Swimming PREP
--,---,--=--------r--' Results Friday after the ftrst day of the 2-day i
Ohk> High Sci100 Swimming and Diving Champi- 1 onSilips at C.T. Blanln Natatorium in canton:
Team ICOfel--1, Cin. St. Ursula 68. 2 (tie), Certe!Ville and Gin. Ursuline 51. 4, an Sycamore 47. 5 (tie), Rocky River Magnificat and Cin. Anderson 34. 7, Gin. Oak Hills 26. 8, Westerville North 21. 9, North canton 19. 10 (tie) Hudson and Upper Arlington 18. 12 (tie) Gin. Seven Hilâ&#x20AC;˘s, Westlake and Mansfteld Madison 16. 200 medley relay-!, Cin. St. Ursula (Erin Kirkwood, Alison Fealey, Tina Silbersack, Kate Ivers) 1:48.54. 2. Certerville 1:49.70. 3, Cin. Sycamore 1:49.71. 4, Cin. Ursuline !:50.07 5, . Rocky River Magni1icat I :51.06. 6, Hudson (Marcy, Stark, Randall, Arbaugh) 1:51.97. Area results-8, North Ganton 1:51.70. !5. GlenOak (Hofmann, Leszczynski, Sonnenberg, Ange) 1:55.49. 200 freestyle-!, Lisa Schuette, Westlake, 1:52.35. 2, Emily Landon, Cin. Ursu11ne, I :53.39. 3, Noel Webster, Hami~on Ross. !:53.87. 4, Leigh Bassler, Cin. Sycamore, 1:54.08. 5, Maltha Wise, Sprlngtleld Greenan, 1:55.29. 6, Chrystin Grover, Centervile, 1:56.!5. Area resultl-12, Jennifer Cook, Jackson, 1:57.86. 23. C. Gallagher (Elms) 2:01.11. 200 Individual medley-!, Rachel Gustin, Cin. Seven Hills, 2:03.77. 2, Alison Fealey, C1n. St. Ursula, 2:05. 12. 3, Cynthia Janssen, Cin. Oak Hills, 2:08.27. 4, Stephanie campbell, Certerville, 2:08.58. 5, Kelly Kull, Westerville North, 2:09.62. 6, Eva Ulmander, Louisville, 2: II .58. Area resultl-15. Lockhart (Peny) 2:14.08; 17. Stark (Hudson) 2: 14.19. 50 freestyle-!, Melissa Stone, Ma'lsfield Madison, 23.99. 2, Angie Rosser, Cin. Anclerson, 24. 17. 3, Keny Bennett, Cin. Sycamore, 24.20. 4, Andrea Lemmink, Cin. Roger Bacon, 24.34. 5, Beth Schlessman, Rocky River Magnificat, 24.47. 6, Jamie Minniell, ASI11and, 24.60. Area resultl-10, Undy Chelf, Wooster, 24.72; 13. Schleble (CVCA) 24.89; 14. Albaugh (Hudson) 24.97. 100 buttelfty- I, Tina Silbersack, Cin. St. Ursula, 55.92. 2, Beth Jackson, Gin. UISuline, 57.30. 3, Arrrt Fritsch, Gin. Oak Hills, 57.85. 4, Angela Lageman, Westerville North, 58.09. 5, Jenmer Hartsock, Waynesville, 58.44. 6, Heather Williams, North canton. 59.40. Area resultl--9. Cobin Sonnenbefg, GlenOak, 59.67. BOYS Team ICOfel--1, Gin. Sl xavier 96.5. 2. Cle. St. Ignatius 58. 3, T~. St. Francis 48. 4, Gates Mills Hawken 44. 5, Centerville 34. 6, Gin. Anclerson 33. 7, Waynesville 28. 8, C1n. TUIJ)In 26.5. 9, Upper Arlington 18. 10, Gin. Country Day 16. II (tie) Copley and Solon 15. 200 mecley relay-!. Gin. St. xavier (M1ke Andrews, Joo MadOJK, Dod Wales, Shawn Trokhan) I :33.39, state re<:ad; ~d record I :34.14, Gin. St. Xavier, 1991. 2, Cin. AndeiSOn 1:36.77. 3, Cle. St. Ignatius I :37.00. 4, T~. St. Francis 1:37.14. 5, Gates Mills Hawken !:38.80. 6, Upper Mngton 1:39.71. Area llllllllls-8. Copley (Benin, s. Federico, M. Federico, Alfonso) 1:39.89; 9. fuestooe (Pollock, Batizy, Todd Tober, Hitler) 1:39.90. !5. GlenOak (Rauch, Hedegore, Skelly, Van Almen) 1:41.93; 19. St. Thomas Aquinas (Whittier, Kling, Bing, Trocchio) 1:42.59. 200 freestyle-!, Kan Scheer, Cin. Country Day, 1:41.08. 2, Adam Katz, Gates Mills Hawken, !:41.75. 3, Blad Watterson, Cin. TUIJ)In, !:4!.BI. 4, Jake Harms, Tol St. Francis, I :4 1.84. 5, Michael Melley, Shaker Heights, 1:42.99. 6, Danen Heidenreich, C1n. Northwest, I :43. 16. Area 1111111ltl-l 0, Steve Vanderschie, Hudson, 1:44.61. 12, Davkl Phillips, Kent Rooseve~. I :46.94. 24. Shahan (GienOak) I :49.89. 200 Individual medley-!, Marty Hubbell, Waynesville, I :49.88. 2, Mike Ancliews, Cin. St. xavier, 1:52.64. 3, Pat van Norman, Troy, 1:53.79. 4, Lee Utherland, Waynesville, 1:55.33. 5, Kyle Goodrich, ~- St. Charles, 1:56.25. 6, Randy Krueger, Gin. Mariemont, 1:57.40. Area l'llllllltl-12, Todd Tober, Firestone, 1:58.63. 19. Panella (Hudson) 2:01.15; 23. T. Tober 1 (Firestone) 2:03.64. 50 freestyle-!, Joe Hudepohl, Cin. St. xavier, 20.31. 2, Jay Hladish, Solon, 20.57. 3, Shawn Trokhan, Gin. St xavier, 20.76. 4, Scott Oaypool, Hudson, 20.77. 5, Charles Mallue, Certerville, 21.03. 6, Matt Schlessman, Cle. St. Ignatius, 21.12. Area llllllllls-8, Jason Bing, St. Thomas Aquinas, 2 1.65. 10, Steve Woobert, Jackson, 21.93. II, George H~ler, Firestone, 21.97. 16. Van Almen 1Gien0ak)22.16; 18. J.P. Delmore (Hudson) 22.41. 100 butlelfty-1 (tie) Blad Watterson, Cin. Turpin, and Dod Wales, Gin. St. xavier, 50.47. 3, Tom Richner, Cle. St. Ignatius, 50.68. 4, Anr}f Men, T~. St. Francis, 51.24. 5, Scott Wo~. Centerville, 51.35. 6, Brian Kindl, Gle. St. Ignatius, 51.44. Area l'lllllllls-8, nm Benin, Copley, 5 1.65. 18. FOiadori (Cloverleaf) 54.04; 2!. Pa- 1 nella (Hudson) 54. 79. f
Ursuline could challenge FnJ Gates Mills for girls title 'qql BY DAVE SCHUTTE Enquirer Contributor
Gates Mills Hawken, the defending girls state swimming champion, is the heavy favorite to repeat in Canton this weekend. But Ursuline has other ideas. Led by Emily Landon, Jenni Dahl and Holly Oppelt, the Lions could challenge Hawken. The championship could be decided in the last event, the 400-yard freestyle relay. Rachel Gustin (Seven Hills), Tina Silbersack (St. Ursula) and Michelle McCarthy (Oak Hills) are Cincinnati's best chances for individual state titles. Greater Cincinnati will have the largest area contingent at the meet - 52 individual swimmers and 19 relay teams. State Qualifiers !Locals in bold) 200 Medley Relay- 1. Oak Hills 1:49.47, 2. Gates Mills Hawken 1:50.48, 3. Upper Arlington 1:51.11, 4. Worthington 1:51.31, 5. Napoleon, 6. Sycamore, 7. Hudson, 8. Ursuline, 9. Centerville, 10. Westerville North, 11. Cleveland Heights, 12. Tol. St. Ursula, 13. Canton Glenoak, 14. Shaker Heights, 15. Seton, 16. St. Ursula, 17. Cleveland Orange, 18. North Canton Hoover, 19. Canton McKinley, 20. Anderson, 21. Fairfield, 22. Turpin, 23. Columbus School for Girls, 24. Tol. Notre Dame.
200 Freestyle - 1. Kline !Findlay> 1:53.39, 2. Cook (Gales Mills Hawken) 1:53.68, 3. Landon (Ursuline) 1:55.06, 4. Pinney (Turpin) 1:55.40, 5. Clevenger (CNE), 6. Dahl (Ursuline), 7. Neely (Fairborn), 8. Shuette (Westlake), 9. Wise !Greenan), 10. Speier (McAuley), 11. Jones !Sylvania Norlhview), 12. Grunwell (Talawanda), 13. Webster (Ross), 14. Choich (Gales Mills Hawken), 15. Rutherford (Tol. St. Ursula), 16. Cook (Massillon Jackson), 17. Kirk (Rocky River Magnificanl), 18. Manning (Shaker Heights), 19. Zavodny !Upper Arlington), 20. Tzagournis (Upper Arlington), 21. Zdrilic (Euclid), 22. Haemmerly (Springfield catholic Central), 23. Sullivan !Tol. St. Ursula), 24. Gallagher (Akron Lady Elms). 200 Individual Medley - 1. Gustin !Seven Hills) 2:06.89, 2. Janssen (Oak Hills) 2:08.77. 3. M. McCarthy !Oak Hills) 2:08.84, 4. Lierman !Hamilton Badin) 2:08.92, 5. Grant (Shaker Heights), 6. McColley !Napoleon), 7. Kull (Wester· ville North), 8. Barnoff (Solon), 9. Bassler !Sycamore), 10. Bragg (Defiance), 11. Sieminski (Bay Village Bay), 12. Miedler (Tol. St. Ursula), 13. Minichiello (Sylvania Northview), 14. Heller (Worthington), 15. Gemignani (Worthing-
Girls swimming
Jenni Dahl
Rachel Gustin
ton), 16. Bennett (Sycamore), IT Paul (Upper Arlington), 18. Boyte (Greenhills), W. Gallar;!'ler (Akron Lady Elrl'ls1, 20. Schick (Gales Mills Hawken), 21. Leszczynski (Conlon Glenoak), 22. Sonnenberg (Canton Glenoak), 23. Lockhart (Massillon Perry), 24. Cowden (Tol. Notre Dame). 50 Freestyle - 1. Kroll (U>uisville) 23.64, 2. Store (Mansfield Madison) 23.79, 3. 5-I!JI (Avon Lake) 24.n "· Kemmerling (Rocky River Magnfficant) 24.24, 5. D. McCarthy !Oak Hills), 6. Goettsch cwwnut Hills), 7. Lemrninll CR•ger Bacon), 8. Eck (Kett••ing Fairmont), 9. Foil (V•ndalia Buller), 10. Kyle !New Richmond), 11. Scheib!• (Cuyahoga Christian), 12. Much<• !Columbus School tor Girs), 13. Keirn (Upper Arlington), 14. Harvey (Warren Harding), 15. Hoff (Lakota), 16. Westrick !Hamilton Baclin), 17. Arbaugh (Hudson), 18. M<:Giashan (Sandusky Perkim), 19. Slrous (Teays Valley), 20. Oppelt (Ursulinel,'21. Kerns !Sycamore), 22. Stark (">nrlhington), 23. Minnie~ (A!hland), 24. Swartz (Berea). 1-Meter Diving- 1. Waldma11 (Mansfield St. Peters). 2. Price (Hoi. Springfield), 3. Starr Gales Mills Hawken), 4. Carter (Hudson), 5. Boehmen ·Mayfield), 6. PagMie (Wosllake), 7. Sniegocki (ColumiJUS Watterson), 8. Reeol (Worthington), 9. Ruzicka (Kent ~ooseve~), 10. Ozan<:k (Kent Roosevelt), 11. Plero (LOIUisville St. Thomas), 12 Les~ (North Canton Hoover), 13. tarboy !Anderson), 14 Tromans !Hamilton Badin), 15. Ogden !Oak Hills), !6 Roberts (Turpin), 17. Hulchinsor (Bellbrook), 18. Knight Uncllian Hill), 19. Kumpf (Seton), 20. Judd (Seven Hill•), 21 Loberg (Sycamore), 22. Slwrman !Sycamore), n Godby (Springboro), 24. Hileman (Lakota). 100 Butterfly - 1. Silbersa<ll !St. ursula) 56.56, 2. Lageman (Westerville North) 57Jo,, 3. Schick (Gales Mills Hawken) 58.23, 4. Kieley (Urso•linel 58.40, 5. Shuefte(Westlake), 6. Hartsock CWayn..viU~J. 7. Kemmerlilgo (Ro,:ky River Magnifican!), 8. OFnpbell (Centerville), 9. Halay (Napoleon), 10. Turner (Anclrrson), 11. Fritsch (Oilk Hills), 12. Reichelderfer (Columbu• Wal!erson), 13. Jackson (Ursuline), 14. Baker (Tol. St. Uf'su!a), 15. Sonnenberg (Canton Glenoak), 16. Bailis IOe•eland Heights), 17. Hru· sousky !Gates Mills HawkenL 18. Sullivan (Shaker Hei!;llls), 19. Cook (Cievel~nd Or~nge), 20. Ahern (BEllbrook), 21. Heller (Worthington), 2'2 Banks (Beavercreek), 23. Jamieson (Finneytown), 24. Sm1lh (Kent Roosevelt). 100 Free.tyte- 1. Stone (Ma'lSfie!d Madison) 52.41, 2.
Cook (Gales Mins Hawken) 52.79, 3. Kroll (Louisville) 53.12, 4. Clevenger CCNEJ 53.44, 5. Foil (Vandalia Buller), 6. Lemmink !Roger Bacon), 7. D. Mccarthy !Oak Hills), 8. Goettsch (Walnut Hills), 9. Saul lAvon Lake), 10. Houtz (Kansas Lakota), 11. McGlashan (Sandusky Perkins), 12. Rutherford !Tol. St. Ursula), 13. Keirn (Upper Arlington), 14. Speier (McAuley), 15. Westrick !Hamilton Badin), 16. Fitzgerald (MCNicholas), 17. Scheible !Cuyahoga Christian), 18. Kleley (Ursuline), 19. Bennett (Sycamore), 20. Eck (Kettering Fairmont), 21. Roche !Cleveland Orange), 22. Harvey (Warren Harding), 23. Rolaru (Upper Arlington), 24. Unwin !Berea), 25. Zavodny (Upper Arlington). 500 Freestyle - 1. Kline (Findlay J 4:59.88, 2. Landon (Ursuline) 5.il2.08, 3. Humble (Chaminade Julienne) 5:06.07, 4. Wise !Greenan) 5:06.08, 5. Turner (Anderson), 6. Jones (Sylvania Norlhview), 7. Schick !Gales Mills Hawken), 8. Ahern (Bellbrook), 9. Dahl !Ursuline), 10. Manning (Shaker Heights), 11. Webster CRoss), 12. Choich (Gates Mills Hawken), 13. Haldy (Napoleon), 14. Sullivan (Tol. St. Ursu· Ia), 15. Smith !Mason), 16. Haemmerle (Springfield Catholic Central), 17. Cook !Massillon Jacksoo), 18. Dorenkolt (Rocky River Magniflcanl), 19. Kraemer (Ursuline), 20. Fee (Gales Mills Hawken), 21. Merrm (Gates Mins Haw---ken), 22. Gillespie (Akron Firestone), 23. Stillwagon (Worlhlngloo); 24.1nsley (Worthington). 200 Freestyle Relay - 1. Upper Arlington 1:40.23, 2. Worthington 1:40.45, 3. Centerville 1:40.62, 4. Tol. St. Ursula 1:40.75, 5. Napoleon, 6. Kettering Fairmont, 7. Shaker Heights, 8. Ursuline, 9. Gates Mills Hawken, 10. Hudson, 11. Sycamore, 12. Rocky River Magnificant, 13. Warren Har·
ding, 14. St. Ursula, 15. Sylvania Norlhview, 16. Berea, 17. Solon, 18. Turpin, 19. Akron Firestone, 20. Wooster, 21. Oeveland Heights, 22. Seton, 23. Findlay, 24. Columbus School for Girls. 100 Breaststroke - 1. Gustin !Seven Hills) 1:03.92, 2. Janssen (Oak Hills) 1:04.71, 3. Neilson (Oeveland Heights) 1:06.42, 4. Grant (Shaker Heights) 1:06.54, 5. Henninger (Dayton Carroll), 6. Bragg (Defiance), 7. McColley (Napo· leon), 8. Straus (Teays Valley), 9. Grunwell (TatawandaJ, 10. Humble (Chaminade Julienne), 11. Lierman (Hamilton Badin), 12. Zak (Parma), 13. Leszczynski (Conlon Glenoak), 14. Palenshus (Columbus Crawford), 15. Paul (Upper Arlington), 16. Sieminski (Bay Village Bay), 17. Lameier (Seton), 18. Stark (Hudson), 19. Kull (Westerville North), 20. Mucha (Columbus School for Girls), 21. Ridge !Gales Mills Hawken), 22. Kuck (Delaware Olentangy), 23. Kelso (Bowling Green), 24. Makofske (Brecksville). 100 Backstroke- 1. M. McCarthy !Oak Hilts) 58.81, 2. Campbell !Centerville) 59.07, 3. Kirk (Rocky River Magnificanl) 59.46, 4. Bassler !Sycamore) 59.58, 5. Rosser (Anderson), 6. Jackson (Ursuline), 7. Sllbersack (51. Ursula), 8. Jamieson (Finneytown), 9. Williams (North Canton Hoo· ver), 10. Sooy (Gales Mills Hawken), 11. Gerbig (Upper Arlington), 12. Lockhart (Massmon Perry), 13. Cooper (Mentor), 14. Rotaru (Upper Arlington), 15. Fitzgerald (McNicholas), 16. Stark (Worthington), 17. Chelf (Wooster), 18. Mostyn (Kent Roosevelt), 19. Sunivan (Shaker Heights), 20. Wernecke (Napoleon), 21. Lichtenberger (Sycamore), 22. Cook (Cleveland Orange), 23. Lageman (Westerville North), 24. Nelson (Ada). 400 Freestyle Relay - 1. Oak Hills 3:35.72, 2. Napoleon 3:35.86, 3. Upper Arlington 3:36.56, 4. Tol. St. Ursula 3:36.77, 5. Ursuline, 6. Gates Mills Hawken, 7. Rocky River Magnifi·
cant, 8. Worthington, 9. Sycamore, 10. Turpin, 11. Berea, 12. Sylvania Northview, 13. Westerville North, 14. Anderson, 15. Kettering Fairmont, 16. Solon, 17. Akron Firestone, 18. Warren Harding, 19. Hudson, 20. Canton Glenoak, 21. Mentor, 22. Cleveland Heights, 23. Canton McKinley, 24. McAuley.
Monday, February 25, 1991 THE CINCINNATI ENQUIRER Tennis, high schools/8-5
St. Xavier favored to repeat state swimming title BY DAVE SCHUTTE Enquirer Contributor
Cincinnati will be well represented at the Ohio boys swimming championships Friday and Satnrday at Branin Natatorium in Canton. Led by a strong St. Xavier contingent, 45 individual swimmers and nine relay teams will be going for the top prize. St. Xavier has a good chance to repeat its title. In last weekend's sectionals, St. Xavier swimmers had the best times in the state in six events. Joey Hudepohl had the best times by far in the 100 Joey Hudepohl and 200 freestyle. State Qualifiers (Locals in bold) 200 Medley Relay - 1. St. Xavier 1:35.45, 2. Gates Mils Hawken 1:37.00, 3. Hudson 1:37.29, 4. C.F. Uliversily 1:37.68, 5. Cleveland St. Ignatius, 6. Upper Arlington, 7. Worlhinglon, 8. Copley, 9. Waynesville, 10. Sandusky
Boys swimming Perkins, 11. Beavercreek, 12. Loulsvlle 51. Thomas, 13. Shaker Heights, 14. Columbus Academy, 15. Napoleon, 16. Oeveland Heights, 17. Wooster, 18. Findlay, 19. Canton McKinley, 20. Qak Hills, 21. Kenton Rosevell, 22. Canton Gtenoak, 23. Warren Harding, 24. Oxford Talawanda. 200 Frttsfyle - 1. Hudepohl (St. Xavier) 1:36.48, 2. Peppard (Gates Mils Hawken) 1:41.96, 3. Drumm (51. Xavier) 1:43.40, 4. Harms (Toledo St. Francis), 5. Hladish (Solon), 6. Powel (Columbus Academy), 7. Gerken (Toledo St. Francis), 8. Costa (Canton McKinley), 9. Thor (St. Paris Graham), 10. Patterson (Sandusky), 11. Watterson (Turpin), 12. Nleberding (51. xavier), 13. Heldonrelch (Northwest), 14. Katz (Gates MIH Hawken), 15. K. Scheer (CCD), 16. Matanguihan (Moeller), 17. Miler (Sylvania Northvlew), 18. McGarity (Tol. St. Francis), 19. Halloran (C.F. University), 20. Oswieclnskl (Cleveland 51. Ignatius), 21. Melley (Shaker Heights), 22. Vanderschie (Hudson), 23. Hollman (Hilliard), 24. Rieger (Vienna Mathews). 200 Individual Medley- 1. Hubbell (Waynesville) 1:53.54, 2. Farnham (Hudson) 1:54.96, 3. Andrews (51. Xavier) 1:55.39, 4. Stephens (Anderson) 1:55.78, 5. Nagel (Napoleon), 6. Perkunas (Hudson), 7. Berlin (Copley), 8. Ulherland (Waynesvnle), 9. DISalle (Tol. St. Francis), 10. Risher (C.F. University), 11. Bare (Gates Mils Hawken), 12. Van Norman (Troy), 13. SmUh (Oak Hills), 14. Blanchong (Columbus Academy), 15. Davis (51. xavier), 16. Woolbtrl (Massllon Jackson), 17. Krueger (Mariemont), 18. Juergens (Springfield North), 19. S. Pater (St. Xavier), 20. Belnllch (Louis路 vile St. Thomas), 21. D. Scheer (CCD), 22. Mallie (Sylvania Southview), 23. Tober (Akron Firestone), 24. Graham (Coiumll<Js Watterson). 50 Frttsfyle - 1. Reil< (Gales Mils Hawken) 2U4, 2. Oaypool (Hudson) 2U4, 3. Greller (C.F. University) 21.52, 4. Dickman (Cleveland Heights) 21.61, 5. Druso (Anderson) 21.71, 6. Praetor (Waynesville) 21.86, 7. Trohkan (St. xavier) 21.93, 8. McKone (Tol. St. Francis), 9. Stephens (Gates Min Hawken), 10. Marucd (Youngstown Boardman), II. Hojnacki (Beavercreek), 12. Cam (lancaster), 13. Labaan (Hudson), 14. Gutbler (Anderson), 15. Bing (Louisvile St. Thomas), 16. Hickey (Badin), 17. Schle>sman (Oeveland St. Ignatius), 18. Mallue (CenterviRe), 19. Wright
(Sandusky Perkins), 20. Dixon (Delaware Hayes), 21. Hiller (Akron Firestone), 22. Smith (Tol. St. Francis), 23. Flaherty (Upper Arlington), 24. Lucas (Hudson). J.Meter Diving - 1. Anderson (Findlay), 2. Pimsner (Sandusky Perkins), 3. Sacher (Worthington), 4. Butcher (Akron Firestone), 5. Zuc路 chero (Kent Roosevelt, 6. Nackowiz (Mass. Jackson), 7. Reuscher (Mass. Jackson), 8. Wilmer (N. Canton Hoover), 9. Daugherty (Warren Harding), 10. Steele (Cleveland St. Ignatius), 11. Book (Delaware Hayes), 12. Cahalane (Copley), 13. Kidd (Beavercreek), 14. Troha (Beavercreek), 15. Nels (Beavercreek), 16. Glosius (Moeller), 17. Blgner (51. Xavier), 18. Myers (Talawanda), 19. MacDonald (Talawanda), 20. Roddy (Mass. Perry), 21. Noel (Loveland), 22. McFarland (Milford), 23. Dixon (Parma Valleyn Forge), 24. Humphrey (Berea Midpark). 100 Butterfly- 1. Pelkunas (Hudson) 52.12, 2. Kindt (Oe. Sl.lgnalius) 52.13, 3. Day (Upper Arlington) 52.15, 4. Watterson (Turpin) 52.26, 5. Salerno (Gates Mills Hawken), 6. D. Scheer (CCD), 7. DISalle (Tol. St. Francis), 8. Hodgekins (Cleveland Orange), 9. Baier (51. Xavier), 10. Gulbler (Anderson), 11. Blanchong (Col. Academy), 12. Vanarsdale (Shak路 er Heights), 13. Beinllch (Louisville St. Thomas), 14. Apple (Gahama Lincoln), 15. Divis (St. Xavier), 16. Sallus (Upper Arington), 17. Bossart (51. Xavier), 18. Kaplan (Walnut Hills), 19. Juergens (Spr. North), 20. Praetor (Waynesville), 21. Clevenger (Clermont Northeastern), 22. Ri路 chner (Oe. St. Ignatius), 23. Woodend (Bowling Green), 24. Marucci (Youngstown Boardman). 100 FrHstyle- 1. Hudepohl (St. Xavier) ".04, 2. Ooypool (Hudson) 46.40, 3. Greller (C. F. University) 47.32, 4. Costa (Canton McKinley) 47.38, 5. Hodgeklns (OOveland Orange), 6. Miedler (Tol. St. Francis), 7. Kind! (Oebeland St. Ignatius), 8. Day (Upper Arlington), 9. Relk (Gates Mil Hawken), 10. Patterson (Sandusky), 11. McKone (Tol. St. Francis), 12. Stephens (Gates Mills Hawken), 13. K. Scheer (CCD), 14. McKinley (Worthington), 15. Bing (Loulsvine st. Thomas), 16. Jones (Arcanun), 17. Davidson (Columbus Academy), 18. Labaan (Hudson), 19. Niebtrding (51. Xavier), 20. Staas (Tol. St. John), 21. MOler (Sylvania NorJhview), 22. Dickman (Oeveland Heights), 23. Woolbtrl (Mass. Jackson), 24. Caoo (Lancaster). SOO Freesfyle- 1. Harms (Tol. St. Francis) 4:35.51, 2. Peppard (Gates Mils Hawken) 4:36.47, 3. Katz (Gales Mil Hawken) 4:36.76, 4. Drumm (51. Xavier) 4:37.06, 5. Thor (St. Paris Graham), 6. Gerken (Tol. St. Francis), 7. Smith (Hudson), I. Heidenreich (Northwest), 9. Halloran (C.F. University), 10. Harker (Ordevillel, 11. MeDey (Shaker Heights), 12. Matangulhan
(Moeller), 13. J. Pattr (51. Xavier), 14. Holthaus (MI. Vernon), 15. Pike (Cleveland Orange), 16. Panella (Hudson), 17. Rohrs (Napoleon), 18. Smith (Oak Hills), 19. Durkin (McNicholas), 20. Fightmaster (Oak HiUs), 21. Marcotte (Walnut Hills), 22. Oswieclnskl (Oe. St. Ignatius), 23. Philips (Kent Rooseve~), 24. George (Wooster). I
200 Frttsfyle Relay - 1. St. xavier 1:26.20, 2. Gates Mils Hawken 1:26.48, 3. Hudson 1:27.03, 4. Toi.. SI. Francis 1:27.63, 5. Cenlervile, 6. Colubus Academy, 7. Oak Hills, 8. Upper Arlington, 9. Beavercreek, 10. Worthington, 11. CCD, 12. Waynesville, 13. Sandusky, 14. Oeveland Sl.lgnalius, 15. SOlon, 16. Col. Watterson, 17. Youngstown Boardman, 18. Findlay, 19. Wester. North, 20. C.F. Ullversily, 21. Qak Harbor, 22. Lancaster, 23. Elder, 24. Copley. 100 Breaststroke - 1. Hubbell (Waynesville) 57.92, 2. Nagel (Napoleon) 58.12, 3. Druso (Anderson) 58.72, 4. Sanchez (To. St. Francis) 59.61, 5. Repologle (51. Xavier) 59.69, 6. Tober (Akron Firestone), 7. Salem (lakewood St. Edward), 8. Schultz (Tol. St. Francis), 9. Graham (Col. Wallerson), 10. Vanarsdale (Shaker Heights), 11. McGarity (Tol. St. Francis), 12. Maddux (51. Xavier), 13. Froelke (St. xavier), 14. Hick (Bay Vilege Bay), 15. Schlossman (Cie. St. Ignatius), 16. Scott (Mayfield), 17. Hama (Tol. St. Francis), 18. Sears (Worthington), 19. Alcott (Findlay), 20. Morgan (Gates Mils Hawken), 21. Apple (Gahanna Lincoln), 22. Bumpus (Mentor), 23. Groscosl (Sandusky Perkins), 24. Glasgow (Wooster). 100 Backstroke- 1. Andrews (51. Xavier) 51.22, 2. Farnhtm (Hudson) 52.37, 3. Powell (Columbus Academy) 52.40, 4. Hladish (Solon) 52.80, 5. Sailus (Upper Arlington), 6. Richner (Cleveland St. Ignatius), 7. Krueger (Mariemont), 8. Mallie (Sylvania Southview), 9. Tie Mledler (Tol. St. Francis), McKinley (Worthington), 11. Rieger (Vienna Mathews), 12. Van Norman (Troy), 13. Stephens (Anderson), 14. Risher (C. F. University), 15. Pater (51. Xavier), 16. Love (Warren Howland), 17. Woolberl (MassiNon Jackson), 18. Bare (Gates MiNs Hawken), 19. Smith (Tol. St. Francis), 20. McCollum (51. Xavier), 21. Gunnoe (Centerville), 22. Hall (Talawanda), 23. BerAn (Copley), 24. Deiger (Tol. St. Francis). 400 Freesfyle Relay - 1. St. Xavier 3:()8.77, 2. Gates Mils Hawken 3:11.37, 3. Cleveland St. Ignatius 3:11.87, 4. Toledo St. Francis 3:12.36, 5. Hudson 3:13.07, 6. Columbus Academy, 7. Upper Arlil)91on, 8. Anderson, 9. aeveland Orange, 10. Worthington, 11. Louisville St. Thomas, 12. Shaker Heights, 13. Napoleon, 14. Wooster, 15. Sandusky Perkins, 16. CCD, 17. Solon, 18. Ashland, 19. Copley, 20. Kent Roosevelt, 21. Centervlle, 22. Lakota, 23. Walnut Hills, 24: Sandusky.
High School
Wrestling Ross 49, Western Hills 19 103 - Smyth (WH) del. Wilson, 14-1; 112- Habermehl (R) del. Tucker, 7-6; 119 - Jones (R) pinned Moore, 1:47; 125 Huff ( WH). forfeit; 130 - Duncan ( WH) del. M.Decker, 12-10; 135 - Young (R) pinned Cord, 3:48; 140 - A.Decker (R) pinned Combs, 2:47; 145 - Weisbrod! (R) del. Reinder, 13-{); 152 - King (R) pinned Thomas, 1:24; 160 - Dunn (R) pinned EngHsh, 4:30; 171 - Steenken (R) pinned Boggs, 4:24; 189 - Ondrovich (R) pinned Eibe, 4:11; Hvy - Foster (WH), forfeit. Records: R 1-{), WH o-1.
Hockey Moeller 7, Centerville 6, OT M: D. Raymer 3, MiNer, Mike Godar,
Mat1 Godar, Empie, C: Winckler, Leaman, Carlson, Markstrom, Meintel, Larson. Re¡ cords: M 9-3. Next game: Today at Northland Ice Center at 6 p.m. vs. Upper Arlington.
Girls swimming
Boys swimming Anderson 97, Lakota 85 200MR-Anderson (Starr, Ferry, Drusa, Osborne) 1:52.36; 200F-Wang (L) i 1:53.84; 2001M-Druso (A) 2:09.03; SOF- ' Gutbier (A) 23.94; Diving-Winter (A) 1:49.40; 100BF-Gutbier (A) 58.51; 100FDruso (A) 50.65; SOOF-Wang (L) 5:18.15; 200FR-Lakota (Bantz, Hudson, Tostebin, Bush) 1:45.58; 100BAS-Darling (A) 1:07.43; 100BRS-Ferry (A) 1:09.26; 400FR-Anderson {Gutbier, Oruso, Sinkovich, Starr) 3:34.88. Records: A 2-{).
Prep schedule BOYS BASKETBALL Saturday, Dec. ' (Games begin at 8 p.m. unless noted) Non-League Lakota at Centerville New Miami at Hamilton Badin
Beavercreek at Franklin Cov. Ky. Holmes at La Salle
Harrison at Ross
Mariemont at Summit, 6:30 p.m.
Anderson 140, Lakota 46 200MR-Anderson (Rosser, Sheil, Young, Gordon) 2:04.27; 200F- Weatherholt (A) 2:10.34;2001M-Turner (A) 2;19.82; 50F-Murphy (A) 28.11; Diving-Gordon (A) 2:16.35; 100BF-Turner (A) 1:02.16; 100F-Rosser (A) 56.37; SOOF-Weatherholt (A) 5:39.06; 200FR-Anderson (Schell, Gordon, Arnold, Turner) 1:49.52; 100BASRosser (A) 1:03.48; 100BRS-Gram (L) 1:17.20; 400FR-Anderson (.Weatherholt, ScheM, Daniels, Rosser) 4;{)4.64. Records: A
Middletown at Dayton Colonel White, 7:45 p.m. TeM. Deaf at St. Rita, 3 p.m. GIRLS BASKETBALL Saturday, Dec. 8 Finneytown at CCD, 1 p.m. Lakota at Walnut HiHs, 1:30 p.m. Mercy at Fairmont, 1:30 p.m. Madeira at FayetteviQe, 6:30 p.m. Milford at Lima, 2:30 p.m. MI. Notre Dame at Notre Dame, Ky., 3 p.m. Princeton at Forest Park, 2:30 p.m. Roger Bacon a I Reading, 4:30 p.m.
?.n 1 1.1
Turnin at MrNic:holas.
Boy:? swimming-
Princeton 108, Fairfield 73 ~I 200 MR-Fairfield 1:52.32; 200 FS-J. Birdsong (P) 1:59.46; 200 IM-Carmody (PJ 2:20.35; 50 FS-Rtzgerald (P) 24.56; Diving-Huff (P) 207.80; 100 Fly-Angus (F) 59.59; 100 FS-Thompson (P) 52.82; 500 FS-Carmody (P) 5:33.93;"100 FSR Fairfield 1:42.01; 100 Back-Packer (P) 1:04.21; 100 'Breast-Nielsen (F) 1:10.32; 400 FSRPrinceton 3:34.92. P 4-2. Lakota 99 1h, Hamilton 83'h 200 MR-Hamilton 1:57.48; 200 FSThomas (H) 2:10.31; 200 1M-Stephens (H) 2:15.03; 50 FS-Hammond (H) 25.15; Div· ing-Toussant (L) 150.55; 100 Fly-Wong (L) 57.34; 100 FS-Stephens (H) 51.86; 500 FSBonnelt (L) 5:27:-31; 200 FSR-Lakota 1:45.31; 100 Back-McCollum (H) 1:01.02; 100 Breast-Demeter (L) 1:08.31; 400 FSR-Hamilton 3:37.93. Roger Bacon 80, Lemon Monroe 63 200 MR-Lemon Monroe 2:04.75; 200 FS-Johnson (RB) 2:18.10;2001M-Sprague (RBI 2:35.60; 50 FS-Graman (LM) 25.27; Diving: Emerine (RB) 119.45; 100 Fly-Shafer (LM) 1:14.81; 100 FS-Graman (LM) 1:02.41; 500 FS-Johnson (RBI and Rupp (LM) 6:25.87; 200 FSR-Lemon Monroe 1:47.43; 100 Back-Graman (LM) 1:09.41; 100 Breast-wens (RBI 1:17.29; 400 FSRRoger Bacon 4:47.79. East Central107, Moeller 7'1 Event winners: 200MR-East Central, 1:58.79; 200Fr-Matanguihan (M), 1:53.83; 2001M-Reynolds (M). 2:24.26; SOFr-N. RuHman (EC). 25.14; Diving-Giorius (M), 245.10; 100Fiy-Porter (EC), 1:03.13; 100Fr-Replogle (EC), 51.61; SOOFr-Matanguihan (M), 5:08.19; 200FR-Moeller, 1:42.54; 100Back-Stock (EC), 1:05.07; 100Br-Replogle (EC). 1:07.95; 400FRMoeller, 3:49.53. Records: EC 6-1.
Girls swimming Fairfield 110, Princeton 71 200 MR-Princeton 2:14.13; 200 FSEckert (F) 2:07.02; 200 IM-Sechinanam (F) 2:29.09; 50 FS-Jackups (F) 27.23; Diviing-Jugich (F) 164.45; 100 Fly-Angus (F) 1:07.90; 100 FS-Eckert (F) 56.40; 500 FS-Stetler (F) 5:45.21; 200 FSR-Fairfield 1:49.36; 100 Back-Close (P) 1:14.32; 100 Breast-Carmody (F) 1:21.05; 400 FSRFairfield 4:08.80. Records: P 3-3. Lakota 133, Hamilton 42 200 MR-Lakota 2:18.18; 200 FS-Brun· ner (H) 2:20.13; 200 IM-Hoff (l) 2:25.25; 50 FS-Gnam (l) 28.9; Diving-Wood (l) 124.2; 100 Fly-Gnam (l) 1:13.34; 100 FSHoff (l) 57.58; 500 FS-Brunner (H) 6:21.74; 200 FSR-Lakota 2:00.37; 100 Back-Rice {H) 1:12.96; 100 Breast-Wolfe (l) 1:28.99; 400 FSR-Lakota 4:19.32. Roger Bacon 122, Lemon Monroe 47 200 MR-Roger Bacon 2: 11.06; 200 FS-Ryan (RB) 2:28.84; 200 IM-Baur (RBI 2:39.45; 50 FS-Lemmick (RB) 26.10; Diving-Keler (RBI 190.51; 100 Fly-Husman (RBI 1:05.61; 100 FS-Lemmick !RBI 56.97; 500 FS-Baur (RBI 6:27.62; 200 FSR-Lemon Monroe (Erfort, Douthett, Hiatt, Kober!) 2:04.20; 100 Back-Hufman (RBI 1:08.84; 100 Breast-Kobert (LM) 1:20.05; 400 FSR-Roger Bacon 4:18.74.
Boys swimming
Lakota m; Milforcl72 I ·-4 200MR: (M) 1:54.16; 200F-Wong (L), 1:55.51; 2001M-Gehri (L), 2:13.25; 50FMeier (M), and Bonet! (L) tie, 24.55; Diving- Toussant (L), 1:71.55; lOOBF-Meier (M), 1:00.95; lOOF-Wong (L), 51.04; 500F-Billhimer (M), 5:49.39; 200FR-Lakota 1:38.03; lOOBAS-Hitgenfeld (L), 1:08.80; lOOBRS-Pattison (M), 1:05.70; 400FR-(L) 3:36.58. Records: M 7-2. Taylor 50/Western Hills 30 200 MR: (T) 2:01.63; 200 FS-Shaw (W) 2:00.13; 200 1M-Martin (T) 2:20.41; 50 FS-Scheflel (WH) 25.11; 100 Fly-Martin (T) 1:03.87; 100 FS-Bradshaw (WH) 55.90; 500 FS-Cron (T) 6:13.71; 200 FSR-Taytor 1:44.51; 100 Back-Booth (T) 1:05.71; 100 Breast-Cron (T) 1:12.35; 400 FSR: (WH) 4:13.25. CCO 124, Mariemont 100, Indian Hill 65 200MR: (M) 1:47.45; 200F-K. Scheer (C) 1:56.74; 2001M-D. Scheer (C) 2:02.74; 50F-R. Maeder (C) 23.91; Diving-Sheard (IH) 124.75; lOOBF-D. Scheer {C) 54.94; lOOF-R. Maeder ( Cl 53.19; 500F-Ross (M) 5:28.70; 200FR: (CCD) 1:34.62; lOOBAC-Krueger (M) 57.49; lOOBRSRoss (M) 1:04.48; 400FR: (CCD) 4:20.53. Talawanda 105, Moeller 76 200MR: (T) 1:50.90. 200Free-Burchyett (T) 2:01.46. 200IM-Matart1Juihan (M) 2:07.04. 50Free-Sackenheim (T) 23.69. Diving-Myers (T) 261.40. lOOFiy-Sackenheim t.Tl 58.24. lOOFree-Matanguihan (M) 50.79. 500Free-Burchyett (T) 5:27.27. 200FR: (T) 1:37.68. lOOBack-Hale (T) 58.88. lOOBreastReynolds (M) 1:12.73. 400FR: (M) 3:44.75.
Girls swimming Indian Hill 87, CCO 75, Mariemont 64 200MR: (IH) 2:16.16; 200F-Beyers (IH) 2:18.99; 2001M-Mattingly (C) 2:49.02; 50F-Heimann (C) 27.74; Diving-Bagnoli (IH) 128.90; lOOBF- Tomes (M) 1:26.84; lOOF-Longano (M) 1:06.32; SOOF-Beyers (IH) 6:24.99; 200FR: (M) 2:08.98; lOOBACStrauss (C) 1:20.71; lOOBRS-Heimann (C) 1:27.13; 400FR: (IH) 5:16.23. Milford 97, Lakota 89 200MR: (L) 2:05.87; 200F-Crowley (M), 2:09.47; 2001M-McNeal (L) 2:39.44; 50F-Hoff (L), 25.74; Diving-J. Scott (M) 1:90.55; lOOBF-Gnam (L) 1:09.31; lOOFHoff (L) 56.69; 500F-Crowley (M), 5:43.48; 200FR: (M) 1:52.95; lOOBAS-Kamm (L), 1:16.41; lOOBRS-McNeal (L), 1:15.60; 400FR: (L) 4:09.21. Records: M 7-2. Taylor 83, western Hills 44, Harrison 30 200 MR: (T).2:26.45; 200 FS-Jackson (T) 2:37.00; 200 FS-Niehaus (H) 2:40.80; 50 FS-Koch (WH) 31.00; 100 Fly-MoeNer (T) 1:23.00; 100 FS-Jackson (T) 1:09.93; 200 FSR: (T) 2:11.69; 100 Back-Niehaus (H) 1:15.01; 100 Breast-Eyrich (T) 1:26.57. Ursuline 111, Talawanda 73 200MR: (Ul 1;57.28. 200Free-Landon (Ul 1:57.45. 2001M-Kieley (U) 2:13.72. 50Free-Oppelt (U) 25.43. Diving-Wiegand (T) 203.80. lOOFiy-Landon (U) 1:00.69. lOOFree-Kieley (U) 55.89. 500Free-Dahl (U) 5:13.92. 200FR: (U) 1:47.07. lOOBack-Ryan ~!:!}-~1~..~.~. ]~~."ast-GrunweN (T) 1:07.65.
Boys swimming TAYLOR 127, MASON 62, KINGS 20 200 MR- Taylor (Booth, Cron, Martin, Ruehlman) 1:54.16. 200 FS-Booth ITI 209.61. 200 1M-Rude IMI 2:1715; 50 FSSavage I K I 24.33; I 00 Fly- Martin IT I 108.80. 100 FS-Rede IMI 5271. 500 FSRuhlman (T) 6:12.77. 200 FSR-Taylor (Tenhundfeld, Cady. Baker, Jackson) I 56 13. 100 Back -Booth IT I I 00 92. 100 Breast-Martin (T) 1:10 30,400 FSR- Taylor (Jackson. Tenhundfeld, Cron, Ruhlman)
4 10.36. MARIEMONT 92, NEW RICHMOND 62 200MR-Mariemont, 148.72. 200F-AI· drich IMI 2:16.1fS: 2001M-Krueger IMI 2:08.78; 50Free-Malotke I M I 24 36, IOOFiy- Ross IMI 10256, IOOFree-AI· drich (M) 58.99, 500Free-Krueger (MJ
6:05.34; 200Free Relay-Mariemont 1 45.94, IOOBA-Kelly INRI 1:13.43, IOOBR-Ross IMI I 02.80; 400FR-New Richmond 4:30.26. MILFORD WINS TRI·MEET Team scores: 1. Milford 132, 2. Highlands 113, 3. LaSalle 58 Individual scores: 200 Medley Relay -
Highlands 1:54.18; 200 Free -
meyer (HI 1:59.50, 200 IM - Gracey IHI 21469; 50 Free - Reardon !LSI 2397, Diving- McFarland (Ml 217.10, 100 FlyStaley (HI I 0348, 100 Free - Reardon !LSI 53 21, 500 Free- Waldenmeyer !HI 5 30 95, 200 Free Relay - M•lford 143 13, 100 Back - Gracey (HI 1:04.89. 100 Breast - Calvm ( M l 1·13.45, Free Relay - H1gh· lands 3:50.99
Girls swimming MASON 103, TAYLOR 100, KINGS 78, HARRISON 42 200 MR- Taylor (Masters, Townsend. Moeller, Jackson) 2:23.16, 200 FS-Kn1ght IMI 249 36, 200 1M-Jackson IT I 2 59 14,50 FS-Masters (T) 3097, 100 Fly-Pottorf (K) 1:06.76. 100 FS-Ham !HI I 1191, 500 FS-Niehaus (HI 6·25.34, 200 FSR-K•ngs (Marnson, Chadwell, Moore, Pottorf) 2·09 77, 100 Back -Moeller IT I I 20 49, 100 Breast-Townsend (TJ 1.26.61, 500 FSRMason (M1gut, Gormas, Budd, Flannery J 5:30.44 NEW RICHMOND 91, MARIEMONT 41 200MR-New Richmond 2.25 57, 200Free-Longano IMI 228.37, 200MKyle INRI 22627, 50Free-Budelsky IMI 30 67, IOOFree-Kyle INRI I 00 51, 500Free-Longano (M l 6.48 34, 200FRNew Richmond 2 09 91, 100BA -Owens ( M) I 32.53, IOOBR -Hugeburg INRI 1:27 71, 400FR-New RIChmond 4:46.86 MILFORD 112, HIGHLANDS 71 200 Medley Relay - Highlands 2 14.18. 200 Free- Christie IMI 2:15.33,200 IMWilson ( M l 2:29 11, 50 Free - Beimesche IHI 2912, D.ving - Scott IMI 159.50: 100 Fly - Crowley (MJ 1:15.27, 100 Free Gorman (MJ 103 25; 500 Free - Christie 1M 1 5.56 85, 200 Free Relay - Milford 1:59.42, 100 Back- W•lson IMI I 11.88. 100 Breast - Beyersdoefer (H) 1·25.33, 400 Free Relay - Highlands 4:29.04
__ "~ ...-·
~ lfogh School Results BOYS SWIMMING Wyoming 80, Roger Bacon 76 200 MR-Roger Bacon (Sprague, Singer, Clark Salzl) 2:03.29; 200 IS-Horne (W) 1:58.66; 200 1M-Sprague (RB) 2:33.77; 50 FS-Lemmerman (W) 24.87; Oiving-Emerine (RB) 131.60; 100 Fly-Horne (W) 1:01.33; 100 FS-Lemmerman (W) 58.58; 500 FS-J<>nhston (W) 6:20.95; 200 FSRWyoming (Lemmerman, HllUser, Payton, Horne) 1:42.84; 100 Back-Sprague (RB) 1:10.24; 100 Breast-Payton (W) 1:18.67; 400 FSR-Wyoming (Lemmerman, Horne, Brooks, Johnston) 4:01.65. GIRLS SWIMMING Roger Bacon 108, Wyoming 77 200 MR-Roger Bacon (Husman, Houck, Baur, Lemmick) 2:14.75; 200 FSLemmick (RB) 205:60; 200 IM-Baur (RB) 2:40.07; 50 FS-Lemmick (RB) 26.07; Diving: Keller (RB) 178.65; 200 FSR-Wyoming (King, Benken, Gelfand, Yearout) 2:00.86; 100 Fly-Husman (RB) 1:05.90; 100 FSRyan (RB) 1:05.50; 500 FS-Yearout (W) 5:54.41; 100 Back-Husman (RB) 1:10.51; 100 Breast-Benken (W) 1:23.85; 400 FSR-
Roger Bacon (Husman, Ryan, Baur, Lem-
1-JO .... <ft New Richmond at Norwood, 6 p.m. GIRLS BASKETBALL Thursday, Jan. 10 (Games begin at 7:30 p.m. unless noted) Anderson at Walnut Hms Be the~ Tate at WiHiamsburg CCD at Landmark, 6:30 p.m. Deer Park at CAPE Eastern Brown at Georgetown, 8 p.m.
Finneytown at Mariemont Glen Este at Amefia Greenhills at Northwest Loveland at Madeira MI. Healthy at Aiken Milford at Princeton New Miami at Lockland, 6:30 p.m. Norwood at McNicholas North Adams at Ripley MI. Notre Dame at Roger Bacon NCH at Felicity PurceN Marian at Badin Seven Hills at St. Bernard St. Ursula at Seton Taft at Harrison West. Brown at aer. Northeastern Western Hills at Colerain Wyoming at Indian Hils
Girls ratings
mick) 4:17.47 WRESTLING Oak Hills 40, Amelia 21 Match winners: 103-Kruse (A) pinned T. Lipps (0) 1:25; 112-Smith forfeit; 119-S. Lipps (0) forfeit; 125-Tessoff (A) 1D-7 decision; 130-Burns (0) 14-6 decision; 135-Hinton (0) pinned Davidson (A) 4:56; 140-Kuntz (0) pinned Lang (A) 2:58; 145-Pangallo (0) pinned DarneH (A) 2:22; 152-Marx (0) lD-4 decision; 160-Young (A) 8·4 decision; 171-Zang (0) ~ deci· sian; 189-Frysinger (A) 8-3 decision; HW-Lytle (A) pinned Soldano (0) :35. Turpin 47, Taylor 28 Match winners: 103-Roth (Ta) forfeit; 112-Gibson (Tu) pinned Smith (Tal :37; 119-Herzner (TU) forfeit; 125-Dunn (TA) pinned Winkler (TU) 3:50; 130-Butler (TAl 15·2 decision; 135-Fraley (TU) pinned Simonson (TA) :51; 140-Heath (TA) pinned Birr (TU) 3:56; 145-Haskins (TU) 16-1 tech fall; 152-Hickey (TU) -pinned Tenhundefeld (TA) 3:43; 160-Stroh (TU) pinned Adams (TA) 3:30; 171-Merrick (TU) pinned Horning ( T A) :37; 189Matsuda (TU) forfeit; HW-Lyons (TA) pinned Evertson (TU) 1:52. Moeller 34, Sycamore 21 Match winners: 103-Coftier (S) 16-1 tech tal; 112-0evlin (M) 6-5 decision; 119-Gatto (M) 4·2 decision; 125-Smlth (S) 14-3 decision; 130-Poynter (S) 12·9 decision; 135-Dale (S) pinned Fukuchi (M) 3:24; 140-Whitehead (S) lD-8 decision; 145-Rechert (M) 5·2 decision; 15~-Whal en (M) 14-6 decision; 160-Vennemeyer (M) 4-0 decision; 171-Pfanz (M) pinned Cohen (S) 1:20; 189-0stholthoff (M) for· felt; HW-GaHenstein (M) pinned Drangler (S) 3:49. s 3-2. GIRLS GYMNASTICS Lakota 120.05, Turpin 116.25 vault-Gault (T) 8.7; Bars-Chin (L) 8.6; Beam-Chin (L) 8.9; Floor-(tie) Chin (L), Grant (T) 8.15; All-Around-Chin 33. 95. Records: T 3-l
Schedules BOYS BASKETBALL Thursday, Jan. 10 No games scheduled WRESTLING Thursday, Jan. 10
2 -!!M
COLUMBUS, Ohio - How a state pan-
el of sports writers and broadcasters rates Ohio high school girls basketball teams: DIVISION I 1, Garfld Hts. Trinity (3) 1D-1 ................... 133 2, Pickerington ( 10) 11-0 ........................... 112 3, (tie) Vandalia Butler (1) 11-o ................ 68 3, (tie) Youngstown Boardman (3) 8.0 ... 68 S,OxfordTalawanda 10-1 .......................... 57 6, Beavercreek 9-1 ....................................... 52 7, Cleveland Hts. 9-Q •.•.••.•.•..•.•..•.•..••...•...•.••. .48 8, Wooster (I) 11.0 .......................................44 9, Cuyahoga FaUs 8.0 ···········'························41 10, Lima Senior 9-2 ......................................... 33 DIVISION II 1, Millersburg W. Holmes (4) 1D-O ............ 93 2, Logan (5) 13-0 ........................................... 84 3, Dayton Dunbar ( 1) 9-0 ............................ 76 4, Dresden Tri·Valley lD-0 .......................... 55 5,Urbana 11-1 ................................................ 51 6, BeHaire 11-o ................................................ 47 7, Chesterland W. Geauga ( 1) 1D-O ........... 46 8, Oberlin Firelands 11-o .............................. 43 9, Canfield 11-1 ...............................................41 10, Lebanon 11-1 .............................................. 39
others receiving 12 or more points: 13, Mother of Mercy (2) 22. DIVISION Ill 1, Coldwater (7) 1D-O ................................. 119 2, BeHbrook ( 1) 13.0 ..................................... 97 3, Heath ( 1) ID-0 ............................................88 4, Andove• Py. VaHey ( 2) 1D-O ................... 69 5, Stewart Fed. Hocking ( 1) lD-0 .............. 64 6, Richmond Dale SE (2) lD-0 ..................... 63 7, Genoa 9-o ....................................................52 8, Beaver Eastern 9·1 .................................. 36 9, Sarahsville Shenandoah 10.1 ...................31 10, Lisbon Anderson 1D-O .............................. 30 Brock field 8·1 .............................................30
Others receiving 12 or more points: 15, Wyoming (1) 20. DIVISION IV 1. Fort Recovery (8) 8-1 ...........:............... 135 2, S. Charleston SE (4) 1D-O ........................ 97 3, McDonald (2) ID-0 .................................... 66 4, Mansfield St. Peter's 7-o ......................... 44 5, ZanesviUe Rosecrans 9-2 .........................39 6, Middletown Fenwick (1) 9--2 ................. 38 7, OanviHe 1D-O ............................................... 37 8, Kalida 8·1 .................................................... 35 9, Bellaire St. John's 1D-1 ............................. 33 10, Jefferson lD-0 ............................................32
ER Saturday, January 12, 1991
)REBO~ e Enquirer/55WKRC Scoreline,
:)nal scores or 3 to hear local scores. When you have _hear the other scores you want. There is no charge fc
High School
. WrestI!nQ
Greenhills 66, CAPE 39 103-double forfeit; 112-DF; 119Sanders (C) dec. Kline 17-3; 125-DF; 130Sue (GH) pin Smith; 135-McVay (GH) forfeit; 140-Mulligan (GH) forfeit, 145OF; 152-Fowler (GH) forfeit; 160-Shealy (GH) forfeit; 171-DF; 189-Mitchell GH pin Guerrant; HW-Cape forfeit. Moeller 50, Glen Este 22 103-Daniel (GE) pin Stroup :59; 112Devlin (M) pin zorb 5:10; 119-Gatto (M) MD 12-0 Reese; 125-Snyder (GEl dec. Terzo ll·Oi 130-Dunn (G) pin Hartman 3:45; 135-Zinkan (Ml pin Durham 2:40; 140-Hendrixaon (GEl pin Hanna 3:50; 145-Reichert (M) pin Giftispie 1:00; 152-
:.'!:~~~:t~jnff~e;~~~~J1~~~~,e~~i~~ Miller 18·3; 189-Dstholthoff (M) forfeit); HW-Gallenstein (M) pin Lay 1:08. Re· cords: M 7-1. Roger Bacon 59, Finneytown 2 103-double forfeit; 112-Wehby (R) forfeit; 119-Bucalo (R) forfeit; 125-Rose (R) 3-0; 130-Bucalo (R) tied Lewis (F) S-5; 135-Frey (R) pin 2:48; 14D-Wisdom (R) 8·4; 145-Woudenberg (R) pin 1:40; 152-Wilingh· am (R) pin 2:37; 16D-Gildea (R) 5-4; 171· Smith (Rl forfeit; 189·Kistner (Rl forfeit;
135-Brown (PSI vs. Peace (Bat), Stanley (MH) vs. Price (FF); 140-Curry (MH) vs. Brown (WS), Jewell (Edge) vs. Mays (FF); 145-Shanklin (FFl vs. Neely (MH), Swagler (Har) vs. Moyer (Brook); 152Dennis (FF) vs. Sabloski (Col), Herring (Prinl vs. Estridge (Bat); 160-Calihan (Ham) vs. Audas (Brook), Wilson (MH) vs. Burwick (Edge); 171-Schumm (Edge) vs. Jaeger (NW), Scaij (Har) vs. Pater (FF); 189-Thomas (P) vs. Stephens (Ham), KendaU (MH) vs. Bevis (Har); Hwt-Miree (Prin) vs. Asher (FF), Adams (Edge) vs. Robinson (Ham). Semifinal action resumes at noon with championship scheduiled for 7 p.m.
Boys SWimmmg • ·
1. St. Xavier 116, 2. Centerville 91, 3. Sycamore 35, 4. Turpin MR-St. Xavier 1:42.2; 200 FS-Wat· terson (T) 1:47.7; 200 IM-Gunnoe (C) 2:02.7; so FS-Hudepohl (S) 20.66; 100 Fly: Andrews (S) 53.99; 100 FS-Humperville (C) 50.5; 500 FS Watterson (T) 4:52.1; 200 Relay-St. Xavier 1:31.98; 100 Back Gennoe (C) 56.02; 100 Brst-Froelker (S) 1:01.9; 400 FR Relay-Centerville 3:29.56
G" 1 • · 1r S SWimming
14 103-Smyth (WH) forfeit; 112-Wilson (WH) forfeit; 119-Tucker (WH) forfeit; 125-Fowler (F) 10·9; 13D-Pryne (F) pin 3:36; 140-Thomas (WH) 14·4; 145-Cord (WH) pin :10; 152-Boggs (WH) pin 2:58; 16D-Pender (WH) pin 3:20; 171-Hunter (F) pin 3:20; 189-Eide (WH) forfeit; HW-Foster (WH) forfeit. Roger Bacon 46, western Hills 19
1. Sycamore 105, 2. Centerville 92, 3. Turpin 66• 4· Mercy 23 MR-Sycamore 1:57.08; 200 FS-Bassler (S) 1:59.68; 200 1M-Gale (C) 2:18.38; SO FS-Breen (C) 25.32; 100FLY-Bassler (S) 1:01.27; 100 FS-Breen (C) 56.27; 500 FSSexton (S) 5:41.58; 200 FR-Sycamore 1:44.65; 100 Back-Lichtenberger (S) 1:03.81; 100 Brst-Gale (C) 1:11.02; 400 FR-Turpin 3:49.92.
(wH~D;'o-:J~~i~~TJc~~\~~f1e\t~2~\ :i~~~~~
Prep schedule
(R) 6-1; 13D-Bucalo (R) 17·4; 135-Frey (R) pin 1:53; 140-Thomas (WH) pin :30; 145-Wou· denberg (Rl pin 1:47; 152-Wilingham (R) 7-0; 16D-Gildea (R) pin SO sec; 171-Smith (Rl pin :49; 189-Kistner (R) pin :44; HW-Hunter (R) pin 1:06. Bethel 36, Reading 31 103-Joe Obee (B) 3·0; 112-Stober (B) 3-0; 119-Minton (R) 3-0; 125-Pietz (R) 3-0; 130-HoMand (B) 3-0; 135-Poeet (R) 3-0; 140-Calhoun (B) 3-0; 145-Hill (B) 3-0; 152-Koeppe (B) 3-0; 160-Phelps (R) 3·0; 171-Vance (R) 3-0; 189-Young (R); HW-Haythorn (B) 2·1. Fairfield Invitational Team Standings:. 1. Fairfield 101'12, 2. Princeton 78112, 3. BrookviHe l2lf2, 4. Mount Healthy 59'12, 5. Batavia 55'12, 6. Harrison 48, 7: Edgewood 41, 8. Hamilton 33, 9. North· west 29, 10. Preble Shawnee 26, 11. Westerville South 13, 12. Colerain 11, 13. Columbus Eastmoor 4, 14. Talawanda 3. Semifinal Pairings: 103-Wineberg (FF) vs. Hickman (PS), O'Dell (Brook) vs. Pender (Prin); 112-North (P) vs. Terrill (Brook), Steiner (Bat) vs. Barden (FF); 119-Harrison (F) vs. Haro (Prin), Dean (Har) vs. Stout (Brook); 125-Shinkle (Bat) vs. Bonner (P), Fugate (Edge) vs. Lipinski (Brook); 130-Moritz (Brook) vs. Hampton (NW), Howard (Bat) vs. Geers (MH);
BOYS BASKETBALL Saturday, Jan. 12 (Games begin at 8 p.m. unless noted) Harrison at Cincinnati Christian, 7:30p.m. Madeira at Seven Hills, 7:30p.m. McNicholas at Turpin. 7:30 p.m. NCH at GreenhiHs GIRLS BASKETBALL Saturday, Jan. 12 (Games begin at7:30 p.m. unless noted) Anderson at Ursuline, 2:30p.m. Indian Hill at Mariemont, Noon Little Miami at Bethel-Tate McNicholas at Turpin, 2:30p.m. Mt. Healthy at McAIJ.ey, 1:30 p.m. Milford at Seton Mercy at Princeton St. Bernard at Deer Park WRESTLING Saturday, Jan.12 Anderson Invitational, noon Fairfield Invitational (16 teams), 11 a.m. Clermont Northeastern at Goshen, 7 p.m. Wyoming at Deer Park Elder at Dayton CarroH Invitational, noon La Salle at Beavercreek Invitational, 10 a.m. Little Miami Invitational, noon Oak Hils at Lakota, 8 p.m. Sycamore at St. Xavier, 7 p.m. McNicholas, Reading and Taylor at Bethe~ Tate, 2 p.m..
1191 __________________
State swim
marks fall in clusters St. Xavier star at head of pack By Bill Lilley Beacon Journal staff writer
On a night that record-setting performances became almost the norm, Cincinnati St. Xavier junior standout Joe Hudepohl proved that he still was cut above everybody else at the annual Ohio Swimming and Diving State Cham-. pionship Meet. Hudepohl watched from the warm-up area at C.T. Branin as his Bomber teammates em the 200-yard medley relay team cruised to a meet record by 58hundredths of a second with a 1:34.14 clocking. That was the second record-setting performance in as many events - Cincinnati Oak Hills' 1:46.51 set a record in the girls' 200 medley relay. That only served to give Hudepohl, a 3-event state champion as a sophomore last year, even more incentive to swim faster when he toed the starting block for his specialty - the 200 freestyle. The gun sounded to start the race and Hudepohl swam with a purpose. By the time he finished, Hudepohl had done far more than simply win his second consecutive state championship in this event. His 1:34.96 clocking obliterated his own state record of 1:37.38. It also wiped out the Branin Natatorium record of 1:35 ..67 set by Jim Montgomery of the Gatorade Club in 1977. And, best of all, it apparently established a high school national record as it erased the 1:36.36 set by Jason Fink of Freeport, Texas in the 1985 Texas state championship meet. Hudepohl's time will have to be submitted and certified by a national committee. "Yes, I really got pumped when I saw that our 200 medley relay team had set a meet record," said Hudepohl, who will be attempting to become the state's first 4-event state champion in' one meet when competition resumes today. "That really gave me a jolt. My main concern in the race was to win, but I have to admit that in the back of my mind I wanted the national record, too. "When I finished I didn't know how ~ ~T- XAVIER. oa11:e C4
C-12/High schools THE CINCINNATI ENQUIRER Sunday, March 31, 1991 e
Enquirer All-Star Teams
Swimmers, coaches are year's best Hudepohl, Brower capture ·awards in boys competition
Gustin, Ursuline coaches win recognition for title campaigns
BY DAVE SCHUTTE En<J.Iirer Contributor
BY DAVE SCHUTTE Enquirer Contributor
The best is yet to come for joe Hudepohl. The St. Xavier swimmer set three national high school records at this year's Ohio swimming meet in Canton, leading his team to the state championship.
The goals set for Rachel Gustin before the swimming season were ambitious. ·
For those achievements, Hudepohl was chosen The Enquirer's 1990-91 Swimmer of the Year. For the second consecutive year, St. Xavier's jim Brower was selected The Enquirer's Coach of the Year. Many expect Hudepohl to earn a spot on the 1992 U.S. Olympic team. At the state meet, Hudepohl set national records in the three freestyle events - 50 yards (20.01), 100 yards (43.54) and 200 yards (1:34.96) - much to the delight of the capacity crowd of 3,500 at Branin Natatorium. "I can still remember hearing the roar of the crowd," Hudepohl said. "It was a great experience for me and one that I will never forget." Before his races, Hudepohl can always be seen talking and laughing with his competitors. "Winning the team championship meant more to me than the individual records," Hudepohl said. "It's nice when all the members of the team come home with a championship plaque." Even with Hudepohl, winning a second straight state championship was no certainty for St. Xavier. "If you would have asked me prior to the season which team was favored to swim the state championship, I would have told you Toledo St. Francis," Brower said. "We had some good swimmers back, but this year's team was nothing like the one that won the state championship in 1989-90," he said. "A lot of the guys carrie on to make this possible." Brower pointed to the development of several team members, including Mike Andrews, Shawn Trohkan, jim McCollum, Joe Replogle and john Maddox, as the key to the Bombers' championship. The Bombers earned 217 points to finish well ahead of second-place Hudson. With Hudepohl back for his se-
nior year, along with many other talented swimmers, it seems likely St. Xavier will make a run at a third consecutive state title next February. SWIMMER OF THE YEAR
Joe Hudepohl (St. Xavier) COACH OF THE YEAR
Jim Brower (St. Xavier) FIRST TEAM 200 Medley Relay- St. Xavier (Mike Andrews, Joe Replogle, Jason Davis, Shawn Trohkan}.
200 Freestyle- Joe Hudepohl (SI. Xavier). 200 Individual Medley - Marty Hubbell (Waynes· ville). 50 Freestyle- Jason Praeter (Waynesville}. 100 Butterfly- Jasor1 Praeter (Waynesville}.
Diving- Travis Myers (Oxford Talawaflda). 100 Freestyle- Joe Hudepohl lSI. Xavier I. 500 Freestyle- Rob Drumm (St. Xavier). 200 Freestyle Relay - St. xavier (Joe Hudepohl, Jason Davis, Jon Nieberding, Shawn Trohkan). 100 Backstroke - Mike Andrews (St. Xavier}.
400 Freestyle Relay - St. Xavier (Mike Andrews, Rob Drumm, Jon Nieberding, Joe Hudepohl). 100 Breaststroke- Marty Hubbell (Waynesville}.
HONORABLE MENTION 200 Medley Relay - Talawanda (Ryan Hale, Jay Burchyett Rob Shearer, Joe Sackenheim); Oak HiNs (Matt Smith/ Sean Forbin, Ike Dryer, Stephan Darn); Anderson (Jerry Stephens, Jason Drusa, Mike Gutbier, Chris Sink.ov· ich).
200 Freestyle -
Rob D1•umm (St. Xavier), Karl
Scheer (Cindnr1atl Country Day). Darren Heidenreich (Northwest), Jon Nieberding (S-t. xavier), John Matanguihan (Moeller}, Brad Watterson (Turpin).
200 Individual Medley- Jerry Stephens (Anderson), Mike Andrews (St. Xavier). Lee Litherland (Waynesville), Randy Krueger (Mariemont), Jason Davis (St. Xavier), Matt Smith (Oak Hills). Steve Pater (St. Xavier). John Pater (St. Xavier). SO Freestyle - Shawn Trohkan (St. Xavier), Jason Oruso (Anderson). Damon Hickey (Hamilton BadinL Mike Gutbier {Anderson). 100 Butterfly- Brad Watterson (Turpin). Dan Clevenger (Batavia), Derek Scheer (On. Country Day), Ed Baier {St. Xavier}, John Bossart {St. Xavier), Jason Davis (St. Xavier}, Mike Gutbier {Anderson), Brian Kaplan {Walnut Hills). Diving - Jason Glorius (Moeller), Sean Bigner (St. Xavier}, Jamie McFarland {Milfordt Ryan MacDonald { T alawanda l. 100Freestyle- Karl Scheer (Cincinnati Country Day), Jon Nieberding I St. Xavier). 500 Freestyle - Steve Pater (St. Xavier), Darren Heidenreich !Northwest), Matt Durkin (McNicholas), James Marcotte (Walnut Hils), John Matanguihan (Moeller}, Jason Fightmaster (Oak Hills}, Matt Smith (Oak Hms), Joe Hudepohl lSI. Xavier). 200 Freestyle Relay- Gncinnati Country Day (Karl Scheer, Doug Pepper, Rob Maeder, Derek Scheer); Oak Hins (Matt Smith, Ike Dryer, Jason Fightmaster, Stephan Oorn); Elder {Marc Wambaugh, Eric Johnson. Dave Lameier, Greg Berting). 100 Backstroke -Jerry Stephens (Anderson), Randy Krueger (Mariemont), Jim McCollum (St. Xavier), Steve Pater (St. Xavier). 100 Breaststroke - Jason Drusa (Anderson), Joe Replogle (St. Xavier), Brian Froelke (St. Xavier), Jon Maddux (St. Xavier). 400 Freestyle Relay - Anderson (Mike Gutbier, Jerry Stephens, Chris Slnkovlch, Jason Drusa); Clnclmati Country Day (Karl Scheer, Doug Pepper, Rob Maeder, Derek Scheer); Walnut Hils (Brian Frost, James Marcotte, Jacob Dyrenforth, Brian Kaplan}; Lakota (Mike Wong, Josh Hartig, Kent Bormett, Marik Klapper).
"Rachel and I talked about going for the state record in the individual medley," said Larry Lyons, the swimming coach at Seven Hills. "We also felt that breaking the record in the breaststroke would be nice." The 15year-old sophomore successfully defended the state title in the 200 individual medley, winning in 2:03.20 to break the record of 2:04.126 set by Rachel Gustin Kim Rhodenbaugh of Oak Hills in 1984. In the 100-yard breaststroke, Gustin won the state championship but fell short of Rhodenbaugh's record of 1:02.498, set in 1982. Gustin's time was 1:03.32. "Anytime a kid sets a state record, they have natural ability," Lyons said. "But Rachel is a bright girl and a student of the sport. She works real hard and wants to know why and how things happen." Gustin's two state titles earned her The Enquirer's Swimmer of the Year honors. Last year, Gustin was co-swimmer of the year with Tina Silbersack. Ursuline's Lynn Marggrander and Ann Schoenberger were named Coaches of the Year. The Lions easily captured the state championship. "The highest that we finished in five years was third in 1989," Marggrander said. "We knew that we had the potential to do it, but you never know what will happen." Ursuline was led by Beth jackson, a junior who won the 100-yard backstroke while swimming with a broken wrist. The Lions have two outstanding seniors: Jenni Dahl and Shannon Kieley. Among those who will return next season are: jackson, Emily Landon, Holly Oppelt, Nancy Conway and Mary Kraemer. SWIMMER OF THE YEAR
Rachel Gustin, Seven Hills COACHES OF THE YEAR
Lynn Marggrander (Ursuline) Anne Schoenberger (Ursuline) FIRST TEAM 200 Medley Relay - Oak Hils (Michele McCarthy, Cynthia Janssen, Amy Fritsch, Denise McCNthy). 200 Freestyle - Emly Landon ( UrsuHne ). 200tndividual Medley- Rachel Gustin (Seven Hills). 50 Freestyle- Dana Goettsch (Walnut HIUs). 100 BuHerfly- Tina Silbersack (St. UrsiAal. Diving- Molly Knight (Indian Hil). 100 Freestyle - Oana Goettsch (Walnut Hils I. so·: F;e~~tYie- Emily Landon (Ur"suline) 2'JO Fretst~il.'- ;te1ay- Ursutine (JeMi Dahl, Holly Oppelt. Shar.rnr, ~~·xy, 613th Jackson). ll)(l Back:.trr-kc- i'·~til .tackson (Ursuline). 100 Breaststroke-- R..1chl!l Gustin (Seven Hills). 400 Freestyle Relay - Oak Hills !Denise Mccarthy, Amy Fritsch. Cynthia Jenssen/ MidleMe McC8rthy ).
HONOilABLE MENTION 200 Medley Relay -· Ursuline (Beth Jackson, Nancy Conwey, Emily Lendon, N.try Kraemer); Syc8more (Leigh Bassk!r, Kerry Bennett, Meagan Occareni, Julie Beerman); Anderson (Michelle Murphy, Angie Rosser, Sarah Turner, Jennifer Weatherholt); St. Ursula (Tina Sllbersock, Suzame Wetterer, Becky Kling, Cerrie Ivers}; Seton (Tricla Lameler, Lori Wittich, Shannon O'Brien. Christie Rieskamp, Jamie Cianciolo); Fairfield (Megan Miler, Jenny Eckert, Erln Miller, Allie JetekupS)i Turpin (Andrea caudiJ, Emily Ose, Vern Howard cary GuMing). 200 Freestyle- Jennl Dahl (UrsuHne), Jocelyn Grunwen (Talawanda). Tara Oevenger (dermont Northeast· em), Noel Webster (Ross), Julie Speier (McAuley), Sereh Pinney (Turpin). 200 Individual Medley- Leigh Bassler (Sycamore), Michele McCarthy {Oak Hils), Cynthia Janssen (Oak Hils). Kristin Liermon (HamllfO!l Badin), Lori Boyle (GreenhiHs), Kerry Bennett (Sycamore). 50 FreeSiyle- Denise McCarthy !Oak Hills), Andrea Lemmir1k (Roger Bacon), Sarah Westrick (Hamaton Bad· inL Wendy Hoff {Lakota), Holly Oppelt (Ursuline), Laurie Kerns (Sycamore l. 100 BuHerlly - Amy Fritsch !Oak Hills), Beth Jack· son (Ursuline), Sher1non Kieley (Ursuline), Sarah Tun.er (Anderson}, Erin Jamieson (Fiooeytown). Diving- K8thy Carboy (Anderson), Lauren Loberg (Sycamore), Holly Roberts (Turpin), Ame Sherman (Sycamore), Susan Kumpf (Seton), Linde Hiteman (Lakota), Kami Ogden (Oak Hills), Katv Judd (Seven Hills), Cathy Tromans (Badin). 100 Freestyle - Denise McCarthy (Oak Hills}. Tara Oevenger (Clermont Northeastern), Julie Speier {McAuley), Andrea Lemmink (Roger Bacon), Shannon Kleley (Ursuline) 1 Heather Fitzgerald (McNicholas), Kerry Bennell (Sycamore), Sarah Westrick IHamnton Badin). 500 Freestyle- Sarah Turner (Anderson), Jenni Dahl {Ursuline), Noel Webster !Rossi, Sara Pinney (Turpin), Jessie Smith {Mason), MtJry Kraemer (Ursuline). 200 Freestyle Relay - Sycamore (Kerry Bennett, Emily Sexton1 Erin Powers, Laurie Kerns); Turpin (Emily Ose, Sara Gaible, Sarah Meredith, Sara Pinney}; St. Ursula (Carrie Ivers, Suzanne Wetferer, Becky Kling 1 Tina Silbersack}; Seton (Tricia Lameier. Shannon O'Brien. Lori Wittich/ Christie Rieskamp). 100 Backstroke- Leigh Bassler (Sycamore), Michelle 1
:;~~:k \~~-k u~i! ~t~>,A~~~ RJ'!:~~s~nr~fn~~~to!~~
Heather Fitzgerald (McNicholas). 100 Breaststroke - Cynthia Janssen (Oak Hills), I Jocelyn Grunwell (Tal~wanda), Tricia L~meier {Seton), Kristin Lierm~n {Hamilton Badin). 400 Freestyle Relay - UrsiAine (HoHy Oppelt, Shannon Kieley, Emily Landon, Jenni Dahl), Sycamore (Leigh Bassler, Laurie Kems, Michele Lichtenberger, Kerry Bennett}, Anderson (Sarah Turner, Katherine Gordon, Jennifer Weatherholt, Angie Rosser), Turpin (Cary Gunning, Sarah Meredith, sara Pinney, Sara Gaible), McAuley (Julie Speier, Jocelyn Hartman, Taryn Steers, Erin Kieley).
I, 1991
Press clippings College corner Matt Borman, a Moeller High School graduate and a freshman diver at the University of South Carolina, qualified to the National Collegiate Athletic Association National Diving Championships at the University of Texas at Austin by his efforts at the Metro Conference Championships at Columbia, S.C. Borman qualified by virtue of finishing first in the three-meter event and second in the onemeter event in the Metro. Borman just missed the meet record on three-meter, which is held by University of Cincinnati graduate and Olympic trials Matt Borman qualifier Pat Evans. Borman is ..,_.---···· .,.....~. also qualified to dive in the tower event due· to his two board finishes. Borman finishes helped lead South Carolina to is eighth consecutive Metro Conference championship in swimming and diving. Borman had an 18-4 record during the dual meet season and had qualified to the NCAA zone meet early in the season, but his finishes at the M e t r o C h a ::!8~o n s hi p s automatically q · him to the national cha.mnionsbios.
ICoach at Sycamore predicts dominance_ St. X,- Ursuline may swim to state titles BY DAVE SCHUTTE Enquirer Contributor
·If veteran swimming coach Larry Lyons is correct, Cincinnati will dominate both the girls and boys competition at the state swimming meet. The championship get under way today at Branin Natatorium in Canton. · Lyons believes local swimmers will dominate in eight girls and nine boys events with St. Xavier and Ursuline bringing home team titles. "H Ursuline's swimmers improve their times and positions, which is likely, they can beat Gates Mills Hawken for the girls championship," Lyons said.
"As for the boys title, St. Xavier will win it going away. Last year St. X won by over 100 points but it will be by about 75 ··points this year." · ·Action begins tod<tY at 9:30 a.m. with the preliminaries. · There will be state championships decided in five· events (200 medley relay, 200 freestyle, 200· individual medley, 50 freestyle and 100 butterfly). · The remaining , events will be staged Saturday, including theboys and girls diving competition. A sellout crowd is expected. • Larry Lyons takes a look at the strengths and hopes of local swimmers, Page 8-5.
Swim titles in· forecast BY DAVE SCHUTTE Enquirer Contributor
Veteran swimming coach . Larry Lyons predicts joey Hu- · depohl will set two national records at the state swimming meet, which begins today at Branin Natatorium in Canton. "St. Xavier will win the state title with Gates Mills Hawken finishing a distant second," Lyons said. "Also," I feel Hudepohl will set national records in both the 100 and 200 freestyle events.'' This is an assessment by Lyons of each event: GIRLS • 200 Medley Relay - If Oak Hills is comfortably ahead after the breaststr~ke, the Highlanders will win this event • 200 Freestyle'- A tossup with McAuley's Julie Speier having an excellent chance. • 200 Individual Medley - Rachel Gustin"(Seven Hills) is the favorite. • 50 Freestyle - louisville's Ginger Kroft or Melissa Stone of Mansfield Madison will battle for the title. • Diving - Anderon's Kathy Carboy and Molly Knight of Indian Hill should come through. • 100 Butterfly - This is defending state champion Tina Silbersack's race, giving St. Ursula its first state champion in any sport. • 100 Freestyle - Wide open. with Tara Clevenger (Clermont Northeastern). Denise McCarthy (Oak Hills) and Dana . Goetsch (Walnut Hills) Cincinnati's best hopes. • 500 Freestyle - Findlay freshman _laurie Kline is the heavy favorite. • 200 Freestyle Relay - There is little hope for a state title in this event
Prep swimming. • 100 Backstroke - Southwestern Ohio schools will dominate in this event with Michelle McCarthy battling Centerville's Stephania Campbell, Beth Jackson of Ursuline. Angie Rosser of Anderson and Tina Silbersack.' • 100 Breaststroke - Gustin and Janssen will battle for the championship. • 400 Freestyle Relay - Wide open; Ursuline will win and emerge as the state champion.
BOYS • 200 Medley Relay - St. Xavier will win easily. • 200 Freestyle - Joey Hudepohl of St. Xavier in a cakewalk. • 200 Individual Medley Marty Hubbell of Waynesville will dominate with Anderson's Jerry Stephens and Mike An· drews of St. Xavier battling for second and third. • 50 Freestyle - Jason Druso of Anderson. Shawn Trohkan (St. Xavier) and Waynesville's Jason Praeter in posi· lion to win. • Diving - Travis Myers from Talawanda and Moeller's Jason Glorius will score well. • 100 Butterfly - A race with no clear-cut favorite. • 100 Freestyle· - No suspense in this race with Joey Hudepohl in a breeze. • 500 Freestyle - Defending state champion Jake Harms (Toledo St. Francis) is the heavy favorite. • 200 Freestyle Relay - Based on times. St. Xavier will win in a breeze. • 100 Backstroke St. Xavier's Mike Andrews should emerge as the best. but defending state champion Jamie Farnham will provide tough opposition. • 100 Breaststroke - Marty Hubbell of Waynesville appears to be the class. • 400 Freestyle Relay - No contest In this race. St. Xavier in a walkaway.
Hudepohl wins big ~t..
·xjunior smashes U.S. prep record
CANTON, Ohio - St. Xavier junior Joey Iudepohl set a national high school record in he 200-yard freestyle Friday night at the Ohio tate swimming meet at Branin Natatorium. Hudepohl's time of 1:34.96 smashed the ecord of 1:36.36 set by Craig Oppel of Des .1oines, Iowa, in 1985. "I didn't feel good this morning during the 'reliminaries," Hudepohl said. "After the race, went back to the motel to get some rest. 'onight, I felt ready." Hudepohl, defending state champion in both he 100- and 200-freestyle, Jed a strong Cincinati contingent that set two relay and two 1dividual state records. St. Xavier appeared well on its way to its econd straight boys' title, while Oak Hills and Jrsuline were 1-2 in the girls' standings going 1to today's final events. After finishing the race, Hudepohl wasn't ure he had set a national record. "When I swim at St. Xa,·ier, I can see my
times on the clock," Hudepohl said. "Here, I didn't know how I stood, but the reaction of the crowd told me I was on target. "When I made the tum on the final 25 yards, I could hear the crowd and my hair stood up on my arms." · Afterward, the crowd gave Hudepohl a long standing ovation . Hudepohl will swim the 100-yard freestyle and two relays today. The other state records set Friday were: • St. Xavier's 200 medley relay team of Mike Andrews, Joe Replogle, jason Davis and Shawn Trohkan, with a time of 1:34.14. • The Oak Hills girls 200 medley relay team of Michelle McCarthy, Cynthia Janssen, Amy Fritsch and Denise McCarthy, with a time of 1:46.51. • Rachel Gustin of Seven Hills, the defending state champion in the 100 individual medley, with a time of 2:03.20. • Silbersack wins third title, Page D-5.
The Cincinnati Enquirer/Jim Callaway
Joey Hudepohl, above, led record-breaking efforts by Cincinnati swimmers Friday.
Silbersack, Gustin repeat BOYS
BY DAVE SCHUTTE Enquirer Contributor
CANTON, Ohio - Defending state champions Tina Silbersack and Rachel Gustin each brought home state titles again Friday. Silbersack, the two-time defending champion from St. Ursula, swam a nearly flawless race in the 100 butterfly, setting a state record with a time of 56.10.
State swimming "This is my third consecutive state championship but it's still a great feeling," Silbersack said. "My goal tonight was to better last year's times, which I accomplished." The state title was the first ever for St. Ursula Academy. Gustin, of Seven Hills, set a state record of 2:03.20 in the 100-yard individual medley. "All day, people asked me if I was going to get the state record," the 15-year-old Gustin said. "I concentrated on the race so long that I was nervous but after the race started, I was all right."
Oak Hills, Ursuline duel Oak Hills and Ursuline will probably go down to the final event in deciding the girls state championship today. The Highlanders, led by the 200 medley relay team that set a state record, holds a 21-point over Ursuline entering the final six events. Michelle McCarthy, Cynthia Janssen, Amy Fritsch and Denise McCarthy of Oak Hills got the meet off to to a flying start Friday,
Lakota girl third in state gymnastics DUBLIN, Ohio - Lakota gymnast Arriy Chin finished third in the balance beam competition with a score of 8.8. at Ohio High school girls gymnastics championships. Beavercreek's Teresa Shaw won the beam (9.15). Team competition is today. setting a state record in the medley relay in a time of 1:46.51. Oak Hills has 74 points, Ursuline 67 and Gates Mills Hawken a distant third at 38.
St. X in good shape It appears that St. Xavier is in a strong position to repeat as the boys state champion with Joey Hudepohl scheduled to swim in three events (1 00 freestyle and two relays) tonight. "Hudson is swimming awfully strong and they could give us a good battle," St. Xavier coach Jim Brower said. "I'm satsified with our position and feel we can do it."
Around the pool Here are some other highlights: Girls 200 Freestyle - As expected, Tracy Cook of Gates Mills Hawken won the event but Emily Landon and Jenni Dahl of Ursuline earned team points by finishing in third and fourth place, respectively. Girls 50 Freestyle Dana Goetsch of Walnut Hills finished third.
Ttam StondlnOS (aft... flvt tvtnts): 1. St. Xavier 85, 2. Hudson 67, 3. Wayne$ vile 61, 4. Gales Mils Hawken 41, 5. Cleveland St. Ignatius 40, 6. Upper Aringlon 33, 7. Toledo St. Francis 24, 8. (lie) Worthington, University SchoOl, CCD 18, 11. (lie) Anderson. Turplll, canton McKinley, CokJmbus Academy 12. 200 Mtdlty RelAy - 1. St. Xavier ( Andrews-Re· ~avls·Trol<han) 1:34.4, 2. Hudson 1:35.92. 3. Oeveland Sl.lglallus 1:36.97, 4. Gts. Mls. Hawken 1:37.70, 5. Upper Arlington 1:38.18, 6. Worthington 1:38.98. Other Locals: 15. Talawanda 1:41.!3, 20. oak~ 1:'3.57, 200 Frtt$tyit - 1. Hudepohl (St. Xavier) 1:34.96, 2. Harms (Tot St. Francis) 1:40.10, 3. Costa (Canton McKinley) 1:40.71. 4. Powel (Cok.mbus Academy) 1:41.63. 5. 0rumm (51, Xavier) 1:42.00, 6. K. Scheer (On Country Oay) 1:42.26, 11. Helderrelch (Northwest) 1:44.73, 12. Nieberding (St. Xavier) 1:45.87. Other Locals: 21. Mal~ihM (Moe!· lerl 1:47.53. 24. WaHerson (Turpin) 1:50.08. 200 Individual Mtdlty - 1. Hubbel (Waynesvmc) 1:S0.22, 2. Farnham (Hudson) 1:53.58, 3. Stephens (Ander· son) 1:53.61, 4. Andrews (St. Xavier) 1:56.09, 5. Nagel (Napolean) 1:56.09, 6. Litherland (Waynesvile) 1:57.'3, 11. Krueger (Mariemont) 1:58.87.0ther Locals: 16. Oavls (St. Xavier) 2:00.05, Smith (Oal< Hils) 2:02.47, 22. Paler (St. Xavier) 2:03.76. SO FrH$tyle - l.Praeter (Waynesville) :21.22) 2. Trol<han (St. Xavier) :21,40, 3. Oaypool (Hudson) :21.'3, 4. Dickman (Cleveland His.) :21.78, 5. Reik (Gis. Mts. Haw· ken) :21:86, 6. Labahn (Hudson) :22.1. Other Locals: 15. · Drusa (Anderson) :22.14, 18. Hickey (Ham~ton Badin) :22.33, 20. Gutbier (Anderson) :22.47. 100 Butortty - 1. Praeter (Waynesville) :S0.94, 2. Oay (Upper Arlington) :51.01, 3. Watterson (Turpin) :51.07, 4. Kindt (Oeveland St. Ignatius) :51.09, 5. Oevenger (Batavia) :52.16, 6. 0. Scheer (Cin Country Oay) :52.24, 11. Baler (St. Xavier) :53.45. Other Locals: 14.Bossert (St. Xavier) :53.18, 17. Oavis (St. Xavier) :53.36, 21. Gutbier (Anderson) :53.72, 22. Kaplan (Walnut Hils) :53.96. GIRLS Ttam Standings (Aller five ovents): 1. Oak Hills 78. 2. Ursuline 67, 3. Gales Mifts Hawken 38. 4. Worthinglon 31. 5. Upper Arlington 27, 6. Sycamore 27, 7. West Lake 22, 8. Napoleon 20, 9. (lie) Weslervile North, Hudson 18, 12. (lie) Mansfield Madison, st. ursula, seven Hills 16. 200 Medtoy Relay· 1. Oak Hils (M. McCarthy·Janssen·Frilsch-0. McCarthy) 1:46.51, 2. Upper Arlington 1:51.15, J. Worthington 1:51.SO, 4. Ursuline (Jackson-Con· way·Landon-Kraerner) 1:51.SO, 5. Gts. Mls. Hawken 1:52.22. : 6. Hudson 1:52.22. 7. Sycamore (Bassler-Bcnneti.Ciccarelli·
Beerman) 1:51.48, 9. Anderson (Murphy·Rosser·Turner- . Wealherhot1) 1:52.71. Other Locals: 17. St. Ursula 1:55.95, 18. Seton 1:56.12, 22. Fairfield 1:58.19, 23. Turpin 1:58.84. 200 Free$1y1e • 1. Cool< (Gts. Mts. Hawken) 1:51.73, Schuette (Westlake) 1:52.28, 3. Landon (Ursaline) 1:54.11, 4. Oahl (Ursatine)1:54.45, 5. Jones (Syt. Northview) 1:54.72, 6. Grunwel (Talawanda) 1:56.12, 8. Clevenger (Batavia) 1:54.86, 10. Webster (Hamilton Ross) 1:55.07, 1I. Speier (McCauley) 1:55.76, 12. Pinney (Turpin) 1:56.36 .. 13. Neely (Anderson) 1:56.29. 200 Individual Medley· I. Gustin (Seven Hils) 2:03.20, 2. Bassler (Sycamore) 2:06.51, 3. McCarthy (Oak Hills) 2:08.42, 4. Jansen ( Oak HiUs) 2:08.42, 5. Grant (Shaker He;ghts) 2:08.78, 6. McCOlley (Napoleon) 2:13.05, 7. Lierman !Hamilton Badin) 2:09.94 .... 01her Locals: 13. Boyte (Green· hils) 2:13.55, 20. Bennett (Sycamore) 2:15.90. SO Froestyle · 1. Stone (Mans. Madison) :23.56, 2. Kroll (Louisville) :23.78, 3. Goettsch (Walnut HU!s):23.97. 4 Saul (Avon Lake) :24.26, McCarthy (Oak HiHs) :24.38, 6. Eck ' (Kettering Fairmont) :24.72, 10. Lemmlnlt !Roger Ba· con):24.95, 11. Westwrick (Hamilton Badin) :25.10... 01her Locals: 18. Hoff (Lakota) :25.30, 20. Oppelt (Ursatine) :25.33, 22. Kerns I Sycamore) :25.57. 100 Butterfly · 1. Silbersack (51. Ursula) :56.10, 2. Fritsch !Oak Hifts) :56.52, 3. Jackson (Ursuline) :57.21, 4. Lageman (Wesler. North) :57.59, 5. Kleley (Ursuline) :57.67. 6. Schuette (Westlake) :57.67, 9. Turner (Anderson) :59.24. Other Locals: 23. Jamieson (Finncylown) 1:02.13.
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sellout crowd 1t 3ranin Nat.<:.torium rose to its fed in anticipation of another national record. Hudepohl, a 17-year-old St. Xavier junior, didn't disappoint the 3,500 spectators, winning in a national h1gh school record time of 43.54 seconds. Th~· pt·rfora.<m·.c h J!1c:d St. X ·t r.~ .. t c:;~ ....a'.l' ~-· 1n ~.;, •• :·•,•: r< :orJ m.cl_t: cr:_ ~.:1. JC :-• by
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St. Xavier's Joey Hudepohl broke three national swimming records at this weekend's state swimming championships in Canton. Ohio. Hudepohl also became the first Ohio swimmer to win four state titles - two individual and two St. X team titles. -
Ursuline wins girls' swim title dJ~triL·t
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• Stories, Pages C-12-13.
swimming tht: leadoff leg l-1 the 200 freestyle relay in 20.01 sec-onds. "Since Joey swam the leadoff 50, it will count as a national recur~." o·.vimming official Pat l ,umsford ~.a: d. "I l)~d it in t'~:· '· · .. ·•·i mmd all day that maybe I could brea.k the record in lhe 100," Hudt·pohl said. "But I was only intere~ted in doing a decent time, because I haven't shaved cr tapered down as yet." On Friday, Hudepohl set a national record of 1:34.96 in the 200-yard freestyle. Hudepohl also ~eta state record by becoming the first individual to win hur state ti,les - two individual and t·vo on St. X:n .•:r's 200 and 400 freestyle relay tlam ... '":Vi) goal i., to b~ re-ady for the 01}• ,1pic !.ryuuts t.ext year," Hc.depohl smd "! r.lan to return tu St. X for rr.y senior year and swim in tht: state meet ne>.:t ) ~:ar .'' "Tht> t.hin3 that's neal about joey," said St. X coach Jim Brower, "1s the fact that he is very team-oriented.
Saturday, March 2, 1991 The Repository Canton, Ohio . ~-5
Kroft iS state runner-up Top girls club is Oak Hills By CHRIS BEAVEN Repository correspondent
staff photo by Scott
Perry's Chris Roddy shows the judges his pike position
Chris Roddy leads first day of diving :teposltory sports staff report
CANTON - Perry's Chris Roddy is on top of the boys' diving :ompetition afier preliminary action. while North Canton' Brad Wilmer is in fourth. In girls' action both St. Thomas Aquinas junior Pam Piero and North Canton's Karen Lesh advanced to today's diving semifinals at 1:30 p.m. Roddy, a junior. totaled 211.20 points in his five dives to give him a slight edge over Talawanda's Travis Myers' total of210.85. Roddy finished 13th at state last year and qualified this year with the next to last at-large berth. Akron Firestone's John
Butcher IS thtrd with 207.10 and Wilmer is fourth with 201.75. Wilmer was second to Butcher at last week's district meet and the Viking junior finished ninth at state last year. The boys' semifinals are this afiernoon at 3:15p.m. Aquinas' Piero stands fourth with 199.75 points in the girls' diving, while the sophomore Lesh is seventh with 195.85. Lesh finished sixth in state a yea.r ago and Piero was 13th. Mayfield's Carrie Hoehn en currently leads with 209 points. Both the boys' and girls' have 16 divers in the semifinals and will cut the field to 12 after three dives. The finals will consist of two additional dives.
CANTON -Louisville's Ginger Kroll made a solid showing Friday night in the 50 yard freestyle, while Cincinnati Oak Hills grabbed the opening day team lead at the 15th annual Ohio High School State Swimming and Diving Championships at C.T. Branin · Natatorium. Kroll, an 18-year old senior, finished second in the 50 behind Mansfield Madison sophomore l\llelis·sa Stone. Stone touched with a time of 23.56 to edge out Kroll's 23.78. Kroll last week set a district record with a 23.64 last week in the 50, which she felt was confidence booster for state, but state was still her ultimate dream. "There's no way I'd be disapointed in anything I did tonight (last night)," Kroll said. "I don't feel last week was the highlight, this week was the highlight, me being able to swim in the state finals was the highlight, definitely." Kroft is the third seed in today's 100 freestyle and said anything' this evening, "will be icing on the 'Cake." "I'm looking at it positively and once again I have to go out and swim my best," said Kroll. "Every sprint race is different every time you race it." ' Cincinnati Oak Hills' 200 medley relay team thrilled the sellout crowd by shattering both the state and pool record with their winning time of 1:46.51 in the evening's first final . Worthington owned the state mark with a 1:48.35 in 1989 and Kenyon College's 1:47.97 in 1987 set the pool record. Oak Hills is comfortabley ahead in the team standings with 74 points. Cincinnati Ursiline is next with 47, Gates Mills Hawken has 38, and Worthington rounds out the top four with 31. Oak Hills was the state runnerup to Hawken last year. Other winners Friday night were, Hawken's Tracy Cook in the 200 freestyle, Cincinnati Seven Hills' Rachel Gustin in the 200 individual medley, and Cincinnati St. Ursula's Tina Silbersack in the 100 butterfly. Gustin's 2:03.20 in the i.m. was a
State swim results GIRLS
Team scores: 1, Cln. Oak Hills 78. 2, Cln. Ursuline 67. 3, Gates Mills Hawken 3a. 4, Worthington 31. 5. tie, Upper Arlington, Cln. Sycamore 27. 7, Wesllake 22. 8, Napolaon 20. 9, tie, Westerville North, Hudson 18. 11, tie, Manslield Madison. Cin. St. Ursual, Cln. Seven Hills 16. 20D-yard medley relay-1, Cin. Oak Hills (Michelle McCarthy, Cynthia Janssen, Amy Fritsch, Denise McCarthy), 1:46.51. state record; old record 1:48.35, Worthington, 1989. 2, Upper Arlington, 1:51.15. 3, Worthington, 1:51.42. 4, Cin. Ursuline, 1:51.50. 5. Gates Mills Hawken. 1:51.73. 6. Hudson, 1:52.22. Conoolatlor>-7, Cin. Sycamore, 1:51.48. 8, Napoleon, 1:52.23. 9, Cin. Anderson, 1:52.71. 10, Cleveland Hts .. 1:52.75. 11. Centarville. 1:53.69. 12. Westarvllla North, 1:53.73. 200 lroeotyle-1. Tracy Cook, Gates Mills Hewken, 1:51.73. 2, Lisa Schuette, Westlake, 1:52.2a. 3, Emily Landon, Cin. Ursuline, 1:54.11. 4, Jennl Oahl. Cin. Ursuline, 1:54.45. 5, Kara Jonas, Sylvania Northvlew, 1:54.72. a. Jocelyn, Grunwell, Oxford Talawanda, 1:56.12. Conoolallor>-7, Laurie Kline. Findlay, 1:54.12. B. Tare Clevenger, Batavia Clermont, 1:45.aa. 9, Martha Wise, Enon Greenan, 1:54.88. 10, Noel Webster, Hamilton Ross, 1:55.07. 11. Julie Speier. C1n. McAuley, 1:55.76. 12. Sarah Pinnay, Cln. Turpin, 1:56.36. 200 Individual modloy-1, Rachal Gustin, Cin. Seven Hllla, 2:03.20, state record: old record 2:04.12, Kim Rodenbaugh, Cln. Oak Hills, 19a4. 2, Leigh Bassler, Cin. Sycamore. 2:06.51. 3, Michelle McCarthy, Cln. Oak Hills, 2:07.17. 4, Cynthia Janssen, Cln. Oak Hills, 2:08.42. 5, Krls Grant, Shaker Hta., 2:0a.7a. 6, Steph McColley, Napoleon, 2:13.05. Consolatlon-7, Kristen Lierman, Hamilton Badin, 2:09.94. a, Kelly Lull, Westerville North, 2:11.37. 9, sendee Sieminski. Bay Village Bay, 2:11.50. 10, Autumn Bragg, Daliance, 2:11.78. 11, Amy Barnell, Solon, 2:13.14. 12, Tasha Paul, Upper Arlington, 2:13.25. 50 lroostyle--1, Melissa Slone, Manslield Madison, 23.58. 2, Ginger Kroft. Louisville. 23.7a. 3, Oana Goattsch. Cln. Walnut Hills, 23.97. 4, Jennller Saul, Avon Lake, 24.2a. 5, Oenlse McCarthy, Cln. Oak Hills, 24.3a. a. Lisa Eck, Kettering Fairmont, 24.72. Conoolatlor>-7, Krlssy, Fott, Vandalia Butler, 24.52. 8, Larraina Straus, Ashtabula Teays Valley, 24.57. 9, Alison Kammarling, Rocky River Magnlllcat, 24.84. 10, Andrea Lemmlnk, Roger Bacon, 24.95. 11, Sarah Westrick, Hamilton Badin, 25.10. 12. Anita Scheible, Cuyahoga Christian, 25.14. 100 buHorfly-1, Tina Sllbersack, Cln. St. Ursula, 58.10. 2, Amy Fritsch, Cin. Oak Hilla, 58.52. 3, Bath Jackson. Cln. Uraullna, 57.21. 4, Angela Logeman, Weatervlllo North, 57.55. 5, Shannon Kleley, Cln. Ursuline, 57.59. a. Lisa Schuatta. Weotlake, 57.87. Contolatlon-7, Tammy Halter, Worthington, 58.62. a, Jennifer Hartsock, Waynaavllle, 58.87. 9, Sarah Turner, Cln. Andaraon, 59.24. 10, Stephanie Campbell, Centerville, 1:00.28. 11, Amy Schick, Gates Mills Hawkan,1:00.84.12, Laurl Haldy, Napoleon, 1:01.52.
Team ocores: 1, Cin. St. Xaviar 85. 2, Hudson 67. 3, Waynesville 61. 4, Gates Mills Hawken 41. 5, Cle. St. Ignatius 40. 6, Upper Arlington 33. Conoolatlon-7, Tal. St. Francis 24. 8, tie, Worthington, Chagrin Falls University, Cin. Country Day IS. ft. tie. Canton McKinley, Cin. Anderson, Columbus _ . Academy, Cin. Turpin 12. 200-yard modlay rolay-1, Cin. St. Xavier (Mike Andrews, Joe Replogle, Jason Davls, Shawn Trek· han), 1:34.14, state record; old record 1:34.72, Cin. St. Xavier, 1990. 2, Hudson. 1:35.92. 3. Cia. St. Ignatius, 1:38.97. 4, Gates Mills Hawken, 1:37.70. 5, Upper Arlington, 1:38.18. 6, Worthington, 1:38.9a. Consolatlon-7. Chagrin Falls University, 1:38.95. 6, Sandusky Perkins, 1:39.78. 9, Louisvlfle St. Thomas, 1:40.32. 10, Beavercreek, 1:40.44. t't, Waynesville. 1:40.70. OQ-Naploeon. , 200 lreeatyle--1, Joe Hudepohl, Cln. St. Xavier, 1:34.96, national high school record; old record 1:36.36. Jason Fink, Freeport Texas, 1985. 2, Jake Harms, Tol. St. Francis, 1:40.10. 3, Juliano Costa, Canton McKinley, 1:40.71. 4, Scou Powell. Columbus Academy, 1:41.83. 5, Rob Orumm, Cln. St. Xavier, 1:42.00. 8, Karl Scheer, Cin. Country Day, 1:42.26. Conoolallon-7, Jay Hladlah. Solon. 1:41.89. a, Sean Peppard, Gates Mills Hawkan, 1:43.05. 9, Michael Thar, St. Paris Graham, 1:44.24. 10. Andy Gerken. Tal. St. Francis, 1:44.24. 11. Oarran Haidenrelch, Cin. Northwest, 1:44.73. 12, Jon Nieberdlng, Cln. St. Xavier, 1:45.87. 200 lndlvldull medloy-1, Marty Hubbell, Waynesville. 1:50.22. 2, Jamie Farnham. Hudson, 1:53.58. · 3, Jerry Stephens. Cin. Anderson, 1:53.61. 4, Mike Andrews, Cln. St. Xavier, 1:54.85. 5, Scott Nagel, Napoleon, 1:5a.09. 6, Lee Litherland. Waynesvllla, 1:57.43. Conoolotlon-7, Pat Van Norman, Troy, 1:57.31. 6, Joa Olsalle, Tol. St. Francis, 1:57.44. 9, Bllf Bare, Gates Mills Hawken, 1:57.a3. 10, Tim Berlin, Copley, 1:58.39. 11, Randy Krueger, Cfn. Mariemont, 1:58.a7. 12. Matt Blanchong, Columbus Academy. 2:01.56. eo lroutyla-1, Jason Praeter, Waynesville, 21.22. 2, Shawn Trokhan, Cln. St. Xavier, 21.40. 3, Scott Claypool, Hudson. 21.43. 4, Jesse Dickman, Cleveland Hts .. 21.1a. 5, Scott Relk, Gales Mills Hawken, 21.88. 6, Jon Labahn, Hudson, 22.11. Conaolatlon-7, Will Cann, Lancaster. 21.70. 8, Chip Mallue, Centerville, 2t.a5. 9, Brock Gretter,Chagrln Falls Unlveraily, 21.89. 10, David McKone, Tol. St. Francia, 21.98. 11, Leon Marucci, Young. Boardman, 22.08. 12, Matt Schleuman, Cia. St. Ignatius, 22.23. 100 buttarlly-1. Jason Praeler, Waynesville, 50.94. 2, Doug Oay, Uppar Arlington, 51.01. 3, Brad Wattaraon, Cln. Turpin, 51.07. 4, Brian Klndl, Cia. St. Ignatius. 51.09. 5, Dan Clevenger, Batavia Cler• mont, 52.16. 6, Oerek Schaer, Cin. Country Oay, 52.24. Consolllion-7, lain Hodgekins, Cia. Orange, 52.58. 6, Tom Richner, Cia. St. Ignatius, 52.80. 9, Mark Vanarsdale, Shaker His .. 53.14. 10, Ed Baler. Cln. St. Xavlar, 53.45. 11, Jon Apple. Gahanna Lincoln, 53.70. 12, Jamea Petkunas, Hudaon, 1:09.58.
state record. Things did not go as planned for Glen Oak, as the Golden Eagles failed to advance anyone past the trials. In the 200 individual medley, junior Jori Leszczynski placed 21st, while teammate Cobin Sonnenberg was disqualified. Sonnenberg, also a junior, finished 18th in the 100 butterfly with a time of 1:01.41. The GlenOak 200 medley relay team finished 15th, while the North Canton foursome of Heather Williams, Cecelia Stickle, Tifini Bressi, and Kristin Goldthorpe almostqualified for the ~onsolation final. The Vikings finished 13th in a time of 1:54.02, which bettered their district time by almost a full second.
McKinley took 16th in the medley relay. Jackson's Jenny Cook was 2ist in the 200 freestyle and Perry sophomore Molly Lockhart finished 17th in the individual medley. Cook had more difficulties alle·r the trials. The Jackson sophomore was hit by a car in the parking lot, but was fortunately more embarra5ed than injured. Cook had a slight tire mark on her lellleg from the incident, but planned to go home and watch a Rocky movie to get psyched for today's 500 freestyle, which she will swim in. .· ' Six more state champions will' be crowned today with prelim's ' scheduled for 10 a.m., followed · by finals at 7 p.m.
St. Xavier's lludepohl star of first day Continued from page Cl fast I had swum. But when I heard all of the people cheering I thought something great might have happened." It did. Hudepohl won the race by an incredible 5.14-second margin over Jake Harms of Toledo St. Francis. McKinley senior Juliano Costa was third with a personal-best 1:40.71. That was the only national record set in Friday's competition, which included five races in both boys' and girls' competition. But it wasn't the last meet record. Rachel Gustin of Cincinnati Sycamore posted 2: 03.20 to set the meet record in the 200 indi路 vidual medley. That proved to be the fourth record in the first five events. It also proved to be the last on a night in which no area competitor recorded a first-place finish. Hudson's Jaime Farnham had the most productive evening of any area competitor as he had a hand in 39 of Hudson's points. The Explorer senior swam the backstroke leg on the 200 medley relay team that finished second to St. Xavier. Farnham also placed second in the 200 individual medley - for the second year in a row. "I was very disappointed, but not so much in my placing as in my time," said Farnham, who finished 3.36 seconds behind Marty Hubbell of Waynesville: "I improved my time from last week by a second, but I should have done a lot better. I think I could have been in the 1:50s. "The路 only things I'm happy
State meet about is that I scored points for my team and I still have two events, the 100 backstroke and 400 freestyle relay, left." The efforts of Farnham, who is the defending state champion in the 100 backstroke, along with freshman sensation Scott Claypool and senior Jim Petkunas helped keep the Explorers in con路 tention for the team title. The second-place Explorers amassed 67 points through five events and trailed defending champion St. Xavier by 18 points. Claypool, who entered the final of the 50 freestyle as the top seed, finished third and teammate Jon Labahn captured sixth. Petkunas, who was 15th in the 200 IM, finished seventh in the 100 butterfly. "We're not exactly where we want to be at this point of the meet, but we're not in bad shape either" said Hudson coach KenwYn Chock. The only other area swimmer to challenge for a title was Louis.. ville senior Ginger Kroft. Kroft entered the final of. the 50 freestyle as third seed, but she Joe Hudepohl celebrates clocked 23.78 to finish second be路 hind the 23.56 turned in by 2-time. was seeded 20th. state champion Melissa Stone of Roddy, however, dove flawMansfield Madison. lessly in the first five dives and Friday's diving competition heads into today's 3:15 p.m. provided one of the real stunners. semifinal competition with 211.20 Perry senior Chris Roddy fin- points. ished seventh in last weekend's More impressively, Roddy posCanton district event and had to sesses a 35-hundredths of a point earn an at-large berth to advance lead over Travis Myers of Oxford to the state finals, in which he Talawanda and a 4.1-point lead
Beacon Journal photo/Ott Gangl
his 200 freestyle record over Johnny Butcher of Firestone. The girls' competition, which resumes at 1:30 p.m., features Mayfield's Carrie Hoehnen in the lead with 209 points. St. Thomas Aquinas junior Pam Piero is in fourth with 199.75 and North Canton's Karen Lesh is in seventh with 195.85.
St. Xavier, Ursuline sweep state swimming titles Andrews' return lifts Bombers BY DAVE SCHUTTE Enquirer Contributor
CANTON, Ohio- St. Xavier's Mike Andrews stood on the victory stand with his fist held high after winning the state championship in the 100 backstroke. A state qualifier last year. Andrews was sidelined by illness. This year it was a different story. "This was a long time coming," Andrews said. "Although I didn't set a state record, the time was my best ever." Coupled with Joey Hudepohl's victory in the 100 freestyle and two firsts by the Bombers' relay teams, St. Xavier coasted to its second consecutive state championship Saturday, easily beating Hudson, 217-141. "We got off to a shaky start on Friday," St. X coach Jim Brower said. "The kids just weren't into the meet. But today, everything went well this morning and things turned around." There was little doubt from the outset that the Bombers would claim a second title. They captured the 400 individual medley relay on Friday night and just kept going. "All the seeded swimmers made it to the finals, but I was hoping some of the young guys would slip in," Brower said. "Winning a second time feels good, but some year I'd like to come in the underdog and win it." Hudepohl opened Saturday's meet by setting a national record in the 100. Two events later, St. X opened a big lead over Hudson by winning the 200 freestyle relay. Not until Andrews won the backstroke did the Bombers score another victory, but Joe Replogle finished fifth in the 100 breaststroke and Rob Drumm second in the 500 freestyle to amass more points for the Bombers. "We lose five good seniors and this will make us an awful young team next season," Brower said. "A lot of the younger swimmers
Boys swimming
Enquirer Contributor
will have to come through and we'll probably come in as an underdog."
Handicap no hindrance Travis Myers of Talawanda stood on the victory stand, unaware of the standing ovation from the crowd at the diving competition Saturday afternoon. Born deaf, Myers broke into a big smile when handed the gold plaque for finishing first, beating John Butcher of Akron Firestone, 460.55 to 458.25. "I tried the team sports of wrestling, ice hockey and basketball, but I was unable to compete because of my hearing," Myers said. "It doesn't bother me in diving and is actually an asset." The 17-year-old junior came from behind on his last dive to win the state title. "I missed a few dives today, but I'm happy with my overall performance," Myers said. "I also compete in the junior nationals and all I want to do is keep improving." Myers was the only local diver to finish among the top six. Jason Glorius of Moeller came in a distant eighth with 385.55 points.
Jackson is surprise winner
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Team Standings 1. St. Xavier 217, 2. Hudson Ul, 3. Toledo St FrOll(is 114, 4. GaiM Mills Hawken 106, 5. Waynesville 87, 6. Cleveland St. Ignatius 81, 7. CCD 56, 8. Upper Arlinylon 52, 9. Anderson 48, 10. Beavercreek 40. Other locals: 21. Talawanda 16, 23. Turpin 12, 26. Clermont Northeastern 10, 28. Oak Hills 8, 35. (lie l Moeller, M~~riernonl, NorlhwMI 5, 43. McNichola$ 2. Championship Results Diving: 1. Myers (Talawanda) 460.55, 2. Butcher (Firestone) 458.25, 3. Sochor ( Worthinytonl 445.20, 4. Qlhalane !Copley) 395.95. 5. Nels (Beavercreek) 393.30, 6. Kidd (Beavercreek) 391.30. Ottler locals: 8. Glornn (Moeller) 385.55, n. Bigner !St xavier! 771.15, 11. McFarland !Mil· .. lord) 271.00, Ml!dlonald (Talawanda) 771.00. 100 Freestyle: 1. Hudepohl !SI Xavier) :43.54, 2. Co$la !Conlon McKinley) :45.27, 3. K. Scheer (Cincinnati Country Day) :46.24, 4. Claypool !Hudson) :46.67, 5. Kind! (Cleveland Sf. Ignatius) :47.29, 6. Day (Upper Arlinylon) :47.66 .. Other locals: 13. Nieberdiny lSI. Xavier) :48.37. 500 Freestyle: 1. Harms (Toledo St. Francis) 4:31 87, 2. Drumm lSI. Xavier) 4:34.10, 3. Katz (Gts. Ml$. Hawken) 4:34.52, 4. Thar lSI. Paris Graham) 4:37.96, 5. Gerken (Toledo St. Francis) 4:11.10, 6. Peppard (Gts. Mls. Hawken) 4.42.95. Other locals: 8. J. Paler (St. Xavier) 4:40.80, 10. Heidenreich !Northwest) 4:43.88). 11. Durkin (McNicholas) 4 46 84. 13. M~~rcotte (Walnut Hills) 4:48.34, 14. Malanyuihan IMoeller) 4'48 37. 18. Fightmaster !Oak Hills) 4:49.94, 21. 5mill1 !Oak Hills) 03.38. 200 Freestyle Relay: 1. St. Xavier (Hudepohl, Davi$,
CANTON, Ohio - Beth Jackson of Ursuline could easily have given up the season after breaking her right wrist in January. Instead, the 16-year-old junior swimmer decided to train with a portable cast. Two weeks before the district meet, doctors discovered that the wrist had been rebroken, but that didn't stop Jackson from competing. Saturday night, Jackson won the state title in the 100-yard backstroke, leading the Lions to the girls state championship. "I don't know if you can call this an upset because nobody has seen me swim this year," Jackson said. "I kept training despite the injury, hoping to get a shot at the championship." Jackson's effort played a major part in Ursuline's come-from-behind victory. The Lions edged Oak Hills, thefirst-day leader, 163-146. "We felt that if we were in the top three after Friday's events, we had a shot at the championship," Ursuline coach Lynn Marggrander said. "The girls did a great job." Ursuline trailed Oak Hills by nine points entering the final night of competition, but the Lions had one more relay team entered than the Highlanders did. Ursuline junior Emily Landon, a transfer from St. Ursula, took second in the 500 freestyle behind Findlay's freshman sensation, Laurie Kline. Landon's time of 5:00.07 was a career best.
The Associated Press/Jeff Glidden
St. Xavier's Joey Hudepohl receives his award after winning the . 100-yard freestyle Saturday n1ght. Nieberding, Trokan) 1.21.85, 2. Gts. Ml<. Hawken 1:27.66, 3 Toledo Sl Francis 1:77.69, 1. Hudson 1:28.31, s Center.,He 1:28.33, 6. Cincinnati Country Day (K. Scheer, Pepper, Maeder, D. Scheer) 1:28.47. Other locals: 9. Oak rlills !Smith, Dryer, Fightmaster, Dorn) 1:30.10. 19. Elder !Warn· baugh, Johnwn, Lameier, Berling) 1:32.17 100 Backstroke: 1. Andrews {St. Xavier] :49.93, 2 Hladish (Solon) :51.18, 3. Farnham (Hudson) .51.96, 4. 8erl•n (Copley) :52.00, 5. Anderson ) :52 81, 6. McKinley IWor· thington) :53.11. Other locals: 10. Krueger (Mariemont) :53.39. 12. McCollum (51. Xavier) :54.16, 17. S Paler 151. Xavier) ·54.73 · 100 Breaststroke: 1. Hubbell (Waynesville) :56.80, 2.
Nagel \Napolean) :56.90, 3. Oru<On (Ander<On) :58.13, 4 Sanchez [Toledo St. Francis) :58.54, 5. Replogle (St. Xavier) :58.81. Other locals: 9. Froelke (St. Xavier) 1:00.98, 10. Maddux !St. Xavier) 11l1.03. 400 Freestyle Relay: 1. St. Xavier IAndrews, Of\Jmm, Nieberding, Hudepohl) 3:06.06, 2. Hudson 3:09.97, 3. Cleveland St. Ignatius 3:!0.71, 4. Toledo St. Francis 3:11.34, 5. Columbus Academy 3:12.73, 6. Gl<. Mls. Hawken 3:12.92. Other locals: 7. Anderson (Gulb•er, Stephens, Sinkovich. Drus.on! 3:13.99, 9. Cin:cinnati Country Day (K. Scheer,
Pepper. Maeder, D. Scheer) 3:16.73,20. Walnut Hills I Frost, Marcotte, Dyren!orlh, Kaplan) 3:21.37. 22. Lakota I Wong, Hartig, BonneH, Klapper) 3-22.45.
Oak Hills takes relay The Oak Hills girls didn't go down without a fight. The Highlanders won the 400 freestyle relay, Michelle McCarthy placed third in the 100 backstroke and Denise McCarthy was fourth in the 100 freestyle.
Gustin doubles up Rachel Gustin of Seven Hills couldn't hide her emotions after
Girls swimming winning the 100 breaststroke. On Friday, the 15-year-old Gustin had set a state record in the 200 individual medley. "I accomplished what I came here to do," Gustin said. "Both times this weekend were my career best, which makes me happy." Gustin admitted that winning the breaststroke came as a surprise. "I felt more confident in the medley," Gustin said. "I'm not a true breaststroker, but it was nice to win it all." Team Standings 1. Ursuline 137, 2. Oak Hills 101, 3. Worthlnylon 66, 4. Upper Arflnyton 59, 5. Sycamore 58, 6. Gales Mills Hawken 57, 7. Anderson 46, 8. centerville 36, 9. WesHake 35, 10. Fairmont 33. Other locals: 13. St. Ursula 26, 14. Walnut Hill$ 24, 23. Seven Hills 16, 25. Turpin 15, 26. Clermont Northeastern 14, 77. Indian Hill 12, 31. Ross 10, 34. (lie) Badin, Talawanda 9, 37. (lie) Roger Bacon. McAuley 7, 40. Waynesville S, 44. Finneylown 3. 46. Seton 2. Championship Results DIVing: 1. Hoehnen (Mayfield) 133.20, 2. Paganie (WesHake) 415.70, 3. Kniyht !Indian Hnl) 415.15, 4. Carboy !Anderson) 414.40, 5. Sniegocki (Watterson) 412.75, 6. Reed (Worthinytonl 397.30. Other locals: 8. Loberg !Sycamore) 391.45, 9. Roberts (Turpin) 386.95, 10. Sherman (Sycamore) 386.55, 11. Kumpf, (Seton) 376.60, 17. Hileman (L.al<ota) 178.60, 19. Ogden (Oak Hills) 164.50,21. JlJdd (Seven Hills) 157.30, 23. Tromans (Badin) 151.45. 100 Freestyle: 1. Stone !Mans. Madison) :52.15, 2. Cook !Gis. Mls. Hawken) :52.33, 3. Goettsch (Walnut Hills) :52.51. 4. D. McQirlhy IO•k Hills) :52.73, 5. Foil (Vandalia Buller) :53.07, 6. Clevenger (Clermont) :53.19. Other locals: 8. Speier !McAuley) :53.65, 9. Lemmink !Roger Bacon) :53.67, 13. Kleley (Ursuline) :54.40, 14. Fitzgerald (McNicholas) :54.48, 19. Bennett (Sycamore) :54.74, 20. Westrick (Hami~ ton Badin) :54.91. 500 Freestyle: 1. Kline (Findley) 4:57.72, 2. Landon !Ursuflnel 5:00.07, 3. Turner (Anderson) 5:01.43, 4. Jones !Syl. Norlhviewl 5:02.63, 5.Humble (Cham Julienne) 5:03.39, 6. Dahl (Ursuline) 5:07.00. Other locals: 7. Webster (Ross) 5:05.03, 9. Pinney !Turpin) 5:07.60. 14. Smith (Mason) 5:13.55, 15. Kraemer (Ursuline) 5:15.73. 200 Freestyle Relay: I. Ursuline (Dahl, OppeH, Kleley, Jackson) 1:38.74, 2. Worthinyton 1:39.70, 3. Ketteriny Fairmont 1:40.58, 4. Upper Arlington 1:40.58, 5. Centerville 1:40.87, 6. Warren Hardiny 1:41.09. Other locals: 8. Sycamore (M. Lichtenberger, Kerns. Powers, Beerman) 1:41 79, 10. Turpin (Curlman, Meredith, Pinney, Gaible) 1:42.47. 13. St. Ursula (Ivers, Wellerer, Kfing. Silbersack) 1:42.81, 24. Seton (Lameier, O'Brien, Wittich, Rieskamp) 1:44.66. 100 Backstroke: 1. Jackson (Ursuline) :57.29, 2. Bassler (Sycamore) :57.42, 3. M. McQirthy (Oak Hills) :57.60, 4. Rosser !Ander<On) :58.70, 5. Silbersack !St. Ursula) :58.78, 6. Qlmpbefl (Celllervffiel :58.97. Other locals: 10. Jamieson !Finneytown) :1:00.78, 15. Fitzgerald (McNicholas) 1:01.68, 100 Breaststroke: 1. Gustin (Seven Hms) 1:03.37, 2. Janssen !Oak Hills) 1:04.63, 3. Nenson !Cleveland Heights) 1:06.12, 4. Henninger !Dayton Carroll) 1:06.77, 5. Grant (Shaker Heights) 1:06.35, 6. Straus (Ash Teays Valey) 1:06.63. Other locals: 7. Grunwell (Talawanda) 1:06.54), 15. Lameier !Seton) 1:08.94, 18. Lierman !Hamilton Badin) 1:09.10. 400 Freestyle Relay: 1. Oak Hils (D. McCarthy. Fritsch. Janssen, M. McQirlhy) 3:31.18, 2. Ursuline (Oppelt, Kieley, Landon. Dahl) 3:35.46, 3. Upper Arflnyton 3:36.71, 4. Sycamore tBa551er, Kerns, M. Lichtenberger, Bennett 1 3:37.41, 5. Napoleon 3:39.21. 6. Toledo St. Ursula 3:39.92. Other locals: B. Anderson (Turner, Gordon, Wealherholdl. Rosser) 3:11.05, 9. Turpin iGunniny, Meredith, Pinney. Gaiblel 3:41.84, 12. McAuley !Speier, Hartman, Steers. Kieley) 3"45.24.
Swim titles in· forecast BY DAVE SCHUTTE Enquirer Contributor
Veteran swimming coach . Larry Lyons predicts Joey Hudepohl will set two national records at the state swimming meet, which begins today at Branin Natatorium in Canton. "St. Xavier will win the state title with Gates Mills Hawken finishing a distant second," Lyons said. "Also,"I feel Hudepohl will set national records in both the 100 and 200 freestyle events." This is an assessment by Lyons of each event:
Prep swimming, • 100 Backstroke - Southwestern Ohio schools will dominate in this event ·with Michelle McCarthy battling Centerville's Stephania Campbell, Beth Jackson of Ursuline, Angie Rosser of Anderson and Tina Silbersack.' • 100 Breaststroke - Gustin and Janssen will battle for the championship. • 400 Freestyle Relay - Wide open; Ursuline will win and emerge as the state champion.
• 200 Medley Relay - St. Xavier will win easily. • 200 Freestyle - Joey Hudepohl of St. Xavier in a cakewalk. • 200 Individual Medley Marty Hubbell of Waynesville wjll dominate with GIRLS Anderson's Jerry Stephens and Mike An• 200 Medley Relay - If Oak Hills is drews of St. Xavier battling for second comfortably ahead after the breaststr~ke, and third. the Highlanders will win this event. • 50 Freestyle - Jason Drusa of • 200 Freestyle 1- A tossup with Anderson, Shawn Trohkan (St. Xavier) McAuley's Julie Speier having an exceland Waynesville's Jason Praeter in posilent chance. tion to win. • 200 Individual Medley. - Rachel • Diving - Travis Myers from TalaGustiii'(Seven Hills) is the favorite. wanda and Moeller's Jason Glorius will • 50 Freestyle - Louisville's Ginger score well. Kroft or Melissa Stone of Mansfield Madi• 100 Butterfly - A race with no son will battle for the title. clear-cut favorite.' • Diving - Anderon's Kathy Carboy • 100 Freestyle·- No suspense in and Molly KQ_ight of Indian Hill should this race with Joey Hudepohl in a breeze. come through. • 500 Freestyle - Defending state . • 100 Butterfly - This is defending champion Jake Harms (Toledo St. Franstate champion Tina Silbersack's race, cis) is the heavy favorite. giving St. Ursula its first state champion in • 200 Freestyle Relay - Based on any sport. • 100 Freestyle - Wide open, with· times, St. Xavier will win in a breeze. • 100 Backstroke St. Xavier's Tara Clevenger (Clermont Northeastern), ·Mike Andrews should emerge as the best, Denise McCarthy (Oak Hills) and Dana but defending state champion Jamie FarnGoetsch .(Walnut Hills) Cincinnati's best ham will provide tough opposition. hopes. • 100 Breaststroke- Marty Hubbell • 500 Freestyle - Findlay freshman · of Waynesville appears to be the class. Laurie Kline is the heavy favorite. • 400 Freestyle Relay - No contest · • 200 Freestyle Relay - There is in this race. St. Xavier in a walkaway. little hope for a state title in this event
Coach at Sycamore predicts dominance St. X, Ursuline may swim to state titles BY DAVE SCHUTTE Enquirer Contributor
If veteran swimming coach Larry Lyons is correct, Cincinnati will dominate both the girls and boys competition at the state swimming meet. The championship get under way today at Branin Natatorium in Canton. Lyons believes local swimmers will dominate in eight girls and nine boys events with St. Xavier and Ursuline bringing home team titles. "If Ursuline's swimmers improve their times and positions, which is likely, they can beat Gates Mills Hawken for the girls championship," Lyons said.
"As for the boys title, St. Xavier will win it going away. Last year St. X won by over 100 points but it will be by about 75 points this year." Action begins today at 9:30 a.m. with the preliminaries. There will be state championships decided in five events (200 medley relay, 200 freestyle, 200 individual medley, 50 freestyle and 100 butterfly). The remaining events will be staged Saturday, including the boys and girls diving competition. A sellout crowd is expected. â&#x20AC;˘ Larry Lyons takes a look at the strengths and hopes of local swimmers, Page B-5.
Saturday, March 2, 1991 Canton, Ohio
Cincy swimmers smashing Joe Hudepohl churns to national free mark By CHRIS BEAVEN Repository correspondent
Repository staff photo by Bob Rossiter
St. Xavier's Joe Hudepohl signals he really is No. 1 in pool, state and U. S. A.
CANTON- Cincinnati St. Xavier's Joe Hudepohl electrified the sold out C.T. Branin Natatorium last night with a national record in the 200-yard freestyle. His brilliant race took only 1:34.96 minutes, knocking nearly 1 '12 seconds from the mark owned by Craig Oppel of Des Moines, Iowa, 1:36.36., set in 1985. McKinley's Juliano Costa, who turned in a personal best and Bulldog record time of 1:40.71 in that race, was third. St. Xavier is threatening to run away and hide with the boys' team title after one day of competition at the Ohio High School State Swimming and Diving Championships. The Bombers lead with 85 points, Hudson is next with 67, followed by Waynesville's 61. Costa's third gave McKinley 12 points, while St. Thomas Aquinas has nine. Costa summed up the performance of Hudepohl in two simple words, "he's fast," said the Bulldog senior from Brazil. "Well, it's my best time so it's fine, I'm glad," said a realistic Costa. "It's nice if I get first, it's nice if I get second, and it's nice if I get third, but I'm more worried about my time." McKinley boys' head coach J efT Eckhart said, "it was a great race," and was happy with Costa. "He had a great race himself, and he raced to the occasion," Eckhart added. As for Hudepohl, the 16-year old junior succesfully defended his title in the 200 freestyle, punctuated with the record. "After seeing our relay team (200 medley) set the state record, I felt a jolt," Hudepohl said. "I was really surprised to set the national record." The previous state mark belonged to Hudepohl, a 1:37.38 last year, while Jim Montgomery's 1:35.67 in 1977 was the pool record. St. Xavier's 200 medley relay team wasted little time in demonstrating the Bombers dominance. The foursome of Mike Andrews, Joe Replogle, Jason Davis, and Shawn Trokhan eclipsed the .state record with a time of 1:34.14, beating its own 1:34.72 in last year's state meet. Other champions were, Waynesville's Marty Hubbell in the 200 individual medley a.nd his teammate Jason Praeter in the 50 freestyle. St. Thomas Aquinas head coach Dave Courter was somewhat disappointed with the Knights performance, but thinks the level of competition had alot to do with it. ' "It shows the type of swimming we have in Ohio with the state records in the first three. events," Courter said. Courter called the performance by Hudepohl "imbelievable." â&#x20AC;˘ CINCY B-5
I tCj
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Wrestling QCC-Invitational Meet (at Norwood) Team scores: 1. Harrison 57.5, 2. Arne· lia 44.5, 3. Forest Park 31.5, 4. Norwood 29.5, 5. Anderson 24.0, 6. Northwest 19.5, 7. Glen Este 18.0, 8. McNicholas 17.5, 9. Turpin 16.0, 10. Taft 8.0, 11. Woodward 6.0, 12. Greenh111s 0.0. WreStling semi-finals begin today at
11:30 a.m., and finals begin at 7 p.m.
Cincinnati Hills League Loveland at Mariemont Non League Games Dayton Dunbar vs. Withrow at Walnut HiMs, 7:30p.m. Chaminade-Julienne at Elder, 8 p.m. Finneytown at North College Hill, 8 p.m. Hamilton Badin at Moeller, 8 p.m. Milford at Beechwood (KY) Sidney at
Saturday, Feb. 16 Sectional Tournament Lemon Monroe Division I !At Lemon Monroe High Schoon SW SECTIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP Upper Bracket (at Sycamore HSl Mi~ord ( 1l vs. Lakota, 4:30 p.m. (Top eight qualify for district) Northwest (2) vs. Sycamore, 3 p.m. Final Team Standings Lower Bracket 1. Centervile 245 1h; 2. Talawanda 160; ·Hamilton vs. Oak HiHs, 7:30 p.m. 3. Lakota 155; 4. Sycamore 138; 5. WaynesMf. Healthy ( 4) vs. Princeton, 6 p.m. ville 130; 6. Troy 109; 7. Moeller 93; 8. Oayton Division IV Fairmont 78; 9. Alter 57'h; 10. Dayton Car(at Wilbur Wright High School) roll 46; 11. Northwest 32; 12. Kings 17; 13. Upper Bracket (lie) GreenhiUs and Dayton Stebbins 8; 15. Bethel (4) vs. Newton Local, 1 p.m. Forest Park 5; 16. (fie) Mason and Dayton Lower Bracket Wayne 5. . Cedarvile vs. New Miami, 2:30 p.m. Qualifiers: 1. Myers (Tall 467.95; 2. Tri Village (3) vs. Twin Valley South, 7 p.m. Glorius (Mol, 432.60; 3. MacDonald (Tal), Yenow Springs vs. Franklin Monroe, 4 p.m. 349.40; 4. Klint (Troy), 320.00; 5. Lambert Fenwick (2) vs. Mississinawa, 5:30p.m. (Mo), 315.15; 6. Cundell (Mol, 312.85; 7., WRESTLING Toussant. (L), 273.15; 8. Mam !Tal), 259.65. Saturday, Feb. 16 District championships will be held ·CHL at Finneytown, 10 a.m., championship· Wednesday February 20, at Sycamore High finals 6 p.m. · School at 7:30 pm. HOCKEY MCC at MI. Healthy, 10 a.m., championship Carmel, Ind. 6, Moeller 2:30p.m. Goals: C Wegner 2, McDonald 3, BayQCC at Norwood, championship 7 p.m. ha, M D..Raymer 2, J. Raymer 2, Miller 1. GCL at Roger Bacon, 10 a.m., championship Records: c 26-18·1, M 23·8. 6 p.m. GIRLS SWIMMING Saturday, Feb. 16 BOYS BASKETBALL Princeton Sectional, 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 16 Anderson Sectional, 7 p.m. (Games begin at 7:30 p.m. unless noted) Sycamore Sectional, 7 p.m.
Boys swimming
Prep schedule
St. Xavier dominates sectional s· I "j '1 I
BY DAVE SCHUTTE Enquirer Contributor
St. Xavier successfully defended its Cincinnati sectional swimming championship at Anderson Thursday night. The Bombers, winning all but one event, rolled to an overwhelming 443-178 victory over second place Anderson. Leading the way for St. Xavier was standout Joey Hudepohl, who set pool records in winning both the 100 and 200 freestyle events. He is the defending state champion in each event. But, everything didn't go as planned for the Bombers, who lost John Pater in the 200 individual medley. He was disqualified for a false start. "I didn't expect John (Pater) to win a state championship," said Bomber swimming coach Jim Brower, "but I surely expected him to score for us." Winning the 200 medley in a record time was Mike Andrews, a St. Xavier junior who missed last year's state meet due to sickness. St. Xavier swept every event except the 100 butterfly, which was won by Turpin's Brad Watterson. The Bombers qualified only one swimmer in that event. In every other event, St. Xavier qualified at least two swimmers, setting the stage for them to successfully defend their District championship. At Sycamore, Marty Hubbell and Jason Praeter of Waynesville each won two events but Centerville's depth proved to be too much as the Elks won the sectional title. The top four finisher.s from each
Prep scene sectional advance to the district meet next Friday and Saturday at St. Xavier's Keating Natatorium. Cincinnali Sectional !AI Anderson High S<hoOI) Top Four Advance to Dlstritl Toam Standings: I. Sl. Xavier 413, 2. Anderson 178, 3. Walnul HiM$ 150, 4. CCO 127, 5. Turpin 97, 6. Milford, Mariemonl 82, 8. La SaQe 51, 9. Weslern Hills 32, 10.
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Lovelan<l 12, 17. New Richmond 11, 18. Roger Bacon 8, 19. Belhei·Tate, Aiken 2. 200 Mtdley Relay • 1. St. Xavier 1:31!.46 !pool record>, 2. Anderson 1:39.69, 3. Walnut HWs 1:46.14, 4. Turpin 1:48.27. 200 FrHSiylo. 1. Hudepohl lSI. Xavier) 1:39.84 (pool record), 2. Drumm (Sf. Xavier> 1:44.96, 3. Walferson !Turpin) 1:44.86, 3. Watterson (Turpin) 1:47.92, 4. Frost IWoitlul HiUsJ 1:48.17. 200 tndividtlal MtdltV • 1. Andrews lSI. Xavier) 1:57.26 (pool record), 2. Stephens (Anderson) 1:59.63, 3. Davis (St. Xavier) 7:02.80, 4. D. Scheer lCCD) 2:02.87. Diving • 1. Bl9ner (St. XovierJ 383.20, 7. McFarland !Milford) 379.30, 3. Noel (Loveland) 378.90, 4. Winters (Anderson) 757.65. SO FrHtlylt • 1. Trohkan lSI. Xovier) 72.3Z. Z. Dru1o (Anderson) 22.12, 3. Heis (Turpin) 27.99, 4. Gulbord lSI. Xovler) 23.06. 100 BU!ftrlly- 1. Wotlerson (Turpin) 52.82, 2. Oeven9er INortheastern) 5<1.19, 3. D. Scheer lCCO> 5<1.50, 4. Davis lSI. Xovier) 55.06. 100 freeStyle - 1. Hudepohl lSI. Xovier J 44.93 (pool record), 7. K. Scheer lCCO> 48.79, 3. Nieberding 1St. Xavier) 49.94, 4. Schramm (St. Xavier) 50.72. 500 Freeslylt - 1. Drumm (St. Xavier! 4:41.22, 2. J. Pater lSI. Xovierl 4:48.95, 3. Frosl (Walnut hiHs) 4:57.55. 4. Ivers (St. Xavilir) 5:00.84. 200 Freestyle Relay - 1. St. Xavier 1:28.70, 2. CCD 1:31.24, l. Walnut Hills 1:34.74, 4. Moriemonl1:39.05. 100 Batk\lrokt - 1. Andrews lSI. Xavier! 51.44, 2. Krue~er (Mariemont) 55.11, 3. Slephens (Anderson) 55.59, 4. McCollum (St. Xavier) 57.30. 100 Brnstslroko - 1. Oruso (Anderson> 59.35, 2. Replogle (St. Xovier) 1:01.45,1 Froelke (St. Xavier> 1:03.011, 4. Ross (Mariemonl) 1:03.29. 400 Frttslyle Relay - St. Xavier 3:12.98, 2. CCD 3:21.40, 3. Anderson 3:23.66, 4. Walnul HiDs 3:28.94. !AI Sycamore High School) Team Standings: 1. Centervifte 242, 2. Lakota 146, 3. Sycamore 134, 4. Wayne1ville 13l>, 5. Tolawanda 126,6. Troy 98, 7. Fairmont 78, 8. Moeller 61, 9. AHer 57'h, JO. Dayton Carroft 46, 11. Northwest 32. 12. Kings !7, 13. (lie) Stebbins, Greenhifls 8, 15. Fore• I Park 5, 16. (tiel Mason, Wayne 4. 200 Medley Relay - 1. Waynesville 1:43.33, 2. Syc .. more 1:45.53, 3. Talawanda 1:45.59, 4. Centerville 1:46.12. 200 FrHstyle - 1. Heidenreich (Northwest) 1:46.87, 2. Matanguihan (Moeller) 1:49.87, 3. Wong (Lakota) 1:50.17, 4. Paulaskal (FairmonO 1:50.81. 200 Individual Medley - 1. Hubbti (Waynesvmel 1:55.48, 2. VanNorman I Troy l 1:2:00.79, 3. Ulherlond (Waynesville) 2:02.50, 4. Gunnoe (Centerville) 7:05.87. 50 Frte\lyle - 1. Pr aeler (Wayne>viKel 22.09, 2. Mallue (Centerville) 22.39, 3. Wolfe (Cenlerviftel 22.64, 4. Sacl<enhiem (Talowondal 22.68. 100 Butltrf(y - I. Proeter (Waynesville) 53.46. 2. Wolfe 1Cenlerville1 SS.14, 3. ~ifherlond IWaynesvillel SS.4ll, •· Burn$ I Sycamore I 55.91. 100 FrHstylt- 1. Breen (Centervilel 49.29, 2. Mallue ICenlerviWc! 49.97, 3. Wong ILakolal 50.37, 4. Humprevme l Centcrviie) 50.70.
500 FrHstyJe- 1. Heldenrelch 1Northwe$t l 4:50.54, 2. Matonguihan !Moeller) 4:58.37, 3. Hartl~ IL.akot ) 4;59.84. 4. 11 Wood (Centerville) 5:04.17. 200 Frnstylo Relay - 1. Centerville 1:29.55, 2. Woyne>Vile 1:32.44, 3. Lakofo 1:33.59, 4. Taiow- 1:34.18. 100 Backstroke - 1. Van Norlll<ln !Troy) 55.45, 2. Gunnoe (Centerville) 54.50, 3. Brlnlunon (Alter) 57.47, 4. Hale (Talawando) 57.84. 100 Breasrslroke - I. HubbeM (Waynesville) 58.54 (meet record), 2. Abel (Moetler) 1:03.94, 3. Houston (Aller) 1:05.51. 4. Herman lFalrmonll 1:05.79. 400 Freestyle Rtlay - 1. Centerville 3:22.03, 2. ~akota 3:24.813. Sycamore 3:30.25. 4. Fa~mont 3:32.59.
ter. East1 Hill in I INDIAN Kaplon022. 20 8 50.
, Oxford Division I St Xav1er Feb. 19, 6 p.m.
.I Feb. 23, Noon
Oak Hills Feb. 28. 6 p.m.
Colerain Feb. 19, 7:30 p.m.
Feb. 23, 1 :30 p.m.
Feb. 19. 9 p.m.
To Dayton to Play: Cinti. Upper Bracke March 9. 9:30
Feb. 21, 6 p.m.
Seeded Teams All games at Millett Hall, Miami University
1. Lakota 2. St. Xavier 3 Colerain 4. Hamilton
Feb. 25, 6 p.m.
Talawanda Feb. 28, 7:30 p.m.
Hamilton Feb. 21. 7:30p.m.
I Feb. 25, 7:30p.m.
Middletown Feb. 21. 9 p.m.
To Dayton to Play: Wright State Lower Bracket March 10. 7:30p.m
r Cincinnati Division I
Mt. HealthY
Aiken Feb. 22, 6 p.m.
Glen Este
r Feb. 27, 6:30p.m.
Milford Western Hills Feb. 22, 7:30 p.m.
Mar. 2, 1 p.m.
Feb. 27. 8 p.m.
Feb. 22, 9 p.m.
Walnut Hills
All games at
University of
Anderson Feb. 23, Noon
To Dayton to Play: Oxford Upper Bracket March 9, 9:30 p.m.
c·Inc·nn r I 81
1. 2. 3. 4
Team§ Withrow Elder Aiken Woodward
r Feb. 28, 6:30 p.m.
Woodward Mar. 2, 3 p.m.
Withrow Feb. 23, 1:30 p.m.
To Dayton to Play: Dayton Upper Brae ket March 10, 6 p.m.
Feb. 28, 8 p.m.
Cincinnati Division II
Hughes Feb. 21, 6:30p.m.
Roger Bacon
I Feb. 27, 8 p.m.
Goshen Ross Feb. 22,8 p.m.
Western Brown Clermont NE Feb. 22, 6:30 p.m.
Mar. 2, 2 p.m.
r Feb. 28, 6:30 p.m.
All games at Anderson High School
Forest Park Feb. 21. 8 p.m.
Purcell Marian
Loveland Greenhills Feb. 23, 8 p.m.
Seeded Teams 1. Greenhills 2. Roge r Bac on 3. Forest Park 4. Taylor
Feb. 27, 6:30p.m.
r Mar. 2, 7:30 p.m.
New Richmond Feb. 23, 6:30 p.m.
To Dayton to Play: Dayton Lower Brae ket March 6, 6 p.m.
r Feb. 28, 8 p.m.
To Dayton to Play: Wright State Lower Bracket March 6. 9 p.m.
II ENQUIRER Sunday, February 17, 1991
---------~~ j~
High school sports
The Cincinnati Enquirer/Gary Landers
M1che!le McCar~hy, an '?ak Hills junior, won the 200 individual medley and 100 backstroke Saturday at the Pnnceton H1gh ~ect1onal.
Oak Hills retains area title BY DAVE SCHUTTE Enquirer Contributor
Michelle McCarthy has little time to party during the school year. She sticks to a rigid training schedule with the Cincinnati Pepsi Marlins and Oak Hills swimming teams. However, this is the one time of year that McCarthy, a junior at Oak Hills, starts thinking about attending what she describes is the year's biggest social event. "The state meet in Canton is something special," McCarthy said. "It's usually Cincinnati against the rest of the state and that's the way it will be again this year." On Saturday, McCarthy and the Highlanders took a major step toward receiving an invitation to the party, qualifying six swimmers for next weekend's district competi·tion. The Highlanders successfully defended their sectional title, outdistancing Fairfield, 264-208. McCarthy came through in the 200 individual medley, setting a meet record, and also proved to be the best in the 100 backstroke, an event in which she finished second at the state last year. Three other Highlander swimmers were also impressive at the Princeton High School sectional including Denise McCarthy, Cynthia Janssen and Amy Fritsch. "We only took five swimmers to the state meet last year but we'll probably only take four this year," McCarthy said. "We finished second, but this season we're out to win it all." ~-~c:.e four girls were all tops in ......._ "-nd teamed to win the '"d ~00 freestyle
Swimming "We'll have swimmers entered in eight events and two relays," McCarthy said. ''It usually takes about 130 points to win and we're capable of scoring that many points.'" GIRLS SWIMMING Onc.,nati S.ctlonal Mttl (At Princeton High School) TO() four adloance to district Team Staaclngs: l Qalc Hills 268, 2. Fairfield 204, 3. Beavercreek 141, 4. Seton 1.!3 5. Princeton 116, 6. Falrborn IJO, 7. HornDton Badin 82, 8. Wyoming 63, 9, Greenan 54, 10. HamfliOII :!2, 11. Piquo 28, 12. (tie) Middletown, Sp•ingfield Catho!lc Central 26, 14. Ron 23, IS.. Springfield Nortll22, 16. Sidney '8, 17. Sidney Letman 14, 18. Fenwick 9, 1~. w.. t Carrollton 8, 21) (lie) Oakwood. Trotwood Madl.on 6, 22. Indian L><e 5, 23. Harri.on l 200 Mec!loy Rell<y • 1. 0111< Hils 1:51.19 meet record, 2. Seton 1:511.D3. 3. F>irfeld 159.13, 4. Beaveraeek 2:C2.15. DIYtn;. 1. Kumpf (SelonJ 373.05, 2. O!lden (Oak Hills) 352.90, l Tromans (HomiMon Badin) 309.00. 4. Br0<31Stein !Oak Hib) 2'l7.JO. 200 Frttstyle • I, Neely (Falrborn) 1:56.85, 2. Haemmerle (Springfield Catholic Qrtrall 1:56.98, l Wise (C:,reen011) 1:58.09, 4. Webster (Ron) 1:58.73. 50 Frttstyle · 1. D. McCarth·f (Oak Hl:ls) 24.56 meet record, 1. Westrlc< (Hamll!011 Badh) 25.66, l Bank• (Beav· eraeekl 25.83, 4. Ble•ins (Prloceton) 25.87. 200 Individual Mediey · 1. M. McCartny (Oai< Hills) 2'111.47, 2. Janssen (Oak Hii!SI 2:10.38, 3.l.ierrnen (HI!mliton s..din) 2'15.<16, 4. Wick (Greenan> 2:18.2'1. 100 Butterfly· 1. FrHscn {Oak Hills) 59..62, 2. K. Miller (Falrfieloll 1:02.21, 3. Bank• (Beavercreek) 1:02.65, 4. E. Mi:er !Farfieldl ':03.67. 100 Fr"'tyle · 1. D. McC~rthy ( Qalc Hils) 52. CJ8 meet 'ecord, 2. Neely !Fairborn) 55.34. 3. Westrick (Homftton s.din) 55.62. 4. Eckert (Fairfield) 56.11. 500 Freestyle · 1. Wise !Greenan) 5:09.15, 2. Haem-nerle (Spri~lield Catholic Central) 5:15.3!, 3. Webster (Ross) 5 17.76, 4. K. Miner (F01rfie>dl 5:24.36. 200 Freostyle ~lay · l Felrfield 1:4593, 2. Seton 1:47.64, 3 Princeloo 1:48.21, 4. Beavercreek 1:48.32. 100 llacksln>ke • 1. M. McCarthy (Oak HCis) 1:00.13, 2. Wick (Greenan) 1:04~, l Dupree (Fairborn! 1:04.71, 4. M. Miler (Fairfield> lil4.15. 100 Breastslroke - 1 Jenssen (0111< fils) 1:06~ 1. 2. Fritsch (Oak hils) 1:0854, 3. Lierman (Badin) 1:09J3, 4. Eckert (Fairfeid) 1:10.66. 400 Frttstyle Relay - 1. 0111< HIDs 3:44.31 (meet record!, 2. Fairfield 3:53.110. 3. Beaveraeek 3:57.!.4, 4. Fairborn :!:59.64. Clncln,,at· S.ctlonal (AI Anllenel\ High School) Toam Standings: 1. Anderson 236, 2. Turpin 230, 3. St. Ursula 154. 4. Walnut Hills 124 S. McAIAey 120, 6. MI. Notre Dome no, 7. R0!1er Bacon 75.8 Mercy 70, 9. !IAI~ord 62, IQ, SeYen Hils 43, II. Wilmington 39, 12.0ermont Northea•tern Z6, 13. New Roclrnond 24, 14. McNlcholas 22, 15. lnd.ar1 Hill 16, 16. Western Brown II, 17. CCD 8, 18. Loveland 5, 19, (tie) Lemon Monroe, Glen Este 3, 11. Western Hils 2. 200 Medley Relay • 1. Anderson 1:57.37, 2. Turpin 1:58.41, 3. St. Unuf!l Academy 1:5849, 4. MI. Notre Dame 1:59.35. 200 Froestyte · 1. ~er (McAU.y) 1:57.83, 2. Ot<venger (CNEJ 1:57.'17, 3. Pinney (Turpin) 2:01.10. 4. Ivers (51. Ursula) 201.87. 200 l!lclvidual Medle'( · 1. Gustin (Seven Hills) 2:112.37, 2. Ose (T.rpln) 2:21.56. 3. Caucill (Turpin) 2:22.63, 4. s•eers (McAIAey J 2:14.30. 50 F.-...tyfe • 1. Goettsch (Walnut 1-tiDs) 24.1'1, 2. Lemmink I Roger Bacon) 25.23, 3. Rosser (Ander..nl ,5,25, 4. CurfrMn (Turpin) 25.99 Diviag • I. KniQht (1, Hll) 396.65, 2. Carboy (AndecsonJ 388.65, 3. Roberts (Turpin) 351,45, 4. Judd (Seven Hills) 338.30. ~ lutlerfly • 1. S~b<r'sack (St. Ursull!) 5T.Zl, 2. venvot"\'!Qon) 1:01.45, 3. Ivers (St. Ursull!) 1:03.14, 4.
~ 'OaQ.;~s
Hi~s) \.c.e2, 2. •·•11;" -.~ier (McAIAey) 55.39,
'tf-.ch (Wah.lt
200 Frttstyle Relay - 1. St. Ursula 1:44.72, 2. Turpin 1:45.75, 3. Walnut Hills 1:47.19, 4. Mount Notre Dame 1:47.59. 100 Backstroke - 1. Sllbersack (St. Ursula) 1:00.56, 2. Rosser (Anderson) 1:01.09, 3. Fitzgerald (McNicholas) 1:03.71, 4. Kozma (MI. Notre Dame) 1:04.40. 100 Breaststroke- 1. Gustin (Seven Hrns> 1:05.17, 2. Curnayn (MI. Notre Dame) 1:09.81, 3. Ose (Turpin) 1:12.77, 4. Hordy (Western Brown) 1:13.54. 400 Freestyle Relay - 1. Anderson 3:45.71, 2. Turpin 3:49.43, 3. McAIAey 3:54.57, 4. Walnut Hills 3:57.08. Cincinnati Sectional (AI Sycamore High School) Team Standings: I. UrsuUne 302, 2. Sycamore 219, 3. Centervme 149, 4. Folrmont 1281'>, 5. Talawanda 119, 6. Lakota 93, 7. Carroll SO, 8. Springboro 49, 9. Greenhlls 44, 10. Bellbrook 34, II. Butler 31'1>, 12. Tie-Alter, Troy 26, 14. Mason 23th, 15. FiMeytown 19, 16. Cham!nade 17'1>, 17. Waynesville 15, 18. Miamisburg 11, 19. Stebbins 8. 200 Medley Relay • 1. Ursul:ne 1:54.16, Sycamore 1:54.47, 3. CenterviUe 1:54.65, 4. Talawanda 1:59.76. 200 Proestyto · 1. Dahl (UrsuUne) 1:55.52, 2. Grunwen (Talowanda) 1:55.90, 3. Landon (Ursuline) 1:57.30, 4. Kraemer (Ursuine) 2:02.83. 200 Individual Medley • I. Bassler (Sycamore) 2: I 3.38, Boyle (Greenhms) 2:16.64, 3. BeMett (Sycamore) 2:17.05, 4. Gale (Centerville) 2:17.<16. 50 Frttstyle • 1. T·Eck ( Foirmont) Fott (Vandalia Butler) 24.94, 2. Oppelt (Ursuline) 25.20, 3. Breen (Center· ville) 25.56, Diving • 1. Godby (SpringborO) 380.25, 2. Loberg (Sycamore) 372.15, 3. Hutchin.on (Be!Jbrook) 360.10, 4. Sherman (Sycamore) 354.85. · 100 Butterfly · 1. Kieley (Ursuline) 58.54, 2. Jackson (Ursui"me) 1:00.27, 3. Hartsock (Waynesville) 1:00.50, 4. Cornpbel (Centerville) 1:01.16. 100 FrHStyle • 1. Fott (Vandalia Butler) 54.24, 2. Kieley (Ursuline) 54.68, 3. Oppelt (Ursuline) 54.86, 4. Bennett (Sycamore) 55.61. 500 Frttstylt • 1. Landon (Ursuline) 5:07.95, 2. D!lhl (Ursuline) 5:13.40, 3. Ahern (Be!lbrook) 5:16.26, 4. Tie-Smith (Mason), Humble (Olaminade) 5:17.22. 200 Freestyle Relay · 1. Ursuline 1:42.34, 2. Fairmont 1:43.04, l Centervile 1:43.23, 4. Sycamore 1:4550. 100 Backstroke • I. Jackson (Ursuline) 59.64 meet record, 2. Campbel (CenterviUe) 1:00.60, 3. Bouler (Sycamore) 1:00.87, 4. Smith (Ma.on) 1:03.22. 100 Breaststroke • I. Grunwea (Talowando) 1:06.91 meet record, 2. Henninger (Carroll) 1:07.85, 3. Conwoy (Ursuline) 1:09.88, 4, McNeal (Lakota) 1:10.76. 400 FrHStyle Relay· 1. UrsUine 3:41.92, 2. Sycomore 3:47.80, l Fairmont 3:51.09, 4. Centerville 3:58.34. BOYS SWIMMING Cincinnati S.ctional Swim Mttt (At Princtton High School) • Top four advance to district mttl Team Standings: I. Beavercreek 325, 2. Pri~eton~88, 3. Oak Hins 147, 4. Elder 126, 5. Springfield North I 10, 6. Hamilton 88, 7. Fairborn 47, 8. Wyoming 44, 9. s..din 43, 10. Fairfield 38, 11. Taylor 35, 12. Greenon 32, 13. Arcanum 2'1, 14. (tie) Middletown, Versailles 24, 16. Piqua 20, 17. (tie) Sidney Leiman, West Carrollton 17, 19. Sidney 14, 20. Olli<woocl 10, 21. Springfield Catholic 7, 22. Fenwick 4. 200 Medley Relay. I. Beavercreek 1:4383, 2. Princeton 1:45.71, 3. oak HIDs 1:<16.22, 4. Elder 1:<16.<16. 200 Frttstyto · I. Thor (Graham) 1:<16.44, 2. Jones (Arcanum> 1:50.20, 3. Sailer {Fairborn) 1:51.65, 4. Thompson (Princeton) 1:51.79. 200 Individual Medley • 1. McLarty (Beavercreek) 2:00.12, 2. Juergens (Springfield North) 2:01.79, 3. Smith (Oak-Hills) 2:04.26, 4. Packer (Princeton) 2:09.02. Diving. 1. Kldd (Beavercreek) 401.65, 2. Nels (Beav· eraeek) 379.15, 3. Troha (Beaveraeek) 338.90, 4. Huff (Princeton) 330.10. 50 Freostyle • 1. Brossart (Hamilton Badin) 22.99, 2. Hojnacki (Beavercreek) 23.00, 3. Dom (Oak Hills) 23.18, 4. Birdsong (Princeton) 23.27. 100 Butterfly· 1. Juergens (Springfield North) 54.47, 2. Moran (Versailles) 55.81, 3. McCollum (Hamilton) 57.10, 4. Lambert (Springfield North) 57.25. 100 Frtt•lyte. 1. Jones (Arcaoom) 49.99, 2. Mclarty ( Beaveraeek) 50.07, 3. Stephens (Harnillon) 50.73, 4. FiorD· 1o (Beavercreek) 50.97. 500 Froestylt • 1. Thor (Graham) 4:45.11, 2. Cole (Beaveraeek) 4:58.99, 3. Fightmaster (0111< Hills) 5:03.48, 4. Smith (Oak Hills) 5:03.53. 200 Freestyle Relay • 1. Beaveraeek 1:31.41, 2. Oak Hills 1:32.85, 3. Elder 1:35.02, 4. Ham~lton 1:35.35. 100 Backstroke · 1. Troha (Beaveraeek) 56.42, 2. Davey (Middetown) 57.59, 3. Hickey (Homlton Badin) 58.26, 4. Moran (Versaines> 58.59. 100 Breaststroke - 1. VanArsdole (Beaveraeek) 1:03.05, 2. Bauer (Beaveraeek) 1:05.27, l Grass (West Crro!lton) 1:05.53, 4. Pearson (Princeton) 1:05.76. 400 Freestyle Relay - 1. Beaveraeek 3:25.18, 2. ~~ton 3:26.44, 3. Homnton 3:31.14, ~- Springfield North
THE CINCINNATI E;\IQUIRER Sunday. December 16, 1990
High sch
Swimming preview
St. X, Ursuline top-rated Area could bid for state titles
BY DAVE SCHUTTE Enquirer Contributor Larry Lyons, Cincinnati's swimming expert, has a prediction: "There's more talent in Cincinnati this year than there's been in a long time," Lyons said. "I feel that Cincinnati teams have a good chance to win both the girls and the boys state championships." Lyons pointed to defending Polls state chamBoys pion St. Xavier as the 1. St. Xavier (10) 100 2 Walnut HillS 88 likely favor3. Anderson 80 ite in boys, 4. Cincinnati C.D. 72 while Ursu5. Sycamore 58 and 6. Lakota 52 line 7. Oak Hills 42 Oak Hills 8. Turptn 28 have an out9. Elder 20 standing 10. Moeller 10 Others: Princeton 8, chance in Mason 5, Western the girls Hills 2, Wyoming 1. meet. With 11 Girls returning 1. Ursuline (5) 95 1. Oak Hills (5) 95 starters, of 3. Sycamore 79 seven 4. Turpin 61 whom quali5. Anderson 60 fied for the 6. Seton 48 7. Mercy 39 state meet 8. Princeton 27 last season, 9. Lakota 23 St. Xavier 10. Walnut Hills 15 is expected Others: Mount Notre to battle Dame 3. McNicholas Gates Mill 2, St. Ursula 1. Hawken and Hudson for the state championship in March. Lyons pointed out that the Bombers handily won· the title without Michael Andrews, a junior who qualified but missed the state competition with mononucleosis. "Michael (Andrews) is one of the top 25 high school swimmers iu the country," Lyons said. "He would have scored in at least two events last year if he had been healthy." Leading St. Xavier is Joey Hudepohl, considered by many as one of the five best high school swimmers in the U.S. Last season, Hudepohl won the state championships in the 100 and 200 freestyle events and anchored the winning 400 freestyle relay team. Although no Cincinnati boys team has the talent and depth to challenge St. Xavier for the No. 1 position, Walnut Hills appears to be the team most likely to finish second. Coach Art Daniels has returning state qualifiers in Brian Frost, Brian Kaplan and Peter Schauer, along with district qualifiers Ben Doepke and Jamie Marcotte. Jerry Stephens, an outstanding breasts,troker, and sophomore Jason Drusco, will lead Anderson. Cincinnati Country Day has AllAmerican brothers Karl and Derek Scheer returning in the freestyle and butterfly. Doug Pepper, Rob Maeder and Chip Harding bolster the Indians. David Costura, Scott Burns and Kevin Klasmeier lead a Sycamore team that lacks depth but could contend. In girls, Ursuline and Oak Hills return experienced teams with
Joey Hudepohl
Rachel Gustin
Tina Silbersack
Boys Mike Andrews, St. Xavier: Sidelined at tourname-nt time last year because of mononucleosis, Andrews will be the favorite lor the state championships in the 200 tndividual medley and 100 backstroke. Rob Drumm, St. Xavier:: A state runner-up in 111e 500 freestyle, Drumm is also expected to contend for the 200 freestyle state championship. Joey Hudepohl, St. Xavier: Considered o•1e of the top five high school swimmers 10 the country. Hudepohl is expected to successfully defend his 100 and 200 freestyle stale championships in March. Karl Scheer, Cincinnati Country Day: Scheer will compete in the 100 and 200 freestyle as well as the breaststroke this season. Brad Watterson, Turpi•n: One of the best butterfly swimmers in the state, also compete ill the 200 and 500 freestyle evems. Marty Hubbell, Waynesville: A threat to win two state championships: 200 individual medley and 100 breaststroke races Joe Nleberding, St. Xavier: A state finalist in the individual medley and 100 freestyle. N·ebPrding could bring home the title in 1991. Jerry Stephens Anderson: Slowed by mononucleosis. Stephens should be ready to "'a~e a run a• the state title in the IM, breast and backstroke. Jason Druso, AndersM: Only a sophomore, Druso will be tough to beat in the breaststroke Ben Doepke. Walnut Hills: The 200 individt.al medley will be the event that Doepke has the best chance to score in this season at the state meet. Jason Praeter, Waynesville: A state qualifier. Praeter is expected to challenge ill the 50 freestyle and 100 buttertly events. Shawn Trokhan, St. X<avier: Only a junior allid a state qualifier last year, Trokhan wtll be strong in the 50 and 100 freestyle events. Travis Meyers, Oxford Talawanda: Considered the best Cincinnati area diver. Meyers could give Talawanda its first ever individual state championship tn diving. Randy Krueger, Mariemont: An excellent beckstroker, Krueger is also expected to do well in the 200 individual medle~. Joe Replogle, St. Xavier: A state qualifier las1 year, Replogle's spec,iality IS the 100 breaststroke.
Girts Rachel Gustin, Seven Hills: The defending state champion in the 200 individual medley, Gustin also will be tough to beat in the 100 breaststroke. Tina Silbersack, McNicholas: An all-around performer, Silbersack won the 100 butterfly state championship as a junior and should also be strong in the individual medley and backstroke this season. Julie Spier, McAuley: Second in the 200 lreestyle at the state meet. Spier will also be tough to hancle in the 100 freestyle come tournament time. Amy Fritsch, Oak Hills: A state qualifier 10 the 200 individual medley and 100 butterfly, Fritsch will be one of the favorites to win in March. Cynthia Jansen, Oak Hills: The breaststroke and individual medley are Jansen's specialities in what should be a good year for the Highlander senior. Michelle McCarthy, Oailk Hills: A state quaUfier last year, McCarthy will be tough to handle in the 10ct backstroke and 200 11ndividua! medley events. Denise McCarthy, Oak Hills: A 50 and 100 fFeestyle specialist, McCarthy will be one of the favorites to capture the state t:tle in March. Emily Landon, Ursuline: St. Ursula's top swimmer last season, Landon transferred to Ursuline; she is one of the best performers in the 500 freestyle. Leigh Bassler, SycamJre: Only a sophomore, Bassler is expected to do well in the backstroke and individual medley events. Angie Rosser, Andersl>n: A third-place finisher in the 500 freestyle at the :.tate meet. Jenny Dahl, Ursuline: One of the best distance freestyle swimmers in Cincinnati, Rosser will go after the state title 'n the 200 and 500 freestyle. Dana Goettsch, Walnllt Hills: A state qualifier in the 50 and 100 freestyle races last season. Goettsch will be one of the favorites in March. Beth Jackson, Ursulille: One of the mosl underrated swimmers in Cincinnati, Jackson will be a threat in the butterly and backstroke. Shannon Kieley, Ursuline: A state qualifier 1n the 100 butterfly and 200 individual medley. Kieley will again be a factor Sarah Turner, Anderson: Only a junior, Turne,,. placed at the state meet in the 500 freestyle and will also be a factor in the 200 freestyle. standout state qualifiers. "I feel that both Ursll!ine and Oak Hills have a good chance to win the state championship," Lyons said. "Gates Mill Hawken is the team to beat." Ursuline got a big boost when Emily Landon transferred from St. Ursula to join state qualifiers Beth jackson, Jenny Dahl and Shannon' Kieley. State qualifiers Amy Fritsch, Cynthia Jansen, Denise McCarthy and Michelle McCarthy lead Oak
Hills. Sophomore backstroker Leigh Bassler leads a Sycamore team that has returning starters in Melissa McFadden, Emily Sexton, Julie Beerman, Meagan Ciccarelli, Pierra Giroux, Lauren Loberg and Anne Sherman. "This is the strongest group of girls from Cincinnati in many years,'' Lyons said. "We may not win a team state championship but any of these kids has the potential to win an individual title."
Results Boys swimming Lllllota 101, FalrfMid 79: :IOOMRFairfleld 1:5103; 200F-Gibsan (Lit-GUS; 2001M-Baldwln (F) 2:24.74; 50 F-Bonnett (Ll 2..04; One Meter Diving-Toussant (L) 141.10; 1008F-Wong (L) 51.50; 100F-Bomotl (l) 5162; 500 F-Wong (Ll 5:36.76; 1008AK-Jennlngs (Fl 1:03.14; 1-S-Vantura (Fl 1:10.2;400FR-Lak· ota 3:46.75; 200FR-Lakota 1:4151. Prlllattn 147. Mlddlotew!IU. Hlmllltn Jl: :IOOMR-Prlnceton (Packer, I'N'son. Birdsong. J. Birdsong) 1:50.51; 200F-~ (P) 1:51.40; 2001M-J. Birdsong (P) 2:16.43; SOF-Sprowts (Ml 25.21; Diving-Huff (P) 205.25; lOOBFMc:CoiUn (H) 51.90; 100F-Packer (P) 53.34; SOOF-Thomas (H) 5:36.35; :IIIOFRPrlncefan 1:40.92; 100 BAS-Davies (Ml 1:03.10; 100 IRS-Sorrmer (P) 1:13.19; 400 FR-Prlncoton (Cyr, WI--. Halflelcl, Olsan) 3:59.74. Syamore 130, Moeller 44: :IOOMR-S Hllv, Klasmeler Burns, Sexton 1:53.67, 200F-Erdrnann S 2:06.44; 2001M-Preis· sllr S 2:1l10; SOF-HIII S 25:20; DivingRobinson S 1:61.30; 100BF-Bums S 1:ll3.62; lOOF-HIIb S 55:20; SOOF-Kiasmeier S 5:36.37; 200FR-S Day, Hansen. Hiltner, Hllb.1:42.11, lOOBAK-Dan Costura 1:11.10; 1001RS-Abel M 1:07.26; 400R-S Preis· sllr, Hllner, Klesmeler, Bums 3:451. TUrpin lnvltotlona1 THill sarn: 1. Walnut His 261, 2. Ancllnon 23-t, 3. Oak Hils 224, 4. Talewanda 210, 5. Cov. Catholic 149, 6. Turpin 141. Event winners: 200MR-Anderson 1:45.71; 200F-Wallerson (Tur) 1:50.73; 2001M-1. Doepke (WH) 2:08.30; SOFDruso (And) 22:n; 100BF~Kaplan (WH) 55:11; lOOF-Frosl (WH) 50:59; SOOFWellerson (Turl 4:51.36; 200FR-1. Andlrsan 1:35.21; 100BAS-Hale (Tall 51:63; lOOBRS-Druso (And) 1:ll3.16; 400FRWalnut Hils 3:34.21; 3:51.19. Outstlndlng Performer: Jasan Druso, Andlrsan (volld on by coaches).
Girls swimming PriiiCoten 137, Mlcldle-14.Ilion 66: 200 MR-P. 2:10.04; 200F-Loesch (M) 2: 15.05; 2001M-Carmody (P) 2:44.69; SOF-Bievlns (P) 27.15; Dlvlng-Heid (Pl 1:51.30; lOOBF-Halmaker (P) 1:10JI5; 100 F-Rice (H) 1:02.21; SOOF.:..Bievlns (P) 5:50.17; 200FR-M. 1:51.54; 100BAK-Rice (H) 1:14.21; 100BRS-Sprowfs (M) 1:19.52; 400 FR-P. 4:11.13. Mercy S7. GrHnhiHs 21: 200MRMercy 2:20; 200 F-Reupert (M) 2:17.1; 2001M--8oyle (G) 2:23; SOF-Fay (M) 21.1; 100BF-Boyle (G) 1:01.20; 100F-Lar· rick (M) 1:07.3; SOOF-Pftum (M) 6:14.90; 200FR-M. 1:59.7; 100BAK-Costelo (Ml . 1:19.70; 100BRS-Heyob (M) 1:22.7; 40j1FR-M. 4:51.6.
Fairfield 120, Lakota 66: 200MR-F. ·2:02.76; 200F-Stelller (F) 2:10.15; 2001M-Siinamen (F) 2:30.65; SOF-Holl (Ll 25.71; Olvlng-.Jernngs (F) 116.0; 100BF-Jack~ jF) 1:07.119; 100F-Ber· nardo (F) 1:02.11; SOF-Holf (L) 5:32.01; 100BAC-Schlnamen (F) 1:10.73; 100BRS-Eckll1 (F) 1:1U7; 400FR-Lak· ota 4:21.06; 200FR-Falrflakl 1:59.40. Ursuline 114, Sycamore 72: :IOOMR-U. 1:55.12; 200F-Dahl (Ul 1:57.20; 2001M-Oppell (U) 2:20. 17; SOF-Kieley (Ul 2S:n; Diving-Sherman (Sl 2:20.35; 100BF-Kietey (Ul 59:76; 100F-Dahi(Ul' 54:32; SOOF-JaCkson (Ul 5:12.80; 200FR-U. 1:44.50; 100BAK-Bennotl (S) 1:06.21; 1008RS-Falgle (U) 1:13.45; 100R-U. 3:50.41. Turpin lnvltotlonal THill S11nllngs: 1. Oak Hils 227, 2. Notre Dame Academy (KYl 222. 3. Turpin 217, 4. Anderson 213. 5. Walnut Hils 161 6.
T-onda 156. 200MR-1. Oak Hils 1:56.20, 1 NDA (KY) 1:51.14, 3. Andlrsan 2:00.60; 200F-t. Grunwel (Tal) 1:51.34; 2. Bresser (NOA) 2:02.79; 3. TurMr (And) 2:03.55. 2001M-1. McCarthy (OH) 2:14.10; 2. Goell1ch (Wal H) 2:20.26; 3. Musk (NOA) 2:20.34; SOF-1. Schroeder (NOA) 25:25; 1 Nelbacher (NOA) 25:84; 3. Fritsch (OH) 25:91; DIV· lng- () .; lOOBF-1. Berger (NOA) 1:ll3.10; 1 Howard (Turpin) 1:09.17; 3. Belctlaus (Wal H) 1:09.38; 100F-t. Goottsch (Wal H) 56.ts; 2. Fritsch (OH) S7:59; 3. Fllzger. aid (McNiel 57:91; SOOF-1. Janssen (0H) "5:13.03;2.Grunwell (Tal) 5:17.99;3. TurMr (And) 5:20.82; 200FR-1. NDA 1:47.01; 1 Turpin 1:47.44; 3. Wal H 1:49.75; 100BAS-1. McCarthy (OH) 1:01.24; 1 Coudlll (Turpin) 1:04.66; 3. Neubacher (NOA) 1:08.50; 100BR5-1. Janssan (OH) 1:07.86; 2. Schroeder (NOA) 1:07.94; 3. O,Gorman (NOA) 1:11.79; 400FR-1. Oak Hils 3:51.16; 2. Anderson 3:54.09; 3. Turpin 3:S7.16.
Wrestling FalrfMid 45, St. XIYIIr 11: 103Welnberg (F) forfeit; 112-MIIssle (F) d. Volman ls-4; 119-Vardon (F) d. Ho8o 12-4; 125-Harrlsan (F) d. Carrol "14-<1; 130-Arnold (SX) pinned Spenceley 4:43; 135-Spearer (SXl pinned Lafln 5:39; 140-Prlce (F) pinned Petry 3:24; 145Mays (F) d. Taylor 8-2; 152-Shankln (F) pinlled Jackson 4:20; 160-Dennls (F) piMedS Iagie :37; 171-Pater (F l d. Fucito H; 189-Rednour (F) d. Yuskewish 9-8; HW-Moloney (SXl pinned Hodgson 1:45. Purcell Marian 47, C.leraln 15: 103-Meyer (Cl forfeit; 112-Frey (P) d. Dennis 12.0; 119-Spaw "(C) pinned Kadon 3:12; 125-Cohls (P) d. Eliott 4-G; 130Murphy (P) d. Stanley 6-2; 135-Siahl (P) forfeit; 140-.Jernngs (P) plnnecl Bischoff 1:12; 145-Murphy (P) d. Hagen 8-5; 152Maly (P) d. Nu!<ols 1:Z.11; 160-Kucle (P)
d. 011 12·2; 171--Eichert (C) d. Dllon 9-5; 189-V~ (P) pinned Pamel 1:01; HW-Mallger (P) pinned Unger 3:2l Records: C 0.3. MHIIer 41, New Rlchmend 19: 103-~ (M) lnd Walrlven flecl. 0.0; 112-Devln (Ml pinned Malflr9y, :59; 119-Gallo (Ml pinned Power, :39; 125Brown (NR) c1ec. Teno, 17·2; 130-FIA<uchi (M) clec. Wooten 12·2; 135-Parroll (Ml by forfeit; 140-Zinkan (M) pinned Staton. 2:16; 1•5-Steve Planck (NRJ pinned K. Pflenz, 1:44; 152-Barr (NR) pinned Kob, 5:41; 160-Whalen (M) clec. Dull, 8-6; 171-B. Plllnz (Ml clec. Chambers, 9·5; 119~lhollhoff (M) pinned Bayless, 1:00; Hwt-Gallensteln (Ml pinned Baker, 3:10. Oalc IIIIIs S7, La Sllle t: 103-Whlle (L) pinned Smith. 3:36; 112-MIIer (0) pinned Kenkel. 3:03; 119-Selg (0) by lor· fell; 125-Par1ter (Ol clec. Ruberg. ·10.9; 130-Burns ( 0 l pinned Espelege, 5:44; 135-Hinlon ( 0) by forfeit; 140-Kuntz (OJ pinned Schmeling. 2:54; 145-Biazer (L) dee. Pangalo, 7·5; 152-Harmeyer (L) dee. Marx, 2·1; 160-Krolmann (0) pinned Lllls, 1:07; 171-Zang (0) pinned Rohr, 1:46; 189-Moor8$ (0) dee. Rav..,., S.2; Hwt-Soldano (OJ by defaut o- Wins·
Harrison (B) 45, Taylor 2t 103-Roth (T) dee. Conley, 10.2; 112-Boolh (H) pinned Smith. :45; 119-Weh (H) pinned Lallarua, 1:59; 125-Swagler (H) pinned Dum. 4:41; 130-Brabenl (H) dee. Butter, 9-8; 135-Healh (T) pinned Qulnln; 140Hugenfobler (H) pinned Voynavlch, :33; 145-double forfeit; 152-Dorby (H) pinned Tenhundfeld. 1:30; 160-Weh (T) pinned Sexton. 2:50; 171-Disbro (H) pinned Adams, 5:30; 119-Frye (H) pinned Horning. :32; Hwi-Lyons (T) pinned Beck, 3:37. Nortllwest 63, Western Hills 12: 103-Power (NWl clec. Smyth, 3-G; 112WMson (WH) pinned Wunderlich, 1:24; 119-Tucker (WH) pinned Houston, 1:36; 125-Schmlcll (NW) pinned Huff, t36; 130-Hamplon (NW) pinned Duncan, 4:24; 135-Hols'- (NWl by forfeit; 140Lawfer (NW} pinned Thomas, 3:21; 145Borcherdlng (NW) pinned Oilton, :24; 152-Staggs (NWl pinned Boggs, 3:37; 160-McDonald (NW) pinned English. 2:30; 171-Jaeger (NW) by forfeit; 189-Ster (NW) pinnedElde,2:27;Hwt-Chapmon (NW) by pin.
summit lnvltotlonal THill sam: 1. Summl1279, 2. North Co8ege HI 213, 1 m 4. st. Bernard 110, 5. Seven Hils 96, 6. St. Gerlrucle 12. Wlnn..-s: 103-DrHs (SBJ; 112Foacl (CCD); 119-Par1ter (SCD); 125Fal< (SCDJ; 130-RIAlensleln (SH); 135Ryder (SCD); 140-Welnberg (CCD); 145.:..Dunblr (SCD); 152-Agrlcola (CCD); 160-Gieeson (NCH); 171-Quintas (SCD);
~-H-ig•h•SchOO-Boys swimming Milford 128, Indian Hill 39 200MR-Milford 1:59 69, 200F-Meier fMI 207.80; 'IOOIM-Pallison IM) 2:18.24; SOF -Billhimer (M) 26.61, Diving-McFar· land :Ml 200.40, IOOBF-Doyne IIH) 57.20 PR, IOOF- -Albus (IH) 1:00.38; 500F-Doyne IIHI 5 29.90; 200FR-Milford 1:46.82; IOOBAS-Ball IM) 114.40; IOOBRS-Palli'on I M I I 09.30; 400FR-Milford 4:39.17. Record~: M 6·1
Girls swimming Milford 118, Indian Hill 31 200MR-Milford 2:16.15; 200F-Walhart IMI 2 26 54, 2001M-Byers IIH) 2:38.13; 10F-Carrie Gorman (M) 29.45; Oiving-S. Scott IM) 1.63.30, IOOBF-Wilson IMl 1·07.10, IOOF-Byers IIH) 1:00.15; SOOFCarne Gorman I M) 6:28.84; 200FR-Milford 1·52 91, IOOBAS-·Ross IM) 1:16.25; IOOBRS-Christie (M) 1:17.47; 400FR-Milford 4 40 19. Records: M 5·2.
Girls swimming
Milford 113, HamiHon Badin 200MR-M. 2:06.04; 200F-Crowley (M) 2:08.75; 2001M-Westrlch (HB) 2:24.76; !OF-Wilson (MI 26.28; Dlvlng-Tromans !HBI 1:95.50; 100BF-Uerman (H8) 1:02.98; 100F-WH5on (M) 57.82; SOOF-Westrick (HB) 5:33.76; 200FR-M. 1:5161; 100BASc:arrle Gorman 1:13.55; 100BRS-Lierman (H8) 1:13.35; 400FR-HB 4:18.68. Records: M 4-2.
- . . . 65, Mlri...-t n. Klnts 36 200MR-Marie. 2:51.64; 200F-Lon· gano (M) 2:29.07; 2001M-Gormas (Mas.) 3:38.80; SOF-Chadwel (K) 32.25; 100FMoore (K) 1:10.49; SOOF-Longano (Marl 6:43.14; 200FR-Marie 2:22.16; 100BASChadwen (K) 1:2H1; 100BRS-Moore {K)
1262e~;;M~;;~;.(Nt'+ East central UN! 94, Walnut Hills 89 200MR-WH 1:47.77; 200F-Stock !ECI 1:54.43; 200tM-Replogle !ECI 2:06.2, PR; SOF-Frost (WH) 23.13; Diving- Troeh· ler (ECI 1:80.30; 100BF-Kaplan (WH) 55.45; 100F-Stock (ECI 52.02; 500F-Frost (WHI 4:58.95; 200FR-EC 1:37.41; 100BAS-Doepke (WHI 1:01.99; 100BRS5chauer {WHI 1:08.86; 400FR-WH 3:30.52 Records: WH J.l, EC 5-1. Milford 114, Hamilton Badin 36 200MR-M. 1:56.08; 200F-Meyer (M) 2:05.60; 2001M-Calvin (Ml 2:29.95; SOFHickey {HBI 23.54; Diving-McFarland (M) 2:30.55; 100BF-Brossert {HB) 1:00.95; 100F-Kihm {HB) 54.94; SOOF-IIIIIhimer {M) 6:00.41; 200FR-M. 1:45.50; 100BASHickey (HBI 58.55; 100BRS-Calvin (M) 1:12.38; 400FR-M. 4:23.58. Records: M 5·1. Mariemont 127, -.n 22, Kings 9 200MR-Mar 2:12.09; 200F-Aidrich {Mar.) 2:07.60; 2001M-Krueger (Mar.) 2:07.52; SOF-Whittacker (Mar.) 28.54: 100BF-Ross (Mar.) 1:i14.28; 100F-Aidrich {Mar.) 56.15; 500F-Krueger (Mar.) 5:19.00; 200FR-Mar 1:48.74; 100BAS-Barnhorst (Marl 1:16.87; 100BRS-Ross (Marl 1:04.63; 400FR-Mar 4:16.55. Best of the West Invitational ot Gamble-Nipper! YMCA Team scores: 1. Oak HiHs 366. 2. Elder !40, 3. LaSaHe 146, 4. Toylor 143. 5. West ~igh 101, 6. Aiken 23. Event winners: 200MR-Eider 1:48.99; !OOFR-Berting (E) 1:53.79; 2001M-Smith iOHl 2:11.13; 50F-Dorn (OH) 23.56; IOOBF-Dryer (OH) 58.06; 100F-Berting :El 52.54: SOOF-Fightmaster (OiHI 5:11.26: !OOFR-OH 1:36.90; 100BAS-Booth {T) 1:00.52; 100BRS-Wambaugh (E) 1:07.34; IOOFR-OiH 3:34.16; Dlving-Trefzger (OiH) 62.65.
'; .....
The Cincinnati Enquirer/Gary Landers
Moeller·~ Mik~ Klug, winner of the 200-yard freestyle, powers his
way to .v1ctory m a heat of the 500-free Saturday in the Southwest Oh10 H1gh School Swimming and Diving Classic. I a~ . 1•t 0
Gustin's experience grows at swim meet BY DAVE SCHUTTE Enquirer Contributor
Rachel Gustin had a hard time expressing her feelings. "It feels great but I surely didn't expect to win," said Gustin, a 14-year-old swimmer from Seven Hills High School. "I almost didn't enter the meet but decided to give it a try at the last minute." Gustin turned in one of the biggest upsets of the night at the Southwest Ohio High School Swimming and Diving Classic at Keating Natatorium Saturday, winning the 400-yard individual medley. "This was my first high school meet ever," Gustin said. "I wasn't thinking about winning. I just wanted to get experience swimming before a big crowd and against the best competition." Gustin started in the sport at the age of eight, but not because her father, Byron, thought she had extraordinary talent. "My third grade teacher noticed I was very uncoordinated during gym class," Gustin said. "She suggested that my parents get me tested or involved in a sport." Gustin joined a swim club, but success was hard to come by. In fact, it took her several years to learn the freestyle stroke. "I was a terrible swimmer," Gustin said. "I never thought about quitting, but I didn't think I'd ever reach this level." Three years ago, Gustin joihed the Anderson Barracudas, and has steadily progressed far beyond expectations. In Saturday's race, Gustin fell well off the pace after the butterfly and backstroke portions, but pulled ahead of Turpin's Alisa Handley during the 100-yard breaststroke. ''I'm used to falling behind because the butterfly and breast are my worst strokes," Gustin said. "My strongest is the breaststroke and that's usually the event I do very well in." As the only member of the Seven Hills team, Gustin works out for 21/2 hours a day with coach Larry Lyons and the Barracudas. "It wonlcl hf' nic-P to h;~vp ;~ tp;~m
Prep swimming at Seven Hills," Gustin said. "We have one diver (Katy judd} but there are only 200 kids in the school and I know this is impossible." In school, Gustin is a 4.0 student and at the top of the freshman class. "I'm a person who likes to set goals," Gustin said. "My goal this year is to finish in the top six at the state meet. If I keep working hard I feel I can do it."
St. X dominates St. Xavier is dominating the boys division, while Oak Hills, Ursuline and Sycamore remain close in the girls. Action resumes at 7 p.m. today at Keating. The boys diving will be held at Princeton at 1 p.m. BOYS Team - 1. St. Xavier 525.5, 2. Ce,tervi~e 140.5, 3. Anderson 130.5, 4. Waynesvl!e 115, 5. Ontinnati Country Day 107, 6. Turpin 99.5, 7. Wa~!t\11 H:Cs 81, B. Oa~ H:::s 70, 9. Moe:er 6<:.5, 10. Sycamore 63.5. 200 medley relay - 1. St. Xavier (A) (Andrews, Sheehan, Kendrick, Davis) 1:37.19 (meet record); 2. St. Xaviec (B) 1:40.22; 3. Andersen 1:41.30; 4. Cin:innati Country Oay 1:42.92. 500 freestyle- 1. Drumm (St. Xavier) 4:45.05; 2. KtJ;l (Moei'er) 4:52.15; 3. Ma,cotle (St. Xavier) 4:52.48; 4. Grimes (Turpin) 4:57.28. 200 breaststroke - 1. Hubbell (Waynesvr.e) 2:1 1.93; 2. Ra~el (Western HiJs) 2:15.65; 3. Schaefer (St. Xavier) 2:16.59; 4. Sheehan (St. Xavier) 2:18.49. BOO freestyle relay- 1. St. Xavier (A) (Hausladen, Marcotte, Drumm, Welte) 7:18.62; 2. St. Xavier (B) 7:31A9; 3. C.,terv!Ce 7:41.95; 4. Turpin 7:45.10. 59 Freestyle - 1. Praeter (Waynesville) :22.26, 2. OS!erhus (CCD) :22.56, 3. Stoeitinij (St. Xavier) 22:62, 4. Druso (Anderson) :22.73. 100 Backstroke - 1. Stoelting (St. Xavier) :53.82, 2. Andrews (St. Xavier) :5<1.27, 3. Davis (St. Xavier) :55.16, 4. Van Norman (Troy) :55.27. 200 Freestyle - 1. Kl"g (Moer.er) 1:46.66, 2. Haus'aden (St. Xavier) 1:47.41, 3. Marcotte (St. Xavier) 1:47.72, 4. Orumm (St. Xavier) 1:48.11.400 Individual Medley - Hubbell (Waynesvi~e) ':13.46, 2. Grimes (Turpin) 4:14.05, 3. Schaefer (St. Xavier) 4:19.99, '· Step~ens (An~erson) 4:23.05. 100 BuHerfly 1. Praeter (Waynesvil~e) :54.48, 2. Scheer (CCC) :54.87, 3. Rowe (Sycam:l'e) :54.88, 4. Kaplan (Wa'nut H:::s) :55.15. GIRLS Team - 1. Ursuline 234, 2. Oak H''ls 199, 3. Turpin 119, 4. Setc:llll, 5. Andersen la6, 6. ce:1terv;~e 90, 1. SycDmnre 95, 8. Fairmont 81, 9. McNich~!as 71, 10. Waln"l Hi:!s 69. 200 medley relay·- 1. Oak H"ls (M. Mccarthy, A. Fritsch, K. Fritsch, D. McCarthy) 1:59.96 (meet record); 2. Centerv::~e 1:53.72; 3. Ursu::ne 1:55.22; 4. Seton 1:56.43. 500 freestyle - 1. Webster (Ross) 5:12.48; 2. Dahl (Ursuline) 5:15.16; 3. Gunning (Turpin) 5:16.55; 4. Curnayn (MI. Notre Dame) 5:22.24. 200 breaststroke - 1. Gustin (seven Hills) 2:21.29 (meet record); 2. Lea,an (Centervrce) 2:21.75; 3. Janssen (Oak Hi~s) 2:25.44; 4. Henn'nger (Dayton carroj) 2:28.86. 800 freeslyle relay - 1. Oa~ H1:s (K. Fritsch, Shively. A. Fritsch, M. McCarthy) 8:07.96; 2. Ursu'ine 8:11.39; 3. Turpin 8:13.52; 4. Fa'mo<lnl 8:20.06. 1 meter diving - 1. Ca•boy (Anderson) 406.15, 2. Kn'ght (ind'an Hill 375.90, 3. Hileman (Lakota) 358.25, 4. Sherman (Sycamore) 353.8n. 200 Freestyle - i. Webster (Ross) 1:57.~0. 2. Dahl (Ursu· r:ne) 1:57.76, 3. Zc~er (Wyom'ng) 1:57.Y9, 4. Speier (McAuley) 1:58.54. 400 Individual Medley - 1. Gustin (Seven H'~s) 4:35.02, 2. Hantr.ey <Turpin) 4:41.23, 3. Bassler (Syca· m~re) 4:46.41, 4. Turner (An~eroon) 4:48.27.50 Freestyle1. Foil (Vandar,a Butler) :24.93, 2. Stall (Seton) :25.07, 3. Goettsch (Wa'nut Hills) :2.5.27, 4. McCo,-thy (Oak Hills) :25.44. 100 Butterfly - 1. S':Oersa<k (McNicholas) :58.21, 2. K. Fritsch (Oak Hiils) :58.65, 3. Kicley (Ursu:•,e) :59.64, 4. Oevenger (Oermnnt Northeastern) 1:00.68. 100 Backstroke - 1. Mccarthy (Oak H'!ls) 1:C!I.OS,2. Sta:f (Seton) 1:00.45, 3. Bassler (Sycamore) 1:00.86, 4. Foil (Vonda'ia Butler) 1·0185
Local swimmers in Wright place /f:)~o -Freshmen Scott Egbers, Scott place showing in the too-yard Gregory, Tim Morrissey freestyle and a fourth-place (Moeller) and Dave Klotter finish in the 50-yard freestyle. (Princeton) are competing for Klotter notched a ninth-place the Wright State swimmin~ team finish in the 400-yard individual in its second year at the Division medley, Morrissey a ninth-place I level. finish in the lDO-yard butterfly, In the o~ning meet at Miami, and Egbers a lOth-place finish in each individual made an im- the 500-yard freestyle. mediate impact in their first colGregory swam legs of the legiate contest. Gregory and second-place 2oo- and ~yard Morrissey swam a leg of the freestyle relays, Mornssey second-place 400-yard medley swam a leg of the third-place relay to begin the scoring for the 800-yard f~eestyle relay, and the Raiders. Individually, Gregory duo combmcd forces to help lhe scored a first-place finish in his 2oo- and 400-yard med!e_y relay specialty, the too-yard freestyle, teams to runner-up positions. and a second-place finish in the Gregory was WSU athlete of 50-yard_ freestyle. Egbers placed the week for his_perfonnance the second~ the ~.ooo-yard}reestyle week of Jan. 8-Jan. 14 when WSU and thud m the ..,oo路rard lost to Bowling Green State freestyle. Klot~r !ind Mornssey 119-113 and Oakland 159-84. ~ac_h placed third m the 2DO-yard Against BGSU, Gregory swam mdiVIdual medley and 2DO-yard the anchor leg of the first-place bu~terfly, respectively. The Red- 400 medley relay team, finished ski!IS went on to edge the first in the 50 freestyle and seRaiders, 128-112. cond in the 100 freestyle. Against The following day, the Oakland, he placed second in the Raiders' luck changed as they all 50 freestyle and first in the 100 chewed-up the 路visiting Big Red freestyle. of DE:nison, 160-75. Gregory and Scott Egbers is the son of Mornssey swam legs of ~he Gerard and Donna Egbers, Scott 2~yard .medley relay, which Gregory is the son of Robert and fJ.!Us~d f~st. Gregory swam to Phyllis Gregory, Tim is the sonVIctones m the loo- and 2DO-yard of Michael and Martha Morfreestyle . B;nd ~gbers had rissey, and Dave is the son of runner-up fwshes m the 2oo- and David and Linda Klotter of ~yard freestyle ev:ent~. Mor- Cincinnati. nssey added a wm m the ~ lOG-yard butterfly, while Klotter managed a second-place finish in the 2DO-yard individual medley and a third-place finish in the too-yard butterfly. In its latest 路action, Wright State competed for the second consecutive year at the Ball State Cardinal Classic, placing second of four teams. Gregory shined the brighest with a third-
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Scott Egbers
Scott Gregory
Dave Klotter
Tim Morrissey
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Has been selected by the National Interscholastic Swimming Coaches Association of America as a member of the All America Interscholastic Diving Team C. William Brandell All America Chairman
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Arnie Cajet Diving
0 .H.S.S. C.A. All-Ohio Academic Swimming Team JOHN
1991 Has met the requirements and standards established by the OhLo High Schoof Swimming Coaches Association to be recognized as a member o~f the AU-Ohio High School Academic Swimming Team .
President O.H.S.S.C.A.
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1991 Has been selected by the National Interscholastic Swimming Coaches Association of America as a member of the All America Interscholastic Diving Team . (
C. William Brandell All America Chairman
Arnie Cajet Diving