Algebra II CP1-level 1

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Archbishop Moeller High School 2012-2013 Algebra II CP1-Level 1 Teacher: E-Mail: Phone:

Mrs. Terri Schaffer (513) 791-1680 x1907

Office Hours: Mornings 7:00-7:40 (room 304) Afternoons 2:40-3:00 (room 304) M-block (room 304) Topics:

Polynomial functions, equations, inequalities, graphing, quadratics.

Course Prerequisites: Algebra I CP1-level 1 Grading:

Grades will be based on a simple point system from the following areas. The final grade can be calculated by taking the total points earned and dividing by the number of points possible.

Homework:   

Homework will be assigned daily and will be posted on NetMoeller. (Average of ½-1 hour per assignment) Each assignment is worth 5 points and is to be completed in OneNote. For full credit, ALL problems must be attempted with work shown and submitted to Dropbox before class begins.  Late homework will be accepted for 2 points if completed and submitted before the test. Homework typically makes up about 20% of your grade.  Some class work will be counted towards homework. These may include group assignments, worksheets, and electronic activities using DyKnow.

Quizzes:  Quizzes are worth 10 points.  No quiz can be retaken, but the lowest grade will be dropped each quarter.  If absent, a student will not be held responsible for the quiz (if the absence is excused.)  If the absence is unexcused, a zero will be given  Quizzes typically make up about 20% of the grade. Tests:      

Tests are worth 100 points. There will typically be 3-4 per quarter. Tests will be announced well in advance and a review sheet will be given for each test. Any test can be retaken once. Retake times/dates will be announced. Only one retake is permitted per quarter. The two test scores will be averaged for a new score, even if the retest grade is lower. Tests typically make up 60% of the grade. There will be a semester exam and a final exam.

Extra Credit:  Extra credit opportunities are rare and usually come in the form of bonus questions on tests.  To prevent low grades, it is best to get all homework in on time and to re-take a test on which the student performed poorly.

Expectations:       

Do your best. Expect the best. Be the best. When absent, a student is responsible for getting the notes and assignments missed from a classmate. RESPECT for classmates, teachers, the school, any visitor and for yourself is expected at all times. ASK QUESTIONS if you don’t understand something. Laptops, textbook, loose-leaf paper, pencil and paper are to be brought to class every day. You are expected to work with your classmates and help each other. You will find that you learn material even better when you are helping a classmate. Learning to work in groups is an important skill for your future. Honesty is expected. Cheating is absolutely unacceptable. Copying homework without doing your own work is unacceptable. Zeros will be given in all instances of cheating and the student will be referred to the Academic Dean for the appropriate disciplinary steps. When you find that you have fallen behind, it is expected that you will seek help from the teacher or another student. DO NOT PUT OFF GETTING HELP.

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