rC~tholic Leagu'i~'i~1 :J ·Displays Power /(/; /· ; '.-1
St. Xavier Correspondent
/ · .: ··' .f r • , J~ _;.
It will be a long hard struggle before a· ,ehampiOl'l; emerges from the Catholic League at the end of'th~~ seasonA
That was demonstrcated once again in the'Ie~ue•s·previewll last night at Roger Bacon Stadium that drew\ an estimated. crowd of about 5500 fans. · With Purcell, St. Xavier, ference calL Sander . adde~ Roger Bacon and McNicholas the extra two~ · all-fielding fine defensive and Bacon quickly bounced i. offensive units. no club can (jasilv be tabbed as a favorite. back with a tol!chdown on ;· l Moeller and 'LaSalle also the hard ru?lnm~ of ~on participated but - only with Sexton and Jtm Fitzpatrick. reserye squ~ds as'both schools ~he latter crossed the goal 1 are on.ly.· in their second line from three yards out, -~ • • • . bJ.!t the conversion attempt !' Quarterback Tom Kenne . faded. with liis fine -passi~g, led With 17 seconds left. Baconi , Moeller to two v~ctor1es oyer Quarterback Dan Westerbeck: , LaSalle. Early m ,the firs.t hit' Sexton with a 40-yard pass! c~ntest, Kenney connected on the three-yard line. But ' Wlfh . a 40-yard touch~own time ran out after a line' : .pass to Ron Schloss. Nei_ther plunge failed. !e~m w11:s able to sustan~ a • •. • dmre; With the game endmg · St. Xavier unleashed a fine. 6-0. passing attack against Mc·i In the second eight-min- Nicholas, with sophomore Bill: utc match, Moeller again Bien flipping the football.j I sqored 90 a Kenney pass, Bien connected with a 20-yard(.l to Jay Schloemer, andi tb~Is~,- time"~io Den Buchert. pass then hit Bob Selke on the 1 · ~.P 'stickler added th~ ~i- eight with a 30-yard aerial on!1 I nal two points, as MoeU~r fourth down. . I tvnn ll.n Bill Clark drove the finJ>J I ,
satu>Oay, s.~C·9, 1961
Purcell· Gets~, Win, ·. J:ie' ih GCL ·Grid Pr~vie~
:1 .1 BY ~UL _RITTER
-ll 1 1
Nicholas. Roger Bacon was ets' three-yard stripe before '( Of The J;.n«<,uirer S~aff outs~ red by _McNich?las, f u II b a c k Jim Fitzpat~ck ·• The Greater Cincinnati ~-6, ill ots openmg sess1on. leaped acros~the goal, bne tea.gue f.ootball "look-see" \-. M~ller and LaSalle, bot~ with the . .'Sp~rtan•s·, only at Roger Bacon stadium fteldmg reserve squads, tally. last night left most o.bserv- tangled .in two. eight-minst. xavier return~ to ers ~decided as to what u~ penods! Wl_th Moeller batter thS! McNicholas .line the season P 1 a Y might _.!akmg 8-0 Wills ill each. . with · bruising runs over Puree!~ scored early ill :tackle and guard.' offer. .' ·Defending champion Pur- the . penod a g a i 11 s t .st. Roger Bacon appeared to cell rapped out a 7-o win XaVler 011 a two-yard .drtve dominate the play against over St. Xavier in the first by halfbac~ Dave Kinley. Purcell as~bOth teams went ~2-~inute•period, th~n b!it- The Cavahers seemed to from one\end,; of the field1 'fled~to a scoreless t1e wtth e~se off to an almost sl~g- to an'other, failing to hit 'Roger Bacon in the night- gtsh pace as the perwd pay· dirt. · grew older /and the Bomb. . • . can ·""' · . ers countered 'with .an oPS·h a r1 n·g. ~he spothght S~. XaYl:er, ~fter losmg to. posite reaction. . with the •Jones brothers , the Cavaller~, snapped back ,McNicholas, outclassed was Pur c e I I. 'quarterback w.-tth a 14-0 vtctory over Mp- Roger Bacon in their meet- Dave Murray, who demon- . , ing With the Rockets' Jones . strat~d bot!t. passing and brothers .. providing some runnmg abihty. SR~tltlplg~~ offensive play. Elder s)cipped the GCL .Qu~r~Don Jones preview and traveled ·to ~conrfee~th Stother Don Louisville, Ky., where they (!tot a~ 6~"Y.ar<(-.. ·aerial ad- matched the SoutHern St. : 'vance on .£'l').e~.$econd play Xavier ·m a 7c7 tie. . · _, :'from scrimrn8.ge:, He fol- ,- Moeller appeared ·condi-l. lowed with a 14-yard toss tioned an·d ready 'Tor ne~t to Dan that put· th~ Rock- year's _possible .. entry into ets on the 'Bacon• orie. Bill the Catholic Loop.. Both .. Sanders then went oyer, · Moeller and LaSalle fielded 'I Bacon then took the kick.- t~.s fron). . their reserv.e off and moved to the Ro(;k- ...~~f:=s~a;! squad~:._....~
LOCkland J4,
~ ~i .f _1J
Moeller 16
Fullback Pete Rodiers bulled his way to three touchdowns in leading Lockland to an easy 34-16 victory over Moeller last night at Lockland stadium. Rodgers turned 1n touchdown runs of 53, 50 and 38 yards to propel the Panthers to their second victory of the season. Lockland's other touchdowns came on aerial combinations to end George Raw li n g s, who hauled "4&Q_wn TD passes from quarteri>ack Mike Surber and hairback Tom Raymond. MOELLER . . . . 0 8 8 0-16 LOCKLAND . . . 16 6 0 12-3<4 Lockland-Roc!~ 50 run (Rodgers run). lockland-Rod;i;.K, "53 run (Rodoers run). molnodck/~,;:,d-f~V~d\~s '-\-pass from Rov¡ locklond-Rodoers 38 run {run hiledl.
·~Lockland 34, MGieiJ~{'l6 i BY JIM STADTMILLER '
Lockland Correspondent
Scoring Summary
i.ockland ............ 16 6 o 12-34 Moeller ............ _,e.... ,a 8 0-16. loc~land TouchdownsT,P.Gcers {3), RIW·t lings (2). PAT-Rogers 14'. Moeller Touchdowns-V~Ile. Sch!os~l
· t l LOC kl an d OU C asse d MOeI· , . ler s Crusaders last mght :34-16 at the Panthers' Sta. . . , The Panthers scored on the man this tun. e., canng for 45, · . yards and the last Cru-~ second play from scnmmage ader TD c;. ....:j.i:"""- , 1• as fullback Pete Rogers took s · 4 ..;J • ·: a hand-off and ran 50 yards. Roger~ collected hiS th_lrd · Later in the same period, marker m the fourth per1pdL Rogers dupli~ated t~e feat on on a left end skirt good/for I th_e ~arne smgle-wmg play, 38 yards. Then Tom Ray-j mond, halfback, tossed a 45- 1 thts -tJme f~r 52. yards. . Lockland s Mtke Surber yard pass to Rawlings, with : · completed a 45-y~rd p_ass to four seconds left. 1 end George Rawlmgs m the ,..__--------~== ., second stanza, making the r score 22-0. . ~ Tlien Moeller scored its f , first TD as halfback Ron Schloss went 35 yards off 1 tackle for the tally. Moeller hit again in the ; tl)ird period on another long end run. Mike Volle was the.
I I I 1
II Purcell Tough .
19 ~ f ·~-
· t.\~ ,~ \
·Pr~p· Grid.<:\ers ·.
Pull .Sui-Prises · ·, r
-B~'PAUL RITTEJt. . .· • tarigl.e with Hamilton GarOf The Enquirer Staff field. MVIL co - champ Deer The first full week of prep football action pro- . Park reba'Yndcd from that duced quite a few.. sur- · initial Im.~ to Sycamore prises and an equal num- · last w~ek, onl'\ to rap the ber of disappointments. · EHL title- holning MariePurcell's 20-8 victory per- mont, 34-1~. Tom ~rlswol~'s formance against Taft in- Deer Park clan :s 'too big · dicates that the cavaliers to be ruled .out of a •repeat are once again the team to ~L qerformance. , beat in the GCL, although /"Although Moeiler 'High Elder has been coming to o·k an opening. 3~14 through with some real sur- loss. to Lockland· F 'r 1 d a y' prises - the latest ·.being . night th&re' is something that 37-6 win over Chilli- to be·said on that subject.· cothe. . The M o e 11 e r team is a · Purcell was tough oil all rese~e squad scheduling fronts while some kind of · varSity games this season bravery medal should go to while· awaiting entry into the Taft backfield especially the GCL. Tb,eir Catholic halfback Carl Ward who un- League preview w 1t h La· ceasingly \!Olinded into the Salle ~in the same boat) Purcell resistance with little was rmpr~ssive. · There help from the Senator line. · should be some good footIf Taft's line fails to im- ball teams out of Moeller prove it seems a good •bet!.;. within the ne~ ·five ye~. ·
thAt. WnnrlwArrl· will hP
* · * * ·T- ·
.MoeUer iR,eserves .~R-omp~ r,o ·60·61 \ Vict"o_ry ·:Oy·er f,oe KENWOOD .....,.. Moeller High l School Reserve team d;feauid Oeer .Park Reserves ·by a comman~ing 60-6 score. AI Stickler. left halfback, scored ~ 50-yar'd touchdown on the second play from scrimmage. With about four minutes gone 'in the first quarter, Fred Borke. scored on a 3-yard plunge making it a 16-0 lead. Mike Volle scored on a 22-yard sweep off left end with five seconds .to go in th~ quarter. Deer Park returned Moeller's kick to about the 50 yard marker. After three plays they advanced to Mcel·ler's six. An off-sid~ ;penalty against ' ' Moeller put the ball··to· rest" on1·the ~ 3 yard line. Deer Park capitalized / by scoring a tom:hdown. ,-: Deer Park kic]:;.ed off to Moeller and left safety, Witon returned it for a TD. There were no scoring threats by either team in the remaining moment~ of the second quarter. Half time score was Moeller 34, ·Deer Park 6. 3 J>lays - Over For TD 'Deer -Park kicked off to open. the second half. Three plays later, Kenny scored on a 30-yard power play. The Wildcats received the kick but were unable to retain possession of the pigskin. Forced to punt to the Crusaders. the receivers r&n the ball bac~ 25 yards to the Deer Park 35. Voile took a snap from center, rolled 45 yarcts down the sidelin~ · .for another Moeiler touchdown, thus bringing the third .period to an. end. Deer Park fumbled deep in Moeller territory and Tony DelVecchio scored on a s;yard ·sneak over center. Late in the quar1er, a Deer Park pass was intercepted !by -Don Bohn and returned to Deer Park's six. Rice, score the rfinal touchd.own of · the day. ;_,; • .
, I ~
_T~e Moelle.r}~aoh'was displeased wrth the way'!'the"boys played but was ha'PPY. -ov~~ the: victory. Moeller. '.;..- 22 .12 .J2 14 60 Deer Park 0 6 0 0 6
Moeli~~ ·_High. •~ _$f.,
Names Puthoff i Cage Coach Jim Puthoff, former Purcell High and Xavier Untver~ sity basketball player, has been named head basketball coach at Moeller High School to succeed Bill Daily, who resigned to take a coaching job at Indio, CaL, Puthoff served for one year as assistant freshman coach at XU and last year was head coach at Amelia High SchooL Two other coaching appointments were also announced.· George Marklay, a 1960 graduate of the University of Dayton where he played football and baseball, will serve as assistant to Jerry Faust, head football coach. · Jerry l)oerger, who will be graduated from Xavier University this year, has been named assistant basketball coach. During the past·two years he has been coaching the SL Clement grade school team.
Friday, July 14, 19611
~:Basketball Coach
Named at. Moeller . ~
AI former Purcell High and Xavier University basketball player, James Puthoff, has been named head basketball coach at Mccller High School, Brother Lawrence Eveslage, S.M., prin. cip~, announced this week. T~ new co~ch succeeds William\Daily, who resigned to take .a coaching job at Indio, Calif. George Marklay, 1960 graduate of the University of Dayton, where he played . football and baseball,. will serve as assistant to' head 'football coach Jerry ·Faust. . • Jerry Doerger, a 1961' graduate of Xavier University, has been named assistant basketball coach. In the past · two years he coached st. Clement's Grade School team ' · ·
Michael Morrissey, graduate of Purcell High and the University of Notre Dame, will teach mathematics and assist ·in coaching football. Donald Parks, an Xavier University graduate, will teach in the English Department. Two _more ,memb~rs of the staff will be named m the near future, Brother Eveslage said. STAFF ADDITIONS Names of ~>even ·members of. the Society of Mary who have' been added to the Moeller High I Staff were announce_d in the Catholic Telegraph-Register last week. . They mcluded Brot_her Jose~h C_hoquette, S.M.! as~Istant prm-, cipal ~nd athletics director; Fa- \ th~r Richar? Knuge,_ S.M., chap- i lam and gmdance director; and, rothers Walter Klick, John :Blank, Thomas Donahue, James Cullina, and Aloysius Hochendoner. Brother Choquette, a native of ~ Sioux City,· Ia., has taught for about 20 years in various cities in the East and at Purcell High. He' will teach mathematics at, Moeller. .
TT........... -.
'In ·the .finale,..l\loeller.Ied, Woodward for, niore than 26 , minutes but the Bulldogs · finally caught' up at 34-34 · with 5:31 left; then. went ahea'd, 3.7~36, }Qn a rebound· by Ed ,J:Iarrts·',With . three minutes to play. "'"'
Tom· Dyer added a layup . goal, Harris pinnM on an-othP.r fre'e throw and Tom ' Ballard clinched it with two , charity· tosses with 27 seconds left. Although Wood· i ward made only nine of 22 f free throw attempts they , gqt}our. of those_when they ~ counted in the last three l minutes. ''
. ;;· TP
iwfo~:~;~- F·~·;;··~~ ~~-ell~-;··~--~~Harris 2 2 6 Mlman 1 0 2 oyer . 2 3 7 Ballard. _.6. 2 14 Kahn 3 1• 7 Goodwin 1 214 Rosenv!ald 1 0 2 Totals Woodward
Albrinck Schloss Buchert Kenny Buckmaster Totals
1 o 2 5 2 12 5 1 11 ~4. 3.11: 1 o 2 - - 16 . 6 38
16 10- 42
9 -11
Mo~!!~!;.,':.·. ~::::~- ~-}~ .~~_,_Jo~~-
u. b. u. '-'.
ATHLETIC DEPARTI~llii~T l•.ioeller High ~ch6ol Footbcrll-l96YI
.. 1
Reserve Roster Reserve Schedule NO. .t~JUviE POS. HT. WT. GRD. <J...""s~ -o Fri, 9/8 .Preview at Bacon $ t4 11 -'1_ 1 · Burwinkel, Ted B 5'1 0 127 . ·1 0 Fri~ 9/15 at Lockland (Vars.) 8 1 *-~~ . . '_12 .~ifhi"tton, 'Dave B 5-'B" -Hi'2 ~10 2/19 at St. Xavier 3:303~-o .14 Riely, Pete B 5 1 9 11 '}JO 10 Tues~ 11on.-9'/.25 1 Deer·Park (here) 4 filJ-.' l5 ~enney,.~rom B 5 1 10 11 152 ifo· Tues. 10/3 at IvicNi'cholis 3 :30 20 -a·· 1 11 23 J:.;[lrhard, Tom B 5 9 1'52 .10 Tues. 10/10 Elder (here) 3:30~-8 1 11 ;·:·., 29 ·rviartin, Jim B 5 9 13 2 10 3:30 i4 -g '\·.:.;30 Stickler, Alan B 5 1 8 11 151 ~-9 Tues. · 10/17 Bacon "{·here) l!J.on. 10/23 · at Sycamore 4 ~(:.-t..f' 1 . 32 Bohn, Don B 5 7" 1]?$ 10 vVed. 10/25 La Salle (here) 3 :30 ?J+·-'"' 11 33 Borke, Fred B 5'11 ·~:.-: 'i65 1Q f.lon. 10/30 at Norwood 4 34 Del Vecchio, Tony B 5 '1 1 " ·-·jl>4 1ij\ '~1 O~ner,,.~ob B 5 1 6 11 /140 10~ Tues. 11/7 Purcell (here) -· 3:30 ,tJ. _,, 1 11 J,~-p.vt:;.. ~2 R1ce, B1ke B 5 7 • 145 10 45 Volle, l'iike B 5'10 11 142 10 50 Haas, Ray L 5'11 11 140 10 52 ·~v'atkins, Dick L 5 1 10 11 156 10 Freshmen Schedule 53 Wene, Gregg L 611 11 171 9 ... . " ' 54 Jenkins, Allen L 5 '10 11 178 10 Thur. 10/5 LaSalle (her.E:d 3:30 '~}t~ 56 Nolte, Bob L 6~ 141 '1 0 '-' 60 Huelsman, Steve_ L 5• 11 11 142 1o" I•i.on. 10/9 at Purcell ., -. ..-:. 3:30 .v. -<' ~ 61 Heckle, Ed L 5'8 11 162 10 3 :JQ:;l.c-£j Thur. 10/12 at St. Xavie'r 62 Bonkamp, Jim L 5'10" 138 ~10 63 Taphorn, Bill L 5' 11 11 146 ·~ 0 10/16 at Deer Park 4 4'L -1t!f !] 64 Bronner, Pete L 5 1 7" 161 10 Thur. 10/19 at McNicholis- 3:30 1 4~t~ 65 Brown, Dan L 5 '9" 171 9 66 i':Ionihan, Jim L 5 ~ 10 11 173 10 Mon. 10/23 Elder (here) -, 3:30 o -c. · 67 Ernst, lvlark L 5'10 11 143 10 Thur. 10/26 Bacon (here} ·--3:30J~~L~ 68 Tokarsky, Jerry L 5'11" 168 10 ... ..- ... . . ...--~ 4 69 Poffinbarger, Bob L 5 1 10" 1 82 9 Tues .. 10/31 Sy~amor.~ ~~~ere) ·4 l/4 ~ 70 Farrell, l•i.ike L 6 '-1 11 1 75 9 Ivlon. 11/6 ._,Norwood ..~here) -.:..~4' 72Guilfoyle, John L 61 168 10 ~ '~ ~-~~ ---~73 Scherr, John L 6 f.1 11 168 10 74 Haverkamp, John L 5 q 0" · 172 10 Managers 77 Hertlein, Bob L 6' 1" 1 83 10 Bill .Conner -.Soph 78 Truworthy, Larry L 6'2" 246 10 79 Brummet, Den L 5 '1 0" 1 53 1.0 ~ Fred Huiet : Frosh 80 Buchert, Den L 6 '·1 11 1 63 1(;): -·" Bob Lynch - Soph 81 Albrink, Mike L 6 1. 1 6t 1(J ~ 11 ,.. 84 Brenner, Dick L' 5 'll 1 56 10 •,: So ph ~en P'Callaghan 85 Buhr, Craig L 5'9" 162 10 Barry Paulson - Soph 86 Schloss, Ron L 5. ~ 1_1 11 1 56 10
'· . . "