English 3 CP2

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Course Guide for Mr. Williams Class English III CP II 2012-2013 @dwillsclass2012 Facebook- Derek S. Williams Required Reading: Novels: Workbooks: Texts: Night Vocabulary English Grammar Lord of the Flies (Level E) “Macbeth� Animal Farm The Dark Knight (tentative) (There will most likely be additions to this list as the year goes on) Writing: Over the course of the year, there will be at least 10 multi-paragraph essays that you will write. The majority of these will be multi-draft essays; some will be based on reading assignments and others on more practical activities. We will do free writing exercises called journals on a bi-weekly basis. Reading: You will read at least five novels this year (listed above), as well as a two Shakespeare plays. You will also be expected to read short stories and poems from different internet resources. Presentation Skills: During the third quarter, a large portion of your grade will be devoted to an oral presentation that you will deliver in front of class. This will be completed in tandem with a research paper. Laptop Work: In order to put your laptop to good use in this class, there will be consistent journal assignments that will be done on your computer. Also, there will be a great deal of group assignments that will involve internet research as well as presentations. Throughout the year, there will be electronic worksheets that will be available in my online folder. Practically all of your assignments this year will be turned in through DyKnow, NetMoeller, or the X-Drive. SAT and ACT/ College Prep work: This year, we will devote a set amount of days to work exclusively on preparing you for the SAT/ ACT. Also, we will spend a great deal of time on some of the more practical aspects of your college acceptance journey.

Guidelines and Expectations

Course Goals This Year: 1. To come to a greater understanding of culture and the world around you through the use of literature. In addition, you will be able to articulate that understanding through your writing. 2. You will be able to analyze works and formulate unique individual interpretations. 3. Read at least five novels throughout the year (including one Shakespeare play). 4. Write several final draft essays in 5-paragraph form. 5. To have lively daily discussion concerning the works we cover. Materials Needed for Every Class: 1. Notebook 4. Loose leaf paper 2. Pens, pencils 5. A pair of earphones 3. Laptop Class Rules: 1. Once you enter class and the bell rings, unless you are called on, there will be no talking. You will receive a class participation grade that will reflect your adherence to this policy. Continued distractions will lead to you being temporarily dismissed from class, sent down to Mr. Kremer’s office, or an extra writing assignment (The Rime of the Ancient Mariner). 2. No eating or drinking (except for bottled water). If you violate this, you will lose CP points. 3. Rules on dress code will be followed accordingly. 4. No sleeping. 5. No cheating or plagiarizing. 6. Be prepared at all times. Have homework ready at the beginning of class. Late homework (anything turned in after the beginning of class) will be accepted at the beginning of the next class at ½ credit. Anything turned in after that will not be accepted. If you miss a day due to sickness or any other excused absence, the homework that was due the day you missed will be due immediately. The homework that was assigned the day that you missed will be due the very next class after you return. If you have missed multiple classes, the assignments will be due each class concurrent to the classes you missed. Also, you will be expected to turn in the assignments that are due on the days that you are in class. This includes tests and quizzes. 7. Assignments will be posted on the board and on Net Moeller. However, there may be situations where, for whatever reason, assignments may be changed or added during class and the online sites may not be updated (this year changes will be updated on Twitter and Facebook as well). If this is the case and the assignment is on the board, you will be responsible for it even if it is not online. It will be important for you to copy the assignments down in your notebook every day. If you miss a class due to illness or any other excused absence, it is your responsibility to communicate with me to see what work was missed and to take any missed tests or quizzes. 8. All written assignments will be done using proper language and it will be done in complete sentences in order to get full credit.

9. Everyone’s opinion and their right to express it will be crucial to an interesting learning environment. Disrespect, in any form, will not be tolerated. 10. Laptops will be used appropriately. Everyone will be logged on to DyKnow. Those who choose not to do so will not get any credit for anything done that day (class participation). 11. When school begins, cell phones are to be turned off and in your bag. If one is taken out during class (whether to talk, text, or to find the time) you will be given a school detention. If a cell phone is ever used during a test or quiz (whether you have handed yours in or not), you will receive a “0” no matter what your explanation is. 12. When class ends, you are to remain in your seat until the bell rings. Failure to do so will result in a loss of class participation points and/ or a detention. 13. Each class you will be expected to have completed the assignment given from the class before. You should be prepared to answer questions or even possibly take a pop quiz on any given day. 14. Homework must be typewritten, unless you are otherwise instructed. If you are instructed to turn in handwritten work, it must be legible to receive full credit. 15. Class participation will be determined by your conduct in class and how much you contribute. Every class there will be 2 possible points to get for CP. If you participate and contribute positively to the class atmosphere and conversation, then you will receive both points. If your contribution is negligible, but you do not provide a distraction, then you will receive one point. If you are a distraction (talking, gaming, sleeping, texting, eating, surfing, any other inappropriate behavior), then you will not receive any points for that day. Grades will be determined by an accumulation of points: 1. Tests-100 points each 2. Essays- 100 points 3. Journals/Blogs (number to be determined through the quarter)-100 points 4. Class participation- 50 points (based on amount of classes in quarter) 5. Homework -5-10 points Please sign below to indicate that you understand these rules and have no objections to them. In addition, review this with one or both of your parents and have them sign it as well. Your Signature: ____________________________________________________ Parent’s Signature: _________________________________________________

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