Moe cers resurfacing as contender '
By Dane Neumeister Press Contributor
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offensive leader has been junior Matt Godar. Godar has recorded a team-high 55 goals and Basalyga said the team directs its offense around the talented Crusaders player. "Matt, beyond a shadow of a doubt, has carried us offensiv~ly this season," Basalyga said. "He's done a heck of a job handling the pressure and carrying the offensive load. He's also done a good job of staying out of the (penalty) box, which is important., In a 7-5 win against Toledo St. Francis in the Findlay tournament this season, Godar netted six goals. · The Crusaders have experience and youth in their defensive ranks. Junior John Raymer and senior Brian Berrigan are each paired with a freshman player on a defensive shift. Raymer is second on the team with 13 goals while Berrigan has added six goals. Basalyga said he has experimented with putting thr~ defenseman on the ice at one time to get Raymer's scoring potential up front. Junior goaltender Andy Ralles has allowed 3.5 goals per game and posted a 3-0 shutout over Cathedral. Basalyga said freshman Jason Faesler has really come on since Christmas. Faesler had the tying or winning goal for Moeller in six straight games. He plays on the same line with Godar. Junior Ryan Westerfield achieved a .first this season. Westerfield, who first put on skates as a freshman, scored his first career goal on a breakaway
With five starters having graduated from last season's 25-6-2 Moeller High School hockey team, Crusaders co-head coach John Basalyga knew his team would be hard-pressed to match last season's results. With one game left to play this Friday at home against Findlay -, Moeller stands 12-16-1 overall. Basalyga, though, said he was been real pleased with the play of the team. "We didn't expect to win even 12 games this season," Basalyga said. "It's a tribute to these kids of how far they've come along to do this' well. We knew with the guys we had coming back this year, who were starters, we felt like they had to have a good year for us to do well. They've done their job, but the yotinger kids have come along very well and cut down on mistakes. "When we lose games we get beaten as a whole team that isn't ready for the game., Basalyga, who directs the team along with co-head coach Rob Lubanski and assistant Pete Buscani, said the team has been up-and-down since the Southwest Ohio Hockey League tournament last month. The Crusaders· recorded a third-place showing in the tournament, posting a 2-1-1 mark. Basalyga said the team play had been pretty constant up through that point of the season. At the beginning of the season, the Crusaders· felt th'e effects of having lost last season's leading scorer Dave Raymer to graduation. In his place as the team's ., . . . .;"· . "~
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Continued from A15 earlier in the season. He plays on Moeller's second line. The Crusaders are preparing this week and next week to play in the state tournament. They'll open post-season action by traveling to Toledo to take on Toledo Central Catholic at 9 p.m. Feb. 19. Moeller did not play Toledo Central Catholic in the regular season. "For us to succeed, Godar has to score, our defense has to play well and Andy (Ralles) has to play well,'' Basalyga said. "In the games we've won, Andy has kept us in them. "Another key is the play of our second line. They'll have to play well defer:tsively and not let the other team's' lfue score. If they score, that's a plu5."' Moeller, which plays its home games at the Northland Ice Center, had only eight home games this season. Despite the long travel to away games and tournaments, Basalyga said ·the team has been able to develop some rivalries .and key matchups during the season. "Toledo St. Francis is a big rivalry for us," Basalyga said. "We've played Findlay the past two or three years in their tour~ent. We also play Ottawa Hills every year." Basalyga said Moeller won't change their type of play now that the tournament is coming up. . "Teams will try to shut down Godar and put pressure on our young defenseman," Basalyga said. "I told the kids tht youth though, is not an excuse at this point of the season. It's been a very successful season for us. It's been nia.tshing the kids
Crusaders thin on ice t.~ When Rick Weast showed up for· hockey tryouts at Moeller three years ago as a freshman, co-coach Rob Lubanski, a former Michigan State standout, shook his head in disbelief. ' · "Rick couldn't even skate when he tried out," Lubanski said. "But every year we get three or four kids like this who want to participate in a sport at Moeller and hockey sounds good to them." Last year, Weast, a 5-foot-5, 150-pounder, skated on a line with Dave Ramer, ·Moeller's outstanding center who earned a hockey grant-in-aid from Penn State. "Rick was the weak link on the Ramer line," Lubanski said. "We kept encouraging him and today he's one of our better players." Friday night at the Pittsburgh Invitational, Weast scored a goal and had an assist, leading the Crusaders to a 4-2 victory over Pittsburgh Central Catholic. "This season, we have five or
six kids like Weast when he was a freshman," Lubanski said. "You look at these kids and hope that within fciur years they'll be able to play and help the team." One of the bright spots for the Crusaders is junior goalie Andy Ralles, a two-year starter who carried the team in the Pittsburgh opener. Moeller lost its five best players to graduation, Lubanski said. "We're young, but it seems as if every team has some inexperienced players," Lubanski said. "This is a fun team to coach because everyone wants to learn and we have few know-it-ails."
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the seas~n. H~ plays:_~n. M.oellers second line .... · ·_ .-.,. .·• I·. T!le Crusaders .are preparmg~ ;~hiS \\'eek:ana. next \veekto ll~i ·m the-.state tournament. They'll" :~pen :: p~~t-~easo~ .·~c,tion ·. by traveling to ToledQ to · take on:; Toledo Central Cath~lic_ at 9 p.m;_ !feb~ : 19. Moeller . did not play,· Toledo· Central Catholic.' in the' regUlar S,eason.· . . ::: :• ·.··' . : [ "For us to succee_d, Godat-hasl ;to score, our defenSe has to play; ;well and. Andy (Ralles) has to I play well,"· Basalyga said. "In: ~~e games we've won, Andyhas 'kept us. in them. . .. ' · : · "Another key is the p~y of ourl second line .. They'll have to play! ell. defeil5._ively and ·not let the: ther ~'s'line ~sc;ore. If they; score, that's a plus·." . . ·. , / Moeller, which plays its home; 1gaines ·at. the Northland Ice! iCenter, , had only · eight home: !games this season. Despite the: long travel to aw.vay gam.e.s and; tournaments, Basalyga. said the team ~ hf:en able to .develop! .Isome nvalries .and key · mat-i chups during the season. .. · . "Toledo St. !francis is ~ ~ig] . · ,nvalry for us, Basalyga said. "We've played. Fin.dlay the pas.t two or three years in their tour,.; nament. We also play Ottawa: Hills every year." . · · . ' Basalyga said Moeller won't! change their type of play now1 .that ..the tournament is: co~gi up. ,. · l :. "Teams will try to shut down' .Godar and put pressure oil our; young defenseman}' Basalyga\ said: "I told the kids tht youth, i ·though, iS not an eJ{cuse ·at this i :P9intof the seaso~.. It's been a: very .successful· season foF ,us. : It'$.'l;leen Il.t~~ 't~~hinf! the· kids; come ~ong. .______..__~-'---·--~: _____ -, ·~~--- .--, . ._
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