English 2 Honors

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English II Honors

Thank you for your desire to learn at an advanced and challenging level. Your acceptance to this level of education is an indication that you are among the best students in this subject. However, this incurs several responsibilities. You are responsible for working to the highest level of your ability and for seeking my assistance if you have difficulty with the subject. You will read a minimum of ten novels and the majority of your textbook. You will also complete all fifteen units in your vocabulary book. There will be at least one quiz or test per class, with semester and final exams and twelve essays. Everything is cumulative. In addition, you are responsible for knowing and working within the guidelines established below. Welcome to Honors Sophomore English! Good luck, and have a great year.

Classroom Policy Students must be in their seats and prepared for the start of class by the tardy bell. Pencil sharpening and book retrieval from lockers should be completed before this time. Students must be in their seats by the tone to be counted present and on time. A student who comes to class late must have a note that was approved at the office prior to his arrival at class to be admitted. School dress code will be maintained in class. All assigned textbooks must have book covers on them at all times. Respect for and consideration of the teacher and fellow students is expected at all times. After recognition, one person at a time will be allowed to speak. Cheating or dishonesty in relation to any assignment will result in parental notification and zero credit for that assignment. No food or drink is permitted in the classroom. No defacing of private or school property is allowed. Physical contact with other students and/or their belongings is not permitted in the classroom. Throwing of objects of any kind is expressly forbidden. This includes, but is not limited to, spit wads, paper wads, change, candy, pencils, pens, rubber bands, paper clips, and books.

Students are held responsible for getting information pertaining to make-up work and for doing it.

Students will only be permitted to make up work that was missed due to an excused absence. Please read Classwork Policy for further details. Each student must have at least one pen and one pencil, both of which should be in useable condition, during each class period. Handbook policies will be enforced. Classroom Behavior Appropriate behavior in the classroom on behalf of all students is necessary so that each individual has the opportunity to do his best. The teacher reserves the right to issue punishment at any time he deems necessary. Punishment will generally consist of written punishments, sitting for detentions, and/or receiving Reports of Misconduct. In the event of a written punishment or a detention, the student is responsible for fulfilling the obligation. Failure to do the written punishment, to turn it in on time or failure to serve an assigned classroom detention at the assigned time will result in the punishment being doubled. Repeated failure to do the written punishment, to turn it in on time or to serve an assigned classroom detention at the assigned time will result in the issuance of a Report of Misconduct. Please note: parents and appropriate members of the school administration will be informed if a student has a continuing problem in this area. A day-to-day record of the type and number of offenses will be kept in the event that a parental conference becomes necessary. Classwork Policy Each homework assignment received is given a check plus, which equals 100%; a check, which equals 90%; or a check minus, which equals 70%. Incomplete or inadequate pieces of homework will receive much lower scores. These will be handled on an individual basis. Homework assignments count for ten points each, unless otherwise specified. Homework should be completed on the student’s computer and be ready to turn in by the beginning of class on the date that it is due. Handwritten assignments are not permitted unless the teacher specifically assigns them to be completed in that manner, or the student has incurred a recent malfunction on his computer and has not been able to get it resolved at the Help Center. Handwritten assignments are not permitted unless the teacher specifically assigns them to be completed in that manner, or the student has incurred a recent malfunction on his computer and has not been able to get it resolved at the Help Center. When handwritten assignments are given, the homework should be completed on three-ring notebook paper. Spiral paper with torn edges is not acceptable. In addition, if the assignment is not legible, the student will not receive credit for doing it.

All assignments must have the proper heading in the upper right-hand corner of the first page. This consists of the student’s name, the date that the assignment is due, his class period, and the title of the assignment. Homework will not be accepted after it is collected from the class as a whole, even if a student has it by the end of the class period. Homework is only accepted late if a student has an excused absence on the date that it is due and turns in the assignment by the beginning of class on his first day back. If a student is absent (excused only) for more than one day and wants an extension on his homework, he must discuss this with the teacher on the day of his return to school. Otherwise, he has one day to make up the work. Quizzes fall into two categories: 1. Announced quizzes 2. Unannounced quizzes at the teacher's discretion. Quizzes count for the equivalent of twenty-five points each, unless otherwise specified. If a student misses an announced quiz due to an excused absence, he must make it up on the day that he returns to class. This will usually take place after school. Extra- curricular activities do not constitute an excuse to miss a make-up quiz after school. A student will have one day after he returns to make-up an unannounced quiz on a day when he has had an excused absence. Students with extended, excused absences need to see the teacher after school to arrange makeup schedules.

Tests also fall into two categories: 1. Unit and book tests will be given after the material has been discussed in class. The make-up policy for tests is the same as that for announced quizzes. 2. Essays that are prepared outside of class may also count as tests. The student will be eligible for full credit on his essays if they are turned in on the due date at the time that they are collected. If the essay is not turned in on time and no prior arrangements were made with the teacher, ten percent of the grade will be deducted for each school day that it is late. Tests are worth 100 points, unless otherwise specified. Note: Any test or quiz completed on the student’s computer will be awarded a score of zero in the event that the teacher sees any pop-ups on the student’s computer screen during the quiz or test portion of the class. Furthermore, as soon as the quiz or test is completed, the student must turn off his computer.

Semester exams will be given and are worth 150 points. Work completed in class, and special projects, may have varying point values. Each student is expected to keep a notebook. This includes keeping accurate notes from class discussions and lectures, all handouts, and all returned assignments. The sections should be easy to find, and each section should be complete. Note: Per departmental policy, if a student earns a quarter grade of 78% or lower, then he will be transferred to CP 1 English for the following quarter.

Materials Needed for the Course Folders Paper and Notebooks Ink Pens (blue or black) Pencils Assigned Test Sheets Laptop Computers Computer Batteries with full charges

Texts Adventures in American Literature The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Cannery Row A Farewell to Arms The Glass Menagerie The Great Gatsby I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

The Martian Chronicles Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Our Town The Scarlet Letter Vocabulary Workshop, Level F

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