Syllabus: GERMAN Level IV, 2011-2012
Instructor: Mr. Brett Seybold
German is interesting and challenging, and I try to make learning it relevant and fun. Whether you chose German based on family heritage, career goals, travel interests, or just because it fit your schedule, I am sure that by our working together and giving your best effort you can succeed in German. Du kannst es! = You can do it! Students need to spend time each day studying new material, complete all required assignments and use German whenever possible. To make best use of class time, I will use German extensively and English minimally, and expect students to do the same. Ăœbung macht den Meister! = Practice makes the master! Contact Information for Parents: It is best to email me at Please feel free to contact me anytime. Parents are encouraged to monitor their son(s) progress via the Moeller website, and feel free to let me know of any concerns. When graded, items appear in the grade book as a numeric score, or you will see an “0â€? to indicate a missing assignment, which calculates as a zero. Late work can at best receive a 50%. Course Description: Using a variety of tools and teaching methods to reach students with an array of learning styles, we will learn German by using all four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). Selected material from later chapters of the Komm mit! Level II textbook and workbook will be completed. Material from supplementary sources will also be included, and made available in electronic or print form as needed. Students will use the textbook and occasional online resources. Student Learning Outcomes: Students will acquire the ability to read, write, speak and understand standard German, and will explore cultural aspects of life in German-speaking countries. Those who complete the course successfully will be able to communicate verbally and in writing at an intermediate-high level. Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes: Achievement of these outcomes will be ongoing, and will be assessed through tests, quizzes, homework assignments, oral evaluation, and classroom performance, as appropriate. Grading: Class Participation 25%. (Absences which are excused: Kairos and other Moeller retreats, college visits, etc.) Homework 25%, assessed using a scale of 1 through 10 (10 excellent, 9 very good, 8 good, 7 insufficient, 0 incomplete/missing) Remember, LATER WORK can receive nothing higher than 50%! Quizzes 25%, assessed using a percent score. Expect roughly one quiz each week! Generally worth 10 to 30 pts. Tests 25%, determined using a percent score. Tests measure listening comprehension, vocabulary knowledge, grammatical exercises, cultural understanding, oral and written competence. Generally worth 100 pts. Experience has shown that consistent effort is crucial for success in language learning. Note that homework is a major factor in grading. A student who tests well but misses assignments will struggle to achieve a high score. Likewise a student with lower test scores, but who shows progress and excels in other areas, will still have a chance to succeed. Students should spend about 30 minutes daily on German, including completing homework assignments, AND frequently reviewing vocabulary and grammar structures. It is better to spend 20 minutes reviewing German three times a week than to spend an hour once a week. Language learning is a progression, and cramming is not effective.