Personal Finance CP2

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Personal Finance – CP2

Welcome to Personal Finance! Personal Finance is designed to introduce you to key financial concepts so you will have a strong foundation to make important financial decisions throughout your life. This course will focus on a variety of very relevant and important areas such as career development, budgeting, taxes, banking, saving, investing, credit and managing risk. Students will evaluate various consumer decisions, such as selecting a career, buying a home, saving money in various investment options, and making major purchases. Group activities, presentations, case studies and participation in the Stock Market Game will provide an authentic learning opportunity for all students. Since a large portion of finance requires mathematical skills, this CP2 class will spend time breaking down the underlying mathematical principles so that students are able complete certain calculations pertaining to personal financial decisions. Furthermore, the class size should be such that the instructor can work one on one with students who need additional help with the financial equations. Students will be provided with an access code to open the ebook.

Classroom Rules and Expectations 1. Respect one another     

Embrace Marianist Values Actively listen to one another’s ideas Respect the learning environment Take responsibility for your actions Collaborate on assignments only when permitted

2. Follow school rules    

Laptop and cell phone policies Food and drinks Dress code Classroom procedures o Be prepared for DyKnow opening activity o Use dropbox on NetMoeller

3. Be prepared to participate in class    

Complete your work on time Have laptop charged and DyKnow open Bring pencil/pen and paper Be a player...not a spectator

4. Communicate 

No surprises!

Assessment Students will be evaluated in the following areas: Homework & Class Assignments 25% Quizzes/Tests 20% Projects 35% Class Participation 20%

Personal Finance – CP2

Projects Projects are student-driven, meaning that the student chooses how to demonstrate comprehension of the material. They are an excellent way to show creativity and mastery of certain skills. There will be four projects this semester and they will count for 35% of the quarter grade. Rubrics will be used for assessment. In order to plan accordingly, here is an approximate calendar: 1Q:

Career Research Project Resume and Cover Letter


InvestWrite Essay – Stock Market Game Choice Project

Late Policy All assignments and projects are expected to be completed on time. Because much of the learning in this course builds off of previously learned material, it is critical that students complete assignments on time and in sequential order. If an assignment is late, the student will receive half credit for the assignment. A student may have up to two (2) late assignments during the semester and receive half credit for those assignments. After two late assignments, the student will receive no credit for any additional late assignments. In addition, no assignment will be accepted after 2 weeks from the due date. In accordance with Moeller’s Academic Policy, make up work will be handled in the following manner: Short Term Absences (1 or 2 days) For all types of short term absences (expected, unexpected, field trips, etc), upon return to school, Moeller students are responsible for contacting their teacher to arrange make-up assignments and assessments for work that was assigned during their absence. When a student returns from an absence due to illness, family need, or other reported reason, he must acquire any missed assignment upon his return and submit it at the next class. This gives the student 1 extra day to make up work that was assigned during his absence. For work that was assigned prior to a student’s absence, and was posted on NetMoeller prior to the absence, the student is expected to have the work ready upon his return. In cases where the illness or cause of the absence was severe, and the student was unable to complete the work for the day of his return, students are expected to email their teachers to inform them that they will be unable to have the work completed upon their return. If this is unable to happen, then students and teachers will use common sense in these situations and arrange for the work to be completed by the next class. Absences of 3 to 9 days Additional day can be given for make-up work, at the teacher’s discretion, for any consecutive absences between 3 to 9 school days. It is at the teacher’s discretion, but students should expect pre-scheduled tests and/or quizzes to be administered the class following the student’s return. If a student feels he needs more time to prepare, then he must communicate this to the teacher earlier than the day the test/quiz is to be administered.

Personal Finance – CP2

Consistent Absence on Days with Assessments: Based on teacher input and absence data, students who are reported to be consistently absent on the days of scheduled tests, quizzes, and other assessments will be evaluated to determine the cause of such patterns. Academic action will be based the results of such inquiries. Teacher will work with the administration to determine an appropriate course of action. It is at the teacher’s discretion as to whether a student can make up a missed assessment opportunities after 3 absences on assessment days, unless the absences are excused or there is a clinically diagnosed condition of anxiety. Extended Absences (applies to absences over 10 days) Any situations in which there is an extended absence of 10 days or more should be coordinated through the student’s guidance counselor. KAIROS POLICY - ABSENCES KAIROS and other retreats should be treated as holistic enhancements to the academic load and done in pursuit of ‘educating for formation in faith’. Students have at least as many schools days spent on retreat to make up work for their classes, provided that is goes no further than the Friday of the week following Kairos. For assignments and assessments, even those scheduled well in advance of departure for Kairos, students are not expected to take quizzes and tests the day of their return to class. As a general rule, the teacher and student need to negotiate an appropriate schedule of due dates during the week following Kairos. It is the responsibility of the student to initiate such an arrangement with his teacher.

Discipline Policy The policies and procedures of Moeller High School, as detailed in the Student Handbook, will be consistently followed. In addition, I expect all students to adhere to the rules and procedures of this classroom. To ensure that we are all on the same page, here are the steps that I will follow should an infraction occur: 1. Verbal warning and conversation with student 2. Communication with student and parent 3. Class detention – to be served in classroom after school (you will be given at least one day’s notice to make arrangements) 4. Meeting with Mr. Kremer Depending on the severity of the infraction, any or all of these steps could be bypassed and a Report of Misconduct immediately issued to the student. Furthermore, all Academic Violations will be immediately reported to the Dean of Academics and handled appropriately through the defined step processes.

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