Moeller High School 1992-93 Soccer News Articles

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to play ond time in three years. Moeller, 10-9, will play Roger Bacon, which beat Lakota on Tuesday night. Goal: M-Ryan Ruebusch. Shulout: Joe Loeber! (7 saves). Records: M 10.9; WW '10.6-3.-

• •

Boys soccer statistics j)-

Coaches' ponJJ

1. Roger Bacon (15) .. 1.68 2. Anderson (1) .......... 149 ·3. St. Xavier (1) .......... 141 4. Sycamore .............. 102 5. Winton Woods ......... 90 6. Turpin ...................... 86 TIE Lakota ..................... 86 8. Middletown .............. 39 9. Elder ........................ 27 10. Colerain ................... 16 Others: La Salle 12, Milford 7, Northwest 4.

Goals 28-Whitehead. Seven Hills 24-Reynolds, SCO 23-Lozler, St. Bernard 22-Morwood. Kings 2D-Cornellus, Kings; Best, Ross; Roberts, Princeton 19-Tucker. Middletown 17-Bauer, Bethel Tate; Arnold. CNE; Layman, Batavia 16-Lambert, Springboro; Feldhaus. Roger Bacon; Wells, New Richmond; Cummings, Elder 14-Halverson, Anderson; Burch. Turpin; Salsltz, Walnut Hills 13-Battlg, Wilmington; Greene. Turpin; Hamilton. CCO; Allen, Princeton; Stamper, Colerain 12-Breehan, Springboro; Frazier, Indian Hill 11-MIIIer, Mason; Crellen, Glen Este; Johnson, Winton Woods; Cooke, SCO; Kelly, Cintl Christian; Bowman, Sycamore; Haas, Sycamore,

Assists 24-Morwood, Kings 20-Barker, Seven Hills; Yacks, Anderson 17-Dunbauld, SCO 14-Bowman, Sycamore 12-0uff, St. Bernard; Cornelius,

Klng~1 -Beck, Mason; Scheafer, Rog-.



1D-Lozler, St. Bernard; Weakes, SCO; Vall, Glen Este 9.,-Lawson, Middletown; Durbin, Alter; Clawson, Milford; Miller, Mason; Beckstedt, Kings; Knippenberg, Roger Bacon; Feldhaus, Roger Bacon

Shutouts 13-Laskowskl, Kings 9-Starr. Sycamore 8-Ballard, Alter; Dohrmann, Indian Hill; Moeller, Roger Bacon 7-Rittenberger, Lakota; Handler, Anderson · 6-Hendricks, SCD; lgnantz, Winton Woods 5-Kraus. Colerain; Berge, St. Xa-vier; Conhor, Princeton. · ·

League standings · Queen City Conference League Overall Anderson ..................................... lr0-1 12-2·2 Turpin ....................................lr0-1 9-H Winton Woods ........................... 4-2-1 8-5-3 Northwest ................................. 2·2·2 9-4-3 Wolnut Hills ................~ ......c.... 2-4-1 6-7-3'

~.~~~~~~.:;::~:=~~:::::::::~:::~:~::::.~ilJ.o 4~l Fort Ancient Valley confemce League Overall.

~~itr:~~t~~~~:tit.~~~~~ :~r

Little Mlami ............................. D-1D-O 1-1Hl Greater Cincinnati Leagile North League Overall

~::'. ~.::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::~~t~ 1~~~

McNic:holas ............................. J-5-1


~~~;;;-;;~·::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::: ::~:1 i-1~:

Purcel Marian ....................... D-8-1 2-12·1 Greater Cincinnati League. South League Overall 1

~~f~-~~~:~:~:~i~::::::~::::~.lli gj Greater Miami Conference _ _ _ ._ _ __ League Overall

g~;~:~~:~~~:~~~~~~~~~~:~~:~~~~~:~:~i11 f.i~ 1

Middletown ............................... 5-4-1 Mlllord ....................................... 1-6-2

8-7-1 5-7-3

~~~nl(;.-:::~:::::::::~~=~:::::::::::::: ~~~


Metro County Conference League Overall Colerain......................................... J-D-1 1D-3-1 Ook Hllls.....................................2-1·1 5-6-3 Mount Heallhy........................ 0-4.0 5-9·2 Southern Buckeye conference League Overall NewRichmond .......................... 6-1-1 1D-2·3

~::t>Or~·:::::~:.::::~:::~:::..:::::::.t!:: ~;::

Bethel-Tate ...........................:.. 3-4·1 6-8-1 Bl1111chester ............................. D-8.0 D-14-1 Miami Valley Conference League Overall

~~~~\~~~=t::j_~H~~~ ·:f!t Cincinnati Hills League League overall


Morlemont ................................ 2-3-3 ' 3-8-5

~=~~:-~~:::·:~::~~~:~:~~:::::::. E:! 1~~1 Independents




t ••

· t ..


Onclnnotl Chtlstl!lll ...........,...............


Crusaders· knock off Winton Woods, 1-0

lt>-:L<'j- 9-L Ryan Ruebush scored the only goat with 4:49 remaining to lift unseeded Moeller to a 1-0 upset victory over third-seeded Winton Woods in a Division I, Cincinnati .II boys soccer game at Sycamore on Tuesday night. Junior goalie Joe Loebert recorded the shutout for Moeller. Moeller, which started the year 0-4, has a five-game winning streak and advances to sectional play for the second time in three years. Moeller, 10-9, will play Roger Bacon, which beat Lakota on Tuesday night. · Goal: M-Ryan Ruebusch. Shutout: Joe Loeber! (7 $8Ves). Records: M 1D-9; ww 1D-6-3.

Boys soccer


Soccer statistics Boys soccer statistics


· q.. J.3 Boys Poll


jg.. JJj Poll....-')',)-

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 6. 10.

Roger Bacon (6) ........... 108 St.Xavier(4) ................. 106 Sycamore (1) ................ 89 Anderson ...................... 84 · Winton Woods (1) ......... 83 Lakota .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .... .. 53 Princeton .. .. .. ................ 38 Turpin ........................... 32 Colerain ........................ 20 Milford .......................... _15 Others receiving votes: Middletown 9, Fairfield 6, Elder 1.

1.' Roger Bacon (12) .. 120 2. Anderson ................. 96 3. St. Xavier ................. 94 4. Winton Woods ......... 83 5. Sycamore ................ 71 6. Lakota ...................... 62 7. Turpin ....................... 41 8. Middletown .............. 23 9. Elder ........................ 16 10. Milford ..................... 12 Others receiving votes: Princeton 11, LaSalle 7, Colerain 5, Northwest 3.

Top scorers

Top sc·orers

13-Whltehead, Seven Hils; Reynolds, SCO; Cornelius, Kings; Roberts, Princeton.

ro:~~~~~~s.Winton Woods; WeDs, New Richmond; Arnold, CNE. 9-Morewood, Kings; Lambert, Springboro. 8-Lozler, St. Bernard; Allen, Princeton; Cummings Elder; Bauer, Bethel Tate. 7-Saisllz, Walnut Hils; Kefly, Onti Christian; Stamper, Colerain.


Greater Cincinnati League South . t(- { ~ - lj 2. League Overall · St. Xav1er .................- -.........- ...........2~~ 3.().1 La Salle ...................................................... 1·1~ 2·1·1 Elder .......................................................... 1· H 2· H Moeller ....... :>e.<............:........................... 0·2~ 0.4~

12-Morewood, Kings. ID-Barker, Seven Hills. 6-Yacks, Anderson; Vall, Glen Este.

5-Franco, Sycamore; Cummins, Winton


St. Bernard; Haas, Sycamore; Bowman, Sycamore; Clawson. Mflford; Daniel,


Walnut Hi!~; Oortmueler, Winton Woods; Gibson. Winton Woods; Arnold, CNE; Freudenberger, Bethet Tate.

Shutouts 6-Laskowskl, Kings;

:=~~~~~~, ~:~~~:~;

Handler, And7rson;

Moeler, Roger Bacon; Oollrmann, ~ian H1i; 3-CoMor, Princeton; Ignatz. W~nton Woods; Kraus, Colerain; Heybruch. New Richmond;

League standings QUEEN OTY CONFER~~:e Overall Winton .Woods ....----·-----·-·· 240

•-~~ :::::::::::::::::::::::==~~m tt~ Northwest ................_ ........... - ........... 4· ~~ 0.7-0 Harrison .........................--·-·.. --·-g. ~ Walnut Hils .........--........----·-·-· 0.2


. Goals: Moe-R. Ruebusch 2, G. Ruebusch, McDonald Glendon, Miler, Goldschmidt, Necessary, Albrlglit, Porta' (own goal). MH-Poland, Lintz. Mllter. Records· Moe H' MH 5-lg-2. . '


i2 5-0

1:.·3 FORT ANOENT VALLEY CONF. Leagua Overall Klngs--·-·-···-·-.. -·...:....- ... ·-·-4~ ~

;~;~f:~i:~~S~ti.~fEt~ ill

GREATER aNaNNATI LEAGUE NORTH League overall Roger Bacon ....... - .................................. 1-o-1 ~ Chaminade ...............----·-..·--·--.. g.~ Aller ,_....................- ....----·-· ..-·-··- 1 3- 3 ~ McNichOlas ...............- ...........................~~ .~



• Moeller 11, Mount Healthy 3 at Mount Healthy Moeller set a school record for number of goals in- a game. Ryan Ruebusch led the way with two goals. Moeller next plays at the Sycamore-Northwest winner Sat~ urday at 7 p.m. i 6-:Z I- <f,;J.._



~~f~~~~~~~~:-~~~-~~~-~~~~~n1 l11

• Moeller 3, Northwest 2, at Northwest Casey Connor ~cored with 3:30 remaining, leadmg the Crusaders to a come-frombehind victory. over the Knights. Moeller's Ryan Ruebusch scored the first goal, which was immediately answered by· the Knights within the next 44 seconds. But Moeller rallied down the stretch to pull jt out.Jo·~M:f;L ·

Goals: M·Mike Glendon. Rylin Ruebusch, Casey Con-

~g:s,tShawn Ohmer, Travis Kaiser. Records: M 9-9, N

24-Whltehead, Seven Hils .22-Reynolds, SCD; Marwood, Kings 19-Roberts, Princeton; Best, Ross; Tucker, Middletown 17-Lozler, St. Bernard 16-Lombert, Springboro; Feldhaus, Roger Bacon IS-Cummings, Elder; Layman, Batavia; CorneOus, KingS 12-Stomper, Colerian; HamAton. CCO; Frazier, Indian Hll 11- Johnson. Winton Woods; Burch, Turpin; Halverson. Anderson; Cooke, SCO; Kelly, Ontl Christian; Allen. Princeton; Bow· man. Sycamore.

Assists 20-Morwood. KingS 18-Barker, Seven Hils 14-ComeRus, Kings 13-Bowman. Sycamore 11-Bec:k.Moson 9-L.awson. Middletown; Oowson, Milford; MINer, Mason; Weaks, SCD; Beck· stedt, Kings; Knippenberg, Roger Bacon &-Schmidt, Springboro; Roberts, SCO; Lozier. St. Bernard; Duff, St. Bernard; Vall, Glen Este 7-Goodby, Mason; Tucker, Middletown; Oumbould, SCO; Archer, Loveland

Northwest ..................................... 2·2·2 8-3-3 Glen Este ...............................- .. 1·2·3 S-4·3 Walnut Hills .......................... _ .. 1·4-1 4·7·2 Harrison ... - ...- .......................... ~ 2·11~ AmeUo ·---·----..··--····--·~ ~ Fort Ancient Valtey Coni. League overafl Klngs-..........................................7·1~ 12·1·1 Mason.. ......................................... 6-1·1 10.3-1 Sprlngboro.-................................4-4·1 '&·S.l Wilmington .............................. _, 4·5-0 4·8·1 Ross-.............................................. 3-4-2 4~ Little Mloml_.........................-.0.9~ 0.1~ Greater Cincinnati League North .: League overall Roger Bacon ............................... 6-o-2 11-o-2 Bodin·--·--·-............................. 1-6-1 4-4-1 Purcel Marion ........................... 0.7-1 . 1-10.1 Chamlnode .................................... ~ 340 AHer ............................................... ~ 340' McNichOlas ................................... ~ J. H Greater Clnclnnati'League South League overalt St. Xavier ..............................._ .. 7·2·1 9·2:2 • La Sale -····---...., ................. 6-3-1 8-3-2 Elder ---·--·--.......................... 6-3-1 8-4·1 MoeHer ............................... 4-6-0 · 5-9~ Greater Miami COnference League overalt sycamore -·-----·-................. 8.0.2 11·1-2 · Lakota....................................... ,_.8·1~ 9·3·1 Princeton ........- .............. - ......... S-4- I B-5-1 Middletown ..............................- .. S-4-1 8·7·1 Folrfield .....___, .............- ..... 5-4-1 · 6-6-1 Mnford - -................................. 1·5-2 5-6-2 Llmo ..... _ .. ,,.. ,_..................... - .... 1-6-2 4-q•2 Hamuton. . ..................................... o-s-1 0.10.3 Metro COunty Conference League overalt Coleroln........................................... J.o-1 9·3-1 Mount HeoHhy..............:............... 0.3-0 4-7·2 Oak Hlls ...................................._,l·l·l 4·5-3 Southern Buckeye Conference · ' . League overall


HiRsboro .......... - ............................ ~·!


New Richmond -·-..- ..........- .. 240 4-o-1 Miami Vatley COnference • League overall

~~~-~~-~.::.:.~::.~.~::.~:::::.~:::::.;:l:~ ~1~ .

St. Bernard ·---·--...................... 2-4·2 8-4CZ Summit .......................................... 140 440 Batavia ...._,_,,,......................... 1-3-2 S-4;3 12-L.askowskl, Kings Cincinnati Hills League • League overall 6-Dotrmam, lnc:Ran Hil; Hendricks, Indian HiB ....................................... 740 9.().1 SCO; ljjnontz. Winton Woods; Chandler, AnLoveland ._.................................... 6-1~ 7-4:2 derson Madeira ......................................... 5-1·1 9·3:1 5-Krous, Colerain; Berge, St.'Xovler; Flnneytown ·---·--..·---..-3·2·1 5+ 1 Riltenberger, Lakota; Conhor, Princeton. Oeer Park ..- ............................... 2·3-2 5-313 Wyoming ............._ ....................... 2-4~ 2-8;0 Mariemont ·--·--·-·--_............ 1·3·2 2-7-4 Reading ..!....................................... !+1 1-9·1 Queen Qty COnference Taylor .......................................... ~ 1·11~ League Overalt · Independents · Anderson ........ ,_........._, ___..... s-o-1 11-2- I overall Turpin ......·--·--...................__ ,4.().1 6-4·2 OnciMall Christian ............................ 1-13~ I WlntonWoods .............----·-"'1·1 8-4-2



League standings

• Roger Bacon 7, ,Moeller 1, at Roger Bacon - The Spartans ~scored six first half goals, two each ()\.by Brian jones and Pete Knippen\ berg, en route to th~ easy victory - over the Crusaders in the Division ....!. I district championship game. · - Goals: RB·Jones 2, Knippenberg 2, Buschmann. Schaefer, Jerger. M-Ruebusch. Records: RB 15.().3.

Soccer statistics q.. J.J Boys

Boys soccer statistics




iV,. 1J/

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 6. 10.

Roger Bacon (6) ----···---- 108 St. Xavier (4) --········--··--·1 06 Sycamore (1) --·----·----·--· 89 Anderson ·----------·----·----· 84 Winton Woods (1) ------·-- 83 Lakota """"""""""""" 53 Princeton----·----------·------ 38 Turpin ------------·-------------- 32 Colerain ·----·--------·--------· 20 Milford--·----·------·----·------ _15 Others receiving votes: Middletown 9, Fairfield 6, Elder 1.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Roger Bacon (12) .. 120 Anderson ................. 96 St. Xavier ................. 94 Winton Woods ......... 83 Sycamore ................ 71 Lakota ...................... 62 Turpin .....,. ................ 41 Middletown .............. 23 Elder ........................ 16 Milford ..................... 12 Others receiving votes: Princeton 11, LaSalle 7, Colerain 5, Northwest 3.

Top scorers

Top scorers

13-Whltehead, Seven Hlns; Reynolds, SCD; Cornelius, Kings; Roberts, Princeton.

l~:~~~~s~~~s.Winton Woods; Wells, New Richmond; Arnold, CNE. 9-Morewood, Kings; Lambert, Springboro. 1-Lozler, St Bernard; Allen, Princeton; cummings, Elder; Bauer, Bethel Tate. 7-Salsltz, Walnut Hills; Kelly, Clnti Christian; Stamper, Colerain. Assists

Greater Cincinnati League South . t(- { ? - 'j :1. League Overall · St. Xav1er --................................................ 2-0~ 3~·1 LaSalle ...................................................... l·l~ 2·1·1 Elder .......................................................... 1-H 2·1·1 Moeller 0·2~ 0-4~

12-Morewood, Kings. 10-Barker, Seven Hills. 6-Yacks, Anderson; Vall, Glen Este. s-Franco, Sycamore; Cummins, Winton


st Bernard; Haas, Sycamo:e; Bowman, Sycamore; Oawson, Milford; Camel,


walnut HIM;; DorfmueUer, Winton Woods; Gibson, Winton Woods; Arnold, CNE; Freudenberger, Bethel Tate.

Shutouts 6-Laskowskl, Kings; S-Ballard, Kettering; 4-Starr, Sycamore; Handler, And~rson; Moeller, Roger Bacon; Dohrmann, Indian H1ll;

Poll ,.-


3-Connor, Princeton; Ignatz, Winton Woods, Kraus, Colerain; Heybruch, New Richmond;

League standings QUEEN C1TY CONFERL~:: Overall



~~~~lli~ ~~~f~~~~ GREATER CINCINNATI LEAGUE NORTH League overall


~~~fr::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::~~~~~~~~~:~~~ni i1l

. • Moeller 11, Mount Healthy 3 at Mount Healthy Moeller set a school record for number of goals in a game. Ryan Ruebusch led the way with two goals. Moeller next plays at the Sycamore-Northwest winner Sat~ urday at 7 p.m. i 6-:Z.-/- <f;J... Goals: Moe-R. Ruebusch 2, G. Ruebusch, McDonald Glendon, Miler, Goldsdvnldt, Necessary, Albright, Port.; (own goal). MH-Poland, Lintz, Miller. Records· Moe 8-9 ~~M . ,

24-Whitehead, Seven Hils .22-Reynolds, SCD; Marwood, Kings 19-Roberts, Princeton; Best, Ross; Tucker, Midcletown 17-Lozler, St. Bernard 16-Lambert, Springboro; Feldhaus, Roger Bacon IS-Cummings, Elder; Layman, Bata· via; Corne11us, Kings 12-Stamper, Colerian; Hamilton, CCD; Frazier, Indian Hil · 11-Jolvlson, Winton Woods; Burch, Turpin; Halverson, Anderson; Cooke, SCD; Ke11y, Cinll Christian; Allen, Princeton; Bow·

man, Sycamore.

Assists 20-Morwood, Kings 18-Barker, Seven HUis 14-Cornellus, Kings 13-Bowman, Sycamore 11-Beck, Mason 9-Lawson, Middletown; aawson, M11· ford; Miller, Mason; Weaks, SCD; Beck· stedt, Kings; Knippenberg, Roger Bacon 8-Schmldt, Springboro; Roberts, SCD; Lozier, St. Bernard; Duff, St. Bernard; Van, Glen Este 7-Goodby, Mason; Tucker, Middletown; Dumbauld, SCD; Archer, Loveland

Shutouts 12-Laskowskl, Kings


6-Dohrmann, Indian Hll; Hendricks, SCD; lgnantz, Winton Woods; Chandler, Anderson S-Kraus, Colerain; Berge, St.· Xavier; Rlltenberger, Lakota; Conhor, Prlncelon.

League standings Queen City COnference League Overall · Anderson ..................................... 5-0-1 11-2·1 Turpin .............................................4.Q.l 6+2 Winlon Woods ..............................4·1·1 8-4-2

• Moeller 3, Northwest 2, at Northwest Casey Connor ~cored with 3:30 remaining, leadmg the Crusaders to a come-frombehind victory. over the Knights. Moeller's Ryan Ruebusch scored the first goal, which was immediately answered by· the Knights within the next 44 seconds. But Moeller rallied down the stretch to pull !t out.J(l··.Z...-r--f..;L ·

Goals: M·Mlke Glendon, Ryan Ruebusch, Casey Con·

~g:S.tShawn Ohmer, Travis Kaiser. Records: M 9·9, N

Northwest ..................................... 2-2·2 8-3-3 Glen Este ....................................... 1-2·3 5-4·3 Walnut Hnls ................................... 1-4·1 4-7·2 Harrison ....................................... D-6-0 2·11~ Amelia ............................................ D-0-0 o-o-o Fort Ancient Valley Coni. League overall Klngs............................................. .7·1~ 12·l·1 Mason........................................... 6-1·1 ID-3-1 Springboro...................................... 4·4·1 '8-S-1 Wilmington .................................... 4-~ 4·8-1 Ross-.............................................. 3-4·2 4-6-4 Llltle Miami................................. D-9~ D-1~ Greater Cincinnati League North · League overall Roger Bacon ............................... 6-0-2 11.Q.2 Badin .............................................. 1-6-1 4+1 PurceDMarian ........................... D-7·1 . l·ID-1 Chamlnade .................................... D-0-0 3~ Aller ............................................... o-o-o ~· McNicholas .....................,............. o-o-o 3·1·0 Greater Cinclnnati'League South League overall St. Xavier ...................................... 7-2-1 9·2:2 • La Sane ........................, ................. 6-3-1 8-3-2 Elder ............................................... 6-3-1 8-4·1 Moeller ....- -...........................4-6-0 5-9-0 Greater Miami Conference League overall Sycamore .................................... 8-0-2 11·1-2 · Lakota.............................................8-1~ 9-3·1 Princeton ....................................... 5+ 1 8-5-1 Middletown ................................... 5+ 1 8-7·1 Fairfield ......................................... 5-4-1 · 6-6·1 Mlijord ........................................... 1·5-2 5-6-2 Lima ............................................... 1-6-2 4-q•2 Hamilton. . ...................................... D-8·1 D-ID-3 Metro COunty Conference League overall Coleraln........................................... J.0-1 9-3-1 Mount Healthy..............:............... ().~ H·l Oak Hllls .......................................... l·l-1 4-5-3 Southern Buckeye Conference League overall Hiftsboro ......................................... 3-4·1 6-7'1 New Richmond ............................. 2~ 4-Q-1 Miami Valley Conference • League overall


~~'S'~~~~~-~..-.-.-.-:.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-_:_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._u~ ;:!~

St. Bernard .................................... 2-4·2 8-44! SUmmit .......................................... 1~ ~ Batavia .......................................... 1·3-2 5-4;3 Cincinnati Hills League , League overall Indian Hil ....................................... 7·D-0 9.Q.l Loveland ........................................ 6-1~ 7-4:2 Madeira _, .................................... 5-1·1 9·3:1 Flnneytown ................................... 3-2·1 5-6-1 Deer Park ..................................... 2-3-2 5-3•3 Wyoming ....................................... 2-4~ 2·8~ Mariemont ........................, ........... 1-3-2 2-7-4

;:~:~..-. .".~.-.~:·.:·.::-~:.-.:·.:·:.:·.:::::·.:::~.-oto l.


Independents · overall Cincinnati Christian............................

• Roger Baco~ 7, ..Moeller 1, at Roger Bacon - The Spartans ~scored six first half goals, two each o-, by Brian Jones and Pete Knippen\ berg, en route to th~ easy victory ""'" over the Crusaders 1n the Division ~I district championship·game. · - Goals: RB-Jones 2, Knippenberg 2, Busctvnann, Schaefer, Jerger. M-Ruebusch. Records: RB 15-0-3.


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