German 4 HON

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Syllabus: GERMAN Level IV, 2011-2012

Instructor: Mr. Brett Seybold

German is interesting and challenging, and I try to make learning it relevant and fun. Whether you chose German based on family heritage, career goals, travel interests, or just because it fit your schedule, I am sure that by our working together and giving your best effort you can succeed in German. Du kannst es! = You can do it! Students need to spend time each day studying new material, complete all required assignments and use German whenever possible. To make best use of class time, I will use German extensively and English minimally, and expect students to do the same. Ăœbung macht den Meister! = Practice makes the master! Contact Information for Parents: It is best to email me at Please feel free to contact me anytime. Parents are encouraged to monitor their son(s) progress via the Moeller website, and feel free to let me know of any concerns. When graded, items appear in the grade book as a numeric score, or you will see an “0â€? to indicate a missing assignment, which calculates as a zero. Late work can at best receive a 50%. Course Description: Using a variety of tools and teaching methods to reach students with an array of learning styles, we will learn German by using all four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). Selected material from later chapters of the Komm mit! Level II textbook and workbook will be completed. Material from supplementary sources will also be included, and made available in electronic or print form as needed. Students will use the textbook and occasional online resources. Student Learning Outcomes: Students will acquire the ability to read, write, speak and understand standard German, and will explore cultural aspects of life in German-speaking countries. Those who complete the course successfully will be able to communicate verbally and in writing at an intermediate-high level. Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes: Achievement of these outcomes will be ongoing, and will be assessed through tests, quizzes, homework assignments, oral evaluation, and classroom performance, as appropriate. Grading: Class Participation 25%. (Absences which are excused: Kairos and other Moeller retreats, college visits, etc.) Homework 25%, assessed using a scale of 1 through 10 (10 excellent, 9 very good, 8 good, 7 insufficient, 0 incomplete/missing) Remember, LATER WORK can receive nothing higher than 50%! Quizzes 25%, assessed using a percent score. Expect roughly one quiz each week! Generally worth 10 to 30 pts. Tests 25%, determined using a percent score. Tests measure listening comprehension, vocabulary knowledge, grammatical exercises, cultural understanding, oral and written competence. Generally worth 100 pts. Experience has shown that consistent effort is crucial for success in language learning. Note that homework is a major factor in grading. A student who tests well but misses assignments will struggle to achieve a high score. Likewise a student with lower test scores, but who shows progress and excels in other areas, will still have a chance to succeed. Students should spend about 30 minutes daily on German, including completing homework assignments, AND frequently reviewing vocabulary and grammar structures. It is better to spend 20 minutes reviewing German three times a week than to spend an hour once a week. Language learning is a progression, and cramming is not effective.

Frequent quizzes are meant to keep students from falling behind; expect about one each week. Usually two tests will be administered each quarter. Check Moeller’s website each class day for assignments, due dates, point worth, and your grades. Attendance: Attendance at all classes is integral to the course and thus mandatory. It is very important to have a good foundation upon which you build higher-level skills. Students who miss class for any reason are responsible for all work assigned and any material covered. It is the student’s responsibility to inform himself of missed material, which can be done by checking with another classmate or NetMoeller. Missed quizzes or tests must be taken outside of class, and must be scheduled with me in advance. Send me an email stating that you missed quiz #..., and need to arrange a make-up, and suggest two times during which this could work (ie: before school, during mentor group, B2 if you are free then, etc.) I am unable to be here for every Mentor group. Please do not hesitate to ask for help! It is important that a student seeks help as soon as he feels he is struggling. The sooner you seek assistance, the better. If you do not understand an assignment, you need to ask for clarification; simply saying you did not do it because you did not understand it will not excuse you from an item’s due date. Please email me if you have questions! I am available Wednesday afternoons until 4 pm for anyone who would like tutoring from me directly. We also have peer tutors available; ask your counselor about it. Make-up policy: Under some circumstances tests or quizzes may be made up if a student makes arrangements with me in advance of an absence. Documentation may be required. All make-ups are at the discretion of the instructor and a grade penalty may apply. Honor code: Work in this course is subject to the Academic Integrity Policy, a commitment to the highest degree of ethical integrity in academic conduct, and a commitment that, individually and collectively, the students will not lie, cheat or plagiarize. All written work turned in must be your own, done without the use of translation software and without assistance from others. Use of such software is obvious, and will result in a failing grade for the assignment. You can form those sentences yourself, and learn so much more this way! Academic dishonesty will be brought to the attention of parents, and any serious and all repeat violations will be addressed with the Academic Dean and shall lead to disciplinary action, such as the issuance of a “blue slip”. Preparation of assignments: Please keep any course handouts organized and bring them to each class. You will need lined paper and a pen for quizzes and in-class assignments. NetClassroom is used to keep track of assignments and to record grades. It is the student’s responsibility to turn in all assignments on time to the Dropbox, unless otherwise instructed on NetMoeller. Class announcements, review sheets and assignments will be posted online on our class webpage. In-class behavior: You are expected as a Man of Moeller to behave respectfully towards other students and myself, which means listening while others are speaking, staying on task during class, contributing during partner and group work, and actively participating and taking notes. Eating, drinking (exception: plain water), chewing gum, and wearing hats in class is prohibited. All Student Codes regarding dress and conduct apply. The use of cell phones, MP3 players and all other electronic devices during class is prohibited; such items must be silenced and out of reach. Moeller computers should be brought to each class, ready to use DyKnow and our class webpage.

Disciplinary steps in the event of a violation of the classroom rules: 1. Verbal Warning. You will be advised by me, in public or in private that you have been warned. This is your chance to change the behavior and avoid further corrective action. 2. Discussion after class.

3. Meeting with Dean and myself. 3. Detention. To be served within two days. If the student does not serve the detention, it shall be doubled, brought to the attention of his parents/guardians, and the Dean of Students. 4. Report of Misconduct ("blue slip") is issued, requiring the involvement of parents and deans, and which permanently affects the student’s record. Depending on the seriousness of the offense (ie: fighting) steps 1, 2, and even 3 may be skipped! More opportunities for practice: On occasion German films will be shown; schedule TBA. Admission is open to all in the Moeller community. Movies are shown in German with German subtitles. We plan to participate in the University of Cincinnati’s German Day, traditionally held in march or April, and hope to include other enriching events in the area celebrating German-speaking cultures. Nota bene: All of the above is subject to change by the instructor, should the needs of the class so dictate. Any changes will be announced in class and revisions posted online.

In order to succeed you need to: come on time, be prepared, pay attention, do all assignments and participate - mach mit!



Signature of student

Signature of parent / guardian

Revised January 23, 2013

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