Moeller High School 1991-92 Swimming Articles

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lSw·imrner of ye~r · ;. : ;fiRST TEAM . .. i Medley RelaY: St. •Xavier (Mike Andrews, Jon,! ' 'Maddux; 'Dod Wales, Shawn : Trol<!Jan) : · · ;; Karl Scheer, Cincinnati Coun~ry,; Oay · ·,,: . ·. ·, ··' , Marty Hubbell, WaYnesvllle ·. ~ ~ · · Joe Hudepohl, St. Xavier . ' ·· r;>oq Wal~, St. Xavi13r; .Jeff Wat-1 ; terson, Turpin · · ; · . Travis Mv.ers, Talawanda ·. ·Dod Wales; St. Xavier : Freestyle; .· • Darteil Heidenreich, Northwest Freestyle Relay: St. Xavier (Joe Hudepohl, Jason · · , , Davis; tee. Kammerer, Shawn , · _Tro~han) , : · ; Backstroke: . 'Mike Andrews, St. Xavier , Breeststroke: Marty HUbbell, Waynesville ' Freestyle Relay: 'St. Xavier ;(Joe Hudepohl, Mik~ Andrews';' Jason Davis, Pod 1 , • Wales) , " ~ 1 -, liONORABtE MENTION i -~ · 200 Medley Relllf ., Anderson (Gregg Starr, Jason Ortiso, Malt Gutbler, Chrts Slnkovlch); 1. Hamlnon (Will McAdams, Dava Piei'SOil. MJ<e McCollum, Chris Stephens); : Walnut Hills (Shawil Faske, Peter Schauer, Erfc'Grasha, John Ranl<er); Elder i (Ban Melillo, Tom l..iiCwlg, MalfB!Iuer,• Dave t.amaier). •· i






1 Brad Wattersmr (Turpin): Darren ·-Heldaorsl:h (Northwest): Matt Durkin '[(McNicholas); Jamie Marcotia .(Walnut !'liRs~i Josh Hartig .(Lakota); Mali< .Thompson (Oak Hill$); KflVin Shelldan '(St; Xavi~J?; B~an GulbO!'ll (SL Xalller1i. , Jan Rude (Mason). c , , : , , • ;



200 rndMduaHI!ed~



Mike Andrews fSt Xavl~; -Lea Llmerlanl,lfWaynasvlha); Randy Krueget ; (Mariemont); Jason r.lavl8 (St. Xavier): .Ben ~e (SeVen Hills); M~tt Smnh j (Oak Hills); PaterSchauer (WalnuUiills); Steve Pater (St. Xavier}. ·• ; ' sOF~a ·' ·i Shawn T.rol<han_(St Xavie"; Jgson~Druso (Ariderson); Kari Hels (Turpin). 1 . 1008~ . . . Dan Clevenger {Clermont. Northeastern); ,Ja1on Davis (St Xavier); Lee i Uthertand (Waynesvllitll; Mike McCo!lurri (H_aml!tOn); John Bossert (St. Xavier); 1 Matt Gutbler (AndarsarJ: Matt Infantino {Sl xavwl. , ,









Jason Glorlus (Moeller}; Jainla McFarland {Milford); Soot! Lambert (Moel-1 ler); Aysn McOonald (T~IaW81ldil); AdantG!'olh{St· Xavier). • .




·1 oo-Freestyle . •


Karl Scheer {Cineiinatl Col81fiy Day~ Matt Smith (oal< Hills);'Mark Klapper ! (Lal<cta). ~-· pOO-.F~Ie ', ,; . : .


Matt Durkin (McWicholas);'.J!Ison Flahtmlls!el' (Oal< HRis); Josh Hartig (Lal<Ota); Jamie MarcPtte (WalnuUfllls);. Chad Pad<er (PiincetQn); Jan Rude (Mason); KeVin Sheridan {St. Xavlttr). ' :.

I 1

200'F!8estYJa Retaf '

Anderson (Matt ~ier, Cliiis Sirll<Ovlch, ~ Starr. Jason Drusa); . Oxford Tala;vanda (Joe Sal<enh81m,; Ertc' Morgiui, ~hrls Bausano, Jeff Robertsf. Oak Hills Qke Ory!!r, Sean Foroln, t,.laik Thompson, Matt Smith); Turpin (Brad Watterson, Ken f:lels. Cllrts Longboltom, Wei Arch!able); Hamilton (Chris Stephans, Mike McCollull1, Davkl'Plet$011. Rusty Thomas): Elder (Greg Bertlng. Jeff Batz, Eric JohnS9"'. Dave. Llameie!J; Sycamore (Mike PrelsSler, John Saxton, John Hllb, Fran~_ Llchtenber9811· ' · ' : ·. :· 100Baekll!roke ·, -- · • . Randy Krueger (MllilemontK Swve Pater (St. :xavier); Jim McCollum (St 1Xavier); Brian Gulbord' {St. Xavfe':): .Ban Doapl\i {Seven Hnls); Greg Starr. i ;(Anderson). _. . . •. · !


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' . 100 ereastsirotce ' ; ;


\ JasQn Druso (And~); illn FlO$s (fo.\arlemonQi Jon Maddux (St. Xavier); ! ;Brian Fnlelke (St. Xavier!. • '. • '' I 1 _. ': 400F~eRelay ! 1 \ Oxlord Talawande lJeft .Roberta, Matt Cottem:an, Chris Bausano, Joe: Saekanhelm); WalnuUillls (John Ranker, James Matl:otte, Eric Grashe, Peter·: Schauer); Anderson (Ch!is Slnkovich, 'Greg Starr, Matt Gutbler, Jason Oruso); eak ~IllS (Ike Dryer, M~ Thompson, Jasrn l'lghlm,aster, Matt Sm~h).


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Hudepohl out to help team, but also has bigger dreams I

• St. Xavier star looking ahead to Olympic Trials BY BILL LILLEY

Beacon Juurnal stalfwriter

Joe Hudepohl gripped the starting block for Fliday night's championship final of the 50-yard freestyle and exploded at the first hint of an official start. Just like every other hopeful at this weekend's Swimming and Diving State Championships at C.T. Branin Natatorium in Canton, Hudepohl had a dream. But that's about the end of the similarities between the Cincinnati St. Xavier senior and everybody else. Hudepohl wasn't shaven - he sported a full head of hair and no cap. Hudepohl wasn't tapered. Heck, Hudepohl wasn't even rested. And, most uniquely of all, Hudepohl wasn't dreaming of winning a state title like everybody else. Instead, this was a wann-up meet for Hudepohl, a meet in which he v.·as swimming ·for two reasons - to beat the clock, his inost worthy opponent, and to score points for his team, a most worthy notion. Hudepohl didn't beat the clock . - his 20.31 clocking didn't enable him to become the first high school swimmer to crack the elusive 20-second barrier. But Hudepohl's victory helped the defending state champion Aquabombers surge to a 38%point lead over second-place Cleveland St. Ignatius in the boys' meet, which resumes this morning at 10 o'clock with preliminaries and concludes tonight with finals starting at 7 o'clock. St. Xavier's Hudepohl-less 200 medley squad opened the boys' meet in style as it clocked 1:33.39 - hey, these other guys can fly, too - to break its own year-old standard by 75-hundredths of a second. But it was Olympic Trials-minded Hudepohl who commanded the bulk of attention in the first day of competition. "No problem - I just wanted to come in and see where I was at before the Olympic Trials in two weeks and help the team," said Hudepohl, who set four high school national records in this meet last year. "Sure, I would have liked to have gone in the 19s . - and I think if I was really rested and shaven I could go 19.8 or even 19.7. But I did win and I did help the team.'' Hudson's Scott Claypool was

RCBU>: WITEK/Beacon Journal

Louisville's Eva Ulmand9r splashes to stxth-pilace finish In 200 IM one of Hudepohl's chief threats in the 50. The Explorer sophomore swam a career-best 20.77 arxll finished fourth - behind three seniors. "I'm probably the happiest fourth-place finisher you'll ever talk to at this meet," said Clay-

po.:>l. "No, I didn't come here to do anything but win, but I'm nevertheless thrilled with how consistently well I did swim. I did a lot of things very well and, yes, he (Hudepohl) definitelY pulled me along." Other area boys whc placed were Copley (eighth) and Firestone (ninth) in the 200 medley relay; Hudson senior Steve Vanderschie (lOth) and Kent Roosevelt junior David Phillips (12th) in the 200 freestyle); Firestone junior Todd Tober (12th) in the 200 individual medley; Copley senior Tim Berlin (eighth) in the 100 butterfly along with St. Thomas Aquinas senior Jason Bing (eighth), Jackson sophomore Steve Woolbert (lOth) am Firestone senior George Hitler (11th) in the 50 freestyle. The highlight of the first day of girls' swimming competition came when Cincinnati St. Ursula's Tina Silbersack won the 100 butterfly. Silbersack thus becomes the first female in the 16-year history of the OHSAA-sponsored state finals to win the same event four times. St. Ursula leads Centerville by 17 points in the team race. The only area girls who placed were Hudson (sixth) and North Canton (eighth) in the 200 medley relay; Jackson junior Jenny Cook (12th) in the 200 freestyle; Louisville senior Eva Ulmander (sixth) in the 200 individual medley; Wooster junior Lindy Chelf !lOth) in the 50 freestyle along with

North Ca."lton senior Heather Williams (sixth :• and GlenOak senior Cobin Sonnen':Jerg (ninth) in the 100 butterfly. The ccmpetition for the girls' and boys' w·.rbg titles is incredibly close. Freshman Angie Trostel of Oxford Talawanda finished the first day - 5-af-1:. di"es completed with a quite respectable score of 213.20. North Can::m junior Karen Lesh was :r. second, but she trailed Trostel by only five-hundredths of a po4lt heading into today's 1:30 p m. semifinal and final rounds. "My goal .after the first day was just to be right there in contention - even s-.xth or seventh would have been all right," said Lesh. "Believe- :ne-, I'm certainly thrilled to be in the position that I'm in. I got ill of my weaker dives out of the way. I also think my experienCi:! i.s a big advantage over a freshman." Trostel, howe·;er, is hardly an ordinary freslur..;m. She has competed in top-lev=I events around the country aoc is ranked eighth in the worlt. i:1 ~:~r age-group. The boys' rac-e was even closer as defending sta:= champion Travis Myers of T~wanda was tied for first with Canton District runner-up Marc Na.:kowiz of Jackson after the first f::.v:! dives. "I feel pret:y good because I'm in a great position and the six dives I have left are all dives I'm familiar and c:>mfortable with,'' said Nacko\\oiz. North Cantoa'3 Brad Wiliner, the Canton Di.s1rict champion, barely qualified for the semifinal round. The Vilcng senior was 13th, 28.35 points off the pace set· by Myers an:i Nc.ckowiz.

High school sports

Sycamore lauded for


Neal provided boost to team : BY DAVE SCHUTTE Enquirer Contributor

At best, the Sycamore girls swimming team was given only an outside chance to capture the District championship last Saturday. Mter all, why would anyone consider the Aviators a district contender after finishing second behind Ursuline Academy in the sectional and third behind St. Ursula and Ursuline Academy in the Southwest Classic three weeks ago. "No one on the team Mark Sullivan thought we would be a contender for the district title," Sycamore senior Kerry Bennett, said. "We didn't concede anything but we were more focused on making it to state rather than winning the district." As it turned out, the Aviators were on a mission, one that led to 10 individuals, three relay teams and two divers qualifying for the state meet en route to the district championship This outstanding effort by coach Mark Sullivan's squad has earned Sycamore The Enquirer's Team of the Week honors. Both Bennett and Sullivan credited sophomore Liz Neal with providing the motivational spark in the evening's second event that put · the Aviators on the right track. "I was swimming in the warmup pool when Julie Beerman frantically waved at me," Bennett said. "I swam over and Julie told me that Liz had swam a 1:55 in the 200 freestyle which is incredible." The 18th fastest qualifier and swimming in the slowest heat, Neal took more than five seconds off her career best, taking fifth place which was good enough to qualify for ~he state meet.

The Cincinnati Enquirer/Glenn Hartong


Freestyler Liz Neal gave the Sycamore swimming team a boost with an electrifying swim in the 200 meters. I






Others considered: • Loveland, boys basketball: Handed Taylor its first loss, and also upset CAPE. • Mount Healthy, girls basketball: Upset undefeated and No. 2 Aiken Friday at Aiken. • St. Xavier, wrestling: The No. 4 Bombers dropped No. 3 Lakota. "From that point, we seemed to come together as a team," Bennett said. "Everyone started thinking about the team rather than individual goals and it worked out fine." Sullivan, who has coached the Sycamore boys team the past four seasons, is in his first year as girls coach. He replaced veteran Fred Cooper, who retired from teaching

last May but remained as an assistant coach. Leigh Bassler, a second place finisher in the 100 backstroke and 200 individual medley last year, was the projected leader of a team that also returned state qualifiers Laurie Kerns, Michele Lichtenberger and Bennett. "Kerry (Bennett) has gone from a state qualifier to a state contender," Sullivan said. "She has come a long way and has worked much harder this year." Bennett pointed to a change in attitude by all the swimmers this season as the reason for the success. "Last year we set our goals of making it to the state," Bennett said. "Mter we qualified, it was tough setting a new goal. This year, everything has been geared toward doing well in Canton." Sycamore will travel to Canton on Thursday and Sullivan is hopeful they will return with the championship trophy on Sunday. "The girls will rest this week and we'll see what happens on friday and Saturday," Sullivan said. "I don't want to put any more pressure on the them."

i 1




St. X claims sectional

Defending state boys swimming champion St. Xavier, led by standouts Joey Hudepohl and Mike Andrews, dominated the field in winning the Anderson boys sectional swimming title Thursday night at Anderson High School. St. Xavier totalled 380 points in the meet. Anderson was second with 155, Walnut Hills third with 132. Hudepohl and Andrews, both Olympic trial qualifiers, were triple winners. Hudepohl won the 50 freestyle and was on the two winning freestyle relay teams; Andrews took first in the 100 backstroke and was on the 200 medley relay team and the 400 freestyle relay team. Hudepohl set a pool record for 50 yards in leading off the 200 freestyle relay for St. X, while Andrews set a new pool mark in the 100 backstroke. St. Xavier freshman Dod Wales was also impressive. He took first in the 100 butterfly, and was just touched out for first in the 100 freestyle by Carl Scheer of Cincinnati Country Day. Scheer was a double winner, also taking first in the 200 freestyle. Anderson's Jason Druso was also impress\ve in claiming the 100 breaststroke title. The top four placers from sectionals automatically qualify to the district championship meet, scheduled for Feb. 7 at Keating Natatorium. Others may also qualify to districts, based on comparative scores from the area's other two sectionals. Those sectionals will be held tonight at Sycamore and Princeton. All three sites - Anderson, Sycamore and Princeton - will host girls sectional meets on Saturday. Anderson Boys Swimming sectional (At Anderson HS) Team scores: 1. St. Xavier, 380; 2 Anderson, 155; 3. Walnut Hils, 132; 4. (tie) Turpin, Cincinnati Country Day, 82; 6. Milford, 57; 7. Mariemont, 48; 8. Wilmington, 29; 9. (tie) McNicholas, Western Hils, Oermont Northeastern 23; 12. seven HiHs 21; 13.1ndian Hill, 16; 14. (tiel Roger Bacon, La Sale 14; 16. New Riclvnond, 8; 17. AmeHa, 4; 18. Glen Este, 3. Event results 200 Medley Relay: 1. St. Xavier, 1:39.63; 2. Anderson, 1:43.98; 3. Walnut Hils, 1:46.15; 4. Cinti CD, 1:48.01; 5. Turpin, 1:49.27; 6. Western Hills, 1:50.95. 200 Freestyle: 1. Scheer (Cinti CD), 1:46.21; 2. Watterson (Turp), 1:47.30; 3. Sheridan (St. X), 1:49.98; 4. Durkin (MeN), 1:50.66; 5. Guibord (St. X), 1:50.96; 6. Marcotte (Wain. Hills), 1:51.26. 200 Individual Medley: l. Andrews (51. Xl, 1:58.48; 2. Davis (St. X), 2:00.n; 3. Kruegher (Mariemont), 2:00.96; 4. Doepke (7Hills), 2:01.76; s. Schuerman (St. X), 2:03.19; 6. Schauer (Wain. fflls), Ul3.60. 50 Freestyle: 1. Hudepohl (St. X), 20.79; 2. Trokhan (St. Xl, 21.79; 3. Druso (And), 22:38; 4. Heis (Turp), 22:85; 5. Gutbier (And), 23.07; 6. Schramm (St. XL 23.18. Diving: l. McFarland (Mill), 425.75; 2. Groth (St. X), 377.75; 3. Sierkin (Wain. Hills), 308.85; 4. Dietsch (St. X), 266.55; 5. Winters (And), 261.90; 6. Dehan (Wilmington), 239.15. 100 BuHerfly: l. Wales (St. XL 52.04; 2. Watterson (Turp), 52.99; 3. Oevenger (CNE), 53.02; 4. Davis (St. X), 54.23; 5. Bossert (St. X), 55.64; 6. Gulbier (And), 55.79. 100 Freestyle: 1. Scheer (CCD), 48.18; 2. Wales (St. X), 48.20; 3. Trokhan (St. X), 50.oJ; 4. Clevenger (CNE), 50.57; 5. Schramm (St. X), 50.67; 6. Kammerer (St. X), 51.07. 500 Freestyle: 1. Marcotte (Wain. Hills), 4:54.50; 2. Landon (St. Xl, 4:56.58; 3. Durkin (McNick), 4:56.95; 4. DarHng (And), 5:01.29; 5. Stigall (St. X), 5:04.20; 6. Giligan (St. Xl, 5:04.41. 200 Free Relay: 1. St. xavier, 1:29.65; 2. Anderson, 1:31.97; 3. Turpin, 1:34.68; 4. Cinli CD, 1:34.76; 5. Walnut Hills, 1:34.99; 6. Mll!&i 11;~:3!:34. 100 Back: 1. Andrews (St. X), 51.26; 2. Krueger (Mariemont), 54.14; 3. McColkJm (St. X), 55.25; 4. Paler (St. X), 55.81; 5. Doepke (7Hils), 56.13; 6. Guii>O!'d (St. X), 56.15. 100 Breaststroke: 1. Druso (And), 1:00.00; 2 Maddux (St. X), 1:02. 11; 3. Ross (Mariemont), 1:03.22; 4. Holler (St. X), 1:04.16; 5. Froelle (St. X), 1:04.20; 6. Schauer (Wain. Hills), 1:05.3Q. ' 400 Freestyle Relay: l. St. Xavier, 3:14.22; 2. Anderson. 3:27.97; 3. Walnut Hils, 3:28.62; 4. Milford, 3:37.51; 5. Cincinnati Country Day, 3:50.19; 6. Turpin, 3:55.98.

Boys' swimming



Thompson, Smith, Dryer pace Oak Hills to second By Dave Tippenhauer Post contributor

Senior Mike Thompson and juniors Matt Smith and Ike Dryer helped Oak Hills streak to a quick start on the road to the boys' state swimming championships by leading the Highlanders to a second-place finish in the Princeton sectionals Friday night. Thompson began a string of three consecutive Oak Hills second-place finishes in the meet's second event, swimming 1:47.32 in the 200-yard freestyle. Smith followed by clocking a 2:02.66 in the 200 individual medley, and Dryer swam a personal-best 22.89 in the 50 freestyle. Smith came back to take third in the 100 freestyle, while Dryer nabbed fifth in the 100 butterfly and Thompson fifth in the 500 freestyle. But the trio saved the best for last, teaming with Sean Turbin to win the 200 freestyle relay in 1:32.25 and taking second in the 400 freestyle relay. Oak Hills finished with 205 points for second place, behind sectional-champion Beavercreek's 255. Princeton finished third with 159, and Elder was fourth, at 157. The top four finishers in the sectionals earn automatic berths in next Friday's district meet at St. Xavier's Keating Natatorium. The next 12 fastest finishers from the three sectionals - two Friday night at Princeton and Sycamore - and the other Thursday night at Anderson also advance. PRINCETON SECTIONAL MEET (AI Princeton High School) (Top four advance to District) Team Standings: 1. Beavercreek 255, 2. Oak Hills 205.5, 3. Princeton 159, 4. Elder 157, 5. Hamilton 142. 6. Spr. North 78, 7. Wyoming 71, 8. Fairfield 61, 9. Sidney Lehman 49, 10. Fairborn 45, 11. Graham 32, 12. Taylor 30, 13. Piqua 29.5, 14. Versailles 28, 15. Middletown 27, 16. Sidney 22, 17. West Carrollton 4. 200Medley Relay: 1. Hamilton 1:43.15, 2. Elder 1:43.51, 3. Beavercreek 1:43.56, 4. Princeton 1:45.70, 5. Fairfield 1:46.65, 6. Springfield North 1:47.42. 200 Freestyle; 1. Thar (Graham) 1:46.28, 2. Thompson (Oak Hills) 1:47.32, 3. Packer (Princeton) 1:48.29, 4. Cole !Beavercreek) 1:49.86, 5. Fightmaster (Oak Hills) 1:50.10, 6. Stephens (Hamilton) 1:50.17. , 200 Individual Medley: 1. Mclarty (Beavercreek) 2:01.66, 2. Smith (Oak Hills) 2:02.65, 3. Juergens (Spr. North) 2:02.93, 4. Ernani (Sidney Lehman) 2:05.13, 5. Janssen (Oak Hilkls) 2:06.30, 6. Stoops (Beavercreek) 2:08.01. 50 Freestyle: 1. Fiorillo (Beavercreek) 22.60, 2. Dryer (Oa~ Hills) 22.89, 3. Pierson (Hamilton) 23.190. 4. Huffer (Princeton) 23.44, 5. (tie) Forbin (Oak Hills) Bayman (Piqua) 23.62. 100 Butterfly: 1. McCollum (Hamiltoni 54.83, 2. Birdsong (Princeton) 55.1 0. 3. Morgan (Versailles) 55 62, 4. Ball (Spr. North) 56.21, 5. Dryer (Oak Hills) 56.30, 6. Kamer (Beavercreek) 56.92. Diving: 1. Nels (Beavercreek) 415.85, 2. Roberts (Beavercreek) 286.40, 3. Schunk (Middletown) 234.70, 4. Evans (Middletown) 230.20, 5. Neugebauer (Wyoming) 227.10. 6. Mecher (Elder) 225.75. 100 Freastyla: 1. Fiorillo (Beavercreak) 49.49, 2. Stephens

(Hamilton) 49.85, 3. Smith (Oak Hills) 49.94, 4. Berting (Elder) 50.95. 5. Thompson (Princeton) 51.12, 6. Sailer (Fairborn)51.56. 500 Freestyle: 1. Thar (Graham) 4:44.36, 2. Juergens (Spr. North) 4:51.51. 3. Packer (Princeton) 4:51.70, 4. Fightmaster (Oak Hills) 4:52.38, 5. Thompson (Oak Hills) 4:58.81, 6. Cole (Beavercreek) 4:59.37. 200 Freestyle Relay: 1. Oak Hills 1:32.25, 2. Hamilton 1:33.48. 3. Princeton 1:33.88, 4. Beavercreek 1:34.26, 5. Elder 1:34.89, 6. Wyoming 1:36.83. 100 Backstroke: 1. Morgan (Versailles) 55.97, 2. Booth (Taylor) 56.18, 3. McClarty (Beavercreek) 56.31, 4. McCollum (Hamilton) 56.49, 5. Mellilo (Elder) 57.14, 6. Bell (Spr. North) , 57.88. 100 Breaststroke: 1. VanArsdale (Beavercreek) 1:03.30, 2. Kantor (Beavercreek) 1:04.18, 3. Pierson (Hamilton) 1:05.23. 4. Cyr (Princeton) 1:05.82, 5. Ventura (Fairfield) 1:05.90, 6. Ludwig (Elder) 1:06.33. 400 Freestyle Relay: 1. Beavercreek 3:21.44, 2. Oak Hills 3:23.94, 3. Princeton 3:28,.42. 4. Elder 3:32.85, 5. Fairfield 3:33.30, 6. Wyoming 3:36.98.

Sycamore Sectional HEIDENREICH, HUBBELL WIN 2 EVENTS EACH - Northwest's Darren Heidenreich and Waynesville's Marty Hubbell each won two events in the Sycamore sectional at Sycamore High School. Heidenreich, the only member of the Knights' swim team, won both the 200-yard and 500yard freestyle. Hubbell took first in the 200 individual relay and 100 breastsrake. He is the reigning state champion in both events. SYCAMORE SECTIONAL MEET (At Sycamore High School) (Top tour advance to District) Team Standings: 1. Centerville 203, 2. Talawanda 190. 3. Sycamore 181 ,. 4. Lakota 154, 5. Moeller 142, 6. Alter 106, 7. Troy 94, Fairmont 83, 9. Waynesville 60, 10. Carroll 41, 11. Mason 40, 12. Northwest 32, 13. Wayne 23, 14. Wiman WOOds 14, 15. Kings 9, 16. Springboro 4, 17. Dayton Christian 3, 18. (tie) Xenia, Stebbins 2. 200 Medley Relay: 1. Centerville 1:42.73. 2. Moeller 1:45.89.3. Sycamore1 :46.80, 4. Alter 1:47.72, 5. Troy 1:47.90, 6. Talawanda 1:48.57. 200 Freestyle: 1. Heidenreich (Northwest) 1:46.39. 2. Har¡ tig (Lakota) 1:47.10, 3. Cotterman (Talawanda) 1:51.73, 4. Rude (Mason) 1:52.80. 5. Kasparek (W. Carrollton) 1:55.55, 6. Mallue (Centerville) 1:55.79. 200 Individual Medley: 1. Hubbell (Waynesville) 1:54.43 (meet record), 2. Van Norman (Troy) 2:00.48, 3. Lithertand (Waynesville) 2:01.00, 4. M. Priessler (Sycamore) 2:06.08, 5. Gunnoe (Centerville) 2:06.79, 6. Homan (Alter) 2:07.96. 50 F, 1. Mallue (Centerville) 21.86, 2. Sackenheim (Talawanda) 22.38, 3. Priest (Fairmont) 22.49, 4. Wolf (Centerville) 22.73, 5. Klapper (Lakota) 22.91, 6. Roberts (Talawanda) 23.05. 100 Butterfly: 1. Lithertand (Waynesville) 53.64, 2. Wolf (Centerville) 54.01, 3. Priest (Fairmont) 55.41, 4. Martin (Fairmont) 58.75, 5. M. Preissler (Sycamore) 59.00, 6. Mulshine (Moeller) 59.20. 100 Freestyle: 1. Mallue (Centerville) 49.69, 2. Klapper (Lakota) 50.19, 3. Sackenheim (Talawanda) 50.27, 4. Wilson (Lakota) 51.10, 5. Soetter (Waynesville) 51.38, 6. Hilb (Sycamore) 51.55. Diving: 1. Myers (Talawanda) 505.20, 2. Glorius (Moeller) 444.20, 3. MacDonald (Talawanda) 408.80, 4. Lambert (Meeler) 344.70, 5. Klint (Troy) 334.90, 6. Robinson (Sycamore) 272.35. 500 Freestyle: 1. Heidenreich (Northwest) 4:45.92, 2. Hartig (Lakota) 4:52.34. 3. Homan (Alter) 5:00.24. 4. Rude (Mason) 5:02.68, 5. Cotterman (Talawanda) 5:09.23, 6. Gehri (Lakota) 5:12.26. 200 Freestyle Relay: 1. Talawanda 1:31.23, 2. Centerville 1:31.50, 3. Lakota 1:34.38, 4. Sycamore 1:35.02. 5. Troy 1:35.68, 6. Meeler 1:37.57. 100 Backstroke: 1. Van Norman (Troy) 54.43, 2. Gunnoe (Centerville) 56.27. 3. Priessler (Sycamore) 57.47, 4. Hilb (Sycamore) 58.32, 5. Lyme (Troy) 58.72, 6. Eppstein (Moeller) 58.76. 100 Breaststroke: 1. Hubbell (Waynesville) 57.53 (meet record). 2. Abell (Moeller) 1:04.59, 3. Herman (Fairmont) 1:05.27, 4. Houston (Alter) 1:05.57, 5. Doris (Sycamore) 1:06.25. 6. Burchyett (Talawanda) 1:06.32. 400 Freestyle Relay: 1. Talawanda 3:24.21, 2. Lakota 3:25.58, 3. Sycamore 3:28.74, 4. Meeler 3:32.09, 5. Alter 3:34.27. 6. Centerville 3:34.77.

F.e.t, lq't,

Boys' swimming

Hudepohl, Andrews strOke St. X to title Bombers earn 13 spots in state meet By Dave Tippenhauer Post contributor

Two-time defending state champion St. Xavier will head back to the state boys' swimming meet at Canton next weekend with every reason to believe it can make it three in a row. The Bombers rolled to another district title Friday night at Keating Natatorium, setting two district records and winning five events and 13 automatic qualify· ing spots for the state meet. "It's ours if we can swim well enough," St. Xavier coach Jim Brower said. "We're at the point right now where we want to be." Seniors Joe Hudepohl and Mi: chael Andrews led the Bombers, each setting a district record in an' individual event and each helping two relay teams win. Andrews broke his own dis· trict mark in the 100-yard back· stroke with a time of 50.37 seconds. His old record of 51.22 was set last season. He also swam on the winning 200 medley relay and 400 freestyle relay teams. "I was just trying to make it to state and trying to do better than I did last year," Andrews said. "I had a stomach virus all week and I didn't know what to expect." Hudepohl, who holds three national records, set a district record in the 50 freestyle in 20.63, breaking the 1978 mark set by Turpin's Bill Barrett (21.01). Hudepohl ·already holds the state and national record of 20.01 in the 50 freestyle, which he set in last year'S state meet. Although Hudepohl holds district, state and national records in both the 100 and 200 freestyles, he chose not to swim those events in the high school championship meets. He'll wait and swim those events in the Olympic trials later this year. Hudepohl teamed with Mike Schramm, Jason Davis and Shawn Trokham to win the 200 freestyle relay, and came back to team with Andrews, Davis and

Dod Wales to win the 400 freestyle relay. Andrews teamed with Jon Maddux, Wales and Trokhan to win the 200 medley relay. Country Day junior Karl ·Scheer won two titles, swimming 47.24 in the 100 freestyle and 1:43.85 in the 200 freestyle. Turpin's Brad Watterson successfully defended his district title in the 100 butterfly with a 51.31. Waynesville's Mary Hubbell successfully defended his district titles in the 100 breaststroke and 200 individual medley. The top four finishers in each event automatically qualify for the state meet, to be held at C.T. Branin Natatorium in Canton. The next fastest 11 swimmers from across the state in each event also qualify. SOUTHWEST DISTRICT (AT KEATING NATATORIUM) (TOP FOUR ADVANCE TO STATE MEET) TEAM STANDINGS - 1. St. Xavier 306, 2. Anderson 109.5, 3. Beavercreek 106, 4. Centerville 54, 5. Oak HiUs 80.5, 6. Talawanda 76, 7. Walnut Hills 73.5, 8. Turpin S4, 9. Hamilton 56, 10. Waynesville 49. 11. Elder 42, 12. Moeller 40.5, 13. CCD 40, 14. Springfield North 30. 15. (tie) Sycamore, Northwest, Marie· mont 29, 18. Lakota 28, 19. Troy 27, 20. Graham 19, 21. McNicholas 15, 22. (tie) Clermont NE. Kettering Fairmont 12, 24. Milford 11, 25. Princeton 8, 26. (tie) Fairfield. Mason 7, 28. Seven Hills 3, 29. Versailles 2. 200 MEDLEY RELAY - 1. St. Xavier (Andrews, Maddux, Wales, Trokhan) 1:35.90, 2. Anderson (Starr, Ferry, Stringer, Sinkovich) 1:40.07, 3. Centerville (Gunnoe, Lowry, Wolf, Mallue) 1:40.52, 4. Hamilton (McAdams, Pierson, McCollum, Stephens) 1:40.67. 200 FREESTYLE - 1. Scheer (CCD) 1:43.85, 2. Heidenreich (Northwest) 1:44.07, 3. Watterson (Turpin) 1:44.67, ~­ Marcotte (Walnut Hills) 1:45.61. 200 INDIVIDUAL MEDLEY - 1. Hubbell (Waynesville) 1:53.58, 2. Andrews (St. Xavier) 1:56.16. 3. Juergens (Spg. North) 1:57.06, 4. Pater (St. Xavier) 1:57.86. SO FREESTYLE - 1. Hudepohl (St. Xavier) 20.63 (district record), 2. Mallue (Centerville) 21.58, 3. Trokhan (St. Xavier) 21.60, 4. Heis (Turpin) 21.87. 100 BUTTERFLY - 1. Watterson (Turpin) 51.31, 2. Wales (St. Xavier) 51.56, 3. Clevenger (Clermont Northeastern) 52.04, 4. McCollum (Hamilton) 52.81. 100 FREESTYLE - 1. Scheer (CCD) 47.24, 2. Klapper (Lakota) 48.07, 3. Wales (St. Xavier) 48.20, 4. Smith (Oak Hills) 48.~4.

DIVING- 1. Myers (Talawanda) 517.00, 2. Glorius (Moeller) 505.95, 3. Nels (Beavercreek) 442.25, 4. McFarland (Milford) 427.85. 500 FREESTYLE - 1. Heidenreich (Northwest) 4:40.54, 2. Juergens (Spg. North) 4:41.62, 3. Thar (Graham) 4:43.85, 4. Fightmaster (Oak Hills) 4:45.52. 200 FREESTYLE RELAY - 1. St. Xavier (Hudepohl, Schramm, Davis, Trohkan) 1:26.69, 2. Anderson (Gutbbier, Stark, Stringer, Druso) 1:29.33, 3. Oak Hills (Dryer, Forbin, Thompson, Smith) 1:29.79, 4. Centerville 1:29.96. 100 BACKSTROKE - 1. Andrews (St. Xavier) 50.37 (district record), 2. Krueger (Mariemont) 52.97, 3. Van Norman (Troy) 53.23, 4. Pater (St. Xavier) 53.89. 100 BREASTSTROKE - 1. Hubbell (Waynesville) 57.96, 2. Druso (Anderson) 59.67, 3. Ross (Mariemont) 1:00.95, 4. Maddux (St. Xavier) 1:01.29. 400 FREESTYLE RELAY - 1. St. Xavier (Hudepohl, Andrews, Davis, Wales) 3:09.10, 2. Beavercreek (Dressier, Cole, Fiorillo, Mclarty) 3:15.72, 3. Oak Hills (Thompson. Fightmaster, Dryer, Smith) 3:16.08, 4. Walnut Hills (Ranker, Marcotte, Grasha, Schauer) 3:20.66.


High School

Swimming GIRLS

State Qualifiers 200 Medley Relay: St. Ursula, CenterviDe 1:49.06, Sycamore 1:50.11, ursunne 1:50.16, W. Canton Hoover, Rocky River Magnificat, Hudson, Getes Mills Hawken, Napoleon, Toledo St. Ursula, Canton Glenoak, Upper Ar1ington, Westerville North, Oak Hills, Anderson, Worthington. Columbus Academy, GahMna Lincoln, Toledo Notre Dame, Solon, Mount Notre Di!lme, Shaker Heights, Bowling Green, Turpin. 200 Freestyle: Grover (Centerville) 1;~.12. Bassler (Sycamore) 1:54.25, Wise (Greenon) 1:54.73, Webster (Ross). Schuette (Westlake), Neal' {Sycamore), Landon (Ursuline), McCc>ley (Napoleon), Dingledy (Upper Artklgton), Gunning (Turpin), Moses (St. ursula),. Yzagournls (Upper Arlington), Wong (Lakota), Schick (Gates Mills Hawken), Oorenkott (Rocky River Magnificat), Ahern (8elbrook), Cook (Massillon Jackson), Kling (St. ursula), Kraemer (Ursuline), Grunwell (Talawan1 dal. Sullivan (Totedo St. Ursula), Ivers (St. · Ursula),Berteli (Turpin), Gallagher (Akron Lady or Elms). 200 Individual MedleY: Gustin (Seven Hills) 2:05.08, Feaiey (St. Ursula) 2:06.76, Janssen (Oak HiRs) 2:07.86, Campbel (Centerville) 2:09.06, Ulmander (Louisville), Haemmerle (Springfiekl Central Catholic), Kull (Westerville North), Humble (Dayton Chaminadel, Choich (Gates Mills Hawken), Stark (Hudson), Lockhart (Massillon Perry). Bragg (NeJPQieon), Gale (Centerville), Kek:o (Bowling Green), Graham (Middle· town), Runzo (Kettering Fairmont), Sprecher (Princeton), Conway (Ursuline), Jill Hartsock (Waynesville), Turner (Anderson), Miedler (Toledo St. Ursula), Ad· k.ins (Gahanna Lincoln), Roedersheimer (St. Ursula), McGinty (Gates Mills Hawken). so Freestyle: Stone (Mansfield Madison) 23.78, Kemmer6ng (Rocky River M5Q· nificat) 24.38. Rotaru (Upper Arlington) 24.38, Minnich (Ashland)24.48, Eck (Kettering Fairmont), Bennett (Sycamore), Schlessman (Rocky River Magnificat), Kerns (Sycamore), Rosser (Anderson), !aquill (Sylvania SOuthview), Lowry (CCD), Lemmink (Roger Bacon), Chelf (Wooster), Kirkwood (St. ursula), Earhart (Ursuline), Arbaugh (Hudson), Unwin (Berea), Ll· ngvflvious (Dublin), Stark (Thomas worthington(, Scheible (CUy. Christian), Grogg (Defiance), Harvey (Warren G. Harding), Edsall (Circleville), McCOrkle (Mansfield). 100 Buflerfly: Silbersack (St. Ursula) 57 .50, Jackson ( trsuline) 58.54, Lageman (Westerville North) 59.02,. Fritsch (Oak Hills) 59.16, Williams (North Canton Hoover), Sonnenberg (Canton Glenollkl, Jennifer Hartsock (Waynesvlle ), Jarrieson (Fin· neytown), Haldy (N~n), Hruscousk.y (Gates Mills Hawken), Cook (Oeveland Orangel. Banks (Beavercreek), Oppelt (Ursuline), JRI Hartsock (Waynesville), Baker (Toledo St. Ursula), Runzo (Kettering Fairmont), Edsa~ (Circleville), Doherty {Mother of Mercy), Godfrey (Grandville), Paul (Upper Arlington), Linck (St. Ursula), Ber· telli (Turpin), Bridgeman (Gates Mills Hawken), Vernace (Napoleon). 100 Freestyle: Stone (Mansfield Madi· sonl 52.24, Bennett (Sycamore) 52.55, Grover (Centerville) 52.85, Kemmerling (Rocky River Magnificat) 53.36, Kirk (Rocky River Magnificat), Eck (Kettering Fairmont), Unwin (Berea), Ken•s (Sycamore), Scheible (Cuy. Christian), 'Fritsch (Oak Hills), Minnich (Ashland), Wong (La· kola), Kraemer !Ursuline), Lemmink (RogerBacon), Neal (Sycamore), Eckert (Fairfield), Earhart (Ursuline), Tzagournis (Upper Mington), Arbaugh (Hudson), Kyle (New Richmond), Houtz (Kansas Lakota). Dingledy (Upper Arlington), Lockhart (Massillon Perry), Harvey (Warren G. Harding). . 500 FrHs tyle: Landon I Ursuline) 5:04.60, Choich (Gates Mills Hawken) 5:05.25, Schuette (WesflokeJ 5:06.30, (Rocky River Magnificat) 5:07.92, Webster (Hanni~on Ross), Schick !Gates Mills Hawtienl, McColey (Napoleon), Cur· nayn (Cincinnati Notre Dame), SuNivan (Toledo St. ursula}, Turner (Anderson), Moses !St. Ursula(, Haldy (Napoleon), Smith IM .. son), Ahern (Bellbrook), Cassin (Anderson), Gunning (Turpin), Cook (Massillon Jad<son), Konlewich (Upper Arlington), Juergens (Springfield North), Ahern (Bell· brook), Davis (Lakota), Ivers lSI. Ursula), Grant (Akron Firestone), Strohl (Westerville North). 200 Freestyle RelaY: Kettering Fairmont 1:38.65, Rocky River Magnificat 1:38.82, Upper Ar~ngton 1:A0.08, Gates Mils Hawken 1:40.54, Ursuline, St. Ursula, Sycamore, Turpin, Napoleon, Thomas WorthinQ· ton, Berea, Anderson. HudMJn, Centerville, Akron Firestone, Toledo St. Urslla, Massillon Jackson, Mansfield, C~umbus Academy, Toledo Notre Dame, canton Glenoak, C>ak Harbor, Wooster, Mentor. 100 Backstroke: Bassler (Sycamore) 57.33, Campbell (Centervlle) 57.88, Rosser (Anderson) 50.67, Jackson !UrsuftneJ 58.68, Rotaru (Upper Arlington(, Kirk (Rocky Riv· er Magnfficat), Gerbig (Upper Arlilglon), Eckerl (Fairfield), Hruscousky (Gates Mills Hawken), Murphy (Anderson), Jamieson (Finneytown), Adkins (Gahanna Lincoln), Cooper (Mentor), Haemmerle (Springfield Central Catholic), Silt>ersack (St. Ursula), Williams (North Canton Hoover), Gallagher (Akron Lady of Elms), Oppelt (Ursuline), Wise (Springfield Green· on), Koukis (Delaware Hayes), Chelf (Wooster), Sooy (Gates Mils Hawken), Wernecke (Napoleon), (Toledo St. Ursula). 100 Breaststroke: Gustin (Seven Hins) 1:03.32, Fe,;ey (St. Ursula) 1:0176, Schiess· man (Rocky River Magnificat) 1:05.01, Ses· co (Centerville) 1:05.06, Janssen ( Qak Hills), Graham (Middletown), Conway (Ursuline), Kud< (Del. Oientangy), Humble !Dayton Chamnade), Bragg (Napoleon), Sprecher (Princeton), Warner (Kettering Fairmont), Blakemore (Nortn Canton Hoover), Kull (WesterviHe North), Sfl!lrk (Hudson), Grunwell (OXford Talawanda), Ketso (Bowling Green), Ulmander (Louisville), CUrnayn (Cincinnati Notre Dame), RoederWimer (St. Ursula), Cale (Centerville), Leszcynski (Canftll Glenoak), Binder (Galion), Burns (Shaker Helg,tsJ. 400 Freestyle Relay: Sycamore 133.83, Centerville 3:35.65, Ursuline 3:37.17, Kettering Fairmont 3:37.82,. St. Ursula. Upper Arlington. Napoleon, G~Jtes Mnls Hawken, Turpn, Anderson, Westervile North, Canton Gienoak, Berea, Toledo St. Ursula, Akron Firestone, Hudson, Gahanna Lincoln, North Canton Hoover, Massillon Jackson, Rocky River Magnificat, ~. Bowling Green, Lakota, Warren G. Harding. Diving: Roberts {Anderson), Trostel (Talawanda), Shermi.Vl (Sycamore),Loberg (Sycamore), Schaible {Walnut Hills), Ogden IDak Hills), Sims I Lakota), McCoy (Medina Highlands), Moyers (Richfield Revere), Ozanlch (Kenton Roosevelt), Kuhn (N. Canton Hoover), Lesh (N. Canton Hoo~ ver), eNter Hudson), Higgins (Hudson), Adams (Mentor), Ferry (Ursuline), Hutch· inson (Belbrookl, Woog (Worthington), Ho· ly (Worthington Kilbarne), Haggelbach (Fremont Ross), Waldman (Mansfield St. Peter), Peterman (Toledo St. Ursula), Sk.a· pik (Sylvania Southview).

BOYS State Qualifiers 200 Medley Relay: St. Xavier 1:35.90, Gates Mills Hawken 1:37.48, Cleveland St. !~~tius J:~.~2, A~·F;. Univ_ers~ty, Upp_er Ar-

M412. J 'itt:;.. stone, Findlay, Elder, Watterson, Worthing· ton, Walnut Hills, Bay Village Bay, Louisville St. Thomas, Lexington, Shaker Heights. 200 Freestyle: Helley (Shaker Hei9:!tsl 1:43.01. Katz !Gates Mills Hawken 1:43.70, Scheer (CCDI 1:43.85, Harms (Toledo St. Francis) 1:43.91, Heidenreich (North-

west), Watterson (Turpin), Oswiecinski (Oeveland St. ignatius), Vanderschie (Hud·

son). Sheridan (St. Xavier), Marcotte (Walnut Hills), Guibord (St. Xavier), Peterson (Sandusky), Deacosta (Shaker Heights), Thar (St. Paris Graham), Durkin

(McNicholas), Hartig (lakota). Braden (Findayl, Thompson (Oak H~lsl, Ward (Logan), Rude (Mason), Holdrid!JE! (Colum-

bus St. Charles). Schlesinger (C.F. Universi· ty), Shahan (Canton Glenoak), Phillips (Kent Roosevelt). 200 Individual Medley: Hubbell (Waynesville! 1:53.53, Andrews CSI. Xavi·

erl 1:56.16, Bare (Gates Mils Hawken) 1:56.70, Juer!JE!Os (Springfield North), Pater (St. Xavier), Van Norman (Troy), Salerno (Gates MiUs Hawken), Tober (Akron Firestone), Goodrich (Co. St. Charles). Schauer (W,;nut Hills), Harker (Centerville), Litherland (Waynesii'Gel, SmWh COok HiUsl, Gr .. ham (Watterson>. Krueger (Mariemont), Davis (St. Xavier), Blanchong (Columbus Academy), LcLarty (Beavercreek), Pane~ lo I HUdson), Gcmoe (Centerville), Doepke (Seven Hills), Tann (Sandusky Perkins), Tober (Akron Firestone), Johnson (T~edo St. Francis). SO Freestyle: Hudepohl (St. Xavier l 20.63, Oaypool (Hudson) 20.94, Schlessman (Qeveland St. lgna~usl 21.21, Hladish (So· ion), Hl!lllue (Centerville), Trc*han (St. Xavier), Davis (Upper Arlington), McKone (Toledo St. Francis), Ding (Louisville Sf. Tllornas), Woolbert (Massillon Jackson), Heis (Turpin), Druse (Anderson), Hilter (Akron Firestone), Kemedy (Mansfield), Wunderley (Brunswick}, Sackenheim (Ta· lawanda), Van Almen (Canton Glenoak), Priest (Fairmont), Walace (Bloom Carroll), Dixon (Delaware Hayes), Weber (Oak Harbor), Delmore (Hudson), Gray (Ashl5ld), Ml!lynard (Upper Arlington). 100 Butterfly: Watterson (Turpin 51.31. Wales (St. Xavier) 51.56, Kindl (Cleveland St. Ignatius) 51.59, Richner (Qeveland st. Ignatius), Oevenger (Cier· mont Northeastern), Gerken (Toledo St. Francis), McCollum (Hamilton), Yack (Oak Harbor), Lither1and (Waynesville), Berlin (Copley), Bossert (St. XavierL Foradori (Lodl Cloverleaf). Apple (Gahanna Lin· coin), Wolf (Centerville), Gutbier (Ander· son), Panela (Hudson), Welch (Ashtabula Harbor), Renn (Warren Harding). Martin (Lexington), Deeson (C.F. l.kliverslty), In· fantino (St. Xavier), Crawe (CoNmbtJs NorlfjandJ, Haninger (Upper Arlington!. 100 Freestyle: Claypool (Hudson) 45.75, Schlessman (Cleveland St. Ignatius) 46.40, Kindt COeveland St. Ignatius) 47.14, Miedler (Toledo St. Francis) 47.16, Scheer (Cincinnati Country Day) 47.24, Davis (Upper Arlington), Oswiecinski (Cleveland St. Ignatius), McKone (Toledo St. Francis). Pelerson (San<ilsky), Bing (LoulsviNe St. Tllornas), Woolbery (Massillon Jackson), Blanchong I Cokrnbus Academy), Klapper (Lakota), Wales (St. Xavier), Kermedy (Mansfield), Braden (Findlay), Risller (C.F. University), Love (Wa!"ren Howland), Tack (Oak Harbor), Milter (Akron Firestone), Van Almen !Canton Glenoak), Su.-si (Columbus Watterson). HaMoran (C.F. Universi· ly), Smith (Oak Hnlsl. 500 Freestyle: Katz (Gates MiHs Haw· ken) 4:35.07, Harms (Toledo St. Francis) 4:38.19, Gerken (Toledo St. Francis) 4:39.04, Heidenreich (Northwest) 4:40.54, Deacosta (Shaker Helg,ts), Juer!JE!OS (Springfield North), Salerno {Gates Mills Hawken), Mei~Y (Shaker Heights), Thor lSI. Paris Graham), Harker (CenterviUe), Waid (Logan), Fightmaster (Oak Hills), OUrkin (McNicholas), Marcotte (Walnut Hills), Sheridan (St. Xavier), Rude (Masoa), Hartig (Lakota), Cole (Beavercreek), Packer (Princeton), PhiiUps (Kent Roosevelt), Vernace (Napoleon), Sledt (Columbus St. Charles), McKinley IWorthinglonl, Federico (Copley). 200 Freestyle Relay: St. Xavier 1:26.69, Cleveland St. Ignatius 1:27.05, Hud· son 1:28.00, Toledo St. Francis, Upper Ar· ling ton, Anderson, Oak Hils, Columbus St. Charles, Worthington, Columbus Watterson, Ashland, Centerville, Massillon Jackson, Turpin, Canton Gtenoak, C.F. University, Berea. Talawanda. Akron Firestone, Columbus Academy, Hamilton, Elder, Sycamore, Lexington. lOO Backstroke: Andrews (St. Xavier) 50.37, Derlln (Copley) 52.72, Krueger (Mariemont) 52.97, Hladish (Solon), Miedler (Toledo St. Francis), Van Norman (Troy J. Dippel (L51Caster), Dare (Gates Mills Hawken), Pater (St. Xavier), Richner

~~!~:~~ ~i(sst. ~~~r)(,~~~~:~ (C.F. University), Guibord (St. Xavier), Ax· Une (Grandvlle), McLarty (Beavercreek}, Gunnoe (Centerville), Star Anderson), Turner (Toledo St. Francis), Holland (Wooster), Doepke (Seven Hins>. Morgan (Versailes), Taoo Sandusky Perkins), Urbl!ln (Lakewood St. Edward.) 100 Breaststroke: Hubbell (Waynes· vine) 57.96, Appfe (Gahanna Lincoln) 59.56, Slrsi (Watterson), Druso (Anderson), Salem (Lakewood St. Edward), Tober (Akron Firestone), Nick (Bay Vilage Bay), Hannan (Massillon Washington), Lamers (Berea), Ll!lwrence (C.F. University), Dove (Fostoria), Ross (Mariemont), Neal, (lakewood), Maddux (St. Xavier), Wanna <Toledo St. Francis), Neuenschwa~nder (Wauseon), Vanadedale (Beavercreek), Goodrich (Columbus St. Charles), Alcott (Ffnclay), Mor· gan (Gates Mifls Hawken), Sears (Wor· thington), Froetk.e (St. Xavier), Kantor (Beavercreek.), Robon (Toledo St. John). 400 Free•tyle Relay; Oeveland st. 19natius 3:08.61, St. Xavier 3:09.10, TIJedo Sf. Francis 3:10.72, Hudson, Gates Mms Hawken, Beavercreek, Oak Hills, Akron Firestone, Solon, Berea, Columbus Academy, Shaker Heights, Coll.ITlbus St. Charles, Copley, Worthington, Oak Harbor, Walnut Hills, Tillawanda, Anderson, Massillon Jackson, C.F. University, Kent Roosevelt, Sylvania Southview, Napoleon. Diving: Groth (St. Xavier), Nels (Beavercreek), McOonald (Talawanda), Myers (Talawandal, Roody {Massillon Perry). Makowiz (Massillon Jackson), Reuscher (Massilon Jackson), Pohtmeyer (Massillon Jackson), Loeser (Kent Roose· vett), Witmer (North Canton Hoover). Lam· bert (Moeler), Glorius (Moeller), McFar· land (Milford), Kiraly (COpley), Carlise (Canton Central Catholic), Ansevin (Youngstown Boardman), Steele (Cleveland St. l"'atius). Yenorek (Lakewood), Dixon (Parma Valley Forge), Cacolici (Mayfield), Cruver (Worthington), CUlver (Pickerington), Anderson (Findlay), Pins· ner (Sandusky Perkins). I



ak,Jacks By MIKE POPOVICH Repository sports writer

CANTON- The possibilities are limitless for 41 Stark County hopefUls who will compete in the 65th annual Boys ·and 15th annual Girls Ohio High School State Swimming and Diving Championships which begin Friday at C. T .. Branin Natatorium. ' GlenOak and Jackson lead all area schools with 12 state qualifiers each. The Golden Eagles qualified seven members from their girls team, which claimed the Northeastern District Southern Section team title last weekend. "We are not going to be in contention for the state title but our main goal is to get all of our qualifiers in the top 12," said GlenOak head coach Jeff Burrows. "If all goes well, we will get a lot of team · points this year." One goal for the GlenOak girls was to qualify all three relayteams- and the Eagles did just that. The 400-yard freestyle relay team of Jill Hempen, Anne Hofmann, Lisa Humphrey and Cobin

Sonnenberg won the district title with a time of 3:43.26. The· Eagles finished third in the boys standings. Glen Oak's lone district champion wa~ sophomore Eric Shahan, whose time of 1:47.62 took first place in the 200 freestyle. Jackson will send its boys and girls 200 and 400 freestyle relay teams. · The foursome of Dan and Rich Fries, Steve Woolbert and John Stamates set a district record for the Polar Bears by winning the 200 freestyle relay in 1:29.97. Junior Jenny Cook will anchor Jackson's 200 freestyle relay team and will be the lead swimmer on the 400 team. Cook· also claimed individual district titles in the 200 and 500 freestyles. "We are very pleased with our relay teams," said Bears head coach Jack Gardner. "The times are very good butl also think we have a lot of room for improvement." North Canton Hoover claimed four district championships in swimming events. Senior Heather Williams wo·n individ-

into st I ;

ual titles in the 100 butterfly and 100 backstroke and led off.the 200 medley relay team, which set a district .record in 1:50.60. . Sophomore Jessica Blakemore clocked in at 1:08.27 to win the 100 breaststroke. · '· "She is just a tremendous workout swimmer and we could just see her getting faster every time," Vikings. head coach Rick Morrison said. "We expected her to be that fast. l think she was a little nervous because she has never been in a po_sition to be in first place (at districts) before. She had some extra pressure, but maybe she .will relax this week." · ·Other area district champions who will be among state contenders are Louisville's Eva Ulmander in the 200 individual medley, Wooster's Lindy Chelf in the 50 freestyle, Perry's Molly Lockhart in the 100 freestyle and St. Thomas Aquinas' Jason CBing in the 50 and 100 freestyles. The swimmer to watch again this year will be Cincinnati St. Xavier's Joe Hudepohl, whp set national records by win-

sw1m me t

ning the 100 freestyle (43.54 seconds) and 200 freestyle (1:34.96) at last year's state meet. He was also given a ceitified national record when he swam the opening 50-yard leg on St. Xavier's state champion 200 medley relay tearri in 20.01 seconds. Hudepohl will swim in the 50 freestyle and on St. Xavier's 200 and 400 medley relay teams at this year's state meet.c "He is a really good kid," said St. Xavier coach Jim Brower. "He is very smart, very humble, very cooperative and he trains real hard. He has the talent and drive to make himself good. That's where he really excels." Hudepohl was going to swim in the 100 butterfly in tournament competition but a strained back forced him to switch to the 50 freestyle. He will swim in the 50, 100, 200 and 400 freestyles at next month's Olympic trials in Indianapolis. St. Xavier will attempt to win its third consecutive state championship ·and a state record 16th team title overalL Cincinnati Ursuline is the defending girls state champion.


OHSAA SWIMMING AND DIVING CHAMPIONSHIPS Friday 9:30 a.m.-Boys and girls preliminaries in the 200 medley relay, 200 freestyle, 200 individual medley. 50 freestyle and 100 butterfly. I p.m·.~Girls diving preliminaries. 3:30 p.m.-Boys diving preliminaries. 7 p.m ..;_Boys and girls finals in the 200 medley relay, 200 freestyle, 200 individual medley, 50 freestyle and I 00 butterfly ..

·saturday 10 a.m.--Boys and girls preliminaries in the 100 freestyle, 500 freestyle, 200 freestyle relay, 100 backstroke, 100 breast-. stroke and 400 freestyle relay. I :30 p.m.-Girls diving semifinals and finals.

3: IS p.m.-Boys diving semifinals and finals. 7 p.m.--Boys and girls finals in the 100 freestyle, 500 freestyle, 200 freestyle relay, ·100 backstroke, I00 breaststroke and 400 freestyle relay.

GLENOAK GIRLS. The members of the Glen Oak High School girls swim team who have reached the state meet include (front, left. to right) Anne Hofmann, Kiersten Ange, Jori lLeszczynski, (bacck, left to right) Cobin Sonnenberg, Jill Hempen and Charity Elder. (Repository staff photo by Susan Shea)

JACKSON BOYS. The Jackson High swim team members .who · qualified for' the state meet include (front, left .to right) Marc Nackowiz, .Andy Pohlmeyer, Craig Reuseher, (back, left to right) Dan Fries, Steve Woolbert, Rich Fries, ,John Stamates and Jason Morris. (Repository photo by Chief Photographer Stan Myers)

ST ..T.HO~AS BOYS. TheSt. Thomas Aquinas boys state swim mclude (left to right) Bill Whittier, Jason Bing, Clint Trocchw and T.J. Kling. (Repository staff photo by Chief Photographer Stan Myers) quahf1~rs

~LENOAK BOYS. TheGlenOak High School state swim qualifiers . mclude (front, left to right) Robert Hedegore, Eric Skelly, (back, left . to right) Eric Shahan, R.J. Van Almen and Steve Rauch. (Repository staff photo by Susan Shea)

North Canton trio head~ones area contingen·t in diving co~mpetition .


By CHRIS BEAVEN Repository sports correspondent

CANTON- Led by district champions Brad Wilmer and Karen Lesh, both from North Canton Hoover, this year's statediving competition have a definite local flavor. Tile 65th annual Boys and 15th annual Girls Ohio High School State Swimming and Diving. Chanipionships begin Friday at C. T. Branin Natatorium. Wilmer and Lesh are each seeded second in the boys and girls divisions, respectively, entering this weekend. . · Oxford Talawanda boasts th'e top seeds in both divisions. Senior Travis Myers, the defending state champion, is the !;Joys' top seed, while freshman Angie Trostel is the top-seeded girl. · The stiffest competition for the favorites could come from several local divers. North Canton senior Kristie Kuhn, who finished second to Lesh at districts, is seeded fifth. Besides Wilmer, there are five other area divers in the boys field. Jackson will send the senior trio of Andy Pohlmeyer, Marc Nackowiz and Craig Reuscher, while Perry senior Chris Roddy will make a return trip to state. Also . dompeting is Central Catholic sophomore Joe. Car lise. Nackowiz was the district J;Unner-up and is seeded third, while the other four all earned at-large berths. Both Wilmer and Lesh are pleased with their district performances, but would rather not be considered as favorites. "Being seeded high makes me more nervous," said Wilmer, a senior who is making his third appearence at state and was 11th at last year's meet. 'Td rather be seeded lower and then surprise everyone." · Nackowiz, who competed at state last year along with Reuscher and Roddy, feels com-




GlenOak seeks tennis coach GtenOak High School has an opening for a coach~ ing only position as assistant boys tennis coach: Interested candidates shou!d call athl.elic director Ralph Ciccarelli at 492-7455 for more information:

OSU hoop party slated The Ohio State Alumni Club of Stark'C:aunty will sponsor-a ·seal Indiana·· party Feb. 23 at the 3561h Fighter Group Bomber squadron at 1 p.m. Admission IS $15 lor more :nformation call E:lill Ehlers at f\7~-9436. Carl Johnson at 499-7934 or Ethel Wander at 494-5367.



petition among area divers pushes each to their limit. ..· "We (Jackson/ would usually practice either qefore or after them (Hoover)," Nackowiz said. "We wanted to catch Brad (Wilmer) and it was · always, 'What's:Brad doing today,' or, 'What new twist has B'rad added.' " Jackson head'diving coach Greg Haidet is amazed at the quality of diving in northeast Ohio. and Stark County in particular. . "Diving in this area is extremely tough," Haidet said. "Our district gobbled up s~ven ofthe 11 at~large bids for state, meaning we left just four other spots for the other five dis- · tricts. "It's like coaching in heaven," Haidet added. "There are not many coaches who can have this much talent in the pool at one.time." All three Hoover divers have tried to push each other during the season,' and all agreed better concentration paid off at districts in what Wilmer c'alled, "some of the best diving · we've done as a team all year." Helping to push Lesh and Kuhn was a friendly rivalry with two-time defending district titlist Pam Fiero of St. Thomas Aquinas. Lesh, who's appearing at state for a third time, was the district runner-up a year ago and finished seventh at state. Fiero was 12th. Fiero, a senior, suffered a back injury earlier this season .and'was unable to compete at districts. Fiero presented Lesh with her 1992 district diving champioi1ship award, and the Viking. junior credits the Knights' diver with much of · her improvement Kuhn added the Lesh-Piero rivalry benefitted her simply because, "I didn't want to be left in the dust." Girls diving preliminaries start Friday at 1 p.m., with the finals slated for 1:30p.m. Saturday. Boys diving prelims are scheduled for 3:30 p.m. Friday and· the finals are Saturday at 3:15p.m.


. Here is a complete list of the qualifiers from Stark County high schools participating in this week's Ohio High School Athletic Association Swimming and Diving Championships at Canton's C.T. Branin Natatorium:



Steve Rauch, GlenOak. 200 medley relay, 200 freestyle relay. Robert Hedegore, GlenOak, 200 medley . relay, 200 freestyle relay. Eric Skelly, GlenOak, 200 medley relay. Robert Van AI men, GlenOak. 200 medley relay, 50 freestyle, 100 freestyle, 200 freestyle relay. Eric Shahan, GlenOak. 200 freestyle, 200 freestyle relay. Steve Woolbert, Jackson, 50 freestyle, 100 freestyle, 200 freestyle relay, 400 freestyle relay. Andy Pohlmeyer, Jackson, diving. Marc Nackowiz, Jackson, diving. Craig Reuscher. Jackson, diving. , Dan Fries, Jackson, 200 freestyle relay, 400 freestyle relay. John Stamates. Jackson, 200 freestyle relay. · Rich Fnes, Jackson, 200 freestyle relay. 400 freestyle relay. ' Jason Morris, Jackson, 400 freestyle relay. Brad Wilmer, North Camon Hoover, diving. Chris Roddy, Perry. divdng. Ryan Hannan. Massi':!lon. 100 breaststroke. Joe Carlise, Central Catholic. diving. Jason Bing, St. Thomas.Aquinas. 50 free. style. 100 freestyle, 200 medley relay. Bill Whittier, St. Thom·as Aquinas, 200 medley relay. Tom Kling. St. Thomas Aquinas, 200 medley relay. Clint Trocchio. St. Thon>1as Aquinas. 200 medley relay.

Anne Hofmann, GlenOak, 20D medley relay, 400 freestyle relay.

Richville baseball slgnups set The Richville· Baseball Association will hold registration for boys basebaU players. ages 6-16.and girls rast-pitch softball players. ag6s 7-16. Saturday from iO a.m.-4 p.m .1nd Feb. 29 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Richville Community Park. located at 6655 Navarre Road. SW. F;::H more information.


contact Ron Gcdel at 832-5343

Jori Leszczynski, GlenOak, 200 medley relay. 200'freestyle relay, 100 breaststroke. Cobin Sonnenberg, GlenOak, 200 medley relay, 100 butterfly, 400 freestyle relay. Kiersten Ange, GlenOak, 200 medley rela~. 200. freestyle. '


Charity Elder. GlenOak, 200 freestyle relay. · · Lisa Humphrey, GlenOak, 200 freestyle relay. 400 freestyle relay. Jill Hempen, GlenOak, 400 freestyle relay. Jenny· Cook, Jackson, 200 freestyle, 500 freestyle: 200 freestyle relay, 400 freestyle relay. Kara Rossetti. Jackson, 200 freestyle relay, 400 freestyle relay. Kim Osterman. Jackson, 200 freestyle relay. 400 freestyle relay. Shannon Conaway, Jackson, 200 freestyle relay, 400 freestyle relay. Heather Williams, North Canton Hoover. 200 medley relay, 100 butterfly, 100 backstroke, 400 freestyle relay. Jessica Blakemore, North Canton Hoo-. ver. 200 medley relay, 100 breaststroke. Tiffni Bressi, North Canton Hoover, 200 medley relay, 400 freestyle relay. Kristin Goldtho.rpe, North Canton Hoover. 200 medley relay, 400 freestyle relay. Karen Lesh, North Canton Hoover, divin g. Kristie Kuhn, North Canton Hoover, div' ing. Kristi Hendricks, North Canton Hoover. 4oo·freestyle relay Molly Lockhart. Perry, 200 individual medley, 100 freestyle. Eva Ulmander. Louisville, 200 individual medley, 100 brea't~troke.

Boys sWimming s.tvrllr(s rewlll PrNttll RNY$

Team Standings: 1. (tiel Elder, o.k His 78, 3. Princeton 68, ~- Fairfield 28, 5. Lakota 21, 6. Lemon Monroe o. Event Winners: 200 MR-Eider 3:38.19; 200 FS-Betz-Berling (El 3:56.39; 200 IM-Jonssen-Smllh (0) ~:19.6-1; 50 FSForbin-Oryer (0) ~7.44; Olvln!)-Davldsonou;m (P ); 100 Fly- Cormody·Birdson9 ( P) 2:00.17; 100 FS-Lameler-Johnson (EJ t:~H3; 500 FS-Filemaster-Smith (0) 10:13.28; 200 FSR-Ook Hils 3:15.~; 100 Back- Tenhundfeld-Melllo (E) 1:59.75; 100 Breast-Ludwlg·Cron (E) 2:16.03; 400 FSR-Prlnceton 7:12.95. Andtnon Relays (A I Anderson High Schooll Team Standings: 1. Anderson 276, 2. st. xavier 2411, 3. Taiawanda :no.~- Walnut Hils 21~. 5. Turpin 1~. 6. Qnclnnali Country DaY 118. 7. New RichmOnd 96, 8. Western Hils ~. 9. La Salle 76, 10. Roger Bacon 6-1, 1 11. Winton Woods 62, 12. Mason 12. Event Winners: Diving-Talawanda; 200 MR-Anderson 1:~5.90; 250 CrescendO Relay- Turpin 2:03.52; 400 1M-Anderson ' 3:55.71; 200 FSR-CCO 1:39.49; 200 Fly-Ar>derson 1:~7.33; 500 CrescendO-Taiawanda 4:31.59; 300 Back-Walnut HiDs 2:53.77; 300 Breast-Anderson 3:17.48; 400 FSR-Ander· son 3:29.19.


Boys swimming

Pierson 3:44.62. Records: H Western Hins n2, Taylor 104 New Richmond 79 Medley Reloy-Taylor 1:54.16; :zooFree-Bradshaw (WH) 2:01.2; 2001MMall (T) 2:23.8; SOFree-Scheffel (WH) 25.02; lOOFiy-Bradshaw IWHJ 1:01.7; lOOFree-Scheffel (WHJ 56.13; SOOFreeRholln !Tl 6:03.0; 200FR-Western Hills 1:41.1; 100Back-(Tl 1:03.1; 100BreastMasters (Tl 1:10.4; 400FR-Western HIRs ~:06.2. Records: WH 2-o. Wyoming 91, Indian Hill 71 Event winners: 200MR-IH, 1:59.56; 200Fr-Horne (W) 1:55.51; 2001M-MIIer (Wl 2:21.66; SOFr-Lemmerman (W) 24.7~; Olvlng-Edglngton (Itt) 1:29.15; 100FlyMIIer (W) 59.27; 100Fr-Wymore (IH) 58.50; SOOFr-Horn (W) 5:17.37; 200Relay-W, 1:~0.88; 1008ack-Barnes (IH) 1:05.~7; tOOBr-Wymore IIHJ 1:16.42;400Relay-w, 3:50.53. Records: IH 2·3. Milford 116, Middletown 51 Event winnero: 200MR-Milford, 2:00.51; 200Fr-Billhlmer (Mill 2:06.78; 2001M-Meler (Mi) 2:21.118; SOFr-Peveler (Mill 25.99; Diving-McFarland (Mil) 223.~5; 100Fiy-Calvln !Mil) 1:06.77; lOOFr-Stouffer (Mill 57.04; SOOFr-BIIIhl· mer (Mill 5:~0.~9; 200Relay-Milford 1:42.32; 100Back-Boil (Mill 1:0'-73; 100Br-Meler (MQ) 1:11.86; <IOORelay-Wy· oming ~:15.48. Records: Mil. 3·3.

IOYt Swlmm.lllg St. xavier 180, Loul>ville St. Xavier 106 . 20C MR-CSX 1:37.74; 200 FS-Hude-' poh1 (Xl 1:39.70; 200 1M-Andrews (X) 1:58.98; SOFS-Trokhan (X) 22.08; 100 FlyHudepohl (X) 51.34; 100 FS-Cormide (L) 50.29; 500 FS-Carter (L) ~:58.77; 200 FSR-CSX 1:29.00; 100 Back-Andrews (X) ' 52.66; 100 Breast-Maddux (X) 1:03.09; 400 FSR-CSX 3:19.64. Sycamore 89, Hamilton 63 200MR-Hamilton 1:48.44; 200FSKarp (Sl 2:02.70; 2001M-Siephem (Hl 2:11.22; SOF-Pierson (H) 23.62; lOOBFL YMcColum (H) 55.78; lOOF-Siephens (H) 51.97; 500F-Duchenln !Sl 5:55.74; :zooFRSycamore 1:49.37; lOOBK-McCollum (H) 58.18; lOOBRST-Pierson (H) 1:07.56; 400FR-Hamilton 3:49.53. Records: H 6·5. Sycamore tnvltational (at Sycamore High School) Team Standings: 1. Anderson 224.5, 2. Ook Hills 190, 3. centerville 180, 4. Walnut HIUs 167 5, 5. Elder 165, 6. Princeton 127, 7. Sycamore 122, 8. Turpin 88.5 ~. Moener 73.5 200MR-Anderson 1:4U1; 200F-C. Packer (Prlnl 1:48.36; 2001M-B. Wolterson (Turp) 2:01.01; SOF-C. Malue !Cent) 22.30; D.vonJ J. Glorious (Moe) 264.95, lOOBFLY-S. Wolf (Cent) ~.91; lOOF-B. Watterson (Turp) 49.17, SOOF-C. Packer (Prln) 4:55.63; 200FR-Centerville 1:33.67; 10081<-S. Faske (WH) 56.35; lOOBRST-J. Druso !And) 1:01.74; 400FR-Ook Hills 3:26.95. outstanding Swimmer: Brad Waller· son.T..-ptn.



500FS-R. Thomas (Ham) 5:~5.77; 200FSR-Hamilton 1:50.72; lOOBK-M. McColom !Ham) 57.83; lOOBRST -D. Pier· son (Ham) 1:07.00; ~OOFSR-Homilton 3:35.7l Records: Hanllllon 3-3. St. Xavier 120, Upper Arlington 65 200MR-SI. Xavier 1:38.10; 200FS-S. Paler (SX) 1:51.07; 2001M-J. HudePOhl (SXJ 1:56.91; SOFS-Davis (UAJ 23.38; Olv· In!)- A. Groth (SXJ 189.65; tOOBR. v-s. Pater (SXJ 55.~; lOOFS-J. Davis ISX) ~9.57; SOOFS-M. Andrews ISXJ ~:48.24; 200FR-St. Xavier 1:29.52; lOOBK-Hersey (UAJ 59.88; lOOBRST -J. Maddux ISXJ 1:05.21; 400FSR-Upper Arlington 3:29.13. TUrpin invitationll Team scores: Anderson 290, Walnut HIRs 218, Henry Qoy (Kyl 196,0ok Hils 182, Turpin 136, Talawanda 130, COvington Clllholic 110. Individual winntn: 200MR -Ander· I son, 1:~7.37; 200Free-Bioomfield (HCJ ' 1:~6.79; 2ootM-Schauer (WHJ 2:06.09; : SOFree-Druso !Al 22.55; lOOFiy-Waller· son (Tl 52.60; 100Free-Bioomfield (HC) 48:15; SOOFree-Marcolte (WHJ 5:02.23; 200FR-Anderson, 1:32.70; 1008ack-Faske !WHJ 56.51; tOOBreast-Oruso. (A) 1:02.18;, -=R-Andenoo, 3:211.U; llM1e: Myers .


n> m.1o.

Boys swi~Mmfl n

Princaleft 112. Llkoll 200 MR-P 1:48.23; 200 FS-Bievins , (P) 2:09.92; 200 1M-Wilson (L) 2:12.07; 50 I FS-Kiapper (L) 2:23.14; Diving- Toussant .


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4:57.36; 200 FSR-P 1:38.94; 100 Back-Bird· uoog (PJ 1:00.06; 100 Breast-Cyr (P) 1:09.02; 400 FSR-P 3:37.10. Milford 150, LaSalle 19, Badin 6 200MR: M 1:56.15, 200F: Blllhlmer (M) 2:05.18; 2001M: Melao<..._{M!•2:1t.3t; ~·­ _Rfardpn (L) 24:63, 100Fly: R-don t_L) I 1:03.51. lOOF: Shad (M) 51:78, SOOF: Meoer (MI 5:34.15, 200FR: M 1:~5.07, 100Back: Ban (M) 1·03.76, 1008reast: Colvin IMJ 1:12.93., oiOOF~: M 3:52.53. Records: M W. ,


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·--Giris sWimmlrigl Sycamore m, Watn!JI llills 64

r-- Girls swinuriing -Rog<r lla(On n, HamllfOII "


I.SS.SS; .ool's-L Bauler !Syc) 1:58.69; 2001M-M. Lichten-1 berg« (Syc) 2:23.88; SOFS-K. BennOII (Syc) 24.90; Dlvlng-Schll!lll<! (WH) 216.30; 100BFLY-L. B..•ler !Syc) 1:01.92; UlOF-L Kerm; (Syc) 57.78; SOOF-K. Bennell !Sycl 5:17.63; 200FR-Sycamore 1:45.60; 100BK-M. Lichtttlbergcr !Syc) 1:04.63; 100BRST-Ranker (WH) 1:19.82; .(001'51!·- svc""""e 3:59.37. Kamllloll 99, MiddletOWn I 200.\AR-t-Wn•'ton tn461. 700FS-K. en.= (Hom) 2:23.45; ltllllM-E. Sanders !H>ml 2:43.67; ~s-c. 8r\ml'll1T !Haml

<!57: JOOBFLY-1.'. S;m<Scn (Ham) 1:13.61; IOOFS·-K. R>« (Hml1 1'02.30; SCCFS-K. ' Bruron£r (Haml 6:23.09; 200fR-Hom11on 1 2:24.32; 100BK-K. Rice (Ham) 1:13.36; , 100BRST -C. Brunner (Ham) 1:28.80; 400FSR-Ham'lton 4:34.98. Record.: Hamilton 1·5. Upper Arlington 112, St. Unula 74 200MR-SI. Urwl<l 1:54.19; 200FS- , Tzagurnl• (UA) 2:00.79; 200tM-T. Sl!ber· •ack (SU) 2:11.16; SOFS-Rolaru !UA) ' 25.58; Oiving-Swan•on (UA) 184.55; 100BFLY- T. Si:ber.ack ! SU l 57 SS record; 100FS-Rolaru (UA) 55.41; SOOFS-C. lver5 (SU) 5:24.31; 200FSR-Upper Arlington 1:44.04; 100BK-Gerbig (UA) 1:03.62; 100BRST-B. RoedDrshclmer (SU) 1:12.45; 400FR -Upper Artnglon 3:45.54. Turpin Invitational Team scores: Turpin 256, Andor$00 248, HenrY Cl<ly (K y) 219, Notre Dame (Ky) 189, Dak H:::• 141, Wa.'1ul H::• 133, Tlllawonda 72. Individual winners: 200MR-Henry Clay, 1:56.69; 200Free-Grunwell !Tl 1:57.66; 2001M-Kieine (HC) 2:11.49; SOFree-Rouer (A) 25.39; 100Fiy-Fri1W1 (0) 59.72; 100Free-Wllson !HC) 57:39; SOOFree-Turner (A) S:13.SS; 200FR-Tur· 1 pm. 1:44.61; 100Beck-Rosser !Al 1:0U2; • • 1 100Brooot-Kic:m> !HCJ 1"04.67; 41X)fR• fllrP;o, 3"45 19; [l;vi/17·· {;erdQn (A) %00~. Outstanding performer: Mcg.'>:>n KlcJIC !HCl


Girls swimming -,

ner (H) 2:23.74; 200 IM Hu.mon (R) 2:28.00; SO FS-Lernmlnk (R) 25.62; 100 Ay-Hu•· man (R) 1:04.n; 100 FS-LOITV"II!tlk (R) 56.42; S00 FS-K. Brumer (H) 6:30.34; 200 FSR-Roger Bacon 2:00.54; 100 Back-Rice (H) 1:12.34; 100 Brea•t-C. Brunner 1:20.22; 400 FSR-RB 4:30.35; Diving: Ke:a< (R) 199.65. Record.: H o-s. Milford 142, Middletown 21 Event winner$: 200MR-Milford, 2:17.56; 200Fr-L. Wll•on (Mil) 2:09.13; 200tM-Crowley (MH) 2:34.58; SOFr-Trout !MAl 29.53; Divlng-J. Wll$00 (M~) 14750; 100Fiy-L. Wilson (Ma) 1:07.80; 100FrChri•tie (Mill 1:04:63; SOOFr-Crowley (Mli) 1:57.94; 5:57.87; 200Reiay-Milford 100Back-Gorman (Mll) 1:11.94; UlOBrKio•terman (Mil) 1:24.14; 400Relay-MI~ ford 4:23.43. Recordo: Mil. 4-2. Wyoming 106, Indian HUi 67 Event winnero: 200MR-Indlan Hl:l, 2:14.88; 200Fr·Linbald (IH) 2:14.03; 200tMKing (W) 2:39.05; SOFr-Roger• (IH) 29.61; Diving-Beauregard (IH) 141.25; 100FiyLinblad (IH) 1:07.09; 100F-Morley (W) 1:07.42; SOOFr-Gelfald (W) 6:30.66; 200FR-Wyomlng 2:01.00; 100Back-Rogen (IH) 1:21.88; 100Br-Schend< (IH) 1:20.63; 400FR-Wyomlng, 4:26.38. Recordo: IH 3-2. Anderson 114, Princeton 73 Event winner$: 200MR-P, 2:06.94; 200Fr-Turner (A), 2:00.58; 200tM-Ro•.er (A), 2:14.15; SOFr-Bievin• (P), 26.91; Div· ing-Heid (P), 170.35; 100Fiy-Arnold !A), 1:03.90; (A), 55.03; SOOFrTurner (A), 5:14.31; 200FR-A, 1:44.51; 100Back-Murphy (A), 1:06.50; 100BrDaniel• (A), 1:16.85; 400FR-A, 4:01.70. Record.: A 3-0, P 4·1. New Richmond 127, Taylor 109 western Hill• 41 Medley Relay-Taylor 2:19.0; 200Free-Pucketl (NR) 2:31.6; 2001M-H;bbard (WH) 2:55.1; SOFree-Lockwood (NR) 28:29; 100Fiy-Moeller (T) 1:2•. 6; 1c.Froo-T~ (P,.'R) 1:10.1; SOOF<ooPuckell (NRl 6:52.2; r..:FR·-Now Ri· chmnond 2:01.4; 10llBack-Moc:~tr !Tl 1:19.5; 1c:Breo•t-Townscnd (T) 1:25.3; ~R-NR 5.11.6. RKerd$: WH ll-2.



Girts svnmmmg Prl~cor., 96, U:kot3 t7

5.1turclay's resu!IS f'rinC-IIIYilalioaal Rll.:ly Tearn Standings: 1. Oak H:Js 76, 2. Princeton 71, 3. Falrfitld 69, 4. Seton 44, 5. Lakota 37, 6. Bad:n 0. Event Winners: 200 MR-Falrfield 4:11.49; 200 FS-Carmody·Jame• (P) 4.i.~t'i 4.~ l",.,·-·W.m"h1~·; CO) H' 31. 13 FS·- Sc•., ~~ Krc'-n>M (0) I' 1• D.• '")-·();:!c">-!lr;u."'t~'~ 10) 183.75; 1:J ~'•Y,tWI :ol 2:Cs.•s; 1:10

%00 Mil-H. 2::US. lllO FS-K. Br.,._


r.;: ~~ P l·.:l.H X:J F$ ·~"'T~Y (Pl 2·13.07; 200 IM -Sprecher (Pl 2:18.20; SO FS-W0'1g Ill 26.i3; Diving: S:m• ILl 194.05; iOO Fly-Guam (L) 1:10.i9; 100 FSW0'1g (L/ 56.18; SOO FS-Davi• (Ll 5:31.00; 200 FSR·· L 1·49.28; 100 Back -Katm (L) 1:11.17; iOO Breast-Spre~her !P) 1:12.96; 400 FSR-P 4:i2.77. I -+! -~\~ Milford 123, HamiHoir 45 200MR: M 2:06.11, 200F: Crow~y (M) 2:10.90, 2001M· Wil•on IMl 2:28:59, SOF: Leigh !M) 29:38, 100Fiy: Wiloon (M) 1:07.86, 100F: Froe"<e IH8l •·0:127 v·-.,.,.,

(PJ t-55.99; s:ll FS-

rH3) 5 s; :1. · F=re=:tc i8J

KI:ro-Eck•~' IFi 11:52.~; l:J FSR-F;r-


M 1·56



I t


H. l~r~:t· Crow-..:y :MJ 114.44, =R M 43HS. a-ci"-Ml.J.. .

•field 3:54.17; 100 Back-~


· !Sl 2:16.43;, 100 Brea•t-Doyie-Sprechcr !Pl 2:32.67; 400 FSR-Princeton 8:20.04. Anderson Relays !At Andorson High SChool) Team Standings: 1. Ander$00 269, 2. Turpin 258, 3. St. Ur•ul• 235, 4. Tolawanda 206, S. W&rul H:Js 176, 6. Mtrcy 138, 7. Mount Notre Dame 130, 8. ceo 102. 9. Winton Wood• 76, 10. New Richmond 74, 11. Roger Bacon 48, 12. McAW!y 40, 13. Ma$00 38. Event Winner>: Dlving-Tolawanda; 200 MR-Andenon 1:57.97; 2SO Cre.cendo Relay-Turpin 2:18.26; 400 1M-Turpin 4:32.69; 200FSR-CCD 1:53.64:200 Fly-Tur· pill 1:57.91; SCil Cr¢sccndo .. Tc:3wondJ II;: de -Ar-! ''-'" !~' t~. :--:1 H7.S1; 0 r':"l!"~:.t-,'' ·w,··A'! l l t7 I!. :· ; PU •,Ji-


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cl.;n(;;1 J.ACJ.

Girls swimming



Girls Swimming · MI. Notre DGIM 123, M«cy M, Mc-Y· 79 200 MR-MND 2:03.03; 200 FS-Kieioy (MeA) 2:04.71; 200 1M-Doherty (Mtr) 2:24.84; SO FS-Obert (MND) 28.03; 100 Fly-Krabbe (MeA) 1:07.06; 100 FS-Kitley (MeA) 57.09; S00 FS-Curnayn (MND) 5:29.99; 200 FSR-McAuley 1:SO.U; 100 Back-Doherty !Merl 1:0~.20; 100 Bre.. t-Curnayn !MND) 1:12.96; 400 FSR-MND ~:03.31. Sycamore 1:12, Homilton 64 200MR-Ham1:ton 2:15.46; 200F-Rice (H) 2:17.13; 200tM-C. Brunner !Hl 2:36.56; 50F-K. BrunneriK. Warzon !Sl 29.03; 100BFLY-K. Warzon !S) 1:10.85; 100F-C. Wri;!rt (Sl 1'07 42: K !!<"~-,,~ iH) ' 6:14.69; r.:FR-H"" t;~ I S1:..:; 1~ · C=ld (S) 1197~. 1=STR ·C. (H) l19.t~; ~R- Sycom..-o 01~. H



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! Thompson, Smith, Dryer -St. X claims·1 pace Oak Hills to second By Dave Tlppenhauer Post contributor

Senior Mike Thompson and juniors Matt Smith and Ike Dryer helped Oak Hills streak to a quick start on the road to the boys' state swimming championships by leading the Highlanders to a second-place finish in the Princeton sectionals Friday night. Thompson began a string of three consecutive Oak Hills second-place finishes in the meet's second event, swimming 1:47.32 in the 200-yard freestyle. Smith followed by clocking a 2:02.66 in the 200 individual medley, and Dryer swam a personal-best 22.89 in the 50 freestyle. Smith came back to take third in the 100 freestyle, while Dryer nabbed fifth in the 100 butterfly and Thompson fifth in the 500 freestyle. But the trio saved the best for last, teaming with Sean Turbin to win the 200 fr~style relay in 1:32.25 and takina second in the 400 freestyle relay. Oak Hills finished with 205 points for second place, behind sectional-champion Beavercreek's 255. Princeton finished third with 159, and Elder was fourth, at 157. The top four finishers in the sectionals earn automatic berths in next Friday's district meet at St. Xavier's Keating Natatorium. The next 12 fastest finishers from the three sectionals - two Friday night at Princeton and Sycamore - and the other Thursday night at Anderson also advance. PRINCETON SECTIONAL IEET

(AI ~ Hlgll9cllooll (Top four lldvance

to Olsll1CII

T - S1lnCIIngl: 1. BeaYercreek 255, 2. Oal< Hills 205.5. 3. Princeton 159, 4. Elder 157, 5. Hemilton 142. 6. Spr. North 78, 7. Wyoming 71, 8. Falrflekl61, 9. Sidney l.ehmln 49. 10. Fairborn 45. 11. Graham 32. 12. Taylor 30, 13. ~ 29.5, 14. Versailles 28, 15. Middltttown 'll, 16. Sidney 22. 17. West Carrollton 4. 200 Medley Riley: 1. H111111Dn 1:43.15, 2. Elder 1:43.51, 3. Beavercreek 1:43.56, 4. Princeton 1:45.70, 5. Fairfield 1:46.65. 6. Springfield North 1:47.42. 200 FIMitJte: 1. Thar (Gtahlm) 1:46.28. 2. Thompson (Oak Hills) 1:47.32, 3. Packer (Princeton) 1:48.29, 4. Cole (Beavercreek) 1:49.86. 5. F'9fltm8Ster (Oak Hills) 1:50.10, 6. Stephens (Hamilton) 1:50.17. . 200 lndlvtdul Mldley: 1. Mclarty (Beavercreek) 2:01.66. 2. Snilh (Oak Hills) 2:02.85, 3. Juergens (Spr. North) 2:02.93, 4. EmMi (Sidney Lehman) 2:05.13. 5. Janssen (Oak Hilkls)2:06.30, 6. Stoops (Beavercreek) 2:06.01. 50 FIMitJte; 1. FIOrillo (Beavercreek) 22.60. 2. Dryer (Oak Hill9) 22.89, 3. Pierson (Hamilton) 23.190. 4. Huffer (Princeton) 23.44. 5. (tie) Forbin (Oak Hills) Bayman (Piqua) 23.62. 100 Buttirlly: 1. McCollum (Hamiltonj 54.83, 2. Birdsong (Princeton) 55.10, 3. Morgan (Versailles) 55.62. 4. Bell (Spr. North) 56.21, 5. Dryer (Oak Hills) 56.30. 6. Kantor (Beavercreek) 56.92. DMng: 1. Nels (Beavercreek) 415.85, 2. Roberts (Beaver· creek) 286.40, 3. Schunk (Middletown) 234.70. 4. Evans (Middletown) 230.20, 5. Neuget>auer (Wyoming) 227.10, 6. Mecher (Elder) 225.75. 100 FrHStyle: 1. FionHo (Beavercreek) 49.49. 2. Stephens

(Hamilton) 49.85. 3. Snilh (Oak Hills) 49.94, 4. Bertlng (Eider) 5o.95. 5. Thompson (Princeton) 51.12, 6. Sailer (Fairborn) 51.58. 500 F~M~tJte; 1. Thar (Graham) 4:44.38. 2. Juergens (Spr. North) 4:51.51, 3. Packer (Princeton) 4:51.70, 4. FIQhtm(Oak Hills) 4:52.38. 5. Thompson (Oal< Hills) 4:56.8f. 6. Cole (Beavercreek) 4:59.37. 200 FI'Hityle Rilly: 1. Oak Hills 1:32.25. 2. Hamilton 1:33.48, 3. Pnnceton 1:33.88, 4. Beavercreek 1:34.26, 5. Elder 1:34.89, 6. Wyoming 1:36.83. 100 111Ckl1rlllla: 1. Morgan (Versailles) 55.97, 2. Booth (Taylor) 56.18, 3. McClarty (Beavarcreei<) 56.31. 4. McCollum (Hamilton) 56.49, 5. Melillo (Eide~ 57.14, 6. Bell (Spr. North) 57.66. 100 Brtol1s1JOI<e: 1. VanArsdale (Beavercreek) 1:03.30, 2. Kantor (Beavercreek) 1:04.18. 3. Pierson (Hamilton) 1:05.23. 4. Cvr (Pnncaton) 1 05.82, 5. Ventura (Faufield) 1:05.90. 6. Ludwig (Elder) 1:06.33. 400 FrHStyle Rally; 1. Beavercreek 3:21.44, 2. Oak Hills 3:23.94, 3. Princeton 3:28 .. 42, 4. Elder 3:32.85, 5. Fairfield 3:33.30. 6. Wyomtng 3:36.98.


west's Darren Heidenreich and Waynesville's Marty Hubbell each won two events in the Sycamore sectional at Sycamore High School. Heidenreich, the only member of the Knights' swim team, won both the 200-yard and 500yard freestyle. Hubbell took first in the 200 individual relay and 100 breastsrake. He is the reigning state champion in both events. SYCAMORE SECTIONAL MEET (At Sycarno<e High School) {Top four adVance to Oisllict) Team Standings: 1. Centerv;te 203, 2. Telawanda 190, 3. Sycamore 181 .. 4. Lakota 154, 5. Moeller 142, 6. Attar 106, 7. 119 60 1

li~lo~4/~~~s;es~ ;,af3"~~

23. ?4 ~::,~odds 14, 15. Kings 9, 16. Springboro 4. 17. ~Christian 3, 18. (lie)

Xenia. Stebbins 2.

200 Medley Ra48y: 1. Centerville 1:42.73, 2. Moeller : 1:45.89, 3. Sycamore 1:46.80, 4. Attar 1:47.72, 5. Troy 1:47.90. 6. Talawanda 1:48.57. 200 FrHStyle: 1. Heidenfeich (Northwest) 1:48.39, 2. Har· tig (Lakota) 1:47.10. 3. Cotterman [Talawand.a) 1:51.73, 4. Rude (Mason) 1:52.80. 5. Kasparek (W. Carroltton) 1:55.55. 6. Mallue (Centerville) 1:55.79. 200 Individual Madlay: 1. Hubbell (Waynesville) 1:54.43 (meet record). 2. Van Norman [Troy) 2:00.48, 3. Uthertand (Waynesvtlle) 2:01.00. 4. M. Priessler (Sycamore) 2:06.06, 5. Gunnoe (Centervtlle) 2:06.79. 6. Homan (Alter) 2:01.96. 50 FMI1Yia: 1. Mallue (Centerville) 21.86, 2. Sackenheim [Talawanda) 2~.38. 3. Priest (Fairmont) 22.49, 4. Wolf (Cen· terville) 22.73, 5. Klapper (Lakota) 22.91, 6. Roberts [Tatawanda) 23.05. 100 Butterlly: 1. Uthet'land (Waynesvtlle) 53.64, 2. Wolf (Centervtlle) 54.01, 3. Priest (Fairmont) 55.41, 4. Martin (Fair· mont) 58.75. 5. M. Preissler (Sycamore) 59.00, 6. Mulslline (Moeller) 59.20. 100 Freestyle: 1. Mallue (Centerville) 49.69, 2. Klapper (Lakota) 50.19. 3. Sackenhalm [Talawanda) 50.27, 4. Wilson (Lakota) 51.1 0, 5. Soe~er (Waynesville) 51.38. 6. Hilb (Sycamore) 51.55. lliYing: 1. Myers [Talawanda) 505.20, 2. Gloflus (Moeller) 444.20. 3. MacDonald [Talawanda) 408.80, 4. Lambert (Mollie~ 344 70. 5. Klint [Troy) 334.90, 6. Robinson (Sycamore) 272.35. 500 FrHStyle: 1. Heidenreich (Nortllwest) 4:45.92. 2. Har· ttg (Lakota) 4:52.34. 3. Homan (Alter) 5:00.24, 4. Rude (Mason) 5:02.66. 5. Cotterman [Talawanda) 5:09.23. 6. Gehri (Lakota) 5:12.26. . 200 Freestyle Reily: 1. Talawenda 1:31.23, 2. Centerville 1:31.50. 3. Lakota 1:34.38. 4. Sycamore 1:35.02, 5. Troy 1:35.68, 6. Moeller 1:37.57. 100 Backstroke: 1. Van Norman (Troy) 54.43, 2. Gunnoe (Centervtlle)56.27. 3. Pnessler (Sycamore) 57.47, 4. Hilb (Sycamore)56.32. 5. Lyme [Troy) 56.72, 6. Eppstein (Moelle~ 58.76. 100 Brtaslltroka: 1. Hubbell (Waynesville) 57.53 (ITIMI record). 2. Abeii(Moeller) 1:04.59, 3. Herman (Fairmont) 1:05.27, 4. Houston (Alter) 1:05.57. 5. Dons (Sycamore) 1:06.25, 6. Burchyett (Talawanda) 1:06.32. 400 Freestyle Rally: 1. Talawanda 3:24.21, 2. Lakota 3:25.58. 3. Sycamore 3:28.74, 4. Moeller 3:32.09, 5. Alter 3:34.27. 6. Centervtlle 3:34.77.




Defending state boys swimming champion Sti Xavier, led by standouts Joey Hudepohl and Milt& Andrews, dominated the field in winning the Ander~ son boys sectional swimming title Thursday night at Anderson High School. : St. Xavier totalled 380 points in the meet. Ander"' son was second with 155, Walnut Hills third with 132; Hudepohl and Andrews, both Olympic trial qualifiers, were triple winners. Hudepohl won the 50 freestyle and was on the two winning freestyle relay teams; Andrews took first in the 100 backstroke and was on the 200 medley relay team and the 400 freestyle relay team. Hudepohl set '- pool record fo.r 50 yards in leading off the 200 freestyle relay for St. X, while Andrews set a new pool mark in the 100 backstroke. St. Xavier freshman Dod Wales sive. He took first 100 but1:ertl'§, touched the 1 Scheer double _.,.,,.,.,.,.... Andenoo'a ing the The qualify t for Feb. qualify to diltilctl, the area's two sectionals, Those sectionals will be held J.nd Princeton. All three sites - Aftlil!>l'~r~o and Princeton - will host girls secuon1a1 Saturday. Andlnen Beys Swtmmlllg SectiiMI (At AncllrHn HSl Tllm _ , I. St. x.vf«, 310; 2. Ancllncll. 155; 3. Wlftll ..... 132; 4. (fie) T~ Cincmatl Cout1ry Day, 12; 6. Milord, 57; 7. Mariemont, 41; L ~ 29; 9. (1 McNicholas, Western His, Oermcnt NorthHstem 23; 12. 51-I-lls 71; 13.lndln HI. 16; (tie I Roger Bacon. La Sale 14; 16. New Rlclmond. 8; 17. Amela, 4; 1L Glln Eslt. 3. Evant results :ZOO Medley Relay: l. St. Xavier, 1:39.63; 2. Anctenon, 1:43.91; 3. Woblt His, 1:46.1 Cinll co, 1:41.01; 5. T..-pln, 1:<19.77; 6. Western Hils, 1:50.95. :ZOO FrHStylr. I. Scheer (Cintl CO), 1:46.21; 2. WaHerson !TIWPI, 1:.47.30; 3. Shlr (51. X), 1:d.98; 4. Durkin (MeN), 1:50.66; 5. Gulbord (St. X), 1:50.96; 6. Marcotte (V.

Hills), 1:51.76. 200 Individual Medley: l. Andrews (St. XI, 1:51.4; 2. Davis lSI. XI, 7:00.7' Kruegher (Mariemont), 7:00.96; 4. Doepke (7Hlls), 2:01.76; 5. SciiJIIrman (St. X), 2.'03.' Schauer (Wain. Hils), :1:03.60. 50 FrHstyla: 1. Hudepohl (51. X), 20.79;2. Trokhan (51. X), 21.79;3. Druso (And), 2 4. Heis (Turp), 22:85; 5. Gutbler (And), 23.07; 6. Scl1r..,., (St. X), 73.1L Diving: l. McFarland (Mlll), 4:15.75; 2. Grolh lSI. X), ID.75; 3. Slll'kln (Wain. 1-

308.85; 4. Dietsch (St. X), 266.55; 5. Winters (And), 261.90; 6. ~ (~). 239 1110 Butterfly: 1. Wales (51. X), 52.04; 2. wanerson IT"Pl. 52.99; 3. CllvlngW (Cr 53.02; 4. Davis lSI. X). 54.23; 5. Bossert (St. X), 55.64; 6. Gutllir (And), 55.7t. 100 FrHstyla: l. Scheer (CCCI, 48.11; 2. Wales lSI. X), 4.20; 3. Trokhln (St. X). 5I 4. Clevenger (CI'El. 50.57; 5. Sc11r..,., (51. X), 50.67; 6. Kamnwer (St. X), 51.07. 500 FrHStyla: 1. Marcone (Wain. Hils), 4:54.50; 2. Landon (St. X), 4:56.51; 3. Du (McNick), 4:56.95; 4. Daring (And), 5:01.29; 5. Stlgal (51. X), 5:0'-20; 6. Gllgln (St. S:OHl. 200 FrH Relay: I. St. Xavier, 1:2U5; 2. Andlrson. 1:31.97; 3. TUflllll. 1;3UI;4. Clntl I :34.76; 5. Walnut Hils. 1:34.99; 6. d; I:S3A. 100 llack: l. Andrews (51. XI, 51.26; 2. Kruager (Mar-), 54.14; 3. Mc:CGkn X). 55.25; 4. Pater lSI. X), 55.81; 5. Doepke (71ills), 56.13; 6. Gulllanl (St. X), 56.15. 100 llrautstrolca: 1. Druso lAndi, 1:00.00; 2. MadcM< (St. XI, 1:01.n; 3. f (Mariemont), 1:03.22:4. Holter (St. XI, 1:04.16; 5. Froelle (St. X), 1:04.20; 6. Schauer (V.

HiHs), 1:05.3q. 400 FrHsty1e Relay: 1. St. Xavier, 3:14.22: 2. Anderson. 3:'11.97; 3. Woblt His. 3:2" 4. Milford, 3:37.51; 5. Clndmall Country Day, 3:50.19; 6. Tll'pirl, 3:55.8,

~---~~-111 Cl!i!t<!rVib !:~"" lkllh !:>:!,~ ,~~;,_:~~m, SyQmlfll, St

lk~ 0<11< Hlll$, M!Ull ~ ~ Flllr· fil!lil, Sl!lll!l, !!lll~~tvvcr~!ll!, T!lfl*!,~y, Wl!lmll Hll!i, Cmlll!, Prh:l!flll!l, Ml!fl!r¢ 'IR l'fl!fihll'!ll! Groowli ITlill l:~, - · !Sye) l:S?JI, ~ llkllfi, ~ ~~ll!l' (furl, Wiiill !Gr-), Wllll~lllf !!lt~!IS), M~1 !S!Ul, Gr~Wilr !Cal, Wl:lll!l UA!d, tl!Jr!M !Mdlll, iv~n !SilJI, !<Illig !!!Ill, K r - tlks!, l!!!r!dl rrurl, Mll» rHI!AIIIIm l~O<llll,!'llnly !Turl,C.· m !ANI!, 1:01111 !Sycl, !lll!1ks 1118•«·

aN!<J, Hl!fdy lWttll!fn l!rUW~>l, 11811111 (1\11<1), \\!Mrn !lilllllllrO<llll, cyl, Si\\11111! !l'wliel<IL



l!lllllilmllul ~~ GIJ$lm {S\\1¥1!1'1

Hillll ~115]1, l'tlll~y {SIU)1:tlt,J3, ~ lC~<tl: i!:llSS, Jliris- !CW Hll!il, ' ml!l'llll f~:!l!IIW Calh¢111::), GMt (C\!I'l, Tllfn« !Am!), &yle (Winloo Wll'll<lsL Hvmi* !Cl>41mi!Wie·Jvl~l, Hllrh<X:k !W41ymsvlh), Conway ilksl, llooxo ll'lllr·

mll!lll, GrWW~> !Ml<l<hi<>W~>l. Spr~ lPriocll:lt>nl, Murphy (i\0<11, Kr~!lb\\1 (McAIIII!yl, Lfd:li!llbl!t'il'!l' ISyc), I'!Ull ltlrs), ll@edei'SMitm'r IS!Ul: W~

10M Hil!sL Otl!lfft (!'~~), Sift!'$ IMcAultyJ, Wkl< IGr~t!IO!IL Mc!:lf~l


(Turi, Thompson (Oak Hills), Packer (Princeton), Cole (Beavercreek), Sheridan (SI.XI. Fightmaster (Oak Hils), Stephens (Ham), Durkin (McNicholas), Guibord (StX), Marcotte ( Hils), Cotterman (Tall, Berling (Elder), Oarfong (And), SaRer (Fairborn), Grasha ( Hils), Caslelini (SI,X), Rude (Mason), Kanvnerer (SI.X), Horne (Wyoming), Thompson (Princeton). 200 Individual Medley: Hubbell (Waynesville) 1:54.43, Andrews (SI.X) 1:58.48, V, Norman (Troy) 2:00,48, Davis (SI.X) 2:00.77, Krueger (Mariemont) 2:00,96, Litherland (Waynesville) 2:01.00: MCLarty (Beaveraeek) 2:01.66, Doepke (Seven Hils), Smith (Oak Hils), Juergens (Springfield North), Schuerman (SI.XJ. Schauer (Walnut Hills), Paler (SI.X), Er· nani (Syc), Preissler (Syc), Janssen (Cal< Hils), Sinl<ovoch (And), Gunnoe (Cen), Slrill!l'lifff (And), Homan (AHer), Sloops (Beaveraeek), Dressler (Beaveraeek), AbeliJbMoellerty:;asl<e (Walnut Hilts). Frees : HudePOhl (SI.XJ 20,79, Trokhan (SI.X) 21.79, Mallue (Cen), Sack· enheim (Tall. Druse (And), Priest (Fair· mont), Fiorilo (BeaveraNI<), Wo~ (Cen), Heis (Tur), Dryer (Oak Hills), Klapper (Lak), Roberts (Tall, Gulbier (And),~ tein !Moeller), Lyme (Troy). Sctramm tSf.X, (Ham>. Huffer (Princeton), Maeder (CCD), Wilson (Lak), Mavity (SI.X),Ranker (Walnu!HIIsJ.Marlin (Fair· mont), Forbin (Oal< Hils), Bayman (Piqua). Diving: Myers (Tall 505.20, ~ Moell r 444,20 McFarland (Mifl"iii'dl, es eavercreek), MacDonald (Tal), Groth (SI.X), l.arrjlerl ~pgllgrl. Klint (Troy), Sirkin (Walnutlits), Roberts (Beavercreek), Robinson (Syc), Deitsch (SIX), Toussant (Lal<), Winters (And), Tackett (Cenl. Dehan (Wilmington), Dan Schunk (Middletown), Evans (Middletown), Neugebauer (WYoming), Mecher (Elder), Niehaus (Tur), Cianciolo (Lehman), Rupard (Princeton), Parrish (SI.X). 100 l!lutterfly: Wales (SI.XJ 52.1U, Watterson (Turl 52.99, Oevenger (OEJ, Litherland !Waynesvile), Wolf (COn), Davis (S I.X I, McCollum (Ham), Birdsong (Princeton), Priest (Fairmont), Morgan (Versailles), Bossert (St.XI, Gulbler (And), Slrill!l'llfff (And). Bel (SOpr. Norlh),lnfantino (SI.XJ, Dryer (Oak Hllls),m Kantor (Beaveraeek), Bauer (Elder), Shemensk y (Fair· born), Bradshaw (Western Hils), Martin (Fairmont>. Miler (Wyoming), Prelssler (Syc), Cooley (Piqua). 100 Freestyle: Scheer <ceo 1 48.18, Wales (SI.XJ 28.20, Fiorillo (Beaveraeek), MalkJe ((en), Stephens (Ham), 5mllh (Oak Hills), Trokhan (SI.X), Klapper (Lak), Sackenheim (Tall. Clevenger (CNE), Schramm (SI.X), Berling (SI.X), Kammerer (St.X), Wilson (Lak). Thompson (Princeton), Hels nun. Soeller (Waym), Sinl<ovich (And), Hit> (Syc), Sailer (Fair· born). Maeder tCeoJ, Ranl<er ( Hils), Knaak (Cen), Hiltner (Syc). 500 Freestyle: Thar !Graham) 4:44.36, Heidenreich (Northwest' 4:45.92, Juergens (Spr. North), Packer 'Princeton), Hartig (Lakl, Fightmaster (Oak Hills), Marcotte (Walnut Hills). Lancon (SI.X), Durkin (Mdllicholasl, Thompson (Oak HiHsJ. Cole (Beavercreek), Homas (Alter>. Darling (And), Rude (Mason), Stigall (SI.XJ. Gilli· gan !SI.lO, Horne (Wyoming), Grasha (Walnut HiHs), Sheridan (SI.X), Melilo (E~ der), Colterman (Tal), Gehri (Lak), Vetter (Oak Hills), Turner (And). 200 Freestyle Relay: St. xavier 1:29.65, Talawanda l:3L23, Centerville, Anderson, Oak Hills, Hamilton, Princeton, Beaveraeek. Lal<ola, Turpin, CCD, Elder, WalntJI HiRs, Sycamore, Troy,,~ 100 Backstroke: Andrews (SI.XI 51.26, Krueger (Mariemont) 54, 14, V, Norman (Troy), McCollum (SIX), Paler (SI,X), Morgan (Versailles), Doepke (Seven Hills), Guibord (SI.X), Booth (Taylor>. Starr (And), Gunnoe ((en), McLarty (Beaver· creek), McColum (Ham(, Faske (Walnut Hils), Melillo (Elder), Preissler (Syc). Bell (Spr. North), Hilb (Syc), Dressler (Beaver· creek), Lyme (Troy), Epqstgjn lMoe!tgr), Soeller Wayne>. Tenhundteld (Elder), Jans· sen (Tall. IIIII llr~!l'$1$lrlill<!l': Hu!:roetl 11'\1~\fi!H· vihl 51.$$, Oru$<1 lAM) !'.«tOO, M~x


50 Freestyle: Eck (Fairmont) 24,60, Bennett (Syc) 24.69, Lemminl< (Roger Bacon), Lowry (CCO), Rosser (And), Kyle (New Richmond), Kerns (Syc), Earhart (Urs), Wilson (Milford), Kirkwood (StU), Kieley (McAuley), Warner (Fairmont), : Riesl<amp (Seton), Badgett (Sidney Lehman), Beerman (Syc), Breen (C\!1'), Blev· Ins (Princeton). Linck (StU), S. CtJrtman (Tur), Banks (Beavercreek), Ivers (StU), Houston (Fairmont), Guibord turs), R, Curfman (Tur), Diving: Trostel (Tal) 480,55, Sherman (Syc) 415.70, Roberts (Tur), Hutchinson (Bellbrook). Simms (Lak), Loberg (Syc), Ferry (Urs), Gordon (And), Ogden (Oak HiHs), Schaible (Walnut Hills), Keler (Roger Bacon), Reselarils (PurceH Marian), Heid (Princeton), Hinners (Mi~ord). Jemings (Fairfield), Marsh (Tal), Ranker (Walnut Hills), Carr (Moon! Notre Dame), Farmer (Tal), Braunstein (Oak Hills). HiD (Beaver· creek), Mullaney (Fairfield), Herman (Wy· oming 1. Wolfer (Seton). lOO Butterfly: Jackson (Ursl 58.21, Silbersack (StU) 58.64, Fritsch (Oak Hils), Jll:.Hartsock !Waynesville), Oppelt (Ursl, Jamieson {Finneytown). Ji. Hartsock (WaynesviHel, Runzo (Fairmont), Banl<s (Beavercreel<J, Bertell (Tur). Bel (Car· roll), Linck (SIU), Wu"""'rllch (Fairmont), Wilson (Milford I, Wittich (Seton I, Gazdik (Syc), Doherty (Mercy), Reynolds (Piqua), Allen (Fairborn), Pottorf (Kings), Parker (Loveland), Husman (Roger Bacon), Schmidt (Oak ,HiNsl, lvey (Urs). 100 Freestyle: Bennett (Syc) 53J1, Eck (Fairmont) 53.99, Fritsch (Oak Hills), Lemminl< (Roger Bacon), Kyle (New Richmond), Wong (Lak), Lowry (Ceo), Grover (Cenl, Eckert (Fairfield), Kerns (Sycl, Kraemer (Urs), Earhart (Urs), Kieley (McAuley), Neal (Syc), Ivers (StU), Gu~ bord (Urs), Blevins (Princeton), Kirkwood (SIUJ, Stonewater (Tall, Gordon (And), Gaible (Tur), Badgett (Sidney Lehman), Houston (Fairmont), S, CtJrtman (Tur). 500 FrMStyle: Landon (lJrS) 5:12.22, Turner (AN!) 5:13.40, Cumayn (Mount Notre Dame), Gunning (Turl, Moses (StU), M, Ahern (Bellbrook), Boyle (Winton Woods). Je. Hartsock (WaynesviDe). Ivers (SIU), Webster (Ross), J, Ahern (Bellbrook), 5mith (Mason), Cassin (And), Karp (Walnut Hills), Banks (Beaveraeekl, Davis (Lak), Juergens (Springfield North), PiMey (TurJ, Doepke (Seven Hils), McCord (Car· roil), Faigle (Urs), Gnam (Lak), Doherty (Wilmington), Steller (Fairfield). 200 Freestyle Relay: Fairmonl1:4l.69, Ursufine 1:42.42. St Ursula, Turpin, Sycamore, Anderson, Oak Hills, Princeton, Fair· field. Talawanda, Centerville, CCD, McAuley, Seton, Walnut Hils, Lakota. lOO Backstroke: Jackson (Ursl 58.60, Campbell (Cenl 59.41, Rosser (And), Bas· sler (Syc), Eckert (Fairfield), Wise Greenon, Jamieson (Fimeylown), Riesl<amp (5<>lon), Oppelt turs), Haemmerte (Soringfield Catholic), Smith (Mason), Murphy (And), ISUO:l, !lou IMll:rl~montl, Van~r$tlalt Silbersack (StU), Breen (Cen), Lichtenber!ll~tawl!rcr~~~k), Ht>ll~r (SIX), Kantor ger (Syc). Kling (SIU), Kozma (Mount Notre Dame), Bobbitt (And), Durkin (McNicholas), Dupree (Fairborn), Pottort (Kings), Wick (Gr\\1\\lnonl. Rke (Kettering Aller), Doherty (Mercy). 100 Breaststroke: Gustin (Seven Hils 1 1:03,37, Fealey (StU) 1:06.19, Janssen (Oal< Hills), Conway (Urs), Grunwel (Tal), Gr&ham (Middletown), Besco teen>. Warner (Fairmont I, Gale ( Cen). Sprecher (Princeton), Humble (Chamiande-Julieme), Roede~sheimer (StU), McNeal (Lak),McGiofh.. lin (And), Curnayn (Mount Notre Darnel. Wambaugh (Oak Hills I, Fightmaster (Oak HiRs), Doherty (Mercy), Doty (Lal<), ParkDl1trlct Qualiflon er (Loveland), Steers (McAuley), M19M 200 Medley Relay: St. xavier 1:39.63. (Mount Notre Dame), Erbacher (And). Centerville 1:42,73, Hamilton, Elder, Beaver· Sloulberg (Carroll). creel<, Anderson, Princeton,~ Wal400 Freestyle Relay: Sycamore nut Hins, Fairfield. Sycamore, Springfield 3:39.48, Ursuline 3:41.81, Centervile, FairNorth, Kettering Alter, Troy, Ceo, Tal&mont, 51. Ursula, A"""'rson, Turpin, Tala- wanda. wanda, Lal<ola, Beaveraeek, Oak Hils, 200 Freestyle: Scheer (Ceo) 1:<16.21, Princeton, Mercy, Alter, Mi~orct Seton.



1. st. xavler'{!O) ..;.;..........100 2. Anderson ....- .....:..,....-* '90 3. Oak H'lls' , ;, :1; •. 74

~: ~~His :

5. Druso ........... 22.28 , .' -Diving · Meyers (Talawanda)- JOUO


e: ..( .~ ""'3: ~~:~~ord;::.~.;:~ Lambert (Moeler) ..- ... 237.60

6. Prklceton .,,,_.,;,~~·-.. 38 1. Sycamore-·--···--........ 36 8. Talawanda ..- - - - - 32. 9. Turpin ................."'""'""'""' 26 10. CeQ ......--:----~ .... 16 ,

53.2A SA.16 l .. SA.78 5. Guibord (St. Xavier) ...,... 55.82

188 Breaststroke

1. Druso (Anderson) ......... 1:00.55 2. Scheer tCeoJ ...... 1:01.A8 5. MacDoanld !Tala! .......... 225.35 3. Ross (Mariemont) ......., 1:02.11 JIG Fly A. Maddux (St. Xavier) ... 1:02.8A 1. HudePohl (St. Xavier) .... 51.34 5. Holter (Sf; xavier)--· 1:03.56 2. WIIIH(SI.Xavier}_. 52.37 418 Frtt Relay . others: nooe. · J. Watterson (T"Pinl ··-· 52.35 ' 1. St.. Xavier"-·~·.. 3:09.20 ~tyReJay . ~. CltVI!!lO'!I' (CJerNE). ...... 53.93 2. Anderson ........................ 3:2A.« 1 Sf Xavltr ' 1·3619 5. M~ (~ton)..;. SA.87 3. Oak Hik ·--..·--··-·-·-· 3:2A.93 .Aider l~A 1:A6 · ·' 118 Freestylt 3. Warot Hs ...............- .... 3:27.83 3, Walnoff15. _ _ _ 1:46.00 1. AJWews tSt.Xav,) --- A7.S9 s. ceo .-.....,....,................... 3:28.71 A:· Hal!'jfon ...,.... ~..~···- 1:46.09 · 2. Scheer I Ceo) ..............- 47.85 5,- O!skHis~--........... 1:46.19 3. Wal6s tst.Xavlerl- A7.91 GIRLS POLL 1 Urst*!e.,......_,_,...... 100 •. . 2IG FrttSfYN . A. ed1el'n (TIIl!lwanda) - · 2. st. ur~ ............................... '90 -:---· . .• !st.'x.·•.vier) - · AB.58 21. 3. Sycamore -·-·----...... 78 ..., !St. Xavier)·_ J. Wales 1:«.30 ;. · . •sao FrtH!yle · 4. Anderson ..... - .................... 12 A. Ha;dan;ilkh tNW}-1;46.29 ... 1. . . (Sf..Xllvltr) .. A:2S.« 5. TUI'Pin-.--.....- ....... 58 6. O!sk'HIIs ................................ 52 5. Packer !PrineelQI'Il _: 1:46.98 ~: . eich(NqrthWestl -··· 7. Talawanda - ......................... 38 289 l.M. ' J. Andrews (St. Xavier) .. A:AS.U 8. MI. Notre Dame ... _ ....... 28 1, .A!)drews lSI. :Xavier) .. 1:55.52 A. Scheer tCeoJ ................ A:AS.JO 9. PrinCeton .............................. 24 2, Hudepohl (St. Xavier) .. 1:56.91 5. Wales (St. xavier) ....... 4:52.22 10. Warot 'Hils ..............- .....:.. 6 ~~ (Wayne'vtel ............ 2811 Frtt Relay 10. Fairfield ......................,........ 10 Others: none. A: Watterson (Turpin)-.. 2:01.09 ~: ~HitS·::::::::::::~::::.::: J:~~ 5.. S.Paler (St. Xavier) .... '2:02.69 2811 Mtdley Relay ~ Freestylt l Anderson...................... 1:3293 t st. 1:52.25 2. llrstflne .....~ ................... 1:52.51 1. H(Jijepohl !St. Xavier)- 20.82 ;: ~~-_::~::::.:.'.~.:.'.:.1:~:~ 2. Trokhan (St. Xavier) ...... 21.52 3. SycM'IOre ....................... 1:53.07 A.



son:::. .::::.:.::

~(C(eost.,Xl 11~.4323 ....... ·--·""·


~; ~. ~

46 41


1. 2. 3. A. 5. 1. 2. 3. A. 5.



3. A.


1. 2. 3. A. 5. 1. 2. 3. A. 5.

1. 2.

Anderson---.. - 1:55.85 MI. Notra Dame,... ~...... 1:59.56 2811 Freestyle Fealey (St. UrSIJio) ,_,. 1:55.25 Groowel (Talawanda) 1:56.37 1. Bassler (Sycamore),... 1:56.A8 2. Bennett (Sycamore! .... 1:56.70 3. Landon (llrsulne) ...- .... 1:56.75 c. 21181M 5. Gustin (Seven Hils)·-- 2:05.68 Featey (Sf. llrSIJial ...... 2:08.64 I, JansS8f1 (Oaks Hsl - ... 2:09.68 Jackson tllrsulne 1-- 2:10.30 2~ Slbtrslld< (Si.'llrsteal 2:11.16 3. A, ·51 Freestylt . Rosser IAlldersonl ......... 2A,il7 ; , 5. Bennett 1Sycamore l ·-·.. 2A,'90 · Lernnlnk (RogBaconl .-205 1: Fealey (St. UrsiN) -.-...25.29 .'1. K,itey (McAIAey) __, __ 25.43 J. Diving 4, Sherman (Sycamore J ... 270.1A 5. Loberg (Sycamore) ...... 257.00 ' Gordon (Anderson) ...... 22A.75 1. Ogden (Oak Hils! ........... 216.65 2. Schaible (Wei !:Us)~-- .. 216.30 3. lit Fly A. Slbtrsack !St. llrSIJial ... 57.25 5. Jackson (llrs.Aine 1.......... 58.70 Fritsch (OakHs) ............ ,58.77 Fealey IS( Ursula).,:.... 1:00.00 1. Turner (Anderson) ...... 1:00.25 2. 3. Ill Freestyle 4. Bennett (Sycamore) ....-.53.09 Kyle (N. Rk:lvnondl ......... SA.32. 5.

588 Frttslylt Fealey'(Sf. Ursula! ....... 5;07,03 Landon (llrslMne).., ..... 5:07.75 Fritsch (Oak His)-· 5:09.57 Smith tMasonl .............. 5:13.A5 Grunwel (Talawandal 5:13.A8 2811 Frttstylt Relay Sya.rnore.....-...,...... '!;44).61

lJrStl!e,..;.~m 1:4~ .st.ur,....,...,.___~J~4U A_odtrson ~ · .:... ,t:Qn. Tll!'Pf\-_._,; l;U.~·

1M III~Stre>k~ ~· . .

Bassler (Sycamore). ...... 57.83 Jackson turSUioel ......... 5~.98 RosSK (Ander SO!>) -•·4 59.55


~sact<,(Sf.IJrsQiel 1J01.~·

Oppelt (llr~~-·-·'"'·71 1M llrtaststrolie

Gvs'"' ts.veo f41s> ~-· 1:03.....

Fealty !St.Ui'wlli)•..:..... 1:05.56 Janssen·(Oak'HB1~.... 1;09.53 GnJnwef (llliawancja) 1;01,58 Conway (Ursuline)-... l:OfP 410 FrttStylt Rt'tay SyCan'!O!'t · - - · - · · 3;ll.39

urslAlne ........................... 3:3lt76

Sf, Ur$1.4!1 ...:.____ ....... :.:.'3:40JJY Anderson,__._._, 3:45.03 Turpin .........- -.............. 3:45.19

f i



Swimming hone: :o:: BOYS POLL St. Xavier { 10) ................... 100 Anderson .............................. '90 Oak Hils .........;...................... 74 Warot Hils ........................... 74 Elder ...................................... 60 Princeton .............................. 38 Syclln)OI'e .-....................... 36 8. Talawanda ............................ 32 9. Turpin .................................... 26 10. ceo ....................................... 16 1. 2. 3. 3. 5. 6. 7.

Others: none. 200 ~dley Relay 1. St. Xa,vler ........................ 1:36.19 2. Anderson ........................ 1:41.46 3. Elder ................."···-...... 1:«.67 A. Warot His ...................... 1:«.82 5. Hamilton .......................... 1:46.09 200 Frttstylt 1. Hudepol1l (Sf. XI ............ 1:39.43 . 2. Scheer (Ceo! ................. 1:4123 l Wales •St. Xavier) ........ 1:«.30 4. Heidenreich (NW) ......_ 1:A5.63 5. Packer (Princeton) ...... 1:46.98 2118t.M. 1. Andrews (St. Xavier) .. 1:55.52 2. Hudepohl (St. Xavier) .. 1:56.91 3. Ufherland (Wayne'vie) ............ 2:00.16, A. Watterson !Turpin) ..... 2:01.09 5. s. Pater lSI. Xavier);.. 2:02.69 58 Frttstylt 1. Hudepohl (St. Xavier)L... 20.82

2. Trol<hon (St. Xavier) ..... 21.52 3. Sackenheim (TIIIal .......... 22.12 Watterson (Turpin) ........ 22.16 · 5. Drusa (Anderson) ........... 22.28 Diving 1. Meyers (Talawandal ... 304.80 2. Glorius (Moeler) ........... 294.00 3. McFarland (Milford) ..... 243.60 A. Lambert ( Moeler) ........ 237.60 5. MllCDoanld (Tala) ......,... 225.35 180 Fly 1. Hudepohl (St. Xavier) ..... 51.34 2. Wales (St. Xavier J .......... 52.37 3. Watterson (Turpin l ....... 52.35 4. aevenger (Cler NEJ ....... 53.93 5. McCollum (Hamilton l ..... SA.87 100 Frttslylt 1. Andrews (St. Xav.) ......... 47.59 2. Scheer 1ceo 1 ................... A7 .85 3. Wales (Sf. Xavier) .......... 47.91 4.· Sackenhelm (Talawandal ....... 48.56 5. Trohkon (St. Xavier) ..... 48.58 500 Fr.,stylt 1. Hudepohl (Sf. Xavier) .. 4:28.« 2. Heidenreich (Northwestl ....... 4:46.41 3. Andrews (Sf. Xavier) .. 4:48.24 A. Scheer (CeoJ .....,.,.....- ~:48.30 5. Wales (St. Xavier) ....... 4:52.22 200 Frtt Relay 1. St. X ...................--........ 1:27.43 2. OakHII$ ........-~-- 1:32.17 J. Anderson ....................... 1:32.93 4. Elder ....- ..........- ........... 1:33.05 5. Talawlllldoi ........... --·· 1:33.5A A.

180 Backstroke 1. Andrews (Sf. Xavier) ...... 50.40 2. Krueger (Mariemont) .... 53.24 3. S. Pater (St. Xavier) ....... 54.76 4. McColum .1St. Xavier) ... 54.78 5. Guibord (St. Xavier) ....... 55.82

100 Breaststroke 1. 2: 3. 4. 5.

Oruso (Anderson) ......... 1:00.55 Scheer tCeoJ ................ 1:01.48 Ross (Mariemont) ....... 1:02.77 MadduX (St. Xavier) ... 1:02.84 Holter (St. Xavier) ....... 1:03.56

1. 2. 3. 3. 5.

400 Frtt Relay Sf. Xavier .........._ ......... 3:09.20 Anderson ........................ 3:2A.« Oak Hills .......................... 3:24.93 Walnut His ...................... 3:27.83 ceo .................................. 3:28.71


1 Ursuline ............................... 100 2. St.UrSIJia ............................... '90 3. Sycamore ............................. 78 4. Anderson .............................. 72 5. Turpin .................................... 58 6. Oak His ................................ 52 7. Talawanda ........................... 38 8. MI. Notre Dame .................. 26 9. Prklc~ton ......-~................... 24 10. Walnut Hils........................... 6

Others: Mt. Notre Dame 2. 2IG ~dlty Relay 1. Ursulne ........................... 1:52.18 2. St. Ursula ......................... 1:52.25 3. Syc""'?'•r: ..--... ·-e·-.. 1:53.07


A. Anderson ........................ 1:55.85 5. Mt; Notra Dame ............ 1:58.28. 200 Frttslylt 1. Fealey (Sf. ursula) ....... 1:54.612. Bennett (Sycamore! ... , J.SA.96 3. Groowel (Talawanda) 1:56.37 4. Bassler (Sycamore) .... 1:56.48 5. Landon (Ursuline) .......... 1:56.75 2001M 1. Gustin (Seven His) ...... 2:05.68 2. Fealey (St. Ursula) ....... 2:08.64 3. Janssen (Oaks His! ...... 2:09.68 A. Jackson !Ursuline) ....... 2:10.30 S. Silbersack (Sf. Ursula) 2:11.16 so Frttstylt 1. Rosser (Anderson) ......... 2A.87 2. Bennett (Sycamore) ....... 24.'90 3. Lemmlnk (Rag Bacon) .... 74.95 A. Fealey (St. UrSula) ........... 25.29 5. Kiley (McAuley) .............. 25.43 Diving 1. Sherman (Sycamore) ... 270.14 2. Loberg (Sycamore) ...... 257.00 3. Roberts (Turpin) ........... 236.65 A. Gordon (Anderson) ....... 224.75 5. Schaible ( Wal HIS) ......... 216.30 1GO Fly 1. Slbtrsack (Sf. UrSIJial ... 57.25 2. Jackson (Ursuline l .......... 58.06 3. Fritsch (Oak His) ............. 58.77 4. Fealey (Sf. Ursula) ....... 1:00.00 5. Turner (Anderson) ...... 1:00.25 180 Frttslyle 1. Bennett (Sycamore) ........ 53.09 2. Jackson (Ursuline) .......... 53.51




3. Kyle ( N. Richmond l ........ , 5A.32 4. Lemmlnk (Rag. Bacon l .. 54.4A 5. Gunning (Turpin) ............. 54.46 509 Frttslyte 1. Fealey (St.Ursulal ....... 5:04.61 2. Bassler (Sycamore) .... 5:05.70 .3. Landon (Ursuline) ......... 5:07.75 4. Fritsch (Oak His) .......... 5:09.57 5. Smith (Mason) .............. 5:13.45 2IG Frttstylt Rttay 1. Sycamore_ .................... 1:40.61 2. UrslAlne ....- ...- .............. 1:A1.09 3. St. Ursula .......................... !:A 1.42 A. Ander3101i .•- ................. 1:43.76 5. Turpin---................. 1:43.84 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 1, 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

100 Backstroke Jackson (Ursuline) .......... 57.62 Bassler (Sycamore) ....... 57.83 Rosser (Anderson) ......... 59:55 Silbersack l~t.l.Jrsulal 1:00.09 Oppelt (Ursuline) ........... 1:00.78 100 Breaststroke Guslln(SevenHisl. ....... 1:03.« Fealey (St. Ursula) ........ 1:05.56 Janssen (Oak His) ...... 1:06.53 Grunwel (Talawanda) 1:07.58 Conway (Ursuline! ....... 1:07.69 418 Frttstyle Relay UrslMne ·--·-.....- .......... 3:37.A8 Sycamore.,_........- ..~· 3:38.'39 St. Ursula ........~.......... ,.. 3:40.07 · Anderson _ _..;:_, .. 3:45.03 Turpin .._ ........_ ..........~. 3:45.19




Swimming honor roll BOYS POLL St. xavier !101---*' Anderson 90 oak Hils-·-·-----· n Wlllnut Hils->--Elder ________..._.. 67 55


2. J. 4. 5.

Prtnceton-----·-·· .a sycamore----·- 37 Talewllllda .....-----31 Turpil\__ 22 ceo ............_ _ _ _ 12 Others; Moeller 4, F*'llld 1.

6. 7. 7. 9. 10.

2IG Medley Relay

1. St. xav1er _ ..._ ..___ 1:37.74

2. Anderson ...____ U2.41 3. OIII<Has ...._ , _____ 1:46.19 4. Elder .............._ .......... 1:46.34 S. Hamilton-.......- - 1:46.68 281 FrHstyle

3.. Sld<&nhllm (Tale}·- 22.12 4.. Drusa (Anderson! ..___ 22.55 s.' Andrews (St. Xavier)·- 22.95 Dlvlnll 1. Meyers (Talewllllda) _ 304.81! 2. Glorius (Matlerl.- 264.95 3. Lambert (Moeller)-·· 237.60 4. McFarlend !Mifordlr-234.51 5. MacOoanld (Tale) ......... 225.35 1M Fly

1. HUdepoli (St. Xavier)- 51.J.I 2. Watterson (T..-pin) ..-. 52.60 3. Wales (51. xavier!--·- 52.66 4. MCColum (Hamilton)·- 55.15 5. SackeNMI!m (Turpin)-- 55.63 liiFrHStyle

1. Wales (St. Xavier) _, ... .S.34 2. Watterson (Turpin!_ 49.17 3. Davis (51. Xavier)-- 49.57 4. Druso (Anderson)-·--·· 49.90 5. Stephen$ (Hamlton) - · 49.90

1. Hudepohl (St. X) ----1:39.70

2. Packer (Prloctton) --1:46.9t 3. Watterson (Turpin)·-· 1:47.76 4. Thomp5011(0aktts)... 1:47.89 5. Marcotte (Wanrt His) 1;51.05

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

218t.M. Huc1epohl (51. Xavier) .. 1:56.91

Andrews 151. Xavier) .. 1:57.75 Watterson (Turpin) ..... 2:01.09 Srnlth (Oak Hils)--· 2:03,3.1 Davis (51. Xavier) ....... 2:0U7 50 FrHStyle

1. Hudepohl (St. Xavier) .... 20.82

2. Trokhan (51. Xavier) ..... 22.08

588 FrHStyle

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Anchws (51. Xavier) .. 4:.S.24 Wales (51. Xavier) ...-. 4:52.22 ~(Ceo! .............. 4:53.18 Packer (PrinCeton} _ 4:54.17 Figltmaster (O.His) .... 4:58.59 218 FrH Relay

1. St. X ........_. ___......._ .. 1:29.00 2. Anderson-·-..·-··-· 1:33.58 3. Talawanda ..·--·-·· 1:33.69 4. Oak His ...- .....- .......... 1:34.84 5. Elder ........... --.-.... - ... 1:35.36 188 Backstroke l. Andrews !St. Xavier) ..... 52.56


Swimming BOYS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6. 8.

9. 10.

POLL St. Xavier (10) ................... 100 Anderson ............................. 90 Oak His ................................ eo Wair<Jt H•s ...................... 70 Elder ...................................... 60 PrinCeton ..........- ................ 45 Sycamore ............................. 45 Talawanda ........................... 30 Turpin ............................ 17'h ceo .................................. 12'h Others: none. 2IG Mtcllay Relay

1.' St. Xavier ....................... 2. Anderson ..................... 3. Walnut His ._.....,............ 4. 0111< His .....,.__ .......... 5., Elder .............._ .............

1:37.74 1:41.46 1:46.00 1:46.19 1:46.34

218 FrHstyle l. Hudepohl !St. Xl ..- -... 1:39.70 2. Wales (51. Xavier) ...... 1:44.30

l Packer (PrinCeton) ..-.1:46.9t 4. Watterson !Turpin) .... 1:47.76 5. Thompson lOIII< Hsl ... 1:47.89 '218t.M.

Andrews (51. Xavier) .. 1:55.52 Hudepohl (St. Xavier) .. 1:56.91 Watterson (T!Kpin} -· 2:01.09 s. Pater !St. xavier) .... 2:02.69 5. Smith (Oak His)·---- 2:03.34

1. 2. 3. 4.

se FrHStyle

1. Hudepohl (St. Xavier) ..... 20.82 2. Trokhan (St. Xavier) ..... 22.08

4. GIAborci(St.Xavler) - · 55.82 5. Watterson (Turpin}._ ... 56.18 18f Brtasntrolct 1. Druso (Anderson) ..... -. 1:01.74 2. Maddu)(. (St. Xavier)"· 1:03.09 3. Ross (Mariemont} ..... 1:03.70 4. Froalke (St. Xav} ·····- 1:04.49 5. 5ci\I08I' (WeiHs) ....... 1:05.17 411 FrH Relay

1. St. Xavier ..........- ......- 3:14.51 2. 0111< Hils ----···--·3:26.95 3. Wanrt Hs .. _ _.. ,_.. 3:27.83 4. Anderson ______ .. 3:28.94 5. Princeton - - - - - - 3:30A3


1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8.

9. 10.

POLL Ur$Uiile - · - - -.. ···-· 95 St. UrRAa .......................... 92'h Sycamore-···---·-·" n'h Anderson------·-·· 75 Turpin------ 57'h Oak Hils - 52'h Talawanda ................_ ... 37'h PrinCeton·----- 27'h Wair<JIHIIs -----·-.......... 20 Falrfoeld ..- . - · .. - · - 12'h Others: MI. Notre Dame l. 281 Medley Relay

1. St. Ursule ..--·-·---- 1:52.25 2. Sycamore .................... : 1:54.00 3. Ur$Uiile - ........-.......... 1:54.57 4. Anderson ..... _ ........... 1:56.56 5. 0111< Hils .......................... 2:00.20

211 J!rttsiYle

1. Bemett !Sycamore>-· 1:56.70 2. GrmWel !TilliW!Ihdal 1:57.10 3. Jackson !UrSIAN) ...... 1:57 .55 4.• GIJ!rilg (T'!Kpin} ..... - .. 1:57.92 5. Landon ( UrsOfne} .......... 1:58.54


1. 2. 3. 4.

Fealey (St. UrsiM} ....... 2:10.60 TIKflel' (Anderson} .... 2:11.79 Sillersack (St. Ursula) 2:11.16 BaSsler !Sycamore! .... 2:12.56 5. Fritsch (Osk Hils) ......... 2:13.19 58 FrHStyle

1. Bemett 1sycamore J ...... 24.90 1. Rosser (Anderson! ........ 24.90 3. Fealey (St. Ur~} ·-.. -.25.29 4. Earhart (Ursuli1el ..._ ..... 25.73 5. Kerns (Sycamore J .......... 25.83 Diving 1. Sherman (Sycamore! ... 270.14 2. Gordon (Anderson)_ .... 224.75 3. Ogden (Oak Hils) ......... 216.65 4. Schaible (WaiHIS) ......... 216.30 5. Ferry!Ursuli1e) --·· 203.10 'liiFiy Slbersack (St. Ur~J ... 57.25 Fritsch !Oak 1-kl ....... - .. 58.n Jackson (Ursuli1el .......... 59.24 T..-ner (Anderson! ...... 1:00.25 Rosser (Anderson) ...... 1:01.57 liiFrHSiyle 1. Bemett (Sycamore J ........ 53.84 2.. Rosser (Anderson) ......... 54.95 3. Oppelt (Ur$Uiile) ............. 55.04 4. Grunwel (Talawanda) ... 55.20

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


ilasslc!r (Syeainarei ....... 55.29

l. 2. l 4. 5.

Frllsch !Oak HI$} .....:.... 5:09.57 lalldol1 !UrslAineJ ... - 5:10.114 Grunwel (Talawanda) 5:1l.S TIKJMI( (Anderson)-· 5:13.55 Bassler !Sycamore! .... 5:13.90

1. 2. l 4. 5.

Sycamore-.... _ ........ 1:41.41UrslAine .......................... 1:43.2'1 St.UrSIA--.................. 1:44.25 Anderson ...-............... 1:44.32 T!Kpin ,. .......- .. - ........... 1:44.61

518 Frttstyle

210 FrHstyle Relay ·

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 1. 2. l 4.


liiBackstrolce Jac:lcson 1Ursuli1el .._ .. 59.26 Rosser (Anderson)_..... 59.75~sack (St. Ursule} 1:01.09 BaSsler (Sycamore) .... 1:00.60 BEMetl (Sycamore J -· 1:02.41 111 Breasntroke Feeley (St. Ur~J ..--1:05.94 Grunwel (T.wllllda} 1:08.51 Fritsch (Princeton! ...... 1:09.68 Roeclanchelmer I St. U}1; 10.83 Sprecher !PrinCeton} •• 1;11.32 411 FrHstyle Relay Ur$Uiile ......................-. 3:40.78 St. Ur~ - .......- ...- ... 3:41.39 Sycamore ...................... 3:42.12 Anderson ·--........._. 3:45.03 Turpin---....._ ..... - ..... 3:45.19


3. Sackenheim (Tala) .......... 22.12 4. Andrews (St. Xavier) ..... 22.39 5. Wales (51. Xavier) ........... 22.50 Diving 1. Meyers (Talawanda) ... 304.80 2. Glorius (Moelerl ......:... 264.95 3. McFarland (Milford) ..... 243.60 4. Lambert (Moeler} ........ 237.60 5. MacDoanld (Tala) .......... 225.35 liiFty

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Hudepohl (51. Xavier) ..... 51.34 Wales (St. Xavier} ......... 52.37 Watterson (T<Kpin) ........ 52.60 MCColum (Hamilton! ..... 54.87 Bossert (51. Xavier) ....... 54.97

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Andrews (51. Xav.) ........ 47.59 Wales (51. Xavier)-·--· 47.91 Trohkan (51. Xavier) ...... .S.58 Watterson (T..-pin) ........ 49.17 Druso I Anderson) ........... 49.47

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Andrews lSI. Xavier) .. 4:.S.24 Wales !St. Xavier} ....... 4:52.22 Scheer 1ceo 1 ......- ....... 4:53.18 Packer (Princeton) ...... 4:54.17 F.g.trnaster I O.His) .... 4:58.59

188 FrHstyle

508 FrHStyM

2IG FrH Relay

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

2. S. JSatar(SI. Xavtefl - - 54.76 3. MCCdkm !St. Xavier) ... 54.78

St. X ................................. Anderson ......- .. --.. -· Talawanda ..................... Wair<JI Hs .................. Sycamore ...................... 188 Backstroke

1:29.00 1:32.93 1:33.69 1:33.92 1:34.34

1. Andrews lSI. Xavier) ..... 50.53

2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 3. 5.

S. Pater (St. Xavier} ....... 54.76 MCColum (St. Xavier) ... 54.78 Gulbord (St. xavier! ..... 55.82 Watterson (T..-plnl ....... 56.18 111 Breastslrolct oruso (Anderson l ......... 1:00.55 Maddux (51. Xavier) ... 1:03.09 Ross (Mariemont) -·- 1:03.70 Schauer (Wal HIS) ....... 1:04.45 Froelke (51. Xav) -·-" 1:04.49 441GFrH Relay St. Xavier ........___ , 3:14.51 Anderson ..............3:26.78 0111< His ...........- ............ 3:26.95 Wanrt Hs - ....... --· 3:27.83 Princeton ........................ 3:30.43


POLL 1 Ursuline ........- .............. 97'h 2. St. UrSIAo .......................... 92'h l Sycamore ...............-.-...... 80 4. Anderson _ ..........- ............ 10 5. Turpin-.........- -........ 60 6, Oak His .. _ .... ,_................ 50 7, T alawanda .......................... 40 8. Princeton -·--·-.. ·-·-·-""" 30 9. Wair<J!Has ... - .................... 15 10. Fairfield-.........- .......... 10 Others: MI. Notre Dame 2. 711 Mtclley Roley 1. St. UrSIAo ·--·-··-..- .. 1:52.25

2. 3. •· 5.

Sycamore-................-. Ursuline ............... --..-· Anderson ........................ 0111< Has .. ---·--·-·

1:53.96 1:54.57 1:56.56 2:00.20

208 Frttstyle

1. 2. 3. 4.

Feeley (St. UrSIAol ....... 1:55.25 Bassler (Sycamore) .... 1:56..S Semel! (Sycamore! .... 1:56.70 Grunwel (Talawanda) 1:57.10 5. Jackson !Ursuline) ........ 1:57.55 2181M

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. l. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4.


Feeley (St. UrSIAol ....... 2:10.60 Turner (Anderson) ...... 2:11.79 Sillersack (51. Ursula) 2:11.16 Bassler (Sycamore) .... 2:12.56 Fritsch (Osk Hils) ......... 2:13.19 50 FrHstyle Semel! (Sycamore) ....... 24.90

Rosser (Anderson) ......... 24.90 Fealey !St. Ursula) ........... 25.29 Earhart !Urs'*>el ........... 25.73 Kling lSI. Ursula) ............. 25.78 Diving Sherman 1Sycamore J ... 270.14 Loberg !Sycamore! ...... 257.00 Gordon (Anderson) ....... 224.75 Ogden (Oak Hllsl ........... 216.65 Schaible !Wal His) ......... 216.30 188 Fly'

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Silbersack (51. UrSIAal ... 57.25 Fritsch (Oak His) ............. 58.77 Jackson !Ursuline! .......... 59.24 Fealey !St. Ursula) ....... 1:00.00 T..-- (Anderson) ...... 1:00.25 111 FrHStyle

I. Semel! (Sycamore l ........ 53.58 2. Rosser (Anderson) ......... 54.95 3. Oppelt (Ursuline) ............. 55.04 4. Grunwal (Talawanda) ... 55.20

5. Bassler !Sycamore)··-· 55.29 ; 5011 FrHS!yle

1. Fealey (_St. Ursula) ...... 5:07.03 , 2. Fritsch (Oak His)·-'.. - 5:09.57 l Landon (UrSlMne} ·-- 5:10.86 4. Grunwel (Talawandal 5:13..S 5. T..-..... (Anderson}·-- 5:13.55 218 FrHstyl<t Relay

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

St. Urs~M ......................_ Sycamore ...................... Ursuline ........................... Anderson ....................... Turpin ..................._ .... ,..

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Bassler (Sycamore)_ 58.40 . Jackson !Ursuline) .......... 59.26 · Rosser (Anderson) ....._. 59.75 Sillersack (St. Ursula) 1!09.09 Bc"""tt (Sycamore) ..... 1:02.0?

1:41.97 1:42.41 1:43.16 1:44.32 1:44.61

111 Backstroke

111 Breaststroke

1. Fealey (St. UrSIAol ...... 1:05.94 2. Grunwal (Talawanda) 1:08.51 3. conway !Ursulne) ....... 1:09.32 4. Fritsch (Princeton)-·· 1:09.68 5. Bemelt !Sycamore) ..-1:10.20 l. 2. 3. 4. 5.

4418 FrHStyle Relay

Ur$Uiile ... ,_. _____, 3:48.78 St. Ursula ..............- - 3:41.39 Sycamore .. _ .. _ ............. 3:42.12 Anderson_................. 3:45.03 T<Kpin .._ .....- ............, 3:45.19

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