Moeller High School 1962-63 Football News Articles

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:\IOELLER DEFESDERS-SomE of the pla:,ers in the middle of llie :VIoe!IC'r hne include. front ro\\ left to right, Ed He :kle and co-captains :\lark Ernst and .John Ha\erkamp. In back row are Dave Whitten and Tony Del Vert hio. The Crusaders play LaSalle in a Catho,ie LeagL e game Sunday at Oak HJls fi<>ld

The ·

"---~-----,.__ _ Local Prep !earns ... Begin Practice if-17-- t _} ·-

SportsRitter BY PAUL RrrrER Local high school football te~s_open. pre-season 1

workouts today in preparation for the up-ooming campaign. ,· All five area prep grid leagues are set for expan· sion or oontraction in membership, with the '63 season the prime target. The Greater Cincinnati League, long heralded as Cincinnati's toughest circult, takes on three /lew membei's this year-1 MeN i c h o 1 a s , Moeller and LaSalle join the GCL's "Big ' Four"-Roger Bacon Purcell, Elder and st. xavier/ . . L1~tle can be ~~pe~ted of ·1 the. newcomers m 62, but ~ tl)e following seaso1:1 should squelch the pessimists who I condemn the GCL expan1 sion. Me an w h ile, defending ~hampton Roger Bacon (3-0 last year) poses a thundering repeat threat. The Public High School League will take Aiken High into the varsity fold in '63, expanding to an eight-team loop. Aiken Will compete in . reserve ranks this year.





•. .

Central defends the PHSL title, winning out over a strong Woodward team last year on a 4-1-1league mark. Withrow stands to improve quite a bit thls season, having won the PHSL reserve title last year. Anumber of coaching and administrative changes in the Public League will make for some interesting results on all front<: The Millcreek Valley Leag'ue, a three-team race last season with Wyoming copping laurels on a 6-o-1 record, will probably follow the same pattern in '62. Deer Park and Greenhills join the defending cowboys again this season to form the MVIL "Big Three." St. Bernard, MVIL cellardweller last season, drops football this year. Deer Park will move to the Eastern Hills League in 1963. Wyoming, by-the-by, has gone four seasons without losing a league game. Anderson won Its first Bamilten County League title since 1948 last season

. ___ . ..I.. .OIL...a. 4-,1-l. account, C/\£>,..h-

Grid Physicals At Moelle


Dr. E. V. Walters examines Moeller Hlgh School football player Ton~ Del Vecchio yesterday during pre-season physicals administered at the school. The scene was a common one u;roughout the area as local prep squads prepared for toda?' s op_ening practice session. Moeller joins the Greater Clncmnat~ League this season, along with McNicholas and LaSalle Hlgh Schools.-Enquirer (Heise) Photo ~-



. -·- __

~ ___

:60 Boys ·Report


For Moeller's '


[.Football I

J Practice·;..~

KENWOOD Moeller High School will compete. on the varsity level this fall for the first time. Alt-hough the school will he a member of the G.C.L., it will not be a member of the O.H.S.A.A. until September of 1963 only because it will not be a four-year high school before then. 1 C, t. ~


As a member of the G.C.L., the CRUSADERS will be playing some of the strongest teams in Ohio while fielding only Sophomores and Juniors! In preparing for this heavy schedu_le, some 60 boys reported on the first day of practic_e. There will -be 44 -boys cam·ied on the varsity squad. Since this will be. the first varsity, and since there are no Seniors, Head Coach Gerry Faust, and his assistants have no veterans upon whom to depend, nor around whom to builp. In spite of the absence of experienced players, however, the coaches feel that the boys will give a good showing of themselves this fall. Assistant coaches for Moeller are George Markley, Andy Chiodi, Mike Morrisey, reserve; Jim Cafferky and Bob Strayer, freshmen. Bill Clark is the statistician. Student managers are Don Elsbrook, !Mike Kelly, Jerry Lineberger, Bob Lynch, Jerry Niebur, Jerry Torkars and Steve Zimmer. Dr. E. Vance Walters, D.O. is the team physician. Brother Joseph R. Choquette, S. M. is the school's athletic director.

1 .J


Greater CmCUlilatl

League's Moeller, playing its first year of varsity ; football and having no ;{ senior class, lost a .16-6 de~ cision to Hamilton catholic. The defeat can be analyzed as a fine performance for the Moeller Crusaders. They met a veteran Hamilton team and kept right 1n stride. Saturday line scores:

~ ~

PURCEll ...... 0 0 b S-14 STEUBENVILLE . . . 8 6 l>---28 STEUBSNVILLE-Mcntl 76 punt return




STEUBENVILLE Ero;h•vich 5 ruo (Abramowicz, oass from lalma). STEUB~NVILLE HaQartv 2 run (r•Jn fail!!d). PURCELL-Fanning 2 run (run f•iled'. PURCELL Turner 16 pass lcom <i~eitzer (~itzger~~-- .(Un) ..•

. ~-

... .-.o o


HAMILTON CATHOLIC 0 8 0 8-16 MOELLER-lllifkt 15 run (run failed). HAMILTON-<ulligan 4 run (Capella to Culligan. oass). HAMILTON-Pate 10 run (Pate. run).


! i ·


Purcell .Bo,vs


In Opener Out-of-town trips proved unfortunate for two local teams Saturday night as Pur· cell fell before Steubenville Centra I Catholic's strong club, 28·14, and Moeller lost a 16·6 decision at Hamilton· Catholic. - ~ Q""e f Although Purcell outscored the home team 14·12 in the· second half, the Crusaders had already acquired a 16·0. lead in the first two quarters .. The victory was not entirely unexpected, as Central Catholic is figured to have one of . its strongest teams this sea· : son, having taken a 16-6 vic· ~ 1tory over Massillon in a pre· ; season scrimmage. • Moeller got off to a 6·01: lead and played good ball the1• rest of the way, but inability: to hold onto key passes cost • Coach Jerry Faust's team al: couple ~o~t~-u~~do:Vl!s_. ___ •


Heats Moeller In /'3 t J._ ~~GCL. O~ener '" G · - _:._..IC\6 a·,_,



'tol"t"'"PowerrJr _gerJ Bacon ·"':trounced· over··new Moe!ller High School last night in the opening GCL contest, 44-'6.



Spartans• fullback 'Ty • Anthony, and quarterback Pat case proved too much. for the all-junior Moeller for three of the six TD's, 'team. Anthony. accounted. ·....Aijd CaSe Contributed one ·~p eight yar~ pass to sen:.B.acons., other' two touch:*!<>r end Pete · Brockman. ~owns came on one' yard , .,wpnges . by.·, c.utle.r, and "Boss. . . .. ;;:~.M'Oelfer5 lone score came .lti!l: just three :plays when 'llli'!red Borke tall1ed ·on a 19 ~ro. run over !eft tackle, '~fter a· 65 yard drive down ~ield -by his teammates. Tills included a 41-yard scamp by Butch Volle. It was the first win for Bacon·in as many outings, ./wrule Moeller is 0-2 on the season. '



MOEt.LEI! .. : .. .. .. 0 0 6 0- 6 I ROGER BACON ..... 16 15 0 13-44 . BACO~utler 1 yard (Schatzman, run). BACON-Anthony I vard (SGI>atzm!KI, run).

BACOti-AnlhOIIV 4 vards (pass from Case to Plum). • ' BACON-Boss I yard (kick bv Case).' MOELLER-Barke 19 yards (rvn faifedl BACON-AnthOIIV 2 yards (kick • by Case). BACON--B-rodcmt1n :ll








• ,..,.

Roger Bacon 44, Moeller 6 BY Jli'\1 KLEi'\1

Scoring Summary , Roger Bacon's Spartans Moeller . . . . . o o 6 o- 6i i opened their season with a Rocer Bacon . . . 16 15 o 13-44 · 1\• II Roaer Bacon Scorlna-Touchdowns: An· 44 ·6 wm over .oe er, a new thony (3), Culler. Brockman, Voss. Points I member of the Catholic ~~~: (~l~chdown: Schatzman <4), Plum (2), League. Moeller Scorlnc-Touchdown: Barke. For Bacon's first tally, Ray ferent story as a fighting Culter climaxMoeller unit came onto the ed an 80-yard ·· held and pushed 65 yards march witli;;~oa for a TD. Butch Volle ran 41 yards and Fred Berke scored from the 19-yard line over left tackle. Bacon, however, ground 71 yards, setting up Anthony for a two.yard dash to score. . compiete Jiril Klem Case's kick was good for the f1tst-q u art er . . . scoring, the Bacon offense extra poml A pass pl~y. Case started at its own 48-yard to Pete Brockman netted 31 hne and a 27-yard run by yards and the final score in Schatzman set up Ty Anthony the game. for a one-yard scoring plunge. In the over-all picture. Again Schatzman ran the two Bacon totaled 396 yards and tXtra points. 16 first downs while the CruIn the ~econd quarter, after's,. a team, made up of a 55-yard drive, Anthony mamly JUnio~, ra~ked up 204 'scored over right end from y~rds and ftrst ~owns, the four yard line. Quarter- Cight of whtch were m the back Pat Case's pass to Bob second half. !Peaches) Plum accounted for Only two penalties were in-1 the extra points. Anthony curred, exceptional for this1 then broke out for a 49-yard early in the season, Com-1 . run to highlight a 74-yard menting on the opposition~ drive. John Voss scored from Coach BI'on Bacevich noted the one and Case kick. ed the that "Moeller showed a well extra point. coached and very spirite .I 'T'ho """nntl h:~lf w::u;: a rlif- club." 1 Roger Bacon Correspondent



The Moeller High SChool ::: r u s a d e r s sljlam-roUed Deer Park in thtf f1rst half ;o take a 40-8 victorY. last 1lght at the loser's field.. rhis waa the 11rBt "Win of. :he season foli>Moeller. Fullback AI 8 t 1c k 1 e t )pened the scoring by golng in from the six-yard line. Q u art e r b a c k Tom Kenney added the twopointer. Deer Park was scoreless and the Crusaders continued the attack with 24 points ln the second :tuarter as Tom Ehrhard, Mike Volle, Fred Borke, Sticklet and Kenney added ~4 points. Fullback John Dunnigan nanaged to slip in on a H-yard run to score for the losers and then added two extra points. AOELLER . .. . • . . 8 IEEA PARK . . • . . 0 6

24 8

0 0

8-«l 0- 8

:::1\~~~d ~runrvn~!l, r~~h

Motller-Borkt 29 run (Stieklet run). u:?rr P4fk-:-D"nnillan 21 run (Dunnigan Motller-KtniiY 12 run CBorkt run). Motlltt-Vollt 6 run (Ehrhard run).


panthers. i. ': . Squeak .. t~;.:~.~,\ '

By. Mo~ller ~¡ ~ Fullback Tony Datillo busted up . the middle for :four yards a touchdown and Bill Hendy added a two-point conversion to give El_der an 8-0 Greater Cincinnati League win over MoeHer on the Elder grid. Moeller battled gallantly in hopes of upsetting the undefeated Panthers, but I the farthest penetration r e a c h e d the Elder four where the Crusaders lost on downs. A first-period Elder tally was foiled back when junior halfback Jim Schaiper fumbled in the end zone and¡ Mbeller recovered.

and .

MOELLER .......... 0 0 0 ().....() E'I.DER . . ........ 0 0 8 0-8 Elder-Datillo 4 run (Hendy, run).

1 1

( .


~Elder ·-.

8, Moeller 0




_:E:~der Correspondent Scoring Summary · Moeller's Crusaders were Elder -------- ·.... o o s ~ shut out of their 'second Cath- Moeller ....... : . . 0 0 . 0 ().....() olic .League. game by Elder's Elder Touchdovm-Oattllo. PAT-Hendy 2. l P!lllthers, · .. · 8-0 last a bnight o u t before 7000 several.· plays later quarter. ·;' ' · · at bac~ Jay Brogan slipped 1.2 . Stadium yards to a scoring position i In the score: on the Moeller seven. . '· ' less first half Key blocking by- the · tnr Moeller gave terior line ·opened a hole fo~ l).int of their fullback Tony Dattilo to scoie which Elder's sole touchdown.- Heni!Y to be made a wide sweE}p to the Jt!ft a t h r e a t to make the extra points. :. throughout the The last quarter was sco~"e' game with a less for both teams, as Elder , Jim Lang 26-ya;d pass thw~ed Moelle~'s la~ Chailce, I . . from Tom Ken- to tie. , -. " · ny to 'left end Don Buchert. Through. 'Elder's · passq.g1 fo~owed by a 27-yard aerial yardag~ was negligible_ , o galll in the second quarter M~eller s 94 yards, feY,; from Kenny to right halfback gamed 295 yards rushing~ to. Mike Volle. their opponents' 114. Moeuerl Elder showed a promise of only saw nine first downs}ndf scoring late in the half as Eld~r 19. The Crusadersi9st, 1 Jerry Hendy intercepted a 30 yards through pe~f pass to Moeller's Mike AI- and Elder lost 50. . . . : brink, and -carried it 53 yards. F-·· - - The· Panthers headed toward 1 "goal-land" only to Jose the ,_ball to the Crusaders· inside . the 10-yard line on a fumble. i :. Ron Stenger r e t u r n e d Moeller's kickoff to the Elder ~ I ~3 to start the second half. ' I






Moeller 46 · . McNicholas: 20 · ~ BY MIKE GUNDRUM . I ~ McNicholas Correspondent . I i.' .Moeller's Crusaders handed[:


!the McNich_olas. Rockets. the.irl., ~eond

straight Joss 46·20 last. 1ght at Anderson in a Catha. lie Le ag ue game.. · ·. 1 Moeller's; i Mike Volle s t -a r t e d the scoring by snagging a 20· yard pass from Tom Kenney in the end zone and then u nn i ~we ~ po!nter. , Kenney t h e n 1scored on a 15-yard run. In the secon<j. quarter, Volle .scored again ori a 15· yard run. Kenny ·tossed nine yards to Ron Schloss who scored. Ha:iftime . score was 30-0 in favor of Moeller: ln the third quarter, Moel-' Ier's Fred Barke ran 35 yards to pay dirt. Then McNicholas came· alive witl1 a 48·-yard pass from Dick Sanders to Bob Einhaus in the end zone. Sanders threw two first down passes to Bob Montgomery. Sanders cohnected·· twice more with passes.of 45 and 11 yards to Montgomery, who scored each time: In the .fourth quarter, B'oTke scored on a fiVe-yard run, and Moeller gpt two points on a safety when Sanders attempting to pass, \vas . ch~sed back 15 yards intb his own end zone. Gi4 . Scoring Sum~y .., 'L fVIoeller . ·.· : ... : . . 14 'i6 · 8 8-46

a \,


l'l'cNicholas .. : . .. 0 0 '20 .o-20 . Moeller .touchdowns-Valle 2, KennY, Schloss, . Barke 2. PAT -Voile 6, Kenny 2.

'S:afety 2.


McNicholas touchdowns-Einhaus, Mont· PAT-Weisenhahn. / i

<nmorv 2

.!Rq~k~!~ ~JjtnJt~d;


• "l':J"'tt


t ..... ,:-.:



McNicholas' Rockets put on a dazzling aerial display in' the third quarter but the Moeller Crusaders ran up 46 points to register their first-ever Greater 'Cincinnati League win, 46-20 at Anderson High field. . Rocket quarterback Dick Sander p 1t c h e d touchdown passes of 49, 45 and 25 yards and connected on 17. of 24 passes for a total of 221 yards. Moeller is 1-1 in GCL' play while the Rockets are winless in two league starts. ~~~~M~t.As·::::: 1~ 1~ ~ ~ Moeller~Volle 15 run (Volle, pass from Kennvl. · ~~~~~~~v 6~~~Jn:s:~tled).

Moeller-Scholss 9 pass from Kenny (Voile run), Moeller-Borke 35 run (Kemy run). , • ·• Moeller-Sd"lehr sah!ty. MGNicl>olas-Einllauf 49 pass from San· der ~iesenl)ahn run). . : Sa~Jer'c(~~~··f~grtgomerv 45 pass from ·. McNicholas-Montgomerv 25 pass from [ · Sander (run foiled). Moeller-Borke S run (run failed). ------


Moeller Footballers rt~Pt. Downed ·By One Point· .. . j



Kentucky Team Squeezes:~ ~ Out 2.5 To 24 Victory ·.... J· i Covington Holmes squeezed a. 25

to 24 victory over Moeller High School last Friday night at the Covington field. Although Moeller led at half. time 18 to 13, H o 1m e s came through with a touchdown in the third and the fourth quarters, and . the final signal f o u n d Moeller short by one point. In the first quarter, Holmes' Paul Heo.;;er scored first after a 60-yard drive down field. Fred Borke retaliated for Moeller and the score at the quarters end was 6 to 6. In the second quarter, Stickler and Volle scored six points each. Holmes' seven point,s in the same quarter produced an 18 to 13 lead for them at half-time. Nelson Perrin's 72-~;al·d · run after receiving Moeller's kick-off made the difference. Mm·phy scored for Holmes in the third period and scored again in. the last six minutes of the game. Stickler scored for Moeller, in the last quarter and the final soore is history.

Cov. ''Holmes 25 Moeller 24_ '!)2. RY PAUL MORAN Moeller .corree>~ (t. _ Covingto'n H o) m e s came·l from behind-to eke -out a 25-24 victory over Moeller last night on the Covington gridiron. Dave Murphy scored· the win·ning TD for Holmes~ in the game's last six minutes. Holmes opened the scoring in the initial quarter when . Paul Heger went over from the one. climaxing a 60-yard rive. Fred, Barke evened things up for Moeller, scoring rom the 11. In the second ·period. the Crusaders came back with a 34-yard touchdown dash by Al Stickler. Mike Volle scored again for Moeller on a three· yard plunge. Nelson Perrin received a Moeller kickoff and ran 72 yards to score. Moeller led at the half. 18-13. In the third quarter, Dave Murphy went over from the one for Holmes. In the fourth. • StiCkler·scored for Moeller on a five-yard run. Holmes went I ahead in the final six minutes on Murphy's plunge.·


Scorh :t, Summary Covington Holmes . 6 7 6-25 Moeller .. 6 12 6-2A Covington Holmes touchdowns-Heger, Murphy 2. Perrin. PAT-Heger 1 ";.~,o,:_l}e~ touchdowns - Borke, llolle,


- ----

.· Bombett Spank.· Moeller:~~) . GAn-te

Roger B·acon and st. tavier picked up Greater Jinclnnati League victories 'esterday•. taking the meas-. rre ·of two loop newcomers. Bacon's unbeaten Spartans :~outed LaSalle, 54-0, behind · : 1olid reserve strength, while :·n. Xavier pushed its GCL : :nark to ~1 by downing · · ; ltubbom M9eller, 16-8. Eight Spartans shared· the 'rlotocy spotlight by scoring touchdowns. Lineman John , B:affelmann opened the rout ' by blocking a LaSalle punt nnd carrying 25 yards for a ~I'D. · other Spartan touchdowns were registered by lRay Cutler, Ty Anthony, Bi.U Brannen, Bill Bulduc, Ray Neimeyer and Ken Kimmons. Cutler scored two. Senior hallfback Bill Baumann accounted for 14 of St. Xavier's 16 podnts, Scoring touchdowns on runs of 18 and two yards and racing in With a conversion after his first TD. Bill Geers added the other conversion run for the Bombers. Moeller, concentrating on an aerial game rather than face the rugged Bomber running defenses, passed for its lone, ,toUchdown. Junior quarterback Tom Kenny threw nine yards to end Dan Buchert for the SCore, and.Mike Volle ad.ded


. ~;c·


the Crusaders conversion standard besides·· ·a·':l~3 points on a run. · league tally. · -::-1~, :.. · · Roger Bacon, defending LASALLE ROGER' BACON •.. 20 J,4 Jtilff U-S4 · .. .. .. . 0 · 0 · 0 0,... 0 GCL champ and mythical Roger Bacon-John !<aftelmann 25 block· city king last year, is now ed Roger punt return (kick failed). • Bacon-Cutter 9 run (run failed). 6·0. and has surrendered Roger Bacon-Anthony 1B run (Ant~nv. only six points in four runl. ~ league victories. St. Xavier's . fair:J>~' Bacon - Brannen 47 run ~n over-all mark stands at 3_ ru~~er Bacon-Bolduc 13 run. (Ammann. 2-1. The Bombers are the Roger Bacon - Niemeyer 4 run ·{run\ , failed). . '. . only team besides Bacon Roger Bacon-<:ulter 29 run Crun falredl. ' with an unbeaten GCL ac- run). Rover Bacon--4:ii'I"IIIIOM 9 run {Nieffiw I ·~ 1 count. ~~Eml}ER'::::: g g ~1:.1 LaSalle is 1-5 overallMd St. . Xavier- Baumann 1B run (Baum&nn. 0-4 in the GCL, while ru~i. Xavier-Baumann 8 run (Geers, ·r~o). Moeller posts a 2-5 season (V.;-{'I~~~~~;;;~uchert 9 pass from K~v



' '



=----- . -- .--


Varied ·Moeller ·.Attack :crushes 'Norw0,od,·'42-0 :·r~u.. 2.GAiV1e _8\ ·. Borke And Volle. Ea'ch 1nected _with' ·. _

_ . __ ..

a· touch·cio~n. '?ass. .this' time ·to end Mike : A:lbrinck . ·: .Ta put the .icing _on the -cake,


.Sc'ore twice T-() Spark : Cru$ader's· Thi'ri Win· ~it_h' orrlt seconds·teil. i_D..Jhe' l~st 1 · . : · · . . .quarter, . halfback · Mtke· _ Rtce rammed his w_ay .over the . one-1 yar'd line 'for · M_oeller's ,. last1 touchdown. · \ : Points after touchdo\Vn. were ·made f>y f·uflback Ai Stickier, who scored_ twice for four· p·oints, ·and B6rke-_who taUieef once:·£or·two points, giving him· a ·-total ·of 14. · With their 42-0 win .over the Norwood Indians. Moe1ler Crusaders have. broti·ght their wins up to three . as against five • lo~ses. It . was . Moeler's· first )shutout.victot.y.~ ____,. ___ ~ • r-,~-·

Dave Thatrt~n." lVi:oeller High:) School corre~sp'ondent, · Was· 1:5ofn S in CincihtHiti: · ·reared in Lock- ·' .and if{:rw.lives at 2593 .Pet' viorth d\u"ft.' ~iii · . :Cliefryfie1d Acres, Reading. ·. · He . ·· ss~· ·Peter & Paul , 'M'E;teJfrient<trv- · School . arid in· the ' eighth. grade. won .. the 'anuuai Memorial Day speech contest in · Reading. · · Dave is president· of his jun- i ~or, twrne. ·r:,oprr and has attained 1 first honors · since -he . came· to· 1 Moeller .ras· a· freshman. He .·be·'=< longs to· the. SocialitY. 'and _is· a: i member of' the' Speech 'and De- . bate ?luh: .. ·; .. .. · Moeller"A2. ·-NorWOod 0


· Tne · aeiefis'e':o:t ·,the ·Norwood , Indiaris :last'Friday night was at • , very. low·:/eb.b,, ,as _Moeller's. ·!Crusaders used·. both air and fi~ld- attacks .to' run up a score' of: 42-0. · ·-,· . · Breaking through the · :right side of. N orwooci•·s 'defensive ·line, ,_fullback- Fred- .Borke .·made .. a , brilliant 70-yard ruri for )Moeller's first_ touchdown: ' Quarteroack Tom ·Kenny' 'hit • halfback Mike' :Volle , lat"e( in I the quarter for six more pdints I ' as Volle· made a breath-taking one-handed catch. . \. · . - I . In the third .. quarter, :M&lle'rtallied twice _again, with ..-;p--pttl· Borke · and , Volle scoring. tli!! : former on a 36•yard run atla: : the_. ·latter _on' . a U)oyard ·romp·; , ·- Then K~~~-- one~·- ~~r_::._coti~ 1

-·- _......._,_.,.






Moell~r Wins, 44-20, · 1v; A .~ Over L.aSalle I;attcers(~;· .., . itAt'\~ 10 · '~""'4 r 0

BY DICK SCHMIDT, La Salle Correspondent Moeller's. Crusaders overpowered the LaSalle Lancers, 44-20 in the final Catholic League game of the season for both squads yesterday at the ~Oak Hills High field 1 before 1an estimated 3000 fa_n.:..s·----~----The two young teams, smash neither with .any seniors, . Borke's three-yard up the middle. 1 ~e also were· scoreless in the ·first added the extra pomts. quarter: But Moeller then . LaSalle came to life in was able to· the fourth quarter. Full- • put on some back Jim Kesse climaxed :a steam and 63'-yard drive by pushing pull well out over from the two. 1 in front in Borke ran 63 yards fo~ . · tb e. second the· fifth Moeller TD but period: the points failed. Dick Davis Paul Arszman capped a recovered· a 54-yard La _n c e r m arc h ' ·MoeLler when ·he· drove ovet from · · fumble . on . the one to score, then the Lancer added the two extra points. 15 to star:t. D. Schmidt End Ray Heidorn inter-· the second . cepted a Moeller pass and · · quarter anci stop a Cru- raced 65 yards. for the i sader drive. But a few final Lancer marker. plays later .Moeller regisOn the next kickoff, Volle • tered a safety. to start the took the ball and dashed · ! scoring. 75 yards for the day's last i . ·Tpen To_ni'kennY. scored ·t~lly'with 46 seconds -left. .. . . .. -.- . Oit a: !Nrne:ra1'u· ke-eper ·plaY : -~. Scori,ng ~nmmary lip.d{threw to MiKe· Volle Moeller ... .' ... · o fs 14 12-44 . . . . . . o. o , o 20-20 for he two extra points. A LaSalle Moeller touchdowns-Kenny, Voile . 2, few minutes later, Kenny Schloss, Borke 2. PAT-Voile 4, Borke. hit end Ron Schloss with a Mt~~~\~1~t~tidowns-Kme, Arszman, ·20-yard pass for the second ~Heidorn. PAT,.-Arszman 2. 'l'D and Volle added the extra points. Moeller lia.4 posse~sion of the ball much of the third quarter and added two more touchdowns. The first ·came on a 40-yard pass play from Kenny to Volle, and t~e second . on Fred · .

;;42-The Past & Times-Star :.. Cincinnati, W£d., Nov. 14, 1962


~Wyoming §Tops In t.-,



F AI tho ugh Princeton's :::; Charlie Jones appears to ;:- have the local scoring rec!;.: ord locked up, Carl Ward ~ of Taft still has one more !:;.. game to play and could F move up at least a couple of notches since all the oth· ;:: er leaders have finished :t= their campaigns. ;;. ·J o n e s added another ..:;~ touchdown and two more =: extra points last week to .:... bring his -10-game total to :162 points. Currently Cliff ';':Hern of Indian Hill is sec- ' :-~ ond with 130, Larry Heath :;: of Taylor is third with 126. ~and Ward is in fourth place ::with 122. -~ E: Taft plays LaSalle Friday ~ night in one of the only two • ;;;-games scheduled this week.




Wyoming clinched the ":team offensive and defenl::sive titles by winding up :::with 446 points in 10 games ~:while holding its opposition .... without a point.



r..-Tcam w l T ::,Wyoming .......... 10 0 0 C;Roger Bacon . . . . . . . 9 0 0 ..., Princeton . . . . . . . . . 9 1 0 ~Indian Hill . . 9 1 0 .,..Taylor . . . . . . . 8 2 .. country Day 7 2 o ~ole rain . . . . 7 2 1 .,-Purcell . , . . . 7 2 1







·d~~~~a~r,.. ::::::::: ~

~ ~



5~ 3 1

Reading . . . . . . . . . . 6 MI. Healthy . . . . . . . . 6 4 0 Taft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3 1 Woodward . . . . . . . . . 5· 3 1 ~llmelia • .. .. .. .. .. . 5 4 0 Madeira . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4 o Lockland . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 0 ·,oak Hills . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 o St. Xavier . . . . . . . . . 4 4 1 M eller · 4 6 0 ycamo Central . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 1 Hughes 3 4 1 Harrison 3 5 2 Anderson .... , .·. . . . 3 6 1 Norwood . . . . . . . . . . 3 6 1 McNicholas .. :. . . . . 3 6 0 ~western Hills ...... - 3 6 o :Milford . 2 7 0 ,j'jorth College Hill... 2 8 0 Walnut Hills . . . . . . . I 7 I Deer ~rk . . . . . . . . 1 8 1 New Richmond . . . . . 1 8 0 ·LaSalle .. .. .. .. .. 1 8 0 Finneytown . . . . . . . . 0 9 1 DePorres , . . . . . . . . . 0 6 0 INDIVIDUAL SCORING Til Jones, Princeton ......... Hern Indian Hill .......... 20


~~%~· T!ff' .r.. : : : : :::::: : 0

L .T

306 258 172 113 206 220 174 147 216 204 15?. 162 152 199 177 13a 220

0 32 63 56 100 90 101 101 94 103 100 110 180 134 '111 149 137 130 120 158 165 . 111 193

144 66 · 77 136 98 176 173 83 120 114 72 160 35 50 26

142 170 134 245 245 189 230 260 298 201 312 292 310 313 191

446 322 352 322 273


PAT Pts.

30 162 10 130

I8 12g m 102

Martin, Colerain 15 Myrick. Amelia .......... ·14 Williams. Withrow ........ 15 Arata. Colerain . 13 Reams, Wyoming 13 Turner. Indian Hill. 11 Anthony, Bacon . . . . . . 11 Davis. Princeton . 9 Saturday. Princeton 12 Evans, Mariemont II Oorna. Anderson . . . 12 Gukenberger. Wyoming . . . . 11 c·ummins, Wyoming . . . . . . . 8 Watson. Country DaY. . . . . . 9 Thompson. Country Oay. . . . 9 Moeller Thompson, . 1 •• Schmidt. Country DaY .. : .. . Turner. Woodward ...... . Strifler. Madeira ......•. Wiesenllahn, McNicholas ... . Rebholz, Greenhills ...... . Muston, Mt. Healthy ..... . Schehr, Lockland ....... . -to'\\ Moeller· . . . . . ... . Fitzgerald. Purcell . . . . . . . Schuler, Mariemont 6 LEAGUE STANDINGS Public High


Opp, Pts. Pts.



18 10 · 18 12

98 98 96 88 84 80 76 76

22 4 6 0 4 IS .

72 72

13 12





66 66

10 16

52 52


Withrow ... 5 Taft · ..... s Woodward. . 4. Central ... 2

1 o Hughes ... 2 I 0 West. Hills. I ~ }I Walnut Hills 0

'Ro~er Bacon w 6

w T ~ 0~~c~~c~o~as~.~~-*~

Purcell ... 5 Elder .... 3 St. Xavier. 3

laylor ... Pnnceton . Colerain .. Oak Hills .. llorwo_od .. t\'yomln~ ...

Greenhills . "'t. Healthy l;eading ... •. tndlan Hill. lllariemont. ' !covel and ..



2 2

3 5 5

1 0 I

Catholic T

1 LaSalle 1 County


.. o



7 1 0 Sycamore .. 3 5 o 7 1 0 Anderson ... 2 5 1 5 2 I Harrison . . 2 4 2 4 4 0 Finneytown: 0 7 1 3 4 1 ValleY w L T W L T 6 0 0 Deer Park. I 5 0 4 I 1 Lockland . I 5 0 4 2 0 N. Col. Hill. I 5 0 3 2 1 Eastern Hills WLT WLT 5 0 0 Madeira... 1 3 0 5 1 0 Milford ... 1 4 0 3 2t1 N. Richmond 0 5 0

GCL All-Star Team-19·62 Center Guard Guard Tackle Tackle ·End End Qback Halfback Halfback Fullback

! Mid.

Guard . Tackle , Tackle . End · " End 1 Linebacker ' Linebacker Corner Corner Safety . Safety

Offensive Team Jim Louder, Roger Bacon Phil Belmont; McNicholas Dave Gooding, Roger Bacon Jake· Sweeney, St. Xavier Mike Lambert, Elder Mike Turner, Purcell Robert Plum, Roger Bacon Steve Schweitzer, Purcell Bill Bauman, St. Xavier Ray Culter, Roger Bacon · Tony Datillo, Elder Defensive Team John Kasselmann, Roger Bacon Ken Oldendick, .Purcell Dan Boeh, Roger Bacon Tom Rhoades, St. Xavier Dave Gooding, Roger Bacon Jay Brogan; Elder Tony DelVecchio, Moeller M1ke Cameron, Purcell Paul Arszman, La Salle J-erry Hendy, Elder Steve Schweitzer, Purcell

185 195 208 180 210 190 180 180 175 5-11 180 6-1 185

Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr.

5-11 6-3 6-1 6-2 6-0

Jr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Jr. Sr. Jr. Sr. Sr .

6-0 6-1 6-0 6-0 6-0 . <" •. 6-2 6-2 6-1 5-11

190 220 195 190 208

5-11 1'70 6-1 6-0 5-11 5-10 6-1

185 180 160 165 180

Honorable Mention Schroeder, Barnhorst, Elder; Ken Baier, Ray Heidorn, La Salle; Tom enny, John Haverkam , Moeller· Kevin Theisman, a e We1sa , c ic o as; au emann, Steve Klekamp, Steve North, Paul McKnight, Bill Schiesl, St. Xavier; Tom Hutchinson, Dan Bamonte, Mark Mussman, Steve Shee1 . han, Purcell; Tyrone Anthony, Pa.t Case, Dick Wolterman, 1' Roger Bacon. (The 1962 GCL All-Star team was chosen by the head coaches of the seven member schools.)





I'AISt &


Wed., Oct. I 0, 1962

High Grid Standouts

ROGER RAC'O.\: Bob Plum, 6-1. 175-pound senior .end, scored the game's only h)Uchdown when h•· took a 10-yard pass fr01-;1 Pat rase in the end wne to l?,iYe Roger Bacon a 6-0 victory over Purcell.

~- COLLEGE llli.L: Roy 'fllompson. 6·1. 2GO-pour d full back ?.nd co-ca!ltain of the Trojans ::.cored all of .1Jle :\orth College Hill ·..pdints to. ~ive hi~ team a 12.0 deetston over Deer :Park in a Valley League game.

PRI.\TETOX: Char I i e Jones, 5·9. 165-p:mnd halfback. scored 16 point~ as the Vikmg~ defeated Finneyto\\ n. 60-8. and ht-ld on to his cit\ sconng !Pad. He now ha::. 14 touehc\own- and 20 extra puint;; lo•· " 1.; 1 total.



:\IOELU.ll: )lik• \'ulk. 5-10, ltiO-pound iuniln h:1\l- i back, ~cored t\\ o oi tlw Crusaders' TUs 1n ihE'ir 46-20 win over :\lc:"litbolas. : One wa::. on a 20-yard pass play and the other on a run 1 of 15 yards. 1 t'




·Moeller. Uses Training 'Gimmick' Moeller High's starting backs, with help from sophomore :center -Dan Brown, go · . through play patterns, · runni.'lg over . ·painted canvas Which marks offensive . . "splits." The canvas is marked with num-' ' .. bers where pia~ s11ould run, eliminating

necessity for pffensive· line to drill with backfield. Quarterback Tom Kenny· hands of! to halfback Mike Volle. Fullback Fred Barke is behind Kenny and halfback ·Al Stickler is at right. Brown has ·moved :into a blocking position following the snap.

GCL Newcome~


>JVIoeller Grows Up Fast I

"li:Y PAUL RITTER Of The Enquirer Staff


. Baeon~ the GCL's defend-

ing charppion. • One or' the biggest surprises of •the Greater cincinnati Faust a familiar coach·League's 1962 prep football expansion has been the ing name 1n Southwestern "Mighty-Mites" of Moeller High. Ohio high school football. -- . Fielding varsity team, - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - Fu:tzy Faust, father of. the minus seniors, the cruUnder head eoaeh. Gerry young~:r-.F~t!Stt·is · ~ saders have youthful vital- Faust, Moeller bas• com-;· membered fot:•hl~ .~d ,pow,.;, ~ ·· a 2-4 seasan mark and>' ·.em.rl1inoaudsee.s.· ..· a___ t. ·.·. DaytO_~-p Cha_ity '·that develops a will to· ap.iled .. , 1-2 loop account. The rec-.,,..., ..· . . . . '-"(,• .. · wln ... Their performances ord is.deceiving. hmvever...: · league recor<;~is,· . this 7i, season-both league The "M i't e·s:!f) ~ and:<rotherwise---,halle been The Crusaders have rout over Me:' . respect a b I e, and have· involved in -only one aS; another new~·. changed the thinking. of away loss - a 44-6 which figured. tO be ' .. those pessimists who ing by muph stronger stro·nger. The Crusa- · l __~r!a~P£P~ed~t~h~e~GC~~L~e~xp~an~s~io~~n~--m~o~re~~~~~;2__!R~oQ_j~r~ nearly . upset a fine t · but boWed · nauc~~~u Bacon's win: crusaders intO a sunday tilt with st. xavier. What's the M o e II e r secret? "Our I!Joys want to play football.,. says coach Faust, "and we never hear ;them gripe about a little work. It's .a real team."



Faust .and his staff he ve a few tricks whlch helped the crusaders. A series drills - 15-minute time limit -pace the Moe!, Ier sessions. There are no scrimmages. Each· player works ·on the par' ticular problems· encountered at his position. · , · "Naturally," . says Faust, "we're young and ineXperienced to ari extent. We have an underclassman ; each position..So, the fellow starting knows we're interested in building for future seasons. He knows that if he ,wants_ .to play he ·must produce - or we'll simply give the underclassman. a crack at getting the experience." There are five sopll~ mores and one freslunan in the starting 22-two platoon-Crusader :ranks. One ·of these is freshman Jim Davis, a 151J-pound defenL sive halfback. · The high: pitched, gra:Vel voice of Faust proudly urges his boys to try a little One of the fellows trying very hard Is junior fullback ·Fred Barke, a 1!!2pound fullback. says Faust: "He's the most under-rated ; JuJilback in the city." Barke leads Moeller scoring with six touchdown and two conversion points for a 38 total. Halfback Mike Volle, another top junior prospect, marks a 30·point total. The entire Moellet attitude is an undercurrent to future victory, emphasized ·by a sign in the Crusader locker room. It reads: ·


"I never leave· the field •------=----"'""'=========:d satisfied. I keep in miind all mY, errol'S. I think o~ how I eould have avoided them and I can't wait until l'get out on the field again to correct them. That is a



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