Physics CP1 Syllabus Teacher: E-Mail: Phone:
Mrs. Terri Schaffer (513) 791-1680 x1907
Mr. Bob Wynn (513) 791-1680 x1972
Office Hours:
Course Description: Physics CP1 is designed to provide a broad general understanding of physics and to enhance the student’s development of scientific problem solving. It will examine the physical principles involved in mechanics, including motion in one and two dimensions, dynamics of motion, work, energy, impulse, momentum, and simple harmonic motion. The course also examines fluid mechanics and thermodynamics. Time permitting, additional areas covered may include torque, light, sound, electronics, circuit analysis, lens and/or mirrors. Course Prerequisites: Chemistry CP1 and Algebra 2 (demonstrated competence in solving equations, isolating variables and using trig functions is essential) Materials Needed: • Textbook (bring to every class) • Notebook or paper and three-ring binder/folder (as desired for note taking/problem solving) • Necessary writing implements (pens/pencils) • Laptop (charged) • Scientific calculator (may not use programmable type for tests) • Additional materials as needed for quarterly projects (you will be notified each quarter for these) Grading: Grading will be based on a total point system. Homework, quizzes, tests, labs, projects and exams are assigned a point value. At the end of the quarter, the following formula is used to calculate the grade: (Total points earned/Total points available) x 100 = average % Assignments: Assignments due on a particular day must be complete and ready to be turned in at the beginning of class. Late assignments will be accepted minus 50% per class day. When the bell rings, the assignments are due. If an assignment is to be turned in electronically, it must be submitted to Dropbox at the beginning of class. It is expected that all students will do their own work. Copying another’s work in whole or in part will be considered cheating and will dealt with according to school policy. Assignments must clearly show all the work done, as well as the answer, and the two must match in order to receive full credit for an assignment. Simply writing down the answer, or if the work shown does not equate to the answer given, will result in partial credit being awarded. Assignments missed during an excused absence must be submitted on the first class day following a student’s return. Assignments missed as a result of an unexcused absence cannot be made up. Students with an excused absence are required to find out what they have missed. All missed work must be made up by making arrangements with the teacher. IT IS THE STUDENT’S JOB TO ARRANGE FOR MAKE-UP WORK. Students will be given the same amount of time to make up work as the number of days absent. Any work missing after that time will be given a grade of zero.
Students absent the day before a test who are not absent on the test day must take the test. Tests are announced enough in advance to be prepared. Students are to make arrangements to make up any test missed during excused absences on the first day following the student’s return. Tests not made up at the agreed time, without extenuating circumstances, cannot be made up. Tests missed during a non-excused absence cannot be made up. Class Rules: All students should be in their seats when the bell rings, ready for class to begin. If the student does not follow this rule, it will result in a tardy. Students must be logged in to DyKnow for the entire duration of the class period. When working in a group, students should stay focused. If not, a student may be asked to sit down and receive a grade of zero on the activity/lab. No food or drinks of any kind (except water) are allowed in the lab for safety and sanitary reasons. No cell phones, iPods, or any other fun electrical devices are allowed in class. Cell phones must be turned off and put away from view. Failure to follow this rule WILL result in a school detention. Students must bring necessary materials to class every day (textbook, binder, writing materials and any other materials required for class). MOST IMPORTANTLY, treat the teacher, other students and all lab materials with respect. Consequences: Violation of classroom rules will result in a teacher detention to be served after school with the teacher the next class day. Violation of school rules will result in a school detention. Repeated offenses may result in a report of misconduct given to the student. Lab Safety: Each student is responsible for his safety, as well as the safety of his fellow classmates. Any student who jeopardizes that safety for any reason will be removed from the lab and given a zero. Improper use of equipment, sitting on lab tables or desktops, wandering to other lab tables and not following instructions are all serious offenses. All lab equipment is potentially dangerous. When in doubt-STOP and ASK