Moeller High School 1962-63 Basketball Articles

Page 1

Moeller.;; ~~~~3 DePorres 54 BY PAUL M.ORAN

.Moeller· Correspondent

'Behind a 24-point petform- : by Denny. BU~Qejt the II Moeller CruS'aders ,~<mtl~,sted ' DePorre~, 55·54, in' 1p1 ,overtim e thriller " ·· last night ' at : : ; the Moeller gym. DePorr district c 1 A champs season, b up an 11-8 after one riod as it· Moeller alm f u· r minutes Paul Moran to tally a field gpaL ... With Buchert finally fino~ ing the t;ange, Moeller crept. to within one, 19-18, at ha~~" time. Moeller momentarily vaulted into the lead for th"e first time at 30;29 with 2:03 left in the third stanza. But the Hawks quickly tied it U'p 1 and it was 34:34 heading int~ 1 the home stretch. · ., Baskets were- traded in th,~ . · final · period until DePorr~.$ 'I went into a freeze with 1:41' left and the score tied . 48,48. Guard Ken Turnet: , the Hawks' high-point man·; ! missed the final shot and sent the game into an extra pe-: rio d. Walt Allen put DePorres in front with a jump shot but Buchert and Mike Albrincl} I countered with Moeller bas- I kets that put the Crusader$ on top and they held on th~ rest of the way for their sixth •" :victory.








FG FT TPMaeller

Turner ' 7 Hardy 1 Allen 6 Stewart 3 Hall· '• White . 0 Banks . ~ Totals • 1




3 l.l · 2 8 ' 11' 2 2.4 . 3 o G

4 18A1brinck

4 · 3

2 4Schloss 0 12Buckert SKenny

1 9Buckmaster 2 2 .fi ~

1 1 - - "-'~ ~ Totals~ 23 9 5~

21 12 54


Score by Periods

' Moeller . . . . . . . 8 · 10 DoPorre. ...... 11 8

16 15

14 14


3 \


7-55 6-54·

St. Xavier 49 Moeller 40 ·l.-/f..-l3' BY DAVID SCHWAIN

St. Xavier Correspondent

In a slow-moving game in which St. Xavier eased tt.eir way into a five-point lead and then fought off a Moeller third • quarter threat, the Bombers end· ed their home season with a • 49 • 40 victory • over the Moel· •... ler Crusaders. · : Both teams·•• ·• h a d trouble • · hitting in the · •.· first six minu t e s of the D Schwam· game when · there was only eight points scored. It picked up a little in the next two minutes as 1the Bombers grabbed a 12-7 ·lead at the end of the quarter. Joe Sadefeld began hitting at the beginning of the sec· ond quarter and 'put the Bombers into their biggest lead of the game at 18-10, and the half wound up, 25-20, with St. Xavier in front. Early in the third stanza, Moeller's D en n y Buchert spurred the Crusaders by toss· ing in two strai~ht buckets to put the Crusaders within one point at 28-27. Sadefeld then bcored two quick baskets at the end of the third quarter to put the Bombers into a 35· 30 lead after three quarters. In the fourth q u a r t er Xavier slowly increased their lead behind balanced team scoring and eked out the victory. Mike Arnzen led both teams with 13 rebounds. St. Xnltr Arnzen Ostmann Euen Donovan McCoy Sadtfeld

J 1 1



F8 2 2 7 2 0 4


FT 2 6 4

TP 6 10 18 o 4 0 0 3 11

Moeller Albrlnk Schloss Buchert Buckmaster Kenny

- -


17 15 49

FG FT TP 1 o 2 2 4 8 7 o 14 2 1 s 5 1 11 - - -

Score by Periods

17 6 40

St. Xavier ......... 12 13 12 12-49 "'OIIItr . .. . .. .. .. . 7 13 12 8--40


The Sycamore Recreational Basketball League advanced into the quarter-finals of its one-andout tournament last week, with Wood's Florist winning out over Maynard Texico, 43 to 36, while Montgomery Mobile dropped Fitch 51 to 34. Moeller Faculty and Remington Pure U1i,~ byes for the first round and are automatically· in the semi-finals. In regular season play, ~­ Jer faculty and Remington Pure -uu were hed for first place with identical, 9-1 records. Wood's Florist was next with a 6-4; fol· lowed by Maynard Texaco, 5-6; Montgomery Mobile, 2-8; snd ~ Fitch, 0-10.


Prep Results 4 1'"11t"(







LA~~~t~r. and. ·H~~~s: ~1mk: 4 Metowa~

(6) and Darrell. ' . Homo run-Salvato (Prince\on). WOODWARD •.. 421 012 0--10 13 4 CENTRAL ..... 010 200 0'-- 3 4 2 McAllister and Evans: Hearon, Meekes (5), Mounts (7) and Cornet• . WESTERN HILLS. 000 000 3-3 10 0 AIKEN .......... 401 . 202 x-9 12 0 1 7 INDIAN HILL .. 000 000 0-- 0 MOEL!J,B._ . . . . . 982 001 x-20 14 1 - Ditthciff, Holly (5) and Monahan: Bruck, Phalen (2\, Trimble (4) Rawlings and Tarkington (5 , Rawlings. ROGER BACON •.. 000 000 0--0 6 1 ELDER .......... 012 OlD x-4 6 2 Brockman and Smith; Kessler and Trent·


PURCELL ....... 050 005 0-10 9 3 ST. XAVIER . . . . 100 101 0-- 3 3 1 Schmidt and Cameron: Kluska, Greis on (3), Malonav (6), Erinson (7) and Ostmann.

St.Xavier ~ ~ips Elder;. I

Bacon 1st

GA.rra~ ·~ '42-4:\

St. Xavier High School , won its. first Greater Cinc~ati League ~etball game Sunday afternoon- a 44-43 upset o v e r Elder which spiraled Roger Bacon into the GCL leadership as , the Spartans downed Moel- ~ jler, 79-53, at the same time. St. Xavier, leading by one J)oint with.r:09 seconds to play, sent sophomore guard Joe Sadelfeld to the charity line where he promptly sank two free throws. The Bomber defenders then allowed Elder's Tony Datillo to score· unmolested as the buzzer sounded the 44-43 decision. '/ Dave Meyer and Lou Bok continued to p a c e the I Roger Bacon crew, picking up 21 and 19 points, . res- 1 pectively. The Spartans led by only t h r e e points at halftime, but followed the intermission with a blitzing third period that smothered the inexperienced Moeller 1


team. .

The win put Bacon on top of the GCL heap with a 7-1 record, while Elder's loss marked a 6-2 Panther conference a c c o u n t • St Xavier made it a 1-6 Catholic League slate, just behind Moeller's- 2-6 tally. Badelfeld was the real hero for tlhe BombeTs, pacing them With 14 points. Elder's scoring ace, Paul Weidner, fouled out nrtdway in the final stanza to aid · Bomber chances. Roger Bacon holds a 11-2 overall record, while Elder is 10-2. St. Xavier has gone 4-8 on the · season, with ' Moeller marking a 5-7 campaign total. . . · ELDER-Mallard 2 -I S1 Lauber 0 -I I;

Weidner. 2 4 8; Smith 5 4 14; ·Ruth

2 0 4; Dat!llo 5 I Jll. Totals: 16 11 ~. , ST. XAVIE-R-McCoy 2 0 4: Arnz~m. !

~~~nRf!tsJ~I~:v~n ~ IE'1,enSa3e~e1J 44

~.l~i.Jeota~~r~ti. x'avl~ '20 Eld~r 20. Reserve sc:ore;-st Xavier 42. Elder 39. ROGER BACON-Meyer 9 3 21; Schlosser 0 2 2: Gertz 3 4 10: Steinreide 2 3 71. Bok 5 9 191 Smith 2 2 6; Koch 2 0 41 Broussard I 0 2: lucki 2 4 8. Totalso 26 27 79. MOELLER-Aibrinck 4 0 8: Schloss 0 1 1: Binzer 0·1 1; Buckert 8 2 181 Kenny 7 3 17: Pennington I 1 3; ·Buc!Omaster 1 I 3: Finke 0 2 2 Tot also. 21 11 53,' Halftime score-Bacon ·27. Moeller 24. 6

.La~{alle Top.s M.oeller~ ·?~ w~l.-,t~!!!t.; WJDS In ·~vert}1 Hautl<e , Collects 32 BY PAUL MORAN · MoelLer." Correspondent

Before a packed house at Moeller, the LaSalle Lancers led· by· ·Dick Haucke's 32 points, defeated the Moeller . .· ,. . . C r u s a d e r s,

· '·• ·•. 62-57, in the ·, ·season's · final · Catholic~ League game. , LaSalle •jumped ahead •· of the Crusad.; ers as. D'i c k ' Haucke scored '• eight. of the .. first Paul 1\foran 10 points. Ron . . Schloss' eight. pomt effort kept Moeller in , the game ·as the first stanza end~d 'with LaSalle. on top 14-10: . : . ' With 4:02 remaining in the s ~ con d quarter, Haucke clmch~d the city s c o r i n g ch?mpwnship with his 16th pomt and the score read 27-18 LaSalle. Moeller, Jed by Tom. Kenny, who sat out the first , q,uarter, clawed away until! they had narrowed the score , at halftime to 29-28. 1· _Moeller gained the lead I With 5:33 left in the third! · ~uarter on Greg Kasco's short i J u_m per, but the Lancers I qmckly regained ·the advan. l ta~e and mounted a seven- l pomt bulge. Mike Albrinck's f half-court sh<5t closed the stanza with LaSalle on top 48-43. . , .. Baskets were traded in the , £mal quarter. but LaSalle's ~<).ntastic ,.. 48 per cent shootmg spelled, the difference. . La Salle




Canmng Hafer·



·FG FT TP Moeller


8 3 l l •


32 Buchert

2 18. Schloss 1 7 Kenny 1 3 Albrinck 0 : 2 Kasco

2s 12 62


FG FT TP 1 21 7 1 15 5 3 13 3 o 6 1 o 2


26 5 57

·score by Periods

Salle . : . ...... ·. 14 Moeller ............ 10


15 .19 14-62 18 15 14-57

. . i:!.·• '\ McN.:kholas 73 ·\. I 7 Moeil~r 38 ·'2._, /2.-



GUNDRUM 1 McN~c!holas Correspondent McNicholas' Rockets '~ok the measure of the) Mo~lerl Crusaders last night by aj score of 73-38. at the victors'

The Rockets took command at the outset and jumped to: a 11-5 lead after the first quarter. McNicholas kept up the torrid pace ..· , ..·•' . in the second · · ·. · .·. ·-· quarter behind l\'L Gundrum t h e . g r e a t shooting of Jerry Couzins, and took a 28-17 lead into the idressing,rooms at the half. The Rockets came out in the third quarter ·and outscored the Crusaders 16-5 to put the gam!3 out of reaCh. Tom Hannon and Phil Belmont sparked the Rockets' in the third pe~ riod. . McNicholas poured it, on in the final \quarter and out- '. scored the visitors 29-16 to take a convincing 73-3tl victor~'· The victory was the first of the season for the Rockets .and first GCL victory. After the game coach Ed Hoffer -said: "The great performance of .Jerry Couzinl) and all-around team effort proved to .be the d~cisive fac1

tor." -


· Moeller ran into .foul trouble from the outset and· it seemed to throw the Crusaders- off. This plus· a tight de~ fense gave tlle Rockets the · win. -.._. · McNicholas FG FT TP Mae !fer Hannon 4 ·2 10 Kenny O'Connell D. Sander Barry

I 0 2 Pennington 2 ?. 6 Albrinck 1 1 3 Buchert



~~~~f.nj ·


,Wiesenhahn 3



~ ~~~~~~s\er ~r

8 26 0

FG TT · 3 3 1 o 4 o 5 _0


TP 9

2 8 10,


-- - Totals , ).7 4 38

r;::;:::~r!~ ~y. Pe:i;~s n Mo•ller ...... _. . . . s . McNicholas . , ...... ll 17

5 16-38 16 -29-73


Afoeller Defeats Amelia, 63-41' v •




by Paul Moran I

KENWOOD Jn thei~ finest• showing of the season the Crusaders of Moeller hustled to a 63-4 7 trimnph over Amelia varsity last Saturday night in the Moeller gym. Outplaying and outhustlil]g the Amelia Barons, Coach Jim Puthoff's squad avenged a loss at the hand's of Norwood's varsity the night before. Denny Buchert. wit~ 18 .points, was high man for the second straight night, and was closely followed by Tom· Kenny's 14 points and Mike Albrinck's 12 points. Amelia was led by Jim W·innage's 14 points. SCORE BY QUARTERS MOELLER 11 17 15 20 63 AMELIA 9 10 10 17 46 BOX SCORE MOELLER M., Albroinck 5 2 12 3 M. Ernst 3 M. Pennington 1 1 18 J. D. Buchert 9 0 4 R. Schloss 2 R. B Ut'Win kle 2 1 5 '4 16 R. Kenny 6

D. Whitton






Rice R. Brenner

2 0

f) 0 0 AMELIA ], Menton .0 4 P. Beckman 9 M. Hodcrlein 0 0 0 1 1 0 M. Pemberton D. McShane 0 0 0 0 D. Fitzgerald 0 0 ]. Winnage 7 14 0 0 T. Theurer 0 0 10 A. Smith 1 8 0 0 J. Chini 0 2 12 M. Camt 5 Moeller Freshmen 50 Ari1elia Reserves 35 With ten out of the 11-man Norwood Varsity squad breaking into the sco.ring column, Norwood overpowered Moeller 73-47 last Friday night on the losers' home court. - The Crusaders of Moeller were " outclassed' by the vhiting Indians of Norwo~d, who outscored Moeller in every tj uarter. Denny Buchert an{] Tom Kenny of Moeller were the high scorers of the evening with 16 points each, ' but their efforts were in vain as Norwood placed four men, led by

Ken Reynolds and Clark Eads wi:h 14 points apiece, in double figures. SCORE BY QUARTERS MOELLER 15 10 12 10 47 NORWOOD 17 22 19 15 73 BOX SCORE MOELLER 2 M. Albrinck 4 4 2 l\1. Ernst 2 2 M. Pennington 0 0 0 J. Buckmaster 0 2 16 7 D. Buchert 1 I R. Schloss 0 T. Burwinkle 0 I 2 0 0 R. Brenner 0 T. Kenny 4 8 16 D. Whitton 0 0 0 M. Rice 0 2 NORWOOD K. Reynolds 4 14 6 J. Goodlander 2 0 c. Eads 6 14 ,4 K. Warman I 1 3 6 D. Woodward 13 o. 0 J. Fenwick 0 ·s D~ Bouldin 2 1 2. J. Cornelius :2 6 J. Gessel bracht 2 0 4 B. Wallace 4 T. Hatfield 1 Moeller Freshman 37, Norjood tReserves 63.

Jl, . .


~.~:I . \'.

'&;'a,~.¡6 Crusa ers

of Moeller high school.; Wesselman, Tom Ke~ny, Norb Overbeck, Je~ in their first year of Buekmaster, Ted Burwinkel, and Dan Bireley; varsity ba.>ketball, are currently carrying a 3-4[ standing are Ron Schloss, Mike Albrinck, Denny record v.ith wins over Deer Park, Sycamore. I Buchert, Ed Finkt>,, Dan Binzer, Ray Corbet:. and Amdia. Kneeling:_ )pft to ri;:rht "TP Tom. \likP PPnninntnn ~n.~ rn~~;., y;~ PnthnU 1

t Rog~r Bacon 64, ; Moeller46 , ., -·<~--r..L ~

Roger Bacon fell behind In the first quarter,. rallied for a two-point lead at halrtime and defeated Moeller, 64-46, last night on the loser's court. Winless Moeller, playing a varsity schedule for the first time and without a senior class, built a 17-8 edge, wilted to trail 28-26 at intermission then bowed , from contention when the more expe:ienced Spartans rtominated bot:1 boards. Lou

Bok's 23 points topped the winners who won the1r second game In thrree starts. ROGER BACON• Gerll 7 1 15: Sd>loa.w 1 o 2: /kver 0 2 2: S3nks 0 1 ,1: Steonreide 1 o 2· Boi< a 7 23: Luch• 3 1 7: Coch 0 2 2: Oacev 1 0 2: Broussard o4 o B. Totals 25 14k 64. 0 2 Albrinck

MOH.LER· OverbK 1 ' 50 10: Buchert 5 1 11; 1 1 3· 3Scnioss Kenrw, 6 12: Penninoton 2 0 4; Buck· ma'ter 1 2 4. Totals 18 10 46. Half-Time Score: R090f Bacon 28, Moel-

le\;~erve Score: R09er B..con 57, Moel· ler 40.

Elder 79, Moeller 45 BY PAUL MORAN

Moeller Correspondent

Elder Mallard


FG FT TP Moeller


4 14 overbetk ·


;·,; FT Tl' 1



Jim Mallard grabbed the ~;~~~? ~ ~ ;~ ~~~~~'c'k' ~ ~ 1 ~, topening tipoff and put Elder ~~;~ener ~ ri 1~ ~~~~i'' -~ j 1?, on top with a five-foot .iump ~~;;; ~ l ~ ~~~~~~:;r,", ~ ~ ~ Ishot and the Elrlcr Panthers 1Dattilo 21 1 71 10 ,,,, ,, , , 5 " ! were never headed as thev' Kammer ·rolled to a dacisive i!l-45 wtn 1"1' 1' J2 ts 7q over Moeilcr· nn thr losers' ScorP B~· Prriod~ ihome court. •E·o"' 21 1" , 1" ., With Paul. Weidner pump- Mo•' 1" '' I~ '' ~' J1 : ing in eight points. Elder;--------.---· ---.·--- ~-outscored l\1oeiler 24·6 in the I Buchert poured in Th 4JOint1l 'opening stanza. The pace! for the Crusaders in 1he final .slowed down in the second'period but his efforts were in 'period of play, but the Pan-1 vai1r"'a~ El.der continued its thers continued to increa~\Vinning ways. ltheir lead and the half-time · Elder's record is now 4-0 'score stood at 40·1 i. while Moeller now has a 1-4 · Elder opened the secoml record. Weidner of Elder led half with a hot hand. They all scorers with 18 points and · put 21 more points on the • .Jim ~Iallard had 14 for the ' scoreboard while :'\f o c 1 I e r !'anthers. Renny Buchert led could only manage 11. De.10nv the Crns:-~rlr>r.;; w'it h 17

Moeller 59 1... ~~ Amelia 53 By JOE CHINE

Amelia Correspondent

In a very exciting game. the Moeller Crusaders downed the Amelia Barons, 59-53. last night on the losers' floor. In the first quarter the Crusaders, led by Dennis Buchert. jumped to an early lead and led at the end of the quarter 14-11. In the second quarter, both teams got hot from the field and the Barons, led by Randy Weisman, cut the lead to two' points early in the quarter: but the Crusaders we¡nt to work and led at half 33-25. . In the third period, Amelia, led by Steve Minton, began to play the type of ball! they played earlier in the year and cut the Crusader lead to 46-39. Tom Kenny scored six i nthe period for Moeller. The fourth quarter saw both teams exchange baskets with the Barons outscoring Moeller 14-13, but the final , gun sounded with the Crusaders on the long end of a 59-53 score. Moeller Olbrenk Buchert Kenny Pennington ¡ Buckmaster Schloss Totals

FG FT TP Amelia 2 3 7 Minton 9 4 22 Weissman 9 2 20 B. Moore I 5 7 Vinnaie I 0 2 J. Moore 0 I 1 Hamm

FG 7 3 I 3 3 1

22 15 59

18 17 s:


Score by Periods

Moeller ........... 14 19 11 14




FT 3 7 3 3 1 o

Tl 1; 1: ! ! : :



[\L.aSal/e· 56, Mpeltr ·


' LaSalle Corresf,ondent


1 \



~" £..3 F~


t~ ~~~~~~V


~-eJ F~ ~ ~

. Mike Leurck tossed in ,19 ~~~~ck~ ~ 1~ ~~~~0i~ . ~ ~ 1 ~ [points .and Dick Haucke added ~:r~;ng 1 A 1 ~~g~fuaster 1 j 1g 17 more to lead LaSalle to a Totals -19 -18 -56 Pennington 2 1 . s : · . 56-48 Cathol~~ . League win . Tota~s . 20 8 48 . 0 ve r .Moeller Score by Penods 1 1 : of\', the Win- ';!;:1 lir :::: ·.:: ·.::: U i~ ~ itj~ floor. Lancers beginning. of the second half an early and before the shocked .Cru- · over t~e S;iders lqlew what had hap-: :nJ!,anPrs • m pened the Lancers scored 11; e openmg straight points to go ahead' omen~ s of 38-29,. a lead from which! e f l r s t Moeller. never quite recovThey ered. "· • .. ~hat l~ad . Mo\'!ller started to press in Jim Watson to a fn'~e·pomt the /fourth quarter and be· .. advantage !JV~r gan ~0 .move Up 'once again on the vtsttors at the penod s t,!fe. Laucers, coming within end, 17·12. . foUii, points> .three different Moeller ~~ame back ready times. The' La~.a1le team final; for action in the second pe· ly staved off. tne ...rally and riod. They began to come up pulled ahead lo''their. margin on the Lancers and finally of victory,__ . · · . ·. harrowed the margin to 25-24 Denny Bu.chertled.tQ.e Cruahd went ahead, 29-27, at the saders with 14 points while h~lf. Leurck paced .all scorers wlth \LaSalle char~ed back at the his 19. · ·· · ;..:...




Moeller 45 J.1cNitholas 41 1


r.~~h~lu P. Belmont

Moeller Correspondent • . Avengmg an earher 73-3H

G F 1 o Montao'ry 4 2 Wiesenhahn 2 o

TP 2 10 4 1

Muller Albrinck Schloss Buchert

"C F


3 2 s 3 0 6 s 2 12 1 1

defeat, Moeller came from be- ~:~~:r ~ ~ ~ ~:~~(n 1 ton ~ ~- 1 . ht t o ca pt ur e a Hannon --2 - I __5 Buckmaster _2 __ 0 4! . d . I as t mg hm 45-41 d · t over the Me- Totals 17 1 41 Total~ 20 s 45 ver IC Score by Penods Ni c h 0 I as McNicholas 10 14 9 A--41 R 0 c k e t s on Moeller 8 7 18 12-45 Moellers home court. changed a 24-15 halftime defi;. McNichol a s cit into a 33-33 tie after the third quarter. Tom Kennedy opened the game led Moeller's fast break as he· ing a almost matched the Rockets•· court p r third-quarter total pumping and forced in eight points. Crusaders The Crusaders solved the press of the Rockets in the m any b a I I handling er- Paul !\loran final quarter and outscored rors to lead McNicholas 12·8 to take the after the first quarter 10-8. hard-fought Catholic Leaguq. · The second quarter was a victory. Moeller now stand11 nightmare for Moeller, as the 5-6 for the season and 2-4., Rockets continuing the full in the GCL. McNicholas now: court press, doubled the Cru- is 6-5 and 3-4 in the league. saders second quarter count. · · ·-- · and outscored them 14-7. The halftime score was 24-15 with the .Rockets on top. Opening the second half,. IMoeller broke o u t .a n d







Purcell 64, Mo~/1~~/-~i- ,.3 BY BOB GOGGIN .

Purcell Correspondent.

/Purcell ,A\. ·r TP' Moeller Schweitzer,. 10 s 25· Pennlngtop

G F ·rp s 6 16

4 Purcell's Cavaliers downed ~:r~~s ~ 0 1 8 Kenny . ~ 12 19 "Jl~Oe 1lel"S ' C r u sa d e r s l as t' M ~~ ~P~r~~kt . . s~~~~r ~ 1 9 Schloss 3 g ~, · mgh( 64·53, before a packed Curtis 0 0 0 Buckm~ster 0 0 0 b()Use ·at the Moeller gym. Totals 28 8 54 Totals 21 11 53 Experiencing Score. by Periods · some doubtful .Purcell ........... u 12 25 16-04 m 0 ffi en t S in Moeller .......... 17 10 11 15-53 the first haJf, the Cavaliers point lead, 27-23. featured a 41· · A fantastic third- quarter point second output of 25 points by Purcell half to put the seemed to leave the Crugame on their saders in a cloud of smoke side of the and oblivion, however, as ledger. · . .Moeller scored only ~1 points . The game anq saw a four-pomt lead Bob Goggin was marked by shrink." to a 10-point deficit a ·strong come- Dunng one stretch of less back performance by Pur- than a minute a_nd a half the: cell's ·Steve Schweitzer, who Cava I i e r s dumped in 11' .led all scorers with 25 points. straight points. Over a slightlyj Both teams played well .in larger stretch Purcell out-1 the early moments, as Purcell scored M.oeller, 21-4_. · , : took a 9·6 lead. But suddenly .Pes p 1t e · Schwe1t~r s 25 Moeller Was hot Purcell was pomts, ·the game was not a. cold and Moell~r wa·s ahead one-man show. Moeller's Mike 17·9: Th~n· Purcell's Jack Pennington scored 16 points, Schnur' ··sank a half-court and teammate Tom Kenny hit pusher 'with just a second left for 14 . -;All pl~yers worked in 'the period, and the first hard .m shooting and re· .qi1arter ended, 17-11. _ b;'>Undmg, but. Purcell outThe Cavaliers outscored the c,assed the ~oung Crusaders Crusaders 12-10, 'in the to take the· victory. ·second quarter, but at half- ·.---time Moeller still . held a four- '




\Norwood 74, IMoeller 65,~· . ~ . .t--2..- . / BYLES MANN

Norwood Correspondent ~g~fd~~d {~ r~ ~~ ~:z~~·r't 1· ·Last ·ni'ght the No "\"O'Jd Reynolds 9 2-.20 Kenny . , •. • · · Hollifield 6 4 16 Albrink

rf FJ ~~

7 1 15 5 0 10 Ind1ans made a last mmute Fenwick 3 1 7 Buckmaster 3 2 s com back to overcome the Geselb'cht 2, 2 .. 6 Schloss r 3 I 7 . • - - ~P~n01nglon I I 3 Moeller Crusaders m a douhlc ·Totals 31 12 74 ·surwinkle 1 o 2 ilvertime, 74-65, on the In·-· Totals 2s 9 6s dians' floor. - Score by Periods ! . Moeller made Norwood Norwood .. 12 s' 20 20 6 ll-74 'play its game in 'the first Mo~ller ... 12 21· 16 s 6 2-65 quarter but the · Indians . . . · , stayed with them all the way D1~k Boi!-ldm, f~ught a 161 as· it wound up in a 12-12 point deficit to tie th~ ~arne deadlock. • and J?Ut both squads I~to an The Crusaders came on overtime. strong the second quarter to Norwood had to fight its way take a commanding lead of to . another tie as Reynolds ·16 -points as they ripped the tipped in his own follow .UJ~ nets! and played commend- of a missed shot, 'and once able· defense to go ahead, again put the teams inte all 33-17. . overtime. Norwood poured ai l1 Moeller tried·to ,run up the 11 points and held the Cruscore' throughout the' .second saders· to two to give them half with fine shooting .from their well-earned~vidory. outside and fast' breaks; but • Norwood, led by senior Capt./ Ken Reynolds and ]unic.r

Elder 49, ~e b 'l-3 M oeller 3"/v.! ~ L'


Elder held MoelletJ. to only three points in the third路period, and picked up a big Greater Cincinnati League victory over .the inexperienced Crusaders, 4937, Saturday night on the Elder floor. Paul Weidner's 14 points topped Elder's victory, while little Tom Kenny had 11 to lead the losers. The win was Elder's 12th in 14 starts and seventh in nine GCL ~games. Moeller is now 5-9 overall and 2-7 in the league. 路 M08LLE'R - Albrim:k 3 2 8; Sch~ 1 0 2; !l<Jchert 1 5 7; Kenny 4 3 1'1; 路 'Pennington 2 3 7; Buckmaster 0 2 2. Totals 11 15 37. E;L[)IER-Mallard 2 5 9; lisk 1 1 3; 0 1

~-~ .$~ S~i~~ f'~ ~7; D2ttr~fo '1e~'1~

Tota'ls 17 15 49. Halftime Score-Elder 26, Moeller . 19; Reserve 路Score~Eider 50, MoePier 36.

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