Tmb 3q 2014 full

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The Modern Basenji - Worldwide is published quarterly in print and online.


PAGE 8 RiRi’s





Editor’s Message


Famous Shows Around the Globe


RiRi’s Big Adventure, By Karla Schreiber


Dylan’s Thank You, By Karla Schreiber


Breeding Strategies, By Mary Lou Kenworthy


The Singleton Syndrome, By Carolyn Russell Gold


Finland Specialty Judging Critique, By Sally Wallis, UK


New CDC Rabies Rule for Exporting Dogs


Basenji Club of Victoria Specialty Judge’s Critique, By Lisa Tyler-Jackson UK


My World, By Kya


The Singleton SYNDROME

EVENT RESULTS - STANDINGS - DEPARTMENTS RESULTS 36 Basenji Club of Cincinnati Specialties

50 AKC All-Breed Basenji Standings

37 Sweden Basenji Specialty

51 AKC GCH Basenji Standings

38 Finnish Basenji Club Specialty

51 AKC GCH Medallion Recipients

40 Gtr Chicagoland Basenji Club Specialty

52 AKC Owner Handled Series - Top 20 Basenjis

42 Indian Nations Basenji Club Specialty

52 UKC Basenjis Top 10

42 Willamette Basenji Club Specialty

53 AKC Lure Coursing Basenji Rankings


43 Basenji Club of Deutschland Club Winner Show 53 ASFA Basenji Standings 44 Basenji Club of SE Wisconsin Specialty

54 LGRA Basenji Standings

46 Evergreen Basenji Club Specialties

54 NOTRA Basenji Standings

48 Norwegian Basenji Club Specialty

55 Australia Top Basenjis

49 UK - Northern Basenji Society CH Show

56 Canada CKC Top 20 Breed and All-Breed

49 UK - Championship Shows

56 Brazil Standings


57 Finland Basenji Standings

34 Norway Top 10 Basenjis

58 Sweden Top 20 Basenjis

48 United Kingdom Basenji Standings

59 Upcoming Events - Worldwide

50 AKC Breed Basenji Standings

60 Advertising and Subscription Rates The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 1


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hy would a judge be willing to change his/her status from Regular to Resigned? That word “resigned” sounds so permanent. Yet judges who decide to do something else that would make them occupationally ineligible or who might want to show other dogs can request this change. Fortunately that status can be reversed at a later date should any judge decide to do so. What brought me into the world of dogs was the love of basenjis, being productive with my dogs, having the camaraderie with others who hold the same values for our breed, and most importantly, enjoying pure sportsmanship for its own sake. Becoming a judge seemed like a natural progression to expand my knowledge of dogs. However, like many things we learn in life, what appears to be one thing when you view it from the outside is not always the reality you find on the inside. My own reality is that I love to show dogs, and I enjoy helping others, even during vigorous competition. Putting my hands on a promising dog, either inside or outside of the show ring, is exciting. Sharing handling tips with a struggling newcomer just seems like a natural thing to do. Helping each other take dogs back in the ring is part of the sport. Lord knows how many times fellow exhibitors have stepped up when I needed help. It’s a small effort to put sportsmanship first. A couple of years ago while showing at a club specialty, I had the good fortune to win not only the bred-by-exhibitor bitch class but also the open red/white bitch class. A fellow exhibitor, one whose dog mine had just defeated, without hesitation offered to take one of my bitches back in the ring for Winners Bitch. “So what?,” you say? “People do that all the time,” you say? What makes this story remarkable is that earlier in the day I had to refuse to help someone else who needed one of her veteran basenjis back in the ring for Best Veteran in Sweeps. And why, you ask? Because I was an AKC judge who was not permitted to show dogs other than my own. A mouse probably sat taller in my chair than I did that day. This particular experience is still stuck in my head because it became the focal point which ultimately led me to make the decision as to what is truly important to me. What really tipped the scales happened earlier this year while I was at a very large show. I’ll skip the chitchat about what brought about the question and just get to the point. A Bedlington Terrier exhibitor asked if I could show one of her dogs that day because her helper had a ring conflict. I am going to stop at this point and clarify because it’s important for you to know that my mentor in dogs was a


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Brooks, A. Tad............................................................ 12-13 Brooks, A. Tad................................................................. 25 Huff, Tim.................................................................... 12-13 Falcone, Melody............................................................. 27 Fragassi, Pat.................................................................... FC Fragassi, Pat...................................................................... 9 Gilchrist, Laura........................................................... 14-15 Jones, Carrie.................................................................. 6-7 Joyner, Sue...................................................................... 15 Phifer, Brad.................................................................... IFC Pooley, Wanda............................................................... IBC Prikhozhan, Svetlana..................................................... 2-3 Ricroft, Yvonne............................................................... 21 Whitehurst, Gale............................................................ BC Whitehurst, Gale............................................................ 23

Bedlington Terrier breeder. Not only was she my mentor, she was my best friend. She taught me so much about the world of dogs and was truly dedicated to being a good, responsible breeder. Before her death in 1998, I learned more about breeding and commitment to the sport than I thought possible. In fact, the very first dog I had on the end of a lead in a ring was not a basenji but a Bedlington Terrier. This was my epiphany! I swear at that very moment my friend, Jo, stepped down from the Heavens to bring me this sudden revelation. We have to do what we love to do; we have to be true to the sport. I love showing dogs; I love the camaraderie, and I love the freedom to share knowledge without any of the prejudices that might accompany the status of being a judge. Someday I may want to return to judging, but for now it’s wonderful to be back!

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AKC/EUKANUBA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW, ANNUALLY, ORLANDO, FLORIDA A relative newcomer to gain stature as a famous dog show, the first event was held in Orlando, Florida in 2001. This show is held by the American Kennel Club along with Eukanuba, its primary sponsor. The competition attracts dogs from around the world. Entry is by invitation only. This event offers not only breed conformation judging, but the Agility Invitational, the Obedience Classic, the World Challenge, and the newly created National Owner-Handled Series Finals.

CRUFTS - UK, ANNUALLY, BIRMINGHAM, UK IN MARCH Named after its founder, Charles Cruft, this is an international canine event held over four days annually in the UK. The show was founded in 1886 and billed as the "First Great Terrier Show." By 1981 all breeds were invited to join the competition. Crufts is centered on a championship conformation show and also includes a large trade show of dog-related merchandise and services. The event is hosted by the Kennel Club. This is the largest dog show in the world and is even recognized in the Guinness Book of Records.

EURO DOG SHOW, EUROPE, ANNUALLY, CZECH REPUBLIC, 2014 Fédération Cynologique Internationale sanctioned, similar to the World Dog Show. This is a very popular, large dog show that like the

World show, is held in a different country each year.

WESTMINSTER KENNEL CLUB SHOW, ANNUALLY, NEW YORK CITY, NY A two-day, all-breed benched conformation show that takes place every February at Madison Square Garden in New York City. The first Westminster show was held in 1877, making this show the second longest continuously held sporting event in the US. Originally developed as a competition for gun dogs, Westminster today includes all AKC approved breeds. This famous show has been aired on live television since 1948. At the show, tickets are quickly sold, indicating the wide-spread popularity of the event. Some of the more notable merchants feature Westminster theme window displays. The New York Stock Exchange invites the Best in Show winner to ring the opening bell.

WORLD DOG SHOW - EUROPE, ANNUALLY, HELSINKI FINLAND 2014 A Fédération Cynologique Internationale sanctioned, four-to-sixday long international dog show, held in a different country each year since 1971. This show attracts an impressive showcase of purebred dogs. This event has been referred to as "the most important dog show in the world," attracting up to 10,000 entrants. In addition to breed judging, the World Show offers competition in agility, obedience, and junior handling. Dogs that win in any of the categories are awarded the title of World Champion. Entries are by invitation only.

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“It was a dark and stormy night….” Actually, it was not one, but TWO dark and stormy nights – and my twenty-month old half-native stock Basenji girl, Rihanna (UKC Ch. Lukuru FoPaw’s Like Diamonds at New World) was outside - and lost -during both of them!


let my three youngest basenjis outside at 8:30 p.m. on Monday, June 23rd and watched from the backdoor as always, scanning my stockade fenced yard for critters the kidz might be inclined to chase. Portia, Warren and RiRi ran to the middle of my fenceline (about 200 yards from the house) and pressed their collective noses to the bottom of the fence. “Probably just a rabbit or squirrel on the other side,” I thought. The ground was very soft from recent rains, so I headed out the back door immediately, but before I could reach the threesome, Rihanna vaporized under the fence through a tiny indentation (not even worthy of being called a “hole”) that Portia and Warren couldn’t fit their heads through! Concerned, but not panicked, I grabbed Portia and Warren, tossed them into the kitchen, and ran to retrieve Rihanna from the neighbor’s backyard. When I rounded the corner, she was standing in the middle of the yard, not more than 50 feet in front of me. I started toward her, calling her as calmly as possible, when I noticed a large yellow Lab standing in the opposite corner of the yard. “Ah-ha,” I thought – “that explains it!” Ri is more social with other dogs than the rest of my crew. It made sense to me that she might be enticed leave the yard to visit another dog. I was only 20 feet from Ri when fate intervened in the worst possible way. The owner of the Lab, clearly distraught, raced into the

By Karla Schreiber yard, screaming his dog’s name and waving his arms frantically. Ri took one look at this overwrought stranger and did what her instincts told her to do.…she took off down Wheeling Road at about 25 mph. I could still see her at this point, and it was not a high traffic time of day, so I still wasn’t panicked. When I reached the corner of Wheeling Road and Camp McDonald Road, a neighbor told me that Ri was in his open car port. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, but unfortunately, she’d bolted again. Now, I realized, this was serious. I’d lost sight of her; it was getting darker, and it was starting to rain. My next door neighbor heard the commotion and picked me up in her car so we could search the area. Little did we know we were searching the wrong area. In desperation, after about 30 minutes and with nightfall upon us, my neighbor and I drove back down Wheeling Road. When we reached Clair street, a car was parked on the opposite side of the road, and the driver waved us down. My heart sank, thinking (just one of a thousand times during the next 38 hours) that this could only be the worst possible news. However, the driver was the owner of the escaped (and now recovered) yellow Lab – he had been trying to follow Ri and saw her cross Wheeling Road into the Clair subdivision. That was the last confirmed sighting of Ri for 38 hours.

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I broke at least five traffic laws driving to Shannon, and the scene that greeted me was mind-blowing. Both ends of Shannon were blocked by squad cars. Four uniformed police officers and a beige Vari-Kennel were in the middle of the street. It was now pitch black and raining harder. I asked my neighbor to drive me back home, jumped into my van, and drove to the police station. I live in a small community – only 17,000 people – and didn’t think anybody would be at the station that late at night. The dispatcher was there, however, and took my missing dog report. It was now nearly 11:00 p.m., pouring rain, with thunder and lightning. I went home, threw on a raincoat, leashed up Warren, and we proceeded to walk the half-mile back to the Clair subdivision (no sidewalk, no streetlights). With Coleman lantern in hand, Warren and I walked up and down every street in the Clair subdivision until nearly 2:00 a.m., when I finally realized we were both too exhausted to continue. I carried Warren back home and dried him off. Then I fed and pottied my other dogs, and went back out to put an open crate in my garage and pans of food on the front and back porch, hoping that Ri might find her way home. Unable to sleep, and with every neuron firing, I sat down at my computer to file a lost dog report with Lost Dog Illinois (www.lostdogillinois. org). While I was entering RiRi’s info, I noticed the “print a flyer now” link on the Lost Dogs website – so I clicked it. The Lost Dog Illinois website allowed me to create a flier for Ri instantly – since I’d already entered her relevant information. All I had to do was upload her photo. This was extremely helpful because when you are under extreme stress even the thought of creating a poster can be overwhelming. I also sent a note to the BCOSW member chat list, asking if anyone could help with a day-search on Tuesday. At 4:30 a.m. on Tuesday, I headed back to the police station to give fliers to the dispatcher. She taped a flier to the dispatch center window and promised to give the others to officers as they arrived for their shifts. Then I headed back out again to search. I drove the Clair subdivision up and down, met a few early-rising neighbors retrieving their newspapers and gave them fliers, too. I’m forever grateful to Lisa Marshall, Don Goodrich, Nora Mayfield, Jennifer Ellin, Rande Mathers and Susan Cook – who came on Tuesday to walk and drive the entire area with me – including

numerous trips through the Clair subdivision. We distributed fliers to postmen, vets’ offices, the public swimming pool, sports center, and library. We walked and called until it started to get dark again. Unfortunately there were no sightings, and as the sun started to set, so did my hope. I honestly wasn’t sure if I could face another night of waiting, watching, and walking. My usual ability to find a ray of hope in nearly every situation was in tatters. And as if on cue, as night fell on Tuesday, it started to thunder and lightning and then – again – to rain. The sun came up on Wednesday morning, but my spirits did not. I stayed home from work for one more day to distribute fliers. BCOSW members Joan Givler and Janet Ketz offered to help, and as Janet started her drive to my house, I headed off to Kinko’s to make more fliers. I was about halfway to Kinko’s when I stopped at a stop light and noticed I’d missed a call on my cell phone. I assumed it was from Janet or Joan, and decided to pull into a parking lot just to check. The number that popped into view on my phone was the Prospect Heights police department. My heart dropped, and I didn’t want to return the call. I could only imagine, after 38 hours, that they had something terrible to tell me. But when I listened to the message, my heart started beating again! The dispatcher said that an injured dog matching RiRi’s description was in a front yard on Shannon Drive in the Clair subdivision! I spun my van around and raced to the police station – because in my blind panic I didn’t remember where Shannon Drive was located! I ran into the station, the dispatcher grabbed a map, and showed me the way to Shannon. She also assured me that officers were already at the scene, attempting to keep RiRi there – but they had not been able to capture her. They were worried that using a snare or a net might injure her further given the apparent extent of her injuries. I broke at least five traffic laws driving to Shannon, and the scene that greeted me was mind-blowing. Both ends of Shannon were blocked by squad cars. Four uniformed police officers and a beige Vari-Kennel were in the middle of the street. One officer was down on his knees

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in the road, tossing bits of Egg McMuffin to a very small, skinny, hobbling little red and white dog – painfully inching forward to grab the food and then retreating. I leapt from my van and ran forward – but something stopped me when I was about 50 feet away. I remembered that lost dogs can become so disoriented that they do not recognize, and may even run from, their owners! I sat down in the middle of Shannon, next to the McMuffin-tossing policeman, and started to talk: “RiRi – Mom’s here! Look! It’s Mom!” At first, RiRi – with her extremely swollen and obviously broken left foreleg – looked at me blankly – without recognition. She hobbled forward for another bite of McMuffin, then hobbled back again. After a few minutes, however, something clicked. She looked right at me, and I said: “Ri – it’s Mom. It is time to go home now! Let’s go!” She limped forward, passed the policeman, and was now only about 10 feet from me. The urge to simply FALL on her and grab her was overwhelming – but I didn’t – I stayed seated on the ground. As she approached, I said (very quietly and just to her) “Come on, Ri, come to Mom now – it really is time to go home!” She edged closer, still wary… but I saw her tail twitch. It twitched again. And then her tail began to rotate like the blades of a helicopter! The next thing I knew, she was my lap, and I had scooped her up!

Photo by Kris Breyer

There was applause at this point – I distinctly recall hearing the officers clapping and also noticed a man and a little boy who had been watching from their front yard. As I stood there, clutching Ri and trying to compose myself for the drive to the emergency vet, the man came forward and told me that his four-year old son, Dylan, had seen Ri in the neighbor’s front yard that morning and told his mother that their neighbors “had a new dog.” His mother knew that the neighbors were elderly and had a disabled son – so weren’t likely to have a new pet. She went outside to take a look, and saw Ri sitting on the front lawn. She immediately called the Prospect Heights police department, but also had the presence of mind to put out the remnants of the family’s breakfast (oatmeal, ham, and a bowl of water) for Ri to eat until help arrived. Thankfully, the police department had Ri’s description and flier and was able to contact me right away!

After profusely thanking the officers and the family that had called the police department, Ri and I headed at breakneck speed to the ER clinic. The ER staff took her immediately for assessment. In short order I was called to view her x-rays, which confirmed a clean, simple fracture of the left ulna (big bone in the foreleg) and a hairline fracture of the radius (small bone in the foreleg) of the same leg. Amazingly, she had no internal injuries, and we concluded that she had not been hit by a car. It seemed most likely that – when racing TOP: RiRi posing during a photo op on July 25th. full tilt through BOTTOM: External Fixator Device applied to a broken foreleg. the neighborhood on Monday night – she’d gone head over heels into one of Prospect Heights’ many storm drains, pitched forward, and snapped her foreleg. I was given the option of a traditional “plate and screw” repair surgery, or an EFD (an external fixator device) to repair RiRi’s broken leg. The surgeon felt that the simplicity of the break, Ri’s weight, age (21 months), and the fact she was a “show dog” made her a prime candidate for an EFD repair. The EFD procedure involves inserting pins through the broken bone in several spots, and securing the pins externally with metal bands. Using this method, Ri would have full use of her pastern, elbow and shoulder, and after healing started she

Typical storm drain found in the neighborhood

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would be able to use her leg almost normally (like a walking cast for humans,) which would minimize her chances of developing a habituated limp, losing the arch in her toes, etc. I cannot tell a lie - this is a very expensive option. But I decided to go for it and am very glad I did. Today, three weeks later, Ri is doing beautifully with her EFD. Her pins are due to come out the second week in August, and she has almost full use of her leg. She can run, go up and down stairs, and jump on and off of furniture. All we need to avoid is another trauma. For a young, active dog, this is a marvelous option! In conclusion, I leave the reader with three take-aways from RiRi’s Big Adventure: **If your dog escapes, always provide a description and flier to your local authorities first. Do not assume they “won’t care” or that they “won’t do anything.” The Prospect Heights police department played an essential role in RiRi’s recovery. I took a donation check to the department as soon as I left the ER vet’s office to thank them for their assistance. It was above and beyond the call! **As the owner of a lost dog, focus on the tasks you can do locally – distribute fliers to local vets’ offices, post offices, public places like park districts and libraries, to utility workers, lawn care workers, and anyone in your area who is out and about for much of the day. Like most lost dogs, Ri was found within two miles of home (0.6 miles, to be exact). Your local efforts are extremely important! **Do not be shy. Ask your friends who do not live close by to help, too. They can do a lot from a distance! Ask them to contact area vets by phone with your dog’s microchip number, and contact the microchip registries to report your dog as lost (thank you to Laura Mae Hesse for doing this for Ri!). Have them contact services like, that create robocalls similar to Amber Alerts to let your neighbors know your dog is missing (thank you Therese and Kevin Leimback for doing this for Ri!). Ask your friends to set up a “Lost Dog” Facebook page to keep social media updated about the search while you continue local efforts (thank you, Andrea Stone, for doing this for Ri!). In Ri’s case, the simplest of these suggestions proved the key to her recovery. Never underestimate the value of contacting local authorities immediately to help with your search. Even local authorities in very urban areas can and do help – so d o n o t discount them w h e n mounting your search! RiRi getting a good night’s rest after her BIG Adventure

The LOST PET Scam Imagine you’ve lost your dog or cat. Those who’ve been through this heartbreaking experience know you’d do almost anything to get your pet back. And that desire is exactly what makes you a prime target for the lost pet scam. THE SCENARIO: YOUR PET IS MIA so you post flyers around the neighborhood and maybe even run ads on Craigslist to help you locate your lost friend. WAYS THE SCAM WORKS The information you’ve shared — a photo, your phone number and other details — can be used by crooks to merely pretend like they have your lost animal. The most common variations of the scam: • Someone claiming to be a long-haul truck driver says that he found your pet near the highway and now wants money in advance to transport the animal back to your town. • A person contacts you saying he knows who has stolen your pet and is willing to help you get the animal back — for a fee. • This one will really tug at your heart: Your animal has been hurt, so he’ll need money to cover the veterinary costs before you’re reunited. HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF A big tip-off that you’re being conned: The person demands you wire money first. Pete Ziverts, a vice president at Western Union, says this old scam is still going strong. In fact, the company ramped up its fraud education efforts recently to caution consumers about wiring money to people they don’t know. To check that the person really does have your pet, ask him to describe a specific detail about your animal not advertised on any lost pet flyers or, better yet, demand to see your pet in person. Another important tip: Before you find yourself in this sad situation, consider getting your pet microchipped by your veterinarian. This preventive measure is actually effective in bringing lost pets home.

Mitch Lipka is one of the more widely read consumer reporters in the country. He’s written for The Boston Globe, Philadelphia Inquirer, Consumer Reports and AOL. He was the 2010 winner of the New York Press Club award for best consumer reporting online. Mitch has a dog and two cats.

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DYLAN’S THANK YOU To thank four-year old Dylan for helping RiRi find her way home, I gave him a stuffed basenji toy, and a Toys R Us gift certificate, plus (his favorite, given his reaction) a photo of RiRi jumping up onto the grooming table in my living room right after she got home from her surgery. Here is a copy of RiRI’s letter to Dylan, and a photo of the toy she gave to him…

TO: The Very Nice Boy Who Lives at 212 Shannon From: RiRi Hi!

My name is RiRi, and I am a two year

old basenji dog from Africa. On Monday

night, I got out of my yard. My Mom and her friends looked and looked for me but it got

dark. I was very scared so I ran and ran

and tried to find my house, but I couldn’t. I was so scared when it started to rain that I ran too fast and fell into a storm drain! When I did that, I hurt

my leg – so I couldn’t try to find my house anymore. Then I was REALLY sad! I had to spend two nights outside and I did not like that – I got hungry and

thirsty too! But then on Wednesday morning, you saw me, told your Mom and

Dad that I was out in the yard – and the Police came to keep me safe until my Mom could come and get me!

My Mom took me right to the vet’s office. He gave me medicine for my

sore leg, and put some bandages on to help it heal. I am attaching a picture of me with my pink bandage! I am also attaching a picture of me before I had

my accident so you can see how I will look again, when my bandage comes off.

My Mom got you a toy basenji that looks like me. She has a bandage on the

same leg that I do. Ask your Mom and Dad to help you count six weeks on the

calendar, and then you can take the bandage off – so she will have her bandage off, and so will I! Mom also got you a special card that you can take to the Toy Store to get yourself a toy that you can pick out yourself!

Thank you so much for helping me come home and get my leg fixed! You

are my hero!

Your friend, RiRi the Basenji

(My other fancy name is UKC Champion Lukuru FoPaw’s Like Diamonds at New World).

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BREEDING Strategies by Mary Lou Kenworthy


the serious breeders who are in it for the long haul, there are different methods to arrive at the desired goal. Some breeders choose the mating pairs by their phenotype alone regardless of the pedigrees. This can be successful for a breeder with a good eye, and the individuals they keep to show will have a consistent look. Other breeders prefer to have genetic consistency in their gene pool. This will fix the desired traits and guarantee that these traits will carry on in their line. This method can also be used to eliminate traits that are undesirable. Line breeding, inbreeding and outcrossing are tools that can be used to determine the desired genes you wish to perpetuate in your line.

The following quote from ‘Planning A Breeding’ is a concise and accurate description of line breeding, outcrossing and inbreeding.

LINE BREED OR OUTCROSS?* “There are reasons to line breed, reasons to outcross, and even reasons to occasionally inbreed, and those reasons are often dependant on the individual breed you are working with. Some breeds of dogs have such limited gene pools that seeking to breed dogs that are physically complimentary, but as unrelated as possible, is the best way to preserve genetic diversity and health for the long term of the breed. Sometimes a breed gets bottlenecked by a syndrome known as ‘frequently used sire syndrome’ and breeders are soon faced with few options for opening up pedigrees. It’s a wise breeder that sees these syndromes developing and avoids falling into the trap of losing genetic diversity due to them, regardless of how tempting that frequently used sire might be. In a breed that has multiple families to work with, line breeding to set positive traits is a useful tool because once the trait has been firmly established, out crossing to another family to maintain genetic diversity is possible. Common line breeding combinations are uncle/ niece, grandsire/granddaughter and cousin to cousin. Just be careful that the actual dog that you are line breeding on and not just the parents of the litter possesses the trait that you are trying to establish

in your family, or you will be sadly disappointed in the outcome. Once you have your closely line bred individual, then breed that individual out to a dog of another family that is also line bred for the specific trait you worked so hard to set, and then breed the resultant offspring from that out cross combination back into your own family. Inbreeding is generally not something that should be attempted unless you are intimately familiar with many generations of the pedigree you are working with. Extremely close breedings can set positive characteristics but they can also set negative ones and make them nearly impossible to eradicate. Know that you are working with a pedigree that is really free of temperament and genetic problems before you attempt to do a breeding such as half brother/sister or parent to sibling, or you could be faced with a nightmare of problems that are the result of combinations of a few identical genes being expressed, even if those problems didn’t exist in the parents of the litter.” *To read the whole article, Planning A Breeding by Kathy Lorentzen go to the UKC Library –

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The Singleton


“Breeders who have experienced the joy of the birth of a healthy singleton puppy know that along with this joy come concerns about the inability of that singleton to receive proper socialization in the absence of littermates. Lack of “normal” litter socialization can lead to a variety of idiosyncratic personality traits, ranging from minor to more serious issues that can create mild to sometimes severe problems, where the puppy feels he is the center of a universe he does not want to share with another being.”


have had experience raising four singletons—three from artificial insemination (AI) breedings and one from a live cover. The dams were not directly related. In two of the three AI litters (which I bred) the singleton was the only puppy developing in the womb. In the third AI litter, the resulting puppy had a littermate who died at birth, so he was not alone in the uterus. In the live cover litter (bred by someone else), the singleton was the sole survivor from a litter of three—so again, was not alone in the womb. I stress this latter point because it is an extraordinarily important factor for a singleton. Having littermate(s) share the uterus eliminates the potential for singleton problems of “owning the universe.” The “cause” of a singleton birth is most probably not genetic. Most often it is likely the result of breeding too late; that is, breeding at the very end of the fertile period, when very few eggs are available for fertilization—or maybe only one. There are many other possible causes. These include an infection; an older dam who did not produce many eggs, even at the height of her fertile period; and/or eggs that were resorbed. A properly taken ultrasound can show that the dam is in whelp, but the number of puppies actually born can change if some or all are resorbed after the ultrasound was taken. Exact factors causing resorption of a developing fetus remain a mystery known only to Mother Nature. By Carolyn Russell Gold who is a contributing author for the AKC Breeder, a quarterly e-newsletter for Breeders. She has been in Gordon Setters for 30 years and is the proud breeder of MBISS Dual Champion Sun-Yak Spellbound’s Heaven Scent, the only Gordon Setter in the 150-year history of the breed to go Best in Show as a Dual Champion. She is also an AKC Field Trial Judge. (Reprinted with permission from Carolyn Russell Gold)

My first litter was a singleton. Since it was my first, I had no idea how important littermates were in the mental and physical development of a puppy. I read as much as I could, talked to as many breeders as I could, and worked exceedingly hard at socializing my puppy in as many ways as I could. However, it wasn’t enough. I learned that you can never replace, replicate, simulate, or duplicate the myriad things a puppy learns from littermates. It wasn’t until a few years later, when I bred my second litter, that I could vividly (and sadly) see just how much that singleton had missed because of not having littermates while growing in the uterus and after birth.

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The Singleton SYNDROME (continued) When my second singleton, Reigna, was born, I immediately knew I had to find a “foster litter” for her. I knew littermates were imperative to her proper development if any could be found. Having a foster litter for a singleton to visit is by far the best for socialization purposes, especially if the foster pups are near the same age as the singleton. If the foster litter is too old, the potential for the young singleton to be injured increases. Separating the singleton from her mom and introducing her to a new mom and litter require thought and planning.

Brandy’s owner presented Reigna to Brandy by holding her out to be examined, sniffed, and licked. It was important that the owner, and not I, present Reigna to Brandy so that Reigna was associated with a familiar human scent. Prior to this, we had taken a clean cloth and wrapped several of the redhead pups in it and rubbed them to get their scent on the cloth. Then I rubbed Reigna with the “scented cloth” so that when she was presented to Brandy, Reigna was wrapped in the scented cloth and had a familiar odor, not a foreign or potentially threatening one.

We repeated this “sniffing exercise” several times in the course of Reigna visited her foster litter as soon as she could be away from an hour. After each, Reigna was placed back outside the box, on the her mom for short periods. I decided on 3½ weeks, an age when (1) cloth, for Brandy to “monitor.” she did not have to be with Mom to keep her At first Reigna was quiet, With just one visit, it was abundantly clear just how much a huddled lump. Gradually, body temperature constant; (2) she did not Reigna was going to learn from her foster littermates, and she began to look around. have the need to nurse so it was clear that just how exceedingly important what I was doing was to When often; (3) her ears and Brandy was not going to be Reigna’s development -- mentally, emotionally, and physically. alarmed by Reigna (Mom eyes were open; and (4) she was up on her legs, She had, with just one visit, learned how to interact and play. did not even get out of the scooting around. box), we placed her inside the box. I call this part of the story “Reigna and the Redheads.” A friend had a litter of Irish Setters who were days older than Reigna. She Again Reigna was a black, huddled lump. The redheads were very generously offered, “Bring her to visit as often as you want.” So began curious. They sniffed Reigna, jumped on her, pawed and pulled her a fascinating and exciting learning saga for me, and life-changing ears, bit her neck, pushed her, and tried to play with her as with their experiences for Reigna. It was incredibly awe-inspiring to watch this own littermates. Reigna did not respond. Being a singleton, she had experiment unfold. no idea what they were doing. She let them crawl on her. Then they all piled together, with Reigna and slept. After the nap, Reigna got I began the weaning process a bit early with Reigna so she could bolder, guardedly getting to her feet, and she slowly blossomed. be away from Mom. However, the nursing turned out not to be an issue as “Redhead Mom,” Brandy, accepted Reigna as her own and let Thus the three-hour first visit ended. But what happened at home, her nurse with the gang of redheads. when I placed Reigna in her own whelping box, with her stuffed black and tan surrogate puppy toys, is what was so utterly astounding: Reigna Reigna’s own mom was very concerned when I took her puppy mirrored exactly what her foster littermates had done to her with her away. This was the hardest part in establishing what would become a stuffed toys! She pulled their ears, bit their necks, pawed them, pushed routine five to seven days a week — for a few hours, then a half-day them, licked their faces, and piled on them. With just one visit, it was — until Reigna was three months old. Reigna had to adjust to being abundantly clear just how much Reigna was going to learn from her away from her Mom and her familiar smells and surroundings, and foster littermates, and just how exceedingly important what I was doing to a new whelping box, five red foster littermates, and a big, red foster was to Reigna’s development -- mentally, emotionally, and physically. mom—Brandy! She had, with just one visit, learned how to interact and play. What I learned from this very first visit with the redheads was so astounding that I videotaped it. Reigna was understandably overwhelmed, though not terrified. I did not put her in the whelping box with the redheads, who were very accepting and nonaggressive, until the end of the visit. The redheads were six days older than she, and they were larger and had more-developed play patterns and body movements. I put Reigna outside the box, on the floor, on a “scented cloth,” in plain view of the pups—but mostly for the sake of Mom Brandy to get used to an interloper and not feel threatened. Brandy was just as sweet, loving, and accepting as she could be. She thoroughly sniffed Reigna and tilted her head as though thinking, Hmm, I didn’t think there was another one—especially a black one—where could this one have come from?

After the first visit, concerns about being away from her mom for nursing vanished. “Irish Mom” took Reigna as her own and fed her with the redheaded gang. Initially worry from Reigna’s mom was what made establishing the six-day-a-week visit routine difficult. We continued Reigna’s foster visits until she was three months old. She thought she was a redhead, and touchingly, she always had a deep affinity for her “redheaded relatives” and foster mom. She had to learn she was a Gordon! After our first visit with the redheads, I knew the effort I was making was going to be well worth it. h

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The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 23


© Sally Wallis



o thanks, not many anyway, to British Airways and London Heathrow for getting me to Finland. Something had broken down so the mechanism for reconciling luggage in the hold with the passenger list had to be done by men in yellow jackets. At first it seemed it was only our gate, but shortly afterwards we learned that almost every gate at Terminal 3 was affected ! Manual checking involved calling passengers with cargo hold luggage to get off and identify their baggage while the rest of us stewed, strapped into our seats. I guess we were lucky; we had five porters sorting our luggage out – other flights had to wait their turn!

laid out for a huge ring. In addition to the ring, space allowed for a wide mat right across the width of the hall, for the use of exhibitors wanting (or needing) to practise gaiting their hounds. In fact, with or without the additional practise area, movement on the whole was exceptionally true. Only a couple of hackney-pony examples and some moving close in front but for the most part I was not displeased, although here as in other countries the true basenji movement I was ‘brought up with’ in the 80s is almost nowhere to be found. The basenjis I had the pleasure of assessing covered the ground with adequate reach and drive. Some handlers had to be asked to modify their speed.

Finally the cases were (manually) loaded onto the aircraft, and we taxied to the runway and took off. Three hours later I was being greeted by Gilda, a basenji we sent to Finland some nine years go and now a cherished pet living with Riitta Hautanen. Riitta negotiated the building site which is Helsinki Airport and drove us westwards through densely forested woodland (pines intermingled with silver birch), brightened with wild blue lupins along all the verges, to the superlative show venue at Karjalohja, in the spa Hotel Paivakumpu.

Saturday is for the Puppies and Dogs; Sunday sees the Bitches get their turn along with Breeders and Progeny classes. Over a delicious dinner (fish – what else in a country surrounded by the sea ?) and a more than acceptable beer, Riitta and Erja Kaartinen, a Finnish Kennel Club official well versed in these matters, made sure I understood the system of placing and awarding Certificates of Quality (CQ) etc. Now I am accustomed to it (in Tallinn it came as a shock!) it is no longer a surprise to find up to four dogs from each class in the Challenge for Best of Sex.

The hotel stands on copious grounds with a stunning view overlooking a lake and offers an indoor swimming pool, saunas, boat hire and a sports hall. The show itself was to take place over two days in an immense hall. We visited it that evening and watched matting being

© Sally Wallis

There IS a logic to it – and I thought there was no need to worry that a beaten animal will turn out to be Best of Sex, until I found myself giving a dog, which placed 3rd place in her class, 3rd Best of Sex over the 2nd placed gal. I moved them

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FINLAND BASENJI SPECIALTY, Judge’s Critique (Continued) both again but stuck with my decision. The 3rd placed bitch moved and stacked well but the long day and the heat had got to the 2nd, and she sagged a little. Something I can sympathise with!

BIS, FI Ch HeW-13 Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever, Breeder/Handler Janne Kytta with his daughter.

The judge can determine how many Certificates of Quality (CQ) are awarded to each class. Depending on class sizes, I awarded two to four. CQ permits the dog to be considered for the CAC or Reserve CAC and any ‘special awards’ – Best Tricolour, Best Black & White etc. If the Best of Sex already holds the title of Finnish Champion, the next in line can accept the award. My Best Dog and subsequent BIS, FI Ch HeW13 Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever (BISS FI Ch, FIJW09 NORDJW-09 NORdW-09 Kimwitu’s Duke E. / Hi-Lite D’Vine Bulldobas), was (I believe I heard right) Top Winning Boy 2013 and already a Finnish Champion, so the 2nd best boy (winner of Open Class) is now Finnish Champion Bulldobas Zappa Safeguard (Kimwitu’s Duke E. / FI NOR Ch Safeguards Dora Bulldobas) ! I love this idea! It means a dog can win enough to become a champion but, however exceptional, it can’t stand in the way, sometimes for years, of other good dogs. Chances to finish are vastly increased and although some will call this a ‘cheap’ title – I don’t agree. Coming second to a champion is certainly no disgrace. In UK and in other countries where I have been privileged to judge basenjis, the steward calls in all dogs of the appropriate color to compete, and in this case, they are not judged on conformation but on color and markings. In Finland only CQs get to compete. Camilla Lindholm was my ‘writing steward’ – she kept up with my dictation and ensured I stayed on the straight and narrow with good humour. As Photo courtesy of Pauliina Ylitörmä in other European countries, everyone has paid an entry fee for the judge’s opinion, so everyone gets a written critique. The easy way is to dictate as you are going over the dog on the table. Normally I start with the front and work to the rear, returning to add Annika Ekstrom was my very efficient ring steward. She made a comment on movement after watching the basenji gaiting. sure all the dogs were lined up as soon as I turned around to look at the next class. Heartfelt thanks to both these two ladies for ensuring If this tends to give over-prominence to the head / neck/ crest – things went smoothly and for keeping me company over lunch! and the rear end, nay apologies from me. At risk of repeating myself, if you take away the typical head and tail/shelf of a basenji, what have I try (didn’t succeed this time !) to lose weight before travelling you got? A plain little brown (tricolour, striped or black) dog. Two overseas to judge, but after visiting Finland it is even more necessary! things have shocked and grieved me in the past couple of years. One Breakfast is a full meal as opposed to my preferred two cups of black was a breeder who assured me “we are trying to breed out wrinkle” – coffee. The hotel offered a myriad dishes including eggs, ham and cold and the other was a want-to-be basenji puppy purchaser who “preferred meats, a variety of different breads, all kinds of salads, yogurt and fruit a basenji with a flat sided head and a pointed nose.” WHAT are we as well as a choice of breakfast cereals. I succumbed on the final morning doing to the breed ? and enjoyed a bread-roll with ham and cheese. The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 26


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FINLAND BASENJI SPECIALTY, Judge’s Critique (Continued) (Kimwitu’s Valentino / Chagmas Rose To Faraoland) and BOS Hi-Lite Cola Candy, r/w (C.I.B. FI DK EE Ch Ankhu Baroos at Bulldobas / C.I.B. NORD FI NO SE Ch EE JCh JV-11 V-12 Hi-Lite Hula Hoops) Junior Class runs 9 – 18 months of age. This class is followed by Intermediate, Working (this covers coursing - none of the basenjis had been trained to the gun or as a herder and I wasn’t surprised !), Open, Champion and Veteran. I was very impressed by the super condition of the old people. My own dogs run free in the woods local to home but it seems there are very few places in Finland where this is possible. None the less, muscle tone was excellent, and only a couple of dogs were down on the pasterns. In fact, some of the champions in both sexes were carrying more weight than ideal, and this robbed them of the ‘elegance’ which typifies our breed. I don’t mean they were fat, just that they were ‘substantial’ – their owners must walk them miles each day. Having such a vast ring meant handlers (as well as dogs) could stride out without coming to a sudden halt, although the size of some of the classes - 18 in Champion Bitch - did mean moving them in batches when they first came into the ring. Eighteen in a single class -- in England these days the total number of basenjis at a championship show is often less than this! Of course only four dogs can get a place – 14 are disappointed and leave without a rosette. It involves difficult decisions to choose between so many super dogs and to pick out the very best. Judging is subjective anyway – nowhere else is beauty so firmly in the eye of the beholder. But one has to judge what one sees in the ring on the day, and sometimes a handler can just tweak something so the dog stands out.

Photo courtesy of Pauliina Ylitörmä

Lunch and dinner were also self service – with a plethora of exciting fish dishes, meats, vegetables and salads. And a very sensible feature, which I’m told is frequently adopted in Finland because of the lack of available staff – guests using the self service clear their places away before leaving the dining room. In an alcove by the door are racks for glasses, plates, saucers and anything else, also slots marked (with a picture) fork, knife, spoon into which you post your utensils. This means no hanging around at busy times waiting for a table to be cleared off by a harassed waitress. Everything remains immaculate for the next sitting. Puppy Classes (on the Saturday) are divided into two age groups, 5 – 7 months old and 7 – 9 months. Some of the babies were in the ring for the first time, but with all day before us, there was time to make suggestions as to speed or positioning of the collar when on the move, or just stroking and calming a nervous youngster on the table. Quality was very promising indeed. There were some stunning tris, a few heads need to ‘break’ but this should come with maturity, briskets were dropping nicely, movement was a little erratic in some cases but they are babies! BIS puppy was a tri, Faraoland La Vie En Rose

After the puppies and again after the dogs, we all went outdoors for posed photos. I have put a gallery of the winners along with some of the hall onto my (dog & charity events) website at www. On Saturday evening, exhibitors enjoyed a sizzle party (I think that is what it was called). Fireplace, table and chairs down by the lake are provided by the Hotel. Officially, the judge is not supposed to attend but having ascertained there would be no dogs around, and being unwilling to have travelled so far and not meet anyone outside the ring, I went for a while. With my immediate neighbours we discussed high protein diets (one lady has invented a pancake-like dish of eggs and bananas fried in butter), various trees and all kinds of other subjects, but NOT basenjis. Next morning was the turn of the bitches. We had mostly lovely feminine, elegant ladies in the lower classes, but once we got into Champion Class many of them were a tad on the chunky side. Again, it wasn’t fat; they were obviously well-exercised and muscular but inside some skins, although they were pliant, it would not have been possible to fit another half of a basenji ! One little lady caught my eye particularly – she had a SUPER rear end and shelf but she played her handler up so only got third in Open. Although the rear angulation was mostly adequate (correct) with proper bend of stifle, this lady’s shelf seemed to be the exception rather than the rule. Basenjis should have a bum!

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FINLAND BASENJI SPECIALTY, Judge’s Critique (Continued) There is one big drawback to not writing your own notes and transcribing them later – the judge doesn’t get a copy of the critiques. So writing a couple of days later from memory can be confusing. I don’t know why it is but those basenjis ‘just out of Puppy’ – i.e. the Veterans (!) seemed to move closer to the gait I look for. BVIS was FI EE Ch, EE LV LT VCh, BALT V Ch TLNW-12 EEVV-12 HeVW-12 Ajibu Billie Jean born 07.12.2005 (DC Tamsala Rocket Socks / FI S N EE Ch Sternhimmels Quinta Essentia). She has a LONG string of other titles but I am not sure which are Veteran and which Junior Chs. RBVIS was FI EE Ch Hanishan Game Hunter, born 09.12.2003 (BLR FI RUS Ch Kanjaras Thanos Tibalt / FI EE Ch Hanishan Titilayo Sharab), both lovely old people and a great credit to their owners. Looking at the catalogue (along with my own Pedigree Website which I updated with the titles as soon as I got home) I see there is a great deal of Australian influence in the breed in Finland. I know there are some lovely basenjis in Oz – I was privileged to judge them a couple of years ago, and my BIS ‘Down Under’, now MBIS MBISS Supreme Ch Afrikenji Hot Sumaknight (Sunny) has a close relation, a sister, living in Finland. It’s two-way traffic though. I stayed in Australia with a family of basenjis sired by a boy, now Australian Champion Vanguardian Real McCoy, from the same kennel as the lovely bitch who came from Open Class to win Reserve BIS in Finland, Vanguardian Token of Luck (Zahleka My Own Way / Vanguardian Rhythm Remedy). (I could have brought any one of those five Redial Ostent pups back home with me, especially a brindle bitch – lovely basenjis with super temperaments). Reserve Best Bitch was FI Ch Rosone’s Retro Reserve BIS in Finland, Vanguardian Token of Luck , Breeder/handler Anni Toika Rimembranza (Cool Curtis Shadows of the Congo (Photo courtesy of Pauliina Ylitörmä) / FI S RUS EE INT Ch FI JW-2006 Samlet Symphonyoflove). I loved this lady last time we met but today she flagged a little in the final challenge. No dogs were left by Monday morning, so Riitta (and Gilda) took Breeders is an incredibly difficult class to judge, worse even than me on a roundabout tour back to the airport. We walked through a Progeny. I am never sure what I am looking for so in the first I look museum village and drove through forests and past lakes. I have some for similarity of height, size and head, regardless of sex and in the latter wonderful photographic mementos. (which was complicated because Mom was responsible for four and It was a fabulous experience. Many super basenjis were presented Dad for some of his own and some shared with Mom. . . ) again, I went for similarity. It doesn’t make it any easier that the handlers present (and well presented indeed, for the most part) for assessment. The the dogs front on in both these classes but you still need to write, venue, although indoors even in fine weather, is lovely and large, easily accessible with good accommodation. dictate, compose a critique. Then we all repaired outside to take photos of the winning bitches, Best in Show and Reserve Best in Show before cars were packed and dog loaded for the trip home.

Thank you all very much for coming, for accepting my decisions with such good grace, and for giving me the chance to see your beautiful dogs.h

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PLANNING TO IMPORT A DOG TO THE USA? FIRST - Read The New Rule From The CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL RABIES VACCINATIONS AND SHIPPING DOGS CDC new rule goes into effect on AUGUST 11, 2014 The Center for Disease Control (CDC) currently requires that all imported dogs must have a valid rabies vaccination certificate indicating they have been vaccinated against rabies prior to being shipped into the United States. There are some exceptions, however, for dogs from rabies-free countries and dogs imported for scientific research purposes when rabies vaccination would interfere with the purpose of the research. This provision defines a valid rabies vaccination certificate as a certificate which was issued for a dog not less than 3 months of age at the time of vaccination and which also: (1) Identifies a dog on the basis of breed, sex, age, color, markings, and other identifying information. (2) Specifies a date of rabies vaccination at least 30 days before the date of arrival of the dog at a U.S. port. (3) Specifies a date of expiration which is after the date of arrival of the dog at a U.S. port. If no date of expiration is specified, then the date of vaccination shall be no more than 12 months before the date of arrival at a U.S. port. (4) Bears the signature of a licensed veterinarian. The CDC Director may allow admission to those dogs that have not been adequately immunized against rabies provided that they are confined under conditions that limit contact with humans and other animals until they have been vaccinated. Generally, the term “shall” in a regulation signals a regulatory requirement, while the term “may” indicates that an agency has some judgment regarding in how it chooses to enforce this particular aspect of its regulations. HHS/CDC is informing the public of the manner in which it applies its discretion in the issuance and enforcement of confinement agreements.

75.37 “Notice to Owners and Importers of Dogs” explains the confinement requirements and serves as a binding “confinement agreement” with the importer. This form is approved under OMB# 0920-0134 Foreign Quarantine Regulations (expiration 07/31/15). Under 42 CFR 71.51(c)(3), HHS/CDC shares the confinement agreement with the state agency “having jurisdiction at the point of destination . . . to facilitate surveillance and other appropriate action.” Confinement agreements are intended to ensure that travelers seeking to enter the United States with their personal pet dogs have an alternative to their dogs being denied entry to the United States if they were not adequately immunized against rabies. The intent of the confinement agreements between HHS/CDC and the importer is to ensure that inadequately immunized dogs will be confined in such a way as to minimize the risk of exposing persons and other animals especially dogs to rabies until the dogs are considered adequately immunized against rabies. HHS/CDC considers confinement agreements to constitute an exception to the general rule that, unless coming from a rabies-free country or intended for use in scientific research where rabies vaccination would interfere with that research, all imported dogs must be properly vaccinated against rabies. HHS/ CDC issued two dog confinement agreements to individuals in 2006 and 10 agreements in 2007. This number has continued to multiply and as of June 27, 2014, 853 confinement agreements have been issued in 2014 (See Table 1 below)”. DOG CONFINEMENT AGREEMENTS ISSUED BY HHS/CDC * As of June 27, 2014.

HOW THIS REGULATION IS INTERPRETTED BY THE CDC*: HHS/CDC reviews rabies vaccination certificates to determine whether they may be expired, invalid or suspect, e.g. dog appears younger than is stated or does not match the breed, sex, color, or markings described, in its assessment of whether a dog is “adequately immunized.” Following physical inspection of the dog and documentation, if HHS/CDC determines that a dog has not been adequately immunized, HHS/CDC may enter into a confinement agreement with the importer. Confinement is defined as the “restriction of a dog or cat to a building or other enclosure at a U.S. port, en route to destination and at destination, in isolation from other animals and from persons except for contact necessary for its care or, if the dog is allowed out of the enclosure, muzzling and keeping it on a leash.” HHS/CDC Form


Number of Agreements

















2014 *




References: •

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any thanks to the Basenji Club of Victoria for the invitation to judge this lovely, friendly and happy show and to the exhibitors for allowing me the privilege of going over your basenjis. We had a wonderful time in Australia, seeing just a corner of your beautiful country, and this was a fabulous climax. Thanks to my lovely stewards and to the officials, exhibitors and visitors for making us feel so welcome. I have heard some great things about basenjis in Australia, and in many ways this was entirely justified. Your best basenjis are very good indeed; they are among the best I have seen anywhere. However, there are a few points that may be in need of attention, where an outsider’s eye can be helpful. I hope you will take the following comments on my entry in that light.

but there were a few that were dipping behind the withers on the move, and a few that had too much arch over the loin. Good depth of body in evidence, and mostly well ribbed up too. Lots of nicely curled tails, though some had centrally placed curls. Temperaments excellent and I found no bad bites; however, speaking of teeth, I was surprised to find so many dogs with dirty teeth, some of them quite young.

I was extremely pleased with my winners. My BIS, RBIS and BOS were all outstanding, and the final decisions not easy. My RBD was a youngster of great promise, as were several of the pups present. As is often the case, there was more strength in depth in the bitch classes than in the dogs.

Fronts were a decidedly mixed bag. I have to say that I found quite a lot that were short of ideal. Some had insufficient fill leading to a narrow front; at the other extreme there were a few that were too wide and loose at the elbow. Another fault that seems to be creeping in is the Gothic front, where the breastbone cuts away too sharply and leaves an unpleasing hollow. This has been an issue to some degree or other everywhere I have judged, on three continents. Front movement, in consequence, was rather variable, though I did not find much of the excessive toe-in here that I have seen elsewhere.

Taken as a whole, the heads were the best I have seen in any country where I have been fortunate enough to judge. Short muzzles, good wrinkle, almond shaped eyes (dark for the most part), high set ears, good cushioning -- all were the norm rather than the exception. This is not the case in many other countries with large basenji populations, and it is a very pleasing thing to see; to the extent that the odd slightly plain head was quite jarring at first look. Another very strong area was coat and skin, as evidenced by the amount of wrinkle most had. Lots of lovely fine coats and pliable skin, and little evidence of excessive trimming, other than the usual tail-tidy. Colour was excellent; the reds varied from a really bright orange red to a deep burnished chestnut. Tris were generally a good solid black with clear, well defined tan markings and all the blacks had deep black glossy coats. Brindles were varied, some heavily striped, some sparsely, but all had a decent background colour. Length of leg was generally good; there were very few long rectangles in evidence. Feet were good too, with a couple of exceptions; and with a generally correct spring of pastern. Toplines overall were reasonable,

Rears were better; there weren’t many that didn’t move cleanly behind, including the oldies. A few had straight stifles and consequent lack of width of second thigh. No sickle or cow hocks. The issue I noted here in quite a few hounds was a steep croup and lack of shelf behind the tail, with consequent low tail set. This is an important feature of our breed, much more important than curl, nice though that is to have; and it would be a shame to let this fault take too much of a hold. Profile movement varied from outstanding to clean but restricted, with most at the better end of the spectrum. There were none with that exaggerated hackney action I have seen elsewhere, though a few lifting a little too much. Overall a marvellous experience and one that will stay fondly in the memory.

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MINOR PUPPY DOG (1) 1, Nonaym Sound of the Congo, typy r/w with a nice head, bright red fine coat, square outline, good shoulder, sufficient depth already, very promising. Not quite as together as the bitch at this age. Best Opposite Minor Puppy. PUPPY DOG (3) 1, Tambuzi the Isle of Avalon, a most promising r/w youngster, well made all through and with exceptionally good front and feet, short back and strong rear. Nice enough head, moved very well all round, fine coat and BIS/BITCH CC Kanibaru Black Elikia pleasing bright red colour. Good depth of chest and well ribbed up, liked him a lot and another year on his back should see him more impressive still. Reserve Challenge Dog and Best Puppy; 2, Wuliango Sweet Dandelion, presented a pleasing outline, fine coat, good body, nice type but not the movement or front of 1; 3, Bleka Kobi Askari, short backed, nice headed tri who looked better moving than he did stacked, not as much angulation as I would like especially behind. INTERMEDIATE DOG (3) 1, Karamo Mikolo, stylish r/w, nice head with dark eye, good depth and short back, very nice rear with good turn of stifle, high set tail and plenty of backside, carried himself proudly and moved well in profile and behind, wish he had a bit more fill in front. Best Intermediate; 2, Ch Remwin Cheeky Liaisons, handsome boy with a fine dark red coat as had all from this kennel, dark almond shaped eye and lots of wrinkle, bit too broad in cheek for me and not the reach behind the tail of 1; 3, Ch Nonaym I Rulekatsdrool, again, fine coat, good colour and a nice head on this r/w, good depth and body, not the free stride on the move of those above.

BOS/DOG CC Ch Afrikenji Hunting High and Low

LIMIT DOG (4) 1, Yysur That’s Wat it’s About, very well made and constructed compact brindle with neat brindling on a good background, very nice head and one of the better fronts of the day, moved cleanly coming and going and covered ground well in profile. Best Opposite Limit; 2, Langarni African Bintu, typy head, good coat and colour, good bone and feet, deep chest and short back, good shoulder. Dipping topline on the move and dropping tail off a bit; 3, Breka Kibali, r/w with a nice head and short back, decent front with good return of upper arm, but not quite as good behind, lacking in second thigh, STATE BRED DOG (3, 1 absent) 1, Ch Afrikenji Hunting High and Low, elegant, striking r/w boy with a lovely typy head, dark wellshaped eye, small ears, lovely wrinkle. Good neck and shoulder, deep chest and good tuckup, fine bright red coat, short back and great topline, reachy strong rear and highset tail with tight double curl, looks a picture on the move with his long swinging stride, a lovely sort. Ideally would like a little bit more fill in front, but at 21 months he’s

BREED COMPETITION Best in Show.................................................................................................................................. Kanibaru Black Elikia Runner Up in Show.......................................................................................................... Gr Ch Remwin Kiss My Cheek Best Opposite Sex in Show....................................................................................... Ch Afrikenji Hunting High and Low Challenge Dog ......................................................................................................... Ch Afrikenji Hunting High and Low Reserve Challenge Dog........................................................................................................ Tambuzi The Isle of Avalon Challenge Bitch.............................................................................................................................. Kanibaru Black Elikia Reserve Challenge Bitch................................................................................................... Gr Ch Remwin Kiss My Cheek NEUTERED COMPETITION Best of Breed Neuter ........................................................................................ Ch Neut Ch Zanzipow Pure Red Poppy Neuter Challenge Dog/Opposite Neuter................................................................................... Ch Unomee Jumpnjack Neuter Challenge Bitch...................................................................................... Ch Neut Ch Zanzipow Pure Red Poppy Reserve Neuter Challenge....................................................................................................... Ch Jebelmarra Bizzi Lizzi The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 32

BASENJI CLUB OF VICTORIA AUSTRALIA - Judgiing Critique (Continued) probably still a year short of his prime. Best State Bred, Dog Challenge and Best Opposite Sex in Show; 2, Tambuzi the Sherpa of Annapurna, I really liked this substantial but elegant tri boy, well made all through with a lovely front, short back and deep body. Clean coming and going but given every chance I could not get him to show me anything like the reach or drive his conformation suggests he should be capable of. AUSTRALIAN BRED DOG (6, 2 absent) 1, Gr Ch Remwin Little Bit of Cheek, Very typy fine coated red with a beautiful masculine head, good wrinkle and earset, almond-shaped eyes. Decent front, good bone and body, moved very well all round, would just like a bit more shelf behind the tail. Best Australian Bred; 2, Tamsala Great Balls of Fire, this lad is very correct in conformation, with a very good front indeed, one of the best today; and a rear to match, so sound on the move. A little broad in backskull and his feet are not his fortune; 3, Ch Kikongo Trixie’s Kruger Mojo, fine boned tri, elegant and typy. Roaching in topline today. OPEN DOG (5) 1, Ch Debrak On the Road Again (AI), substantial r/w, with a superb front; good layback and return of upper arm that he has given to his offspring present today; square and short-backed with a strong rear. Not in great coat and his well proportioned head lacked wrinkle accordingly. Took this class on his outstanding movement, clean all round and covering a lot of ground in profile; Best Opposite Open; 2, Ch Barzoom Jigsaw, attractive and substantial r/w with a very nice head and outlook, moved OK but not quite as good in angulation behind as he is in front; 3, Ch Barzoom Captain James T, typy sort, finer in bone than the first two, very nice head, coat and colour, short back. Not particularly settled; he was dipping in topline and going wide behind on occasion. VETERAN DOG 7-10 YEARS (2) 1, Sup Ch Afrikenji Hot Sumaknight, this chap is an absolute credit to his owner, to keep him looking as good as this, and as in love with the ring as he still is, is quite a feat. Exemplary type with such a lovely head, masculine without coarseness. Square and elegant with good length of leg, double curl tail still and moving well for his age. Best Veteran 7-10 years; 2, Ch Eurabbie Mustang, another super head on this RW boy, fine deep red jacket, square with fine bone. Couldn’t match the winner on the move and could use a little more body.


MINOR PUPPY BITCH (5) This was a very nice class. 1, Bkela Meeam Mali, this little tri bitch is a cracker. Lovely little feminine head, short back, fine bone, strong rear with good shelf and high set tail. Light, free movement and a great ‘look at me’ attitude. Could just wish for a little more fill in front. Best Minor Puppy; 2, Tambuzi Secret of Roan Inish, littermate to the BP and of similar excellent type. Very good front with good fill and return, clean fine bone, good feet, level topline and very nice movement. Not quite as free behind as 1; 3, Tamard Thundabird, another most attractive youngster, fine black jacket, pretty head, good bone, moved very well. Just needs to firm up in topline. PUPPY BITCH (2) 1, Nonaym Bells of the Congo, stylish tri girl who knows how to show herself off; pretty feminine head with good wrinkle, good shoulder, short back, strong rear, long free stride. Topline

held well on the move but roaching a little when stacked. Best Opposite Puppy; 2, Wuliango Congo Rose, leggy, elegant r/w, very nice head and good tail and curl, good turn of stifle, moved OK when she settled. Bit narrow in front still. INTERMEDIATE BITCH (5) Difficult class. 1, Eurabbie Black Dahlia, b/w bitch that was rather different in type from many of the others present. Flashily marked, with a well-balanced head; good shoulder, correct return of upper arm, strong well-muscled rear and highset tail, all made the most of on the move, covering lots of ground and clean behind; bit too wide in front and topline not her fortune. Best Opposite Intermediate; 2, Ch Kikongo African Eskimo Kyss, lovely head on this r/w girl, very typy and elegant with fine bone and square outline, good front, thought she would be my winner stacked but disappointed that she lacked drive and reach on the move; 3, Ch Karamo Karemba, elegant and leggy r/w with a very nice rear, pretty head with good wrinkle but a little narrow in backskull, moved well in profile, untidy in front. LIMIT BITCH (3) 1, Kanibaru Black Elikia, this beautiful girl took my eye as soon as she walked into the ring and she just got better and better. Fills the eye with her lovely outline; all elegance with plenty of leg but also good depth and tuck up; correct topline held on the move. A beautiful head and not just ‘for a b/w’; she has little ears set high, darkest of dark eyes and correct head planes, wrinkle quite clear to see despite the lack of contrast, fine bone and good feet, balanced front and rear, with excellent reach behind her high set tail, movement clean all round and effortless in profile when she settled, topline held on the move; all topped off with a gleaming fine black jacket. As good a b/w as I have had my hands on and she is just 13 months old. Best Limit, Bitch Challenge and Best in Show; 2, Kimondo Mia Mouscabarian, elegant well marked brindle, fine bone and good coat, moved quite well in profile and behind, good topline and length of leg. Yet again, would like more fill in front. 3, Barzoom Morticia, brindle with a lovely typy head, pretty good front, moved nicely on a loose lead. A little long in body for her length of leg and dipping somewhat in topline. STATE BRED BITCH(4) 1, Ch Tambuzi the Rinpocheof Qinghai, what a naughty girl! Gave her handler a very hard time but she is worth the effort, another really sound one from this kennel. Very correct all through, lovely front with good fill and return, well ribbed up, well angled rear and once she decided to put her feet down in sequence she moved very well; head was on the plain side. Best Opposite State Bred; 2, Ch Unomee Sweetly Smug, petite r/w, pretty head, nicely made all through with a pretty good front and short back, good coat and colour, lifting a bit in front movement; 3, Nonaym Watchthecover, brindle, nice head, well marked, well ribbed up, good angulation, moved OK. Slightly long cast and roaching her topline. AUSTRALIAN BRED BITCH (5) 1, Ch Tamsala Frost and Fire, not showy but such a sound little bitch. Very much the conformation I was looking for. Petite but square, short back, lovely front with good forechest and return of upper arm, good ribbing, broad second thigh and high tailset, moved very well and sound in all directions. Rather too fond of her dinners and her figure suffered as a result. Best Opposite Australian Bred; 2, Ch Bullab Xenas Safiya, a very attractive compact

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 33

BASENJI CLUB OF VICTORIA AUSTRALIA - Judgiing Critique (Continued) r/w with a super bright red coat; nice head, well-proportioned, good angulation and shelf, double curl; moved quite nicely but not with the freedom of 1; 3, Eurabbie Black Rose, taller bitch, plenty of leg and elegance, would like more shelf and firmer topline. OPEN BITCH (6) 1, Gr Ch Remwin Kiss My Cheek, superb stylish and very typy red; fine boned with a striking and correct outline, square and short-backed but with plenty of layback and broad second thigh. Long swinging stride and sound coming and going, plenty of body, high tailset, fine coat and good colour. Such an attractive typical head, with lovely wrinkle and earset. To be hypercritical would like a darker eye, but this is another world class bitch. Best Open, Reserve Challenge and Runner Up in Show; 2, Gr Ch Afrikenji the Fifth Element, another lovely bitch, very nice head, clean bone and good feet, square outline, good coat and colour, high set tail. Sound in all directions; just lifting a little in front. 3, Ch Wazazi High Expectations, this attractive r/w with bright red coat completed a trio of classy girls. Very nice square outline with plenty of leg and good shelf behind her double curled tail. Little bit wide at elbow. VETERAN BITCH 7-10 YEARS (3) 1, Ch Nonaym Sweet Sugar, nice head on this well-preserved compact r/w, liked her good layback of shoulder and correct topline, good turn of stifle and depth of chest. Moved nicely, though a little wide in front. Best Opposite Veteran 7-10 years; 2, Gr Ch Bkela Sari Marais, leggier type, very elegant and with a pleasing head and earset, nice red jacket. Would like more fill in front and a little more angulation.; 3, Ch Karamo Nkuba, this brindle has very much the conformation and type that I was looking for, I thought she would be my winner but alas she was not quite sound in front on the day due to an old injury. VETERAN BITCH 10+ (3) 1, Am Ch Akuaba n’ Tammen’s Toulooloo (Imp USA), compact r/w looking in very good shape for her age as did all these ladies. Level topline still, moved pretty well especially in front, covering the ground well. Nice head and well ribbed up, not in her very best jacket. Best Veteran 10+; 2, Ch Karamo Kokolo, attractive r/w with a very good head and outlook, good topline, tail carriage still good, not quite as positive in movement as 1. ; 3, Ch Bkela Masquerade, elegant, leggy r/w, attractive head, good coat and colour. Would like a little more fill in front.

NEUTERED CLASSES NEUTERED DOG OPEN (1) 1, Ch Unomee Jumpnjack, red with a nice masculine but not coarse head, good length of leg and neck, decent feet, fine bright red coat. Rather straight behind and not covering a lot of ground in profile. Best Opposite Neuter. NEUTERED BITCH OPEN (2) 1, Ch & Neut Ch Zanzibow Pure Red Poppy, and she is! Lovely coat and colour, very nice feminine wedge shaped head, good topline, clean free mover with a lovely long free stride in profile. Little bit fond of her elbows. Best Neuter in Show; 2, Ch Jebelmarra Bizzi Lizzi, tri, older lady who still moves very well in profile and keeps her topline, good solid fine black coat, credit to her owner. Just a little close in hind movement.h

RUBISS Gr Ch Remwin Kiss My Cheek

NORWAY TOP 10 BASENJIS Plass Hundens navn 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 8. 10.

Farlanders Can You See It Now North Exotic Born 2 Succeed Kingwanas Jitterbug North Exotic Born 2 Be Wild Kingwanas Glory Of The Spotlight Chagmas Just A Dream Moyomema Zelda Waridi Doberguard's Ramses Of The Nile Meisterhaus Puzzle n’ Play Shahrans American Eagle

PUPPY OF THE YEAR - Kingwanas Lovebug 100 points

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 34

Totalt Poeng 55 47 45 42 39 38 33 31 31 30

BY KYA Hi out there in Senjiland!


hope you all are surviving the weather. It has been really nasty here, but more on that later.

Drat! Mom went out to buy one of those disposable cameras so I could show everyone just how fun it is to play with Blue Cat, but as I understand it they no longer sell that kind of camera. Oh well. I will find a way to get a picture to you. Blue Cat is very good and never hisses or scratches or bites. He is just a fun kitty. Can't say that for the rest of the cats. We had a long vacation from training. I had anticipated many trips to the training center, but mom seriously hurt her back and could barely walk for a whole month; so no training for me and Libby. Mom is all better now. She even took me for long-overdue walk recently, and we started going go the training center again. Now about that nasty weather recently. Several people called mom to see if we survived the wind (big wind), rain (5 inches) and hail. I am happy to report we were on the edge of the storm by less than a mile, plus we live on a hill so had no standing water like many streets nearby. Since mom was so calm throughout the whole storm. I figured if she wasn't too concerned then I should not worry. either, and took a nap. The only thing good about the rain was it made the grass grow very fast. It was rather pleasant to go out and relax in the lush grass because the weather was just right -- not too hot and not too cold.

I have started training on the jumps at the training center, I do not see the purpose of jumping, but mom says to just wait, there is more to come. Now I am wondering more what?? Now I hear rumors that I may not get to go the National Specialty. It seems there are three things going on that same week -- a wedding, a Walk for the Dogs venue, and the National. I have told mom on no uncertain terms that this may be my last chance to go to a National. Who knows? I might even see a relative of mine. Mom says there is a 100 percent chance that I would not see any close relatives. I did go to another one of those "fun things" and thought I did well, but mom said there was room for improvement. I guess maybe that's true because I do have an attention problem especially when there is something more interesting going on in the next fenced-off area. Mom calls it a ring, but I know a ring is round and that area is square. I heard there are going to be some UKC shows in my area. Mom says maybe Libby and I will have to learn some new commands. Until next time. Just remember -- a stranger is only a friend we have not met yet. May all your dreams come true and all your trails an adventure. h

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BASENJIS CLUB OF CINCINNATI FRIDAY MAY 23, 2014 IN CONJUNCTION WITH WARREN CTY KENNEL CLUB HAMILTON OH JUDGE: MRS. LISA WARREN BOB/BOBOH...................7 GCH Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle. Dog. S Lund & P Geoffroy & S Coe & K Brown BOS .......................................... 10 GCH Dragonete Itapuca. Jerry & Sue Morgan SEL DOG ............................................. 33 CH Epic’s Magic Treat. Becky Blansett SEL BITCH............34 GCH Laurel S’simply Shocking Sabrina. Laura Mae Hesse PUPPY, 6 & UNDER 9 MONTHS DOGS. 1 37 Laurel Force Be With Darwin’s Survivor. Laura Mae Hesse BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS. 1/W 29 Klassic’s Jean Louis. Sue Kite & Jeffrey Gillespie 2 15 Meisterhaus Victory Uturn Upthebeat. Tad Brooks & Joseph Hurt 3 23 Irie N Klassic Absolut Armageddon. Shannon Pratt 4 31 Kaleonahe’s Cairo. Kristen Breyer & Kyle Cabral & Allen Breyer OPEN, BLACK AND WHITE DOGS. 1 21 Bushwacker Kiroja Breaking Bad RN CGC. Kelli Harmon & Chris Frost

OPEN, RED AND WHITE DOGS. 1/R 19 Meisterhaus Sweet Sensation. Becky Parland & Tad Brooks 2 27 Select IC Information. Tracy Leonard DVM & Jeff Leonard PE PUPPY, 6 & UNDER 9 MONTHS BITCHES. 1/R/BP/PG4 28 Sonbar’s BMW. Sally Wuornos & Kari Wuornos Winger 2 24 Laurel Force Be With Carson’s Cause. Laura Mae Hesse 3 12 Epic Select Something Wicked This Way Comes. Becky Blansett & Tracey Leonard 4 18 Joy-Us Oh Happy Daisy. Susan Joyner BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES. 1/W/BW 16 Meisterhaus Victory Up Up ‘N Away. Svetlana Prikhozhan & A Tad Brooks. 2 36 Kaleonahe’s Copacabana. Kyle Cabral & Stephen Strobel 3 14 Sonbar’s Just Causina Frenzie. Sally Wuornos & Laura Caldwell 4 32 Bushwacker Instant Karma. Chris Frost OPEN, RED AND WHITE BITCHES. 1 8 Teazer Khani’s I’m Coming Out. Kathryn Britton & John Gaidos & Anthony Tyler 2 30 Meisterhaus Too Hot To Handle. Kenny Linville & Tad Brooks


1 15 Laurel Force Be With Darwin’s Survivor. Owner: Laura Mae Hesse JUNIOR, 12 & UNDER 18 MONTHS DOGS. 1/BOSP 25 Bushwacker Kiroja Breaking Bad RN CGC. Kelli Harmon & Chris Frost, PUPPY, 6 & UNDER 9 MONTHS BITCHES. 1 20 Laurel Force Be With Carson’s Cause.Owner: Laura Mae Hesse 2 8 Sonbar’s BMW. Owner: Sally Wuornos & Kari Wuornos Winger 3 16 Joy-Us Oh Happy Daisy. Owner: Susan Joyner JUNIOR, 12 & UNDER 18 MONTHS BITCHES. 1/BP 10 Sonbar’s Just Causina Frenzie. Owner: Sally Wuornos & Laura Caldwell

VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES 7 YEARS & OVER BITCHES. 1/BV 24 DC Select Inside The Box SC. Owner: Tracy Leonard DVM & Jeffrey Leonard PE 2 12 GCH Eldorado’s Echo Of A Legend SC. Owner: Kimberly A Brown

REGULAR CONFORMATION JUDGE: MR. ROBERT FROST BOB ........ GCH Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle. Dog Owner: S Lund, P Geoffroy, S Coe & K Brown BOS ................ GCH Laurel S’simply Shocking Sabrina. Bitch. Laura Mae Hesse SEL DOG......CH Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover. Dog. Donna DeFlorio & Kyle Cabral SEL BITCH......................26 GCH Dragonete Itapuca. Bitch. Jerry & Sue Morgan

PUPPY, 6 & UNDER 9 MONTHS DOGS. 1 15 Laurel Force Be With Darwin’s Survivor. Owner: Laura Mae Hesse, BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS. 1/RWD 23 Irie N Klassic Absolut Armageddon. Owner: Shannon Pratt 2 7 Klassic’s Jean Louis. Owner: Sue Kite & Jeffrey Gillespie 3 19 Kaleonahe’s Cairo. Owner: Kristen Breyer & Kyle Cabral & Allen Breyer OPEN, BLACK AND WHITE DOGS. 1 25 Bushwacker Kiroja Breaking Bad RN CGC. Owner: Kelli Harmon & Chris Frost OPEN, RED AND WHITE DOGS. 1/WD/BW 17 Meisterhaus Sweet Sensation. Owner: Becky Parland & Tad Brooks PUPPY, 6 & UNDER 9 MONTHS BITCHES. 1 8 Sonbar’s BMW. Owner: Sally Wuornos & Kari Wuornos Winger 2 20 Laurel Force Be With Carson’s Cause.Owner: Laura Mae Hesse BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES. 1/WB 38 Meisterhaus Too Hot To Handle. Owner: Kenny Linville & Tad Brooks 2/RWB 30 Bushwacker Instant Karma. Owner: Chris Frost 3 32 Kaleonahe’s Copacabana.Owner: Kyle Cabral & Stephen Strobel 4 10 Sonbar’s Just Causina Frenzie. Owner: Sally Wuornos & Laura Caldwell VETERAN, 7 YEARS & OVER DOGS. 1 11 DC Blue Notes Take Five. Owner: Holly Hamilton & Joell Coltrane VETERAN, 7 YEARS & OVER BITCHES. 1 12 GCH Eldorado’s Echo Of A Legend SC. Owner: Kimberly A Brown 2 34 CH Meisterhaus Visionary SC. Owner: K Caton & T Huff & T Meade II

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 36

BASENJI CLUB OF SWEDEN - THE BASENJI DOUBLE 2014 Himmelstalund, Norrköping June 1st 2014 Best of Breed..........................................CH Afrikos Mitas Admiral of Love Best Op Sex................................................................... CH Yulura Stellaria BEST DOGS 1............................................................ Afrikos Miras Admiral of Love, CC 2..................................................................... CH Kenkaali Heeer’s Johnny 3................................................................ Sternhimmels Orvar Odd, R-CC 4. . ........................... CH M Wami’s American Fortune Hunter, BIS Veteran BEST BITCHES 1.................................................................................... CH Yulara Stellaria 2. . .............................................................. CH Chamas Rose To Faraoland 3................................................................................. Shahrans Starlet, CC 4.................................................................... CH Old Legend’s Jewel, R-CC BEST BREEDERS’ GROUP 1.......................................................................................Kenjaali Basenjis 2....................................................................................... Naranja Persson BEST PUPPY Best in Show Puppy Winner...................................... Shahrans Milky Way Best Op Sex Show Puppy Winner....................... Faraoland La Vie En Rose Best of Breed 6-9 Puppy: Best of Breed Winner 6-9 Months...................... Faraoland La Vie En Rose Best Op Sex Winner 6-9 Months..................... Karimba’s Hank Handsome

TOP PHOTO: (L-R) BIS & BOS BOTTOM ROW: BEST IN SHOW: CH Afrikos Mitas Admiral of Love

BEST OP SEX IN SHOW: CH Yulura Stellaria

BEST PUPPY (4-6 Months) Best of Breed Winner 4-6 Months.............................. Shahrans Milky Way Best Op Sex Winner 4-6 Months...................Barkless Diorshow Black Out BEST IN SHOW PUPPY WINNERS

THE TROPHY SHOW (During Dinner) Best of Breed................................................CH Kenjaali Mercury-Mwami Best Op Sex.............................................................................Yulara Kassia BEST BREEDER 1.......................................................................................Kenjaali Basenjis 2....................................................................................... Naranja Persson



ABOVE: DinnerSpecialty - Judges- Rusty Grayson and Scott Wright. RIGHT SIDE - BEST PUPPIES (L-R ) Shahrans Milky Way & Faraoland La Vie En Rose Faraoland La Vie En Rose & Karimba’s Hank Handsome Shahrans Milky Way & Barkless Diorshow Black Out The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 37



JUNE 7-8, 2014 JUDGE: SALLY WALLIS (GREAT BRITAIN) (25 puppies + 37 dogs + 46 bitches) BIS ............................................................................................Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever BOS ........................................................................................... Vanguardian Token of Luck BIS-puppy .................................................................................... Faraoland La Vie En Rose BOS-puppy .............................................................................................. Hi-Lite Cola Candy BIS-veteran .................................................................................................. Ajibu Billlie Jean BOS-veteran .................................................................................... Hanishan Game Hunter BIS-working dog ............................................................................... Bulldobas Apocalyptica BOS-working dog .................................................................. Hanishan Reveal The Mystery BIS-breeders group ...................................................................................... kennelKanjaras BIS-progeny group ......................................................................................... Ajibu Cool Cat PUPPIES - MALES 5-7 MONTHS Hi-Lite Cola Candy....................................................Puppy class 1 HP, BDP 1, BOS-puppy Bulldobas Baroos In The Nigh....................................................................Puppy class 2 HP Bastillin Ants ’N The Pants...............................................................................Puppy class 3 Kanjaras Choco................................................................................................Puppy class 4 PUPPIES - MALES 7-9 MONTHS Rosone’s Vino Vermentino...............................................................................Puppy class 1 Rosone’s Vino Verduzzo..................................................................................Puppy class 2 PUPPIES - FEMALES 5-7 MONTHS Faraoland La Vie En Rose...........................................Puppy class 1 HP, BBP1, BIS-puppy Behukai Florida Sun...................................................................................Puppy class 2 HP Hi-Lite Cotton Candy..................................................................................Puppy class 3 HP Motion Of Life At Wild Africa.......................................................................Puppy class 4 HP PUPPIES - FEMALES 7-9 MONTHS Rosone’s Viola Vernaccia................................................................Puppy class 1 HP, BBP2 Rosone’s Viola Verdeca.............................................................................Puppy class 2 HP

MALES BD1....... Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever.................................................. Champion EXC 1 CQ BD2....... Bulldobas Zappa Safeguard........................................ Open EXC 1 CQ, CC, FI CH BD3....... Hanishan Game Hunter....................................... Veteran EXC 1 CQ, BOS-veteran BD4....... Ajibu Jumping Jack Flash....................................................... Champion EXC 2 CQ JUNIOR CLASS Perrada Unican Impressive.........................................................................Junior EXC 1 CQ Kanjaras Road Like No Other......................................................................Junior EXC 2 CQ INTERMEDIATE CLASS Heriaheri Viridian Green................................................................... Intermediate EXC 1 CQ Sternhimmels Orvar Odd.................................................................. Intermediate EXC 2 CQ Rosone’s Terra Di Tornado.............................................................. Intermediate EXC 3 CQ Ajibu Life and Soul............................................................................ Intermediate EXC 4 CQ OPEN CLASS Bulldobas Zappa Safeguard...................................................... Open EXC 1 CQ, CC, FI CH Sternhimmels Optimus Maximus.................................................... Open EXC 2 CQ, ResCC Furahan Java Jamil............................................................................................ Open EXC 3 Bushwacker Maximum Power............................................................................ Open EXC 4 WORKING CLASS Bulldobas Apocalyptica...............................................Working EXC 1 CQ, BIS-working dog Ajibu Foolin’ Around................................................................................ Working EXC 2 CQ Ajibu Ebony Eyez...........................................................................................Working EXC 3 CHAMPION CLASS Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever................................................................ Champion EXC 1 CQ Ajibu Jumping Jack Flash..................................................................... Champion EXC 2 CQ Ankhu Baroos At Bulldobas.................................................................. Champion EXC 3 CQ Kanjaras Whoop-De-Doo..................................................................... Champion EXC 4 CQ VETERAN CLASS Hanishan Game Hunter..................................................... Veteran EXC 1 CQ, BOS-veteran Bulldobas No Regrets...............................................................................Veteran EXC 2 CQ Bulldobas Adofo Amani............................................................................Veteran EXC 3 CQ Kanjaras Zindika.......................................................................................Veteran EXC 4 CQ

BEST DOG / BEST IN SHOW FI Ch HeW-13 Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever

BEST BITCH / BEST OP SEX Vanguardian Token of Luck

(Top Right Picture) BEST PUPPY IN SHOW Faraoland La Vie En Rose (Bottom Right Picture) BEST OP SEX PUPPY Hi-Lite Cola Candy

PHOTOS Courtesy of Pauliina Ylitörmä The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 38


BEST WORKING DOG Bulldobas Apocalyptica BEST OP SEX WORKING DOG Hanishan Reveal The Mystery

FEMALES BB1....... Vanguardian Token of Luck.................................................. Open EXC 1 CQ, CAC BB2....... Rosone’s Retro Rimembranza ............................................... Champion EXC 1 CQ BB3....... Bulldobas Zandra Safeguard.................................................. Champion EXC 3 CQ BB4....... Ajibu Billlie Jean....................................................Veteran EXC 1 CQ, BIS-veteran JUNIOR CLASS Perrada Unican Iron Comes From Meroe...................................................Junior EXC 1 CQ Perrrada Unican In The Garden Of Elma....................................................Junior EXC 2 CQ Kanjaras Road To Excellence .......................................................................... Junior EXC 3 INTERMEDIATE CLASS Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wow Factor.......................................................... Intermediate EXC 1 CQ Perrada Unican I Choose My Path................................................... Intermediate EXC 2 CQ Emerald............................................................................................ Intermediate EXC 3 CQ Perrada Unican I Shall Wear Midnight............................................. Intermediate EXC 4 CQ OPEN CLASS Vanguardian Token of Luck................................................................ Open EXC 1 CQ, CAC Hanishan Yankee Cutie Candy....................................................................Open EXC 2 CQ Kanjaras Piquant Mix....................................................................................Open EXC 3 CQ Rosone’s Soprano Supernova......................................................................Open EXC 4 CQ WORKINGCLASS Hanishan Reveal The Mystery................................... Working EXC 1 CQ BOS-working dog CHAMPION CLASS Rosone’s Retro Rimembranza............................................................. Champion EXC 1 CQ Bulldobas Cute As A Button................................................................. Champion EXC 2 CQ Bulldobas Zandra Safeguard................................................................ Champion EXC 3 CQ Hi-Lite Hula Hoops............................................................................... Champion EXC 4 CQ VETERAN CLASS Ajibu Billie Jean...................................................................Veteran EXC 1 CQ, BIS-veteran Bulldobas Kito Keisha...............................................................................Veteran EXC 2 CQ Hanishan Glory For Love..........................................................................Veteran EXC 3 CQ Hanishan Titilayo Sharab.........................................................................Veteran EXC 4 CQ BREEDERS CLASS kennel Kanjaras ................................................................... Breeders 1 BIS-breeders group Kanjaras Road Like No Other Kanjaras Whoop-De-Doo Kanjaras Timeus Theron Kanjaras Zindika kennel Hanishan .............................................................................................Breeders 2 HP Hanishan Game Hunter Hanishan Reveal The Mystery Hanishan Que Sera Sera Hanishan X-clusive kennel Rosone’s .............................................................................................Breeders 3 HP Rosone’s Terra Di Tornado Rosone’s Retro Regina Rosone’s Soprano Supernova Rosone’s Retro Rimembranza kennel Bulldobas ............................................................................................Breeders 4 HP Bulldobas Zappa Safeguard Bulldobas Rockin’Rhythm Bulldobas No Regrets Bulldobas Cute As A Button Bulldobas Zandra Safeguard PROGENY CLASS Ajibu Cool Cat.............................................................................Progeny 1 HP, BIS-progeny (Pukkanut Midnight Sun x Ajibu American Pie) Ajibu Foolin’ Around Ajibu Feelin’ Good Ajibu Heart And Soul Ajibu Foolish Heart Ajibu Hungry Heart Perrada Unican Elf In Sight .............................................................................Progeny 2 HP (Jo Coyote’s Bombastic x Perrada Unican Azure Dragon) Perrada Unican Impressive Perrada Unican Iron Comes From Meroe Perrada Unican In The Garden Of Elma Perrada Unican I Shall Wear Midnight Zahleka My Own Way .....................................................................................Progeny 3 HP (No Ka Oi Travels To Kazor x Taji’s Absolut Intoxication) Perrada Unican Impressive Perrada Unican I Choose My Path Perrada Unican I Shall Wear Midnight Vanguardian Token of Luck

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BEST OF BREED................................................................ 45 CH Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover. (dog) Donna DeFlorio & Kyle Cabral. BEST OP SEX ................................................ 44 GCH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow! (bitch) S. Lund & P. Geoffroy & S. Coe. SELECT DOG.........................................................................39 GCH Undercover AB UR A Bell Ringer. Wanda Pooley & Gale Whitehurst. SELECT BITCH..................................48 CH Signet ‘Tis-A Gone With The Wind.. B. J. Cassell & C. Cassell & F. Hughes & J. A. Hughes. BEST OF WINNERS...................................................................................................................................... Jadaka Meisterhaus Silver Legacy WINNERS DOG............................................................................................................................................. Jadaka Meisterhaus Silver Legacy WINNERS BITCH.................................................................................................................................................................... Signet Knights Tale

IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CHICAGOLAND HOUND ASSOCIATION JUDGE - MRS. BETTY-ANNE STENMARK 6-9 MOS. PUPPY DOGS 1/W/BW 19 Jadaka Meisterhaus Silver Legacy. Janice Kahl 2 13 Joy Us Darkside Of The Moon. Maggie Galaszewski. 3 15 Joy Us Hung The Moon. Terry Colbert. 4 11 Joy Us Shoot For The Moon. Jan M. Cook AMATEUR OWNER HANDLER DOGS 1 21 Joy Us Under The African Moon. Maggie Galaszewski. BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS 1/RW 33 Meisterhaus Victory Uturn Upthebeat. A. Tad Brooks & Joseph A. Hurt. 2 31 Signet Knights Reign. Brenda J. Cassell & Ciara E. Cassell & Gary D. & Wendy Bell. 3 23 Akuaba N Eldorado Heart Of Gold. S. Lund & P. Geoffroy & S. Coe & Donna DeFlorio. 4 27 Dakars Wizards Mystical Charm. Karen Kuchta. 6-9 MOS. PUPPY BITCHES 1/RW 12 Eldorado N Akuaba Going In Style. S. Lund & P. Geoffroy & S. Coe. 2 18 Meisterhaus Victory CoCo Chanel. Tim V. Huff. 3 16 Laurel Force Be With Carson’s Cause. Laura Mae Hesse. 4 14 Joy Us Moonflower. Marcia Fertig. AMATEUR OWNER HANDLER BITCHES 1 20 Dakotah’s Chantellie Lace JC. Terry L. Lemberger & Lisa Lemberger. BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES 1/W 32 Signet Knights Tale. Brenda J. Cassell & Ciara E. Cassell & Gary D. & Wendy Bell. 2 34 Kaleonahe’s Copacabana. Kyle Cabral & Stephen Strobel.


3 26 Akuaba N Eldorado Hearts On Fire. S. Lund & P. Geoffroy & S. Coe. 4 30 Laurel Frim Fram Only A Cockeyed Optimist. Laura Mae Hesse. OPEN BLACK & WHITE BITCHES 1 36 Kasendo Melar Heart Like Mine. Melody Falcone & Kathryn B. Boyd. OPEN RED & WHITE BITCHES 1 Lukuru FoPaw’s Like Diamonds At New World. Karla A. Schreiber & Jo Thompson. VETERAN 7 YRS & OLDER DOGS 1 37 GCH DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX. Terry Colbert & Robert Robinette.

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GREATER CHICAGOLAND BASENJI SPECIALTY SWEEPSTAKES JUDGE - MR. WOOD WORNALL 6-9 MOS SWEEPS PUPPY DOGS 1/BOSS (15) Joy Us Hung The Moon. Terry Colbert. 2 (19) Jadaka Meisterhaus Silver Legacy. Janice Kahl. 3 (17) Laurel Frim Fram Soaring Griffin. Jonathan Marrone & Laura Mae Hesse. 4 (13) Joy Us Darkside Of The Moon. Maggie Galaszewski. 12-18 MOS SWEEPS DOGS 1 (31) Signet Knights Reign. Brenda J. Cassell & Ciara E. Cassell & Gary D. & Wendy Bell. 6-9 MOS SWEEPS PUPPY BITCHES 1/BSS (12) Eldorado N Akuaba Going In Style. S. Lund & P. Geoffroy & S. Coe. 2 (16) Laurel Force Be With Carson’s Cause. Laura Mae Hesse. 4 (18) Meisterhaus Victory CoCo Chanel. Tim V. Huff. 3 (22) Joy Us Oh Happy Daisy. Sue Joyner. 12-18 MOS SWEEPS BITCHES 1 (32) Signet Knights Tale. Brenda J. Cassell & Ciara E. Cassell & Gary D. & Wendy Bell.

VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES 7 YRS & OLDER VET SWPS DOGS 1/BOVS (37) GCH DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX. Terry Colbert & Robert Robinette. 7 YRS & OLDER VET SWPS BITCHES 1/BVS (42) CH Arendahls Carnival Night JC OA OAJ RA. Lisa & Amy Marshall.


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Friday, July 18, 2014 Held at Red Sunset Park Gresham, OR

In Conjunction with Oklahoma City Kennel Club

JUDGE: JOHN P WADE (50 ENT - 22D - 28B)

SWEEPSTAKES JUDGE: MS VICKIE JACOBS PUPPY DOGS 6 MOS & UNDER 9 MOS . 1 (15) SIGNET A KNIGHT TO REMEMBER. Brenda J Cassell & Ciara E Cassell. JUNIOR DOGS 15 MOS & UNDER 18 MOS . 1 (17) SIGNET KNIGHTS REIGN. Brenda & Ciara Cassell Gary & Wendy Bell. PUPPY BITCHES 6 MOS & UNDER 9 MOS . 2 (12) FLYN HI AB DARK MISTRESS. Cindy Griswold & Wanda Pooley. 1/BSS (14) SIGNET FORBIDDEN TRYST. Brenda J Cassell & Ciara E Cassell. JUNIOR BITCHES 15 MOS & UNDER 18 MOS . 1 (8) I AM MARY FULA GRACE FROM SONBAR. Dyan Baughan.


REGULAR CLASSES JUDGE: MR GIULIANO BIASIOLO BEST OF BREED.........................................................................SIGNET KNIGHTS REIGN SELECT BITCH/BOBOH.... 8 I AM MARY FULA GRACE FROM SONBAR. Dyan Baughan. BEST OF OP SEX............ 16 CH SIGNET ‘TIS-A GONE WITH THE WIND. Brenda & Ciara Cassell, Fred & Joyce Hughes SELECT DOG............... 19 CH G CH AHMAHR NAHR’S BEST OF THE BEST. JD Behles RJ Walley WINNERS DOG/BOW..................................................................SIGNET KNIGHTS REIGN WINNERS BITCH.....................................................KASENDO-MELAR HEART LIKE MINE DOGS PUPPY DOGS 6 MOS & UNDER 9 MOS. 1 15 SIGNET A KNIGHT TO REMEMBER. Brenda J Cassell & Ciara E Cassell. 2 37 TEAZER KHANI’S COUNT ON ME OHANA. Zoe & Sherry Patton & John Gaidos & Kathy Britton. BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR DOGS 1/W/BB/BW 17 SIGNET KNIGHTS REIGN. Brenda & Ciara Cassell Gary & Wendy Bell. 2 11 I AM JOSEPH THE BELOVED FROM SONBAR. Dyan Baughan. OPEN DOGS 1/R 31 KASENDO-TUTU ROYAL IRON MAN. Kathryn Boyd & Elda Cross & Sherry Heath BITCHES PUPPY BITCHES 6 MOS & UNDER 9 MOS . 1 14 SIGNET FORBIDDEN TRYST. OWNER: Brenda J Cassell & Ciara E Cassell. OPEN BITCHES 1/W 6 KASENDO-MELAR HEART LIKE MINE. Melody Falcone & Kathryn Boyd. 2/R 22 KASENDO TUTU ROYAL CROWN JEWEL. Kathryn Boyd & Elda Cross & Sherry Heath. VETERAN BITCHES. 1 20 DC RA-SHES FUTURE VIEW OF TUTU SC. Elda R & Tom Cross & G Whitehurst & W Pooley.

Best of Breed...................... GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin (D), J Jones/K Jones/C Kok Best of Opposite Sex........ CH Signet ‘Tis-A Gone With The Wind (B), B Cassell/C Cassell/ F Hughes/J Hughes Select Dog.......................... GCH DC Atarasi’s D’Lucks Edition SC N Sherman/N Scherwin Select Bitch...........................GCH CH Khanis Icarly Baru G Woodard/K Britton/M Woodard Best of Winners................Khani’s Teazer Last Friday Night (B), C Rose/K Britton/J Gaidos Winners Dog ...............................Signet Knights Reign B Cassell/C Cassell/G BELL/W Bell Reserve Winner Dog .......................................................... Cosmic’s Extratriestrial A Noble Winners Bitch .........................Khani’s Teazer Last Friday Night C Rose/K Britton/J Gaidos Reserve Winner Bitch ....................................................Taji’s Evening Couture K Campbell DOGS PUPPY 6 - 9 MOS. 1/RWD Cosmic’s Extratriestrial A Noble 2 Proudlaan Up In Arms J Bayley/L Pond 3 ‘Tis-A Signet Meisterhaus Game On J Hughes/F Hughes/B Cassell/T Brooks/C Cassell 4 Bahaticca’s Colonel Red N Scherwin BRED BY EXHIBITOR 1/WD Signet Knights Reign B Cassell/C Cassell/G BELL/W Bell 2 Bantu’s Illustrated Overture J Miller/S Miller 3 Nelsons Mercury Of Magnificent 7 In Flight D Nelson/L Nelson 4 Tailwind’s The World Is Not Enough J Leicht/L Forbess OPEN BLACK/WHITE 1 TAJI’S TOP HAT & TAILS V Short/V Kudritzki/K Campbell OPEN RED/WHITE 1 Baru Khani’s Humuhumunukunukuapua’A P Schultz/A Schultz OPEN BLACK/TAN/WHITE 1 Kibushi Gugu Diospyros B Reisinger/J Curby/J Reisinger NON-REG DUAL CHAMPION 1 DC Emerant Makindu Heez Got Game BN RN SC B Phillips BITCHES PUPPY 6 - 9 MOS. 1 Proudlaan Get Up! Stand Up! L Pond/W Pond 2 Cd’s Sweet Emotion T Cuzzetto PUPPY 9 - 12 MOS. 1 Nelsons Faith Of Magnificent 7 In Flight D Nelson/L Nelson/A Nelson BRED BY EXHIBITOR 1/WB/BOW Khani’s Teazer Last Friday Night C Rose/K Britton/J Gaidos 2/RWB Taji’s Evening Couture K Campbell 3 Bantu’s Comeback Queen J Miller/S Miller 4 Emerant’s R E S P E C T L Hart/B Hart AMERICAN BRED 1 Khani’s Absolut I Got It Goin’ On C Stehl/K Britton AMATEUR OWNER HANDLER 1 Taji’s hAfrican Queen Disa B Reisinger/J Reisinger/K Campbell OPEN RED/WHITE 1 Emerant’s Hush Hush L Hart/B Hart 2 Teazer’s Tapout K Britton/J Gaidos/A Halemanu 3 Baru Khani’s North Shore Lilikoi M Woodard/G Woodard OPEN BRINDLE/WHITE 1 Zamaradi’s Im Not Your Steppin Stone S Smith-Falkner/J Falkner NON-REG DUAL CHAMPION 1 DC Prize - Dp Just For You SC T Cuzzetto 2 DC Taji’s Alster Ego From Hodari SC LCX M Chaffin/K Campbell VETERAN DOG 10 AND OVER 1 GCH CH Jumoke Khani Baru Rumba RN G Woodard/B Gregory/K Britton/L Gregory VETERAN BITCHES 7 TO 10 YRS 1 CH Proudlaan Panda-Monium L Pond VETERAN BITCH 10 & OVER 1 CH Khani’s Dp Poetry In Motion SC E Bramble/K Britton 2 CH Jamaa-Tanza Makindu RN SC NA CA B Phillips/J Sheldon

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BKD CLUB WINNER SHOW - BASENJI CLUB OF DEUTSCHLAND Location: Castle Meisdorf - July 5, 2014 Judge: Beverly Capstick (USA) On the beautiful castle grounds Mrs. Beverly Capstick (USA) judged 22 basenjis and chose the following as her winners: Best Of Breed/Best In Specialty Show......................................................................................... Ch. Dakarai Grasshopper, Noel Baaser Best Of Opposite Sex.......................................................................................................................... Msumari`s Baymoyo, Sabine Nagel Junior Best of Breed............................................................................................................................. Msumari`s Bayouhli, Sabine Nagel Veteran Best of Breed & Veteran BIS-1................................................................................. Ch. C-Quest Echo of Eldorado, Noel Baaser Veteran Best of Opposite Sex...........................................................................................Ch. Wordsworth Image of Gossip, Noel Baaser Puppy Best of Breed & Puppy BIS-1.................................................... Mamba-Ewanga Black Jungle Balou, Tanja Deutschmann-Ruffing Puppy Best of Opposite Sex................................................................................................. Kokojambo`s Jamila, Regina & Thomas Ernst Best Breeders Group & Breeders Group BIS-2...............................................................................................“Msumari`s,” Sabine Nagel Best Brace & Brace BIS-3................................................................................Msumari`s Bayouhli & Msumari`s Baymoyo, Sabine Nagel

(L - R) Best Of Breed/Best In Specialty Show Best Of Opposite Sex

(L - R) Veteran Best Of Opposite Sex Veteran Best of Breed

Junior Best Of Breed

(L - R) Puppy Best Of Breed Puppy Best Of Opposite Sex

Best Breeders Group

Best Brace

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SWEEPSTAKES JUDGE: LYNDA BEAM PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES BEST PUPPY..............................................................................................Rafikis Wild Weather BEST OP SEX PUPPY.......................................................................... Joy-US Hung The Moon PUPPY DOG 6 MO & UNDER 9 MO 1BOSP Joy-US Hung The Moon,Terry Colbert 2 Eldorado N Pride I Am A Rock, Pam Geoffroy Donna DeFlorio 3 Sonbar’s Justa Determinded Talker at Jaiye, Yvonne Ricroft Kari Wuornos Winger, Sallly Ann Wuornos 4 Joy-Us Shoot For The Moon, Jan Cook BRED-BY EXHIBITOR DOG 1 Laurel Force Be With Darwin’s Survivor, Laura Mae Hesse 2 Faded Rose’s Stray Cat Strut, Kristine A. Hagen 3 Kaleonahe’s Extrovert, Kyle Cabral Stephen Strobel PUPPY BITCH 6 MO & UNDER 9 MO 1 Sonbar’s BMW, Sally Wuornos Kari Wuornos Winger 2 Joy-Us Oh Happy Daisy, Susan Joyner


3 Laurel Frim Fram Only a Cockeyed Optimist, Laura Mae Hesse 4 Rafikis Silent Night at C-Quest-Jokuba, Michelle Gahgan BRED-BY EXHIBITOR BITCH 1BP Rafikis Wild Weather, Michelle Gahgan 2 Laurel Force Be With Carson’s Cause, Laura Mae Hesse 3 Kaleonahe’s Enchanted, Kyle Cabral Stephen Strobel 4 Faded Rose’s Cat Whisperer, Kristine A. Hagen

VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES BEST VETERAN GCh DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX BEST OP SEX VETERAN........................................... Int DC Ra-Shes Future View of TuTu VETERAN BITCH 10 YRS & OLDER 1BOSV Int DC Ra-Shes Future View of TuTu, Elda R Cross Tom Cross & Gale Whitehurst & Wanda Pooley VETERAN DOG 7 YRS & UNDER 10 YRS 1BV GCh DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX, Terry Colbert 2 Ch Laurel Sashalia Tajiamiri, Laura Mae Hesse 3 CH. SugrShaq-Ankhu No Holds Barred, Caryn J. Jones Michael P. Jones





BEST OF BREED............................................................................................... Ch Sirobe Egotistical Rosewood, Bradley Phifer BOS/OH BOB.................................................................................... GCh Laurel S’Simply Shocking Sabrina, Laura Mae Hesse SELECT DOG.................. GCh Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle, Kim Brown, Pam Geoffroy Sheila Lund, Susan Coe SELECT BITCH.................................................................Ch Ankhu No Introduction Needed, Caryn J. Jones, Michael P Jones AOM.............................................................................GCh Undercover AB UR A Bell Ringer, Wanda Pooley, Gale Whitehurst AOM......................................................................GCh Akuaba N Eldorado Xtra Base Hit, Donna DeFlorio, S Lund, P Geoffroy AOM...........................................................................................................................Ch Joy-Us Move It On Over, Susan Joyner WINNERS DOG/BOW/BBEX................................................................................... Sonbar’s Justa Determinded Talker at Jaiye RESERVE WINNERS DOG............................................................................................................ Faded Rose’s Stray Cat Strut WINNERS BITCH..............................................................................................................Rafikis Silent Night at C-Quest-Jokuba RESERVE WINNERS BITCH...................................................................................Laurel Frim Fram Only a Cockeyed Optimist PUPPY DOG 6-9 MOS 1 Rafikis Snow Wonder, Robb Lounsbury, Michelle Gahgan 2 Eldorado N Pride I Am A Rock, Pam Geoffroy, Donna DeFlorio 3 Dark Moon I’m Gonna Let You Have It, Bradley Phifer 4 Joy-US Hung The Moon, Terry Colbert BRED-BY EXHIBITOR - DOG 1WD/BOW/BBX Sonbar’s Justa Determinded Talker at Jaiye, Yvonne Ricroft, Kari Wuornos Winger, Sally Ann Wuornos 2RWD Faded Rose’s Stray Cat Strut, Kristine A. Hagen 3 Laurel Force Be With Darwin’s Survivor, Laura Mae Hesse 4 Kaleonahe’s Extrovert, Kyle Cabral Stephen Strobel AMATEUR OWNER HANDLER DOG 1 Ankhu Across the Universe, W. Clayton Bunyard, Caryn Jones 2 Joy-Us Under The African Moon, Margaret Galaszewski OPEN RED/WHITE DOG 1 Sonbar’s Justa Cool Rythem, Katie Klabechek The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 44



PUPPY BITCH 6-9 MOS 1WB Rafikis Silent Night at C-Quest-Jokuba, Michelle Gahgan 2RWB Laurel Frim Fram Only a Cockeyed Optimist, Laura Mae Hesse 3 Flyn Hi AB Dark Mistress, Cindy Griswold Wanda Pooley 4 Sonbar’s BMW Sally Wuornos, Kari Wuornos Winger BRED-BY EXHIBITOR - BITCH 1 Rafikis Wild Weather, Michelle Gahgan 2 Kaleonahe’s Enchanted, Kyle Cabral, Stephen Strobel 3 Joy-Us Oh Happy Daisy, Susan Joyner 4 Faded Rose’s Cat Whisperer, Kristine A. Hagen Amateur Owner Handler Bitch 1 Dakotah’s Chantellie Lace, Terry Lemberger, Lisa Lemberger




OPEN BLACK/WHITE BITCH 1 Kasendo Melar Heart Like Mine, Melody Falcone, Kathryn Boyd 2 Kaleonahe’s Copacabana, Kyle Cabral, Stephen Strobel VETERAN DOG 7 & UNDER 10 YRS 1 Ch Laurel Sashalia Tajiamiri, Laura Mae Hesse 2 GCh DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX, Terry Colbert 3 CH. SugrShaq-Ankhu No Holds Barred, Caryn J. Jones, Michael P. Jones VETERAN BITCH 10 & OVER 1 Int DC Ra-Shes Future View of TuTu, Elda R Cross,Tom Cross & Gale Whitehurst & Wanda Pooley NON REGULAR MULTIPLE ENTRY CLASS STUD DOG 1 GCh DC Jerlin’s Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX, Terry Colbert




RESERVE WINNERS BITCH The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 45


EVERGREEN BASENJI CLUB SPECIALTIES, August 1 & 2, 2014 FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 2014 - JUDGE: MS KALEN DUMKE BOB.................................................. GCH Platinum’s Fear Is Not A Factor RN JC BOS............................................................ GCH Taji’s Klassic Lil Black Dress SC SEL BITCH/BOBOH........... GCH Fopaw’s Dlucks Moon Dance. Natalie Scherwin Nancy Sherman, Therese Leimback SEL DOG............... CH Taji Platinum Will.I.Am. Katie Campbell, Mary K. Quinnett JAM................................... GCH Jumoke Baru Mr. Moonlight. Dog. Melina Carter George Woodard, Bryan & Laurie Gregory JAM................GCH Jumoke’s Trifecta RN. Bitch. Bryan Gregory, Laurie Gregory JAM...................................... CH Jumoke’s Sweet Darlin’. Bitch. JoDee Funchess WD..................................................................Taji’s Top Hat & Tails. Valerie Short WB/BOW..................................................................Proudlaan Get Up! Stand Up! PUPPY DOGS 6 MOS. & UNDER 9 MOS. 1/RWD dLucks Svengali Zindika’s Overnight Sensation. Natalie Scherwin 2 Proudlaan Up In Arms. Joan V. Bayley, Laura Pond 3 Devils Peak Khadijah Criminal Minds. Martina M Cortez, Cynthia J Austin, Sandy McArthur 4 Taji’s Platinum Duke Of Veramonte. Steve Wicklund, Katie Campbell, Mary K Quinnett DOGS 12 MOS. & UNDER 18 MOS. 1 Baraka Boss Gibbs. Paul Bowlus-Root, William Bowlus-Root BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS 1 Tazamisha’s Time Bandit. Cori Arey, Nicholas Cortez 2 Tailwind’s The World Is Not Enough. Julie Leicht, Lori Forbess 3 Devils Peak Distorted Humor SC. Martina M Cortez, Cynthia J Austin 4 Khadijah’s Dark Passenger JC. Sandy McArthur OPEN RED/WHITE DOGS 1 Jumoke Motema Ya Butu Liso. Bryan Gregory, Laurie Gregory 2 Bahaticca’s Colonel Red. Natalie Scherwin 3 Baru Khanis Humuhumunukunukuapua’a. Patrick Shultz, Annette Shultz OPEN BLACK/TAN/WHITE DOGS 1 Kibushi Gugu Diospyros. Barbara Reisinger, Jon Curby, Jared Reisinger Open Brindle/White Dogs 1 Jumoke Baraka Dreamin Of Rio. David McMahon, Zandra McMahon, Brian & Laurie Gregory OPEN BLACK/WHITE DOGS 1/WD Taji’s Top Hat & Tails. Valerie Short, Virginia Kudritzki, Katie Campbell PUPPY BITCHES 6 MOS. & UNDER 9 MOS. 1/W/BOW Proudlaan Get Up! Stand Up!. William & Laura Pond 2 Tazamisha DP Khadijah Believe In Me. Valerie Cortez, Martina M Cortez, Cynthia J Austin, Sandy McArthur 3 Zamaradi’s A Streetcar Named Desire. Isaac Smith, Sarah Smith-Falkner, Jeffrey Falkner 4 Devils Peak Khadijah The Devil Wears Prada. Martina M Cortez, Cynthia J Austin, Sandy McArthur PUPPY BITCHES 9 MOS. & UNDER 12 MOS.


Nelsons Friendship Of Magnificent 7 In Flight. Lawrence & Deborah Nelson 2 Nelsons Faith Of Magnificent 7 In Flight.: Lawrence, Deborah and Amiah Nelson 3 Nelson’s Magnificent 7 In Flight Aurora. Elaine Monzon BITCHES 12 MOS. & UNDER 18 MOS. 1 Baraka Mysterious Zevah. Owners: Paul Bowlus-Root, William BowlusRoot BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES 1/R/BOBBBE Taji’s Evening Couture. Hp44444201. Katie Campbell 2 Tazamisha’s Heartleah. Nicholas Cortez, Sara Weidenhaft 3 Baraka Billie Burke. Paul Bowlus-Root, William Bowlus-Root 4 Devils Peak Khadijah She’s All That. Martina M Cortez, Cynthia J Austin, Valerie Cortez, Sandy McArthur

AMERICAN BRED BITCHES 1 Nelsons Freedom Of Magnificent 7 In Flight. Kenneth Berger, Lawrence Nelson, Deborah Nelson 2 Taji’s Hafrican Queen Disa. Barbara & Jared Reisinger, Katie Campbell OPEN RED/WHITE BITCHES 1 Nelsons Liberty Bell Of Magnificent 7 In Flight. Dewayne Bednarik, Leah Ward, & Lawrence Nelson 2 Emerant’s Hush Hush. Lisa Hart, Bryce Hart 3 Baru Khani’s North Shore Lilikoi.Marcia Woodard, George Woodard 4 Baraka Billie Holiday. Kay Doolittle, Paul Bowlus-Root, William BowlusRoot OPEN BRINDLE/WHITE BITCHES 1 Baraka Spring Over The Ground. Kay Doolittle, Paul Bowlus-Root, William Bowlus-Root 2 Zamaradi’s Im Not Your Steppin Stone. Sarah Smith-Falkner, Jeffrey Falkner VETERAN DOGS 7 YRS. & UNDER 10 YRS. 1/BOB GCH Platinum’s Fear Is Not A Factor RN JC. MaryK Quinnett, Larry Quinnett VETERAN DOGS 10 YRS. & OLDER 1 CH Tazamisha Dp The Duce Is Wild. Valerie Cortez, David Cortez 2 GCH Jumoke Khani Baru Rumba RN. George Woodard, Kathryn Britton, Bryan Gregory, Laurie Gregory 3 Coastals Rising Son JC. Suzanne Pintar, Lee Pintar VETERAN BITCHES 7 YRS. & UNDER 10 YRS. 1/BOS GCH Taji’s Klassic Lil Black Dress SC. Katie Campbell 2 CH Proudlaan Panda-Monium. Laura Pond 3 DC Jumoke’s Saylah Of Baraka SC. Paul Bowlus-Root, William BowlusRoot VETERAN BITCHES 10 YRS. & OLDER 1 CH Jamaa-Tanza Makindu SC RN NA CA. Brenda Phillips, Jeff Sheldon FIELD CHAMPION DOGS 1 DC Emerant Makindu Heez Got Game BN RN SC. Brenda Phillips FIELD CHAMPION BITCHES 1 DC Taji’s Alster Ego From Hodari SC LCX. Mary Ellen Chaffin, Katie CampbellAgent: Barbara Reisinger STUD DOG CLASS 1 Baraka Over The River SC. Paul Bowlus-Root, William Bowlus-Root BROOD BITCH CLASS 1 GCH Platinum Nelson Jewel Of D’nile SC. Deborah Nelson, Mary K Quinnett 2 GCH Khani’s Icarly Baru. Marcia Woodard, George Woodard, Kathryn Britton 3 GCH DC Bantu’s Playing Rochambeau SC. Jennifer Miller, Shelby Miller 4 CH Baraka Jumoke Salish Lummi. Paul Bowlus-Root, William Bowlus-Root BRACE 1 CH Bantu’s Rated M For Mature. Jennifer Miller, Shelby Miller 1 GCH DC Bantu’s Playing Rochambeau SC. Jennifer Miller, Shelby Miller 2 Baru Khani’s North Shore Lilikoi. Marcia Woodard, George Woodard 2 GCH Khani’s Icarly Baru. Marcia & George Woodard, Kathryn Britton 3 CH Baraka Jumoke Salish Lummi. Paul Bowlus-Root, William Bowlus-Root 3 Ch. Jumoke Baraka Billie Jean. Bryan & Laurie Gregory, Paul L BowlusRoot, William Bowlus-Root, Lisa B Saban


The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 46

EVERGREEN BASENJI CLUB SPECIALTIES, August 1 & 2, 2014 SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 2014 JUDGE: MS STACEY B. DAVIS BOB..................... GCH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin. Dog. Julie Jones, Kathy Jones, Chua Ming Kok BOS......... CH Tailwind’s Diamonds Are Forever. Bitch Julie Leicht, Danielle New SEL DOG/BOBOH............................ GCH Platinum’s Fear Is Not A Factor RN JC SEL BITCH............ GCH Teazer Chiya’s Chitty Chitty Bang Bang SC CGC RATI. Steffie Cheng, John P Gaidos JAM................CH Baraka Hear The Belle Ring QC SC. Bitch. Paul Bowlus-Root, William Bowlus-Root JAM.............. CH Taji Platinum Will.I.Am. Dog. Katie Campbell, Mary K. Quinnett WD/BW.........................................dLucks Svengali Zindika’s Overnight Sensation WB......................................................................................Tazamisha’s Heartleah PUPPY DOGS 6 MOS. & UNDER 9 MOS. 1/WD/BW dLucks Svengali Zindika’s Overnight Sensation. Natalie Scherwin 2 Proudlaan Up In Arms. Joan V. Bayley, Laura Pond 3 Taji’s Platinum Duke Of Veramonte. Steve Wicklund,Katie Campbell,Mary K Quinnett 4 Devils Peak Khadijah Criminal Minds. Martina M Cortez, Cynthia J Austin, Sandy McArthur BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS 1/RWD Tailwind’s The World Is Not Enough. Julie Leicht, Lori Forbess 2 Tazamisha’s Time Bandit. Nicholas Cortez 3 Khadijah’s Dark Passenger Jc. Sandy McArthur 4 Bantu’s Illustrated Overture. Jennifer Miller, Shelby Miller OPEN RED/WHITE DOGS 1 Kazor’s Friday Playboy At Dlucks. Natalie Scherwin, Gia Frank, Stephanie Frank 2 Baru Khanis Humuhumunukunukuapua’a. Patrick Shultz, Annette Shultz 3 Bahaticca’s Colonel Red. Natalie Scherwin 4 Jumoke’s Bebe Le Strange. Allie Noble OPEN BLACK/TAN/WHITE DOG 1 Kibushi Gugu Diospyros. Barbara Reisinger, Jon Curby, Jared Reisinger OPEN BRINDLE/WHITE 1 Jumoke Baraka Dreamin Of Rio. David McMahon, Zandra McMahon, Brian & Laurie Gregory OPEN BLACK/WHITE 1 Taji’s Top Hat & Tails. Valerie Short, Virginia Kudritzki, Katie Campbell Puppy Bitches 6 Mos. & Under 9 Mos. 1 Tazamisha DP Khadijah Believe In Me. Valerie Cortez, Martina M Cortez, Cynthia J Austin, Sandy McArthur 2 Proudlaan Get Up! Stand Up!. William Pond, Laura Pond 3 Devils Peak Khadijah The Devil Wears Prada. Martina M Cortez, Cynthia J Austin, Sandy McArthur PUPPY BITCHES 9 MOS. & UNDER 12 MOS. 1 Nelsons Friendship Of Magnificent 7 In Flight. Lawrence Nelson , Deborah Nelson 2 Nelsons Faith Of Magnificent 7 In Flight. Lawrence, Deborah and Amiah Nelson 3 Nelson’s Magnificent 7 In Flight Aurora. Owners: Elaine Monzon BITCHES 12 MOS. & UNDER 18 MOS. 1/RWB Baraka Mysterious Zevah. Paul Bowlus-Root, William Bowlus-Root AMATEUR-OWNER-HANDLER BITCHES 1 Taji’s Hafrican Queen Disa. Barbara & Jared Reisinger, Katie Campbell BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES 1/WB Tazamisha’s Heartleah. Nicholas Cortez, Sara Weidenhaft 2 Baraka Billie Burke. Paul Bowlus-Root, William Bowlus-Root 3 Taji’s Evening Couture. Katie Campbell 4 Devils Peak Khadijah She’s All That. Martina M Cortez, Cynthia J Austin, Valerie Cortez, Sandy McArthur AMERICAN BRED BITCHES 1 Nelsons Freedom Of Magnificent 7 In Flight. Kenneth Berger, Lawrence & Deborah Nelson

OPEN RED/WHITE BITCHES 1 Emerant’s Hush Hush. Lisa Hart, Bryce Hart 2 Nelsons Liberty Bell Of Magnificent 7 In Flight. Dewayne Bednarik, Leah Ward, & Lawrence Nelson 3 Baru Khani’s North Shore Lilikoi. Marcia Woodard, George Woodard 4 Fopaw’s Lukuru Genine Giraffalo. Lori O’brien, Therese Leimback, Dr. Jo Thompson OPEN BRINDLE/WHITE BITCHES 1 Zamaradi’s Im Not Your Steppin Stone. Sarah Smith-Falkner, Jeffrey Falkner OPEN BLACK/BRINDLE/WHITE BITCHES 1 Baraka How The Wind Blows SC. M & J Montgomery, P.Root, W.Bowlus VETERAN DOGS 7 YRS. & UNDER 10 YRS. 1/SEL DOG/BOBOH GCH Platinum’s Fear Is Not A Factor RN JC. Mary K Quinnett, Larry Quinnett VETERAN DOGS 10 YRS. & OLDER 1 CH Zuri’s Pa’ani Pono. Charles & Sue Cagampang, Marilyn Leighton 2 GCH Jumoke Khani Baru Rumba RN. George Woodard, Kathryn Britton, Bryan & Laurie Gregory VETERAN BITCHES 7 YRS. & UNDER 10 YRS. 1 CH Proudlaan Panda-Monium. Laura Pond VETERAN BITCHES 10 YRS. & OLDER 1 CH Jamaa-Tanza Makindu SC RN NA CA. Brenda Phillips, Jeff Sheldon FIELD CHAMPION DOGS 1 DC Emerant Makindu Heez Got Game BN RN SC. Brenda Phillips FIELD CHAMPION BITCHES 1/JAM DC Taji’s Alster Ego From Hodari SC LCX. Mary Ellen Chaffin, Katie Campbell


FUTURITY AND MATURITY FRIDAY, AUG. 1, 2014 FUTURITY INTERMEDIATE DOGS 1 Proudlaan Up In Arms. Joan V. Bayley, Laura Pond BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS 6 MOS. & UNDER 18 MOS. 1 Salish Sea’s Journey On The River. Lisa B Saban SENIOR DOGS 1/RFUT Baraka Boss GibbS. Paul Root,William Bowlus-Root Intermediate Bitches 1/BFUT Proudlaan Get Up! Stand Up!. William Pond, Laura Pond SENIOR BITCHES 1 Baraka Mysterious Zevah. Paul Root, William Bowlus-Root Bred By Exhibitor Bitches 6 Mos. & Under 18 Mos. 1 Salish Sea’s Songs Of The River Lisa Saban MATURITY DOGS 1/BMAT Taji’s Top Hat & Tails. Katie Campbell 2/RMAT Tailwind’s The World Is Not Enough. Julie Leicht, Lori Forbess 3 DC Zamaradi’s Last Train To Salish Sea N’ Baraka SC Lisa Saban, Cinda Watkins 4 Ch Taji Platinum Will.I.Am. Katie Campbell, Mary K. Quinnett MATURITY BITCHES 1 Bantu’s Comeback Queen. Jennifer Miller, Shelby Miller 2 Taji’s Evening Couture. Katie Campbell 3 Baraka Billie Burke. Paul Root, William Bowlus-Root 4 Baru Khani’s North Shore Lilikoi. Marcia Woodard, George Woodard

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 47

NORWEGIAN BASENJI CLUB SPECIALTY Judge/Breed Specialist: Anneli Pukkila (Finland) Location: Hadeland Glassworks Grounds (Jevnaker) July 6, 2014

PUPPIES: Best Puppy In Specialty.................................................. Barkless X-Time Dimension Best of Opposite Sex................................................................... Kingwanas Lovebug

ADULTS Best in Specialty Show..................INT N DK UCH NORDJV-08 KBHV-11 CH Chagmas Pirate Red Ruby Best of Opposite Sex Specialty ................................ NORD (N S FIN) U CH Kingwanas Into The Wind Best Breeders Class with Honors Prize: ................................................................. Kennel Kingwanas Best Progeny Group: . ................Kennel Chagma with Multiti Ch Chagmas Pirate Princess Red Ruby

(L - R) Best Puppy in Show Best Op Sex Puppy in Show

(L - R) Best in Specialty Show Best Op Sex to BISS

Best Breeder Group

UNITED KINGDOM TOP BASENJIS JULY 2014 - Prepared by Sally Wallis, Zande Basenjis Rank Name........................................................................................D/B.................CC.................RCC.................BOB.............GP Ch Chagmas Dream On.................................................................................. D......................3..................... 2...................... 3...................0 Ch Tokaji California Dreaming . ..................................................................... B......................4..................... 4...................... 1...................0 Ch Kentucky Blue .......................................................................................... D......................1..................... 2...................... 1............ Grp 3 Ch Faraoland Yuletide Snowfall At Elsco ....................................................... D . ...................2..................... 1...................... 2...................0 Ch Silverbriar Mirror Image (tri).................................................................... D......................2..................... 0...................... 1...................0 Can/Am Ch Bushwacker Candy Coated Crime............................................... B .....................1..................... 2...................... 1...................0 Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at Djoser (tri).................................................... B .....................1..................... 0...................... 1...................0 Kissangani Shining Star at Embeau (tri)......................................................... B .....................1..................... 2...................... 0...................0 Rebel Rebel at Bushwacker........................................................................... D . ...................1..................... 1...................... 0...................0 Ch Kissangani Only Dreaming........................................................................ B .....................1..................... 0...................... 0...................0 Swanwite Azeera (tri).................................................................................... D......................1..................... 0...................... 0...................0 Ch Tokaji American Gangster at Tenfield....................................................... D......................1..................... 0...................... 0...................0 Ch Tokaji American Gigolo at Embeau JW SChM........................................... D......................1..................... 0...................... 0...................0

No. 1 Ranked - Chagmas Dream On Photo by Sally Wallis, Zande Basenjis

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 48


Basenjis entered - 57. Absentees - 7 . Dog CC....................................................................................... Rebel Rebel of Bushwacker Dog Reserve CC......................................................Ch/Am Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley Bitch CC / BOB...................................................................... GB Ch Silverbriar Mirror Image Bitch Reserve CC........................................................... Kissangani Shining Star at Embeau Best Puppy................................................................................................. Bubas Red Melba Best OS Puppy.....................................................................Shahrans Pim Pim at Silverbriar Best Veteran.............................................................Ch/Am Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley Best OS Veteran........................................................ Irish Ch Antefaa Nakura Wood Nymph DOG CLASSES MINOR PUPPY DOG (4/4) 1 Baker’s Shahrans Pim Pim at Silverbriar 2 Chavez-Novoa’s Woodella Vamos 3 Morris’, Waddell’ & Donaldson’s Woodella Gold Standard At Crosscop 4 Addis’ Savannastorm Touch of Magic PUPPY DOG (2/2) 1 Addis’ Savannastorm Nature’s Child 2 Fitzsimmons’ & Carman’s Suefitz Spirit Of The Sudan JUNIOR DOG (2/2) 1 Gostynska’s Bubas Morgan Sweet 2 Addis’ Savannastorm Dragon Lord UNDERGRADUATE DOG (2/2) 1 Baker’s Shahrans Pim Pim at Silverbriar 2 Addis’ Savannastorm Born To Be Wild. POST GRADUATE DOG (3/3) 1 Addis’ Savannastorm Born To Be Wild 2 Hooper’ & Gibson’s Giantswood Marmalade Man 3 Lane’ & Miller’s Antefaa Lukuru Zephyr LIMIT DOG (4/6) 1 Hannah’s Kissangani Caught In The Act For Milukris 2 Dunsdon’ & Grayson’s Kissangani Rock Star for Embeau 3 Miller’s Benkura Super Trouper 4 Hooper’s Bubas Pharaoh’s Fortune OPEN DOG (5/5) 1/CC Frost’s Rebel Rebel Of Bushwacker 2 Hardy’ & Hallam’s Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue 3 Wright’ & Wilkinson’s Ch Faraoland Yuletide Snowfall at Elsco 4 Grayson’s Ch & Int Ch Tokaji American Gigolo At Embeau JW ShCM 5 Steele’ & William’s Ch Chagmas Dream On

VETERAN DOG (2/2) 1/RCC/BV Hardy’, Hallam’ & Webb’s Ch/Am Ch Kazor’s Make Way For Riley 2 Miller’s Ch & Irish Ch Benkura Take A Chance On Me ShCM ANCh 11 BREEDERS DOG (3/4) 1 Miller’s Irish Ch Benkura Blue Sky Mine JW 2 Gostynska’s Bubas Dimmity 3 Addis’ Savannastorm Dragon Lord. NOT BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOG (2/2) 1 Baker’s Shahrans Pim Pim at Silverbriar 2 Shaw-Fitzsimmons’ & Carman’s Kingwanas Jazzy Jive At Suefitz BITCH CLASSES MINOR PUPPY BITCH (4/4). 1 Nicholls’ Woodella Devil Wears Prada For Shyllard 2 Fitzsimmons’ & Carman’s Suefitz Spirit Dancer 3 Lacey’s Kingwanas Love Story 4 Hardy’ & Hallam’s Tokaji The Black Dahlia PUPPY BITCH (2/2). 1 Fitzsimmons’ & Carman’s Suefitz Spirit Dancer 2 Lacey’s Kingwanas Love Story JUNIOR BITCH (3/3). 1 Gostynska’s Bubas Red Melba 2 Lane’ & Miller’s Antefaa Lukuru Ariadne 3 Fitzsimmons’ & Carman’s Suefitz African Spirit UNDERGRADUATE BITCH (1/3) 1 Roguish’ & Smith’s Akmar Queen of the Nile POST GRADUATE BITCH (3/3) 1 Drummond’s Kissangani Ask No Questions at Djoser 2 Matthews’ Gooses Glint Of Gold 3 Hooper’ & Gibson’s Giantswood Woizero Tessay LIMIT BITCH (3/4) 1/RCC Grayson’s Kissangani Shining Star at Embeau 2 Gostynska’s Bubas Cepelia 3rd -Wright’ & Wilkinson’s Elsco Amatiger OPEN BITCH (6/6) 1/ CC/BOB/BIS Baker’s Silverbriar Mirror Image 2 Drummond’s Ch Kissangani Dream Maker at Djoser 3 Adams’ Kissangani Life Of The Party 4 Hardy’ & Hallam’s Tokaji California Dreaming 5 Frost’s Am/Can Ch Bushwacker Candy Coated Crime VETERAN BITCH (2/2) 1/BOSV Miller’s Irish Ch Antefaa Nakura Wood Nymph 2 Allies’ Bubas Mariella At Alys BREEDERS BITCH (2/3) 1 Adams’ Ch Kissangani Only Dreaming 2 Gostynska’s Irish Ch Bubas Monisha NOT BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCH (1/3) 1 Wright’ & Wilkinson’s Jethard Dusk Til Dawn At Elsco



May 16, 2013 Judge: Mrs Marie Bryce-Smith

21st June, 2014. Judge - Diane Spavin

Dog CC / BOB.................................................. GB Ch Faraoland Yuletide Snowfall at Elsco Dog Reserve CC.................................................................GB Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue (tri) Bitch CC........................................................................... GB Ch Tokaji California Dreaming Bitch Reserve CC....................................................................... Kissangani Life Of the Party Best Puppy..................................................................................................Swanwite Azeera

Dog CC / BOB............................................................................GB Ch Chagmas Dream On Dog Reserve CC........................................................................ Rebel Rebel of Bushwacker Bitch CC........................................................................... GB Ch Tokaji California Dreaming Bitch Reserve CC..........................................Can/Am Ch Bushwacker Candy Coated Crime Best Puppy .......................................................................................Tokaji The Black Dahlia



31st May, 2014. Judge - Martin Sanders

26th June, 2014. Judge - Nick Bryce-Smith

Dog CC / BOB.................... GB Ch (subject to KC confirmation) Chagmas Dream On (imp) Dog Reserve CC.................................................................GB Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue (tri) Bitch CC........................................................................... GB Ch Tokaji California Dreaming Bitch Reserve CC................................................. Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wild Child of Memetuka

Dog CC / BOB.....................................................................GB Ch Tokaji Kentucky Blue (tri) Dog Reserve CC ...................................................... Kissangani Rock Star For Embeau (tri) Bitch CC............................ GB Ch (subject to KC confirmation) Silverbriar Mirror Image (tri) Bitch Reserve CC............................................................. GB Ch Tokaji California Dreaming Best Puppy.......................................................................... Shahrans Pim Pim At Silverbriar

EAST OF ENGLAND CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW 6th July, 2014. Judge - Jane Gostynska

Dog CC.........GB Ch (subject to KC confirmation) Tokaji American Gangster at Tenfield (tri) Dog Reserve CC..................................................................Irish Ch Benkura Blue Sky Mine

Bitch CC / BOB .............................................Can/Am Ch Bushwacker Candy Coated Crime Bitch Reserve CC ........................................................Woodella Northern Delight of Jisgard Best Puppy ...................................................................................Antefaa Lukuru Echo Blue

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 49


Rank Name



1............GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin.......................................................................................... D................................................ 372 2............GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle............................................................... D................................................ 342 3............GCH CH Arubmec’s Take A Chance On Me........................................................................... D................................................ 135 4............GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow!............................................................. B................................................. 123 5............GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet........................................................................ B................................................. 122 6............GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Best Of The Best............................................................................ D................................................ 109 6............GCH DC Khani’s Freeze Frame N’Focus SC............................................................................ D................................................ 109 8............GCH CH Reveille Waltz Me Around...................................................................................... D................................................ 105 9............GCH CH UnderCover AB UR A Bell Ringer............................................................................ D................................................ 100 10..........GCH CH Skyhi’s Always In Fashion........................................................................................ B................................................... 90 11..........GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover............................................................................ D.................................................. 79 11..........GCH CH Alapocas Queen Of The Elves................................................................................. B................................................... 79 13..........GCH CH Sirobe Egotistical Rosewood................................................................................... D.................................................. 77 14..........GCH CH Veramonte’s Big River Judah JC.............................................................................. D.................................................. 59 15..........GCH CH Fopaw’s Dlucks Moon Dance.................................................................................. B................................................... 56 16..........GCH CH Tammen’s Defying Gravity...................................................................................... B................................................... 55 17..........CH Taji’s After Six.................................................................................................................. D.................................................. 54 17..........GCH CH Starfyre’s Spiced It Up............................................................................................. B................................................... 54 19..........GCH CH Dragonete Itapuca JC.............................................................................................. B................................................... 52 20..........GCH DC Fopaw’s Touch Of Evil At Saorsa RN SC................................................................... B................................................... 50


Rank Name



1............GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin.......................................................................................... D.............................................. 4417 2............GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle............................................................... D.............................................. 1413 3............GCH CH Arubmec’s Take A Chance On Me........................................................................... D.............................................. 1015 4............GCH CH Reveille Waltz Me Around...................................................................................... D................................................ 922 5............GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow!............................................................. B................................................. 638 6............GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Best Of The Best............................................................................ D................................................ 625 7............GCH CH Teazer Kazor Ekundayo For Johari........................................................................... D................................................ 590 8............GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet........................................................................ B................................................. 559 9............GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover............................................................................ D................................................ 509 10..........GCH CH Skyhi’s Always In Fashion........................................................................................ B................................................. 432 11..........CH Signet ‘Tis-A Gone With The Wind................................................................................. B................................................. 347 12..........GCH CH Alapocas Queen Of The Elves................................................................................. B................................................. 342 13..........GCH CH Illusion’s Stairway To Heaven.................................................................................. D................................................ 261 14..........GCH CH Laurel S’Simply Shocking Sabrina........................................................................... B................................................. 256 15..........CH Taji’s After Six.................................................................................................................. D................................................ 221 16..........GCH CH Reveille Trip The Light Fantastic.............................................................................. D................................................ 217 17..........GCH CH Tammen’s Defying Gravity...................................................................................... B................................................. 209 18..........GCH CH Dragonete Itapuca JC.............................................................................................. B................................................. 187 19..........Sherwood’s Love Me Tender................................................................................................ B................................................. 181 20..........GCH CH Epic-Select Never Say Goodbye SC......................................................................... D................................................ 170 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 50

AKC TOP 20 - 2014 GRAND CHAMPIONS As of July 31, 2014

Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 14 15 16 17 18 19

Dog Name GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr’s Best Of The Best GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow! GCH CH Reveille Waltz Me Around GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet GCH CH Laurel S’Simply Shocking Sabrina GCH CH Undercover AB UR A Bell Ringer GCH CH Alapocas Queen Of The Elves GCH CH Arubmec’s Take A Chance On Me GCH CH Starfyre’s Spiced It Up GCH CH Dragonete Itapuca JC GCH CH Skyhi’s Always In Fashion GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover GCH CH Illusion’s Stairway To Heaven GCH CH Tammen’s Defying Gravity GCH CH Fopaw’s Dlucks Moon Dance GCH DC Khani’s Freeze Frame N’Focus SC GCH CH Karnak’s Pure And Simple Allure GCH DC Fopaw’s Touch Of Evil At Saorsa RN SC

Sex Dog Dog Dog Bitch Dog Bitch Bitch Dog Bitch Dog Bitch Bitch Bitch Dog Dog Bitch Bitch Dog Bitch Bitch

Points 216 136 98 97 86 84 68 67 64 61 61 60 56 49 48 46 45 40 38 38

AKC GCH Medallion Recipients As of July 31, 2014



GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Win Tin Tin GCH CH Meisterhaus Happy Hour At Signet GCH CH Signet Meisterhaus Gossip Girl GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr's Halleleujah Makes A Joyful Noise GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr's Ryder Of The Voodoo Child GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr's The Lost Angel Gabriel GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Betcha By Golly Wow! GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Xtra Special Edition GCH DC Atarasi's D'Lucks Edition SC GCH CH C-Quest Jokuba Zensational GCH CH Jasiri-Sukari Bucking The Trind GCH CH Karnak's Pure And Simple Allure GCH CH Klassic's Slam Dunk GCH CH Platinum Nelson Jewel Of D'Nile SC GCH CH Starfyre's Rock'N With Danica GCH CH Wakili Signet Dooney GCH DC Undercover Meisterhaus Hi Ho Quianna By Signet SC GCH CH AB-Rafiki The Icon Of Cool GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr's Best Of The Best GCH CH Ahmahr Nahr's Harlequin Cassanova Jack At White Wa GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Speed Of Light GCH DC Akuaba N Eldorado's Speed Shot MC CA RATO GCH CH Alapocas Simon Says GCH CH Arubmec's Thriller


GCH DC Bantu's Playing Rochambeau SC GCH CH Dagoba's Poetry In Motion GCH CH Djakomba's Sandoway Of Wyoland JC GCH CH Dragonete Itapuca JC GCH CH Eldorado N Akuaba Never Surrender GCH CH Emerant's The Navigator JC GCH CH I Am Jacob The Beloved JC GCH CH Illusion's Stairway To Heaven GCH CH Jokuba C-Quest First Round Knock Out GCH CH Khani's Starlight Starbright SC GCH CH Mardi Gras' Oliver Twist GCH CH Mata Hauri Ruby Red Beez GCH CH Meisterhaus Dazzle 'N' Daze GCH DC N'Focus Santa Baby MC LCX GCH CH Reveille One For The Money GCH CH Reveille Push Button GCH CH Sirobe Egotistical Rosewood GCH CH Skyhi's Always In Fashion GCH CH Sonbar's Vigilant Valkyre At Cynosure GCH DC Southhouse Jumoke Ltle Big Man Malawi SC GCH CH Taji Goes Platinum JC GCH CH Taji's Klassic Lil Black Dress SC GCH CH Tammen's Sparks Will Fly GCH CH 'Tis-A Arubmec's Circle Of Life GCH CH Victory Meisterhaus The X Factor

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 51


2014 AKC TOP 20 - OWNER HANDLED SERIES As of July 31, 2014

Rank Dog Name

Owner Name

1 GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado's Zest For Life SC 2 GCH CH Akuaba N Eldorado Bungle In The Jungle 3 CH I Am Mary Fula Grace From Sonbar 4 GCH CH Skyhi's Always In Fashion GCH CH Tammen's Defying Gravity 6 GCH CH Undercover AB UR A Bell Ringer 7 CH Sonbar's Xclusive Xtrovert 8 GCH CH Laurel S'Simply Shocking Sabrina 9 GCH CH Illusion's Stairway To Heaven CH Svengali's Repeat Performance 11 CH Reveille Ballerina 12 GCH CH Epic-Select Never Say Goodbye SC 13 GCH CH I Am Jacob The Beloved JC 14 CH Arubmec's Mischief Managed Klassic's Girl With A Curl CH Shika's Princess Of Themyscira CH Undercover Imara Voyager Vance 18 CH Akuaba N Eldorado Chariots Of Fire GCH CH Fopaw's Dlucks Moon Dance Kisa Kidix Public Defender JC 21 CH Jerlin's Topeka GCH CH Mardi Gras' Oliver Twist CH Pandora's Lil Pirate Queen Of Lia Faille CH Pandora's Pretty Little Liar At Dija CH Undercover Imara Simon Says Legend

Jane Johnson Pamela Geoffroy/Sheila Lund/Susan Coe/Kimberly Brown Dyan Baughan Laurie A Stargell/Jolene Krohn Laura Gilchrist Wanda K Pooley/Gale N Whitehurst Angela Binns Laura Mae Hesse Terry Reed/Bob Reed Carol A Wyatt/Erik Oberg/Alan Aiello/Gail Aiello Suzanne La Croix/Damara Bolte' Thomas Wright/Becky Blansett/Tracy Leonard D.V.M. Dyan Baughan Patricia E Cembura/Kelly Collins Sue Kite/JEFFREY GILLESPIE Joni Boese/Edward J Boese Gale N Whitehurst/Connie L Camp/Olivia J Rosener/ Susan Schroeder Dianna M Sanders Natalie Scherwin/Nancy Sherman/Therese Leimback Kim Byrd/Kim Noel Cagney L Ehlers Michael L Graves/Christine L Graves Lianna Frazer/Michelle Hogan/Melisa Skillman Michelle Hogan/Melisa Skillman/J Tilton/C/C/A Hogan/A Tilton Gale N Whitehurst/Connie L Camp/Susan Schroeder /Olivia J Rosener

Sex Points D D B B B D B B D D B D D B B B

175 130 110 105 105 95 85 75 60 60 45 40 35 30 30 30


30 25 25 25 20 20 20 20



UNITED KENNEL CLUB AS OF JULY 13, 2014 RANK.....DOG’S NAME............................................................................................. OWNER................................................................. PTS 1............CH Undercover AB UR A Bell Ringer.......................................................... Wanda K Pooley........................................................ 6 2............CH AB Day Trip To Tanza-jamaa................................................................. Jeff Sheldon, Ty Rollins, Pat Fragassi.........................4 2............CH AB Freeze Zone.................................................................................... Wanda Pooley........................................................... 4 2............CH AB Tanza Life In The Fast Lane............................................................. Pat Fragassi Or Ted Judd............................................4 2............Starfyre’s Action Jaxson . .......................................................................... Denise Searcy............................................................ 4 2............CH Starfyre Dyarra Giv It A Tri................................................................... Lori J Baxter............................................................... 4 2............UWP URO2 GRCH Bushwacker Kiroja Breaking Bad.................................. Kelli Harmon............................................................. 4 8............CH Ankhu No Introduction Needed.......................................................... Caryn Jones, Michael Jones......................................3 8............CH Jaroufas The Glamazon At Etowa......................................................... Kathryn D Ladick....................................................... 3 10..........CH AB Once Frozen In Time....................................................................... Wanda Pooley........................................................... 2 10..........CH Furaha Tukutu...................................................................................... Arnieta Kurtz............................................................. 2 10..........CH Kinetic Tanza Soul Music...................................................................... Lisa Voss And Samuel Stump.....................................2 10..........CH Nowata I Am Amazing......................................................................... Supachat Preedasuth................................................ 2 10..........CH Undercover AB UR Asouthernbell....................................................... Wanda K Pooley........................................................ 2

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 52

ASFA LURE COURSING - Top 20 - July 6, 2014 Call Rank Name Dog's name Owner

Top BOB BIF 20 wins wins

1........ Searsha......... GCh,DC N'Focus Santa Baby,LCM3,MC,GRC,CGC,VB,LCX..........K.Sanders......................................58........ 11.......... 1 2........ Aqune........... FC Thor's Song For A Winter's Night,FCh,SC.............................J.Brader.........................................46......... 2........... 0 3........ Merlin........... FC Thor's Kikozi,LCM4,SC.......................................................... J.Brader.........................................44......... 2........... 0 4........ Zuri................ GCh,DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin,LCM,VLCM3,MC,SGRC2,LCX.....T.Colbert........................................36......... 7........... 1 5........ Winter........... FC New World Baridi Ngano,LCM2,SC.......................................J.Brader.........................................34......... 1........... 0 6........ Sam............... SunbirdSuddanlySilverEagleSamwis......................................... M.Roach/A.Therrell.......................33......... 5........... 0 7........ Moose........... Ch Emerant's Heez Born To Be Wild,CGC,JOR...........................S.Smith..........................................26......... 3........... 0 7........ Dolce............. Ch Sherwood's Late Harvest NapaRain,FCh..............................M.& N.Sullivan/R.Dubbert............26......... 2........... 0 9........ Chloe............. FC Baraka How The Wind Blows,SC.......................................... M.& J.Montgomery.......................21......... 1........... 0 10...... Darwyn......... DC Zamaradi'sLastTrainToSalishSeaN',SC..................................C.Watkins/L.Saban........................17......... 1........... 0 11...... Carly.............. GCh,DC Songwe's Rock Star Legend,SC.....................................S.Schroeder...................................15......... 3........... 0 11...... Tempest........ GCh,DC Meisterhaus Neon Nights,FCh,SC,VB,GCR...................J.Stewart/T.Brooks........................15......... 1........... 0 13...... Sparkle.......... Thor's Winter Wonderland,FCh................................................ J.Brader.........................................14......... 1........... 0 13...... Ari................. GCh,DC Jadaka's Independent Spirit, ................................ LCM,TCP,SC,SGRC4,SORC4.................................................. T.Colbert........................................14......... 1........... 0 15...... Nike............... Emerant Makin Du Heez Got Game,SC.....................................B.Phillips........................................13......... 1........... 0 16...... Ms Diamond. GCh SalishSea'sBarakaJumokeMsDiamond,SC,JOR..................S.& J. Falkner/Saban/Root............12......... 0........... 0 16...... Zoe................ Ch Taji's Alster Ego From Hodari,FCh........................................M.E.Chaffin/K.Campbell................12......... 0........... 0 18...... Piper............. FC Sunbird's Dreaming of Denali,FCh,SC...................................J.Johnson.......................................11......... 1........... 0 18...... Valleri............ Zamaradi'sImNotYourSteppinStone.......................................... S.Smith-Falkner/J.Falkner..............11......... 0........... 0 20...... Echo.............. FC Taji's Alster Echo,FCh,SC,LCX................................................ M.E.Chaffin....................................10......... 0........... 0

AKC LURE COURSING - Top 20 - Events through July 18, 2014 Rank Name



1............... DC Emerant’s Heez Born To Be Wild SC............................................................................ D.................................................. 44 2............... DC Emerant Makindu Heez Got Game BN RN SC.............................................................. D.................................................. 40 3............... FC Congaro’s O Ku’u’ Aina Aloha SC CA............................................................................. B................................................... 31 4............... DC Taji’s Alster Ego From Hodari SC LCX........................................................................... B................................................... 29 5............... GCH DC Songwe’s Rock Star Legend SC LCX...................................................................... B................................................... 26 6............... DC Zamaradi’s Last Train To Salish Sea N’ Baraka SC......................................................... D.................................................. 24 7............... GCH DC Meisterhaus Neon Nights MC LCX....................................................................... B................................................... 23 8............... FC Driving Miss Dasypus MC............................................................................................. B................................................... 18 9............... FC Tank! MC LCX................................................................................................................ D.................................................. 17 10............. DC Suddanly Essence Of Eaglewood SC............................................................................ D.................................................. 16 10............. GCH DC Khani’s Freeze Frame N’Focus SC........................................................................ D.................................................. 16 12............. FC Jaroufa’s The Glamazon At Etowah SC......................................................................... B................................................... 15 12............. GCH DC Taji’s Banh Mi On The Runway To Blue Note MC LCX.......................................... B................................................... 15 12............. GCH DC Meisterhaus Never Winter Nights MC................................................................. B................................................... 15 15............. FC Fopaw’s Black Pearl MC............................................................................................... B................................................... 14 16............. FC Taji’s Alster Echo RN MC LCX3...................................................................................... D.................................................. 13 16............. FC Sunbirds’ Dreaming Of Denali SC................................................................................. B................................................... 13 18............. DC Apu I Liner................................................................................................................... D.................................................. 12 18............. CH Undercover UR A Legend Of Mr. Jingle........................................................................ D.................................................. 12 20............. GCH DC Klassic-Tanza Color Me Tri SC CA......................................................................... B................................................... 11 20............. Starfyre Dyarra Giv It A Tri................................................................................................ B................................................... 11 20............. CH Tailwind’s Diamonds Are Forever................................................................................ B................................................... 11 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 53

LGRA Top Twenty Standings As of July 6, 2014





1........... Ari........................ GCH DC Jadaka's Independent Spirit SC SGRC4 SORC4 .......................................... LCM TCP TT CGC VB......................................................................... Colbert........................................ 18.50 2........... Gus....................... Emerant's Heez Got Gusto................................................................... Hart/Hart....................................... 7.25 3........... Moose.................. Emerant's Heez Born To Be Wild......................................................... Smith/Hart.................................... 7.00 3........... Tutu...................... Apu Pi De Deux SGRC3......................................................................... Christensen................................... 7.00 5........... Liner..................... Apu I Liner GRC.................................................................................... Marsicano..................................... 6.00 5........... Rocky.................... Kiroja Chicago Hood At Jaroufa SGRC7................................................ Ladick............................................ 6.00 5........... Zuri....................... GCh DC Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin MC LCX SGRC2 SORC .......................................... LCM VLCM3 TT VB............................................................................ Colbert.......................................... 6.00 8........... Gotcha.................. Emerant's Sheez Gotcha...................................................................... Hart/Hart....................................... 4.25 9........... Kyo....................... Kinetic-Tanza Reaper Man GRC........................................................... Voss/Stump/Fragas....................... 4.00 10......... Ellie...................... Dakotah's Chantellie Lace GRC............................................................ Lemberger/Lemberger.................. 3.00 10......... Scarlet.................. FC Apu PiNache RN SC SGRC2 SORC THD FCH.....................................Marsicano..................................... 3.00 10......... Zuni...................... Astarte's Zuni Breeze at Sun River CGC, SGRC, JOR.............................Garel/Sapios.................................. 3.00 13......... Rip........................ Apu Richard Parker.............................................................................. Christensen/Marsicano................. 2.50 14......... Banh Mi................ DC Tajis Banh Mi On The Runway To Blue Note MC LCX......................Hamilton/Coltrane........................ 2.00 14......... Harley-H............... Sam's I'll Tri Anything GRC................................................................... Haggard......................................... 2.00 14......... L'Ox...................... Kinetic Interesting Times GRC.............................................................. Voss............................................... 2.00 14......... Nike...................... Emerant Makindu Heez Got Game...................................................... Phillips........................................... 2.00 14......... Zest...................... Akuaba N Eldorado's Zest For Life JOR................................................ Johnson......................................... 2.00 19......... Dax....................... Sundiata's Curzon Dax GRC.................................................................. Gamble.......................................... 1.00 19......... Tempest............... GCH DC Meisterhaus Neon Nights SGRC ORC MC LCX FCH VB............Stewart/Brooks............................. 1.00

NOTRA Top Twenty Standings Tally prepared August 4, 2014





1.........Ari........................... Jadaka's Independent Spirit SORC4................................. Colbert............................................................ 17.00 2.........TuTu........................ Apu Pi De Deux SORC2..................................................... Christensen....................................................... 9.00 3.........Moose.................... Emerant's Heez Born to be Wild ORC.............................. Smith................................................................ 7.00 4.........Zest......................... Akuaba N Eldorado's Zest For Life JOR............................. Johnson............................................................ 5.00 5.........Zuri......................... Jerlin's Our Zuri Pupin SORC............................................ Colbert.............................................................. 4.00 6.........Gus......................... Emerant's Heez Got Gusto SOR ORC................................ Hart................................................................... 3.50 7.........Nike........................ Emerant Makindu Heez Got Game JOR........................... Phillips.............................................................. 3.00 7.........Tempest.................. Meisterhaus Neon Nights ORC......................................... Stewart/Brooks................................................. 3.00 9.........Ellie......................... Dakotah's Chantellie Lace ORC......................................... Lemberger........................................................ 2.00 9.........Kumani................... Kazor's Tamu Kumani JOR................................................ Baxter/Webb.................................................... 2.00 9.........Kyo.......................... Kinetic-Tanza Reaper Man............................................... Voss/Stump/Fragassi........................................ 2.00 12.......Zoe.......................... Taji's Alster Egofrom Hodari JOR...................................... Chaffin/Campbell.............................................. 1.50 13.......Daximillian.............. 5Star Dax De Fax SOR ORC............................................... Sauceda............................................................ 1.00 13.......Frankie.................... Emerant's Respect............................................................ Hart................................................................... 1.00 13.......L'Ox......................... Kinetic Interesting Times SOR ORC.................................. Voss.................................................................. 1.00 13.......Rip.......................... Apu Richard Parker JOR.................................................... Christensen/Marsicano.................................... 1.00 13.......Shani....................... Zuri's Shani Kamili JOR..................................................... Baxter/Leighton................................................ 1.00 18.......Duffy....................... 5Star Stepping Stone Ode to Kazor JOR........................... Sauceda............................................................ 0.50 18.......Echo-C.................... Taji's Alster Echo JOR........................................................ Chaffin.............................................................. 0.50

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 54


ALL-BREED 1............Aust Sup Ch Zanzipow Poker Face Earnest.................................. Jennifer Power...................................................................4088 2............Aust Ch Nailah Embracing The Decision...................................... Mrs C Petersen...................................................................1073 3............Aust Sup Ch Afrikenji Hot August Knight..................................... Miss Joanne Stewart..........................................................1009 4............Aust Sup Ch Bullab Xenas Cleopatra........................................... Megan Flemming & Troy Keyte............................................864 5............Aust Sup Ch Remwin Kissmycheek.............................................. Lyn Hughes...........................................................................483 6............Aust Ch Remwin Cheeky Liasons................................................. Lyn Hughes...........................................................................365 7............Aust Ch Nailah Chasin The Glory................................................. Mrs C Petersen.....................................................................229 8............Aust Ch Kanibaru Glowing Ember............................................... Robyn Thompson.................................................................118 9............Aust Ch Afrikenji Hunting High And Low..................................... D & H Veless...........................................................................93 10..........Aust Ch Debrak On The Road Again............................................ AI........... Adam Druce.............................................................85 11..........Aust Ch Kanibaru Black Elikia...................................................... Dr D Braithwaite....................................................................72 12..........Aust Ch Barzoom Captain James T.............................................. A & C Curnick.........................................................................71 13..........Fayrelyn Stars N Stripes............................................................... Freda Snell.............................................................................49 BREED 1............Aust Sup Ch Zanzipow Poker Face Earnest.................................. Jennifer Power.....................................................................398 2............Aust Ch Nonaym Bells Of The Congo.......................................... Karen Odar...........................................................................289 3............Aust Sup Ch Remwin Kissmycheek.............................................. Lyn Hughes...........................................................................205 4............Aust Ch Remwin Cheeky Liasons................................................. Lyn Hughes...........................................................................185 5............Aust Sup Ch Bullab Xenas Cleopatra........................................... Megan Flemming & Troy Keyte............................................183 6............Aust Ch Nikrus Zoomy Safari....................................................... Mrs C Benson/Mrs N Verrall................................................176 7............Aust Ch Nailah Embracing The Decision...................................... Mrs C Petersen.....................................................................151 8............Aust Ch Tambuzi Secret Of Roan Inish........................................ Adam Druce.........................................................................142 9............Aust Ch Nonaym Sound Of The Congo........................................ Karen Ordar..........................................................................131 10..........Aust Ch Bkela Kobi Askari............................................................ D Lindqvist & M Calderwood...............................................125 11..........Aust Ch Kanibaru Glowing Ember............................................... Robyn Thompson.................................................................118 12..........Aust Ch Tambuzi The Isle Of Avalon............................................ Adam Druce.........................................................................115 13..........Aust Ch Nonaym little miss me................................................... Karen Ordar..........................................................................114 14..........Aust Ch Kanibaru Black Elikia...................................................... Dr D Braithwaite..................................................................111 15..........Aust Ch Nailah Chasin The Glory................................................. Mrs C Petersen.......................................................................81 16..........Karamo Mikolo............................................................................ A & C Curnick.........................................................................78 17..........Kanibaru Black Cherry Truffle...................................................... Miss T Lancaster & Ms M Smith.............................................72 18..........Aust Ch Barzoom Captain James T.............................................. A & C Curnick.........................................................................67 19..........Bkela Meeam Mali...................................................................... D Lindqvist & M Calderwood.................................................59 20..........Aust Gr Ch Remwin Littlebitof Cheek.......................................... Lyn Hughes.............................................................................55 RISING STAR - TOP 10 1............Aust Ch Nailah Embracing The Decision...................................... Mrs C Petersen.....................................................................550 2............Aust Ch Nonaym Bells Of The Congo.......................................... Karen Odar...........................................................................350 3............Aust Ch Tambuzi Secret Of Roan Inish........................................ Adam Druce.........................................................................280 4............Aust Ch Kanibaru Black Elikia...................................................... Dr D Braithwaite..................................................................205 5............Aust Ch Bkela Kobi Askari............................................................ D Lindqvist & M Calderwood...............................................200 6............Aust Ch Nonaym Sound Of The Congo........................................ Karen Ordar..........................................................................165 7............Nonaym The Sound Of Silence.................................................... Karen Ordar..........................................................................140 8............Aust Ch Tambuzi The Isle Of Avalon............................................ Adam Druce.........................................................................135 9............Bkela Meeam Mali...................................................................... D Lindqvist & M Calderwood...............................................130 10..........Fayrelyn Stars N Stripes............................................................... Freda Snell.............................................................................90 NEUTER COMPETITION 1............Aust Sup & Neut Ch Tamsala Mitena Magic................................ Jess Walker...........................................................................960 2............Aust Ch Baagna Bahati Rosie....................................................... Mrs C Benson.......................................................................100 3............Aust & Neut Ch Wazazi High Definition....................................... Mr Jason Cook and Dr Jeffrey Lumb......................................85 4............Aust Ch Fayrelyn Eyez Ofth Tygrista............................................ C & N Verrall...........................................................................70 5............Aust Neut Ch Zanzipow Pure Red Poppy..................................... Lisa-Jane Hunter....................................................................60 6............Aust Neut Ch Remwin Dark Image.............................................. Mrs C Benson.........................................................................45 TOP BREEDERS 1.......ZANZIPOW....................... Mrs Jennifer Power.................. 393 2.......AFRIKENJI........................ D & H Veless............................ 272 .........REMWIN.......................... Lyn Hughes.............................. 272

3.......TAMBUZI.......................... Adam Druce............................. 150 4.......NAILAH............................ Mrs C Petersen........................ 126 5.......NONAYM......................... Karen Ordar............................. 114

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 55



Rank Dog's Name Sex 1 GChEx Ahmahr Nahr's The Lost Angel Gabriel (M) 2 Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover (M) 3 Klassic's Little Texas Bushwacker (M) 3 Emerant's R E S P E C T (F) 5 Ch Sonbar's Worth Watching At Miloki (F) 5 Ch Old Legend's Baldur (M) 5 Emerant N Fopaws Sheza Seeker (F) 8 Blackwing's Waltzing Matilda (F) 8 Bushwacker Instant Karma (F) 8 Khani's Aca-Pella Orru (F) 8 Ch Mankia's Makago (M) 8 Ch Africanadian PBJ Of AhmahrNahr (F) 8 Ch Kandem Summit No Regrets (F) 8 Africanadian Kimia Ango Angari (F)

All-Breed Specialty BOB Wins Points 56 1 48 3 2 19 3 0 2 2 0 2 13 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 2 0 0 2 0 0 9 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 2 0 0

ALL-BREED Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10

Dog Name GChEx Ahmahr Nahr's The Lost Angel Gabriel Ch Sonbar's Worth Watching At Miloki Eldorado N Akuaba Dream Lover Ch Kandem Summit No Regrets Ch Africanadian PBJ Of AhmahrNahr Ch Mankia's Makago Klassic's Little Texas Bushwacker Khani's Aca-Pella Orru Emerant's R E S P E C T Emerant N Fopaws Sheza Seeker Ch Old Legend's Baldur

Sex (M) (F) (M) (F) (F) (M) (M) (F) (F) (F) (M)

BIS 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

GP1 36 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

GP2 33 2 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

GP3 10 5 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0

GP4 5 2 1 1 0 1 1 3 0 0 0

Points 2721 129 95 87 18 10 8 3 2 1 1

BRAZIL - Top Basenjis As of August, 2014

ADULT DOGS 1.............Escarlate Ruiva Itapuca......................................................................... Vicente Pacheco Junior .........................................................893 2.............Kazor’s Take Me All The Way................................................................ Savio Picanço Steele .............................................................279 3.............Kazor’s Mega Model............................................................................. Nicolas Pineiro E Carol Webb . ..............................................118 4.............Favelado Lek Touchless Itapuca............................................................ Savio Picanço Steele .............................................................101 5.............Teazer Kazor Nene At Itapuca............................................................... Savio Picanço Steele ...............................................................83 6.............Jadaka Meisterhaus Magic Man Of Itapuca......................................... Savio Picanço Steele ...............................................................31 7.............Falcon Itapuca...................................................................................... Savio Picanço Steele ...............................................................24 8.............Zorua Do Rancho Da Pedra................................................................... Murilo Vieira ...........................................................................21 9.............Zorua Do Rancho Da Pedra................................................................... Murilo Vieira ...........................................................................19 10...........Master Allen Congo Itapuca................................................................. Savio Picanço Steele ...............................................................13 11...........Agra Itapuca Canes Ad Archangelos..................................................... Glauco Gall Dos Santos .............................................................6 12...........Cacau Itapuca....................................................................................... Savio Picanço Steele .................................................................3 . .............Bomani Jaguar Villas............................................................................. Anderson Gustavo Torres . ........................................................3 14...........Zion R.P.M............................................................................................. Raquel Poli Luiz Felipe Proost...................................................1 JUNIOR DOGS 1.............Favelado Lek Touchless Itapuca............................................................ Savio Picanço Steele .............................................................251 2.............Teazer Kazor Nene At Itapuca............................................................... Savio Picanço Steele ...............................................................63 3.............Zorua Do Rancho Da Pedra................................................................... Murilo Vieira ...........................................................................32 4.............Agra Itapuca Canes Ad Archangelos..................................................... Glauco Gall Dos Santos .............................................................7 5.............Falcon Itapuca...................................................................................... Savio Picanço Steele .................................................................4 6.............Zorua Do Rancho Da Pedra................................................................... Murilo Vieira .............................................................................3 . .............Bomani Jaguar Villas............................................................................. Anderson Gustavo Torres . ........................................................3 PUPPY DOGS 1.............Favelado Lek Touchless Itapuca............................................................ Savio Picanço Steele ...............................................................62 2.............Zion R.P.M............................................................................................. Raquel Poli Luiz Felipe Proost...................................................1 The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 56

FINLAND Basenji Standings June 23, 2014

VUODEN UROS/DOG OF THE YEAR Pisteet/Points 1 Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever............................................... 94 2 Sternhimmels Orvar Odd.................................................... 54 3 Ajibu Jumping Jack Flash..................................................... 50 3 Klassic’s Daydream Believer................................................ 50 5 Bulldobas Zappa Safeguard................................................. 42 5 Heriaheri Viridian Green..................................................... 42 7 Ajibu Life And Soul.............................................................. 36 8 Bulldobas No Regrets.......................................................... 35 9 Bulldobas Adofo Amani...................................................... 27 10 Dakarai Long Play................................................................ 25 10 Hi-Lite Hot Rod.................................................................... 25 12 Signet Road Less Travelled.................................................. 23 12 Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius............................................. 23 14 Sternhimmels Omen Bonum............................................... 22 14 Sternhimmels Optimus Maximus........................................ 22 16 Echo Of Dreams Afrikata..................................................... 21 17 Hanishan Game Hunter...................................................... 19 17 Kanjaras Road Like No Other.............................................. 19 19 Ajibu Feelin’Good................................................................ 17 20 Orange Pips Codename Kyril............................................... 16

VUODEN NARTTU/BITCH OF THE YEAR Pisteet/Points 1 Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wow-Factor...........................................89 2 Bulldobas Cute As A Button..............................................63 3 Vanguardian Token Of Luck...............................................48 4 Bulldobas Zandra Safeguard.............................................40 5 Sternhimmels Nota Prima.................................................34 6 Rosone’s Retro Rimembranza...........................................32 7 Ajibu Billie Jean.................................................................30 8 Hanishan Titilayo Sharab...................................................25 8 Shahran’s Ladybird............................................................25 10 Perrada Unican Iron Comesfrom Meroe...........................24 11 Perrada Unican Ishall Wear Midnigh................................23 12 C-Quests Jokuba Anything But Silent................................21 13 Easy Come Easy Go Afrikata..............................................19 13 Kanjaras Piquant Mix........................................................19 15 Sternhimmels Notabilia Bona...........................................16 16 Bulldobas Kito Keisha........................................................15 16 Hanishan Glory For Love...................................................15 16 Hanishan Reveal The Mystery...........................................15 16 Hanishan Yankee Cutie Candy...........................................15 16 Hi-Lite Hula Hoops............................................................15 16 Perrada Unican I Choose My Path.....................................15 16 Perrrada Unican In The Garden Of Elma...........................15 16 Rosone’s Soprano Supernova............................................15 16 Wazazi The One And Only.................................................15

VUODEN VETERAANI/VETERAN OF THE YEAR Sukupuoli/Sex Pisteet/Points 1 Ajibu Billie Jean................................................................... narttu/bitch........................................................................................25 2 Hanishan Game Hunter......................................................... uros/dog..........................................................................................14 3 Sternhimmels Fortunae Filius................................................ uros/dog..........................................................................................11 4 Bulldobas No Regrets............................................................. uros/dog..........................................................................................10 5 Bulldobas Adofo Amani......................................................... uros/dog............................................................................................5 5 Dark Skies Catcher In The Rye................................................ uros/dog............................................................................................5 7 Kanjaras Timeus Theron......................................................... uros/dog............................................................................................1 7 Orange Pips Awesome Omega............................................... uros/dog............................................................................................1 VUODEN PENTU/PUPPY OF THE YEAR Sukupuoli/Sex Pisteet/Points 1 Faraoland La Vie En Rose.................................................... narttu/bitch........................................................................................11 2 Hi-Lite Cola Candy.................................................................. uros/dog..........................................................................................10 3 Behukai Florida Sun............................................................ narttu/bitch..........................................................................................8 4 Bulldobas Baroos In The Night............................................... uros/dog............................................................................................6 5 Hi-Lite Cotton Candy........................................................... narttu/bitch..........................................................................................7 5 Rosone’s Viola Vernaccia.................................................... narttu/bitch..........................................................................................7 7 Motion Of Life At Wild Africa.............................................. narttu/bitch..........................................................................................6 7 Rosone’s Viola Verdeca....................................................... narttu/bitch..........................................................................................6 9 Bastillin Ants ’N The Pants..................................................... uros/dog............................................................................................2 9 Rosone’s Vino Vermentino..................................................... uros/dog............................................................................................2 11 Kanjaras Choco....................................................................... uros/dog............................................................................................1 11 Rosone’s Vino Verduzzo......................................................... uros/dog............................................................................................1

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 57

SWEDEN STANDINGS - Top 20 Basenjis July 31, 2014

HANAR/DOGS UTSTÄLLNING Plac: Namn: Totalt: Ägare/Owner 1..... C.I.B NORD UCH NORDJ V-11 Kenjaali Heere’s Johnny................................................... Birgitta Prahl & Emma Prahl........................................... 78 2..... NORD US UCH Jasiri-Sukari Win Diesel............................................................................ Carina Morén Jansson.................................................... 63 3..... DK EE INT NORD UCH NORD V-08 SE V-08-09- SE&NO V-07 WW-11-13 ....... Faraoland Bluetooth Enigma........................................................................................... Sofie Lönn....................................................................... 59 4..... SE DK UCH Faraoland Swedish Design............................................................................. Anna Söderberg.............................................................. 51 5..... C.I.B HR NORD UCH Karimba’s Colin Cocky..................................................................... Heléne Roos.................................................................... 48 6..... SE UCH Faraoland Kenzo Power...................................................................................... Annie Schallengruber..................................................... 38 7..... Yulara Tamarack............................................................................................................... Mia Lööwber................................................................... 30 *...... Zandeena A Twist In The Tail........................................................................................... Therese Kindberg............................................................ 30 *...... Sueden Corento Valio Kaveri To Ngan.............................................................................. Yvonne Adolfsson........................................................... 30 10... C.I.B SE UCH VEUW-10 VWW-10-11 M Wami’s American Fortune Hunter..................... Birgitta Prahl................................................................... 29 11... Miss Amazing’s Dream Hunter........................................................................................ Camilla Lebzien............................................................... 26 12... NORD UCH SE V-13 NORD V-11 NORD JV-10 NORD V-10 Enigma Just Watch Me........... Madelene Lönn & Sofie Lönn......................................... 23 13... SE UCH Yulara Quercus.................................................................................................... Susann Marco................................................................. 22 *...... Afrikos Mitas Admiral Of Love......................................................................................... Anita Bergkvist, Cecilia Kocman & Helena Strömbert.... 22 15... C.I.B NORD UCH SE V-11 NO V-10 Kimwito’s Valentino................................................... Anna Söderholm Bjurström & Therese Kindberg........... 17 *...... C.I.B NORD UCH Hanishan X-Factor................................................................................ Lars Höglin...................................................................... 17 *...... SE UCH Taji’s Top Model To Zahleka................................................................................ Cecilia Åkerblad.............................................................. 17 18... C.I.B NORD UCH KBHV-09 Zahleka Emile Emilion............................................................ Yvonne Adolfsson........................................................... 16 *...... Rayas Minds Windy Wind................................................................................................ Diana Bjurström & Carina Johansson............................. 16 20... Karimba’s Rock N Roll...................................................................................................... Heléne Roos.................................................................... 14 TIKAR/BITCHES UTSTÄLLNING Plac: Namn: Ägare/Owner Totalt: 1..... SE UCH SE V-13 Behukai Egyptian Treasure..................................................................... Therese Kindberg & Anders Gryhed............................... 70 2..... SE NO UCH NORD JV-11 Enigma I Have A Dream............................................................ Carina Morén Jansson & Sofie Lönn............................... 58 3..... SE JV-13 Shahrans Starlet................................................................................................ Maria Kindberg &Therese Kindberg............................... 55 4..... Touch Of Razz Pink Champagne...................................................................................... Carina Morén Jansson.................................................... 48 5..... DK CH NORD UCH DK JV-12 NORD JV-12 Karimba’s Bling Bling....................................... Heléne Roos.................................................................... 43 6..... Yulara Stellaria................................................................................................................. Monica Massih............................................................... 42 7..... Karimba’s Party Girl......................................................................................................... Heléne Roos & Ulrika Tapper.......................................... 40 8..... C.I.B NORD UCH DK V-13 NORD V-12 Kenjaali Frankly My Dear...................................... Naranja Persson.............................................................. 39 *...... SE UCH NORD JV-09 SE V-10 Khani’s Midnight Star......................................................... Madelene Lönn & Sofie Lönn......................................... 39 10... SE JV-12 Old Legend’s Jewel............................................................................................ Yvonne Adolfsson........................................................... 30 11... C.I.B EE NORD UCH Hazhart Miss Chevious..................................................................... Anna Söderberg.............................................................. 22 12... C.I.B NORD UCH DK VV-13 NORD VV-12 SE V-05-06-07 KBH V-08-09 ....... Kenjaali Kaya-Kayenna..................................................................................................... Naranja Persson.............................................................. 21 13... SE UCH Chagmas Rose To Faraoland............................................................................... Helena Strömbert........................................................... 18 *...... Rayas Minds Winning Winnie.......................................................................................... Diana Bjurström & Carina Johansson............................. 18 15... Azania’s Bit Of Magic Of Tricycle..................................................................................... Susann Marco................................................................. 16 16... JUN WW-10 Yulara Noni Morinda................................................................................... Monica Massih............................................................... 15 *...... SE UCH Enigma In Your Dreams....................................................................................... Annika Jonsson............................................................... 15 18... NORD UCH C.I.B NORD JV-10 NORD V-10 SE V-11 NO V-12 Kimwitu’s Zolotaya.............. Therese Kindberg............................................................ 13 *...... Nirse O’Caffeine............................................................................................................... Cecilia Halfvars............................................................... 13 20... Miss Amazing’s Night Play............................................................................................... Camilla Lebzien............................................................... 12 VETERANER UTSTÄLLNING Plac: Namn: Ägare/Owner Totalt: 1..... VEUW-10 VWW-10-11 SE UCH M Wami’s American Fortune Hunter............................. Birgitta Prahl................................................................... 22 2..... C.I.B NORD UCH DK VV-13 NORD VV-12 SE V-05-06-07 KBH V-08-09 ....... Kenjaali Kaya-Kayenna..................................................................................................... Naranja Persson.............................................................. 19 3..... DK,EE,INT&NORD UCH NORD V-08 SE V-08-09- SE&NO V-07 WW-11-13 ....... Faraoland Bluetooth Enigma........................................................................................... Sofie Lönn....................................................................... 16 4..... SE DK UCH Faraoland Saga Zulu....................................................................................... Gun-Lis Dahlström.......................................................... 10 5..... Liljeborg’s Dan Fatima Of Sun.......................................................................................... Yvonne Adolfsson............................................................. 6 6..... C.I.B DK NO FI UCH Faraoland Xcellent Example............................................................. Cecilia & Bruno Kocman................................................... 3 *...... SE UCH SE V-04 Kenjaali Mercury-Mwami....................................................................... Naranja Persson................................................................ 3 *...... SE UCH Temper Whattayaknow...................................................................................... Sara Teske......................................................................... 3 9..... Vivre Vivien Out Of Africa................................................................................................ Therese Forslund.............................................................. 2

The Modern Basenji - Worldwide - | 58

Upcoming Events – Around the World DATE



Sept. 22-27, 2014


BASENJI CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. Gray Summit, MO Purina Farms Conformation Judge: Mr. Donald Sturz Sweepstakes Judge: Mr. A. Tad Brooks

October 5, 2014



October 18, 2014


BASENJI CLUB OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Pleasanton, CA JUDGE: Ms. Jeraldeen Crandall SWEEPS JUDGE: Ms. Marilyn Leighton Superintendent: MB-F, Inc.

November 2, 2013


BASENJI FANCIERS OF GREATER PHOENIX Mesa, AZ JUDGE: Ms. Kathryn Britton SWEEPS JUDGE: Mr. Larry Hansen, Jr. Show Secretary: Mr. Edward Voyek

November 15-16, 2014



December 6, 2014


HELSINKI WINNER SHOW BREED JUDGE: Jarmo Vuorinen, Finland GROUP 5 JUDGE: Marianne Holmli, Norway

December 7, 2014


VOITTAJA WINNER SHOW BREED JUDGE: Anneli Pukkila, Finland GROUP 5 JUDGE: Kim Vigsø-Nielsen, Denmark

December 13-14, 2014



December 14, 2014



January 2, 2015



February 16-17, 2015


WESTMINSTER KENNEL CLUB New York City, NY Hounds: Monday, Feb. 16th BREED JUDGE: Mr. Allen Odom (Denver, CO) GROUP JUDGE: Mrs. Bette-Anne Stenmark (Woodside, CA)

March 7, 2015


CRUFTS NEC Birmingham, England BREED JUDGE: Dr. Ron W. James GROUP JUDGE: Mrs. Carla Molinari, Portugal

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Advertising & Subscriptions


The Modern Basenji - Worldwide is published quarterly in print and online. The online magazine is a modified format that includes advertising and limited content. The digital version is available at no charge. Subscription Rates

Advertising Rates COVER SET Front Cover- Color only.................................................................... $ 250.00 Back Cover – Color only.................................................................... $ 175.00 Inside Front Cover – Color only........................................................ $ 140.00 Inside Back Cover – Color only......................................................... $ 140.00 Inside Front Cover plus adjacent page................................................ $250.00 Inside Back Cover plus adjacent page................................................. $250.00 INSIDE COLOR PAGES Single color page.............................................................................. $ 125.00 2-page spread.................................................................................... $ 235.00 Half page - color................................................................................ $ 65.00 Quarter-page color............................................................................ $ 35.00 BLACK/WHITE PAGES Single page........................................................................................ $ 70.00 2-page spread................................................................................... $ 130.00 Half page - b/w.................................................................................. $ 40.00 Quarter page - b/w ........................................................................... $ 25.00 DISCOUNT RATES: Prepay 4 issues (1 pg per issue) COLOR............................................. $ 450.00 Prepay 4 issses (1 pg per issue) B/W................................................. $ 252.00 Addtl photos (limit 4 per page).................................................................. n/c SPECIAL CATEGORIES – per year rate/size: 3.65”w x 2.50h” Breeder/Kennel Directory Listing....................................................... $ 75.00

Deadlines for Advertising & Editorial Submissions February 1st (March issue) August 1st (September issue) May 1st (June issue) November 1st (December issue) Contact The Modern Basenji -- Worldwide For Subscritpions - For Advertising needs

One year

Two years

US Residents............................. $35.00 . ....................$65.00 Canadian Residents.................. $47.00 . ....................$90.00 All Other Countries................... $55.00.....................$105.00 Single Copy USA......................................................................$12.00 Canada.................................................................$15.00 All other countries...............................................$20.00

Payments Online, Checks & Money Orders - US Funds Only. Mail Payments to: The Modern Basenji, 221 Oak Wood Road, Kerrville, TX 78028

MAGAZINE STAFF Editors : Wanda Pooley, Melody Falcone, A. Tad Brooks Magazine Design Wanda Pooley Advertising Managers Melody Falcone & A. Tad Brooks Ad Designer Melody Falcone Copy Editing Anne Rogers Maxine Elliott M. Susan Joyner

Contact the Advertising Manager for layout details before sending sending camera-ready ads. Send inquiries to The Modern Basenji -- Worldwide 221 Oak Wood Road Kerrville, TX 78028 (830) 257-0481

The Modern Basenji -- Worldwide is interested in your editorial submissions. Please contact us at

Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publishers. The Modern Basenji takes no responsibility for statements or claims made in advertisements. We reserve the right to edit and/or refuse all copy. We are not responsible for errors in camera-ready ads that come in from an outside designer. All manuscripts become the property of The Modern Basenji. Ads that are custom designed by our Advertising Staff are the property of The Modern Basenji. Reports, tallies and photographs of events submitted by individuals are published as space allows. Any win photos must be identified.

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