Biology Honors

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Biology Course Syllabus   

Instructor: Mr. Tim Erdmann E-mail: Voice mail: 513-791-1680 ext. 1971

Course Outline 1st Quarter / Science & Biology 1. The Science of Biology 2. The Chemistry of Life 2nd Quarter / Cells 3. Cell Structure and Function 4. Systems 3rd Quarter / Genetics 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Introduction to Genetics DNA & RNA Human Heredity Genetic Engineering Darwin’s Theory of Evolution

4th Quarter / Ecology 10. The Biosphere 11. Ecosystems and Communities 12. Populations 13. Humans in the Biosphere

Biology Classroom Information Sheet

A. Classroom supplies you need to purchase: 1) Single subject, 70 Page, Spiral bound notebook 2) Index tabs 3) Colored Pencils 4) 2 pocket folder B. Homework assignments: 1) All homework assignments must be completed and turned in the next school day. Expect to spend about 30 min. on homework for each class day. 2) To receive full credit for assignments students must turn them in on the day they are due. Late assignments are half-credit. Students, who are absent, have as many days as they are absent to make up missing assignments without penalty. Incomplete assignments will not be accepted and will be returned for completion and will receive half-credit when resubmitted. Home works are worth 10 points each. 3) Students are to bring their computer, folder, colored pencils, tabs, and notebook to class each day. C. Tests, quiz’s and exams 1) Tests will occur approximately every 2 weeks (each worth 100 points). 2) Quizzes will occur periodically and be unannounced. All quizzes are opennotebook! So be sure to keep your notebook up-to-date. 3) There will be 2 semester exams (each worth 200 points). The first will occur at the end of the first semester and will cover quarters one and two. The second semester exam will occur at the end of the year and cover quarters three and four.

D. Need help? I am available for help during M-block and after school by appointment.

E. Grading scale A 90 – 100 B 89 - 80 C 79 – 75 D 74 – 70 F 69 – 0 Grades are calculated based on total points available

F. Academic violations Any form of cheating or plagiarism on homework, quizzes, tests or exams will result in in the student receiving a zero on the assignment and a referral to the Dean of Academics to further address the issue.

G. Lab Biology is a laboratory class. Students should expect to work in the lab and complete assignments. If a student misses a lab they are required to make the lab up before the end of the quarter it was assigned or receive a zero on the lab.

“I have no special talents…… but am only passionately curious” Albert Einstein

Classroom Behavior A. Rules


Be in your seat, ready to work and quiet when the bell sounds.


Remove all things from desk except computer, notebook, folder and writing materials. Book bags will be placed on your assigned lab table.


Do not disrupt classroom or teacher in anyway.


Raise hand to speak----no talking unless you raise your hand and are called upon.


Work until the bell sounds signaling the end of the period.

B. Consequences

Violation of any of the above rules will result in a disciplinary writing assignment and/or removal from class. Removal from class will result in a call home to further address the problem. Repeated violation of any of the above rules will result in the issuance of a “Report of Misconduct� and referral to the Dean of Discipline.

I,_______________________________________________, have read and agree to abide by the rules set forth and also agree to follow all other written and verbal instructions given in class.


Student signature:_________________________________________________________________.

Classroom Behavior A. Rules


Be in your seat, ready to work and quiet when the bell sounds.


Remove all things from desk except computer, notebook, folder and writing materials. Book bags will be placed on your assigned lab table.


Do not disrupt classroom or teacher in anyway.


Raise hand to speak----no talking unless you raise your hand and are called upon.


Work until the bell sounds signaling the end of the period.

B. Consequences

Violation of any of the above rules will result in a disciplinary writing assignment and/or removal from class. Removal from class will result in a call home to further address the problem. Repeated violation of any of the above rules will result in the issuance of a “Report of Misconduct� and referral to the Dean of Discipline.

I,_______________________________________________, have read and agree to abide by the rules set forth and also agree to follow all other written and verbal instructions given in class.


Student signature:_________________________________________________________________.

Biology Course Descriptions SC101 Biology CP1 (1 year, 1 credit) Biology CP1 is an introductory course. The laboratory will be an essential component of the course. The instructor will emphasize students’ understanding and application of major concepts over memorization of facts and terms. Each topic studied will receive an in-depth treatment. Students will be expected to conduct scientific inquiry and solve basic scientific problems in the laboratory. Prerequisite: None.

SC102 Biology CP2 (1 year, 1 credit) Biology CP2 is a general study of basic biological concepts. The course’s major focus will be: biology as a science; cell biology; biochemistry of life; human biology; and heredity and evolution. This course is recommended only for students who have difficulty with reading and comprehension skills. Lecture and laboratory experiences will be part of the course. Prerequisite: None.

SC103 Biology HON (1 year, 1 credit) Biology HON is a detailed study of basic biological concepts. The course’s major focus will be cell biology, bio-chemistry of life, human biology, heredity, and evolution. This course is recommended for students who have scored above 90% on the Entrance Test. Lecture and laboratory experience will be a part of the course. Prerequisite: None.

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