Precalculus CP1

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Moeller High School Pre-Calculus CP 1

Course Guidelines Pre-Calculus CP1 is a fundamental course, covering all the necessary topics for pre-calculus. The course provides a strong foundation of pre-calculus concepts and techniques, develop students’ quantitative reasoning and problem-solving skills, and develop students’ abilities to understand and communicate mathematical ideas effectively. Some of the topics covered include graphical interpretations of algebra concepts, polynomial functions, logarithms, trigonometry (functions, equations and proofs), and an introduction to calculus.




Please bring the following to class each day:  sharpened pencils

Grading Policy

TI nSpire calculator

Your grade is based upon the points earned from classwork, warm-ups, nightly homework, quizzes (worth 5 – 75 points each), tests (usually worth 100 points), projects, class participation and semester exams. The grade is determined by adding up all the earned points and dividing by the sum of all the possible points in that quarter.

Discipline (both academic and behavior) School discipline procedures will be followed. If I find it necessary to give a punishment for inappropriate behavior, I usually give a written assignment or time before school. Excessive disruptions will result in an administrative referral and/or a parent conference. All cheating will be reported immediately to the academic dean. Class Policies Late Work

Make-up Work

Daily Work Tests/Quizzes (also see below)


To Contact Me

Late work will be accepted for this class up until that chapter test is taken. After the chapter test is taken, all missing work for that chapter is counted as a zero and the grade is final. The only exception is in the case of an excused absence. Upon the student’s return from an excused absence, it is his responsibility to find out what he missed and to complete those assignments in due time (please refer to the policies listed in the student handbook). Students need to also obtain missed warm-ups and notes from a classmate or teacher before/after school. Daily work such as warm-ups, classwork, and homework will be graded for completeness. Homework will be given daily and graded daily. It is expected that the student will take complete notes daily. Tests will be given at the end of each chapter. Tests dates will be announced at least one week in advance to give time for review and questions. Quizzes may be given without prior notice. If a student misses a test, he is responsible for making it up on his own time (please refer to the policies listed in the student handbook). Students may obtain extra help outside of class time before/after school or during the M-Block study halls – please make an appointment with me. NEVER hesitate to ask for help. I will do everything to help you succeed. Do not wait until the day before the test to ask for assistance!

e-mail: (best way) voicemail: 791-1680 ext. 1941

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