AP Biology Course Syllabus Teacher Mr. Dan Shannon dshannon@moeller.org Help Sessions Room 204 (Biology Classroom) Individual – 715–735 AM, M-Block, and 245-315PM Quote “The expectations for each student couldn’t be higher.” Textbook th Reece, Jane, et al., Campbell Biology 9 Edition, 2011, Pearson Benjamin Cummings [CR 1] <www.campbellbiology.com > The website to accompany the main text provides animations, investigations, PowerPoint and other audio-visual sources to enhance instruction. Supplementary Readings Survival of the Sickest, Moalem, Sharon (2007) – human natural selection based upon disease resistance The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Skloot, Rebecca (2011) – Scientific Ethics and Cancer Research About AP Biology This course is a college level course designed for Senior students or Junior students who have taken AP Chemistry and are considering pursuing a career in biological studies (pre-med, pharmacy, pre-dent, veterinary school). AP Biology is taught in an activity and inquiry based style. A Student who takes AP Biology will be able to analyze complex problems, propose a means to test them, think independently, present ideas in a logical manner, and defend his ideas using factual data and reasoning. Classes may meet in various locations depending on the activity planned. The expectations are that students who choose this course are willing and able to prepare independently, read voraciously, involve themselves in group and individual projects, and learn the process of science from an biological point of view. We spend approximately 25% of class time planning and running laboratory experiments. Prerequisites AP Chemistry with an 85% average / CPI Chemistry with a 90% average and permission of instructor. General Course of Study First Quarter Prerequisite Unit – Introduction, Evolution, and the Chemistry of Life
Second Quarter Regulation of the Cell Cycle: Communication and Homeostasis
Third Quarter Evolution by Natural Selection
Fourth Quarter Ecology: Populations, Communities, Ecosystems and Change
Macromolecules Unit – Carbon based structures and functions
Genetic Basis of Life
Organismal Biology: Organism Structure and Function
Review for the AP Biology Exam
Cells and Cell Processes – Structure and Function of Cells, Interactions and Processes
The Functional Genome