US Government CP2

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CP II U.S. Government and Politics Syllabus “My son, if you wish, you can be taught, if you apply yourself, you will be shrewd. If you are willing to listen, you will learn, if you give heed, you will be wise.” (Sirach) Course description: U.S. Government and Politics is a semester long study of the American Governmental systems with emphasis on the Constitution, its roots and relationships, governmental structure at all levels of government and the political process. This course is also a study of the more important political issues, which face our nation today. Discussion and analysis of these issues will constitute an integral segment of the course. I firmly believe that the most important class you are taking at Moeller is your religion class. The development of our personal faith life should be the number one area of emphasis in our lives. One hundred years from now it won’t matter how well you understood American Government or American society. The second most important class you are taking this year at Moeller is your Government class. The development of your understanding of this great nation’s government and society, how it developed, and where it is going will be the number one emphasis in this class. For the next 50+ years it will matter how well you understand American Government so that you can be a responsible, contributing member of this great land. Text/Materials: Most of the day to day readings will be website locations and/or class handouts Laptop Policy: Your laptop should be with you in class every day. Material online or in my teacher folder will be a regular part of the class. Often there will be activities where the laptop is not needed. It should not be out then. When the laptop is being used it should be used for activities related to this class only. Grading policy: A. 70% of your quarter grade will come from tests, quizzes, and exams. The number of each will vary per class. Unit tests will be comprised of 50-75 multiple choice/T/F questions and at least one Essay. B. 30% of your quarter grade will come from homework and class participation. The research paper will be considered part of the homework grade. Many of the homework grades will be quizzes on the reading assignments.

C. Make-up work: Any assignment missed because of an excused absence must be turned in the first day back to school. Any work not made-up on schedule will result in a zero for that assignment. Make-up quizzes and tests will not be taken in class. The student is responsible to find the teacher during homeroom, lunch, study hall, or after school to take any make-up quizzes. Exceptions will be made for extended illnesses if arrangements are made with the teacher. D. Late assignments will not be accepted for credit. Term papers will have due dates that cannot be changed: the paper will be due on that date whether the student is in school or not. E. Academic detentions: The teacher reserves the right to demand that any student that fails to turn in an assignment or in any way violates classroom policy will serve some time in detention for the teacher. F. Guide your actions by the following words: Respect Cooperation Consistency Promptness Discipline Honesty Integrity Preparedness Organization Efficiency G. It is assumed that the student will pay attention, take notes and put forth his best effort in this class. Other class work will not be going on during this class. H. Cell phones: “Don’t ask, don’t tell.” If I never see it or hear it then it is not an issue. If any cell phone activity is observed the phone will be confiscated and returned at the end of the day and a detention will be given. I. No ‘S’ words!!!!!!!! Units of Study: I. Background and Introduction to the Constitution II. Civil Rights and Civil Liberties: III. Legislative Branch IV. Executive Branch V. Judicial Branch VI. American Politics VII. Watergate and Post-Watergate: VIII. State and Local Government

Anticipated assignments: 2 Tests per quarter 4-6 Quizzes per quarter 6-8 Homework projects, readings 1 Semester final (cumulative) Make Up Work: (As per the Moeller Handbook) Short Term Absences (1 or 2 days) For all types of short term absences (expected, unexpected, field trips, etc), upon return to school, Moeller students are responsible for contacting their teacher to arrange make-up assignments and assessments for work that was assigned during their absence. When a student returns from an absence due to illness, family need, or other reported reason, he must acquire any missed assignment upon his return and submit it at the next class. This gives the student 1 extra day to make up work that was assigned during his absence. For work that was assigned prior to a student’s absence, and was posted on NetMoeller prior to the absence, the student is expected to have the work ready upon his return. In cases where the illness or cause of the absence was severe, and the student was unable to complete the work for the day of his return, students are expected to email their teachers to inform them that they will be unable to have the work completed upon their return. If this is unable to happen, then students and teachers will use common sense in these situations and arrange for the work to be completed by the next class.

Absences of 3 to 9 days Additional day can be given for make-up work, at the teacher’s discretion, for any consecutive absences between 3 to 9 school days. It is at the teacher’s discretion, but students should expect pre-scheduled tests and/or quizzes to be administered the class following the student’s return. If a student feels he needs more time to prepare, then he must communicate this to the teacher earlier than the day the test/quiz is to be administered.

Consistent Absence on Days with Assessments: Based on teacher input and absence data, students who are reported to be consistently absent on the days of scheduled tests, quizzes, and other assessments will be evaluated to determine the cause of such patterns. Academic action will be based the results of such inquiries. Teacher will work with the administration to determine an appropriate course of action. It is at the teacher’s discretion as to whether a student can make up a missed assessment opportunities after 3 absences on assessment days, unless the absences are excused or there is a clinically diagnosed condition of anxiety. Extended Absences (applies to absences over 10 days) Any situations in which there is an extended absence of 10 days or more should be coordinated through the student’s guidance counselor.

KAIROS POLICY - ABSENCES KAIROS and other retreats should treated as holistic enhancements to the academic load and done in pursuit of ‘educating for formation in faith’. Students have at least as many schools days spent on retreat to make up work for their classes, provided that is goes no further than the Friday of the week following Kairos. For assignments and assessments, even those scheduled well in advance of departure for Kairos, students are not expected to take quizzes and tests the day of their return to class. As a general rule, the teacher and student need to negotiate an appropriate schedule of due dates during the week following Kairos. It is the responsibility of the student to initiate such an arrangement with his teacher.

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