CLOSE CAlL-St. Xavier safetyman Bill Cloppert manages to ~ w i p e at the ball ju~t enJugh to deflect it from the hands of Moeller end Don Schmid in the end zone just before the first half of their game ends.
·.Elder, Moeller Sco'~C Victories 1
B\. JOE QUI~~ · Moeller·~ Crusaders dealt lst. Xavier~; hopes of a Cath· olic League cCKhampionship a mortal blow when they ·blasted the. Bombers, 19-16. after Elders Pa~thers had run up a 40-6 VIctory over I Mc:'-1 icholas in the first game of the annual conference double·he;;der. An estimated 7000 fans turned out in shirt sleeve ~eather and saw E~der win tts se'(enth_ co:1secuhve ga~e and fifth Jn ~eague play m a• xu Stadium the Open .<>r • yesterday
a • t'ght ball game. Moetle· 1 !· I 0 D &8 D-19 8-!6 st. Xavier Xav1er blocked a Moeller 1 Moeller tcuc:Mcv.ns-Kne.pp. z. Stickler. klck on the Crusader 47 with I PAiL"w~~~er toJthdowns-C~x. Morgan. 45 seconds left, but . Tom PAo-M. Amen ~. Backhus intercepted a long ·--- · · pass with 15 seconds to go to • save Moeller's victory. At the conclusion Buck· master was voted both "back of the gall1e" and "player of the day'' while St. Xavier's Joe Brichler was named "line· man of the game." SCORING SU~1MARIES WaS
Bder .....•....... 14
LATrn 1.": the q•tarter, St. Jim Knecht recov. • ered a bad pass from center on the Moef,er four and big Phil Cox took it in from the one. Mark .6,.:.-nzen then ran the twc extra points. With 2:54 Left in the game, the Bcmbe7S scored again after a 75-y~rd push that saw , one T:::> play recalled. Joe · Speier ther. threw to Steve ·Morgan. who made a sparkliM run of 14 yards into the end zone. Arnun again added the two points a:1d all at once it Xavier·~
o6 14o o-
Elde.r touchdowns-Meyor 2, Baur •. MUr· Vot:nale, Grawe. PAT-B~ur 3, Bronk. ~hoi•• touchdown-Quehl. •
"IT W.'\.S L'le best win of the year ;or us," coach Gerry Faust said after his Moeller team upended St. Xavier. /"We've re.slly become a football team the past two weeks." The Ccusaders completely dominate:! th9 play for two 1 and a half quarters before St. Xavier sei!cd on a break that soark.ed their llffense and' almost allowed the Bombers to snatch a last-ditch victory. Moeller's first TD came on i a 58-yard drive, climaxed byl Buckmaster's 16-yard pass to Dave Kne.ipp in the opening quarter. The second was a 60-yard 'llarch of nine plays that ended \.ith AI Stickler i going 28 yarcs on a fake kick situation and Moeller had a 13-0 half-time lead. In the third quarter a 59· yard drive took 10 plays to • s~d Kneip{: over the left side for the last thrE'e yards · and male it 19-0.
.. ..
, , \ 1 /'f'>) .~~~~;/! Game Tops Slate
<~:''~':1 Elder-Chaminade
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A pair of Catholic League games and a battle between unbeaten Elder and once-defeated Dayton Chaminade high-, i light the Sunday scholastic grid program here. ' The three games follow a Public High League contest Roger Bacon and Elder and scheduled tonight ·in which -scored an upset in the league . · Western Hills faces Hughes at double-header Sunday by ; Trechter S t a d i u m. In the handling St. Xa vier its second · game, slated for 7:30 p. m., setback. . ' the West Hi squad will be C o a c h Tom Bidlaban's trying to keep alive its hopes Bombers should be rebound· ' for a co-championship. ing off that loss this week , The Catholic League games, while McNicholas will be look- ' i both set for 2 p. m. Sunday, ing for its second victory. send Moeller's C r us ad e r s THE S T A N Do u T game agai~st Purcell at Lo.ckland matches Elder's Panthers, who · ; StadiUm, . and • ~cNJcholas have won seven in a row and . agamst the S~- Xavier Bof!lb· are rated No. 7 in the UPI · e~s at the Fmneytown H1gh coaches poll this week, against held: Chaminade's llth-r an ked l\10ELLJm currenU~ is· il). c!u?. . . I third place with a 3-2 league lhe game Is HomecomJ_ng record while Coach Art Del- for Elder an? Co a c_h Dtckl: lonte's Purcell squad has a Loechtenfel9t s . c h a r g e s . l-2-1 mark in conference play, shoul~. be Jn high _gear for [ the OJ<l grads. r· and is 3-4-1 for the season. G err y Faust's Crusaders! jr.ave won six while l~sing t~
). •.• B
1:'.. B ... T ... T
Moeller~ Boinhers
... B ' .. T
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... B>f--...... ... E •.. E
. . •B ... B '
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· GCL Score ,
The accent was on defense as Moeller and st. I Xavier chalked up Greater · Cincinnati League victories Sunday, both by the shutout route. I Moe 11 e r, intercepting three passes and recover! ing five Purcell fumbles, I rolled to a 21-0 win over ' the cavaliers at Lockland stadium. At the same time, St. Xavier intercepted five passes and recovered four fumbles on the way to a 26-0 blitz over McNicholas at Finneytown High field. Quarterback Steve Buckmaster continued his fine work at moving the Moeller offense, throwing for ' one touchdown and running for_ano~her. 1
,· L
·Moeller- scored- its -first ~: TD In the opening period on a one-yard drive by halfback AI Stickler. Buckmaster hit Don Schmid for - _·I an 8-yard TD pass in the second quarter, then ran the conversion. After a . score I e s s third period:\.t i Buckmaster climaxed a' ~- :,· M_oeller drive in the fourth ~ With a three-yard touch- ft. dow~ b u r s t and Tom · · Wakim converted by placement. 1 Mo.e""I""Ie-r-bo-o-sted its GCL record to 4-2, with a 7-2 ~ overall slate. St. Xavier is il now 3-2 in the GCL and 1. ____;;.,..__!
6-2-1 on the season. Pur- ,
cell's league record drops to 1-3-1, with a 3-5-1 season account. McNicholas is 0-4-1 in the conference and 1-7-1 overall. . PURCELL ' MOEllER
. 0 ....... 6
0 8
0 0
0-- 0
J: ~~~s (pfr~m fa~~~J: (Buckmaster, run).
ma!-ler Moeller-Buckmaster. 3. wn (Wakim _!:ickl _ _ _:__ _ .
,ii1ng~/ ~ tr ste. Italy , wi10 is one of nine childthe son of Dr. and Mrs. Pecorari. The farriily Jives ig town house in Trieste no finds it difficult to untd why anyone would want '.e way out to the suburb~ rego the conveniences oi 1 ~- In Italy people of means. i the city while tp.e lower , group move out beyond y where living is less ex~- So much grass, whi-ch is ndance at the Gray home, ed a novelty to Nino. · father i~ quite active in 1 ;, Nino relates and at one 1 ?as imprisoned in dx:ead 1wald· for political reasons. eldest brother is a physic.d another brother has his ate in economics. The relg children who have com,_elemen~ school are in 1.
ege possibly leading to a •in physi~ is_ in _N_ino's -~u-
J..J~,\1~ 'I.
14 ''1""~~ Newport Cath. 01 BY DON CAUDILL
..· Moeller Correspondent
.'. In a fitting close to the IM:oeiler ·High School footbilll 1 season, the Crusaders handed a hard-hitting Newport Catholic eleven a. · 14-0 setback. . In the first period t h e r e !.was no scoring fan d neither ;team co u I d !start a drive. Moeller got its first score in the second quarter. Dave Wilcoxson endCaudill ed a 62-yard . drive with a two-yard run for the touchdown and Tom Wakim added the extra point for Moeller. A 65-yard run by Dave Kneipp ·in the third quarter led to the second Moeller score. · Wilcoxson added his second score on a two-yard run to cap a 67-yard drive. Moeller threatened to score, again in the fourth quarter~· after an exchange of fumbles, but they too fumbled to end. their drive on the Newport! 11. Both teams failed to score; ·' in the final quarter. 1
Moellu . . .
1m 2.
·\vport . 0 o 0 oeller touchdowns: Wi.lcoxson 2.
Lewis, t0rdon Top Selections ACK GORDON of Middletown, who guided what was . thought to be a mediocre Midclie team to a 9-1 season, is the Ohio.Southwestern district's Football Coach of th.e Year.
J.IN1,BACKE'R8-llrarty Nsw, Hamilton A board of sports writers that Taft, Fred London, Belm<mt, Bob Smith picked the all-district team for Hamilton Catholic. and Tom Caven, Mla~i East. SAFETIEs-Bobby Joe the Associated Press also tabbed Love, Middletown, and Darrell Dement, Lockland's Dan Sullivan as Springfield South. CLASS ·A TEAl\1 (not desigClass A Coach of the ye~r. nated by positions or defensive 1· Piayer of the Year accolades or offensive units) : went to Tony Lewis, ;Wilbur r:liXJ~~Tf:N-Mark BeJrise, BrookVille: Fred Gehron, Genna.ntown; Dryden :Wright halfback, in AA,. and -Jones, Cincinnati Country Day; Tom ! Kent Thompson and John Flory, Weer, Covington; Tim Maundrell. Cincinnati Country Day; Larry Baker, I Covington's two outstanding Lockland. .. backs, in Class A. · RACJ{S-Kent Thompson, Covington; John Flory, Covington: Ted Kramer, Named 1lo the AA defensive Cincinnati Country Day; Vic Nolting, Art Travis, 'Mechanicsburg; 1:eam was AHer tackle Jim !,ockland; .i\{ike Scnsibaugh, Lockland; Vic Stangle, Meadowdale m i d d l e Strauss, Clncinnatt Country Day: Ron guard Jim Scherman and Bel- Comer, New Lebanon} pJxie. mont linebacker F1·ed London. On the Class A team are linemen Mark· Eeii'i'Se,--BrJokville; and Fred Gehron, Germantxmrn, and backs Art Travis, Mechanicsburg, and Ron Oomer, Dixie. The Class AA All-Southwestern: Ol'Fl,~:SE
E:-11)8-John Mall, :Middletown, a.nd Dan Aflton, Cincinnati Princeton. T;\CJ\I,t~8-Duke Baker, Hamilton Ta!t, I and Bob Geers, Cinclnna.tl ;[,~lder. GU.o\RDS-Ken Johnson, Lemon~:Z..ionroe. 1'
•nd Ron Lebarorr, Springfield I South. QU!\HTI,RIIACK-Jim Ousley, ! MiddJetown. JI~\I... J·,BACK8-Tony Lewis, , Wilbur Wright. and Mike Armstrong, Springfield North. l'UJ.l.BACl\ - Joe Hudson, Hamilton Gar!ield. DJWt;NSJ<~
l•:l\'08-Ron Sutton, Hamllton Gar·· field. and B l I I Pollitt, Belmont. Tl\CJ\U•;S-Dcnny Thompson, Franklln. , .Jim Stangle, Alter. ~lfliOJ.E I. and !!VARII-Jim Scherman, Meadowdale,
lder, Moeller,----~ Continue to Win· Elder's Panthers I o o k e d ahead today to one' of the );ear's b~g battles, a -Sun_day clash w1th Roger Bacon at the latter'~ stadium that has the catholic League title at stake. Coach Dick Loechtenfeldt's Panthers· can get no worse than a tie for the crown but Bacon has a chance· to' make il a co-championship by ha.nding the Price Hill team its first setback in nine outings: Elder, St. Xavier and Moe!ler all won games yesterday with Elder administering a 12-6 setback to Dayton Chaminade, its second of the ·campaig~; St. Xavier blanking McNJcholas, 26-0, and Moeller taking a 21-0 verdict over Purcell. · EY TOM MJ.NNERY
- BY DON CI\UDlLL Mo~l!!!r
Moeller's ci~usaders used a ~ . l)trong def~nse to defeat Purcell, 21-0, m a loosely-played 1 gam~ yesterday at Lockland StadiUm. T~e game saw SIX~. fumbles, a 11 recovered · by · the opposition, and four pa-ss interception's. In the :first p e rio d, Jim Davis recovered a fumble ,. for Moeller, one of numer• · Caudill ou s first· . period miscues. This eventualiy led to a. touchdown on a one-:yar~ run by AI Stick!E:r. E!dcr Corre.~pondent Agam m the second qu~rr Seventh-ranked Elder de- ter, the defense set up: ''a feated the Dayton Chaminade tq_uchdown as Harry Lofland Eagles yesterday 12-6 in a recovered ~ another fumble. penalty-filled game, before a Several plays later, ,J e r_ r y gala homecom. . Buckm.aster threw a nmeing crowd of yari;l. pass to Don Schmidt for close to 9000 the second TD. Buckmaster at the \jlinners added the two extra points field, to give on a sweep. the Panthers · Ken Long intercepted a their eighth Purcell pass in the final quarter and with 31 seconds victory in as left in the game, Buckmaster rriany starts. First blood added the final Crusaders was drawn by score on a two-yard plunge. -Elder after In the game, Moeller recovt a c k 1 e Bob l\finnery ered five Purcell fumbles. . Fred Shriner, Greg Pasco and Richter recovcred a fumble on the Chami- Ted Hall fell on loose balls nade 20. Two plays later quar· in additio.n to Davis and tcrback Ray Baur fell on. a Lofland. The Crusaders also loose, ball 'i_n the, end zone ~or got two pass interceptions b)' trye 1.D but Baur s ex_tra pomt Long and a~nothcr by .Jerry k1ck attempt went w1de. Half- Mouch. The offense was aidedtime .score stood 6-0 as a by strong running by Jack· second quarter threat by the Monahan. home team was stopped on . · · . ~ the Chaminade 7. . · stORIN~ ~UMMAiiY . _ . ~ . l!loell~r ........ , .... 3 B 0 7 .21
. ~lder ~phenehd lfsbecoknd Ghalf u;xg~ ue'r 'iouctidown~Stlc~ltr, 0 Sc~~,j~' action . Wit a . 3C ene Buckmaster. PAT-Buckmuter 2, WiKJm; Otting galloping for a 20-yard . . ;.,.,., · gainer from the Eagle 49. Two plays later Jerry Meyer skirted end to the 20-yard line. Meyer scored two plays later from the seven· to give Elder its second and final lscore of the afternoon. I Mike Horn sparked the uplstate boys by connecting on a late. fourth-quarter-· pass f.-r#'\.'W\
Elder, Moeller, St. X Continue to .Win 'q'" BY DON CAUDILL Moeller Correspondent
Moeller's Crusade\·s used a strong defense to defeat cell, 21-0, in a e yesterday urn. The recovered by ,. the opposition, and -four pass interceptions. In the first period, Jim Davis recovered a fumble f or Mo~ller, one of n'umerus firstperiocl miscues. tually led to a to
· run
·Stud~nt Hcdls .From ~T·rie . . ·. Moeller high sr.hool's first ex- . change student. is an ·Italian boy . wl;tose blond hair and blue eyes belie his ·tatin heritage. · · Nino ,Pecoraii ·hails from Tri· este;· Italy and comes-_ to :Moeller under the sponsorship .of the ~a tiona} Catholic Welfare-assn .. The . 17-year-old senior. is making his America·n home with Mr. and Mrs. Harold-Gray· of 10497, Storybook ·dr., Montgomery. For teenage companionship af.h«;)me'~ere . is Bill,· th~~ 'Gray's · 15~vea.r·old ·
son. - Nin< ren, is Faust<J in. a 1 and'N derst'a: to. con and f1 city lil live ir incom' the .ci pensiv in abt ·is ind1 His pi>liti< time' ·BuchE Nino'! i:an a1
dloctoJ niaini1 'pleted colle!l
~. -~--··
..... - - " ]
Elder, Moeller Winners In G.CL Doubleheader BY PAUL RITTER
Of The Enquirer Staff Undefeated Elder assured itself of at least a stare in the conference crown, while St. xavier's hopes for the same title crumbled as a result of sunday afternoori's Greater Cincinnati L e ague football Doubleheader at Xavier University stadium. Elder, with offense tickIng in time-bomb fashion, rapped underdog McNicholas, 40·6, in the opener. Then Moeller kayoed St. X, 19-16, in the finale. Elder's v(ctory sets the Panthers atop the GCL with a 5-0 record, two wins and a loss' in front of current runnerup, Rog!:'r B a c o n. Moeller climb"d into third place (3-2) by defeating st. Xavier, and knocked the Bombers to fourth (2-2). Dick Loechtenfeldt's Elder crew scored 20 points i ih each half, with the hard'. core starters jumping
1 •
ahead in the first · halt, other one-yard Meyer dive up the victory margin, althen the spirited reserves and a Davidson ·to John though St. xavier was yet picking up in the second. Vignale pass for 25 yards to t h r e a te n only to fa)l The Panthers took the In· the third quarter. A 55- short in the closing secopening kickoff and drove yard Don Thomas to Deh onds. With 3:24 left in the third 68 yards to send halfback Grawe aerial added the Jerry Meyer in. from a yard final Elder score In .the period a bad center on a Moeller punt attempt gave away for the first touch- fourth period. X a recovery at the cru- · down. An intercepted Me· For three periods Moeller sader three. Two plays Nicholas pass gave Elder ·confined all St. Xavier of- later fullback Phil cox possession on the Rocket fensive threats while quar- scored on a one-yard plunge 47. Seconds later, and this terback Jerry Buckmaster time · junior quarterback took care of ,moving the and ·Mark Arnzen ran the Ray Baur went home from Crusader offense in bril- twci-point conversion. . Then, X quarterback Joe the one. Baur converted on liant fashion. · Speier found the range, kicks after each tally. Buckmaster, a 170-pound arid hit junior halfback It was less than a minute senior who looked even bet- Steve Morgan on a 14-yard later when McNick regis- ter than his departed pred- touchdown pass in the last tered its only touchdown- ecessor Tom Kenny (now minutes. of the game. Arna 55-yard gallop by half- a Frosh at xu, threw a TD zen ran the two-pointer, back Dick Quehl. bomb to fullback Dave again, and Xavier trailed With 3:30 remaining in Knelpp late in the first pe" 19•16. the half, Elder added an- rio.d. His aerial .and runA blocked Moeller punt other TD on Wayne David- ning talents moved the gave the :Bombers the ball son's 13-yard throw to end crusaders into scoring posi- on the foe's 46 with :45. Jim :Murrary. tion again in the second pe- seconds to play, but three McNicholas was unable riod, with halfback AI Stick- plays later Speier threw to do anything with the ler. running over from 28 into the hands of Moeller football in the second half, yards out. defender Tom Bachus. The b u t Elder added three Moeller's third TD, a interception set Moeller more touchdowns for good three-yard Kneipp dive in up to run out the clock for measure. They came on an· the third period, wrapped the win.
Representatives of the , Xavier University Muske- I teer club voted their an- : nual "linemen" and "back" awards for each game, and named the. deserving Buckmaster "Outstanding Player of_ the Day." McNicholas c e n t e r Bill Humbert was "Outstanding Lineman" in the first game, with "Back" laurels going to Elder halfback Gene Otting. St. xavier tackle Joe Brichler, a 200-pound senior, was the "lineman" of tile second game, playing an outstanding defensive effort. ELDER .......... 14 6 14 6-40 McNICHOLAS . . • . . . 6 0 0 0- 6 I Elder-:-Mever 1 run (Baur, kick). Elder-Baur 1 run (Baur, kick). McNicholas-Quehl 55 run (run failed). Elder-Murrarv 13 pass from Davidson (kick failed). Elder-Meyer 1 run (Baut, kick). Elder-Vignale 25 pass from Davidson (Thomas. kick). Elder-Grawe 55 pass from Thomas (run failed). ST. XAVIER ....... 0 0 B 8-16 MOELLER ......... 7 6 6 0-19 Moeller-Kneipp 17 pass from 'Buck-
run (kick failed). Moeller-Kneipp 3 run {pass failed). St. Xavier-Cox 1 run (M. Arnzen, run). (M.St.Af; v~~~-r~~f.gan 14 pass from Speier 1
Hub Of Moeller Attack Free-wheeling offense of the Moeller High Fighting Crusaders starts with the center snaps of Roger Hanlon, 6·1, 192, and the quarterbacking of Co-Captain Jerry Buck· master, 6·2, 170. The two seniors have h~lped !Hoeller win . its first two games and will be in action again Saturday night when the Crusaders open the GCL campaign against _:.~ LaSalle at Elder Stadium.
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The Enquirer Staff" 1
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'· with. a . GCL. triumph over . visiting <LaSalle,.:... as r.- the Panther defense:starred in. :' a 20·0 decision. over ,. the : Lancers .. · -· ' .. , • · • ..
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~~~, :" .. . - ·. ,._ 'A trio of Greater/ cin- ~.. ~ cinnati L e a g u e - teams
/'Eld~r~ ope~ed its season
:.,. •.\ · ; '8'··- ,_ ,·.
er, . · . ,\l~J', ·
• . ,.
fine football schedule'. .. ""prep . ··., ,~,-.fl . . . · Moeller' registered the
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· ·· · •
ft~i~~t~~~i ~rylover the ~em~City .viS" . • I tors Fz:lday, m~h_t at~ :peoc i :ark High: StadiUm. · .. · · . • ··Roth got off to.~·,6·0 lead .) . -::In ~e second penod, when_ , all -_:!) a y. ton quarterback ;. 1 ·Erble.Walder passed·,37 ·-,··,~yards to halfback 'Frank ,. .).· · ·Jackson· for, a TD, 15tit tlirit ~· . , ., -1was to he t.he ,·end: of .tba • ~~.,Falcon. aerial' shnw. ~ ' I' ••; ..... Moeller, retaliated •quick.:_' '/; ly -~itli a·tdrive that.;·sent : ,l · semor halfback Al ·Stickler. in from the _one, ~.fol~owed_
·.Last _season's·l mythical':n city · ch.ainpions; Roger .. , • ·Bacon, opened' with ~a show' , I of power in crushing-, visit- "~ f ing Central, 43·8 ..... t.. .. .i !, ~But,;' ·pel"haps . the I best .• • t game of . the · night was j, · . :1{ played at TrechterStadlum '. -~ '•t::~: ;,: • :· .-, '\. . ' . • 1 t1 7;i;~·;,;: ~.; .. ,. l!where·st.XavierandWith-· .• :., -~· .......... ~,. y· .... !.1., · ., .. , , .. , ·. • .. '-~ • ·~bY.a.conversiOnkick.from io_w battled9 a}2·12 de~d:.;~ ·. .:. ... ~ /.. .: . ·::.: Moeller :secondary?Stops·'·Roth· ·.s :'-' 1'),. ' ,. .,. ,) ..J· .;the toe of Tom WaJd.n: •.The lock.·,.-. l::-· •. ... :. · . ·,. . _.... - .- .. · ......... " . ·... , ., ._. '·. ,. . . . .cr~aders, hungry for~the ~:.. · • ' , · ._ .. · · .._, Th,e Moe!ler Hlghsecondary,halted Day-· club·at.Deer Park High Stadium.}Mem- · big will. over Roth, st;-uck .Both s,c~re~ siX po.mters_. ~~n Roth ·voliti,le_ passing,attack Friday; . bers of 1 the Moeller• secondary· are/plc~ ·.~gain minutes la~ as·senl in th~ _first • hal~,. then - mght as. the Crusaders rolled ,to a 21·12 ,.·_. tured above, left to right: Denny Heenan,. · 1or halfback Dan• Merkle · :;!~e~t~?!~~~,:;~~-~~~~~=:. ,•victo~y~over:the h~ghlY',rat~d,tG;e_J:!119ity t.. :. Ken· Long, 'Jim Davis and ·carl, Mo·n~g.~tosc Ohrdoed thetakinfir.st ?f two ;:..;.:;;.:.:,...;:.:..:.:::::.:.::.:=..:::..::~ __:_~ n ', uc wns, g a • 37t!Yard JX)i:il.P, arounct.: the left ., !Side.... , . ,. . . . . ;::_;, Roth stayNl wit.b Mo~ller . in I that· ueriotl; however, · scoring on:Garland Wilson's ,.75~yard return "of the ensu. ing kickoff , and the , third ?stanza'/. ended, i3-12,. with ·:Moeller iri· front. ~: .. · : · .• · The Crusaders added· ··insurance · TD i!h the final ' quarter' as Merkle- capped ! ·ariother: lengthy 'drive with a two-yard' bolt up the mid" : die I . to . score. -Steve ' Bien • passed to Jim Sullivan· for t a, two·point conversion. . :· . . . : . ' ~~Tft~R.-<::::·: g ~~: g=~?
r .: '.' '.
. *
I • · Rot'• -Jack~'" 37 pass troni Walaer le (kick Jlockod\. · , '. · ,., - •. . . Moeller- Stic~'er. 1 run· CWakim kick) . • I Moellc•r-Meokle 37 run (run failed). -, '·.Ro'"·-WIIson 75 . kickoff. return· tr~ss ,fal!Pd\. . • • -, • ·~r: ,, MoeUer-MerkiG 2 run (Sullivan~: • frcxn B•en). ·~ . . . .,.,.~t +I .... ·-i... ~,r;J.L,._· -4-..,~ J, .
~ayto~-~Roth-Moeller .GamI' Tops IJ.:,~~vy .Prep ·Sche~u!~J .
. r•--
li"' ,.
Of Tht; Enquirer Staff I o c a I high school football schedule programs a glittering array of competition, particularly at Deer Park High Stadium where Dayton· Roth visits · · Cincinnati · Moeiier tn a game drawing statewide at/ . tention. Roth, having made pre-. season· claims of being l , Ohio's best ill 1964, ·opened · unimpressively with a 28~16 ' ·victory over Dayton· Wilbur· Wright last . weekend.. The- ', Gem City .Falcons see the j Moeller game as a "facesaving" venture. · . · ' The Falcons suffered injuries to key defensive personnel in the Wright game, ·causing added concern as . they enter tonight's · battle · with Moeller. · · · · .· M o e li e r, on, the other hand, is ih excellent condi- ' tion following a 34-0 win over Deer Park last week, according to coach Gerry Faust. · · The Dayton team ·brings ' an 11-game' victory streak into toe .game. The Falcons ·have won 17 of their last 19 games. M<J:eller, in its third year of varsity cometitio.n, w.ent.. 9-1 last .seaw._;and added · its '64 op~~t,.to the _total:" ..._ ~ •.. ·· · Tonig~lt's
~u(:kmaster, Herberth · Lea
·Moeller's Rebuilt Offense DO~_~lN'iJILL
By Moeller Correspondent
With the start of the foot-
Mitsch, Bollmer, Lofland, Coach Faust's Feldhaus, and Ha- this year will include verkos. <?ther !Dembers ?f G.igliotti, Ge?rge Mat:ki the backfield will b~ Davis, Tim Rose, Mike Mornssey, Long, Heenan, and "Stanforth. George Ecker, and Bill Meloy. · · The schedule: TillS YEAR 81 boys turned Sept. ll-De'<lr P~rk. . t f th · •t• 1 t' Sept. IS-Dayton Roth at Deer Park. ou or e Im Ia prac ICe. Sept. 26-LaSalle at Elder. some of these may 8~1: ~~=~~NfJ~~fas at Elder. they .will ~r.Y Pa~k~t. 23-Dayton Wilbur Wright at their sp1nt Nov. _
ball season approachmg, Coach Gerry Faust faces the Itask of rebuilding his offense . d'mg ..., · a n d fm new men · to · f~ll key posihons on defense ~Ue · to graduatlOn losses. M o e ller's first graduating class will be a hard one ·to replace in ·. as tough a Candill league as the . 1 ,Catholic League with teams! like Roger Racon, Elder; St. Xavier, McNicholas, LaSalle and Purcell.
CO-CAPTAINS Buckmaster and Herberth will lead the rebuilt offense that will also in·clude Sullivan, Schmid, Farrell, Poffinbarger, Hall, Rahe, and Hanlori on the Ilne and Merkle, Stickler, ·W:ilcoxson, and Kneipp finishing out the· backfield. . This year's defensive co· ·captains will be .Montag and .Wene. Along with Wene on the defensive line will be "Sh'afer, Shriner. Brown, Pas- .. . ~·
Moeller High Position CENTERS
Name Roger _u •• ilan P>--
1'=':=-...,- w·:..-.-
m~: 1
diool ·c;,;c; -Ra$·ter~·~;f Hzt. 6·0 5·11 5·10
vV R
Class Sr. Sr. So.
. ·Comment -Center open.
position .
, wide
!I', :
~~~~~~--~1~9~5--~~~1~1--~V----~S~r--~L-e-ad77b-y~D~o-n~R~a~he--s~ho-u~ld '
~:··.: -.
v-.-- sr: v Jr.
Ted Hall Tom Backhus Pete Feldhaus Nic~ Haverkos Don Wiehe
190 6·0 185 5-11 170 5-8 R 162 5-8 F R• 203 5-11 162 R 5·8 jg~nM~~~~~ 192 5-11 D Bill Herberth 217 6-0 Greg Wene 215 6-3 Bob Poffinbarger 214 6·2 Harry Lofland 230 6·2 Bob Deangelis 211 6-0 219 Jeff Ballmer 5-11 .~ 210 Mike Farrell 6-2 Joe Schafer 178 5-11 R Jim Sullivan ·19D 6·0 . Don Schmid· 172 6·1 204 6-3 ~gmg A~r~;~d 175 6·0 Gene Rielag 177 ' 6-1 161 Fred Shriner 6-0 R R Jim schwertman 158 6·1 Don Bergma11 180 5-10 •. R V· 6-2 Jerry Buckmaster 168 175 5-10 Steve Bien R· 162 6-0 R Marty Eyesoldt 172 ,v AI Stickler 5·10 175 v ,Dan Merkle 5·8 156 v J:m Davis 5·8 LO 6-1 ~~~n long v' 170 5-8 C.~rl Montag vv 165 5-8 Don Heenan R 161 . 5-9 Gary Stanforth . 155 5-9 F Bud. Jackson 198 6-0 Dave Kneipp 6-2 Dave Wilcoxson 194 5-10· 168 R Tom Kishpaugh
' vvv v v
.,4_, ;
v v v v v
v v
.be one of stron,ger posi· tions on team. · ' ·Jr. so. I Jr. Jr. Jr. Sr. Bill Herberth has looked Sr. real impressive at of· Sr.- fenslve tackle. Greg Sr. Wene should be one of Jr. the best d e f e 1\ s i v e Sr. tackle in the city. Sr. .Jr. ·Sr. Lack experience but lots St. .of hustle and desire. Sr. ·Greg Pasco. should be Jr; good defense, end. Sr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Sr. Good talent, but needs Jr. poliSh. so. Sr. Small . but willing to Sr. work. Stickler and Long very versatile. Jr. Sr; Sr. Sr.
So . Sr. Jr. Jr.
Wilcoxson. an.d Kneipp fighting it out for the job. ·. •;_:
lmERMEN LOST-21. STRENGTH hust!e, destre. WEAKNESS-Lack nce__11!-rebuild complete offense, try~ng ·to .fill key. spots on, defense. OVERAI.J, JN~Good: PREDICTION-Win sev_~!£_se three. · • , .· : •:_...,_,.,
t'i L.l.j.
BY ltOGE:J{. RUHL Of The Enquirer Staff
Roger Bacon's SpartaliA. upset blf st. xavier ll}i~ weekend, bounced b~£~ with surDri_sing strength to hand Mo,ener its first de· teat of the season, 22-0, at Bacon Stadium F rid a Y night. The Mo~ner loss, coupled with Pur~e!l's 8-8 tie with McNichola..:,, le:f't st. Xavier and Elder atoP the Great-er Cincin~ ati League. Both remain unbeaten; and oath are 1-0 in <:3CL competition. Ten tear:::ns entered play Friday nig~t with unbeaten records, a~d only two suffered their initial losses. In ddibion to Moeller, Aikenl.·' a.Icons l~st to Westc .·, ills, 19-0. . . .
A{TON Dl+lt(' NEWS
POwer Scrap:
J]aust~s Teatn, ·Ro~h '
_Stakes: Future State Ranking; Watch Wilmington vs. Belmont By LEE C. BRIGHT, Daily News Sports Writer
WTHICH pro offense will survive-Roth's or .Cincinnati -~ Moeller'sJ Or will it become a matter of wliose defense is best against a prO.:styled offense tomorrow night when the two prep powers meet at Cincinnati Deer Park ·stadium? J ~ -F:sst,- Moeller ~, scouted the Daytxm Public league champions in last week's pre:niere as well as the 1963 title game. '.'They're the fastest team we've .ever seen," the son of former Chaminade coach Fuzzy Fau_.sJ; exclaimed. · "We'll have fQ have 11. great effort; we can't ma.ke the mis· takes we did in the Wilbur : Wright game," Roth head <'oach Ken Amlin pointed out after looking at Moeller blast Deer Park 34·0 Friday.
As the official football season opens for Dayton's Pu'blic league mimbers, the Rath-Mioell.er game atyacts the most interest be-j cause of the effects it must ootre on future state prep ratin~s. Each team needs success
to impress.
Moeller. Victoriousl ,_____ ~_:__:..____
_ _ _ _ _ _ _. . .,
., '11.. '-{ .
l in the third quarter, then
' Kniepp tallied on one and seven-yard runs in the fi· nal period. Wilbur Wright never posed a real threat to Moeller victory hopes as the Crusaders won their fifth game in seven season starts. It was the second loss in sev~n games for the . Dayton crew. MOELLER ......... 6
Moeller - long 85 pUnt return (~ick · failed). Moeller-Merkle 2 run (kick failed). Moeller-Stickler 24 pass from Buck· maJ.l~~~~~~~~;~klek;c~. run (kick failed) Moeller-Wilcoxson 3 run (kick failed). Moefler~niepp 1 run (kirk failed). Moeller-Kniepp 7 run (kick failed) .
43. I q f.>4, Wilbur Wright 0
Five Moeller players contributed touchdowns to a 43~0 victory over visiting Dayton Wilbur Wright Friday night at Deer Park High School stadium, with AI Stickler and Dave Kniepp each scoring two¡ touchdowns. Ken Long initiated the Moeller scoring with an 85yard punt return in the first period. Dan Merkle scored on a two-yard run ¡ and Stickler added TDs on a seven-yard run and a 24yard pass from quarterback Steve Buckmaster in the second period. Dave Wilcoxson hit for a threev~rt1
•· .
;:,core · , · '.;'.. ,
!,~in .. Moeiler made its secorid grid a' big one, posting a 21-1~
:upset of Dayton R.oth, uncle~, feated and ranked eighth in·~he 'Stafe last year. Dan Merkle' showed the way with two touch.' downs and 157 yards in 15 carhes. ·.: ? Almost every pl;J.y was a thriller, going for a big gain or big loss. Defensive tackle Greg, ~ene kept the pressure on Verhie Walder, Roth's excellent quarterback, and a couple of fumbles hurt the Falcons: Cni~ader field general 1'3erry Buckmaster did an excellent job of ball handling even in the rain· soaked fourth quarter.. -- ' .. ~· 1 A quick pasl over the middle for 45 yards got Rolh · rolling, put early threats died on the a.g and 20, as Werie, Tom Kishpaugh, and Nick Haverkos turned in key defensive plays. ; Booming punt exchanges led !J.p to a second period score by Dayton. Walder fired a 37-yard TD pass to halfback Frank Jackson. The conversion kick ~as blocked. , , •. l With ·four minutes left in;tlie half, Moeller went to w<?:k.
"We're not runl'l'ing the extreme . pro type offense Rofu ru~s." .Fausil: went on, "but we t10 two-}}tatoon _ rompletely. We il:we two plainons of sen~ors ~nd juniors." Moeller ha·s one more senior th"'iiii1:WW full platoons on its 1964 team. Depthwise. Roth looks meek indeed, tor Faust has -55 varsffity players, 38 r~e players and 55 trash . "We lost 21 seniors from last yf.,ar's ·group but have sevenf starters on defense back," says young Faust, whose school is In Its iiiirilfull season of var· sity football, · 1 q '-'f Senior quarterback Jerry Buckmaster as a reserve tossed s!ix l'D passes last- year, had one In Moeiler's . operring 34-0 victory over Deer Park. Highest in Faust'.s . regaro are Greg Wene, 6-4, 215-pound tackle, 6-3, 210-pound end Greg Pasco -and Ken Long, 6-2, 175-pound defensive back. ' ''If •anyooe oan sil:op Rofh they'll have ·to co:nta.in their 6Weeps, counte-rs and pass•ing something n:o-one's done in 12 games," .[gusil: sums up. Since hst fall's second .game when R:>ger Baoon woo lop$ded1y qver Moeller; the Crus·adeTS have come ~ast. '"rHEY'RE lC!Ible. to give i~~th~ old Chaminade - routine," . ~s Ainlin's evaluation of Moell~tl' numbers. Amlin, plainly seeki#i votes for S'llat,e ranking, hopeS' Jim Harden, hfs ailing Yei!Jemlr e.t fullback, can start this week; bUit it isn't def!iniite. Frank Jackson t<:"td ·Baroia Pollens have been moved to defensive end positions • • • J:t-ckson'tll been 'there two weeks, Pollens moving In 1?1-J
-*b,a. MnP.llAr nuf:ina
• Will 2lal2 Loss
Be· Roth!)s To11ic? fC[C..£1, B~·
LEE C. BRIGHT, Dally News Sports Writer
WHITE'S Jim Eby, seldom in a three-game COLONEL losing slump, asks the question most other hiO'li · school.coaches who ha,:e to. pl.ay d. e.fet.Jding Public l e . chammon Roth are askmg todaJ7: .
"Will defeat spoil the Falcons,'·•-------------==--, or in Eby's ·more exact .words,; ''I wonder what RotJ1's boys wilJ! do now?" There are those, incJucling members of the Roth staff. who think that 21-12 Joss t::> Cincinnati Moeller is the tonic. that will assure a second Falcon City title, even theugh · it cost • Roth anything but secondary con-!, sic1-cration in the · \vire service polls. Ob\iousiJ, one factor t h a, t.
curtailed Roth :tgainst might)· !Uoeller last Frida,\· was the early injUJ';\' of Jim I:larden. "Jjm got ldcJ;crl early in the Eecond period."· Roth coach ·: lien Amlin J'llYealed yesterday, Eenny pointed out, "when he blocked for Verble (Walder). He ;:ot It on his rig-ht side abonl the hlp and he said lie coUldn't react on tlefense · without If, paining him. He could hardly walk."
Where it may ha,·e hurt most• was in pass defense. HardPn was, at safety (to ease an eariier in-! jury). It was Moeller QB Jerry' Buch"lllaster's pass that set up! Cincy's go-ahead TD. · · "OUR DEFENSE, did a good job-90 per cent of the time," AmliJJ. said·; "but~ we must have been lined up wrong on a couple of Don Merkle's runs- he got through there into our secondary· before we could react." Amlin said Moeller had cut off Roth's ground game but that: Frank Jarkson, Charles Bell and James· Kirk· also were hmi at. one time or another. 'Tel just as soon· let Vcrbi~ thn~}'t,.,i.aH ni.gh. t. They wer.e rPall)ll·:c -· 1 "'. >@ell in half out thcrp " i d:. ".Tarksr.n .,Pullec( · • )lis TD run. ·
lt ___.
Mturaay, uctoJter¡i':\W --~--
They'll Be On Offense For Moeller Behind center Ro5er Hanlon, five Moeller High School offensive backs hope to pick up big yardage sunday when the crusaders play strong St. Xavier in the ~d game of the Greater Cincinaati
League football doubleheader at Xavier Stadium. The five are halfback Dan Merkle, fullback Dave Kneipp, quarterback Jerry Buckmas"er, fullbaek Dave ' Wilcoxson and halfbac¡te AI Stickler.
AFTER MOELLER defeated St~.:X;vier in the windup double-header Sunday, Coach the Crusaders had put in some new -offensive stuff for the game. 1'16ÂĽ ''One of the new plays was a quarterback-eligible pas:s," the Moeller mentor reported. "George Markley and I saw Indian Hill beat Sycamore Friday night and were impressed by the way Indian Hill ran this play. We diagrammed it and .then checked it with Coach Joe Clark after the game. We had a practice session of our own Saturday and we put the play into our offense t11en. We ran it about a dozen times in dummy scrimn1age and the11 used it twice against SL Xavier. lt worked o1ice and while we didn't score with it, we got inside their 10 and it helped put them in a hole." While Gerry was pleased with the play of his entire squad he was particularly proud of Greg Pasco, Tom Bachus and Jerry Buckmaster, whom he singled out for
~of¡ the Catholic League 1Gerry Faust revealed that
"IT WAS the best wid 路,!!le year for us," coach ~ :f}ust said after his Moener am upended St. Xavier. .~e've really become a football team the past two weeks." 路 路 The Crusaders completely dominated the play for two ' and a half quarters before St. Xavier seized on a break that 路sparked their offense and almost allowed the Bombers to snatch a last-ditch victory. Moeller's first TD came on a 58-yard drive, climaxed by Buckmaster's 16-yard pass to Dave Kneipp in the opening quarter. The second was a 60-yard march of nine plays that ended with Al Stickler going 28 yards on a fake kick situation and Moeller had a 13-0 half-time lead. In the third quarter a 59yard drive took 10 plays to send Kneipp over the left side for the last three yards and make it 19-0. 1'1~4LATER IN the quarter, St. Xavier's Jim Knecht recov. ered a bad pass from center on the Moeller four and big Phil Cox took it in from the one. Mark Arnzen then ran the two extra points. With 2:54 Left in the game, thll Bombers scored again after a 75-:vard push that saw one TD play recalled. .Joe Speier then threw to Steve Morgan, who made a sparkling run of 14 yards into the end zone. Arnzen again added the !_wo points and all at on~~t
CLOSE CALL-St. Xa'\'ier safety man Bill Cloppert manages- to s w i p e at the ball just enough to deflect it from thl;l hands of :vloeller end Don Schmid in the end zone just before the first half of •heir game ends.
Eldet·~ Moellet· Score Victories ICfJ.,Lf.
BY JOE" QUINN was a . tight ball game• rtot!ller . · · · .. ·.. 7 6 6 ~-19 ' , St. Xavtel 0 0 8 3-16 Moeller's Crusaders dealt Xav1er blocked a Moe).er Moeller. touc~downs-Kneipp z. stckler. St. Xavier's hopes of a Catb- kick on the Crusader 47 Wltb "~~;:-w:7;r touchdowns-cox ~ otic League co-championship 45 seconds left, but Tom Ptu-M. '""zen 4. ' ~. a mortal blow when they Backhus intercepted a long blasted the, Bombers, 19-16. pass with 15 seconds to go to after Elders Pa~thers had save Moeller's victory. run up a 40·5 v1ctory ove. At the conclusion BuckMcNicholas in the first game master was voted both 'back~ of the annual conference, of the game'' and "player of double-header. the day" while St. Xa'I'Ier's An estimated 7000 fans Joe Brichler was named "line, turned out in shirt sleeve man of the game." weather and saw Elder win ,., SCORING :sD;\f.\IARIES I its seventh consecutive game 'fth · 1 1 · !Elder ............. 14 an d f 1 m eague p ay m McNicholas . . . . . s o6 14, -&--40' the....opener at xu Stadium Eld~r touchdown:;-Meyer 2, Eaur. J!a! ~!Ju
raYu,:~J~~~',!;. G~~~;,;,~~=!:~~~t3. ~-
fldei·~ Moeller Winners ;'144
BY PAUL RITTER Of The Enquirer Staff Undefeated Elder assured Itself of at least a s:tare 1n th-e conference crown, while St. Xavier's hopes for Ghe .same title crumbled as a result of Sunday afternoon's Greater Cincinnati L. e a g u e football Doubleheader at Xavier University Stadium. Elder, with offense tick· lng in time-bomb fashion, rapped underdog McNicholas, 40-6, in the opener. rhen Moeller kayoed St. X, 19-16, in th«: finale. Elder's victory sets the Panthers atop the GCL with a 5-0 record, two wins and a loss in front of current runnerup, Rogt•r B a c o n. Moeller climb··d into third place (3-2) by defeating. St. Xavier, and knocked the Bombers to fourth (2-2). Dick Loechtenfeldt's Elder crew scored 20 points in each half, with the hardcore . starters jumping
GCL Doubleheader 1'.
ahead in the first half, other one-yard Meyer dive then the spirited reserves , and a Davidson to John picking up in the second; Vignale pass for 25 yards The Panthers took the in the third quarter. A 55opening kickoff and drove yard Don Thomas to Den 68 yards to send halfback Grawe aerial added the Jerry Meyer in from a yard final Elder score in the away for the first touch- fourth period. down. An intercepted McFor three periods Moeller Nicholas pass gave Elder confined all St. Xavier ofpossession on the Rocket fensive threats while quar47. Seconds later, and this time junior quarterback terback Jerry Buckmaster Ray Baur went home from took care of moving the the one. Baur converted on Crusader offense in bril-. Iiant fashion. kicks after each tally. Buckmaster, a 170-pound It was less than a minute senior who looked even betlater when McNick regis- ter than his departed predtered its only touchdo~n ecessor Tom Kenny (now a 55-yard gallop by half- a Frosh at XU, threw a TD back Dick Queht bomb to fullback Dave With 3:30 remaining ·in Kneipp late in the first pe· the half, Elder added an- riod. His aerial and runother TD on Wayne\David- ning talents moved the son'3 13-yard t.hrow to end Crusaders into scoring posiJim Murrary. tion again in the second peMcNicholas was unable riod, with halfback AI Stickto do anything with the ler running over from 28 football in the second half, yards out. , b u t Elder added three Moeller's third TD, a more· touchdowns for good three-yard Kneipp dive in measure. They came on an- the third period, wrapped
up the victory margin, although St. Xavier was yet to t h r e a te n only to fall short in the closing sec- . onds. With 3:24 left in the third period a bad center on .a Moeller punt attempt gave \ X a recovery at the Cru- · sader three. Two plays later fullback Phil co x scored on a one-yard plunge and Mark Arnzen ran the two-point conversion. · Then, X quarterback Joe Speier found the range, and hit junior halfback Steve Morgan on a 14-yard touchdown pass in the last minutes of the game. Arnzen ran the two-pointer again, and Xavier trailed 19-16. , A blocked Moeller punt gave the Bombers the ball on the foe's 46 with :45 seconds t o p 1ay, b u t three plays later1 Speier threw mto the hands of Moeller defender Tom Bachus. The interception set Moeller up to run out the clock for the win.
Representatives of the Xavier University Musketeer club voted their annuaL "linemen" and "back" awards for each game, and named the deserving Buck- , master "Outstanding Player of the Day." McNicholas c e n t e r Bill Humbert was "Outstanding Lineman" in the first game, with "Back" laurels going to Elder halfback Gene Otting.. St. Xavier tackle Joe Brichler, a 200-pound senim, was the "lineman" of the second game, playing an outstanding defensive effort. ELDER ... , 14 McNICHOLAS . . . . . . 6
o o o- 6 ~~~~;=~:.;,erl ~u~ursa'~r~u~ic~,'.ckl. ~~~;~~~;~~ue~~ 5iasiu~rJ:;,""o!~~~~~~
(kick failed).
~~~~;=~~vn"a'le 1 2~unpa;~a~;omki~kJvidson
(Thomas. kick). · Elder-Grawe 55 pass from Thomas (run failed). · sT. XAVIER ....... o o s 8-16 MOELLER . . . . . 7 6 6 o-19 ma~t~~~~~{v-.;~p~ipvkic~r pass from Buck· Moeller-Stic~ler 28 run (kick. failed).
~~·k :~i;~~e:;'x" l r~~n ,.{e~r::~~~d~oo). 1
(M~\;na~v;~~-r~~).gan 14 pass from Spej~[;i ·~...........
IMoeller, Bomb~
Score ·GCL Wins
I~ c.t.[; The accent was on de- 6-2-1 on the season. Purfense as Moeller and st. cell's league record drops xavier chalked up Greater to 1-3-1, with a 3-5-1 seaCincinnati League victories , · son account. McNicholas is Sunday, both by the shut- o-4-1 in the conference and 1-7-1 overall. out route. Moe 11 e r,·- intercepting ~'tfEcCCA .:::::::: ·~ -g g t2? three passes and recoverMne11er-$tickler. 1. run (pass failed). ing five Purcell fmnbles, ma~~~~~-;JC.::~~~- Bru~l~ss from Buckrolled to a 2'1-0 Wi-ll over, . Moeller-Buckmaster. 3, run (Wakim, the Cavaliers at Lockland~·· ._____:..______ Stadium. At the same time, . .St. xavier ·intercepted: five passe$ and recovered four fumbles on the way to a 26-0 blitz over McNicholas at Finneytown High field. ' Quarterback Steve Buckmaster continued his fine work at mo:ving the Moeller offense, throwing for, one touchdown and running for another. Moeller scored its first ' TD in the opening period on a one-yard drive by halfback AI Stickler. Buck- , master hit Don Schmid for ; an 8-yard TD pass in the 1 second quarter, then ran : the conversion. After a ·, s c o r e l e s s third period, ' Buck.rnaster climaxed a l Moeller drive in the fourth with a three-yard touch- . down burst and Tom I. Wakim converted by place- i ment. · Bill Cloppert's 20-yard pass i n t e r c e p t i o n and . touchdown roo in the second period· was all the scoring St. Xavier could manage through t h r e e periods against McNicholas, but when starting quarterback Joe Speier · left the game because of a minor injury in the fourth quarter junior Jerry Randolph came on to spark a 20-point final stanza for the Bombers. It all started with a fiveyard touchdown run by halfback Mark Arnzen, fol- : lowed by Randolph's conversion pass to Bob .Amzen. -Fullback Phil Cox bolted over from a yard away moments later for the second St. X TD of the p e r i o d, then Randolph , tossed a 10-yard touchdown · pass to Mark Arnzen late in the quarter to wrap it · up. Moeller boosted its GCL . record to 4-2, with a --2 ~all slate. st. Xavier•u. fiff_ow 3-2 in the GCL ana"
fttr·Grid Pofi1ij I
Puts Roth lst, ·
'Bolts No.2 Falcons Can Prove Ranking Against 1\foeller Friday
19 fcJ-/
By week's end, Roth's football! Falcons will (or will not) have proved their selection as The Journal Herald's No. 1 area football team. The Falcons breezed through a' 10-game schedule last season and: have a good contingent back from[ that squad. But coach Ken Am-I lin's city champions have· a stiff' test ·Friday. Cincinnati M9eller, undefeated last year and practically intact, is Roth's opening game foe after 'the Falcons smothered Wilbur ,Wright, 28-16, Saturday in the City league premiere. "Moeller is probably the best · we will • have ever facea 1 mlin. •
,Moger Bacon i~IJ1:i 0 A<i ""'f
Roger Bacon's Spartans bounced Moeller from the ranks of the unbeaten, 22-0. in a Greater Cincinnati League battle at Bacon Stadium. The loss was the Crusaders first in four games. Midway through the sec· ond period, Bacon's Bob Sayne dove off right tackle to climax a 93-yard Spartan drive. A blocked punt gave Roger Bacon the ball ~ the Moeller 46, and eight plays later Nick Munafo took a ard pass from quarter· k Mel Frederick for the nd Spartan TD. •. f(o'rDon Drott plunged over :ft'om the seven late in the final period as the devastat· ing Bacon ground attack controlled the ball for all but three minutes of the final period. Bacon is now 2·1 on the season, and both schools are H in GCL play. ROGER BACON . • . • 0 8 6 8-22 MOELLER . . . . . • . . . . 0 0 0 0- t -S.vne 2 off tadtle (S.vn• . -Munafo 12 pass from Fr · · ailed). ' , -Orott 7 plunge (Droll runt.:(•~
IJI!'l"' VLlW H f
JIWii LLI'.;f:{
Pilots :Listless ··· · :Without Lewis . -l'iL..'-f By JOHN OLESKY, Daily News Sports Writer
CINCINNATI, Oct. 24 Is,.·Toriy· Lewis ~·~~~ stands between a Wilbur t climb to the .r. ··Public ===~~~~ Wright:league Coach.tlu·on~er;a;dn'~~d~~~~~~~? Bill r was ch!lled both by the bitter th<i.t .hit I?eerpark stadiuin the 43-0 defeat by Cincinnati M'Jeller. F r ~ derick ,;,; i
t h A.e
Lewis. a.l,OOOY a r de r al- ' ready, who· w a s dressed and on the ·bE'nch. to give the -s,pee·d·ster's/. injured Olesky ankk more time to heal-for use in. Wright's Public league wars, where the Pilots are unbeaten although 3-2-1 over-all. Did Lewis' 1 a-bsence make THAT much difference?· "I' don't know," Frederick sighed. "I do know tha-t we would have moved the ball with him In there. We just didn't have o, breakawa.~· threat." What aboot Wright's' defense, "also a sad sight? Would Lewis, a defensive halfback, have netural-' ized Moeller's offense? . "HECK, NO," Frede1·ick shot back, more positively this time. "We were just flat. The kids kl).ew I wasn't going to use Lewis last week. I said this game didn't matter. I'm never going to say that again. "Our kids n.cl:ed like they were in a daze. We didn't hit. We d.idn't do an~·thing. I don't think we .ever got over tha.t punt return." The return· was for 90 yards, · and the game's first touchdown, with 4% minutes ·played. Moe!. ler's Ken Long seemed be- \Vildered, and trapped at the 10:
Yardst.ick Moel. .Ffr.c;f
.•• , ••••
Passin!;!' ,·arda~e Yard~- prnalb..ed
5-R I. JOO
.. .. Pa5$;P!ii- .. . . . . . . . . . . . . • Passl"s intert:eptPd hr Rushin~
o 12
l!l ·FumhiPS lo•t .......... · I Punts·................. 4-33.5
.. o..
l 0
frightened rabbit, turned tail, toward his own. . stripped again. then ski t ~ nervou~ly to t·he o~ppsite, sidelines. ·" 'Somehow. he met: no resi~tance, and was off to a 90-yard score.J
WR.IGHT OFFERED only token. · ~ rp~istancl" after that. although · · o1·1arterback Ron Leach made :. ~;l)veral neat recoveries by run:: .nio<; on misfired pass plays: and JMatackle Clayton .Prather•. ·see.med ·1g· 'wage a one-man war on· de····~o>;e.' But Leach, too, \vas sidelined · · •·purposely in· the second half, to . pr<;>tect a hip injured against Fairview. ·
Give Moeller. and ex-Chami· ex-Universitv of Dayton quarterback Jerr~· Faust., Fight· ing Crusa.ders coach,· prop~r credit, though •. n:uU~r,
The Crusaders have. respectable size, hit hard. Faust has parlayed this into a 5-2 record in his and the ~chool's fifth year. of football. Only •Elder an·d I Bacon, perennial Cincinnati pow-! erhouses, decisioned Moeller. ·to'·1 "WE'RE JUST beginning
get our kids to do what we want," Jerry analyzed. "We had trouble witb our tackles firing out, for example; but. they were doing it good tonight." As for vVright, when Le\vis re-
turns. perhaps, just perhaps . . . ·
Moeller ............... ; R J~· 6 12-43 Wrl~ht ................. 0 0 0 0- 0 )10l~r-l...onc:. 90, pnnt rPtum; (ki<:k failed). . )JOl'T~>Ie.ri<IP., 3, nm, '(kick failed), ~IOEl-.~ticklr.ro
. .Hl,
hlP~fer. (l'"a,kim ki<'li). >tom~'ittckh•r, ~. run,
from Buck·
~101'.;1..-""llcox!'on. ~.-run( kick fatted).\
)1 ()1-;J.-Kncipp, J. run.
)I 01'~1.-Kneipp. 7, run, (Jiicl;. failed).
ATT.-1.500 (est.). .
8 -/
Roth Conquer?r Claims
Daytonians' 1~-~amf? Streak Ends· a§ Cincy Moeller Rolls On By LEE C. BRIGHT, Daily
Sport§ Writer
--CINCINNATI, Sept. 19-Cincinnati Moeller's Cru~~ saders sa:rig loud and long in the rai11. here last night, ''We're No. 1, we're No. 1." ·Even though they handed Roth of Dayton its first setback in 13 outings including premieres, their chanting ca11·ied little authority. It simply wasn't that. clear cut · Little Falcon quarterhack V'er- Yardstick: ROTH ~{O.f:L. bie Walder was almost too much First· downs . . . . • . • • • • . fl 1:! for C i n c i n- [@[jiffffff!~ Rushln11: yardag~ ...... 3~ ::n Passlnl' ~·ardaie •7..... 211 74 nati's claimant Pa~~es , . . . . . . . . . . . • • . • 13·:~ 4_.fi to the mythical Pas••• lnterc'd by .. .. • 0 0 Punt< .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. 4-39.6 5·3!U state football l"unthle! lost. . . . . . • .. . . • • 2 0 Yards penattzed .. .. .. • 30 eo title. With a break here and there, . total yardage 211 by au·.; Dayton's de3 by ground. ! fending C i t y "We had om· ends crashinr h1 c h a m p'ions the fint half to !top th~ir co u 1 d have sweeps," Faust analyzed later. been the 21-12 "In the second we had our ends winners. 'em (Roth receivers) ~t the 1\loeller, ,tartin~ its third ''a.r· &nd it cut out Walder's short aity ca.mpai&"n under formH shots, about the only thing he was UD signal caller, Gerald Faust, hitting after the first nalf." won lb lOth tdraight and &W· PHYSICALLY overmatched, ond of th~ current season. Yet 's line neverthel-ess he I d, it took some deft second half Moeller, to 71 yards rushing in defensive adjustments and tor· the first half. It simply couldn't take the punishment over tackle rential downpours In .the fourth aJ1d end later. Merkle crashed quarter to h o I d d o w n • the left end 37 yards to a. TD on aroused Falcons. Moeller'~ first second half play. Roth wasn't dead, though. 1 Credit too an injury to :1 busting halfback, 180..pound GaJ·!and Wilson burst through Merkle, in Moeller's ope Moeller's entire kickoff team 72 against Deer Park, and a ards for a TD but Walder's pass wall averaging 21 pounds the points was short. The man more than Roth's, for m of the lightning this night beof the victory. Merkle ran to the gods and the Oru· yru:ds on one play against Deer Park, suffered a concussion, and didn't play the rest of the game. Verbil! fumbled on his 20 and .• · · . Merkl~ scot·ed four plays later . . So Roth Coach Ke!I A_mlm and Torrential downpours hit with hts s.couts had no · tnklm.g 5:20 left and it was out of :FV,th's havoc No. 34 could ratse. hand!!. It had not lost since its wasn't until the .second half, too, second last game in 1962. that Merkle started to eat up yardage, aJ1d by then it was . "They played their hearts outlate for Roth to adjust. Merkle tt was the greatest effort we've picked up 115 of his 149 yards ever had," ~re Amlin's words after intermission. in a dressing l'OO!Tl quiet, forlm'11 . . many shed tears. '·'That's lll-eqmppe~ Deer Park stad:um the~ biggest, tou~hest line I ever has no crows nest, ~s.s hox met ... it's p~tty tough putting oth.er e I e v at. e d posltJon from pounders ata.in~t hoys who which. R(')th ~Jdes eoul~ phone 210 ... And ,that No. 34 ••. down mformatwn to Amlm. inust. have had a different WALDER, winning comments er the night we saw 'em." 5uch as "He's the greatest roll 8 tl ~u 8 out quarterback I've ever seen" o ' 8 8-21 3 from Faust, passed for 100 yards ROTH--J,~ek•on ' pu• from Wa!d.er ¥
h f.
tr · h
1 t'10
mo.·-,..nc~"'" 1 rOll
!Wakim kick),
~~e ::~ ~~e t ~~~~~te r1 1·n,rl~l.mi'rUIItto1rH--w•usoin 3!1 ~::,k~~Frii'~i.~dliP"-•• one. His fir;t drive was halted holding ~nalty, his :;ec:ond receiver Lon Gilbert fumbled a p-yard gain at Moeller's H. After Jim Harden's only real contribution of the night-a yard punt rolling dead at Cincy• two-Verble finally clicked for a score; a short jumper to Frank Jackson. With Ron Ditto's keY block, Jacksl'm easily sped yards to the goal. ::\Ioeller'e giants ~ere •tungthey cam~ back with & smooth quarterback Jerry Buckma~>ter bitting first Don Schmid "ith a <to-yard pass, then one of 19. to Stickler. In~ eight p1ays, ulus To m W a k i m's k i e k, ~loe!ler \~"'iS ahead to sta;y. AI
Walder left the field at the h havi11g tos~ed for 194 yards, ...,~~~.-.;..... ,..,.. 11 M 1£
H~ w~!l:
com ..
, rm•
11Noeller's Crusaders O'Pen New~~~~-\ Campaign With, Rebuilt Offense ·.
. b es t ever;+'-.~·~~ v······~~~·~···~·~·~~-v 203 , all Jumors; . . t ackl es H arry . 1 off th e1r Conung football season of '63, the MoelMescher, 192, and Bob De Anler High Crusaders will be hard . 00 I ' ameS gelis, 211, juniors, and Jack Harpring, 205, and Bill Niehaus, put to equal it in '64 but they're IS 200, sophomores; ends Gene eager to try. R i e I a g, 177, senior; Jim , Hustle and desire ,of . his Friday Night Schwertman, 158; Don Bergcharges are helping Coach Ger- Wyoming at Princeton man, 180, and Bill Aylward, 175, ry Faust with a· strenuous task. juniors,· and Pat OKeefe, 179, Moeller's first graduation left Reading at Sycamore sophomore. The spare quarterbacks are him with the job of building Loveland at Lockland ari entire new offense as well Central at Roger Bacon junior Steve Bien, 175, a,nd soph as 1 some key spots to fill on Moeller vs. Dayton Roth, at Marty Eysoldt, 162. Tom Kishdefense. Deer Park paugh, a 168-pound junior, is Winner of nine out of 10 st. Xavier vs. Withrow, at another f u II back candi<Iate. games and runner-up to Roger Trechter Stadium, 8:00 Halfback reserves include seriBacon in the Greater Cincin- Woodward at Hamilton ·Garfield ior Jim Shafer, 148; juniors · nati League last year, Moeller Frank Wise, · 151, and Jack hc:s some good, if somewhat inSaturday· Afternoon. Monahan, 168, and sophomores experienced, talent returning. Lincoln Heights at Bill Jackson, 155, and Jim MalThe Cr~saders will be a strong Owensville, 2:00. arky, 150. . factor m the GCL, although, Faust's coaching staff includes ! with 21 lettermen gone, · they ~ George Ecker, Phil Gigliotti, ·are not likely to take it. · tackles and Rich Brenner made George Marklay, Mike Morris' • All the predicti~ns in the- 23 stops unassisted. They've de- sey, Tim· Rose, Meloy, and vol· world won't prove as much as parted and so have linebacker unteer Bill ·Clark. this Friday's clash with Dayton Tony Del Veccio, ·end Mike AIMoeller Schedule Roth, a powerhouse that fancies brinck, and backs Mike Volle, itself No, 1 in the state. The Tom Ehrhard, and Bill Bien Sept. 18-Dayton Roth, at feeling is that Moeller will re- among others. .• ' . Deer Park I tain a respected st~tus, now and Stepping in at quarterback is Sepi:. 26--LaSalle, at Elder>~< * j throughout the season. co-captain Jerry Buckmaster, a Oct. 2-Roger Bacont. ther~ 6 2 170 d · f R d Oct. 9-Elder, there · Offense RebUl'It .· • -po~m sentor rom e~ • Oct. 18--McNicholas, at :. The '63 Cr saders am sed .mg, who_ IS expected to provtde . Elder* . . ? . as the aertal threat that Coach · · 355 p~mts whtl~ allowmg only Faust likes in his wide open Oct. 23-DaY_ton Wtlbur . 65. Dtploma wmners off that tt k Wrtght, at Deer Park, club included such stars· as end a ac · . . Nov. 1-St. Xavier, at Xavier.) Denny Buchert, who· scored ~8 . Startmg_ halfbacks are senu., 3:00* · points and caught 22 passes for. 10rs· AI Stickler, 172, a returnee Nov. 8-Purcell, at Lockland . 11 touchdowns and 448 yards, wh~ a~eraged 8.2 yards per car2:{)0* and quarterback Tom Kenny, ry m 63,_ and. Dan Merkle, 180. Nov. 15-Newport Catholic, at who. threw ·21 TD aerials and Fullback 1S bemg shared by sen- . · Deer Park 2:00 completed 63 of 111 for 1125 ior Dave Kneipp, 198, and ·jun: *D t GCL Ga~e . yards. ' ior Dave Wilcoxson, '194. · Like : ~·- eno !!S. · Ft~d Barke :i: shed fo ~uckmaster, all saw varsity ac•• ~>. u . ~ 519 tlon last season. · xar~Mark Ernst atded /? ~· Stickler does the punting i'm.ong with end Don Bergman, a 180-pound junior. Merkle to~s the kickoffs. Extra points are booted expertly by place kicking specialist Tom Wakim, a 5-7, 145-pound senior. Up front the center is senior Roger Hanlon, 195. Seniors Don Rahe, 195, and Ted Hall, 190, make the guards one of the sh·onger positions on the team. Tackles are Co-Captain Bill Herberth, a 217-pound senior who's one of the Crusaders' best, and either Bob Poffinbarger, 214, or Mike Farrell, 210, both seniors. Two more seniors, Jim Sullivan, 190, and Don Schmid, 172, man the offensive flanks. All the· starting linemen have varsity experience. 1\fontag, Wene Lead Defense Co-captains on defense are senior halfback Carl Montag,l ll7l, and senior tackle Greg Wene, 218, rated one of the best in the city. Up front wiith Wene will be tackle Joe Schafer, 178; · el).ds Greg Pasco, 204, and· Fred Shriner, 161; c e n t e r s Dan Brown, 206, and Joe Mitsch, . .16~; tackles Jeff Ballmer, 2~,i!· nd Harry Lofland, 235, 1h:ro uards Nick Haverkos, 162, M• •Om Backhus, 185. Haverkos is a sophomore and Schafer, Shriner, and Backhus are juniors; the others are seniors. Among the defensive ba'cks will be junior Jim Dayis, 155, and seniors Ken Long, 170, and Denny Heenan, 165. Gary Stanforth, a 165-pound junior was slated for duty but will .be out 'five games with an injury. Crusaders·· depth on the line is furnished by center Mike Smyth, sophomore, 196; guards Jerry Mauch, 160; Den John1son, 183; John Stigler, ·162; Ter-
f. fb II G • Week Th
. 1
nnn w;oho
. 't:S·
I. Xavier, Moeller Win
Against Richmond And Deer Park • . l<t.c.c.;. ·' ·''~ . ~ · Bombers And Withrow by Ji'!l Davis, the ot~er a 60-~1\.·IJ:etkle, and Stickle~· all looketl Clash· Crusaders Host
• yard ]aunt by Tom Kishpaugh. good, for Coach Gerry .Faus{'s Ball carriers Wilcoxson, Dan team. . '
Powerful Dayton Roth St. Xavier and Moeller High Schools launched the prep grid season with successful invasions· Friday ·night, displaying offensive. might' in the process' of getting ready to storm much stronger citadeJs. The .st. X Bombers . traveled to· Richmond,. Ind., where full· back Phil Cox scored two touchdowns in· a 27-0 .triumph' over the Red Devils. . ' · Moeller's Crusaders ventured next door to theii· "home" field at Deer Park . and victimized the customary t~nap.ts; the Deer Park Wildcats, by a 3~-0 ·count with halfback Al Stickler. rac·k: , ing up :tw.o T:O's. ·· ' l Moeller retu'rns. :to ·.Deer.,. Park Friday night to challenge. a . Dayton· Roth team which .is .. laying chiirp. to ·l).ig):!. state' tai!kf ihg, Undefeated and .rated~Ain Ohio's: top·< .'To ·~1asl ..;,yea•·; the: Falcons . have most •.:of; ·'their· stars back including their entire J?ackfie~d.· T-pis Y!'Hl b~ tl).~!i; opening game. St. Xavier.· goes to Trechte1 . Stadium the same evening to . rp.eet a spe~dy Withro\v team · that seems to ·have.· the· insl.de · track on· Public· High League l'!onors. . . · The se~~on just begjns Fri, . day night ·fq'i- both Roger Bacon and Woodward. The GCL chain, · pion Sp~rt~~s. qpst Central '-of . the Fublic League, while the PfiL champion Bulldogs pay a visit to Hamilton 'Garfield.' Bombers Blast The bombing of st: Xavier quai-terback Joe Sp.eiei· and the 1Hne-crashing of fullback Phil Cox qetoJ1atep. th~· eJfplq~!ye!J as the Bombers blasted Richrnond, Ind.: · 27-0, F\:iday night •at Richmond. • Two quick scores late in the first period stunned the _home · team and paved the way .for i ~t. X to breeze to victory. RiChi mond, which hadn't lost since .'62, pushed to the_ Xavier 16.· early in the game, J?ut the 1 Bombers held on downs. · Aft~r p~p.tip.g, X got the baH back when Mark Arnzen intercepted a pass· by ~arry Williams. With 3:07 left in the quarter,. Speier pas!)eq to" end Joe Geiser for 38 yards and a touchdown. Arnzen ran for the one extra point allowed by In· diana rules. · The· Bombers got · the ball back almost immediately. Joe Brichler recovered a fumble on the Richmond 15. Two plays later fullback Cox barreled ~-ver m the seven for a 13-0 l'eai:l. Midway in the second pefi'S' a St. ·X drive carded to the ~-1 · from where Cox. hulled over 1 again. Greg Beck ·. carried for the PAT. Late in· the half r'Speier' flipped a pass seven I yards to end Tom Krallman, I who. raced 40 more yards to I score. Arnzen again carried for the point. · · - Except for l~tting down a bit in the second half, the . Bombers pleased Coach Tom· Ballaban, espeCially with their pass 9-efense" They led in first downs,· 10-6, and in net yardage, 336 to 90. St. X .rushed for 216 yards and completed three of fotir passes for 120.. Richmond completed three of eight aerials and had two intercepted. Krallman at end played well both ways, as did halfback Arnzen. Joe Brichler at tackle and Rick Reder at halfback were defensive _stan.dou~. ·-..~Arnzen gained 84 yards in '15 . carries, ' Beck 89 for 10, and Cox 53 for 12. 1
Crusaders Score Warming· up for the rugged campaign ·ahead, the Moeller Crusaders scored freely in the first three periods to down I Deer Park by a 34-0 margin Friday night on the Wildcats' field .. Two first period touchdowns set the pattern for the night. Moeller's defense looked good, limiting Deer Park to three or four first downs. Breakaway running got the job done for the Crusaders, who frequently got loose from inefficient Wildcat t(!ckling. First score came on the fourth play from scrimmage, after olJ~Y 1:40 of action. H!!1fback A,l Stickler sprinted nine yards to paydirt. Tom Wakim place· kicked the first of four extra points. The Crusaders set up another score by intercepting a Jim Prather pass. Jerry Buckmast· er, who completed only one of seven aerials, connected with end Don Schmid on a 12-yard TD play. First quarter ended with Moeller leading by 14·0. A 22-yard run by Stickler netted a second period TD, boost· ing the halftime courit to 21-0. Third quarter touchdowns were registered by halfback Jack Monahan on a 51-yard run· and fullback Dave Wilcoxson on a. two-yard plunge, ,,~;"'"'~ Two long ·.t'D's were called back, one a 65-yard punt return
(~ ~ r-l 1964 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE N\OElLER "Fighting Crusaders" Friday .3.'-/. Sept. 11 .. 8 P.M ... Deer Park at Deer Park 0 0
Friday A-./. Sept. Saturday (:?Sept. Friday. 0. . Oct. Friday. 7 .Oct. Sunday ~.S. Oct. ~3 Oct. Friday ....
P.M ... Dayton Roth at Deer Park /.:Z.. P.M ... LaSalle at Elder b P.M ... Roger Bacon at Roger Bacon1..1.... P.M ... Elder at Elder .1..7 P.M ... McNicholas at Elder If P.M ... Dayton Wilbur Wright at 0 Deer Pork Sunday Nov. 1 .. 3 P.M.... (DH) St. Xovi"r at X.U. Stadiuf6 Sunday~ ft--â&#x20AC;¢ov. 8 .. 2 P.M ... Purcell at lockland 0 Sunday/. Nov. 15 .. 2 P.M ... Newport Catholic at Deer Perk 0 18 .. 8 26 .. 8 2 .. 8 9 .. 8 18 .. 2 23 .. 8
Moeller's Co-Captains
' . -:;.
Friday, September 18 1 1964 · ~
8:00 P. M.
PRICE 10 CENTS . j to;,
Principal: Head Football Coach: Assistant Coaches;
Bro. Lawrence Eveslage, S.M.
Gerry Faust George Ecker, Bill Meloy,· Phil Gigliotto, George Morkl.ay, Mike Morrissey, Tim Rose Je.am.Xhysi<::Jan: ·E. Vance Walters, M.D. Bro. Joseph Trageser, S.M .. Band Director: George Hoobler,· Ed Hebenstreit, Mike Kelly, Managers: Dan Hummer, Dave Wergowske, Dave Lucas .-.•..,,_,Jun Jones, Jim Springfield Head
16 12 14 15 20 22 23
24 25 27 30
217 205 214 . 219. 200 235 175 204 190
32 33 34
40 41 42 43 44
45 ' 50 52 53 54 56 60 61 62
161 179
166 206. 185 191 177
180 186 186
Sr. J~.
Sr. Sr. Jr. Sr. Sr.
Jr. Sr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Sr. Soph. Sr. Sr. Sop h. Sr. Jr. Sr. Sr.
Jr. Soph. Sr.
145 196 150 150 203 165 175
Soph. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr.
·i'.! · ?ird {<
. Robert Smart · . Heaq-:.. · Ken Amlin· Footbaii"Cocich: ·Jim Sulton, Dick Curtner, . Assistant C~"riches·, • Don Bogard, John Purdum Tom Daye
Sr. Jr. Soph. Soph. Soph. Soph. Soph. Jr.
yton Roth Falcons who open the season tonight against Moeller's . Crusaders, come to Cincinnati presenting championship . Last year's team fought to an undefeated season finishi e state in the final poll.
Many . ¡ st years regulars returned, headed by pro all state sele ons fullback Jim'l]!J'din, end Ron Ditto, and back Verbie . der. Walder was pi eked as first team a II re-season poll.
rs are starting their third varsi son, and Seniors from fielding their seco i or team. A Ithough they last years fine team, ch posted a fine 9 - 1 , they are sti II expected to be a contender for the 1onship of the Greater Cincinnati ne of the top scholastic leagues in the S Tonights contest should p between tv.o proven Southwester
interesting clash tball powers.
you? r Selection
Yes, Rood OHIO
we pickup and deliver
.~tone ~o;Pnnuna
Moeller s Offensive
P U R.C ELL ·LOCKLAND STADIUM Sunday, November 8th, 1964 '
• /2:00 P. M.
Principal: Head Football Coach: Assistant Coaches: Assistant A. D. Team Physician: ·Band. Director: Managers:
·Bro. Lawrence Eveslage, S.M. Gimy Faust <:;eorge Markley,· Mike Morrissey, Phil Gigliotti George Ecker, Tim Rose, Bill Meloy Dan Gibbons · Vance Walters, D-.O. h Trageser, ·S.M. Ed Hebenstreit,
11 12 14 15 20 22 23 24 25 27 30 32 33 34 40 41 42 43 44
45 50 52 53 54 56 60 61
T Bill ND, Harry I Bi II , Greg VAN, Jim ER, Fred · EFE, Pat D, Don WAKIM, Toin HANLON, Terry WEITZEL, Mike RIPPENGER, Paul STANFORTH, Gerry I
. im . . :. , Jack MOUCH, Jerry BROWN, Dan BACKHUS, Tom HANLON, Roger Rl ELAG, Gene BERGMAN, Don Hall, Ted
150 168'':. 160 "206 185 191 177 180 186
Jr. Sr. Jr. Sr. Sr. Jr. Sr.
63 95 . 96 183 218 170 178 162 211 217 205 203 219 200 235 175 204 190 161 179 172 145 I 5o 166 160 160
Sr. Sr. Sop h. Jr. Sr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Sr. Soph. Jr. Sr. Soph. Sr. Jr. Sr. · Sr. Jr. Sop h. Sr. Sr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr.
ror the Crusader basketball ,. totals upward of $175 per · It was while pl;;tying CYO team. year. H~'s a normal high school 1 ball two years ago that Ken . Looking to make his •Colfellow, enjoying the things _lege career a little easier, sustained a back injury any of his . contemporaries Ken .is hopeful that this all- which kept him otit o~ foot-· woUld enjoy. Then,. he's an Ohio .selection will attract ball during his sophomore all-state football player, an a col1ege athletic grant-in- year. student who Dr. E. Vance Walters, Moel- exceptional aid. Even so, young Long studles two hours each night ranks 68th- in his class. of ler team physician, pre- and. .a. young man working 256 at Moeller and could scribed a ·special exercise his way through high school. probably aiel his cause with program which completely r-------------l a scholastic grant.· He iS cured Ken's problem. considering a major in sociAs a junior, Ken became a ology when he enters college. defensive specialist in the Ken's p e r s on a I . back- Moeller .backfield, develop- I ground has formed a pretty ing into one of the finest I solid basis for his athletic pass-defenders in teh area. career. · "Thls season, Ken was al''He's real hustler, always ways assigned to the tough·l· working to improve . him- est pass receiver on the self," says Moeller head foot- opposition club each game," ball:·concb Gerry Faust. "I said Faust. "Over his two- . think .he's a terrific college ·year yarsity career there •prospect. We'.ve already b~n · was not one touchdown pass· 1 contacted by about seven thrown to his assigned re- i college representatives in- ceiver." · ~rested in Ken." · Ted· credits defensive .. Faust sa;-s that Ken worl-:s coaches Phil Gigliotti and \ hard to e:1-:cel in every sport. George Marklay for his ac- I Ken was
Cincinnati Boys Neglected On AP All-Ohio Team
1964 GCL All-Star Football Team F-irst Team
OFFENSE Player Mike Belmont Jim Murray Darve Foley Ray Bachus Bob Salt Dick Schuckman . Jim Brockman Ray Baur Bill Bolduc Jerry Meyer' Jim Kesse
Pes. E E T T G G
School McNicholas · Elder Roger Bacon Elder Roger Bacon Purcell Roger Bacon Elder , ' Roger Bacon Purcell LaSalle
St. Xavier Roger Bacon St ..Xavier St. Xavier Elder LaSalle Elder Roger Bacon Moelle.r._ Purcell Elder
Bob Abrams"·'- , Bob Geers · F~ed Shriner Tom Backhus IVttKe" Rerschede Bill Cloppert Dari Daly Jim Davis Jim Ruebusch
Elder MoelleL
'"ST.Xavier St. Xavier Elder Moeller Purcelr
Elder Moeller
Enquirer All* Stars
Seco·nd Team Ed Blank Don Schmid Dennis Dixon ·Joe Brichler Ted Ha.JI Bill Mulvihill VInce Halloran Mel Frederick Hank Nienaber Bill Waller Phil Cox
Tom Chapman
DEFENSE Tom Krallman Terry Cummings Joe Brichler Ron Overbeck John Sievering Jim Kesse Ken K;erley -Mel Frederick Ken Long Tom Mckerman Gene Otting, Capt.
.. ·
MQill.er:.. McNicnolas St. Xavier Moeller St. Xavier Elder Roger Bacon McNichola·s . Pu·rcell St. Xavier
Player and School
Ht... -wt. Yr.
E . . .. . . . . Tom Krallman, 'st. Xavier . . . . . . . 6· 2 205 Sr.
'f , ...... Joe Brichler, St. Xavier .........
6· 2 200 G ·.. ·,.. . . . Dave Bush, Wyoming .... , : . . . . 6- 0 190 C , . : .... Morris Jones, Withrow .......... 5- 7 155 G ........ Te.d Hallii Moeller ............... 6- 0 186. T ..· ..... Ray Bac us, Etaei ............ : . 6- 2 202 E ·.. .. .. . Jim O'Brien, Aiken .. .. .. .. .. .. 6- 0 175 QB . . . . . . Will Stargel, Walnut Hills . . . . . . . 6· 1 185 HB Bill Bolduc, Roger Bacon ....... 5-11 168 HB Lloyd Williams, Indian Hill ..... 5-10 160 · Terry Wall, S~camore ........... 5-11 190 ~ .... - . ., .
Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr.
Sr. Sr.
196\f. football- Play~rs _ Are- Hono·red . ·:-_·-
'·chosen for the WCPO all-cityfootball team. The Ban· Hawk Award went 1 to. Ken Long with John Stig. ler_ getting. the most impro-ved Junior a~ard. Mr. Fau~t· pref sented Bill Herberth w1th the · Man of 'Moeller Awara and , -~the most valuable player ,: award \vent to Tom Backhus. ! Jim Davis, Dave Wilcoxson, I11Tom Backhaus· and John Stig ,' : ler were 'voled the coccaptains t for t~le19~_5 s~,?son,:________ _ .
by' -Michael .P.' Weitzel
~;ds Civen- ~'
On Thursday; .Dec. · 3, .MoelHigh. 'Schoo! held its sec- I I. ler ond seni()r 'banquet. ·It was
IAt Moeller
attended .·by . the families and friends· of Moeller's football tea_ms ..
man award, antt presented Tom l · Bachhus and Ted Hall. with tro- I phies for winter workouts in weighlifting, and Tim Rose AI Stickler with the best offensive back award. Ted Hall also w as ' chosen for the W.C.P.O. all city I football team. · 1 The Ball. Hawk Award went fo Ken LOng \\·ith John Stigler get- , ting the most improved JuniOr ~ award. F.aust presented · Bill He~-~ berth with the M-an of Moeller Award and the most va.luable . player award went to Tom Back-) hus. Jim Davis, Dave Wilcoxson, Tom Backhus and John Stigler were voted the co-captains for the 1965 season. · 'nlis yea r 's co-captains p r esented Dr. Walters, the team physician, and the coaching staff j with a.wards from the team.
Mter a dinner. served by th!i F'reshmen- mothers. Bro~ ther. Lawrenc~ Eveslag"e: S.M.; principal -of ·.Moeller, .·spoke and congratulated -the team on a fine sason. · · Jerry Buckmaster was aw-arded the most valuable player award which he received in the annual G.·C.L. double header played at Xavier University. Mr. Daniel Gibbons,- assistant athletic director, then presented the managers with their awards. Mr. Michael Morrissey ~nd Mr. Geo~ge E:ker ta~ked abont the te!'lerve team and 1 presented them . with tiHiir I monograms.· Mr. Gerry Faust. athTetic di. re9tor and head football coach gave the awards ·and trophies to the varsity team. •Mr. Geo. Mar~ley presepted Greg Pasco wit.h the best defensive lineman .award, Mr. Phil Gil , io1ti presented CarT Montag with the best defensive back 1 award, Mr. Bill Clarl\ pr~sent- : ted Ted Hall with the best offensive ·lineman awC~rd, and I .·Tom .Backus and Ted Hall with trophies for winter work. outs in weightlifting, and Nfr.j ·Tim Rose presented Al Stickler w'th · the best offen\sive i - back~wa_..!:d. Te<! I{a~J ~1s2 wa~
j i j I
Bacon, Moeller Honor Football . Teams Tonight
Annual football banquet at 'Roger Baco~ and Moeller High Schools are scheduled this evening, . Thursd~y, in the ·school cafeterias. -The Spartans' dinner begins at 6:30 and admission is $3. Coach Bron Bacevich will present awards to outstanding players of the 1964 Greater Cincin1 nati League co-champions and announce the 1965 co-captains. f Moeller's banquet also starts at 6:30 and will feature Pete , Ankney, head football coach of the University of Dayton, as guest speaker. Coach Gerry Faust will present individual · awards to the Crusader gridmen .
l 1
Falcons Wings Clipped By Crusaders
Moeller, Elder, ·Baco·n Victors Jq '-" '- "itof
s \;
By Michael P. Weitzel . Friday night the fighting Orusaders of Mbeller downed t h 8 h i g h fiying F1alcons of Dayton: !ROth 21-12 .at Deer Par-k Stadium. It was Moellem lOth stra.!ght victory. It ·was a defensive battle in the first perl.Pd but Dayton Roth scored in the :Seeond quarter when quartei'back Verbie Walters, . a . pre-season pick tob.e All-American,· passed for 37 ya.rds to halfba{)k Frank Jacksoo for a TD After the kick-off Moe U e r quickly came back with a drive of '15 yards, sparked by .a 45 yard pass by Jen·y BuckmaJSter to Don Schmid,. resulting in AI stickler plunging in :from the · one. T h 8 ·ensuin15 extra. :point kicked · by Tom Wa.kim put Moeller .in the lead. 7-6. After half time entertainment, Moeller kicked off to the Gem City team. ·Regaining possession i of the ba.ll Ds.n Merkle scampered · for a 37 yard 'liD on the first play !from scrimmage. . 'r • Moeller's kick off was to Roth's · ~a~la.nd Wilson which he re- . turned .for a 7.5 yard TD. The ex' tra point. !Pas$ fa1Jed, making the 5<:ore 13-12 with Moeller in front. Taking the ball from their own 48 to Dayton Roth's 4, Moeller was · · stopped by .the staunch defense of.· ~ayton ·Roth. Roth too~ posses-. .- 5ion of the ball on the four. on the play Jackson·· went for a 25<ya.J'~"'i'un -to 158 seemingly out of · ! trouble. on the ensuing ·play a '[ hold. In~ pena.Jty took Roth back · to their 15. on the .thin:i down Jeff Bollner recovered a F'li.Jcon· l ~~ble giving Moeller the b!lll on ,"the Roth .24. .The quarter ended with Moeller deep in Falcon ter•
t l
I 1-
Moellet~ Second~ry ·Stops. Roth
The Dads Club of Meeller. High School Will sponsor 1m :tir.st Fish · . F1-y of the school y¢r ·on '·Fii·tday; September 25, from 5:t.(/7:36'p.m. in the school cafeteria. '·· A fish dinner of delicious, ~olden fried Blue water Ood. · m.th a generous portion of French fi-les, plus· cole· slaw will bt:i featured for .a nominal fee. ·A ·1a. cart.6 oraers of fish, . grilled ch~e or llmburger sandwiches wW be on .. the menu, plU3 desserts of pie anti ice cream. CarrY out service· will .. be avaiJ.alble for those' who wad·t to eat a,t hlome. The proceeds 0! ·this event wm be used to furth.:r · the. ambitious program ·that th.: Dads CI11b has set for Itself .in .providing the many essential needs and requirenlen~'>- of .the school which now ·numbers ·more h.'la-n .1050 stllden,s. •. r.f... . ,. - . . • ·•
!Moeller Dads Sponsor. Fish ~ry
'·.COLUMBUS: Massillon l _took a big ·lead a's t~e ~tate'.s No. 1 football team in, the first ~f t:i"!,e: ·.weekly:. polls by the United Press ·Intenia'! tional and :the coaches. Right.. ?ehind vthe . Tigers , came "Roger. iBacon, a . step II ahead ,of . Niles · McKinley, \which l9sf 14-8 ··to Massill<m, 'Saturday. . · · ·· · Springfield·. South· drew the No. 7 spot and' Midctrretown . . . I No. 8. l\1oeller also .rated i well, a tie for i2th ·with Baroeito,n. Ratings with ·firstplace v.otes:. and ~cason rec. ords· in parentheses: . . '.I •
.Over-· Roth
Crusaders In 21-12· Win
During the first series of downa Dan Merkle plunged in ftom the one. Faking .the extra p6int jdck · Steve Beln thr$ffi' to Jim sGli.iV:a.n for a two point conversion. At, ~e middle of th8 fourth pertod 111. ataited to ram. :Y'.hls rain dam-. pened the hopes of Roth victory; · 'l'he game ended a wet 21-1~ with ' Moeller on rop. ·Moeller plays agatn : Saturday night . a,f Elder a.galllst LaSalle. · ·"
· Teams- 1 : . •· · . · P~ints 1 Massi/ 1om. {11) 12-{)) ......... : . .. 267 2 ·Roger Bacbl\ {1-0) .. ·......... ·. I79 3 Niles {1) ..{El ...... , .. :. ·: .... 173 4. Canlon,McKin ey (3) {2·0) .....• , . !59 5 Sandusky '{3l (2-{)) , . . . ... ·' .... 105 6 Spring'field .:;outh (2} {2·0) . . . • . . 88 7 1Jpper ,Ar,lj~gi.on .(2·0) ... . . . . . . . . . . 82 .. 8 Mldd~t.q;vn. (2·.Ql•................- 72 . 9 MI. ernon !2H2-<l) . . . : ' .....•. so 10 Cleveland st.clgnatius (ll (2·0]:·.•.. J ~s' SECGND·.10 TE~MSc 11, findley. 35; I2., Barberton and .Moeller (!), '33 each;· 14 · Warren 30;. 15, lorain ~dm. King {1)..25; 16, Cleveland .. Hei~hts· ,19, 17, Columbus \t::ast, Steubenv1l~e. ·central,- canto11 ·um:oln and Allia,nte, 1e each.· ,
MOFI.l~R ... .".: . .. 0 7 6 8-21 . Rot11 - Jack>?n 37 pass from Wal~er (kick ~,lockedl.
't:~~~:;:~;~rt v~~n IY(~~imiai~~~~!· .
Ro·iJ--Wilson 75 kickoff return 'NSS failed), Moeller-Merkle 2 run (Sullivan pa's fr<'m Bien).
---- · - - - - -
. - - - --~----- \
oelle~ · EndS:.- DaYton-
The.Moeller defensive put the 's to p p e r · to Dayton Roth's toutJed ·passing game and rolled on to a 21-12 Victory' over the Gem: City Visitors Friday night at De& Park High Stadium. · Roth got off to a 6-0 lead in the •second period when all- D a y t o .n ·,quarterback ' Erbie Walder passed 37 yards to halfback. Frank Jackson for·.a TD, but that was to be the end of the Falcon aerta.I· show. ' · · Moeller retaliated quickly With a drive that sent senior .halfback . Al .Stickler in from the one, followed by a conversion kick ·from the toe of Tom Wakin. The Crusaders, hungry for the big win· over Roth, struck again minutes later as senior halfback Dan· Merkle s .cored the first of two touchdowns, taking a ;nyard romp around the left side. . Roth stayed with Moeller in · that period, however, scoring on·Garland Wilson's 75-yard· return of the ensuing kickoff . and the third stanza ·ended, 13-12, with MoeliE:r in front. The crusaders added an insurance 'I'D in the final quarter as Merkle capped another lengthy drive with a'two-yard bolt up the middle to score. Steve Bien · passed to Jim. Sullivan for a two-point conversion~ !far~ .......... .. o . 6 o o- 12
oth kein·
Lr·::::}~:r:-:•...~-:::_,.::__==---:::::-_-_.:...:___....___:.L....~~~_:____o;_;._~___;_~~·~-~_:_~---...._._..:...~~--_;._____.___ ____.'--' r
Crusaders Scor.e ~: _Moeller made its s.econd! ·grid a big one, posting a .21-12 .ll.Pset of Dayton 'Roth, unde,!~ated and ranked eighth in the' ~~t:a.te .last year: Dan· . Merkle . ~howed the w,aY with. t~o touch-' ~owns and 157 yards in 15 car' ries: . .. . . . . ! Almost , every play· was a - -~ ........ fhr~ller, gding. fen: 11 big gain or I·· a big loss. Defensive :tackle .Greg ~7 ene kept the pressure on Verbie Walder,. Roth's excellent ~uarterback; and' it couple .• of tumbles hurt the Falcons. c'ru~ sader field general Jerry Buck,tnaster did an ~xcellent job. of hall .)landling even in the rairi~oake!f fourth. quarter. .~ A quick pass over the middle ,., for 45 yards got Roth rolling, put early thJ'eats died on the 19 and 20, as. Wene, Tom Kishpaugh, and Nick Haverkos turn~ ed in key defensive plays. ; Booming punt. exchanges led VP to a second period score by :payton. Walder fired a '37-yard TD pass ·tQ halfback "Frank ~ackson. The cpnversion ·kick ~vas blocked. ; With four minutes left in- the r
-~--- ~-----;
Buckmaster hit end' Don Schmid. and· i"ight half "Al· Stickler with passes g()od for 45 ,and 23 yardS .. Stick},er scored . on a two-yard run. ~Toni 'Wakiin booted · the point for a 7-6_1halftime edge. . · .. A wobbly, boliriding kickoff· W<\S d?wned .. at _.the nine~ .Roth was thrown back to the. two and punted ·out.• to. the. 37. On . the first play .'left half pan· Merkle · [skirted .the .left .flank.· for 37 · .yards and a'TD. The PAT run .1failed.~ . · ·. . , 1. Garland Wilson took the· re~: • turn kickoff ·and s:Ped '68 yards to the goal:· A ·pAT pass was in5omplet~, but Roth :·.tr,ailed. by ,Just ·one, 13-12. · ..... · . : J.,ate ·.in the thlr.d :quarter' J ~ff :!Bollmet r:ecovered .. ~ Roth'·fum' ble on: the :24: The ·Crusai:Iei:s marched· ~ii I.·n., M'.~~l~ Pl. ~!i.~init over from ·the ·one eatly;.m, the final period>: '· .··., · : · :;,-; :{ A fake · kick arid ·pass from Steve ·Bien to end' Jim·' Sullivan ·for two points .clinCh.ed::.it. foX: ~oach· Gerry Faust:s tean1; :Moei-1 ler thr.eaten.e.d agai~, . but r·ain hampered both ball cl!Jbs: ··
PreP~ Confer~nte Battles I Begin In Force Tonight
. - .
, lI! · l
· The . .i'ea.ter-cincmnatr Le.ague has better· balance this .:;eason· than for some seaso~~ , past, and ·Bron :e_acev:~ch's c;tefending. chamPion Spartans are going to have to me at Peak form ffC!m _tbe very start-which c~-!ncide~~Uy, is tonight's ~m.!'! Wit.h . visiting st ~avJer.. The Bombers feei ey ll_light have the upset Potentral to hex Baq>n. .
.Moe.Uer is thought to be the strongest .ac-.:. challenger to Bacon supremacy, however, and GerrY· Faust• sends his Crusaders through meetmg with LaSalle at Eldei · Stadium Saturday night.· · · .Bacon.has the tougher of the . two opponents, but either game could be an indication of "royalty." potential for '64. Nobody is ready ·to rule out St. X in that championship picture, I either, especially· with the explosive scoring talents of ~terback Joe Speier.
uayton Hoth-lVloeller bame Tops Heavy Prep Schedule I ~~::.:~:~!:.h -L-o-~ c--a--~- Te·a.yms H-- t.t ~ ~R-oad
s c h o o l football schedule programs a glittering array
. '
- -,- : · T.h
In FOul- ·of Night's .2_4 Games_
game. drawmg statewide attention. Roth, having niade preseason c I aims . of being ! Ohio's best in 1964, opened unimpressively with a 28-16 victory over Dayton Wilbur Wright last weekend. The Gem City Falcons see the Moeller game as a "facesaving" venture. The Falcons suffered injuries to key defensive personn.el in the Wright game, c~usmg added concern as t~ey enter tonight's battle With Moeller. Moe 11 e r, on the other ~and, is in _excellent condi· t10n fol!owmg a 34-0 win over ~eer Park last week, according to coach Gerry Faust. The Dayton team brings ~n 11-grnle victory streak i mto the ,game. The ~alcons 1 have won 17 of their l~st 19 games. Moeller in Its third year of varsity competition, went 9-1 last season and added its '64 op- I ener to the total. _j
. --· -·· · . \ 1 ~ BY .TOE QUINN \ton .Roth at De~r Park High i Although this is only the stadiUm ..The yisttors were un-: second week of high school beaten m nme ga~es ~ast football and actually the fi~st\·lyear llni:I most of their bet~er : full schedule, it also is one ·of players h·a '! e returned, m. the busiest of the campaign eluding slick quarterback with 24 ·games slated, all but Verbie Wal_der, who tossed 11] one of thein being played T!'__passes m 1963. _,_ _ _ ~tonight.. "\. . • . Cincinnati teams are on th; .road in several directions thi evening, with Taft's S~natot1 going the greatest distancti They meet Admiral King ~ --Lorain, 0. · 1 -;·· Walnut Hills will be a; : Liiila, Woodward p 1 a y· s ~ :Hamilton Garfield and Pu~ . cell's Cavaliers go to MiddlE • town for their second consed : tive week out of to\vn. : • • • 1 :... 1\'JOELLER'S Crusaders a}; ~ear to hav~ drawn. a toug' : :assignment m meetmg Da~ ~-·· .. - =:::.::..::.......::::..-~__.;..:::..---=
~i:?~Jjfflki. , ·
Moelleri -·.
Crusade~s Upset
,Dayton R0th,21-12
I l I
cl~se the gap when Garland Wilson returned a kickoff .for 76 yards and a touchdown late in the period. '
;'.._ l ~
Faust Appointed Athletic Dhector\ At Moeller, Other Teachers Named
Enrolled At Moeller For New School Year KENWOOD Moeller High Sch!)ol opened this week with .an enrollment of I, I 00. This i:; an increa~e of 975 -tud.::nts since it tirst opened in 1960. Th.: original plans for the :;cbool called for it to hold no more than 750 students, but they were later ch;mged so that it could hold its present capacity. To meet the increased enrollment, the faculty has been increased to 42 members, !8 of whom are new. All classrooms are now in continuous use. Three new groups have been organized to provide for the outside interests of the student body. The new orgaqizations and their moderators a r e: The Classics Club, Charles R. Bl.anford; the Literary Magazine. Mr. John Massarella; and the History Club, Mr. Norbert F. Ausdenmoore. The~ are in addition to the other 20 a::tivities which provide for the physical. emotional, spiritual, and scholastic welfare of the student body. Head football coach Gerry Faust and his staff, are looking toward a very successful and exciting year on the field with the team. Last year the football team lost only one game in losing to Roger Bacon in a 36 to 6 decision. Roger Bacon was ranked 5th in the state and 1st in the city. Tihs year in the first three scrimages the Crusaders have beaten eveiY team which they have come up against. They hope to win the G.C.L. this year. The team's first challenge will be Deer Park on September II. at Deer P.ark High School stadium.
G. A. Faust has been appointed · athletic director of Moeller high school and replaces Brother Jetseph Choquette S.M. who was assigned to the country of Lebano~. Faust is a graduate of the Uroversity of Dayton, and has been head football coach at M?t'll~r since 1960. He will remam m this position, wh~le ass~ming h.s new duties. He IS considered to be one of the outstanding coa~h es of this area. Since the opwmg of the school in 1960, h<. and h.s staff have brought the Crusaders to victory over teams which had more experience, and were considered to be much better. New faculty members wt.o have been appointe<l for the coning school year are: Norbert F. Mr. Faust Ausdenmoore who is a graduate of Xavier uni~ersity, a former h- bons who will be assistant athstructor at St. Savior, Ross- letic' director, English; Bro. Almoyne, and will teach Americ~n fred J. Grisez S.M., Broth. Franhistory; Bro. Lawrence P. Boesch, cis W. Hustek S.M., a former inS.M., a former instructor at Chaminade high school, Dayton, who will teach physics; Fr. Charles Cam:illieri, a former instructor at Purcell high school, who has just returned from advanced study at Fribourg, Switzerland,
~r Moeller 34 Deer Pork 0 BY RON {ITf Deer Park Corrupondm~ Moeller's Crusaders completely outclassed :Jeer Park's Wildcats 34-0 in their annual neighborhood batt 1 e last nig:1t at Deer
structor at St. Joseph, Cleveland, religion and algebra; Bro. Donald L Jones S.M., who has just ret~rned from European studies, English; John A Krueger, a .gr~d uate of the University of Cmcmnati, science. Bro. Elmer C. Lang S.M., a former instructor at Cathederal Latin, Cleveland, English; Bro. Ralph A. Mravintz S.M. who replaces Brother Dahlman S.M. as assistant principal; Bro. Norman S. Nitoski S.M., guidance counselor; Timothy J. Rose, a graduate of Xavier university, a former instructor and coach at Elder high school. physical education instructor and coach; Bro. Kenneth A Templin S.M., former instructor at Chaminade, Dayton, religion; Bro. David A. Thompson S.M., formerly stationed at Mt. St. John, Dayton, rel;gion, and Bro. Charles P. Wanda S.M., a former instructor at St. Joseph, Cleveland, art.
J>ark. The Crusaders immediate-: ly showed their strength, scoring on the fourth pI a y from scrimrna ge on a nine-yard spr:.nt by Al Stickler. Ron Ott Beer Park'sl1 offense sputtered and after intercepting a Wildcat pass! from quarterback Jim Prathl er, the Crusaders scored on 1 a pass from Jerry Buckmas· 1 ter to end Don Scbmid. : Moeller managed to scor once more before the end of 1 the first half with Stickler t again carrying it over this: time from the 12. . ; The Wildcats failed to mus· . ter an attack in the second 1 half, but Moeller picked up - where they left •)ft .On the l first play from scrimmage, , Jack Monahan took Buc.k· . master's pass for a 51-yard jaunt and a touchdown. 'l'h£ Wildcats seemed to have lost their drive as they failed tc move the ball. Moeller, ' though managed to score once more before the final gun with Dave Wilccxson doing the honors. Jerry Mouch's toe accounted for f)ur out of five Crusader conversions. l Scoring Summary
Jq~Ll- ~s-
;;d w:o w:JtJ1a;i\\ti??s M... i
Other new members and subjects they will teach include Bro. Joseph Clark S.M., former re:>i·
dent of Deer Park, a graduate of the University of Dayton, mathematics; David E. Fellinger, a graduate of Xavier university, Latin; Bro. John F. Fink S.M., former instructor at Covington Catholic, French; Daniel P. Gib-
• Moeller . Deer Park
. . 14 0
7 0
1 0
5--34j D1
Moeller touchdowns-S·Ickler 2, Schl)11d.: Monahan, Wilcoxson. PAT-Moue• 4. '
Moeller Takes Deer Park, 34-0 by Dan Shea
~ Moeller 34,
Last Friday night Moeller Crusaders picked up where t h e y left of! last November, by paddling the Deer Park Wildcats 34 to 0.
: Deer Park 0 Moeller, its defensive unit looking strong and its offensive punch stinging, ' rolled to a 34-0 victory over host Deer Park in the season football opener for both teams. Moeller's AI Stickler, senior halfback, scored two of the Crusaders five touchdowns on runs of 14 and 22 yards. Kicking specialist Tom Wakin was very effective off the toe, booting conversions after four of the TDs.
The mistake-plagued game w a s
witnessed by what was probably the largest crov.d e'\er to Jam Deer P Jrk sta.dlum. Al Stickler, crusader Half Back, initiated the scoring by rushing over the Deer Park !5 yard line when only 1 minute and 40 Sl'conds had elapsed. Moeller Quarterback, Jerry Buckmaster, who faces the awesome ta.sk cf fillin~ the shoes of Tora Kenny, pa.<.sed to Don Schmid for a second Crusader touchdown, with just 6 minutes and 5 secor:ol.s left in the first quarter. In the second quarter AI StickIer again carried the mail to scoreville. This time on a 3C yard jaunt. Moeller twice more in the second half, With one TD. c:>ming on a beautiful 60 yard rur by Junior half back Jack Monahan, and the other on a 2 yard plllllge by Dave Willcoxen. The staunch Crusader defense made all territory from the Moeller 40 yard line on, o~f limits !or
,I MOElLER . . 14 7 13 0-34 ,' DEER PARK .. . .. 0 0 0 0- 0 l Moeller-Stickler 14 run (Wakim. kick). 1 ma~f.e~l~a~~~~~ic~l pass from Buck· Moellet' - Stickler 22 run (Wakim, kick). Moelllf' - MMohan 62 run (Wakim, kick). Moeller-Wilcoxson 2 run (Kick foiled).
jI r,, L
the Wildcats.
.............. _ ..... r----- ... .. - _....,- .... •·
CHANGES IN the Moeller High athletic department h.ave give!l Gerry Faust the athl.etic directorship in addi· tion to h1s head football coachmg duty. . . . Dan Gibbons, a graduate of Roger Bacon and Villa Madonna, will serve as assistant AD .... Phil Gigliotti, assistant football coach, also will be head track coach, succeeding Bob Strayer, who returned to his native Iowa to coach. . . . Tim Rose, who was an Elder High assistant coach last season, has joined the Moeller staff as a backfield coach and track aide.
''T IS Ar.ATNr;;r TJ.IT: RTTT r:•
_ team.s 1
had more experience,_ and went, considered to be much
~j ·- . -· F~ulty
St. John, Dayton Ohio, who will teach reli()'ion, and Brother Charles P. Wanda S.M., a former instructor at St; J-oseph, Cleveland Ohio, whO will te.<tch art. Moeller will start the ·fall Semester on Tuesday; September 8, with half day ~;essions.
N-ew i'n:culty m_emb-er& which h,ave been added for the coming school yea-r a.re;. Ntilrb.ert F. Aus. denmoore, woo Is a graduate of Xavier_ UPJversity, a. former 1natruct<?r :at St. Savior, Rossmoyne, ~-----------· ' and wUl··teach American History, Brother·. 'Lawrence P. Boesch s. M;, a fbnner Instructo-r at Cha· minadei High School, Dayton Ohio, who WiLl: teach physics, Father Charles , Canc!Illeri, a former 1nstructotr at Pttrcell High School, ~~_. who has just returned form ad- , P>lbo'"l
I f
R Pete Feldhaus 5-8 Jr. Nick Haverkos 5-8 F So. . 5-11 Don Wiehe R Jr. 5-8 R John Stigler Jr. 5-1! 0 Jr. Joe Mescher ) rAAiciKLELEss--i~~~;;----;:;:;,-:;:;!--~~-~--=-::-:-:-:--_:_ 6-0 Bill Herberth 217 v Sr. Bill Herberth has .looked · 0 Greg Wene 2!5 6-3 v Sr. real impressive at of· ' Bob Poffinbarger 214 6-2 v Sr. fensive fackle. Greg te Harry Lofland 230 v 6·2 Sr. Wene should be. one of :~e Bob Deangelis· 211 v 6·0 Jr . the hest de I e ~ s i v e Jeff Ballmer 2!9 v Sr. tackle in the city. 5·11 ,al Mike Farrell 210 v 6·2 Sr. Joe Schafer 178 R 5·11 Jr. !d ENDS Jim Sullivan 190 v 6·0 Sr. lack e;parience but lots i 172 v Don Schmid Sr. of hustle and- desire. ' 6·1 lc. Greg Pasco 6-3 204 v Sr. Greg Pasco should be Bill Aylward 175 6·0 v Jr. good defense_ end. , Gene Rielag 177 6·1 v Sr. Fred Shriner !61 R 6·0 Jr. Jim Schwertman !58 6·1 R Jr. R Jr. O~n Bergmar. 180 5·10 Jerry Buckmaster 168 6·2 v Sr. Good talent; ·-but- needs ~ 175 Steve Bien 5·10 R Jr. polish. Marty Eyesoldt 162 6·0 R So. Sr. Small but willing to AI Stickler 5·10 5-8 Dan Merkle Sr. work. Stickler and long 5-8 Jr. very versatile. Jim Davis l.ln 6-1 Sr. Ken long it,~ 5-8 Sr. Carl Montag Sr. 5-8 Den H£>enan · \ 5·9 Jr. Gary Stanforth 5-9 So. i Bud Jackson I MLBACKS i i -I
iwool ""' ••
r.GIGU~AiiRDijs:---~~~~--~~~~~--~--~~~~~--Don Rahe v 5-11 Sr. lead by Don Rahe should 1 Ted Hall 6-0 v Sr. b~ one of stron.ge~ posi- ,. i v Tom Backhus 5-11 Jr. Irons on team.· · i
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Coach • Bron Bacevich's Spartans..,. · · . · might have to work.a, litt~e _~enio~ h~hac~uMike Belha;rder for a champi()~ShiP, . mc:mt : ·~to , ~~tat spot: ~Tlie . this season, ho"_'~ver.~ . , , ·. ·: quarteiback and -fullback . . . 'E:ere's . the- tealri~"DY-team- .. spots are 1iuestfo~b·e an:d , outlook,. as it~stands now: · need solving at McNick. · · .• .ROGER ·BACON: 'Coach· ELDER:" The PISllthersare B a c vi c h is not at all Speedy in ,. the backfield pleased :~th, the· Spartan this time a,roUlild .ari.d the defense, where ·key ·losses overall team elq>erience is are felt by· the. departure satisfaotory. ·coach. Dick of three all-city·selections- Lf?€chtenfeldtis_realh~ppy J·ahn· · :Kasseltnann, Terry · 'w1t_h ~he Eider . defensive Lyons and Jim Schmalz. . urut right now;· where he .There will be inexperienced has good size and experi- · personnel filling the gaps ence. The offensive line, esand the Bacon team is not pecially the left side, is a ·a~;def~ilsiv~ly st::tble as last worry, where_ the pays are. year. Bright spot. ;is the small and_need t,o;.plature. cavaliers bac),dield. wher~ a pair of .·. PURCELL: hai'i;l· p0sed. vet"erans re- pose .a real :"riddle" for new . ~W,1?-. NJqk MUI1af~ .. ~. back_ ... h:ead:,coach Art DelConte. · m his -h!ilfback spot and Loss of: about· 22 seniors Ray Niemeyer switches to many starters, has left th~ Purcell line resigned to in· 1 fullback. Quarterback .Mel Frederick .Iaoks like a eli· experienCed :Personnel. The·. ·JY:a b.'l,e replatement, · for tackle·· prisition . is: a real stan4out gra_duate Pat case; •· "green" pictJUre. DelCOnte If.th~ sp.artan~line:matures .· has some backfield worries, !l:~ic~l~, -~~~~~·.out:·;. .· · t~o,. b:ut returnin~. halfb~ck ) MOELLER: ·size arid depth Bill Waller .looks like a fme .. . .. prospect and man who are. ~trong fac~rs,. but ex- could get th .t . kin penence worries . c o a c h e um c11c g. , qerzy' FauSt. Senior Jerry LASALLE: coach Bob ~uc~~r has therugged Krueger is going with a lot f assi~~~~tot,.s;epping in_to . of junior talent, which will . sunu.u~Alifficulties.
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Bacon ]\tiQeller, 22 Moeller r-·· Bounces - --B I< s·al'o·n Boun· "'eS Qlfl \
Continued from Page 8 i
. Of The Enquirer Staff
1 1
MOEllER .......... 0 0 0 0- 0 I Bacon-Sayne 2 off tackle (Sayne run). ' .B~n-Munafo 12. pass from Frederick (p~ failed), ,~Ba<:on,-Drott 7 plunge (Droit run).
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As the second half opened, Roger Bacon's Spartans, tackle Jeff BoHmer recovered Upset by St. Xavier last a fumble on the LaSalle eight- weekend, bOunced back yard line, but the surprising with surprising strength to Lancers dug in successfully. hand· Moeller its first deThey punted out to the 30 and feat of. the season,, 22-0, at this time the Crusaders hit pay- Bacon Stadium F r i d a y dirt. night. · Merkle raced the entire disThe Moeller loss, coupled tance on the first play. Tom with Purcell's 8-8 tie with Wakim's placement made it 13- . McNicholas, lett St. XaVier 0 with 4:37 left in the period. and El~er atop the ·areatLaSalle uncorked its . first er Clncmnatl League: Both pass of the •game, f_rom Tim . remain .unbeaten, and_~othj Quinn to Pat Hiedern, for 12 a!~- !:-Q...!!l. 0:9.1.~-~eti_ti~n. :yards. Rick Rodenberg then got ~away for 34 yards and a TD. ~---- -· - ~ - -- \ 'Run for the. extra points failed. I Roger Bacon 22, 1 Later LaSalle got the ball deep in Moeller territory and i Moeller 0 ~oved. to a first-and-10 on the' Roger Bacon's Spartans !5. With fourth and ·three Ken . bOunced Moeller from the ranks of the unbeaten, 22-0, Long stopped the LaSalle ball ' carrier on the eight. i in a . Greater Cincinnati· Moeller drove for two first ' I League battle at Bacon downs, then fumbled at mid-I , Stadium. The loss was the field. Greg Pasco threw the ' Crusaders first in four Lancer quarterback. for . an i games. eight-yard loss. and three passes ' Midway through the sec- 1 fell incomplete. Moeller took ond period, Bacon's Bob ! over. at the LaSalle 45 and ran Sayne dove off right tackle out the clock. to climax a 93-yard Spartan -~- --- - - ~ -- 1 drive. A blocked punt gave i . Roger Bacon the ball at the Moeller 46, and eight plays later Nick Munafo took a 12-yard pass from quarterback Mel Frederick for the :1 Cathollc Le:~ue- a~;ion to~~ second Spartan TD. Don Drott plunged over [,night is headlined . by thell from the seven late in the ' Elder-Moeller game at Elder. final period as the devast.at: Coach Diet Loechtenfeldt's ing Bacon ground attack Panthers took a big stride controlled the ball for an but three minutes of. the l forward wibh their 34-12 vic-, . final period. · 1tory at Middletown,· · their Bacon is now 2-1 on the I third in as many starts, and I '· season, ·and both schoolij appear to be taking aim atll are 1-1 in GCL play. ~e Catholic League title.____} I ROGER BACON .... 0 8 6 S-22
Tl'f (o4::.~~ . - -
own 23 and marched 77 yards for its final tally. Don Drott , , Ro~er Baeon · · • · 8scored from seven yards out 1 Roger Batons Spartans, us- Moeller · · · · · · · · o · 0 0 G- 0 n a dive play· Moeller '· d tta k Roger Bacon touchdowns: Sayne, Munafo, 0 . . · mg a powerful groun a c , orott. PAT: Saine 2, orott 2. muffed 1ts last chance for a . touchdown and Bacon went 1shut out' the Moeller Cru· saders. last night, 22-0, in a Moeller punt on thei'r own away an~e~sy ~iC~Ol'.__ C a t h o 1 i c six-yard line and marched 941League game yards for the TD. Bob Sayne on the ' win- clilnaxed . the drive with . a ;' ners' field. · · three-yard plunge off tackle. Although the A Moeller punt, blocked by ball exchan~ed Riy Neimeyer mid-way in the hands hve . . tilnes in the third quarter, set up the Sparf i r s t quarter, tans' s e c o n d touchdown. neither team Bacon drove from the Moelwas .. able to ler 46 to the 12 where Mel capitalize. Frederick connected on a The retreats for the student body at Moeller High School begin Beck The· Spar- touchdown pass to Nick .. tans, however, Munafo. this week. This year's retreat will were quick to react in the In the fourth · quarter, mark the fifth under classman re~econd quarter. They t~ok a Bacon took the ball on ~ treat. These are held to provide for the spiritual welfa.re of the high school student. i Father John La Faso S.M., of St. James High School, 0 he s t e r Pennsylvania, w!ll be the retreat i master for the Sophomore a n d i Junior classes. Father Charles ·' Canc!llieri will be the retreat mas- I ter for the Freshman class. The Senior class will have closed retreats at Mt. St. John in Dayton, Ohio. There are three such re- · 1 treats scheduled for October, one ' BY ROGER RUHL into the Greater Cincinnati 1 for January, and two for February. ' ' Of. Tiu~ E~qulrer Staff - Leag_ue title picture .with an ( SOme of the faculty will also .~ · · '· impressive 22-0 wm over make a closed retreat at Mt. St. previously unbeaten Moel-. 1 Nine local high school John in Dayton, October 13, 14, ·elevens coasted through Ier. ·Bacon, upset victim of ! and 15. last weekend'li . relatively. , st. xavier the two weeks i calm football schedule with ago, cof!\pletely baffl~d the their undefeated records potent Crusader offense. · I intact. only two schools _ Aiken . St. Xavier and Elder, . and Moeller .,... fell from the bOth winners in non-league / ranks of the unbeaten, and. games, now ~hare the GCL bot.h loses oame in leagu. leadership w1th 1-o-re~rds. , 1 · • • Fullback Phil cox led st. L ~e~:_.:._ ____ · -~. _ Xavier to a 13-7 vlctocy overj . Covington Holmes. . 1
BY JOE BECKR_oger Bacon Correspondent
Retr~B~gin'~ For Moeller High I ~
Student Body
iFall By W!!!!!~!..Ckl
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For Unbeaten Elder Moeller Good Test E;Y ROGER RUHL Of The Enquirer Staff Three crucial conference contests highlight a 20game high school football card this weekend. Nine prep teams put unblemished records on the line, · and at least one team will meet defeat in F r i d a y night's 19-game schedule. In the Greater Cincinnati Leaglile, unbeaten E I d e r plays host to Moeller. The , Panthers, upset victors over I previously unbeaten M i ddletown last week, and St. Xavier are the only GCL schools without a defeat. Maeller lost its first game . of the season to Roger Bacon last Friday as the po1 tent Crusader attack was stym1ed, 22-o. Roger Bacon, ! back on the winning trail, seeks its second straight victary, taking on McNicholas. -~------~-----J
. I
~.Elder I(e~ps Patttltei·s Scot·e
Over Moeller~ 27~ 7'1
Elder 27, Moeller 7
[ 1
Elder's powerful Pant.hers r o 11 e d to their fourth straight win of the season, : downing Moeller, 27-7, at : Elder. The loss virtually eliminates the crusaders from the Greater Cincin. nati League championship race. 1 Senior halfback J e r r y · Meyer scored three touchdowns in p a c in g the Panthers to their s i x t h straight win over a two1 season span. The speedy scatback scored on runs two, three and six yards, and Ray Baur passed to end Jim Murray for the other Elder touchdown. · Moeller, 3-2 on the season and 1-2 in GCL pI a y, chalked up its only score when Ted Hall fell on a ' loose ball in the E I d e r 1 end zone.
' BY TOM l\1lNNlmY, JjJder Correspondent i . The high.flying Elder Panthers do~ned a sturdy ~oeller 1 eleven last night in a Catholic League game at the victors' fteld by a score of 27-7. ·Elder received the opening kick and marched 58 yards I in 13 plays for the first tally. Halfback Jerry Meyer went o_ver from the $CORING SUMMARY . SIX, and Joe Elder .. .. .. .. .. 7 13 o 7-27 Brink m a de Moeller . • . . . . . . 0 0 0 7- 7 good the kick. .Elder touchdowns: Meyer 3. Murray. It was Meyer PAT: Baur 2, Brink. . again in the M~eller touchdown: Hall. PAT: ·Mouch. second quarte::: . · . : diving acros:: third quarter though the <_::rufrom the two saders penetrated deep mto to c 1 i max a Elder territory in the closing drive from the minutes. The buzzer fou.nd Moe 11 e r 44- them at the seven. yard . 1in e. To open the fourth quarter., • Minncry Quarterback Crusader Ted Hall fell on Ray Baur kicked the bonus. loose ball in the end zone I ·One of the) few passes of for a Moeller score.· JeFrY the contest gave Elder a third Mauch booted the extra pomt. quick touchdown when end It was Elder's. Meyer once Jim Murray connected on a more in the fourth: quarter.o.n beau,tiful pass from Baur at a run from the siX-yard hne the Moeller 42 and scamperedifor his third marker. Baur! added the point to end the; the distance for six. Neither team scored in tbP. evening's scoring.
1 1
1 MOELLER . . . . . . . 0 0 0 7- 7 , ELOER 7 • 13 0 7-27 I Elder-Mever 3 plunge (Brink kick). · Elder--Meyer 2 run (Baur kick). Eltler-Murrav 42 pass from Baur (kick failed). · Moeller-Hall fumble recovery in end i zone IWakin kick). ' Elder-Mever 6 run (Baur kick).
Elder l}fauls.Moeller,. 27-7; ·Oak Hills9 .·Sycamore . VictOrs BY ROGER RUHL Of 'rhe Enquirer Staff
~-~----------- -~---
Elder, Oak Hills, and . Sycamore· came through I with flying colors in cru~ial league tests Friday night. ' MeanWhile, Finneytown and Taylor, a pair of previously undefeated elevens, suffered their first setbacks of the season. Elder retained a share of the Greater c 1 n c i n n a ti League lead in rolling over Moeller, 27-7. Undefeated in four games this season, , --the Panthers and St. Xavier 1 \lead the complicated <GCL --.J ~itle ;:-ace. Roger Bacon, ·- with just one league ·loss, trounced McNiCholas, 36-0, and Purcell posted its fjrst GCL win with an 8-7 Vic- . ,_~r_y o"fer__~l!_s_allec_.~--'-
_;.:. :. __·--=----
LIFE OF A LINEMAN by Larry Krantz of Moeller
'-""- ---.. -:
A hard-nosed football player on the field and an honor student off, that's Donald Rahe, popular senior at Moeller High. Don is the 5' 10", 192-lb. right guard on Moeller's varsity football team, a position which he also held last year. He made the varsity team the last three years after playing freshman balL Don has also been a member of the school's weight lifting team for four vears and the track team for three years: In track he holds the school record in the discus throw with a toss of 130 feet. In addition, Don pitched for a Class "A" baseball team which has been District 27 champ for the past three years and was city champ in '63. This past summer Don worked as a mechanit: in a neighborhood garage until Moeller's football practice began. Then it meant gettin_g to school at 7;30 a.m. each morning for special football meetings, movies, and -practice in 90-degree weather. Once school began, the practices were cut to about two hours after school each night. This still leaves a strict schedule for Don and the other team members. They each go to Mass and Communion each morning, then school, and then football practice from 2:30 p.m. until 4:30 or 5 p.m. His only free time comes after he has completed his homework in the evening. Don is also entering his fourth year as a member of Moeller's Sodality, an organizB:tion dedicated to the devotion of the Blessed Mother. He has one brother, a freshman at Moeller an:d member of ili.e Frosh football team, and two sisters. Joyce, the oldest, is married, and Nancy, is a nun at the Precious Blood Convent. Their parents are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rahe of All Saints Parish in Kenwood.
• • •
By Michael P. Weitzel De~. 18 Roger Staubach, All-
I j j
Ame~Ic~n quarterbacK, spoke to the JU"OJOr and senior classes at Moeller h_igh school. He showed t!J.e_ movJ~, "Ring of Valor," wh1ch depleted the life of a cadet at the United States Naval Academy. In a talk which was given • after the movie, "Dixie" Stau- 1 bach spoke of the educational , 1, advantages of going to the Naval , Academy. Staubach,_ who is a graduate of Purcell high school, was in attendance at the school when I Brother Lawrence Eveslage the 1 present principal of Moeller' was . vice-principal there. • After his st:Jay in Cincinnati Staubach will proceed to 'Miami' Fla. for the North-South footbali game. , Dec. 18 the Moeller Aquasad·. ers won their first meet. The score was Moeller 44 Newport 1 Catholic 40. ' Out · of 10 school records, 9 · were broken. Joining in the record breaking meet were Jim McCarty, Dave Folenlogen, Ken Strottman, Ed Billiter Tom ~ O'Malley a·nd Eric Mey~. The relay teams also set new rec- ·\ ords. These teams consisted of Mik~ Morgan, Charles Linser, Dav1d Lee and ·Jim Miles. Another team consistitrg of Ed Billiter, Tom O'Malley, Eric Meyer and Bob Hillen set a new record. Bob Hillen also set an ind:ividual 1 · 1 recovd.
Juven1 e Court ·Head To Speak Staubach will proceed to Miami~· j ·, Florida for the <North-South foot- ' To Moeller PTA ball game. (
All A mcrican Speaks at Moeller uy Mi-chael P. Weitzel
Moeller Swimmers Make. Outstanding Gaias On Friday, December J 8. the I Moeller Aquasaders won thei; first '. I meet ., T _ ue score , w.as Moeller 44, • Newport Catholic 40. I
On Friday, December 18, Roger spoke to the Junior .and Semor classes at Moeller High Sd&Jol. He showed the movie, Ring I of Valor, which depi::ted the life of a cadet at the United States ' Naval Academy. In a talk which 1 ~ was given after the movie, Mr. : St.aubach spoke of the educ,ational , advantages of going to the Naval Academy. Stm~bach
Out of 10 s~h~ol records 9 "'"'' were -broken. Joining· in the record breaking meet were, Jim McCarty, Dave Folzenlogen, Ken JStrottman, Ed Billiter, Tom O'Ma!Jey and Eric Meyer. The relay teams also set new records. These teams consisted of Mike Morgan, Charles Linser, Dave Lee, and Jim Miles. Another team consisting of Ed! Billiter, To1,p O'Malley, Eric Meyer1 and Bob Hillen set .a new 'record.l Bob Hillen also set ~an. individuji.]J ... record.
Mr. Staubach, who ·is a graduate : of Purcell High School, was in ; attendance at the scho~l when ( Brother Lawrence Evesl.age,' the I present principal of Moeller, was 1 1 the vice-principal there. I After his stay in Cincinnati, Mr.
l - - - - ~----~~
Hahn presen ly serves on tthe Executive Board of the Ohildrens Federation of bhe Community Health and Welfare Council; the Clncinna•tl Guid11nce a-nd Personnel Association and the Cincinnati SOcial Health Society. He has a-lso served on various committees on the sba·te amrd natdon111 level. He has lectured at ~vier Un-iversity, the University of Cincin• nat!, Hebrew Union Colles-e and bhe University of IJcmisville. Halhn &~ttended Purcell Higla , f School, the University of Cincin• ' nati, Xavier University and Mt. l St. Ma.t·ys of bhe west.
St. John PTA Members ll Will Hear Xavier Professor Paul H. Hathn, bhe director of Juvenile Court, will speak at the TUesda(l', January 19, meeting of the Moeller High School PTA. His talk will be entitled: "Juvenile Delinquency, A Threat of a C)lallenge?" He will discuss the problem In this metropolitan all"ea, as well a.s 1n the nation.
the Hamilton County
I !
Paul H. Halm, director of Hamilton County Juvenile Court, will at the Jaq. 19, meeting of IM<)eJI,er high school P.T.A.- His talk will be entitled "Juvenile Delinquency-A Threat or a lenge?" He will discuss the problem in this metropolitan area, as well as in the· nation. Hahn presently serves on the executive board of the Children's . Federat~on of the Community Health and .Welfare Council, the Cincinnati. G~idance and Personnel Assoc1at10n and the Cincinnati Social Healthy Society. He has also served on various committees on the state and national \ 1e~eL ~e has lect~red at Xavier 1 u~uver:nty, the Umversity of Cincmnatl, ffebrew Union college and the University of Louisville. ,Hahn attended . Purcell high sohool, the University of Cincinl nati, Xavier university, and Mt. St. Mary's of the West.
Special Board Meeting Announced for Januar-Y 28 'I1he S_y;camore 'boall'd of education, at its regular meeting JanuMy 14, gave approved. for -an agreement to be drawn Up Witih Moeller High School for Moeller's use <.f the B:Y-camore foobball sbli.d'ium during the 1965 season.
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NEWS FROM MOELLER The French classical comedy "The Miser" by Moliere will be presented .at Moeller High School on January 16, 23, and 24 at 8 p-.m. The case consists of students fmm Regina and Mount Not r e Dame High Schools as well as ·MOeller. The play ·stars Tom Payne as the miser and tells the story of a day in his life dealing with love and money, his true love. The fem.ale parts have a double cast appearing on alternating nights. They are Linda Vogt and Dathy Eschmeyer as Elise, the miser's daughter, Phyllis Wilson and Pam Kling as M11rianne, Ar!ene Krut2 h.aupt .and Kathy Pauly as the matchmaker Forsine, .and Kathy Farie\o as Dame Claude with Peggy Perkins as Mistress Effie. The male feature roles are Dan Hummer as Cleante, the miser's son, Don Bergman .as Valere and Harry Lofland as La Fleche. Other actors are Mike Haverkamp, John Koetz, :Mike Pelzel, Hazen Frick and Dave Schleuter. The· play is being direCted by., Bro. Elmer Lange, S. M. Tickets can be obtained from any member of the cast or :a Moeller stt~dent.