CADD 3-4 CP1

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MOELLER HIGH SCHOOL 2012-2013 CADD 3-4 Room AC-20 Teacher: Mr. Kolkmeyer Technical drawing class CADD3-4 covers more advanced and challenging drawings. Students taking the course will need to develop a more discipline drawing skill and have a better problem solving ablility. The class will be using AutoCad 2000i drafting / design software. AutoCad 2011 also Solid Edge ST4 or 5 drafting / design software commands will be reviewed and up dated for the advanced work by completing in class exercises and drawing skill tests. The text book Mechanical Drawing will also be used in the class. This text book should be covered and be brought to class every day. Students will need: Three ring binder with pockets or pocket folder and notebook or sheets of paper, Students are required to complete certain exercises and drawing problem work. If a student misses class and does not make up that time or assignments he will receive a zero for that assignment. Missed class time can be made up before or after school and with teacher during Mblock. All drawing problems must have a complete title block. Any student found to be cheating on tests, drawings, or class assignment will receive a zero for that assignment or grade. The Dean of Academics will be informed about the student cheating. No food or drink in classroom, No cell phone or iPod is allowed in classroom, No Insubordination. Grading: System Grading System Must work hard in class, showing a strong desire to learn material

A Student Level= Must have 90% or better average on Drawing problems. Must have 85% or better average on Book tests. Must have 90% or better average on Drawing Skill test. Must do all assigned book work and completer in class worksheet activities . Must complete some enrichment drawing problems. B Student Level= Must have 85% or better average on Drawing problems. Must have 80% or better average on Book tests. Must have 85% or better average on Drawing Skill test. Must do all assigned book work and completer in class worksheet activities . C Student Level= Must have 80% or better average on Drawing problems. Must have 75% or better average on Book tests. Must have 80% or better average on Drawing Skill test. Must do all assigned book work and completer in class worksheet activities .      

The drawing problems are worth 30% of the finale Grade. Number of drawings determined by teacher. Chapter tests or CAD drawing skill tests will be worth 25% of finale Grade. Home work assignments and in class book assignments will be worth 10% of finale Grade. Student Work ethic during class time completing all course assignments 10% of finale Grade. Quarter test and drawing skill test will be worth 25% of the finale Grade. Enrichment problems can be completed to improve home work grade.

The course will cover: AutoCAD 2011 and Solid Edge ST4 or 5 drafting / design software commands and drawing system. Review Multiview drawings, Isometric Drawings, New Auxiliary views, Surface development, Cams + Gears. Intro Solid works software program. Second Sem. Architectural Design and Drafting. Students should arrive to the classroom in an orderly manner with an ethical and polite learning attitude, sit at his assigned seat during the class period. Student should ask teacher to use the restroom only at the beginning of class. Students conduct should follow the guide lines set in the school hand book, and also follow classroom expectation requirements sheet. All students should respectfully follow Teacher rules and classroom behavior expectations.

Student Classroom Expectations and Student Behavior Management What student’s should do in Mr. Kolkmeyer’ CADD 1-2 and CADD 3-4 courses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Show a strong desire to learn the subject material in and out of the class. Have necessary class materials and supplies for the course. Conduct oneself in a polite and ethical manner. (Golden Rule) Student should respect all teachers, students and school property. Student should follow all teacher instructions and classroom guidelines. Student should control his mouth, No talking during lecture, Wise cracks, and Profanity.

How the classroom will function: 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Student attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class. Teacher will give student instructions on the activities for that class period. On test days all student must take and work quietly during the test. The laptop should be used only as teacher allows, No internet Play. method No food or drink in the classroom.

Teacher method to improve student behavior.

No Insubordination

1. Teacher will give student verbal correction and warn student of the punishment he could receive. 2. When student has not complied to the teacher’s correction, the student will have a written punishment (Example print out the History of Moeller 5 to 10 times.) 3. Detention Before or After school time 45 Min. 7:00 am till 7:45am or 2:50 pm till 3:35 pm with teacher. 4. If student does not serve detention or do written punishments he will receive a Report of Misconduct.

MOELLER HIGH SCHOOL 2011-2012 CADD 3 -4 Room AC-20 Teacher: Mr. Kolkmeyer Student Classroom Expectations and Student Behavior Management These students have read and understand CADD 1-2 course expectations, grading system, and student behavior plan Please print and sign your name below and return to the teacher. PRINT SIGN NAME_________________________________________NAME___________________________________________ PRINT SIGN NAME_________________________________________NAME___________________________________________ PRINT SIGN NAME_________________________________________NAME___________________________________________ PRINT SIGN NAME_________________________________________NAME___________________________________________ PRINT SIGN NAME_________________________________________NAME___________________________________________ PRINT SIGN NAME_________________________________________NAME___________________________________________ PRINT SIGN NAME_________________________________________NAME___________________________________________ PRINT SIGN NAME_________________________________________NAME___________________________________________ PRINT SIGN NAME_________________________________________NAME___________________________________________ PRINT SIGN NAME_________________________________________NAME___________________________________________ PRINT SIGN NAME_________________________________________NAME___________________________________________ PRINT SIGN NAME_________________________________________NAME___________________________________________ PRINT SIGN NAME_________________________________________NAME___________________________________________ PRINT SIGN NAME_________________________________________NAME___________________________________________ PRINT SIGN NAME_________________________________________NAME___________________________________________ PRINT SIGN NAME_________________________________________NAME___________________________________________ PRINT SIGN NAME_________________________________________NAME___________________________________________ PRINT SIGN NAME_________________________________________NAME___________________________________________ PRINT SIGN NAME_________________________________________NAME___________________________________________ PRINT SI GN NAME_________________________________________NAME___________________________________________

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