Moeller High School 1969-70 Athletics Articles

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GCl Harriers Dominate rea Cross Country Scene GCL runners dominated the cross country scene in the ,Queen City this fall and made a strong showing in the State Meet in Columbus. Elder's Panthers, coached by Barry Binkley, took top honors in the GCL Championship race, Cincinnati Dis- . trict One, Southwestern Regional. and tied for second in the OHSAA finals. Coach Don Dilg's St. Xavier Bombers placed second in the GCL, won the Cincinnati District Two race, placed second in the regional and twelfth in the State Meet. In the GCL varsity meet at Avon . Fields Golf Course, Dennis Lunne of St. Xavier took first in a time of 9:46. Elder~s Tom Wesseling was second, Glen Grosardt of Bider third, LaSalle's Russ Martin fourth, and his brother Mike Martin was fifth. Roundout the top ten were Cleo Kelly, Purcell; Rick Standriff, Eld(•r; Jay· Ritchie, Roger Bacon; Mike ]lourson, LaSalle; and Tom Blumer, St. Xavier: Elder led the var:oity team scoring with 35. Second place St. Xavier scored 65. The Purcell Cavaliers captured third with 78. Whik the Lancers of LaSalle marked up 101, for fourth. Other team scores wore Roger Bacon, 132; Moeller, 17 4; Newport Catholic,· · 178; and McNicholas, 18~. Returning to Avon Fields for the district, GCL teams scored very well. The PurplePack of Elder won Section One with 19 points, ~s Tom Wesseling led the way to the finish line. Dick . Beerman's Purcell Cavalier two milers placed third in. this section, while Don Schlossre's · Moeller. Crusaders were tenth, and the Rockets of McNicholas, coached by Terry Wallace, twelfth. ·

Members of the Elder Panther cross country squad which copped the GCL, Dist~ict, and Regional crowns and placed second in the state . meet i n Co 1 umbus are : ( L to R) To p row : Coach' Ba r r y Bi n k1 e y , Steve Goebel, Guy Cagney,Dale Welch, Dan Averbeck, Rick Niehe; Bottom: Larry Bill, Rick St~ndriff, Glen Grossardt, Tom Wesseling. leading runners in the top !five were Bernie Wagner, Elder; and J qe Marino, St. Xavier. ·

Catholic, 147; and Moeller, 173. Forty- 101. Roger Bacon scored 131, LaSalle six reserve runners· competed in the had 159 and McNicholas 164. 1 league me et. Pat Galvin of Elder had the winning ·. Eider l~at:l. the res~rve scores with Ihthe JV-11 rade at the Rapid Run time of 11:14. The other .top five run-· 22. Roger Bacon was 'second with 55; · course, tl:te St. Xavier Bombers took . ners were Steve Cagney, Elder; Gerry St. Xavier third with 97, and Purcell the top hbnors with 41 points. Second Glassmeyer, St. Xavier; Dave WeissDennis Lunne, X's best, led the · in the fourth spot at 118. Trailing the place Elder had 50, with Newport Cath- haar, St. Xavier; and Jim Dasbach, Bombers .·to the District Two title. top four were LaSalle, 132;i Newport · olic third i at 69 and Purcell fourth at St. Xavier. Mike Boylan's Spartans of Roger Bacon finished fourth here, while the LaSalle Lancers coached by Rick Meyer, came in fifth. Then came the Regional a week later at Avon Fields. Elder again led the way with Tom Wesseling leading the pack as the Panthers scored 38 points. Dennis Lunne was second, and the Bombers scored 81 points to earn themselves a berth in the state finals. PurceU finished fifth in the. 1regionals as Cleo Kelly qualified for theindividual race in Columbus. Other .. :individual qualifiers were Russ and: Mike Martin of LaSalle. Twenty teams traveled to the Buckeye state capital for the OHSAA finals over the two mile run on the OSU Golf Course. Despite the cold rainy weather, Elder tied with Toledo DeVilbiss with 141, behind repeating champion Cleveland St. Joseph's 120. St. Xavier scored well with a twelfth place finish. Dennis Lunne was second in the race for X's best performance, while Toni Wesseling was fourth to lead the Purple Pack runners. In the "AA'' individual race Mike Martin of LaSalle finished 18th, while his brother Russ was 26th, with Cleo · Kelly of Purcell 38th. It was the best-ever CG showing ofthe GCL in the two mile run and it THE ORIGINAL looks even better for 1970 as most schools show an: 'increasing interest .·and improvfug'petformances in cross country. The, GCL,)r!:!serve race was run over the hiih7 Rapid Run course October 15. Elder won the reserve . -.... . title, as soph Dave Lenahan of the ·_;_~ - ~r -~;~~;;?;~-~:~J·J~~~;::~i~5~~:;~ L ··Panthers finished :first ··l.n 10:42. Other· . . .. -·- ------ -..- .. ---------·--· ---· -- .....__ -,.--- .. ···--_...., ___ ,,.._.,. .....






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This year a of the swirli- ·.· ming talent in Cincinnati is eoncentr:i'ted in the GCL. St. Xavier;.traditionally. superb in ·swimming, should be able tp .. win their seventh straight GCL crown . -this -year. The. Aqua-Bombers. have a large amount of. returning Jettermeh and will also enjoy the benefits of extra practice ~ime because of- the .Keating Natatorium situated on the 'St. Xavie;r campus~

In the freestyle: events; St Xavier will be lead by Bob. Crowley, Rory Clear, Rick Rust, Tim Blood, .Paul Hove, and Bill Keating. Breaststrokers · . Gerry ·Schroeder and Charlie Keeting . are back along with backstrokers Jim Brannen and Bill Schulte. Divers will once again be led by john Gavin and Bob Schuerman; Coached by Denis White and · Mike· Arata,·. The AquaBombers are looking for-Ward to · one -.· of their greatest years .in- ltheir history.'


through t e ating, will be i::omple,ted in a few weeks. The_eight-~a,ne pool, hou ing both the St. Xavie:r Aqua-Bombers· and the ,Pepsi Marlins, will be the site of the ~Jatio;rial AAU Indoor Charrwtonships in April

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Newport Catholic, Coached_by Brd. ther Anthony, FSC, will field-a stroilg team this year, Although one of th~il:' best swimmers transferred, Newport.· has enough talent coming back to iii-· . sure··· themselve_s ··of ··a- good .· season. Bob Brunson, Rich .Vonhanclorf,• Gary·-~--~ Rosing, Larry y{enstrup, and diver·.· _Tom Ziinmerman:form> a . powerfUl:· nucleus for the team. Purcell, although a relatively riew . competitor, is comirig on strong and will have a much improved team. Fore mer Marlin coach Don Popular should . be able to bring out the best in his young team. He has pi aced· increased emphasis • on exercising this year in order to strengthen the squad. Led by Bill Weaver, brothers Mark and Greg. Frawiey; and Steve Howard, Purcell could surprise quitea few teams in up~ . coming contests. · ·

The Keating Natatbrium is the ne~ . There are two . kpaCious . locker· home of the St. Xavie~ swimming team rooms consisting of about 115 lockers and the Pepsi Marlin!ll Construction of each.· The coaches' .. office on the halthe pool was started :on March 19 of - cony is still to be completed along with · ' this year and its completi~n is just a . numerous other facilities on the'. hal-. few weeks away: '. . cony, such as illounge •and movie roo~. The total value of the complex is in the area of $500,000. ' · ·

as "the finest competitive swimming Elder should have a fairly. strong facility in ithe midwest arid one of the team again this year. Coach Tom Dac finest in. the nation." He said that he voran has returning swimmers Bob expects this natatorium to ·become a Heeney and Jack Schaeffer along with "pool of champions." Hopefully the GCL diving champion Tim McLaughlin. pool wilUive up to these expectations to build his hopes around: through the efforts of the · Aqua- . - Coach Steve Sheehan of Roger Bacon Bombers and the Marlins. has a fine team led by veterans Mark . . . . . Steinmetz, Mark Agricola, Tom Moll~ man, and Gary Donovan: ·St. X will share the p~ol with the. Marlins for 15 years. On weekdays, -MT. WASHJNGTON Moeller will not have a team ~his the St, X swim~ers have the pogl fro:in ·ICE & ~BE~R.. year due to the fact that they canno~ 3:00 to 5:15. The Marlins start' about 6139 Plymouih Ave. find a· place to practice. It might be 5:00 and .practice fo} two . to three 231-'-8824 just as ·well for the Crqsaders, since hours. The Marlins-_ are headed by 11 they lost one of their finest swimmers, SERVICE coaches Paul Bergen and Daryl WiesGreg Broxterman, through GraduaIS OUR BUSINESS 11 . enhahn. tion. Greg is now attending Marshall · Charlie Keating t~rmed the pool · College on a four year scholarship. / '

_The pool was built' ,throu~h the generosity of Charles H. Keating, Jr. and William J. Keating. The Keatings were former co-captains of 1the St. X swimming team with Bill: becoming state breastroke champion : as a senior in 1945. Charlie Keating; president of the Pepsi Marlins, went o.n to become the NCAA breastroke champion. in the same year as an All-American swimmer at UC. The pool. was named the Keating Natatorium i~ memory of their father, Charles H. Keating, Jr.

.The eight:lane po6l is 50 .meters . long but is now divided. into two 25-yard courses by a movable bulkhead for winter swimmiil.g. The bleachers provide seatingfor approximately 1100 people. However, when St. Xavier hosts the National AAU Indoot Championships in April, additional iseating will be brought in to increase' the· capacity to about 2000.. · · · ·




2345 QUEB.E-C ROAD PHONE· 251·1522-






Consecutive Mal Iitie adds another riew the sixth season of ·Roger··• Bacon's 1-inAl"1r.,:,n John Kasselman ---' 11 _·1.':'-' for the first time. coached La Salle's second season oCvarsity . ·_ Joined to charter mat .member~: Elder, Moeller, N~wport. Catholic anc(: St. Xavier, this makes six squads cqinpeting_ in the (}CL .wrestling eham:pionship in St. 'Xavier's Gymti.asium,: Saturday, January 31. , . . The Elder Panthers are the defending GCL charnpim1s. Elder has had a share in every GCL ! wrestling title . After sharing top honors with St. X!lvier in 1965, the Purple; b.nd White grapplers have won four straight titles, the last three under !the guidance of Joe -· Menkhaus. Menlchaus' matmen face a stiff challenge t~s they strive for. a fifth straight championship. The. league seems to be ~ell-balanc~:d for the_ up-coming season.! i Six Panther regulars .return frorn last year's squad. _P~te Ridder (107). and. Captain Steve H~insath ·(155) are defending (}CL cham~~'!- ·Gerry Stricker . (130), Bob Erilst (145)~i Joe Iori (130 or 137), arid Dan Brennan (137) are the yea 's GCL m(lt champio.ns return this season. They other returning vetsJ i Other·· Panther . _. . :J,St. Xavier'$ Terry Kroth (second from left), Elpositions are up for grabs as the seader's.Steve (;!ms~th (fourth from!.) and Moeller's _Dave_ Vargo son starts. (at the!end);•:Bottom Row: Elder's Pete.Ridder (atthe end), j; . Bill .. Ohr begins his third year.· as .·mentor ofthe ,st:. Xavier Bo~bers._':£'he 'Bliie·aridWhlt~ show ~ioomise of having The Ohio State a_best-ever mat seas~n: Heading the-~ will-be-'held in the ~en8., list.ofreturn!lesisGCL chan1p Terry March 13 and 14. It looks like: more ::....;:-Kroth (175). Otl:ier out'stariding Bomber ·,.. than 'oD.e GCL wrestler has· a d~arrc~ wrestlers .are Greg. Tillar (1:37) . imd · to rnakeit,to the :final tound. Noi GCL · -.-- Le'e Meyer (155). '; · - ·. · · wrestler has ·_ever won a state title. A real test of Bomber strength will With ever improving league competi- -. be the triangular at ;princeton, Satur- tion,tbismightjust beithe year.' . day, December 20, against the host Vikings ahd visiting mat power, Columbus De Sales. ' South of the borderin the Bluegrass state, Brother Joseph Wilhelm looks for a. strong showing :for his Ne\Vport Catholic Thoroughbr~ds. · The 'Breds. For ·the· rookie. fan:, here;s ~: ru:riMVP for last year, Jerry Weller, looks down of how an ·individual ,match is outstanding. Weller will probably be scored in mat competition. wrestling in the 115 pound class this winter. He finished third in the Blue~ ·· ESCAPE 1 point. A Wrestler grass state meet a yel.\~ ago. receives. one point for . . ;an . escape I ·. if he . Other top ·Blue and Gold mattnen gets out from underneath his ppponent are Lee Hehman (130), Mike Nolan to a neutral or standing positidn; · (123) and Mike Stone (165). · GCL -champ, Dave Vargo (137), REVERSAL - 2 · points. If an will captain the Moeller Crusader mat escaping wrestler gets iout from under- . .team this winter as John Parker begins neath his opponent and behind or ontop his second year at the helm. of him in one mariuever, a reversal is Parker expects his. team to be much scored. EDWARDIAN improved and the Crusaders will be a SUITS definite contender for the GCL title. TAKE DOWN "'. 2 poin~s. A take 6 o: 8 Button Styling · . With Moeller, St. Xavier and Elder all down is scored when a wrestler from SOlids Stripe oor Plaids entered in the UC InvitationaUate in a neutral or standing position gets ·December, some indication of relative behind or on top of his oppohent and team strength shouldbe.forthcoming. up in control on the mat. ! Second year coach George Ginn at LaSalle looks for better things this NEAR · FALL .- 3 poi~ts; When season. Top Lancer mattnan should be . a wrestler holds his opponent's shoul· Tim Burke (130). The Lancers go ders to, or near the mat for one second; C.P.U. against Newport Catholic a:nd St. Xav- but not long enough or, close ~no:ugh for ier in the Bomber gym, December 13. · a pin, the ·referee will award three 8.88 · points for a near fall. · Plaids Reg. _13.9S !


Scoring lnl Wrestling.








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