Art History AP

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AP Art History 2012 – 2013, "B" Day: Lesson Sequence B-3, 11:42 – 1:17, (* denotes “M” Block Class) Lesson #

Date Aug 22

Aug 24 Aug 28

1st Quarter

Aug 30 Sept 4 Sept 6 Sept 10 * Sept 12 * Sept 14 * Sept 18 Sept 20 Sept 24 * Sept 26 Sept 28 Oct 2 * Oct 4 * Oct 8

2nd Quarter

Oct 10 * Oct 12 * Oct 16 Oct 19 Oct 23

Lesson Sequence Details Lesson #1, Introduction: What Is Art? What does it do? Introduction to class. Class organization, structure goals, requirements, responsibilities, and hand out books. Students assigned topic for Power Point Presentation Art Across Time Reading: pages 1 - 23, and Chap 1-6 Test on reading: See below and FAWeb for all test dates Assign and Hand out: The Education of an Artist by Ben Shahn. Due for discussion and hand in on date below. The AP Art History Exam: Discussion Lecture/Discussion: What is Art? The Basic Building Blocks of the visual arts. Senior Play Baby Time: Waste of otherwise perfectly good instructional time. Lecture/Discussion: What is Art? Continue. Lecture/Discussion: What is Art? The Fine Arts Lecture/Discussion: What is Art? The Fine Arts Lecture/Discussion: What is Art? The Applied Arts Lecture/Discussion: What is Art? The Applied Arts Test today on reading: Pages 1-23. Lecture/Discussion: What is Art? Style Lecture/Discussion: What is Art? Style Lecture/Discussion: What is Art? Style Lecture/Discussion: What is Art? The Functions of Art in Society. Lecture/Discussion: What is Art? The Functions of Art in Society. Lecture/Discussion: What is Art? The Functions of Art in Society. Test on Reading Chapters 1 – 6 Talking about art / Formal Criticism. Current Arts Forum. Due today for discussion: The Education of an Artist: Ben Shahn Talking about art / Formal Criticism Talking about art / Formal Criticism - Question and Review for test and power point presentation Film: Maya Lin, A strong clear vision Assigned Power Point Presentations Film: Diego Rivera Bio Last Day of 1st Quarter –and Portfolio due for grading Lesson #2:The Art of Prehistory up to and Including

Oct 25 Oct 30 * Nov 1 Nov 6 * Nov 8 * Nov 12 Nov 14 * Nov 16 * Nov 20 Nov 27 * Nov 29 *

Dec 3 * Dec 5 Dec 7 * Dec 11 Dec 13 * Dec 17 *

Dec 19 * Jan 4 * 3rd Quarter

Gothic Art Introduction to lesson: Pre-History to Gothic Art Across Time: Reading Chapters 7-12 Test and Image Recognition Test: from reading, lectures, films, and assignment. See below and FAWeb for all test dates Assign and Hand Out:, On Nonconformity by Ben Shahn Student Presentations, (Assigned topics for Student Power Point Presentations announced today.) Film: Andy Goldsworthy, Rivers and Tides (working with time) Begin Lecture: Pre-History to Byzantium, Lecture: Pre-History to Byzantium Discussion: On Nonconformity by Ben Shahn Film: Sr. Wendy: Early Art Test from Reading: Chapters 7-12, Lecture: PreHistory to Byzantium, Film: Paradise Found: Discovering Islamic Art (India and the Middle East) Current Arts Forum Film: Paradise Found: Discovering Islamic Art (India and the Middle East) Film: Bosch, Film: Building the Great Cathedrals While Mr. Stanforth is in Connecticut work on your PowerPoint Presentations Lecture: Pre-History to Byzantium, Assigned Power Point Presentation Due today, Current Arts Forum Lesson #3:The Renaissance Introduction to Lesson: The Renaissance Test: on Reading, Chapters 13-16 Student Presentations Due: Day 6, (Assigned topics for Student Power Point Presentations announced today.) Film: Today: Sr. Wendy: The Renaissance Lecture: The Renaissance Lecture: The Renaissance Film: Bernini Assigned Power Point Presentations due today. Assigned Power Point Presentations due today. Image Recognition Test (Semester Exam): Comprehensive to include Intro Chapter through Ch. 16. Test on Reading: Chapters 13-16 Last Day of 2nd Quarter – Portfolio due for grading – No “M” block, early dismissal. Lesson #4: Baroque to the Mid 1800's Introduction: Baroque, Rococo, Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism and Photography

Jan 8 * Jan 10 * Jan 15 * Jan 17 Jan 22 * Jan 24 Jan 28 * Jan 30 * Feb 1

Feb 5 * Feb 7 * Feb 11 Feb 13 Feb 19 * Feb 21

Feb 25 Feb 27 Mar 4 Mar 6 Mar 8 *

Mar 12 4th Quarter Mar 14 *

Test: on reading Chapters 17-23 Student Presentations: (Assigned topics for Student Power Point Presentations announced today.) Film: Sr. Wendy, Baroque, Rococo and Romanticism, The Age of Revolution Film: The Third of May 1808 Lecture: Baroque, Rococo, Neoclassicism, Romanticism, and Realism. Lecture: Baroque, Rococo, Neoclassicism, Romanticism, and Realism. Film: Rembrandt Film: Goya: Crazy Like a Genius Assigned Power Point Presentations due today Assigned Power Point Presentations due today, Test: on reading, Chapters 17 - 23. Film: David Lesson #5: Impressionism to Modernism Introduction: Impressionism to Modernism Reading Test: Chapters 24-27, Test: Image Recognition Student Presentations: (Assigned topics for Student Power Point Presentations announced today.) Film: Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, Lecture: Impressionism, to Modernism Lecture: Impressionism, to Modernism Film: German Dada, Film: American Masters Series: Man Ray Film: The Great Wave Mr. Stanforth is in Utah with Bob Fisher to give keynote address to Utah Art Ed Assoc. Your assignment that you must complete work on in class is: Work on Power Point Presentations. (you do not have to stay for “M” block today) Lecture: Impressionism, to Modernism Film: American Masters Series: Alfred Stieglitz Lecture: Impressionism, to Modernism Assigned Power Point Presentations Test: Image Recognition Chapters 17 - 27 and reading Chapters 24 - 27Last Day of 3rd Quarter – Portfolio due for grading Lesson #6: Pop Art to Contemporary Introduction: Pop Art to Contemporary Reading: Chapters 28 and 29 Student Presentations: Assigned topics for Student Power Point Presentations announced today Lecture: Architecture

Mar 18 Mar 20 Mar 22 * Mar 26 Mar 28 Apr 9 Apr 11 Apr 15 Apr 17 Apr 19 Apr 23 Apr 25 Apr 29 May 1 May 3 May 7 May 9 May 13 May 15 May 17 May 21 May 23

Lecture: Architecture Film: Christo and Jeanne-Claude: Valley Curtain, Christo in Paris Film: Christo and Jeanne-Claude: Valley Curtain, Christo in Paris Lecture: Pop to Contemporary Film: Sketches of FRANK GEHRY ( a film by Sydney Pollack) Lecture: Pop to Contemporary Lecture: Pop to Contemporary Test on Reading: Ch. 28 & 29 Film: art:21, Seasons 1 & 2 Film: art:21, Season 3. AP Practice Exam AP Practice Exam Grade Practice Exam and Review for AP Exam AP Exam AP Exam Sr. Exams Sr. Exams

Last day of school

AP Art History Class Expectations THE AP ART HISTORY COURSE: All students will be required to print and keep for their records a copy of the College Board AP Art History Course Description. Students will be required to read the requirements for the AP Art History Course in order to understand fully their responsibilities in fulfilling the requirements GRADING PERCENTAGES:   

Art History Portfolio: 25%, Exams and Test/Homework: 25%, Power Point Presentations: 50%

TESTING: Testing will be quizzes from reading and image recognition. There will also be power point research presentation assignments (one for each lesson).

SEMESTER EXAMS: Quarter Exams will be traditional "image recognition" tests where the student will be asked to recognize and give information about a work of art studied that quarter. HOMEWORK: All homework is listed on the Lesson Sequence page. A late homework receives no credit. An assignment is on time only if it is ready at the opening bell of the class. ASSIGNMENTS IN OR OUT OF CLASS ARE NOT A REQUEST - THEY FAILURE TO HAND IN ALL ASSIGNMENTS BY THE END OF A QUARTER WILL RESULT IN A FAILURE FOR THAT QUARTER. CURRENT ARTS FORUM: Every other “M” block class session will be devoted to the Current Arts Forum. All students will be prepared to come to class with either a book, article from a magazine, or a web site which has as its subject a living artist, a discussion about a contemporary topic, or images important to the student which concern contemporary art practice. These topics, images and / or artists will be discussed in relation to their relevance to and place within the History of the Visual Arts. EXTRA CREDIT: Is available only to students who have had all of their assignments handed in on time. THE ART HISTORY PORTFOLIO: The Art History Portfolio is a compilation of all of the work, including homework's, notes, handouts, papers, reproductions, and research into an attractively bound publication. This document is graded at the end of each quarter and in its completed state will be presented at the end of the year as part of the final exam grade. All work must be typed and organized so that a viewer can easily view the work. A table of contents is required as well as numbered pages and easy to read tabs. Handmade color or other illustrations are encouraged. AP Art History Portfolio Requirements A 3” Binder Cover image with name of student and course name Table of contents – number each page. Lesson divider with clip art and Tabs that extend out beyond the pages All entries are enclosed in Plastic sleeves All in class Typed notes. All assignments and handouts such as The Education of an Artist, The Greek Orders (Vignola), etc. 8. Power point printed with notes. 9. Notes from all films and student power points – typed and printed 10. Vocabulary list of “Must know terms”. 11. You must keep a complete list of artists with important facts and characteristics. 12. You must keep a list of styles/periods with important/significant characteristics with examples of each. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

13. Image file (small thumbnails) of the most important works by the most important artists. Include: artist, dates, period/style, nationality, cultural influences (politics, religion, social etc.)

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