M,oelie,~,ftig#,~-Cbqp/ fiel~s- _First Senior'(arsit~Tl1-~'!l ;;}1i35., · ..
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, Although this ls_:Moeller,.hlgh practice 'ofl which 44 wlll•eam will find it very difficult tc)trim · aity-of Dayton·.where he grad~+ George Ecker. Team physician.is school's ~irst year' to field ·~;sen;' varsity . ~iforms. Becati~e. all· 'the squad to_ ~4; boys because of . uated ·_in·. 1958. _He coached :.at ~ •, I?r.·. E.'-".Vance Walters. ·:Student io~ vars1ty football ~m. the ·members ot·las_t fall'~ .squat! ~re the keen_ competit.iori trom all the.-... Chammade• high 1school, Dayton ~~s are DOn Bears!~, Den.: 1 gndders were off~ to •· a 1 roaring~ returning,: there arc~ actually... no . prospective members determined , before coming to Moeller in: 1960. :Dis·. Conno~. Ed· Hebenstreit, . AI start Frid~y-when tl!-e.Y def~ted 1 autstarlding _sta~s__·ar?un? who~- to make the squad.;: .•. ~ ·. Assistl~g h~m. are· George Ma~k- }:HoUeian,J.- ~rge cHoobt«;~ Daft" Deer Park 43-0. '.; _;• ..)o..,: .;1 .the coaches -plan· to build_ the1r ·2 Head coach is Gerry Faust, a Jay, Phll G1gli~tl, Mike Moms-. H~~er,,and ~teve~Zimmer.Bet:all'>e the c;qwui l11st. fAll c:nn-.j team. The· coaches feel tbat they -star_- quarterback at the Univer- aey, Bob Stl"ay_er, Bill Meloy and ,t , .....;. ct»...,h J• ·• _ !! "'--· slsted "only or rresllmen,· sopo-'rf-•== ··~-·-·T··~ mores, and jWiiors, the Crusaders · will be.losing none or" their play~" era this fall. Hence · it can be considered a veteran squad. ·As member of the Greater. Cincinnati League, Moeller will be playIng some of the strongest teams in Ohio. . ' · · ·Some 65. boys report.ed for equipment on the first day.· of
· ' · -··
Faust Is: .oedtca-ted;~·c.oach r ·:::BY JOE QUINN.. · ·-~·His:. team·· ·dldn't win ; : ,cha~pions'.tlip'; 'thi's. se~sqri ..· 'b;iit Gerry ~aust di<L one of · ·- ' 'b'est ·,coaching jobs· 'in · the· area in ;gu'idfng Moell,er··· . High's Cru-·· saders to. a 9-1 record inid - second place in 'the tough Catholic Leag·ue . . A slender. ' s:1 175Qui~n · poupder, the .... ·, . 28-y .e a r-old . Faust v.ras a good quarter. back himself at Chaminad·e . . .. and. University of Dayton · ,, · J!lSt. a few years back. 'An · ;_ emoti9mil guy, Gerry bubJ' : '·· ;hies with e.nthus~asm about ·football and his. team.• . : . . ,ffe gets kidded by other· · ·coaches· -about this .rah-rah . attitude· somethnes but he . . . . · ·~ ~OELLER .GOACH)1ERRYFiusT ACTION· · .. ·.. .· ' 1 J·\ ·. . ·~ .· , · · · ; .· · . . . · . •says, "When I lose this. . /enthusiasm ·.for the game, doing' something· goocL It's .· tJ'!eri: .a good student :and . kids an opportunity to play, · . ·_.I'm getting c>ut of it. I hope· got 'to )Vork bqth:W'ays.:' third""a footbal,l play~r'" he 'allow-ed. a player "to· know ,::: -~that never q.,a_ppens." . · He added "Each of- the explains.: . . · ·. · · his own position really well ,I · . ·.The 'Crusaders' success. boys_is an_ in'dfviiiuat.- Some ,:, ·'Faust fs ·a·-gre;al .beiiever··. · a_nd· made bett~r footb~ll to -~ th~s )~ar. was particularly have to be needled. ot~ers· · In inspirational slogan~ and watch, the co~ch beli.eves .. , •· grabfymg to Faust. This is .need praise to build up . .the Moeller locker rGiom.. · "But we'll cha»;ge our of~ 1 . his first team; since he took· their confidence. ;!'he job· gene~ally is· p)astered with fense to .suit our material <. ovei-' football. at Moeller is. to: find' out how 1to han~. ,. s~gns· advoc~ting the ,posi- .. wh e.n e 'v e r. we have to," . .' . . ·. ' ". . . 1 ' \: when tJ'!e .·school opened, dle each one.to get the most.. tlve approach. \ .; '.·.and that;original group .are out .of him .. I knm\r, .each "I tnow some of thi~ stuff Faus,t•.-pomts out .. I~ co.~ 1 this year~s .seniors. " ·one Of'the 144 boys in our ma1 sciuhd· corny to ot~er· lege JOU c_an ree~ut pl~y-. I '· ·· whole football program and peopre " Gerry avers ":But. · ers to · .5 ~11 t .an Jffensn~e 1 .. :Li:KJ!:·,. wqrking with h . f' . t ' • · • . .· . h · _ · . ·style but tn h1gh sehoQl tpe ·:. , boys_. anq. I be}.j'eve m· hem· g , most by t etr II'S . names were . dealmg,..wJt . teen age style must suit the plavers and 1.· have. some . Jdea of boys who are emotlona~ and . . ., · ·• , these ·things. reach them. avaJ_lable .. I c_ldse to :them," ·Gerry ex- , their backgrounds:" plpins. "l kpo\y they don't · . • . . These are not veteran·pros 'THE-KIDS inadel_up ..their I always believe this.meOne of . -ourseniors. told after. . TEACHING . . m a Catholic . wh o have been through th . e own names for. diffe,rent ·. high_ school, Gerry has a mill ..... · ... _ . : ·. uru·t 0 ffe ...._ f'r t ·. . s. n 0 nse ~o.ue . 1 s . ' .the . season that he often definite pbilosopby a b 0 u t , l:lad been mad" enough . to. 'his -players. "We have a MOELLER used . a two- team was the ·"Go'!· lel!in l. i .I· ···want' to punch ,m_e but he . ·.sign in our locker room platoon operation·. with· ·a . _al).d the second .unif was_'. . said ~e now real,i~ed that: ;·.that sa_ys 'A boy :-should,. straight 'T-fotml!tion as its . .the '"Htirigry''leanf {beca~:~.s.e -~· ._. ~_the thin_· gs ._I was~_.(lomg W"ere., ,·,i.irst _be_ a-·· good c_·atholic, basic·. of_ fens·e.- ·.It. gave ·more .they ,v;a·nted to .g~.t into ~c-· ·,~ -· '• f hi d · tion ). On defense .tbe-"Head- .· •. · or · s· own goo · · ,,, ' ' · . · ' ·· hunters•'• were the firs·t .unit ·
k ::··>
1. . ·
Jh;f~i -~~~or;:~t g~~~~-l~:- ~:-Catholic -Leag.ue
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another coaching i:~nilov:at-lon_ _. -numb e r'i n g a:rp.onr,:its. •~ · membersonlythoseplayers/' who· recovere9,. a .:fuin(bl~' : intercepted .a_pasr1. · blocked a kick. . . . ·. / . ·_Gerry learned most_ ~) f o o tb a 11 from Gerard Faust: Sr., w~ r-; much .t e t t e·r k n·o ,, ~ "Fuzzy" during h.is W ) .... ~ . '1 as .successful co. ach at Day·--,~JI ton Chaminade.' .• .I Although Gerry is being r married in April . to Miss , · M;tteleneAgruso, he (jo~s-o;t' ~expe_ct that will curb his:;~\1~ . ' ~l tens-e interest· in. the g~m,e.-.! I and the kids." Marelcne a football fap, loo, and~ sh:e·- · ' . un'derstd!J:ds ~aH this/'_ h_.~_.:: · \' smiles. ·. ::_,. .' :. . · :: · v··_!:C_...,..:;.:__ ~.r~:.....~-~~-- i 1 : I
~:· First Team·, ~~. .82 Denny Bor.chets' R:E 172 6-0 · Elder Sr. :.36·-Mike. Donovan . RT 21-0· 5-10 St. Xavier St. !~7, Marl£ Erhst RLB 155 6-0 . Moeller Sr . ·56 .John Kasselman .MOC 207 5-10. Ro'r. Bacon St. '60' Eddie Snowden- LLB 190 5-9 . . Purcell.·_ Sr 1 70 'Ken.Baier (tie) ;''LT 222 ,5-~1 La,Salle · · -;:Sr': 72 Ed Mayer (tie}•- .. · LT 197 6~1 :LaSalle· ··Sr. ..J 8o Ray .lleidot:n· -~ ,. LE. 165. 5-11· . . LaSalle . . Sr. ; 10 Dave· Reed·. . ·:· · .::RCB .136 5. 7 · ·.~ LaSalle/ . .lr: ·rn 160 ·5-10: · _-: McNic'las -~ Jk. ·29 Jack Barry 17 B_ill Geers · ·. LCB 162 5~9 . • . St. Xavier' -sr; 21 J)m- SChmaltz , . RH 151 5-10 , . Ro'r. Bacon 1Sr. 1 . . '·
.mrm Jorm
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____re •. ,.'.: . . .The !Ball· Hawk Club wlis.
·, · · ~ · , · Second Team .82 T.om. Vatter - RE 191 6-1 · LaSalle Sr. 171 Ray Baechu:;-, RT 185 . · 6-0 · Elder , 'Si. .,65 ..JQh!!, ,Igv.erliaJ!lp____J3.~.l.l; Mgelle:r....-...., Sr. 1Q.8~ James' Bro~::tman C 196 5-9· Ro'r. 'Bacon Jli-. 52 ;·Bob Cummings LG 195 . 6-0 Elder · Sr: ,71 Terry. Merrill LT. 201' 6-2 Purcell · \Sr. )72 Bob Montgomery · LE 180 6-1 ,M:cNic'las S:r. 50 'i\lat· Case . · QB 188: 6-1 · · -.~Ro'r. Bacon St. 99 Denms. Cr()wley RH 180 6·2 McNic'las . 'Jr. 23. :E>aul Arzman . LH 167 5-11 LaSalle·. Sr. } 29'Tyrope Anthony ·. FB · 171· 5·10 Ro'r. Bacon' Sr: j
cnbcJze kids for ·.do 1 n·g- :'·. .·. ':, . ,.-.... . . · ,so¢ething w,r o·n,g, you ~ . . · \ OFF.ENSE I should also .give them. a pat - ·, . ·.-. . ,_ .. _ 1'. on the back when they are ·•-.·•· , . First Team '"-· ~~--~---------~ : No:'Name- .. "Pos. · Wt. Ht. Yr. mLJ).enny Buchert RE. 185 -6-2· · ' : "St. 55·ArtLakes. RT. 201 6=1 or_, aeon . . 53 ,Albert Early RG 205. 6:-0 . McNit'las . :Sr. 50 Bill Moehring ·· C 186 6-1 .Purcell.· . Sr. 59 Terry Lyons · LG 204- 5-11. . Ro'r. 'Bacon .Sr. 30 .Tim :Ralston · 1:. • • RT. 205 6-2 St. Xavier :Sr. 40 Lou Santoro . RE 185 6-0 St. Xavier · Sr. .1"5 Totn &nny' · . , Q:!LJE-!1=il Moeller · ~ ·Sr. ,'45 Mike Volle : . . - . RH 160 5-1(} Mo.eller Sr. 22""G~tzgera1Cl-r;R 170 5-lO%, Purcell Sr.43 Gale Weisenhahn· . FB 200 6-~ McNic'las .Sr.
.Ill? a_,
,: ' Secorid. Tea~, . .. · • ·i 22 Dick Brenner . RE u165 · 5-10· · . M~..._..,. 1Sr. i. 3'5-:-wlark McClure· RT · 1M 5-10 McNic'1as '.J,r. 11 j78 -t;ony DelVecchio RLB 195 .6-1 Moeller . · St.1 85 raig Buhr . MOC •185 5-10 Mocller....:_.;_:_sr:(: · 3rDan Daly - . · LLB .17o 5-Io ,_ E!.der: . . · · Sr.l/ 71 Terry Merrill' LT 201 6-2 . Purcell' Sr.87 Bob Rue busch · LE 171 6-0 •. -~ 7 .Purcell ·Jr. ;26 j()e·:\Puthoff . . · RC.. ,.l82'/t'5Jl. , . St: · Xaxier Sr. 22 G~orge Fitzgeralq ·LH ~ 'w. ,:· 5:;t;.Olfz · · Purc~ll S.r. ~ 76 Mike Belmont.· .. _RH 180 6-1,' ·. 'M;«::Nlc'las Jr. 23 PaulAriman· · · LC 167 5-il . UaSalle .. Sr. I
Honqf~;;·~aptafuS-Offense, George Flttgh~ld (Purcell); defense, Johrt Kasselman · (Roger Bacon) and· Ed Snowden ,jPurceiH.
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Ken.ny's Ar~~··l Leads Moeller:{ • t
Ove~ ~~~'···
Quarterback Tom Kenny passed Moeller's Crusaders back into contention for the G r e a t e r Cincinnati League crown with a 26-6 triumph over st. Xavier at Lockland Stadium Sunday. The six-foot, 170-pound senior signal-caller connected on two touchdown ' aerials and one conversion pass. St. Xavier scored first when Joe Spier passed 59 yards to end Lou Santoro, but Moeller's Ken Long picked off a Bomber throw minutes later and raced 27 r yards to· knot the count at 6-6.
From that point it was all Kenny. A 49-yard .pitch set up Mike Alprinck's fiveyard scoring reception two plays later, and a 58-yard pass to Albrmck preceeded Mike Volle's one yard TD plunge. The final Crusader score came on a 26-yard Kenny toss to Ron Schloss in the fourth quarter. The win raises the Moeller season record to 6-1, while St. Xavier drops to 3-3. In GCL play, t h e crusaders are now 3-1, one game behindleading Roger Bacon, and St. X is 2-1. MOELLER. .. . .. . 6 ST. XAVIER .... 6
14 .Q
0 0
0- 6
St. X~vier-Santoro, 59 pass from Spier .j: (run failed). . ·j Moeller-long, 27 pass interception re-. ·I turn (run failea). ;;,: (B.::;~:)l~r~!~br~%~ Re.fnW from Kennv;;;:i I Moeller-Volle. 1 plunge (run failed). ''J Moeller-Schloss. 26 oass from Kennv ., ] (pass failed).
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_ft:?.:-.zo-~ I Quarterback Tom Kenny passed Moeller's Crusaders back into contention for i the. q- r e a t e r Cincinnati · League crown with a 26-6 \triumph over st. xavier at Lockland stadium Sunday.
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The six-foot, 170-pound
signal"caller - con' nected on two touchdown : aerials an~ o~e conversion
. pa~s . . . --.
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st .. Xavier scored- first :when Joe· Spier· passed 59 1 i yards to end Lou Santoro, 'but Moeller's Ken Long Ipicked off a Bomber throw :minutes later and raced 2~ ··yards to· kriot the count at '6-6.· ~ . . ' r From that point. it- was ; all Kenny, A 49-yard .pitch · set up Mike Alprinck's five: yard scoring reception two plays later, and a 58-yard pass to Albrmck preceeded Mike Volle's one yard TD plunge. The final Crusader ,score came on a 26-yard Kenny toss to Ron Schloss in the fourth quarter. · · I The win raises the Moeller seasori record to 6-1, 'while st: xavier drops to . 3-3. In GCL play; . the crusaders are now 3~1,. one game behind leading Roger Bacon, and St. X is 2-1. · · I
·MoELlER' ....::: .. -6 · .-.14 :·\ .- o· • 6~26
ST.'XAVIERt: ... :6:;::.0.•tO' 0-6 · St. Xavier-Santoro, 59 pa'ss from Spier (run failed). · -.: . · ·' · • · •.• · ,; Moeller-L~n~d 27 .Pass. interception. re-, ,~urA).o~Wenr__t:\beri~ck. 5 pass from Kenril\ (Buchert. pass from .Kenny), · ,. ·• i . Moeller-Volle, 1 olunge (run· failed) .. 1 ,· .Moeller-Schlossi 26 oass from Kennv (pass failed). ... . .. \.·
' Moeller· Corres-pondent .
the Moeller· . only · to hiwe Dan Yo ling intercept a pass·. to ehd.'the threat. · -· · ·- · :c' Moeller scored in the first ; period, · when· a.. Moeller~ ptint struck a Holmes play~ ' er an'c;i was . recovered b'y 1 Moeller on the Holmes 30. Five. plays· moved' the ball to the·one from where Mike Volle scored. Herberth add- ·. e~r the' point for·a scoll'e· a.t~ the quarter of 7~0. .· ·' ,. _The Crusaders - add e d · three TDs in the ~ second' to lead 25-0 at the half. Dave ·Kneip went off right: tacl{le ori the .second. play • of the second '. period.. to score and the conversion failed. Holmes fumbled tl;le · ensuing kiCkoff .and. Moeller recovered on· the Hoi,riles 38. · . Tom Kenney passed Don Buchert in the end zone foo: the touchdown and the conversion failed~ The crusaders made it 25-o at the half as Kenney hurled a 41-yard pass to Mike· Albrink foi" the TD. · The conversion · failed and Moeller led 25-0 at<the half:.... , · .After a. scoreless t h 1r d period, Moeller scored twice ih the .fourth quarter. The Cru:?aders marched 62 yards with J e r r y . Buckmaster pas~!_P,g ..to Ron Schloss ~rom t}1e. _seven ·yard line Iot t.h~ .;>coo:e.. I;?. an Merkle scored the Ohioans' firial TDon a 15-yard runoff left tackle. ·,1 Both:. ·conversions·· failed;<: -!i ~- ~·- / ·; -·., .. .':
· tRlding on Tom· Kenny's passing arm; the Moeller'Crusaders ri6tched a· co~nvincing 30:8 victor~ over the Hamilton · Catholic Rams 1a s t night at Deer Park. After a scorel~§S first quar: t:e r, the Cru'sa.ders; stopped a.: Hamil t'o n drfv e on the
1Vl o e11 e· r -. 25-
. ·· · line.- On . ·. -ensutrg Paull\loian • play,~,K en il Y .·.' ;.''Yt:-~~~w a 30· y~rd acnaJ_ t~_;epd ·Den~ y .. Buchert_ ·:\VliO. u~t.( _45 ·yard~ more for, the touchdown.·~ .. ,. . With.)7)econds rema'fning :in the f~i·st half, Kenny and Buchert clicked· • again; · this time for 46 yards and a touch· down. Kenny. then passed to Ron Schloss for the extra points and Moeller· led 14·0 at the half.· · -~· ·: Moeller again relied on. the ann of Kenny in· the third quarter as he hit Hon Schloss for· a 25-yard t. ouch down pass. Early in. the f_ourth per· ioq Tom Ehrhardran 62 yat;ds to complete the scoring for Moeller. · . ·. .. ; ' . Although down 30~0. the !Rams showed plenty of deter· mination as they._. .arove · 78 yards with Meiner's' one-yard plunge, with\.57 .: seconds re· , mainin g 'in the .~ol)test cli)l1aX· ing the drive. ,-~_,:;.. · ·. ·· ' '. : ', . :scorln,g sulltit)-~ry ~: .; . Hamilton CathOliC\.- o• '. ,: 0. -0 . .8- 8 Moeller ·· · ·- · ·- '-'- o· -~~ ·:!':·a. · a·-Jo
Hamilton·. Catholic_:-'. touchdown-Melner. :. ' . •· . · -tAT-Cox. . · . Moell~r touch~owns-:-·Buc!iert 2. Schloss, Ehrhard, PAT-Schloss 2, ·. Borke 2, AI· hrlnck: 2:~. .~--·
~~:~~·:::....:::,::_ ·.
riJ'&Wl'II~'f 9PPJ~-s-r-"l~t 6¢Jl~~~~ '- ', .( ·.;, _, '- ', l Spartans Sharp
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:• . .
_I":' 32-6. Victory ~Y JIM BOCKELMAN, Roger Bacon Correspondent Roger Bacon's Spartans, rolling up 335 yards o~ the and in' the air; got another' season' off on successn!)te -by .crushing a strong_ Moe!_ier ·High_ squad, 32-6,. night before an overflow crowd· at Bacon- Stadium. . _ · e- fir sf score was -set· up ' ' . . interception of Tom · Scoring Summary 'passbyS_PattanPaul Bacon ::,_··:_...... o' ·ts <·s:-, s-'-:32 '"''uu .• vu who earned the ball Moeller ............ a a ._a.· . ~ 6 : ·.. to· the • 17-yard Bacon touchdowns-Anthony (21; _Munafo • . Bacon -touchdowns - Anthony 2. Munafo lme. FIVe plays 2. Moeller touchdown-Bu~kert. PAT- Nle· later; Ty . An· m~yer 2, Case· 2, BenedeU~ 2: Muna~o. 2. ony took the · . . _- - ball one yard 58 yards, with Anthony going for a score. over for the score. Case threw ay Niemeyer to Mfke Benedetti for the extra added· the ex- points. . _ ' tra points. . ·. In the fourth quarter, Art -. T h e second Lakes intercepted a hvo-yard p e rio d was a pass in the· end zone,· giving strong d e fen· Bacon the balron tbe 20. Nick -B- kelmansive battle, un- Munafo- then raced 80 yards _oc . __ til with l e s s for a TD. He· also added- ·the .70 ·'seconds left in, the extra poil)t.s: Witl0.:4lleftiin ~irst half, Pat Case. threw 33 the . game; · Moeller. took ad· ~·ards to Nick Munafo for a vantage 'of .a bad punt, which score. Case then went in for landed on the. Bacon- 34. Six the points after touchdown~ . plays later, Kenny threw' to .., The Spaitans took.. the sec- Dennis Buchert. for Moeller's fj_l~d-half kickoff and marched only score.
Moeller hand~d Purc_ell. · sander· threw
Crusc;1ders Rolrip ·_over. ~.Sio }( Bombei~$;·'26-6' . ~
/,football history;, 54-0, sun- Barry. • .. . · .. i dT~y after n 0 n. and ~cMoeller's win boosted the , :t.Icholas. upset St. Xavier, crusaders to -a 4-1 GCL 20-14, to crush the Bo~bers' record, behind Bacon's. 5·0 hbpes for a shar~ lp the mark. St. Xavier.cii-opped to Greate~ Cin_c1nnat1 League third place)n tile catholic champwn~hl p this year. - . 1oop standings-. with . a 3·2 , . Moeller quarterback Tom account. McNick is'.·fourthf Ke~y passed the Crusaders on a 2·2-2 taliy sheet'· · i to VIctory and kept their ,' · · . ··- ~ . . i hopes alive for a possible Purcell s Ipss leave~ the 1 I co-title in the. GCL. Roger cavaliers a. 4-4. record.~~ith ! I Bacon alreaay has claimed one game left, and __this be- ' ! a piece of the championship comes the; worst P,urcell :· · · season since· a 3-4-1 mark ; ~enny passed for four in 1941. · " · to u c h d o w n s . and ran ·' another as- ..Moeller had MOELLER PURCELL .••·• :. • o. . o - o ·.. O- o ..... ' 12 20 8· 14-54 j little difficulty in smother- loa~soe~~11edi. Voile 25 pass from Kenny , ing the Purcell . attack. Ca· Moeller - Voile 24 ooss from Kenny · ·, valier fullba k G F't Irun failed).. • .. , • · , C . eorge I Z• Moeller-Kenny 25 run (Dass failed). · gerald and quarterback Jim Moeller-Volfe 19 run IBorke run). · I. Comello each suffered ma- lruMnooflaleilred-). v_olle 46 oass from Kenny i jor Injuries ear 1 y in the . IBo~~:!'e~;;-n1.1brinck 9 ooss .. from Kennv , game and . Were taken to - N.oeller-Schmid 16 bass from. Buck· ' G d S · master (Merkle run1. , · • _, ' 00 amarit.an Hospital ., Moeller-M~rkle 10 run (run failed). - . · for treatment.· ;._"''"·.._:.,,_~ •.._, ___ .,_:_.~_:_~~""-
its worst defeat m Cavalier. touchdown pass·to Jack·
\ _ byDan Shea . . .. Moeller's- Crusaders romped to their 'fifth ..straight. victory Sun- . , day after,ncion, humbling til<! Bombers of St. Xavier 26-6 before a' near;·capacity crowd at . Locklapd stadium·. The. slick pas. sing· of• Tom, Kenny roupled with ! an . u'1{yielding Moeller defense· · paced by Ken Long's three mter. ceptions _proveq too_ much ~or_ the o~tclassed. but game Xav1entes. St. :X drew fjrst blood, scoring on ·a· 60" yard ·touchdown pass. from Quarterback, Joe Speier to Lou Sailtoro, with the game 'less than five lninutes old. From this point o.n. howc\ier, the Crusad.e-rs comp!e.tely dominated play.
• .....
Mqe!Jer's first.score came late in the first. quarter. wh~ Ken Long plucked a Joe ~peier pass -··t of tl,e arms <Jf a Xavier re. ceiver on the: dead nin' _and scampered. 30 yards .untouched to . scor'"eville. QB Tom Kenny, again·. . very much in the p'Ct, threw fo[ : two touchdowns-the •'f-i<St' to·. l\llik'e Alb rink , from.- fout yards out, and the s'econd._ a 25-yard pass ·to Ron Slosh. Mil\e Volle also '·it paydirt fot·theCrusaders, scoring on a one yard plunge, set '.lp by a 60-yard pitch from Kenny lb A! brink.· The Crusaders now own an impressive 6-i recor-d.
Final Ohio Prep"' - 1 Football Ratings _{ The final 1963 Associated ;. Press ratings of Ohio high 1 school football teams (with first-place votes in paren-, theses): Teom THE TO~!~~ost Tied P~f~~ 1
1-Niles McKinley (17) 9 0 I 389'12 2-Massillon (8) ....• 9 I 0 327'12 , 3-Sandusky (8) ....• 9 0 I 294 · 4-C'In. Roger Bacon (I) 9 0 1 266 5-C ev. St. Jgnatius(4) 9 0 0 207 · i 6-Akron Garfield (2l 9 0 I 159 7-Springlield Soutb (1) 9 I 0 145 9 0 0 129 8-Davton Roth (4) 9-Fremont St. Jos. (0) 9 0 0 71 10-Ashland (2) ...... 10 0 0 70 Others: Martins Ferry (1) and Beavercreek (2). 55: Cleveland St. Joseph (1) 51: Toledo St. Francis 38: Youngstown UrsuliM 31; ·• Uayton North m-ount and .~~-ount Ver1 on; 3~· 1~-:~~~ ~1.; Toledo Waite 26: • IY~&i;;ij 41)!1!1and Rossford 2.5: Cillo ?rinall Fwaf 23: lima Senior 22V2·;j Springfield Catholic 22: Newark (1) .'ancM Oregon Clav 20r· Lancaster 18: Cleveland; SJ;~~-~. ·~~,.~!~ ·r~ 16: Lima Sha_WII~..t
lll'rnal Prep11JU Grid Poll Teams Poll Pts. Niles McKinley (17) 389\fo Massillon (8) :t.!7 1A, Sandusky 1,8) 294 Cin. Bacon U)' 266 •Cie,·e. lgnatius (4) 207 Akron Garfield. (2) 159 SprinJ:Iield South (1) 145 HAYTOX ROTH (4) 1~9 Fremmli SL -ifip~h (0) 71 Ashland (2) 70
W·lrT\ 9-(1-1 9-1-0 9-0-1 9-0·11
g:g:~l 9-1-0 U-0-U
10·0·0 Martins Ferry (1) .ann BPa\·Pr('fP-P-k 12) 55; Cle\"eiand SL Joseph Ill 51; To-i
ledo St. Francis 38;
Youngstmvn U~eu
Une 31; Northh1ont and Mount V ruo "" · h<mtlm!rte-..:U; Toledo Waite 26 Cincin· 1ati lii oeil er nd Ros~!ord 25; Ct "'""'""'""'~!:'!; Lima Senior 22*; SprinKfiPid Catholic 22; Newark (1) and OreJ<On Clay 20; Lancaster 18; Cleveland Shaw and \Villard 16; Lima Shawnee
15\0.; Bellevue 15;
Akron Hoban 14; Millersport 13; Canfield 12, Alliance 11; Fairmont ,,.e~t 10: Orrviile, 1.-!ineral Ridge and Eiyria 9; Baltimore Liberty-Union, Nap o 1 eon, Cleveiand Benedictine, Atiington (Hancock) and XPnla M; DoVer and Dover St. Joseph 7%; Canton McKinley and (~olmtPl
White 7; Wyoming, . Akron South, Oak Harbor and Wintersviile 6; Barberton, Lancaster Bishop Fenwick, Circieville, n·uminJcton, Groveport, Canton South and Logan 5. . I Warren, NorwJtik St. Paul, Spencer·: viile and Marion Cathoiic 4; Columbus South. Oakwnud. Lorain Ciearview anrl Dem 1 ison 3: Crm.'ksviile. Akron KenmorE'. Toledo Rogers, Toledo Libbey, Coluanbus Central, eedarviiiP, Yungstown Hayen, town. Lakeside, \Va. ve.rly. Lalrot~ cyrus 2: Warren Local (Washt • o~t<?ria, Ran~oi_eh, ColumhlJ
Greater Cincinnati League I
(Offense) Pos. Player School Wgt. E-Dennis Buchert .... Moeller ....... 185 : T-Art Lakes .......... Roger Bacon .. 201 · G-Al Early ...... : . ..... McNicholas ... 205 C-Bill Moehring ...... Purcell : ....... 186 G-Terry Lyons .... ·.... Roger Bacon .. 204 T---'Jim Ralston ........ st. Xavier ..... 205 E-Lou Santoro ........S. xavier. ..... 185 QB-Tom Kenny ........ Moeller ........ 175 HB-Mike Volle ..........Moeller ....... 160 HB-Geo Fitzgerald ..... Purcell ........ 170 FB-Gale Wiesenhahn .. McNicholas ... 200
Yr. Sr. 6- 1 · Sr. 6- 0 Sr. 6- 1 Sr. 5-11 Sr. 6- 2 Sr. 6- 0 Sr. 6- 0 Sr.. 5-10 Sr. 5-10lh Sr. 6- 1 Sr.
(Defense) School Wgt. Hgt. Yr. Pos. Player . E-Dennis Borchers ... Elder ......... 1'72 6- o Sr. T-Mike Donovan ..... S~. Xavier .._., .210 _5-10 Sr. LB-MarkErnSt ........ Moeller ....... 155 6- 0 Sr. Mq-...JohnKasselmann .. Roger Bacon .. 207 5·10 Sr. LB-Ed Snowden ....... .Purcell ........ 190 5- 9 Sr. *T-Ken Baier ..........LaSalle· ....... 222 5-11 Sr. •T-Ed Mayer .......... LaSalle ....... 197 6- 1 Sr. E:-RaYHeidorn ....... LaSalle ....... 165 5-11 Sr. Cor.-Dave Reed ......... LaSalle ....... 136 5- 7 Sr. Cor.-Bill Geers .......... St. Xavier ..... 162 5- 9 Sr. HB-Jack Barry .... ·'· ...McNicholas ... 160 6- 1 Sr. HB--Jim Schmalz ....... Roger Bacon .. 151 5-10 Sr. *Tied in balloting for 1lh1s position., Honorary trt-capta1ns: George Fitzgerald, John Kassel-
l(enny Plus Wingmen Tri({. .
Demoralize Moeller Foes BY PAUL RITTER Of The Enquirer Staff Moeller's Tom Kenny, exceptionally skilled ill football's fine art of passing, has piloted the Crusadets to a current 8-1 season record and rocketed himself 'into a top contender for Cincinnati's 1963 high school all-city quarterback selection. Kenny's aerial wizardry except Roger Bacon In a is backed by three sticky- 32-6 Crusader loss. early in :f i n g e r e d ends- Denny the year. The Moeller ·attack is not Buchert, Ron Schloss and all passing, however. With Mike Albrinck. Kenny, a 170-pound sen- coach Gerry Faust calling ior, has completed 53 of 95 the plays from the bench, passes for 1076 yards and 17 Kenny is not permitted to throw whenever he takes touchdowns. Buchert, Kenny's favorite the notion. He can change a target and a former class- play at the line of scrimmate at St. Saviour, grade mage, however, depending school has grabbed off 19 on the defensive setup used aerials for 422 yards and by the other team. "If you look at our staeight TDs. tistics," says Faust, "you'll Schloss has caught five Kenny passes, s c o r i n g touchdowns on four and picking up a total of 116 yards. Albrinck has three TD catches to back up 11 receptions that total 192 yards. All three pasS-grabbing ends are seniors, also. When asked what contributed to Moeller's passing success, Kenny led a chorus reply: "a real good line." "They give me all the time I want to throw," said Kenny or the offensive linemen. "I have more confidence in my passing game," Tom admits. And his three targets agree ''TOm makes it easy for us,". says Buchert. He really lays that ball in your hands." An offensive line t h a t averages about 185 pounds keeps Kenny and the rest of the M o e II e r backfield shipshape, while the Crusader defense handles the opposition. Only one touchdown .has been s c o r e d against the Crusaders in their last four games, and no team has scored more ~n two TD's against them
Pass-Catching Ends N ah 35 Kenny Aerials •.. from left, Alb:inck, Schloss and Buchert
see we are not primarfly a passing team." ·, Those figures show .1'185 yards by passing, with 2Q10 yards gained on the gro~d. Kenny has twa fine ba:lfbacks in Mike Volle and;;AI Stickler and a good fullback in Fred Borke to -help out with the ground attack. Last season Moeller, in its first year or varsity football competition, had a 4-6 record w it h practically the same team it has this season. The school did not have a senior class a year ago. The Crusaders, who are in s e c o n d place in the Greater Cincinnati League with a 4-1 record, wind up their season Sunday against LaSalle.
!<J .. ---·----------
Moeller's Amazing Tom Kenny .. 55% passing accuracy
Sunday, Dec. 1, 1963
Enqllirer Picks 1963 All-Star High School Teams
KNIGHT Indian Hill
FIRST TEAM (Offense) Wgt. Pos. Player and School E-Denny Buchert, Moeller ............ 185 E-Lou Santoro, st. Xavier ............. 185 T-Barry Williams, Wyoming . . . . . . . . . . 250 T-Jim Ralston, St. Xavier ............ 205 G-Chuck Knight, Indian Hill . . . . . . . . . 185 G-Terry Lyons, Roger Bacon ......... 205 C-Chuck Haverland, Princeton ...... ·' 185 QB-Tom Kenny, Moeller ............... 175 DB-George Fitzgerald, Purcell ......... 170 DB-Ulysses Coleman, No. College Hill . . 165 FB-Clem Turner, Woodward ........... 228
DRINNEN Loveland
TURNER Woodward
-COLEMAN North College Hill
KENNY Moeller
LYONS Roger Bacon
RALSTON St. Xavier
SANTORO St. Xavier
FIRST TEAM (Defense) Hgt. Yr. 6- 2 Sr. 6- 0 Sr. 6- 5 Sr. 6- 2 Sr. 6- 3 Sr. 5-11 Sr. 6- 0 Sr. 6- 0 Sr. 5-10 Sr. 5-11 Jr. 6- 1 ·Sr.
SECOND TEAM ' Ends - Bob Montgomery, McNicholas; Fred Ulrich, Indian Hill. Tackles - Art Lakes, Roger Bacon; Ed Nemann, Oak Hills. Guards - Larry Collins, Finneytown; Doug Smart, Hughes. Center- Dick Gieringer, Harrison. Quarterback - Tom Prather, Deer Park. Halfbacks Ron Ense, Oak Hills; Lloyd Williams, Indian Hill. Fullback - Tyrone Anthony, Roger Bacon. HONORABLE MENTION Ben Clark, Taft; Bill Moehring, Purcell; Mike Volle, Moeller; Gale Wiesenhahn, McNicholas; Dick Reynolds, Western Hills; Dan Eshn'lan, Withrow; Wil Stargel, Walnut Hills; Tony Jackson, Hughes; AI Moore, Central; Larry Gordon, Woodward; Bob Davis, Oak Hills; AI Sayre, Finneytown; Ken Root, Princeton; Don Arata. Colerain; Scott Hallsted, Anderson; Wally Commins, Wyoming; Bob Goodridge, Wyoming; Roger Spencer, Reading; Dan Dever, Madeira; Dave Nolte, Sycamore; Don Polly, Loveland, and Jack Shinkle, Sycamore.
DYER Woodward
Roger Bacon
Player and School
E-Tom Dyer, woodward .............. E-Bob Hollifield, Norwood . . . . . . . . . . . . T-Dennis Drinnen, Loveland . . . . . . . . . T-Chuck Duncan, Indian Hill . . . . . . . . MG-John Kasselmann, Roger Bacon .... LB-Paul Ericson, Colerain . . . . . . . . . . . . . LB-Don Mercurio, Oak Hills . . . . . . . . . . . LB-Rick Dryden, Central . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DB-Virgil Parker, Woodward . . . . . . . . . . HB-Jim Schmalz, Roger Bacon . . . . . . . . S-Bob Smith, Hughes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wgt. Hgt.
6• 0 6- 1 6- 2 6- 2 5-10 6- 1 5-9 5-11 5-11 5-11 6- 2
Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Jr. Sr. Sr. Sr.
185 205 230 225 207 190 160 210 182 158 185
SECOND TEAM Ends - Ray Heidorn, LaSalle; John Compton, Walnut Hills. Tackles- Thurmon Maley, Taft; Steve Darby~ Aiken. Middle Guard - Dave McHugh, North College Hill. Linebackers - Ed Snowden, Purcell; Jack Barry, McNicholas; Ted Yeager, Wyoming. Halfbacks- Tom Barns, Withrow; Fred Wallace, Oak Hills. Safety - Steve Muzzo, Indian Hill.
Wil Rutenschroer Of Oak Hills
Woodward's Clem Turner
. . . named 'Coach of the Year•
... fullback is 'honorary captain'
PARKER Woodward
SMITH Hughes
SCHMALZ Roger Bacon
DRYDEN Central
HONORABLE MENTION Denny Borchers, Elder; Mark Ernst, Moeller; Dave Reed, LaSalle; Bill Geers, St. Xavier; Dave Jordan, Hughes; Tom Green, Withrow; Stan Broadnax, Taft; Don Abbott, Princeton; Steve Clark, Taylor; Ron Breitfelder, Norwood; Tom Trible, Anderson; Lloyd Nowland, Harrison; Bob Amburgy, Greenhills; Len LeFevre, Madeir_a; John Snow, Sycamore; Don Crum, Sycamore, and Gary Morrison, New Richmond .
ERICSON Colerain
DUNCAN Indian Hill
HOLLIFIELD:. · Norwood •
Bacon Wins Team Laurels .
rest of the top units made Of The Enquirer Staff up of senior p I a y e r s. The 1963 Enquirer High School All-star football selec- Ulysses Coleman, North tions feature quantity and quality in bringing together College Hill halfback, ai}.d the ~ops in prep talent throughout the Hamilton County Rick Dryden, central linearea. · , backer, are the junior The· Enquirer board of coaches named 83 young men choices. for first · and second team Kasselmann, Paul Ericand honorable mention on oon of Colerain and Woodoffensiv·e and defensive in the balloting for "Most ward's Tom Dyer are au. units, marking the largest outstanding Lineman" and first-team repeat selections, Enquirer All-8tar group in share the honor. Kassel- having won top recognition the history of the annual mann is a 5-foot, 10-inch, as juniors last season. selections. · 207-pounder. Knight is a 'Princeton's hOuck Haverland, Norwood's Bob HolliPhysical size of the first 63, 185-pounder. Turner -and Kasselmann field and TUrner were sectwo units also hit an alltime high this year. The were both named . to the ond-team selections last first offensive and de- first-team All-ohio offen- year ~d jumped to firstfensive teams each average sive unit Friday in a poll team honors this season. 1 out at 194 pounds. The first- of Associated Press repre- Moeller quarterback Tom · Kenny was a 1962 . honor' team. def.ensive line weighs sentatives. . Only two juniors were able mention choice and in at an average of 210 · pounds, with the first de- named to ·first-team posi- advanced to the first-team fensive line averaging ,r. ' tions this year, with the berth in 1963. even 200 pounds.. _ · Woodward's Public School League cham; and Roger Bacon's G Cincinnati League , led the balloting by ;.iJ "'"::-:; three players eacrJ. on the combined first-~am squads. Roger Bacor,~• finishing its season with a 9-0-l record marred onuY by a scoreless BY PAUL RITTER
Upset Bombers ii i..9
Moeller Drubs Purcell, 54-0 Moeller handed Purcell San de r threw a 39-yard its worst defeat in cavalier touchdown pass to Jack football history, 54-0, Sun- Barry. day a f t e r n o o n and MeMoeller's win boosted the :mcholas upset St. Xavier, crusaders to a 4-1 GCL 20-14, to crush the Bombers' record, behind Bacon's 5-0 hopes for a share in the mark. St. Xavier dropped to Greater Cincinnati League third place in the Catholic championship this year. loop standings with a 3-2 Moeller quarterback Tom account. McNick is fourth Kenny passed the crusaders on a 2-2-2 tally sheet. to victory and kept their Purcell's loss leaves the hopes alive for a possible cavaliers a 4-4 record with co-title in the GCL. Roger one. game left and this beBacon alreaay has claimed comes the worst Purcell a piece of the championship. season since a 3-4-1 mark Kenny passed for four in 1941. ·t o u c h d o w n s and ran Pl)RCELL . . . . . . . o o o 0- o another as Moeller had MOELLER ..... 12 20 8 14-54 little difficulty in smother- (pa~soe~la1\edi. Voile 25 pass from Kenny ing the Purcell attack. Ca• Cru~o~~~i~~d). Voile 24 pass from Kenny valier fullback George-FitzMoeller-Kenny 25 run (pass failed). gerald and quarterback Jim M~~~11r~;-~ 1 ~o1li ~~n ~~~;kelro~nli<enny Cornelio each suffered rna- (ruhl.o~fi!~~Aibrinck 9 pass from Kenny jor injuries e a r I y in the csorke. runl. game . and were taken to ma~i~~~~iM.;~~:,'idrun11~ pass fr?m Buck· Good Samaritan Hospital Moeller-Merkle. 10 run Crun failed). for treatment. McNICHOLAS ... 6 6 o 8-20 . 0 6 . A razzle-dazzle McNicho- sr.M;~~~~~as:_·cr'aw~eY. 3 off ~ackle !r~~ las play b r o u g h t the failed!. Rockets a last-period touch- fai1~-dl.xavier-Eastlal<e, one plunge (run down and a come-from-be· d MSNichot'ald~arrv. 39 pass from Sanhind win over favored St. "\/uQ.v~~r=-Morgan. 15 blocked PUn~ X. McNick quarterback Dick recov~~h~T~;ie~ 'l)msenhahn. 27 Ia Sander threw a pass to end;~"!.~'ontgomery after pass from .s Dick M o n t g o m e r y w.tipi~sbi-\\r.;' runl. ' lateraled to fullback Wiesenhahn at the 18 ·~~~ Wiesenhahn raced over for the score. The play covered 2.7 yards. lfback Dennis crowley d the Rockets' first TD three-vard run. then
daleo. ·
. E
-EnQoirer (Heisel Photo
Grid Practice Opens At Local High Schools Left photo: Dick Kerin, head football coach at Aiken Bigh, checks weight on steve Darby, lett. and. Jim. Cunningham prior to start =>t ope1"ling piactice session. Right photo: Moeller High bead coach
Gerry Faust, front, looks o~er his schedule with backs Tom Kenny, ieft; Bill Bein, center, and Jerry Buckmaster. Friday was the opening day ot football practice for Ohio high scho'll teams. {:~
l. ~
The Put 1: TimsacStar.......g -~
Ci.nefHReti, ·sat., A}g. 31, 1~j;3
.\ ·
' :Coaches. Cautious ·.
lniuri~s Hurt· Moeller~ . BY PAUL MORAN
Moeller Correspondent
eludes the likes of Mark sisted this year by George Ernst, Dave Whitton, Gene Marklay. Phil Gigliotti, Bill Wene, Craig Buhr, Dan Meloy, Mike Morrissey, Bob Young, Tony DelVecchio, Strayer, George Ecker and · Tom Ehrhard, Rich Bren- Bill Clark. .They have been ner, Larry Trueworthy, Jim working the the varsity and Davis, Carl Montag and reserve units and will help S.teve Huelsman. . · ' with the frosh squad when ·This will be Moeller's it reports after the .start first senior team since the of the school year . school is stinting its fourth The schedule: . year next we~k. In a sense 1· Stpt. &-At Oeer Pai-k. . Sept. 13-At Roger Bacon. it is a. ;,7eteran team sine~.• · Sept. 20-Vs. Hamilt~n Catholic •. none of )ast year's squad Seat. 27-Ar Elder. 'Oct. 4--Vs. McNicholas•. . was lost through graduaOc1. 1\-At CovJngto,, Holm!s. Oct. 20-At St. Xavier. . tion. A total of ,65 ·boys 25-At NewDl!rt Catholic. turned out for Jtie original ... Oct. Nov. 3--Vs. Purcell''. Nov. 10-Vs. LaSalle••. practice sessforis. At Deer P;;rk. ' Coach -Faust will be as· • •"At Lockland, "\
With a rash of pre-season injuries takilig its. toll, Coach Gerry Faust ai1d his staff are taking a cautious · look ahead to Moeller High's up. coming grid campaign. . Operating in the Catholic League with such powers· as Roger Ba· con, Purcell, p Moran Elder a 1} d SL · Xav1er . · · ' might . make. any coaching crew think twice about a team's chances.· Position Name Exp. Class Wgt. Hgt . Comme"t • 1t appears that the Cru- ENDS Mike Alb rink v sr. · Good d e at h In ~nd. 187 6·1 , Schloss good blocker. 177 6·1 Saders' offensive line,· Jthat DennySchloss Buchert 177 6 V ' ' .Sr: Sr. h Ron Y 182 5•11 v incluQ.es E d Hec kl e, o n Craig Buhr Sr. 162 5·8 Haverkamp,. Pete Bronner, Rich BrenMr v ' -sr. 215 6 John • Schehr and Bill Her- .TACKLES ~J~n ~ri~mh ~ l;: ~~g~ ~~zeife~~~s!~no£rl· ' 190 6·1 235 6 berth, •might be the team's ~~~~~~~l;nd ~· 1~: 200 6·3 i strongest suit. Lam Trueworthy 245 6·1 v Sr. 165 ·5·7 Operating behind t h is· GUARDS · · Ed Heckle v Sr. small. . 5·10 · v ·k M'k John Haverkamp 195 Sr. 195. ( 66 line will be hal fb ac s 1 e ~m1 ~~ 5~ec~hio 157 ~ ~;; v Volle, Bill Bien · and Al steve Huelsma 9 170 6·2 v Sr. I Stickler, along with veteran CEIITERS Pete Bronner . 190 5·6 . v Sr. Bronner ( 0 0 d t!"ter . fullback Fred Borke. Tom. J~~ ~~~·~~us ~:~o ~~Ph. ~~~ts~wo able reolace· · . I<enny wili be returning as Q·BACKS Tom Kenny 110 6 v sr. first-string quarterback. He· Jerry BuckmastEr 155 6 · v Jr. · d d 1'11 Dave Whitton 144. · 5·9 · v · Sr. 1s a goo passer an W HALFBACKS Mike·volle ·158 · 5-11· v . Sr. t.cklng soe~ll. v o lie have SOme good receiverS Dan Young · 142 5·8 · · V Sr. best. of all backs. in ends Denny Buchert, ~ 1msp,~~.'t~r i~~ g:~ ~ ~~~h. · · ..• ' ·' .. ~ ' Mike Albrinck and Ron . Carl Bill Bien 187 Sr. Mont•g 155 5·10 5·8 Nont V Jr. Ken Lon~ · 160 5·11 Nnne Jr. SChl OSS. .. . . ' 't 111· ' ,. Dave ~ne100 186 Jr. I Th .. e.-'Jd . ef e:l1S1Ve Ulll Ted Burwinkel 141 S·ll 5·10 VV • Sr. "':::::;:~::::;=:=:=:=::=::=====:1 Oan Mer~le 159 5·7 R Jr. , Denny Heenan 153 R ~Jr. • '( Jim Shafer 140 5·8 5·9 R Jr. • FULLBACKS Fred Barke 191 5·1D , V.- Sr. Bor~e hard runner. Dave Wilcoxson 180 6·1 V Sooh. ------~ SYSTEM-Pro·T amt Straighl·T.~ OVERALL RATING-Good. PREDICTION-WI~ 7. lOS! 3.
J\1oeller High School Grid Roster
• l
' .
Sopi. 7, 1963 • .
C-A"M ii · I' ... ·., · · • ''""'·' ... · . . .<;, ¥;,·•· ,, . ,, . . c . . • • , . . . • . . .. ·:r.g;· G..
1f1iielle-,,~·Vf11.lr"·~!Jr~p -~;
·. •
· · , ··. MtleUer..: 43 :> ·' 1 De:erJ'ParklO, :-·. ,. ~
. . ·Deer Par~ .t:orresJ)ond~.ltt
·1\1~el!~r~s . erusa,ders :' de· feated Deer Pqrk'sJ WUdcats, 43·0, · o1i the lo,i'i~.l''s fi~l<;i: b,e· fore a crowd 'of ·near.ly 4000. Deer Park shOw~d . early lifl) by. penetrating _to , the Moeller three-yea~·. -lme on ,runs ·by Joe Spmney and . John· Edger. but .was unablel!l! :,to score.· : . · · : d !. Then Moeller recovere a, liJeer Park fumble and scored!: 011 a 12:ya'rc,l ·. ru.~ by F~ed rke at the ·end of the ftrs~ qu;nter . .- · ·~· . . · . In' the second :Q-4a~t~r +doel'ler scored twice, frrst. on· a pass from Tom ~~nney to pemiy Buchert ·a,nd then on a pass . by J:erry ~uc~master' ' Bill Aylward, m~lq:ng the score 18·0 ~t the half~ · Moeller ~cored three. to.uc.h· downs in the third quart~r on runs ·by Borke and Ehrhard, and a touchdown pass froJ!l: Kenney to Buchert. . In the fourth qua,rter D~er Park regained its COITIPOSUfe. holding the CI'usaders .. to ~' lone l9t!S::hd0\yn and conver· sion py AI St.Jckler •. · :se-~riug .Summary.: ·
18 .· '"7-43 oeller ........ · 6 . 12 ··o o- ol! ' fleer Park ..... • · 0 · 0. · · rt L Moellar Touchdo~ns'plfrkestlckreu~hf. .2' · hrhar~~-2,-•1\)'lw~ ··_ ... '. _,, .L·::
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:MOELLER' .JOLTS XAVIER, 26- 6; NORWOOD TJJ§~ P~J~CETON, .6-6 Ch~mpionship '
aspirations of .Ier's fo!Jr _touAdowns. Another thtY four, from where Kenny St. Xavier in _the Greater Cin- was tallied on Keh Long's pass passed over the middle to end · 1 : c~ttilati League and Princeton in ihterception shortly. after St. X Mike Albrinck for a TD. Kenny i the Hatniltoh Couhty L(!'ague pad grabbed a 6-0 .lead. T~e passed to Buchert in the same [took a jolting last week end. Bo~ber TD was a 60-yard aer_tal spot to make it 14-6. Moeller spoiled St. X's Home·.· stn~e, quarterback Joe Speter The Crusadet's held St. X forced a kick. They re coming, 26-t;i, Sunday afternoon to end Lou Santoro. at Lbckland Stadiu-m while Both teams shot the works. only two plays to Norwood surprised Princeton They had to. Moeller .gained yards. Albrinck caught ; by eai·ning a · 6-6 tie Friday only 46 yards on the ground lbng pass in the open ·night at Norwood. It was the because its quarterback was 25 and raced to the two first GCL loss for the Bombers blitzed for a minus 40 yards. Steve Morgan cau.ght hifn. ~and the second PHL tie for the St. X's two quarterbacks lost t:an left end to score for Vikings. 45 yards on pass plays tnat nev (jerry Faust's team. 1 r Moeller took over second er were launched, so the Bo~b Si. X got to the Moeller place . at 3-1. St. ·:Xavler 3-3 on ers netted '?nly 54 l:!Y. ruslung. on a . 12-yai'd pass, Speier the season, dropped· t'o third ·The .Crusaders c o tn p 1 e t e d Santoro, and a J;>ehalty, but place with 2-1 and faces tough seven of 12 p~sses for 157 yards stopped tl1ere. . : remaining games with Purcell, an~ had tw? mt:ercepted. St., X, . Pass interceptions by Long McNicholas, and Roger B.acon. Whtch led m ftrst downs, ~-5, a'nd Jim Davis frustrated the The Bombers engage the Cav- completed three of 18 aertals Bombers in the third quarter... aliers in the 3 p.m. second for 84 yards, with four inter- As the final frame opened, game of the annual GCL dou- cepted. Net yardage was 203 to Moeller struck for a final TD I bleheader Sunday .at Xavier U. 138 in Moeller's favor. on a pass from Kenny to end Stadium. . . Starring for the Moeller de· Ron Schloss, good for 24 yards. Princeton's deadlock proved fense. 'Yas halfback Ken Long, Closest X coulq get was the rtot to be as costly ~s first fear· who mtercepted three Bomber Moeller 36, where Ernst, Greg ed. The Vikings' 'two ties· will passes. Dave Whitton and Dan Pasco, and Bien stopped two ' . not count in the standinas so Young keyed the victory by plays for a seven-yard loss. they can still win an outrlght continwilly blanketing St. Xavi- V::==""'::::::::::::::::~~:':'~~"::':...IJ title if they can stop undefeated er'~ .deep. receiver. Oak Hills ·next. w.eek.pFit·st they Halfback Tom Ehrhard gainmust entertain Finney town ed 40 yards in 11 trips for 'Moel(2-3) tonight, Thursday: ler.. Mike Volle netted 26 .. for\ x Loses Aerial Battle eight. Best St. X runner was right half Mike Eastlake with' Both Moeller and St. Xavier 47 yards in 11 rushes. Marl{ \ unlimbered their forward pass· Arnzen gained 24 for nine, Phil i ing attacks in a hectic battle Cox 20 for six. i before some 3,000 fans at Lockland Stadium Sunday afternoon. Leading· tacl{lers were· line- ; The Crusaders proved more backers Mark Ernst and Bill . adept at aerial warfare, and Bien, along with Craig Buhr, stronger in the line over the Carl Montag, Greg Wene, and long haul, in downing the Jim Davis for Moeller. Right f Bombers, 26-6. tackie Mike Donovan, halfback Bill Geers, and corner _ man 1 Q u a.r· t e r b a c k. Tom Kenny Walt Sunderhaus led the St. X : threw passes for· two of Moel· defense, aided by Joe Puthoff, · 4--~-~"""""""" .................... ~ Tom Hughes, and Jim Ralston. . Moeller drew seven penalties ' for 100 yards, St. Xavier four I f01; 50 yards in the action-packed contest Interception Costly Long's first quarter pass in- · terception for a Moeller TD . proved. costly to St. Xavier. It toUChed off a rally that propell· , ed the . Crusaders into a com-. manding 20-6 halftime lead. Coach Tom Ballaban's Bomb· ers scored first. A roughing the 1 i !ticker penalty, on which they '1were given 20 yards because \the· chain had been moved too ~soon, put the ball on the St. X 140 early in the game. / Speier· spiraled a pass to. end ! 'Lou Santoro about 30 yards \ 1 1down the right sideline. Santoro I !made a great run, cutting in and then out again to shake his pursuers; on a · 60-yard scoring ' strike. The extra point try was fumbled. St. X held Moeller on the next series, forcing a kick. Clipping set the Bombers back to their 11. On second down at the 14 Speier passed. Long ',picked it off at about the 30 iand ran it back for the tying
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In the second quarter Moeller took the lead after driving 81 yards in nihe plaYs. Ehrhard made 19 around left end. Then Kenny passed down the middle t6 end Den Buchert, whom Santoro caught from behind after ·a 45-yard gain. , Short runs took the ball ~to
Moeller 54, Purcell 0 Moeller got a touchdown in the first three minutes of play and then scored seven more before the finish in running wild against Purcell. Iq Both of the first-quarter touchdowns came on 25yard pass plays, both from Kenny to Halfback Mike Volle. Kenny scored the first of three TDs in the second period on a 23-yard run. then Volle dashed 18 yards for another before taking a pass from Kenny for the fifth touchdown on a 44-yard play. A pass from Kenny to End Mike Albrinck for nine yards accounted for the only third-period score. Tom Buckmaster, subbing for Kenny, tossed a TD pass to End Don Schmid and H a 1 f b a c k Dan Merkle romped 10 yards for the final marker with two minutes left Purcell lost Quarterback Jim Comello and Halfback George Fitzgerald, its two big scoring threats, on injuries early in the game and never was able to uncover a
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iMoellen'Ops \Purcell, 54..0 .. BY JOE QUINN bGt1~ q .' . Moellei:s' Crusaders .still have a 'chance to tie for the , ·C!ifl1olic ,Leag_ue grid championship while Woodward's Bulldogs tan' get no wors~·than a co;{:hampionship of the Public High :League as the s~asqn . moves toward. a . e:Jiinax -this week. , Coach · Gerry Faust's Moeller squad, led by the. passing ofquarterback Tom · K~nny and the catching of · Mike Volle, rolled. up a 54-.0 victory ver Purcell, handing the G a v ali ers their worst · defeat in'history, Sunday at Lockland. · At the sar~1e ·time, . :Mike Volle M c Niclio.las , . ..pulled something of an upsetiri nippjng St. Xavier, 20-14, at Elder .' Stadium;to drop the Bombers to· third place in .the coilf~rl:!nce: standings, Roger Bacon leads the .league with a 5-0 .record, Moeller~ . . ,.is second.witl.l :4~1 aijd~eac.chj.::··.::.~--~-===~~======== 'ha-s· one game left. ·· l . In ·. another'· \veek-end .;: .ga·me, LaSalle's Lancers :; registered a ,41L 0' victory : over Coluinbus .B'i shop 'Hartley in a Saturday night gan1e::at .Emer. · · : · ; Woodward· stayed un- . beaten and made certain · .. nf. !>I 'lt>!l<:f ""tiP. for the
Seniors' four-year football record AB Freshmen 5-4, as Sophomores (Reserves) 9- 1- 1, as Juniors (Varsity) 4- 6, as Seniors (Varsity) 8 - 1
Thanks Doc, for your conscientious and generous care and deep interest in us Seniors during the past 4 year's. Aren't you happy, Mrs. Walters, that we will no longer trouble you for "pictures"? VVe will never fo,~rrAt. vou for you are two wonderful people!
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1Kenny. Plus WillgD}ell 'fri~ '! rDemoralize ·Moeller.Foes '.': · BY PAUL RITTER : s~e we are not primarliy a Of The Enquirer Staff .·r . passing team." .· . Moeller's Tom Kenny, e?Cceptionally skilled in rootThose figures show :J1s5; ball's fine art of passing, has piloted the crusaders to a . ya=ds by passing, with 2010' current 8-1 season rec.ord an· d rocketed ·himself into -a yards gained on the giound. l' . . Kenny has two fine hhlf·' top contender for Cincinnati's 1963 high school all-city backs in Mike Volle·an(f~l quarterback selection. ' Sti<:kler and a good ;·fullKenny's aerial . wizardry except Roger Bacon in a · back in Fre·d Borke. to: help . is backed by three sticky- 32-6 Crusader loss. early in , out wi<th the ground. atta~k. , f i n g e r e d ends- Derufy the year. '. ·· . . Last season Moeller,m'its Buchert, Ron Schloss and I The Moeller attack is n6t first year of varsity .fo&b8.Il . Mike Albrinck. . . all passing, however. With competition, had a. 4-6 recKenny, a 170-pound sen- coach Gerry .Faust calling · ord with practically: the lor, has completed 53 of 95 the plays from the bench, same ·team it has this-seapasses for 1076 yards and 17 Kenny is not permitted to son. The school did ; not touchdowns. , · · throw whenever he takes have a senior class 'a ye'ar • · ·: Buchert, Kenny's favorite the notion. He·can change a ago. ·· 11 'target and a former class- play at the line of scrim- . The' 'Crusad~rs, whh: are l mate at St. Saviour, grade mage, however, depending . in second place in the ,: school has grabbed off 19 on the def~nsive setup used Greater Cincinnati Leagile :aerials for 422 yards and by the other team. with a 4-1 record, wind up j eight TDs. · , · "If. you look at our. sta- their season ·sunday against j SchlosS has caught five tistics," says Faust, "you'll LaSalle. · · ~Kenny pass·es, s c o r i n g , touchdowns on four and picking up a total of 116 yards. Albrinck has three TD catches to back up 11 receptions tJhat total 192 yards. , All three pass-grabbing ends are .seniors, also. . : When asked What . con-' . tributed to Moeller's pass-ing success, Kenny leci a )chorus reply: "a real good 1line." . · ·"They -give me aH the ~time I want to throw," said Kenny of th. e offensive linemen.· "I have. more confidence ~ ih my ~g game," Tom · admits. And his three tar, gets agree "Tom makes it 1 easy for us," says Buchert. 1 He really- lays that ball in 'your hands." . I . An· offensive, line t h at Iaverages about 185 pounds ['keeps Kenny and the rest 'of the Moe II e r backfieldshipshape, · while the cru· sader defense handles the . opposition. Only one touch· down has · been s c or e d .against the Crusa.ders in ' their .last four games, and 'no team has scored more :than two TD's against t~em
Moeller's Amazing Tom. Kenny . . . 55% Passin!/: accuracy
BY PAUli RITTER :_Of· The. Enquirer· Staff · ·c inc 1n n at i area high' ;chool foOtball was well :~:Presented·· .Friday when :Atsociated ,Press released · its ·1963 All-Ohio selections. . . ' . Roger Bacon's John Kasselmann and Woodward's. Clem Turner led a iist of · 10 local players honored on the AP All-Ohio teams. ·.: Kasselma.Im, a 207-pound; 'f.i v.e- f 0 0 t~ 10 guard', was .named to the state's first offensive unit, and was ~ied for second in the Ohio-wide ·balloting for "lineman-ofthe-year." ··'Turner, Woodward's hard" runriihg,. 220 -pound fullback, was · voted the best of .Buckeye prep Starts at Clem Turner .· that position. . . tnp ful!lback Purcell halfback .George Fitzgerald was a second- coach-of-the-year 'race was team defensive · 'halfback Ken Amlin o:f DaYton Roth. choice, arid . Moeller Hend · Tied were . bOth :t>ennv.Buc.Qerf'. was plckea Srriithforof· t1ilid Fieniont sti Jo·on.the third-team offensive. seph, Tony Mason orf the up.it. . . champ1onsJ:iip. Niles te~.
lau~els. iJ'ackle Gary r::Uaue~ !>f Sandusky 'and Kassel-
mann tied fo!I' second be-
hind Himes for the lineman -award:.··
--'--- -=-·=-..::-_·-:_:_:_.:.:::"_··_·~_-"_·_----~-·~·-··--~
Statewide honorable men- Lloyd, Dunne' of AShland,: ·..~ tion laurels went to st. , Chick Stdba:rt <i)f · Mount Xavier's Lou· Santoro and Vern on, Bob W-ion. of; Mar~ McNicholas' Bob Montgom- tins 1Fem::and. ·Jim_ Allen oi · ery, both ends; Wyoming Newark:: Jligh in the 'list tackle; -' Bar t.y. Williams; were LeO Strang of MaSsil- · 1Warterbacks Tom Kenny of Ion ·and Brori Ba'ceVich of . oeUer .-and .Pat Case of Cincinnati .Roger Bacon. Roger Ba~n. and sp·arton Marc McClain, Bellevue's ..halflui.ck ~one Anthony. fine offensive - defensive ··back, was runne.rup fu Dis.MIDDLET:OWN'S Tom tefano -fOr back-af-1Jle-year Portsmouth, tbp·pass receiv--, er in ·the- Greater Ohio . League, larided a .third-team· end po5ition. . · . .· AP All-Ohio.-. ·.Other representatives ·of surrounding· area teams in- First, Seeond .Units · cluded · honorable mention FIRST TEAM_ selections J ohfi p at t 0 n .. ~FFENSE Mike ·Wilson · and . Bucky ENDS..:..Dick Himes, Canbn South 1 Rod scott, an or · Wilmington, Miller, Ketterioo Falflnont Wst. TACKLES-Bilf Landi~ V>lumbus Whit~ Hamiltori Taft's Tim Powers, hall;, Louis. Keyes' Martins .Feqy; · · nm i'&ll, Clev•larn:t St. lgna· · Tom Doyle of ·Greenfield tius;GuARDSJohn KasseiJilann, Cinctonsti ··Roger ! McClain and .Middletown's Bacon. . · .. _ .... --r CENTER-Joha !lrockett;· Xl(,Vji, -Garfield. ~ Ed ·H6J?klns. . fe~U~RTERBAC•(-I!ob D1mfaoo, ~rtir\s '; Heading the AP's all-state HXLFBACKS-BII! Blunt, N\a;siJion 1 Jim· I are Dick Himes, Canton- Minnich A$1•nd · ' FULLBACK - "clem Tvrr11r;.. Cincinnati : South's six-foot five-inch Woodward. _ . ' . . !' repeater at end, who . was II:EFENSE. •, ·:named Lineman of the· ENDS-Jim Yacmow, Cl~len<t Benedlc· I Charley ~urlev. Sprlogfield South. 'Year, and Martins Fe'rry's· tlnei TACKLES· - G!lry Knac-er" Sandusky; · stellar quarterback,· Ron Chris Gregg Loram Admirt' "-ing. MIDDLE Niles Distefano the Back of the McKinley. ~UARD- Barry. Prllfl!to, · ~· ·. - · · Year. · LINEBACKER5-Tom Rice-. Lilllil Senior• Mike Condello,. renla; ;;;.,o,~· Begalla: . Although his .team · fin- ~~~. HALFBACICS ~Marc McCwin. Bellevue; ished in· the final ratings, Dan Harshman ·Ta!edo St F,ra•cis. · SAFETY -Die~ C'nishalm: 'foledo Waite. behind :Nues·McKinley and Massi 11 on . Washington, SECOlffi ~ Early· Bruce. of. Sandusky omNsE. ENDS -- Ke'r. tohlmevn. torS in; Joe " was tagged as "coach of the Cook, Or~ C~y; year'; by .the voters. :. TACKLES-Larry Fraley, Gallel)(ilis 1 Don Lima Shawnee. · · 1. . · Bruce ·ruso WaS the senti- Dwver GUAR!IS-Tony f!arey, Niles' 1.\c:KinleyJ• mental favorite· to . coach . Larry Larue); ·Mils.:., lion -. CENTER-td , ~:ni!ck, i ole&. L~f\. · the Northern All-Stars in . QUARTERBAC&-I!obbie Mnson. Logan. next August's Yahk~Rebel HALFBACKS-~.ict,fe McFerlaml, MartiM Garrett llral:e, Dayton Cunber. game at . -c~:t.t')l" ·':o while· Ferry(· FU LBACIC-John Beals; lC..onia;"' . Springfield:' so'~.,.._;;:.)~ Lowell DEFENSE Storm was. fav.ore:;Vto han- ..ENDS - Tom furlong, Clev~land :St. . die the down-state ·squad. b~~~tius; Carl JI.SS·>nheimer, Tiffio ColumThe .voting ori the North~ TACKLES-Buzz Rail. He{non LekewoodRhodus, Finclay, . . • ,, south coaches was merely Doug ·MIDDLE GUAI!D ~ JOE Card,. Canion.· · a . sentiment- determining MCl<inley. - Jim H~::>dl. ·-Dilfiance1 project; since ·the mentors·· DaleLINEBACKERS Minor, !Aui;ville, T001 L()Jielllan, · · ·· , will make the actual selec- Bellevue, HALFBACKS-I!iill ·Gales, Nile5- McKinley;' ; tions. George Filzg'erald, .Qncinnati 1"~11. · ·' SAFETY - har:m MaAA . -Saringfield . · Behin<;l Bruce. in .the Soltth.y .. . . . . ;_ T
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34-The Post _It Timaa·Star
Cinein"oti, W:ed., Nev. 13, 19U
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-.53 Named otiAII~Star SqUad
Wyoming, tackle
RogeT Bacon, guaTd
BILL MOEHRING Purcell, center
CHUCK KNIGHT Indian Hill, guard
Clem Turner
-Leads Vofing BY JOE QUINN Local high school coaches and grid officials have named a total of 53 players as members of The Post · . and Times-Star's 18th annual Metropolitan Cincinnati scholastic all-star football squad. These players are the - - - - - - - - - - - 1 'cream of more than 1500 with a 193-pound average . . , . varsity gridmen who com- That line scales 202 pounds · .· tJeted in the Hamilton from end to end and 178 · Ccunty area during the par;t pounds in the backfield. ·!!cason. · There are 24 schools repBOTH TEAMS are big resented among the 53 boys but have plenty of speed named with Roger Bacon's and mobility to go with unbeaten squad, and Pur- their power. In short, they cell's Cavaliers leading the are the type of players that rIS t WI'th f Ive p1ayers each· any coach would be glad to start with next season OAK HILLS, the un- with fair expectations of an ' rea ten c o u n t y League unbeaten campaign. ~ ; ·champion, and Indian Hill, There were 111 nominees . - .· •winner of the Eastern Hills this year, one less than received votes a year ago. In ·. • .League title for the second· most positions, the ballot~onsecutive year after an ing was close as usual. Top undefeated 10-0 season, vote getters, in addition to each placed four men on Turner, were Barry Wilthe squad. Hams, Denny Buchert, John Clem Turner, six-foot, Kasselmann and George twc-inch Woodward full- Fitzgerald. back, who led the Bulldogs All 53 boys named on the to the Public High League squad have been invited to title and the firs~ perfect be guests of The Post and 10.() record in PHSL his- Times-Star at the 18th antory, garnered the highest nual All-Star dinner Mon. numb£r of votes and thus day night, Dec. 2, at Hotel ' ~amed the honorary cap- Sheraton-Gibson. ' laincy of the 1963 squad. At that time the players 'I'he first team has an will be presented with their o" er-all average of 192 All-Star sweater emblems pounds with a 194-pound and certificates attesting to line and a backfield aver- their selection on the squad, age of 185 pounds. The sec· in accordance with annual ond team is slightly heavier, custom. ..
Moeller. end
Moeller, quaTterback
St. Xavier, end
PuTcell, back
WoodwaTd, back
Coacltes., · Of_f~n~o lQ_ 1963 P9st and Select AJ Members of the 18th scholastic football squad w usual, by all of the Hamil by a panel of football offh the county's various leagues. . A total of 44 selectors participated in the annual poll, including 37 coaches and seven officials who returned their ballots. This ; panel provides an excellent_j rrnc.-
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Roger Bacon, back
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