Moeller High School 1965-66 Football News Articles

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wUl be the g•e.t football ""' o! the 1970'<

-the Jimmy Browns, Johnny Unitases, Cookie Gil· christs of tomorrow? . The answer may be among the selections for PARADE's third annual high school All-America football team. As in the past, PARADE talked to hundreds of high sclwol, college and pro football coaches and scouts. They,. together with sportswriters who specialize in covering high school activities, were asked to choose the best players from·the thousands who played for the nation's high school football teams this year. A total of 3 3 boys were picked and divided into three squads (only a whisper divides the third from the first squad). The starting line presents plent'y of beef at a 216-pound average. The high school grid hot· beds-Pennsylvania, Texas, Ohio and Californiadominate the PARADE squads~ although a total of 17 states are represented among the 3 3 players.

FIRST TEAM DENNIS WIRGOWSKI, End, Bay City, Mich., Central H.S., 6-5, 226. Mike Sturm, Bay City Times sports editor, says, "He is ·the best we've had in 20 years." Considering that-Jim Kanicki, Cleveland Brown tackle, and Jerry Gross, U. of Detroit All-America, preceded Wirgowski, StUrm's evaluation speaks for itself. Bay City team rated No. 1 in Miclligan.

JOHN .EBERSOLE, Tackle, Altoona, Pa., H.S., 6-2, 215: Sever Toretti, Penn State assistant athletic· director, writes, "I corisider John Ebersole one· of the finest interior linemen I have ever seen in 'the state." A standout on both offense and defense for one of Pennsylvania's better.highschool elevens, Ebersole also handles kickoff chores.

JOHN DETHMAN, Gu~rd, Wy'East H.S., Hood River, Ore., 6-0, 210. Made All"State as a sophomore. Only N.F.L. stars Terry Baker and .Mel Ren{rq ever rated such attention in. soph seasons. In his firs~ six. games this year he blocked two punts and accounted foi: an amazing, 125 yards lost by opponents ash~ drove-in for tackles behind the line of scrimmage.

PAUL MARKS, Cente~, Washington· ii.S, Massi1Ion, Ohio, 6-0; ·200.· Coach Bob. Shaw of Niles,-Ohio McKinley H.S. writes, "I have scouted hiin in foiu games and he led his team to a 22-8 victory over us in a.fifth game. He is outstanding on offense and as a linebacker.'~ · . VITO RACANELLI, Guard, Weber H.S., Chicago, Til., ,0



0(9~, ;;_~ /f~_r

6·1, 21 5. Probably best line prospect in Illinois and the most sought-after football player in' that area since Dick Butkus graduated from high schooL He averagr.d I 3 unassisted tackles per gf!me. At the end of the sea- · son l1e played halfback to relieve an injury-riddled backfi.eld. . .



CHARLES HENDRICKS, Tackle, Robert E. Lee H.S., Bay.. town, Tex., 6-4, 230. "He's so big and strong that he ca:ri whip an entire side of the line by .himself," one college recruiter remarked after watching this giant at work. His agility and quickness made possible over ten tackles per game. In addition to two-way play, he averaged 3 9 yards on punts.-

RICH SAUL, .End, Butler, Pa., H.S., 6-3, 212. Comes from a football family, brother with Pittsburgh Steelers. Butler is not a passing· team, but Saul had five T.D.'s on 20 passes with two games re~aining to be . played. Rated best defensive end in the state. Ranks scholastically in upper fifth of senior class of 9.00.



DARRELL CHANEY, Back, Morton H.S., Hammond, Ind., · ·6-0, 177. All-State quarterback on both UPl·and AP polls. A magician with the ball, he directs the club, does the passing, punting and runs when necessary. . Halfback on d~fense, Chaney stole many passes foi: state's number one team. BUB DEERINWATER, Back, S.H.· Rider H.S., Wichita



Falls, Tex., 6-0, 196. "He is as near the complete SECOND TEAM · football player: as I have. ever seen. in high· school. A great competitor, he also is a standout defensively, Pos: NAME. SCHOOL HT.. WT. either ih secondary or at linebacker," says mentor Joe £' TerrY DeKraai Wilson H.S., long Beach, Calif.. 6-1 ·190 Bob Tyler. He rushed for 763 yards and ten T.D.'s in . . r_ ·Forrest \Yiegand Edna, Tex., H.S. , 6-2 . 190 . . . .. ~G. 'Dave Whitfield Washington H.S., Massillon Ohio 6-0 '175 h1s first five games. Bub IS of Cherokee Indian desc t · · . Tim Backhus Moeller H.S., Cincinnati, Ohio- .5·Ir 9&-"ti,~";::::::::::~,.! His team rated among top ten in Texas. · . Glenn Halsell Permian H.S., Odessa, Tex. 5-10. · . T George Starke NeW Rochelle, N.Y., H.S. 6·3 220 · E' Ray Parson Uniontown, Pa., H.S. 6-5 230 . GREG JONES, Back, .South San Francisco, Calif., H.S., B .lewis H. Ritcherson Moore H.S.; Waco, Tex. 6,1 180 B Roosevelt Robinson. Ashland,..Ohlo~ H.L 6·1 192 6-0, 180. Despite illness and an injured ankle, Jones a· Wesley Garnett Westinghouse H.S., Pittsburgh, Pi!. 6-2 190 averaged 166 yards per game in .the early part of the B Reggie Smith , West Point, Neb., Catholic H.S: 6·0 205 · season. Nanied ·"Player of the Year"· as a junior in THIRD· TEAM league competition. Also all-league in basketball and· .has soliCI A-minus scholastic average. · •· POS. NAME SCHOOL· HT. WT. £ Jim Mandich Solon, Ohio, H.S. 6-3 210 . . . . . .s:r 190 T Mike Ballou los Angeles H.S., Calif: ROGER GANN, Back, Fayetteville, N.C., H.S., 6-2, 202. G Don Murph'y 6-0 195. Aquinas H.S., La Crosse, Wis . C Mickey Rosier '6-2 200 . Through l1is first seven games .he stored I 6 T .D.'s. Alhambra, Calif., H.S. G Mike Rendler Mullen H.S., Ft. logan, Colo. 5-11 210 Had 8.6 average per cari:y. Three times had three T Alvin Samples Tarrant, Ala., H.S. 6-2 215 touchdowns -in a single game. Coach Red Wilson says, E Ron Young Agawam, Mass., H.S. 6·2 260 8 Brian Healy Sandusky, Ohio, H.S. 6-1 175 "Roger has Billy Cannon's speed and strength, and 8 Charles Pittman Edmondson H.S., Baltimore, Md. 6-0 185· potentially is as fine runner as Jimmy Brown, with B Pete Moore Hopkinsville, Ky., H.S. 6-0 190 the same power arid quickness." 8 Tom Nash Holy CrosS' H.8':, Flushing, N.Y. 6-1 225




Moeller 14, Princeton 0 Moeller, forced to battle every inch of the way by a surprisingly stubborn Princton team, rushed across two touchdowns in the second half to whip the Vikings, 14-0, in the football opener for both teams. Halfback Steve Haygood slammed over :from the :four yard line In the third period to ignite the Moeller victory. The Crusaders sewed up the game in the final period . when John Monahan smashed in from the one yard line. Princeton's deepest penetration came In the second quarter when the Vikings drove to the Moel- , ler 10-yard line, but the : Crusaders defense tightened. MOElLER ............ .. 0 0 B ~14 .....u.r-Hargood 4, run (Monahan. 111M Mill lien). Moellw-Monahan, 1 ~lungo. (Run fallel9.

. .· ~Y-DON CAUDiJ.;L

· M'oetter ·Correspondent

Wi t h. the· opening of the ==-~..,..:...--:.;___:.--=:__.,-.---==---"'=---::::-----::-'-:=~--:-season near at ·hand,· ·:=:=-,-~~~---''--'7:i'i:--"~--=~-~:.:_,.,..,,--:75~;:-::::Moeller · High ··co ache~ . are )working hard to dev.elop a team to with· I·stand the· ·


CO-CAPTAJS-Dave Wil coxson, husky senior full back. is a co-captain of thE Moeller High }::rid squac this season. He's 6·2 anct weighs 211. ICf J.f"

Moeller 14 Prin~~t9;~~~·

14 Captains At Moeller Moeller High will have foun captains for its 1965 football squad with Dave Wilcoxson and John Stigler leading the offense and Jim Davis and Tom Backus the defense. Their e 1 e c t i o n was announced at the sq\lad's annual dinner held at the school. Pete Ankney, head coach at L'niversity of Dayton, was the principal speaker. A number of awards were made during the program. Tom Backhus was named most valuable player while Greg Pasco was best defensive lineman and Carl Montag best defensive back. Ted Hall was n a m e d best offensive lineman and AI Stickler best off e n s i v e back. The Ball Hawk award went to Ken, Long and Bill Nerberth was\ named Man of Moeller. ¡ Most improved junior was John Stigler and manager of\ -'4.~ year awards were pre.sal~d to Urban Jon~ '.od [~ve 'Wergowske. .,~~:

Wilcoxson gained 72 yards in 14 carries at fullback, a 5.1 average. Monahan made 45 for seven and Malarkey 46 for 15. Fullback Charles Gilford was. Princeton's chief ground gainer· with a 4.1 average, ·54 for 13. Dennis Lock carried .14. ~ fo·r- · 26-:Yards.·"-·-·---:---A screen p·ass from Bien to Monahan was good for 19 yards in ari early push to the Princeton 33. The Vikings threw them • back to the 39 and forced a kick to the six. Terry Esterkamp boomed a r.e· : turn kick 66 yards to· the Moel- !~ . ·-ller .26. , .Gary Kelm covering to ;Princeton 24. Three plays gain. edl :prevent a runback Wilcoxson t'Y~ yards. The snap from center ran .tackle for· 13 yards, but hit a clump of grass and ·never Moelier· had to kick again. Vince got _to the kicker, Moeller tak-. Glover. retur.ned it to the Prince- ing over ,on the Princeton 25. ton 41.. · . ' The Crusaders reached payA' personal foul penalty put dirt in nine plays. Princeton 1Princeton I_:n !1.1oeller .territory_,· .. ga. ve ·. grou~ld gr.ud.g~ngly, but]. 1but they lost a fumbl~ ·. a:t the Monahap picked up e!ihl _yards,


[~~-:F~W>~~t-~~1!~rt~~~~ :~~~r~~fe"~~~~iriPa~:~~~~~~ ·at, 'his 45 --and returned to the W1lcoxson got a first down at

Moeller 37. · · · . the three. · As the second quarter opened, On se~ond down Haygood,·Slip-i Esterkamp kicked· for a touch- ·ped around left end an~ ·'dived' back. On down end Dan the final two yards. Bien follow:!· Aston recovered . a fumble ·on ed the TD by passing over the the Crusaders' 19. Gilford• ran center to Monahan · for two !for five, ·Lock three, and Gil- points. · . I ''ford five, for a· first down on Princeton's next series went, jth'e six. nowhere and they 1 kicked to fuel ' An offside set the Vikings Moeller 35. As the fourth quar-' back to the 11. The Crusader de- ter opened,· the Crusaders began! fense stiffene4 and held, them a 65-yard TD march. They covJ right there for four plays, led ered the distance in 13 plays andlj by Fred Shriner, Pete Feldhaus, four first downs. · Jerry M<mch, and Nick HaverA si?(-yard pass; Bien to Hay-, kos. . · good, helped start it. Malarkeyf l ·Wilcoxson ran the middle for got loose around right. end on a ,seven, then · wriggled 1 o o s e 22-yard sprint. He added six in1 through right guard for 23 yards. two more tries and· W:ilcoxsod Three plays later they punted ran for six. · I and Princeton .fumbled it. End Bieh passed to Wilcoxson fo~ Glenn Smallwood picked it up 10 yards and ·a first. down on1 and ran over the goal, but Moel- the seven. It took the Crusaders, 'Ier was called back t<> the 25. all four downs to make it, but . A passing attack failed to Wilcoxson . powered over right' •click and on fourth down Scott guard for a TD from the one. d Buttrey intercepted an aerial keeper for the points-after failJI on the five and ran it out to the ed. . 31. Clipping put the ball back The Vikings made a brief fluron the 11. Lock ran left guard ry with a 12-yard run by Gilford) for, 11, but Moeller recovered a but Shriner intercepted a Butl f.umble at the 25. . . trey pass at the Moeller 42. MonSmallwood recovered his own ahan promptly broke ~way ateam's fumble £or a 10-yard round left end for a gam of 351 gain. Bien passed for nine, pick- yards. ing lip a first down on the six. That threat died at the 17.1 Princeton dug in again. Princeton punted and WilcoxsonJ Wilcoxson made a yard. Two. led the Crusaders back down to passes failed. On last down Gil- the 22 before they bogged down ford and Leroy Craig dropped with 1:15 to go. I 'Bien for a two-yard loss. The Don Wiehe, Mou~h, Feldhaus, I Vikings ran out the clock at George Hoobler, Buddy Jackson,l 1halftime. .... and Shriner le~ the Moeller de-J ' · fense. John Stigler and Dannyl Moeller 'Breaks Through Johnson played well at guard ·On Thre~. plays gained Moeller offense. . f just ij!ree yards after the sec- , Ken Haverland was outstandond half kickoff. With ·the ball ; g in the Princeton interior de.l on the · 34, the center of the ense as was Gary Kelm as' Princeton line rushed in to 'monster." Aston, Craig, Jerry block a punt, Glover recovering. ance, Gilford, Glover,· arid: But the Vikings w~re offside. ttrey made ,their share of I 1\ioeller _-kicked agam to the s ps. · . 1






.Often; lla.yg:ood~ FROM TilE ·w·ilcoxson Scot~e SID1ELIN·ES

, Third and fourth quarte I cdrives of 25 and 65 yards by a By DAVE GREIDER }hard-l'unning Moeller tea rr1 jib1:oke open a de~ensive ·struggle: .'Wlth stubborn Prmceton _and e:11 Since the new Hamilton County, Suburban League opens · l;abled the Crusaders to wm ~helrl ,o()penel'; 14-0, before an overflowl -i:!hampionship football competition this, 'Friday, it might be 'crowd at Princeton Friday .night. well to explain once again the new 1align111e11t ·of schools that A. two-yard end run by Stevel has· replaced the old· Millcre·ek Valley aha ;Hamilton County Haygood put Moeller oh .. the1 Leagues. . . . scoreboard after a c·enter snap: We're primarily concerned with the Eastern Division, in that .failed on ·a kicking down! which Lockland, Princeton, Reading, and Wyoming will comgave the Crusaders possession~ ,pete, along with Anderson, Nvtwood, and Greenhills. The , on the Vikings' 25. Steve Bien Western Division has Colerain, Finneytown, Harrison; l\1t. 1 passed. to Jack Mo.nahan ..for thel I-Iealthy, North College Hill, Oak Hills, and Taylor. extra points. · . \ ..Each school will meet the six other members of its own · ·Fullback :Dave Wilcoxson bull( and also will 11lay two "swing" games with teams . ed one ·Y-ard to· climax 'a '65·yardl from th'e,other division. Thus, a perfect championship record march in the fourth period. . would be·)\.0. The HCSJ" will crown two champions, Eastern· The second half scores i'esolv. . . . · .eq a ·stalemate in which each! and Western. Ir.ter-division games are not aU· played on the same dates.· team stopped three serious adand, naturally, no two teams meet the. same two "swing" opvance. s by the other .. Just before! ponents. Inter-division pairings :a1'e .for two yeaTs, home and . the turning .point in the third home, after which they will be rotated. period, Princeton blocked a This year Princeton meets Oak HilTs aiid ·colerain of the· Moe. Her .punt, but was ·offside! Western Division on: October 15 and Novembei· 5; IJ<fckland~ on the play.. . plays Harrison October 21 and Finneytowh Nov'l!mber 5;; Coach Gerry Faust's GCL hopeReading goes against North College Hill September 24:and .Har; fuls had by far the best of the rison November 5; W.yoming faces Mt. Healthy October -li . statistics, 12 first downs to five! and Taylor November 5. 1· and 235 net .yards to 87. But it• To avoid ·confusion, remember that the 'first ahd Iasji · ·was <mybody's gam.e until the1 weeks of the schedule, September 10 and November ·12, .ai:~ .big ·break and Moeller's platoons the only non-league dates for HCSli -mem'bets. -If inter•dtv'i~io/n .wore down the Suburban League teams meet ori those"r exa1hp'le, Princeton ·vs. Mft. · contenders. ·]fealthy on Novert1ber 12-the games do nut count in the .Moeller . goes . against Hughes standings. · · · I of the Public League ·tomorrow I Initial contests of the 1tew Suburban loop offer an C,1d. night, Friday; at ·Deer Park. Valley rivalry, Lockland at Wyom:ing, plus Norw<>o<l at Pl'in·~eCoach Pat Mancus·o~s Princeton I ton and Reading at Anderson. · i eleven hosts Norwood for an * ·• · ' BCSL Eastern Division opener. · Dennis Buchert, 6-2, 190-pourid sophomore from Moel~r Scoreless First Half l41igh, will be at defensive halfback when tile University! of The big statistical edge Moel.Daytoii: nieets the University of CinCiimati Satutday -night. .nm let built was not evident. in the Schmalz, 5-10, 1.75, from Roger Bacon is an alternate def~n- . 'first ·half, when each team made three deep penetrations only. to sive back for the Flyers. ~ · * * * ·· ·· be thrown back by .fighting deMiami University Redskins, who visit Ptitdti~ Satur~ay,. ferisive units. have two local sophomores on their varsity .grid- -roster, rtJ;ike Connerton, 5-11, 190-pound ·guard:linebacker from ftoger Bitcon The sti·ong running triumvir. and· Ken Root, 6-2, 240-pound tackle from Princeton. age of Dave Wilcoxson, Jack Monahan, and Jim Malarkey The Miami brochure says of Connerton:· "Will fill 1a re'. eventually built up 190 yards serve role at offensive guard; an unexplained weight losis has . rushing for the winners. Steve slowed his progress; a tough hitter who could find a silot if · :Bien completed seven of· 16 he regained former weight; was the Greater Cincinnati I...eague passes for 45 vards. 1





ij~ell~; :-i4, ~-;.~-;;~~1-s~ ~.\..

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j:¥,oell~r;- forced to,, lliittle. ev~tY,·. incb. :of, th~ w~t bY a ~tij:pr;i~ingly sil1'PJ:lom Prine~



;tbn:tealh/rushed across tw.o touchdowns· iii' the second. 'hair: to wl;lip:. the .Vikings, 14!9, Jil. the ·footban-_opener for both· teams;··~~- :· · . ·H:altback. steve, Haygood slamtned.:over'·from.'the four· Y?fd.ltile ih the third period t.o i~ite the Mpeller victory. : The crusaders sewed up · · · ·the final period · :Monahan 1:>masneu: irf ·:rrom" the orie 1: -llrie .. I>ri:hcetcin's deeP.. · nPtietta:tion came mthe tier :when·· tile l:iri'tH"-&·.;::.•,4:;;;<i;i.;,·: oo· the· ·Moel' but' the defense·· ·:·tight- · · · ..... 'o· .. o· .. a·· ··14 M~~)~~~~avilq~d_· ~ ;:4,: 'r~!(.!Mp~ai\an;ii'as! from:-'Btenk · :.,..... :. ·.... · ····'•". "' . Moelhii~onahari, 1 olungei· (Run falledl.


'J;HE CtNC::IN'NAT( E.·~-~U*ER__ .... ~: ·s~turday, Sep~ei:ilber iJ, 19~_5

$ \,.

I ,_b.:)-. l "tv b i'tiday; Sept~mber 10, 1965







'Sffarni; sees Moeile~IC/QJ~f~i{!! -

Will Taylor Prov~: Him 'Expert~ Again? BY PAUL RITTER . Of The .Enquirer Staff·

Egad, The Enquirer swami is back! And l!)ok at what's fogging his crystal ball in the very first w'eekend of 1965 high schooi footban..:.:..Taylor vs. LaWx-encebwg. · · ~· swami; you niight recall, flipped his turban 0-'n ihis one " . . •• 4 last year. He picked Law- 1 ·::d · . i. ·' ..· · · renceburg. Ta¥~or won, 71-0., And he has · the nerve to come. back? . . Well, get ori With it, swam ... and it better be good. · PICK· MOELEERi crusaders visit Priilceton ·for one of .tonight's · top· gaines. Moeller looks strong; as . usual; and the host Vikings are imprtiVed and aiming at a Suburban League division crown. The experienced Moeller backs will make the d!.fte.ts!_nce. ·----I

Moeller Starters '

Center ·Tom Backhus is ready to snap the ball to quarterback steve Bien as the two Moeller High School football starters posed for this picture during a recent practice session. Backhus, a 5-11, 196-pounder, and Bien, 5-10 and 180, are both seniors. Moeller will meet Princeton at the latter's field tonight, opening the 1965 high school football season for both teams.





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a~y;~S~ptembe~ -10, i9.G5.

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.. ,·'~''c~~~r!!~!!;:l,~·. r-~~l \Moelle~t·· ()ver· PriZ

W1ft:·'f~ylor Pr~~1

Him'Expert'Again' ·BY· PAUL ·RITTER ' Of The :Enquirer Staff Egad; T~e Enquirer·swarili is back!. . And.look .at what's fogging his cry~tal ball in the ve· fir~t :w-eekend of Hi65 high schooi footbaU.....:..Taylor ' Lawrenceburg. · · · . . Sw.aml; you might recall, flipped hiS turban on this or last ..Year. · He J)icked · Law- ·1 ··i;,.·r,:~~··__ . -""-~·--'--~~ renceburg. Taylor won, 71-0. ' And he· has .the nerve to. come: back? · · · · Well, get o_ri ,With it, 15-..vam ..• an.d it better be good; . PICK·'MOELLERi ·Crusa:d.·ers visit PrincetOn 'for orie of ._.tonight's 'top gaines. Moeller looks strong, as· . usual; and the host Vikings .1 are •improved .arid aiming at ... , a Suburban League division · crown. The experienced ;Moeller backs will.make the J · diffgrence. · . · :;· .

M~elle~--- ·.Starters· . . . , ";·


... ·. ·.










center Tom Backhus is ready to snap.tlii;_quarterback Steve Bien as the two Moeller High School football starters posed for this picture during a:.recent · practice ~ssion. Backhus, "a 5-11, ..196-;poJ,inder, and 1 ·Bien, 5-10 and 180,·are both seniors. Moeller will-nieet ·'l Princeton .at -the latter's field tonight, opening the 1965 high school ·football ~eason for ·both teams. · · . · ·. -~


lif~eller '14, ~{11/t 15~1 .


· ..


·.Princeton 0 ... /t;



· ·· tvtoeller· forced' to battle: inch of the way by. a_·' I...every stirpt;isin~lY: ~~ubborn-Princ-. a,cross .two ·tohchiiowns· ,In . the second haif to .whiP the Vikings, 14•0 ·!.ri the_ football' ,opener for bcith ·teams; . · · · Halfback Steve Haygooci slammed·.ovetfrom.the·four yard line in t!le third: period t.o lgnlte.theMpeller Victory. 'the crusaders·. sewe.d · UP the gaJrie. in the f.inru J)eriod ' ·when··· John Monahan

.... and1t be~r~:goo<F PICK· MOELLER: Crusad-

ers visit Princeton for one of tonight's top ·games. Moeller looks strong, as usual; and the host Vikings are ·improved and aiming at a Suburban League division crown. The experienced Moeller backs will make the diff ence.

Moeller Starters \

Center 'Tom Backhus is ready to snap the ball to Quarterback Steve Bien as the two Moeller High School football starters posed for this picture during a recent practice session. Backhus, a 5-11, 196-po'Und~, and BiEm, 5-10 and 180, are both seniors. Moeller will meet Princeton at the latter's field tonight, opening the 1965 high school football ~eason for both teams. .

.J.>age J6.

i~Moeller 14, ~'(11/t ;.;{s~\




Prwceton 0 ..,, '"

Moeller; forced' to. battle I every inch of the way by a ' I. surpriSingly stubborn Princton team; rushed across two touchdowns in the second h3.lf to whip the Vikings, 14-0, in the football opener for both teams. Halfback Steve Haygood slammed .over from the four yard line in the third perlod to ignite the Moeller victory. The Crusaders sewed up the game in the final period 1 ·when· John Monahan smashed in from the one yard line .. Princeton's ·deepest penetration came in the second ·quarter when the Vikings drove to the Moe!Ier 10-yard line, but the , crusaders defense · tight- . en:ed. - . ,. ·


MOEllER· .......... :, .• 0 o· 8 6-,-14' rr~~letli~~r.good. 4,~ !Un. (Mo~ahan, PISS . Moeller<Monahan, 1 plunge•. (Run. failed).

.· Saturday, ·September il, 1965

................ u.a.u.tu na., .svvu

* * *

Reading's Ed Biles starts his fourth year as head footcoach at Xavier University by sending his Musketeers nst Kent State Saturday night. His new freshman coach im "Red Dog" Dougherty, formerly at WoMward, Mans· I, and Harrison High Schools. The Muskie varsity includes halfback Ty Anthony, guard e Gooding, linebacker Jim Louder, and guard 'ferry Lyons 1 Roger Bacon, tackle Mike Donovan and defensive half' Lou Santoro from St. Xavier, end Tom Dyer from Woocit and qua:tc:·b.1ck Tom Kenny from Moeller; We'll give the rundown on their prospects next week.

* * . .,

Mel Rebholz, chief of the Division of Parks announces that the flood control gates at




in an early push to the Prince· ton 33. The Vikings threw them back to the 39 and forced a kick to the six. Terry Esterkamp boomed a r.e· · turn kick 66 yards to the Moel- 1 ',·-·~-------· eton 24. Three plays gained ler 26, Gary Kelm covering to · yards. Th€ snap from center prevent a runback. Wilcoxson ran tackle for 13 yards, but hit a clump of grass and never Moeller had to kick again. Vince got to ·the kicker, Moeller taking over on ·the Princeton 25. Glover returned it to the Pri ton 41. The Crusaders reached payA personal foul penalty put dirt . ·in nine plays. Princeton Princeton in Moeller territory, ground but they lost .a

!~..§tat.e.~Bark:_, be lowered· e1..lwi~i~Il~~-i~~~~~~~

. and retUrned to new recreational 37. The draw-down will permit· completlo:ri .Qf .a neW 400•foot As the second quarter opened, h, dual boat ramp, and 156 new dock spacesJ There will · Esterkam:p kicked· for a touchbe a nevv lake-water intake facility, to provide drinking back. On first down end Dan r and sanitary facilities to the existing camp area and to Aston recovered a fumble . on 70 new camping sites under construction. the Crusaders' 19. Gilford' ran Dave's Selections for five, Lock three, and ·ford five, for a· first down on ~icked five out of seven, a fair first week for predicthms. six. try again. · · · · · An offside set the Vikings iVyoming over Lockland - By no means a sure thing. back to the 11. The Crusader de1er backfield may rate a slight edge: Cowboys are big, f~nse stiffened and held. them ·ienced in interior line, where Lockland has .had to renght there ~or four plays, led . If straight stuff doesn't go, both teams may have to by Fred Shrmer, Pete Feldhaus, up in this one. Jerry Mouch, and Nick Haverycamore over Covington Holmes - Risky. Kentuckians kos. . . ighly touted and they're big, but did not look good in Wilcoxson ran the middle for opener. Sycamore did, so we'll string along with Aviaseven, then wriggled l o o s e >peed. through right guard for 23 yards. .oger Bacon over Courter - Knights have veteran backThree plays later they punted but aren't likely to match that rugged Spartan line. and Princeton fumbled it. End loeller over Hughes - Size, experience make the Bi Glenn Smallwood picked it up an improved team. Crusaders' offense, if passing gam and ran over the goal, but Moel· up to complement strong running, should get the j'o ler was called back to the 25. A passing attack failed to rinceton over Norwood - Vikings have too much size click and on fourth down Scott wvy for Redskins. Offense should go this week. Buttrey intercepted an aerial 'ithrow over St. Xavier - Always a· close game. Seasonon the five and ran it out to the 31. Clipping put the ball back !ers may be the class of PHL; speed could give them the on the 11. Lock ran left guard wer rebuilt Bombers. for. 11, but Moeller recovered a nderson over Reading - Could be a free-scoring affair. fumble at the 25. · )evils will be hard put to contain versatile Redskin ofSmallwood recov.ered his own team's fumble £or a 10-yard amilton Garfield over Woodward - Bulldogs' speedy gain. Bien passed for nine, pick11alone always a threat, but Griffins look solid, have ing up a first down on the six. t of a game's experience. Princeton dug in again. Wilcoxson made a yard. Two passes failed. On last down Gilford and Leroy Craig dropped ~LLEY Bien for a two-yard loss. The Vikings ran out the clock at 2-pt. 1-Pt. halftime. School Pos. TD PAT PAT Pts. . Sycattlore True HB 3 1 20 Broussard HB Roger Bacon Moeller Breaks Through 2 0 12 n Croft Sycamore HB 2 12 0 Three plays gained Moeller iopping QB Sycamore 1 1 8 Love Wyoming HB 1 just three _yards af~er the sec1 8 ngus Reading 1 1 HB 8 ond half kickoff. With the ball Ging HB Lockland 1 1 8 on the 34, the center of the (Nine tied with 6 points) Princeton line rushed in to block a punt, Glover recovering. TEAM SCORING But the Vikings were offside. TD PAT PAT FG Sft.y. Pts. Ave .. pts •. Ave. Spread Moeller kicked again to the 2-Pt. 1-Pt. OiJp. Opp.·


-----------------------1 SCORING LEADERS

·e .ti-0) g 0-0) aeon (1-0) (I-0) ler (1-0) 1 (0-1) n (0-1) Hgts. (0-1) (IJ-1)

6 4 3 2 1 2 0 1 1

3 2 1 1


1 0 0 1

42 28 20 14 7 14 0 6 8

42. · 8 28. 6 20. 0 14. 0 7. 6 14. 16 0. 14 6. 34 8. 42

8. 6. 0. 0.

+3~. +22. +20. +14.

.16. 14. 34. 42.

1. - 2. -14. -28. -34.



On second dPvvn JI_aygQod. .slip-_ around left end aP,{{ '·d_iv~d,;J the final two yards. Bien follow' ed the TD by passing over the center to Monahan for two points. Princeton's next series went nowhere and they kicked to the 35. As the fourth quarter opened the Crusaders began a 65-yarQ. TD march. They cov· ered the distance in 13 plays and four first downs. A six-yard pass; Bien to Haygood, helped start it. Malarkey got loose around tight end on a 22-yard sprint. He added six in. two more tries and Wilcoxson: ran for six. Bien passed to Wilcoxson for 10 yards and a first down on the seven. It took the Crusaders all four downs to make it, but Wilcoxson powered over right guard for a Tb from the one. A keeper for the points-after failed. The Vikings made a brief flurry with a 12-yard run by Gilford, but Shriner intercepted a Buttrey pass at the Moeller 42. M:on- · ahan promptly broke away a-1 round left end for a gain of 35. yards. That threat died at the 17. Princeton punted and Wilcoxson led the Crusaders back down to the 22 before they bogged down with 1:15 to go. Don Wiehe, MOU<!h, Feldhaus, George Hoobler, Buddy Jackson, and Shriner led the Moeller de· fense. John Stigler and Danny Johnson played well at guard on offense. .. Ken Haverland was out.standin the Princeton interior de· as was Gary Kelm as ." Aston, Craig, Jerry Gilford, Glover and made ,their ·sh;re of

>Crusaders :J · Top LaS'~lfe In 21-0Win Unbeaten Moeller High's football squad, its defensive unit providing its second s h u tout , 'held LaSalle's Lancers in check .as the Crusaders won their third ganie . of the season .and first in the Greater Cincln-· pati Leagu.e, a 21-o decision at Sycamore Hig}1 field. ; LaSalle coUld mtister no serious t~eat,. and the deepest Lancer penetration was ·only to the Moeller 40yard itrie early in the second period. · The C r u s a d e r s ' first touehdowri came late in the fiist period when . fullback Dave Wilcoxson scored on an: · 11-yard run after the Moeller ddense.set it up by blocking .·a LaSalle punt attempt.·

Late in the ·second .quarter Moeller's steve Bein connected on the first of two touchdown .passes, hitting end Don Bergman for a 21~ yard score. Jim .. Malarkey ran the conversion . and Moeller held· a·l4-0 halftime eqge. · .· . ·, In the· final period quar~ terback Bieri found end Pat O'Keefe open for .a nineyard touchdown toss, and · Fred Shriner booted the conversion point to wrap up !)coring. It was the :first loss in three season starts for LaSalle. ....._ · , LaSALLE$ MOELLER.

......... "o ......... 6

0 8

0 0




Moeller-Wilcoxson II run (run f&iledl. f""'M.otller-Bergman 21 . pass Mlm CMor~rkeY run). · '"'J'Mooller - O'Keeft 9 11oss from rCSh-~,\')1' klokl. ~


~Mifeller-46; --

"McNicholas 0



, ~~·

:-... Moeller, undef~~ted and atmmg lOr"ll"'Greater Cm[ cinnati League ch~pio~~j r ship,_ romped--to· a 46-0 ' conference win over Me.: Nicholas at Sycamore High , Stadium. :' For Moeller, everybody ' got into the scoring act as . the Crusaders n o t c h e d their sixth· season win and fourth in the fugged GCL. Moeller TDs were scored by Ed Outlaw, Jack Monohan; John Johnson, Dave Wilcoxson, Dave Shafer and. Rick Bishop. Fred Shriner kicked four extra points, ·· · McNicholas is now' o-2 'in the GCL and 2-4 'on tlie season. 1

McNICHOLS . .. .. .. 0 0 0 0- 0 MOELU·R . . . . . . . . . 6 '20 13 1-46 · M<leller-Outlaw 7 run •(kick failed).: Moeller-Tom Kishpaugh 4 run. (Shriner,

.kick). ' Moeller-Monohan 63 pass from Bfen (kick failed). · Moeller-Johnson 53 run (Shriner, kick). Moeller-Wilcoxson 10 run (kick ·failed). ~eller-:~afer..,Al,.l)Bss I from Eysoldt (Shroner:-l<ltk), • , ~ •. Moel~e,r;;!l~~..!fkriner, kick).


undefeated f'· · a -:Greater • cham:.-.


__ _ _ _ winto~~! ~: Ni<!holas: at Sycamore High Stadium._ . . For _Moeller, e:verybody · got into the scoring act as the Crusaders ,rio t c he d their .sixth .season win and fourth in .the fuggecl. GCL. . Moeller TDs were scored by Ed Outlaw, Jack Monohan John Johnson, Dave Wil~ · coxson, Dave -Shafer and Rick· Bishop. Fred .Shriner kicked four .extra points, . - McNicholas is now ~ o-2 in the GCL and .2-4 'on tlie season. · McNICHOLS . .. .. ..

MOEUE·R .' ...... _.


0 0 0- 0 l3 · Z.,-46 (kick failed). • 4 roo (Shriner,

6 '20

kick) •.

~~rusade.~~ . ;~·~

·Top .~aS11Ie In 2.1-0 Win

-•-·unbeaten ·Moeller-· High's .football squad; its defensive unit_ providing .its seccmd shutout , ;held; :Lasaue~s Lancets -in. check as the crusaders won th.etr thfrd game Of thE! season ap.d, ·first ·1n the Greater Cincinnati Leagu.e, a•21~ decision :a:t' Sycamore lilgJ:t field~ .• LaSalle coUld muster no serioUs threat, ·and thte .deepest Lancer pe11l;!trat1on was "only .to the :Moeller 4oyard Iirie early_ in t,he second perlOd~ · · · Tile · Cr'u sa de rs.' first to'tiehdo:Wri eame lltU.,ln the

first ,period .- w~en ~ ~lilibaek :Dave Wilc~:Xson score~ on an n ..yaril run attei the .Moeller defense setJt up by biockblg - a. .tas![ne ,punt attemp~----,

· - Late iil thl;! 'sl;!con~ quartet Moeller's steve Ban connected on .:the first-- of _two touchdown passl;!s, hitting .end Don Bergman· for a 21'yard,' score._ Jim,_ Malarkey ·ran the _conversion> and

- MOl;!ller held a: l4-0-J;lalftime e(ige. . . . . . - .In the· final .period :quar~ ·terback Bien found J~nd .Pat O'Keefe . open for a nine.. _ yard .touchdown toss,_ an~ ' Fred Shriner bOOted the .conversion point to \Vrap up scoring~ ..· .· ' . . '• -_' .. It •was ·the: Iirst. loss in three 8easoit' starts for La• Salle~

, ,..


Friday night whf'n they'll try to contain the host Roger Bacon Spartans in a crucial Greater Cincinnati League battle. They are, left to right, Flynn Fisher, Fred Shriner, Tom Backhus, Jerry Mouch and These five Moeller High defensive lineNick Haverkos. Both Moeller and Bacon have their work cut out for ¡tbem : a,e undefeated entering this game: .. backS '.... .. '¡

Face Spartans


. CIWSA!)ER QB - Steve' Bien, 5-10, 180-pound sen~ . ior, will call signals for the · Moeller Crusaders ' wheri 1 they face)\oger Bacon Fri-.· day night.

·Baco11 . '



3d. Spot .· ·. · :

' COLUMBUS:. MassiUon-con; tiinies ·to lead the parade in ,the United·. Press International-Coacb:es high ·schooL l grid ratings. Cincinnati Roger Bacori remained· N ·" "' _9usk'Y ·is ·es~ond. Cincirnl · Moeller'is 16th) · ·· ·id . a mgs wiTh first piai;e v~tes . and won-lost -recm~ in parentheses: · . · f"l· · Team~ . Points . I Massillon (211 (3-0) ............ 383 2 Sandusky (4) •(3-0) .. : . ...•..••. 244 ·J Roger Bacon {3) (3·0) ·....... : .. . 213 4 Warren (3-0) · : .. .............. , 191 5'Middletown' (l) (3-0) ...... .' .. .' 143 Steubenville (;) (3-G) • . . . 74 Niles (I) (3·01 . . . . . . 72 leveland Lati<l (I) (2·0) . . . . . . 68 pper ·Arli ngtr.n (:CO-O) . . . 60 olumbus Watlerson (2) (3·0) . 53 COND 10: 11, Springfield &outb 47; Lima Sen1or -<14;--13, Canton McKinley 14, Cleveland St. Josepll ·39; 15" sville 38; ~ Cincinnati Mneller (I)

! 19

J~iu~~J~a Ea!Hfr4~~\!~~~o~J;





Moeller Stuns_/\R()g Lockland, Ma: .

bY PAUL RITTER Of The Enquirer Staff

· Roger Bacon, Anderson and Indian Hill, each highly-rated in their respective leagues, suffered stinging upsets Friday night in top games on the local high school football schedule. Bacon, perennial Greater Cincinnati. League power and unbeaten entering F,r.i-. ·day-night's action, suffered' Ia ll.urpiUating 17-0 loss tp iMoe~:jr.' }t was the Crst 1··


time in Moellell''s four-year : history that the· Crusaders have beaten :aacon. It also left the winners with a 4.0 : season record and. an early ~-0 lead in the GCL. Moeller's defense has allowed only ei~tht noints to date. · ·

-- li.. .


'· -~-


'-v~~--~--- ---------- ~---








F---.-. .... ~--------~-.


..... -. . . . . . . ,., .... ,



't '&

·--:.=.111/J) -~-w- :_._ 8

-o-r-- I




•, "


. ..• , "





. _•_:->_








,,; .




OHIO,Dfith JhJ _

Thutscfay1 October 21: 1965

s·ection One-Page Six


Mariemont And· Chatninade I!BOiti. T.UE SIDELINES Also Unbeaten











. •

iSk Clean Grid Mark


, -.. ~t -~- Gt_ ~-- -.~ m ~- •: -









,...__-L__ "'



~·-~--- -~

<?. ~~~~-~~


-- -~----

---- -~----- ·- --·-




--~ -






W. L.

Sycamore _______._________ _!______4 Mctriemont _____________ .!______ 4 Indian :H:rn __________ _j__ ______=3 beer Park ____________!______ 2 Lovela:-ild _____________ /___________2 Madeira _____________ J__ __________ _l Milford _____________1____________0 New Richmond !_________________ o Public Jiigh Schoo1 / · . W.


0 The Valley's two undefeated 1 By .DAVE (}REIDER football teams, Sycamore and 2 2 Moeller, iire girding for their sternest challenges this week 3 4 end. Mariemon:t (5-0) and DayI Dave's S·elecHo_ns ton Chamifia'de (6-0) furnish the 4. Last week's eight out of 10 makes 39 correct predictions opposit~oil. in two of the bigout of 50 thus far, for '78 per cent accuracy. gest games of the season. Sycamore over Mariemont-Aviatoi's intti by fai· their L. : ·T'h e. Mariemont- Sycamore toughest opponent so far. Warriors have scored 199 points, dash 16h tli.e Aviatcirs' field Fri, T~ft_ *;···-:·-··j-------------------4 0 first team has allowed non·e, btit have. met only- ofle good day ~igli.t could· aU but settle ~ood, rd . ;-----------------------3 0 te.lm, Indian Hill (26-8). Green and Gold will be hard put to the E~ster11 .Hills _Le~gue title, vV~st~!n HI¥!s ---,---,-----------2 1 contain Donohue· and Miller runs, McKee passes. Warriot: whicH· Syca:lriore is defending. . ;~rr ~ --~------------------2 1 line may be quicker. Sycamore has the eclg_e in parkfield No· league.· trophy ·hinge~ oii ~uo-rt:r ---;~----~----------------1 2 speed, and we'll string along with tHat. · the Moeller-Chaminade battle at ;r ,h s --,_~-~------:·--------------- 1 3 •h U mvers1 ._ ~ "'f v· .of · .. -.uay -r~ -. t' . s't Valnut MoeUer over Dayton Chaminade---"Eagles are big and fast, 1. e -on. a- A"J<' · H1Us ----------------1 3 · dium at 3 ·Si.mday _aftern0oh;· 1 ·en -------------------~----------.0 4 pointing for this· one. Their offense is more explosive than "Moeller's, featuring a great soph fullback KosiiYs (625 y<trds) btH. plenty of·_ reputahoh ·is at County Suburban League and a wide open passing game We'il bank on Crusaders' de· stake, One pol1 rates the Cfii' East fense; they expect to be ready. saders sixthr tli.e Eagles· 10'tn a· W. t. mong Ohio's Class AA' eieiens: Ptinceton _, _______ ,____________ :_5 Princeton ov:er Anderson-'--Vikings not' about to let- up now. Offense-minded Redskins wi1i be frltstrated for second. , Ut>watas· Of -3;000: are' e:X;pe_dea ·.Wyoming ________ _: _________ _:__4 1 straight week. :at Sycamore, 10,000 or be.tter at: Lockiland --------------'-------3 2 St. Xavier over LaSaiJe-Bombers have to regroUp. Lahcers · · Davtan ill th~ .w~afher ill good. ·-: Andei'son -------------------------3 2 like to hit, have good running attack, ied by fuilback,. and a Both' local>· baH dubs . go' in Nor-w;ood ----------------'-----------2 3 good pass-catching end in Heidorn. ii X Il.n:e cfoesri'£ Hila1 up, Witli· 6-0 tecords, Sycamore cOI-f· lteatbng -------------'--------------1 4 tifHies ·to ·share·- the EHL IE!ad Greenhms _____ ,_____________________ o 5 · perk up, it could be a long afternoon. with Mariemont at 4-ll' after ·. West Wyoming over Readilig.:._Bli.le Devil Offense is improving, L. but defense is the Cowboys' fotte · .!tanning rugged Loveland, 40•22, Friday night. . . .North College Hill ________ 5 0 Lockland over Harrison-Panthers' offense should. achieve Moeller is all alone at the top Oak Hills --------------------------4 1 consistency against clawless Wildcats. o £ the _ Greater _Ci:nci:rinaH Mt. Healthy -"'-'··-------"--....;_3 2 Roger Bacon over McNicholas-Rockets haven't stopped Lea:gue · rith a. 4-0 _ma:tk af_tet Co'lenHn ------------~---------------2 · 3 anyone_ yet, least of ail the Spartans. · routing ast place McNicholas, . Taylor --'------------------------------.2 3 Lincoln Heights over Brookvllle-Newly-added opponent 46-0~ .. Finheytow'h --~---------------1 4 a !so is winless, so we'H try_the Tigers once mare. · Seven ·playerS'; _irtbludiqg only Harrison ___ ,___________,________o 5 ____ -. . . • two sfai·ters, scofed touchdoWns Greater Cmcrnnatt League for Crusader. Coach Gerry Faust. Aviator mentor George Acus W. L . . aaat·n aot o:ood miiage from i1is Moeller --'----------------------·--·.4 0 "' "' "' twins,. . - Croft .. R oger B touchdown Sherm . aeon ---------------'--------2 I seorihg three and Rich True _a Eld~r ----------'"-------""-------------2 1 I . . ' pair: · _ b_aSa'lle ~---·--:·-------------------~---2 1 Aviators· Over Loveiand Pur~ell ____ ,_________________________ ! 2 Sycamore displayed a three- St. ~avier --'-···'·"-----"--"----0 2 1 The Metropolitan Cincinnati two top scorers, forward Jody prorigeel a-ttack, addiri.~~the p~ss- McNICholas --'------'------------0 2 Commission AAU will hold its Whitehead and 6-10 center ing of quarterback· Steve . Hopfirst basketball organization-al Gerry Thelen, a former Villa .Ding to the·running of scatbacl<s ~ _ meeting at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Madonna star. Sherm Croft and Rich ;rrue-, !o' lod score. Fullback Ed Outlaw I at the Avon Fields Clubho':lse They will team this year with o:itgun Loveland, ~0-22, m a cru- iugged eight yatds fo dimax a • (second floor), 4081 Readmg two other Villa Madonna stars,, -eta! EHt: contest. at Loveland 54.yard_ dtlve. . Don and Ray Albrinck. In adFnday m~~t. . , · . ·, Moeller racked up three : road. The six squads back from last ditiori, Larry Chaney, fortner ~ycamore led m total .Y,ar_d- in the second period. Tom · a_ge, 375-204, b~t w~s ed~ed m paugh went over from the champion Valley Martineers, led Montana . State Small College ·. by player-coach Tony Yates a·nd All-Amencan, will join the fir~t downs, 14- 12 ··. Actually;· the three, .Jack Monahan raced 62




·Cincy AAU To Set Up Basketball League Mone; Six Teams Return






-fuduring Fruk and p~~b~~ ~ fu~ . Larry Shingleton, Johnny s~~ t~lent m a bier afor~Pthearr~~~-~o~f~~~A~v~!~d~?~r~s~w~e~re~:I~n~~c~o~m~m~m~d~·~y~a:~!s~~M~~a~~~c~re~e:·~~~~~,~~~-~f~x:o~m~-~U~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ league . bmldmg a 40-6 leail hefnr~> tho -·- · · · . n .. ____ '


ot. Aavier over LaiSalJe-l::lombers have to regroup. Lancers Davtort if. the we·atliel' is· g~dd. -· ~ A!ldei'Sdft ··::;:;:::::::::::::::=~~::::~ ·1 like .to hit, have' good running atia~lf, i,eq by fuilbaci['. and a Both local-' baii dubs. gd in NOFWood · -'-'--·"'-'---.:c. ........... 2 3 · ! A good pass-catchi_ng end in HeidoNi. If X lin·e aoesil't ·. rieal tip, With 6-0 1·ec01'ds. Sycamm'e (!ort: Reading_ ""-'--------'----------------.1 4 1 perk up, it could be a long afternoon. tlilties to. share the EHL Ieati Gr.e!:mhills -"--"-'--:, ________________ 0 5 · !' Wyoiuiilg over Reading~Blile Devil offense is improving, · with Mariemont at 4-6· aftei• oiit: West but defense is the Cowboys' fotte gunning rugged Lovelllild, ·40,22, W.. 1.. Friday night. . . North College Hill ____________ 5 0 1 . Le>ckland over Harrison-Panthers' offense should. achieve consistency against clawless Wildcats. Moeller is all alone at the top Oak Hills ----------------------------4 1 of the Greater Cincinnati• ·rvit: Healthy -'"---------"-'----:,_3 2 :Roger· Bacon over. McNicholas-Rockets hav~n!t _stopped Lea.~ue_ · tth a. 4-0 _mat~ a~tei· Coieraifi ____________ , ____ , ______________ 2 · 3 anyone. yet, least of ail the Spartans. . . · routmg ast place McNicholas, Taylor --'--'----------'--'--------------2 3 · Lincoln Heights 'over; Brookvale-Newly-added opponent ' 46-0, . -'~ 'Finheytow'fi --'--~---'--'·'-'-------1 4 also is winless, so we'll try the 'rigel's once. mo·re. ·' I· 'Seven players! ·iricludil}g only JrarriSO!l --"_____,_,______ ,___________() 5 - - - - - ' - - - - - " · ' " - '~-.=....<,•_.:;-'----"-· ' " . ~ ~.,... ~ SIP.:~-"~'----' two s(arters, scoi'ed touc.Jidowhs ' for Crusade!;· Coach Gerry Faust. Greater Cincinnati League Aviator mentor George Acus W. L. ;;---. . . . . . . . - - - --"-"'----c...~-~- .:·-·· ··- ·--· -·- .....__ again got goqd miiage from his Moeller --'----------·--------·''-"-----4 o touchdown twins; Sherm Croft Roger Bacon -'------------''--------2 1 scoring three and Rich True' .a _Elder ---------'"-------'--'·---'---'----2 1 .• ~aSa~le .: .., ___ ,_____ ,_,______ , _____ ,_,_2 1 p·air: A via tors Over Loveland , Pur~ ell . ___ ,______________ ,___ , __ ,______ 1 2 I· Sycainoi:e . displayed thi·ee' St. ~avier -----'-·'-'"------'---"---0 2 pronged attack.. adding_ tiie pass- McNicholas ·-'-------'---"--------0 2 The Metropolitan two top scorers; forward· Jody Con1n1ission AAU will Whitehead and 6-10. ~enter ing of quarterbacK Steve Hopfirst .· basketball Gerry Thelen,. a foi:fuer. Villa· . ning to theTunning of scatbacks ~· meeting at 7:30 p.m. star. 1Sherm Croft and Rich True, to i:od score. Fullback Ed bi.ttlaw . at the A von Fields They will teain this year with oJ.itgun Loveland, 40-22, in a cru- lugged ~ight yat·ds to dltnax a ! ·(second floor), · :4081 other Villa Madonna stars, :cia! EHL ·contest at Lovelanfl 54.yard . dt'ive: · •: road. ·· and Ray .. Albrinck. In ad·' Friday ni~~t . . • · , . .. ·.~ Moeller racked up three. 'F:b~.() Larry Chaney, former : ~ycamore led Ih total yar.d- in the second period. Tom Kish-· ' State Small Coilege ta/5e, 375-~04, but was ed~ed 111 paugh went over from the , will join the •fir~t ·downs, 14-"12.. Actually; .the three, .Jack Monahan raced 62 form' a top arra'y of A~Ia~ors were ·111 command, yards on a ··screen pass from·. a bid. the' league . b~lldi,ng a 40-6 lead before the Steve Bien,. and soph halfback i Tigers tacked on two late touch- John . Johnson ripped off a 52downs. . yardei:'. It was 26-0 at.·, 1 CNift scored three TD's and mlss1<ni. · I gained 100 yards in ·11cari'ies. Six-pointers ih the second. True tallied twice and rari 1~ half were added by Dave wn-. times for 74· yards.· Hopping c6xson .6h ai1 11-yard run, Dave' -completed .-~;i?C ·of 13 ..pas~es- ·.for Shafer· ·ori":a. 42-yard pass from 162 yards in the AviatOJ,"S' best Marty Eysoldt, ~nd Rick Bishop · .aerial show this year. . ··. · bii a . one,yard plunge. Fred· Jack McCoy got two touch- Shriner kicked .. four extra and G?rdon. Ha~Ht6~ thf po!~ts. ,, . .. . · other for Love1a11d. T~.~Y. ma~e Bien·. ~ompleted two of three· 166. yartls rushing and 38 pass- Passes fof 76 yafds ahd a TD. , ing. ·. :. Eysoldt clicked on four of six I ·... Loveland opimed the scoring, ·aerials for 74 ·yards and a TD. I g'oft:J.g 34 yatds in three plays · Faust 'praised the work bf ~fafte;'.i! pass interception. fensive _backs. M. or;ahan, Outla.w, ,. A biCDJay was a quarterback ancl· Jdhhsoil, junior end Dave rnll-out for"·39. yards .. Left, half Shafer,· ci:nitei:·· Dan Novoko.v, . • McCoy went the. ~ina! three over aRd. tackles Bob . DeAngelis and left tackle late j:J. the quarter Blll Gray: . · · · · 1 Run for the pohits ·was stopped. . On : defense . the ·· standoun; , Sycamore came: back 75 yards were 'tackles Joe Mescher and · in six. plays; scoring with. '17 non ,Wiel'ie alo!lg. with Shrinei;, I seconds left. Croft· inade 33. on Wise,~ :Toin i!ackus; J e r r·y a reverse around rig~t erid, ·al~d M:6t!.cfi,' -Nick Haverkos, ahd ifibt I ·True scored over· nght gua1 d Davis. !from 15 yards out. Hopping rat! ,_ . ~ .. · · 'ril'!ht tackle for the .points. Drives of 25 and 43 yards netted second quarter scor~s for the Green and Gold. Croft tallied from the four and True : from the two. Hopping passed· ' ' to end Patil Savage for. one corl- j' version and ran right tack1e · foi- the other. It was 24-6 at the j half. i Irl the third quarter a . 66· . yard pass pl_ay, Hoppfng to Savage1 went ali the· way but was I called back to .the 19 for clip\ ping. From there Croft scored , ' ·on a reverse around left end. ' : .Fullback <?ary Strassel carried l_ for the pomts. . ( A fihal TD · capped a 94-yarcl ' drive after a fumble recovery. l, Hopping passed to_ Croft for ~5 j. yards. on the scoi'lng play. His ;pass to Charley Rowland. added ,•the points. Pass interceptions led to two ~Tiger "touchdowns. McCoy Went : in from the two, Hamilton from : the one. Pitchouts added four · extra points. . . r---:.:;;;;~~~;;;;;;:;:;;;::=;=:==::=:=.,..iiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiii_ __,... Offensive line piay for the wiimers was 1ed by t~ckle : Oscar Jackson, center Mike : Hunter, and end Paul Savage. Jackson also did a ·fine job at . 2-Pt. 1-Pt. TO PAT PAT Pts. initldle guard on defemse. Sr.hool Pos, Pla.yP.r 3 96 15 Sycamore HB •Richard True Crusaders Over McNiCll 62 1 10 sycamore HB Sherman Croft 6 54 7 Princeton HB Vincent Glover Moeller enjoyed· a brisk work' 50 1 8 Princeton FB Charles Gilford out ~nd got a lot of tne youngcH· 0 48 8 Roger Bacon FB 'Dave Aibrinck 2 40 kids into the game irt routirig 6 L-:>ckland HB Vic Nolting 1 38 HB 6 Woodward Ozzie Hillman McNicholas, 46-0, fdf Hs fourtH 0 • FB 6 36 GCL triumph Friday night at Moeller Dave Wilcoxson HB 3 4 30 Wyoming Bucky Love 1 Sycamore .. Wyoming 4 26 QB Steve Lewis QB 1 Locltland 26 4 Mike Senalbaugh With seveh touchdowns by as HB 24 3 Woodward 3 Tom Ma:tone many different playeds, the CruQB Syca.more 2 4 ' 20 Steve HOJJping 3' HB Reading 1· 20 saders netted 433 . yards, 283 Bill Mangus • 3 1 HB Moeller 20 Jack Monahan rushing and 150 passing. ·The fuseless Rockets were held to TEAl\I SCORING 59 oil the ground, 45 in the air: ' Opp·. Opp. Ave. Pt. 2-Pt. 1-Pt. · First bf two pass interceptions TD PAT PAT FG Sfty, Pts. Ave. Pts. Ave. Sprean Team by Frank wise led to a first per•





!, Cincy ~U'To ~et Up Bas~etball I..~eague ·.Mone; S1x· Teams Return·.




.·x., /





Sycamore (6-0) 30 15 Princeton (!'i-1) .20 14 19 5 Moeller ( 6-0) R'oger Bacon (5-1) 19 9 St.. Xavier (4-2) 18 i 17 9 Wyoming (5-1) Woodward (3-2) 11 4 I5 4 Locklaind (3-3) Lin, Hts .. (0-4-1) 11 •· 0 . (1~5).



6 1 6

1 2 1 1 1

212 152 i32 1(35 121 120 74 98 36 48

35.3 25.3 22. 22.5 20.2 20. 14.8 16.3 7.2 8.

6. 36 +29.3 20 3.3 ·+22. 14 2.3 +19.7 7.2 +~5.3 43 8,8 +P·4 53 9.3 +10.7 56 56 .11.2 + 3.6 io8 18. - 1.7 100 20. -12.8 193 32.2 -24.2

l\' : i )

·:~5·.~-·~··r;,'.·-:tf\.·~: ..:.·· ... \. ; ....~~··.r> f~·t. ···~ -"• . ~ iffr ·,: ,-: ,}-·,; : · .·.:·:."'..:;' __,.u· · -·Cincinnati, Tues., Oct. 26, 1965

The Post &·:rtmes·Sfar.....27r'


:\M~~sili~~>on .Top, ·Moeller Fifth .. ·'' ·~ sti~ength


15-6~win f~

· COLUlVIBUS: CihcinnatiiThe first. six teams in the tbe of a Moeller ~noved up to No. 5 ratings all have identical 7--0 over p:reviously .. unbeaten 'but Massillon -contintied its ltecords. · ' Dayton Chaminade which d-ominatim1 a_s the best team~· Cinciim.ati Roger Bacori sank to 17th. :· . . ·· 1 in· the ~eekly United. PEess cla1n~ed the. 13th spo~ in the Ratings with fit:st place \ Internahonal-Coac~es highirankmgs with. 35 pomts. votes ,;tnd season records ·ln. school: ·football ratings. i T\~'O GAl\fES tl.. · .1 parentheses: . . .. . ; ""' 'll 1 d t f tJ I, '· t TEAM.· . POINTS lnaSSI on p aye ou o . leI I ld I '. d. . US t b wee .· ~1 Massillon (22) (7-0· ........... :' 354 sf ate iast Saturday, beatmg ~lOU la\ e a ll e~ ear mg 2•sandusky (6) (?-OJ .. .'..... .- .... , 317 I'previously undefeated AIon the future . ratmgs. Mas3 w~rren OJ (7-0J .... ·.·: ....... · 233 . . . . ·. 4 Mtddletown (·3) (7·0l . , ....... 186q ' toona·, Pa., 14-0. Massillon re- ,si1lon Jwsts. No. 3: Warren s6 Cincinnati Moeller (3)' (7·0) .';,. / 186, -1 ' · · · . Tigers · Upper. Arlington (7·0) • .. · · · · · · · .. 126 1 Ceived 22 first pl a ce \··otes Harding. • Shouid the 7 steubenvill~ (6·1) .. : . . .... : 12s·. from the ..coaches and 354 falter Sanausk·y has a chanc'e 8 Columbus Watte~s?n•(2) (7·? .... ,;, gg·.J · t 37 · t d ' .. ~ 9 Fremont (1) (6 0 1) ................. 7t,,) porn S, a -pom e ge OV~r to take· over but it Will have 10 5Shelby. 1(7-0~ 5 · · · : · · ·'· '' · · • ·56 No .. 2 Sandusky whiCh ha.d to·beat•ninth-ranked Fremont tey E3c7~N~2. ~tevEt,~n J .8~~·e·dr;n~~n 3~cK13·:J • !six first votes and 317 points. Ross· on·:-'Friday .. , · ·Cincinnati Roger .B~con 35: 14, Akron sti;1 ' · · • 1 • , · • •• · • • Vrncent 34; 15,. · Ntles ·29; 16, -Dover. 26: 1': w·ARREN ·r's thi'r· a· ·a.'nd > IVIoeller was. able to JU111p 17, Dayton Chaminade. and Tol~do ~cott, •) • < . .l . i .' tl t N ·5 24 each:' 1~, You~gstown Chaney 22;·.20,f. !. Middletown, which got thre'e .~I om seven l 011• .. 0 . 0: on ~tma. and. lor~ In Ktng,, 20 each.- : . ' , ·:.~/ .first .votes is fourth. Moeller 1 -r~ also recei~ed three top votes ..






, Joseph Delmer; : ro,w High was elected . Cincinnati:, .today gates· from 186 -lo and paro~hial-: high· . ·. . ·. 1 . Dehner is tl}e<sori of-:Mr. ·and Mrs. Walter'De11ne{'o{ .1.948. sutto'n: ·avenue;'! Mt:~ Washipgton>· H;v.pla.ns., ·. · go ·to Princeton. University_ and hopes for a ca·r'eer in •. politics. . · .' ' ·,· Elected '\ri~~bers city Council, f~ . 'Deh_ner, .. were: . · en ~· .. ' Bollinger,.also named,presl· : 'dent pro -tem,., .of· P?~c.ell;> Thomas Burke, .St. Xav1e,r; · ,;DanieL Hmppu:r. ;,Lo1m 11'Jeirose:Of 1\TC~ ~as:·. Tfiomas' :Mori·ow, · of Waln.ut·' Hills:' Anthony R.iley, of.· Courtet 'l'~ch;;_ . ·B_arry We~b', · als.o :nan~ect· •i v1ce -mayor.· .of·· Western·; , Hills, an'd Robert. Zins~r;. ¥j of Roger Ba.con. . . , ·: Named to. otlier· city posi- ,tions were: 'Donal,d Wag~· · 'ner, or -:Hughes, city. man· J



ager; Mi){e--'.Torreano, :.?f'. · Woodward, clerk ·of coun·. :1

i Robert·

cii'; Ray S)Jraber," o(Ai~epi.

safety director; 1 Hensley,. 'I·aft, <;ity .so}ich,· · tor: .Rodney ·-c. ·Heck) of. Eldei.', police~· chief,' and Robert Cziln):lal',_ of . La·. Salle, fire !}hi'ef.· · · ·. · · The elections were· a part, of Bov and His •,Civi'c ·,Re- , sponsi.bilit:V Day, SlJOil~P.!~~" ~ by. The .. ,Post, ang( · Star. as arpa:r:t ·of?'' Boys' Week ·.ceY




i'I, . '.J.l'Ureller;~J()ttl , ~~ ._ .·". • . . . . ~~;


.-: i .. ·_, . .

.. ' ..• .


~- .Chalriinade~ ' ,:




. ..


"" .


:·. ~ii.~tiJ~oss,~.l5~~ · i r..


• .k

• •


_.s.. :. .....



• .:


• •

'. •


;.- ·. ~-~ec!~?~ TM_~~q~~~r·

') , · , .DAYTON/Ohio - Cmcm" : f : n·ati· Moeller;c'ai)~talizlbg ).: ~ ~. . ...~ ~ ... ·j'"( ·. • . .. t, _..· a 'couple ·o.f·:key breaks; kept· !:: record clean· and. handed I { hOst D a y t .o 11' ,Chaminade : f1~~~~il-its :Hrstloss the 1965 (:·campaign when the ·.cru- ~ ·' SaGers 'scored a ·15-_6 deciSion 1 ; , . at Ulii~etslty .of Dayton Sta~




{• ..,' dintn: ' · ·.·


! :



:Moeller;s first ·' TD . came j ·.. t~a ft:ei chanunad~ f-Uinbiect'.. r' • the ope~i~g'ldckoff and the··; ' ·~Ciusadet~s-·::r~covered at the i ;, :- Eagle. 26, ~Four .-plays later ; ·,:tsteve • Bieri :p a ·s-se d nine : · ' yards . to end·. P!3,t· ·O'Keefe : ;' fQt the touchdown and Steve .r




·. · Haygood , took

a 'Bieri, Rasa :

: · for the twc:Hlofnt c'dnvei'sion.


:Early'i.rictl:ie second' period, : ;; ·.· chaminaM·.ma r··q•h Efd.('~54 :: ...· _: yardS. :in .o'l3· 'Pl!iYS ~(to~;~end , ~-: ·quar~erb·ack · , Tim, :Sii:arkeY;J , . home froir). fiv:e yards' out; 1 : : ·but •BJll;:Busemeyer .t~ckled , r , Chaminaae's Roger Ward to !·. spoil the. conversion tty. · . Moeller then took -the ensuing kickoff and marched' . , 75- .yards•Ior the· cli.Jicher,· a • l ·~ twcryard.. ,bq1t ·by fullback r ';; Dav_e. W~lC?XS_on, with Fred I 1 ·; Shrme~, kickmg the extra

I :-:

- - - - · - ··-·•r


. .· ~-~~(1 irill


unbeaten m seven , Chami.nade's are ·6-1. 0 0-15 0.0--6

'""-·'"li'*•f• ll;

pass from Bien Bien). • ..... • filf,l:~~~~~~~:%:,~1' 5, run (run failed). \411 2, .run, (Shriner' :

--- ·. --·





a Its LOCKLAND. o,9HI6.• 50

;ec:tion One-Page Eight

Thursday, October 28,





' .

• d m1na.

Un_be_aten E_ ao-l_es 6




FROM 'I'H"E, BombersS~nday §IDE L-1 N JE § •· . Cl·l}~ad. .


Moeller's undefeated



. . _ _ -·; _ v...-~


ers, coming up with the big'play 1 'Yhen. they had ~o, . bolster~d their-state rating to as high -as


No. !5 -with a not-too-easy i15'6 triumph over previously' unbeat- t • , -One of the most .heartening ·stories .of this high· schoor e_n Dayton Chaminade before a football •season is-- the sttccess Of Willhi1h Mason High School - crowd of better than 7,000 at .; ·. at'Masoll,,O.' Foilr.years ':lgo,formek·:Lockland High stai··Tom University of Dayton· 'Stadium ~ -~ L\chtenberg'w~nt tliere to coach :We:scpool_;s~~iJ·sf_grid le_am: Sunday ·afternoon. 'The vict01'y served as a tune; - This season his·. Comets _an~. Undefeated;• afte1· seven-- gaines: '• · Lichty \vas fullback for-:tlte ,1Jigh team ofl957, up for the final t~o games :. ,.. the last to win au .MVJL.:grid tit;le ~nd: .the last to beat Wyo. Mttel!et' needs to clinch an un~ '·ming;He grliduate.d.-the riex_t, spring aitll'eiiteredthE! University di:spnted Gt·eater Cineinnati of Louisville, where he. played· halfback \vhile:earniilg a degree League title. St. .Xavier- Bomb'inellucation.· ·· _ . ·.- _·_..·.'-.''·._· --~--' .· _ _ _ ers(5-2)furnishtheopposition . Upon graduation from the;:U. of~- 'ij1.~62~)~~~a~cepte~ the for the Crusaders' Homecoming ' position as Mason High~s first fpotball-'cq~ch:· f'r~oi· to'th~t the game at 2 p.m. Sunday at SycaJ schooi never had enough boys· for the grid spot't:'Mason still . more. High ~ield. . 1 is not a large school. It has_ droppe;:d back .to-·Giass A 'on a Not espe~Ially steamed up _for !. ,. three-year enrollment, but will go' up:-_to.:/\A:j next year. . . the game, the Crusaders -pa_ved • · -However, the bpys~:that .Tom:~stai'ted woi·kiti'g_: with ._four. -- th:e way_ for .win No. 7 by recov-~ . years ago. now are 'selliot's, and .'they'i·fgetti~g' :tt~~ job. (l~ne, eting three Eagle fumbles. The • to the delight of Principal Eme'rson 'Btown, Athietic Director first led to a touchdown in the Walter Dwire, and a large number of appreciatlv.~· fans. first two minutes and a lead The tea~. has b-eaten Se1'e_ n Mile_, 50,6··, .L~ota_:,- 2_0-8,· ki~gs Moeller ·never relinquished. Steve Bien passed nine yat·ds Mills, 49-0; Waynesvilll.e, 78-0; _Springboro~ 28·~: -Clinton Massey, to ·end Pat O'Keefe for the first 32·0, and Madison, 18-'6. U:P untii '.last week'lntmd bowl Mason TD and flipped a two-point aerwas averaging about ·300 yards a game and··bQlding oppollellls ial to halfback Steve Haygood. to less than 50. Two opt>osing teams .were held t'Q minus -n After Chaminade came back yards for the game. . t-o :narrow the count to 8-6 with This is really only the second sea~on of full-fledged varsity a 74--yard drive, Moeller clinchfootball for the Comets. They we).·e· 1-7 the first year, 3-7 the ed the victory over Coach Gerry - second, and 3-5-2 last season. · Faust's alma mater with a 75· They share first place in the newly-formed Fort Ancient yard -second period march. FullValley Conference with Little Miami, a- team the Comets back Dave Wilcoxson took it entertain Friday. After that they play Blanci1ester there and ever from the two. close with Lebanon at home. Chaminade made · the only Coach Lichtenbe1~g has two ])layers he's really high on. serious threat of a scoreless •

• •






l ·_ f


..-.. One is his red·headed brother, Tim Lichtenberg, a 6·2,


pound senior quarterback. "He's doilllg a· good job: He's completed 58 t>er cent of his pmsses and scored 72 points." End Robert Fox, a 6-2, 185-pound seuiol', has "good hands and plays real good defense."

second half, roadblocked at the








Public High League

w. L.! Woodward -------------------·----·.::3 , 'Taft ··----- ................ _____________ A Withrow ----·-------··----------------3 Courtei· ----.----------------------·-----2 Western Htlls ___________________ .2

six-yard line. 1 Grab Early Lead j Chaminade gained a slight 3 edge in the battle of statistics, l ___ 4 Tom, who also coaches track, is assisted in football by thanks to the steady second half · Walnut Hills -----·------------------1 .4 Bill Apke, former Lockland lineman who also played college running of soph fullback Gary ,Pall at Louisville. "Bill's reserve team is undefeated," which Kosins and some short passes County Suburban League is one reason Lichty is rrot worrying about .next year. "We by quarterback Tim Sharkey. East lose seven starters, but we have some good juniors and some The Dayton team made 149. w. L. good freshmen." yards rushing and 40 on six of, , Princeton _____________________________ .!) 1 Lichtenberg confesses it has been rewarding to see his f3 passes for a net of 189. Moel-[ 1Wyoming ------------------------------5 . 1 young neophytes develop into a winning grid machine. For erdpicked up 148 on the ground 1 Locklanll. ----------------------------.4 2 lwving no background in football four years ago, "the town ~...n 28 on three of eight aerialAnderson --------------.---------------.4 2 has accepted the team real well; we're averaging close to ..,, :a 176 net. The Crusaders Norwood _____________________________ ,3 3 1,500 for home games." held an 11-10 edge in first· ·Reading _______________________________ 1 5 '-' * "' · downs. Greenhills ____________________________ o 6 · ,. Last week was the week that was-or wasn't-for some Fullback Wilcoxson led the of the local grid teams. As a resullt, only one team is still unvietors with 84 yards in 17 trips, · West ~~a defeated, a cOUJlle had crimps put ill their titlf' plans, and a a 4.9 average. Jack Monahan ; W. L. <~ouple of others got unexpected boosts toward championships. ma-de 31 for eight. For Dayton, North College Hill ------------5 I I• Kosins averaged 3.9 with 51 for Oak Hills ------------------:.......... 5 1 Moeller took the measUI·e of Dayton Chaminade and now Mt. Healthy ------------- _________ .4, 2 13. Roger Ward 4.7 with 42 fof has St. Xavier. Purcell, and Newport Catholic remaining in the nine, and Bob Fischer 6.7 with C?lera_in --------------------------------3 3 . path of a perfect season. Incidentally,_ the finale at NewpoJ·t 40 for six. I:Jefore Malarkey took it arotmd· Tayloi ---------------------------------2 4 is slated on a Sunday afternoon, and' the Kentuckians have to Most important statistic was !·ight end to the two. Fm_~~ytown -·----------------------:·1 5 play a state playoff contest that Friday night. a fumble on the kickoff, lVIoel- . From there Wilcoxson hit the Haliison ------------------------------0 6 SycRmore's defeat by Mroiemont -not only wrecked a perler's Flynn Fisher recovering on left side and went in fot· the· Greater Cincinnati League fect se::>son but probably cost the Aviators the Eastern Hills the 26. In four plays the Gold TD. Fred Shriner's place kickl: w. L. 1itle. They still hav~ to meet weak New Richmond and strong and Blue had a touchdown. hoisted it to 15-6 witfu. 3:09 re-' ·Jtioeller ------------------·-----------.4 o Indian. Hill. The unbeaten Warriors' remaining league oppon· Wilcoxson hit right guard for maining in the half. :Roger Bl'lcon ________________________ 3 1 ents are Loveland and Deer Park. four yards, then barreled Moeller's Buddy Jackson re- ;Elder -----------------------------------3 1 Woodward's Ru!ld{)gs. 3-l), for the season but 3-0 in Public through left guard for 16 .. Hay- covered a fumble at the Hayton st. Xavier ---------------------------1 2 Lca~~:ue })lay, find themselives the only uitdefeated PHL con3 good was stopped for a three- 23, but Fischer intercepted a i LaSalle ------------------·-------------1 tendet· aHel' Courter Tech's U!lSe~ of Taft. The Bulldogs are yard loss, but left end Pat pass to nip Moeller'.s bid to 1Purcell ________________________________ ]; 3 in an advantageous position g-oing illto their final stretch of O'Keefe cut over the middle to boost the score still higher. I McNicholas ----------------------- .. 0 _3 four league games, startnng with Ta·ft Friday night. take Steve Bien's nine-yard pass O'Keefe returned the second on the goal line for a TD with half kickoff 16 yards to the 45. · Eastern Hills League In the Suburban League Eastern Division Anderson's uponly 1:45 gone. Moeller put togethe~- two first · . W. L, set of Princeton makes a Princeton-Wyoming co-championship 'l'he Crusaders set the ball on downs on the· running of Bien,! Manemont -------------------------·--5 0 probable. The Vikings must get by Reading and Colerain; the the left hashmark, and halfback Monahan, and Malai'key, but I Syc~more, --·----------------------·..4 1 Cowboys must take Norwood and Taylor. Haygood slanted wide to the got only to the 32. Thrown back ~ndian H,ll ·------------------------.4 1 Oak Hills, whose perfect record was spoiled by Princeton. right to talte Bien's toss for the five yards, they punted to the Loveland .... ,.......................... 3 :2 was given a life in the Western Division when Mt. Healthy extra points. 10. Deer. Park ----------------------------2 3 tripped up unbeaten North College HilL Now the NCH-Oal' Cbaminade made a first down Late in the period Chamin- Madeira --------------------------------1 4 Hills game will be head to head for the title. on a 14-yard run by ha!Iback ade started moving from its 20. Milf,ord ---------------------------------1 ~ Dave's Selections Roge}· Ward, but three plays Ft~llback Kosins_ plowed. for ]\lei\ Richmond --------------------0 v latet Ward fumbled, 'Jim Davis gai~s ?f seven, nme, and ·SIX as ~,.. .. ,..,,.~ Sorry, six for eight seems to be the best we cai1 do. We're rec.overing on the Moeller 39. an mside attack chugged to the • -· batting .776 with 45 correct predictions, 12 wrong, and one tie. After an exchange of kicks, Moeller 45. Woodward over Taft - A hazardous pick. Senators are. Da.vton took the ball on ·its 46. On the second play <Jf the :1s tough . as they want to be,. will be on the rebound from Late in the quarter they began fourth quarter, Kosins hi:t right Courter upset. Bulldogs have speed to burn and have had two a TD march of 13 plays and tackle and cut l~ft for ~1 ya:·ds _ weeks to get. ready for key game. three first downs. Key gains to the 34, the thud of f1ve ftrst. Moeller over St. Xavier - Shoul~'l be a real head-knocker. w~I"€ 13-yarders by tailback downs the Eagles strung to-, Bombers may miss Podesta in backfield, O'Brien at end. F~scher on an option pitch and gether. · Talented Crusaders are deeper an:d in good shape, but look c;;:to':lrlu tT'l;nc_o hH ,XJ .... h-..:1 ,.~ ... ~

. I

~~~~es :~=::::::::::::::::::::::::::=i






0 J.



w narrow tile count to 8-6 with This is really only the second sea13on of full-fledged varsity a 74-yard drive, Moeller clinchfootball for the Comets. They w'ete:l-7 the first year, 3·7 the ed the victory over Coach Gerry · · second, and 3-5-2 last season. Faust's alma mater with a 75They share first place in the newly~formed Fort Ancient yard -second period march. FullValley Conference. with Little Miami, a. .'t:eam the Cohi.ets . back Dave Wilcoxson took it over from 'the two. · · entertain Friday. After 'that (hey play .Blanc'hester there. and Public High League 1 close with Lebanon at home. Chaminade made · the only ·. I , . .• W. serious threat of a scoreless i Woodward ..........................3 :-. Co'ach Lichtenberg has two players he's really high on. second half, roadblocked at thel ., One is his red-headed brother, Tim Lic~tenberg, a 6·2, 180~[~h ~:~;;----~_-:_-~---_-_-_-_-_-_-_-.~~-,-_-,-_-_-_~_-_-,--~-~ six-yard line. .,. }Jound senior quarterback. ·"He's do~ng ·a· g()oci job: He's coinCourter ---':·----------.---------------2 .. , pleted 58 per cent of his passes and scored 72 points;" End - Grab Early Lead Western H1Ils ... ,..:............. 2 ~ Robert Fox, a 6·2, 185-pouud senior, has "good hands and piays Chaminade gained a sligh't' j Hughes ______._________________________ ! real good defense.". , ;· · . . ': · . _ · ·. .· edge in the battle of statistics; 1 Aiken -----------·~----------------------1 thanks to the steady second half .'Tom, who also coaches track, is assisted in football by Walnut Hills "------------------.... 1 of soph fullbaclc Gary' .running Bill Apke, former Lockland liJ1eman who:also played ·college County Suburban League Kosins and some short passes .. ,ball at Louisville. "Bill's reserve team· is undefeated," which by quarterback Tim Sharkey. is one reaso1~ Lichty is not worrying about year. "We East lose seven· starters, but we have some good juniors and some · The Dayton team made 149-1 w. yards rushing and· 40 . on ·six of 1 good freshmen." · · · . Princeton --------------~----------- .. 5 Lichtenberg confesses it has been rewarding. to see his , 13 passes for a net of .189. MoelWyoming -------------·-----------·~-5 Lockland _____: _____:__________________ 4 ler picked up 148 .on the ground young neophytes develop into a winning grid. machine. For having no baclcground in football foljr years ago, "the town. and 28 on three of .eight aerial- . · Anderson -------------·.-------------.4 Is, a 176 net. The . Crusaders· has accepted the ·team real well; . w,e're. averaging· close to Norwood ---------~---------------'3 1 held an. 11-10 · edge in· first' 1,500 for home games." · ·• Reading --·--------·----------'---------1 * *. *. .t ·downs.· Greenhills -----'----------------·----·0 , Fullback Wilcoxson· .. led . the : Last week was the week that· was-oi- wasn't-for some West victors with 84 yards in 17 trips, . of the local grid teams. As a result, only-one team is still una 4.9 average. Jack· Monahan : W. defeated, a couple had crimps put in their title plans, and North ~allege_ H.i,ll -,~,,-~---.5 <:ouple of others got unexpected boosts toward champi~nships.__ il)ade 31 for !ight. For Dayton, : Kosins averaged .3.9 with 51 for ' Oak Hills ---------------------------5 Moeller took the measut·e of Dayton Chaminade and now 13, Roger;. Ward 4.7 with 42 for . .. j Mt.. Healthy -·--·-----------------..4 Juis St. Xavier, Purcell, and Newport Catholic remaining in the nine, and' Bob Fischer 6.7 with r..-·---~--------.---':...:....:::....:::-lColeram ----------'-------------------3 path o£ a perfect season. 'Incidentally,_ the- finale at Newpoi't 40 for six. efore Malarkey tqok ·it around' T~ylor ----------------------------------2 is slated on a Sunday aftern·oon, and Kehttickians have to Most important statistic was .· ·ight end to the two. Fmn~ytown -------------------··--:·1 play a state playoff contest that Friday .J')ight. a fumble on the kickoff, Moel- 1 From there WilCoxson· hit the Harnson. ~----~------"~----------------0 Sycamore's defeat. by Mariemont -not- only wrecked a perler's Flynn Fisher recovering on left side and· went in for the . Greater Cincinnati League fect se8son but probably cast the ·Aviators the Eastern ·Hills the 26. In four plays the Gold ,TD. Fred S~riner's place kick . w. title. They still have to meet weak New Richmond and. strong hoisted it to -15-6 with 3:09 re- :1\ioeller '~-------------------------------.4 Indian Hill. The unbeaten Wat-riors' remaii11ng league oppon-. and Blue had a touchdown. Wilcoxson hit right guard for ·maining in the half.. ;R-oger Bacon ...:.................... 3 ·· · eilts are Loveland and Deei' Park. · four· yards, then barreled Moeller's Buddy J-ackson re- Elder .....t<--...........................3 Woodward's Bulldog~. 3-2 for the season but 3-0 in Public through left guard for 16. Hay- covered a fumble at the Dayton st xaviet; .: .......................... 1 •It League play, find themselves the only tiitdefeated PHI.~ cbn· · good was stopped for a three- 23, but Fischer. intercepted· a LaSalle ...............:................ 1 tender after Courter Tech's upset o( Taft.- The Bulldogs are yard loss, but left end · Pat pass ·to nip Moeller's bid to Purcell ·------~--------------------------1 + in an advantageous position going .into their ,final stretch of O'Keefe cut over. the middle to boost the. score ·still' higher. McNicholas :.........................0 .< · four league games, st.ar_ting with Taft. Jtrid_ay nig1tt. take Steve Bieri's nine-yard pass O'Keefe. :re.turiH!d the second · · · Eastern. Hills League • In the Suburban:Leag~e Eastern 'Division ;Anderson's ,up-. on· the goal lin'e for a TD. with half kickoff 16 yards' to the 45. only 1:45 gone. Moeller put· together· two first . W. .. set of Princeton makes a Princeton-Wyomiiig co-ch;uilpionship The Crusaders set the bali on downs :on ·the' l'U[\ning of Bien, .M'anemont ............................ 5 · probable .. ':fhe Vikings must get -by Readii1g and Colerai'n; the the· left hashmark and halfback Monahan, and Malarkey, but Syc~more_ ........:.....................4 · . .. Cowboys must take Norwood and Taylor. Haygood- slanted ' wide to the got only to the 32. Thrown back Indian Hill ..........................4 .. Oak Hills, whose perfect record .was spoiled by· Princeton, tight to take Bieii's toss for the five ·yai'ds, they punted to the Loveland ------------------------3 2 was given life. in the Western Division when Iv,rt.· Healthy extra points. · · 10. ·. . Deer. Park ----------------------~----2 3 ,. tripped up unbeaten North College Hill. Now the·.NCH:oak made a first down Late in the period ChaminM~de1ra ____________,________________ ! 4 Chaminade Hills game will be head to head for the title. · on a 14-yard ·run by halfback ade started moving from its 20. Milfor~ -------------------~------------1 4 Dave's Selections Roger Ward, but three plays F~llback Kosins plowed for New R1chmond ---------,------0 ~ Sorry, six for eight seems to be the best we can do. We're later Ward fumbled, 'Jim Davis gau~s ~f seven, nine, and ·six as N'~""'A"'••,_,...,..~ batting .776 with 45 correct predictions, 12 wrong, and one tie. recovering on the Moeller 39. an ms1de attack chugged to the ·, Woodward over Taft - A hazardous pick. Senators are. After an exchange of kicks Moeller 45. ns tough .as they want to be, will be on the rebound from Dayton took the ball on ·its 46: On the second play of the Courter upset. Bulldogs have speed to burn' and have had two Late in the quarter they began fourth quarter, Kosins hit right! weeks to get. ready for key game. . a TD march _ of 13 plays and tackle and ~ut l~ft for ~ 1 ya_rds Moeller over St. Xavier - Should be a real head-knocke_r. three first downs. Key gains to the 34, the th1rd of f1ve fu·st Bombers may miss Podesta· in backfield, O'Brien at end. were 1;3-yarders by tailback downs. the Eagles strung toTalented Crusaders are deeper arrd in good shape, but look Fischer on an option pitch a·nd gether . . for X to extend them. a screen· pass. . Steady gains by Ward and Wyoming over Norwood - Somewhat underrated Indians Anothr seven-yard advance by Kosins, in'cluding a nine-yard· could give Cowboys anxious moments in a· battle of big lines. Fischer on 'the pitchOut and end run by the fullback; took Title incentive should help. · · short gains by quarterback Shar- th~ ball to ~he Moeller six. On Roger Bacon over Dayton Col. White -·Former Dayton key" moved the ball to third and thu·d down, Pete Feldhaus hit power is having off season, no time to meet determined Spartwo on the ·five .. Sharkey kept quart~rback Sharkey for a three' tans. through a big hole at right yard loss. Rushed on last down, tack).e.for a ·touchdown just 2:06 Sharkey latera~ed to Fischer,; Lockland over Greenhills-Defensively stubborn Pioneers • may make this. one chancy. Panthers' defense will _suffer if into. the second quarter. who threw. an· mcomplete pass. • Ray Collier and Dave Green can't play. · Ward tried right' ·tackle for The Crusaders got out to the Princeton over Reading ~ Young Blue Devils are doing the -conversion, but was stopped 22, th~n were thrown back to by Fisher and Don Bergman. the mne.. Bergman boomed a ; some shuffling, may spring an offensive surprise or two, but not enough' to overcome VHdngs' "size and sayyY. I Moeller still had the lead, 8·6. 40-Yard kick out of bo~nds at .• SYci!more over New Richlnond = Aviators vent frustra· the 49 to save the situation. . Crusaders Clinch It Neither. team threatened in the iion on luckless Lions. Lebanon over Lincoln Heights - Comparative sCores, Faust's gridders proceeded final five minutes. · , lacl< of passing attack make· Tigers the underdogs. ] to Pl;e~erve their clean record by Linebacker Shriner was lead--------------------~-----•-. c~oppmg out 75 yards for the ing ta~;kler for .the victors, with . clmcher, after a 10-yard kick- the other linebackers, Tom off return by Bill Busemeyer. Backluis, Nick Haverkos, and Hitting ,inside exclusively Jerry Mouch, all doing their against the Eagles' 6-3, Hay- share. - Tackles Joe Mescher : 2-PI;. 1-pt, good made five and Wilcoxson Gary Stanforth, and Don Wieh~ 1 PAT PAT pts. TD School Player Pos. six to open a drive of 15 plays all stood out, as did defensive 102 3 16 Sycamore R:ichard True HB 1 62 10 Sycamore· and five first downs. After a backs Jackson, Wise, BusemeySherman Croft HB 60 10 0 R'Oger Baco.n Dave Albrinck FB six-yard burst by the fullback; er, and Davis. 6 /60 8 Princeton Vincent Glover HB Bien sneaked two yards to the Linebacker Roger Westendorf 50 1 8 Princeton Cha.rles Gilford FB 4 50 7 Lockla-nd 48 _on a key fourth down. and right end Bernie Nabor Vic Nolting HB 44 4 6 Wyoming Bucky Love HB Haygood raced for eight, Wil- were Chaminade's top defenders, 42 7 0 Dave Wilcoxson Moeller FB coxson three. Monahan,_ Wilcox- backed by tackles Tom Fink 38 1 6 Ozzle Hillman HB ·woodward Wyoming Steve Lewis QB 5 1 32 son, Haygood, and Jim. Malar- and Larry Wolbers. QB Mike SensllJaugh Lockland 1 5 32 key gained 11 in the next four Bentley Broussa-rd HB •0 Roger Ba.con ·30 5 tries for a first down on the Greg Detmer FB 24 4 0 St. Xavier HB .• 24 . Chaminade 30. Tom Ma1one .3 Woodward 3 · FB 0 Oharles Pitts 24 Lincoln Heights 4 Bien fired a pass down the HB Lockland 24 Fred Siemers 4 0 m~~dle to end Don Bergman who TEAM SCORING was caught by Fischer at tht Opp. Opp; Ave. Pt. 2-Pt.l-Pt. six :after a gain of. 24 ·yards. The TeaJ11 TD PAT PAl' FG Sfty. Pts. Ave. Pt~. Ave. Sprearl teams traded five:yard penaltie~ Sycamore (6·1) 31 15 1 218 31.1 48 6.9 +24.2














I .. ;






Princeton· (5·2) Moeller (7-0) Roger Bacon (6·1) Wyoming (6·1) St. Xavier (5-2) Woodward (3-2) Lockland (4·3) Lin. Hts. (1·4·1)



22 14 21 6 24 11 22 11 19 2 11 4 18 6 12 i 8 4

7 1


2 1 1

164 147 169 154 129 74 120 74 56

23.4 21. 24.1 22. 18.4 14.8 17·.1 12.3 8.



49 64 53 56

114 102 227

4.9 2.9. 7. 9.1 7.6 11.2 16.3 17. 32.4

+ 18.5 +18.1 . +17.1 +12.9 +10.8



3.. 6-

.8 - 4.7 -24.4

Page IS




Crusader Attacl{s Moeller linebacker Jim Davis (No. 20) carries the pigskin to Roger Bacon's six-yard IlJ.atk after the Crusaders recovered a


SaltUrday, October 2, 1965

Bacon blocked punt near Sparton's 20-yard line. Closing in on Davis is Bacon's Jack Frey (No. 31). Moeller won the Greater Cincilli"lati League contest, 17-0. In the background, at left, is Moell&''S Frank: . Wise (NO. 24).-Enquirer (Heise) :J;!lioto, \

. "'--·.·



Moeller 17, J"?"'"r' Roger B(lCon 0 Moeller, a season surprise, established itself · as the teaJV. to beat in the rugged GCL with the night's biggest upset. Moeller ·stunned Roger Bacon with a quick touchdown · in the opening pe: · riod, then quickly a safety for a 10-0 lead and went on to score the school's first ever win over the state-· rated Spartans, 17-0. Quarterback Steve Bien t end Don Bergman with ~ eleven-yard scoring pass ~ the opening stanza and ''junior Joe Schweitzer connected again to Bergman for the two-point conversion and an early 8-0 Moeller lead. On the ensuing kickoff Rog·er Bacon downed th,e ball in the end zone giving the .Crusaders another two points. Early in the final period senior fullback Dave Wilcoxson sprinted five yards for the second Moeller touchdown and msured the victory, Meeler's fourth of the season in as many starts and their second in GCL play. . .



ROGER BACON . . . . . 0 0 0 0- 0 MOELLER· ........ 10 0 0 0 7-'17 MOEllER--<Bergman 11 DBSS from Bien (Beraman oass from Schweitzer). . M. OELLER-Safatv credited to Moeller team. _ . MOELLER-Wilcoxson 5 · run . (ShriON~


Long Scoring Driye


Cf to 5"

' .Chaminado; _had cut the/ivfoelj Jer margin.:to &:5 early in the; second quarter on a five-yard scamper by quarte1•hack • ·Tim SharKey; clima:X"ing a 54-yard, 13-play march. Roger, Ward's rlin _for points was short. ' Moeller cam·e right back with the kickoff, _traversing 75 yards in 17 plays. Wilcoxson dived in from the two. Faust wisely ·decided to kick· for the e x t r a point, and Fred Shriner con'nected··- giving Moeller a ninepoint lead ·and forcing Chaminade to make m o r e than a touchdown ·and two-point con' version to tie. I Neither team mounted 'much af a march In the second half. Chaminade did take it from the Eagle 20 to Moeller's nine early in the fourth quarter,: with Kosins dashing off consistent yardage. The two-ya.rder gave Chaminade a first. and 10 at the 11. C h'a m 1 n ad e coach Hank Schneider changed tactic'S here and quit shoving the ball up Moeller's middle. Sharkey got five on a sweep to the six, but lost three on the same play and threw incomplete on a pass. A fourth and eight pass by halfback Bobby Fischer.missed and 11 Chaminade's· chances died. : t Statistically~ Charriinade beat ,. Moeller in every way, but three early 'lost fumbles and a pass interc-:ption ·killed most. of the Eagle thrusts.



CINCDoNAT! ~WEILER lS, CHA.'IINADE 6 ~!nelle~- · .............. ,..... .' ll ' 0 t>-L'i Chemlnsde • .. .. • .. .. .. .. .. 0 -6 0 t>- 6 ~JoeliO!r: O'Keefe, 11, ·pass Bien .. (Raycood, pess Bien) · Cbemlnl!.de: Sb&rkey, II, run. (1'11!1 fa!led) . ( ){ oeJJ~r I mtoouon 2, l'Wl, (Shriner kick)'

.eller 8, Elder 6

Moeller, unbeaten and eighth-ranked among Ohio's Class AA high school football teams, took a commanding lead in the Greater Cincinnati League football race, defeating a stubborn Elder, 8-6, at the losers~ . field. • A pair of Steve Bien} PasseS in the second period 1 carried Moeller to the Elder<ll 10. on the next play halfback Jim Malarkey broke away for the touchdown, and Bien p as s e d to Pat O'Keefe for the d e c i d i n g two-point conversion. Midway through the third period E I d e r recovered a fumbled punt by Moeller on the Crusader 18. Moments l a t e r halfback Ray Baur bolted over right tackle from two yards out for the score. But when sophomore Ron Krechtin m o v e d back to pass for th~ Elder conversion, Moeller's Fred Shriner intercepted and saved the win.

Elder mustered a fourthperiod drive to the Moeller nine, but a penalty and stiffening Crusader defense spoiled the bid for the win. MOELLER

.. .. . . • . • . . •

. ELDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -1.

0 8 0 0-8 0




Moeller-Malarkev 10 run !O'Keefe, pass

)4:*l.'!L . ~j~~~:. ') .,..., lr..,.~•



Moene;~; _~;b·~iten" 'cr~~

saders won a hard-earned · S-6 . decision over Elder, continued their mastery in the Q- reate r Cincinnati League with a 3-0 record and posted a 5-0 season mark which should enhance their rating as Ohio's N~ S_class AA eleven.llf4


FA'ow Ohio's Top ~,'_ ·H) Teams· Fared 1~~S" 1. 2. 3. 4.


Massillon beat Niles McKinley, 22-8. Sandusky beat Lorain, 44·0. Warren downed Akron East. 14-0. Middletown edged Springfield South,


5. Niles McKinley lost to Massillon, 22-8.

6. Steubenvill~ beat Wellsville. 40·8. 7. Upper Arlington trounced Grandview,




~grJ~~useds~~tt~~~~~ 1i~!t Newarll. 10. i~~Jgont ~oss beat Ma;lon ·. H~rdln~ \·.

'"oeller'Nips ·EideJI 11

ICrusaders Hold 1.~ I . - ·~ ..

!League's ;Top Spot I··

BV TOM MINNERY, Elder Correspondent :Moeller gained supremacy in the Catholic League last night by topping. Elder., 8-6; before about 7000 fans at 1 Elder. Both schools were previously unblemished in league : COmpetitiOn. . . SCORING SUMMARY i Neither squad penetrated Moeller .......... o s o o-a I' enemy territory in ·the first Elder · · · · · · · · · · · · 0 0 6 · 0-6 · Th e p anth ers f at.1ed O'Keefe. Moeller ·touchdown- Malar~y. PATI· quar to capitalize on a break when Elder touchdown-Baur. I middle guard . 1 Keith Lobring took quarterback Steve B~en's gathered in a pass for the two bonus pomts. bobbled l\1oel· Bill Buzek feU on a fumbled Ier p u n t re· punt return jn the .third t u r n at h is quarter to put Elder m scorown 30. ing position on the Moeller The h o me 26. An ensuing clipping penteam was first alty brought the ball to the ! a c r o s s mid- 11, ·wbere Ray Baur took a 1 fie I d in the hand·off f r om quarterback second quart- Ron Krechting fo.r. the Pan. er by recover- thers' only scor.e. Krech~ing's 1\Hnnery ing a Crusador pass for two pomts was mter. fumble on the visitors' 32. cepted. ' They took it nowhere how- Krechting unloaded t w o . ever and were forced to kick. bombs good for 45 yards with . · ~ Big Dave Wilcoxin sparked three minutes left, to put the I a. Crusader drive which.began home team in position once on the Moeller five and went again on :Moeller's 39. The 1 95· in 19 plays for the next play saw Elder short of six-pointer. Jim a first down by one yard on· b u 11 e d 10 yards a hotly-contested dec is i o. n. th. e middle for· the They were .then. eliminat~1 . ·and Jack O'Keefe an intercepted pass. ,~· .




. ]Cl Ex~Eagle Fa~~t

N.ear ·perfectioi1 1



1\"ews Sports Wrlter

OLD IT. The 1965 hig11 school footba1l season isn't ( . over yet. A few teams still have one more game to go, notabl~r Cincinnati Moeller at Newport Cat,holic 'and Middletown Fenwick at Springfiel'd Catholic, both 'this aftemoon . . . .


· Moeller, coached by ,Chami- · schools, has a 7~2 record and nade graduate Gerry Fal.*st one of its losses \Vas, a 2&-0 the state's seventh-ranked decision. to Springfield Catha· . Class AA ·t e a m · lie .with fullback Ed . Ziegler out wij.h a pinched ne1;ve \}'rapped the Greater and quarterback John Rapp C i n c i nwith a broken hand . . . The nati ieague .title · aLter latter had been out four weeks but Faust says both will be finishing ·second ready for Moeller . . . • U1e last two Among Nei~'porfs victims yeai·s a ri ,d was Kentucky Highland, which hopes to Carroll close out :l"aust 1:'1-beicd the Massillon of )he, season with its lOth northern Kentucky' ' • stl'aight victory .•.. "Thc~':ve lost only three games in the last eight years Fa.u~t;·s Fi.ghting Cru·saders, but ·Ne"iport beat 'em 12-0," ln their third ,varsity .season, Fa!lst went on • • , c~n notch their 27th victory as against onb• 3 Josses today . . ; Middletown F e n w i c k, ' They w€re ·9-J two years ago, coached by former Ohio State . lo.Sing to Cindrinati Roger Ba· halfback Jerry Harkrader, con'.· the GGL champion, and goes against Springfield Catho'•8-2 last year. bo,\•ing to Bacon lic wit.h a 5-4 record, meaning , and Cincinnati Elder, who tied that ·Harkrader can look buck•i for the title • , • · · on his 1:1Jnth season at Fen-./ wick \1\r!thout:a losing record:_j · T~is'year 'Mo.elier took care of both . and in addition· sidetracked another Cincinnati parochial threat, St. Xavier ... ' The Crusaders scored , l85 points while giving· up- only, -26 in ·their nine victories this sea,son and, says Faust, "the · only team to put:• on 11 sustaineti .drive against ·us· wa-s· · Chaminade," whom lVloellel'· · turned back. 15-6 in midseason at the University of Davton'"



.. •-·-


Moeller Coach F aniiliar Face By TOl\1 CARROLL, Daily Nilws Sports Writer

HAMINADE football pal'tisans ro:e going to see 3. familiar brand of football when Moeller high school of Cincinnati, 6-0 and ranked sixth state-wide by the Associated Press, engages Hank Schneider's Eagles, also 6-0 and ranked lOth in a 3 p.m. game today at Uni1 versity of Dayton's Baujan field.


Six on the eight-man coach· but junor Marty Eysoldt, whO ing staff are products of stanlls just a half mch over six Chaminade or the University feet ·and weighs 176, is right behind him. of Dayton and it's the first "We like to throw a lot. Ume Moeller They're real good passers and Coach Gerry have good receivers in DOI'l Faust wJH be Bergman (5-9, 188), Pat O'Keefe sending a (6-3,185) and Glenn SmallwOOd team against • (6-1, 189)," Faust volurl.teers~ ... ··j .the s c h o o 1 where he p 1 aye d and where his. d .ad, l''uzzy, · coached for Faust many years.· "If we win 1his one we could ~ go all the way," says Schneider. The 30 - year - old Moeller J coach, who was graduated from · Chaminade in 1953 and from the University of Dayton in 1958, agrees. I

,I i

"We saw them in just about .e\'H;\' game.




terrific offense, probably the best we'll fa{:e," young Faust S3J'S.

Moeller has scored 132 points, yielded only 1.4 in beating · P r i n c e to n 14-0, Cincinnati Hughes 26-8, LaSalle 21-0, Roger Bacon 17-0, Elder 8-6 and McNicholas 46·{). Chaminade has totaled 172, given up 57 in turning back Fairmont East 41·8, Beavercreek 18-16, Fairmont West 28-16, Carroll 34-19, Richmond 18-0 and Colonel White 33·8. "I DON'T J\NOW whether we can get our kids up for Chamlnade," G~rry adds re· alistically. "Our boys want to win the league title. 1f we win week after week, we're assured of at least a tie." ·Faust is JlRI'ticula:fly hi)!h on center - linebacker ~rom Backhaus, 5·10, 196Y2·J!Ound senior, whom he tabs "our aU·state ca.ndidate." First-stri.I~· 1 ·· · ~4uarterback

senior St




is \ "Bien, 5-10, 180,



Moeller Jolts Ch~inade, For First Loss, 15-6



Special To The Enquirer ,

DAYTON, Ohio- Cincinnati Moeller, capitalizing on a couple of key breaks, kept its record clean and handed host D a y to n Chaminade High its first loss of the 1965 campaign w he n the Crusaders scored a 15·6 decision at University of Dayton Stadium. Moeller's first TD came after Chamlnade fumbled the opening kickoff and the Crusader's recovered at the Eagle 26. Four plays later Steve Bien ·. p a s e d nine yards to end · Pat O'Keefe for the touchdown and Steve I ' Haygood· took a Bien pass for the two-point conversion. Early in the second period, Chaminade m a r c h e d 54 yards in 13 plays to send quarterback Tim Sharkey · home from five yards out, but Bill Busemeyet tackled Chamiil.ade's Roger Ward to spoil the conversion try. Moeller then took the en- ,j suing kickoff and marched 75 yards for the clincher, a \ two-yard bolt by fullback Dave Wilcoxson, with Fred ~ Shriner kicking the extra , 1 point. ·. · . Moeller, sixth .ranked in 1 Ohio, is unbeaten in seven , · games, while Chaminade's lOth-rated Eagles are 6-1.


MOELLER ...... -8 CHAMINAOE .... 0








Mooller-'-()'Keefe 9, pass from Bien (Haygood, pass from. Bien). Chaminade-Sharkey 5. run (run failed). Moeller-Wilcoxson 2, run (Shriner kick).

Early Jam Leads Chaminade Down Road to First Defeat 'Cinch1nati Moeller Plucks 15-6 Victory F~om Eagles I

By TOiU C4RROLL, Daily News Sport:;, Writer

found itself in a bad way at the outset CHAMINADE of its Homecoming game with sixth-ranked Cincin-

Yardstick Ch&m. First Dowrut .. , .. .. 11 Rushing Yardage ..... H9 Pa.ssing Yardage ... ,. • 34 Passes ................ 6-18 Passes Intercepted By.. 1 Punt• .................. 4-39.5 Fumble• Lost .. .. • .. .. • 0 Yards Penalized ... ., .. 45

Moeller 12 129 32 3-8 1

6-33.1 1

35 nati Moeller at Baujan field yesterday and the Eagles j spent the rest of the 'afternoon vainly trying to extricate themselves. Flyer mentor has his work cut

Having fumbled away the opening kickoff at their own 26, the Eagles were eight points behind when the game was only a minute and 33 seconds old. Some two hours later they were on the short end of a 15-6 score . and sad d 1 e d with their first defeat in six games. Carroll Chaminade alumnus G e r r y Faust rode back to Cincinnati with his lads owning a 7-0 sea· son record (24-3 in his last 2% seasons). "WE WERE in bad position on the field most of the game," a disheartened C h a m i n a d e Coach· Hank Schneider said. And the man who had said last week that "if we take this one I think we can go all the way," was faulting himself last night for the turn of events. "We didn't get quite the re· suits we f i g u r e d from our passing," Schneider said. "I should have made him (quarterback Tim Sherkey) open up more." ' It wasn't much of an aerial contest. Sharkey connected on 6 of 13 passes for 34 ~·ards and lUoeller's Steve Bien got only 32 yards ott his ~·for·8. Chaminade had the better of it on the ground in the statis· tics race, however, getting 149 yards to Moeller's 127. But they pay off only on touchdowns. "That's the most yardage our defense has given, up," the 30year-old Faust said. "Chaminade pulled a few offensive surprises on us but fortunately ,~our boys were able to adjust.

break right off, but the mark out for him if he hopes to re-I cruit him. of a good team is to make your own breaks.· It was a hard "Our four co-captains are in tackle (by Flynn Fisher, who our accelerated academic progran1," Faust said proudly, hit Reggy Hayes on the ki!:koff) "and all three service acadand that's the way it went ail emies-West Point, Annapolis afternoon. I don't think you'll and Air Force-are after them." find another game where both The co-captains are Backhus and tea~s b 1 o c k e d as hard or center linebacker Jim Davis on defense, Wilcoxson and guard tackled as hard as what went John Stigler on defense .. on out there." Carroll high school was still Four plays after Hayes fell on celebrating yesl;E:rday after its the ball at the 26, Bien tossed team won its first game of the to Larry O'Keefe from the nine season the night before. The for the touchdown, then heaved Patriots defeated Lima Central· to Steve Haygood for the' extra Catholic, 8-6. two points. !\loeller ······••···•··~••••• 8 7 0 ~15 But a M·yard march, eating ................ 0 6 0 G- 6 llloeller: O'Keefe, 9, pu• Bien. (Hayup 14 plays Into 9:54 of the rood, pa8S Bien) · second quarter, saw Sharkey Cb&min&de: Sh&rkey, S, run. (I'UD go over from the five and fall• d) ~r oeller: Wile ox• on 2, rnn. (Shriner though the run for the equal· ' ~ Jzpr failed, the Eagles were 1 ~~ still In a rock·'em, sock-'em ball game. The Fighting Crusaders of Moeller finished the scoring for the afternoon on the ensuing kickoff when they marched 75 yards in 17 plays and five first downl; to send fullback Dave Wilcoxson, 211-pound senior, over from the two. Chaminade moved back from the Moeller 45 to the 9 midway in the last quarter but stalled there when, on fourth-and-seven, a trapped Sharkey tossed back to Booby Fisher, who tllrew forward to Gary Arthur in vain.

EAGLE fullback Gary Kosins personally . accounted for 46 yards on seven trips with the ball in the Eagles' last march but Wilcoxson, with all-state center candidate Tom Backhus leading the forward charge, gained 78 in 16. . One of those who ·greeted 1\foeller' s Backhus after the game was University ot Dayton '!iii:. "SURE thev had a biiZ bad Coach John McVay. But\t.h'e




Has Stingy Defense


Yield Only 26 Points



Moeller ·High's. have the best record in ..... after winning their first •: contests and the fact that have the stingiest among local teams certainly has much to do with their success. · Coach Gerry Faust's club has given up only. 26 points over the eight-game span. Offensively, the Crusaders. have amassed 163 points and m ing it have spread the over 10 players. FAUST CREDITS the work of assistant coaches Phil otti and George Markley the development of the defensive unit. "They have to get the credit because I don't spend any time with the defens~ to speak of," Gerry points out "We drill our two units at different ends of About the only time the"boys on opposite units see each other after we finish calisthenics is in the locker room after practice. "We bring the offense defense together only we.. are practicing punts (-'~1efckoffs.' A few of our juniors play both ways and we schedule the practices so that cut:vJ:.·~··" can work at either end of field and not miss anything.



\ (



At Moeller · ·· · . SYCA•MOREJ;-AND - A bonfire PeP' rally, a Student Council sponsored dance, a parade, and an -important GCL against. St~ . {{avier will .highlight the M~ller High . School Ho~·e·coming · .Celebration· t h. i's · we~kimd: Th~ raily and dance 'will take place at the school on Friday night. : 1-i>cai · citizens are advised ·'that :the pafad~ ·,Vin ·leave. the Moeller school grounds at' 12:'45 Sunday .afternoon, .It .will proceed down Montgomery Rpad to Cooper Road · and left ·on 8ooper to tho Sycamore High School stadium .where_ the game wi'll. b~ .played:··At half-t:i·me an. award for 'the most elaborate and origii1al .'float will be "presented.

FULLBACK Dave leads the Crusaders in ing wiijl 48 points and ua.u··~·"" back Jack Monahan is with 26. They account for of the team's 163 points the remainder are among three ·other back three ends, with the getting 32 between them. The individual scoring battle between Pete Donohue of Mariemont a n d Sycamore's Rich True continues a one with Donohue ing a· six-point edge with 134 total for seven games.· MOVING UP this week with • an 18-point outburst was Vic Nolting, Lockland senior halfback, who now is tied for sev' enth place with 68 points. The complete high school ~coring picture follows in statistics compiled by Herbert for The Post and Times-Star.

. I •



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Chaminade"s Roger Ward (?4) Fumhle5 ••• Moeller's Nick Haverkos (52) Ready To Pounce I

.Fine Homecoming For. Gerry Faust


Ha1tds Cham.irtade First Loss

trem-=ly gracious: to Faust. The times for 78· yards. He also got Journal Herald's No. 1 rat€d the s-econd Moeller tcuC'hdown ~toelle• Chftol\" f bl d th · k' k 0•1 a two-yard plunge in the Ge!"cy Faust enjoyed Chami- F!ret J:lowns ............. :. .;; openmg JC • secorrl auarter. . 11 team urn e 1 1 nade high school's hcmecoming ~~t'~ }!:~!:; ::::::::: ~ !~ off, with Flynn_ Fisher covering "Ye::, \vi!coxs6n ls good," ad6-I:.: at the Eagle 26. ·yesterday aft ern JOn at Baujan Pa.saes. · · .. • ........... · 3-8 mitted Faust. "But he couldn't Int.erceptl•n..q B:- •• ~ •.•• , . 1 · l , field more than s.ny o:fuer alum- ~~~~~~"i;,;i'·::::::~·::::. 8-33.~ 4·311-~ I Line Blocking Helps d•J it witl10ut our line bloc!oing. · They !ripped holes all day. Our 45 nus a> Ci'ncmmrti 1\:I o e 11 e r 1.'ardo Pe!18Jl<e4 .. · ....... ~Bu1·ley fullbac'·.r D..'ve W1.•1~~,_ v"" centec, Tom Backhus, ·did most nipped the Eagles 15-6. son carried it four and 16 yards of it He's definitely all-state Fau-st, Chamin&de &ass of '54, his three years at the Cincin- to the Chaminade six. A.c'"ter a material. spoilEd his alma mater's home- nab. I=-C~Nehial scil:lOl. three-yard 10 5 :;, quarterback "Th~ key to our Yictory was ooming by handmg the Eagles "I never thnugh~ I would ro61 Steve Bien hit end Pat O'Keefe stoppm.g Chaminade's fullb-ack their f!t5t setback after six wins. again:t my alma mater,· espe(Gary Rosins), ·• said Faust. The former Eagle quarter- cially en homecoming," said witt: the scoring to;~. Bien tllrew "And I think \Ve did a pretty back Js definitely aP alumnus F3.Ust after the fmal horn. "But to halfhack Steve Haygood for fEir job." akb;; good. The victory was this i; one of rny biggest tri- a two-point conversioi1. Kos:tns, the 195-pound ~ S9PJ:l,i-l ,i . ~ler's seventh sb~'3.Jght win, umph:." Wilcoxwn was a nuisance to rr,ore, got 52 yards for 12~':1_· vmg_ Faust a ~4-3 :record for Actually, Gnaminade was ex- Cha.minade a!J day, can-)' 16 '~ie;;, but 46 of those cam j1j ::....:=-------==============-=======-----------.,;,.=:....:.:======------t.;.rven carries. during one .st I~ te in the th\ period a.nd By Hill 1\tcc<,o,-

'"urnal Herald Sport" Writer






' ___,,..

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1\>IAKING an advan s unbeaten Cincinnati . oeller, a 24-0 winner over · Purcell S u n d a y. Moeller · · jumped from seventh to sixth, changing places with Colum- : bus Watterson, which ended its campaign with a 28~8 victory over Columbus Hartley. Upper Arlington held on to ' . fifth position with a 9-0 mark. and rounding out the top 10 were twice-beaten Steubenc ville in eighth, Shelby in ninth and newcomer Clevelarid Benedictine in lOth with ' a 7-1 record. The ratings, first place votes and won-lost records:



TEAiol· 4j ~ S'j.OINTS 1 1 Massillon (15) (9-lll ............ 362 . 2 Sandus= (16) (9-Ql ............ 345 !1!! 1n•~r... 262 . ....... 206 1 .... _..,.. •• • pper Arlinrton (1) (9-Q) . . ... . oeller (2) (9-Ql . . . . . . . 136 Columbus Watterson (2) (9-Q) ....

. ...............

? 1


I ltiM WII .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 She11ly 19-lll . . .... . ...... 10 Cleveland Benedictine (7·1 l. . . . . .

85 64

56 SECOND 10 TEAMS: 11. Ro&er Bacon (1) and Athens. 38 each: 13. canton McKinley · 37: 14, lima 33: 15. Akron St. Vincent. 23: 16. Darton Chaminade 21: 17. Younas· Chaney 20: 18. Ashland 19: 19. · o Scott 16: 20. Niles. Oreron Clay Hamilton Catholic. 15 each.



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TC-fE MILLCREEK VAltH NEWS ;ection One-Page Eight

LOCKlAND, OHII Thursday, November 18, 196.




With their first undefeated football team and first GCL ~rid title, ~Ioelll!r students and fans have cause for rejoicing. The Crusaders can be deservedly proud of a job well done and their No. 3 ranking in the Associated Press state poll. Moell~r was a bit overlooked in the pre·:;eason GCL fore· l'asts. After loRing 22 graduate~. m11ny of them standouts, the Crusaders figured to have some rebuilding to do. Coach Ge;·1·y Faust: p1·aises this year·s 19 seniors fot· tbeir attitude, leadership. and ;;.bilit~·. In [act. he says everyone connected with the program played a big part. "It was an all-around school effort." 'T'hi~ team had go-power. Led by flillbac~ D<1ve Wilcoxson with 78 points and haLfbaf'k .Jack Monahan with 32, the Cru· saders had 15 players who contributed six or more points to theit· 224 totaL Rut we'll best remember the "65 Moeller squad for its team effort and its defense, lt!d hy doughty linebackers Jerry Mauch, Nick Haverkos, Tom Backlms, and Fred Shriner. They held the oppositioll to 33 points and consistently came up with big plays that made crucial Bcorcs possible. "Our defense forced many breaks," agrees Faust, who credits Coaches Phil Gigl io1.ti and George Marklay for the success of the defensive unit. Crux of the campaign we•·e the back·to-back wins over Roger B<~con, 17-0. :mrl Elder, 8-6. After that Moeller gained momentum. They had to work to defeat Dayton Chaminade, 15-6, and St. Xavier, 14-6, but this was a team that was able to win the big ones. Xavier U. Coach Ed Biles will be speaker for the Moeller football banquet at 6:30 Wednesday, December 1, at the schooL

·;.: * * \'alley fans should he w<'U pleased with the quality of


high school football served up to them this year. Eight of 10 loeal teams lost three games or less: Moeller 10·0, Roger Bacon and Sycamore 9-1, Wyoming 8-1, Princeton 8-2, St. Xavier 7-3, J,ockland 6·3, and Woodward with a good chance to finish 6·3. Special mention should go to the coaching efforts of Bron Bacevich at Roger Bacon and Bob Lewis at Wyoming. If they were to have a lean year, 1965 should have been it; instead each lost only one game. That bodes ill for future foes. Bacevich had no starters returning this year, but fashioned a team that scored 233 points and gave up only 49. He loses some 12 regulars among 19 seniors, but has more undergrad· uates than usual on the varsity, plus some good, big personnel ~oming up. Bacon Booster club banquet is set for 6:30 Monday evening. Lewis expected to lose froiu two to four games, ''but these ki<ls are used to winning. The last three games they were " real good (oQtba\1 team." The Cowboys, who scored 234 and g<Jve up 70 llOints, lose nine regulars on offense, seven on defense. But f:On~icler this. Wyoming's junior high, co<~ched by Paul ~''"--~·n;.-_,, :>nn Chuf'k R;111~ler. was 6·0 and won the league


Shade Elder For 2nd; Purcell Yields Moeller High inked its first !.lndefeated season into the grid ·ecords, Roger Bacon claimell ·unner-up honors behind the ::rusaders 11·ti.1e Catholic League, and St. Xavier capped 1 7·3 season with victories Sunday. Moeller made it 10 straiJ?:ht 15 over two seasons, with a 39·7 triumph over Newport Catholic at Newport Stadium. Six Crusaders scored touch· downs in the finale of an allwinning campaign for Coach Gerry Faust. Passing of Steve Bien and Marty Eysoldt aug. mented an efficient ground game. Roger Bacon's strong rushing game and stubborn defense won out over rugged Elder, 6-0, in their battle fOl" second place in the GCL at Elder Stadium. A remarkable 9·1 campaign [or Coach Bron Bacevich's re'Juilding grid team was climaxed when junior halfback Joe Frey, >eeing his first real varsity action, grabbed the hero role by racing 30 yards for a fourth quarter touchdown. The Spartans won their last six in a row. St. Xavier notched its seventh win and placea fourth in the GCL at 3·3 by downing Pm-cell, 26·0, at Lockland Stadium. Halfback Steve Morgan made two TD's for Tom Ballaban's crew, while end Riclc Reder scored eight points on passes from Jerry Randolph and intercepted two Purcell ae'lials. 10 For Crusaders . . _Mo~ller combmed long dnves ~Ith_ Its usual quota of ale~·t de.enslVe subd_ue h1~hlyated Newport Cathohc, 39-7. The Thombreds, who had only me day to get r~ady after a Ken-~~ky playoff wm ove~· Ashland :' nday, held the halftime count :o 12-7. Af~er that the Crusaders rolled at Will. Moeller netted 410 yards, 243 cushing·and '167 passing, to New. >ort's 107. on 64 rushing and 43 ,Jassing. Steve Bien completed 'ive of 13 tosses for 89 yards, Marty Eysoldt fom· of severi for ,9 and a TD. Joe Schweitze'r

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Moeller's Undefeated GCL Champs

J\focller's Crusaders won 10 straight games, recording Third row. Coach Phil Gigliotti, Head Coach Gerry Faust ., their first perfect football season and their first Greater John Johnson, George lloobler, Joe Mescher, Dori Bergman, Cincinnati League grid championship. Ranked as high as third Don Wiehe, Jack Monahan, Den Johnson, Gary Stanforth, \ in state polls, the Blue lllJ.d Gold scored 224 points, gave Jerry Mouch, Bob De Angelis, Nick Gregory, Coach George up only 33. Marklay, Coach 1'im Rose; fourth row: Chris Gates, Glenn Left to right, front row: Dave Wergowske, Steve Mittler, Smallwood, Mike Zimmer, Bud Jackson, Dave Shafer, Dave 1 Norb Amo.rini, Steve Haygood, Tom Bien, Jim :Malarkey, Falgner, Den Corken, Jim l"oley, John lleizelman, 8Hl Gary Ripperger, Ed Outlaw, Nick Haverkos, Rick Bishop, Busemeyer, Joe Schweitzer, Tim Vicar, Bill Gray; fifth row: Eric Kuhn, John Kutcher, Mike Smythe, Marty Eysoldt, IJan ·· Dan Gaul; second row: Urban Jones, Dr. E. Vance Walters, Novokov, Flynn Fisher, Tom Gardner, 'l'im Albers, John Fred Shriner, Frank Wise, Steve Bien, Jim Davis, Tom Harpring, and Pat O'Keefe; not shown: Jim Schwertman. ' BackllUs, Dave Wilcoxson, John Stigler, Pete Feldhaus, Tom Kishpaufh, Dave Lucas, Cc;.ac,h Dan Gibbons. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~-~.----~ . fleeted pass from Ron Krechtmg was picked off by Ray Baur for a 42-yard gain and a first down on the Bacon 23. Four . plays later Baur dropped a pass m the end zone', and Bacon took ovEOr. A 33-yard TD strike from Spartan quarterback Ron Ben· jamin to Jim Brinkman in the second quarter was called back for an illegal shift. Albrinck and Broussard took Jo Bacon in close as the fourth period opened, but a third down jump pass was dropped in the end zone and Albrinck was stopped on the' five. The Panthers had to punt out, and four minutes later Joe Frey broke loose through the left side. A big block by guard l\1el Hoffman shook him loose. Frey cut back and sped 30 yards to score. Krechting passed Elder down the field in the waning maments but the drive died on the Bacon 35. Middle guard Joe Watzek and linebacker Lance Heinrich monJpolizecl the tackling points, followed by Dennis .Johnson, as the Spartans finished 5·1 in the lea"ue. Elder wound up 4-2. "' Seventh For Bombers






Mouch, Nick 1-l!averlws, Tom Baclthus, and Fred Shriner. 'l'hey • held the opposition to 33 points and consistently came up .with big plays that made crucial scores }JOssible. · "Our defense forced many breaks," agrees Faust, who cl'edits Coaches Phil Gigliotti and George Marklay for the success of the defensive unit. Crux of the campaign were the back-to-back wins over .Roger Bacon, 17-0, and Elder, 8-6. After that Moeller gained momentum. They had to work to defeat Daytori Chaminade, 15-6, and St. Xavier, 14-6, but this was-a team that was able to win the big ones. Xavier U. Coach Ed Biles will be speaker for the Moeller football banquet at 6:30 Wednesday, December 1, at the school.

* Valley fans shoulcl be WP.ll pleased with the quality of_

high school football served. up to them this year. Eight of 10 local teams lost three games or less: Moeller 10-0, Roger Bacon and Sycamore 9-1, Wyoming 8-1, Princeton 8-2, St. Xavier 7·3, Lockland 6-3, and Woodward with a good chance to finish 6·3.

tne li\,;L at ~wer ~:>taamm. A remarkable 9-1 campaign for Coach Bron Bacevich's re· l:>uilding grid. team was climaxed when junior halfback Joe Frey, >eeing his first real varsity action, grabbed the hero role by racing 30 yards for a fourth quarter touchdown. The Spartans won their last six in a row. St. Xavier notched its seventh win and placed fourth in the GCL at 3-3 by downing Pm·cell, 26-0, at Lockland Stadium. Halfback Steve Morgan made two TD's for Tom Ballaban's crew, while end Rici<; Reder scored eight points on passes from .Jerry Randolph and intercepted two Purcell ae'rials. 10 For Crusaders ·Moelle . · r c0 m b'me d 1ong d nves with its usual t 0f 1 rt t . . . _ quo a a e: c e .ens1ve plays ,to subdue h1ghly·ated Newport Catholic, 39-'7. Th - e Tho ro b re ds, w h o ha d on Iy )ne da ", to get 1.ea d y_ a ft e1.. .,~ K en,ucky playoff win over Ashland Triday, held the halftime count 'o 12.., Aft . th t tl C. d . , ·•· . _er a 1e tusa ers rolled at w1ll.




f':! .. -'~"-''


fleeted pass from Ron Krechting was picked off by Ray Bam for a 42-yard gain and a first down on the Bacon 23. Four plays later Baur dropped a pass in the end zone, and Bacon took over. A 33-yarcl TD strike from: Spai·tan quarterback Ron Ben-\ jamin to Jim Brinkman in the second quarter was called back for an illegal shift. Albrinck and Broussard took Bacon in close as the fourth period opened. but a third do·.vn jump pass ·was dropped in the end zone and Albrinck was stopped on the five. The dPanthers _ · had to punt out, an four mmutes later .J_oe Frey broke loose through t11e l ft 51-d A b'1 - bl k b· a ·d e • e. · _ g o_c - _-Y ,ual IVIel Hoffma11 shook h11n loose. F. . t . . I e~· cu back and sped 30 ya1 ds t crK 1 t' d "'ld ·, do .,~oreth. ptalsse '--' . el own o e 1e m . · le wanmg mamenL but the dnve d16d on the Bacm1 35 _ Middle guard Joe 'Natzek and linebacker Lance Heinrich monJpolize(l the tackling point<o, Jollowed by Dennis .Johnson, as lhe Spartans finished 5·1 in the league. Elder wound up 4-2,

u ........................... ,

Special mention should go to the coaching efforts of Brpn Bacevich at Roger Bacon and Bob Lewis at Wyoming. 'If they were to have a lean year, 1965 should have been it; instead each lost only one game. That bodes ill for future foes. Bacevich had no starters returning this year, but fasl}ioned a team that scored 233 points and gave up only 49. He loses some 12 regulars among 19 seniors, but has more undergraduates than usual on the varsity, plus some good, big personnel toming up. Bacon Booster club banquet is set for 6:30 Monday evening. Lewis expected to lose froin two to four games, "but Moeller netted 410 yards, 243 these kid<> are used to winning. The last three games they were cushing·and ·167 passing, to New:\ real good football team." The Cowboys, who scored 234 and >ort's 107- on 64 rushing. and 43 ~ave up 70 points, lose nine regulars on offense, seven on ~assing .. Steve Bie'n completed defense, :ive Of _13 tosses for 89 yards, But consider this. Wyoming's junior high, coached by. Paul Marty Eysoldt four of severi for · Champion and Chuck Ransler, was 6-0 and won the league i9_ and a TD . •Toe Schweitze-r Seventh For IJ;ombers htle. Leo Perkins and Kirt Rockel steered the frosh to a 6·0 :hipped in one for nine yards. Halfbacks Steve Nl'organ and ma.rk a_nd a co-championship with Ander:>on. _~in1 _C~d~r;'::> ___ . Fullback Dave Wilcoxson .led Chuck O'Leary <-mel qna;·tei'l}ackJ reserves were 8-0-l, tying Princeton. Fotlr champiOnship-teams - ; ;he runners with· G7 y 3 rd~ in 14 Jerry Randolpl1 detonated in one year. trips and a TD. Also scoring I Xavier's scoring ccplosives as '' * '' Nere Jack Monahan with 37 for t.he Bombers fl;;Uened Purcell, Sycamore's George Acus got a lot of mileage (9-1 and - five' and Tom Kishpaugh with 26-0, Sunday <~t Lockland. EHL second place) out of a talented but thin squad. The re-3i -for seven. Steve Haygood A 20-point second quarter asstilts showed up in the Eastern Hills All-Star voting. gained 43 for six, John Johnson sured St. 'X its seventh grid win · EHL offensive choices include Aviators Mike Hunter at ·.33 for four. and third GCL success. O'Leary center, Don Johnson at right guard, Paul Savage at right end, A 68-yard drive by the Crus- averaged six yards with SO yards : Steve Hopping at quarterback, Richard True at halfback, and Iders en<fed With Monahan going net for 15 rushes. Morgan car- · Sherman Croft honorable mention. True and Mariemont's Pete Jver from the one. Joe Mescher ried 15 times for 46 yards and Donohue are co-captains. Linebacker Oscar Jackson made the :ecovered a fumble to set up a .>cored two TD's, one on a pass defense, with honorable mention to Bill Ladd at guard and 32-yard march. Tom Kishpaugh from Randolph. Jerry Doughman at safety. >cored from the six to make it The X quarterback, who com12-0 at the quarter. pleted five of 12 aerials for 79, _ , ' ' * .'' .. , Newport Catholic got one back yards, also threw a TD pass to · Prmceton s 8-2 and CSL co-title mark one ?f the VIkings in the next period after a 53- end Rick Reder, after Reder set be~t grid years. ~oach Pat Mancuso·reJ?~l:ts two team records: yard advance. Ed Ziegler carried it up with one of his two pass ,~:;~,~1; ~ ~-~?~~\ ,?.~ .. ~.i).~.?~~~~~~l~~'Y.~~- t~.e ~ opposlbon and·: an aver<,\ge of 1t ._tw9 yards for the TD and also int_erceptions. - 67 offensive plays- per game. · cm:_lve'rted. _ Three interceptions and six Vincent Glover beat the fabulous Willie Asbury's onfi.. A 21-yard pass from Eysoldt penalties hurt the Cavaliers; who to Glenn Smallwood capped a were outgainecl, 306 yards to 192. game rushlng record by two yards with 224 yards in 32 trips '77-yard drive for a third quarter St. X rushed for 227. Purcell a_gainst i\'It. Healthy, Glover; played halfback in. only eight games but ·was pushing Asbury's one-year total with 1,290 score. Tom Backhus made an- made 111 on the ground and 81 · yards gained. :Kicker Terry Esterkamp punted 21 times this other on a 25-yard runback with on four of 19 attempted passes. season for 914 yards, a booming 43.5-yard average, an intercepted Fred Shri· First downs favored .tile winners, Viking grid awards will be presented Friday night, ner booted the first of two extra 16-12. St. X nnshe(\ from midfield points. Wilcoxson bulled two yH.rds to the three in the first quarter, Wyoming team records this year inducted 23 first downs for a fourth period TD. John· but was set back by a holding passing, 96 passes attempted, 50 completed, and 14 touch- son ran for the point.. Gm·y Rip- penalty, A fourth down flat pass downs through the air. Quarterback Steve Lewis hit 55.5 per pergel· thrilled Crusader fans from Randolph to Greg Detlner cent, 45 of 81, for 657 yards and 13 TD's, all Cowboy records. with a 61-yar·d punt return and was good for nine yards, but left the Bombers four yards shy. 'Two players broke records ior passes caught. End Jack the final six-pointer. Ends Don Bergman and Smal1As the periods changed, the Vonderahe received 16 for 210 yards and three TD's and back Myers 14 for 196 and three TD's. Pete Alpaugh caught wood, guards Jack Harpring and Bombers launched an 87-Y<'~rd .six for 148 and four scores. Butch Mobley averaged 50.5 yards John Stigler, and backs Wilcox- drive that took 14 plays and fom· on 43 kickoffs. Rushing leaders were Bucky Love with 658 yards son, Monahan, and Kishpaugh first downs. O'Leary got off a 25-yard run and Randolph a 20for 113 runs and Fred Goedde! with 382 for 74. Best average .led the offense. . Defense featured the work of .varder. He passed to O'Leary was .Pete Alpaugh's 6.9 on 254 for 36. Jim F;u·mer made 258 Tom Backh~ls and Jerry Mouch for 14. Morgan hit right guard! for 53. u~ front, mded by Don Wiehe, and tackle behind . Ron Over-1 DAVE'S SELECTIONS NICk Haverkos, Mescher, Jim beck for the final yard. i On Purcell's second play Another clean sweep, seven for seven, our second in a Schwertman, Fred Shrinet· and bac~s Buddy Jackson and Jim Reeler intercepted a long pass by row, gives us 83.1 per cent accuracy, with 69 right, 13 wrong, Davrs. Brinkmeyer <Jt the' 50 and ran it 1 and one tie. Here's our final forecast. Nine For Bacon ba0k to t.he Purcell 27. Ten plays! Woodward over Western Hills -Hustling Mustangs llave Roger Bacon's running out-~ later Jack Podesta drove over! star backs in Schott and Reynolds, play tough defense. If gained Elder's passing to win a gnarc~ from_ the one. . " 1\ Bulldogs are llP to another strong defensive showing, speedy hardfought second place battle. Pm.cell got. to the St. X 33. backs should nm right into the throne room. 6-0, in the final period before but Reder intercepted again on , ........_._..,.,....."""'"""'"""""""'....."""'""""""".,._ _ _ _ _ _..........______ l8,000 fans al Eldet. Sunday. the 15 and ran it. out to tl11:': Ctm-tJunior left half Joe Frey went liers' 47. Tom Gruenwald caught from red shirt to hero in one a.. Randolph pass for 11 Y<Hds. day. Ploying for the first time, Randolph threw again, R.edet· l:·Pt. l•Ft. he gained 77 yards in. 12 carries catching it at the JO with Robers l'OJS, l'D l'lu.yer :School PAT PA'J: Pts. and. scored the lone TD 011 a covering him closely nnd ------- ... '22 .7 HB SYCRJllOI"C l.46 Ri.cbard 'I'ruc 30-ymd sprint. going in on ;1 36-yard TD pla.Y. on the 22 when Bob Brichle'r HB Pril1ceton 12 l32 IS Vincent Glover s.y(?an10rc Bentley· Broussard made 48 Reeler caught another pa~s for broke up a fourth down p:.1ss at HB 16 Sberma.1J. Croft 3 102 Dave A!bti1lch:· FB Hoger B<1con 14 3 90 yards in 12 rushes and fullback the points to make it 20-0. the goal. Cha-rles Gilford FB 13 8'0 Princeton l Neither team threatened .in -78. Dave Albrinck 60 in 17 to spur Dave Wilcoxson FB Moeller Brichler, Podesta, Bob .J:m13 0 HB Lockland Vic Nolting 10 68 4 a ground offensive good for 207 the thud quarter. Near its end ning, Paul Gillman, Knec\1!. HB Vi,-oodwarcl - Ozzie Hillman 9 62 4 yards. The Spartans completed the Bombers started their final Tom O'Brien, and Reeler were BucKy Love HB Wyoming 8 60 6 one of five passes for eight payoff march of 76 yards. Dave mainstays of the Xavier defense. Mike Sensiba\lgh QB Lockland 7 48 3 Bill Ma.ng1.1:5 HB Reading yards. 6 42 Konerm<m contr.i butecl end runs 3 Purcell's best runners were Fred Siemers HB Lockta•ncl 6 40 2 The fighting Panthers made of 16 ancl 13 yards J)efore Mor- Infantino with 53 yards for nine Steve Lewis QR Vl'yorning 5 32 1 only 59 yards on the ground but gan, wide open over tne -gval, carries and Kamphake with 33 .Ja.ek. JVfona.hun HB Moe11er _32 5 1 Pet.e Alpaugh HB Vl'ymning 0 30 5 completed seven of 20 aeri<l]s Jor caught Randolph's nine-yard for nine. Kachel' at end cau:.;ht Bentle;; Brouss,,rd HB Roger Bacon 5 0 30 111. Bacon led in first down.~- spir;1l for the score. three passes for 41 _v;1rds, CrawGreg; De t.mer FB 13t. Xavier 5 30 0 11·8. The winners drew six pen: Puree]! put: together thl.'ee J'orcl one for 40. Making mo~t of 'J'EAM 8COH-INO alt1es for 50 yards, the losers fil.'st downs late in the game on the stops for the Cavaliers were 2·l'L l·Pt. Opp, Opp. Ave. Pt. 11011e. running by Acl\el, .Kainpllakc, Brown, Cameron, Rue·busch, 'l'ea.m TD 'PAT PA1' Sfty. Pts. Ave. Pt.s. Ave. 8pread Elder threatened early. A de- ami Itl[antino. The thi·ca.t died Hamahan, and Kelly. SycAmore (9-1.) 48 26 l 342 34.. 2 66 6.6 -f-27.6




Backhus, Dave Wilcoxson, John Stiglel', Pet.e Feldhaus, Tom Kishpaugh, Dave Lucas, Coach Dan Gibbons.




Princeton 18·2) Moeller ( 1 0-0) Roger Bacon (9-1) Wyoming (8-l) St. Xavier (7-3) Woodward. (5-3) Locklancl (6·3) Lin. Hts. (1-·6-1) Heading (2·8)

41 26 33 7 33 16 :34.



25 15 12

15 4

g JO

1 G

l-0 1


2 J 1

302 30.2 224 . 22.4 233 23.3 234- 26_ 1'75 17.5 132 16.-5 170 18.9 92 ll.-5 84 8.4

54. 3·3 49 70 75 104 147 UJl 313

5.4 3.3· 4.9 7.8 7.5 13. 16.3 23.9 31.3

+24.8 +19.1 +18.4 +18.2




3·.5 2.6

-12.4 -22-.9





· --~-~~,'2·~~; ~1','.106 195 W. Barne,~ 1 Withrow .... · :.· _,.,..__;. "i!feenhills w 1 t Hills 2 7ll 1,i0 U2 1198 Malone, vvoodward . . .. .. . M~rd _ ·· ·: .... ·.2:'~7· •o 'f72'"212 Tarkington, Indian Hill ...


~ • ~~-; ~~:

3 .. .. .. .. 3,





.. "\ , ~

lk or .. ·.·" "· '," 1 <G j2 . 82. '197 Edwards, Readlnl: • .t ,. · ::::: ·1 ·6 ~6 ~li6i; ~:o~r~~~~hy ~- ~ ~i ~ Reading ............ ~·~ 1' 70 : 227 Hettesh~mer, oak Hills ... ,3 4, .22 -Moe'ller~ ·PAGE-s ·J~ THE' REPORTER'f. h~' · ·. ~~~h~~chmonil" .... · •1· 8 .<o • 10 '379 Goedde!; ,Wyoming ......... ~ ~~ n • W N 5 AY • · i! •··•' · ~;' Harrison ... , . :::::: ;0 10'l.o ·,.3o 240 ~oac~c'u/r;~i~~~~,::::: :-:::;: • 3 · 3.1, 21 ~I? E D , J:-lOY .• 17, 19~5 · • . . TDi·PAT!Pts:carter.'Taft .,:.: .. : ...... -~ ~g _t., ~-\';t· \ · . Banks.-• Taft• ... -.......... · · .. ~ •· 168 LumPkin, · Donohue. Mariemont· ...... : 24 24 - _146 Walnut Hills : .... ·. 3 •' 2 · 2O dents across the nati~l_1o.partid• • · 14 20 2 3 22 True · · · · · · · · ·,· 18 24 .• 132 Key Norwood• · · · · · · ....... · · · · · · · 3 .•·• 2 · .20 ~he Moeller · •~ Glo~er,,Sycamore ·Princeton · ·......... O'Leary, est, .xayier ' •• - Hig·h School Latin· · uated in· the competition. Rhe<n, Anderson• ... : ........ ·1 7-.1~·~6~ Morgan,,st.JXavre( :.,.•.... ! 3 · 2, 20, Department has been awarded a • · ., •• ,,{j._ Croft. Sycamore ...... · ...•.. ' ~ ·•includes ·two. freld goal~.. · t. h - f · •··t . di ·pins were a.wa.rded to those stn· -_., . Albrinck, Roger Bacon:,, .. o: 1 • 6 90 ·, .·;·._•.. · ·· • aop y or· ou ..., an ng ac1ueve._ .. • · _ •. • . . ~· . Wilcoxson,. Moeller. .. · · · · · · ,1134 · ·~ .:04 • .• n1en:t by the Assciclatiori· for the dents who scored WJtnm nve pomt.! •t • .. •• LEAGU£ sTA~DIHGS '<}, • ; Gilford, Pnncetan · ......... · -:.,! • 4 , t, ·· Publlc•Htgh · 1 • . · . •. . .. • -· • . ..,~ ·G. Hamilton, Loveland ...... 11,18 , 7 • . "W L T '.,.;·W !L;.. T 'Promotion··Of the study. Of. La.tln . . of a. pf:!rfect .score .• The~wlnnmg, ·1 McCoy Loveland .: ....... : 111. 6 · 72 Withrow 'J6 1'0 Courter• • 3 4 .0~~ · · ~ · · t•t' ' d ( ·· }) t d 1'. '"' Turner: Indian Hill, ..... ! ..,.:n. ~· ~~·Woodward· 5''.1' o .. Wal. Hil,'_s 1;"2 ~5 o: Moeller was il;warq~d this ,J\PSL • o !1ree. ~1e a. pms. Y. s·u en .s. , ·.~ ~~~~trt.' ~:~i~e~~nr~lls:. ·.: :-: :~, i~· 2 . ~~g ~:~t.;Hi,IJ.s:5 :·~ _g :~'~i~es:. ~t~::,ophy l~u~cog·nltlon·ot tJ:~;~hr~e;.. 1111~ ,one s;>~ool. const1tut~ tJ;_at .;, Noltrng, Lockland ....... ·,'! 10 ,.. . · · . ·. ·catholic ,(Final) i, , · .•• · A-,.. . Individual· Meda.l Pin a.wards WO!I:· .schoo-ls~ eli.g~hty, for the Latin h o-. '.:' strauss country Day ...... ;10 ., 63 • , .• :·w~LrT • ·''•W L T 1 · •. ' .. -· ' • • --·h. • ''- •··· ·~-·- ••· ·.,._~s.·· Winkletla,ch,' Anderso~ • ..•c.:-:_::~· 1~.'. ~ 62 : 60 Moelia '. 6L o ,, o', .i.'as~.llii~·r..:h ,, 5 ~o • ~Y, ,M_o~le!,: .•student& ·~. th~; an.~ .• .Y.::··~·!' ·~ : ::;. ! _··:·-, ~ ~o''v'em~nw, ywoomaidnwgard_ ·.: :.:::: 8(;'12 60 REoldg,·Sacon 54.·. 12 oo.r:MPucrNc.'eclhiO.I~s .i•11·,-,s5.:,_ oo t-.nuaf1'Studeri.ts'!:NPS'L~Na.tlonlll La-. •. ·-A-. •.<L~U::l ·:..'- r···•lZ ..... ~--'·--~ . . . 'd M N' hI -·· .-~a· 10 ... 58 er ~ . ,~ 'l' r ....·:,;.·~,. . . ~ lr··. ... . . - ..... - ~ -:,., ,.., • . • - . . . ~~......... ~." ~~~~0utf~;.' N~ ·Ccolfe~~ ·iJfi'J::r:; s"- 9~ 57 St. Xa_vler'.. 3'. 3 .~ol •~'\;;'./,i.... \ .:~;·U,U.: ·! 11 ~J!l:~~m~,a.tion_;;. ;'Fh~~"'. P~~·Y_neJ · •.·".:. • ( Barnes,- Withrow ...... ~::,\j~ ,'0 \54 ,, • ·. :'·• • Eastern· Hills .(F~~.III~~·r;L.ti':t t !;!'a, ::1965 .;Moeller ;<graduate,';. eamed';. llsterman .Mt;Healthy· ... •..• ·&, •6-··54 .... -hW·,L""'T· ""·~" ._"'"11.,W ·,, • "': .-. ·-~-.-·, ·' ...•. _, ••.• Baur, •Elder .. : ... ·., .. ·.. ;-..117,;,•. 9,' 51\1arlemont:r7··.,.o:tO;t1Deer P~rki_;.,J2 (. 44·;~1 • ::the· .third llDdJdeclslve~meda.l;of;. ' 111' d · ·""' & ··2 .·50s ca ~ 2 .' .." 1 .. ~ ·• . -· • · • ,. · •· • ~ , .• 0 e '16' 1JI.'0 ·,Made 1 ra·• ~~ri1i1~au~h; ~'Lo~klani( ·;: :..; :•·'7 ~-~ 4 ../ 46 l~dia~ ~111('5 -·h}O ~Milford •:77'·: 01~6t, o ;•superla.tive}!Vleri~ •:~~st ;year;c·1·e:~ Brent Klser,•Coleraln ' .... :::. 17 ·.,2., 44 Loveland.·~,4; 3 OvNewRichm,d: ·~/•:!~ ~. '.•pea.tlng hls~196_4·-p_e_r.f_ormance-.:.on ..· Brown· Courter ... : •... ;~., · 6 ~· •. 8 · 44 ·' -. . • ··l'- COUNTY·' SUBURBAN ·, , • · ~ ·\ tr • ·~-- - · _..- -~--~ - · occ·-- • - ·- ... .,; · ·' Dave Halh ·Indian· HI.~·.·: ·.!:•r,e, '\ 8 J:, 44 :. """·,,';!Eastern •Divlsl~n •(Final), · '>· . ~: • the. tests .• The, first·. of t~h~,..- ~h1·ee !• Audia,••LaSalle ... : ............ lt'\'· 0 ·•• 42,. -,. Wo·L ·TJ:· ' ..••p., ..:j,W,•L,.T .~ '8 ·1-tl ·M •it. w· l'dsh db •I Bruder, •Oak Hllls~·:::;-:r,.: ~ ''-~ o ~-'42 Princeton'- 7-';tl'•O':'NpfwooH~;·,3,t4.·1 ~~ • npe1 !1. "':: e1 _.a a.. a..• ee 1, Mangus, ,Reading t·.:.: ._. :· ::. ·,.6 .,6 ' -122 WYoming 5'1;_7.~_~1·~0: .Readlnf -..~~~2 ,67 ·''.01 · ·I~,, received by":'Jrunes ,.Ol'one~ in· 1964 •. • 6 ,.~!> Davls,.Withrow·r..•.: ... ·. .- .. ;·6:,.... , , Lockland-;>>6(.'2!!0~Greenhlls.·I·'O-" '"· r • Siemersi '' Lockland-Jt":'.":' n ~ ~· .~6 ,_. ~ 6:·-~~42 AndersOn"'~ 5 ... ·3 .__OA:~1;ii~ ~~kf:~~:9f:?' • ' '.J ,.: -..~-- roo... )'"' .,j-:-~-.-- :s:..· 1. ••.(t... t, ..;·~ ~- ,""! ~ ·~ Prebble,·'New Rl~hmond -~_! :.-,~ ~ -,2 ~~38 ,:. i'•;f'Western•Divls_lo_n_,;(Finall~"-.' • ~ .'· 'Other Certificates :.01! .. Ach1eve-. · Sullivan,·"':Greenhtlls'•: . .' ..... YG 4""2-~_..38 •:\.• "·.,: .•.,....·...:.W~L'·T",,_~,'l'~ .. \·1~---,.W;.L~T ; ":. -· t f ' · ... ) -~ '! .,.,.,. ··-+1-. ,.~ t'.; , Pardon; :Greenhills . '·"· .~·.-:-:_...6 :~z 38 oak Hills i'·H•l·i~O~finney\o.w_n ·:'2J6 :o :\ ,ment earJ:;~e,d by ~oellttr:,s_tud~n s 'Bruce.Krs~r; .Colerar~_'·/.::;·tiG ?.FJ 1 Mt..Healt~y 5· 2.:1'~.Tayl~r;,~:- ;2~. 6 :0 ''..\' m· tlhe 1966' APSL"'tests'incl.uded: werner,. Frnneytown .......... -.6.-!:,2 '· N:C. H.. • •5_, 2 .I •Harnson •.. •· 0 8 .. 0 '• . ..... . . • .. • -. . , Corder, .'Norwood~·~ ~~~§(1;',0:"'. ·3 6 Cole'r.liln":i"3f15' o. 'l: ·:•o·~ ~:r· ..-~ ,: }, for Su.perior Merit, "James Crone · Chappeii'~N· College,•HIII"''-'i'or·•6"· 36 · · · · . .. . ... - •. ~- ••. _. . ·' ., . . • . .. -~ • ..) McCollum ,.:~ :i 4 i12 .~> 36 1 ---''' ·-·· · ' •· · • and· Joseph Schehr: a.nd for Hono~ • _. _ ~~, .. _ 17"' Bray, Aiken~ ..·.:;.-,·.. ·....::·• s-,·i·'~U 1 · rable MerJ.t, T:~zitt,1 B:'.Hor!LtS';"'G. '1 ;-~~"7Y.. '"'UU( sutherland, Taft • ........ ·.· •· 5 . .· \ · · · • · . · - -...-·. ·• j r• . fj "'=' .rtiP,._ ·. t•Pts:.opp._ B'1shop, D.eer'.Park_ :~ •. ·.:·:~·: 4',12.· 34 Horais,' G:"Wer.g-owske;:: }t~~ Buse- . · A_.''l . tOt 224 · 33 Monahan,•'Moeller:•:· ........... 15 "L~ · 32 . ~ ·. ·,-M- -~ ·-.: ~ _,.. ~ j.:S._ 2;, _32 meyer, J. Merritt, 1111d J. T_ap/1orn, ~oerer .. i ...... ~,·~: 0 -:3o9 /46 Lewis,•WYo'(niM .--::.·.:~.:.·. 1 1C~n1~0~ay· :·.:::;:: ~; .7 fo~'oit ps:·?-66 sen!\ Indian Hl11.': 7· .. · .. ·• 5--:.~~ 1 Approximately 73,000· Latin' stu- -~ : ycam~re· .. ;'.:.:.':";1 §(,tgn~~f:~HnJ;t~s:n~i>uii:~~ell_:::::.::::::·s 30 \ · · • ?goemrlnBga~onr.:-:·::::::~'8""1 :o:,234~ '70 Alpaugh,. Wyoming;.~~ ..... : St .o.: JO :', ,Y H'll . ·A" ,g •1• 1 •190. 70 Bell, vvrthroW• ._ ........... 5 •. 0, 30. a_k 1 s .._:,;. ·: ', ·;,.., , 8P 2•: o-...302 · 54 Brouss-ard'·• Roget Bacon·· .... 5. ~ 0 ''• ."30 ·; trryceto~ :;;",".~~~f~. 7 -J•2 ·1· 220 (120 Detmer, St:.xavier' .. •... , .. •5 0•.; 30 :• )dran Hd(,·..··,;·-_·;·.:.:· ·: • J. 26r 78 Murphy,: LaSal)e .. , ....... , •s n o,/-30-·1 nderson ··::··;~:·.~ 17 • 33·'00 175' ~75 Kramer ·country. Day· ..... '.. 4 6 t"-30 1 t· Xavle~"·: ·-~" ·. ~:" ,. , .3 o 20l 67 ReYnolds, ·western Hills . :. 4 ~ 4 Y28 ) athrow .... ;,..,;,:; :;; "66 '• 3 •O 210 140 Buehler, ·Oak· Hills ·....... ;.- 4 '4 ·. 28 , iveland> " . : ...... ; ·: ''t. •• . • '105 40 Benjamin; Roiter Bar.on .. :.. 4 3 ·.. 27 I 16k\ ·;{" " .. _. ;-:: ·. '.; 66 :·· 33 • 0o 170 . -147 HemingwaY, Courter : ...... ·.-· 4 2 26 ~~tha~ail'e'g'e' il'iil::': 6 3 '1 159 , 74 Ferris, Deer P~rk ............ 4 ,. 2_ . 2 26 ' 0 d d , · ·· 5' 3 0 132- 104 Hayman, Maderra ....... ·' .4 · 2 · 6 :oo war,'·... "·":". 5 4 , o 152 151 Homan, Madeira ............. 4. 2 26 altft Heal'thy ·: ..... "· 5 4 1 :130 .. 128 Cedardahl, Oak Hrlls ......... 4 2·· 26 · .... · · .. 5 4 1 88 155 Fax, Oak Hills ............ 4 2· · 26 orwood ·... · "· · ·" 3 3 1 108 99 Smith, LaSalle ... :.. .. .. .. . 4. · 1 26 ··, lestern HJIIs.. . . . . . . 4 6 0 . 123 119 Hopping .. Sycamore ... , :. . 3 .s .',:2o aSalle · · · · · · · · · · · · · 3 5 1 120 118 Beckwith,. Country Day . . . . 3 -8~· 26 5 1 70 124 Brichler. ·st. Xavier . . .. . .. 4 • ·u 24 ·' eer .Park .... · ·." · · laderra ·· · · · · · ·: · · · 33 6 o 102 141 Lucht Country Day .... · · ·· 4# ;o · 24 ! .ourter · · · · · · · · · ·:-·· _. 3 7 · 0 152 · 188 schneider, ·.Mt. Healthy .... ·. 4 •o 24 ; 7 o 140 219 Kimmey Woodward ... , . . . 4 0 24 ·l oleraln · · ·: · · · · · ·:. ._urcell ·' · ........ " . 33 7 o 89 136 Prophett,' Courter • .. :.. .. 4· · 0 24 • ,lnneytown .. ·.......• 3 7 0 82 . 191 Perr.ell Taft . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 . 24 ~!~Y~~oias 3 7 0 86 251 Pitts .. 'Lincoln. Heights 4 0 24 ' ·\.. . .



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Juniors ani Senicr s say rosary for v~cat~icns at statue F:reshru.en a.rJi Saphcmores vi5it. ai.sflays Freshl~en

and. Sophomores sa;r

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Posts 24~0\ Win IF'or 9a0 Record .




.BY PAUL RITTER i~t.S Of The Enquirer Staff · -· Moeller · High ·claimed .its f~st (;re~ter Cincinnati · League championship by 9owning a. testy PurceiLelev!=n, : 24-0, at Sycamore High S~adhill1 ·sunday. _.;. .· . · :,. · ' •• ,. ~~- ,J· lit was Moeller's fifth · :uJ 1 shutout of the season: le'aving coach Gerry Faust's Crusaders with a final 6:0 GCL rec'ord and the title to . -complement a 9-0 season · record Which cotlld jump to. • 10- o if Moeller can stop highly-rated Newport catholic in the ·season ·finale next .Sunday at Newport StadiUJIL· In other GCL games Sunday, Roger Bacon moved into a ~cond -• place tie with Elder, defeating visiting" LaSalle, 20-0, 1 while St. Xavier edged stubborn McNicholas, 14-8. Elder, match• ing Bacon's 4-1 GCL' mark entering their . showdown meeting later this week, .went. outside the GCL to beat Louisville DeSales, 19- · 0, at Elder Stadium. Dave Wilcoxson, Moeller's 6-2 and 211-pouhd senior fullback, scored all 24 C r us ad e r points against Purcell, including two lastperiod touchdowns which · ·broke the game wide o~~-· J An eight-yard WilcoxsOn 1· run in the first period a:nd. 1 a two-yard burst in. the sec:. , ond quarter gave·Moeller a· comfortable 12-0 ·lullftime 1 e_qge, then ,the· big ftillback f npped off two - yard an d · · one--yard TD l'Uiis in the ~ last quarter.. · · • Purcell, now deadlOcked 1 ' at l-4 with' Lasalle in the GCL, twice saw scoring efforts dwindle when Mot!ller defen~ers held inside \ their own 25-yard line. Tfie < ..vcrusaders are 3·6 ·on the .J · -'s.eason. t~:...J-


Up. .:.,-,GWd . ;_·fj

·M,oeller· Wins ··Catholic' ·Titl·e ·







. .



. Moeller's Crusaders wrapped up their first Catholic League ·football championship ·anc:l tneir ·ninth consecutive game when they_ blanked Purcell, '24·0, before an audience of about 5000 fans at the Sycamore High Stadium. The victory gave ·Coach Gerry Faust's team a clean y e s t e r d a y. Roger B~con sweep over six league rivals capped its Homecoming ce}e~ . and left them with only New· bration with a 20-0 victory port Catholic. in the way of. over LaSalle; St. Xavier . an· undefeated season. The nipped McNicholas, 14-8, and . teams clash Sunday at New-~ Elder went outside the conport. · ference to score a 19-0 tri- · . ,-Five other Catholic League umph over Louisville DeSales ·learns were involved in games ,at Elder. ·

. Moell~r 24, Purcell 0 BY DON 'CAUDILL, .Moeller Correspondent . ' Dave. Wilcoxson, senior fullback and co-captain, had . a . field day as Moeller turned back Purcell, when he scored all of his team's points and boosted his total to 72 for the· GETS FOUR TDs-Dave .season. . · Wilcoxson, co-captain and Early in the first qua1;ter, fulll)ack of the Moeller Moeller's Joe Mescher re- There was no scoring in the Crrn;aders, scored all of his covered a_ Purcell fm_nble' on third quarter as 'neither team team's points as Moeller the Cavalier 40. In spc plays made a serious bid but Moel- beat Purcell, 24-0, yester-, the Crusaders. . . ·day at Sycamore. · · went in f o r ler added two more s1x-pomt· their first TD, ers in the final frame. c~~========:::::-::= with Dave WilMidway through the fourth :.~oxso_n · carry~ quart~r Wilcoxson plunged . ' mg 1t over , , • over from the one to cap .an from the fiv.e.' ·:·. : The· n .ext · 81-yard drive on the ground 'marker· came· · that requir.ed 19 plays. in the seconl:l There wer.e only nine sec-· period w 11 e n onds left to play when the M o e 11 e r big fullback got his fourth · m a r c h e d 76 Caudm touchdown of the afternoon: · . It came after Jerry Mauch . yards in 10 b e fore sending Wilcoxson intercepted a pass on· the' over from the two. For the Purcell 13. Five plays later second time the extra point th.e touchdown was tallied. scoRING suMMARY . . • attempt, this one a pass, went . astray, and 1 eft the score, Mo_eller ............ s 6 o ·. 12-24 .0 at halfti'me ' Purcell · · · · · · · · · · · • · 0 0 •0 ·,.(H. Q 12• , • • Moeller to~chdowns-Wilcoxson'. 4.>.7,:r


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------------------·~ -



l Q~if~Af'Newport tt . ' .· .. . . . . ~

·.. ,·',.",_ .:_· . ~,

BY PAUL RITTER Of The Enquirer Staff '

"'.. ~ t.

:':.... T~e~ty-nine local high school football teams closf:l ..~ the.1965. season· in games this weekend. Three hope tb ·.finish· Unbeaten and untied. Another team seeks a share ,_.r. of· its' conference championship. · ~-~:· ·. Optimistically, all 29 hope to wrap it up with a win. 1 ;;.~"·Moeller (9-0), Mariemont i..j.·•.(B:O)· and Country Day (6-0) • 'Shoot for coveted ·perfect The Vikings show a 7-2 sea'records. son mark to test the host ~- Four league championOwls, who are 5-3-1. . ships have. been decided • Western Hills at Oak ·here, .with only the Public , High sc11ool League crown H i II s. The two continue their neighborhood rivalry : stlll in doubt. tonight at the latter's field. . · · Withrow, 1964 :(lHSL co- The host H i g h 1 a n d e r s, ·cliampion with Western .champs in the Suburban · Hiils, has a chance to clinch West and showing an 8-1 at least a share of the '65 s e a s o n record, have dechampionship if the Tigers feated West Hi's Mustangs carCstop Hughes this afterw in their past two meetings noon at WithroW Stadium .. -20-0 and 16-0. Western is Game time is 3:15 p. m. 3-3 this season. Withrow and Woodward Following this weekend's are currently battling for action, only two games rethe title, each with just one main on the area schedule. conference loss. Withrow's Woodward concludes seagame with Hughes will end son and PHSL competition the campaign for the Tigers. next Friday night against ·Tonight's Woodwa'rd-Cour- Wes~ern Hills at Trechter ter Tech game at Trechter Stadium. Stadium is one of two reThen c o m e s the tradimaining PHSL games re- tional of local prep maining to be played by the footballwrapup scheduling when title-hopeful Bulldogs. Western Hills plays host to Moeller, seventh-ranked rival Elder in their annual among Ohio's class AA Thanksgiving Day game. teams . and considered the This grid classic is slated top olub in Cincinnati, for 10 a. m. at Trechter faces Nol"'thern Kentucky's Stadium this year. best when the Crusaders invade Newport stadium sunday afternoon to meet /' .Newport Catholic. Newport Catholic, 7-2 1 this season, will represent . Northern Kentucky in the state's class AA playoffs, 1 opening tonight against .Hazard at Newport Stadium.· MaTiemont, winner of the Eastern Hills League's 1965 championship, seeks 1: an untarnished . season in a wrapup game against host Reading tonight Read; ing brings a 2-7 record into Reported By Our : this non-conference conHigh School Correspondents test. JOE QUINN, Editor Cincinnati Country .Day, aiming for its first unbeaten and unti-ed season I since Dave M c D ani e l ' s Braves went 10-o back in 1960, will host Lexington 10-The Post & Tlmas•Star Sayre High Saturday. Sayre C:lncinnatl, Sat., Nov. 13, 1965 is in its first season of V·a!'Sity competition. M o e 11 e r has already




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BY DON CAUDILL, Moeller Correspondent Moeller's Crusaders finished their first undefeated. sea~on with 10 wins and no losses as. they defeated. Newport Catholic, 39-7; at Newport Stadium. : ·Moeller drove 'sa yards in --'·-.-.- - - - . - - - - . eight plays the. first time they pass from Marty Eysoldt to ; got the ball .for a score. Jack Glenn Smallwoood. They Monahan ran the final one drove 77 yards in e i g h t ~ .yard for t h plays for the third-quarter : tally. · touchdown. . A fumble reDefensive linebacker Tom i covery by the Backhus added another Cru: Crusaders'· Joe sader score with a 25-yard . ; Mescher 1 e d run with an intercepted pass in the third period. . to t h e s e c . ond Mo e 11 e r Dave Wilcoxson scored on · t ouch down. · a two-yard run early in the Tom quarter. paug h scored A spectacular 70-yard punt ~eturn by Gary Rippenger fin· on a six- yard· r u n i n t h e. Caudill 1shed the Moeller scoring for . final minute of the afteJ'nooi.1. , the first cjuartcr after a drive The· win for Coach, Gerry ! of 62 yards in nine plays, Faust's Crusaders was their · ·-Newport's lone touchdow'n lOth of t_hc season and their : came 011 a two-yard run by 15th straight over a two-year :Ed Ziegler, capping a drive span. SCORitlG SUMMARY . Of 53 yards in four plays. At ! this point Moeller l1ad a 1? 7 Moeller · · · · · ·.· · 12 o 1 • ~Newport Catholic o· 7 13o 14-39 0- 7 halftime lead. Moeller touchdown~ - Monahsn. Klsh· . naugh, Smallwood. Backhus. Wilcoxson Tl1e C1.usa ders ad de d their Rippe~cer. PAT-Shriner 2. Johnson. · third SCOre with a 21.- yard glc~~wport touchdown-Ziegler. PAT-Zie·

Three Catholic League Games Carded Sunday BY JOE QUINN Since the championship already has been won by Moeller's Crusaders, the big game in the Catholic League Sun· day sends Roger Bacon's Spartans against the Elder . to P an th ers at Eld er St ad1um decide second place. Two other league games will be played, while Moeller will be closing out its season hopeful of making it an unbeaten one by opposing the Newport Catholic Thorobreds at Newport Stadium. All of the games will start at 2 p. m. . In the conference contests, LaSalle's Lancers . . travel · to Anderson H1gh field to face McNi~holas . while Purcell's C_aval_Iers will oppose St. Xa· vier m. a game. at the Lock· land H1gh Stadmm. •


passer. Since the changes, the of the season last week Panthers have been picking against St. Xavier, will be tryup momentum. ing for its first Catholic . . League win of the season as _COACH BRON BacevJCh,· Coach Jim Niemann's club bas Wlth proba~ly less tale~t than an 0·5 conference mark. usual on hls squad th1s sea· , son • has still maneuvered the Bob Krueger s La Salle . . Spartans t? a hi_ghly .success· squad, wh1ch has a 4-5 mark ful campaign With the Moel· for the. season, will be trying ler. se~back the only blot on to attam the .500 mark by their 1 ecord. . . beating the Rockets and will . Bacon h~s uhhzed the run- be looking for its second nmg of . big Dave A~brmck league victory. along With the passu~g ?f Coach Art Del Conte's PurQuarterba~k Ron .Ben]amm cell eleven also will be trying as the mam cogs m ~he ?f- for its second league tliumph fense and coupled th1s w1th in meeting St. Xavier at Locka sturdy defense th_at has al· land. The teams are about 49 l~wed · only · 1y b ut · T om nme ball games pomts over even off ens1ve • • · Ballaban's Bombers have been • stronger on defen'se as they McNICHOLAS, WHICH have allowe.d but 75 points in played one o.f its best games nine starts.

WITH favorable weather, a near capacity crowd is anticipated for the Bacon-Elder clash in the Price Hill school's stadium. Roger Bacon has lost but one game in nine starts, a 17-0.verdict to Moeller while one 'Of Elder's two losses also was· to Coach Gerry ·Faust's Cru:saders, by :an .8-6 margin: Coach Miktl Honold's Pan· ther~d.t.o.PJ'~~ltrr'osevelt · ~r.- tne.', the· Pan- . thers made some adjustments . in their offense.,· ·shifting Ray Baur ·. from qu·arterback· to· halfback to take ..-,dvahtage of his running ability... . · That .moved · sopJ:!.omore Ron Krechting ·into the· signal· calling spot-· where .. he has proved · to b.e a standout






r-f~ . Se'~~·in the. above photo-~re.<tlie pi-les of ·wood·used a~

the Moelre·r Homecoming festivities recently._ Left to nght: j!··· they. represent- the seni01·, junior, (tiny white_ ~;ign indicates . ~a~_!-1_1 ty pile) and freshman classes.

1 ·

utb~t~l'i%>EI:vens .




Play Final Games All three of the town's unbeaten tea!JlS w~l be put· . ting their unblemished records on ~he line this week- · · for the last timEl-'":-as !doeller, Manemont ~nd Country Day School all bring the1r season .to a close wtth one more · contest. . T h t Moeller has the · longest clash with C~~rt!'!! . ec a ; Trechter Stadium · m another , · . · streak _as. the Crusaders have game the same evening. : wo~ nme games _and go .u? Withrow can clin~h at least 1 agamst Newport Catholics a tie for the title with a win well-regarded Thoro~reds in over Hughes .while Woodward . a Sunday afternoon clash at must beat. Courter to stay in : Newport Stadium. , the running for a champion· MARIEMONT · go~s across ship deadlock. The Tigers town for a meeting with ha~e a 5-l league_ n:ark now, Reading's Blue Devils,· hope- while Woodwa_rd _1s ~~1. ful of making it nine victories 1 • to close out the campaign 1 Friday night. Coach Dave Me- . Daniel's Country Day School ' squad, which opened the sea- · son later than most of the others, carries a six-game win · . streak into its· finale against : Sayre School of. Lexington, i Ky., in a Saturday afternoon : game here. ·


ALL THREE of the unbeat- j en teams will be favored to ! continue their perfect-record , ; season, but- must guard • : against any overconfidence. 1 Three of the Public High LeaguE! teams wlll be out of ' town this week. Aiketi will : play at Troy, Walnut Hills will travel to Wilmington, and! the Taft Senators are scheduled to play at Bellefontaine. The other four PHSL teams will be involved in games that may help ·decide the championship of the league. · WITHROW WILL be host to Hughes in one Friday-nig~t game and Woodward Will· SAN ANTONIO, Texas- Air. man Michael T. Wheeler, son of :MI'. itnd Mrs: Gearge Wheeler, 3931 Mantell Avenue, has l;>een selected for training at Sheppard AF:B, Texas, as an Air Force communications specialist. The airman, a graduate of ·Moe.ller High S::hool, recently completed· · basic training at • Lackland AFB, Texas.


. The Weeds, musical •gro~f.l pol)~ilar '~ith iocal teenag·ers, . will -be· featured performers November 18, _19 and 20 ;_,;!_,~~~-. . the Kenw~od Coney· Chef holds ils,.grand opening. · COt11i)lete' «Jetails "'ill appear in next we~k's Reporter.



Oil SYCAMORELAND . - . The· . Moeller: High.'School Crusaders gained . their . first, Gre.p. ter : Cin: cinnati Leag~1e championship Sun- · day as they defeated Pui·ceil. . Sycamore, Madeira---and ·Loveland also came out: on ·top 'in local. prep gridiron:action, l\·loeH~r, Z4, Ptircell 0 Moeller·~·;.,:.cll9-\~ging · Crusacle1;s won the GCb ·championship Suri. day af:ter.nooii .. \vhen :. they clown. ed ·u: fi1;cd-up Pu1~Clell ekvcn .· !&4'. 0 before" a 'cro~'d of O\'CI' . 6,fJ00 ta:-:s. Dave .\vilccxson. ll:1oellel'-:s 6' 2", 211-pound ·senior fuliback, scored all 24 points in 3. oneman show . that. a<stounded all the spectators. and ·shouk\' hav~ caught a fe\\• college scouts with their "eyes .a- buggin''. ·The scores jncluded ·tM'o last period . TD's which broke the game wir1~ open. There was literally no stopping the had.chru·ging fwlback as he rolled over every defense l.he famed Purcell Cavaliers could muster.







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PA~:~~- --~~:.~~2~~~,~~~~t Ca~Jayl~~~ 3?~itl

Of The Enquirer ·Staff 1 . Fullback Dave Wilcoxson·.:-· added a one-yard TD in the~'· Moeller completed its 1965 fourth period, with Gar~~ seaon undefea-ted and un- Ripperger climaxing Moel~ tied .by downing Newport · ler scoring on a 61-yard Catholic, 39-7, while ltQger return. . , Bacon stopped I Elder,· 6·0, punt Newport Catholic, still in their battle for runner- aliVIe in the Kentucky class up honors in the· Greater . AA high school football Cincina:ti League, to high- playoffs, stands 8-3 for the 1 i g h t a· four- game high season.,, ·· school football .card Sunday. MOELLER ......... 12 0 13· 14-39 , The Moeller victory, No. NEWPORT CATHOLIC . 0 7 0 0- 7 , li Moeller-Monochan 1 run (kick failed). I 10 this . y e a r and 15th Moeller-l<ishbauDh 6 run (kick failed). s;traight oyer a twQ-season :NewPOrt Cat>holic-Ziealer 1 run CZieoler · . span for Gerry Faust's cru- · kick). Moeller - Smallwood 22 o a s s from Crun failed). saders, followed clinching of Evsoldt · Moel.ler-Baoknus 21 pass Interception the team's first CGL chami (Shriner, kick). 1 ··Moe1Jer-Wilcox$0n 2 run (Johnson, run), pioship last weekend. +Moeller - Riooeriler 61 ount return ., In other action S~day, . l!hriner_' kick). . • r ~· ~ 1 1ili st. Xavier stopped Pu;rceU, -----=-- .I.... 26-0, and McNicholas stunned LaSalle bY the same ' I score. 0' '

MOELLER 39, CATHOLIC 7 A 27-point second-half s c o r in g burst provided Moeller witli its 39-7 win over host Newport Catholic at Newport Stadium .. Leading. by a narrow 12-7 1 margin at halftime,·Moeller ;· added a quick third-period · TD, then bOth clubs began wholesale · Sl;l}?Stitution o( : reserve 'Players. Moeller's 12 . first- half points came on lack 1\'lon~ . ahan's one-yard touchdown ~ dive and Tom Kishbaugh's · six-yard burst to the end · · z o n e. Newport Catholic picked up its touchdown i when Ed Ziegler shot oyer from a yarn away, then ran ·i · -his own extra point. 1 Glenn Smallwood took a 22-yard pass from Marty, l '':Eysoldt to scqr~ Moeller's I firs_~uchdown in that seco.~alf, then defensive · :jac:khus tallied '-~ interception .and .. ·~ um to put~ ' "-' ea~ 25-~ l@t ·. •









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:~oeller 39,· New. Catfl.'~ 7!#~:


BY DON CAUDILL, Moeller Correspondent Moeller's Crusaders finished their first undefeated season with 10 wins and no losses as they defeated Newport Catholic, 39-7, at Newport Stadium. 1 q t. S · . Moeller drove 68 yards in , eight plays the first time they pass from Marty Eysoldt. to got the ball for a score. Jack Glenn Smallwoood. They Monahan ran the final one drove 77 yards in e i g h t yard for t h e plays for the third-quarter tally. touchdown. ' A fumble reDefensive linebacker Tom covery by the Backhus added another CruCrusaders' Joe sader score with a 25-yard Mescher 1 e d . run with an intercepted pass :to... t h e secin the 'third period. 1ond M o e 11 e r · Dave Wilcoxson scored on fo c h down. • a two-yard run early in the Tom K i s hfinal quarter. A spectacular 70-yard punt p au g h scored on a JliX- yard ~eturn by-Gary Rippen~er fin~ run i n the 1shed the Moeller sconng for final minute of .. the afternoon. the first quarter after a drive The win for Coach Gerry Faust's Crusaders was their of 62 yards in nine plays. Newport's lone touchdown lOth of t.he season and their came on a two-yard run by 15th straight over a t~o-year Ed Ziegler,· capping a drive span. of 53 yards In four plays. At SCORING SUMMARY this point Moeller had a: 12-7 ~g~'J~~ cailiolrc· 1~ 9 1 ~ ~~~ .halftime lead. Moeller touchdowns - Monahan, Klsh· ·,.,._ C d· dd' d th elr • paugh, Smallwood Backhus. Wilcoxson !ii:JL11e rUSa ers a e Ri~en.ger. PAT-5hrlner 2. Johnson.•~;- . ' fW._2.~.d_t SCOre with a 21· yard "ler~w~ort touchdown-Ziegler. P~T,-;;;Zje; ~· .~r..• .-


.. . . . . _ _


CARRY FOR CRUSADERS-Moeller High halfbacks include, from left to right. Steve Haygood, Jack Monohan, Jim- Malarkey and Tom Kishpaugh. They'll be in action Sunday when the Crusaders face St. Xavier at 2 p. m. in a Catholic Lea2ue :!arne at the S\(•amore Hi;!h fiPirL

Page 48

Monday, Novemher l,


Moeller Nips St. X, Insures Title -.Share A 14-6 victory over stub- for a touchdown. But _St. born St. xavier Sunday at X was quick to knot the Sycamore High field gave score moments later when Moeller's undefeated Cru- Bob Brichler returned a saders a share of their first Moeller punt 60 yards for a . Greater Cincinnfl.ti League TD. footbali c h.a m p i o n ship, Head-and-head at 6-6 en·.while GCL member Purcell tering the final quarter, St. was rolling to a 35-12 non- Xavier lost a fumble at.the conference win over Day- .Moeller 40 and, the Crusad. ton Bishop Carroll at Lock- ers marched to the de.cid. ·.land Stadium. ing touchdown, sending Coach G err y· Faust's halfback Jack Monohan Moeller eleven took a 6-0 over from 10 yards out with lead early in the second pe- · just three-,minutes, 30 secriod when fullback Dave onds left to play. Steve HayWilcoxson ramblea 40 yards good ran the two-point Cb%1,.

version to ice .the win: A rash of six St. Xavier funibles cost the Bombers _dearly,' spoiling a couple.of last-period threats, including one which faltered at the Moeller nine-yard line late in the game. Moeller made it an 8-0 season record, which now includes five Catholic League wins, arid the Crusaders can make .it an undisputed championship wfith a win over Purcell in the league finale neXt weekend. Span~ning a tWo:-season schedule, Moeller has now won 13 ---.:.......:._:....__~.:.......:..:.......:.:....:...::==..::......:=:...._:...._:...._:...._:;:..._ _ _ _ _---.:.._ · straight games. St. Xavier is 1-3 in the GCL and 5-3 overall.


Purcell's Ed Kamphake and Mike curtis scored two touchdowns, apiece as the cavaliers downed the visiti ing Dayton eleven; Kamphake's TDs were on runs of one and three yards, while Curtis s cor e d on bursts of one and six yards. John Kacher scored the · o the r Cavalier TD on a ' three-yard pass trom Curtis, and AI Ruebusch kicked three extra points. In wiiming, Purcell had !. to overcome a. 12-7 halftime · deficit, an4 the Cavaliers put together two 14-point 1 quarters in that second half to do it. On the open:ing kickoff Dayton Carroll marched 72 yards !for its first touch1 down, then after .Purcell ' moved -Bhead 7--6 on Klimphake's first TD, the Dayton club added another ~ix~ . pointer in the second penod. Now 3-5 on the season, ,(~cell's victorY Sunday i'tnapped a tfuee-game losing ~tring for the cavaliers. Pre~~'ious back - to - ·back losses ~'if:b Lasalle, Roger Bacon and · Elder marked the !first time • in Purcell football history that the Cavaliers had lost . three straight. .








XAVIER • .. .. .. 0



0- 6

......... 0 6 0 l!-14 1MOELLER MoeHer-Wilcoxson <40 run (run fa~ed). S. Xavier - Brichler 60 ll\Jil• . n.

(ki~f!~~~~onohan run).

10 ron ( a


. .',

:'Moeller's Gerry faust 18; Named Coach Of· Year ·' The Southwestern Ohio Coach· es Assn.· voted Coach Gerry F1a!ust of Moeller high school as its "Coach of the Year" for the ·1965 football ·season. Coach Faust's fightilllg Crusaders compiled a p,erlect 10 win with· no loss record this year, winning the title in the Greater Cincinnati League, which .is recognized as one of Ohio's strongest, and earning a rating of third ful the state behind Massillo-n and Sandusky the ·Associated Press post-season poll. ·Faust is in his sixth year .as Moeller footbail coach. Only during the last three years of the school's young history has he , beellJ able to field senior teams. During that period he has .com. piled a remarkable 27 wm, ·3 Gerry Faust loss record. · Prior to taking over .at Moe!· . state of'Kentucky. The strength 1er 'Faust had been assistant of the· competition which the ~ch at Cbambtade high school Moeller· team defeated during in DaYton: That same Chamin· its perfect season was an imade was one of Moeller's four portant factor· .iliflue.ncing the 90 non-league victims this ye~r, coaches who took part in the adong with Princeton, the Hamil· voting. · ton Coooty' Suburban League Co~ Coach .Faust gives much of the chamPs, and Hughes, and Ne~· eredit for his sucoess to his export Catholic which finished 1ts cellent coaching· staff. His staff, season ranked seventh in the on the other haitd, · credits his own determination; e~mple, spirit, and! 9utStanding ability to -instruot pl<eyers ·on how to per· form the difficult maJDJeUvers of the game in a way .they can understand as being the prime factors in that success. • In a(ldition to the honor;}giv· ·en .Coach Faust, the Coache:s · · ,A number of area athletes were , Assn. also named two of his named to the 1965 Enquirer All va.rsity players to the SouthwestOhio .All-Star first team.· · Star Team. Selections were made The players honored were center by 40 local ~aches. . Backhus, .the only regular The first team includes .the Tom two·WtCIIY _player on· the team, following looad players: from ·and hard-running fullback Dave Moeller: Tom Backhus, center; Wilcoxson: who piled up 13 touchDave · Wilcoxson, fullback; Fred downs during the season to lead ·. Shriner, back; Jim Davis, back; -Deer Park, Jim Willits, guard; the Moeller offense. Sycamore, Paul Savage, ·end and _ Indian Hill, Bob Murphy, back. The second team includes John Sltigler, · guard, Moeller;_ Rich ··True, halfback,. Sycamore; Tom 1 Hayman, fullback, Madeira; Os- 1 car Jackson. tackle. Svcamore.


Local· Athletes Selected For· All· Star Team


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