US History CP1

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COURSE GUIDE FOR AMERICAN HISTORY CPI I. Course Description and Goals: This is a two-semester course in the Sophomore American Studies Program. The student will understand and appreciate ideas, events, concepts, issues and people who have influenced American History from the Post Civil War Period through contemporary events. Political, economic, social and cultural issues, as well as foreign policy and military events will be examined. The Twentieth Century will receive the most attention in class. II. INSTRUCTOR: Mr. David B. Faller. Contact info: (513) 791-1680 ext 1981 III. TEXTBOOKS: The American Vision by Appleby et al. McGraw-Hill. 2005. IV. EXPECTATIONS: The following is what I expect from you in the areas of behavior and academic performance. 1. I expect you to be in class on time; this means in your seat, ready to work, when the bell rings with the appropriate materials needed for class. 2. I expect you to do your homework neatly and on time. I will not accept unexcused late work. YOU are responsible for all missed assignments due to excused absences and you must take action to get whatever you missed. 3. I expect you to study and be prepared for all tests and quizzes. 4. I expect you to treat all others, your classmates, visitors, yourself, and also myself with respect and dignity. This means no physical or verbal abuse will be tolerated. Any actions, which pose a threat to yourself or others, will be dealt with harshly. “Treat people better than they deserve.” 5. I expect you to treat the property of others with respect and care. This includes all school facilities; desks, books, hallways, etc. This means no writing on desks, throwing of anything, or leaving trash behind when you leave. Also no food, candy or drinks of any kind in class. 6. The lap top is a tool, not a toy. There is to be no unauthorized use of the lap top. This means no game playing, E-mail checking, instant messenger, web surfing etc. 7. Do Your Own Work. Anything you download must be cited. Never use someone else’s work as your own. This is plagiarism. It is wrong, and illegal. You get a 0 on the work and an academic violation. 8. I expect you to try to learn. This means that you keep yourself actively involved in class; pay attention and raise your hand. Ask questions and seek answers. Sleeping and misbehavior will not be tolerated.

The following is what you may expect from me: 1. I will always come to class prepared to teach you. 2. I will return your graded assignments in a REASONABLE amount of time. 3. I will never test you over material that was not covered in class in some form. 4. I will always treat you with the respect and courtesy that you deserve. 5. As long as you make the effort, I will never stop trying to help you learn. V. GRADING: Quarter Grades will be based on the following; 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter Tests/Quizzes 60 % Tests/Quizzes 60 % Tests/Quizzes 60 % Tests/Quizzes 55 % Homework 25 % Homework 25 % Homework 25 % Homework 20 % Class Class Class Class Participation 5 % Participation 5 % Participation 5 % Participation 5 % Reports 10 % Reports 10 % Reports 10 % Term Paper 20 % 1) Test and Quiz scores: Tests will be a mix of essay and objective. They will require the student to analyze and explain the significance of events and topics. Quizzes will be more subjective in format. Both forms of testing will cover class work, homework, text assignments, lectures, audio-visuals, and supplemental readings. 2) Homework: A number of written home works will be assigned including chapter outlines and work sheets, article analysis, current events summaries, and film/video critiques. Homework assignments will be collected on the last day of the week. They will be assigned on the 1st or 2nd day of the week. 3) Research Reports: There will be several Internet research reports, which will require you to research key people and events from the various time periods, covered in class. Power Point presentations will be assigned. In addition you will be required to conduct interviews with various people who witnessed or participated in certain 20th century events. 4) Class Participation: Class discussions are a critical part of the class curriculum; your participation in these is both necessary and expected. Your willingness to cooperate in group/team activities is also required. The level of participation will reflect both attitude and behavior. 5) Term Paper: A 10-page thesis paper is required. Students must choose a topic from U.S. History. This paper must be a true thesis paper, not a report. The MLA research paper format must be followed on this assignment.

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