Syllabus for Mr. James Jewell’s CP2 Geometry Class Most every day all classes will begin by standing, making sure each student’s shirt is tucked in, and having prayer. Tardy to class: If a student has a problem getting to class on time then the parents will be contacted to help determine what action will be taken to correct the tardiness. Drinking water: All students will be allowed to have a clear bottle of water in class to drink so they will not have to leave class to get a drink of water during class. Pencil and paper: Every student must have pencil and paper for math every class even if they use their one note program on their computer. Grades: Homework 8 points: Most of the time the homework grade is based on the completion of the homework on the date it is due and showing the work for problems when applicable. There may be a few times that I will grade the homework for the 8 points. If a student does not have his homework or only has part of it done he can receive partial credit by completing the work and turning it in the next class. If the missed homework is not turned in by the next class he will receive a zero for that assignment. If a student is absent on the day an assignment is due then that homework should be turned in the next class. If he is absent the day an assignment is issued then the issued assignment will be due no later than the class following his return. If he is absent multiple days he will see Mr. Jewell to make arrangements for turning in his homework. Quiz: 25 points Test 100 points: If a student scores below 65% on his test, he can turn in his test with and test corrections on a separate paper showing all of the necessary work for each missed problem and it will raise his test grade to 65%.) If a student is absent the day of the test he will make-up the test the first day he returns to class. If he is absent multiple days he will see Mr. Jewell to make arrangements for taking his test. If it is discovered that a student has cheated on a quiz or test the student will receive an “F” for that quiz or test and the teacher will contact the parent(s) and the Dean of Academics. Note Cards: of terms, formulas, theorems, definitions, etc. (no problem examples on the cards). Sometimes some of these note cards may be used by the student while taking a test. Regardless, the note cards would make an excellent study aid. Tutor Cognitive: A student can receive up to 50 out of 50 points (100%) as a quiz score for completing a certain number of units each quarter with this self-driven math program. These problems supplement and reinforce the student’s math curriculum. The number of units to be completed each quarter is determined by Mr. Jewell at the beginning of each quarter. To contact Mr. Jewell see e-mail information.