State cross country Banner day for locals I
i I ,
The Associated Press/Will Shilling
The La Salle cross country teem acce:Jts the first-place team trophy after repeating as the Ohio
Division I state champion at Scioto Dc·I'Vns in Columbus Saturday.
Lancers, Bulldogs race to the top By Jarrod Ulrey
Lakota West's Burger dethrones Ridder
Enquirer contributor
COUJMBUS - Unlike t1e La Sallt• boys' team, winning tw state championship was far from a sure thing for the St. Un•ulaAcademy girls heading into the st:te cross country meet Saturday at Scioto Downs in Collllllbus. The wins by the two tea!lls, along with Lakota West senio::Amanda Burger's individual chanpionship, proved again this area's depth among its Division I programs.
St. Ursula finished with 116 points to unseat three-time defer.:cJ. ing champion Bowling Gre-3n (128), despite having no runnm among the top 25 individuals. liz Coorey led the way with a 28th-place finish in 16 minutes, 13 seconds, followed by Camer.)n ' Kurz (39th, 19:26). Teresa Thaler {50th, 19:35), Meghan Shage.ta (51st 19:36) and Shannon Balma: (59th,19:43). "We ran the best team race this progr.un has ever run, one through seven.~ coach Jeff Branhan sa;d. ''We haven't had a front-runner on this team all year. We got first and our first girl was 28th overall. Th~y were so unbelievably packed :<r gether. We came in thinking wf' had a shot to stand on the podium.~ La Salle scored 79 to edge To.edo St. John's (91). Jake Nusekal:el led thewaywithan llth-placefini•h (15:48) and was followed by Kyle Lang (16th. 15:57), Ricky Lu;>p (28th, 16:19), Corey Spriggs {4l3t. 16:31) and Michael lnderh~ (64th, 16:46). The Lancen; won their first state title last season. "It's our senior year and it wa~ a really tough battle," said Nusd:a· bel. v.ilo was one of five !leniors among La Salle's state competitors. "There's a lot of pressure, but i: ft:tt:1lc
1iln~ flo hutTA
La·ota West senior Amanda Burger edged Oak Hills' Brooklyne Ridder for :he fourth time in six races Saturc<y as she finished in 17:36 to win :l!e Division I girls' cross country indi\i:ll'al title. Ridder was second in 17:58. Last year, Ridder won the title and Burger was third. "I'm really proud and happy with how I finished the season." Burger said. "I wanted to go for my Burger best time and I also wan·ed to win, and I did both. I felt good t'1e whole race." S-~id Ridder: "(Burger} took off The Associated Press/Will Shilling from :h ~ very beginning and got a Brooklyne Ridder of Oak Hills rea II; big lead." came up just short of a state - Jan'Od Ulrey championship repeat.
Ac:d :!<1 coach Frank Russo: "PCf•p.e don't realize the presl>'UI'e of n·prating. When they camP ttr getl:£-r as f:eshm~: we knew this was c: special class. M3..."011 finished fifth (166) and Turp·n was eighth (201) in the Division I g':rls·race. Stephanie Chaney (19th 18:58) led Mason, and Meredith ]2.worek (23rd, 19:07) led Turpin. M::..I!J.t!ey's Christina Schneider (eigilt1,1R:28), Sycamore's Alanah Sonn:ag (22nd, 19:06) and Colernin':<:<:nnRagouzis (25th,l(}:ll} also ea'11ed all-state honors by finishing ii:. t1e top 25. "lt1t:io'ls like a good accomplishmenC said Schneider, who fin.. ishe<.l hurth last year and was in third at one point of the race Saturday. "I "'3Jlted to do better, but 111 take it~ Aho in the Division I boys' race.
Ohio honors. '"~mton Woods' Michael Perry finished third (15:27). Also placing in the top 25 were Sycamore's Taylor Williams (fourth, 15:37), Turpin's Ryan Kiracofe (21st 16:03), Sycamore's Alphonse Ranis (23rd, 16:08) and Moeller's Brad Meyer (25th, 16:13). "We went out a lot faster than I thought we would," Perry said. "I v;as real happy I was able to hold on and hang v.ith some of the guys from StJohn's and La Salle." In the Division II boys' race, New Richmond's Eric Fman finished fourth (15:48), the area's only placer. Cincinnati Christian finished 13th (284) in Division mboys. Isaiah Bragg led the Cougars with a47th-placefinish (17:09). Mariemont's Tommy Kauffmann
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Page 1 of 1 Beerman, Dick (Faculty) From:
Kohls, Kevin (Faculty)
Tuesday, October 31, 2006 12: 10 PM
Moeller Faculty & Staff; Moeller Students 2007; Moeller Students 2008; Moeller Students 2009; Moeller Students 2010
Subject: Cross Country Update Congratulations to senior Brad Meyer who qualified for the State Cross Country Championships this past Saturday after finishing ath overall at the Regional Meet. Brad becomes only the third person in school history to qualify to the State Meet tWo times. Last year Brad finished 53rd overall at the State Meet and he looks to improve on that this coming Saturday at Scioto Downs in Columbus. Good luck Brad! Also, junior Holden Marsh finished 24th overall at the Regional Championships last Saturday. This was 8 only places from qualifying the State Meet and a big improvement from his 48th place last year as a sophomore. Holden looks to qualify for the State Meet next year to make it 5 straight years of state meet qualifiers for Moeller!
Kevin J Kohls Archbishop Moeller HS Mathematics Department Head Cross Country Coach (513) 791-1680 ext 1943
Boys' cross counby 1 c
OIISAA Division I District Cbampionshlp Soclion 1 13.1 mles II West Chester) T..m ocoreo llop four odYonce): 1. La Salle 25. 2. Elder 67, 3. Milford 116, 4. Anderson 138. Topfinishen llop16oc1Yonce): !.Perry (Wmton Woods) 16:10.2. Nusekabel (La Salle) 1623.3 Lang (La Salle) 16:29, 4. Spriggs (La Salle) 16:32, 5. Meyer (Moeller) 16:51. 6. Lupp (La Salle) 16:57, 7. Kramer(Eider) 16:59, 8. Gunn (Elder) 16:59, 9. Pucillo (Anderson), IO.Indemees (La Salle) 17.10, 11. Gibson (West Chester) 1711. 12. DaviS (West Chester) 17:14. 13. Campbell (Anderson) 17:16. 14. Marsh (Moeller) 17:20:14. 15. Huesman (La Salle) 17:20:46, 16. Cox (Elder) 17.24.
OIISAA Divisiolll District Cllanopionshlp
Soclion 2 13.1 miles II West Chester) Team scores llop four odYonce): I St xavier 52. 2 Sycamore 62. 3. Turpin 76. 4 Loveland 91. Top finisben ltop 16 advance): I. Williams (Sycamore) 16 27. 2. Hams (Sycamore) 1642. 3. Thaler (St xav1er) 16:49. 4. Kiracofe (Turpm) 17.01, 5. RewiCk (Turpin) 1713, 6. Glenn (St xavier) 17:21. 7 Denny (Coleram) 11·22. 8 Foley (S)I:amore) 17:24 9. Baker (Loveland) 1738, 10 Bailey (Loveland) 17 38. II. Mueller (Oak Hills) 17.39 12 Fry (St Xavier) 17.44, 13. Jam1eson (Kmgs Mills) 17:49. 14 Brumm (St xav1er) 17'49. 15 Rasnake (Oak Hills) 17.51 16. Schnee (Colerain) 17.52.
OtiSAA Division II District Championship Section 1
13.1 miles II West Chester)
T..mscores llop four advance): I. Wyommg 37, 2. Badin 45. 3. North Bend Taylor 99. Goshen 139. Top finishetsllop 16 advaoce): 1. Finan (New Richmond) 16:59, 2. Anstead (Badin) 17 27. 3 Knickel (Wyommg) 17:30,4. Boehm (Badin) 17.52, 5. Leugers (Wyoming) 17:57. 6 Gloyeske (Badm) 18:11. 7. Carroll (Purcell Manan) 18:17.8. Rahn (Wyoming) 18:18, 9. Kostoff (Rnneytown) 18:24. 10. Ross (Wyoming) 18:26.11. Valenzano (McNicholas) 18:62. 12. Gloyeske (Badm) 18:35. 13. Autran (Wyommg) 18:36. 14. Tane1a (Indian Hill) 1836. 15. Tnplett (North Bend Taylor) 18:37. 16 Romeo (Goshen) 18:39. OIISAA Dhioioa II District Cloampionship Soclion 1
13.1 miles II West Chester) Teom...,..lloplourodYonce):I.Cmnnatl Chnstian 49, 2. Mariemont 61. 3. Ripley Umon 74, 4 Georgetown 76. Top linlsllon llop 16 advaoce): I. Kauffman (Mariemont) 17:03, 2.1. Bragg(Fa~rfield) 17 28, 3. Cl Cahall (Georgetown) 17:39. 4 J Bragg (Fairfield) 17:51,5. Cal Cahall (Georgetown) 17:54.6 Hilderbrand (Ripley Umon) 17:55. 7 KIStinger (CCD) 17:55. 8. Porst (Mariemont) 18.06. 9. Goheen (Manemont) 18:21, 10. Tully (St Bernard)18.27 11. England (Ripley-Umon) 18.29. 12. Woody (F.,rfield) 18:36. 13 M1ller (Monroe) 18 42. 14. Kuck (Manemont) 18:43. 15. Hickey (Fa~rfieldll8:49. 16 Engel (M~ami Valley) H!·'-1
(3.1 . . . 111 ................, SooolloDhlolotl T_........,1 LaSalle24.2.Eider52.3 St. xavier 67. 4. Moeller 78 Top fllloloon: 1 Lang (La Salle) 15 20. 2 Nusekabel (La Salle) 15 29.3 Spnggs (La Salle) 15 33 4. Meyer (Moeller) 15 48. 5 Thaler (St. Xa"er) 15·50. 6. Kramer (Elder) 15.55. 7. Gunn (Elder) 15 56. 8 Lupp (La Salle) 16 03. 9. Marsh (Moeller) 16 06. 10 Huesman (La Salle) 1616. 11 Wynn (Elder) 16 22 12 Glenn (St X.VIer) 16 25 Coodo oltho ,..,., frank Russo (La Salle)
CeillniDhllloe T - IUIIdlllp: 1 Badin 16. 2 MCNIChOlaS 42
~~or.;::; i\~~~~~~~~;~~ ~~F
' 2 An stead (Badin) 16:35.3 A Gloyeske (Badin) 16·36 4 B. Gloyeske (Bad>n) 17 02. 5 canon (Purcell) 17 3B 6 Gnffitlls (McN>cholas) 17 42. 7 W>egand (Badm) 17:47. 8. Valenzano (MCNICholas) 17 54.9 Burwmkel (McNicholas) 17.54. 10. Heath (Bad>n) 18·07 Coodo ollllo \'111: Steve Sm>th (Bad>n)
llortloDhlolotl T - • . . _ 1 Ganoll27. 2 Mer 30. 3 Cham1nade-Juhenne B3. 4 Fenw1ck 89 Topfllloloon: 1. Tnck (Ga•oll) 16 05. 2. Raffia (Alter) 16:25. 3. lu (Mer) 16·52. 4 Waggenspack (Alter) 16:56.5. We>ss (Canol!) 17:-21.6. Janson (Garroll) 17:24. 7. O'Bnen (Ganoll) 17:24. 8. O'Bryan (Ganoll) 17:27. 9. Mo (Ganoll) 17·29, 10 Grannan t.llt~r\
Cross country henor·l'lll ~II t>-.(~-tll... AsofOcL 8
Team 1. La Salle (12) ................................ 2. St xavier.............................. 3.Eider.... .......................... 4. loveland ......•. ............. .. .. 5. TUI]Jin .......................................... 6. Sycamore...... . ............................ 7. Moeller.......................... 8.Milford.......................................... 9. Colerain 10. lakota West.................. Others: Oak Hills 9, Mason 7, Anderson 5.
Poinla 120 106 97 84 62 59 47 31 19 14
1. Badin (2) ... ............ .............. 29 2. Wyoming (1)................... 28 3. Cin. Chnstlan ................... 24 4. Manemont.. 21 5. Taylor............... 18 6. MoNicholas ........... 10 T7. Goshen............ 5 T7. Indian Hill..... 5 79. Cin. CountJy Day........................... 4 79. Madeira.......... ....•....................... 4 79. New Richmond ............................. · 4 Others: Georgetown 3, Reading 3, Rnneytown 2, Ripley 2, Westem Brown 2, Summit CountJy Day 1.
GIRlS DiYisionl
1. St Ursula (9)......................... 2. Tui]Jin ...................... 3. McAuley............................... 4. Colerain ........... .. ........................... 5. Mason.......................................... 6. Loveland .•.. ........ .. .. .. ........ 7. lakota West........... ....•........•..••..... 8. Oak Hills.................. 9. Men:y...... 10. Anderson.................
Poinla 90 79 67 63 61 44 32 25 21 13
TPoinla 1. Indian Hill (1) .. ......................... 10 2. MoNicholas ............ 9 3. Wyoming............. .. ................. ...... 8 4. Westem Brown............ 7 5. Taylor....... 6 6. Manemont.. 5 7. New Richmond ........ .......... 4 8. Summit CountJy Day ........ .... .......... 3 9. Badin........................................... 2 10. Uttle Miami.... 1 BOYS 1. Wiliams, Sycamore 15:33; 2. Nusekabel, La Salle 15:35; 3.Rnan, New Richmond 15:37; 4. Lang, La Salle 15:40;T5. HarTis, Sycamore 15:57; T5. Kauffmann, Manemont 15:57; 7. Spnggs, La Salle 15:59; 8. Gunn,Eider 16:02; 9.Kiracofe, Turpin 16:05; TlO. Lupp, La Salle 16:14; TlO. Wynn, Elder 16:14; 12. Denny, Colerain 16:19; 13. Mueller, Oak Hills 16:22; Tl4. Huesmann, La Salle 16:24; Tl4. Meyer, Moeller 16:24; 16. Perry, \linton Woods 16:29; 17.Rewick, Tui]Jin 16:30; 1B.Madden, Elder 16:32, Tl9. Davis, Lakota West 16:35; Tl9. Foley, Sycaroore 16·35.
GIRlS 1. 8urger, lakota West 17:45; 2. Ridder, Oak Hills 18:01; 3. Schnetder MoAuley, 18:23; 4. RagouZis, Colerain 18:24; 5. Lenahan, Men:y 18:59; 6. Fraley, Seton 19:16; 7. Jaworek, Tui]Jin 19:18; 8. Whatton, Colerain 19:19; 9. Simpson, Men:y 19:23; 10. Carraher, McAuley 19:33; 11. Patty, Tui]Jin 19:39; Tl2. Goodwin, Kings 19:41; T12. Walls, loveland 19:41; 14. Justice, McAuley 19:44; T15. McCullah, Colerain 19:45;T15. Kennedy, New Richmond 19:45; T17. Malik, lakota West19:48;T17.McDanlel, Anderson 19:48; 19. Jami€son, Kings 19:50; 20. Pechiney, Colerain 19:51.
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP)- The fourth of eigtlt weekly state cross country polls as compiled by the Ohio Asscciatlon of Cross Country Coaches (first-place votes in parentheses): BOYS
2, Tol. StJohn's (1)........................... 3, Chardoo ............................ :........... 4, Massillon Peny .............................. 5, Hilliard Darby................................. 6, Vandalia Butler..............................
1, LaSalle ( 1 1 1 - - - -
179 167 157 · 132 • 127 106
~: ~~~~~~~:'~:::: :::::::::::::::'::::::
9, St. Xa.tor-···-. 10, Elller--------·----· DMSIOHH 1, Peninsula Woodndge (9) ................ 2, Springfield Northwestern (2) ........... 3, Ganal Winchester........................... 4, Tipp City Tippecanoe...................... 5, Spring. Greenan (1) ....... 6, Day. Carroll ...................................
71 50
8, lloooilloo 9, Uhrichsville Claymont .........:........... 10, Cols. DeSales ..............................
1, Louisvtlle Aquinas (12)................ 2, Mt G"aad ........... ........................
3, McDonald........ ............... .............. 4, CooHand Maplewood...................... 5, East Conlon................................... 6, New London ....... .... ....................... 7, Bellaire StJohn............................. 8, Tal. Cluistlan .. :...............................
9, Russia........................................... 10, Minster....
176 148 145 118 117 101
97 73
59 55
180 166 154 141 134 115 110
89 72 56
Cross country honor roll .::!, ri-lL TI. La Salle (11) ................................. 2. Elder............................................. 3. St l<a>ier ..................................... ..
Polnb 110 94 88
7. Turpin............................................ 41 8. Mllfom........................................... 29 9. Mason........................................... 20 10. Anderson..................................... 14 Others rncolvlog votes: Oak Hills 4; Kings 3; Lakota West 2 Colerain I.
Tl'olloll I. ~ming (6).................................. 60 2. Badin ....... ::................................... 54 3. McNicholas................................... 44 4. Taylor ............................................ · 42 5. Mariemont..................................... 34 6. Georgetown................................... 28 7. Goshen......................................... 17 8. Cln. Chrtstlan ................................. 13 9.1ndian Hill...................................... 12 10. Ripley......................................... 7 Others rnceiving votes: Madeira 5; Purcell Marian 5; CHCA 3; New Ric~mond 3; St Bemalll2; CCD 1.
Team Pohols 1. St. Ursula (10).. ... ........................ 100 2. Mason........................................... 83 3. Colerain...................... 81 4. Turpin........... ................................ 64 5. loveland....... ....................... 59 6. McAuley...... ................................. 43 7. Mercy............................... 36 8. Oak Hills............ ........................... 32 9. Kings....... ........................... 29 10. Anderson.................................... 19 Others receMng Votes: Lakota West 2; Sycamore 2.
TPoinb 1. McNic~olas (4)....... 40 2. Wyoming....................................... 36 -3. Western Brown............................... 32 4. indian Hill...................................... 27 5. Taylor 24 6. Mariemont............ ........................ 20 7. CHCA ............ .............................. 15 8. Goshen......................................... 12 9. ~adln ...................... 8 10. Cln. CountJy Day. 4 Others receiving votes: Bethel-Tate I; New Ric~mond I.
Top llldhlduk BOYS I. Finan, New Richmond 15:56; 2. Lang, La Salle
15:56; 3. Peny Winton Woods 15:59; 4. Williams. Sycamore 16:04; 5. Spri(IS, La Salle 16:08; 6. NuSekabel La Salle 16:13; 7.1Graoofe, Turp'~ 16:23; TS. l.upp, La Salle 16:2l,TB. Mel'!~, Moeller 1§:2 7; 10. Harris, Sycamore 16· . Husent&n, La Salle 1&.44; ill. Rewlcl<, Turpn 16:44; 13.1JwRY, Colen!in 16:48; 14. Kos1oft, Fin· · neywwn 16:4g; 15: Cahall, Georaefown; 16:52; 16. Krallltt, Elder 16:~: 17. Knicllll, ~lnCI6:54; 18. Anstead, Badin 16:55; T19. Gibson, l.akola West 16:~; T19. lnde.OO. La .Salle, 16:59.
l. Bwp[. Lakota West~; 2. Rlddet, Ook Hilll 18:23; 3.'Ragouzls; Colerain 18:50; 4. ScMtag, Sycamore 18:54; 5. Jaworel<, furpin 19:02; • 6. Sc~nelder, McAuft'j 19:18; 7. E. Slafeslnlc, Mason 19:32; 8. ~"e!, dBthili-Tate 19:35; 9. Patty,
State cross country polls Team 1. La SaMe 1111
2. Tol. St.John(!) 3. Chardon c. ') . 4: Mass. Peny ' I ~ 5. Hilliard Darby 6. N.C. Hoover 7. Vandalia Butler 8. Elder 9. Boardman St.Xavier Ci. St. Ignatius DIVISION II BOYS 1. Woodridge (10) 2. Greenan (2)_ 3. Canal Winchester 4.1ipp City 5. Carroll 6. Aurora 7. Springfield NW 8. Wyvming 9. Unloto 10. Ak. St. V-M
179. 163 162 129 122 91
89 79
73 72 72
178 170 152
111 84 80
71 67 51
13.1 mlloo at Miami Valley CTtl I Tum alandlnp: 1. Vandalia Butler 102, 2. Loveland 105, 3. r,1~ U6, 4. Beavercreek 137, 5. Sycamore 14~66, 7. Sprtngboro 192, 8. Amherst Steele 199, 9. Dublin Coffman 232, 10. Northmont 236, 11. Fainnont 248, 12. MlamisbuJg 257, 13. Centerville 285,14. Greenville 381,15. Troy 389, 16. Dayton Wayne 437, 17. Falrllom 534, 18. Xenia 570. Top flnioiJen: 1. Roeth (MiamlsbuJg) 16:00, 2. Williams (Sycamore) 16:04, 3:Enke (Troy) 16:14, 4. Kirakofe (Turpin) 16:23, 5. Me r (Moeller 16: 7, Hams (Sycamore) 16:3 , . ewr n : , 8. BarT)' (Vandalia Butler) 16:51, 9. Lowry (Amherst Steele) 16:54, 10. Shirtey (Beavercreek) 17:00.
Cedanlle Invitational (3.1 mleo at Cedanlle UnlvetsiiYI Team standlnp: 1. Cincinnati Chnstian 68, 2. Mitton Union 70, 3. London 124, 4. Northeastern 126, 5. Columbus Grove 138. 9. Summtt 197 l.ocll ftnisllen: 3. J. Bregg (Cincinnati Chrts¡ tian) 17:35, 6. I. Bragg (Cincinnati Chnstian) 17:44, 13. Hickey (Cincinnati Chnstian) 18:36, 19. Bayer (Summit) 18:45, 20. cavallaro (Summtt) 18:46, 29. Cmed (Cincinnati Chrtstian) 19:12,32. MayberT)'(Cincinnati Chrtstian) 19:14, 44. Clark (Summtt) 19:59, 73. Bruns (Summit) 22:26, 75. Oober (Summtt) 22:36.
Covtneton c.tloollc Invitational (3.1 nriloo at Dowu Park! Clau3A
Team Scoms: !.Connor 32, 2.Co~ngton catholic 33, 3.Eider 'B' 107, 4.Ryle 115, 5.Simon Kenton 132, 6.Scott County 156. 7.Boone County 158, Grant County NTS. Top finishers: !.Goetz (CC) 17:49, 2.Simms (CC) 18:07, 3.Wuabacher (CC) 18:16, 4.Co~ngton (G) 18:18, 5.Feist (C) 18:24, 6.Vandennosten (C) 18:28, 7.M. Walters (C) 18:32, 8.A.Watters (S) 1B:35, 9.Shuttleworth (C) 18:38, lO.O'Bryan (C) 18:39.
Team Scoms: !.Warren East37, 2.Bishop Brossan41, 3.Higtllands 49, 4.Villa Madonna 104, ludlow NTS, Williamstown NTS, Newport Central catholic NTS.Top finishers: l.Shuffett (W) 17:17, 2.Austin (H) 17:37, 3.Mirrtelees (H) 17:48, 4.SWmp (B) 17:53, 5.Halre (B) 17:54, 6.Couch (l) 18:32, 7.Bianken!llip \~),~8:35, 8.8irkenhauer (B) 18:42, 9.Webster (B)
Boys' Cross Country Pri- Invitational 13.1 miles! Team scores: 1 Spnngboro 33 2 Lakota East 67 3 St Xa••er B 101 4 Manernont 145 5 Moeller B 146 6 Eastem Brown 151 7 Pnnceto~
Bernard Elmwood Place 188 9 Elder B 222 lC lnd1 an H111 226 11 Seven H1lls 299 12 M1arn1 Valley Chnstlan Academ/ 315 13 Mt Healthy 401 Top finlsllen: I Kauffmann (Mo)ll OJ 01 2 Settles iS) 17 38 75. 3 11iJ! lSI II Se~ I. 4 Carter ·lSi !815 88 5 Wells ill 18!8 83 6 Porst (Ma) 18 22 25 7 Teran (PI 18 28 67. B Eastern Bro•n 18 32 49. 9 Thache~ lSI 18 3461 10 H1lls ill 18 39 59
Tiffin lnYibtioaal Alllodps
'i - IIV
Top ten team scores (out of 40) 1 Toledo St John Jesutt 148. 2 NoM Canton Hoover 193 3. B· dor 219. 4. St. x..ier 234 5 Vandaha Butier 260 6 ClevelandSt lgnatJus277, 7 Beavercreek287.8 Brunsw1ck 308 9 Canton Glenoak 318 10 Toledo St Franc1s De Salles 32 5 Local scores. 12 Sycamore 345 13 Moeller 359 -...... ~P ten fin1sllers Waggoner (Maumee) 15 18 2 Lemon (Tole<Jo St Johns)15 30 3. WlllaoniS,.:.. morel 15 32. 4 Rafa1ledes {Mass•llon Jackson! 15 34. 5 Roeth (Mtamtsburg) 15 35. M. Lemon (Tole
Cross country honor roD '1-S.-ot, ~I T-
As oiSopt. 3 1. La Salle (12) ................................. 2. St. Xavier....................................... 3. Elder............................................. 4. Loveland ....................................... 5. Sycamore. .. ..................................
.~: ~;~~:: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
120 98 97 84 65
8. Turpin........................................... 31 9. Anderson... ................................... 26 10. Oak Hills..................................... 9 Others receiving votes: Lakota West 7, Mason 3, Coletaln 2, Lebanon 2, Kings 1. Middletown I.
Tum Poinb I. Wyoming (3).................................. 30 2. Badin............................................ 26 3. Ta~or. .......................................... 25 4. Mariemont..................................... 18 5. McNicholas................................... 14 T6. Georgetown .......................... ........ II T6. Indian Hill .... ...... ............... 64 8. Goshen......................................... 7 T9. Madeira ....................................... 6 T9: New Richmond............................. 6 Others receiving votes: Cln. Christian 3, Purcell Marian 3, Rnneytown 2, Ripley 2, CCD I. Top Individuals: Williams (Sycamore) 15:40; 2. Peny (Winton WOods) 15:52; T3. Lang (La Salle) 15:55, T3. Nusekabel (La Salle) 15:55; 5. Spriggs (La Salle) 15:59; 6. Hams (Sycamore) 16:11; 7. Meyer (Moeller) !6:!8; 8. Kiracofe (Turpin) 16:25; 9. lupp (La Sale) 16!26; 10. Fonan (NeW Richmond) 16:33; 11. Mueller (Oak HIHs) 16:34; 12. Marsh (Moeller) 16:35; 13. Gibson (LW) 16:36; T!4. Gunn (Elder) 16:38; T!4. Kramer (Elder) 16:38; 16. Denny (Colerain) 16:41; 17. Wynn (Eldor) 16:43; 18. Cahall (Georgetown) 16:44; 19. Thaler (St X) 16:46; 20. Purilln (.lntiAK'nn\ 1&:.¡AQ
Ar cruss t:CKIIUJ PH CGLUMBUS, Ohio (AP)- The lilsl of elg!lt weeldy
state cross ciJuntJy polls as compiled by the Ohio Associatloo of Cross Countly Coaches (!list-place YOtes In parentheses): MEN -'i.
1, LaSalle 1121------
~ 159
4, Brunswick......................................
123 80
2, Tol. StJohn's................................ 3, Mess. Peny....................................
s, Eldor---------
78 78
5, N. canton Hoover........................... 7, Cha<don .....~.................................. 8, 5I. x....______ 9, Cle. St lgnetlus ................, ..L...... 10, Medina ....................................... DIVISION H I, Penlnsllla Woodridge (8) ............... . ' 2, canat WirlCh&6ter (3) ................... .. 3,Aurom ..........:................... . Cots. ()$)ales 11 ).............................. 5, CUya. fells Walsh Jesu~ ............... .. 6, llmll ShaWnee ...................... ,....... .
75 72 64 63
174 168 116 116 97 91 88
9, SpMg. Greeoon ........................... .. 10, Cirole¥llle t.oean Bm ................... ..
1' COJtland Maple)tlood ( 11) .............. . 2, Mt. Gileod (1) ....... :...................... .. 3,MIIlster.......................................... 4, Tol. Chtlstlan................................. . 5, McDonald ...................................... 6, Belliilre St Jolin ............................ . East cantoo ..........,........................... . 8, H!ll'llllnd Woyne Trace .................. .. 9, RUS!Ia ......................................... . 10, Fortlommle .............................. . WOMEN
179 !59
131 126
117 I
105 90 50
1, Bowling Gl\len (12) ,...................... .
Boys' cross country
'f -~ 3
....._ lontbllloul 111 .... 111Abo-IISI
T - - - = 1 StXaY1flf26.2 Centervolle84 3 Columbus Reynoldsburg 120. 4. Lebanon 120. 5 Dublin Jerome 188. 6. McN<choolas 206. 1 D<•e He1hghts 230.8 P<ckenngton Central240. 9 fa<rfield 240. 10. Manemont 248. 11. fa111110nt 293, 12 lnd<· an H<ll 329 13 Purcell Manan 332. 14 Cham~nade Julienne 368. 15 Northwest 423. 16 Ross 441. 11 Flnneytown 448. 18 Columbus Whetstone 480 19 Seven HillS Upper 481 Top tlololoon: 1 Thaler (St XaYier) 16.46. 2 Kauffmann (Manemont) 16 52. 3 fry (St X.Yier) 17 10.4 He~nnchs (CenteMIIe) 1111 5 Brumm (St Xa•er) 11.14. 6 Carroll (Purcell Manan) 1119. 1 Holmberg (lebanon) 11.19. 8. Corcoran (St X.Yier) 17:22. 9. Glenn (St XaYier) 17 25. 10 Garza (Reynoldsburg) 17 29
Tile ..... $pot Oloio Claolc I11Miooll UbeftJ Po... lllsllorol
T---= 1 G<Benon 85. 2 Oak H1lls 131
3. Kmgs 142. 4 Cov. Cethoi<C 158, 6. Scott 234. 1 Watton VflfOna 270. 8. Georgetown 219. 9. R<pley U01on lewiS 281, 10. D<•e He<ghts 292. 11 Grant County 'A'315 12 Yellow Spnngs 323. 13 Kenton R<dge 396 14 Northeastern 398. 15 Westem Bro.n 431.16 Walnut H1lls 'A'434.11 Eastem Brown 470 18 Fa1rf1eld Umon 514. 19 H1llsboro 522. 20 Fay· ette•lle 558 21 Walnut H1lls ·s· 566. 22 Greene· VIew 511. 23 Col Academy 598 24 Leesburg 616 25 Ncrth Adams 679. 26. Wash1ngton Courthouse 688.21 8ethel689. 28. West U01on 689.29 Xe01a ChnstJan 740. 30 M1am1 Trace 815. 31 Grant County 'B' 815. 32. Holmes 840. 33 Whiteoak 948 Top........., 1 Borchers (YS) 16 00. 2 New ~11< (GREN) 16 05 3 Sm1t11 iSCO) 16.11. 4 Peters (YS) 16 26. 5 Mueller (OH) 16 34. 6 Askin (SCO) 16.38. 1 Flrestone(YS) 16 41.8. Cehall (GEO) 16 44 9 EiSner (SCO) 16 50. 10 Jam<eson (KIN) 16 52 ~
'WIIIt8 Dhioioo' 110"' 25): 1 LaSalle 51. 2 Hilliard Darty 16C. 3 Vandalia Butler 167. 4. Fa•rmont 188 5 Northwestern 226 6 l..Jma Shawnee 244 7 DaytOn Carrol 241. 8 Center.111e 264. 9 Tippecanoe 261. lD Colerain 281. 13 Gnher local. 13 Wyom~ng 335 'W1oll8 ........... lililllon: Jackson 1Hilliard Darty) 15:50, 2 Enlo! (Troy) 15:53,3. Nuseca· bel (La Salle) 15:55, 4.LMIC(LI Slllo) 15:55,5. Scott (LJma Shawnee) 15:56. fl. SP<Iallll Slllo)15:59. 7 ! luttrell (DayiOn Clvtstian) 16:09, W. ~(Dayton Chnstan) 16.17. 9. Lupp (La Slllo) 16:26, 10. Ba~t (Vandalra Buaer16:29. 251: 1 Badin 15.2 Russia 89.3 New -104,4. Cold· water 131, 5 Arcanum 175 'Crwa Dhioioo' local top llnlohon: 2 Boehm (Badin) 16 56.5. 3 Anstead (Badin) 11 05.4 1. Gloyeske (Badin) 17 29.2. 10 Gloyeske (Badin) 11'31.6
-c-. .......... _
.. "
.._ ............ At..-115
T---=Loveland26.2 M<lfor062.3 Anderson 82. 4 Taylor 156. 5. Glen Este 174. 6. Amelia 178. 1. Goshen 189. 8. Centerville 192. 9. Madena 206. 10. New R<chmond 248. 11. LJttle M1am1 265 Top lhlilloon: I Finan (New R<chmond) 16 33 2 Purch<llo (Anderson) 16:48. 3 Ol<gee (LOveland) 16 50. 4. Baker (LOveland) 1115. 5 Huber (LOve land) 11'19. 6. Ba<ley (lovelan<l) 11.24. 1. Bullock (Millard) 1121. 8 Beivehlle (LOveland) 1728. 9 Cempbell (An<lerson) 1139. 10 Plcklehe<mer (Glen Estel 11.42.
Oloio Claolc 1"'"-111 . . . 11 Uborty Port. II lllsllorol
T - s.or.: 1. G<Benon 85. 2 Oak H1lls 131 3. Kings 142 4 Covmgton Cetllolic 158. 5. Wheelersburg 181. 6. Scott 234. 1 Watton Verona 210. 8 Georgetown 279.9 R1pley Umon Lew1s 281.10 Dooe He<ghts 292. Top ......., I Borchers (Yellow Spnngs) 16:00. 2 New1ul1< (G<Benon) 16:05. 3. Sm1th (Scott) 16:11. 4 Peters (Yellow Spnngs) 16:26. 5. Mueller (Oak Hills) 16 34,6 As~n (Scott) 16 38. 7 Firestone (Yellow Spnngs) 16·41. 8. Cehall (Georgetown) 16 44 9 Eisner (Scott) 16 50. 10 Jam1son (Klngs) 16 52
Lllllll Usl Fol Claolc 111 . . . 11 V.O.A Portll T-ltudllp: I Elder 55. 2~1~.
Beaverc<Bek 96. 4. Sycamore 96. 5 ~6 Turpm 121. 1. Lakota West 163.8 Mason 185.9 St Xa~er 'B'I91. 10. Lakota East 214. 11. Hamson 343. 12. Pnnceton 361.13 Ham<tton 420. 14. M1am1 Val· ley ChnsUan 428. Toptloolollon:1. Williams (Sycamore) 15 40. 2. Perry (Wmton Woods) 15 52. 3 Hams (Sycamore) 16:11. 4_ ~r (Moeller) 1618. 5 Klracofe (Turpin) 16 25. 6. ley (St Henry) 16 28. ~Wfnfl,· ler). 8. G1bson (Lakota West) 16 36. er) 16·38.~~~
Boys' cross country &-u Bob Sd11ll lnYitdanol
13.1...:.=~ -q,
Boys' team Scores: I. Springboro 33, 2. Miamisburg 41, 3. Green~lle 122 Top finishers: I. Roeth (Miamisburg) 16¡.23; 2. Rutherford (Greenville) 17:09: 3. SeWes (Springboro) 17:10; 4. Hux (Springboro) 17:26; 5. Carter (Springboro) 18:00.
FinilbTiming,com IIIYIIotioul At Wllmlncton Collece
Team Scores: I. LaSalle 15, 2. Anderson 84, 3. Middletown 92, 4. Ripley-Union 122, 5. Western Brown 193, 6. Eastern Brown 202, 7. Goshen 223, 8. Hillsboro 231, 9. Fayette~lle-Peny 234, 10. little Miami 238, II. Bethel-Tate 310, 12. Wilmington 343, 13. East Clinton 347,14. Miami Trace 378, 15. Blanchester 400, 16. Norwood 443, 17. Washington Courthouse 457. Top Rnisllers: I. Lang (LaSalle) 16:42.8; 2. Spriggs (LaSalle) 16:45.8; 3. Nusekabel (LaSalle) 16:48.3; 4. Huesman (LaSalle) 17:09.4; 5. lupp (LaSalle) 17:11.5. lloolerllemylacq,...CC~
Team scores: I. St. J<avier 59, 2. Elder 64, 3. Canol! 70, 4. Turpin 93, 5. Moeller 99, 6. Colerain 141, 7. Wyoming 177, 8. Princeton 268, 9. St Bernard 274, 10. Madeira 286. Top finishers: I. Kiracofe (Turpin) 16:34.3; 2. O'Bryan (Carnal) 16:50.2; 3. Mexer(Moeller) 16:51.4; 4. Thaler (St Xavier) 16~1; 5. l5i150n (Carnal) 17:03.8; 6. Rewick (Tuq>n) 17:09.5; 7. Fry(St lla~er) 17:11.5; 8. Gunn (Elder) 17:12.4; 9. Marsh (Moeller) 17:16.0; 10. Denny (Colerain) 17:16. I.
Folrflold llriln Pla... n lmlldoul At Harbin Pork Team scores: I. Sycamore 82, 2. Milford 93, 3. Fairmont 105, 4. St. Xa~er 127, 5. lakota West 127, 6. Badin 164, 7. lebanon 190, 8. Fairfield 226, 9. Taylor 245, 10. Hamson 256, II. Glen Este 319, 12. McNicholas 327, 13. Monroe 351, 14. Fenwick 355, 15. New Richmond 399, 16. Rnneytown 401, 17. Northwest447, 18. Hami~on 508,19. Ross 512. Top-10 finishers: I. Williams (Sycamore) 15:51.8, 2. Rnan New (Richmond) 16:15.62,3. Hanis (Sycamore) 16:20.91, 4. Carroll (Purcell Marian) 17:11.43, 5. Gibson (lakota West) 17:11.82, 6. Boehm (Badin) 17:12.40, 7. Davis (lakota West) 17:28.93, 8. Michna (Fairmont) 17:35.88, 9. Gloyeske (Badin) 17:36.2, 10. Bullook (Milford) 17:36.60.
ClZ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 201\;ti
Taylor Will~ams, Sycamore
Brooklyne Ridder, Oak Hills
The senior finished fourth at the Division I state meet with a time of 15:37.
The sophomore was Division I state runner-up with a time of 17:58. As a freshman, she was state champ with a time of 18:19.
Jake Nusekabel, LaSalle .
Christina Schneider, McAuley
The senior helped lead La Salle to the Division I state title, finishing 11th individually with a time of 15:48.
The senior finished eighth atthe Division I state meet with a time of 18:28. She finished fourth in the state as a junior, with a time of 18:30.
Kyle Lang, la Salle
Stephanie Chaney, Mason
The senior helped lead La Salle to the Division I state title, finishing 16th individually with a time of 15:57. ·
The junior finished 19th at the Division I state meet with a time of 18:58.
Dan Thaler, St. Xavier .
Alanah Sonntag, Sycamore
The junior finished 17th at the Division I ?tate meet with a time of 15:58.
The sophomore finished 22nd at the Division I state meet with a time of 19:06.
Ryan Kiracofe, Turpin
Meredith Jaworek, Turpin
The senior finished 21st at the Division I state meet with a time of 16:03.
The Enquirer/Tony Jones
BOYS' DIV. I RUNNER OF THE YEAR Michael Perry, Winton Woods
Alphonse Harris, Sycamore The senior finished 23rd at the Division I state meet with a time of 16:08.
. The senior (above) was the top Cincinnati runner at the state meet, finishing third in 15:27. He finished seventh in the state as a junior.
Brad Meyer, Moeller
The senior finished 25th at the DivisiQn I state meet with a time of 16:13.
Frank Russo, La. Salle
Ricky Lupp; La Salle The senior helped lead La Salle to the DJvisiQn Lstat~Ji~Le_,Jinisning 2§th ingtvid.ually with a time! of 16:19. · · -
Corey Spri~s, La Salle The senior helped lead La Salle to the Division I state title, finishing 41st individually with a time of 16:31.
Kyle Rewick, Turpin
His team won its second consecutive state championship, the first Cincinnati big-school repeat champi- · on since 1989. The Lancers also qualified to the Nike Team Nationals, a first for a Cincinnati boys' team .. -:·-~,,-.,~ ·-<=-~-C·---------------~--------~~~--
BOYS' DW. II-ill RUNNER OF THE YEAR Eric Finan, New Richmond -The-senior repeats as Enquirer Dllclll runner of the year after finishing fourth at the D-11 state meet (15:48). As a junior, he finished sixth in the state.
The junior finished 46th at the Division I state meet with a time of 16:34.
BOYS' DIV. II-III COACH OF THE YEAR Michaellnderhees, La Salle The sophomore helped lead La Salle to the Division I state title, finishing 63rd individually with a time of 16:46. 1
Andy Kramer, Wyoming His team was district champion and finished eighth at the Troy regionals. He also was CHL coach of the year as Wyoming won the league title. ·
Tommy Kauffmann, Mariemont The senior finished 10th at the Division Ill state meet with a time of 16:22.
Peter Kistinger, Cincinnati Cou._try Day The. senior finished 32nd at the Division Ill state meet with a time of 16:53.
The senior finished 23rd at the Division I state meet with a time of 19:07.
!Erin Ragouzis, Colerain The senior finished 25th at the Division I state meet with a time of 19:11.
Liz Coorey, St. Ursula The senior led St. Ursula to the Division I state championship, finishing 28th overall with a time of 19:13.
Katie Lenahan, Mercy The senior finished 31st at the Division I --state with-a tlme-oti9:lK ~--
Sara Fraley; Seton The senior finished 34th at the Division I state meet with a time of 19:18.
Kayla Justice, McAuley The sophomore finished 36th at the Division I state meet with a time of 19:21.
Danielle Mercer, Oak Hills The sophomore finlshed 37th at the state meet with· a time of 19:23.
Cameron Kurz, St. Ursula
GIRLS' DIV.l PLAYER OF THE YEAR Amanda Burger, Lakota West The senior was state. champion with a time of 17:36, after finishing third last season in 18:28. She won this year's state meet by 22 seconds.
The senior helped lead St. Ursula to the Division I state championship, finishing 39th overall with a time of 19:26.
Kaitlin Price, Turpin The sophomore finished 43rd at the Division I state meet with a time of 19:28.
GIRLS DIV. I COACH OF THE YEAR Jeff Branhan~ St. Ursula '
His team was state champion with 116 points, with runner-up Bowling Green having 128.
HONORABLE MENTION Anderson - Nick Pucillo, Graham Campbell, Jason Senko; Badin- Korey Anstead, Richard Boehm, Adam Gioyeske, Brad Gloyeske, Matt Wiegand; Cincinnati Christian Isaiah Bragg, Josiah Bragg; Colerain.- Brian Denny; ElderNathan Gunn, Danny Kramer, Kyle Schenkel, Bobby Wynn; Finneytown -Paul Kostoff; Georgetown- Clinton Cahall, Calvin Cahall; Kings- CollinJamieson; lakota West- Heatli Gibson,Brandon Candella, · Brett Davis; Lebanon- Eric Kemp, Brad Weaver; La SalleMitchell Huesman, Sean Comer; Lovet~nd - Marc Kutylowski, ,
Nirc:k Baker, Cory Bailey, Cullen Belleville; Mariemont- Chris Po;rst; McNicholas- Jeff Griffiths; MWdletown- Philip Sliger; Miiford- Robbie Dearhammer, Nathan Bullock; Moeller- Holden Marsh; Northwest- John Haynes; Oak Hills- Andy Rasnake, Joey Mueller, lzak Velasquez; Purcell Marian -Pat Carroll; Ripley- Justin 'Hilderbrand; St. Xavier- Tyler Fry, Chris Glenn, John Brumm, Brendan Corcoran, Phil Grannan; Sycamore- Ben Foley; TurpinNicholas EI-Khoury, Dave Rodriguez; Wyoming- Spike Knickel, Peter Leugers, Matt Rahn, Eric Ross, Jesse Holthus.
GIRLS' DIV. II-III PLAYER OF THE YEAR . Michele McKenney, McNicholas . The senior was the top local Division II runner at the state meet, finishing 41st with a time of 19:48. Stle also was the top local runner at regionals, finishing 13th.
Anderson~ Sarah McDaniel, Anne Flower; Badin laura Walsh; Cincinnati Christian- Catherine Mead; Colerain -Kate Wharton, Chelsie Pechiney; Glen EsteStephanie Stoffel; GoshenStaci Hicks; Lakota EastElizabeth Tabor; Lakota West Susan Savage, l111dian Hill -Samantha Burger, Jenny Her team was Division II Southwest District champiMalik; Loveland -Erin Bauer, on and finished 10th at regionals. Shannon Walls; Mason - Emily Staresinic, Stephanie Staresinic, Megan Rapp, Stepha- - - - - - - - -~---· ·----"~':':::"~'----!:___l!lni~elQ.hariiey, Tricia Wolford;
McAuley- Steph·anie Carraher, Jill Glassmeyer; Mercy -Claire Simpson, Elaine. Simpson, Kara Lewnard; McNicholas - Holly Combs, . Amy Holl!lnkamp; Oak Hills Megan Murray; St. UrsulaTheresa Thaler, Meghan Shagena, Shannon Balmat, Erin Hecht, Christina Zaffiro; Sycamore -Melissa French; Turpin -Sam Patty; Ursuline- Molly Basch; Western Brown -Me, gan Wright. ,\
. ·Jb/1 .
DIV. II-VI DEFENSE Dl Chase Daniels, Indian Hill The senior was Division Ill special mention all-state, first-team all-district and AllCincinnati Hills League. He had 76 tackles and eight sacks.
QB Ryan Martin, Turpin The junior was Division II special mention all-state, first-team all-district and AIIFAVC Cardinal. He threw for 2,563 yards and 29 touchdowns.
DL Jeff King, Wyoming The senior was Division IV special mention all-state, first-team all-district and AIICHL. He had 53 tackles, four sacks and three forced fumbles.
QB Adam Reynolds, Norwood The senior was D-Ill second-team alldistrict and FAVC Scarlet offensive POY. He ran for 1,596 yards and 21 TDs and threw for 841 yards and eight TDs.
DL Jimmy Rasche, Talawanda · The senior was Divison II special mention all-state and FAVC Scarlet defensive player of the year. He had four sacks and four fumble recoveries.
RB Jay Triggs, Turpin The senior was D-11 second-team allstate and FAVC Cardinal offensive player of the year. He had 2,4 72 yards total .offense (1,518 rushing) and 28 TDs.
Dl Jordan McCollum, CHCA
RB Hosea Simpson, Winton Woods The seniorwas Division II second-team all-district and AII-FAVC Buckeye. He rushed for 1,148 yards and scored seven touchdowns.
DIV. II PLAYER OF THE YEAR Curtis Meyers, Harrison The senior Dl was D-11 first-team all-state, was district defensive player of the year and FAVC Buckeye defensive player of the year. He had 87 tackles (16 for loss) and five sacks.
RB Davis Conway, Mariemont The senior was Division IV special mention all-state and CHl co-offensive player of the year. He rushed for 915 yards and totaled 22 touchdowns.
RB Robby Beckman, Reading The senior was Division V second-team all-district and was All-Cincinnati; Hills league. He rushed for 1,002 yards and scored 13 touchdowns.
WR Andy Cruse, Turpin
· The junior was Division II second-team all-state, first-team all-district and AIIFAVC Cardinal. He had 44 catches for 1,143 yards and 14 ms.
WR Josh Herrq,n, Monroe The senior was Division IV firstteam allstate and all-district. He had 54 catches for 769 yards and nine touchdowns.
WR Justin Murray, North College Hill The senior was Division IV second-team • all-district and AII-MVC. He had 24 catches for 534 yards, and had 15 total TDs running and receiving.
WR Ryan Gunnarson, Loveland The senior was first-team Ali-FAVC Buckeye. He had 39 cat<;hes for 656 yards and six touchdowns. He also averaged 26.5 yards per kickoff return.
OL Chris littleton, Harrison The senior was Division II first-team alldistrict and AII-FAVC Buckeye. He helped lead a Wildcats offense that averaged 28' points a game.
OL Patrick Couch, Edgewood . The senior was Division II special mention all-state, first-team all-district and AIIFAVC Scarlet.
OL Ryan Giltz, Goshen The senior was Division Ill second-team all-state, first-team all-district and co-player of the year in the Southern Bu.ckeye Conference American.
Ol Austin Rankin, Blanchester The senior was Division IV first-team allstate, first-team all-district and AII-SBC National. '
OL Josh Miller,. Deer Park The senior was Division IV special mention all-state, first-team all-district and.AIICincinnati Hills league. He aiso rushed for one touchdown. ·
PK Ian Kadish, Wyoming. The senior was Division IV second-team all-state and first team all-district. He scored 31 points, kicked for 25 touchbacks and had a 41.6 punting average.
All-purpose - Wally Gerbus, Badin The senior WR was Division IV special · mention all-state, first-team all-district and AII-GCl Central. He had 1,016 all-purpose yards ;and six touchdowns. •j
His team (12-2) reached the state semifinals, in the program's first playoff appearance since 1995. Turpin also won the Fort Ancient Valley Conference Cardinal divJsionJ5-0), and Stoll was division coach of the year.
n·IV. III PLAYER OF THE YEAR Kevin Mcfarland, Indian Hill The senior lB was D-Ill second-team all-state, firstteam allcdistrict and· Cincinnati. Hills League defensive · player of the year. He had 127 tackles and helped lead Indian Hill to its second straight unbeaten regu-
DIV. Hl COACH OF THE YEAR Kevin Siple, Indian Hill His team (10-1) reached the D-Ill playoffs for the third straight season and won the Cincinnati Hills league·title. Siple also was CHl coach of the year, as Indian Hill extended its regular-season winning streak to 26 games.
DIV. IV PLAYER OF THE YEAR Justin Creager, Blanchester The junior LB was D-IV first-team all-state, district defensive player of the year and first-team Southern Buckeye Conference National division. He had 101 tackles (15 for loss) and two interceptions, and as a running back he rushed for 797 yards and ·16 TDs.
The senior was Divis.ion V special mention all-state, first team all-district and AIIMVC. He had 74 tackles and six tackles for loss.
LB Kyle Burlas, Turpin The senior was Division II second-team all-state and FAVC Cardinal co-defensive player of the year. He had 146 tackles, three sacks and an interception.
LB Matt Clark, McNicholas The senior was Division Ill second-team all-district and All-Greater Catholic league Central. He had two sacks. He also rushed for 589 yards and five TDs.
LB Kevin James, Ross The senior was Division II first-team alldistrict and AII"FAVC Scarlet. He had 136 tackles; five tackles for loss, two fumble recoveries and an interception.
LB Marcus Martin, Taft The senior was Division Ill second-team all-district and AII-SOPl National. He had 62 tackles, including 32 tackles for loss.
LB Antonio Ramirez, Madeira . .. The senior was Division JY se<:Oll<He;~m~.· . . all-district andAII-CHL. He had 86 tackles (six for loss), three forced fumbles and two fumble recoveries.
LB Jeff Wheeler, NCH The senior was Division IV second-team all-district and All-Miami Valley Conference. He had 116tackles and five sacks.
LB Matt Frankey, Badin The senior was Division IV special mention all-state, first-team all-district and AIIGCl Central. He had 66 tackles, three sacks and one interception.
LB Bryant Thomas, Lockland The senior was Division VI second-team all-state, first-team all-district and AIIMVC. He had 91 tackles and rushed for 921 yards offensively. ··
DB Kramer Hendricks, Indian Hill
The senior was Division Ill special mention all-state, first team all-district and AIICHL. He had 78 tackles and five interceptions (two returned forTDs).
Barry Pettyjohn, Deer Park
DB Jonathan Davis, Winton Woods
His team (8-3) made Deer Park's first playoff appearance since 1981, when Pettyjohn was a Wildcats player. Pettyjohn has rebuilt a program that, before last season, had not won a Cincinnati Hills League game in three years.
DIV. V-VlPLAYER OF THE YEAR Ryan Collado, CHCA The senior RB/WR/DB was Division V first-team allstate, district offensive player of the year and AllMiami Valley Conference. He rushed for 513 yards (8.1 per cany) with eight TDs, and had 33 receptions (15.5 per catch) for eight more TDs.
DIV. V-VI COACH OF THE YEAR Ken Minor, Reading His team (7-4) reached the Division V playoffs, the program's sixth postseason appearance in the past seven years. i.
The senior was special mention allstate, first-team all-district and AII-FAVC Buckeye. He had 131 tackles and four interceptions (one returned for a TD).
DB Scott Starkey, Roger Bacon The senior was Division Ill second-team all-state, first-team all-district and AII-GCl ·Central. He had 77 tackles, five interceptions and two forced fumbles.
DB Ben Rascona, !Deer Park The junior was Division .IV first-team alldistrict and AII-CHL. He h:ad 53 tackles, a sack, four forced fumbles and three interceptions (one returned fo:r a TD).
DB Michael Welling, Reading The junior was Division Vsecond-team all-state and first-team all-district. He had 71 tackles, five tackles for loss and three fumble recoveries.
Punter Cody Reardon, New Richmond The junior was Division Ill special mention all-state, first-team all-district and Allsse. He oimtedfor a 39_'bv.;~l'li.;aV~I'al:l.l'lc____L