Moeller High School 1972-73 Football News Articles

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OLIVA, BRICKWEG and Nameless conceived t h e idea 0! the downed bomber after Moeller lost its opener to Princeton - the tilrst time the Crusaders began the season dn defeat in the last five years. "To me, Moeller's always had those big guys and those great teams and everyone was behind <lihem automaticaLly," said Oliva. "But this year we're smaller, and .after we lost the first game oome kids right away started comparisons with past teams. ''Now is the time to back them. We have to show the team we're bep.ind them. lVe might lack in size, but we can do it in spirit." Senior class adVi:ser Tom Hummel thoug;ht so, too, and agreed to chape~rone an all-night plane-building and! poster-painting party .in the gym. Art students Greg B'UI'ke and Steve Clement created the wreckage. "Mr. Hummel has been g r e a t," said Oliva. "He stayed up all ni~t. He'S a t e ache r . . . a football coacih . . . "And a bachelor" quipped Nameless. ' GUARD DUTY was unev----------------- :

A:SOTHER SUSPICIOUS car broke down, coincldrentall1y, right in front of Moeller Wednesday morning. And, s t r a n g e 1 y enough, the trouble was cleared up 30 minutes later - when the sentries approached to see if they could help or hinder, depending on the situation. Chances are lthere won't be an attempt on the well-being 0! 1lhe crashed bomber. But what if there ~?

I i

"W e 'v e all memorized the phone number of the Montgomery police," said Oliva,. "and we bring plen- , ty or dimes.' • I security 1s being stepped ! up as game night apP r o a c h e s. "We've been spreading the W'Ol'd that St. X knows about it," said Nameless. "We'll circle it with cars the last night." MOELLER HASN'T lost j two games in one season 1 since 1968 W'hen tlhe cru-~ saders fini!Shed 6-2-2. But !Ln the last fOUr years, Moeller has shot diown the St. X bOmber only once, losing, 24-7 and 6-3, the last two seasons- both of which ended . 9-1 for Moeller. A VICtory, then, Wauld demand a fit t 1n g post! script, ood the niglht watch1 men of Moeller have one all plauned _ "We'll have a few guys 1 at school," said Oliva, "and when the team bus comes in, we'll push the plane over ourselves."



Thursday, September 21, 1972

-Fun Kind Of Jiigil_' · THE PLANE,· a bomber o!f course, rests ·nose· down :in · · the front y:I)Iq 1at )vioeTie!!," High Scihooll, run .lin!spir:ati.on .to ·. t11e footballl ream· to .·make· simU·ax wre<:kage of St.'s Bombers· Friday ni:g;ht. :ws been. there Since SU11!d'aY, fuvd:tin!g' sabotage. .· . · student-fan Rick Oliva; head football·manager.Don e·ntful Sunday· nilght, the · Brickweg, and a friend ·. called Nameless lha-v~ been. first sindSter activity occl.ix. .there, too, . sinee · Sunday, ring about _1 a.m., Tuesday sl!eeplin1g in the ·.tront seat :m~~m~;. pulled through of a 1964 Mercury and the circular driveway in storing SChOOl b()Oks, clean .frOnt Of \SChOOl,"·. relate.d. clothes and other necessrl.- · ties. of life in the · ·Nameless, "then t u r ·rr e d into ·the · All saints Olmrch P I u .g .g i n g the coi·ner parking lot next to schQOl Jlhone booth with dimes . and parked with the bright · until every sane friehd's light shining right at. us." was ~t .·TOm Ballaban, bedtime· hils passed, playing a little game with a · Jhlle. st. x coach? some soccer ball. and bat until mercenarie.s from Elder? the s p o t I i g h t s on the "We're all sitting out school .building go out at 2 . there and that car just a;in., and observing th~ cu- -keeps si~ting, there," said r. i o s.i t ·i e s that traverse . Nameless, recalling t h e Montgoniezy R o a d from chills be felt. "We were an then until sunrise, theY've worrying." kept a vigil. ·· About ·20 minutes later "We have· to," explains the cat pulled out, · re1-fame~ess. "'Dhey;.. might try · turned to •the M o e ll e r something. I know if ,they d r i v e w a y and headed put · a dead . crusadE!r Ill· for the sentr.ies. f.ront of their school, I'd "OI.ix fbrst action," thOught want to go over and get .O'liva. it." · · The car stopped ·before Nameless, of course, isn't them: "When are you gUys really. But he has '-'a part- gol.n.g to tear that thing · time! job, and he's called in down?" a voice that besick 'all ·week. : 1A S}igllt .Iong~d· ~o Madeira, not·St. case. of mono.nucleosj.s," he x. · bellowed from within.. !Says, ·~but we caught. it "We can't wai~~:" Pl'lrlv:"





Ballman Learns Joys Of Blocking .




· ~Y:.DENNY'DRES'SMAN ued, "but even though he Faust has learned someBallman's second start weekly city pol'!, 3!Ild tied ~})Jtquirer Sports Reporter · h W k nd' Wlas second-&.ring, he kept thing too. , at Jl'Uard will probably be with Elder fOT first place >'.fit'he education of :rom T is ee e 8 · plugging ·away; working ·•we thim!k the kid is a htc; most important. Moeli- in the Greater Ollntoi.n!I11ati Baiiman .., 10 days / 'Prep Football real hard. I felt that type big coUege p r 0 spec tat er meets Elder Friday. Li!algUe.. Elder is 6-0,. f\irst ag'O.'·:At tlh!at tune.~ he was. All startinq times are 8 P.M .. unless 0! kid <;mildi really help rught one in the city 'I'Ianki.n=, and , •. ...... . • "" (aus. gward," Gerry says. "T'bat's .of th. eats eSycamore a s 0 n •s in biggest .,~ 1 M-6eller's · thlTd defimsive note~.HAMILTON couNTY AMERICAN He was b g emugu -3 , harci tx> belteve, but it'S UJnf.OOred ·upon _ a . r~ t~l,<.~e, and a fiml bel:iever ·An~erson at Mt. Healthy. 225). and quick eniO!Ug.h. He true. We made 1!1 mistake games. cl'l• fOr BaMmaln. and· tlha:t, if you ihad to play in Greenw~:.llrT~~Iec&i~NTY NATIONAL had ·tlfie potential." by mt p1'aY'lng him there Moeller iS 6-1, · ranked the r.est of Moeller's ~of.fen1;11~-;Jine, pefense was more . lockland at Harrison. Faust asked on. Mond·ay, sooner." third in The. Enquli.rer's. sive unit. ~-than Offense. . . Rea din~ itA~~~w~· HILLS LEAGUE '.and Ballman satd yes. It,-..:...._,...---..-~---.-·--"·-:,..-. -· -,...;,._;.,~,.,.~~==;.,_,~-""-""~""·~=~-=~~.,.·~'·--""~-== ~-i~'I1he defense gets some svcamore at Glen Este. meant he had four days to~ · recbgnitlion;• he reasoned; Puauc· HIGH scHooL LEAGUE learn an .offensive guard's ''P-.iffe.n. se <iloiesn't get any. Courter Te~~~W~hhun;lr'lE~ P.M. responsibilities w e 11 1 · Aikeol vs. McNicholas at Anderson. t:?:£kling is tnoo-e fun than · Norlh G~~lWR HgiN~t~~~"A'frtrE';!iuE enough to hold his own 1 bl·" Elder vs. Moeller at Sycamore. against Roger Bacon. I :·~;1,.ij,en s t a ~ t i n g guatd LaSalle •:A\~WNs"Jr~Ls LEAGUE Broerman,· who was a Ohf',is Broerman bro[{e his Deer Park at Madeira. grade school classmate of Wf!St . a g a i h IS t Dayton· ~~~~r~ 0 ~\ f~dt~~e~fn~· Ballman's at Our Lady of . G.h!fun.inade; · throwing one wvom~~~~oF~r~~uP~k ~AJ~O::.t~ns. Sacred Heart, began To.m's I· Qtftnose ··ingld11i()US blocks HAMILTON COUNTY AMERICAN edUCation. In study halls, th'alt~ an· Offensive 'linemen' Oak ~~WE~o~,o~~·l CONFERENCE at lunch time, during prac- . ) ~,w.:.anonymously. ,Sud- ·Middletown at Princetor.. tic.e, and at home, Chris de.nly, . Tom Balllman was Huqhe!'u:tLWes~!~nHJifl~~oL.LEAGUE cramined Ballman's brain rc)"(fi:f~d a. Chance to be a NON·LEAGUE GAMES full Of assign01 1 starter .:._if he didmit mind ~~~d!~r~ ~r~¥~iaa.:i e~~or. ments and offensive playimg Offense. . countrv ~.~o:m~~u2Ep~~~E techniques. ':~e tried . to move him Offensive line c .o a c h ~:'(Offense last year, but he · ·Dick Barattiert ISh o we d dj~'t want to plaY the;·e," he asked · for a n o t h e r him films . every moflling said, coach . ~erry· Faust. cliance at defensive taCkle before scpool, and spent ually · gwe the sen- we gave it to, him. extra time on the practice "He . got beat out by two field with num after every. ·. the chance to play they want, so when other kids,'' Faust contin- o[l!e else ih!a:d gone to the I

i 1

ShOiWers. ·1 Broemnan was confident h1s .mend would be rea:~y by'. Friday. "The first day,~ .!' od' praCtice I saw how he m o v e d," Chris said. "I knew he'd be ready." But w.hen Faust helld his p r e -g .a m e skulll S!esslan v.,h-ere he woes o\rer an of M0all~'s pl!ays ·and quizzes ·each plllcyer · oo blis -aiSISignmenrts, . Ba!llman · sounded 1 'lik~ a defensive tackle. ,) '·I was oorv•OUS," he sa'id. "My mdnd .went blank." Faust was worried, but Bri>erman just Iaug.hed. "I knew he knew them," Chr~s said. "I knew he'd be ready," . I . Moe:ller took thJe meld and defieated B•aoon, 21-0. Wht>ln ·it was· an over, hiil'i teammaltes v o ted Tom Batlman Moeller's ltlneman · of the week. "He dlid a heckuva job," said F1aJUst. "You'd never beletlrve it was his f.irst game .at thart; positim. He :really learned faJSt." .How . to play g u a r d wasn't · all Tom BaJ!Imam le~ned.

"i've changed my mind;" he said. "You can get more satisfaction out . of knock• ing somebody down with a good block than you can· with a tackle.'' -Enquirer (Bob Lynn).Photo-

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'A~ P~pil ~

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~~· ~:;l\{oeller'JS Injured guard Chris Broennan. and convert


Tom Ballman


. .Anld .• offense. isn't so raJD.,.

on:ynious a.f1Jei ailil. '"I1hat is .a p!1etty predom; :awud," he says of the bblnor ac-. ci>rde<J · hini by his ream-


St. X Falls, 15-0

Moeller, Trenchmen

Pave Victory Way


By TERRY DUSCHINSKI a 10-play, 74-yard drive. A yards on 28 carries. John pass from Mike Huster to Driscoll gained 48 yards on Enquirer Contributor "I think that's where all Terry Fay gave Moeller its 10 carries in the first half, ·football games are won final two points, and a 15-0 and didn't pl•ay atf'ter toot at the line of scrimmage," win. as Bob Wesley took over _ said GerrY Faust, echoing St. Xavier then came the fullback duties. Denny the sentiments of football alive, but great defensive Gramann, who moved to coaches on all levels. play by Terry w e i t z e 1 wingback from his custom.And his Moeller Crusad- thwarted any scoring at- ary fullback slot, g·ained 47 ers gave a good demon- tempt. A fumbled punt re- YJards on 11 tries. Flaust looked upon the stration· of just that princi- turn ·by Koesters at the ple as they handled arch - Moeller· 18, gave St. Xavier St. xavier g>ame as an O'Prival St. Xavier, 15-0, Fri- -a golden opportunity, btit po!rtunaty to prolVe some· day night at Sycamore Sta- a screen pass from Rob thing. "We went right at them, /dium. Schoenhoft to Massa, on a Moeller gained 237 yards fourth and six from the 14 and that's the only way total offense. . . .all of went for only one yard as you can play a good footthem rushing. . .as- the Tom Rhohlfs made the ball team," !he said. "Xavier's a real good football Crusaders failed . to com- stop for Moeller. plete a pass in only three The Bombers moved to team, and we don't feel we attempts. St. Xavier, mean- !the Mre'hler 30 laibe fun the play•ed our best in o:ui' while, gained only 114 game, but again couldn't opener (a 29-20 loss to yards, 36 of which came on score and passed up what Princeton). T o n i g h t we two pass completions. probably wouldc have been proved- to ourselves that While Faust found only an easy field goal for Pat we :are a good football fond words for his oppo- Dahlstrom, as three points team. 0 0 0 0- D nent, and St. Xavier coach would have been of little XAVIER MOELLER 0 '7 8 0-15 M-Koesters, 5 run (Rozic kick) Tom Ballaban steadfastly help. Keith was outstanding I lerjM-Keith, 31 run (Fay pass from Hils· disagreed, the facts speak OHN THEIS (Moeller) for themselves. Moeller ov- for Ma€.Uer, gaining 123 erpowered St. Xavier a t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - the line of scrimmage, be- ,.. tween the tackles. "I don't know of any other team that has beaten Moeller three times in a row," countered Ballaban. "In fact I don't know of any team that has beaten them twice in a row," he added, leaving unsaid that St Xavier defeated Moeller the last two years. Moeller's devastating ground attack controlled the scoreboard - and the. clock at the same time. Moeller ran off more than seven minutes at the end of the first quarter and the beginning of the second, without scoring. The Crusaders ran off 19 Plays •.. 17 rushing attempts, an incomplete pass, and a missed 31-yard field goal attempt by Tom Rozic. A Mark Massa fumble gave the Crusaders a second c h a n c e just three plays later, as Moeller took over at the St. Xavier 27. Nine plays later, substitute h a 1 f b a c k Ken Koesters squirted in from the five, and R o zi c 's PAT gave Moeller a 7-0 lead with 1:34 left in the half. Moeller scored on its next possession, coming in the thir'd period on a 31yard run by Grant Keith, who went off tackle, broke through the line, and then veered to the left and outran the St. Xavier secondary. That play- cul~i~ated :-:::---






Ready For Elder

Moeller Defense Crushes Baco The Crusaders turned in By JOE LYONS some fine defensive work Enquirer Contributor . It started with about in the first half, Cornerth·ree minutes left in the back Shawn Stephenson, game. The time was Friday one of the city's best at his night, the place Roger Ba- position prevented a Roger con Stadium and t'he talk Bacon touchdown when he was about some Panthers. made an open-field tackle "We want Elder ... w~·re of halfback Gerry Ayres, Number 9Ile . . .," shouted who had just caught a the Moeller cheering sec- pass from John Ceddia. The pass was good ·ror tion as. they watch~d their .crusaders shut out Roger thirty yards to the Moeller Bacon, 21-0, in a crucial · 25; one of othe six times Greatell' Cincinnati League during the evening the Spartans were able to pecontest. The showdown is next netrate Moeller territocy, . Fridoay night between Elder · Once again tl}e defense and Moeller at Sycamore rose to the occasion, and :in a contest which is being on a· fourth-and-23 situatabbed as "THE Game" in tion Moeller's Terry Weitzthe city this. year. el tackled Ceddila behind "Yes, it cerbainly will be the line of scrimmage on a big game for us," com- the Crusader 43. The sackmented Moeller coach Ger- ing was one of 11 times .ry Faust. "They're wen Moeller's defense ·caught coached and have one of Ceddia for a total loss of · the finest teams in t'he 98 yards. city. However, we couldn't Wit'h Jay Rains at quarafford to look ahead to- t e r b a c k, the Crusaders . ·~ight. Roger Bacon is a scored on their fifth play solid club; we had our from scrimmage aft& takhands full. Bron Baccuich ing over when Denny Gracan beat you on. any given mann rambled 31 yards for .nig'ht." the score. Sure-footed Tom

Rozic k i c k e d the extra point. . . After forcing the Spartans to punt, M o e I 1 e r marched 73 Y'ards to paydirt. with the touchdown being credited to Gramman once again on a oneyard plunge. Rozic split the uprights to put Moeller on top 1at half·t!me, 14-0. The only score of the second half came with 9:18 remain'i!n'g lin the g~ame when Moe!ller's Jay Ralilis s·l i d 21l'ound end for three yall"ds. Rozic collected h·!s 14th extra polint of tine 'season. For .the Spall'tans ilt was a dis1appointilrug evendng. John Ceddi:a displayed his passing talents despite poor pass protection. The senior signal-caller complete:ci seven \of 16 passes f'Or 122 yaros. "I was proud of my pla'YeTS toilliJght," Bacon's Bron · Bacevilch remarked after the game. "T h e y gave me 100%" When asked to predict the outcome of Elder-MoelIe~r corufrontation, Bacevich said, "They're both t w o

finle clubs. They''l'e even in my book. I'd have bo say the game will. be decided by a bl'leak." . MOELLER


7 0


ROGEl! BACON 0 0• 0 0- 0 .. M - Gramann. 31 run tRozic kick) • . M - Gramann. 1 run tRozic kick) .. /A - Rains. 3 run tRozi.c.kickl

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