Moeller High School 1992-93 Golf Articles

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Rain- sUspends- play at district golf event BY DAVE SCHUTTE . . · ·; Enquirer Contributor


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• MIDDLETOWN, Ohio: Tom Yost reluctantly placed the golf bag on his shoulder and . started toward the parking lot at Weatherwax Goif Course. "We'll just have to put it out of our minds until Monday," said Yost, a senior on the Moeller golf team. "It would have been nice to finish today but the conditions . were pretty rough." Yost and a host of other golfers· Will return to Weatherwax on Monday (10- a.m.) to complete the Division I, II and III district tournaments that were suspended Thursday about 1 p.m. by heavy rain and lightning. When the players were ordered off the course, .St. Xavier held a four-stroke lead over Moeller after shooting a 151 on the front nine. Mike Isaac (35), Steve Kline (37) and Adam Wolfe (39) led the assault. Dave Lange, a St. Xavier senior who shot.a 41, believes the delay won't hurt the Bombers' chances of successfully defending their Division I district title. "We've _been playing well," Lange said. "All our guys are on the back nine and are shooting good scores. We're in the lead and this should give us the confidence on Monday." Although St. Xavier and Moeller are in the driver's seat for two of the three qualifying spots for the state tournament, Sycamore (159), Fairfield (160), Lakota (160) and Oak Hills (162) are within striking distance.

St. ·Xavier clinches Division.· I golf title BY DAVE SCHUTTE Enquirer Contributor

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Mike Isaac and Steve Kline came through as expected for the St Xavier golf team,- leading the Bombers to their second consecutive Division I district golf championship at Weatherwax Golf · Course. . Suspended by rain 'on Thursday, St. Xavier and Moeller were the only Cincinnati area teams advancing to the state .tournament on Friday and Saturday at Ohio State University. St. Xavier fired a team score of 304, eight better than Moeller. Tom Yost fired a one-over 73 for the Crusaders, . tieing Isaac and Talawanda's Todd Lancaster for medalist honors. Lakota's Jason Harter joined Lancaster; earning a trip to Columbus as an individual with a two· over 74..

St. Xavier, Moeller district golf picks BY DAVE

S~HUTTE I ),.{. '1.I () 1/ 7

Enquirer Contnbutor


The season's fmal and toughest hurdle lies ahead this week for area tennis players and golf~rs .. BOYS GOLF: . Begtnmng Thursday at Weatherwax. G?lf Course in Middleto~! 12 ~mcm­ nati teams will partl.clp~te m the Division I, fl and Ill dlstnct tou~a­ ments with the survivors earmng a trip to Columbus for a shot at the big prize. · th St Xavier and Moeller are e favorites in the Division I tournament. Fairfield, Lakota, Oak Hills, Sycamore also have a good shot. . c· . "Hopefully, it will be ~ mcm-nati tournament," St. XaVIer coa~h Joan Whitaker said. "The teams ~ 'Dayton don't appear as strong as m . f -the past." • Surprising_Loy~l~nd, Wlnn~rs o the Cincinhatl DlVlslOn P:. sectional, will find the competitiOn a lot tougher With the stronges! challenge expected from Kette!ffig ~­ ter. McNicholas and India~ ~111 .also earned a spot in the dlstnct meet:

Favorites Cincinnati teams are favored to win five of the seven berths in the 1b ·-l!i- q.istate meet: 1' DIVISION I • ST. XAVIER: Led by Mike Isaac and Steve Kline, the Bombers won the mythical city champi- · onship, edging Moeller by four points. St X lost only one dual match and won the GCL title and the prestigious Dick Hadley Classic. Other Bombers are David Lange, Kyle Boska and Adam Wolfe. • MOELLER: Tom Yost and Mike Cassity have been the heart and soul of a Crusader team that fired a 304 in winning the Cincinnati East sectional. Moeller also has outstanding depth, with Mike Stark, Andy Dunlap and Todd Kahle. • SYCAMORE: The top four golfers shot in the 70s in the sectional, giving the Aviators second place behind Moeller. Players are Jason Greiner, Brian Chambless, Alan Roth, Nick Lykins and Adam Dumes.


1. St. Xavler(6) ............. :................. 9~ 2. Moeller (4) .....-........................ . 9~ 3. Fairfield ..................................... 12

~: ~~~~~~~.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~g 6. Oak Hills ........... ... ........ .......... .... 7. Hamilton.................................... 8. Loveland .......... ....... ........... .... ....

35 ~4


~h~ 1~~\~~nH.iii·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~

Otllert: Talawonda 16, Elder 4, Milford 4, Lebanon 2. Badln 1. • TOP AVERAGES . Todd Lancaster (Talawanda) .............. 35.4 A. Collett (Hamilton) ............................ 37.8 M. Chaney (Lakota) .............. :.............. 37.9 Mike Isaac (St. Xavier) ........................ 37.9 Jason Butkus (Fairfield) ...................... 38.2 Pete Samborsky (Oak Hills) ................ 38.5 Ryan Rieckoff (Princeton) ................... 38.5 TomYost(Moeller) ...... ............... 38.5· .............. 38.6 Mike Cassitv (Moeller) ... Steve Kline·'iSt. Xavier) ....................... ~'1.7

St. Xavier finishes second Bombers break record .. but lose by 'two strokes BY KEN ROBINSON 'Enquirer Contributor .

• COLUMBUS: A modest goal and a wrong calculation added further hurt and frustration to St.· Xavier's second-place finis.h in the Division I state golf tournament at Ohio State's Scarlet Golf Course Saturday. Upper Arlington held onto its two-stroke lead from Friday to edge the Bombers as both teams eclipsed the state scoring record. Upper Arlington finished with 623 strokes, two strokes better than St. X's 625. The previous record was 629. Moeller -took sixth with a total of 658. " e were ng a as a rea good · score this weekend," St. X coach Joan Whitaker said. "641 won it here last year and if I knew we'd shoot a 625, I'd have said no one · would touch us." After the last foursome was in, Whitaker figured that her team stood five strokes behind Upper Arlington. Minutes later, the Bombers' coach learned otherwise. "I got a wrong score from someone . ~ . in fact, we were just two away, so that hurts even more," she said. · · ' But· Whitaker's disappointment didn't dull her sentiments about her team: "I still think we're the best team," she said. "if we play this team (Upper Arlington) on any

Golf other course, any other day of the year, at this stage of the game, it wouldn't be a contest.· They (UA) play here all the time." Mike Isaac, who fired a robust four-over 76, shouldered some of the blame despite finishing with the tournament's fourth-best score (154). "I feel like .I kind of lost it myself because I played the last three or four holes three-over," Isaac said. "I missed two putts inside of 3 feet on the last four holes, and right there is the tie." DIVISION I Team sco•es: 1, Upper Arlington 623. 2, St. Xavier 625. J, Toledo St. .lohlos 639. (, Stow Walsh Jesuit 64S. 5, Springfield North 649. 6, Moeller 658. 7 (tiel, Dublin. Newark 659. 9, Medlna 678. 10, Brecksvme 681. 11, Oe. Sf. ignalrus 691. 12, Shelby 707. Top scorers: 1, Jeff Brown. Upper Arijngton, 151 (won playoff). 2, Mark Cetalano, Upper Arlington. 151. J, Chris Woltmam, Parma Normandy, 153.4 (tie), Ryan Armour, Stow Walsh Jesuit and Mike tsaac, St. xavier,154. St. Xavier scores: Mike Isaac 78-76-154, Steve Kline 77-78-155 (tired for sixth), Kyle Voska 75-78-157 (tied for ninth), David Lange 81-78-159, Adam Wolfe 65·88-173. Moeller. scores: Mike casslty 77-83-160, Tom Yost 85-79-164, Mike Stark 82-90 172, Andy Duftlap 86'8ij i/0, rildd Kahle 85-83-168. Area Individuals: Todd Lancaster, Talawanda, 158; Jason Harl'!l", Lakota. 164. '

BY DAVE SCHUTTE , /. Enquirer Contributor

/ 01


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The road to the state championship . begins this week for area golfers and girls tennis players with sectional tournaments beginning Thursday. . . , St. Xavier, No.1 m The Enquirers weekly coaches golf poll, heads a strong field in the· Division I Cincinnati district west tournament Thursday (8:30 a.m.) at Miami Whitewater. . The Bombers' strongest opposition will come from Talawanda, Hamilton, Fairfit:rld, Oak Hills and Elder. The top three teams and individuals advance to next week's regional. Also on Thursday, the Division III dis, · trict will be contested at Monroe's Pleas-

High school sports·

ant Hills Golf Course. Dayton area teams are heavily _favored. Glenview Golf Course will be the site of the Cincinnati Division I East tournament Thursday so we have rain date in case of, and the Division II district tournament on a cancellation. Friday. In Division I, Moeller, Lakota, Sycamore Milford, Turpin and Anderson are expe~ted to battle it out. In Division II, Indian Hill, Loveland, McNicholas and Bethel-Tate should be strong. ·· The top three teams advance to the regional tournament on Thursday, Oct. 15 at Weatherwax Golf Course in Middletown. . "in the past, the regional has been played on a Friday," tournament manager Tim J'ilton said. "The state moved it to.


Loveland dominates foes BY

~AVE S~HUTTE f() J11~ f.'fv

Enqwrer Contnbutor

. The Cincinnati Enquirer/Jim Callaway

Moeller's Tom Yost helped his team to a Cincinnati East Division 1sectional title at Glenview Friday with a 74. Teammate Mike Cassity was medalist with a 73.



Billy Williamson briskly walked off the 18th green at Glenview Golf Course, quickly checked his score card and ran toward the parking lot. . At first, it appeared that Williamson, . a 16-year-old Loveland· sophomore, was upset, not wanting to talk about the round. As it turned out, Williamson had another important engagement and the late finish put him behind schedule. "Billy is the backup center for the football team and had to leave to make the pre-game meal," Loveland coach Dave Evans said. "This is only the fourth time he's played for us, but .his 81 was important." The top four Loveland players all turned in outstanding rounds as the Tigers captured their first Division· II sectional championship with a score of 321, well ahead of Indian Hill (341) and McNicholas (344). "This group has been inconsistent all season, but today they put it together," Evans said. "We had the top four scores in the tournament, which is a rarity." Besides Williamson, Todd Acomb (82), Joel Lahrman (79) and Greg Lahrman (79) were on tar-

Golf get. The Lahrman brothers shared . medalist honors. Moeller's Crusaders came through as expected in the Cincinnati East Division I sectional at Glenview with Mike Cassity earning medalist honors with a oneover 73. The Crusaders shot a combined 304, three strokes better than surprising Sycamore and seven better than third-place Lakota. Also instrumental in Moeller's first-place ·finish was sophomore Todd Kahle's 76. "I've been rooting all season for Todd to do well," Cassity said. "I remember how it was when I was a sophomore and I wanted to make it easier for him." Cassity said luck was a factor in his 73. "I guessed right on the wind," he-said. Moeller, Lakota and Sycamore join Cincinnati East Sectional qualifiers St. Xavier, Fairfield and Oak Hills in Thursday's Division I District tournament at Weatherwax Golf Course. Also, Loveland, Indian Hill and McNicholas move on to the Division II district, also next Thursday at Weatherwax.

1. ST. XAVIER - The Bombers return three 'seniors from last year's team which won the Greater Cincinnati League, sectional and district titles and placed fifth in the state tournament. Steve Kline earned second-team all-state honors for rounds of 84-76 at state. Mike Isaac and David Lange also are among the city's top returnees·. Coach Joan Whitaker said the team's five newcomers all gained valuable experience on the reserve team, so the Bombers may have· the depth again to be the city's top team. 1• · f


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• Moellef, No:.3-in.. the boys' golf pol~, topped Hamilton, 1?3- 178;-m.a match on_the front I~e-Ef.._~Kel!vi~w Course __a!

IK~nwood ~ountry Club. Moeller's ,Mike Cassity was medalist-with' a!:e~_g~e_r P_?r 38. t:J-1~- 9:1....... -


2. MOELLER - All six starters, including five seniors, are back from the Crusaders' second-place GCL team which won a sectional title. Mike Cassity; Mike Stifrkand TomYosfC.iptaintfle-team for the second straight year. Over the summer, Cassity qualified for the U.S. Amateur and Yost won a junior to"urnament. Coach Rick Boehne said if nis 4-6 men step up, Moeller has its best chance to beat St. Xavier in·his six years as coach. :; . ... .· . 3. FAiRFIELD- State quali.fier Brian Webb and Cincinnati Junior Met champion Jason Butkus lead the lndia[ls, who finished 12-4 and won a sectional title last year. Coach Steve Kessler said his team will be shooting for No. 1 in the city. · ·




· - - - -

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· • Moeller's. Tom Yost fired a three-over. 38 at~ The Camargo Club, powering the Crusaders past Indian- Hill, 155-170. ft"14'-"1:i· ......... · . . ·.. . -··, ·~

4. LAKOTA - Coach Jack Buni's team returns four seniors Jason Harter, Mike Chaney, Dan Dudukovich and Brad Busby from the Thunderbirds' Greater Miami Conference championship team that finished fourth in the sectional. ·· · • •.


5. SYCAMORE -The Aviators have three solid senior starters back in Adam Dumes, Jason Greiner and Brian Chambless and several young players who must bolster the 4-6 spots. . . .. • 0! 0







Boys golf lj -/~


















8. OAK HILLS .!.. Senior Pete Samborsky is the lone returning Highlander from last year's 12-2 team that tied for a Metro County Conference title and finished fourth in the district. Jason McWhorter, Sean Mulcahay and Todd Blessing plan to contribute. . ' ' 9. ELDER - Seniors Dan Oehler, Chris Lamkin and Adrian Cabrera return as the Panthers challenge St. Xavier and Moeller in the GCL.



10. INDIAN HILL- David Kreitzer is the Braves' tea~ leader as a sophomore. Seniors Adam Boehm and Zak Kempton also return, and Trey Hilberg is only the fifth freshman· to make Indian Hill's varsity t~am in coach Robert West's 15 y_ears wi!~. the ~ea~:


3. 4. 5. 6._ 7.


7. MILFORD- The Eagles won the Hamilton Big Blue Invitational, finished second to Lakota in the· GMC, second to Moeller in the sectional and fourth in the final city poll. Andy Dearth,- Don Raines and Mark Van Houten return, but coach Doug Kassen. has a young. team that hopes to surprise peop!e late in the season. ; .



2. Lakota ... :........ :............................. ·

6. HAMILTON - Seniors Asher Collett and Jeff Glowka and junior Kevin Koomer return to l~ad the Big Blue. ·- .• I •_ · •


1. St. Xavler(10J.:~.c..........................

Fairfield .............................~ .. :.......

Moeller .. ~ ............ :......... Turpin .........................·..... :............ Sycamore..................................... Hamilton ............. .-..........................

Pts 100 85

71 63 57. 54 · 40

:: ~~~~a;a~~~·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1~·

10. Oak Hills....................................... 15 · . Others: Elder 14, Ander.on 8, Milford 6, Lebanon 2, McNicholos, Purcel Marion 1. .. TOP AVERAGES • •. Elfers (Turpin) .......................................... 36.9 A. Collett (Hdmillon) .... :............................ 38) .K. Coomer jHamilton) ........ :......................39.0 J. Giowka (Hamilton) ....... :..... :.................. 39.2 1•

'Cassity aiming for state golf title Moeller senior.

have paid off. He used to take 30·35 putts over 18 holes, but he's worked that number down to the mid- to high·20s. "I've gotton a little more confident," Cassity said. "I've learned how to score, where I can rely on my short game now and salvage a respectable round when I'm not hitting the ball well," he said. · "Before when I W8.l;!n't hitting it well, I'd lose all confidence and say, 'There goes that round.' Now I have something to fall back on." Cassity said team goals are just as important as his own state aspirations. The Crusaders return all six starters from last year, including fellow seniors Mike Stark, Tom Yost, Jason Laub and Andy Dunlap and junior Mike Rocawich. They finished second to St. Xavier in the Greater Cincinnati League last year, won the sectional (not having to play St. Xavier) and finished ninth in the district. "Our top three guys are really solid," Cassity said. "If we can get the fourth through sixth men to play well - and all of them have the talent - there's no telling how far ' we can go," he said. . "Everyone knows each other and we're all pretty good friends," Cassity said. · "We have good team chemistry .. "We all seem to play better because know each otheJ;."

Moeller, St. X set to tee off '?/27/f~

BY DAVE SCHUTTE Enquirer Contributor

Moeller, ranked No.3 in The Enquirer's weekly golf poll, gets two shots at No. 1 St. Xavier this week, the first today in the 18-hole Greater Cincinnati League tournament at Middletown's Weatherwax Golf Course. On Tuesday, the two powers collide again at Kenwood Coun~ry Club in a match that could decide the mythical city championship. St. Xavier edged Moeller by three strokes three weeks ago. Mike Cassity and Tom Yost lead Moeller. Mike Isaacs, Steve Kline and Dave Lange lead St. Xavier. "Monday's match is the most important because if we lo_se, s~. ~ clinches the league champiOnship, Moeller coach Rick Bohne said. "But, if we win, Tuesday's match could be a lot of fun." The golf week concludes Saturday at Weatherwax Golf Course with the 65-team Dick Hadley Classic. Many of the top teams from around the state plus Cincinnati's top 10 are entered.

Boys golf



r.r- ,.,"7_..

1. St.Xavler(10) .............. 2. \-akota ......................... 3. Moeller ......-..............

~: 1~~~~~;~·:·.:·.::::::::::::::: 6. 7. 7. 8. 10.

Fairfield ....................... Tala wanda .................. Hamilton..................... Indian Hill .................... Elder .......................... .


1~~ 79 58


~~ 28 19 15

Others: Milford 13. Oak Hills

o, Anderson 8, Lebanon 1.


. TOP AVERAGES K. Elfers (Turpin) .................... 36.~ J. Buckus (Fairfi.eld) .. ,............ 37. s. Kline (St. Xav1er) ................ 37 ·7 Chad Ayres (Manchester) ...... 37.2 R. Rieckhoff (Princeton) ......... 38.2 M. Isaac (St. Xavi~r) .............. 38.~ o. Lange (St. Xav1er) .............. 38. 8 M. Cassity (Moeller) ...~..... 38. A. Collett (Hemllton) ................ 38.8 T. Yost (Moeller) .............. 39.0 J. Glowka (Hamilton) ............. 39.8

Coaches Top 10


' F-1%-7~ 1. ST. XAVIER ! . • 1991 Rec~rd:. State qualifier,

Greater Cincinnati · League champron. . · ! • Top Golfers: Mike Isaac, Steve Kline, Adam · W?lfe, Kyle Voska, Brian McMahon, Dave Lange. · • Key Match: GCL tournament Sept. 28. · • Outlook: Isaac and Kline averaged fewer than 40 sh9ts per round as juniors, while Wolfe, Voska, Mc~_ahon. and Lange scored well in the Cincinnati 1 , Junr?r . Open last week. What appeared to be a reburldrng season for coach Joan Whitaker could turn : out to be a pleasant surprise. I I. 2. MOELLER , • 1991 Record: Third in Greater Cincinnati League. 1 • To~ Golfers: Mike Cassity, Tom Yost, Mike , Stark, Mrke Rocawich, Jason Laub, Andy Dunlap. . •• _• Key Ma~h:_GCL tournament Sept. 28. 1 •. Outlook: Cassity qualified fOfttie ·u.s:-Amatelir fri Dublin, Ohio, next week and should be one of the top golfers in the state. Alsci, look for Stark and Yost to challenge Cassity for, the No. 1 spot. This could be the year the Crusaders not only oust St. Xavier from atop the GCL but also challenge Jor the state title. . , 3. LAKOTA . • 1991 Record: Greater Miami Conference cham1pron. ~ · • · . -'. .... ·• 1- • To~ Golfers: Jason Harter;. Mike ·Chaney; .Dan Dudukovrch; Brad Busby, Tee McCabe.'~'.' · . • Key Match: GMC tournament Sept. 25-26. · · • Outlook: The T-Birds' top three golfers- Harter,. Chaney and .Dudukovich - average about 40 whrle newcomer McCabe, only ,a sophomore, could push the starters. Th~ T-Birds are capable of. repeat. rng as_league champrons and of making a run at the ' , : r state trtle. . ;- J . .4. SYCAMORE . "' . ~ •,.~991 Record~ State qualifier; second in Greater Mramr Conference. · · " . • Top ~offer~: !3rian Chambless, Adam Dume~. Jason Grerner, Nrck Lykins. . · • Key Match: GMC tournament Sept. 25-26. '~ • O~tlook: In the Cincinnati Junior Open, Chamble~s tred for t~e 17-year-old division title. Dumes, . Grerner. and Lykrns averaged about 41 last season. A 1 GMC trtle and berth in the state tournament are.' possi~le for a team loaded with talent. . 1 I 5. FAIRFIELD . • 1991 Record: Third in· Greater Miami Conference. • Top Golfers: Jason Brown.' Jason Butkus . Chris. Snowden, Brian Webb, T.J. Wilson. ' • Key Match: GMC tournament Sept. 2S-26. · · • 9utlook: Coach Steve Kessler thinks this could be the year Fairfield surface~ as the best in Cincinnati. i Br_own; Butkus and Webb are ·capable .of averaging inthe mid to upper 30s. . . ' - -- ~ r. •

6. HAMILTON .··, • 1991 Record: Fifth. in Greater Miami Conference. • Top Golfers:. Asher Collett, Kevin Coomer, Jeff . Glowka, Rusty Kellum, Ryan Krall. • Key Match: GMC tournament Sept. 25-26. • Outlook: Four lettermen anchor a Big Blue team that lacks experien~e at the fifth and sixth positions:· As a junior, Collett averaged 39.23 strokes, while Coomer and Glowka were close behind in the low 40s. . 7. MILFORD • • 1991 Record: Second in. Greater Miami Conference. . 1 • Top Golfers: Jim Williams, Donnie Raines, Mike VanHouten. · • · ·· • • Key Match: GMC tournament Sept. 25-26.1 • Outlook: Sophomores ·Donnie Raines and Mike VanHouten averaged about 42 shots for nine holes last season and are the· cinly players with varsity experience. Only one senior (Mike Cosgray) is 1on the ·, ·· : roster. . . 8. TURPIN .;. ·· . , . • 1991 Record; Second in Queen City Conference. • Top Golfer: Kyle Elfers. . , .r .. • • Key Match: QCC tournament Sept. 21. ! . · • Outlook:' The Spartans were a young t~am in 1991 and lost only one golfer. Only a junior.~ Elfers averaged 40 strokes as a sophomore and should be one of the better golfers in the city. : $.OAK HILLS •1991 Record: Tied for Metro County Conference championship.. · ·· · • Top Golfers: Pete Samborsky; Se~m· M1,1lcahy, Jason McWhorter, Todd Blessing. · · I • Key Match: Mount Healthy and Colerain or:r Sept. 9, 23, and 30: · · • Outlook: As junior, Samborsky' averaged 40 strokes a round but was forced to play in'the s~adow of Brett Wetterich:This season, he should surface as ·one of the best with seniors Mulcahy and· McWhorter. • ·• ' · also coming through.. . . ~ 10. ELDER i. •1991 Record: Third in Greater Cincinnati League. • Top Golfers: Adrian Cabrera, Chris Lamkih, Dan Oehler. · · .. . , • Key Match: GCL tournament Sept. 28: ,. ; • Outlook: If St. xavier or Moeller slip in the GCL, the Panthers could suq:>rise and win it all. Late. in the 1991 season, Cabrera ~came 'on strong with a 40 stroke average while La_'!!.,~i~ anc~ Oehl_er were at 43.


Coaches Top 10 · . F-/%-'1.2 1. ST. XAVIER

.· .

!. • 1991 Record:. State qualifier, Greater Cincinnati' League champion. . . . Top_ Golfers: Mike Isaac, Steve Kline, Adam W?lfe, Kyle Voska, Brian McMahon, Dave Lange. · • Key Match: GCL tournament Sept. 28. · • Outlook: Isaac and Kline averaged fewer than 40 sh<?tS per round as juniors, while Wolfe, Voska, , Mc~ahon. and Lange scored well in the Cincinnati . Jum'?r . Open last week. What appeared to be a rebUIIdmg season for coach Joan Whitaker could turn out to be a pleasant surprise.· I 2. MOELLER . • 1991 Record: Third in Greater Cincinnati League. 1 • To~ Golfers: Mike Cassity, Tom Yost, Mike , Stark, Mtke Rocawich, Jason Laub, Andy Dunlap. ___ • Key ~a~h:_ G9L tournament Sept. 28. . 1 • Outlook: Cassity qualified forthe·u.s:-AmateiJr-in· Dublin, Ohio, next week and should be one of the top golfers in the state. Also, look for Stark and Yost to challenge Cassity for. the No. 1 spot. This could be the year the Crusaders not only oust St. Xavier from atop the GCL but also challenge _tor the state title. . , 3. LAKOTA • • ~991 Record: Gr~ater Miami Conference cham1 pton. ~ ·• ' · ·. ... •. 1 • Top Golfers: Jason Harter, Mike Chaney Dan Dudukovich, Bnid Busby, Tee McCabe.1 · · ' . • Key Match: GMC tournament Sept. 25-26. · ·• Outlook: The T-Birds' top three golfers- Harter,. Chaney and Dudukovich - average about 40 whtle nev.;comer McCabe, only ,a sophomore, could push the starters. Th~ T-Birds are capable of_ repeat-· . tng as_league champtons and of making a run at the · ,. 1 state tttle. I . 4. SYCAMORE . . . ~ •.~991 Record; State qualifier; second in Greater M1am1 Conference. · · . • Top ~olfers: Brian Chambless, Adam Dume~. Jason Gremer, Nick Lykins. · . · • Key Match: GMC tournament Sept. 25-26. '·· • O~tlook: In the Cincinnati Junior Open, Chamble~s tied for the 17-year-old division title. Dumes, , Gremer. and Lykins averaged about 41 last season. A 1 GMC. t1tle and berth in the state tournament are posst~le for a team loaded with talent. , 5. FAIRFIELD . • 1991 Record: Third in Greater Miami Conference. · • Top Golfers: Jason Brown: Jas~n B~tkus, Chri; Snowden; Brian Webb, T.J. Wilson. • Key Match: GMC tournament Sept. 25-26. · -. • Outlook: Coach Steve Kessler thinks this could be the year Fairfield surface.~ as the best in Cincinnati. ·:Brow~; Butkus and Webb are capable~of averaging-in.., the mtd to upper 30s. · .. '·

I •


. 6. HAMILTON .·. •1991 Record: Fifth_ in Greater Miami Conference. • Top Golfers:-Asher Collett, Kevin Coomer, Jeff . · Glowka, Rusty Kellum, Ryan Krall. • Key Match: GMC to-urnament Sept. 25-26. • Outlook: Four lettermen anchor a Big Blue team that Jacks experien~e at the fifth and sixth positions:· As a junior, Collett averaged 39.23 strokes, while Coomer and Glowka were close behind in the low 40s. . 7. MILFORD • • 1991 Record: Second in Greater Miami Conferr . . 1 ence.• Top Golfers: Jim Williams, Donnie Raine~. Mike VanHouten. · · • Key Match: GMC tournament Sept. 25-26.1 • Outlook: Sophomores ·Donnie Raines and Mike VanHouten averaged about 42 shots for nine holes last season and are the· only players with varsity experience. Only one senior (Mike Cosgray) iston the · roster. _ 8. TURPIN ·· · . · · : . • 1991 Record; Second in Queen City Conference. • Top Golfer: Kyle Elfers. . . ; .. • I • Key Match: QCC tournament Sept. 21. • Outlook: The Spartans were ·a young tkam in 1991 and lost only one golfer. Only a junior,: Elfers averaged 40 strokes as a sophomore and should be one of the better golfers in the city. ~ . $. OAK HILLS , • 1991 Record: Tied for Metro County Conference · ·· · championship. • Top Golfers: Pete Samborsky; Sean Mulcahy, · · Jason McWhorter, Todd Blessing. ' • Key Match: Mount Healthy and Colerain on Sept. . 9, 23, and 30.' .· . · . · • Outlook: As junior, Samborsky averaged 40 strokes a round but was forced to play in'the shadow of Brett Wetterich:This season, he should surface as ·one of the best with seniors Mulcahy and· McWhorter. also coming through. . . ·' '·





'i .

•1991 Record: Third in Greater Cincinnati LE~ague. • Top Golfers: Adrian Cabrera, Chris Lamkih, Dan Oehler. · · ~ • Key Match: GCL tournament Sept. 28: · ' i • Outlook: If St. Xavier or Moeller slip in the GCL, the Panthers could surprise and win it all. Late. in the 1991 season, Cabrera- came 'on strong with a 40 stroke average whi_le La~i~ an~ Oehl~r were at 43.







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St. X edges Moeller for No. 1 BY DAVE SCHUTTE Enquirer Contributor




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When in doubt, coach usually votes for a team with a history of success. . That seems to be the rationale used by most area golf coaches in tabbing St. Xavier as the No. 1 team in The Enquirer's 1992 preseason poll. Moeller was a close second in voting by 16 coaches. "Starting out,· I guess St. Xavier has to be No. 1 because of Mike Isaac and Steve Kline," Milford coach Doug Kassen said. "But it's a pretty balanced year, and I'm not sure if they'll remain there." Graduation depleted most teams, including St. Xavier, but · Open as the team's tryout, she'll coach Joan Whitaker has a wealth have a tough time picking a team from among Adam Wolfe, Kyle of talent returning. "St. Xavier's golfers did very Voska, Brian McMahon, David well in the Cincinnati Junior Lange, Jason Sylvester and Brett Open," Moeller coach Rick Bohne Angner. ·said. "They may start out slowly, The logical choice for the top but they should get- better as they spot appeared to be Moeller, ·a team that surfaced at the end of gain varsity experience." If Whitaker uses the Junior the 1991 season and returns the


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entire squad. Moeller features Mike Cassity, a qualifier for the U.S. Amateur, along with Tom Yost, Mike Stark, Jason Laub, Andy Dunlap and Todd Kahle. "People are giving us too much of a buildup," Bohne said. "Our top three golfers are solid,· but the fourth, fifth and sixth guys will determine how well we do."


Moeller, St. X .covet golf title ance in Columbus. The first came One reason Whitaker is optimisin 1982, when Moeller finished tic is the good chemistry between ninth. the players· and the consistency Pressure, coupled with stress, Mike Stark, Andy Dunlap and they have displayed. and even more pressure. "I've played the same five golfTodd Kahle round out Moeller's That's what awaits the St. Xavi- starting five. ers in every tournament," Whitaker and Moeller golf teams at Ohio . "Todd hurt his back on the er said. "This is the first year I State University's Scarlet and second hole in the district tourna- haven't had to make a decision who Gray Course, the site of this week- ment," Bohne said. "I'm not sure was going to play." end's annual state high school tour- he'll be ready to play by Friday." Besides Kline, seniors .Mike nament. Stow Walsh Jesuit, two-time de- Isaac, Adam Wolfe and David "The first time is tough and the fending Division I champion, was Lange and junior Kyle Voska led pressure is tremendous," Steve beaten by Moeller this year at the the Bombers to the city, sectional Kline, a three-year state qualifier Muirfield Invitational. But many and district championships. from St. X, said. "One of the keys believe Stow remains the team to St. .Xavier is paired with Stow is not to panic if you get three or beat. Walsh jesuit, Toledo St. John and four over par, because an 80 is a "Winning Muirfield last month Newark on Friday at 8:30 a.m.,. good score." should give our kids the confidence while Moeller will play with Upper The tournament has ·no going in," Bohne said. "We beat· Arlington, Medina and Shelby be-· clear-cut favorite, and Moeller many of the teams that will be ginning at 9:10 a.m. coach Rick Bohne and St. Xavier playing in the state tournament." Also making the trip to compete coach Joan Whitaker believe their Walsh jesuit isn~t the only pow- as individuals are Todd Lancaster teams have a shot at the title. er. Look for Toledo St. John, New- . of Talawanda and Jason Harter of "Our goal was to get to Colum- ark, Upper Arlington, Dublin, Me- Lakota in Division I and Billy Wilbus and we made it," Bohne said. dina, Brecksville, Cleveland St. Hamson of Loveland in Division II. "Now it comes down to how well Ignatius and Shelby to challenge "Maybe this will be lucky 13 for the kids can handle the pressure. for the title. me," Whitaker said. "This is my Strange things sometimes happen "I'm going to Columbus with an 13th year coaching at St. Xavier, in this tournament." entirely different attitude this and our eighth trip to the state The Crusaders, led by Tom year," St. Xavier's Whitaker said. tournament." Yost and Mike Cassity, will be "This thing is wide open, and I feel The Bombers last won the state making Moeller's second appear- we have a good shot at winning it." title in 1957. BY DAVE SCHUTTE

Enquirer Contributor I p / ,_


Yost, FarassY.



Moeller senior Reeves Golf Course. annual Southwestern tournament. Played Thursdays, Yost the title with Jason Betsy Farassy shooting a 90. on Thnrs::.dav Jones was second and Andrea Steinbrunner of Hill third. '~• , · . .

Moeller, St. X .covet golf title ance in Columbus. The first came One reason Whitaker is optimisin 1982, when Moeller finished tic is the good chemistry between the players and the consistency Pressure, coupled with stress, ninth. Mike Stark, Andy Dunlap and they have displayed. and even more pressure. "I've played the same five golfTodd Kahle round out Moeller's That's what awaits the St. Xavi- starting five. ers in every tournament," Whitaker and Moeller golf teams at Ohio . "Todd hurt his back on the er said. "This is the first year I State University's Scarlet and second hole in the district tourna- haven't had to make a decision who Gray Course, the site of this week- ment," Bohne said. ''I'm not sure was going to play." end's annual state high school tour- he'll be ready to play by Friday." Besides Klirie, seniors Mike 'nament. Stow Walsh Jesuit, two-time de- Isaac, Adam Wolfe and David "The first time is tough and the fending Division I champion, was Lange and junior Kyle Voska led pressure is tremendous," Steve beaten by Moeller this year at the the Bombers to the city, sectional Kline, a three-year state qualifier Muirfield Invitational. But many and district championships. from St. X, said. "One of the keys believe Stow remains the team to St. .Xavier' is paired with Stow is not to panic if you get three or beat. Walsh Jesuit, Toledo St. John and four over par, because an 80 is a "Winning Muirfield last month Newark on Friday at 8:30 a.m., good score." should give our kids the confidence while Moeller will play with Upper The tournament has ·no going in," Bohne said. "We beat Arlington, Medina and Shelby beclear-cut favorite, and Moeller many of the teams that will be ginning at 9:10 a.m. coach Rick Bohne and St. Xavier playing in the state tournament." Also making the trip to compete coach Joan Whitaker believe their Walsh Jesuit isn't the only pow- as individuals are Todd Lancaster teams have a shot at the title. er. Look for Toledo St. John, New- . of Talawanda and Jason Harter of "Our goal was to get to Colum- ark, Upper Arlington, Dublin, Me- Lakota in Division I and Billy Wilbus and we made it," Bohne said. dina, Brecksville, Cleveland St. Hamson of Loveland in Division II. "Now it comes down to how well Ignatius and Shelby to challenge "Maybe this will be lucky 13 for the kids can handle the pressure. for the title. me," Whitaker said. "This is my Strange things sometimes happen "I'm going to Columbus with an 13th year coaching at St. Xavier, in this tournament." entirely different attitude this and our eighth trip to the state The Crusaders, led by Tom year," St. Xavier's Whitaker said. tournament." Yost and Mike Cassity, will be "This thing is wide open, and I feel The Bombers last won the state making Moeller's second appear- we have a good shot at winning it." title in 1957. BY DAVE SCHUTTE Enquirer Contribut~r I


Yost, FarassY. wio ·Coaches tourney , EN Q. "1f3'ffl.. ·. · Moeller senior Tom Yost fired a twO-under 68 at Reeves Golf Course Thursday to capture the first annual Southwestern Ohio Golf Coaches Association tournament. Played over four courses on consecutive Thursdays, Yost edged Hariiilton's Asher Collett for the title with Jason Butkus of Fairfield fffiishing_third. . Be_tsy Farassy of Indian Hill won the girls division, shootmg a 90, on Thursday while Ursuline's Jamey Jones was second and Andrea Steinbrunner of Indian Hill third. . ·"

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