~Wiits·By 79-74
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~~~JJC.Porr~s .upse~_ Mil~IIe~
,, ·,·. _, . , ~.', ~st:.:.DePoires~'ended its; .1963~64 high school basketball ·-~ s~oii' w1tl:I n surPrising ups~ victory .over Moeller, 79-74. :;saturday ,flight at"Portet Juniotliig:b.;scl1ooi gym.·.. : .'j '{.:;,'::DePorres, a Class Ateaf.'broke away from itslarger .j .·.' c~· ~A bppohent ~·the t~l;i period,· t11en ·Withstood a '
' Mbal:ler Comeback. · · \j . · ~- ~h . Myron .. Kilgore's .·. J ·..·Hl\v'ks .the season with i. 4 a.I!~~ :record and wlll :enter '
·>~~l~i~.~~ton Pl,~s$.:~ bis._. ~ tlli.Gb tJ<>~amen~ .' .1]- e ?' :~'-' . .; m~:tp., .Mo~lle.r. .is.' nqw. 9-7 .I ·' ofY!1111e~_:season·f: ;_ ,. . :· · .t ...:~
oelier- Upsets,:
'~~1S~)>'f.tt.rt1~aa:· 1 the ne~ · · •Porres · ~ttafk, :;with ~aiii:. .
' mate.;.~rne~ ·Hardy addfug _,
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12"0 ·~4:-:wmoss 3 ·3· 9: P.asl<o 3 ·a· 6\ -~ Buekinas'~li'_• 'l' 2·•Af:·Bi~ll' 7• .3 -•ll. ,, Tota_(s •34-lr 74: -- .• ·- ,, •. • . "' .. DEPORRES: Cheatham 6 0. 12; .'Hardy l 8 .ic21J Langford· 3 2--.8; Stokes 6 Q 12; j Ruihfrtg·'Q 4:4; Stafford 10 2 22. Totals · -33~339, •, : .. . ' ,
'Y9re: 35~!J".'1e Reserve seorei.
DePorres • 40; . Moeller Moeller 59, DePorres
·39~_,.;~;: ... ,~~-- ---~~-.-.-----~- ~~~·
By Mike .Haverkamp , The Moelier:-;cr:ifsaders downed he preViQUSIY undefeated Rockets rom McNicholas before a boister~ ous crowd of 4QOO at the Deer Park Stadium last Friday night. The game started with McNicholas dominating the play. Bob Montgomery proved to be the stalwart of the Rocket offense throughout the game. taking six ) receptions for 115 ·yards. In the second half, Moeller i' reversed the trend of the first, took the opening kick off and \ returned to the Rocket 13, from ~ which AI Sticker scored. Stickler later scored again from the t second yard line after a 50 yard t_ • pass from Tom Kenny to End y Denny Buckert. Senior halfback ; -Mike Volle went 67 yards on a; ~.:Tiui ind Ron Schloss polished off \ the~ Crusader Tallies with ·a 20 ~ .-:yard pass catch:. • '_'-' M~el~ers .defense {_b._.a.rqed . them·_, :_Rockets in' the second half with ; : · four .lntereeptio¢s -~>tw~~ py )Vit- r.: fton, one by Davis atitt~":on~, byf t~:.Ernst with 51 yard returns-;.·~t-1 'ta.ched. Moeller . . now. has Lwi.lls' {'; . 1• : and 'l-: loss with 2-1 rec~_)-il
..,. fJ!Jl:· ~r..:...~:. '·"·'**)s~~.
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Solid team scormg catapuu-t- ---. the Moeller Crusaders to an 87-57 victory over a scrap- :
·! ,· py···-~u~ ..,:.~.~~~~~~~~da cf~~ce~f ,.·:·'- _ ..........,,,,:_ C a t h o I i c~
League game!' ; last night at·· the P u r c e 11 ~ . gym. · Denny Buchert opened the ; night's scoring 11 · with a 20-foot
'· :J ~u:rg:1~;s L~\k"~v ~~,,,,a:. Fit z g e r a 1d
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raul Moran pumped in a ' field goal, earning the Cava-r ! liers a 4-4 tie.' But the Cru-, •1saclers quickly went ahead. · t and bui It an 11-point lead at· ; the end of the first period. ~ Fitzgerald canied the brun\ 1 of the Cavalier attack in the I second quarter by scoring ! eight points, but Moeller coni ~inued to incr~ase its lefd to "9-23 at half ttme. . . •. In the· third q·u art e r, ·! Buchert collected 15 points and ·Tom Kenny 10 to out· shadow Purcell's Bob Geraci's fine effort as Moeller put the game out of reach of a· hard-. lighting Purcell team .. Moeller now stands 5-4 on !.he season and 3-3 in the league, while Purcell is 1-8 and 0-6 in the league. Moeller FG FT TP Purcell FG fl· TP Buchert 10 2·22 Geraci 2 ll 15 , KennY 8 0 16 Fltzgerold 5 4 14 Bien 4 5 13 Korte 3 3 9 Schloss ' 4 1 9 Mohrhous 3 2 8 Buckmaster 2 5 9 Piening 0 3 3 ~~~g,c'id ~ ~ ~ ~~~~cod. ~ . ~ 1 Darrow 0 3 3 Huprlch 0 I 1 , Pennington o .2 2 - - Liehan ~ _: _: · Total• 16 25 57 Totals 32 23 87 . Scort by Perio~l , . Moeller .. .. .. .. .. 22 17 28 20-87 ~. ~.:.:..:•.:..:..:.:•.:.:. 11 12 22 10-57
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Elder Correspondent •• ·
Moeller's 'crusaders· came ~ on strong in the second half to hand Elder its seventh , • Catholic ·Leagu~ loss last i ' .• • .,._,. _...,.,,,.~ mght at Elder. :, Moeller out- ' scored the Panthers 37-20 "' after the inter· mission to coast to their sixth win of the season, 67-47. ,,,.The ~l w Q ·teams · .traded b ·a s k e t s G~oneman throughout · aV fast-moving first quarter and · ·the period ended 16-16. . Elder led briefly in the sec· ond -stanza but fell behind with 5:31 remaining and never regained the . lead. Baskets from in close gave the Crusaders a 30-27 edge at halftime. Moeller capitalized on Panther mistakes in the third •· quarter to push the margin to 13. Forwards Denny Buchart and Tom Kenny teamed up for 10 of the Crusaders' 19 points itr the period. .· Moeller poured it on in the final stanza in outpointing the Panthers 18-11. Elder staged a late comeback but the rally fell short and the Price Hill team suffered its ninth setback of the season. Elder FG FT TP Mueller FG FT TP Llsk 5 1 It Buchert .7 0 14 Tensln~ 0 1 t Pennl&ton o 2 2 Vo~el 2 n ~ Buckmaster 2 1 5 MuiiP.n l o 2 Albrlnk 0 2 2. Sthwallle. 5 2 12 Kenny 6o ~1 14\I Thomas 0 3 3 Darrow Bachus t t 3 Bien 3 1 7 Growe ' 0 1 I Luhan 0 2 2 Ruth 2 1 5 Pasco 5 7 17 1 Braun 2 1. 5 Schloss 0 3 3·, Totals Is ti 47 Totals 23 21 67 Moeller ... S~~~e rz Pe{jOdl19 18-67 Elder ........... 16 It 9 11-47
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great rebounding vaulted St. ' iXavier over the Moeller Cruisader~ 77-64 last night on the loosers' floor. Xavier's Tom Beck opened····· th_e s co r_ i !1- g .. With a La dnvmg ''~""'";I·''''''''~'''' layup. t c r oi'''' ;( '"'"'!?~'~! Beck'again hit '=" ·iii{ .fi).:':i 1 1
If~ ;u!~ ~a~?::
H1en . ··•2 IMaguiro :-'2 -·2 Pasco. Pennin ton Mart!~
, Totals
I 6
9 77
1 ,1 0
• 2 0 2 2·: 2 ~
Schloss ---Totals 29 6 54 Score bJ Periods . ;· - ~ St. Xavier ........ ·. 18 22 18 21-77 : Moeller .. . .. . .. . . 14 IS 19 tt-64 _ .
Kenny's field goal pulled the' Crusaders within _five at 56·51
::~j!w : ~~~ke~at~e~ai~l! i~d th_:n~~:~~:
mto a 18·12 . .,,,,:{:)f.'\{ pomt_ Bomber lead gomg mto . ·~ lead. .Terry . · .,,,,13~ :' i the Jt~al quarter. ·•B u c kmaster's "' It:.b.;_ : · . .Xavter. turned on the steam· bucket brought I · ··•~ m ·the fmal quarter as they ,Moeller, back raul•Moran continued their. 57. per'cen1 to 18-14 ali the quar'ter .ended. ~hooting. With 1:58 remain· With Mike Eagen tossing in tn~. Tob McGuire's field goal ,., 10 points, the Bombers pulled bu1lt " the. Bombers largest away to a 40-32 halftime lead: lead ~t\,.73-58. · . In the third quarter tl1e Moeijer's re!ierves clinclied 1teams traded tJaskets. Tom the lea~ue reserve champion, ship w1th a . 50-47 triumph ..._ _ _ _ _ - · - , over the Bombers. · Roger Bacon, on the heelSl --· • • the leader with a 6·2.GCL ark, made visting Moeller 79-67 victim in a second- r ~ • lf breakaway. Moeller's ), Tom Kenny scored 18 points 1 ./ i in the first half and kept ,, the crusaders in contention as Bacon led only 39-37 at halftime. But the host Spartans stopped. Kenny with only six points in the second half and chalked up Moeller 6 9, :~ l '~~-Ill~~· the win for a 9:3 season record. Reading 53 ' · ' In a game marked by exFour Moeller p 1 ayers· cessive fouling, McNicholas scored in double figures as rolled to an 82-64 victory the Crusaders rolled to a\ over Purcell on the loser's 69-53. victory over hosting 'I floor, giving the McNick a Reading Saturday night 1n 5·3 GCL tally and an 8-3 , the season wind-up game season ledger. Dick Sander's for both teams. Tom Ken'24 p o in t s led McNicholas ny's 18 points were tops for scoring,. with Bob McKernan' Moeller. getting 18 for Purcell. MOELLER: Buchert 6 o' 12; Albrlnck LaSalle, now in t h i i: d 0 1 11 Kenny 7 6 20; Schloss 1 0 2; place in the GCL with a 5-:l Pasko 1,0 2; Buckmaster S 4 14; Pen· ninQton 0 1 h Bien 7 I 1St luhan I 0 2. record, was idle sunday. Totals 28 13 69. ST. XAVIER• Arnzen 8 2 23(· Sadelfeld READING: Smoot 2 1 5; Coffin 0 1 1J 4 4 12; Eagen 7 0 14b Beck 6 8· Me· Guire 2 2 6; Speier 1 2: Kluska 1' 0 2 · ·-f~~!~b~ec~e~(,~ ~n1er~~:l ~ ~~~~~.',;'~:; • Totals 24 19 67. · ' 4 1 9. Totals 20 13 53. I• ELDER: Bachus 0 1 1; Meyer 21 0 4 · Halftime Scorea Moeller 33, Reading 28. · Vogel 6 1 13: Ruth 4 1 9; Lisk S S 1511 Reserva Score: Moeller 47, Reading 41. Mullen 2 4 8; Sullivan 1 0 2; Thoma1 . ' .~.......... _!! 0 1 1. ,Totals 20 13 53 · Halftime Score: Xavier :i7J Elder 24. ,• Reserve Score: Xavier 47. •lder 39. l MOELLERo Buchen 4 3 11; Kenny . l~t~s 2~~ Sckj~ss o, I 1: 1 Pasco ~ 1 9 _ . 9 . RdOGER BACON: Schlosser 0 3 :i: Brous• · sar S 5 15; . Banks 9 0 18; Rohling 1 ''· \ ' 6 1 13; Luch1 9 4 22: Klus 3 2 8 ' ~ · · ,totals 32 15 79 \ · I Halftime Sco. re; . Rooer Bacon 39• ·Moe! •-.. •. 1e· 'l7 "Reserve score: Moeller.: 4s· Rogef Ba ~----.;1 ---·~ ----. . ' -~. \....
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Sto Xavier .Wins GCL Cage .Title
r·--·- -----·-----
Reserve SCO!II Moeller
Moeller came out of a · first half deficit to down l LaSalle, 73-70, Sund;:ty af- I temoon in a Greater Cin- 1 cinnati League game\at the I loser's floor. ',Dick Haucke I led the way for Moeller with I 31 points. Buchert and 1 Kenney had 19 each for 1 the losers. The loss knocked lI _____________________ ·--·
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w L Pfs. Withrow 13 1 1024 Central :::::::: 8 6 872 Taft . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6 775 Hughes . . . . . . . . . 7 8. 1006 Walnut Hills • . . • 6 8 897 Woodward . . • • • • 4 10 866 Western Hill~ . . . 3 10 761 1\lken ...... :. .. 2 12 . 904 1 ··---.. - · · -.. · · · - - - - ·
I !
Greenhills ..•... 11 4 935 62.3 lockland . . . • . . . 9 7 996 82.2 MI. Healthy . • . . • 5 10 843 58.2 No. Coil. Hill • • • 3 12 797 53.1 St. Bernard . • • . 1 14 656 43.7 Individual scerlnr • ; pts. Wilson lockland · 16 284' oodpaster, MI. Heiiih'y' ·::: 15 265 Rawlings Lockland 16 275 Matthews Readinr · · · · · • · 14 230 A. Wilson.' Greenhills··::::: 15 237 P. Arnold. Wyominr ..•.•. 16 244 . Hender!hott, Gre~nhills ... 15 213 Goodridge, Wyom1ng ...•.. !6 210 C. Arnold, Wyol)linr . . . • • . . 9 1!4 Courtney. Read~nr ..•..•.. 14 170 Meyer, St. Bernard ....... 14 166 Edmonds. Greenhills ...... 15 172 Del Thompson. NCH ........... 15 166 Avr: Burns. Read in& .....•.... 14 153 55 1 D~ugherty, MI. Hulthy •.. 15 157 51 : 3 Boshop, NCH ............. 15 153 56.0 EASTERN HILLS LEAGUE 68.8 Tum Ttlala 64.8 1111 67.5 w L PIS AYi 68.7 Madeira 13 2 90B 60 73.5 Milford . ::::::: 12 3 906 60:4 Mariemont • • • • . . 9 5 878 62.7 - -. Deer Park . • • . • • 8 6 866 61.8 1 Indian Hill . . .. • • • 8 1 868 57.8
•. CITY'S LEADING SCORERS t · G PI · AVI Haucke LaSalle 16 40~ -25 j Maundrell. country' 13 286 22 :0 Bouldin, Norwood ...•..•. 14 304 21 .7 O'Brien, Aiken . . . . . . . . • • . 14 284 20.2 T. O'Connell, McNicholas •• 14 283 20.2 WyenandtMColeraln ....... 16 · 317 19.8 Swhe·~ Deller ~~ .2ZL19. Quick, u~he• · · · · · · · · · · · 293 19.5 Pope, Mane mont ......... 14 269 19.2 Sexton, Taylo~ ........... 15 286 19.0 Colera~n .......... 16 295 18.4 4slater, LaSalle ......... 16 293 18.3 I Leurck, Werner, Finneytown ...... 14 257 18 .3 Wilson lockland 16 284 17 7 Goodpaster, Mt. Healthy.·::: 15 265 tis
1 .:
ST. XAVIER: Bob Arnzen 4 4 121 Mar· I tfn 4 2 10; Beck 1 2 4; Krailman ;J 0 6; Eagen 5 4 14 1 Sadelfeld 4 5 13; Spier ; 0 2 2; M. Arnzen 1 0 2: Broe 1 0 2; Macguire I o 2; O'Coonell 1 0 2. Totals. 25 19 69. . PI.IRCELL: McKernan 0 I 1; Willis 1 0 1 1: Korte 1 1 3; Geraci 2 1 5; f Hubrlch 0 6 6; K11hr D 2 2; Romes · 1 0 2; Pienino 2 0 4; Mollrhsus 2 0 4; ' Haywood 1 2 4; Fitzgerald 4 1 9, Koehne 1 1 3. Totals 14 16 44. . cel~·~~.ima score• St. Xavier 36, Pur- 1
Moeller 73, LaSalle 70
I l·
St. X had a commanding first half lead and then went on to an easy win, which marked the 14 loss of the season for Purcell. Mike I Eagen was high for t he Bombers with 14, points. Dick Fitzgerald witJh nine was tops for Purcell. 1
Reserve sco(e: Purcell 53, St. Xavier 47.
Two new school records Todd, Withrow ....• 14 168 11.8JSiater, Colerain .........• 16 295 • • S~ott. Central ......•••.. 13 142 10.9 Werner, Finneytown . . . . . . 14 257 .have been .estabhshed .lD. Wtckersham. central ••...• 14 152 10.8 Pursifull, Harrison •...... 14 223 Stuks, Huahu •·.•••• ~ •..• 15 161 ,10.7 Kocher, Harrison ......... 14 219 recent games b y . :0. . Martln.t Anderson . . . . • . . . 14 208 . 11 ft_ tATNOLIC LEACUI King, tlnneytown .•...... 12 167 Buchert of Mae~nd Jtm Team Tetala Ulrey, Oak Hills .....••... 15 206 ' 'B nen · f Aik Del Hillman, Oak Hills ....•.•.• 11 149 0 en aS each Ava: Cartwrigh!. Anderson • . . • . 14 180 . went . over the .. 30-point . . .. .. 54.5 Abbott, Prmc~ton . . . . . . . . . 14 178 62.0 Miller, Oak H11is . . . . . • . . . . 15 186 mark" again · 60.9 Johnson, Taylor .......••.. 15 182 • • . 65 .6 Pottenge[.. Harmon .•.•.. 14 168 :, . .Buchert scored ·32 in. the 62.2 BennettL laylor · · · · · · · · ·. 15 177 arker. ~rlnceton ........ 14 156 J victory over . Deer · Park . .. .. . . . 78:2 Held. Nor~ood · · · · • · · · · · 14 !54 Molen, Prtnceton . . . . . . . . . 13 142 While '·O'Brien registered 33 lndiYidual Scorlna Lucas, Princeton · · · · · · · ·. 14 '141 as the Falcons Upset Wood· Haucke. LaSalle .......... 1~ n~ ~s~j INDEPENDENTS T. O'Connell, McNicholts .. 14 283 20.2 Team Totals ward -last week. Both play- Buchert. Moeller •......•. 14 276 19.7 on. leilrcR, tiSlllle"": ......... 16 293 18.3 W L Pis. AVi. . ers a1rea d y h ad es t abli Sh ed R. Arnzen. St. Xavier ..•.• 16 274 17.1 OePorres ....... 11 4 936 62.4 . . Sander, McNicholas ....... 13 203 15.6 Country Day . . . . 7 6 873 67.1 theprev10us scormg records Rohllnr, Roser Bacon •.••. 15 225 15.o Lincoln Heights . 4 1 621 56.4 at the new schools. ~~m.s~~~e~~Wo~ac~~-.::: 1~ ~g Individual Scorlnr . mark S , ,Keno~ ~o~(er . . . . • . . • . . 14 192 13.7 G Pts. N ew SCh001 SCOring Sade e d. t. Xavier .••... 16 2!5 13.4 Maundrell, Country Day ... 13 286 · t b H h . d Eagen. St. Xavier ....•.•. !6 209 13.0 Peck, Country Day ....... ·12 206 I Were Se y ug es lD e· Schlosser, Roger Bacon ... 15 179 11.9 R. Wnltehead. lin. Hits. . .. 11 162 ~: feafin<1 Taft 102.70 , an d llsk, Rennert, caSallt ......• .... 15 178 11.8 CheathamLDePorres ...... 15 216 , Elder . . .....••.. 16 184 11.5 Stafford. uePorres .....•. 15 193 0 i' Norwood as the Indians de· Wlesenhahn, McNicholas .•. ·. 14 149 10.6 ~a~~· DePorres .......... 15 !51 1 feated Harrison, _ _ Hater, LaSalle .......... : 14 147 1o.s ~. _Jtehead •• lln,_Hgts .._ ·•· p. _po 97 74 The statistics • compiled MILLCREEK VALLEY LEAGUE o Tum Tetals ; by Paul Herbert for The 011. Del. ". Post and. Tim.es-Star, fol- Wyomlna ........ 1~ ~ 1~l~ :;.\ :;~3 ·low· · Reading ......•• 11 3 889 63.5 54.5 0
St. Xavier downed- win- LaSalle out ot a chancea less Purcell, 69-44, Sunday for first place in the league. Buchert B 3 J.9; Schloss 1 afternoon to win the Great- 1 MOELLER: 0 2; Pasco 2 0 4; KaMay 8 3 19; , er C inCinn a ti Hig h Sch001 Buckmaster 5 5 15; Blen4 6 14. Totals I · · League basketball crown 2B 17 73. 1 with a 9-1 . record tor the 5 •LASALLE: RB1111ert 7 1 15: Leurck 1 11; lfaucke 15 1 31; Hafer 4 I 9; current season at tJhe Pur- C~llnino 1 2 4. Totals 32 6 7o. ~ cell floor · Halftime score: LaSalle 34, Moeller 30.
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Ava. 73 1 62 : 2 55.3 67 .o 64.0 61.8 58.5 64.5 •
v~~~:~~~e 1New Richmond ---· ---
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TWO-SCOr"i"nQ -Re-cOrdgrJAr-e· Set - ..
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..• 1 14
44.g ~
58.5 59.9
61.1~· 69.5 59.0
Avr.' 17 7 11:6. 17 11 16.4J !5:8 15.2\ !4.2 13.1 12.6 12.1 1 11.8[ 11.4\ 11.0 10.9 10.4 10.2 Del Avr' 52 so:3 59.6 56.2 sW.6
..... ~- ...
18.4 18.3 15.9 15.6 14.8 13.9 13.7 13.5 12.8 12.7 12.4 12.1 12.0 11.8
Withrow Central Taft Hughes
St. Xavier Roger Bacon McNicholas ILl LaSalle 11.0 10.9 10.0 · Colerain Anderson Oak Hills Del. Taylor Av~~:.
. T. . .
LEAGUE STANDINGS Public Hl&h w l 9 I Walnut Hills 6 4 Woodward 6 4 Western Hilla 6 5· Aiken Catholic 9 7 6 6
5 5 4 ·J
54.1 63.3 ' 57.7 Wyoming Greenhills Reading 22.0 16.0 14.7 14.4 Madeira 12.8 Milford 10.0 Mariemont IO._o eer P.ark
w 2
1 0
w 4
I Indian Hill· 2 loveland
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0 I(
1 MI. Healthy 2 NCH 3 St. Bernard
·--- ·- -·
10 8 4 Sycamore 7 5 New Richmond -·-
Count' l o Princeton I Norwood 2 Finneytown 3 Harrison
Eastern W· l
5 4 2
L I Mo~ll§t
4 Eraer 4 Purcell 4
w ValleJ l 9 8 8 5
6 3 2
"'l .
'I 'l
Loc:aiArtists t<tl ~ Win Hormcrs At ·~
.'eli ';\Ntike"'vone~andiT,""' .. ·say took first place blue -rtb at the recent sidewalk art sh0\'17 sponsored by the Montgomery Kiwanis club. To~ Buchert took first honors for hts colored ink sketch and alternate honors for an opaque water. Mike Volle placed a first for his woodblock print as well as an altern~e ~~r his pastel and ink. Tom LeVef;!Y.:~ Winner'was an oil. ·--"
- ,. . . ,. .... _-: -. ···--==-.:.:..~------~=-
~i~ii~~'f.i!ts ~~f~it~-~ ,
Moeller· defeated· Ha1nH-'1
~ri Taft~ and·\:Mt .., Heru.thy~
m, a- cr~s· ·c~l!_ntry~_titghJ school_ meet Tuesday. at Mt,) Healthy.. · ,.¥6enei~ unislie<f with . 211 points~· · HiUiiiltoa
44._' ~<F,yt;l ;ge~tny}Tss;
Moeller. had. the
·t:nree h@"i .
'individuals..\~lnt Chlp~Gal~'
.man.-' Tom . nciiinarai£; rurci · ~.ob. wagn~r:1·.J.'r.·.b'$ip;~~ --~---