... Tero Tuominen, Anne Ollgren & Satu Vuorio

TOP BITCH 1.........C.I.B NORD FI NO SE EE CH FiW-09 NordW-09 HeW-11 FiW-11 Sternhimmels In Dulci Iubilo.....103................................................................... Anneli Pukkila 2.........FiJW-11 FiW-12 EE JCH Hi-Lite Hula Hoops.....................................................................................90....................Hanna-Leena & Janne Kyttä, Mari Rihkajärvi 3.........C.I.B FI NO EE CH EEJW-09 Bulldobas Crown Jewel.......................................................................89..............................................Hanna-Leena & Janne Kyttä 4.........FI SE CH Bulldobas Cute As A Button................................................................................................82......................................Ari Ruotsalainen & Anu Koistinen 5.........HeJW-11 Sternhimmels Nota Prima...................................................................................................76........................Raija Wallius-Smulovitz & Leevi Smulovitz 6.........FI BY EE CH Dakarai Q’ute................................................................................................................76...........................Sanna-Maija Helevä & Pauliina Ylitörmä 7.........FI CH Heriaheri Harvest Moon............................................................................................................65..........................................Päivi Somppi & Petter Welroos 8.........Sternhimmels Notabilia Bona..............................................................................................................63 .............................................. Disa Fröjd & Anneli Pukkila 9.........FI CH Hanishan Que Sera Sera..........................................................................................................62..........................................Hanni Joronen & Elina Suokas 10.......Kanjaras Piquant Mix..........................................................................................................................58.............................................. Anne Ollgren & Anna Sivula 11.......FI LV CH FiJW-10 CVM-12 EEMM-12 Ajibu Good Vibrations............................................................57.....................................Marjukka Anttila & Maria Sukanen 12.......C.I.B NORD FI NO SE CH FI RC CH BALTVV-09 Sternhimmels Bene Benedicta............................55.................................................................... Anneli Pukkila 13.......Behukai Elegant Pearl.........................................................................................................................54.................................................................. Tero Tuominen 14.......EE JCH JV-12 TLNJW-12 NOJV-12 Wazazi The One And Only........................................................47............................... Sanna Kortelainen & Marjukka Anttila 15.......HeJW-12 Leoniver´s Pride N Prejudice...............................................................................................45................................................................... Tanja Taipalus

TOP VETERAN Rank Dog’s Name




1.........C.I.B NORD FI NO SE EE CH HeVW-12 FiVW-12 Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius.................................... dog.....................48.................... Anna-Maija Issakainen 2.........C.I.B NORD FI NO SE CH FI RC CH BALTVV-09 Sternhimmels Bene Benedicta...................................bitch....................43.................................. Anneli Pukkila 3.........C.I.B FI LV CH JV-04 HeW-10 Kanjaras Timeus Theron........................................................................... dog.....................38....................................Anne Ollgren 4.........C.I.B NORD FI NO SE EE LT LV RU CH LTV-08 Afrikenji Hot Sumabreeze............................................bitch....................32............Hanna-Leena & Janne Kyttä 5.........FI EE CH EE VCH HeVW-12 TLNW-12 EEVW-12 Ajibu Billie Jean.........................................................bitch....................31........................... Sanna Kortelainen 6.........C.I.B NORD FI NO SE EE CH FiJW-04 EUW-06 FIW-05-06 VV-12 Sternhimmels Femina Floreat.........bitch....................15.................................... Marika Tikka

TOP PUPPY Rank Dog’s Name



1.........Hi-Lite Smooth Operator 39...........................Hanna-Leena & Janne Kyttä, Laura Loisa 2.........Ajibu Jumping Jack 38...........................................Marjukka Anttila & Karri Kauppi 3.........Bulldobas Zandra Safeguard.....................................................................................bitch................ 34..............................................................Marita & Rami Niva 4.........Dakarai Born Free......................................................................................................bitch................ 33.............................Sanna-Maija Helevä & Pauliina Ylitörmä 5.........Bulldobas Zimeon 28................................... Iinis Väänänen & Tiina Taavitsainen 6.........Ajibu Jar Of Hearts.....................................................................................................bitch................ 20............ Marjukka Anttila, Jaana Kallioniemi & Kaj Siljander 7.........HeJW-12 Leoniver´s Pride N Prejudice......................................................................bitch................ 16..................................................................... Tanja Taipalus 8.........Hi-Lite Saturday Night 15......................................................................Tuija Kuittinen 9.........EE JCH JV-12 TLNJW-12 NOJV-12 Wazazi The One And Only...............................bitch................ 15................................. Sanna Kortelainen & Marjukka Anttila

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 46


Fi CH, Fi LC CH, SMM-11-12, DVM-12, DV-12, SMR-12 Ajibu Great Balls Of Fire



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Erja Billings & Marjukka Anttila Sari Purho & Marjukka Anttila Sari Purho Helena Myyryläinen Helena Myyryläinen Laura Valkama & Tomas Andersson & Marjukka Anttila Laura Valkama & Tomas Andersson & Marjukka Anttila Maria Sukanen ja Marjukka Anttila Sanna Plaami Tuula & Säde Jalonen Kati Tervalammi Satu Eronen & Marjukka Anttila Tanja Lehtoranta & Sara Sundell Kirsi Villberg Sanna Kortelainen & Marjukka Anttila Sanna Kortelainen & Marjukka Anttila

Fi CH, Fi LC CH, SMM-11-12, DVM-12, DV-12, SMR-12 Ajibu Great Balls Of Fire Ajibu I’m No Angel DVM-11 Ajibu Farm Girl CVM-11 Avongara Asuma Yulara Owama Ajibu Great Expectations Fi LC & RC CH, CVM-08-09-10, DVM-08, SM-08-09, TS-09, PM-09 Ajibu Dixie Rose Fi & Lv CH, FiJW-10, CVM-12, EeMM-12 Ajibu Good Vibrations C.I.B* & Fi & Ee & Lv & Dk CH, TlnW-12 Ajibu Foolin’Around C.I.B & Fi & Ee CH, Fi LC CH Ajibu Feelin’Good FI CH, Fi RC CH, FiW-10, SMM-10 Dakarai Pillow Talk FI CH Ajibu Hungry Heart Fi LC & RC CH, SMM-08, VMM-12, VMR-12 Dakarai Jamili Sharab Fi CH, Fi RC CH Orange Pips Angeleyes C.I.B & Fi & Ee & Se CH Ajibu Foolish Heart Ee JCH, TlnJW-12, FiJW-12, NoJW-12 Wazazi The One And Only

Points 102 94 78 78 54 52 47 44 42 40 39 29 26 5 2 1



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Erja Billings & Marjukka Anttila Tanja Lehtoranta & Sara Sundell Sanna Plaami Kati Tervalammi Laura Valkama & Tomas Andersson & Marjukka Anttila Tuula & Säde Jalonen Maria Sukanen ja Marjukka Anttila Sanna Kortelainen & Marjukka Anttila Kirsi Villberg

Fi CH, Fi LC CH, SMM-11-12, DVM-12, DV-12, SMR-12 Ajibu Great Balls Of Fire Fi LC & RC CH, SMM-08, VMM-12, VMR-12 Dakarai Jamili Sharab C.I.B* & Fi & Ee & Lv & Dk CH, TlnW-12 Ajibu Foolin’Around FI CH, Fi RC CH, FiW-10, SMM-10 Dakarai Pillow Talk Fi LC & RC CH, CVM-08-09-10, DVM-08, SM-08-09, TS-09, PM-09 Ajibu Dixie Rose C.I.B & Fi & Ee CH, Fi LC CH Ajibu Feelin’Good Fi & Lv CH, FiJW-10, CVM-12, EeMM-12 Ajibu Good Vibrations C.I.B & Fi & Ee & Se CH Ajibu Foolish Heart Fi CH, Fi RC CH Orange Pips Angeleyes

Rank Dog’s Name 1 2 3


Points 74 35 32 26 25 12 5 1 1

Sex Points

Fi LC & RC CH, CVM-08-09-10, DVM-08, SM-08-09, TS-09, PM-09 Ajibu Dixie Rose Laura Valkama & Tomas Andersson & Marjukka Anttila Bitch Fi LC & RC CH, SMM-08, VMM-12, VMR-12 Dakarai Jamili Sharab Tanja Lehtoranta & Sara Sundell Bitch Fi CH, Fi RC CH Orange Pips Angeleyes Kirsi Villberg Dog

53 49 6

TOP AGILITYBASENI - 2012 Rank Dog’s Name


Sex Points

1 2

Sanna Kortelainen & Marjukka Anttila Tanja Taipalus

Bitch Dog

C.I.B EE FI SE CH Ajibu Foolish Heart FI LC & RC CH DV-09 JK-09-10 DVM-09 TS-10-11 SMR-10-11 Ajibu Ebony Eyez

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 47

485 10

1............NORDCH, SECH, DKCH, NUCH, KLBV12, DKKV12 DKV12, NORDV12, WJW12, DKV11, DKKV11 Kingwanas Hellblazer Of D’guard.............................18 2............Karimba’s Colin Cocky.......................................................................................10 3............Kimwitu’s Zolotaya..............................................................................................8 4............Kenjaali Frankly My Dear....................................................................................5 5............Ajibu Foolin’ Around...........................................................................................5 6............Enigma Just Watch Me........................................................................................5 7............Chagmas Pirate King Black Pear..........................................................................5 8............Jo Coyote’s Ox-Eye Daisy.....................................................................................3 9............Wazazi The One And Only...................................................................................3 10..........Faraoland Hd Street Glide...................................................................................3 11..........Doberguard’s Black Magic ..................................................................................3 12..........Moyomema Zelda Waridi ...................................................................................3 13..........Kenjaali Heeere’s Johnny.....................................................................................3 14..........King Khufu Jura...................................................................................................3

Photo by Bolette Heering


Basenji of the year (Club Winner) in the Spitzhound club and runner up – Dog of the year all breeds – Danish Spitzhound Club)












C-Quest Jokuba Dandy Shandy.......................Noel Baaser.................................... 13......................... 2......................... 15........................1 Bulldobas Blockbuster....................................Marcel Hunter................................ 2...................................................... 2.........................2 Old Legend’s Dojo Hoshi.................................Katrin Rzeszut..................................................................................................................... 3 Yombe’s Chike Shisulo....................................Barbara Schiffmann . .............................................................................. 1.........................4 Ori Child of the Stars Asiaczek........................Ian Franke........................................................................................................................... 5

FEMALES Dog’s Name

C-Quest Jokuba Silent Surface........................Noel Baaser..................................... 2.......................... 3 . .................................................. 1 Bulldobas Rockin ‘Redhead............................Marcel Hunter ................................ 3.......................... 2..................................................... 2 Msurmari’s Aza Aminouh...............................Sabine Nagel .................................. 2................................................................................. 3 Kokojambo’s Ghali Ghanima...........................Hanneke Bijker............................................................ 1..................................................... 4 Kokojambo’s Hala Hisia..................................Inga & Olive Kemmer......................................................................................................... 5




Mamba-Ewanga Akimba Baboo...................................................... Tanja Duetschmann-Ruffing............................................................. 1 C-Quest Jokuba Dandy Shandy......................................................... Noel Baaser...................................................................................... 2 Old Legend’s Kaili.............................................................................. Katrin Rzeszut................................................................................... 3 Old Legend’s Katana......................................................................... Petra Vogler.................................................................................... 4 Guardian Angel Out Of Africa........................................................... Petra Vogler..................................................................................... 5




Wordsworth Image Of Gossip.........Noel Baaser..........................1 Isimo Ti-N Abou Teka.......................Henneke Bijker.....................2 African Mystery’s Bawemba............Inga & Oliver Kemmer..........3 Reveille Thyme To Fly......................Rosemarie Strietzel..............3 Ikelas Chereko.................................Christine Thomas.................5

Kennel Name



Old Legend’s.................................... Petra Vogler.........................1 Mutabaruga’s..................................Noel Baaser..........................2 Kokojambo’s....................................Rosemarie Strietzel..............3 Msumari’s .......................................Sabine Nagel........................4

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 48


ALL-BREED STANDINGS RANK DOG’S NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14







GGh. Ahmahr Nahr’s Hallelujah Makes A Joyful Noise....................1.............5........... 29.......... 38.......... 22........... 14........ 3085 Duck Sauce Itapuca..........................................................................0.............0............ 0............ 3............ 1............. 2.......... 161 Ch. Beaubri’s High Maintenance......................................................0.............0............ 4............ 5............ 0............. 1.......... 116 Klassic’s Slam Dunk..........................................................................0.............0............ 0............ 0............ 1............. 0.......... 102 Ch. Orru’s Heart N Soul....................................................................0.............0............ 1............ 1............ 2............. 1.......... 100 Ch. Beaubri’s On the QT...................................................................0.............0............ 3............ 2............ 1............. 0........... 59 Klassic’s Taste of Honey....................................................................0.............0............ 0............ 1............ 0............. 2........... 52 Ch. Ahmahr Nahr’s The Lost Angel Gabriel......................................0.............0............ 0............ 1............ 0............. 0........... 50 Akuaba N Eldorado Xtra Saucy.........................................................0.............0............ 0............ 2............ 0............. 1........... 38 Beaubri’s Master of Disguize............................................................0.............0............ 0............ 0............ 0............. 1........... 27 Miloki’s Tribeca at Conamore...........................................................0.............0............ 0............ 1............ 0............. 1........... 23 Sonbar’s Worth Watching at Miloki.................................................0.............0............ 0............ 0............ 0............. 1........... 13 Josabry Bibi Rikiki.............................................................................0.............0............ 0............ 0............ 0............. 1........... 13 Klassic’s Little Texas Bushwacker......................................................0.............0............ 0............ 0............ 0............. 2............ 6






1.......... GCh Ahmahr Nahr’s Hallelujah Makes A Joyful Noise..................... (F)....................... 153........................... 3..................... 207 2.......... Ch Klassic’s Slam Dunk.....................................................................(M)......................... 2............................. 2...................... 58 3.......... Ch Akuaba N Eldorado’s Speed Shot................................................ (F)......................... 3............................. 0...................... 19 4.......... Ch Mankia Kifaru Africanadian........................................................(M)......................... 4............................. 0...................... 12 4.......... Akuaba N Eldorado Xtra Saucy......................................................... (F)......................... 4............................. 3...................... 12 6.......... Klassic’s Taste Of Honey................................................................... (F)........................ 27............................ 3....................... 8 7.......... Ch Beaubri’s High Maintenance....................................................... (F)........................ 10............................ 0....................... 7 8.......... Miloki’s Tribeca at Conamore.......................................................... (F)......................... 4............................. 0....................... 6 9.......... Ch Gala’s Own The Podium..............................................................(M)......................... 1............................. 0....................... 5 9.......... Ch Duck Sauce Itapuca.....................................................................(M)........................ 14............................ 0....................... 5 11........ Sphinx Sizzlin Red Hot Looker.......................................................... (F)......................... 2............................. 0....................... 4 11........ Sphinx King Bugsy Whatz Up Doc....................................................(M)......................... 2............................. 0....................... 4 11........ Josabry Bibi Rikiki............................................................................ (F)......................... 6............................. 0....................... 4 14........ Ch Orru’s Heart N Soul.....................................................................(M)........................ 26............................ 0....................... 3 15........ Josabry Bibi Praline Zaphyr.............................................................. (F)........................ 11............................ 0....................... 2 15........ Ch Africanadian Zia Of AhmahrNahr............................................... (F)......................... 1............................. 0....................... 2 15........ Africanadian Jem Of AhmahrNahr................................................... (F)......................... 1............................. 0....................... 2 15........ Sonbar’s Worth Watching At Miloki................................................. (F)......................... 5............................. 0....................... 2 15........ Ch Beaubri’s On The Q.T................................................................... (F)........................ 12............................ 0....................... 2 15........ Ch Beaubri’s Master of Disguize......................................................(M)......................... 2............................. 0....................... 2

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 49

UNITED KINGDOM 2012 & 2013 STANDINGS Prepared by Sally Wallis, Zande Basenjis Pedigrees of dogs and thousands of others can be found

AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2012 Name






Ch Tokaji California Dreaming................................................... B...........................5.......................... 7.......................... 4..........................Ch Tokaji American Gigolo at Embeau JW ShCM....................... D..........................5.......................... 3.......................... 2..........................Ch Zordia’s Wazzala .................................................................. B...........................4.......................... 2.......................... 2 .........................Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue............................................................. D . ........................4 ......................... 7.......................... 1 .........................Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at Djoser (tri) . ............................. B...........................4.......................... 1.......................... 1 .........................Ch Tokaji Texas Ranger............................................................... D..........................3.......................... 3.......................... 2..........................Memetuka Jabali ...................................................................... D..........................1.......................... 1.......................... 1 .........................Kissangani Only Dreaming......................................................... B...........................1.......................... 0.......................... 1..........................Kissangani Perfect Guy.............................................................. D..........................1.......................... 0.......................... 1..........................Ch Tokaji American Beauty........................................................ B...........................1.......................... 0.......................... 1..........................Faraoland Volvo Amazon vid Jethard . ...................................... D..........................1.......................... 1.......................... 0..........................- Ch Akmar Queen Ankhesenamun ............................................ B...........................1.......................... 0.......................... 0..........................Marzuku Mzuri ......................................................................... D..........................1.......................... 0.......................... 0..........................-


Name D/B CC RCC BOB GP Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue............................................................. D . ........................1.......................... 0...........................1................... GP 4 Ch Tokaji California Dreaming................................................... B . ........................1.......................... 0...........................0..........................NORTHERN BASENJI SOCIETY SPRING OPEN SHOW 1st April, 2012. Judge Jim Woodcock

UK Club Open Shows Winners 2012

BASENJI CLUB OF GREAT BRITAIN SPRING OPEN SHOW 4th March, 2012. Judge Vivian Phillips Best Dog / Best Opposite Sex........................... Tokaji Texas Ranger Reserve Best Dog............................................ Tokaji Kentucky Blue Best Bitch / Best of Breed...................... Tokaji California Dreaming Reserve Best Bitch / Reserve Best of Breed..Eng Ch Akmar Queen Ankhesenamun Best Puppy................................. Shadiki Summer Son By Marzuku) Best Veteran..........................Ned/Lux Ch Abotere’s Zahir for Hicel BASENJI OWNERS & BREEDERS ASSOCIATION SPRING OPEN SHOW 18th March, 2012. Judge Mia Lowbeer (Yulara) Best Dog / Best Opposite Sex......................... Tokaji Kentucky Blue Reserve Best Dog.....................................................Marzuku Mzuri Best Bitch / Best of Breed..........................Eng Ch Zordia’s Wazzala Reserve Best Bitch................................................. Antefaa Bereke) Best Puppy.................................. Shadiki Summer Son By Marzuku Best Veteran.............................................. Antefaa Bereke Kohinur Best Opposite Sex Veteran (& BV Over Ten Years).. Antefaa African Emigrant

Best Dog / Best of Breed............ Eng Ch Tokaji American Gigolo at Embeau JW SHCm Reserve Best Dog.............................................. Tokaji Texas Ranger Best Bitch / BOS . ......... Eng Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at Djoser Reserve Best Bitch................................................... Elsco Amatiger Best Puppy................................................... Emmzar Royal Destiny Best Veteran.............................................. Antefaa Bereke Kohinur Best Opposite Sex Veteran......................Antefaa African Emigrant NORTHERN BASENJI SOCIETY AUTUMN OPEN SHOW 11th November, 2012. Judge Mrs Sue Hewart-Chambers Best Dog / BOS..................................... Eng Ch Tokaji Texas Ranger Reserve Best Dog........................................ Benkura Blue Sky Mine Best Bitch / BOB.................................................. Kissangani Life Of The Party Reserve Best Bitch / RBOB.......................Eng Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at Djoser Best Puppy...........................................Kissangani Life Of The Party Best Opposite Sex Puppy............................ Benkura Blue Sky Mine Best Veteran....................... Irish Ch Antefaa Nakura Wood Nymph Best Opposite Sex Veteran....Ned/Lux Ch Abotere’s Zahir for Hicel BASENJI CLUB OF GREAT BRITAIN CHRISTMAS OPEN SHOW 2nd December, 2012. Judge Mrs Sue Pollock-Yule Best Dog / RBOB...................................................Memetuka Jabali Reserve Best Dog................ Ch/Am Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley Best Bitch / BOB........................................Eng Ch Zordia’s Wazzala Reserve Best Bitch................................. Kissangani Only Dreaming Best Puppy...........................................Kissangani Life Of The Party Best Opposite Sex Puppy.......Faraoland Volvo Amazon vid Jethard Best Veteran....................................................... Jethard Mezzotint

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 50

SWEDEN STANDINGS - Top 20 Basenjis As of December, 2012 HANAR (MALES) UTSTÄLLNING

Plac: Namn: Ägare: Totalt: 1............NORD V-11 NORD JV-10 NORD V-10 SE UCH Enigma Just Watch Me.Madelene Lönn & Sofie Lönn.........................................79 2............NORD JV-11 Kenjaali Heeere’s Johnny...............................................Birgitta Prahl & Emma Prahl...........................................75 3............C.I.B. NORD UCH Karimba’s Colin Cocky............................................Heléne Roos................................................................... 72 4............VEUW-10 VWW-10-11 SE UCH M Wami’s American Fortune Hunter ......................................................................................................................... Birgitta Prahl................................................................... 58 5............King Khufu Cardhu.............................................................................Susanne Berg.................................................................. 57 6............Sundevils Howlingfjord......................................................................Elisabeth Wennerbo & Linda Ekman..............................49 7............NO V-11 SE V-11 Kimwitu’s Valentino................................................Therese Kindberg & Anna Söderholm Bjurström...........47 8............Yulara Quercus...................................................................................Susann Marco................................................................. 34 9............SE UCH DK UCH Kenjaali Verro-Vigilant..............................................Naranja Persson & Britta Ericson...................................32 10..........Nganga’s Clark Ken.............................................................................Yvonne Adolfsson........................................................... 28 11..........C.I.B. NORD UCH Hanishan X-Factor..................................................Eva Frödin....................................................................... 27 12..........Elsco Amabrawyin..............................................................................Anneli Alanko, Ingrid Sjölin, Helena Strömbert & ......................................................................................................................... Cecilia Johansson........................................................... 23 13..........Enigma Dreamcatcher........................................................................Anders Gryhed............................................................... 22 14..........Hi-Lite Hillbilly....................................................................................Magnus Svensson . ........................................................ 18 15..........SE UCH DK UCH Faraoland Saga Zulu.................................................Gun-Lis Dahlström.......................................................... 16 ..............NORD JV-07 SE UCH US CH Dipop Red Dancer...................................Michelle Oljemark.......................................................... 16 17..........Faraoland Kenzo Power............................................................................................................................................................. 14 .............. Nganga’s Clint Eastwood...................................................................Yvonne Adolfsson........................................................... 13 19..........NORD UCH Zahleka Emile Emilion......................................................Yvonne Adolfsson........................................................... 10 20..........Senjisfinx Malkiel...............................................................................Jeanette Norgren.............................................................. 9


Plac: Namn: Ägare:


1............ NORD JV-10 NORD V-10 SE V-11 SE UCH DK UCH NO UCH NORD UCH C.I.B NO V-12 Kimwitu’s Zolotaya ......................................................................................................................... Therese Kindberg........................................................... 85 2............ Behukai Egyptian Treasure.................................................................Therese Kindberg........................................................... 65 3............ SE UCH SE V-10 NORD JV-09 Khani’s Midnight Star...........................Madelene Lönn & Sofie Lönn.........................................59 4............ Chagma’s Rose To Faraoland..............................................................Helena Strömbert........................................................... 57 5............ Faraoland Flower By Kenzo................................................................Cecilia Johansson........................................................... 48 6............ Kenjaali Frankly My Dear...................................................................Naranja Persson............................................................. 47 7............ SE UCH Enigma After Me Please........................................................Madelene Lönn & Sofie Lönn.........................................45 8............ NORD CH Faraoland HD Street Glide.................................................Cecilia Johansson & Bruno Kocman...............................40 *............. NORD V-11 Senjisfinx Norea..............................................................Anna Gunnarsson........................................................... 40 10.......... C.I.B NORD UCH SE V-05-06-07 KBH V-08-09 Kenjaali Kaya-Kayenna ......................................................................................................................... Naranja Persson............................................................. 37 11.......... Karimba’s Bling Bling..........................................................................Heléne Roos................................................................... 33 12.......... SE UCH Zahleka Kazor Drama Queen.................................................Anna-Karin Bengtsson.................................................... 32 13.......... NORD JV-11 Enigma I Have A Dream.................................................M Lönn, S Lönn & C Morén............................................29 14.......... NORD CH Jo Coyote’s Ox-Eye Daisy....................................................Cecilia Johansson & Bruno Kocman...............................28 15.......... SE UCH Twigas Darling Darjeeling......................................................Minna Rångeby.............................................................. 26 16.......... NORD VV-11 SE UCH FI UCH NORD VV-11 Yulara Itichika..................Mia Löwbeer.................................................................. 20 17.......... SE UCH Suntribe’s Sparkling Supernova.............................................Linda Ekman................................................................... 18 18.......... Zahleka Taji Watch Four Happiness...................................................Linda Carlson.................................................................. 17 19.......... Enigma In Your Dreams......................................................................Annika Jonsson............................................................... 15 20.......... JUN WW-10 Yulara Noni Morinda.....................................................Monika Massih............................................................... 14

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 51

SWEDEN STANDINGS 2012 Top Lure Coursing Basenjis LURE COURSING - AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2012 Plac:



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 * 13 * * 16

SE UCH SEE LCCH Kenjaali Mojo-Marauder SEE LCCH Senisfinx N ° Yulara, Northern Territory Papaya SEE LCCH Shahrans Incredible Speed JUN WW-10 Yulara, Northern Territory Noni Morinda SEE LCCH Yulara, Northern Territory Okapi Yulara, Northern Territory Poko Bitima NORD UCH Dakarai Piece Of Cake SEE LCCH Avongara Angali Shahrans Racer In Red SEE LCCH Shahrans Muzzle's Gone SEE UCH UCH FI Merric Zahleka Merlot SE UCH SEE V-10 NORTH JV-09 Khani's Midnight Star SE UCH King Khufu Love Potion Number One SEE LCCH Shahrans Jingle Bell Rock Yulara, Northern Territory Kokopelli

Mr Menzel Mr Menzel Monica Massih Lisa Dalin Monica Massih Mia Löwbeer Paula Malmström Ulrika Johanson Mia Löwbeer Nina Lissborg Maria Kindberg Roxanne Andersen Madelene Maple & Sofie Maple Roxanne Andersen Therese Kindberg Agneta Geneborg


Pictures courtesy of Mia Löwbeer

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 52

Total: 87 78 73 70 69 50 49 35 32 22 17 17 14 14 14 9

Upcoming Events – Around the World Date



March 7-10, 2013


Crufts NEC Birmingham, England Breed Judge: Mr. Alan Hunt, Australia

March 22, 2013


Dallas-Fort Worth Basenji Club Specialty Fort Worth, TX Superintendent: Jack Onofrio Dog Shows, LLC Conformation Judge: Mrs. Karen Arends Sweesptakes Judge: Mrs. Denise Tatro

April 13, 2013


Western Hound Show of Southern California Silverado, CA Superintendent: Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows

May 16-19, 2013


World Dog Show Budapest, Hungary Basenji Judge: Christian Jouanchicot, France

June 15, 16, 2013


Fininish Basenji Specialty Karjalohja, Spa Hotel Päiväkumpu. Judge: Leila Kärkäs (Mandeville basenjis), FI

July 12-17, 2013


Basenji Club of America, Inc. National Specialty Auburn, WA, Argus Ranch Breed Judge: Ms. Judy Webb Sweepstakes Judge: Mr. Andrew Sawler

July 20, 2013


Helsinki Sighthound Specialty Helsinki, Finland Basenji Judge: Jarmo Vuorinen, Finland FCI group 5 Janina Staniszewska-Borkowska

July 26, 2013


Basenji Club of Southeastern Wisconsin Ixonia, WI USA Sweepstakes Judge: Mrs. Lisa Marshall Conformation Judge:

August 2-3, 2013


Evergreen Basenji Club Specialty Auburn, WA - Argus Ranch Facility For Dogs Conformation Judge: Mr. Larry Sinclair Junior Showmanship Judge: Katie Effert Futurity/Maturity Judge: Kim Williamson-Jensen African Match - following conformation judging

August 3-4, 2013


Swedish Basenjisällskapets Conference Härjarö, Enköping Judge: Noel Baaser, Germany

August 31, 2013


BCOC Regional Specialty ingleside, ON In conjunction with Cornwall & District Kennel Club

October 26, 2013


Basenji Club of Canada National Specialty In conjunction with Lower Mainland Dog Fanciers. Conformation judge: Kathy Britton Sweepstakes Judge: Gloria Fellers The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 53

Kennel/Breeder Directory CALIFORNIA, USA




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Ad Size: 3.65”w x 2.50h” Brazil - Standings Rank



Breeder/Kennel Directory Listing STUD DOG/BROOD BITCH LISTING Stud Dog/Brood Bitch listing with 1 photo The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 54


Per year rate $ 75.00

$ 75.00

Advertising & Subscriptions

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide is published quarterly in print and online.


Beginning with the 1st Qtr 2012 issue, the online magazine will be a modified format that includes advertising and limited content. The digital version is available at no charge. Subscription Rates

Advertising Rates COVER SET Front Cover- Color only................................................................. $ Back Cover – Color only................................................................ $ Inside Front Cover – Color only.................................................... $ Inside Back Cover – Color only..................................................... $ Inside Front Cover plus adjacent page.......................................... $ Inside Back Cover plus adjacent page........................................... $

250.00 175.00 140.00 140.00 250.00 250.00

INSIDE COLOR PAGES Single color page............................................................................. $ 125.00 2-page spread.................................................................................... $ 235.00 Half page - color.............................................................................. $ 65.00 Quarter-page color.......................................................................... $ 35.00 BLACK/WHITE PAGES Single page....................................................................................... 2-page spread................................................................................... Half page - b/w................................................................................ Quarter page - b/w .........................................................................

$ 70.00 $ 130.00 $ 40.00 $ 25.00

DISCOUNT RATES: Prepay 4 issues (1 pg per issue) COLOR....................................... $ 450.00 Prepay 4 issses (1 pg per issue) B/W............................................... $ 252.00

one year


US Residents................. $35.00 .............. $65.00 Canadian Residents....... $47.00 .............. $90.00 All Other Countries......... $55.00............. $105.00 Single Copy USA..................................................... $12.00 Canada............................................... $15.00 All other countries............................... $20.00

Payments Online, Checks & Money Orders US Funds Only. Mail Payments to: The Modern Basenji, 221 Oak Wood Road, Kerrville, TX 78028


Addtl photos (limit 4 per page)................................................................ n/c

Editors : Wanda Pooley, Melody Falcone, A Tad Brooks

SPECIAL CATEGORIES – per year rate/size: 3.65”w x 2.50h” Breeder/Kennel Directory Listing.................................................. $ 75.00

Magazine Design Wanda Pooley

Deadlines for Advertising & Editorial Submissions February 1st (March issue) August 1st (September issue) May 1st (June issue) November 1st (December issue) Contact The Modern Basenji -- Worldwide For Subscritpions - For Advertising needs

Advertising Managers Melody Falcone & A. Tad Brooks Ad Designer Melody Falcone Copy Editing Anne Rogers Maxine Elliott M. Susan Joyner

Contact the Advertising Manager for layout details before sending sending camera-ready ads. Send inquiries to The Modern Basenji -- Worldwide 221 Oak Wood Road Kerrville, TX 78028 (830) 257-0481

The Modern Basenji -- Worldwide is interested in your editorial submissions. Please contact us at

Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publishers. The Modern Basenji takes no responsibility for statements or claims made in advertisements. We reserve the right to edit and/or refuse all copy. We are not responsible for errors in camera-ready ads that come in from an outside designer. All manuscripts become the property of The Modern Basenji. Reports, tallies and photographs of events submitted by individuals are published as space allows. Any win photos must be identified.

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 55

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