St. X1rier linishen: 15. Gruienbacker 16:50; 22. Hanson 16:55; 29. G"' Walter. 59. Eldndge 17:54: 61. Redden 17:55; 63. Glenn 17:56; 67. Rutschilling 18:06; 69. Butler 18:15: 77. Oehler 18:19. Finishliming.c:om XC Invitational 13.1 miles It Wllmll!llon Collepl Team scores: 1. la Salle 23, 2. Anderson 76, 3. St Pans Graham 102, 4.llweland 126, 5. Kings 149, 6. R1pley Union 224. 7. Western Brown 234, 8. Hillsboro 245, 9. Chnton-Massie 248, 10. New Richmond 263, 11. Bata~a 266, 12. lJWe M1ami 327, 13. Blanchester 350, 14. leesburg Fa1rfield 380, 15. Fayett~lle Peny 381. 16. Miami Trace 429.17. Wilmington 439. Top ftnlshen: 1. Hawes (la Salle) 16:42, 2. Bokeno (la Salle) 16:57, 3. Hawke (Graham) 16:58, 4. Thiel)' (la Salle) 17:23. 5. Finney (Anderson) 17:23, 6. Southwood (la Salle) 17:24. 7. Morgenroth (Kings) 17:28, 8. Vogete (Anderson) 17:31, 9. Corcoran (Ciinton-Massie) 17:34, 10. Placke (la Salle) 17:3B. BrillnPiumanlnvltltional 13.1 miles It lllrl>ln 1'111<1 Team scores: 1. Mason 25. 2. Sycamore 109. 3. Milfortl116, 4. Kettering Famnont 145, 5.lakota West 149, 6. McNicholas 161, 7.lakotaEast179, 8. Turpin 183. 9. Badm 211, 10. lebanon 255. 11. Walnut Hills 280, 12. Glen Este 298. 13. Fairfield 354, 14. Hamson 367, 15. Taylor 380, 16. Northwest 459,17. Finneytown 506.18. Ross 575, 19. Purcell Manan 582. Top finishen: 1. Willis (Mason) 15:47, 2. Kincaid (Mason) 16:18. 3. El·Khoul)' (Turpin) 16:21. 4. Kahl (Mason) 16:22, 5. Holmer (lak. West) 16:24. 6. Bever (Milfonl)16:41, 7. Geer (Sycamore) 16:46,8. Cartin (Mason) 16:52, 9. Htns (<. East) 17:03, 10. larcomb (Mason)17:_Q5. u 'l ,.. Henry llcquez
Cho...._,... ........
13.1 miles It Llndmlrt Baptist Chun:hl
Team scores: 1. Elder 29; 2. Moeller 58; 3. Beavercreek 114: 4. Centel'lille 123: 5. Wyoming 151: 6. Manemont 162: 7. Princeton 162; 8. Summit Country Day 232; 9. St Bernard 261: 10. Madeira 270. Top ftnishen: 1. Cot!Dn (Summit) 16:54: 2. Schenkel (Elder) 17:15; 3. Cox (Elder) 17:28; 4. Makin (Eider)17:29; 5. Kuck (Manemont)17:39. 6. ~eaton (Princeton) 17:50; 7. O'Farrell (Moeller) 17:52; 8. Kelley (Eider)17:54: 9. McCarty (Moeller) 17·~0·
te: ... ,,.,.,,..,...,.~.,
Boys' cross country District To..-
to •• i9
AI Yoico or-.. Park Top lour- ond lodhtdlllls iolho top 16 od·
,._.,...,.._ tDo...- atT....,
T - - 1 Mason33.2 Elder61.3 LJ!kota West 87. 4. Moeller 120 5 M•~ord 127. 6 LJ!kota East 130. 7. Loveland 175.8 Ham>On 248.9 West em Brown 266. 10. Princeton 270 11. Ameha 280 12. Hamrtton 398. 13 Northwest 401. 14. Mount Healthy 436 Top........,!. W1lls (Mason) 16·0120. 2 Gehring (LJ!kota West) 16 04 10 3 Cox (Elder) 16:10 50. 4 Bever (M1Kord) 16 1190. 5 Makm (EI der)l613.70. 6 Canm (Maso') 1614 20 7 LJ!r comb (Mason) 16·16.50. 8 Webber (Lakota West) 16:17.10.9. Kahi(Masont1618 67 10 Kmcald (Ma· son) 16:33 60. 11 H1l~ (LJ!kota Eastt16 34 80. 12 Schenkel (Elder) 16 3610 13 Holmer (lakota West) 16 39 30 14 Bel! (Hamson) 16 41 70 15 "arrell ,Amelia) 16.42 40. 16 Gnffltlr (Moelier)16 45 50
District I
_, vo1co or-.,..... Top...,_Hd ilohld. . i•lllotopl&od·
, _.,,...__alT...,
T--l.LJ!Salle48 2 Stxa"er62.3 SycamOII' 85, 4 Oak Hills 126 5 Anderson 128 6 Colera•n 130, 7 Turpm 143. 8 Kmgs 202. 9. Glen Este 235. 10. Walnut Hills 243 11. Fa1rfield 336 12 llttleM•ami 35i.13 Ross 3 72.14 Westem H•lls458 Top ........., I. Velasquez (Oak H1lls) 16:05.90, 2. Geer (Sycamo11)16:09 80. 3. Hawes tlJ!Salle)l6·11.50. 4. EI-Khoury (TurpmJ 1616 60. 5. Gruenbacher (St xavrer) 16 20 60. 6. Bokeno (LJ! Salle)l629.70. 7 Pechmey (Cotera~n) 16 3120.8 Watt.. (St Xsvier) 16.3350. 9 Threry (La Salle) 16.34 80. 10. Glenn (St xa~er) 16:35.10 11 Vogete (Anderson) 16:35.80. 12. Fry (SycamOII') 16.38 10 13. Sootltwood (LJ! Salle) 16·38 80 14 Finney (An derson) 16:39.80,15. O•SabaMo (Turpm)l6 42 60 16. Sull<en (Coteraln)l6:45.40
..,...1 .. .....,.._..,....,
, ...... -
..................... l&od-
r.. -
1. CenteMIIe 25. 2 Clayton Nor1hmont76, 3. Middlell>tm 98. 4. Moamrsburg 104 5. LBbanon 110. 6. Sidney 140. 7. Huber He1ghts Wayne 181. 8. Spnngf~eld 259. 9. Fa1rbom 259. 10 ~ema 290. II. EdgewOO<l312 Top - - I Schmidt (CenteMiie) 16.04 61.2 Greer (Northmont) 16 OB 20, 3 Roberts (Centei'YIIIe) 16·20.82. 4. Redd (Fa•rbom)l6 21.88. 5. Durzec (Srdney) 16·32.94. 6. Kerttr (Cemterville) 16.33 74.7 Monta~on (Centerv•l!e) 16 3415 8 Fish !Centerville) 16:34 44. 9
16.44 36 10. Shger (Middletown) 17 03.81. 11 W1yte (M•amrsburg) 17 07 49. 12 Habash (Middle· to'l!l)l7 08 26 13 Bohman (Norttrmont) 17 09 28 14. 0 Connell (Centervrlle)l7.10 24 15 Ell~ (leba· no1) 171123.16. Aldnch (Center.JIIe} 1713 62
AI._. V...,C...ToclooicaiC.W T., .... _..,.......,.......... l&od·
_.,,..._....,_atT...., r--
I. Kettering Fa•rmont 40. 2 Bea •ercreek 58. 3 Vandalra BuUer 87 4 Troy 125. 5 8ellorook 146. 6 Spnngboro 171 7 Tara•anda 182 8 PiQua 204 9. Green"lle 206 10 Tecumsell 233. 11 Stebbms 304 Top ioclhldllllo: I Neff (8uUertl5 51 72 2 011tz (Fa+rmont) 15 52 29 3 Noms (Butler) 15.53 47 4 Oa'f'+es (Famnont) 16 37 41.5 0 Malley (Fa+rmont) 16 46 83. 6 Weuel (Beavercreek) 16:5763. 7 Alexander (Talawanda)l7.0333 8 Gossel (Beavercreek) 17.06 20 9 Petry (8ea creek) 17 06.51.10 Genble (farrrnontl17 06 79.11 Be~ 1Green"lle)17 Oi 44. 12 fox (Troy) 17 09 65 13. Johoson (8ellbrookl1710 38 14 Starr (Spnng born) 17.1170. 15 Bennett (Ta+awancJa) 1712 80 1!= .a.1l<tnc: iR,flo" \7 11:
BOYS' FIRST TEAM Aaron Gehring, Lakota West The junior was 28th at'the DivisiCm I state meet with a time of 16:12.31!
Matt Kahl, Mason The junior was 29th at the D-1 state . meet in 16:13.2R
Nicholas EI·Khoury, Turpin The junior was 32nd at the D-1 state meet in 16:15.91.
Hank Geer, Sycamore The senior was 43rd at the D-1 state meet in 16:22.89.
Chris Glenn, St. Xavier
Zach Wills, Mason
The senior was 4.5th at the D-1 state meet in 16:25.89.
Ed Carlin, Mason
The senior was 46th at the D-1 state meet in 16:26.26.
The sophomore was fourth at the D-Ill state meet in 16:03.33.
The senior was 22nd at the D-Ill state meet in 16:23.93.
The junior won the Division Ill state title in 15:54.79. He was third atthe Troy regional meet with a time of 16:30.40.
Bryson lewis, · Blanchester ·
Dan Rosenbaum, McNicholas
The sophomore was 52nd at the D-11 state meet. He was 11th at the regional meet.
Jeff Griffiths, McNicholas The junior was 69th atthe D-11 state meet and was the Greater Catholic · League Central runner of the year. 'i
Jeff Gambrell, Badin The senior was district champion, first-team aii-GCL Central and 17th at. the D-11 regional meet
HONORABLE MENTION --Anderson- Nathaniel Fin-. ney, Nick Vogele, Patrick Campbell, Jake Allspaw; Badin - Robby Hansen, Brent Fritz, Evan North, Andrew Pauly, Sam Wade; Batavia -Nathan Braswell, Daniel Chandler, Jacob Braswell, Nick Deirks, E\han Hufnb~rt; Bethel·TateLance Lambert; BlanchesterCaleb McCullough, Daniel Mattpews, Adam Pittman, Dustin Bishop, Ja~e Howe; CHC'A- Andrew Wallace, David Curtin; Cincinnati Country Day - Kyle Kistinger, Will Portman; Clinton·Massle - Myles Corcoran; Colerain Tony Pechiney, Craig Sulken, Erik Tomczewski; East Clinton -Josh Dunn; Felclty·Franklin - Cory Baker; Flnneytown·.., Brad Besserman; Goshen.., ' Aaron Walker, Darren Garrett, Garth Whitaker, Andrew Dowd; Georgetown.- Calvin Cahall, Cody Pack, Shawn Damen; Harrison - Dan Bell; Indian Hill :.'Mack. Rice, Thomas · Emst;lakota' East- Jon Sanders, Andrew Hills, . Stephen Humbert;
BOYS' DIV. II-III RUNNER OF THE YEAR Isaiah Bragg, Cincinnati Christian
Josiah Bragg, Cincinnati Christian
Tom Rapp, Mason He led the Comets to the state title, outpacing secondplace Hilliard Davidson by a 20-point margin. The Comets also won the regional and district titles along with five invitationals.
Colin Cotton, Summit Country Day
The sophomore won the state title with a time of 15:15.66, almost 14 seconds head of the second-place finisher. He also was the regional and district champion.
Lakota West- Brady Holmer, . JJ Weber; Loveland - Wil Fisher, Mike DeGrace, Sean Hadley, · Matt Oberholzer; MariemontTim Kuck; Mason- Matt Kin· caid, Tate Honaker; McNicholas · - Drew Valenzano, Matt Johnson, lan Anderson, Jacob Boehm, Joey Schottelkotte; Middletown- Tarig Habash, Philip Sliger; Milford - Mark Bayman, Matt Bayman, Austin Bever, Kevin Bernardicius, David Btyant; New Richmond -Timmy Hall,_ Alex Ariapod, Tony Goodrich, Nick Gabbard, Tyler Esham; Oak Hills- Cody Lacewell, lzak Velasquez, Max Bischoff, Brett Frondorf; Princeton- Sam Heaton; Roger Bacon - MattWurtzler, Sam Heister, Jon Mathis; Summit Country Day- Brad Bedacht; Sycamore - Nick Fry, Mike McMillen; Taylor- Matt Blauvelt, Timmy Crofford; Ripley -Jordan England; Western '.Brown- Darryll Patrick, Jon Walker, Daniel Fancher, Nathan Robinson, Tony Sharp, Kirk Schneider; Wyoming- Peter Luegers, Matt Anderson, Dan · Marty, Kevin Quinn.
He led the Rockets to 15th place at the Division II state meet and.a fourth-place finish at regionals. The Rockets were district champions.·
,The Enquirer/ Amie DworeCki
Sophomore Ethan Bokeno (front right) and senior Travis Hawes (front left) lead this year's La·.
Salle cross country team.
:s...11 ...:os
La alle. to ride 1-2 punch in 2008 Hawes, Bokeno .aim to push 'Lancers to top
Preseason coaches' polls .Divisions 11-111 Points School Points 1. Mason (10) 117 1. Wyoming (5) 67 2. St. Xavier _____c.9~-~2-_l?l1.c.lirrLIJ _ _:,..3.5,.. Division I
. · · -,.ed·. ·K B _ ... . _ _ -_.8y..,, m: ;- rown-~- ;:: ---;- -.---::rTi'saTie (ll •
According to La Salle cross · counuy coach Frank Russo, sophomore runners Travis . Hawes and Ethan J;lokeno are · best friends who share mariy things in common. This year, the two will be sharing the responsibility of leading the Lancersback to a summit they missed out on, lasf season · for the firsttime in the past nine years. La Salle missed qualifying for the state meet last season which broke the team's streak of eight consecutive · appearances. The streak had been the longest of any Division I school in Ohio. "Our 1·2 punch will be as impressive as anybody's in the, state," said Russo, in his 26th year at La Salle. ''Travis .and Ethan put us in position right up front to compete, from a team stand point, with anybody." Last season,. Hawes~linished second at district, fourth at regional, and 12th in the state meet with a time of15:51.40. ''Travis is a legitimate front runner," Russo said. "He's an in· dividual whose presence gives us the talent dwing praCtice for our guys to train with and be able to beonhislevelonadaytodaybasis. "He has tremendous confideuce, intensity, and competitive spirit." . Unfortunately, last year didn't turn out as well for Bokeno. Bokeno missed the beginning of the season with a stress fracture and didn't begin training until a week before the Greater Catholic League meet, where he linished fowth in the freshman division.. "Our older guys really feed off ofTravis and Ethan," said Russo. . "Ethan really brings a great attitude to practice every day. He is a natural born leader." Russo also returns five other starters from last year's team that went to the regional championship: _seniors Rob Bittner, Lee SouthwoodandDanEiser,junior Ike Placke and sophomore Matt Nie. According to Russo, La Salle has qualified for the regi anal championship every year since 1986. · SophomoreA!exThieny, who quit playing soccer to run cross country, will also be a key edition for the Lancers. "Alex doesn't have the experience yet, but his upside is limit-
4. Turpin 5. Oak Hills 6. Elder 7. Milford (1) 8. Loveland · 9. Syriamore·, '10. Lakota West
87 ,
74 58 53 50 .• 34 ' · 28 20
Others: MociiCr 16, loveland 15, Kings 11, CoJe.rain 8, Ande(S()n 7, Lakota East t
3. McNichola,s (1) · · 39
4. Indian Hill T5. Cincinnati Christian T5, Mariemont T5. Taylor · · 8. New Richmond 9. CHCA 10. Finneytown
32 22 22 22 20 19 14
OtlHirs; Gemgetown 12; Madeira 12; Fenwkk 10; Goshen 10; summit Countw Day 8; Monme 7; Roger Bacon 6; Batavia 5;-Fe!icrty-Fr.wklin 4: Ross-3; St. Bemard 3; PurceU Marian 2;
Cincinnati Country Day 1
less," Russo said. "He adds to the depth in our sophomore class, which is second to none."· 'The environment on our team is· very similar to some of ow· past cl)ampionship teams. We're really pumped up and feel really good about ourselves. The experience we have from last year of not getting to state has ·motivated us to train even harder so we can get back to where we need to be." ·
Other teams to watch St. Xavier: The Bombers will use four sophomores and a ju: nior in their top five this season. While St. Xavier lacks a number one man whose a single digit scorer a the state level, coach Mike. Dehring believes his top runners are good enough to make the team competitive. Dehring will be counting on his three senior captains, Chris Glenn, Mike. Oehler, and Nolan Ruts chilling, to provide leadership for the young Bombers. Turpin: The Spartans have a strong returning top three with senior Drew DiSabatino and juniors Dave Rodriguez and Nicholas. El-Khoury. Coach Jim Gas· sett, who is heading into his sixth season at Turpin, says his numbers four-five combination of senior Zach Smith and junior Alex Polivka, respectively, have good potentiaL Oak Hills: Heading into his first year coaching at Oak Hills, Elic Neuhaus is impressed with his te<un's work ethic and is optinusticwithwhattheseasonholdsas Joe Mueller and Izak Velasquez return as the team's front runners. Neuhaus believes that the more success his numbers three through seven runners are, the more successful the Highlanders will be. Elder: Senior Danny Cox and jtwiors Keith Schenkel and Kevin Berling will lead a young and inexperienced Elder tean1 .thi~ season. After a solid summer of conditioning and hard work,
coach Steve Spencer believes the Panthers will continue to improve all year and will be tough to deal with by the end of the season.
Division$ 11-111 Badin: Seniors Robbie Henson and Jeff Gambrell, junior Br~t Fritz, and sophomore Evan North return from last year's tean1which qualified for the state meet. Rams coach Steve Smith believes that if his runners can avoid injury they will be in good shape. McNicholas: Coach Dan Rosenbaum feels that last year's team, which linished second in the Greater Catholic League Central, third in the district, and eighth in the region, is much improved heading into this season. Rosenbaum says the experienced Rockets, who are .led by six seniors, including Drew Valenzano and Ian Anderson, should be in the hunt for a trip to the state meet. Cincinnati Christian: Entering his third season, coach Bob Leibold is confident in his returning top two runners. Junior Isaiah Bragg :(inished 13th in last year's state meet; while senior Josiah Bragg linished 32nd. · Indian Hill: This season's young Indian Hill team will be led by its top two runners and only seniors, AsifArhman and Barrett Smith. Sophomore · Thomas Ernst and freshman Mack Rice are also expected to make big impacts on the team, according to coach Susan Savage. · summit Country Day: Bryan Bedacht, Colin Cotton, Ryan Gableman, and Nathan Patterson are the only returning sta!ters from last year's team. Third-year coach Kurtis Smith will depend. on them to lead a solid core of young runners.